Volume X Number 3.......May/June
The Rhodes scholarship is not merely a prestigious reward for excellence in scholarship, but is agenda driven. The agenda is the reuniting of England with the United States. Here's the proof...
The truth is that Rhodes scholars are chosen and trained for the specific purpose of working to dissolve America's national sovereignty, toward the ultimate goal of re-uniting the United States with the British empire. Here's the full story — from some well-established sources.
As historian Eustace Mullins notes in his monumental study, The World Order, Cecil Rhodes — whose wealth funded the scholarships — was an international operator fronting in the African diamond fields for the Rothschild family banking interests of Europe. This, in itself, lends immediate suspicion to any scholarship established by such a person. It goes much deeper, however.
In 1891, South African diamond magnate Cecil Rhodes was serving the first of six consecutive years as prime minister of the Cape Colony. By that year he had also been introduced to many other men of wealth and influence from Oxford and Cambridge. They, like Rhodes, had been idealistically attracted to favor imperialistic expansion of "the English ruling class tradition" as well as domestic "social reform" as both had been stirringly preached by John Ruskin.
Rhodes's group of acquaintances, introduced to him by Fabian socialist William T. Stead, a journalist, included Alfred (later Lord) Milner; Arthur (Lord) Balfour; and Reginald Baliol Brett (Lord Esher). On February 5, 1891, they formed a secret society to promote further expansion of British control over the world, particularly aiming a future merger of Great Britain and the United States into a regional government body.
This goal was put forth by their public organization, the Round Table Groups, organized and led by Milner after Rhodes's death in 1902. In spite of Milner's public declarations of fidelity to the interests of the British empire, much controversy has arisen from the fact that Milner's agents were instrumental both in provoking hostilities with Germany in 1904 through the Jameson Raid in South Africa and in assisting with the financing of the 1917 Bolshevik takeover of Russia.
I contend that every acre added to our territory means, in the future, birth to many more of the English race who otherwise would not be brought into existence. Added to this, absorption of the greater portion of the world under our rule, simply means the end of all wars ....I look into history and read the story of the Jesuits. I see what they were able to do in a bad cause and I might say under bad leaders. In the present day I become a member of the Masonic order.I see the wealth and power they possess, the influence they hold and I think over their ceremonies and I wonder that a large body of men can devote themselves to what at times appears the most ridiculous and absurd rites without an object and without an end. [sic.]
The idea gliding and dancing before our eyes like a willow — a wish at last frames itself into a plan.
Why should we not join a secret society — with but one object the furtherance of the British empire, for the bringing of the whole uncivilized world under British rule, for the recovery of the United States, for the making of the Anglo-Saxon race but one empire?
The title of the first Tribune article, by William Fulton, told the story: "Rhodes' goal: Return U.S. to British empire; Scholars work to that end." The article reads, in pertinent part:
Cecil John Rhodes, the empire builder, held a lifelong burning ambition to bring about "the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British empire." Today many American Rhodes scholars are working assiduously to make the dream of their imperial patron come true.
These American Rhodes scholars have been going to Oxford University for education and introduction in the British way of thinking since 1904. The Rhodes diamond and mining fortune foots the bills. Each year 32 campus leaders are carefully selected for schooling abroad. Only two world wars temporarily halted the annual crop.
Rhodes cherished schemes for a world power federation dominated by Anglo-Saxons. His American scholars returning from England are the leaders in the drive to sink Uncle Sam deeper in the morass of the affairs of other countries.
By way of example, it was Sen. J. William Fulbright (D-Ark.) who as a young congressman itching with newly acquired Oxford ideas introduced the resolution proposing the creation of "international machinery" and the participation of the United States. That was in 1943. The United Nations, the "police action" in Korea with 78,000 Ammican casualties and other events have followed.
Rhodes told intimates it might take a century for his "great dream" to be fulfilled. To an extent the decision reached by the American Revolution has been reversed already, in the opinion of historical observers.
Politically, it is pointed out, the United States has surrendered some sovereignty to a supra-body, the United Nations, in which the British foreign office wields tremendous influence. Militarily, Americans are fighting for foreign interests as they did in the French and Indian wars. Economically, the country is pouring out its wealth in the form of foreign "aid" just as it did before the Boston tea party.
How are Rhodes's Amelican proteges throwing their weight around?
