Ce juif qui fit sa fortune dans les casinos ne se cache pas: il dit à qui veut l'entendre que c'est lui le juif le plus riche du monde.
Tout comme Rothschild et Bronfman sont les parrains du sénateur et candidat présidentiel John McCain (2008), Sheldon Adelson est le parrain de Newt Gingrich, un politicien républicain sioniste très important.
Newt Gingrich, un symbole de la subversion sioniste du système politique américain ("ZOG")
Gingrich–”Iran is hiding nukes under mosques”
Gingrich condemns Ron Paul for abandoning Israel: Republican presidential front-runner slams opponent who "dismisses the danger of an Iranian nuclear weapon."
Sheldon Adelson to Birthright group: Gingrich is right to call Palestinians 'invented people' U.S. billionaire tells group of Jewish youth on Israel birthright tour that many Palestinians also agree with U.S. presidential hopeful's controversial remarks.
Adelson gives $5 million to Super PAC supporting Gingrich
Casino and hotel magnate Sheldon Adelson donated $5 million to a group supporting Newt Gingrich for the Republican presidential nomination.
Adelson and Ross: Yin Yang of US Politics
Gingrich got $5 million for saying Palestinians are invented people (lord, why am I so cynical?)
Gingrich’s Major Backer Arch-Zionist Sheldon Adelson
Adelson is giving Gingrich $5 million because of fear of Ron Paul
Sheldon Adelson and Newt Gingrich: One gained clout from friendship, the other funding
Les vieilles amitiés de Newt Gingrich: argent et sionisme
Just how far can Adelson influence Gingrich's campaign?
Gingrich's billionaire campaign backer under federal investigation after lawsuit alleges he hushed possible ties to Chinese organized crime
Report: Adelson under criminal investigation for alleged bribery of foreign officials
American billionaire, close ally of Netanyahu, and main donor to Gingrich's campaign has been under federal investigation for his casino empire's alleged involvement in a corruption scandal in China, ABC reports.
The Man Behind Gingrich’s Money The question of what motivates Mr. Adelson’s singular generosity toward the former House speaker has emerged front and center in the campaign. People who know him say his affinity for Mr. Gingrich stems from a devotion to Israel as well as loyalty to a friend. A fervent Zionist who opposes any territorial compromise to make way for a Palestinian state, Mr. Adelson has long been enamored of Mr. Gingrich’s full-throated defense of Israel. Newt Gingrich's agenda-setting big donor Sheldon Adelson's Super Pac funding has heavily backed Gingrich – and found him a firm pro-Israel and anti-Muslim ally
Gingrich's billionaire campaign backer under federal investigation after lawsuit alleges he hushed possible ties to Chinese organized crime
- Sheldon Adelson is the founder and CEO of Las Vegas Sands Corp., which owns the Sands Macau in China
- Adelson has given $10 million to bolster Gingrich's campaign and has promised up to $10 million more
- The Department of Justice and SEC are investigating whether Las Vegas Sands violated federal bribery laws
- Adelson has denied any wrongdoing
The Man Behind Gingrich’s Money
Newt Gingrich’s Deep Neocon Ties Drive His Bellicose Middle East Policy
“Gingrich’s ties to the cabal that gave us the Iraq War go back at least to the mid 90s, when he took over the House. In August 1994, he went to Israel with his then wife Marianne on an eight-day trip paid for by AIPAC, the premier pro-Israel lobby. By her own account, that’s when she met Robert Loewenberg, who ran both the Israel Export Development Corporation (IEDC), a business group championing a tax-free, high-tech trade zone, and the Institute for Advanced Strategic & Political Studies (IASPS), a think tank with ties to the Likud Party that resembled AEI’s ties to the Republican Party in the U.S. A job for Marianne with IEDC almost immediately materialized, offered shortly before Gingrich’s smashing victory that November, when the Republicans retook the House for the first time in 40 years and Newt was elected speaker. Newt was simultaneously discussing trade policy with Israeli officials. Marianne got a promotion soon after Gingrich became Speaker, though she’d only been with the company a couple of months.”
Casino mogul Sheldon Adelson has denied involvement in the decision to hold a special Republican caucus in a Nevada county to accommodate Sabbath-observant Jewish voters.
Gingrich: A Likudnik Manchurian Candidate
In an important and already “controversial” article in The Daily Beast, Wayne Barrett writes:
If elected, Gingrich would be the first American president to emerge from the dark think-tank world born in the Reagan era that gave us the Iraq War and lusts now for an Iranian reprise. A Likudnik version of the Manchurian candidate, Newt has spent much of his post-Congress life in the grasp of warrior colonies like the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), the think tank where he became a senior fellow two months after he stepped down as speaker in 1999, remained until he declared for president last May, and worked at times alongside Dick and Lynne Cheney, Richard Perle, John Bolton, Michael Ledeen, and Paul Wolfowitz, the first Bush battalion to euphemistically land in Baghdad, self-dispatched well before 9/11.
VIDEO - Israel creates a super PAC to attack Ron Paul
VIDEO -Adelson, Saban, Sembler et al. — Buying the White House for Israel
More Adelson family members donate to PAC supporting Gingrich’s campaign
Casino and hotel magnate Sheldon Adelson reportedly has plans to give another $10 million to a group supporting Newt Gingrich for the Republican presidential nomination.
VIDEO - Netanyahu and Adelson-Gingrich (GOP) join forces to oust Obama - war on Iran
Casino Tycoon Sheldon Adelson Questioned In Olmert Bribery Scandal
Sheldon Adelson commits $20 million to pro-Newt Gingrich group
Gingrich and U.S. Jewish mogul Adelson Forge Firm Alliance
Adelson tells Forbes: I might give Gingrich $100 million
GOP Frontrunner Boasts Israel Support and Netanyahu Ties
'Zionists buying out US politicians' Interview with Jeff Gates, author of "Guilt By Association", from Los Angeles
Newt Gingrich and His Box of Matches
Newt Gingrich ou la voix de son maître sioniste - Sheldon Adelson: Les poches profondes qui sont derrière Newt Gingrich
par Eli Clifton, Think Progress (USA) le 21 décembre 2011 traduit de l’anglais par Djazaïri
Le financement qui est derrière Newt Gingrich etAmerican Solutions for Winning the Future, son comité politique indépendant, est l’occasion d’une plongée fascinante dans les profondeurs des poches qui soutiennent la candidature de Gingrich. Cette semaine, McClatchy a révélé qu’American Solutions avait réglé la note de 8 millions de dollars de location de jets privés à l’époque où Gingrich réfléchissait à son entrée dans les compétitions présidentielles de 2008 et 2012.
