Président de Fox News Peter Chernin; Président de Paramount Pictures Brad Grey; PDG de Walt Disney Robert Igor
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* = connexion juive, épouse
*! = suspecté, mais non confirmé
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Bleu = Gentil non blanc
Rouge = Juif

Is the Major Media Controlled? – Willis Carto
Playlist: Hollywoodism: Jews, Movies and the American Dream
VIDEO - Hollywoodism PT5
Hollywoodism: Aliens Transformed the Values of America

La Universal fut fondée par le juif Carl Laemmie. Son président-fondateur (NBC-Universal) est le juif Jeff Zucker! Le juif David Sarnoff est l’autre fondateur.
Metro Goldwyn Mayer (MGM) c’étaient des juifs!
Les frères Warner (fondateurs de Warner Bros) étaient juifs! Warner Music Goup, (une division de Time-Warner, anciennement AOL-Time-Warner) est une propriété du juif Edgar Bronfman Jr. Ce dernier fut un actionnaire majeure de Time-Warner. Warner Bros est présentement sous la direction du juif Barry Meyer.

AOL Time Warner: le juif Gerald Levin
Walt Disney Company et ABC: le juif Michael Eisner et le juif Bob Iger d’ABC news

ESPN: président juif George Bodenheimer.
General Electric: président juif Dennis Dammerman

New York Times: fondé par et propriété de la famille juive Ochs-Sulzberger. Son PDG est Ochs Sulzberger Jr.
Washington Post: fondé par Eugene Isaac Meyer. Propriété de son fils John Graham. Donc propriété de Meyer-Graham. Il fait partie intégrante de l'empire Rothschild, tout comme Warren Buffett (non-juif) qui détient une majorité des actions du Washington Post. Ce groupe d'intérêt financier juif très puissant soutient agressivement Sarah Palin.
Reuters: le baron von Reuter, son vrai nom était: Israel Beer Josaphat!
La plupart des journaux indépendants américains sont la propriété de juifs.

Samuel I. « Si » Newhouse est un juif qui possède et contrôle deux douzaines de journaux quotidiens de Staten Island à l’Oregon, plus le supplément du dimanche de Parade; les magazines de Conde Nast: Vogue, The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Allure, GQ, and Self; Random House, Knopf, Crown, etc. en passant, le clownesque à perruque Jeff Rense est lié à cette famille Newhouse qui est dans le contrôle des médias… Coïncidence?? Je pense pas!
Mortimer Zuckerman est un juif qui a fait sa fortune dans l’immobilier et qui fut même président de la Conférence des présidents des organisations juives majeures, détient le NY Daily News, le U.S. News & World Report et The Atlantic Monthly est le 147e milliardaire « Américain » le plus riche selon Forbes.
'The New Babylon - Those Who Reign Supreme : A Panoramic Overview of the Historical, Religous and Economic Origins of the New World Order. Inside the Rothschild Empire - The New Pharisees', by Michael Collins Piper (2009)
PM to Hollywood stars: Make movies about Israel Netanyahu rubs shoulders with Hollywood royalty at the home of Israeli film producer Arnon Milchan.
Qui contrôle Hollywood? Allez, dites-le. par Joel Stein, Los Angeles Times, 19 décembre 2008
Hollywood et les Juifs : moteur, ça tourne !

Les studios sont créés en 1923. En 1925, la Warner Bros. Pictures Inc. est leader dans le business des films muets. La même année, elle rachète la Vitaphone Company détentrice de l’invention de la synchronisation son-image. En 1927, Warner est la première à se lancer dans la nouvelle aventure du parlant. Avec Le chanteur de jazz dont l’acteur principal Al Jolson est également juif, la Warner révolutionne l’industrie du cinéma. En rachetant en 1929 la société First National Pictures, la Warner contrôle 250 salles de cinéma qui garantissent la diffusion de ses films. Le studio se spécialise dans les films d’aventures comme Robin des Bois (1938) et les films policiers avec les vedettes de l’époque comme Humphrey Bogart (le Faucon maltais). Dans le même temps, Warner se diversifie, se lançant dans le dessin animé. Il accueille entre autre dans ses studios le génial Tex Avery et son univers de personnages délirants.
Les studios Warner continuent d’être parmi les leaders d’Hollywood jusque dans les années 1960.
Né en Hongrie, Adolph Zukor (1873–1976) découvre le cinéma à 20 ans. Il commence par distribuer quelques films. Il s’aperçoit

En 1917, Zukor rassemble d’autres maisons de production naissantes et fonde Paramount Pictures. Ces studios inventent l'industrie cinématographique en assurant au sein d'une même compagnie la production, la réalisation et la distribution des films. Zukor qui brille dans tous ces domaines, assure lui-même la présidence de la société, une des plus grandes du monde. Mais Zukor n’oublie pas ce qu’il est : il s’investit dans la bienfaisance juive.

Dans le milieu, Louis Mayer est appelé "le Tout-Puissant". La M.G.M. est connue sous le nom de ‘’Mayer Gunsa Mishpocha’’ (Mayer pour toute la famille, en yiddish) parce que l'homme avait tendance à y employer ses parents !
Marcus Loew (1872–1927), commence sa carrière dans le cinéma en projetant des films dans des salles louées. En 1919, il achète Metro Pictures Inc. et en 1924 acquiert Goldwyn Pictures. Puis Marcus Loew est nommé président des studios Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer et sa compagnie Loew's Inc. devient une des plus grandes chaînes de cinéma aux Etats Unis.
Pour sa part, Irving Grant Thalberg (1899–1936) rejoint Universal Pictures juste après avoir fini ses études. Il devient directeur général des studios à 24 ans, lorsqu’il produit Le bossu de Notre Dame (1923). Un an plus tard, il devient le bras droit de Louis B. Mayer et peu après l’avènement de la Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, devient le producteur en chef de la compagnie. C’est à lui que l’on doit la première version de Ben-Hur (muet) en 1926. Thalberg guide la M.G.M. dans sa transition du muet au parlant, pulvérisant les records du box office avec la première comédie musicale Broadway Melody (1929). Il est responsable des plus célèbres films de son temps, comme Les révoltés du Bounty (1935) ainsi que de plusieurs comédies des Marx Brothers (comiques juifs).

De son côté, son frère Myron Selznick, devient l'un des agents les plus puissants d'Hollywood.
