Alex Jones est repéré et il le sait!
AUDIO - Alex Jones: "They Are Devil-Worshipping Nazis!"
Alex Jones voit des nazis partout.
AUDIO - Alex Jones: "They Are Devil-Worshipping Nazis!"
Alex Jones voit des nazis partout.
- Ses avocats, les mêmes que ceux des sionistes juifs multimilliardaires Bronfman, sont juifs.
- L'immense réseau satellite qui diffuse ses simagrées est dirigé par des juifs.
- Ses plus importants commanditaires sont juifs.
- Son ex-épouse (divorcée au printemps 2015), qui est la mère de ses deux enfants, est juive, ce qui fait que ses enfants ont le droit de retour en Israël.
Ici, Alex Jones propage le plus gros bobard du siècle!
VIDEO - Alex Jones says that Hezbollah is on US-Mexico border advising Cartels
Ici, le soi-disant fondateur du mouvement Truther et leader auto-proclamé du mouvement patriote américain explique sa position sur Israël.
VIDEO - Alex Jones says that Hezbollah is on US-Mexico border advising Cartels
Ici, le soi-disant fondateur du mouvement Truther et leader auto-proclamé du mouvement patriote américain explique sa position sur Israël.
On peut voir dans quels milieux conspirationnistes SoraI prend ses idées sur les nazis :
"Israël a été créé par la Banque et le petit peuple israélien est une victime de la Banque." "Les Rothschild ont financé les nazis au début."
"L'Amérique (la Banque) a financé les fascistes, elle a financé les nazis, comme elle finance les islamistes radicaux; on ne doit pas choisir son camp entre ces deux fausses propositions du conflit des civilisations."
"Ce sont des lucifériens illuminati... Ils dressent les groupes les uns contre les autres, juifs contre musulmans..."
"L'Amérique (la Banque) a financé les fascistes, elle a financé les nazis, comme elle finance les islamistes radicaux; on ne doit pas choisir son camp entre ces deux fausses propositions du conflit des civilisations."
"Ce sont des lucifériens illuminati... Ils dressent les groupes les uns contre les autres, juifs contre musulmans..."
FAITS: les Israéliens approuvent dans une majorité écrasante le massacre et l'oppression des Palestiniens. Les fascistes et nazis n'ont pas été financés par l'élite cosmopolite. Les Rothschild n'ont jamais financé les nazis (on est censé croire qu'un gouvernement contrôlé par les Rothschild créerait des films les dénonçant, tels Jud Süß, Der Ewige Jude, Die Rothschilds Aktien auf Waterloo?). Le soi-disant conflit de civilisation est conçu par et pour les juifs pour faire durer la guerre entre le monde chrétien et musulman, et non pas par des satanistes illuminati pour "pousser à la ratonnade".
Autre point de comparaison entre SoraI et Jones: tous deux se proclament "leaders du mouvement patriote", insistent qu'ils sont tellement BIG, que tout le monde les écoute, et répètent - toujours à tort - qu'ils ont été les premiers à parler de tel ou tel sujet...
À lire: - JEU : trouvez qui est Monsieur Mystère qui parle d'Hitler
Bob décrit parfaitement SoraI, et cette description vaut également pour Alex Jones :
"C'est exactement ce qu'on appelle un semeur de semi-vérité, qui protège
et entretient systématiquement le mythe du "méchant nazi" sans lequel
le règne du juif ne serait pas possible. Sans "méchant nazi", plus de
shoahnanas, plus d'Israël, plus de juif oppresseur, plus de lois
antiraciste, plus d'immigration imposée, plus de crise, etc etc etc."
Autre point de comparaison entre SoraI et Jones: tous deux se proclament "leaders du mouvement patriote", insistent qu'ils sont tellement BIG, que tout le monde les écoute, et répètent - toujours à tort - qu'ils ont été les premiers à parler de tel ou tel sujet...
À lire: - JEU : trouvez qui est Monsieur Mystère qui parle d'Hitler
Écoutez Alex Jones pendant
quelques temps pour voir comment il traite ceux qui osent
remettre en question sa Parole, son Logos! Ses tactiques d'intimidation
de la dissidence (dissidence face à son propos) font penser à celles
utilisées par l' "Empire" lui-même. Comme
Alex Jones, à part s'écouter parler constamment, signature du
douchebag, SoraI fait dans l'intimidation pour obtenir ce qu'il veut.
Quand on le critique, qu'on le confronte, il ne prend pas la
critique, il monte le ton et agresse verbalement, il use d'intimidation, fait des menaces en faisant son dur
("si t'es un homme bas-toi"), essaie d'écraser psychologiquement son
adversaire pour l'empêcher de parler, EXACTEMENT comme le fait Alex
Jones depuis plusieurs années.
VIDEO - Alex Jones Wood Shed II post Peirs Morgan side show Il fait dans l'intimidation à la SoraI: on peut aller se battre quand tu veux. Jones veut même boxer.
Souvenez-vous-en lorsque vous reverrez des vidéos de Jones sur ER...
Un swastika à peine subliminal en page 3 du magazine Infowars (Nov 2012)
Alex Jones Confronted on Gas Chambers/HoloHoax Fraud
Alex Jones Confronted on Gas Chambers/HoloHoax Fraud
VIDEO - Alex Jones : "Bilderberg is a nazi plan"
Michael Collins Piper begs to differ : Three current news stories—taken together—illustrate that
things are not always as they seem. Take, for example, a new revelation about
the Bilderberg group released by Internet voice Alex Jones in the wake of last
week’s Bilderberg meeting in Virginia, where Jones joined a crowd jeering the
assembled would-be world rulers.(...) WWII-era German National Socialism—Nazism —of course, was
very much nationalist in every sense, and the fact nationalism was denounced at
Bilderberg gives a clear picture of the real Bilderberg point of view, rumors
notwithstanding. Jones mentions Bilderberg’s founder, Prince Bernhard of the
Netherlands, had been a Nazi Party member. But what Jones does not mention is that
Bernhard left the party in 1934, a year after Hitler came to power, and by 1940
was a top leader of the anti-Nazi resistance in Europe. So by the time Bernhard
became Bilderberg chief, he had undergone a serious political transformation. What’s more, as careful historians know, Hitler held
Bernhard in contempt. In his recorded Table Talk and in the memoirs of his
valet, Hitler is recalled scoffing satirically at Bernhard, and questioning his
intelligence, integrity and loyalty. The forces leading Bilderberg are anti-Nazi, particularly the
Rothschild dynasty, whose assets were seized by the Nazis, belying a popular
myth that “the Nazis never touched the Rothschilds.”(...)
VIDEO - La question fondamentale pour Alex Jones: "Es-tu pour Hitler ou contre Hitler?"
VIDEO - Alex Jones: “I hate Hitler, Jews are good people, I have many Jew friends, they are very diverse”
Mask of Zion Report Nov 26, 2012
Just when you think the Mask of Zion Report can’t get any better ladies and gentleman, it does, it does, it does! The one and only Jonathan Azaziah starts off with a bang by unleashing hell on disinfo agent Alex Jones, exposing him as a Zionist mouthpiece and putting him in a coffin once and for all, and closes the program with some critical info on the recent Israeli-American coup attempt in Sudan and the ongoing struggle of the Palestinian hunger strikers. Another must-listen!
Download Here
Archived Shows in November of 2012
MP3 Files: Hour 1, Hour 2
Mike Piper talks about Alex Jones and the big lie that Ahmadinejad wants to wipe Israel off the map
MP3 Files: Hour 1, Hour 2
Mike sets his sight on Alex Jones and media subterfuge while talking calls.
Pour Alex Jones, Israel Vs Palestine c'est idem que Démocrate Vs Républicain
Ted Pike Slams Alex Jones on Zionist Gatekeeper pt.1 - pt.2
AUDIO - Alex Jones: "Israel bashers are SCUM!" by Michael Collins Piper
VIDEO - Alex Jones 'Israel fingerprints all over 911' for those who say Jones is a Zionist (THIS IS CALLED LIMITED HANGOUT FOR DAMAGE CONTROL PURPOSES. HE IS OUTRIGHT DENYING HE CALLED ISRAEL-CRITICS "SCUM"!!)
VIDEO - Alex Jones Removes Mossad 9/11 Connection From Title
AUDIO - The Best Of Alex Jones - "Folks, I've done the research: Israel could not carry out these attacks" ("Israël ne peut pas être derrière le 11 septembre!" -Alex Jones mp3)
Alex Jones tries to downplay Israel's role in the USS Liberty attack
VIDEO - Qu'est-ce que Cointelpro: EX: Alex Jones V.O. s-t fr.
Joseph Farah, un sioniste et fauteur de guerres juives
De l'auteur de "La guerre secrète contre les juifs"... Offert à la boutique Infowars
VIDEO - John Loftus: Holocaust Remembrance "America's Nazi Secret" "The Secret War Against The Jews"
il sortira bientôt des "révélations" sur " les familles américaines qui ont financé Hitler".
Il a participé à des opérations secrètes avec les forces israéliennes dans la guerre de Yom kippour... Il est rien de moins que VICE-PRÉSIDENT DU COMITÉ EXÉCUTIF DU MUSÉE DE L'HOLOCAUSTE DE FLORIDE! Benon il a surtout pas de "chien dans la course". C'est un fanatique de la guerre au terrorisme !! Et Alex Jones en fait la promotion, il vend son livre "America's Nazi Secret".
VIDEO - John Loftus: Holocaust Remembrance "America's Nazi Secret" "The Secret War Against The Jews"
il sortira bientôt des "révélations" sur " les familles américaines qui ont financé Hitler".
Il a participé à des opérations secrètes avec les forces israéliennes dans la guerre de Yom kippour... Il est rien de moins que VICE-PRÉSIDENT DU COMITÉ EXÉCUTIF DU MUSÉE DE L'HOLOCAUSTE DE FLORIDE! Benon il a surtout pas de "chien dans la course". C'est un fanatique de la guerre au terrorisme !! Et Alex Jones en fait la promotion, il vend son livre "America's Nazi Secret".
Les origines nazies d'al Qaida Et non ce n'est pas un ouvrage d'Alain SoraI ("sionistes=nazis=al-qaida" faulsavoir!). C'est de John Loftus qui nous a donné aussi America's Nazi secret: An Insider's History of How the United States department of Justice obstructed congress by: blocking congressional investigations into famous American families who funded Hitler, Stalin and Arab terrorists (2010)
John Loftus est un ancien procureur du ministère de la Justice qui vit à St-Petersburg, en Floride. Jeune soldat américain, il a participé à l'entraînement d'Israéliens lors d'une opération secrète qui changea le cours de la guerre du Kippour en 1973. Pendant les administrations Carter et Reagan, il a mené des enquêtes sur des affaires de la CIA et sur les criminels de guerre nazis pour le procureur général de s États-Unis. En tant qu'avocat privé il a plaidé à titre gracieux afin d'aider des centaines d'agents secrets à obtenir des permissions légales pour déclasser et publier les secrets de notre époque. Loftus est vice-président du comité exécutif du musée de l'Holocauste de Floride. Il a coécrit avec Mark Aarons The Secret War against the Jews (St Martin's Press, 1994) et Unholy Trinity : The Vatican, the Nazis and the Swiss Banks (St Martin's Press, 1992, 1998). Son livre à paraître s'intitule Prophets of Terror : Jona than Pollard and Peace in the Middle East.