Le milliardaire des jeux de casino Sheldon Adelson était le plus important financier d’American Solutions avec une contribution de 7,65 millions de dollars, la rumeur étant qu’il avait engagé 20 millions de dollars en faveur d’un super PAC (comité d’action politique) pro-Gingrich, rumeur démentie par un porte parole d’Adelson. Quoi qu’il en soit, les faits montrent de manière de plus en plus nette que le patron de casion milliardaire est une pièce centrale de la carrière politique de Newt Gingrich.
L’entreprise Sands Corporation dirigée par Sheldon Adelson est basée à Las Vegas mais a des intérêts politiques et commerciaux à Macao, en Chine et en Israël. En Israël, l’importance d’Adelson tient à sa relation d’amitié proche avec le premier ministre Israélien Benjamin Netanyahou et au journal gratuit Israel Hayom dont il est le propriétaire et qui soutient le parti du Likoud. Pour en revenir aux Etats Unis, Adelson siège au conseil d’administration de la Republican Jewish Coalition et ne cache pas ses vues sur le conflit israélo-palestinien. Pendant la présidence de George W. Bush, Adelson s’était opposé aux efforts de relance des discussions de paix entre Israéliens et Palestiniens et était même allé à l’encontre de l’influent American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) quand cette organisation avait soutenu les discussions de paix. « Je ne continue pas à soutenir des organisations qui aident des amis à se suicider simplement parce qu’ils disent qu’ils veulent faire le grand saut, » avait déclaré Adelson à la Jewish Telegraph Agency.
Gingrich, qui a qualifié le 10 décembre les Palestiniens de “terroristes” pendant un débat du parti Républicain et a déclaré à Jewish Channel que les palestiniens sont un peuple « inventé », semble faire écho à la ligne dure adoptée avant lui par son bienfaiteur plein aux as.
“Sheldon a toujours aimé Newt. Il est resté avec lui tout le temps, » a déclaré Fred Zeidman, un ami d’Adelson et un membre important de la communauté juive américaine qui soutient Mitt Romney, à Aram Roston du Daily Beast. « Il est resté avec lui quand il était dans l’ornière. Newt, je pense, reflète bien l’état d’esprit de Sheldon. Particulièrement au sujet d’Israël.”
Si Adelson et Gingrich semblent partager le même agenda de droite pour le Moyen Orient, les affaires du magnat des casinos en Chine se sont avérées politiquement gênantes au pays. Adelson aurait aidé à faire échouer au Congrès une mesure d’opposition à la candidature de Pékin aux jeux olympiques proposée par des Républicains de la chambre des Représentants. «La proposition d eloi ne verra jamais le jour, M. le maire. Ne vous inquiétez pas pour ça, » aurait-il dit au maire de Pékin et 2001 après avoir téléphoné à Tom Delay, le chef de la majorité à la Chambre des Représentants. Par la suite, Sands Corporation obtint une lucrative licence de casino par le gouvernement chinois, ce qui lui permit de commencer un développement massif dans la Macau Special Administrative Region (SAR).
Réagissant à l’étroitesse des relations d’affaires d’Adelson avec le gouvernement chinois, le président de la Christian Coalition of Alabama, le Dr Randy Brinson, avait dénoncé Adelson qui « ne partage pas nos valeurs. » « Les endroits où Sheldon Adelson a placé son argent dit clairement où son cœur balance : vers le jeu d’argent et le soutien au régime chinois qui persécute les Chrétiens, » avait-il dit.
Gingrich va se retrouver devant ses propres difficultés à persuader les Chrétiens évangéliques troublés par ses multiples mariages et liaisons extraconjugales, de soutenir sa candidature. Mais la présence affichée de Sheldon Adelson dans le camp de Gingrich pourrait s’avérer être un obstacle de plus dans la conquête de le très importante droite chrétienne.
Gingrich Would Help Israel to Attack Iran
Newt Gingrich: The Establishment Globalist New World Order Puppet Wins South Carolina Primary
Newt Gingrich Suspiciously Declared South Carolina GOP Primary Winner
For Newt, ‘World War III’ Is Just the Beginning
Gingrich Says Islam is Incompatible with Freedom, Claims US Government is ‘Lying to us and Censoring us as we try to Understand those who would Kill us’
Racisme, guerre secrète, assassinat et torture au programme de la politique étrangère des candidats républicains
Réseau Voltaire
À l’approche de l’ouverture des primaires, les sept candidats en lice pour l’investiture républicaine se livrent à une surenchère néoconservatrice en matière de politique internationale. État des lieux.
Mitt Romney, numéro deux selon les sondages et considéré comme l’un des plus modérés des candidats, a appelé à « passer aux actions secrètes à l’intérieur de la Syrie pour obtenir un changement de régime ».
Rick Santorum, ancien sénateur de Pensylvanie, a estimé que la récente explosion d’un dépôt de missiles iranien était l’œuvre de Washington et averti qu’il poursuivrait dans cette voie s’il s’installe à la Maison-Blanche, avant de plaider pour des assassinats ciblés : « Tout savant étranger travaillant en Iran pour le programme nucléaire sera considéré comme un combattant ennemi et sera promis, (...) tout comme Oussama ben Laden, à l’ élimination. Des savants ont été retrouvés morts en Russie et en Iran. Il y a eu des virus informatiques. Il y a des problèmes dans ces installations. J’espère que les États-Unis sont impliqués », a-t-il dit.
L’égérie du Tea Party, Michele Bachman, a quant à elle jugé que la pratique de la simulation de noyade devait être reprise. Le président Obama avait mis fin à cette forme de torture à son arrivée au pouvoir début 2009.
Le gouverneur du Texas Rick Perry a déclaré devant la Republican Jewish Coalition que « toutes nos lois émanaient de la Torah » et a estimé que les États-Unis devraient aider Israël à attaquer l’Iran.
La palme de la rhétorique néoconservatrice revient sans conteste à l’actuel favori des sondages, Newt Gingrich. Ce dernier a confirmé ses positions après ses commentaires controversés sur les Palestiniens, qualifiant ce peuple « inventé » de « terroriste » lors d’un débat à Des Moines.
