Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Le directeur de 'Christians United for Israel' est l'un des 50 juifs les plus influents selon le magazine Forward


Notons également la présence dans cette liste des 50 juifs les plus influents selon The Forward de Michel Mukasey (juge du 9/11), Sheldon Adelson (milliardaire et gangster médiaco-politique), Norman Podhoretz (Néocon fanatique), Alan Dershowits (Avocat de la torture et sioniste fanatique), Michael Bloomberg (milliardaire sioniste), Rita Katz (désinformatrice anti-islam), et bien sûr George Soros (financier mondialiste), etc.

David Brog  It comes as a surprise to many that David Brog, executive director of the first pro-Israel lobbying group for evangelicals, Christians United for Israel, is actually a bona fide Jew. But for Brog, born and raised in a Conservative Jewish household outside Atlantic City, N.J., his work with Pastor John Hagee, the firebrand Texas preacher who founded CUFI less than two years ago, is a natural outgrowth of his passion for the Jewish state. Since its inception in February 2006, the hawkish Washington-based lobby has set up chapters in 50 states and hosted more than 70 “Nights to Honor Israel” ― its signature pro-Israel fundraising dinners, which have attracted thousands of evangelicals, plus some Jewish community members ― nationwide. Brog, 41, who previously worked as Republican Senator Arlen Specter’s chief of staff, is outspoken in his criticism of liberal Jews who spurn Hagee’s legions. As Brog sees it, the Jewish community should be thanking Christian Zionists for standing with Israel during trying times. Hagee, meanwhile, is no doubt thanking Brog for lending him some Jewish credibility.

moustachemasquée dit :

Davidduke.com : le mouvement sioniste « chrétiens unis pour Israël » n’est pas dirigé par un chrétien, mais par un extrémiste juif!

4 janvier 2013

Commentaires du Dr Patrick Slattery puis du Dr David Duke.

Rabbi Jonathan Bernis
Il n’y a pas que la Terre sacrée qui soit occupée par les juifs.
Nous voyons le Pape se prosterner devant les dirigeants israéliens et juifs dans le cadre du « dialogue judéo-chrétien », alors que les Protestants bon teint se font blouser via les « réseaux interconfessionnels » orchestrés par les juifs.
Mais bien sûr, elle ne saurait être plus évidente que parmi les chrétiens sionistes.
J’ai regardé une chaîne de télé chrétienne le jour de Noël pour tomber sur le rabbin Jonathan Bernis (ci-contre) de Jewish Voice Ministry International (JVMI) sollicitant de l’argent auprès des chrétiens pour « équiper l’Eglise », signifiant pour lui : fournir l’éducation sur les racines hébraïques du christianisme, et la responsabilité de l’Eglise envers Israël et le peuple juif.
A cette fin, il demandait de l’argent pour financer les soins de juifs dans le besoin partout dans le monde (pourquoi pas des chrétiens dans le besoin en Amérique ?) et disait aux spectateurs de soutenir Israël.
Mais avec seulement 17 millions de dollars de revenu annuel, JVMI fait pâle figure dans le monde des chrétiens sionistes. Le gros morceau, ce sont les « Chrétiens unis pour Israël »( CUFI) avec pour berger, le pasteur John Hagee, et David Brog pour directeur. Brog est non seulement juif, mais est en fait le cousin du ministre israélien de la défense et ancien Premier ministre : Ehud Barak. Voici sa biographie sur le site web de CUFI :
« David Brog est le directeur de Chrétiens unis pour Israël (CUFI). Avant cela, Brog travailla 7 ans au Sénat des Etats Unis, jusqu’à devenir chef de cabinet du Sénateur Arlen Specter, et responsable du personnel au Comité judiciaire du Sénat. Il a également servi comme cadre chez America Online et a exercé le droit des sociétés à Tel Aviv, et à Philadelphie, Pennsylvanie. Brog est l’auteur de « Au côté d’Israël : pourquoi les chrétiens soutiennent l’Etat juif (2006) et « Pour la défense de la foi, l’idée judéo-chrétienne et la lutte pour l’humanité (2010). En 2007, le journal « Forward » a classé Brog parmi les 50 juifs les plus influents en Amérique. Il est diplômé de l’université de Princeton et de l’université de droit de Harvard.

Le cousin d’Ehud Barak mène les chrétiens sionistes (dans l’impasse)

Commentaires du Dr David Duke, avec certaines parties du site The Passionate Attachment..