John Loftus est un ancien procureur du ministère de la Justice qui vit à St-Petersburg, en Floride. Jeune soldat américain, il a participé à l'entraînement d'Israéliens lors d'une opération secrète qui changea le cours de la guerre du Kippour en 1973. Pendant les administrations Carter et Reagan, il a mené des enquêtes sur des affaires de la CIA et sur les criminels de guerre nazis pour le procureur général de s États-Unis. En tant qu'avocat privé il a plaidé à titre gracieux afin d'aider des centaines d'agents secrets à obtenir des permissions légales pour déclasser et publier les secrets de notre époque. Loftus est vice-président du comité exécutif du musée de l'Holocauste de Floride. Il a coécrit avec Mark Aarons The Secret War against the Jews (St Martin's Press, 1994) et Unholy Trinity : The Vatican, the Nazis and the Swiss Banks (St Martin's Press, 1992, 1998). Son livre à paraître s'intitule Prophets of Terror : Jona than Pollard and Peace in the Middle East.
John Loftus est un de ces auteurs tels que Mae Brussell et Dave Emory
qui propagent le bobard du complot nazi à l'origine de la subversion de
l'Amérique par le nouvel ordre mondial. Or même John Loftus admet que
les transfuges nazis qui ont travaillé autour du nazi Gehlen pour l'OSS
avaient des liens étroits avec des agents israéliens (Gehlen travaillait
pratiquement pour les services du Mossad!). John Loftus est un ancien
services secrets impliqué dans la traque aux
criminels nazis et qui a également présidé le musée de l'Holocauste de
Floride. Est-il besoin de préciser qu'il est pro-Israël? Il prétend
débusquer le complot ultime trouvant sa source dans le transfert des
nazis réaffectés à divers projets du gouvernement américain. Pour en savoir plus sur Loftus:
Wikipedia John Loftus:
“John Joseph Loftus (February 12, 1950) is an American author, former U.S. government prosecutor and former Army intelligence officer. He is a president of The Intelligence Summit and, although he is not Jewish, a president of the Florida Holocaust Museum. Loftus also serves on the Board of Advisers to Public Information Research.(...)
He began working for the U.S. Department of Justice in 1977 and in 1979 joined their Office of Special Investigations, which was charged with prosecuting and deporting Nazi war criminals in the US. Loftus’ now-expired Web site claimed, “As a young U.S. Army officer, John Loftus helped train Israelis on a covert operation that turned the tide of battle in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.”(...)
He also writes regularly for Ami, an Orthodox Jewish weekly news magazine.
On August 7, 2005, he provided the United States address of an alleged terrorist named Iyad K. Hilal on Fox News. Only afterwards was it revealed that Hilal had left the address three years previously and the home was now owned by a family, which was then subjected to threats and vandalism and required police protection as a result of Loftus’ words. Fox terminated Loftus’s contract to commentate after the event. Loftus said “I thought it might help police in that area now that we have positively identified a terrorist,” but he did not say why he did not contact police in a more direct manner. Loftus apologized for the mistake and expressed frustration about “one federal [agency’s]” inaction on an earlier tip he had given them years ago due to the same address." []
Piper rapporte au sujet de Loftus dans son livre Final Judgment, sur l'assassinat de JFK:
John Loftus - Author of The Secret War Against the Jews, a new book which claims that anti-Israel partisans in the American intelligence community have sought to sabotage the state of Israel. (Loftus is a former attorney with the Nazi-hunting Office of Special Investigations.)
Note: Mis
à part ses délires philosémites sur les nazis, John Loftus a tout de
même pointé du doigt le rôle des sionistes dans la guerre contre FDR et
contre Nixon, ce qu'Alex Jones n'est certainement pas prêt d'admettre!
In fact, two authors known for their devotion to the Zionist cause — John Loftus and Mark Aarons — have stated candidly that many friends of Israel do believe that FDR's death was quite fortuitous: "Although American public opinion was favorable toward Jews, few Zionists trusted Roosevelt entirely . . . As several lead ing Zionists admitted, if Roosevelt had lived, it is unlikely that Israel would ever have been born. They knew what they were talking about.”
According to pro-Israel Nixon critics, John Loftus and Mark Aarons, Nixon's staff "had at least two days advance warning that an attack was coming . . . but no one in the Nixon White House warned the Jews until the last few hours on the day of the attack." Loftus and Aarons say that, "Although our sources think that incompetence, not mali ce, was the reason for delaying the warning, Nixon certainly had a motive for revenge . . . Nixon was well aware that, apart from J. Edgar Hoover, only the Israelis knew enough about his past to cause him major political damage.
"As the Watergate tape - recordings show, Nixon was terribly afraid of the Jews. He made lists of his enemies and kept track of Jewish Americans in his administration . . . Whatever the motive, during September and October 1973 the Nixon White House turned a blind eye toward Sadat 's plans for a consolidated sneak attack against the Jews."
Mae Magnin Brussell |
Certains nous disent que c'étaient les nazis qui ont
assassiné John F. Kennedy! L'une de ces personnes, Mae Brussell, a eu
une grande influence sure John Judge et
Dave Emory, ainsi que sur une grande partie du mouvement "patriote", incluant Alex Jones et bien d'autres obsédés du "grand complot
nazi". Mae Magnin Brussell est née dans une riche famille juive de Berverly
Hills propriétaire d'une grande chaîne de magasins (I. Magnin Dept.
Store). Son père Edgar Magnin était le rabbin le plus influent de la communauté juive
d'Hollywood. Dans son article "The Nazi Connection to the John F.
Kennedy Assassination: Evidence of link between Nazis still in operation
after World War II to the still unsolved murder of John F. Kennedy",
elle identifie Reinhard Gehlen comme étant un de ces nazis qui aurait
ensuite été engagé par les États-Unis pour travailler à l'Office of
Strategic Services (OSS), soit l'ancêtre de la CIA. Or le fait est que
ce Reinhard Gehlen était un agent des services secrets israéliens! De
par sa position au sein de l'OSS, il a contribué à établir de nombreux
ponts avec Israël. Son rôle alla plutôt dans le même sens que la traque
des nazis réfugiés un peu partout dans le monde. Loin de faire entrer
des nazis au gouvernement américain, il contribua de par ses liens avec
Israël dans la traque aux nazis, à purger les institutions américaines
de tous les sympathisants nazis qui s'y trouvaient, contribuant ainsi
plus que quiconque à la sionisation intégrale de l'appareil
gouvernemental et de l'appareil de renseignement américain. C'est ainsi
que l'OSS devint un véritable nid d'espions sionistes. Comment peut-être
alors accuser la CIA d'être un repaire de nazis?
Jewish mathematician caught editing Alex Jones Wikipedia page
COINTELPRO caught setting up strawman attacks against Alex Jones
The growing complexity of Alex Jones’ Israeli Connections
Michael Savage on Alex Jones
Alex Jones has crossed YET ANOTHER Rubicon in his appeasing of organized Jewish interests, this time by having on his program the Zionist shill, warmongering Michael Weiner Savage, an agent of Israel and a confirmed traitor to America.
What’s next Jones? Pamela Geller, warning of the dangers of ‘Islamo-Fascism? How about Wolfowitz, Perle, or Feith?
David Icke a signalé à Alex Jones que c’est Rothschild qui est aux
commandes ultimes et qui donc « dirige tout », Alex Jones a
sorti un autre lapin de son chapeau: les Saxe-Coburg et Gotha! Il dit
que les Saxe-Coburg et Gotha sont plus puissants que les Rothschild.
7 octobre 2009, 2e heure, 19:20min (mp3) – « So you’re saying that Rothschilds are bigger than Saxe-Coburg and Gotha family? » (« quoi, tu dis que les Rothschilds sont plus « gros » que la famille Saxe-Coburg et Gotha? »)
Jamie Kelso est un nationaliste blanc qui a sa propre émission de radio internet pas mal en vue. Il dit souvent qu'Alex Jones est le grand "leader du mouvement indépendant et dissident aux USA", que c'est lui qu'il faut suivre vers la victoire. Kelso a déjà été dans la scientologie, une propriété des Bronfman depuis le début des années 80...
Alex Jones est-il lié au juif-sioniste Bronfman ?
By Brother Nathanael (REAL JEW NEWS)
Trad: News of Tomorrow
Trad: News of Tomorrow
LA CONTROVERSE AUTOUR D'ALEX JONES "LE PORTE-VOIX" ("BULLHORN"), accusé d'être complice des sionistes s’étend maintenant aux connexions juives-sionistes évidentes de son 1) Équipe personnelle 2) Des annonceurs de son site 3) Du lien avec le président de la Time Warner, Edgar Bronfman Jr.
L’allégeance apparente sioniste de Jones, qui
explique pourquoi il ne vise quasiment jamais les juifs sionistes ou
l’état voyou sioniste raciste d’Israël dans ses harangues et attaques
bien connues, pourrait bien naître d’un système de croyance
protestant-sioniste, et les rapports qui ont largement circulé et qui
indiquent que sa femme est juive - - ce qui place ses deux enfants sous
la loi talmudique et les rend éligibles à la Loi du Retour israélienne.
Puisque la femme de Jones est d’origine juive, elle et ses enfants
auraient automatiquement la double citoyenneté… Alex ne répond pas aux
conditions requises.
Avec les informations supplémentaires sur
Jones que désormais ce site fournit, les liens entre Alex Jones et les
sionistes -d’où proviennent sa réticence à révéler le sionisme mondial-,
deviennent de plus en plus évidents.
Et pour ajouter couronner
le tout, Jones a récemment interviewé un professeur juif-sioniste, un
“Dr Jonathan Levy,” qui s’est insurgé de façon typiquement juive contre
l’Église Catholique qui jouerait un rôle dans le Nouvel Ordre Mondial.
Cependant, pas un mot de Jones ni de ses invités juifs sur la communauté
juive sioniste, la vraie force derrière le Nouvel Ordre Mondial.
A commencer par son équipe personnelle, les employés clés de Jones sont juifs :
Rob Jacobson : le caméraman de Jones. Jacobson fait aussi des films et vidéos éditant le travail pour Alex Jones.
Aaron Dykes : Il fait du webmastering et du travail vidéo pour les sites de Jones, Infowars et Prisonplanet.
Bermas : Il anime l’émission de radio de Jones, The Alex Jones Show,
quand Jones est en vacances. Bermas a récemment attaqué les personnes
critiquant les juifs, les qualifiant “d’antisémites” et déclarant
qu’elles devraient toutes périr.
Alex Jones a également une multitude d’annonceurs juifs qui le finance :
Tieleman : Président d’EcoloBlue Life & Energy. Tieleman fait des
publicités en direct, de 10 minutes, dans l’émission radion d’ Alex
Jones, et les publicités habituelles sont déclamées par Alex Jones
lui-même. Tieleman a aussi une grande bannière publicitaire animée en
flash en haut au coin droit de la page principale du site Prisonplanet
d’Alex Jones.