Il a promis de financer « tous les groupes dissidents en Iran » et de saboter la plus grande raffinerie du pays.
Il a aussi reproché au département d’État actuel de « procéder au désarmement moral de la tradition judéo-chrétienne » tout en promettant la nomination du néo-conservateur John Bolton à sa tête, à la place de Hilary Clinton.
L’ancien président de la Chambre des représentants déclare que s’il devenait président des États-Unis, il envisagerait d’être très proche, « de plusieurs façons », de Benyamin Nétanyahou, l’actuel Premier ministre israélien. « Bibi est un dur à cuire. Il place la sécurité d’Israël en premier », dit-il.
Enfin, M. Gingrich veut demander au Congrès de redonner leur « liberté » aux services de renseignement étasuniens, suggérant ainsi de revenir sur l’interdiction actuelle d’assassiner les dirigeants en exercice des États qui s’opposent à la politique impériale.
Au-delà de l’habituelle rhétorique sioniste et anti-iranienne qui vise à s’attirer les faveurs du puissant lobby pro-israélien, ce qui ressort de ces déclarations c’est que désormais les candidats à la Maison-Blanche assument ouvertement la dimension criminelle de la politique étrangère des États-unis d’Amérique.
Gingrich to support Pollard? Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich 'leaning towards clemency' for Israeli spy
Newt Gingrich: U.S. should consider clemency for Jonathan Pollard
Gingrich: [NEOCON] John Bolton will be my secretary of state
Appearing with five fellow candidates at a Republican Jewish Coalition forum, Newt Gingrich called for “a dramatically rethought strategy for the Middle East.”
VIDEO - The Dangers Of Gingrich’s War Against Islam
Likud’s perfect candidate: Newt Gingrich
Gingrich defends assertion that Palestinians are an ‘invented’ people
Islamophobe Frank Gaffney Endorses Newt Gingrich’s Anti-Muslim Comments
A Newt Gingrich robocall told Florida voters that Holocaust survivors "were forced to eat non-kosher" because of Mitt Romney
A columnist for casino mogul Sheldon Adelson's Israeli newspaper is also receiving a salary from the Israeli Prime Minister's Office for speechwriting and other services, according to an Israeli television station.
In 2006, Gingrich backed censoring the web
New World Order Lobby Promoting Gingrich
By Michael Collins Piper -
Even though there was no evidence of it, the elite media announced that the presidential campaign of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich was picking up steam and gave his ambitions a critical boost. This was no surprise to those who know Gingrich has longstanding ties to powerful circles outside the realm of the grassroots voters.
In 1968, when conservatives were backing Richard Nixon or then-California Gov. Ronald Reagan for the GOP presidential nomination, Gingrich was a Southern campaign coordinator for liberal internationalist Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of New York.
Although Gingrich now touts himself as a conservative, he remains a fervent New World Order globalist and a longtime advocate of U.S.military adventurism abroad and destructive so-called free trade policies. In fact, it was Gingrich who helped railroad the discredited North American Free Trade Agreement through Congress.
A member of the Rockefeller-financed Council on Foreign Relations, the New York affiliate of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the policy apparatus of the Rothschild banking empire, Gingrich is particularly close to hard-line pro-Israeli forces on American soil.
One of his chief foreign policy advisors is Ilan Berman, editor of the journal of the Jewish Institute for National SecurityAffairs (JINSA), the U.S.-based operation said by Prof. Edward Hermann of the University of Pennsylvania to be a “virtual agency of the Israeli government.”
Best known for its front-line role through its assets in the George W. Bush administration in misdirecting the United States into the debacle in Iraq and now continuing to clamor for war against Iran, JINSA has had several of its key figures—including JINSA’s founder, Stephen Bryen, and his close associates Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz—investigated by the FBI on suspicion of conducting espionage for Israel.
Gingrich—who has overseen a network of political enterprises that have brought an estimated $100 million into his coffers since he left Congress—has been favored by one donor in particular: Las Vegas gambling tycoon Sheldon Adelson, a devoted supporter of Israel, who once described himself as “the richest Jew in the world.” This modern incarnation of crime boss Meyer Lansky bankrolled Gingrich to the tune of at least $6 million.
While in Congress, Gingrich benefited from the activities of his (second) wife, Marianne, then on the payroll of the Israel Export Development Company (IEDCO), promoting the importation of Israeli products into the United States—even as Gingrich used his influence in Congress to advance U.S.-Israeli trade.
IEDCO was the brainchild of Larry Silverstein, the billionaire owner of the World Trade Center towers at the time of the 9-11 tragedy, best known for urging, “pull it”—in reference to the trade center’s Building 7, which was deliberately imploded—as 9-11 researchers have documented relentlessly.
Silverstein even admitted to The Wall Street Journal that Gingrich was one of a number in Congress who lobbied to support Silverstein’s ventures. This happened at a time when Gingrich’s wife was on Silverstein’s payroll.
Mrs. Gingrich’s IDECO deal was cut in 1994 after she and Newt traveled to Israel at the expense of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a lobby for Israel.
Although she took home a monthly salary of $2,500, plus “commissions,” Mrs. Gingrich refused to disclose the size of those commissions. The sums she received are of the level seen in many bribery scandals.
On Jan. 25, 1985, a front-page story in The Spotlight unmasked Gingrich—then a little-known junior House member and the leader of a clique of Republicans, the Conservative Opportunity Society (COS)—as the driving force behind a scheme to scrap the GOP’s historic nationalist stance on foreign policy.
The Spotlight revealed that Gingrich and several other COS members—including then-Rep. Vin Weber (R-Minn.)— had attended a secret meeting with Donald Graham, publisher of The Washington Post, at which Gingrich and the COS agreed to use their influence to push the GOP into the internationalist camp. In return, the Post’s power-wielders promised to give Gingrich and his collaborators wide and favorable publicity. Until then, the media had relegated Gingrich and company to backbench status, painted as extremists.
Gingrich told the Post the COS would—and they did—call for sanctions against white-ruled South Africa, a reversal of the traditional conservative stand, a move that helped bring down that government and which resulted in South Africa turning its nuclear arsenal over to Israel—a little-known secret then and now.
Soon—as promised—the Post published a laudatory profile of Gingrich, one of many future puff pieces.
Then, Gingrich’s colleague, Weber, authored a Post column openly calling for the GOP to become “America’s new internationalist party.”
