Schmidt, Zuckerberg Cozy Up In Sun Valley --- Google Inc. Chief Executive Eric Schmidt and Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg were spotted driving away from the Sun Valley Lodge in Mr. Schmidt's light blue rental car for a private rendezvous.
Media Executives and Management News Media Executives Flock to Sun Valley Conference

Moguls like Warren Buffett and the founders of Google are in Idaho this week for the Sun Valley Conference.
(...)Yes, this must be Camp Mogul.
Each July, billionaires and mere multimillionaires flock here, to the shadow of the Pioneer Mountains, and ride in soft-leather comfort along Dollar Road to mingle and be rich and maybe, just maybe, cut a deal.
And so this week, like the swallows of Capistrano, the private jets returned again, bearing a Who’s Who of Wall Street financiers, Hollywood types and technorati to the annual Allen & Company Sun Valley Conference.(...)
But that doesn’t mean a mogul can’t have some fun. Over there, Warren E. Buffett [agent de Rothschild] is relaxing over lunch as skaters on the rink pirouette to the strains of Lady Gaga. And look, by the bar — isn’t that Harvey Weinstein? Yes, with Terry Semel of Yahoo. And there goes Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg of New York, saying how much he hoped LeBron James would join the Knicks (a decision was due Thursday night). The trout, browns and rainbows, are rising on Silver Creek. Just about every bike in town is rented out.
Still, the business of Sun Valley is business. For the past 27 years, the conference, hosted by the boutique investment bank Allen & Company, has been the place where blockbuster media deals have been planned and plotted. Last year, it was NBC Universal-Comcast. This year, people arrived buzzing that Walt Disney might be shopping ABC. Robert A. Iger, the head of Disney, promptly dismissed the talk.(...)
Many executives here have spent the last two years shepherding their companies through the Great Recession. And, for the moment, they seem reluctant to gamble on a transformative deal. Still, every time two executives are spotted in a tête-à-tête people start talking. What were Mark Zuckerberg and Eric E. Schmidt chatting about as they ducked into that Infiniti? And who was that talking to Mr. Buffett over lunch?
Executives like Gregory B. Maffei, the chief executive Liberty Media, said small, less-risky deals may be all that is in store in the immediate future. Gordon Crawford, regarded as one of the media world’s savviest investors, told reporters that he does not foresee “a lot of growth” for many of the industries represented here. Mr. Maffei and John C. Malone, chairman of Liberty Media, both sounded concern over forthcoming tax increases and the nation’s mounting debt.(...)
There were many familiar names. Barry Diller of IAC/InterActiveCorp, Rupert Murdoch of the News Corporation and Henry R. Kravis of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts all made it. So did the Google troika of Sergey Brin, Larry Page and Mr. Schmidt, as well as Mr. Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook.
But there were also fresher faces like Mark Pincus of the social game maker Zynga, and Jack Dorsey, the creator of Twitter.
Not everyone was from Hollywood or New York or Silicon Valley. Lee Hsien Loong, the prime minister of Singapore, was present this year. Gen. David H. Petraeus is scheduled to appear on a panel on Saturday.
Yet other regular attendees, like Howard Stringer of Sony, Mel Karmazin of Sirius XM Radio and Sumner M. Redstone of Viacom, were no-shows this year. And one of the biggest names on the invitation list, Steven P. Jobs of Apple, had not arrived as of Thursday afternoon.(...)
Clockwise from top left: George Bodenheimer of ESPN, Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook, Robert Iger of Disney and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook; Les Moonves of CBS and Harvey Weinstein; Michael Eisner; and Barry Diller and his wife, Diane von Furstenberg. Media executives have gathered in Idaho each summer for more than 25 years. In 2009, the conference was overshadowed by the financial crisis, but this year the crowd seemed more optimistic.
Nati Harnik/Associated Press Copyright 2010 The New York Times Company
merci à
Internet : la toile d’araignée
- Aux USA : Comcast (Daniel Aaron et Julian A. Brodsky), Verizon (Ivan Seidenberg)…
- En France : Free (Michaël Boukobza), Darty (famille Darty-Sebaoun), Neuf-SFR-club-internet (qui appartient au groupe Louis-Dreyfus)…
D’autres rumeurs affirment les allégations suivantes sur les propriétaires du très monopolistique moteur de recherche Google : la mère de Larry Page serait une Catholique traditionaliste comme c’est pas possible et son associé Sergueï Brin se serait récemment marié dans une cérémonie qui était – parait-il – totalement Catholique avec un latin magnifique.
Le site de partages de vidéos Youtube appartient au très Catholique Google dont nous venons de voir les origines. Dailymotion, le numéro 2 du partage de vidéos après Youtube, a été fondé par un certain Benjamin Bejbaum qui serait, d’après certaines informations que nous n’avons pas encore vérifiées, profondément Catholique au point de connaître son Catéchisme par coeur.