Steve Shenk : Directeur du Groupe Michael Stevens.
Shenk fait la publicité de sa filiale, eFoods Direct, dans l’émission
radio d’Alex Jones. Voir Shenk dans The Alex Jones Show ici.
L Schultz : Propriétaire de Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. Schultz
utilise souvent une bannière publicitaire animée en haut à droit de la
page principale du site Prisonplanet d’Alex Jones. Voir tous les annonceurs juifs de Jones ici.
BRONFMAN LEV est la sœur d’Edgar Bronfman Jr. En tant que fondatrice de
la Bet Lev Foundation et propriétaire à 100% de Lev Group Ltd, les
affaires juridiques de Holly Bronfman sont conduites par l’avocate
haut-placée, Elizabeth Schurig, qui s’occupe également des affaires
juridiques d’Alex Jones.
Le cabinet d’avocat de Schurig est situé
au 100 Congress Avenue, 22ème étage, Austin Texas 78701. Important à
savoir : le 3 janvier 2008, Schurig a changé Jones Productions LLC à la
même adresse que son cabinet juridique, au 100 Congress Avenue.
L’“Autorité gouvernante” d’Infowars LLC et le Report LLC de Jones sont aussi à l’adresse des cabinets juridiques de Schurig.
site The Alex Jones Machine formule tout cela ainsi — “Alors maintenant
les adresses des entreprises d’Alex sont à une adresse de l’avocate de
Bronfman ?” Voir toute l’histoire ici.
Tout au moins, les flux de
revenus de Jones venant de ses sponsors juifs présentent de loin bien
trop d’obstacles pour parler du sionisme mondial de façon réaliste. En
dehors des revenus apportés par les sponsors, les liens juifs de Jones
sont, en effet, profonds, étendus et bien trop nombreux pour qu’il
puisse oser de rapporter les faits et les mécanismes du contrôle, de
l’influence, et de l’asservissement sioniste de la majeure partie de la
planète… même s’il le voulait.
Je pense qu’Alex Jones a BIEN TROP de liens avec les juifs pour rapporter les faits ‘sionistes’ tels qu’ils sont réellement…
Pour plus d’infos, voir : Alex Jones est-il un complice des sionistes ? Des
rebondissements dans la controverse Cliquer ici [en anglais]
Et : Confessions d’un journaliste antisioniste Cliquer ici [en anglais]
Alex Jones est un rigolo. Il a une femme juive qui se nomme Kelly Rebecca Nichols
et qui est la fille de Edmund Lowe Nichols et de Sandra Kay Heiligman
Sandra Kay Heiligman est la fille de Haskell Heiligman et de Velma Ruth Lattimer
Haskell Heiligman est juif
Velma Ruth Lattimer est juive
Ici : après 8 mn, il avoue que sa femme possède des racines juives polonaises :
A ce titre, ils ont donc tous le titre de citoyen israélien.
Ses collaborateurs sont tous juifs : Le cameraman s’appelle Ron Jacobson, l’envoyé spécial à Bilderberg s’appelle Aaron Dykes, et celui que l’on voit au début de la vidéo que je vous ai mis ci-dessus s’appelle Jason Bermas.
La station de radio où travaille Alex Jones s’appelle KLBJ AM et se trouve à Austin, Texas. Elle est la propriété de Emmis Communications, basé à Indianapolis, Indiana, dont le Président est le binational israélo-américain Jeffrey H. Smulyan. Le show radiophonique de Alex Jones est diffusé sur Sirius XM Radio dont le Président du Conseild’administration est Mel Karmazin
et le Président Scott Greenstein
Les sponsors et publicitaires de Alex Jones sont tous juifs. Nommons entre autres Henri James Tieleman, President of EcoloBlue Life & Energy, Steve Shenk, Director of efood direct, Michael Stevens Group,
Voici la pub faite par Alex Jones :
Allen Schultz, propriétaire de Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc, Marty Schachter, propriétaire de Cal Ben Soap company
La pub faite par Alex Jones :
Bob Chapman, propriétaire the international Forecaster
l’interview chaque vendredi de Bob Chapman :
etc… Il y en a plus d’une vingtaine comme ça et ils sont tous juifs.
Enfin, l’avocat de Alex Jones est juive et s’appelle Elisabeth M. Schurig. C’est le même avocat que Holly Lev Bronfman, la soeur de Edgard bronfman Jr., descendant de la famille juive mafieuse du même nom.
What Really Happened Wiki
Zionist shill with Zionist-Jewish connections
1) on his Personal Staff
Jones’ Key Employees Are Rob Jacobson: Jones’ cameraman. Jacobson also does film and video editing work for Alex Jones.
Aaron Dykes: He does web-mastering and video work for Jones’ Websites, Infowars and Prisonplanet.
Jason Bermas: He hosts Jones’ radio show, The Alex Jones Show, when Jones is on vacation.
2) on his Website Advertisers
Henri-James Tieleman: President of EcoloBlue Life & Energy.
Steve Shenk: Director of the Michael Stevens Group.
Allen L Schultz: Owner of Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc.
3) and Linked To Time Warner President, Edgar Bronfman Jr.
Elizabeth Schurig is Holly's ( Bronfman) lawyer and Elizabeth Schurig is Alex and Kelly Jones' lawyer. HUH? -- Read full story at
-- Why do the Joneses have the same attorney as little 'ol Holly
Bronfman-Lev? Schurig probably doesn't give many discounts, I mean once
you're working for the Bronfmans, I doubt there's a sliding scale to
accomodate less wealthy clients, but I could be wrong. Jones begs for
money all the time. Does the money bomb money help pay for Jones' high
priced Bronfman lawyer? Hmmmm?
Sponsor revenues aside, Jones’ Jewish connections are, indeed,
profound, wide-ranging and number far too many for him to dare report
the facts and dynamics of the Zionist control, influence and subjugation
o f much of the planet…even if he wanted to.
Even so Jones told his guest Rev. Ted Pike off the air
that he had heard Rev. Pike the previous morning on another program
criticizing Jewish supremacists as authors of the hate bill. Alex said
that what he was about to tell was "off the record."
He said his broadcasting empire has "gotten so big" with many
mainline affiliates that he cannot afford to lose those stations by
criticizing Jews.
Alex Jones Quotes
- "Hollywood is owned by the Arabs, and the Israelis for some reason. But the actual financing is mainly Saudi and Jordanian and the folks from Dubai and Qatar and a few other places and the British of course."
- He will not "wear Nazi armbands" by criticizing Zionism or Judaism's racial/religious goals. He will not associate with the "mentally ill" who express such concern.
- Jones says too much truth about Israeli and Jewish misdeeds will "radicalize" the Tea Party movement and destroy its ability to win elections (talk show host Alex Jones describes himself as the most influential leader of the Patriot/Tea Party revolt, next to Rep. Ron Paul).
- "What I want to say is this. I support Israel. It is their land"
- "I watch these Nazi and anti-Israel groups. They're a bunch of scum."
- They [anti-Israel groups] are "weak-minded idiots" and "Israel-bashers"
Du regretté site web
Alex Jones and Jewish Money
Alex Jones and Elizabeth Schurig
Alex Jones employs a high powered Jewish attorney named Elizabeth M. Schurig. One of Elizabeth Schurig’s other clients is a woman named Holly Lev Bronfman. Holly Lev Bronfman is the sister of Edgar Bronfman, Jr.:
Ms. Schurig represents a wide array of clients faced with multi-jurisdictional tax, estate, and business planning issues. She is experienced in the design of complex estate and business plans for U.S., non-U.S., and dual-citizen clients, and in assisting such clients with their pre-immigration and expatriation tax planning. Ms. Schurig frequently advises clients on the resolution of international tax and treaty issues in connection with their estate and business planning, and serves as outside counsel to several high net worth family offices. She has formulated and administered estate and business plans for individuals and entities with ties to Australia, the Bahamas, Canada, the Channel Islands of Jersey and Guernsey, China, Costa Rica, the Czech Republic, Dubai, France, Germany, India, the Isle of Man, Israel, Italy, Liechtenstein, Mexico, Nepal, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Oman, Panama, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. In addition to her expertise in the design, administration, and tax compliance of both inbound and outbound foreign trust and business structures, she has an extensive background in traditional probate, trust, and estate administration. A frequent author and speaker in the areas of domestic and international estate planning, asset protection, and foreign trust planning and tax compliance, Ms. Schurig has been quoted in various publications, including Practical Accountant and Bloomberg Wealth Manager. She is a contributing author (since 1995) and co-editor (since 2000) of the four-volume treatise, Asset Protection: Domestic and International Law and Tactics (Thomson/West Group, updated quarterly). Ms. Schurig is Board Certified in Estate Planning and Probate Law (Texas Board of Legal Specialization), is a member of STEP (Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners), was named a Texas Super Lawyer in 2003 through 2009 by Texas Monthly and Law & Politics magazines, is listed in The Best Lawyers in America, and was named in Worth Magazine’s Top 100 Attorneys list for 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009. Ms. Schurig graduated from The University of Texas School of Law in 1988 after receiving her B.A. in English from Baylor University in 1984.
Alex Jones’ Flagship Radio Station is Jewish Owned
The Alex Jones Show
Alex’s mainstay is his nationally syndicated news-talk show
from his studio in Austin and broadcast on the Genesis Communication
Network, based in Minnesota. The Alex Jones Show airs on over 60 AM, FM,
and shortwave stations across the United States Monday through Friday
from 11:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Central Standard Time. As well, Alex’s show is
the largest draw for the talk genre on Shoutcast and the Internet. As
of April 2008 a fourth hour has been added to the show, running between 2
p.m.—3 p.m. CST. In addition, Alex does a syndicated and nationally
broadcast Sunday show on Emmis Communications’ KLBJ 590 AM in Austin, Texas.
Veteran broadcaster Alex Jones brings his unique perspective to the KLBJ team with a brand new, hard-hitting news and information program unlike any other on the air.
With this powerful new program, Jones brings more of the same dynamic interviews and insightful commentary that he presents on his nationally syndicated radio broadcast Monday through Friday to folks in Central Texas every Sunday afternoon from 4:00-6:00pm.
With this powerful new program, Jones brings more of the same dynamic interviews and insightful commentary that he presents on his nationally syndicated radio broadcast Monday through Friday to folks in Central Texas every Sunday afternoon from 4:00-6:00pm.
Emmis Communications
KLBJ AM is owned by a company called Emmis Communications:
One of the nation’s most respected diversified communications companies, Emmis Communications
(NASDAQ: EMMS) owns and operates radio and magazine entities in large
and medium sized markets throughout the U.S. Emmis is the 9th largest
radio group in the U.S (based on listeners) and has been voted the Most
Respected Radio Company in a poll of industry CEOs.
Emmis (the Hebrew word for “truth”) went public in 1994 and
now owns and operates radio stations in the nation’s largest markets,
including: WRKS-FM (98.7 KISS FM), WQHT-FM (HOT 97) and WRXP-FM (101.9
RXP) in New York City; KPWR-FM (Power 106) in Los Angeles; and WKQX-FM
(Q101) and WLUP-FM (The Loop) in Chicago.
