Monday, January 26, 2009

La morale juive

Un mythe?

Playlist: Frontline Israel's Next War

Offensive à Gaza : brochure du rabbinat militaire

lundi 26 janvier 2009 - 14h:45
Selon AFP

Le rabbinat de l’armée israélienne a distribué aux soldats durant l’offensive "Plomb durci" une brochure appelant au nom de la Bible "à ne pas avoir pitié" des ennemis d’Israël, a révélé lundi une organisation de défense des droits de l’Homme en Israël.

"Avoir pitié envers un ennemi cruel revient à se montrer cruel envers nos justes soldats (...) Nous sommes en guerre contre des assassins. A la guerre comme à la guerre", est-il écrit dans la brochure.
Le texte cite longuement des déclarations d’une figure du nationalisme religieux et de la colonisation en Cisjordanie occupée, le rabbin Shlomo Aviner, opposé à tout compromis avec les Palestiniens.
"La Torah nous interdit de remettre un seul millimètre (de la Terre d’Israël) à des non-juifs, que ce soient par des enclaves, des zones autonomes ou d’autres concessions manifestant notre faiblesse nationale", souligne la brochure.
La brochure juge tout à fait légitime de "faire un parallèle entre les Palestiniens d’aujourd’hui et les Philistins de la Bible" contre lesquels le roi David avait combattu, affirmant dans les deux cas qu’Israël fait face à des "envahisseurs étrangers" qui n’ont aucun droit à la Terre promise.
L’association Yesh Din, "Il y a une loi" a réclamé la destitution du rabbin en chef des armées Avihaï Rontzki dans une lettre au ministre de la Défense Ehud Barak, dont l’AFP a reçu une copie.
Par ailleurs, le quotidien libéral Haaretz rapporte que des groupes d’extrême-droite ont distribué sans entrave des tracts "appelant les soldats à ne pas tenir compte de consignes (de retenue) et d’exterminer l’ennemi".
26 janvier 2009 - Le Monde - Vous pouvez consulter cet article à :

Le rabbin de l’armée israélienne « a distribué un tract de haine aux soldats »

Extremist Rabbis Now Army Terrorists

Des Rabbins sionistes permettent à leur armée d'exécuter plus d'un million des habitants de Gaza

Des Rabbins sionistes permettent à leur armée d'exécuter plus d'un million des habitants de Gaza

Plusieurs Fatwas des rabbins extrémistes sionistes ont béni et salué fortement les opérations et bombardements des forces de l'armée sioniste, en les encourageant de poursuivre leurs massacres contre Gaza, et en leur permettant de tuer les enfants, les femmes et les personnes âgées, comme "une punition collective de l'ennemi», et en les encouragent même d'exterminer plus d'un million de civils, selon un reportage publié, samedi 17/1, par le quotidien saoudien, Al-Watan.

"Mordekhaye Eliyahu", le plus rabbin du mouvement national dans l'entité sioniste, a adressé une lettre au ministre sioniste de la guerre, Ehud Barak ainsi que tous les dirigeants sionistes dans le bulletin du" Petit Monde ", sous forme d'une brochure distribuée, chaque vendredi, dans les synagogues, dans lequel l'histoire du massacre contre le Shikma Ibn Hammur, qui a été citée dans la Bible comme une preuve pour permettre aux Juifs de pratiquer les punitions collectives contre leurs ennemis, selon l'éthique de la guerre.

Selon le journal, Eliyahu qui a occupé au passé le poste de haut rabbin de l'Est, a déclaré que :"C'est le même critère qu'on peut appliquer à Gaza, en appelant et encourageant le Premier ministre israélien de continuer les attaques militaires contre la Bande de Gaza, en disant que "l'exécution des civils palestiniens est légitime".

Le journal "Haaretz" a publié une Fatwa de plusieurs rabbins sionistes qui appellent à l'application de leur prétendue Torah pour exterminer les peuples non juifs, contre tous ceux qui sont contre Israël ou lui portent haine.

Dimanche 18 Janvier 2009

"One must not forgive goyim who harm Jews"

Rabbinic Statement Cites Talmudic Legal Codex in Urging Revenge Murder of Arabs
--Note the "credentials" of Rabbi Uzi Sharbaf, co-author of the statement--
Source: Haaretz (Israeli newspaper), March 12, 2008

“...rabbis on Wednesday (March 12, 2008) called on Jews to avenge their enemies 'measure for measure,' a day after news reports circulated of an alleged yeshiva plot to strike a senior Arab official in retaliation for the terror attack at the Mercaz Harav Yeshiva last week. In notices posted along Jerusalem's Kiryat Moshe neighborhood, near the Mercaz Harav Yeshiva, the rabbis wrote: ‘Each and everyone is required to imagine what the enemy is plotting to do to us, and to match it measure for measure.’

“...The long list of rabbis who signed the notice includes Daniel Staveski, Itzhak Shapira, David Drukman, Yaakov Yossef - son of Shas spiritual leader Ovadia Yosef - and Uzi Sharbaf, who killed several Arab college students in Hebron 20 years ago and was recently pardoned from a life sentence...

“The statement also says that the massacre at the yeshiva was ‘the direct result of the lack of a proper government, which should have acted according to the Shulkhan Arukh (a 16th century rabbinical codex) which states that one must not forgive goyim who harm Jews or their property. ‘The governing leaders have decided to appease the Arab enemy. Only the real Jewish leadership can send the country to war knowing that it is a righteous battle against the enemies of Israel and God. In going to war,’ the rabbis write, ‘the Cohen fills the people with motivation by giving him the knowledge that he is going to fight his enemies and he must not show compassion or mercy.”

For Further Research:
The Hidden Dimensions of the Attack on the Mercaz Harav Yeshiva

Yahweh's 'mercy': Rabbi Ovadia Yosef's son says, 'We must repay our enemies in kind'

Less than a day after publication of reports that rabbis are granting halachic sanction to harm Arabs, various right-wing rabbis publish circular urging followers to 'fight the enemy tit for tat'.

On Wednesday, several right-wing rabbis, including the son of Shas party's spiritual leader, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, published circulars appearing in Jerusalem and West Bank settlements calling on followers to "fight the enemy tit for tat and blow for blow. They have no compassion for us, so we must feel none for them". (...)

"True Jewish leaders realize when it is necessary to go to war in order to justly defend the Jewish people, who are God's people, and the Jewish homeland, which is God's own dominion, from foes wishing to destroy them."

The attack on the Mercaz Harav Yeshiva in Jerusalem is once again roiling things in Israel. This Yeshiva is a center of Jewish religious nationalism and is associated with the Gush Emunim settler movement. The ideology behind this movement can be traced to Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook (1891-1982). The following is from a review in the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs of Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel, by Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky. It is an excellent summary of the Rabbi Kook's ideology.

Video: Rabbis demand 'measure for measure'
Posters seen near Mercaz Harav Yeshiva say Jewish initiative against "Arab enemy" would be "welcome."

L'attaque terroriste contre une Yeshiva tombe à point pour attirer la sympathie pour Israël

La Yeshiva Merkaz Harav : le bastion de l'extrémisme sioniste

'La Bible nous interdit formellement de livrer à des étrangers un seule pouce de la Terre d'Israël'

Rightist rabbis call on Jews to avenge yeshiva killings

Faut-il gazer Gaza ? (la «Une» de la presse israélienne)

Avidgor Lieberman: All Arabs Who Criticized Gaza Attack Are To Blame For Jerusalem Attack


Rabbi Ovadia: Avenge yeshiva attack through love of God, 13-03-08

Rightist rabbis call on Jews to avenge yeshiva killings, Haaretz

Rightist rabbis urge 'measure for measure' revenge on foes, Haaretz, 15/03/2008

Rabbi: Hang Arab children from trees - A Zionist cleric has urged the Israeli regime to give the green light to the massacre of Arabs in retaliation for Palestinian attacks.