Noémie Grynberg / Israel Magazine 2008

Yes, the Jews Do Control the Media:
Rothschild’s Mechanism for Political Domination
Jews clearly possess a disproportionate influence in movies, publishing, advertising and theater. In the media, according to one survey in the 1970s, one quarter of the leading figures were Jewish, more than ten times their percentage in the general population.
As in Berlin and Vienna before Hitler, the Jewish role in publishing was an important one. By 1950 Jewish families owned two of the three most influential newspapers in the United States, The NewYork Times and TheWashington Post. Furthermore, both families were directly involved in the daily operation of the papers and in setting their editorial policies.
It is true that Jews are represented in the media business in numbers far out of proportion to their share of the population. Studies have shown that while Jews make up little more than 5 percent of the working press nationwide—hardly more than their share of the population—they make up one fourth or more of the writers, editors, and producers in America’s “elite media,” including network news divisions, the top newsweeklies and the four leading daily papers (NewYork Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal).
In the fast-evolving world of media megacorporations, Jews are even more numerous. In an October 1994 Vanity Fair feature profiling the kingpins of the new media elite, titled “The New Establishment,” just under half of the two dozen entrepreneurs profiled were Jews.
In the view of the magazine’s editors, these are America’s true power elite,“men and women from the entertainment, communications and computer industries, whose ambitions and influence have made America the one true superpower of the Information Age.”
And in a few key sectors of the media, notably among Hollywood studio executives, Jews are so numerically dominant that calling these businesses Jewish-controlled is little more than a statistical observation.
“If there is Jewish power, it’s the power of the word, the power of Jewish columnists and Jewish opinion makers,” says Eugene Fisher, director of Catholic-Jewish relations at the National Conference of Catholic Bishops,and one of the Jewish community’s staunchest defenders in religious Christian circles.“The Jewish community is a very literate community,and it has a lot to say.And if you can shape opinion, you can shape events.”
The combined weight of so many Jews in one of America’s most lucrative and important industries gives the Jews of Hollywood a great deal of political power. . . .
But the same could be said, to a much greater degree, of other industries with significant concentrations of Jews:Wall Street, New York real estate, or the garment industry.
In each of those industries, Jews make up a significant bloc—an important minority onWall Street,near majorities in clothing and commercial real estate—and have translated their clout into a visible presence on the political scene.
The Jewish influence is just as pronounced in television as it is in the movies. On the TV news desk, Jews have been very visible in front of the camera.As journalists, their personal religious and cultural beliefs are not made an issue in their reporting, but their power is significant because they influence how we as Americans view the world and shape our opinions. . . . Even more influential than reporters are the television news producers, since they decide which stories will go on air, in which order and how long they will run.A disproportionate number of these are Jewish as well. . . .
At one point in the 1980s, the executive producers of all three evening news shows were Jewish.
Furthermore, as Jewish Power [by J. J. Goldberg, cited elsewhere—Ed.] points out, while Jews make up “5% of the working press nationwide—hardly more than their share of the population—they make up one-fourth of the writers, editors and producers in America’s ‘elite media,’ including network news divisions, the top newsweeklies and the four leading papers.”
The remarkably high percentage of Jewish people in television has lasted for generations, perhaps because it is a relatively small and close-knit community.
In a poll of TV’s creative leaders, 59 percent said they were raised in the Jewish faith, while 38 percent [of that group] still identified themselves as Jews.
Jewish billionaires in the 1990s demonstrated that they had arrived at the pinnacle of social prowess and cultural importance by buying professional sports teams, hitherto the proud preserve of WASP and Irish magnates. By 1993 the New York football Giants—the most honored name in professional sports—two other National Football League teams, and two of the major league baseball franchises were in Jewish hands.
One of these Jewish owners carried so much weight with the other owners that he engineered the firing of the baseball commissioner and took over as acting commissioner, representing the owners before a congressional committee.
In the 1930s American Jews had thought they were doing well when they produced a couple of boxing champions.
The Jews did not have to show their sweaty bodies anymore; they owned the teams.
All told, the once-scruffy vocation [of journalism] has become an intellectually exciting, reasonably well-paid, prestigious profession in which Jews play an increasingly important role.
In 1982, for example, Jews made up a little less than 6 percent of the national press corps as a whole but 25 to 30 percent of the “media elite”—those working for The New York Times, The Washington Post, and TheWall Street Journal; for Time, Newsweek, and U.S. News & World Report; and for the news divisions of CBS, NBC, ABC, and the Public Broadcasting System and its leading stations. (A 1971 study put the number of Jews in the media elite at 25 percent.) When one looks at the key decision-making positions, the Jewish role appears to be even larger.
Jews are equally influential, if less well known, in the management of television news. It is the network correspondents, of course, who have become household names, among them Jews . . .
The greatest concentration of Jews, however, is at the producer level—and it is the producers who decide which stories will go on the air, and how long, and in what order they will run.
In 1982, before a shift in assignments, the executive producers of all three evening newscasts were Jewish, as were the executive producers of CBS’s 60 Minutes and ABC’s 20/20.
And Jews are almost equally prominent at the“senior producer” and “broadcast producer” levels as well as in senior management.
[The October 18, 1992 reviews section of The Washington Post] is full of books by or about Jews: on sports and the American Jewish experience; a biography of Bill Graham, a Holocaust survivor and leading rock & roll impresario; the story of an upper-class New York family infected by antisemitism; a South African woman’s group portrait of her set of Jewish friends; a Jewish couple’s volume on foreign investments in America, analyzing problems of multiple loyalties and foreign influence parallel issues in assimilation; and a Jewish author’s book on politics in higher education, discussing multiculturalism in terms drawn from the integration of Jews into American society.
Who Rules America?