Emmis Radio also owns and operates: KDHT-FM, KBPA-FM, KGSR-FM, KLBJ-AM, KLBJ-FM,
and KROX-FM in Austin; KSHE-FM (KSHE95), KPNT-FM (105.7 The Point),
KFTK-FM (97.1 FM Talk) and KIHT-FM (K-Hits 96) in St. Louis; WLHK (Hank
FM), WIBC (93.1 FM), WFNI-AM (1070 The Fan), WYXB (105.7 FM), and
Network Indiana in Emmis’ hometown of Indianapolis; and WTHI (99.9 FM)
and WWVR (105.5 FM) in Terre Haute, IN. The company’s international
division operates Sláger Rádío, the #1 radio network in Hungary, three
networks in Bulgaria, and Radio Expres in Slovakia.
Among its peers, Emmis is as well-known for its vitally creative corporate culture as its operations. Aggressive, knowledgeable and deeply committed to each of the communities in which it operates, Emmis promotes a company-wide “Open Door” attitude that encourages the sharing of opinions and perspectives. The company’s logo – a large “e” pushing outside the boundaries of a box – exemplifies the company philosophy of encouraging creativity and new approaches.
Emmis Communications Corporation (formerly Emmis Broadcasting) was incorporated in Indiana in 1979 when Founder and Chairman Jeff Smulyan purchased WSVL, a small and largely unused FM station in Shelbyville, Indiana. From the outset, Smulyan’s intent was to build a tower near Indianapolis and broadcast a competitive signal into the market. After difficulty and delays, his vision was realized when the station went on the air July 4, 1981 with new call letters – WENS – and an adult contemporary format. Immediately successful, WENS, Emmis’ flagship station, continues to be a strong competitor in the Central Indiana market.
Building on his WENS success, Mr. Smulyan went on to create the nation’s first 24-hour all-sports radio station (New York City’s WFAN); the first rhythmic Top 40 station (KPWR 106 in LA); and the first adult classic soul station (KISS-FM in New York). Emmis also became the first company to own the top-rated radio stations in LA and New York simultaneously. In 1997, Emmis became the only American company awarded a national license to operate in Hungary. The resulting network, Sláger Rádío, now reaches 4 million of Hungary’s 11 million citizens.
In 1998, EMMIS jumped into the television business with the creation of Emmis Television. Emmis Television’s 15 stations include: WKCF-TV, WB 18 in Orlando, FL; KOIN-TV, CBS 6 in Portland, OR; WVUE-TV, FOX 8 in New Orleans; KRQE-TV, CBS 13 in Albuquerque NM; WSAZ-TV, NBC 3 in Huntington/Charleston WV; WALA-TV, FOX 10 in Mobile, AL; KSNW-TV, NBC 3 in Wichita, KS; WLUK-TV, FOX 11 in Green Bay, WI; KGUN-TV, ABC 9 in Tucson, AZ; KGMB-TV, CBS 9 and KHON-TV, FOX 2 in Honolulu; KMTV-TV, CBS 3 in Omaha, NE; WFTX-TV, FOX 4 in Ft. Myers, FL; KSNT-TV, NBC 27 in Topeka, KS; and WTHI-TV, CBS 10 in Terre Haute, IN.
Emmis Publishing, created in 1988 with the purchase of Indianapolis Monthly, produces award-winning regional and specialty magazines: Indianapolis Monthly, Atlanta, Cincinnati, Texas Monthly, Los Angeles and Country Sampler. In addition, the company operates Emmis Publishing National Sales, a publisher’s representative firm.
Emmis also owns Revenue Development Systems (RDS), the largest and most experienced non-traditional revenue development company in media; and, the premier minority recruitment website in the New York Tri-State area.
Among its peers, Emmis is as well-known for its vitally creative corporate culture as its operations. Aggressive, knowledgeable and deeply committed to each of the communities in which it operates, Emmis promotes a company-wide “Open Door” attitude that encourages the sharing of opinions and perspectives. The company’s logo – a large “e” pushing outside the boundaries of a box – exemplifies the company philosophy of encouraging creativity and new approaches.
Emmis Communications Corporation (formerly Emmis Broadcasting) was incorporated in Indiana in 1979 when Founder and Chairman Jeff Smulyan purchased WSVL, a small and largely unused FM station in Shelbyville, Indiana. From the outset, Smulyan’s intent was to build a tower near Indianapolis and broadcast a competitive signal into the market. After difficulty and delays, his vision was realized when the station went on the air July 4, 1981 with new call letters – WENS – and an adult contemporary format. Immediately successful, WENS, Emmis’ flagship station, continues to be a strong competitor in the Central Indiana market.
Building on his WENS success, Mr. Smulyan went on to create the nation’s first 24-hour all-sports radio station (New York City’s WFAN); the first rhythmic Top 40 station (KPWR 106 in LA); and the first adult classic soul station (KISS-FM in New York). Emmis also became the first company to own the top-rated radio stations in LA and New York simultaneously. In 1997, Emmis became the only American company awarded a national license to operate in Hungary. The resulting network, Sláger Rádío, now reaches 4 million of Hungary’s 11 million citizens.
In 1998, EMMIS jumped into the television business with the creation of Emmis Television. Emmis Television’s 15 stations include: WKCF-TV, WB 18 in Orlando, FL; KOIN-TV, CBS 6 in Portland, OR; WVUE-TV, FOX 8 in New Orleans; KRQE-TV, CBS 13 in Albuquerque NM; WSAZ-TV, NBC 3 in Huntington/Charleston WV; WALA-TV, FOX 10 in Mobile, AL; KSNW-TV, NBC 3 in Wichita, KS; WLUK-TV, FOX 11 in Green Bay, WI; KGUN-TV, ABC 9 in Tucson, AZ; KGMB-TV, CBS 9 and KHON-TV, FOX 2 in Honolulu; KMTV-TV, CBS 3 in Omaha, NE; WFTX-TV, FOX 4 in Ft. Myers, FL; KSNT-TV, NBC 27 in Topeka, KS; and WTHI-TV, CBS 10 in Terre Haute, IN.
Emmis Publishing, created in 1988 with the purchase of Indianapolis Monthly, produces award-winning regional and specialty magazines: Indianapolis Monthly, Atlanta, Cincinnati, Texas Monthly, Los Angeles and Country Sampler. In addition, the company operates Emmis Publishing National Sales, a publisher’s representative firm.
Emmis also owns Revenue Development Systems (RDS), the largest and most experienced non-traditional revenue development company in media; and, the premier minority recruitment website in the New York Tri-State area.
Jeffrey Smulyan
The founder, chairman, president, and chief executive officer of Emmis Communications is a Jew named Jeffrey H. Smulyan:
Jeffrey H. Smulyan, 60, serves as Chairman of the Board of Emmis Communications Corporation,
an Indianapolis-based radio, TV and magazine publishing company with
operations in 10 U.S. markets, as well as Hungary, Belgium, Bulgaria and
Slovakia. A cum laude graduate of the University of Southern California
with a B.A. in History and Telecommunications, Smulyan earned a Juris
Doctor degree from USC School of Law, where he served as note and
comment editor of the USC Law Review.
After operating two radio stations – WNTS in Indianapolis and KCRO in
Omaha – Smulyan formed and became principal shareholder of Emmis in
1980. A public company since 1994, Emmis owns and operates 21 FM and 2
AM radio stations in the nation’s largest markets; six local, regional
and national magazine operations; and the No. 1 radio network in Hungary
and nine radio stations in the Flanders region of Belgium. Emmis is
currently in the process of selling its 16 television stations and has
announced the sale of 15 of them. In 1995, Emmis became the first
company to own top-rated stations in New York and Los Angeles
A former director of the National Association of Broadcasters and former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Radio Advertising Bureau, Smulyan serves as past chair of the Central Indiana Corporate Partnership, a consortium of CEOs from central Indiana’s largest corporations, sits on the Board of Trustees of the University of Southern California and the Board of Directors of Finish Line, Inc., an athletic apparel company. He is a member of the American, Indiana and Federal Communications bar associations, and has served on numerous civic boards and committees. As principal shareholder, he led a group that purchased the Seattle Mariners baseball team in 1989, selling the club three years later. During that time, Smulyan served on the Major League Baseball owner’s Ownership and Television committees.
In 2000, Smulyan was honored with the American Women in Radio and Television’s Silver Satellite Award, the National Association of Broadcasters’ National Radio Award, and as Radio Ink’s “Radio Executive of the Year.” In 1995, the radio industry newspaper, R & R, voted Smulyan one of the 10 most influential radio executives of the past two decades. He received the American Women in Radio and Television’s Star Award in 1994 and the Entrepreneur of the Year Award from Ernst & Young the following year. In 2004, he was inducted into the Broadcasting & Cable Hall of Fame. Other honors include the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s Breath of Life Award; the Jewish National Fund’s Tree of Life Award; the Indianapolis Business Journal’s Entrepreneur of the Year Award; the Leukemia Society Diamond of Hope Award; the State of Indiana’s “Sagamore of the Wabash”; and he has been inducted into the Indiana Business Hall of Fame.
In 1994, Smulyan was named by The White House to head the U.S. Delegation to the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunications Union. As a United States Ambassador, he represented the U.S. in various bilateral meetings, negotiating a landmark agreement between Israel and the PLO.
In 2005 Emmis was named one of FORTUNE magazine’s “100 Best Companies to Work For” and for the last two years Emmis has been named one of the Best Places to Work in Indiana.
Smulyan, who enjoys sports, politics and reading, resides in Indianapolis with his wife, Heather. He has three children: Samantha, Cari and Bradley.
A former director of the National Association of Broadcasters and former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Radio Advertising Bureau, Smulyan serves as past chair of the Central Indiana Corporate Partnership, a consortium of CEOs from central Indiana’s largest corporations, sits on the Board of Trustees of the University of Southern California and the Board of Directors of Finish Line, Inc., an athletic apparel company. He is a member of the American, Indiana and Federal Communications bar associations, and has served on numerous civic boards and committees. As principal shareholder, he led a group that purchased the Seattle Mariners baseball team in 1989, selling the club three years later. During that time, Smulyan served on the Major League Baseball owner’s Ownership and Television committees.
In 2000, Smulyan was honored with the American Women in Radio and Television’s Silver Satellite Award, the National Association of Broadcasters’ National Radio Award, and as Radio Ink’s “Radio Executive of the Year.” In 1995, the radio industry newspaper, R & R, voted Smulyan one of the 10 most influential radio executives of the past two decades. He received the American Women in Radio and Television’s Star Award in 1994 and the Entrepreneur of the Year Award from Ernst & Young the following year. In 2004, he was inducted into the Broadcasting & Cable Hall of Fame. Other honors include the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s Breath of Life Award; the Jewish National Fund’s Tree of Life Award; the Indianapolis Business Journal’s Entrepreneur of the Year Award; the Leukemia Society Diamond of Hope Award; the State of Indiana’s “Sagamore of the Wabash”; and he has been inducted into the Indiana Business Hall of Fame.
In 1994, Smulyan was named by The White House to head the U.S. Delegation to the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunications Union. As a United States Ambassador, he represented the U.S. in various bilateral meetings, negotiating a landmark agreement between Israel and the PLO.