Top Rabbi: Hang Their Children From a Tree! HAARETZ, 26/03/2008

Safed chief rabbi calls on state to exact 'revenge' against Arabs, Haaretz, 26/03/2008

'Probe rabbi for incitement', Arab group urges attorney general to investigate rabbi who called for revenge against Arabs

An Amalek in our Time? HAARETZ

Rabbi Eliyahu: Life of one yeshiva boy worth more than 1,000 Arabs, Ynetnews, 3 april 2008


Juifs brûlant le Nouveau Testament dans les rues de Jérusalem

S'ils vont en enfer, ils nous entraînent avec eux

David Perlmutter, professeur à l'université de l'État de Louisianne, écrivait dans le The Los Angeles Times du 7 avril 2002::

Qu'est-ce [Israël] va faire? J'ai d'autres rêves aussi - des rêves apocalyptiques. Je pense que: Israël construit des armes nucléaires depuis trente ans. Les juifs ont compris ce que l'acceptation passive et impuissante de leur malheur a signifié pour eux dans le passé et ils se sont assurés contreune telle éventualité. Masada n'était pas un exemple à suivre - ça n'a pas fait mal aux Romains le moins du monde, mais, Samson à Gaza? Avec une bombe H?Qu'est-ce qui ferait mieux payer au monde haineux des juifs pour ces milliers d'années de massacres, qu'un hiver nucléaire? Ou inviter tous ces chefs d'État européens bien-pensants et des militants pacifistes à nous rejoindre dans les fours? Pour la première fois dans l'histoire, un peuple qui a fait face à l'extermination pendant que le tout le monde ricanait ou détournait le regard ... détient le pouvoir de détruire le monde. La justice ultime?

Willis Carto writes:

According to Israeli historian Michael Karpin, writing in his book, The Bomb in the Basement, Ben-Gurion referred to the Jewish money lords who donated some $40 million in the 1950s (the equivalent of $250 million today) to seed the weapons program as the "makdishim," or consecrators, and to their contributions as "hakdasha," consecration. Karpin noted:
Both of these Hebrew words derive from the word kadosh, sacred, which is also the root of the world Mikdash, or Temple -- the holiest institution of Judaism. And inside the Temple is the Kodesh Hakodashim, the Holy of Holies. And like the Temple, which was erected with the contributions of the children of Israel (Exodus 25 :1), so too Israel's nuclear program would be built with contributions. In Ben-Gurion's eyes, the nuclear project was holy. [Emphasis added.]

(...)Professor David Perlmutter of Louisiana State University, writing in The Los Angeles Times of April 7, 2002:
What [is Israel] to do? I have other dreams as well -- apocalyptic ones. I think: Israel has been building nuclear weapons for thirty years. The Jews understand what passive and powerless acceptance of doom has meant for them in the past and they have ensured against it. Masada was not an example to follow -- it hurt the Romans not a whit, but, Samson in Gaza? With an H-bomb?

What would serve the Jew-hating world better in repayment for thousands of years of massacres but a Nuclear Winter? Or invite all those tut-tutting European statesmen and peace activists to join us in the ovens?

For the first time in history, a people facing extermination while the world either cackles or looks away ... have the power to destroy the world. The ultimate justice?
* * *

« Nous possédons plusieurs centaines d’ogives atomiques et de fusées et pouvons atteindre nos cibles tous azimuts, incluant même Rome. La plupart des capitales européennes font partie des cibles potentielles de notre Armée de l’air ».
- professeur militaire israélien Martin Van Crevel

The Samson Option Means Nuclear Armageddon

"Nous pouvons détruire n’importe quelle capitale européenne"
Bellaciao, Mercredi 28 janvier 2009
Un Professeur israélien :
Nous avons les moyens de détruire n’importe quelle Capitale européenne.
Par Nadim Ladki
(IAP News) - Ce professeur et historien militaire israélien a laissé comprendre qu’Israël pourrait se venger l’holocauste en exterminant des millions d’Allemands et d’autres Européens.
Lors d’une interview publiée à Jérusalem vendredi, le professeur Martin Van Crevel a déclaré qu’Israël avait « la capacité d’atteindre la plupart des capitales européennes avec ses armes nucléaires ».
« Nous possédons plusieurs centaines d’ogives atomiques et de fusées et pouvons atteindre nos cibles dans toutes les azimuts, et même Rome. La plupart des capitales européennes font partie des cibles potentielles de notre Armée de l’air ».
Creveld, un Professeur d’Histoire militaire à l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem, a précisé que la « déportation collective » par Israël était la seule stratégie efficace à appliquer aux Palestiniens.
« Les Palestiniens doivent tous être expulsés. Les gens qui luttent dans ce but (Le Gouvernement israélien) attendent simplement la venue de "la bonne personne au bon moment". Il y a seulement deux ans, 7 ou 8 % des Israéliens étaient d’avis que ce serait la meilleure solution, il y a deux mois c’était 33 %, et maintenant, selon un Sondage Gallup, le chiffre est de 44 % pour ».
Creveld a déclaré qu’il était sûr que le Premier ministre israélien Ariel Sharon avait déjà voulu expulser les Palestiniens.
« Je pense qu’il est tout à fait possible qu’il ait voulu le faire. Il voulait intensifier le conflit. Il savait que rien d’autre ne pourrait réussir ».
A la question de savoir « s’il s’inquiétait du fait qu’Israël deviendrait un état voyou s’il mettait en oeuvre une déportation génocidaire à l’encontre des Palestiniens, Creveld a cité les paroles de l’ancien Ministre israélien de la Défense Nationale, Moshe Dayan, qui avait déclaré "Qu’Israël devait être comme un chien enragé, trop dangereux pour qu’on le contrôle ».
Creveld soutient qu’Israël ne se soucie pas du fait de devenir un « état voyou ».
« Nos forces armées ne sont pas au trentième rang, mais aux deuxième ou troisième rang mondial. Nous avons la capacité de détruire le Monde avec nous. Et je peux vous assurer que cela arrivera avant qu’Israël ne disparaisse ».
Martin van Creveld, Ancien professeur de l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem, est un des auteurs leaders mondiaux sur l’histoire militaire et la stratégie, avec une spécialité sur les guerres du futur.
Il a écrit vingt ouvrages : “Supplying War” (1978), “Command in War” (1985), “The Transformation of War” (1991), “The Changing Face of War : Lessons of Combat from the Marne to Iraq” (2006), and “The Culture of War” (2008).). Il a aussi publié largement sur d’autres sujets, y compris des histoire sur les états, les femme et le Féminisme et l’Histoire américaine. Ces ouvrages ont été traduits en dix-sept langues.
Traduct Gilong.

Israeli Professor:

'We Could Destroy All European Capitals'

By Nadim Ladki


(IAP News) -- An Israeli professor and military historian hinted that Israel could avenge the holocaust by annihilating millions of Germans and other Europeans.

Speaking during an interview which was published in Jerusalem Friday, Professor Martin Van Crevel said Israel had the capability of hitting most European capitals with nuclear weapons.

"We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets of our air force."

Creveld, a professor of military history at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, pointed out that "collective deportation" was Israel's only meaningful strategy towards the Palestinian people.

"The Palestinians should all be deported. The people who strive for this (the Israeli government) are waiting only for the right man and the right time. Two years ago, only 7 or 8 per cent of Israelis were of the opinion that this would be the best solution, two months ago it was 33 per cent, and now, according to a Gallup poll, the figure is 44 percent."

