16 avril 2010
La Commission parlementaire canadienne sur la mission en Afghanistan a auditionné le Canadien Malgarai Ahmadshah, dit Pasha, le 14 avril 2010.
M. Ahmadshah, fut traducteur des forces armées canadienne à Kandahar de juin 2007 à juin 2008. Il a témoigné de ce que les militaires canadiens avaient maquillé, arrêtaient n’importe qui, et transféraient leurs prisonniers au NDS afghan pour qu’il les torture.
Malgarai Ahmadshah a admis ne pas avoir été témoin oculaire de ce qu’il rapportait, mais se fonder sur les séances d’interrogatoire au cours des quelles il officiait. Il a déclarer avoir dénoncer plusieurs fois cette situation à ses supérieurs et avoir été sanctionné en retour (sa véritable identité aurait été révélée aux insurgés de sorte qu’ils se vengent sur sa famille).
Selon M. Ahmadshah, le ministre canadien de la Défense ne pouvait ignorer ce qui se passait sur le terrain, tant ces tortures étaient systématiques et connues de tous. Le Canada ne transférait pas ces prisonniers à des tortionnaires sans savoir ce qui adviendrait, mais précisément pour que cela advienne.
Le transfert de prisonniers à des tiers en sachant qu’ils peuvent être torturés constitue un crime de guerre en vertu de la Convention de Genève.
15 avril 2010
La Commission canadienne d’examen des plaintes contre la police militaire (CEPPM) a en définitive auditionné Richard Colvin, six heures durant, le 13 avril 2010. Le Parti conservateur a vainement multiplié les embuches pour empêcher le diplomate de sortir de la réserve exigée par son statut.
M. Colvin, qui fut 18 mois en poste à Kandahar en 2006-07, a confirmé le témoignage qu’il avait livré à la Commission parlementaire sur la mission en Afghanistan, le 5 octobre 2009. Selon lui, tous les prisonniers remis par les forces canadiennes aux autorités afghanes ont été torturées par ces dernières. Le transfert de prisonniers à des tiers en sachant qu’ils peuvent être torturés constitue un crime de guerre en vertu de la Convention de Genève.
Durant son service en Afghanistan, Richard Colvin avait adressé 17 rapports circonstanciés à sa hiérarchie à Ottawa, n’hésitant pas à distribuer jusqu’à 75 copies à des responsables divers aussi bien au ministère des Affaires étrangères qu’à celui de la Défense.
M. Colvin s’était précédemment illustré lors de sa mission à Ramallah après la mort du président Yasser Arafat en alertant sa hiérarchie sur les circonstances de l’empoisonnement et l’évolution interne du Fatah. Il est aujourd’hui Premier secrétaire de l’ambassade du Canada à Washington et officier de liaison pour le Renseignement.
La Commission a également eu connaissance des rapports d’un autre diplomate canadien Chris Alexander, quant à lui détaché auprès de l’ONU. Selon ce haut responsable, l’ancien gouverneur de Kandahar, Asadullah Khalil, aurait commandité l’assassinat de cinq employés des Nations Unies et disposerait d’une prison cachée sous sa résidence privée. Toujours selon M. Alexander, la plupart des attentats commis contre des étrangers ne seraient pas le fait des insurgés, mais des narco-trafiquants liés au gouvernement afghan, qui ont intérêt à prolonger l’insécurité.
I periodically still get blasted by Commentators for the articles that I put forward in this blog. I have been pounding the message for years now that the war in Afghanistan was for one purpose and one purpose only. THAT purpose was to reopen the Opium Poppy fields to full production and to ensure their transport and shipment to markets around the world. The drug kingpins in all this are the Rothschilds in Europe, and they are in it for trillions of dollars in drug profits. These monsters commanded their obedient slaves in Western nations to invade Afghanistan back in 2001 to restore their drug empire, and the net result has been thousands of dead soldiers just so that these evil Zionists can get their profits!