More than a third of the living American scholars are in the educational field, mostly at Harvard and other eastern institutions. In their teaching and writing they pass along the views they soaked up from the Oxford dons.
But in recent years the scholars have infiltrated the government in increasing numbers. They hold key positions, particularly in the vital foreign policymaking State Department.
Rhodes scholars also command posts in the United Nations and economic cooperation administration. The returning savants are active in the field of opinion molding with a large sprinkling among the eastern internationalist press, magazines and radio.
Rhodes, the man who set this vast propaganda project in motion was born in an English parsonage in 1853. Delicate health as a youth led him to Africa and the diamond fields of Kimberly where the sparklers laid the basis of his fortune. He returned to Oxford to resume his schooling.
Even as a student, Rhodes had a sense of destiny, of shaping history to suit his own tastes, and he outlined his views in a document called "Confession of Faith" at about the time he prepared his first will in 1877. He wrote:
"The extension of British rule throughout the world, the perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom and of colonization by British subjects of all lands wherein the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labor and enterprise, and especially the occupation by British settlers of the entire continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the valley of Euphrates, the islands of Cyprus and Candia, the whole of South America, the islands of the Pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the Malay archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British empire, the consolidation of the whole empire, the inauguration of a system of colonial representation in the imperial parliament which may tend to weld together the disjointed members of the empire, and finally the foundation of so great a power as to hereafter renders wars impossible and promote the best interest of humanity."
The sixth will, dated 1893, made the first provisions for scholarships. They were to be for "young colonists" in the furtherance of empire unity. American scholarships appeared in the final will, prepared in 1899 and made public in 1902 following Rhodes's death.
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Rhodes Scholars: The Ties to Power
Many people have heard about the "prestigious" Rhodes scholarships that are deemed as virtually the pinnacle, perhaps the greatest academic honor that can be bestowed. Anyone named to the Rhodes cadre is deemed "up and coming" and, of course, considerably intelligent. And indeed those who do receive this honor do invariably rise quickly in the ranks of the American elite. For that is precisely the purpose of the scholarships: to train a select circle of American natives who are loyal to the principles that guided Cecil Rhodes (and his sponsors, the Rothschild family) in their worldview. Some more notable Rhodes scholars (now household names) include (shown above, left to right), former President Bill Clinton, former NATO Supreme Commander and national office seeker, General Wesley Clark, former Sen. Bill Bradley (D-N.J.). former Clinton aide-turned-television commentator George Stephanopolous, and Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Richard Lugar (R-Ind.). As the accompanying article demonstrates, the history of the Rhodes scholarships is rife with intrigue of the grandest order, a veritable "conspiracy" in the classic sense. However, the American media is careful — when discussing the scholarships — not to mention what they are really all about: re-uniting Britain's "lost colonies" (the United States) with the dear old "Mother Country." While geopolitical realities and international events of passing years obviously have a direct impact on the ultimate goal — forcing adaptation and changes of focus on the part of those working to achieve this result — the theme remains the same. American sovereignty is not part of that scheme. |
Rhodes earmarked two scholarships for each American state and territory. At the time there were 45 states and five territories, which would have meant 100 American scholarships and only 60 for the whole of the British empire.
"When Rhodes assigned his scholarships," wrote Mrs. Sarah Gertrude Millin, in her biography of Rhodes, "he believed there were still only the original 13 states in the union of America."
Rhodes scholars indignantly deny this and claim it was only an oversight on the part oftheir patron. They say it was an oversight also that Rhodes made scholarship allocations to Quebec and Ontario, but left out the other provinces of Canada. Trustees of the estate have rectified matters by awarding 32 scholarships annually in the United States instead of 100 and bringing in other Canadian provinces.
The Tribune points out there is no question but that the Rhodes scholarships are political — not educational — in nature. The Tribune quoted Sir Francis Wylie, first of the Oxford trustees of the Rhodes estate: "This is not an educational endowment as ordinarily understood. Its purpose is not to give anybody an education he could not otherwise afford; nor to promote learning; but to encourage in the rising generation of English-speaking people a particular outlook on the problems of the world — to give them, in fact, a political bias.
"This idea of using scholarships as instruments of a 'political' purpose had come to Rhodes ... and had taken shape in the will of 1893," declared Wylie.