The Spotlight was shouted down by conservatives hoodwinked by the big media into following Gingrich’s brand of “leadership.” Ultimately, however, the secret Post-Gingrich meeting was confirmed by the Post—but only after Gingrich had reached a position of influence. The Spotlight’s “conspiracy theory”—as some called it— proved to be a conspiracy fact.
On Sept. 3, 1995 the Post pointed out that “for the ultra-right, Gingrich is just a tool of the world government plot.” The Post said “anyone who glances at The Spotlight . . . knows . . . Gingrich is hardly the leader of their movement; in their eyes, he is [subverting] it.”
According to the Post: “Those with a paranoid bent are convinced that the Georgian is in cahoots with President Clinton, the Rockefellers, the Freemasons, the Council on Foreign Relations and the entire eastern establishment to abrogate the Constitution and forge a New World Order under the thumb of Jewish central bankers and the UN.”
More than a decade later, that sarcastic assessment of Gingrich stands perhaps more true than ever.
Michael Collins Piper is a world-renowned author, journalist, lecturer and radio show host. He has spoken in Russia, Malaysia, Iran, Abu Dhabi, Japan, Canada and, of course, the United States. He is the author of Final Judgment, The New Jerusalem, The High Priests of War, Dirty Secrets, My First Days in the White House, The New Babylon, The Judas Goats: The Enemy Within, Target: Traficant, The Golem: Israel’s Nuclear Hell Bomb and The Confessions of an Anti-Semite. You can order any of these books with a credit card by calling AFP/FAB toll free at 1-888-699-6397 or calling FAB direct at 202- 547-5585 to inquire about pricing and S&H fees.
Michael Collins Piper is a world-renowned author, journalist, lecturer and radio show host. He has spoken in Russia, Malaysia, Iran, Abu Dhabi, Japan, Canada and, of course, the United States. He is the author of Final Judgment, The New Jerusalem, The High Priests of War, Dirty Secrets, My First Days in the White House, The New Babylon, The Judas Goats: The Enemy Within, Target: Traficant, The Golem: Israel’s Nuclear Hell Bomb and The Confessions of an Anti-Semite. You can order any of these books with a credit card by calling AFP/FAB toll free at 1-888-699-6397 or calling FAB direct at 202- 547-5585 to inquire about pricing and S&H fees.
Page 10, AMERICAN FREE PRESS * March 28, 2011 *
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich — who left office under a cloud in 1999 — has pivotal political backing in elite global financial and corporate circles and can count on friendly support from the controlled media in pursuing his aspirations for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.
Despite his efforts to portray himself as a “conservative” alternative to politics-as-usual, Gingrich is an unabashed New World Order internationalist and a long-standing advocate of destructive “free trade” policies and American military adventurism abroad.
As such, it is no coincidence Gingrich is a longtime member of the Rockefeller family-financed Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the New York-based affiliate of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the policy- making apparatus of the global empire of the Rothschild banking dynasty that is intricately intertwined with those predatory plutocrats on American soil who dominate the unconstitutional Federal Reserve System, the privately owned money monopoly Ron Paul has worked to bring into line. These facts about Gingrich point to where his real loyalties lie.
On Feb. 26 The Washington Post reported Gingrich has assembled a multi-level, wide-ranging political conglomerate of his own, described as “a financial empire that could prove crucial” in advancing Gingrich’s presidential ambitions. He has already raised more money than possible GOP primary opponents including Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney.
In addition, Gingrich controls an operation known as American Solutions for Winning the Future — a virtual private money machine that Gingrich uses to promote himself. The Post says this Gingrich venture has raised “more money than any other organization of its kind nationwide,” to the tune of more than $50 million, “much of it as large donations from casino, energy and banking interests.”
By far the most generous backer of Gingrich is Las Vegas-based casino tycoon Sheldon Adelson — a hardline supporter of Israel who once described himself as “the richest Jew in the world.” Adelson has given Gingrich some $6 million over the last four years.
Gingrich also has an unusual connection to Larry Silverstein, a controversial figure whose name has been in the forefront of the circumstances surrounding the cover-up of the 9-11 terrorist tragedy.
While in Congress, Gingrich benefited from the lucrative Israeli-connected activities of his then-second wife, Marianne, who was on the payroll of the Israel Export Development Company (IEDCO), which promoted the importation into the United States of Israeli products — even as Gingrich was using his influence as a member of Congress to advance U.S.-Israeli trade.
The aforementioned IEDCO was an operation run by mob-connected Silverstein, the billionaire owner of the World Trade Center towers at the time of the 9-11 tragedy, best known for his now infamous urging — “pull it” — in reference to the Trade Center’s Building 7. That skyscraper was deliberately imploded, a point 9-11 researchers have documented relentlessly.
Mrs. Gingrich’s lucrative deal with IEDCO was cut in August 1994 after she and her husband traveled to Israel at the expense of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a lobby for Israel. Although Mrs. Gingrich took home a monthly salary of $2,500, plus “commissions,” she refused to disclose the size of those “commissions.” And while Mrs. Gingrich responded to criticisms of her sweet deal that “If I were going to get a political payoff, it would not be for the amount of money I am making,” the fact is that the sums she received are precisely of the level often seen linked to political payoffs.
IEDCO’s Silverstein once even admitted to The Wall Street Journal that Gingrich was one of a number of members of Congress who was lobbied to support Silverstein’s company’s proposals — when his wife was on Silverstein’s payroll.
Going back as far as 25 years, evidence was emerging that suggested that Gingrich was not the kind of Republican that could be considered “traditional.” A front-page exclusive published in the Jan. 28, 1985 issue of The Spotlight revealed that, while he was then a little known junior member of the House of Representatives, Gingrich was the brains behind a clique of internationalist Republicans who were working to scrap the GOP’s historic nationalist stance in foreign policy making. Unfortunately, this honest effort to expose Gingrich’s internationalist bent was greeted with a mixture of outrage and scorn by many conservatives, who were hoodwinked by the mainstream media into following the Georgia congressman’s peculiar brand of “leadership.” Gingrich and his fellow GOP lawmakers dubbed themselves the Conservative Opportunity Society (COS).
Despite his efforts to portray himself as a “conservative” alternative to politics-as-usual, Gingrich is an unabashed New World Order internationalist and a long-standing advocate of destructive “free trade” policies and American military adventurism abroad.