In 2005 Emmis was named one of FORTUNE magazine’s “100 Best Companies to Work For” and for the last two years Emmis has been named one of the Best Places to Work in Indiana.
Smulyan, who enjoys sports, politics and reading, resides in Indianapolis with his wife, Heather. He has three children: Samantha, Cari and Bradley.
Alex Jones’ Show is Broadcast on Jewish Run XM Radio
Alex Jones’ radio show is now being broadcast on XM Radio every Saturday from 6:00pm to 9:00pm on Channel 165 – Talk Radio:
XM Satellite Radio merged with Sirius Satellite Radio on July 29, 2008:
SIRIUS and XM Complete Merger
NEW YORK, July 29, 2008 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News
Network/ — SIRIUS Satellite Radio (Nasdaq: SIRI) and XM Satellite Radio
today announced that they have completed their merger, resulting in the
nation’s premier radio company. The new company plans to change its
corporate name to SIRIUS XM Radio Inc. The combined company’s stock will
continue to be traded on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the
symbol “SIRI.”
SIRIUS XM Radio begins day one with over 18.5 million subscribers,
making it the second-largest radio company, based upon revenue, in the
country; and, based upon subscribers, the second largest subscription
media business in the U.S. With under 10% penetration of the home and
car market, the opportunity for continued growth is significant.
“I am delighted to announce the completion of this exciting merger between SIRIUS and XM,” said Mel Karmazin, CEO of SIRIUS XM Radio. “We have worked diligently to close this transaction and we look forward to integrating our best-in-class management teams and operations so we can begin delivering on our promise of more choices and lower prices for subscribers.”
“Every one of our constituencies is a winner. Combined, SIRIUS XM Radio will deliver superior value to our shareholders. By offering more compelling packages and the best content in audio entertainment, we are well positioned for increased subscriber growth. Our laser focus on subscribers will continue and listeners can be assured that there will be no disruption in service. We also believe that the completion of the merger will eliminate any confusion that has been lingering in the marketplace,” added Karmazin.
“I am delighted to announce the completion of this exciting merger between SIRIUS and XM,” said Mel Karmazin, CEO of SIRIUS XM Radio. “We have worked diligently to close this transaction and we look forward to integrating our best-in-class management teams and operations so we can begin delivering on our promise of more choices and lower prices for subscribers.”
“Every one of our constituencies is a winner. Combined, SIRIUS XM Radio will deliver superior value to our shareholders. By offering more compelling packages and the best content in audio entertainment, we are well positioned for increased subscriber growth. Our laser focus on subscribers will continue and listeners can be assured that there will be no disruption in service. We also believe that the completion of the merger will eliminate any confusion that has been lingering in the marketplace,” added Karmazin.
The chief executive officer of Sirius XM Radio is a Jew named Mel Karmazin:
The president and chief content officer of Sirius XM Radio is a Jew named Scott Greenstein:
The chairman of Sirius XM Radio is a Jew named Eddy W. Hartenstein:
Alex Jones has at least twenty-one(21) different radio and website sponsors that are Jewish owned and operated. Please note that this is only a partial
list. Please also note that some of the hyperlinks in this list may no
longer be operative, but they were at the time that the list was
Alex Jones’ Jewish Advertiser #1
This Alex Jones radio and website sponsor is a company called EcoloBlue Life and Energy.
This company has live on air 10 minute commercials on Alex Jones’
radio show voiced by Alex Jones himself, and it also has a large flash
animation banner advertisement at the top right-hand corner of the main
page of Alex Jones’ Prisonplanet website. Here is the EcoloBlue Life and Energy website:
The president of EcoloBlue Life and Energy is a Jew named Henri-James Tieleman:
Henri-James Tieleman; 39; Miami, FL – What I do: I am the co-founder and CEO of EcoloBlue, Life and Energy.
Alex Jones’ Jewish Advertiser #2
This Alex Jones radio and website sponsor is a company called eFoods Direct.
This company has live on air 10 minute commercials on Alex Jones’
radio show voiced by Alex Jones himself, and it also has a large flash
animation banner advertisement at the top left-hand side of the main
page of Alex Jones’ Prisonplanet website. Here is the eFoods Direct website:
The director of eFoods Direct/J. Michael Stevens Group is a Jew named Steve Shenk:
The J. Michael Stevens Group, with Steve Shenk as its director, has
been the premier emergency and storable food organization for over 25
Here is a video of Steve Shenk promoting his products:
Alex Jones’ Jewish Advertiser #3
This Alex Jones website sponsor is a company called The Self Defense Company.
This company has animated banner advertisements in several different
places on the main page of Alex Jones’ Prisonplanet website. Here is
the Self Defense Company website:
The CEO of The Self Defense Company is a Jew named Damian Ross:
The Self Defense Training System (SDTS) was developed by Master Instructor Damian Ross, CEO of The Self Defense Company.
Alex Jones’ Jewish Advertiser #4
This Alex Jones website sponsor is a company called ProtoGrow/Grow Like Crazy.
This company has an animated banner advertisement at the top
right-hand side of the main page of Alex Jones’ Prisonplanet website.
Here is the ProtoGrow/Grow Like Crazy website:
The owner and operator of the ProtoGrow/Grow Like Crazy website is a Jew named Jerry Greenfield:
From: Jerry Greenfield, “America’s Garden” Consumer Reporter, Monday, 7:15 a.m.
Alex Jones’ Jewish Advertiser #5
This Alex Jones website sponsor is a company called Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc..
This company has an animated banner advertisement at the top
right-hand side of the main page of Alex Jones’ Prisonplanet website.
Here is the Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. website:
The owner and operator of the Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. website is a Jew named Allen L. Schultz:
Alex Jones’ Jewish Advertiser #6
This Alex Jones website sponsor is a company called Raw Organic Vegan Superfoods.
This company has an animated banner advertisement at the top
right-hand side of the main page of Alex Jones’ Prisonplanet website.
Here is the Raw Organic Vegan Superfoods website:
The Raw Organic Vegan Superfoods website is a promotion for a book written by a Jew named David Wolfe:
David Wolfe’s new book – Superfoods: The Food and Medicine of The Future, is due to hit shelves April 28th, 2009. Jones’ Jewish Advertiser #7
This Alex Jones website sponsor is a company called The Anti-Christ Identity Report.
This company has a text advertisement disguised as a news headline at
the bottom of the “Money Watch” section on the main page of Alex Jones’
Prisonplanet website. The text of the advertisement reads:
OBAMA’S NEW WORLD ORDER? Frightening 150 Page Report into Obama’s
New World Order. Report is Under Threat of being Taken Offline. Must See
Now. Click Here!
Here is The Anti-Christ Identity Report website:
The owner and operator of the The Anti-Christ Identity Report website is a Jew named Mel Sanger:
Mel Sanger MSc – Author, The Antichrist Identity Report, Head of the Antichrist Identity (AI) Research Team
Alex Jones’ Jewish Advertiser #8
This Alex Jones radio sponsor is a company called Cal Ben Soap Company. This company has live on air 10 minute commercials on Alex Jones’ radio show voiced by Alex Jones himself. Here is the Cal Ben Soap Company website:
The owner and spokesman of the Cal Ben Soap Company is a Jew named Marty Schachter:
Alex also talks with Marty Schachter of Cal Ben Soap
Here are two recent audio clips of Alex Jones doing live 10 minute radio commercials for Cal Ben Soap Company, with Marty Schachter calling in on the telephone:
The growing complexity of Alex Jones’ Israeli Connections
Mossad, Stratfor, a Jewish Hedge-Fund Investor, and a Saudi Arms Dealer Working for Israel
By Timothy Fitzpatrick
So much has been written and said about Texas radio host Alex Jones’
whoring for the Zionist establishment that one could write a fair-sized
book about it. If people haven’t yet been convinced that he is an
outright shill and operative for the Jewish money power in this world,
then I am not sure what will. Even so, here are yet more compromising
connections that implicate Alex Jones in this never-ending rabbit hole
of counter-intelligence, and, coupled with the already damning
information available on him, conclusively show that he is not a
legitimate patriot fighting against the New World Order but a Zionist
The Khashoggi Connection
Saudi billionaire arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi has been implicated in
almost every major conspiracy in the last 50 or so years. The average
person would never suspect a rich Saudi of being involved with Israeli
intelligence, let alone being a paid agent of Israel’s sophisticated
(spy) terror organization, Mossad. But that’s exactly what Khashoggi is,
according to at least one former Mossad case officer, Victor Ostrovsky,
and two Jewish journalists, Dan Raviv and Yossi Melman. The Mossad has a
term for people like Khashoggi—an Arabist, a Mossad field agent who
poses as a Muslim. Aside from these three sources on Khashoggi and the
Mossad, most of the available information linking Alex Jones and the
9/11 Truth movement leadership with Khashoggi (and the Mossad) has been
compiled by investigative journalist Daniel Hopsicker.
Hopsicker makes the first connection through 9/11 truth leader John
Gray (Texas born) and another self-proclaimed truth movement patriot in
these October 2004 articles,
A MadCowMorningNews investigation into allegations that “Mars & Venus” author John Gray and Saudi Billionaire Adnan Khashoggi’s bankrupt has been used in an effort to spread disinformation about the 9/11 attack on the Internet uncovered evidence last week that the firm had numerous underworld connections….[I]
Here’s what happened: Men Are From Mars was not an instant hit when it was first published. Almost ten months after its release, Gray’s flagship book had received little acclaim and climbed no best seller lists.
Enter Adnan Khashoggi and lieutenant Ramy El Batrawi, who, we learned, has also used the nom de guerre “Remy Al-Batswani,” while running an air carrier for Khashoggi used in illegal shipments of arms to Iran which was eventually placed on the State Department’s list of “unsavory” companies and barred from doing business with any agency of the U.S. Government.
“It took a year to get on the best-seller list,” said Jack McKeown, president and publisher of HarperCollins trade group, in an interview.’ John Gray is the beneficiary of a turbocharged marketing campaign, in which the author is an active partner.”
So John Gray owes his huge success and resulting fortune to Khashoggi’s “Saudi Genesis,” an intricate web of rapidly changing corporate fronts and dummy corporations with the word “Genesis” in their name, involved in wholesale criminal fraud that looks to be a textbook example of a Continuing Criminal Enterprise.
Saudi money picked up John Gray’s book (and Gray himself) and ran with it; creating infomercials that drove sales of until they became a worldwide publishing phenomenon. Michael C. Ruppert and the phony 9/11 ‘Truth Movement’ are defending taking money from owes his fame and success to Saudi money from Adnan Khashoggi, provided through a company incorporated by Barry Seal’s attorney, the same man currently suing us for ‘emotional distress.’
No doubt this is just a freak coincidence.
Gray is even alleged to be involved, in papers filed in a major lawsuit in Federal Court in Minneapolis, in the recent $200 million looting the Genesis principals engaged in while on their way out of town. His trading account was used in the scheme, alleges the suit.