Creveld said he was sure that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon wanted to deport the Palestinians.

"I think it's quite possible that he wants to do that. He wants to escalate the conflict. He knows that nothing else we do will succeed."

Asked if he was worried about Israel becoming a rogue state if it carried out a genocidal deportation against Palestinians, Creveld quoted former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan who said "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."

Creveld argued that Israel wouldn't care much about becoming a rogue state.

"Our armed forces are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that this will happen before Israel goes under."

Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP)

The Golem - Michael Collins Piper

JFK, Meyer Lansky et le nucléaire israélien

Uranium appauvri : le génocide irakien

Les mini-nukes : "sécuritaires pour les civils"! L'utilisation de bombes thermonucléaires (mini-nukes) est de plus en plus admise dans les milieux politiques américains comme étant "sécuritaires pour les civils"!

Le nucléaire israélien ? « Des enfants atteints de cancers », par Michele Giorgio, 18 octobre 2007

La plupart des Israéliens supportent l'utilisation de bombes nucléaires! (Jerusalem Post, Haaretz) Ils devraient aller visiter le musée de "l'Holocauste"... d'Hiroshima!

La poussière d'uranium appauvri est une catastrophe pour les Irakiens et les Afghans

Le nucléaire Israélien

L'option Samson: machine infernale de bombardement nucléaire mondial

Comme le Hollandais volant, le juif errant erre sur terre sans pouvoir mourir... la fin du monde serait pour lui une délivrance. S'il doit aller en enfer, il y entraînera le monde entier avec lui.

"La vérité, dit-il, est, en effet, telle que vous l'avez écrit un jour: on ne peut comprendre le Juif que si l'on connaît son but ultime. Et cet objectif est, au-delà de la domination mondiale, l'anéantissement du monde. Il doit écraser le reste de l'humanité, croit-il, afin de préparer un paradis sur terre. Il s'est convaincu que lui seul est capable d'accomplir cette grande tâche, et, compte tenu de ses idées concernant le paradis, il en est certainement capable. Mais on peut voir, si ce n'est que dans les moyens qu'il emploie, qu'il est secrètement mené par quelque chose d'autre. Alors qu'il prétend lui-même élever l'humanité, il tourmente les hommes au désespoir, à la folie, à la ruine. Si un arrêt n'est pas imposé, il détruira tous les hommes. Sa nature le pousse vers ce but, même s'il réalise confusément qu'il doit par là se détruire. Il n'y a pas d'autre voie pour lui, il doit agir ainsi. Cette prise de conscience de la dépendance inconditionnelle de sa propre existence envers celle de ses victimes me semble être la principale cause de sa haine. Le fait d'être obligé de nous rendre la vie dure et de nous anéantir de toute sa puissance, mais en même temps de soupçonner que cela doit entraîner inévitablement sa propre ruine - c'est là, si vous voulez, la tragédie de Lucifer ». (Adolf Hitler à Dietrich Eckart, in Bolshevism Form Moses to Lenin, A Conversation Cetween Hitler and Me)
"The truth," he said, "is, indeed, as you once wrote: one can only understand the Jew when one knows what his ultimate goal is. And that goal is, beyond world domination, the annihilation of the world. He must wear down all the rest of mankind, he persuades himself, in order to prepare a paradise on earth. He has made himself believe that only he is capable of this great task, and, considering his ideas of paradise, that is certainly so. But one sees, if only in the means which he employs, that he is secretly driven to something else. While he pretends to himself to be elevating mankind, he torments men to despair, to madness, to ruin. If a halt is not ordered, he will destroy all men. His nature compels him to that goal, even though he dimly realizes that he must thereby destroy himself. There is no other way for him; he must act thus. This realization of the unconditional dependence of his own existence upon that of his victims appears to me to be the main cause for his hatred. To be obliged to try and annihilate us with all his might, but at the same time to suspect that that must lead inevitably to his own ruin -- therein lies, if you will, the tragedy of Lucifer."

Discours messianiques

Cette connivence entre les sphères politique et religieuse n'est pas du goût de tout le monde, surtout quand elle semble engager la sécurité de l'État hébreu et de ses citoyens. « Je n'ai pas confiance dans une direction qui prend des décisions fondées sur des sentiments messianiques », s'était agacé Yuval Diskin en avril dernier. À l'instar de cet ancien patron du Shin Bet - les services de contre-espionnage -, plusieurs ténors de l'appareil sécuritaire récusent l'alarmisme de Netanyahou et de son ministre de la Défense, Ehoud Barak, à propos de la « menace » nucléaire iranienne. Tous deux partisans de la manière forte pour l'éradiquer, ils sont accusés de vouloir précipiter le pays dans une guerre aux conséquences dévastatrices.
Dieu interviendra pour sauver le "peuple élu" froudroyant au passage ses ennemis
Car derrière un sentiment de responsabilité morale à l'égard du destin du peuple juif - que ses détracteurs croient sincère -, l'actuel chef du gouvernement israélien ne serait pas insensible à certains courants rabbiniques. Celui de Menachem Mendel Schneerson, par exemple, défunt leader du mouvement Loubavitch, que Netanyahou avait cité lors d'une allocution à l'ONU en septembre 2011. Ses adeptes, dont ferait partie le Premier ministre, estiment que ce rabbin n'est autre que le Messie et qu'il vivrait toujours au milieu des hommes.

Un an plus tôt, dans un discours marquant la commémoration de la libération du camp d'Auschwitz, Netanyahou avait annoncé que la prophétie du chapitre 37 d'Ézéchiel, « Les ossements desséchés », était accomplie. Selon cette vision eschatologique, les prophéties des chapitres 38 et 39 seraient donc sur le point de se réaliser. Israël s'engagera dans une immense bataille, « Gog et Magog », où il essuiera de très lourdes pertes, mais à l'issue de laquelle Dieu interviendra pour sauver le « peuple élu », foudroyant au passage ses ennemis.

Guerre imminente

Dans un pays où la spiritualité guide le quotidien et les aspirations d'une partie non négligeable de la population, cette rhétorique messianique est loin d'être marginale. Sur internet, des dizaines de vidéos annonciatrices de la fin des temps apparaissent chaque jour. Des rabbins y décryptent les codes secrets de la Bible, présentant Mahmoud Ahmadinejad comme la réincarnation d'Aman, ce vizir perse qui, jadis, avait planifié la destruction des Juifs. La guerre contre l'Iran y est même annoncée pour le mois d'eloul 5772, ce qui, d'après le calendrier hébraïque, correspondrait... à septembre 2012.