Thus, as the Tribune notes, "it is confirmed that the prime purpose of establishing the scholarships was to further the dream revealed in the 'Confession of Faith.' That embraced 'the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British empire.' "
Cartoon of Cecil Rhodes straddling African continent from Egypt to South Africa Caption: The Rhodes Colossus By 1891, Cecil Rhodes had amalgamated the De Beers mines under his control, giving him dominion over 90 percent of the world's diamond output. He had also secured two other important positions; prime minister of the British Cape Colony and president of the British South Africa Company, an organization formed to pursue expansionist adventures for which sponsoring governments did not have the stomach or the cash. The result of his endeavors produced new British annexations: Nyasaland (now Malawi), Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia) and Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). In 1896, Rhodes's name was linked with the Jameson Raid — a disastrous (and illegal) attempt to annex Transvaal territory held by the Boers, and a principal cause of the South African War of 1899-1902. Above, a depiction of Rhodes straddles all of Africa. Never before in history had one man controlled "the Dark Continent" the way Rhodes was able to. |
It is not a coincidence that Bill Clinton's other mentor in Washington, at Georgetown University — prior to his days at Oxford as a Rhodes scholar — was none other than the late Professor Carroll Quigley. It was Quigley, whom Clinton quoted with admiration in his acceptance speech at the Democratic presidential nominating convention, who authored the infamous tome Tragedy & Hope in which he, Quigley, praised the drive for global government as being orchestrated by the international elite.
Quigley's famous study contains these even more famous, oft-quoted comments about the Rhodes conspiracy:
There does exist and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the Radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so.I know of the operations of this network because I was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments.
I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies notably to its belief that England was an Atlantic rather than a European Power and must be allied, or even federated, with the United States and must remain isolated from Europe, but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known ....
The power and influence of this Rhodes-Milner group in British imperial affairs and in foreign policy since 1889, although not widely recognized, can hardly be exaggerated.
The Rhodes scholarships, established by the terms of Cecil Rhodes's seventh will, are known to everyone. What is not so widely known is that Rhodes's five previous wills left his fortune to form a secret society, which was to devote itself to the preservation and expansion of the British empire. And what does not seem to be known to anyone is that this secret society was created by Rhodes and his principal trustee, Lord Milner, and continues to exist to this day.
To be sure, this secret society is not a childish thing like the Ku Klux Klan, and it does not have any secret robes, secret handclasps or secret passwords. It does not need any of these, since its members know each other intimately. It probably has no oaths of secrecy nor any formal procedure of initiation. It does, however, exist and holds secret meetings, over which the senior member present presides."
A fourth, and in some ways a more significant example was that it pretended to be a single autonomous agency when in fact it was a multiple, ubiquitous entity whose influence was exercised through many agencies including professorships, periodicals and other organizations such as Chatham House, the Institute of Pacific Relations, or the Council on Foreign Relations.
Quigley, incidentally, notes that the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations is an offshoot of a secret society linked to the Rhodes Trust and formed under its auspices, the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
The purpose of these international affiliates, such as the CFR, was to spread the internationalist aims first put forth by Rhodes. As one Round Table official wrote in 1910: "Our task must be to find people there who will absorb these doctrines and preach them to our people."
The question now before the American people is whether Gen. Wesley Clark and other Rhodes scholars have indeed absorbed these doctrines and whether they will preach them to the American people. One might conclude: "By their fruits ye shall know them."
For more on the background of this article, the author recommends the works of Carroll Quigley referenced in the advertisement at the bottom of the page.
MICHAEL COLLINS PIPER is a frequent contributor to THE BARNES REVIEW and the author of Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy, called the definitive work ever on the JFK murder. Order the new Sixth Edition of this book from FIRST AMENDMENT BOOKS by calling toll free 1-888-699-6397 and charging to Visa or MasterCard. One copy is $25 (softcover, 683 pages, indexed, #1124). No S&H.
