Monday, February 1, 2010

L'Holocauste justifierait le trafic d'organes

C'est du moins l'avis de nombreux trafiquants d'organes israéliens, incluant même des médecins!

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, November 2009, Pages 15-17
Israeli Organ Trafficking and Theft: From Moldova to Palestine
By Alison Weir

(...)“Israel is at the top,” she states. “It has tentacles reaching out worldwide.”6(...)

In her Forum 13 lecture Scheper-Hughes discussed the two motivations of Israeli traffickers. One was greed, she said. The other was somewhat chilling: “Revenge, restitution—reparation for the Holocaust.”

She described speaking with Israeli brokers who told her “it’s kind of ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. We’re going to get every single kidney and liver and heart that we can. The world owes it to us.’”

Scheper-Hughes says that she “even heard doctors saying that.”(...)

First, Israelis engage in this at an extraordinarily high rate. According to a 2001 BBC report, Israelis buy more kidneys per capita than any other population.(...)

She described an international syndicate which was “organized through a local business corporation in conjunction with a leading transplant surgeon, operating out of a major medical center not far from Tel Aviv,” and which had forged links with transplant surgeons in Turkey, Russia, Moldavia, Estonia, Georgia, Romania, and New York City.

The Israeli Ministry of Defense was directly involved in what Scheper-Hughes called Israel’s “‘illicit [in other nations] national ‘program’ of transplant tourism…Members of the Ministry of Defense or those closely related to them” accompanied transplant junkets.(...)

Organ theft

It is difficult to know how often Israeli trafficking involves outright theft of vital organs from living human beings.

It is not rare for the “donor” to receive little or none of the compensation promised. For example, in 2007 Israel’s Haaretz newspaper reported that two Israelis had confessed to persuading Palestinians “from the Galilee and central Israel who were developmentally challenged or mentally ill to agree to have a kidney removed for payment.” According to the Haaretz report, after the organ had been taken the traffickers refused to pay for them.

On occasion, people are coerced into giving up their organs. For example, Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, the alleged Brooklyn trafficker recently arrested in an FBI sweep in New Jersey, reportedly carried a gun. When a potential organ seller would try to back out, Rosenbaum would use his finger to simulate firing a gun at the person’s head. The Rosenbaum case, reportedly part of a ring centered in Israel, is the first case of trafficking to be prosecuted in the US.(...)

"Survivant de l’holocauste" et trafiquant d’organes
Normalement, l’arrestation en Europe du chef d’un réseau de trafic d’organes humains aurait dû faire les gros titres des journaux.
Il n’en a pourtant rien été avec l’arrestation d’un certain Gedalya Tauber le 6 juin dernier à l’aéroport de Rome. On ne trouve que quelques références sur cette affaire sur internet comme cet article du journal Ouest-France, un des plus détaillés de ce que la presse francophone a à nous offrir:
Italie. Un Israélien arrêté à Rome pour trafic d’organes
Faits divers vendredi 07 juin 2013
Gedalya Tauber, un ex-officier israélien de 77 ans à la tête d’un trafic international d’organes humains a été arrêté jeudi à l’aéroport Leonard de Vinci de Rome, a annoncé vendredi la police italienne. L’homme était recherché depuis octobre 2010.
Recherché par toutes les polices du monde et fiché par Interpol, l’ancien militaire a été identifié à l’aéroport par deux agents, dont le responsable de la police de l’air et des frontières, Rosario Testaiuti.
« Nous avons arrêté Gedalya Tauber qui est visé par un mandat d’extradition à la suite d’une condamnation à la peine de prison à perpétuité en Israël », a déclaré Antonio Del Greco, un responsable de la police à l’aéroport.
Cerveau du trafic d’organes entre le Brésil et Israël
Israëlien résident au Brésil, Gedalya Tauber avait été arrêté en 2010 pour trafic d’organes, avec son partenaire Eliezer Ramon et six autres Brésiliens, à Recife, au nord-est du Brésil. Considéré comme le cerveau du trafic d’organes entre le Brésil et Israël, il organisait des opérations à l’hôpital de Sainte Augustine de Durban, en Afrique du Sud.
Son groupe enrôlait des Brésiliens provenant des quartiers pauvres de Recife et payait entre 3 000 et 10 000 dollars pour un rein, qui était ensuite transplanté à l’acheteur. Tauber s’occupait aussi bien de trouver les donneurs que les bénéficiaires, ces derniers tous Israëliens. Selon les médias il aurait organisé plus de 35 opérations illégales dans l’hôpital de Sainte Augustine.
Gedalya Tauber est donc un ressortissant  l’entité sioniste, ancien officier de l’armée de surcroît, deux bonnes raisons d’être discret car ne sommes-nous pas là devant ce qu’on appelle des circonstances atténuantes?
Et puis, nous apprend la presse sioniste, Gedalya Tauber a aussi été chef de la police de Tel Aviv et, surtout, c’est un survivant de l’holocauste
Gedalya Tauber, une souffrance incomprise

NYT finds 'disproportionate role' of Israelis in world organ trafficking
NYT identifies six patients who underwent kidney transplants in Costa Rica and three Israeli men it says are involved in trafficking.

Report: Israelis key players in 'cash for kidneys' black market

Israelis at forefront of international organ trafficking: Report

B'Nai B'rith Canada dénonce un article sur le trafic d'organes israélien

Israël a volé des organes sur plus de 25000 enfants ukrainiens

Article de Gilad Atzmon sur le vol et le trafic d'organes dans le folklore juif

Europeans say Jews exploit past to extort money

Mon, 25 Jan 2010 10:52:54 GMT
Israeli Rabbis

Nearly half of western Europeans believe jews exploit their 'past persecution' in order to extort money, a new Israeli report says.

The report, which the Jewish Agency conducted jointly with Israel's Information and Diaspora Ministry, found that 42 percent of those polled by the University of Bielefeld in Germany agreed that "jews exploit the past to extort money," Haaretz reported on Monday.

The countries in which the highest percentage of the population agreed with that statement were Poland and Spain.

There were more anti-Israeli incidents in 2009 than in any year since World War II, according to the annual Jewish Agency report released January 24.

During the first three months of 2009, immediately following Israel's three-week offensive in the Gaza Strip, there were as many “anti-Semitic” incidents recorded as there had been for the entire year of 2008.

"With the start of the operation, a wave of acts of anti-Semitism started across the world," the report said, referring to last winter's Operation Cast Lead, during which over 1,400 Palestinians were killed.

At the press conference in which the report was released, officials also referred to a film that accuses Israel of stealing human organs at the field hospital set up by the Israel Defense Forces in Haiti.

The Jewish Agency is in charge of immigration and the absorption of jews coming into Israel.