Netanyahou est confiant qu'un jour Israël et ses alliés occidentaux vaincront l'Islam, propageront la démocratie aux quatre coins du monde et débarrasseront le monde des armes de mort massive. (Son papa BenZion Netanyahou avait soi-disant prédit que "l'Islam militant" ferait un jour tomber les tours jumelles du WTC)
Netanyhu–We’ll beat ‘militant Islam by end of century’
BHL veut faire réécrire le Coran par un juif Le criminel de guerre et fervent partisan du Grand Israël, Bernard-Henri Lévy a déclaré qu’il souhaitait voir le Saint Coran réécrit et, de plus, par un juif.
En passant, l’arrivée de partis islamistes au pouvoir n’a rien à voir avec une quelconque islamisation du monde blanc européen. Ça a plutôt à voir avec le fait que Israël a besoin de se donner une légitimité aux yeux du monde pour envahir ses voisins. C’est pourquoi il importe pour Israël de remplacer les dirigeants de ses pays voisins par des « islamistes intégristes », justifiant ainsi leur invasion par les troupes sionistes et permettant ainsi la réalisation du GRAND ISRAËL, base terrestre de l’empire planétaire d’Israël.
Petit problème, Bibi! C'est que maintenant le public peut savoir (grâce à des documents déclassifiés) que tes amis les Bronfman, ces gangsters milliardaires recyclés dans la distillerie et l'industrie du divertissement, qui ont secrètement financé Israël et son arsenal de mort, savent tout ce qu'il y a à savoir sur la production d'armes biologiques -- privilège dont ils jouissent depuis qu'ils ont financé la production d'Anthrax (assez pour tuer 30 fois la population mondiale) au Canada durant la Seconde guerre mondiale. Il s'agit des mêmes Bronfman qui, des décennies plus tard, (més)useront de leur pouvoir afin que soient éjectés de leur poste les généraux opposés à la guerre en Irak.
LOL!!! Netanyahu says ‘Radical Islam Taking Us Back to the Past’
The late Benzion [Father of Bibi] Netanyahu's appalling views on Arabs
Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer announce new anti-Islam ad
Fox News Contributor: “A High Percentage” Of Muslims “Hate Christians And Jews”; “The Real Problem Is The Quran”
Demonizing Muslims. America's Worldwide Witch Hunt Heading into a "World War III Scenario"?
Rand Paul’s War Against “Radical Islam”
VIDEO - Dinesh D’Souza [2016 OBAMA'S AMERICA]: A core principle of American ‘conservativism’ is fighting Israel’s war against ‘United States of Islam’
Trent Frank Agrees That Obama Is Either A Secret Muslim Or Acting Just Like One
Could you just imagine ….
If the people in the streets were chanting hate speech about Jewish leaders, as they do about Muslims and the prophet Mohammed.
If drones were attacking American cities or israel, as they do Islamic countries.
If one single newspaper plastered their
anti-Jewish rhetoric across their front page, just as they project
their anti-Islamic campaign.
If we had the exact same coverage of enforced empathy for all the real holocausts which have happened throughout history, as we have to put up with, with the Jewish holomyth.
If israel had the same levels of race
laws, and enforced immigration which are being imposed on westernised
cities across the globe.
If for just one week, we in the
Truthing community could have access to the entire main stream media,
TV, entertainment, cinemas, magazines, etc. Oh boy.
If synagogues were genuinely attacked by EDF style supporters, as are mosques today.
If most Americans really knew how much they were financing that only democratic state in the Middle East -and why.
If israel had to be included in the
nuclear arms treaty – and had the same amount of attention Iran and Iraq
had with their WMD inspections.
If the Jews had to pay reparations for
all the holocausts and genocides they have created throughout history.
Ha – they would be bankrupt.
If the same sentencing was applied to
all the criminals creating wars, as is the INNOCENT people who are now
rotting in prisons, due to trying to expose these criminals.
If the Jewish-controlled MSM for once actually told the Truth
If we had sanity in this world.
If we had Truth, justice and peace.
Popular anti-Muslim myths busted in new book Many fear Muslim immigrants but they are no more threatening than earlier large waves of religious minorities.
Popular anti-Muslim myths busted in new book Many fear Muslim immigrants but they are no more threatening than earlier large waves of religious minorities.
Book Review: The Myth of the Muslim Tide by Doug Saunders rebuts right-wing fear mongers
Review: Non-fiction Debunking the myth of the ‘stealth jihad’
Do Muslim Immigrants Threaten The West?Review: Non-fiction Debunking the myth of the ‘stealth jihad’
AUDIO: Videos (various)
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