L’escroc Gilbert Chikli et ses 20 millions d’euros
Un autre Madoff en Afrique du Sud : il s'appelle Tannenbaum.
Quand sa banque l'a appelé le 29 mai, Howard L. a alors compris : "Ils ne parvenaient pas à encaisser le chèque de Barry Tannenbaum", raconte ce comptable sud-africain. "Certes, le profit qu'il me garantissait était élevé, mais je n'avais aucune raison de m'en faire, c'est un ami, un type bien avec une bonne réputation", confie-t-il, s'avouant aujourd'hui "très déçu". Prêteur de 90 000 euros, il fait partie des victimes de l'homme d'affaires sud-africain Barry Tannenbaum, qui pourrait être l'auteur de la plus grande fraude de l'histoire du pays. Révélée par la presse locale, cette escroquerie porterait sur un montant situé entre 10 et 15 milliards de rands (900 millions à 1,3 milliard d'euros). "Environ 400 personnes ont été lésées, surtout en Afrique du Sud, mais aussi aux Etats-Unis, en Australie et en Europe", affirme Eric Levenstein du cabinet d'avocats Werksmans, qui représente six victimes. Barry Tannenbaum importait des composants pharmaceutiques de l'étranger avant de les revendre à des fabricants de médicaments génériques locaux, principalement des antirétroviraux destinés à des malades du sida. Au lieu d'emprunter de l'argent aux banques, l'homme âgé de 43 ans faisait appel à des investisseurs privés en leur faisant miroiter, à l'aide - semble-t-il - de deux avocats de Johannesburg, des versements d'intérêts de l'ordre de 15 % à 20 % au bout de trois mois. A la date d'échéance, le prêteur pouvait choisir de récupérer sa somme ou de la réinvestir. CHAÎNE DE PONZI Ce fils d'un fondateur d'une grande firme pharmaceutique nationale aurait utilisé le même schéma que le financier américain Bernard Madoff arrêté fin 2008, c'est-à-dire une chaîne de Ponzi fonctionnant selon le principe de "déshabiller Pierre pour habiller Paul". L'argent frais versé par les nouveaux investisseurs servait ainsi à payer les gains des prêteurs les plus anciens. Un magazine sud-africain évoque un cas d'un retour sur investissement de 216 % sur un an. La société de M. Tannenbaum était bien réelle, mais celui-ci aurait falsifié des commandes des entreprises pharmaceutiques pour les gonfler, et rassurer ses investisseurs sur la viabilité du projet lors de retards de paiement. La bulle spéculative a toutefois fini par éclater il y a quelques semaines quand une majorité de prêteurs, touchés par la crise, a massivement choisi de se désengager. Les agences de régulation du pays pourraient aussi être mises en cause. Un rapport bancaire sur des mouvements de fonds suspects aurait été rédigé dès 2007. |
Retour sur l'affaire Madoff
Le Madoff canadien Tzivi Erez et son Ponzi de 27 millions $
Le Madoff de Miami Scott Rothstein: un Ponzi d'un milliard $
Les Zaffaires zont bonnes...
Les intérêts Rothschild derrière Donald Trump
S'ils ne combattent pas un ennemi commun, les Israéliens sont désunis et auto-destructeurs
Le terme Shylock sera retiré de la loi en Floride
L'Holocauste justifierait le trafic d'organes
Article de Gilad Atzmon sur le trafic d'organes par Israël
Qu'est-ce que le judaïsme? par Gilad Atzmon
Pour l’exemption d’impôts pour cause d’Holocauste
De fait, cet homme d’affaires juif n’est absolument pas un voleur, ni un fraudeur ; il souffre, en réalité, d’une maladie mentale spécifique aux juifs. D’après son médecin, nous avons affaire ici au « syndrome du planque et thésaurise » souvent constatée chez les rescapés de l’Holocauste et leurs proches.
Il est manifeste que les relations entre l’Amérique et Israël sont en train de se détériorer à la vitesse V. J’en veux pour preuve que le vice-avocat général des Etats-Unis Jeffrey Neiman a jugé que l’invocation de l’Holocauste ne constituait en rien une excuse : « Cela ne donne en aucun cas à cet accusé on ne sait quelle autorisation d’enfreindre la loi. La fraude fiscale reste la fraude fiscale ». A mon grand regret, je dois dénoncer M. Neiman, qui est un cas exemplaire du « nouvel antisémitisme » : au lieu de qualifier Barouh de fraudeur, l’avocat général aurait dû souligner la nécessité d’instituer « une exemption fiscale holocaustique exceptionnelle réservée aux seuls juifs.