La mode récente est au réseaux sociaux. Il s’agit en fait d’immenses bases de connaissances contenant des millions d’informations personnelles que les administrateurs peuvent utiliser à leur guise (même au détriment de leurs propriétaires). Ils seraient heureusement en de très bonnes mains totalement Catholiques et pures : Facebook (Mark Zuckerberg), Myspace (Rupert Murdoch), LinkedIn (Reid Hoffman), Viadeo (Dan Serfaty), Twitter (Noah Glass) …
Paypal, la plus courante des méthodes de paiement en ligne a été mise en oeuvre par un certain Max Rafael Levchin, dont on raconte qu’il irait chercher la Sainte Communion à la Messe tous les Dimanche …
Les grands producteurs de cinéma pornographique qui diffusent leurs films vertueux sur des sites internet, quant à eux, sont principalement – parait-il – des Catholiques sans reproches. Tout le monde sait que les empereurs de ce “milieu” très approuvé par le Vatican sont depuis le début, aux Etats-Unis comme en France (tels que Marc Dorcel, ou plutôt Marcel Heskovitz de son vrai nom), des personnalités Catholiques qui œuvrent concrètement au Salut des âmes.
Les principales structures de poker en ligne , actuellement en plein boum sur le net, seraient évidemment – toujours d’après certaines rumeurs que nous entendons ci et là – détenues par des Catholiques également très pieux :
- Pokerstars, numéro 1 du poker en ligne, a été fondé par la famille israélienne Scheinberg. PokerStars France est dirigé par Alexandre Balkany, le fils de Patrick Balkany.
- Partygaming, dont le PDG est un certain Rod Perry.
- 888 est détenu par les frères Avi and Aaron Shaked et une autre paire de frères d’une autre famille, Shay and Ron Ben-Yitzhak. Les dirigeants sont Richard Kilsby Gigi Levy.
Nous pourrions également citer les grands journaux d’actualités en ligne, vitrines internet de presse papier (Libération, Le Monde, Le Courrier international …) détenues, bien évidemment, par d’importantes familles dont on raconte qu’elles réciteraient le Rosaire tous les jours … Il y a aussi les importants journaux qui n’ont pas de support papier tels que (en France) :
- Rue89 : créé par les journalistes Pascal Riché, Pierre Haski ou encore Michel Lévy-Provençal …
- Lepost, émanation du journal très Catholique (dit-on) Le Monde (fondateur : Hubert Beuve-Méry / directeur de la rédaction : Sylvie Kauffmann / rédacteur en chef : Michel Kajman), qui doit en partie son succès à des journalistes tels que Benoît Raphaël ou Guy Birenbaum …
- Causeur, fondé par Elisabeth Lévy et Gil Mihaely …
Et la liste de Catholiques traditionalistes ayant mis la main sur les quatre coins de la toile du réseau internet, comme partout ailleurs, serait encore très longue … Quelle bonne nouvelle pour la Chrétienté …
Merci d’éviter de surfer sur Les Intransigeants, un journal en ligne dont on nous dit que les rédacteurs seraient tous des juifs intégristes perfides et machiavéliques …

Légende en français :
* = Connexion juive, épouse
*! = Suspecté, mais non confirmé
Vert = Blanc (Gentil)
Bleu = Gentil non blanc
Rouge = Juif
Zuckerberg, Rothschild, Sandberg : les milliardaires de Facebook
Le contrôle des médias
Non seulement ils l'admettent, ils le proclament!
L'appel de la Terre Promise: Silicon Valley déménage
New Book Tries to Figure Out Who Really Runs the Planet
Who Are These People Running America?
Hollywood Is ‘Owned’ by the Arabs
New book by well-known Jewish writer exposes secret story behind popular mainstream legend and who first put the myth into circulation . . .
by Michael Collins Piper
In recent years Internet icon Alex Jones rocked the world of independent media when he proclaimed his judgment that “Hollywood is owned by the Arabs.” In fact—many doubts about Jones’s declaration notwithstanding—this was not the first time a bigmedia voice put this theme before the American public.
As far back as 1976, the premise that “the Arabs” were grabbing control of the American media was central to the plot of a popular Hollywood motion picture called “Network.” This was the legendary film in which a fictional television news anchor, Howard Beale, went mad while live on the air and famously told his audience to shout out their windows the now-famous war-whoop:
“I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!” Among Beales’s complaints was that the Arabs were taking over the American economy and the broadcast media in particular.
The film was a box-office blockbuster, widely touted by themassmedia, and it captured 10 Academy Award nominations, winning four, including the award for best actor, given posthumously to the late Peter Finch who starred as Beale, the so-called “mad prophet of the airwaves.”
