Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Bush a menacé les pays qui ne supportaient pas la guerre en Irak

26 sept 2007
MADRID (AFP) — US President George W. Bush threatened nations with retaliation if they did not vote for a UN resolution backing the Iraq war, according to a transcript published Wednesday of a conversation he had with former Spanish prime minister Jose Maria Aznar.

In the transcript of a meeting on February 22, 2003 -- a month before the US-led invasion of Iraq -- published in El Pais newspaper, Bush tells Aznar that nations such as Mexico, Angola, Chile and Cameroon must know that the security of the United States is at stake.

He says during the meeting on his ranch in Texas that Angola stood to lose financial aid while Chile could see a free trade agreement held up in the US Senate if they did not back the resolution, the left-wing paper said.

The confidential transcript was prepared by Spain's ambassador to the United States at the time, Javier Ruperez, the paper said.

The White House did not challenge the accuracy of the transcript, with national security spokesman Gordon Johndroe declining to comment. (...)

Le mensonge des "armes de destruction massive" de Saddam

Propagande de Fox News liant Al-Qaida à l'Irak en 2003, à l'Iran en 2007

Les néocons et leur "nouveau Pearl Harbor", prétexte à des guerres sans fin

La guerre en Irak et les sionistes derrière elle

Blackwater et les mercenaires américains en Irak

Les USA doivent rester en Irak pour qu'Israël attaque l'Iran

Pressions sionistes pour le bombardement de l'Iran: Lieberman, Podoretz et Bolton.

La présidente démocrate du congès, la sioniste Nancy Pelosi (fille d'un conseiller sioniste de FDR et Truman) maintient que la guerre en Irak va continuer et qu'il n'est pas question ne demander la destitution du président.


Le président Bush déclare pratiquement la guerre contre l'Iran

Leading US Jewish organisations were more in favour of war against Iraq than the grassroots, Prof Ralph M. Coury, November 3 2007

Bush donne un T-shirt "operation Iraqi Freedom" à un vétéran.