Timely, Suppressed Books by Carroll Quigley Tragedy and Hope, by Carroll Quigley — This famous history of the world in our time, first published in 1966, immediately became an object of suppression. The author, a history professor, exposes the secret world of government. The Council on Foreign Relations tried to stop publication. Now reprinted in a handsome edition. President Bill Clinton was very familiar with the works of Carroll Quigley. #37, hardback, 1,348 pgs., $40. The Anglo-American Establishment, by Carroll Quigley — This is the author's little-known book that explores in-depth how this conspiratorial nexus works, its personalities, aims and organizations such as the CFR, that are only touched upon in his much better-known and massive work, Tragedy and Hope. Indexed. Deluxe edition. #199, softcover, 354 pgs., $13.95. TBR SUBSCRIBERS TAKE 10% OFF. Send payment (plus S+H) to P.O. Box 15877, Washington, D.C. 20003 or call 1-877-773-9077 toll free and charge to Visa or MasterCard. See ordering coupon on page 80 of this issue for the best rate on shipping and handling charges. |
The New Babylon: A Panoramic Overview of the Historical, Religous and Economic Origins of the New World Order (2009), by Michel Collins Piper
Rothschild, notre ennemi traditionnel
The New Babylon: extraits
Les dessous de l'empire Rothschild
La montée du pouvoir financier juif Rothschild
Great-Britain: Back to Buccaneering and the Jolly Roger? Posted by Terry Boardman on Aug 22, 2015
30 juillet 2014
La guerre qui vient
« Il ne faut pas que le monde soit géographiquement américanisé, car les efforts de l'Amérique visent à tout mécaniser, à tout faire entrer dans le domaine du pur naturalisme, à effacer peu à peu de la surface de la Terre la culture de l'Europe. » (R. Steiner, Derrière le voile des événements – Le mystère du Double, G.A. 178, Paris, 1999, pp. 88-89).
C'est cela qui se magouille depuis juillet 2013 : une entente de libre-échange intégral ouvrant toute grande l'Europe aux multinationales US en imposant la supériorité de leur droit sur celui des états de l'UE. Une entreprise opaque menée depuis 20 ans derrière un écran de fumée pour supplanter le droit européen au profit direct du droit US. Travail à petits pas discrets auquel même le Parlement européen ne dispose que d'un accès restreint conformément aux ententes entre les négociateurs occultes américains et leurs homologues européens (on oserait mettre des guillemets) :
« Tous les documents concernant le développement du GMT, y compris les textes des négociations, les propositions faites des deux côtés, le matériel explicatif joint, les courriels et les autres informations échangés demeureront confidentiels. » (Accord du 5 juillet 2013). Taisez-vous, profanes, vous n'avez pas le droit au chapitre…
Phase 2, le coup d'état de Kiev.
Déjà des congressistes US proposent de considérer dès à présent l'Ukraine comme « allié militaire majeur des Etats-Unis » face à la Russie. En Europe même, l'hystérie anti-russe bat son plein, tous médias confondus ou peu s'en faut, et n'a de cesse d'appeler au boycott pour complaire aux diktats états-uniens, sans même comprendre qu'ils se sanctionnent eux-mêmes au plus grand détriment de leurs propres entreprises, et que c'est justement là le but de l'administration US : ruiner l'Europe pour mieux l'asservir et pousser l'OTAN jusqu'aux frontières mêmes de la Russie. Ce qui avait déjà précipité l'Europe dans la guerre en 1914 se répète seulement en 2014, mais, comme on le sait, c'est pour la bonne cause et surtout celle de l'Empire ploutocratique anglo-saxon.
La Guerre en marche.
Lorsqu'on sait que l'OTAN n'avait d'autre objectif à l'origine que de faire pièce au Pacte de Varsovie communiste et qu'il n'avait, par conséquent, plus aucune raison d'être à la chute du Mur de Berlin que Moscou n'avait autorisé qu'à l'expresse condition – hélas non paraphée – que l'OTAN ne s'étendrait pas sur les pays de l'Est, on ne peut que constater la duplicité et la puissance de corruption de cette organistaion à vocation purement impérialiste de contrôle hégémonique planétaire.
Rudolf Steiner avait plusieurs fois souligné dans un contexte anthroposophique que, du fait de son sol, la nature même de l'Amérique du nord reposait essentiellement sur la seule volonté de puissance ahrimanique aveugle et de domination tous azimuts. Quant à l'Europe, c'est de Lisbonne à Vladivostok qu'elle devait se faire, Russie incluse évidemment, en trait d'union géographique et culturel entre l'extrême Occident américain et l'extrême Orient chinois, en force d'équilibre donc, et non avachie, vendue aux loges noires de Londres et de Washington.