Now even more further proof of that last paragraph has come forward, thanks to the website: www.uruknet.info. It seems that even more evidence is now coming forward as to how much the war in Afghanistan is for drugs only! Here is the proof:
NATO’s Afghanistan: The Champion of Drugs Production
We really have to take our hats off to NATO. This clique of arms lobbyists and defender of jobs for the boys invaded Afghanistan in 2001 on the pretext that Osama bin Laden was using the country to attack western interests. Almost a decade after the Taleban declared war on drugs production, NATO’s Afghanistan is not only the world’s largest producer of opium but now, of hashish also. Mullah Omar, the leader of the Taleban, had stated in an interview with Pakistan’s Dawn newspaper in 1998 that the USA would invade Afghanistan because he had refused to let them build a gas pipeline across his country in exchange for 5 billion USD. He was right. The invasion came three years later after those two jets flew into the Twin Towers, that one jet crash-landed in the Pentagon, managing to avoid two lamp posts with its wings and to fail to produce a single piece of evidence either on camera or otherwise and then there was the other one that simply disintegrated without trace. Like 200 tonnes of metal vaporised. No, really. And nearly ten years later, NATO’s considerable coalition has not managed to gain control of the country, the NATO-installed President, Karzai, is railing against his NATO masters because he has been accused of corruption and considers it is their fault (no really) and now we learn from the United Nations Organization that NATO’s Afghanistan, already the world’s leading supplier of opium, has now become the record-breaking producer of hashish as well. Wow, NATO 2 world population 0. Is this why they insisted on expanding eastwards (after saying they wouldn’t) to create new markets? The UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), in its report Afghanistan Cannabis Survey, released on Wednesday, estimated that between 10 and 24 thousand hectares of cannabis per year are cultivated in Afghanistan. Not only is the figure shocking, worse still is the affirmation that this production takes place in half of the country’s 34 provinces. UNODC Executive Director Antonio Maria Costa declared in the report that “the astonishing yield of the Afghan cannabis crop makes Afghanistan the world’s biggest producer of hashish, estimated at between 1,500 and 3,500 tons a year,” being 145 kg per hectare, compared with Morocco’s 40 kg. Cannabis fetches 3,900 USD in income per hectare, compared with opium’s 3,600 USD. The UN report states that there are both cannabis and opium trading centres throughout the country. So what exactly is NATO doing in Afghanistan, where the Taleban was supposed to surrender ten years ago and still has not, where heroin production has risen no less than 40 times in the same period and now Afghanistan’s claim to fame is world record holder of opium and cannabis production?
NTS Notes: Again, as I have said many times before: The war in Afghanistan is lost and its time to bring the troops home! This war is for absolutely all the wrong reasons and the troops are fighting for an unjust and very evil cause. Eventually when History books look back on this war, they will definitely note how the Americans and NATO were the bad guys, who were fighting for their Zionist masters’ drug profits.
It is important that everyone be made aware of the truth about the war in Afghanistan. People must demand that their governments withdraw the troops and allow the Afghan people the rights to their own future, and NOT one of servitude for foreign drug production and profits!
Nine families out of how many? It just seems too staged to me. I have every sympathy for any family that has lost anyone in war. I just do not need the government trying to earn points from that loss. We all know that not all families of the fallen in Afghanistan think the same way as these nine.
-from comments on CBC website
They lost their kids to their own ignorance, now they are props for war
The sentiment that the Zionists wish to broadcast, from ’soldiers families’, is that the occupation needs to go on.
Great another false dichotomy, now Stephen Harper is positioning himself as antiwar!
Instead of using dead soldiers as props, now Canada is using dead soldier’s families.
All they had to do was bribe the most politically naive of the families with a hockey fan mentality, and misrepresent occupation as a war.
Meanwhile the venal Karzai regime and the Zionist masters of war are laughing.
Judging by the expressions on their faces, these soldiers are starting to figure out who the enemy really is - not the Taliban, but the Zionist power behind Harper and all Canada’s polluticians
MONTREAL– Comments from relatives of a soldier killed in Afghanistan – saying his death was pointless – tossed the grieving family into the midst of a national debate.
As the body of 23-year-old Pte. Jonathan Couturier was being brought home yesterday, his brother and sister-in-law lambasted the mission and said the young soldier lost his life for a cause he considered hopeless.