Time Warner. The largest media conglomerate today is Time Warner (briefly called AOL-Time Warner; the AOL was dropped from the name when accounting practices at the AOL division were questioned by government investigators), which reached its current form when America Online bought Time Warner for $160 billion in 2000. The combined company had revenue of $39.5 billion in 2003. The merger brought together Steve Case, a Gentile, as chairman of AOL-Time Warner, and Gerald Levin, a Jew, as the CEO. Warner, founded by the Jewish Warner brothers in the early part of the last century, rapidly became part of the Jewish power base in Hollywood, a fact so well-known that it is openly admitted by Jewish authors, as is the fact that each new media acquisition becomes dominated by Jews in turn: Speaking of the initial merger of Time, Inc. with Warner, Jewish writer Michael Wolff said in New York magazine in 2001 “since Time Inc.’s merger with Warner ten years ago, one of the interesting transitions is that it has become a Jewish company.” (”From AOL to W,” New York magazine, January 29, 2001)
Although not in control of the media and the arts, as some anti-Semites suggest, Jews clearly possess a disproportionate influence in movies, publishing, advertising and theater. In the media, according to one survey in the 1970s, one quarter of the leading figures were Jewish, more than ten times their percentage in the general population. [Joel Kotkin, Tribes, p. 61]
Jewish power in Hollywood no longer centers on those who own the studios but on the assorted agents, independent producers and writers who increasingly dominate the industry, including promoters such as Arnon Milchan, Michael Ovitz and David Geffen, a former [talent] agent and record producer whom Forbes in 1990 identified as “the richest man in Hollywood”. Traditional Jewish skills in selling, marketing, assembling the various “elements” needed for mounting a production remain critical. ... Margo Bernay, a craft union business agent whose family first started commuting to Hollywood from the old Jewish neighborhoods of East Los Angeles in the 1930s, observes: “If you look at the real power in this town it’s the agents, the producers; it’s not with the studios. In the old days the studios owned the talent; now the talent owns the studios. So that’s where the Jews are, where the creativity is, the talent, the glamour, the power. It’s the sechel [reason] side of the business, the mentality. It’s the part of the business that doesn’t have boundaries that you get in big corporations—it gives you the space Jews have been brought up to push for.” [Joel Kotkin, Tribes, pp. 61-62]
Jewish billionaires in the 1990s demonstrated that they had arrived at the pinnacle of social prowess and cultural importance by buying professional sports teams, hitherto the proud preserve of WASP and Irish magnates. By 1993 the New York football Giants, the most honored name in professional sports, two other National Football League teams, and two of the major league baseball franchises were in Jewish hands.
One of these Jewish owners carried so much weight with the other owners that he
engineered the firing of the baseball commissioner and took over as acting commissioner, representing the owners before a congressional committee.
In the 1930s American Jews had thought they were doing well when they produced a
couple of boxing champions. The Jews did not have to show their sweaty bodies anymore; they owned the teams. [Norman F. Cantor, The Sacred Chain: The History of the Jews, p. 405]
As in Berlin and Vienna before Hitler, the Jewish role in publishing was an important one. By 1950 Jewish families owned two of the three most influential newspapers in the United States, the New York Times and the Washington Post. Furthermore, both families were directly involved in the daily operation of the papers and in setting their editorial policies. [Norman F. Cantor, The Sacred Chain: The History of the Jews, p. 405]
It is true that Jews are represented in the media business in numbers far out of proportion to their share of the population. Studies have shown that while Jews make up little more than 5 percent of the working press nationwide —hardly more than their share of the population— they make up one fourth or more of the writers, editors, and producers in America’s “elite media”, including network news divisions, the top newsweeklies and the four leading daily papers (New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal). In the fast-evolving world of media mega-corporations, Jews are even more numerous.
In an October 1994 Vanity Fair feature profiling the kingpins of the new media elite, titled “The New Establishment”, just under half of the two-dozen entrepreneurs profiled were Jews. In the view of the magazine’s editors, these are America’s true power elite, “men and women from the entertainment, communications and computer industries, whose ambitions and influence have made America the one true superpower of the Information Age”.
And in a few key sectors of the media, notably among Hollywood studio executives, Jews are so numerically dominant that calling these businesses Jewish-controlled is little more than a statistical observation.
“If there is Jewish power, it’s the power of the word, the power of Jewish columnists and Jewish opinion makers,” says Eugene Fisher, director of Catholic-Jewish relations at the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, and one of the Jewish community’s staunchest defenders in religious Christian circles. “The Jewish community is a very literate community, and it has a lot to say. And if you can shape opinion, you can shape events.” [J.J. Goldberg. Jewish Power: Inside the American Jewish Establishment, p. 280]
For all of the rank anti-Semitism lurking in the Jewish-conspiracy theories, the notion of Jewish influence in the media is not necessarily anti-Semitic in and of itself. The awkward fact is that, indeed, “the Jews invented Hollywood,” as historian Neal Gabler put it in the unfortunate subtitle of his 1988 historical study, An Empire of Their Own. The movie camera was invented by non-Jews, but the Hollywood dream factory was created by a handful of immigrant Jewish entrepreneurs. They saw the motion picture’s potential as a storytelling device, and they built the studios, distribution systems, and movie theaters to promote it nationwide.
These few ... turned a technological curiosity into a multibillion-dollar industry.
A generation later, a young group of Jewish entrepreneurs did the same thing with the radio transmitter, the microphone, and the television camera. ...
Hollywood at the end of the twentieth century is still an industry with a pronounced ethnic tinge. Virtually all the senior executives at the major studios are Jews. Writers, producers, and to a lesser degree directors are disproportionately Jewish—one recent study showed the figure as high as 59 percent among top-grossing films.
The combined weight of so many Jews in one of America’s most lucrative and important industries gives the Jews of Hollywood a great deal of political power. ... But the same could be said, to a much greater degree, of other industries with significant concentrations of Jews: Wall Street, New York real estate, or the garment industry.
In each of those industries, Jews make up a significant bloc—an important minority on Wall Street, near majorities in clothing and commercial real estate—and have translated their clout into a visible presence on the political scene. [J.J. Goldberg. Jewish Power: Inside the American Jewish Establishment, pp. 286-288]
Writing on on April 2, 2003, Jewish-American writer Eric Alterman provided a fascinating overview of the preponderance of pro-Israel commentary that appears amongst columnists and commentators in the American media, not all of whom (obviously) are Jewish, but who —in most cases— workfor media outlets that, in many cases, are either owned outright by Jewish financial interests or which are heavily influenced by the Jewish community. The list provided by Alterman follows, although a considerably smaller list of other columnists who are critical of Israel—including such obvious names as Pat Buchanan—has not been included. Please note that the prefatory descriptive material preceding the various lists of names is Alterman’s terminology, although we have noted those columnists who are not known to be Jewish by rendering their proper names in italics. In brackets we have also added additional material of our own, that is clearly noted as an editorial insertion.