Entre temps le sang coule, et coule à flot. Il coule non seulement en Europe du fait de l'interventionnisme obsessionnel US, mais aussi aux Proche et Moyen-Orients dans le massacre abominable des populations chrétiennes au profit d'un Islam hystérique et monstrueux gavé d'armes et soutenu en sous-main par ces états croupions que sont les monarchies dégénérées du Golfe (4). De toute évidence, les think tanks anglo-américains veulent la guerre et font tout pour pousser la Russie au casus belli : ils sont aujourd'hui tellement dans le pétrin qu'il en va maintenant de la pérennité de leur business. Comme en 1914. Et comme en 1939...
« L'égoïsme universel émane de la race anglo-américaine. Partant de là, l'égoïsme couvrira toute la Terre. Toutes les inventions qui recouvrent la Terre d'un réseau d'égoïsme viennent d'Angleterre et d'Amérique. A partir de là-bas donc, toute la Terre sera recouverte d'une toile d'égoïsme, de mal. Mais une petite colonie se formera à l'est comme la semence d'une vie nouvelle pour l'avenir. La culture anglo-américaine consume la culture de l'Europe [...] mais la race elle-même va à sa ruine. Elle porte en elle la disposition à être la race du Mal. » (Steiner, Eléments d'ésotérisme, Paris, 2000, p. 275)

Mais l'Ours russe ne bouge toujours pas...
1. « La guerre qui vient », titre repris d'un ouvrage célèbre de Francis Delaisi (1911) dont Rudolf Steiner fit autrefois l'éloge à plusieurs reprises.
2. « Bloc Américaniste Occidentaliste ». La Rada putschiste de Kiev ira même jusqu'à abroger le statut du russe comme langue régionale dès la prise de pouvoir, obligeant ainsi les enfants à cesser de parler russe dans les écoles.
3. La Chine aussi fait elle-même l'objet de cet encerclement militaire par les États-Unis et leurs bases (Japon, Taïwan, Indonésie, Thaïlande, Corée du Sud, Guam et Philippines). Les vieilles obsessions US de Mackinder à Brzezinski sont toujours d'actualité. C'est à cela que tente de faire pièce l'Organisation de Coopération de Shanghaï (OCS) dont fait partie la Russie.
4. Quant à l'Israël sioniste, éradicateur criminel des populations palestiniennes soutenu à bout de bras depuis près de 70 ans par l'AIPAC et les USA, son karma est d'ores et déjà scellé ; cette « erreur de l'histoire du monde », pour reprendre les paroles de Steiner, n'est plus qu'un résidu anachronique de l'évolution de l'humanité appelé à cesser d'être et se dissoudre.
22 mai 2015
La guerre en marche

La suite, on le sait, ne se déroula pourtant pas conformément à ce brillant stratagème : Un mois plus tard, le 18 mars 2014, la Crimée rompait toute relation avec Kiev et retournait à la Russie sans qu'une goutte de sang ait été versée, les oblasts russophones de Donetsk et de Lougansk se soulevèrent à leur tour, et c'est, au bout du compte, toute la province orientale du Donbass qui fit sécession en bloc au nez et à la barbe des Etats-Unis et de leurs vassaux de l'Otan. L'Ukraine encaisse depuis déroute sur déroute en Novorussie, sombre dans la banqueroute et se retrouve réduite à mendier l'aide de ses bailleurs de fonds du FMI et de l'UE. La glorieuse « révolution » de l'Euromaïdan tant vantée par les medias occidentaux n'aura finalement conduit (comme toutes les révolutions impulsées depuis Washington) qu'à la misère et au chaos, but avoué, comme on devrait le savoir, des stratèges hallucinés du Pentagone, et au grand dam des pays de l'UE, Gros-Jean comme devant, dont le seul bénéfice n'aura jamais été dans cette affaire que de perdre, du jour au lendemain, toutes leurs ouvertures au marché russe pour complaire aux Américains (1). Mais qu'importe, si les marchands de canons US s'en mettent plein les poches.
Le vrai ne se trouve jamais en bloc d'un seul côté ! Trop d'intoxication, de fausses nouvelles et de mensonges s'insinuent dans l'Histoire et la polluent de multiples manières. Les peuples, pour la plupart n'y voient que du feu, gobent avidement ce qui les conforte. Les simples faits le révèlent très vite pour peu qu'on les aborde avec un tant soit peu d'objectivité. Il n'est besoin que de méditer, par exemple, la simple déformation du sens de mots comme fasciste, nazi etc. sous la pression de ceux qui les manipulent (2). Ahrimane travaille toujours à diviser l'unité des hommes et à les leurrer de son miroir aux alouettes.