Military Families Speak Out: A military families group one can respect. Get out from under the Zionist government wing, you props!
February 23, 2010 – As we face the 1,000th troop death, the next horrific milestone in the Afghanistan War, Military Families Speak Out (MFSO), an organization of over 4,000 military families opposed to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, calls on the 111th Congress to honor the fallen and prevent further deaths by taking action to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The families of nine Canadian soldiers killed in combat over the past four years made a solemn Easter weekend pilgrimage to Kandahar, and many of them say Ottawa should not pull out of Afghanistan entirely next year.
Deborah Warren (left) gets some help with her helmet from Gerald Warren, as the families of some of the Canadian soldiers killed in Afghanistan landed at Kandhar Air Field Saturday to take part in Easter weekend remembrance ceremonies.(Bill Graveland/Canadian Press)
Fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and uncles took part in a special ceremony Saturday behind the task force headquarters at Kandahar Airfield, where the faces, names and dates of the 141 dead soldiers are etched into a granite memorial.
Myles Kennedy, who lost his son to a roadside bombing on Easter Sunday 2007, said he was amazed at the scale of NATO’s buildup for this spring’s planned offensive in Kandahar.
For the first time since his son’s death, Kennedy said he’s optimistic that the war in Afghanistan can be turned around, and it’s happening as Canada is preparing to withdraw all its combat troops next year.
He appealed to Prime Minister Stephen Harper to conduct a “phased withdrawal” by perhaps signing on to a proposed training mission in Kabul.
A total pullout of troops would send “the wrong message to the world” and to the soldiers, such as his son, who made enormous sacrifices.
“I don’t want him to die in vain,” Kennedy said. “It could be a year. It could be two years of turning this country around. Let’s give it time. Let’s not walk away from the table when you’re holding a winning hand.”
“We came in to do a job. And our job will not be complete, if he pulls out the whole group.”
Development needs security: soldier’s father
Kennedy qualified his statements by saying he understood the army is worn out by four years of warfare and rotations. But, he said, if Canada is going to continue with a development mission, as Harper promised, then it cannot rely on other countries for security.
His son, Pte. Kevin Kennedy of the 2nd Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment, was among six soldiers who perished on April 8, 2007. The mother and sister of Cpl. Aaron Williams, who died in the same blast, were also on hand for moving family tributes.
Patty Braun, whose son Cpl. David Braun was died in August 2006, said she believes Canadian troops should stay in Afghanistan in some capacity until the tide has completely turned.
The trip to Kandahar was an important personal journey, she said.
“I had to come to the place where my son was last alive. And I needed to smell it. I needed to see. I needed to taste it. And I needed to hear it,” said Braun, who wore the shemagh desert scarf that belonged to him and was returned with his personal effects.
“Just to be where he was. We see pictures on TV, but nothing, nothing can show what it’s actually like here. It’s so much more.”
The father and brother of Master Cpl. Scott Vernelli, of the 3rd Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment who died just over a year ago, also made the journey.
Other soldiers honoured Saturday included Sgt. Vaughan Ingram, Cpl. Stephen Bouzane, Cpl. Andrew Grenon, Cpl. Mark McLaren and Sgt. Gregory Kruse.
At the beginning of every fiscal year, the U.S. makes a lump sum payment of cold hard cash to Israel, a procedure not duplicated for any other nation receiving U.S. ‘aid’. It looks like a payoff in response to a shakedown because that’s what it is! What leverage, we wonder, is used by Israel on the U.S? The Carvellian quick response: terrorism! Terrorism is a racket! Israel exploits ‘terrorism’ to shake down the U.S. tax payer. Now we know why Israelis danced on 911.
Israel is among the world’s richest nations. Nevertheless, Israel receives more U.S. tax payer money than any other ’single recipient’ of what is euphemistically called ‘U.S. aid’, more, in fact, than all of Latin America, the Caribbean, and Africa combined. Though Israel is barely larger in population than metropolitan Los Angeles, Chicago or Houston, it receives more aid than two continents. Those areas include some of the poorest regions which receive much less U.S. aid than does wealthy Israel who clearly does not need it.