Dans le but d’éloigner l’attention de leur influence sur la politique US au Moyen Orient, le lobby pro-Israël majoritairement juif, désigne parfois le soutien passionné de beaucoup d’évangélistes chrétiens – habituellement qualifiés de chrétiens sionistes- envers l’Etat d’Israël.
Les plus gros de ces groupes de chrétiens sionistes, avec plus d’un million de membres, s’appelle Chrétiens unis pour Israël (CUFI), il est ainsi la plus grosse organisation pro- Israël basée aux Etats Unis.
La plupart des gens familiers de cette ligne radicale pro-Israël, l’associent à John Hagee, le théâtral pasteur localisé à San Antonio qui y a un grand ministère. Il est le maître de cérémonies pour CUFI. Mais celui qui dirige vraiment l’organisation, est le directeur exécutif de CUFI, qui est beaucoup moins connu.
Il est assez révélateur de noter que la personne dirigeant une organisation appelée « Chrétiens unis », n’est même pas chrétienne !
En fait, c’est un juif dévot, ce qui semble être le comble de l’ironie, car le judaïsme a longtemps perçu Jésus Christ comme étant l’un des pires ennemis de la religion juive et de son peuple.
Le Talmud, le livre de la loi juive, dégouline de haine contre Jésus Christ. Il dit que les prêtres juifs ont eux mêmes assassiné Jésus, et prétendent même que leurs magiciens torturent Jésus en le faisant bouillir pour l’éternité dans des excréments humains.
Voilà le monde taré, délirant et malade du sio-pouvoir et la manière qui tire toujours profit de cette incroyable manipulation.
Il est honteux de constater que trop de chrétiens ignorent ces choses, et qu’en soutenant ce suprémacisme tribaliste et raciste, ils soutiennent les ennemis de Jésus Christ, les plus radicaux au monde.
Et ils salissent toute la moralité enseignée par le christianisme.
Les chrétiens qui soutiennent ces tribalistes juifs font littéralement la promotion de tout ce à quoi s’oppose les chrétiens.
Pour les chrétiens, qui contrôle ce Hollywood malade et malfaisant ? Certainement pas les chrétiens. Il est contrôlé par les frères tribalistes de M. David Brog.
Qui est en tête de la lutte pour la destruction de la famille , pour l’avortement, et tout ce à quoi s’opposent les chrétiens évangélistes ?
Un des aspects tragiques de cette perversion du christianisme, c’est qu’en soutenant l’extrémisme juif, il soutient certaines formes d’anti-christianisme.
La vérité est que ce sont des organisations juives qui ont forcé le retrait des symboles et de la culture chrétienne dans tous les aspects de la vie publique en Amérique, mais aussi l’interdiction des symboles du Noël chrétien sur les zones publiques et les chants de Noël dans les écoles.
Mais pire encore, en soutenant Israël et ses horribles crimes meurtriers contre Palestiniens et Libanais, ces chrétiens ont peut être sans le savoir soutenu de façon anti-chrétienne, la mort ou les blessures infligées à des dizaines de milliers d’innocents, et parmi eux, nombre de femmes et d’enfants .
Encore plus choquant, en soutenant les maux d’Israël, les chrétiens pro Israël ont soutenu la mort ou les blessures infligées à des dizaines de milliers de frères chrétiens et leurs familles au Moyen Orient !
Et il ne faudrait pas oublier l’importance du tribalisme juif au sein du bolchevisme qui massacra des dizaines de millions de chrétiens en Russie et en Europe !
Bien sûr, le pouvoir juif est si dominant qu’il a la « chutzpah » de se vanter de manipuler et conduire les moutons chrétiens vers l’abattoir.
Ce juif radical anti-chrétien, David Brog a même avoué ne pas croire à la théologie évangéliste dont il fait la promotion avec son organisation « chrétiens unis ».
Evidemment, depuis 30 ans, la théologie chrétienne, qui a toujours reconnu la haine du judaïsme à l’encontre des chrétiens, a été pervertie et, employée à renforcer un Israël et un pouvoir juif anti-chrétiens en Occident !
Dans des questions posées par des lecteurs du journal Haaretz il y a plusieurs années, il était demandé à David Brog si sa théologie impliquait que toute la terre sainte fut sous contrôle d’Israël. « Pour que les choses soient claires », répondit Brog , « la théologie évangéliste dont je parle n’est pas ma théologie- Je suis juif. »
Dès lors que le directeur exécutif de Chrétiens unis pour Israël n’est pas chrétien, il n’est pas de doute à avoir sur ses motivations pro israéliennes.
Quand un autre lecteur lui demanda s’il était lié au ministre israélien de la défense, Brog le félicita pour sa perspicacité.
Le patron de CUFI s’expliqua ainsi : L’ancien premier ministre Ehud Barak est mon cousin. Il a changé son nom de Brog en Barak lorsqu’il était dans l’armée. Compte tenu de l’illustre carrière de Barak dans l’armée et dans le gouvernement israéliens, c’est une relation dont je suis très fier.

