Thursday, February 21, 2019

De nombreux membres de la riche et puissante famille Sackler impliqués dans la philanthropie juive ainsi que dans plusieurs universités et musées de renom, pourraient être jugés responsables de la plus importante crise des opioïdes de l'histoire des États-Unis, après avoir fait des milliards de dollars sur le dos des drogués et en incluant dans son plan d'affaire l'utilisation illégale de son produit Oxycontin, dont elle connaissait très bien la nocivité et l'addictivité extrême conduisant à des milliers de décès


Crise des opiacés aux Etats-Unis : les Sackler, des philanthropes accusés d'être des empoisonneurs

Massachusetts Attorney General Blames Sackler Jews Personally for Opioid Crisis, Half a Million Deaths 

Senator Calls For Sackler Family To Testify On Starting The Opioid Epidemic

With Sackler Lawsuits Heating Up The Met Will Review Its Donor Policy

Sackler Family Caught Purposely Misleading Consumers As They Fueled The Opioid Crisis

How The Sackler Family Promoted Narcotic Addiction

Trump Admin Boasts About Drug Bust, But The REAL Opioid Criminals Are Still Free

Trevor Noah wants the Sackler opioid 'cartel' to be as infamous as El Chapo, Pablo Escobar, so he made a TV show

‘Drug Dealers In Nice Suits’: Sackler Family Faces Charges For Abuse Of Opioids

Colbert Links Big Pharma's Sackler Family To America's Opioid Crisis - YouTube

Exposing the Jewish Privilege of the Sackler Family that has Murdered hundreds of thousands of People and Destroyed millions of Families Worldwide!

As They Profited From the Opioid Crisis, Sacklers Funded Anti-Muslim Network – Sludge

The Opioid Epidemic Could Have Been Stopped Years Ago

Brian Ross Investigates — The OxyContin Scandal

The Sackler Family: The First Family of Oxycontin | Op-Ed

Six Doctors Charged In Healthcare Fraud Scheme As Result Of Overprescribed Opioids

Bernie Sanders Wants To Jail Pharma Executives

Purdue Pharma Pleads Guilty In Criminal Case

It should be a cultural project to make the Sackler family synonymous with fraud, mass scale American misery, and indifference to generational ruin. It will successful if their descendents change their surname out of shame. || The New York Times @nytimes · Breaking News: Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin, will plead guilty to criminal charges and face $8.3 billion in fines over its role in the opioid crisis.

Katie Porter BURIES Pharma CEOs During Hearing

Rep. Katie Porter @RepKatiePorter · 17 dec. 2020 The Sackler family withdrew $10 billion from Purdue Pharma—the (now bankrupt) company responsible for the opioid crisis—leaving limited funds available for families who lost loved ones. As a bankruptcy lawyer, I know a fraudulent transfer when I see one, so I called them out

“Pain Killer” Author Barry Meier on How West Virginia Became Ground Zero of Opioid Epidemic

Cities & States Sue Big Pharma, Targeting the Firms Who Profited from Peddling Addictive Opioids

Origins of the Opioid Epidemic: Purdue Pharma Knew of OxyContin Abuse in 1996 But Covered It Up

Pharma Execs Headed To Prison For Money Laundering Scheme

Opioid Death Penalty Should Be For Wall Street CEOs

Sackler family members agree to pay $4.2 billion as part of plan to dissolve OxyContin maker Purdue

Was The DEA A Major Driver In the Opioid Crisis?

Did The CIA Create The Opioid Crisis?

The Secretive Family Making Billions From the Opioid Crisis

Sackler Family’s OxyContin Firm To Face Suit From Native Americans

How Big Pharma Is Profiteering in the Wake of the Opioid Crisis

Big Pharma Still Profiteering from the Opioid Crisis

When Will We Lock Up Opioid Corporate Thugs?

Corporate Drug Pushers Are Killing Americans By The Thousands

Drug Czar Disgrace: A Turning Point in Opioid Crisis?

Native American Tribes Are Being Destroyed By The Opioid Epidemic

Perp Walk Needed for Corporate Opioid Pill Pushers

Who Profits from the Opioid Crisis? Meet the Secretive Sackler Family Making Billions from OxyContin

Sackler Family Makes Billions From Opioid Drugs – The Forward

Trump's Would-Be Drug Czar Helped the Drug Profiteers Big Pharma Built Addiction Into Their Business Model

Big Pharma Puts the Squeeze on Cities Battling Opiate Crisis

Pharma Execs Pleads Guilty To Selling Too-Potent Painkiller

The Opioid Corporate Manslaughter Phenomenon

Worst Epidemic in U.S. History? Opioid Crisis Now Leading Cause of Death for Americans Under 50

Big Pharma Sees Huge Money As Drug Pushers

How Giuliani Made The Opioid Epidemic Worse

America's Lawyer Papantonio: Daily Death Tolls Caused By Big Pharma’s Opioid Epidemic

Sackler family made billions off of the opioid crisis

Opioids: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Evangelicals Hate Treatment, Prefer Opioid Addicts Just Die

America's Sociopathic Pharmaceutical Industry Strikes Again

OxyContin Maker Purdue Pharma to Pay $270 Million Legal Settlement That Will Fund Addiction Center

How Purdue Pharma turned the drug industry "upside down"

How a $270-million settlement saved billionaire Sackler family from depositions

Justice Comes For Big Pharma - YouTube

Frontline PBS--Opioids, Inc.


HBO--The Crime of the Century

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