Then what does U.S. aid to Israel consist of? At the top of the list is, of course, the aforementioned cold, hard cash. Other ‘aid’ includes the weapons of war themselves.
The U.S. administration has notified Congress of the following proposed government-negotiated Foreign Military Sales (FMS) agreements, export licenses for industry-negotiated Direct Commercial Sales (DCS), or leases of military equipment to Israel. The Arms Export Control Act requires only that the administration notify Congress of FMS and DCS valued at $14 million or more. Sales below that threshold are not recorded here. –Arms Transfers to Israel: 1993 to Present
Former Secretary of State Shultz ‘credited’ Netanyahu for ‘effecting a change in American policies on terrorism’. That’s ‘political speak’ for ‘Israel extorted billions of dollars in aid by raising the specter of ‘terrorism’. Fear of ‘terrorism’ is responsible for the transfer of billions of dollars to Israel because the U.S. tax payer is brainwashed, literally trained to fear anyone with a tan wearing a turban. Terrorism is how the moneys ‘given’ to Israel are officially justified. What is ‘terrorism’ but the practice by the U.S. and its client state, Israel, to extort billions from U.S. taxpapers?
The set of deliberately misleading and discredited assumptions followed by the proponents of the War on Terror must be repudiated. The government is wasting 10s of billions of dollars, propping up this sham, in the wake of the enforced fearmongering that has crept in since 9/11. In return for the tax dollars that pay for blooding our hands, we had habeas corpus struck down, arbitrary “no-fly lists” are implemented, our government is perpetrating terror hoaxes on the people, and over 100 Canadian soldiers have died fighting what Stephen Harper admits is an unwinnable war.
Despite the obvious ill effects on society, the tenets of the GWOT are still off-limits for inquiry, or you are a ‘troofer’ and subject to derision and ridicule. It doesn’t matter that you are speaking truth. Ask Lesley Hughes.
Canada seems to be under the ideological and political grip of a foreign power, that is leveraging control over Canadian parties and politicians. Many powerful Isr-el lobby groups operate in Canada bending the government’s ear to the Isr-elis.
They need the pretense of the “existential threat” to Western Civilization represented by Arab terrorism to justify what was a long-standing plan to invade the middle east. Thus, we are following a set of deliberately misleading erroneous assumptions that have manipulated us into war.–Origins of the War of Terror: Bush, Netanyahu and the CIA
It was in 1979 that Netanyahu organized an international conference against terrorism, under the auspices of the Jonathan Institute — a private foundation dedicated to the study of terrorism. Hard to believe that it was not the very purpose of that ‘foundation’ to frighten the U.S. into coughing up the billions for Israel which habitually milks the U.S. tax payer. Yet recently, Netanyahu is said to ‘defy’ the U.S. over Israeli settlement policies that have clearly destabilized the Middle East. See: Netanyahu defies U.S. over Jerusalem settlement
Leo Strauss, the so-called ‘intellectual’ godfather of neo-conservativism, believed that neocons ought to ‘lie’ to the unwashed masses because, it is said, they ‘can’t handle the truth’. Well –the truth is Benjamin Netanyahu believes he owns the NEOCONS. Tails wag dogs. I say: a pox on both their houses. Israel should be ‘cut off’ now. No gradualism, no time for therapy sessions! Cut them off now and balance the budget with the savings. (BTW, the last balanced budget was in a Democratic Regime)
The prime minister’s speech last night returned the Middle East to the days of George W. Bush’s “axis of evil.” Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a patriarchal, colonialist address in the best neoconservative tradition: The Arabs are the bad guys, or at best ungrateful terrorists; the Jews, of course, are the good guys, rational people who need to raise and care for their children. In the West Bank settlement of Itamar, they’re even building a nursery school. No empathy for the refugees from Jaffa who lost their entire world, not a word for the Muslim connection to Jerusalem - neither a fragment of a quote from the Koran, nor a line of Arabic poetry.–Netanyahu and a Return to the Axis of Evil
Of course Stephen Harper likes to keep secrets; you just don’t go out and TELL the Canadian people that you are throwing Canada into the trash for the neocon/J-wish/Isr-eli agenda! http://www.thestar.com/printarticle/779406 Travers: In Ottawa, even deciding what’s secret is secret
March 13, 2010
James Travers
OTTAWA—There’s no secret about Stephen Harper’s obsessive secrecy. Still, it’s an added revelation that even his plan to decide which, if any, Afghan prisoner abuse documents should be made public is a tight-lipped, locked-down secret.