But apparently that doesn’t make him a close associate of Adnan Khashoggi…not at least for purposes of taking money from him. Not in Michael Ruppert’s book. But then proof is something the former detective appears to disdain, as witness his incessant pushing of 9.11 Red herrings from “Bush Knew” to “No Pilots” to “No Planes” to “Peak Oil,” his latest “the end of the world as we know it” pulpit-pounder.[II]
Speaking of Michael Ruppert (Mr. Peak Oil), in his book Crossing the Rubicon
(2004), he claims Deutsche Bank head Mayo Shattuck III was involved
with Khashoggi in an insider-trading scandal just before 9/11. Deutsche
Bank is a Rothschild bank that also has a stake in Zions Bank, which was
involved in a failed Khashoggi venture in Utah in the mid-1980s.
Adnan Khashoggi, perhaps the best-known Saudi billionaire, controls his investments through Ultimate Holdings Ltd. and in Genesis Intermedia, which was reported to have been connected to suspicious stock trades around the time of the September 11 attacks.[III]
Ruppert, who became a prominent 9/11 “truther” around the same time as Alex Jones, has also had personally dealings with Jones.[IV]
It’s troubling enough that the Mossad, through Khashoggi and Genesis
Intermedia, were possibly involved in insider trading with prior
knowledge of the September 11, 2001 attacks. But what about Alex Jones
and his prior knowledge?[V]
Was it just an educated guess, or was Jones, and his handlers, in the
know as well? And what about Genesis Intermedia and Alex Jones’ network
Genesis Communications? Was Khashoggi and friends the Mossad informants
who tipped Jones off? According to Hopsicker, possibly.
“From their base in Tampa Florida, Khashoggi and El Batrawi controlled a network of companies, all using the word “Genesis” in their name. The number of Khashoggi-owned Genesis companies we’ve found keeps growing. There is, or was, Genesis Aviation, Inc., Genesis Aviation II, Genesis Diversified Investments, Genesis Studio and Production Corp., Genesis Media Group, Genesis Properties, Genesis Intermedia;; Genesis Delaware; Genesis Florida… The list, it do go on. And on.”…
And then there’s the Genesis Communications Network. There’s actually two of them, seemingly unrelated, but they’re so extremely similar in the fraud department to each other and to “Saudi Genesis” that the relationship appears strongly familial. We’re still uncertain as to how close they all are; kissing cousins, at the very least.
The first GCN is a so-called “patriot” network hosting Alex Jones and Dave Van Kliest, the, ah, the individual fronting for the latest See the Flash extravaganza, advertisements for which are spamming the Internet at a rate that must be causing concern among conservationists of our digital landscape of ‘1’s and ‘ 0’s.’
VanKliest is our pick for Disinfotainer of the Year… an especial honor, considering that there was some fierce competition. Of course, “See the Flash Dave” from the powerhour, like Alex Jones, is part of the GENESIS Communications Network.
Hopsicker doesn’t give us anything really substantial here, and since
the Khashoggi dummy corporations have disappeared so quickly, we may
never find the proof linking the various Genesis companies. However, the
dealings of Khashoggi’s Genesis dummies bear a striking resemblance to
Alex Jones’ Infowars and PrisonPlanet infomercials, dozens and dozens of which belong to Jewish-owned companies. (See Alex Jones’ Jewish Sponsors)
Hopsicker continues,
The “Saudi Genesis” companies specialized in marketing to the masses, through infomercials and on the internet. Everything from Plastic Surgeons Crème to ab-energizers to fraudulent get rich quick schemes like “Trade Your Way to Riches,” created after Ramy El-Batrawi of Genesis approached Jake Bernstein at a seminar in Burbank, California about the possibility of marketing Bernstein’s futures trading products through the creation of an infomercial.
Jake Bernstein billed himself as the world’s foremost authority on pattern recognition and cycles and author of over 25 trading books. (He must be pretty good at recognizing when its time to leave town, at least, cause he hasn’t gone to prison recently.( Bernstein website ) “Jake found an easier way to get rich. Instead of trading futures he would trade on investor gullibility,” wrote a whistleblower.
Hopsicker points out that the same shady dealings of Khashoggi’s
Genesis have occurred with Alex Jones’ Genesis and the John Joseph Gray
(different from the 9/11 truther John Gray) and his family.
Christian Media has repeatedly sought to expose the treachery at the Genesis Communications Network for several years now. They stole their original equipment from another patriot network named Republic Radio. Fraudulently claiming they had purchased the network, the management of Genesis literally backed up a U-Haul, and loaded up the broadcasting equipment while the rightful owner was out of town![VI]
Hopsicker sayst the executive vice president at Genesis
Communications Network in Minnesota is (Midas
Report) shares the same address as another website called “BRIDGES FOR
appears to be a Christian Zionist organization. Keep in mind that Alex Jones has admitted on air to being a Zionist
and claims that his Jewish-born wife, Violet, is a Christian—obviously
of the Zionist-based Protestant strain. Jones is surrounded by Jews in
his daily life, whether it’s by his sleazy Jewish friends in Hollywood
like Charlie Sheen or Joe Rogan, or his Jewish lawyer Elizabeth Schurig,
who also represents the ultra-Zionist Bronfman dynasty, one of the most
powerful families in the world. The Bronfmans are also connected to
Khashoggi in several ways, including through the Iran-Contra affair and
Barrick Gold, the world’s largest gold mining corporation, founded in
1983 by Khashoggi and Peter Munk (Jewish).
Interestlingly, Alex Jones got wind of the accusation that he and
Khashoggi may be in cahoots. Foolishly, Alex Jones publicly commented
and revealed some of his cards.
There is absolutely no way on God’s green earth that Jones doesn’t
know who Khashoggi is. He is the conspiracy king, right? He should know
who all the big players are.
Here’s a look at some of Khashoggi’s other disturbing connections. Is he not a big player?
- Adnan Khashoggi’s father, Mohammed Khashoggi, was Mohammed Bin Laden’s (Osama’s father) family physician
- Adnan Khashoggi attended college in Alexandria, Egypt, with some of Osama Bin Laden’s siblings.
- Joseph A. Ball — the principal author of the Warren Commission report — represented Khashoggi in his 1980 divorce from Soraya Khashoggi. Author Michael Collins Piper, in his book Final Judgment, makes a good case for the JFK assassination being orchestrated by Israel and the Mossad.
- After the death of her second husband, Jackie Kennedy was romantically involved with Khashoggi.
- Khashoggi secretly contributed to Richard Nixon’s 1968 presidential campaign. He attended Nixon’s funeral in 1994. Remember that Nixon also attended the Bohemian Grove. Alex Jones first became famous allegedly crashing the Bohemian Grove and publishing video footage from one of the rituals.
- Khashoggi was implicated in the Iran-Contra scandal as a key middleman in the arms-for-hostages exchange along with Iranian arms dealer Manucher Ghorbanifar during the administration of US President Ronald Reagan.
- Convicted in absentia of fraud in Thailand over the 1996 collapse of the Bangkok Bank of Commerce
- Khashoggi’s daughter Nabila, his former wife Lamia Khashoggi (formerly Laura Biancolini) and Ali Khashoggi are high level members of the Church of Scientology. Alex Jones’s PrisonPlanet website is a Scientologist term. He is also friends with Hollywood Scientologists like the half-Jewish Charlie Sheen (See: Alex Jones Promotes Scientology-Affiliated Leaders)
- Theresa LePore was supervisor of elections in Palm Beach County during the disputed 2000 election. In the 1980s, when she was chief deputy supervisor of elections, she moonlighted as a “flight attendant” on private planes owned by Adnan Khashoggi.
- Robert G. Morvillo was the lawyer who got Khashoggi aquitted for siphoning money to Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos. (Morvillo was not so lucky with Martha Stewart). In the 1960s and 1970s, Morvillo served in the U.S. attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York where he mentored a young assistant U.S. attorney named Rudolph Giuliani.
- While Manhattan U.S. Attorney, Giuliani once tried (unsuccessfully) to prosecute Adnan Khashoggi for fraud in connection with a real estate venture.
- Khashoggi met with Richard Perle shortly before the American invasion of Iraq in 2003. Perle was a member of the Jewish-dominated PNAC, the Project for the New American Century, which is widely believed to have been intimately involved in carrying out the 9/11 attacks. (See 9/11 PNAC perps still whining for US to fight Israel’s wars)
The Jewish Hedge Fund Connection
Now things get even weirder and more suspicious.
Seventy-seven-year-old Jewish billionaire Carl Icahn was in the press in
April this year for defending a multi-level marketing company called
Herbalife, which hedge-fund investor Bill Ackman called a “pyramid
scheme.”[VII] You may have heard of it advertised on Alex Jones’ radio programs. It’s one of Jones’ major Infowars
sponsors. As of February, Icahn owned approximately 13.6 per cent of
Herbalife’s shares. In 2001, before the 9/11 attacks, Icahn gave
Khashoggi a $100-million line of credit for the money-losing Genesis
Icahn is also loosely linked to 9/11 truther John Gray, who is linked
to Khashoggi, through the 1990s Heaven’s Gate Cult. “The cultists threw
themselves a final going-away-to-Hale Bopp party in January of 1997;
they held the bash at Icahn’s Stratosphere Casino in Vegas, which he was
then in the process of purchasing out of bankruptcy,” Hopsicker says.
Gray personally knew cult leader Marshall Applewhite, and Khashoggi’s
networks may have provided internet service to Applewhite.[IX]
Enter the Israeli intelligence front Stratfor (Strategic Forecasting,
Inc,), which purports to be a global intelligence company, founded and
headed by Zionist George Friedman. It was founded in Austin, Texas in
1996. Alex Jones, also from Austin, basically started his radio and TV
career in 1996. On November 20, 2012, a YouTube account holder by the
name of MsSherrieLea revalead that Alex Jones and Infowars had hired a
former Stratfor intern named Molly Maroney as editor. Given Jones’
Zionist sympathies and his multiple Jewish connections, it’s difficult
to believe that Stratfor is not more intimately involved in the Infowars
media empire as well as with Gray’s 9/11 Truth movement, which also
avoids anything Israeli like the plague. American journalist David Chase
Taylor believes Infowars and Jones’ affiliates are not only spreading
disinformation but also gathering intelligence, data on patriots and
have been since Stratfor’s founding in 1996 (See: Alex Jones Cancels Speaking Tour 3 Days After Exposure As Possible STRATFOR Double Agent).
Needless to say, there certainly seems to be a lot of “patriot” leaders
coming from the Texas area, a hotbed of Israeli intelligence activity.
Thus the saga of Zionist shill Alex Jones continues. I expect there
will be a lot more coming out on this topic. Recently, Alex Jones has
been dropping hints that he may be ducking out of the patriot scene,
like Michael Ruppert did. This will become more and more likely as the
pieces of this puzzle fall into place.
[I] COINTELPRO 9.11: John Gray and Saudi Genesis
[II] COINTELPRO 9.11 pt III: Khashoggi, Cults, Cover-ups, & Mars and Venus Doing Lunch
[III] Michael Ruppert, Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire At the End of the Age of Oil,, page 144, Gabriola Island, Canada, New Society Publishers, 2004
[IV] Ibid, pg. 198.