Pro Zio “Christians United for Israel” is led not a Christian but by a Jewish extremist!

Dual Commentary by Dr. Patrick Slattery and below by Dr. David Duke – It’s not just the Holy Land that is occupied by Jews. Increasingly Christianity itself is Jewish-occupied territory. We see the Pope groveling before Israeli and Jewish leaders as part of “Christian-Jewish dialogue” while mainstream Protestants get sucked into Jewish-orchestrated “interfaith networks.” But of course, nowhere is it more evident than among evangelical Christian Zionists. I turned on a Christian television station on Christmas day only to find Rabbi Jonathan Bernis (pictured left) of Jewish Voice Ministry International soliciting money from Christians to promote JVMI’s mission of “equipping the Church,” which he explained meant providing education about the Hebraic roots of Christianity and the Church’s responsibility to Israel and the Jewish People. To this end he asked for money to provide health care to needy Jews around the world (what about needy Christians in America?) and told viewers to support Israel. 
But with only $17 million in annual revenues, JVMI is small potatoes in the Christian Zionist world. The big fish in the pond is Christians United for Israel, which has pastor John Hagee as its posterboy but is actually led by Executive Director David Brog. Brog is not only Jewish, but is in fact the cousin of Israeli Defense Minister and former Prime Minister Ehud Barak. Here is his biography from the CUFI website:
“David Brog is the executive director of Christians United for Israel (CUFI). Before CUFI, Brog worked in the United States Senate for seven years, rising to be chief of staff to Senator Arlen Specter and staff director of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He has also served as an executive at America Online and practiced corporate law in Tel Aviv, Israel and Philadelphia, PA. Brog is the author of Standing with Israel: Why Christians Support the Jewish State (2006) and In Defense of Faith: the Judeo-Christian Idea and the Struggle for Humanity (2010). In 2007, the Forward newspaper listed Brog in its “Forward 50″ most influential Jews in America. He is a graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Law School.”