Alors que certaines fuites dans la presse suggèrent une attaque israélienne à l'automne, juste avant l'élection présidentielle américaine, des sages appellent déjà les Juifs à la rédemption. « Nous savons des choses que vous ignorez. Ni les abris ni les systèmes antimissiles de Tsahal ne pourront vous sauver », assure l'influent rabbin Amnon Itshak Chlita, qui prédit un déluge de feu contre les villes israéliennes. « Retournez à la foi, priez, respectez le repos du sabbat, et l'Éternel vous offrira sa protection. »

Book Review:
The Golem: Israel's Nuclear Hell Bomb and the Road to Global Armageddon
 by Michael Collins Piper
American Free Press, Washington, D. C./1-888-699-NEWS
182 pages
"American politicians are scared stiff of the Jews because anybody who votes against the Jews will lose elections. The Jews in America are supporting the Jews in Israel. Israel and other Jews control the most powerful nation in the world. And that is what I mean [about Jews controlling the world by proxy]. I stand by that view."
--Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, ex prime-minister of Malaysia, to the UK Guardian in 2005
The recent murder of yet another 10 year old Palestinian boy in Gaza by Israeli occupational forces, and the character of Israeli strip searches of Palestinians as reported by Alison Weir of If Americans Knew, are but the most recent evidence of the character of the Zionist regime supported by the United States since 1948.
Mark Glenn's August 4th post at Crescent and Cross on the "suicide" of Dr. Bruce Ivins, the late anthrax researcher stationed at Fort Dietrich, Maryland, is similarly suggestive, especially in light of Glenn Greenwald's recent reflections on the subject for Salon.
There is much that is not what it appears to be.
The composite picture of the last 60 years is both starkly grim, and largely unreported by the American corporate media for all the usual and obvious reasons, a phenomenon understood only by the less than one percent of the electorate in the United States which has figured out the predictable modus operandi of the Israeli government and intelligence apparatus, and the Neo-Conservatives in the American government and national security establishment married to their masters in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
The individual episodes in the composite model are a litany of carefully veiled crimes against both indigenous Palestinians and a largely unsuspecting American public whose political, military, and economic largesse has been skillfully siphoned off by an Israeli Lobby disproportionately influential in every arena of institutional life in the United States. The Begin/Irgun bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, the assassination of Count Bernadotte, the ethnic cleansing and genocide at Deir Yassin, the Lavon Affair, the assassination of President Kennedy, the premeditated attack on the USS Liberty, Rafi Eitan's purloining of American nuclear secrets at Los Alamos in a joint Israeli-Communist Chinese espionage project involving PROMIS, the murder of UK media magnate Robert Maxwell, the Israeli utilization of cluster bombs in southern Lebanon in 2006, and the pivotal role of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) crowd in paving the way for the present American military prosecution of wars of counterinsurgency in Iraq and Afghanistan, are noteworthy but far from exhaustive examples of a brand of criminal activity emanating from the Zionist State and annually subsidized by an American Congress to the tune of at least $5 billion a year. Pat Buchanan'scharacterization of the latter as "Zionist Occupied Territory" is clearly on target.
The next phase in the program of Eretz Yisrael is obviously an American-Israeli preemptive military strike on Iran. The predicted aerial raids on Iran, potentially with the employment of tactical nuclear weapons, are but an extension of a conflict that has already started in earnest. Philip Giraldi of The American Conservative has noted the execution of CIA-Mossad-MI6 black operations in Iranian Azerbaijan, Khuzestan, and Balochistan provinces in recent months. Economic sanctions against Tehran and its central banks have been widely reported by Bloomberg and The Asian Times. The publicized deployment of American aircraft carrier task forces in the vicinity of the Persian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz augment these other methodologies in the War of Nerves.
This War of Nerves has a new component in recent weeks: the introduction in the United States Congress of House Concurrent Resolution 362, sponsored by Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-N. Y.). The companion legislation in the United States Senate is Resolution 580, introduced by Sen. Evan Bayh (D.-Ind.). As pointed out by Rep. RonPaul (R-Tex.) in the July 28 American Free Press, the House legislative action is a "virtual Iran war resolution." That House Concurrent Resolution 362 is being promoted by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is predictable.
And when one reads the most recent AIPAC speeches by sockpuppets Obama, McCain, and Clinton, the configuration of the tea leaves becomes definitive: War with Iran, as Congressman Paul has indicated, is virtually "inevitable."
What has made this tragedy an apparent fait accompli? Many have suggested an intersection of interests has put Iran in the cross hairs. Has the Eretz Yisrael Lobby made common cause with transnational oil and gas consortiums thirsty for reserves, pipelines, and the compelling drive to destroy a Euro-denominated oil bourse created by Ahmadinejad?
One thing is guaranteed: the world will note that Iran is a signatory to the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPF), while Israel is not. Mr. Bush and Mr. Shaul Mofaz notwithstanding, the NPF grants Tehran the right under international law to enrich uranium for non-militarized purposes. Concurrently, it will be duly noted that the American National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) and the report of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) contradict the Neo-Conservative depiction of an imminently dangerous and weaponized Iranian nuclear program. And should the Iranian program be proven to have a military application downstream, another question will be begged: Why has the United States done nothing about the weaponized nuclear programs of India and Pakistan, much less the unrestrained nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons profile of Israel, while threatening Iran with preemptive apocalypse?
Finally, one may ask if an American economic profile involving a $9 trillion dollar national debt, and $16 billion dollars a month in expenditures of internationally borrowed monies for Iraq and Afghanistan, can sustain the additional financial burden of another War for Israel, this time with Iran. And what strategies of asymmetrical warfare has Tehran crafted as a response to Tel Aviv and Washington?
Will Beijing and Moscow acquiesce in an IDF-USAF pummeling of their Persian ally, and an accompanying American hegemony over Caspian Sea oil and Central Asian trade routes?
No American Presidential candidate is offering the answers to these compelling questions. And on the basis of H. R. 362 and S. R. 580, the Congress of the United States is compelled to sign on to the next phase of the War Party's vision for the world, even if the endgame is the death of thousands, or millions, of innocent victims. One can be forgiven for drawing the conclusion that these deaths mean little to the American and Israeli establishments as long as the blood shed involves Persians and Arabs. When a sea of American financial red ink is accompanied by a symmetrical loss of the blood of its own sons and daughters, light will presumably dawn. Will it be too late for the Old Republic and the world?
It is in light of this last rhetorical question that the reader will appreciate the recent work of Michael Collins Piper, entitled "The Golem: Israel's Nuclear Hell Bomb and the Road to Armageddon."
The value of Piper's effort is multifold. He begins by addressing the hot button issue of Jewish racial supremacism as articulated in the Talmud and embodied in the legend of The Golem. While the issue of Talmudic racialism and the doctrine of Jewish exclusivity is more comprehensively addressed in "Jesus in the Talmud," the seminal work of Dr. Peter Schafer, Ronald O. Perelman Professor of Judaic Studies and Director of the Program in Judaic Studies at Princeton, Piper's willingness to bring Talmudic ideology into a wider comprehension of Israeli nuclear policy is instructive to the newly initiated.
A second ingredient of The Golem is the author's encyclopedic knowledge of the pro-Zionist, Neo-Conservative links of a labyrinthine maze of media outlets, politicians, think tanks, publishing houses, and Israeli assets operating within the American government and national security establishment. The reader will begin a life-long journey toward the truth and all of its derivative implications in simply engaging in Internet search of each tidbit of data provided in The Golem.
Names like Avigdor Lieberman, Leon Wieseltier of The New Republic, Admiral John S. McCain in conjunction with the USS Liberty incident, the American Technion Society (ATS), Magal Security Systems, the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), the U. S.-India League, Alan Keyes, Don Feder, Thomas Donnelly, Kenneth R. Timmerman, Clifford D. May, the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), the Committee on the Present Danger, the Jewish Institute for National Security Policy (JINSA), Clay Shaw, Permindex, James Angleton, Louis Bloomfield, Meyer Lansky, Edgar Bronfman, Arnan Milchan, Tibor Rosenbaum, the Banque De Credit Internationale of Geneva, Hyman "Hal" Larner, Frank Sturgis, Guy Banister, David Ferrie, Abraham Foxman of the ADL, William Kristol of The Weekly Standard, Monica Lewinsky, Jennifer Laszlo Misrahi of The Israel Project, Rupert Murdoch, Newt Gingrich, Stephen Herbits, Richard Perle, Charles Krauthammer, Douglas Feith, Paul Wolfowitz, Irving Kristol, Norman Podhoretz of Commentary magazine, Mortimer Zuckerman, Natan Sharansky, Joshua Muravchik, Dr. Earl Filford of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, the London-based Royal Institute on International Affairs, Maurice "Hank" Greenberg, Jack Kemp, and Frank Gaffney, are crucial to understanding the compelling thesis of Michael Collins Piper's tome--that the hammerlock on American foreign and domestic policy held by the Israeli Lobby is not simply the death knell of the Old American Republic, but a major tool in driving the planet toward global catastrophe.
The Golem offers a third contribution especially crucial to understanding the comprehensive consequences of the takeover of the American Right after World War II by pro-Zionist elements with fistfuls of Jewish cash--the treasured work of Lawrence Dennis (1893-1977), tabbed by Piper as "America's foremost nationalist theoretician" for the former's opposition to Zionist power, the emergence of nuclear weapons, and Wars for Empire enshrouded in utilitarian religious and theocratic auras. Piper's reproduction of the Dennis essay entitled, "The Biggest Crime of the 20th Century," occurs in chapter 30 and is must reading. Contrasting the prophetic Dennis warnings contained in the essay with the regular Neo-Conservative fanfare churned out by WorldNetDaily, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Human Events, National Review, The Weekly Standard, and The Washington Times, one is reminded that the Old Right's commitment to limited and Constitutional governance is antithetical to the Zionist-funded Neo-Conservative Right and the latter's infatuation with ongoing deployments of the American military as a surrogate janissary force for Israel and transnational corporations. Michael Collins Piper reminds the reader of Lawrence Dennis's warnings about domestic police states as a necessary corollary to governments bent on wars of imperialism abroad, even as attention is drawn anew, by the author, to the obvious fact that the Zionist State of Israel is the key ingredient in this self-destructive direction undertaken by the American governing elite.
In the consideration of the Lawrence Dennis legacy, the reader is also reminded of the paucity of present voices on the American Right still sounding the alarms of this long departed 20th century Leviathan. In its own way, The Golem and its author unwittingly confirm that Michael Collins Piper is not simply one of those voices still extant, but arguably the torchbearer of the 21st century movement to regain both the American Right and the Old Republic from the evils of Zionism, Globalism, and the New World Order. In that regard, Mr. Piper has an excruciating burden to bear, and many miles to go before he sleeps.