Je suis convaincu que les juifs doivent s’unir et lutter contre l’accélération soudaine du rejet de l’holocauste à laquelle nous assistons actuellement. Je suggère que des Musées de l’Holocauste (comme par exemple Yad Va Shem, de Jérusalem, et le Musée mémorial américain de l’Holocauste de Washington) consacrent une de leurs très nombreuses salles aux personnes souffrant du syndrome « planque et thésaurise ».
Ils seraient même bien inspirés d’appeler cette salle particulière « Yad Va Tax ». Ils pourraient y donner aux gens tourmentés des conseils quant à la façon de soustraire leur pognon à l’inspecteur des impôts. Ils pourraient aussi créer un observatoire des Madoffs de notre planète, ne serait-ce qu’afin de s’assurer que les Elie Wiesels ne deviennent pas, une fois encore, les dupes d’une pyramide financière du type Ponzi.
Source et traduction : Marcel Charbonnier
Lien de l’article: http://www.palestine-solidarite.org/analyses.Gilad_Atzmon.240410.htm
Death, Taxes and Holocaust Remembrance
One day, when America (hopefully) regains her sanity, it will be remembered as one of the biggest wastes of resources in history–all the hype, worry and work in building up our national defense against an H-bomb attack.
Not that there isn’t something worth worrying about in that regard entirely. As far as pieces of modern art go, H-bombs are some of the nastiest out there.
Rather, it was the fact that we spent so much worry and work in trying to prevent (or otherwise deal with) the possibility of one particular type of H-bomb while at the same time leaving ourselves open to a more dangerous, deadly variety that has all but destroyed us today as a people. Having spent a fortune putting padlocks on every door and window in the house in trying to prevent thieves from breaking in and ransacking the place, nevertheless we left the key to the front door under the welcome mat right smack dab in the middle of the front stoop.
Indeed, our worst fears–although unanticipated and unrealized by those with limited vision responsible for planning and preparing our national defense–have come to pass. Rather than a limited strike, we as a people have been carpet-bombed, and not just for days, weeks, or months, but rather for decades relentlessly.
And the devastation caused by these weapons of mass destruction unleashed upon us–obvious even to a blind man–were much worse than we had expected…One need merely look out at the landscape of our nation to see the destruction caused by 50+ years of daily saturation-bombing. Once deployed, rather than going off with a bang, these particular H-bombs just sit there, constantly irradiating us, slowly poisoning our moral, intellectual, political, religious, and cultural environment. And although the physical structures remain standing, leaving the illusion of vitality and a vibrant civilization, nevertheless the social infrastructure (meaning the people) intellectually have been turned into some horribly mutated sub-species, unable to think or act rationally or morally. The fallout produced by all this is of such toxicity that–after invading countries that never wronged us and in the process murdering millions of innocent people, our response to the rest of the civilized world is a grin and a big middle finger while we shrug our shoulders and ask rhetorically “What’s the big freakin’ deal?“
As the reader may or may not have figured out at this point, the H-bomb in question here is not the one created half a century ago by Jewish scientists with names such as Einstein and Oppenheimer. Rather, it is the other one, the “Big One” created half a century ago by Jewish scientists with names such as Wiesel, Lipstadt and others. It is known as the Holocaust, and along with all the pomp and circumstance surrounding it, it has proven to be the mother of all bombs.
Those who fail to see the connection here need to take a second glance at what has become of America and the West today. As a civilization the political institutions created by our forbearers and cherished for centuries have been eviscerated by that sacred weapon of first and last resort as far as Jewish interests are concerned. Enthroned as the Holy of Holies, recognition of God’s chosen people as the most persecuted group in human history has now been made into pass/fail key, without which no one may function and eerily similar to the much discussed “mark lf the beast“ blathered on about at length these days by mindless Christianite preachers.
Now, 60 years into this bombing campaign, the irradiated collective mind of the West, having succumbed to the effects of Jewish pathological narcissism as it eats, slowly and mercilessly like a ravenous worm, has become a slave to the precepts and demands of the small minority wielding this insidious weapon. Now, as a result, all that is left is a barely functioning block of gray Swiss cheese.