Columnists and Commentators Who Can Be Counted Upon to Support Israel Reflexively and Without Qualification:
• George Will, The Washington Post, Newsweek and ABC News
• William Safire, The New York Times
• A.M. Rosenthal, The New York Daily News, formerly Executive Editor of and later columnist for, The New York Times
• Charles Krauthammer, The Washington Post, PBS, Time, and The Weekly Standard, formerly of The New Republic
• Michael Kelly, The Washington Post, The Atlantic Monthly, National Journal, and, formerly of The New Republic and The New Yorker [Now deceased—killed during the Iraq war.—Ed.]
• Lally Weymouth, The Washington Post, Newsweek [Note: Ms. Weymouth is half-Jewish, being the daughter of late Washington Post Company chief Katharine Meyer Graham and her non-Jewish (and, ironically, reportedly anti-Semitic) husband, the late Philip Graham—Ed.]
• Martin Peretz, The New Republic
• Daniel Pipes, The New York Post [Note: Pipes has reportedly claimed to not be Jewish, but many sources say otherwise.—Ed.]
• Andrea Peyser, The New York Post
• Dick Morris, The New York Post
• Lawrence Kaplan, The New Republic
• William Bennett, CNN
• William Kristol, The Washington Post, The Weekly Standard, Fox News, formerly of ABC News
• Robert Kagan, The Washington Post and The Weekly Standard
• Mortimer Zuckerman, US News and World Report [Zuckerman recently served as Chairman of Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations—Ed.]
• David Gelernter, The Weekly Standard
• John Podhoretz, The New York Post and The Weekly Standard
• Mona Charen, The Washington Times
• Morton Kondracke, Roll Call, Fox News, formerly of The McLaughlin Group, The New Republic and PBS
• Fred Barnes, The Weekly Standard, Fox News, formerly of The New Republic, The McLaughlin Group, and The Baltimore Sun
• Sid Zion, The New York Post, The New York Daily News
• Yossi Klein Halevi, The New Republic
• Norman Podhoretz, Commentary
• Jonah Goldberg, National Review
• Laura Ingraham, CNN, formerly of MSNBC and CBS News
• Jeff Jacoby, The Boston Globe
• Rich Lowry, National Review
• Andrew Sullivan, The New Republic
• Seth Lipsky, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Sun, formerly of the Jewish Forward
• Irving Kristol, The Public Interest, The National Interest and The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page
• Allan Keyes, MSNBC,
• Brit Hume, Fox News
• John Leo, US News and World Report
• Robert Bartley, The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page
• John Fund, The Wall Street Journal Opinion Journal, formerly of The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page [Ethnic origins unknown—Ed.]
• Peggy Noonan, The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page,
• Ben Wattenberg, The Washington Times, PBS
• Tony Snow, The Washington Times and Fox News
• Lawrence Kudlow, National Review and CNBC
• Alan Dershowitz, The Boston Herald, The Washington Times
• David Horowitz,
• Jacob Heilbrun, The Los Angeles Times
• Thomas Sowell, The Washington Times
• Frank Gaffney Jr,, The Washington Times [Note: Gaffney’s ethnic antecedents are unknown, although there have been rumors that he was born to a gentile family but converted to Judaism.—Ed.]
• Emmett Tyrell, The American Spectator and The New York Sun
• Cal Thomas, The Washington Times
• Oliver North, The Washington Times and Fox News, formerly of MSNBC
• Michael Ledeen, Jewish World Review
• William F. Buckley, National Review
[Note: Although Buckley is widely recognized as an “Irish Catholic” and is known as a devout Catholic, his Roman Catholic antecedents are not, as widely believed, from his Scotch-Irish father’s side, but, instead from his mother’s side. Although Buckley’s mother was born to a German Catholic family based in New Orleans named Steiner, the late Chicago Tribune columnist, Walter Trohan, privately told intimates that it was his understanding that the Steiner family was originally Jewish and converted to Roman Catholicism, as did many Jewish families in New Orleans during the 18th and 19th centuries. This may well be the first time that Trohan’s revelation may have ever been committed to print. However, for expediency’s sake, we will list Buckley here as being “non-Jewish”, his reported ancestry notwithstanding—Ed.]
• Bill O’Reilly, Fox News
• Paul Greenberg, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
• L. Brent Bozell, The Washington Times
• Todd Lindberg, The Washington Times
• Michael Barone, US News and World Report and The McLaughlin Group
• Ann Coulter, Human Events
• Linda Chavez, Creators Syndicate [Note: Although Ms. Chavez was raised a Roman Catholic, her husband is Jewish and it has been rumored that she is a convert herself to Judaism.—Ed.]
• Cathy Young, Reason Magazine [Note: Ms. Young’s ethnic heritage is unknown to the editor.— Ed.]
• Uri Dan, New York Post
• Dr. Laura Schlessinger, radio host
• Rush Limbaugh, radio host
Publications That, For Reasons of Owner or Editorship, Can Be Counted Upon to Support Israel Reflexively and Without Qualification:
• The New Republic (Martin Peretz, Michael Steinhardt, Roger Hertog, Owners)
• Commentary (American Jewish Committee, Owner)
• US News and World Report (Mortimer Zuckerman, Owner)
• The New York Daily News (Mortimer Zuckerman, Owner)
• The New York Post (Rupert Murdoch, Owner)
[Note: Murdoch is of at least partial Jewish descent.—Ed.)
• The Weekly Standard (Rupert Murdoch, Owner)
• The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page (Peter Kann, Editor)
[Note: Alterman included The Atlantic Monthly in this list but since the magazine was sold by pro-Israel zealot Mortimer Zuckerman, its hard-line bias in favor of Israel seems to have softened.—Ed.]
Columnists Likely to Criticize Both Israel and the Palestinians, But View Themselves to be Supporters of Israel, and Ultimately, Would Support Israeli Security Over Palestinian Rights:
• Thomas Friedman, The New York Times
• Richard Cohen, The Washington Post and New York Daily News
• Avishai Margolit, The New York Review of Books
• David Remnick, The New Yorker
• Eric Alterman, The Nation and
• The New York Times Editorial Board
• The Washington Post Editorial Board
Clearly, Alterman’s lists are very instructive indeed, demonstrating beyond any question that—when it comes to the issue of the media’s reportage of the Middle East question—a predominant Jewish and pro-Israel bias is in place.
The names on Alterman’s lists are virtually the “cream of the crop” of the elite media in America. Anyone who would suggest that there is not a pro-Israel bias on the part of the elite media commentators is speaking from an agenda and therefore to be dismissed.