[VI] The Alex Jones Affair: A Christian Patriot Family Betrayed
[VII] Ackman, Icahn Hurl Accusations, Insults
[VIII] Icahn to Be Paid $275,000 by Genesis, Los Angeles Times, July 4, 2001
[IX] COINTELPRO 9.11: John Gray and Saudi Genesis
Publicité "V pour victoire" pour le site d'Alex Jones, en référence à la campagne pour l'effort de guerre contre les nazis
AUDIO - The Piper Report - Jan 24, 2011 Alex Jones launches "V for Victory Resistance Campaign".
Critiqué pour cette symbolique douteuse, Infowars se justifie en rappelant qu'il faut battre les méchants nazis et, le plus drôle, en retombant dans la délirante théorie des diaboliques "swastikas inversés" (sic), théorie absolument fausse.
Un peu d'histoire sur les arrières-plans officiels de ce signe "V pour victoire" lié à l'administration Churchill:
British Open 'V' Nerve War; Churchill Spurs Resistance By James MacDonald
AUDIO - The Piper Report - Jan 24, 2011 Alex Jones launches "V for Victory Resistance Campaign".
Critiqué pour cette symbolique douteuse, Infowars se justifie en rappelant qu'il faut battre les méchants nazis et, le plus drôle, en retombant dans la délirante théorie des diaboliques "swastikas inversés" (sic), théorie absolument fausse.
Un peu d'histoire sur les arrières-plans officiels de ce signe "V pour victoire" lié à l'administration Churchill:
British Open 'V' Nerve War; Churchill Spurs Resistance By James MacDonald
Churchill, tueur à gages des Rothschild, sous contrôle
du petit groupe de financiers juifs "The Focus".
In depth comment:
Jones is a modern day Balsamo. Balsamo, aka Cagliostro, was a propagandist
during the French Revolution who engineered the “Diamond Necklace” scandal.
His purpose was to cause the French people to loose confidence in their
Likewise, Alex Jones’ purpose is to destroy his
listener’s confidence in the American government. This corresponds precisely
with the agenda of the globalists who wish to destroy all national
governments in order to institute their NWO. It is they who have packed
their looters into powerful positions at all levels of government and
business in order to totally destroy our current system.
“But Alex
Jones tells the truth!” Yes indeed he does. He may direct away from certain
topics such as the Zionist conspiracy, but by and large, most of what he
says can be substantiated with facts. However, what many do not understand
about propaganda is that the best propaganda is factually based. One must
ask oneself, what is the object of this propaganda?
Along with
causing mass disenchantment with the current system, he is also helping to
bring about the “Externalization of the Hierarchy.” In the book by the same
name, written by Alice A. Bailey, the author elucidates the need to
eventually bring about the realization in the minds of the masses the hidden
power structure of the world as it already secretly exists. Bailey believes
this “externalization of the hierarchy” to be a necessary precondition for
the coming of the new age messiah.
Alex Jones also plays a major role
in the continuing, but soon to be phased out, period of openness encouraged
by a largely free internet. This period is similar to the method of the
“Hundred Flowers” used by the Nazis in 1943. According to Jacques Ellul in
his book “Propaganda,”:
“There was a period of apparent liberalism
when expressions of all sort of criticism, deviationism, idealistic and
religious inclinations, and so on, were tolerated, authorized, even
encouraged. Then after all opponents had spoken, the wave of repression hit
them: arrests, jail sentences, and, above all, political re-education took
place. The purpose of the ‘Hundred Flowers Campaign’ was to make opponents
come out in the open so they could be arrested and eliminated.”
Jones worshipers should take note of history.
Alex Jones disseminates
propaganda. His SHOW is very seductive to those seeking the
Though his PROGRAM is more factually based than most
propaganda, it serves the same purpose, to attract loyal believers. His
listeners are subconsciously looking for a way to avoid the hardship of
doing their own research, and more than that, their own thinking; therefore,
they become “true believers” in Alex Jones and begin to allow him to do
their thinking for them.
This is a precarious situation indeed for
while he may seem harmless enough at this point, no one knows where he will
lead them when the chips are down. It is dangerous to become loyal to a
personality. Too many revolutions have been usurped during the heat of the
battle by counteragents of the enemy. Make no mistake about it, a revolution
is coming. It must come for the NWO itself is a revolutionary
Another element involved with this sort of propaganda, in
addition to the desensitization described by Brother Nathanael, is the
tendency to separate thought from action. His listeners project the struggle
outside of themselves and onto the shoulders of Alex Jones.
The Alex
Jones program satisfies the need for his listeners to escape from the
oppression of the NWO, but only in their minds. They go about their daily
lives as usual in every other way as if nothing unusual was happening, even
though, as they listen to Alex Jones, they are constantly informed of the
impending doom awaiting them and their way of life.
A sort of double
mindedness manifests itself reminiscent of the double mindedness among many
professed Christians these days. The Bible teaches that faith without works
is dead. One can’t truly believe something without changing the way one acts
in relationship to that belief.
Most people that listen to Alex Jones
style themselves as patriots. In fact they are lifeless patriots, patriots
in their own minds. So many people are looking for a savior, but they are
not looking for Jesus Christ, so they attempt to replace him with
government, or people. Alex Jones destroys the god of government in the
minds of his listeners, so many of them attempt to fill that void with Alex
Jones, in much the same way as others have filled it with Obama.
Alex Jones show serves the same purpose as a baby sitter. He now broadcasts
seven hours of programming per day. One could spend all of their time going
to work and listening to Alex Jones.
Taking time to analyze the
content of the show, more than half of the air time is used for advertising,
considering the infomercials, plugs, and commercial breaks. Alex spends a
great deal of time being dramatic and ranting about himself, often debating
invisible yuppies. All this must be endured by the listener in exchange for
a few precious moments with a good guest, that is, if they are allowed to
finish a sentence. The show is a sublime waste of time.
Alex Jones is
running a business. People tend to forget about that. His first priority is
making money. Some will argue that money is required to get the word out. Of
course that’s true, there is no denying that fact; however, there is a
difference between making money in order to finance the operation, and
creating an operation in order to make money.
No one can listen to
Alex Jones and not discern that his operation has been developed for the
primary purpose of making money, getting the word out is secondary;
therefore, care must be taken by Jones to provide a certain amount of
entertainment value in order to keep them coming back, and of course, he
will never want to offend a sponsor or potential sponsor.
I can’t
help but wonder if he’s been backed by big money, at least in the beginning.
I know the show brings in thousands of dollars; however, during a time when
most people who speak the truth are getting by on a shoestring, Alex Jones
is doing well.
Let’s face it, if Alex Jones was a threat, he could be
easily neutralized by the powers that be. They allow him to exist because he
serves a useful purpose. Is he working for the other side?
There is
no hard evidence, only circumstantial. Is he a Christian? Lukewarm at best.
Is he using propaganda techniques? Definitely. Is he telling the truth? Yes,
for the most part, with the exception of his exaggerations, mostly numerical
in nature (everything is “hundreds and hundreds”).
Does he have informative guests? Occasionally.
More Than Meets the Eye?
Why Bilderberg isn’t Nazi
Michael Collins Piper
American Free Press
Three current news stories—taken together—illustrate that
things are not always as they seem. Take, for example, a new revelation about
the Bilderberg group released by Internet voice Alex Jones in the wake of last
week’s Bilderberg meeting in Virginia, where Jones joined a crowd jeering the
assembled would-be world rulers.
Although Jones has insisted Bilderberg is some sort of
remnant of the Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler devoted to a modern-day Nazi agenda,
a report on Jones’s own website effectively admits Bilderberg’s program is
distinctly anti-Nazi.
Citing the papers of former Sen. Fred Harris (D-Okla.), who
attended Bilderberg’s 1966 meeting in Wiesbaden, Germany, Jones points out that
Harris recorded the remarks of top Bilderberg figure, labor leader Walter
Reuther, who outlined Bilderberg’s underlying agenda: “Nationalism is
WWII-era German National Socialism—Nazism —of course, was
very much nationalist in every sense, and the fact nationalism was denounced at
Bilderberg gives a clear picture of the real Bilderberg point of view, rumors
Jones mentions Bilderberg’s founder, Prince Bernhard of the
Netherlands, had been a Nazi Party member. But what Jones does not mention is that
Bernhard left the party in 1934, a year after Hitler came to power, and by 1940
was a top leader of the anti-Nazi resistance in Europe. So by the time Bernhard
became Bilderberg chief, he had undergone a serious political transformation.
What’s more, as careful historians know, Hitler held
Bernhard in contempt. In his recorded Table Talk* and in the memoirs of his
valet, Hitler is recalled scoffing satirically at Bernhard, and questioning his
intelligence, integrity and loyalty.
The forces leading Bilderberg are anti-Nazi, particularly the
Rothschild dynasty, whose assets were seized by the Nazis, belying a popular
myth that “the Nazis never touched the Rothschilds.”
Michael Collins Piper is an author, journalist, lecturer and
radio show host. He has spoken in Russia, Malaysia, Iran, Abu Dhabi, Japan,
Canada and the U.S. He is the author of Final Judgment, The New Jerusalem, The
High Priests of War, Dirty Secrets, The New Babylon, Share the Wealth, The
Judas Goats, Target: Traficant and The Golem.
Satan the Father of All Lies
By Willis Carto
for American Free Press
Despite all the historical truth that is available from AMERICAN FREE PRESS and our history journal, THE BARNES REVIEW, there is still a surprising number of seemingly good patriots who believe certain fabrications—much of it old war-time propaganda—that circulate in the mass media today. It is as if these folks don’t believe much of anything the media tells them except when it comes to the subject of World War II, and Adolf Hitler, in particular.
There are more than a few hustlers who are guilty of this but one who recently came to my attention is Donald Mc Ilvaney, who sells precious metals from what he calls an “explicitly Christian, conservative” perspective. A recent McIlvaney newsletter, relating to Hitler, was so full of nonsense I was moved to write the author and tell him so.
McIlvaney referred to Hitler’s “seizure of control” in Germany. I reminded him Hitler had the backing of over 90 percent of the German people. Cautioning him that his criticisms of Hitler were hardly a position for a professed “anti-communist” to take, I pointed out it was Hitler who turned back communist leader Josef Stalin’s plan to invade and occupy Europe. Without Hitler’s leadership, all of Europe would have fallen to Stalin. The fact is that the West therefore owes Hitler a great debt.
Mc Ilvaney suggested that Hitler started World War II. In fact—as I explained to this self-styled “intelligence advisor”—the record clearly shows Hitler did literally everything to avoid war with England and the United States. It was England that declared war on Germany, not the other way around. And even after war erupted, Hitler still hoped for peace and sought to avoid further bloodshed, even permitting nearly 200,000 English soldiers to evacuate Dunkirk—men the Germans could easily have killed or captured.
Unfortunately, Hitler was forced to deal with the drunken Winston Churchill and the mentally sick Franklin D. Roosevelt, who lusted after war, knowing it would bring him a third and fourth term.
Prior to FDR, all presidents—following the example of George Washington—restricted their tenure to two terms.
Here’s how I assessed the matter for McIlvaney: “FDR and Churchill wanted war and they got it. Everyone who died in that unnecessary and destructive struggle was killed needlessly—at least 27,226,000 innocent Europeans. The piling up of debt to pay for it is something you should be interested in. American taxpayers are still paying for that and will be so long as the dollar lasts. You, with your enchantment with numbers, should know that.”