A week has made the nation no wiser about how or when retired Supreme Court justice Frank Iacobucci will do the job Conservatives announced with some fanfare this month. So little is being said about the respected jurist’s mandate that early doubts are now blossoming into deeply rooted suspicions.
High on the list of unknowns are the limits on Iacobucci’s curiosity. Will he only pass judgment on the classification of files heaped on his desk, or will he be allowed to follow the paper trail from Kandahar to behind closed Canadian cabinet and military doors?
Chalk and cheese have more in common than those alternatives. At best, one would tell if bureaucrats were justified in censoring documents Parliament is demanding and the Prime Minister clutching. The other might explain why first Liberals and then Conservatives were so keen to dump prisoners on Afghans with such flimsy safeguards.
It would be no more than a manageable Conservative embarrassment if Iacobucci finds that civil servants were overly protective of their political masters in obscuring anything remotely sensitive. Along with buying time, Harper will have successfully changed the channel from ministerial accountability to national security.
Scrutiny of motives is more threatening. It wasn’t the change Harper had in mind, but the prisoner focus shifted while Parliament was padlocked. Never about support for the troops, the debate moved from what and when the government learned about abusive Afghan interrogations to the purpose of what now looks like a “don’t ask, don’t tell” transfer policy.
Centring those new concerns is the spectre of U.S. “black site” military prisons. It was this country’s aversion to Guantanamo Bay methods that spiked the preferred military option of handing Canada’s Afghan prisoners directly to Americans. Instead, the military drafted, and Gen. Rick Hillier signed, a 2005 agreement foreign affairs mandarins considered weak and Afghanistan warned would lead to trouble in their primitive, overburdened, notoriously brutal prisons.
Conservatives stonewalled newspaper torture reports before strengthening the Liberal agreement. It might have ended there if Harper had boasted about fixing an inherited problem rather than attacking diplomat Richard Colvin so ferociously that it seeded the notion that the ruling party is hiding something worse.
Along with making it painfully obvious cabinet knew, or should have known, what was common knowledge in Afghanistan, Colvin more discreetly exposed the second rail of Ottawa’s two-track transfers. It runs into dark corners where Canadian spies interrogate Taliban and Al Qaeda leaders captured by elite special forces.
War against an extremist enemy is so layered and dirty that it’s inevitable that Joint Task Force Two and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service would be deployed. More difficult to accept or endorse is any Canadian complicity in a transfer system that blinded International Red Cross oversight or fed prisoners to a U.S. renditions scheme that rode roughshod over human and legal rights.
Iacobucci’s document review serves the useful purpose of putting on hold a test of wills between Parliament and the Prime Minister that could provoke an election the Opposition doesn’t want now and would be foolish to ever fight on the abuse issue. But the ultimate result will be more foot-dragging if Iacobucci is kept too far from the truth to explain why ministers let generals play loose and fast with Afghan prisoners.
James Travers’ column appears Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Once the hectoring hegemons have created a core-lie and got people to believe or accept it, namely, that 'war on terror' is real and "our war", then many truths within the core-lie can be fabricated, and also are created due to their own natural dynamics with proper black-ops channeling to mobilize insurgency and then officially fighting it as "counter-insurgency". A cook-book recipe for fabricating "revolutionary times", for indeed, "what is inconceivable in normal times is possible in revolutionary times"! A self-sustaining system dynamics comes into existence which is closely managed and continually harvested to sustain "imperial mobilization"
These dynamics are the puppetshows of harvest that Rafia Zakaria is commenting on in her DAWN article of April 07, 2010: "Reinventing the Taliban", while she is strategically silent on the core lie itself: Read More...