Ehud Barak’s Cousin (Mis)Directs America’s Christian Zionists

Comments by Dr. David Duke with parts taken from The Passionate Attachment –In an attempt to direct attention away from their influence over U.S. Middle East policy, the predominantly Jewish pro-Israel lobby sometimes points to the passionate support of many Christian evangelicals — usually referred to as Christian Zionists — for the Jewish state. The largest of these Christian Zionist groups, with over one million members, is Christians United for Israel (CUFI); thereby, also making it the largest U.S.-based pro-Israel organization. Most people familiar with the hardline pro-Israel group associate it with John Hagee, the theatrical San Antonio-based pastor who has a large ministry. He is the ceremonial head of the CUFI.  But the guy who actually runs the organization, is the much less well known CUFI executive director.
Revealingly, the person directing an organization called “Christians United”  is not even a Christian!
In fact he is a devout Jew which has to be the height of irony in that Judaism has long seen Jesus Christ as one of the worst enemies of the Jewish religion and people.
The Jewish Talmud, the books of Jewish Law, spews with hatred against Jesus Christ. It says that the Jewish Priests themselves murdered Jesus and further claims that their magicians are torturing Jesus for all of eternity by boiling him in human excrement.
This is the looney, crazy, insane world of Zio power and how they get away with this incredible manipulation.
Shamefully, too many Christians don’t even know these things, and by supporting this tribal, racist supremacism, they support the most dedicated enemies of Jesus Christ on Earth.  And they besmirch every morality taught by Christianity.  Christians who support these Jewish tribalists are literally supporting the promotion of just about everything Christians oppose.Who do Christians think runs the sick, evil of Hollywood. It’s certainly not Christians.  It is run by the tribal brothers of Mr. David Brog.
Who leads the efforts for destruction of the family, for abortion and just everything evangelical Christians oppose? Take a guess.
One of the really tragic aspects of this perversion of Christianity is that by supporting Jewish extremism they support many forms of anti-Christianism.
The truth is that Jewish organizations have been the driving force to remove Christian symbols and culture from public life in America, even the outlawing of Christian Christmas displays on public land and Christmas carols in schools.
Far worse, by supporting Israel and it’s the horrific murderous crimes against Palestinians and Lebanese, Christians who do so actually have perhaps unwittingly supported the un-Christian murder and maiming of tens of thousands of innocent people, many of them women and children.
Even more shocking, by supporting the evils of Israel, Christians who support Israel have literally supported the murder and maiming and torture of tens of thousands of fellow Christians and their families in the Mideast!
And one should not avoid learning about the Jewish tribalism in Bolshevism that slaughtered tens of millions of Christians in Russia and into Europe!
Of course, Jewish power is now so supreme that they can have the Chutzpah to be brazen about their manipulation of Christian sheep being led to the slaughter.
This anti-Christian Jewish radical, David Brog, has even admitted that he does not believe in the evangelical theology that he promotes in his “Christians United” organization.
Of course, in last 30 years Christian theology which has always recognized the anti-Christian hatred of Judaism, has been twisted and used to promote support anti-Christian Israel and the anti-Christian Jewish power in the West!
In a Q and A with readers of Israel’s Haaretz newspaper some years ago, David Brog was asked if his theology required Israel to be in control of the entire Holy Land. “Just to clarify,” Brog replied, “the evangelical theology I write about is not my theology —  I’m Jewish.”
While the executive director of Christians United for Israel may not be Christian, there’s no questioning his pro-Israel credentials. When another reader asked if he was related to the current Israeli Defense Minister, Brog congratulated him on his perspicacity. Explained the CUFI leader:
Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak is my cousin. He changed his last name from “Brog” to “Barak” during his time in the army. Given Barak’s illustrious career in the Israeli army and government, this is a relation of which I’m very proud.
Watch Two of My Videos on Christian Zionism!

The Insanity of Christian Zionism!

Should Christians Support Israel?

Read more here...