Needless to say, not all of the names on Alterman’s lists are Jewish by any means, so it cannot be suggested that “Only Jewish columnists are pro-Israel.” In fact, there are many non-Jewish writers who have adopted a slavish, pro-Israel stance and, if truth be told, it’s been quite good for their careers.
Some of the biggest billionaires in the media industry, based in part on the famous Forbes 400 list of the wealthiest Americans (excerpts):
• Walter Annenberg, TV Guide, publishing, $850 million;
• Enid Annenberg Haupt, $180 million;
• Esther Annenberg Simon, $180 million;
• Jeannette Annenberg Hooker, $180 million;
• Lita Annenberg Hazen, $180 million;
• Evelyn Annenberg Hall, $180 million;
• Edmund Ansin, Sunbeam TV Corp., $200 million;
• Paul Block and William Block, publishing, $300 million;
• Edgar Bronfman, $665 million; Warner Music Group
• Katharine Graham, Washington Post publishing empire, $350 million;
• Horvitz family, Florida real estate, cable television, $250 million;
• Norman Lear, television producer, $175 million;
• S. I. Newhouse, media empire, $2.2 billion;
• William Paley Family, CBS television fortune, $290 million;
• Arthur Sackler, medical publishing, advertising, $175 million;
• Ray Stark, motion pictures, $150 million;
• Saul Steinberg, financier/Reliance Insurance, $400 million;
• Sulzberger Family, New York Times media empire, $450 million;
• Lawrence and Preston Tisch, Loews Corporation, CBS, Bulova watches, Combined worth: $1.7 billion;
• Lew Wasserman, MCA talent agency, $220 million;
• Wolfson Family, movie theaters, television stations, $240 million;
• William Ziff Family, Ziff-Davis publishers, $650 million;
• Mortimer Zuckerman, real estate, publishing, U.S. News & World Report, New York Daily News, $200 million.
ANNENBERG. Philadelphia. Long headed by the late Walter Annenberg, who served as U.S. Ambassador to England, appointed by Richard Nixon. Triangle Publications empire. Published TV Guide and Philadelphia Inquirer.
BELZBERG. Canada-New York-Israel. Sam Belzberg heads Gibralter Capital corporation. Wife: Frances. Daughter Wendy (an editor at the influential Jewish newspaper, Forward, is married to Strauss Zelnick, head of BMG Records. Daughter Lisa is married to Matthew Bronfman (See BRONFMAN). The family [members] are original financial backers of the Simon Wiesenthal Center. Their former rabbi, Marvin Heir, left Canada to go to Los Angeles where Heir set up the Center.
BLOOMBERG. New York. Elected mayor of New York City in 2001, Michael Bloomberg started out at Salomon Brothers and went on to establish a multimedia empire providing stories to newspapers and a 24-hour direct satellite television network.
CARTER. Victor Carter is said to have “specialized in the turnaround of ailing companies” but is best known for heading the United Way, City of Hope and Israel Bonds. His wife Andrea has been involved in—of all things—the Country Music Commission.
EISNER. Los Angeles. Michael Eisner engineered the merger between Capital Cities, owner of ABC and other properties. Took over Walt Disney Company in 1984. The grandson of the co-founder of the American Safety Razor Co.
GOLD. Los Angeles. Stanley Gold heads Shamrock Holdings, a diversified investment company associated with the Disney heirs. A major investor in Koor Industries, Israel’s largest industrial company. Gold has son Charles and daughter Jennifer.
HOFFMAN. Dallas, Texas. Edmund Hoffman made his fortune as the leading (Dallas-based) Coca-Cola bottler and distributor in Southwest Texas. Son Richard is a well-known physician in Colorado. Son Robert was one of the founders of the National Lampoon humor magazine.
LEVIN. New York. Gerald Levin, who rose to become CEO of the Bronfman family-controlled Time Warner empire, started out as a lieutenant of Lewis Strauss, the Jewish chief of the Atomic Energy Commission. Although there’s nothing in the public record to suggest it, it’s a good bet that Levin and Strauss had a hand in “helping” Israel achieve atomic weapons. Today Levin is a member of the Rockefeller-funded Council on Foreign Relations. A major media figure indeed.
MILSTEIN. New York. The Circle Floor Company, founded by Morris Milstein, laid the floors in Rockefeller Center and the United Nations, but Morris’s sons Seymour and Paul developed the family firm, Milstein Properties, into a major real estate enterprise, owning hotels, offices and apartments. They also controlled the international United Brands empire for a period and in 1986 bought the Emigrant Savings Bank. Family members Howard and Edward control Douglas Elliman, a building management and brokerage concern, and the Liberty Cable Television Company.
REDSTONE. New York. Born “Rothstein”, Sumner Redstone took over his father’s movie theater chain and expanded it to nearly 900 affiliates. In 1987 he orchestrated the leveraged buyout of Viacom, Inc., which is one of the major global media enterprises, controlling Paramount Studios, Blockbuster Video, Simon & Schuster, Nickelodeon and MTV. His daughter Shari Redstone is increasingly involved in her father’s empire.
ROSENWALD. Chicago-New Orleans. Julius Rosenwald made his fortune by grabbing control of Sears & Roebuck, the catalog giant. His son Lessing, however, upset many in the American Jewish community by being a major supporter of anti-Zionist causes. Daughter Edith, who was a major supporter of “civil rights” causes in the South, operating out of a fabulous mansion in New Orleans modeled after “Tara” in Gone With the Wind, married into the Stern family. Her family ran the WDSU media empire in New Orleans and were close personal friends of Clay Shaw, prosecuted by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, for involvement in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. (See Final Judgment by this author, Michael Collins Piper, for further details about the strange role of the Stern family in the affairs surrounding Shaw and accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald.) The family is quite large and remains active in real estate and cable television.
SCHEUER. New York. A gas and coal company and New York real estate provided the foundation for this family’s wealth. One family member, James, served in Congress. Walter is an investment manager and documentary producer. Steven is a media critic. Amy is a psychotherapist. Richard has chaired the board of governors of Hebrew Union College and finances archeological digs in Palestine.
SIMON. Indianapolis. One of the five biggest shopping mall empires in the country —the second largest, in fact— is the basis of the fortune of brothers Melvin and Howard Simon who developed 62 malls and 55 shopping centers. In 1996 their holdings grew even larger when they merged with the (non-Jewish) DeBartolo Realty Corp. Mel co-owns the Pacers basketball team and has produced “trash” films such as Porky’s. His son David, who had been an investment banker at CS First Boston and Wasserstein, Perella, is now assuming a role in the family business which includes the famous Mall of America in Minneapolis, at one time certainly the largest mall in America.