Other books commended by The Golem include:

The Mordechai Vanunu web page:

Dr. Francis Boyle: Destoying World Order

Jimmy Carter: Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid

Matthias Chang: Brainwashed for War

Matthias Chang: Future Fastforward

Andrew and Leslie Cockburn: Dangerous Liaison: The Inside Story of the U. S.-Israeli Relationship

Avner Cohen: Israel and the Bomb (review of the Cohen book by Reuven Pedatzer in Ha'aretz, February 5, 1999

Avner Cohen: "The Last Taboo: Israel's Bomb Revisited" in Current History, April 2005

John Cooley: An Alliance Against Babylon: The U. S., Israel, and Iraq

Noah Efron: Real Jews: Secular vs. Ultra-Orthodox and the Struggle for Jewish Identity in Israel

Lt. Colonel Warner D. Farr (US Army): "The Third Temple's Holy of Holies: Israel's Nuclear Weapons" filed with the U. S. Air Force's Counterproliferation Center at the Air War College-Air University/Maxwell AFB, Alabama

Seymour Hersh: The Samson Option

Peter Hounam: U. S. S. Liberty: Dead in the Water

Alexander H. Joffe's two-part policy paper in the summer 2003 and Winter 2004 issues of The Journal of International Security Affairs (voice of JINSA, the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs)

Michael Karpin: The Bomb in the Basement: How Israel Went Nuclear and What That Means for the World

Donald McCormack: The Israeli Secret Service (nom de plume is Richard Deacon)

Michael Neumann: The Case Against Israel

John Perkins: Confessions of an Economic Hitman

Jacqueline Rose: The Question of Zion

Gus Russo: Supermob

Israel Shahak: Jewish History, Jewish Religion

Israel Shahak: Open Secrets: Israeli Nuclear and Foreign Policies

(Mark Dankof is the voice of Mark Dankof's America, heard on the Republic Broadcasting Network. A contributor to the American Free Press, Pastor Dankof also serves Immanuel Lutheran Church in San Antonio, Texas. In 2000, he was the Constitution Party's candidate for the U. S. Senate in Delaware against Thomas Carper and William Roth.)

Sur ce blog:

L'Option Samson comme "justice ultime"

L'option Samson: Israël menace le monde entier de déclencher un cataclysme nucléaire

Guerres sionistes: vers la délivrance ultime

Former Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Dayan:
"Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother."

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

La Presse Anglo-Israélo-(Canadienne)

La radicalisation de la tendance pro-sioniste dans la presse et la politique canadiennes-anglaises

Yves Claudé
Lettre au Devoir
dimanche 18 janvier 2009

Le contenu de la couverture de presse canadienne-anglaise de l’opération militaire israélienne contre la population de Gaza reflète la propriété économique de ces médias (CanWest Global, une transnationale médiatique pro-Israël, entre autres…), mais aussi la radicalisation de la tendance pro-sioniste de la politique canadienne.

Cette radicalisation s’est opérée d’abord au sein du Parti libéral du Canada, alors qu’Izzy Asper (propriétaire de l’empire CanWest Global) ajoutait son poids médiatique à celui des milieux politiques et communautaristes pro-israéliens. À peu près seul dans le PLC à se démarquer de positions pro-sionistes obligées, le député québécois Yvon Charbonneau a été stigmatisé avec véhémence comme « antisémite » par des médias et des porte-parole communautaristes (ex : « a reported anti-Semite », Jewish Tribune, 21-10-2004), jusqu’à ce qu’il soit mis à l’écart du parti en 2004. Même le Nouveau Parti Démocratique, formation canadienne se revendiquant de la « gauche », pêchant délibérément en eau trouble…, a participé au lynchage politique d’Yvon Charbonneau.

Ces changements se sont précipités dans le contexte d’après septembre 2001, alors que la vague états-unienne de démonisation des Résistances nationales (palestinienne, afghane, irakienne, etc.) qualifiées de « terroristes » - en écho à celle de la Résistance française dans les années 1940 - a eu pour effet de stigmatiser toute parole s’écartant de l’Axe du Bien (Washington - Tel-Aviv) tel que défini par G.W. Bush.

Rappelons cependant qu’en 2003, le très fort mouvement québécois d’opposition à la guerre contre l’Irak (1), avait dissuadé le gouvernement libéral du Canada de participer à l’attaque états-unienne contre ce pays.

En janvier 2006, l’arrivée au pouvoir du Parti conservateur du Canada marque un tournant vers une politique canadienne encore plus ajustée à celle des USA et à celle des milieux pro-sionistes. Brian Mulroney, ancien premier ministre conservateur du Canada (1984-1993), avait discrètement préparé le terrain dans ces milieux (« I appointed Jews to my Cabinet and to the highest reaches of the public service and judiciary », discours du 9-2-2003).

À l’été 2006, lors de l’opération militaire israélienne au Liban, le National Post a pris la tête d’une croisade contre le mouvement québécois de solidarité avec la population libanaise (2), avec un acharnement particulier contre les partis politiques indépendantistes (le Parti québécois et le Bloc québécois) qui y participaient, et le quotidien de CanWest a même insinué qu’un « Quebecistan » indépendant « serait l’ami des terroristes »… (3) !