The Weird World of John Hagee

• “HAGEECON” 2013: Bevy of Christian And Jewish Zionists want more war with Islam in Mideast
By Michael Collins Piper
WASHINGTON, D.C.—President Barack Obama came under heavy fire when more than 4,000 people showed up in Washington on July 22-24 to proclaim the support of American Christians for Israel and to lobby Congress on its behalf.
Along with a host of American politicians—mostly Republicans—known for their fealty to Israel, the assembled masses gathered at the Washington Convention Center under the auspices of Texas evangelist John Hagee’s Christians United for Israel (CUFI), which claims to have 1 million members.
While the corpulent Hagee surrounds himself with a contingent of Israeli bodyguards, CUFI’s operations are directed by an American Jew, David Brog, who is a cousin of former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak.
New York-based Jewish newspaper Forward reported enthusiastically about the conference, noting that “Christian evangelical supporters of Israel sent a strong message of opposition to President Obama on Iran and the renewal of Mideast peace talks.”
However, what did take place during this gathering reflects a bizarre and inflammatory worldview on the part of the participants.
Rabbi Aryeh Sheinberg’s invocation slammed Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry—who is of Jewish extraction on his father’s side and whose brother is a practicing Jew, having abandoned the Catholic faith in which he was raised—saying their proposals for a Middle East settlement would reinstate what some Israelis call “the Auschwitz borders”— that is, Israel’s borders before it expanded into Arab lands after the 1967 war.
TV personality Glenn Beck, a Mormon, gave the keynote address, trashing Obama. He concluded: “Our government is on the wrong side, and we are entering terrible, terrible days if we don’t wake up and turn around.”
Beck delighted his audience by explaining the real reason America’s founding fathers staged the revolution against Britainwas so conservative Christians could ultimately help usher Israel into being in 1948.
Giving a tangled description of symbolism on the one-dollar Federal Reserve note—which is otherwise the subject of well-founded debate—Beck said this was proof of his thesis.
Beck failed tomention that American Jewish millionaires bribed several Latin American delegates to the UN, whose votes were critical to UN recognition of Israel, not to mention that supporters of Israel have now cheerfully bragged that a special blackmail-and-coercion intelligence operation was utilized to further influence other delegates.
Beck also displayed—of all things—a napkin he claimed was on a table next to Hitler when the German leader survived an assassination attempt on July 20, 1944. He also brandished a whip he alleged had been used in the Auschwitz camp in Poland to punish Jewish prisoners during World War II.
And, just for the record, Beck declared how evil Islam happens to be—a favorite mantra often heard today, a major tool in the effort by Israel and its supporters to engage America inwar against the Muslim world.
Unfortunately, a lot of patriots who should know better are echoing this same kind of rhetoric, promoting the poison of the Israeli propagandists.
An array of politicians, mostly conservative Republicans, who showed up to declare their alliance with Israel included:
• Newly elected Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), a 2016 presidential aspirant whose wife is a banker with Goldman Sachs, the powerful international Jewish investment house;
• House Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor (RVa.)—an Orthodox Jew much of whose campaign money comes from Wall Street and gambling and liquor interests; and
• Retiring Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) who once famously said, “I am a Christian, but I consider my heritage Jewish, because it is the foundation, the roots of my faith as a Christian.”
Another stalwart voice for Israel, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.)—who never went to war but who is always an advocate of U.S. military ventures on behalf of Israel—pranced andminced to the podium and told the cheering audience he plans to introduce a resolution in Congress authorizing the use of force—American blood and treasure—against Iran.
Using reasoning reeking of the provocative logic utilized in rabbinical reasoning and commemorated in the Jewish holy works known as the Talmud, Graham explained: “My goal is to avoid war, and the best way to avoid war is to let the Iranians know they’re going to face one and lose.”
The only thing Graham and his GOP colleagues didn’t say—at least publicly—was “Onward, Christian Soldiers,” although that certainly is their philosophy.
Hagee himself said he wants the United States to “turn the Israeli Defense Forces loose and have a total victory in the Middle East for peace that will last.” In other words: all-out war against the Arab and Muslim nations—financed, of course, by American taxpayers and underscored by the implicit promise American soldiers will come to Israel’s support as necessary.
And making it all too clear Israel really isn’t so poised for peace with the Palestinian Christians and Muslims as many Americans are led by the media to believe, Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Ron Prossor, said any talk of a so-called two-state solution is actually a “euphemism for the destruction of the state of Israel.”
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was on hand to warn, or so he said, that Iran doesn’t just plan to destroy Israel. Iran has missiles intended to hit the U.S. and “that could happen very soon.”
As a humorous but not-so-subtle reminder that the power of Jewish media, money and mischief is a force in America today, Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice president of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, told the crowd: “The Jewish lobby is a myth. It’s our job to make it a legend!”
Finally, he warned anybody who dared stand up to Israel and its supposedly mythical lobby: “Don’t bet against the Jews.”
Michael Collins Piper is a world-renowned author, journalist, lecturer and radio show host. He has spoken in Russia, Malaysia, Iran, Abu Dhabi, Japan, Canada and, of course, the United States. He is the author of Final Judgment, The New Jerusalem, The High Priests of War, Dirty Secrets, My First Days in the White House, The New Babylon, Share the Wealth: Huey Long vs Wall Street, The Judas Goats: The Enemy Within, Target: Traficant and The Golem: Israel’s Nuclear Hell Bomb. You can order any of these books with a credit card by calling AFP/FAB toll free at 1-888-699-6397 or calling FAB direct at 202-547-5585 to inquire about pricing and S-H fees.

Bibi: the 1967 lines are ‘Auschwitz Borders’ By Frank Dimant CEO, B’nai Brith Canada
Once again, the United States is applying significant pressure on Israel to advance the Middle East peace process. Not satisfied with Israel’s freeing of over a hundred Palestinian terrorists with blood on their hands, Israel is called upon, once again, to accept the 1967 armistice lines, better known to informed Mideast observers as the “Auschwitz Lines”, as the basis for a starting point to the peace talks.
Ceux que le PDG de la B'nai Brith appelle "des observateurs informés", c-à-d ceux qui qualifient les vieilles frontières israéliennes de 1967 de "frontières d'Auschwitz", ce sont LES POLITICIENS ET ANALYSTES SIONISTES ISRAÉLIENS LES PLUS EXTÉMISTES! C'est connu dans la société israélienne que ceux qui tiennent ce discours en Israël ce sont les politiciens les plus à droite (incluant également plusieurs analystes qui se disent "de gauche" mais qui suivent quand même les idées radicales pro-colonisation normalisées par la droite).