SKIRBALL. Los Angeles. Jack Skirball was a rabbi, a real estate developer and a film producer —three professions of interest to all good Jewish boys, it seems. His wealthy family remains active in Jewish affairs in California.
RICHARD SMITH. Boston. Based in New England, the General Cinema movie chain expanded to take control of Neiman-Marcus (the Dallas-based department store) along with Harcourt Brace Publishing (now Harcourt General). General Cinema is now known as GC Cos. Robert Smith, son of Richard, has taken over the family’s affairs. The family is described as “very low profile”.
SPIELBERG. Los Angeles. Everyone knows the name of Stephen Spielberg, the movie legend responsible for a wide array of popular films, not to mention Schindler’s List. His primary company is Dreamworks SKG. Amblin Entertainment is another part of the Spielberg empire.
STEINBERG. New York. Saul Steinberg made a fortune through Leasco, a computer leasing firm, and then went big time with Reliance Insurance, which he purchased in 1968. His brother Robert and brother-in-law Bruce Sokoloff were heavily involved in family affairs. His daughter Laura is married to Jonathan Tisch of the powerful Tisch media empire (See TISCH.) His son Jonathan is owner of Financial Data which publishes Individual Investor magazine.
STEINHARDT. New York. Hedge-fund manager/tycoon Michael Steinhardt has a “passion”, it is said: that being “Jewish continuity”. Even though he “an avowed atheist” according to Avenue magazine, Steinhardt is still “yet one of America’s biggest supporters of Jewish and Israel causes”. He is a financier behind Forward, the influential New York-based Jewish weekly.
STONEMAN. Boston. Samuel Stoneman was vice chairman of the board of General Cinema Corporation. His daughters are Jane Stein and Elizabeth Deknatel. They run the family’s foundation.
TISCH. New York. Leading supporters of Israel, best known today for their control of the CBS broadcasting empire, Lawrence and Preston Tisch were among the most powerful Jews in America, although Lawrence recently died. Loews, CAN Financial, Lorillard and Bulova are all part of the Tisch empire. Lawrence had sons James, Daniel, Tom and Andrew, the latter involved in the executive committee of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Preston, who owns the Giants team, served as postmaster general of the United States. His son Steve is a filmmaker and his son Jonathan is the president of Loew’s hotels.
WASSERMAN. Los Angeles. The late Lou Wasserman, longtime head of MCA, the entertainment conglomerate, was —along with his partner, Jules Stein— a sponsor of the rise to fame (in films and in politics) of Ronald Reagan. He has been called the “king” of Hollywood.
WOLFSON. Miami. The Wolfson-Meyer Theater Company became Wometco and in 1984 was acquired by Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts & Company after having established itself as a pioneer in motion picture and television broadcasting in the 1920s. The investment firms Wolfson Initiative Corporation and the Novecentro Corporation are parts of the family empire. Family members include Louis III and Mitchell. The best known Wolfson was the infamous Louis who became entangled in an unpleasant scandal involving former U.S. Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas who was taking money from the Wolfson family foundation.
Television Broadcasting
Entertainment Industry
Radio Broadcasting
Three Jewish Newspapers
Other Mass Media
Los Angeles Jewish Times, 'Yes, Virginia, Jews Do Control the Media,' Oct. 29-Nov. 11, 1999 p. 14
"Time-Warner, Disney, Viacom-CBS, News Corporation and Universal rule the entertainment world in a way that the old Hollywood studio chiefs only dreamed of. And, after all the deals and buyouts, four of the five are run by Jews. We're back to where we started, bigger than ever."
Jewish Week, 9-17-99, 12
"Jews have been statistically over-represented in both the financial and the creative aspects of the entertainment business. It is a short step from that observation to the vicious canard that the Jews, in some collective, conspiratorial sense, control Hollywood. One could also possibly construct a similar argument for the Canadian scene. People such as Izzy Asper, Garth Drabinsky, Harold Greenberg, Robert Lantos, Ed Mirvish, and Moses Znaimer are just a few of the Canadian Jews who have played innovative roles in the popular entertainment industry in Canada."
- Morton Weinfeld, Jews and the Entertainment Business, Canadian Jewish News, March 26, 1998, p. 10
"The greatest concentration of Jews, however, is at the producer level -- and it is the producers who decide which stories will go on the air, and how long, and in what order, they will run. In 1982, before a shift in assignments, the executive producers of all three evening newscasts were Jewish, as were the executive producers of CBS's 60 Minutes and ABC's 20/20. And Jews are almost equally prominent at the 'senior producer' and 'broadcast producer' levels as well as in senior management. When Reuven Frank stepped down as president of NBC News in 1984, for example, he was replaced by Laurence Grossman, who left the presidency of PBS to take the position."
- Charles Silberman, A Certain People. American Jews and Their Lives Today, Summit Books, 1985, p. 154
"In his famous study of television news in 1973, Daniel Jay Epstein interviewed thirty-six network news producers and editors -- twenty-one of whom turned out to be Jews."
- Zev Chafets, Double Vision. How the Press Distorts America's Views of the Middle East, Wiliam Morris & Co., 1985, p. 277
"The main complaint heard [in Israel] is that for some reason Jews are the imaginative leaders in this field [movies] almost everywhere except Israel, and guess why. The real 'why,' the truly stinging insinuation, is that in Israel there are too many Jews who have to deal with each other."
- Jay Gonen, A Psychohistory of Zionism, Mason/Charter, NY, 1975, p. 274
"In December 1997 [Jewish] Disney chairman Michael D. Eisner exercised company stock options that brought him $565 million in a single swoop. The notion of attaching such a sum to one man's job is both obscene and hilarious on its face, yet it's pointless to debate whether or not Eisner deserves it. He got the dough. It happened in the same month that Business Week chose Disney's board of directors as the worst in America. The reason: Many seemed to have been handpicked not so much for their business expertise as for their loyalty to the autocratic Eisner. Among the company's directors are his personal architect, his personal attorney, the principal of his children's elementary school, and seven current and former Disney executives 'Fantastic' is how Eisner has described his choices for the board. But critics say it's a meek and malleable group. That's precisely what was needed to sit still for the ludicrous $75 million platinum parachute given to Michael Ovitz [also Jewish] as compensation for fourteen whole months as president of the Walt Disney Company."