Alors que les frappes israéliennes causaient des centaines de victimes au Liban, y compris des citoyens canadiens, le gouvernement de Stephen Harper a apporté son soutien inconditionnel à Israël, comme il le fait actuellement (4), tandis que c’est la nation palestinienne qui pleure aussi ses morts par centaines. Le nouveau chef du Parti libéral du Canada, Michael Ignatieff, a émis récemment une position aussi radicalement pro-sioniste, en appuyant inconditionnellement l’intervention israélienne à Gaza.

La déferlante d’un néo-maccarthysme pro-sioniste et « anti-terroriste » a influencé la couverture médiatique des événements de Palestine au Canada anglais, et a – par ailleurs - probablement dissuadé nombre de personnalités politiques et culturelles québécoises de manifester ouvertement leur solidarité avec la population de Gaza, qui après avoir soutenu le « terrorisme » de l’OLP, a « mal voté » en optant pour celui du Hamas.

Le Québec serait-il à présent une nation doublement dominée ?

Yves Claudé – sociologue

Ownership of Canadian Newspapers

How did this come to pass, with all the government commissions to investigate media concentration in Canada? The commissions came and went, but the media ownership got more and more concentrated.
The effect is a dumbing-down of the national media, with the American Zionist neoconservative rubrick of the War on Terror completely adopted by the media Canadians trusted to keep them informed.
This is from McGill University

Ownership of Canadian Newspapers

Version 1, August 2005
Ownership of Canadian Newspapers is an ongoing study tracing the changes in
ownership of Canadian newspapers. Data were collected in conjunction with the OMPP
Ottawa Press Gallery Study. Initial information on ownership was gathered mainly from
the report of the Royal Commission on Newspapers (Canada, 1981), from newspapers
articles reporting on the different mergers and acquisitions, from the official websites of
the different newspapers or from the newspapers’ own archives.
This list is far from being complete. We therefore welcome any additions to our ongoing
study. If you have further information on the ownership of these Canadian newspapers,
please send them to the OMPP at
Citation: Maialène Boutin-Wilkins. 2005. Ownership of Canadian Newspapers.
Observatory on Media and Public Policy, McGill University,


Globe and Mail

1844-1880: George Brown (named The Globe)
1844-1853: weekly newspaper
1880-1888: syndicate whose members included Senator Robert Jaffray
1888-1936: Jaffray family
1936-1952: George McCullagh (renamed The Globe and Mail) (The Mail had been
established by Conservative backers in 1872, and had merged with another Conservative
paper, The Empire, in 1895.)
1952-1965: R. Howard Webster (Montreal financier)
1965-1980: FP Publications Ltd. of Toronto
1980-2001: Thomson Newspapers
2001- : Bell Globemedia

National Post
1998-2001: Hollinger
2001- : CanWest Global (CanWest had acquired 50% of the National Post in 2000, it
acquired the other half in 2001)

British Columbia

Vancouver Province
1898: founded
1927-2000: Southam
1957: partnership with Vancouver Sun: Pacific Newspaper Groups Inc. (split production
costs between the two newspapers)
1992: Hollinger acquires 22.6% of Southam
1996: Hollinger owns 50% of Southam
1997: Hollinger owns 58% of Southam
1999: Hollinger owns Southam
2000-: CanWest Global buys the Hollinger/Southam newspapers

Vancouver Sun
1912: founded
1915: Robert J. Cromie buys the newspaper. At his death in 1936, he leaves the
newspaper to his son.
1957: partnership with The Province: Pacific Newspaper Groups Inc. (split production
costs between the two newspapers)
1963: FP Publications buys the majority of the shares
1980: Thomson buys FP Publications
1980: Thomson sells Vancouver Sun to Southam
1980-2000: Southam/Hollinger
1992: Hollinger acquires 22.6% of Southam
1996: Hollinger owns 50% of Southam
1997: Hollinger owns 58% of Southam
1999: Hollinger owns Southam
2000-: CanWest Global buys the Hollinger/Southam newspapers

Victoria Times-Colonist (Victoria Times and Victoria Colonist merged in 1980)
1858: Victoria Colonist founded (British Colonist)
1884: Victoria Times founded (Victoria Daily Times)
1953-1980: FP Publications
1980-1998:Thomson Newspapers
1998-2000: Hollinger
2000-: CanWest Global buys the Hollinger/Southam newspapers

Vancouver Times
No information
Vancouver News Herald
1933: founded as a co-operative by several journalists
1951: bought by the Vancouver Sun
1952: bought by Thomson Newspapers
1957: closed by Thomson Newspapers


Calgary Herald
1883-: Andrew Armour and Thomas Braden (started as a weekly; was named Calgary
Herald, Mining and Ranche Advocate and General Advertiser)
1883-1908: ownership changed a few times
1908-2000: Southam/Hollinger
1992: Hollinger acquires 22.6% of Southam
1996: Hollinger owns 50% of Southam
1997: Hollinger owns 58% of Southam
1999: Hollinger owns Southam
2000-: CanWest Global buys the Hollinger/Southam newspapers

Calgary Albertan
1943: George Melrose Bell, Max Bell’s father owns the newspaper
1943: At the death of his father, Max Bell gets a loan and acquires the newspaper
1943-1953: Max Bell
1953-1980: FP Publications
1980: bought by Toronto Sun Publishing Corporation who closed it and launched the
Calgary Sun
Calgary Sun
1980-1996: founded Toronto Sun Publishing Corporation
1994: Rogers Communication buys MacLean Hunter which owned Sun Publishing
1996- : Sun Media Corporation is formed
1999-: Sun Media Corporation is bought by Québécor

Edmonton Sun
1978-1996: founded by Toronto Sun Publishing Corporation
1994: Rogers Communication buys MacLean Hunter which owned Sun Publishing
1996- : Sun Media Corporation is formed
1999-: Sun Media Corporation is bought by Québécor
Edmonton Journal
1903: founded par John Macpherson, John W. Cunningham and Arthur Moore (was
named The Evening Journal)
1909-1912: J.H. Woods (J.P. McConnell, who had options on the paper, sells it to J.H.
1912-2000: Southam/Hollinger
1992: Hollinger acquires 22.6% of Southam
1996: Hollinger owns 50% of Southam
1997: Hollinger owns 58% of Southam
1999: Hollinger owns Southam
2000-: CanWest Global buys the Hollinger/Southam newspapers

Lethbridge Herald
1905: founded by F.E. Simpson & A.S. Bennett
1905-1955: Asbury Buchanan
1955-1980: FP Publications
1980-2000: Thomson Newspapers
2000-: Horizons Operations B.C. Ltd.


Regina Leader Post
1883-: founded
1928-1953: Sifton family
1953-1995 : Clifford Sifton and eventually his son Michael
1996-2000: Hollinger
2000-: CanWest Global buys the Hollinger/Southam newspapers

Saskatoon Star Phoenix
1902: The Phoenix (weekly), founded by Wesley and Leonard Norman
1902-1907: changed ownership a few times
1907-1909: Daily Phoenix, published 3 times a week
1909-1910: became a daily in 1909; changed name in 1910: Saskatoon Capital
1910-1912: W. F. Herman and Talmage Lawson; changed name to Saskatoon Daily Star
1912-1928: changed ownership a few times
1928-1953: Sifton family: bought two dailies: Saskatoon Daily Star and The Daily
Phoenix and founded the Saskatoon Star Phoenix
1953-1995: Clifford Sifton and eventually his son Michael Sifton
1996-2000: Hollinger
2000-: CanWest Global buys the Hollinger/Southam newspapers


Winnipeg Free Press
1872: founded by W.F. Luxton (Manitoba Free Press; becomes the Winnipeg Free Press
in 1931)
1898: bought by Clifford Sifton and Clifford Jr.)
1953- : Victor Sifton
1953-1980: FP Publications (Victor Sifton, Max Bell and Richard S. Malone)
1980-2001: Thomson Newspapers
2001-: FP Canadian Newspapers Limited Partnership