As such, it is no coincidence Gingrich is a longtime member of the Rockefeller family-financed Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the New York-based affiliate of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the policy- making apparatus of the global empire of the Rothschild banking dynasty that is intricately intertwined with those predatory plutocrats on American soil who dominate the unconstitutional Federal Reserve System, the privately owned money monopoly Ron Paul has worked to bring into line. These facts about Gingrich point to where his real loyalties lie.
On Feb. 26 The Washington Post reported Gingrich has assembled a multi-level, wide-ranging political conglomerate of his own, described as “a financial empire that could prove crucial” in advancing Gingrich’s presidential ambitions. He has already raised more money than possible GOP primary opponents including Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney.
In addition, Gingrich controls an operation known as American Solutions for Winning the Future — a virtual private money machine that Gingrich uses to promote himself. The Post says this Gingrich venture has raised “more money than any other organization of its kind nationwide,” to the tune of more than $50 million, “much of it as large donations from casino, energy and banking interests.”
By far the most generous backer of Gingrich is Las Vegas-based casino tycoon Sheldon Adelson — a hardline supporter of Israel who once described himself as “the richest Jew in the world.” Adelson has given Gingrich some $6 million over the last four years.
Gingrich also has an unusual connection to Larry Silverstein, a controversial figure whose name has been in the forefront of the circumstances surrounding the cover-up of the 9-11 terrorist tragedy.
While in Congress, Gingrich benefited from the lucrative Israeli-connected activities of his then-second wife, Marianne, who was on the payroll of the Israel Export Development Company (IEDCO), which promoted the importation into the United States of Israeli products — even as Gingrich was using his influence as a member of Congress to advance U.S.-Israeli trade.
The aforementioned IEDCO was an operation run by mob-connected Silverstein, the billionaire owner of the World Trade Center towers at the time of the 9-11 tragedy, best known for his now infamous urging — “pull it” — in reference to the Trade Center’s Building 7. That skyscraper was deliberately imploded, a point 9-11 researchers have documented relentlessly.
Mrs. Gingrich’s lucrative deal with IEDCO was cut in August 1994 after she and her husband traveled to Israel at the expense of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a lobby for Israel. Although Mrs. Gingrich took home a monthly salary of $2,500, plus “commissions,” she refused to disclose the size of those “commissions.” And while Mrs. Gingrich responded to criticisms of her sweet deal that “If I were going to get a political payoff, it would not be for the amount of money I am making,” the fact is that the sums she received are precisely of the level often seen linked to political payoffs.
IEDCO’s Silverstein once even admitted to The Wall Street Journal that Gingrich was one of a number of members of Congress who was lobbied to support Silverstein’s company’s proposals — when his wife was on Silverstein’s payroll.
Going back as far as 25 years, evidence was emerging that suggested that Gingrich was not the kind of Republican that could be considered “traditional.” A front-page exclusive published in the Jan. 28, 1985 issue of The Spotlight revealed that, while he was then a little known junior member of the House of Representatives, Gingrich was the brains behind a clique of internationalist Republicans who were working to scrap the GOP’s historic nationalist stance in foreign policy making. Unfortunately, this honest effort to expose Gingrich’s internationalist bent was greeted with a mixture of outrage and scorn by many conservatives, who were hoodwinked by the mainstream media into following the Georgia congressman’s peculiar brand of “leadership.” Gingrich and his fellow GOP lawmakers dubbed themselves the Conservative Opportunity Society (COS).
The Spotlight revealed that Gingrich, along with several other House Republicans, including Reps. Vin Weber (Minn.), Connie Mack (Fla.), and Robert Walker (Pa.), had attended a secret meeting with Donald Graham, publisher of The Washington Post, and Meg Greenfield, the Post’s editorial page editor. At that meeting Gingrich and his colleagues effectively agreed to work to revamp the so-called “conservative wing” of the Republican Party and use their influence to push the GOP into the internationalist camp.
In return, the liberal Post’s power-wielders agreed to give Gingrich and his colleagues widespread favorable publicity in the pages of their influential daily. Until that time Gingrich and company had been relegated to “backbench” status by the media, sometimes painted as “extremists” and “troublemakers.”
Gingrich and his colleagues told the Post that they would come out swinging in favor of economic sanctions against the anti-communist, pro-American regime in South Africa. This was a 180-degree reversal of the traditional “conservative” stand in support of South Africa and in opposition to sanctions. In no short time they did, in fact, call for sanctions, causing syndicated columnist Pat Buchanan to comment that Gingrich and company were “turncoat[s]” who were guilty of “stabbing South Africa in the back.” By adopting the new position, Gingrich and his COS clique had signed on with the liberal internationalists in Congress who had been waging war against South Africa for decades.
Soon — as promised — The Washington Post published a laudatory profile of Gingrich. This set the stage for many future such puff-pieces promoting Gingrich and placing him in line for his ultimate election as House minority whip and then as House speaker. Then, to the outrage of nationalist-minded Republicans, Gingrich’s COS colleague, Weber, authored a prominently placed op-ed column in the Post (never permitted as a forum for GOP conservatives) which called upon the GOP to become “America’s new internationalist party.” Ultimately, The Spotlight’s world exclusive on the secret meeting between Gingrich and the Post was confirmed by the Post itself — but only after Gingrich had reached a position of influence. In short, The Spotlight’s “conspiracy theory” — as some called it — proved to be a fact.
None of this surprised long-time Gingrich watchers. In 1968 when then-California Gov. Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon were vying for “conservative” support in their respective bids for the GOP presidential nomination, Gingrich opted instead to sign on as the southeast regional coordinator for their opponent, New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller. Later, Gingrich taught at the Rockefeller-funded Emory University in Atlanta.
What he represents is reflected in the critical role played by Gingrich in railroading the sovereignty-robbing, job-exporting North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) through Congress. He rallied enough GOP votes to enable enactment, a major victory for fellow CFR-member, then-President Bill Clinton. Gingrich, in fact, was almost single-handedly responsible for ensuring NAFTA’s passage.
On Sept. 3, 1995 The Washington Post assured its readers that Gingrich was “okay” despite criticism of Gingrich by some liberal critics. The Post rushed to this defense and pointed out in a headline that “For the ultraright, Gingrich is just a tool of the world government plot.” The Post said that “anyone who glances at The Spotlight, the weekly newspaper of the far-right Liberty Lobby . . . knows that . . . Gingrich is hardly the leader of their movement; in their eyes, he is actively working to subvert it.” However, the Post was careful not to mention that it was The Spotlight that first blew the whistle on the secret deal between Gingrich and the Post.