- Carl Hiassen, Team Rodent, How Disney Devours the World, Ballantine, NY, 1998
"It makes no sense at all to try to deny the reality of Jewish power and prominence in popular culture. Any list of the most influential production executives at each of the major movie studios will produce a heavy majority of recognizable Jewish names." [MEDVED, p. 1] ... Consider the well-publicized reshuffling that recently rocked the Walt Disney Company, involving some of the mightiest and most highly paid media moguls. In this game of corporate musical chairs, Disney C.E.O. and Chairman of the Board, Michael Eisner lost the services of his movie production chief, Jeffrey Katzenbaum, who became part of the much-heralded new "dream team" (formally incorporated as DreamWorks SKG) with Steven Spielberg and David Geffen. Meanwhile, Eisner created a new position at Disney for his omnipotent super agent Michael Ovitz and gave broader responsibilities to his fair-haired boy, Joe Roth, former head of 20th Century Fox ... These headlines underscored the ironic fact that the famous Disney organization, founded by a gentile Midwestern who harbored anti-Semitic attitudes now features Jewish personnel in nearly all its most powerful positions."
- Michael Medved, Jewish film critic and talk show host, Hollywood vs. America, Popular Culture and the War on Traditional Values, HarperCollins, 1992
"There have been rumors in New York for years that [Jewish mogul Laurence] Tisch took over CBS in 1986 at least partly out of a desire to do something about media bias against Israel."
- J. J. Goldberg, Jewish Power. Inside the American Jewish Establishment, Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1996, p. 297
"As early as 1938, the Justice Department's Antitrust Division had filed suit against the eight big motion picture companies -- Paramount, Loews, RKO, Warner Brothers, Twentieth Century Fox, Columbia, Universal and United Artists for 'combining and conspiring to restrain trade in the production, distribution, and exhibition of motion pictures,' in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act ... Thurman Arnold, the head of the Antitrust Division charged that the motion picture business had become 'an industrial dictatorship and strictly unAmerican ... The danger in this country is the private seizure of power ... it is subject to no criticism and no attack because no one even knows about it.'"
- Dan Moldea, Dark Victory. Ronald Reagan, MCA, and the Mob, Viking, 1986, p. 46
"All the leading magazines, ranging from Commentary, Esquire, Ladies Home Journal, New York Review of Books, New Yorker, and U.S. News and World Report have Jews in key positions as publishers, editors, or managing editors. No one is able to criticize Jews -- or even take Israel to task -- for fear of being out of line with the boss ... There is [also] the constant overriding concern of the media about losing advertising ... at times making a mockery of 'freedom' of the press ... [LILIENTHAL, p. 219] ... It would be futile to list the number of top Jewish editors and writers across the country. Many of the largest book publishers, including Knopf, Random House, Holt, Liverwright, Viking Press, Simon and Schuster, Van Nostrand Reinhold, and Lyle Stuart are Jewish-owned, directly or by Jewish-controlled interests (including CBS, RCA, Music Corporation of America [MCA], Litton's, and Gulf and Western. In other firms such as Macmillan and Grosset and Dunlap, one will find editors-in-chief or presidents who are Jewish."
- Jewish critic Alfred Lilenthal, The Zionist Connection II, Veritas Publishing, Australia, 1983, p. 220
"In Britain, until 1955, radio and television were a state monopoly ... In 1955, however, commercial television was launched and in time comprised three networks and several smaller regional companies. The networks, Associated-Rediffusion, Associated Television and Granada were headed by Emil Littler, Lew Grade, and Sidney Bernstein respectively, all of whom had spent a lifetime in show-business ... and all three were Jewish."
- Chaim Bermant, The Jews, Times Mirror, 1977, p. 105
This history parallels exactly the situation in American television where Jews built the three major TV networks to power: David Sarnoff at NBC, William Paley at CBS, and Leonard Goldenson at ABC.
"Hollywood is run by Jews; it is owned by Jews--and they should have a greater sensitivity about the issue of people who are suffering. Because...we have seen...the greaseball, we've seen the Chink, we've seen the slit-eyed dangerous Jap, we have seen the wily Filipino, we've seen everything but we never saw the kike. Because they knew perfectly well, that that is where you draw the [line]."
-- Maron Brando on Larry King Live,
THE POWER BEHIND SARAH PALIN, by M.C. Piper (American Free Press)
CBS-Viacom Merger Redefines Jewish Role in Media.
Jewish Bulletin of Northern California. 9-17-99
"There was a telling moment, midway through last week's press conference announcing the CBS-Viacom megamerger, when one of the unmentionables of American entertainment peeked through the veils for an instant. It came when a reporter asked CBS president Mel Karmazin why he wanted this merger. His reply: 'This is the deal I've wanted to make, I think, from the time I was bar-mitzvahed.' The reporters laughed nervously. Nobody commented afterward. Nobody would have brought it up if Karmazin hadn't. It's one of those inside jokes you don't usually tell in public. Americans consider it downright rude to talk publicly about Jewish ownership in the media. Marlon Brando mentioned it two years ago on 'Larry King Live' and nearly got lynched. Three years earlier, journalist William Cash caused an international uproar with a scathing 1994 article about Jewish influence in Hollywood in the Spectator, a British newsweekly. It's just not something you discuss in conventional society ... Now, after all the deals and buyouts, four of the five mega-media companies are run by Jews. We're back where we started, bigger than ever. Does it matter? It does if you're an anti-Semitic conspiracy nut. You'd be wrong."
The Newhouse Way. Columbia Journalism Review. January/February 2001
"Ever since [Jewish media mogul] Samuel I. Newhouse Sr. bought the Staten Island Advance in 1922, the Newhouse family has given its editors great freedom as it went about building one of the country's largest and most prosperous privately held media empires. Today that empire, Advance Publications, is home to twenty-three daily newspapers of varying size, location, and quality; Condé Nast magazines, including Vanity Fair and The New Yorker; Fairchild Publications; Parade magazine; a chain of suburban weeklies; another of business tabs; a cable television partnership with Time Warner; and a growing online operation. Last year, Advertising Age ranked Advance the tenth largest U.S. media company, with estimated 1998 revenue of nearly $4 billion, more than half coming from its newspapers. One reason Newhouse newspapers can give editors such freedom and still make money is because most are dominant in their market. In Cleveland, for instance, Advance endured a 1985 grand jury investigation into allegations that it conspired to kill the Cleveland Press, which closed in 1982, giving The Plain Dealer what amounts to a metropolitan daily newspaper monopoly. Then, in 1998, Advance tightened its grip on northern Ohio with the purchase of Sun Newspapers, a chain of twenty-three zoned weeklies in suburban Cleveland. The Newhouses are clannish and tight-lipped about the family business. Family members are scattered throughout Advance, and each paper is assigned to a Newhouse overseer who visits monthly. Samuel I. Sr., who died in 1979, turned the operation over to his sons -- Samuel I. Jr., or Si, who handles the magazines, and Donald, who takes care of the newspapers. They are now gradually bringing in the next generation."