La Russie, elle, n'ira peut-être pas jusqu'à cette hypocrisie, mais ne s'en trouvera pas moins conduite à faire de sa guerre contre l'Allemagne le symbole unificateur de sa "Grande guerre patriotique" à la gloire de l'Armée Rouge en stigmatisant le IIIème Reich comme le Grand Satan agresseur de l'innocente Sainte Russie en juin 1941 – celle-ci, on le sait, partie prenante essentielle du très léonin "Tribunal International de Nuremberg" sur la justice duquel les historiens révisionnistes savent aujourd'hui à quoi s'en tenir. Malédiction de l'Histoire donc, mais Poutine pouvait-il faire autrement avec près de 20 % d'électorat communiste ? Conséquemment ce seront bien derrière les drapeaux de l'URSS soviétique que défileront les armées russes et chinoises le 9 mai 2015. Rire du Diable encore, car s'il est une chose certaine c'est que ce n'était pas contre le peuple russe que s'était dressée l'Allemagne à l'aube du 22 juin 1941 – l'Armée Vlassov suffirait à le montrer – mais bien contre Staline, l'état bolchévique et l'Armée Rouge à ses frontières, quinze jours à peine avant qu'elle ne déferle sur l'Europe ainsi qu'on le sait depuis 1989 et l'ouverture des archives russes. Comme nous le soulignions déjà en 2011, ce sont donc bien incontestablement, qu'on le veuille ou non, les armées du Reich qui sauvèrent l'Europe de la submersion communiste en 1941, et ce au prix de la ruine totale des villes allemandes et du massacre de plusieurs millions de leurs habitants. Car, en définitive, ce n'est pourtant pas l'Allemagne qui atomisa les villes japonaises d'Hiroshima et de Nagazaki, perpétuant ainsi le plus grand crime contre l'humanité que le monde ait connu, mais bien les grands libérateurs de la très noble "Croisade des démocraties". Comme à Dresde :
Rudolf Steiner annonçait déjà, le 22 novembre 1918 : « La guerre économique survient à l'intérieur de l'humanité. C'est une guerre qui s'enflamme entre deux moitiés de l'humanité de la terre, et elle sera terrible. La guerre économique dans l'humanité repose sur le développement du système nerveux en l'être humain. Lors de notre cinquième période post-atlantéenne et à l'époque de l'âme de conscience, le monde anglophone est particulièrement organisé pour le développement de la partie neuro-sensorielle de l'être humain, car lors de cette période le système neuro-sensoriel développe des pensées utilitaires, matérielles qui tendent à faire de la planète entière un grand centre commercial. L'inquiétude vient de l'action, dans la sphère neuro-sensorielle, du monde du sang, l'autre pôle de la vie humaine. Il enverra ses vagues dans les remous du combat purement économique qui vient du pôle neuro-sensoriel, et ces vagues proviendront en première ligne de l'union des avant-postes slaves, tchèques, slovaques, polonais, slovènes etc., jusqu'à ce qu'une autre vague, celle du sang spiritualisé de l'Europe de l'Est, de la Russie slave, vienne s'y ajouter. » (R. Steiner, Faits historiques, base du jugement social, E.A.R. 2013, pp. 203-204)

(1) Plus énorme encore dans l'abaissement : la France se voit contrainte, pour complaire à son tout puissant maître américain, de vendre au rabais ou d'envoyer à la ferraille ses deux porte-hélicoptères flambant neufs, faute d'être autorisée à les livrer à son légitime commanditaire russe…
(2) Au sens propre, en effet, fascisme désigne le système politique italien mis au point par Benito Mussolini. Quant au national-socialisme hitlérien, son fondateur lui-même souligna, à maintes reprises, qu'il ne pouvait, en aucun cas, être extensible à d'autres pays que l'Allemagne.
(3) Qui deviendra ultérieurement Svoboda.
(4) Dont l'héraldique Wolfsangel inversé de l'ancienne 2ème SS-Panzerdivision allemande.
(5) Acronyme de l'association économique unissant le Brésil, la Russie, l'Inde, la Chine, et l'Afrique du sud, soit plus de 40 % de la population mondiale.
(6) Le Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).