According to the sarcastic and less than factual commentary by the Post, “Those with a paranoid bent are convinced that the Georgian is in cahoots with President Clinton, the Rockefellers, the Freemasons, the Council on Foreign Relations and the entire Eastern Establishment to abrogate the Constitution and forge a New World Order under the thumb of Jewish central bankers and the United Nations.”
The Post smeared patriots, saying: “It is important for national opinion-makers to understand the chasm between most House Republicans and the loony right. Gingrich and his GOP revolution may be controversial and provocative, but they are not the source of violent extremism.”
In return, the liberal Post’s power-wielders agreed to give Gingrich and his colleagues widespread favorable publicity in the pages of their influential daily. Until that time Gingrich and company had been relegated to “backbench” status by the media, sometimes painted as “extremists” and “troublemakers.”
Gingrich and his colleagues told the Post that they would come out swinging in favor of economic sanctions against the anti-communist, pro-American regime in South Africa. This was a 180-degree reversal of the traditional “conservative” stand in support of South Africa and in opposition to sanctions. In no short time they did, in fact, call for sanctions, causing syndicated columnist Pat Buchanan to comment that Gingrich and company were “turncoat[s]” who were guilty of “stabbing South Africa in the back.” By adopting the new position, Gingrich and his COS clique had signed on with the liberal internationalists in Congress who had been waging war against South Africa for decades.
Soon — as promised — The Washington Post published a laudatory profile of Gingrich. This set the stage for many future such puff-pieces promoting Gingrich and placing him in line for his ultimate election as House minority whip and then as House speaker. Then, to the outrage of nationalist-minded Republicans, Gingrich’s COS colleague, Weber, authored a prominently placed op-ed column in the Post (never permitted as a forum for GOP conservatives) which called upon the GOP to become “America’s new internationalist party.” Ultimately, The Spotlight’s world exclusive on the secret meeting between Gingrich and the Post was confirmed by the Post itself — but only after Gingrich had reached a position of influence. In short, The Spotlight’s “conspiracy theory” — as some called it — proved to be a fact.
None of this surprised long-time Gingrich watchers. In 1968 when then-California Gov. Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon were vying for “conservative” support in their respective bids for the GOP presidential nomination, Gingrich opted instead to sign on as the southeast regional coordinator for their opponent, New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller. Later, Gingrich taught at the Rockefeller-funded Emory University in Atlanta.
What he represents is reflected in the critical role played by Gingrich in railroading the sovereignty-robbing, job-exporting North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) through Congress. He rallied enough GOP votes to enable enactment, a major victory for fellow CFR-member, then-President Bill Clinton. Gingrich, in fact, was almost single-handedly responsible for ensuring NAFTA’s passage.
On Sept. 3, 1995 The Washington Post assured its readers that Gingrich was “okay” despite criticism of Gingrich by some liberal critics. The Post rushed to this defense and pointed out in a headline that “For the ultraright, Gingrich is just a tool of the world government plot.” The Post said that “anyone who glances at The Spotlight, the weekly newspaper of the far-right Liberty Lobby . . . knows that . . . Gingrich is hardly the leader of their movement; in their eyes, he is actively working to subvert it.” However, the Post was careful not to mention that it was The Spotlight that first blew the whistle on the secret deal between Gingrich and the Post.
According to the sarcastic and less than factual commentary by the Post, “Those with a paranoid bent are convinced that the Georgian is in cahoots with President Clinton, the Rockefellers, the Freemasons, the Council on Foreign Relations and the entire Eastern Establishment to abrogate the Constitution and forge a New World Order under the thumb of Jewish central bankers and the United Nations.”
The Post smeared patriots, saying: “It is important for national opinion-makers to understand the chasm between most House Republicans and the loony right. Gingrich and his GOP revolution may be controversial and provocative, but they are not the source of violent extremism.”
Another point to keep in mind: As AFP has reported exclusively, there is evidence Gingrich may be cooperating with a high-level scheme to launch an ostensibly “independent” political movement in the 2012 election, a so-called “centrist” third party that will be used to corral grassroots opposition to the New World Order establishment.
So even if Gingrich does not ultimately wind up as the GOP presidential nominee, he may have other options in the 2012 election arena.
Another point to keep in mind: As AFP has reported exclusively, there is evidence Gingrich may be cooperating with a high-level scheme to launch an ostensibly “independent” political movement in the 2012 election, a so-called “centrist” third party that will be used to corral grassroots opposition to the New World Order establishment.
So even if Gingrich does not ultimately wind up as the GOP presidential nominee, he may have other options in the 2012 election arena.
Michael Collins Piper can now be heard on the Internet at michaelcollinspiper.podbean.com. He is the author of Final Judgment, the controversial “underground bestseller” documenting the collaboration of Israeli intelligence in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. He is also the author of The High Priests of War, The New Jerusalem: Zionist Power in America , The Judas Goats: The Enemy Within, Dirty Secrets: Crime, Conspiracy & Cover-Up in the 20th Century, The GOLEM: Israel's Hell Bomb, and Target: Traficant. These works can be found at America First Books and FIRST AMENDMENT BOOKS: 1-888-699-NEWS. He has lectured on suppressed topics in places as diverse as Malaysia, Japan, Canada, Russia and Abu Dhabi.
Newt Gingrich is "Their Chosen" as the Republican Party's Nominee for President
'AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM' JUST MORE NWO RHETORIC During the 2012 election campaign, you’ll probably be hearing a lot about ‘American exceptionalism,’ particularly from the Republican presidential candidates. Click here to read this story.
‘American Exceptionalism’ Just More NWO Rhetoric
By Michael Collins Piper
During the 2012 election campaign, you’ll probably be hearing a lot about “American exceptionalism,” particularly from the Republican presidential candidates. Newt Gingrich has made the concept a centerpiece of his campaign, and Gingrich’s wife—the current one, that is—has produced a documentary on the topic. Mitt Romney’s campaign book is entitled No Apology: The Case for American Greatness. Sarah Palin’s book, America by Heart, has a chapter entitled “America the Exceptional.” And former Sen. Rick Santorum and Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty have also been heard touting the topic.But don’t be fooled by rhetoric that has a lot of patriotic appeal. In fact, the concept of American exceptionalism— and a related theme known as national greatness conservatism—are really modern-day propaganda masks for old-fashioned Trotskyite communism: rapacious imperialism and internationalism now wrapped in the American flag, but no different from the age-old dream of a world imperium—a global government.