As these words are being written, we in America have just finished our annual “Holocaust Remembrance Week”. 7 days of sirens blaring, (yes, the same sirens that would be used in the event of a nuclear attack) horns honking, non-stop radio and television shows, and on and on and on for 7 freakin’ days.
Let’s expand on that idea a bit though, just for reasons of context and perspective–Not just an ENTIRE WEEK in which we are told to bow our heads, beat our breasts and chant “mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa” over the deaths of 6 billion–ooops, sorry, (so easy these days to flub a key on the computer and put a “b” in there instead of an “m” although I’m sure that in time we will graduate to THAT figure) 6 million Chosenites said to have perished in the death camps of Nazi Germany, but over 10,000 minutes and over half a million seconds…(...)Only the Chosenites receive such attention, and for the stated reason on their part that only Jews are men, whereas Gentiles are not.
But let us be frank here for a moment, cut right to the meat and potatoes of this discussion and get down to brass tacks. “Holocaust Remembrance Week”–like all things coming out of the delusional world of pathological Jewish narcissism–as it is termed is a sham. It is a shell game and the barely-visible fine print at the bottom of a legal document that–after signed–robs the individual and nation of every shred of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
We can accurately call it a sham not for reasons of forensics proving the H-Bomb did not take place as Jewish interests dogmatically say it did, but rather for the fact that EVERY WEEK is Holocaust Remembrance Week, EVERY DAY is Holocaust Remembrance Day, EVERY HOUR is Holocaust Remembrance Hour, and so on and so on and so on. It–meaning Holocaust Remembrance Week–is just a formality of sorts, much the same as “Flag Day” celebrated every June 14 in America, even though children say the Pledge of Allegiance every day in front of the Stars and Stripes and all military personnel salute when it is raised.
And so too with the Holocaust. Don’t believe me? Consider this–
At the end of today, the US will have forked over ANOTHER 30 million dollars of American taxpayer money to the Jewish state, just like yesterday, the day before that, the day before THAT, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and so on and so on, as part of our ritualistic genuflecting before the Holocaust altar. That’s over $1,250,000.00 per hour and $28,000 a minute.
In the interests of continuing this “context and discussion” aspect of the whole H-Bomb issue–consider for a moment the following–
Like clockwork, every night in America at exactly 7.30, they read off the lottery numbers on TV. There is no guarantee anyone will win, as the odds of matching all 6 are literally one in hundreds of millions, but once in a while the following day there is a story in the newspaper about someone who beat the odds and won and whose life has (hopefully) been made better as a result.
Imagine rather than reading off the numbers (with only the mere CHANCE someone might match all six) that instead 30 Americans are chosen at random, their names are read aloud and are each given $1,000,000.00 a piece, tax free. Same thing tomorrow night, and the night after, and the night after, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. How many Americans would be able to save their homes currently in foreclosure, pay off bills, get a decent car, (or two) put their kids in college, afford decent health care, etc, etc, etc? And not just today and tomorrow, but FOR THE LAST 4 DECADES AS WELL.
That’s what we would be able to do, were it not for the parasite sucking the life out of us and us being forced to go down on bended knee because of this weapon of mass distraction, this H-bomb known as the Holocaust being dropped into our lives every day of the last half century. This is what we forfeit by sending it all, decade by decade, year by year, month by month and day by day to the Jewish state, and for which the return on our “investment” is war, more war, dead servicemen, debt, terrorism and global alienation, side-effects as unavoidable as lung cancer from smoking and all the result of the “special relationship” we enjoy with a terrorist nation that murdered 34 American servicemen serving aboard the USS Liberty on June 8th, 1967.
They say there are two things that can’t be avoided–death and taxes.
I think that on this day, in the month of April in the year of Our Lord 2010 however that a 3rd item needs to be added to the list of “unavoidables”, thus making it now an Unholy Trinity of sorts–Worshipping of the Holocaust.
And as but a small piece of evidence further proving this assertion, let us consider just ONE story that appeared on CNN, the very day following the conclusion of “Holocaust Remembrance Week” in America–
“Tax evader who blamed Holocaust gets 10 months in prison”
“MIAMI – A tax evader was sentenced Friday to 10 months in federal prison after claiming his Jewish parents’ experience fleeing the Nazi Holocaust drove him to compulsively hide more than $10 million in secret accounts at Swiss bank UBS AG and other offshore tax havens…”
Truly, like the fallout in the aftermath of a devastating nuclear war, it is “the gift that keeps on giving” and never ends…
© 2010 Mark Glenn
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