Winnipeg Tribune
1886: founded by John J. Moncrieff (?)
1920: bought by Southam
1980: closed by Southam on August 27, 1980. The Ottawa Journal was closed on the
previous day by Thomson Newspapers.
Winnipeg Sun
1980: co-founded by Frank Goldberg and launched in November, shortly after the
Winnipeg Tribune was closed by Southam. Many Tribune employees went to work at the
Sun. It was originally published three times a week.
1983: Québécor acquires 60% of the Winnipeg Sun
1999-: part of Sun Media Corporation which is owned by Québécor


Toronto Star
1892: founded
1913: Joseph E. Atkinson: had the Toronto Star Weekly (founded in 1910; published on
Sundays; renamed Star Weekly in 1938; taken over by Canadian Magazine in 1968-
closed in 1973)
1948-1976: Atkinson Charitable Foundation, in 1958, sold to the trustees
1976- Torstar, holding is created
Toronto Telegram
1876-1948 (originally the Evening Telegram,) was launched in 1876 by John Ross
Robertson. Robertson dies at some point, owned by a trust he had established
1948-1952: George McCullagh
1952-1971: John Bassett
1971-: Bassett closed down the Telegram; some journalists start the Toronto Sun

Toronto Sun
1971: founded by Toronto Sun Publishing Corporation
1982: MacLean Hunter buys half of Sun
1994: Rogers Communication buys MacLean Hunter
1996: Rogers sells 62.5% share in Sun Publishing
1996: Sun Media Corporation is formed
1999-: Sun Media Corporation is bought by Québécor

Ottawa Journal
1959-1980: FP Publications
1980: bought by Thomson Newspapers
1980: closed by Thomson Newspapers

Ottawa Sun
1988-1996: founded by Toronto Sun Publishing Corporation
1994: Rogers Communication buys MacLean Hunter which owned Sun Publishing
1996- : Sun Media Corporation is formed
1999-: Sun Media Corporation is bought by Québécor

Ottawa Citizen
1845-1846: founded by William Harris (named Bytown Packet, renamed The Citizen in
1846-1849: John Bell and Henry Friel
1849-1877: John Bell
1877-1879: Charles Herbert MacIntosh
1879-2000: Southam/Hollinger
1992: Hollinger acquires 22.6% of Southam
1996: Hollinger owns 50% of Southam
1997: Hollinger owns 58% of Southam
1999: Hollinger owns Southam
2000-: CanWest Global buys the Hollinger/Southam newspapers

Ottawa Today
No information

London Free Press
1949: founded
1952-1997: Blackburn family
1997-1999: Sun Media Corporation
1999-: Sun Media Corporation is bought by Québécor

London News Chronicle
No information

London Daily Express
No information

Sudbury Star
1909-1910: founded by George J. Ashworth (named The Daily Northern Star)
1910-1948: W.E. Mason Equipment (run by Bill Mason)
1948-1950: W.E. Mason Estate (after Bill Mason’s death in 1948)
1950-1955: J.R. Meakes
1955-2001: Thomson Newspapers
2001-: bought by Osprey Media

Windsor Star
1918-1971: Herman family bought The Windsor Record (then renamed Border Cities
Star; renamed The Windsor Daily Star in 1935; renamed Windsor Star in 1959)
1971-2000: Southam/Hollinger
1992: Hollinger acquires 22.6% of Southam
1996: Hollinger owns 50% of Southam
1997: Hollinger owns 58% of Southam
1999: Hollinger owns Southam
2000-: CanWest Global buys the Hollinger/Southam newspapers

Kingston Whig Standard
1849: founded (British Whig)
1925: Rupert Davies bought the British Whig
1926: Davies merged the British Whig and the Kingston Standard merged: Kingston
Whig Standard
1939: Rupert Davies becomes the sole owner of the paper
1939-1990: Davies family (Senator Rupert Davies and sons, Robertson Davies and
Arthur Davies (editor 1951-1969); grandson Michael Davies (editor 1969-1990)
1990-2001: Southam/Hollinger (sold on Oct 26 1990)
1992: Hollinger acquires 22.6% of Southam
1996: Hollinger owns 50% of Southam
1997: Hollinger owns 58% of Southam
1999: Hollinger owns Southam
2001-: Osprey buys the newspaper from Hollinger

Hamilton Spectator
1846: founded by Robert Smiley and a partner, it was originally named The Hamilton
Spectator and Journal of Commerce
1877-1998: Southam
1998: Hollinger
1998: Sun Media Corporation
1999: Québécor acquires Sun Media Corporation
1999-: bought by Torstar Corporation

St. Catharines’ Standard
1891-1996: founded by the Burgoyne family
1996-2000: Southam/Hollinger
1996: Hollinger owns 50% of Southam
1997: Hollinger owns 58% of Southam
1999: Hollinger owns Southam
2000: CanWest Global buys the Hollinger/Southam newspapers
2003-: Osprey buys the newspaper from CanWest Global


Le Droit
1913-1983 (March 27th 1913) Onésime Guibord, Pierre Esdras Terrien, Aurélien
Bélanger, Charles-Siméon-Omer Boudreault, Samuel Genest et Charles Charlebois :
Syndicat d’Oeuvres sociales (pères oblats)
1983-1987: Unimédia (groupe Unimédia in 1987)
1987-2000: Hollinger
2000-: Gesca (owned by Power Corporation)

Le Devoir
1910: founded by Henri Bourassa

La Presse
1884: founded by William-Edmond Blumhart
1889-1904: Trefflé Berthiaume
1904-1906: David Russel
1906-1955: famille Berthiaume-Du Tremblay
1955-: bought by Paul Desmarais (Power Corporation)
Owned by Gesca (Power Corporation)

Le Journal de Montreal
1964: founded by Pierre Péladeau (Québécor)
1999-: part of Sun Media Corporation which is owned by Québécor
Le Soleil
1896: (December, 28) founded L’Électeur
50s-60s-1973: Gilbert family
1973-1987: Groupe Unimédia
1987-2000: Hollinger
2000-: Gesca (Power Corporation)

Montreal Gazette
1776: founded by Fleury Mesplet
1907-1968: The Gazette Printing Company
1968-2000: Southam/Hollinger
1992: Hollinger acquires 22.6% of Southam
1996: Hollinger owns 50% of Southam
1997: Hollinger owns 58% of Southam
1999: Hollinger owns Southam
2000-: CanWest Global buys Hollinger’s newspapers

Montréal Matin
1978 : closed by its owner, Gesca (owned by Power Corporation). The last edition was
published on December 27.