.American Free Press

.Vol X .#31 August 2, 2010americanfreepress.net

Page 11, AMERICAN FREE PRESS * August 2, 2010 * Issue 31 AMERICAN FREE PRESS

 Hagee Fanatic Attacks, 
Strikes AFP Writer 

By Michael Collins Piper
.Longtime AMERICAN FREE PRESS copy editor John Tiffany was physically attacked by a supporter of Christian Zionist leader John Hagee outside the Washington, D.C. Convention Center late on the afternoon of July 21. Tiffany, along with other staffers of AFP and supporters, was peacefully protesting Hagee’s appearance at the convention center. Also in attendance to support Hagee were several pro-Israel U.S. congressmen.
Tiffany was not the only person attacked by the Hagee follower. Also violently attacked was Medea Benjamin, the leader of Code Pink, an anti-war, pro-peace organization that has been critical of Israel’s behavior in theWest Bank and Gaza.
Although a police officer was present and witnessed the incidents, he refused to honor Ms. Benjamin’s request that the Hagee supporter, who had fled into the convention center, be arrested.A further effort to contact the D.C. police by Ms. Benjamin resulted in the arrival of another police officer, but as this article was being prepared for this issue there still was no indication that the criminal had been taken into custody.
Michael Collins Piper (who witnessed the assault on Tiffany) noted: “The assailant’s name, based on his name tag, appeared to be Harold Lightstone and it appeared that he was from the state of New Jersey. The assailant was an older man, considerably taller and heavier than Ms. Benjamin, who is a slight, slender woman. The assailant used a heavy carrying bag—possibly laden with weights—which he wielded as a weapon, swinging it at Mr. Tiffany repeatedly, shouting angrily and loudly as he did so. Mr. Tiffany did not strike back; rather, he attempted to make his way away from the attacker who continued his assault until surrounded by others who were seeking to stop him.”
“Although I did not see the attack on Ms. Benjamin,” said Piper, “Ms. Benjamin herself indicated that she had been attacked by this man, and others subsequently confirmed that to me.”
Had Ms. Benjamin or anyone from AFP engaged in any physical violence against Mr. Hagee’s supporters, one can rest assured that they would now be in custody facing criminal charges.  
Hagee Worships Israel in D.C.
ON JULY 21, REPORTERS AND EDITORS from AMERICAN FREE PRESS, while covering the annual Christians United for Israel’s 2010 summit put on by the multimillionaire preacher for profit Pastor John Hagee, couldn’t help but do some demonstrating in front of Washington’s convention center. The conference drew some of the most powerful pro-Israeli figures in the United States. This included rabidly pro-Israel legislators like Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.), Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) and former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.), as well as neo-conservative mouthpieces Frank Gaffney and Michael Medved. Billionaire publisher Mortimer Zuckerman, one of the wealthiest Jews in America, was also in attendance.

AFP EDITOR ATTACKED: While promoting the newspaper and handing out the latest issue of AFP to the Christians and Jews who forked over $200 to attend the event, AFP copy editor John Tiffany (above left with sign) was attacked by a militant pro-Israeli supporter, Harold Lightstone. Bizarrely, police officers, who were on the scene to keep the peace, refused to arrest the CUFI member, despite witnessing the assault. A report was taken, but the attacker was gently escorted by Hagee security forces into the building. See more in the story at right.

AFP ON THE SCENE: AFP's team coverage of the CUFI conference was carried out by (from left to right) AFP promotions consultant Pete Papaheraklis, author Michael Collins Piper, AFP contributor Stanley Rittenhouse, consultant Willis Carto, 9-11 researcher and engineer Marion Lelong and executive editor Christopher J. Petherick. Above, right, “Christian conservative” Republican presidential contender Gary Bauer was handed copies of AFP along with material exposing Hagee's organization for its support of the anti-Christian policies carried out by the Israeli government. The diminutive Bauer, who was obviously wearing orange-colored tanning cream on his face, was overheard uttering some pretty un-Christian remarks about the materials he was handed by AMERICAN FREE PRESS staff members.

Michael Collins Piper can be heard every week day night live on the Internet at republicbroadcasting.org. He is the author of Final Judgment, the controversial “underground bestseller” documenting the collaboration of Israeli intelligence in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. He is also the author of The High Priests of War, The New Jerusalem: Zionist Power in America , The Judas Goats: The Enemy Within, Dirty Secrets: Crime, Conspiracy & Cover-Up in the 20th Century, The GOLEM: Israel's Hell Bomb, and Target: Traficant. These works can be found at America First Books and FIRST AMENDMENT BOOKS: 1-888-699-NEWS. He has lectured on suppressed topics in places as diverse as Malaysia, Japan, Canada, Russia and Abu Dhabi.