Many call it the New World Order. The wizards who conjured up these themes are three key figures in the so-called neo-conservative movement:
- William Kristol, founding editor of The Weekly Standard, long published by Zionist billionaire Rupert Murdoch;
- David Brooks, a former Kristol underling at the Standard and now a columnist for The New York Times, and;
- Marshall Wittmann, a Jewish Trotskyite-turned neo-conservative and regular Standard contributor. Kristol and Brooks began their crusade for national greatness conservatism with a Sept. 15, 1997 Wall Street Journal article that urged Americans to “reinvigorate the nationalism of Alexander Hamilton, Henry Clay and Teddy Roosevelt.”
Although many remember the first President Roosevelt as a symbol of American greatness, the ugly truth that the controlled media ignores is that it was “TR” who—even before Woodrow Wilson —began calling upon the American people to sacrifice their lives and treasure in the cause of global conquest, ostensibly in the name of bringing peace to the planet.
This is not nationalism. It is internationalism, advancing the theme that the United States should act as a world policeman promoting some undefined dream of democracy, which has now become the rallying cry of the modern Zionist-Trotskyite schemers.
So TR was an internationalist, and no true American nationalist should look to TR as a model of American greatness. Yet, TR’s spirit is said to underlie national greatness conservatism and American exceptionalism. More recently, in the Nov. 12, 2010 issue of The New York Times, the aforementioned Brooks—sounding the call for a new centrist movement in American politics— claimed that a national greatness agenda would be promoted by “the next big social movement.”
Brooks said this national greatness agenda would reject the views of “orthodox liberals and conservatives” and end “hyper-partisanship.” He added that “the coming movement may be a third party or it may support serious people in the existing two” and preserve American supremacy—that is, global interventionism. And don’t think it was—as the media has suggested— just a reckless misstep by Newt Gingrich when he criticized the Medicare reform package of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) saying, “I don’t think right-wing social engineering is any more desirable than left-wing social engineering. I don’t think imposing radical change from the right or the left is a very good way for a free society to operate.”
The truth is that Gingrich’s rhetoric—attacking both the right and the left in the same breath—was deliberate. He was clearly portraying himself as one of the centrist advocates of American exceptionalism, echoed by other recent comments by Gingrich proudly recalling his many years as a Rockefeller Republican.
Don’t be surprised—you heard it here first—that if he fails to win the GOP presidential nomination, Gingrich will be part of a breakaway centrist third party movement which has been conjured up at the highest levels of the establishment elite.
AFP—alone among the media—has been reporting on this phenomenon.
Another disciple of American exceptionalism, Yale Professor David Gelernter—another Weekly Standard figure—has promoted the idea that Americanism is a modern-day incarnation of Biblical Zionism and that Americans have “a divine mission to all mankind” and that “every human being everywhere is entitled to freedom, equality and democracy.”
In a book grandly entitled Americanism: The Fourth Great Western Religion, Gelernter expressed the contention that the United States (the base of what he has called American Zionism) is now charged with an imperial, even God-given, duty to remake the world, that Americanism is the creed of this global agenda, that this “Fourth Great Western Religion” is the driving force behind—and which must establish—a new planet- wide regime. He wrote:
We are the one and only biggest boy [in the world today]. If there is to be justice in the world, America must create it. . . .We must pursue justice, help the suffering and overthrow tyrants. We must spread the creed. This is the New World Order. And this is the underlying theme of national greatness conservatism and American exceptionalism. But there is nothing American about it. So don’t be fooled by what sounds like patriotic rhetoric from the Republicans. It isn’t.
Leur pouvoir est inégalé dans l'histoire du monde...
Rothschild Influence This 1898 French caricature of a crowned Alphonse de Rothschild as a greedy, predator grasping the globe in his talon-like clutches, accurately portrays the way in which Europe's Rothschild banking dynasty expanded its imperial hegemony. In America today, Rothschild influence --while paramount -- is largely hidden, with some "respected" families and financial institutions -- not all of them Jewish -- acting as Rothschild "fronts." Americans (and others) who dare to challenge the Rothschild empire (and the Zionist cause) are subjected to dirty tricks, economic boycott, harassment, persecution -- even criminal prosecution. |
By Michael Collins Piper
Even the most cursory survey of the literature indicates that numerous "mainstream" Jewish writers and academics have reached a remarkable conclusion: the Jewish people-particularly American Jews-have today reached what may be a zenith of power unlike anything yet seen in Jewish history. American Jewish scholar Benjamin Ginsberg, writing in The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State, summarized it well:
Many other Jewish American scholars have echoed Ginsberg and elaborated on his conclusions.
For example, in A Time for Healing: American Jewry Since World War II, Edward S. Shapiro writes of the remarkable Jewish success in achieving better education than most other Americans. According to Shapiro:
For example, in A Time for Healing: American Jewry Since World War II, Edward S. Shapiro writes of the remarkable Jewish success in achieving better education than most other Americans. According to Shapiro:
Shapiro has also remarked on the vast wealth accumulated by a small number of American Jews, pointing out that:
In the postwar era, America's Jews became the best educated of any major American ethnic or religious group. By the mid-1970s, according to Father Andrew M. Greeley's study Ethnicity, Denomination, and Inequality (1976), Jews averaged 14 years of education. This was a half year more than Episcopalians, the American religious group with the highest social standing. While less than one-half of Americans went on to college, more than 80 percent of Jews did so, and, as indicated by the statistics trom Harvard, Princeton and Yale, Jews were more likely to attend elite institutions. In 1971, for example, Jews made up 17 percent of the students at private universities.[2]
Beginning in the early 1980s, Forbes magazine published an annual compilation of the 400 richest Americans. Strictly based on their percentage of the general population, there should have been about 12 Jews on this list. Instead, there were over 100. Jews, who constituted less than 3 percent ofthe American people, made up over one-quarter of the richest Americans. They were over-represented by a factor of nine.