But here’s the big secret about “Network,” and this won’t surprise the more savvy among AFP’s readers: The veteran screenwriter responsible for putting forth this thesis—that “Hollywood is owned by the Arabs”—was a fervent, long-time and quite publicly vocal American Jewish devotee of Israel, Sidney Aaron “Paddy” Chayefsky who, at one juncture, was actually writing—on an unpaid, volunteer basis—over-the-top, anti-Arab propaganda for the Anti-Defamation League, one of the leading focal points of the pro-Israel lobby in America.
Chayefsky was best known prior to “Network” for having won Academy Awards for two classic films, “Marty” in 1956 and “The Hospital” in 1972.
What is interesting, however, about Chayefsky’s production for the screenplay “Network” is that it came at a time when Chayefsky, who seldom focused on particular political causes, was nonetheless a hardline Zionist.
These as well as other little known details about Chayefsky appear in the pages of a new book by Jewish writer Dave Itzkoff, a media writer for The New York Times. Itzkoff’s book, Mad As Hell, is both a biography of Chayefsky and the fascinating inside story of the making of “Network.”
Within the pages of the book Itzkoff describes Chayefsky’s political focus. He writes of “a growing fixation on the affairs of Israel (that was) becoming increasingly apparent in Chayefsky’s public remarks, revealing a more aggressive and admittedly paranoid streak.”
In one interview Chayefsky claimed that all of the Jews in the world were, as Itzkoff put it, “in danger of imminent genocide” in 1971. This pro-Israel obsession resulted in Chayefsky’s work as a pro-Israel propagandist.
According to Itzkoff, “Privately, Chayefsky channeled his fervor into uncredited advertisements for the Anti-Defamation League, such as an announcement, published at the height of the 1973 oil crisis that warned ‘These Arabs would like you to believe that if we give in to their blackmail and change our Mideast policy that everything will be just like it used to be.’”
Prior to doing “Network,” among Chayefsky’s intended projects included “The Rabbi Mystery Show,” featuring a character described by the screenwriter as “a retired and revered old rabbi,” who solved crimes alongside his police officer son.
Chayefsky also struggled over a screenplay for a never-produced film based in Palestine at the time of Israel’s founding in which a young Jewish militant declares: “I’ll tell you about your civilized world. . . . For 2,000 years, Jews have been crucified, burnt at the stake, thrown to the lions, into the ovens, into the gas chambers, crushed into ghettos, forcibly converted, exiled, deported, slaughtered by Cossacks and peasants, Greeks, Romans, Spaniards, Frenchmen, Englishmen, anybody and everybody, popes and Protestants and every mad minister from Haman to Hitler—and I’m tired of it. . . .We’re an endangered species, sowe don’t trust the civilized world anymore. We’ll take care of our own survival. Don’t come to me with your bloody Christian hands and scold me about killing. . . .We kill to survive. We kill so that we and our descendants shall live.”
Chayefsky’s proposed film ended with a squad of British police officers being gunned down by the heroine of the story.
The film “Network” is really where Chayefsky made his mark putting Zionist propaganda before the world. In his preparatory notes for the screenplay, Chayefsky wrote, “The basic joke is that the networks are so powerful that they can make true what isn’t true and never even existed.” Clearly, Chayefsky understood the power of the media and that became evident when he rose to fame.
According to Chayefsky’s biographer, Itzkoff, “Network” incorporated “all the angst, anxiety and paranoia” that Chayefsky had ever felt. One of Chayefsky’s concerns was what Itzkoff described as “the creeping influence of foreign powers—Arab powers—in the American economy.” And Chayefsky felt this supposedly growing influence was being ignored.
If there is any doubt about Chayefsky’s political and religious orientation, Itzkoff notes that when “Network” director Sidney Lumet suggested actress Vanessa Redgrave for a starring role in the film, Chayefsky objected saying that Ms. Redgrave was a supporter of the Palestine Liberation Organization.
When Lumet responded “Paddy, that’s blacklisting,” Chayefsky replied, “Not when a Jew does it to a Gentile.”
So the inside story of “Network” and the propaganda value that it has had for the Zionist cause has clearly now been revealed in this new biography of Chayefsky.
Perhaps commentators might want to read the book before once again making the ridiculous claim that “Hollywood is owned by the Arabs.”
Michael Collins Piper is an author, journalist, lecturer and radio show host. He has spoken in Russia, Malaysia, Iran, Abu Dhabi, Japan, Canada and, of course, the United States. He is the author of Final Judgment, The New Jerusalem, The High Priests of War, Dirty Secrets, My First Days in the White House, The New Babylon, Share the Wealth: Huey Long vs Wall Street, The Judas Goats: The Enemy Within, Target: Traficant and The Golem: Israel’s Nuclear Hell Bomb.