I told Mc Ilvaney he needs to study authentic, Revisionist history, not Establishment, Jewish propaganda. As a Bible-believing Christian, Mc Ilvaney surely realizes no one may serve two masters—that Satan is the father of lies.
If Mc Ilvaney—and a lot of other “patriot” writers and broadcasters I won’t mention by name just now—intend to talk about history, they need to get their facts straight and stop passing on hallucinations and flat out lies.
VIDEO - Red Ice Radio: VKC vs Nazi Conspiracy Theories
VIDEO - (Youtube)- RIC -WKC - The Gleiwitz Incident Hour 1 (RIC website Hour 1) - Hour 2
VIDEO - Realist Report - WKC - Debunking Anti-Nazi Lies
VIDEO - Dawson and WKC - ANC Report - Nazi Myths Busted (full)
VIDEO - Spingola + WKC - Hitler Mythbusted
VIDEO - Martinez + WKC - Debunking Anti-NS Myths
VIDEO - Spingola + WKC - Reichstag Fire
VIDEO - Spingola + WKC - The Reichstag Fire (short)
VIDEO - Spingola + WKC - Crystal Night a Zionist Black-Op?
VIDEO - Spingola + WKC - Warsaw Uprising
VIDEO - Spingola + WKC - Half-Blooded Hitler
VIDEO - Spingola + WKC - Hitler-Bashing or Hitler-Understanding
VIDEO - Spingola + WKC - Hitler not a Rothschild - Part 1 - Part 2
VIDEO - Spingola + WKC - NS Germany Economics
VIDEO - WKC + Heink - Hyenas of HlGH FlNANCE
VIDEO - Spingola + WKC - The Pan-Anglo supremacism
VIDEO - WKC on Brizi-Jewzi World Menace
VIDEO - WKC - The Union Jack (Pub)
VIDEO - WKC - The Union Jack (Reading)
VIDEO - Spingola + WKC - The Union Jack
VIDEO - WKC - Pan-Germanist Ideology
VIDEO - VKC - Nazis don't "rule the world"
VIDEO - WKC - Nordicism Debunked - The Hutton Thesis
VIDEO - Race and the Reich (Christopher Hutton) Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
VIDEO - WKC Commenting on German Race Purity
VIDEO - WKC - Race Theory in NS Germany
VIDEO - Spingola + WKC - NS Race Relations
VIDEO - WKC on Dr. A. J.Gregor - Fascism & Race
VIDEO - Spingola + WKC - Lawrence Dennis + Fascism
VIDEO - Spingola + WKC - Lawrence Dennis
VIDEO - WKC - Aryans + Others in NS Germany
VIDEO - WKC - Nazi Race Science and Theories
VIDEO - Max French + WKC - The Victory Hour - Nazi Racism
VIDEO - Spingola + WKC - Hitler's Diverse Armed Forces
VIDEO - BIack Wolf, Whlte Reich - Tetralogy on Race Relations + Theory in Nazi Germany
VIDEO - WKC - Hitler's Jewish Soldiers - Part 1 - Part 2
VIDEO - WKC - Deep Thoughts Vlog on "Nazis and Slavs"
VIDEO - WKC - BIack Nazis
VIDEO - WKC - BIack WoIf, WhiIe Reich: Nation and Race (Reading)
À propos de ces conspirationnistes qui gardent l'oeil fixé sur les technicalités... chez les Truthers du 11 septembre!
While the researchers have preoccupied themselves with how the assassination was accomplished, there has been almost no systematic thinking on why President Kennedy was killed."
--Vincent J. Salandria, Attorney Philadelphia, Pa. Based on an address at the conference of the New
England Branch of the Women's International League for Peace and
Freedom, Cambridge,
Mass., Oct. 23, 1971.)
À propos du conspirationnisme nuisible, qui évite de trop insister sur
l'identité des commanditaires du crime, en focalisant par exemple sur
des détails techniques (appelés "incohérences de la version
officielle"), se propageant partout et très rapidement sur le Net,
polluant, intoxiquant le mouvement de vérité. C'est comme ça que les
contrôleurs de l'info peuvent continuer à contrôler l'info à
l'intérieur du mouvement de vérité et ce, tout en faisant passer le
mouvement de vérité pour des gens crédules et stupides (ex: théorie des
acteurs de crise à Boston et Sandy Hook), voire même potentiellement
dangereux (ex: Tsarnaev-Boston,
etc.), ça ils adorent! Les vrais "acteurs de crise" sont les
professionnels en gestion de crise et en ingénierie sociale qui ont
lancé ces rumeurs et intox telles que ces théories sur les "acteurs de
crise" à Boston et Sandy Hook, afin de porter atteinte à la crédibilité
mouvement de vérité...
The Piper Report Aug 26, 2013
The sloppy ‘research’ done by so many in the ‘truth movement’ and how it is utilized by our enemies against us.
The Piper Report Jan 3, 2011
January 3rd, 2011
In the words of the inimitable Van Loman, "Nazis here! Nazis there! Nazis, nazis everywhere! Michael Collins Piper goes into the assinine logistics of those in the "patriot" movement who constantly harp on the Nazis as being the preeminent evil that all must fight while the real enemy goes undetected and unopposed.
FLASHBACK: Jonathan Kay: Bringing paranoia to the digital masses
Book Excerpt: Among the Truthers by Jonathan Kay
"All of the tiny little islands of paranoia suddenly were linked up by virtual causeways. One result is that elaborate
conspiracy theories now can be cobbled together literally overnight
through the efforts of hundreds of scattered dilettante conspiracists. Another result is that conspiracists
all around the world now tend to focus on the same few dozen talking
points that figure prominently on the top websites.
The Internet has produced a radical democratization of the
conspiracist marketplace of ideas. No longer does one have to spend
years researching and writing a book to attract attention: One can
simply set up a blog, or chime in on someone else’s, with some
refinement of the existing collective lore. In fact, today’s
conspiracists don’t even have to read books — they can pick up all their
talking points from Truther websites, or, better yet, from Truther
propaganda videos. (...)
This dumbing-down effect explains the downward shift in the age profile of conspiracists: While influential JFK conspiracy theorists tended to be bookish middle-aged eccentrics, many of the Internet’s noisiest Truthers are barely old enough to shave: Conspiracism is something they fit in between video gaming and Facebook surfing.
This dumbing-down effect explains the downward shift in the age profile of conspiracists: While influential JFK conspiracy theorists tended to be bookish middle-aged eccentrics, many of the Internet’s noisiest Truthers are barely old enough to shave: Conspiracism is something they fit in between video gaming and Facebook surfing.
--Excerpt from Among the Truthers by Jonathan Kay © 2011.
Published in Canada by HarperCollins Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved.
"As this positive social feedback becomes addictive, the conspiracist's
network of enablers grows often to such a point that it crowds out the
conspiracy theorist's nonbelieving friends. The process resembles the
formation of an electronic cocoon that envelops a conspiracist with codependents."
-"Among the Truthers", Jonathan Kay
À propos du 9/11 et d'Israël:
À propos du 9/11 et d'Israël:
If the Holocaust and the
creation of the Jewish state jointly marked the first great turning
point in the modern history of Anti-Semitism, 9/11 marked the second. Following
the attacks, supporters of Israel spoke of a silver lining: The war
against militant Islam suddenly was a global one. Now, the whole world
would see and understand the sort of nihilistic hatred that Israelis
confronted everyday."
"America's fight became Israel's fight. Over the
last decade, a period during which Republicans and Democrats have fought
over every other subject imaginable, support for Israel has remained
one of the few issues to attract virtually unanimous bipartisan
"Among warhawks on the Right in particular, the sudden identification of militant Islam as America's greatest enemy cast a startling transformation in the perception of the American Jewish community. Whereas Jews might once have treathened the American Right in their roles as Communists, Anarchists, Trade Unioners, Civil Rights leaders and Ivy League intellectuals, no Jew could ever be an islamist. Just the opposite: the Jew was the perfect anti-Islamist, whose zeal and reliability in the war on terrorism was hard-wired into his political DNA, thanks to six decades of israeli warfare against islamic terrorists in the Middle East. For the first time in the history of western civilisation, the Jews' 'foreignness' and mixed-loyalties -- to the United States, Israel and world Jewry -- became a source of respect and trust rather than suspicion."
"The September 11th attacks changed America in a thousand different ways. Perhaps the most ironic, given the terrorists' intensely Anti-Semitic ideology, was that it cemented the long process leading to the Jews' full-fledged ascension into the America establishment. "
"Among warhawks on the Right in particular, the sudden identification of militant Islam as America's greatest enemy cast a startling transformation in the perception of the American Jewish community. Whereas Jews might once have treathened the American Right in their roles as Communists, Anarchists, Trade Unioners, Civil Rights leaders and Ivy League intellectuals, no Jew could ever be an islamist. Just the opposite: the Jew was the perfect anti-Islamist, whose zeal and reliability in the war on terrorism was hard-wired into his political DNA, thanks to six decades of israeli warfare against islamic terrorists in the Middle East. For the first time in the history of western civilisation, the Jews' 'foreignness' and mixed-loyalties -- to the United States, Israel and world Jewry -- became a source of respect and trust rather than suspicion."
"The September 11th attacks changed America in a thousand different ways. Perhaps the most ironic, given the terrorists' intensely Anti-Semitic ideology, was that it cemented the long process leading to the Jews' full-fledged ascension into the America establishment. "
-- "Among the Truthers", Jonathan Kay
Sur ce blog:
Le devoir de mémoire: source de motivation pour Alex Jones, fondement du nouvel ordre mondial pour le B'nai Brith
Wikileaks révèle que Bilderberg voit le nationalisme comme étant "dangereux"... mais Infowars prétend que Bilderberg a été fondé par des nazis!
La secte de Jonestown
Bilderberg: organisation anti-nationaliste des Rothschild
L'empire mondial anglo-américain: une marionnette des Rothschild?
Mise au point sur la désinfo qui circule sur Hitler, les nazis, le nouvel ordre mondial, Bilderberg, etc.
FLASHBACK: Alex Jones diffuse la propagande d'une agence israélienne
Adolf le Grand diffamé par des "nationalistes"...
Le jeu des comparaisons: l'islamisme radical est-il plus proche du nazisme ou des "inglourious basterds"?
Du mythe des "nazis pro-Israël" et de ceux qui voient des complots partout...
911 shills and disinfo
Eric Hufschmid: chèvre de Judas
Eric Hufschmid - Zionist Disinfo Agent Provocateur
Christopher Bollyn :agent saboteur
Le complot contre Willis Carto et les éditeurs d'histoire nationaliste et antisioniste
Tentative d'amalgame entre Von Brunn et Willis Carto
Le vrai parrain s'appelle Bronfman
L'auteur et éditeur vétéran Willis Carto révèle les rouages de la machine médiatique (Bronfman/Time-Warner, etc.)
"The growing numbers of revisionist supporters cannot be ignored. We must use every resource to stop revisionism now, before it's too late."
- Edgar Bronfman