By contrast, ethnic groups that greatly outnumbered Jews -- Italians, Hispanics, blacks, and Eastern Europeans -- had few representatives on the list. The higher the category of assets listed by Forbes, the greater the percentage of Jews. Over 30 percent of American billionaires were Jewish .... It was possible that Forbes even underestimated the number of America's super-rich Jews, since many of them had become wealthy in real estate, the most difficult of fields to gauge assets and the easiest in which to hide wealth. [3]
Research by Charles Silberman, writing in A Certain People, focuses on the vast and wide-ranging influence of this American Jewish elite:
According to a study of the ethnic and racial backgrounds of people listed in the 1974-75 edition of Who's Who in America, Jews were two and a half times more likely to be included than members of the population at large. Relative to population, moreover, there were more than twice as many Jews as there were people of English heritage, the group that once dominated the American elite.
In a 1971-72 analysis of a much smaller group ofleaders in some eight fields of endeavor, the sociologists Richard D. Alba and Gwen Moore found an even greater concentration. Of the 545 people studied, 11.3 percent were Jews-four times their proportion in the population as a whole....
The phenomenon is not limited to the United States. Jews make up about one percent of the population of Great Britain, but 6 to 10 percent of the British elite; in Australia, where Jews are 0.5 percent of the population, they constitute 5 percent of the elite .... [4]
"By contrast, ethnic groups that greatly outnumbered Jews -- Italians, Hispanics, blacks, and Eastern Europeans -- had few representatives on the list of the 400 richest Americans."
Yet another Jewish writer, J. J. Goldberg, in Jewish Power: Inside the American Jewish Establishment, dares to admit that the Jews have also accumulated immense clout as far as the news media is concerned:
It is true that Jews are represented in the media business in numbers far out of proportion to their share of the population. Studies have shown that while Jews make up little more than 5 percent of the working press nationwide-hardly more than their share of the population-they make up one-fourth or more of the writers, editors, and producers in America's "elite media," including network news divisions, the top newsweeklies and the four leading daily papers (New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal).
In the fast-evolving world of media megacorporations, Jews are even more numerous. In an October 1994 Vanity Fair feature profiling the kingpins of the new media elite, titled "The New Establishment," just under half of the two dozen entrepreneurs profiled were Jews. In the view of the magazine editors, these are America's true power elite. [5]
Professor Norman F. Cantor, writing in The Sacred Chain: The History of the Jews, has summarized Jewish success and influence in a number of arenas:
Cantor's overall assessment is remarkable, if not perhaps a bit eye-opening:
It was the Jews, by and large, not the Italians, who created what later was called the Mafia. In the 1920s the Italians began to replace the Jews in the New York organized crime industry .. .. Jews were also prominent in the gambling trade and developed Las Vegas in the 1940s. [6]
Jewish academics and other intellectuals played the dominant role in the fashioning of the New Left culture of the 1960s and 1970s .... Often it was a blend of the imaginative cultural Marxism of Benjamin Adorno and the Frankfurt School of the 1930s with the more radical side of the Freudian tradition. [7]
The highly successful American feminist movement of the 1970s and 1980s involved Jewish leadership .... Perhaps the two most prominent personalities in the women's movement, Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan, were Jewish. [8]
Jewish investment bankers played a major, perhaps predominant role in the frenetic Wall Street speculative ventures of the 1980s.[9] [In the 1980s] the skill of some Jewish billionaires in skirting the limits of the law but somehow emerging unscathed, with the aid of high-priced New York Jewish attorneys and a compliant press, was remarkable. [10]
As in Berlin and Vienna before Hitler, the Jewish role in publishing was an important one. By 1950 Jewish families owned two of the three most influential newspapers in the United States, the New York Times and the Washington Post. [11]
In 1994 Jews were only three percent of the American population but their impact was equivalent to an ethnic group comprising 20 percent of the population. [12]
Nothing in Jewish history equaled this degree of Jewish accession to power, wealth and prominence. Not in Muslim Spain, not in early 20th century Germany, not in Israel itself, because there were no comparable levels of wealth and power on a world-class scale in that small country to attain.[13] The Morgans, the Rockefellers, the Harrirnans, the Roosevelts, the Kennedys, the titans of bygone eras, they have been superseded by the Jew as flawless achiever .... [14]
In light of all of this, perhaps it is time for the Jewish people to say "goodbye to the Holocaust" or other people might start thinking that the Jewish people have pushed the subject just a little bit too far.
[1] Benjamin Ginsberg, The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993), pp. 1-2.
[2] Edward S. Shapiro, A Time for Healing (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992), p. 100.
[3] Ibid., p. 117.
[4] Charles Silberman, A Certain People (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1985), pp. 143-144.
[5] J.J. Goldberg, Jewish Power. (Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1996), p. 280.
[6] Norman Cantor, The Sacred Chain (New York: HarperCollins, 1994), p. 389.
[7] Ibid., p,; 402.
[8] Ibid., p. 402.
[9] Ibid., p. 403.
[10] Ibid., p. 404.
[11] Ibid., p. 405.
[12] Ibid., p. 406.
[13] Ibid., pp. 406-407.
[14] Ibid., p. 418.
A journalist specializing in media critique, MICHAEL COLLINS PIPER is the author of Final Judgment, the controversial "underground bestseller" documenting the collaboration of Israeli intelligence in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. He is also the author of The High Priests of War, The New Jerusalem, Dirty Secrets, The Judas Goats, The Golem: Israel's Nuclear Hell Bomb, My First Days in the White House and The New Babylon. All are available from AMERICAN FREE PRESS and THE BARNES REVIEW. Call toll free at 1-877-773-9077 to order any of these books (except Final Judgment, which is out of print). He has lectured on the topics discussed in his books in places as diverse as Malaysia, Iran, Japan, Canada, Russia and the United Arab Emirates. Piper also currently has a daily radio program on the Republic Broadcasting Network. The Piper Report can be heard Monday thru Friday at 8 p.m. CST by going to wwww.republicbroadcasting.org and either tuning in live or accessing the voluminous show archives.
Chris Christie Apologizes to Sheldon Adelson for ‘Occupied Territories’ Remark, but wll it cost him the nomination?
Christie, Walker court Jewish Republican donors in Las Vegas = Adelson
Sheldon Adelson expands Israeli media empire, buys Makor Rishon and NRG
Et qui est la seconde femme la plus puissante au monde?
Jewish CEO named No. 2 most powerful woman in the world
A Jewish CEO was named the second most powerful woman in the world by Forbes magazine