Montreal Star
1979 : closed by its owner, FP Publications

Le Petit Journal
Weekly paper, published from 1926 until 1978

La Patrie
Daily, and later on a weekly paper published from 1879 until 1978

Le Canada
No information

Le Nouveau Journal
No information

L’Action Catholique
1973 : closed
Montreal Daily News
1988: acquired by Québécor.
1989: closed

New Brunswick

New Brunswick Telegraph Journal
No information
No information

Daily Telegraph
No information

Saint John Times Globe
No information

Nova Scotia

Cape Breton Post (Sydney)
1901-1971: independent publication
1971-1996: Thomson Newspapers
1996-2000: Southam/Hollinger
1996: Hollinger owns 50% of Southam
1997: Hollinger owns 58% of Southam
1999: Hollinger owns Southam
2000-2002: CanWest Global buys Hollinger’s newspapers
2002-: GTC Transcontinental

The Daily News (Halifax)
1974: David and Diana Bentley and Patrick and Joyce Simms founded The Great Eastern
News Company Ltd. to publish the weekly broadsheet The Bedford-Sackville News.
1979: began publishing as a daily and with the name Daily News
1985: Newfoundland Capital Corporation acquired a controlling interest
1987: Newfoundland Capital Corporation gains complete ownership
1997-2000 : Hollinger
2000-2002: CanWest Global buys the Southam/Hollinger newspapers
2002-: GTC Transcontinental buys the newspaper
Sydney Post Record
No information

Halifax Mail Star
No information

Halifax Herald
No information

Halifax Harold Chronicle
No information

The Chronicle Herald (Halifax)
1875: founded
1907-: owned by Dennis family


Corner Brook Western Star
1900-1904: founded by Walter S. March, (April, 4)
1904-1924: Star Printing and Publishing Co.
1924-1926: A. L. Barrett
1954: became a daily
1926-1979: Western Printing and Publishing Co.
1979-1996: Thomson Newspapers
1996-2000: Southam/Hollinger
2000-2002: CanWest Global
2002-: GTC Transcontinental
St. John’s Evening Telegram
1879-1970: founded by William James Herder; owned by Herder family
1922: Herder dies; Board of Directors is established with two of his sons on it: W.H
Herder as president and H.A Herder as vice-president
1934-1955: W.H Herder and H.A. Herder die; Ralph B. Herder is named president of the
Board of Directors (died in 1955)
1970: Jim Herder dies (last of the Herder sons)
1970-1996: Thomson
1996-2000: Hollinger
2000-2002: CanWest Global buys Hollinger’s newspapers
2002-: GTC Transcontinental buys the newspaper

St. John’s Daily News
No information

Evening Times Globe
No information

Sunday Post
No information

Last Post
No information

Download this in PDF format(in case McGill removes their copy): CanadianNewsOwnership.pdf Brought to you with the help of Charles Bronfman, co-chair of the Mcgill Institute for the Study of Canada. They won’t tell you that most of the media in Canada is owned by the Zionists, but the facts are above in black and white.

Let ‘Isr-elWest’ Propaganda Network Burn


No one wants to read Ziofascist propaganda, so the Ziofascist government may help out the propagandists

Canwest Global is Isr-eli Propaganda

CanWest is a deleterious influence on Canadian democracy. They should be registered as a Foreign Lobby group.
Seize these propagandists funds, and use them to set up real local media across Canada that actually serves the people, not supra-national interests.

Some broadcasters are more equal than others
Heritage Minister is reportedly considering lending a hand to Canwest after turning a deaf ear to the CBC
Good things come to those who wait. At least that’s Canwest Global Communications’ perspective on Ottawa’s new-found willingness to consider assistance for Canada’s beleaguered private television networks.
On Wednesday, Heritage Minister James Moore confirmed that the Harper government is looking at loosening broadcast regulations and changing tax rules to help the media giant stave off bankruptcy. But the spin from the company’s Winnipeg HQ is that this is less a bailout than a righting of historic wrongs.
“It’s a sign that the government is hearing the growing chorus of voices—consumer groups, organized labour, the Opposition, special interest groups—who are all saying that the way consumer dollars are collected for viewing cable are not being adequately and fairly sent around to everybody,” says John Douglas, Canwest’s vice-president public affairs. “Our position on this is the same as it has been since 1971.”
Canwest, along with CTV and Quebecor, owners of the private French TVA network, have long been asking the CRTC to treat their conventional channels more like specialty networks, which receive a share of cable subscribers’ monthly bills known as carriage fees. Cable providers like Rogers, which owns Maclean’s, are opposed to the idea, claiming the system could inflate customers’ bills by as much as $10 a month. The conventional broadcasters say the estimated $300 million a year fee-for-carriage would generate is essential to their survival. The CRTC categorically rejected that argument last fall, saying the networks failed to prove they really needed the higher revenues. But as the global economic meltdown has taken its toll on advertising, broadcasters are finding that Ottawa is a lot more receptive to being—rather than crying—poor. “We have the CRTC admitting now that the model is broken,” says Douglas. “And anything that would be contemplated by the federal government, I’m assuming, would be in recognition that the state of the industry is what we said it was two years ago.”
But deep cuts to local news coverage by all the private networks, moves by Canwest to sell its five E! channels and threats by both CTV and CanWest to walk away from unprofitable smaller markets, are also clearly forcing government’s hand. And the message that immediate help is needed has been taken directly to 24 Sussex Drive. Both CanWest CEO Leonard Asper and Quebecor’s Pierre-Karl Péladeau, have personally met with Prime Minister Stephen Harper on behalf of their companies in recent weeks. The federal lobbyist database also shows meetings with Minister Moore, senior CRTC executives, and former industry minister Jim Prentice. Douglas would not comment on specific meetings, or reports that Canwest has engaged the lobbying services of Ken Boessenkool, a former senior Harper adviser, but said the company has always kept Ottawa in the loop about its concerns: “The amount of dialogue we’ve had is no different that what we’ve had over the previous years.”
If the government’s aim in saving Canwest is to preserve local programming, easing content restrictions is a curious way to go about it, argues Canada’s largest media union. In a statement released Thursday, the Communnications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada says the federal government should be wary of bailing out from under the weight of its “bad business decisions.” In fact, if the CRTC does eventually allow the broadcasters’ to collect carriage fees, the government agency should use the opportunity to tie the extra funds to “new, original news and information programming,” says Peter Murdoch, the union’s vice-president, media. “Local programming is not the cause of Canwest’s debt problems, nor should it be made its victim.”
The prospect of doling out government aid to Canwest also raises the question of just what the government should be doing to help other types of media struggling in these uncertain economic times. Canwest, for example, also owns 39 daily and community newspapers in Canada. And while they don’t appear to be lobbying Ottawa for assistance on that front (the lobbying database lists “broadcasting” as the subject of all recent meetings), given the industry’s current difficulties south of the border, it is not inconceivable that Canada’s papers will also soon find themselves at a crossroads.
David Black, president and CEO of Black Press, which operates more than 150 community and daily papers in Canada and the U.S., declined to comment on any possible assistance for his competitor (“You don’t want to go there”) but said there is a case to be made for Ottawa helping print too. “I don’t believe that government will work very well without daily newspapers,” he says. “If the opposition raises its voice in the House and no one is there to report it, what good does that do?” Given the current crisis, journalistic ethics may have to take a back seat to economic realities, says Black. “You want to be able to run editorially without fear or favour, but on the other hand we’ve got a problem.”
The one place where the Harper government is emphatically drawing the line, however, is public broadcasting. Moore has already said Ottawa will not provide more money to the CBC after the network disclosed that it is facing an estimated $100 million hole in its budget due to shrinking ad revenue. Ditto to requests for an advance on next year’s funding or a bridge loan. “The only way we’ll get the financial flexibility we had asked for,” says CBC spokesperson Marco Dubé, “is to sell some of our assets.” For his part, the Heritage minister suggested earlier this week that the CBC would have to cut between 600 and 1,200 jobs to balance its books.
Whether the public and private broadcasters—long bitter enemies—will find common cause in these troubled times, remains to be seen. One of the issues that Leonard Asper is registered to lobby on is the future mandate of the CBC. But at this point, CanWest has no position of whether its rival deserves some assistance too. “That’s not for us to comment on,” says Douglas. “We’re in a position to comment on our situation and the realities of our network.”
March 25th, 2009

Izzy Asper

Carto explique la ploutocratie médiatique

Canadian politicians get more free trips to Israel than anywhere else