The Last Tycoon. Los Angeles Magazine [here at], April 2000
"Twenty years ago, [Arnon] Milchan, an unknown Israeli tycoon, pitched his hat into the Hollywood ring. Today he runs his own mini studio within a studio on Rupert Murdoch's 20th Century Fox lot. It is the reward for being one of the town's most prolific producers of successful quality movies, more than 60 in all, including Fight Club, L.A. Confidential, Entrapment, Pretty Woman, JFK, The King of Comedy, Brazil, Natural Born Killers, Heat, The Mambo Kings and The War of the Roses ... And notwithstanding Milchan's denials, dismissals and wafflings, arms dealing has surely contributed to his fortune. (He claims that his parent company, Regency Enterprises, is valued at more than $1 billion.) As the Los Angeles Times coyly put it, "Milchan has also worked in arms consulting." Throughout the 1970s, '80s and even up until the Gulf War in 1991, Milchan was Israel's foremost weapons procurer, brokering deals for such prized superweapons as the Hawk missile and the famous Scud-foil of the Gulf War, the Patriot--"everything from nuclear triggers to rocket fuel to guidance systems," according to NBC News."
Dark Victory: Ronald Reagan, MCA And the Mob. [Investigative journalist Dan Moldea is the author of a number of books: this excerpt from Dark Victory was published by Viking in 1986]
"President Ronald Reagan's professional life--his acting career, his personal financial fortune, and his rise in politics--has been interwoven with and propelled by a powerful, Hollywood-based entertainment conglomerate named MCA. For nearly fifty years, Reagan has benefited both personally and financially from his association with this sixty-two-year-old company--formerly known as the Music Corporation of America--as well as from his close association with the firm's top executives: Jules Stein, Lew Wasserman, and Taft Schreiber [All these men are Jewish]. Everyone involved has greatly profited from this relationship. MCA helped to make its client, actor Ronald Reagan, a multimillionaire; and the favors that were returned by Reagan, the former president of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) and the former governor of California, have helped to transform MCA into a billion-dollar empire and the most powerful force in the entertainment world today ... Today, MCA is still 'the Octopus,' even though it is out of the talent agency business and now the owner of the largest motion picture and television production companies in the United States, Universal Pictures and Universal-Television ... The brains behind MCA was Jules Stein, a Chicago ophthalmologist who discovered that he could make more money booking bands ... The rise of MCA and its move to Hollywood paralleled the rise of the Chicago Mafia and its infiltration of the motion picture industry. Chicago's new liaison in the motion picture industry became attorney Sidney Korshak, [also Jewish] ... Charles Gioe, a top Chicago Mafia figure, had told [Mafia agent Willie] Bioff that Korshak was 'our man . . . any message he may deliver to you is a message from us.' A close friend of Stein's and Wasserman's, Korshak quickly became one of the most powerful influences in the entertainment industry and in California politics. One of his key political connections was another former Chicagoan, Paul Ziffren [also Jewish], who at one point was California's delegate to the National Democratic Committee."
Lew Wasserman and MCA: A Star-Spangled Octopus.
New York Observer, December 7, 1998
"Mr. Wasserman was the protégé and partner of Jules Stein, who founded the original M.C.A., a talent booking agency which by the 1930’s had a control of the market that first staggered and then swiftly wiped out its rivals. Once M.C.A. had mastered the balance of kid-glove client control with iron-fist contract negotiation, its expansion into movies was inevitable. During the following decades, the corporation in its various incarnations dominated almost every aspect of the entertainment business: live music, radio, television, cinema and talent management ... M.C.A. expanded inexorably; the Saturday Evening Post, with a delightful lack of poetry, called it the 'Star-Spangled Octopus' ... The only script Mr. Wasserman ever asked to read was The Sting, the 1973 smash hit about small-time Chicago gangsters. Perhaps [Producer David] Brown would have been less surprised had he known of M.C.A.’s long record of association with the mob, from labor negotiations to alleged murder threats. Apparently, the company even lent an office to [Jewish mobster] Meyer Lansky for a secret meeting."
The Operator: David Geffen Builds, Buys, and Sells the New Hollywood.
Gay Book World, [Book Review of The Operator. Undated]
"Complex, contentious, and blessed with the perfect-pitch ability to find the next big talent, David Geffen has shaped American popular culture for the last three decades. His dazzling career has included the roles of power agent, record-industry mogul, Broadway producer, and billionaire Hollywood studio founder. From the beginning, though, Geffen's many accomplishments have been shadowed by the ruthless single-mindedness with which he has pursued fame, power, and money ... The extent of Geffen's accomplishments is extraordinary. As a manager in the 1960s, he made the deal for Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young to appear at Woodstock. He discovered 1970s superstars Jackson Browne and the Eagles and masterminded Bob Dylan's famed 1974 tour; Joni Mitchell, Geffen's roommate for a time, memorialized him in her song 'Free Man in Paris.' He produced Risky Business, the movie that made Tom Cruise a star, and was the moneyman behind Cats, the longest-running musical in Broadway history ... One of the most brilliant dealmakers ever to work in Hollywood, he became a billionaire shortly after selling Geffen Records in 1990, and he made movie history when he founded, with friends Steven Spielberg and Jeffrey Katzenberg, DreamWorks SKG, the first new Hollywood studio in fifty-five years. And Geffen's influence has extended far beyond show business and into the worlds of Wall Street, art, real estate, and politics.Geffen's personal journey is as compelling as his business machinations. Although he knew from an early age that he was gay, he hid his true sexual urges and for years attempted to lead a heterosexual life ... Geffen learned from his earliest days in the William Morris mailroom that he could cheat and lie his way to the top, and he has ever after lived unconstrained by traditional notions of right and wrong."
Velvet Mafia, by Taki Le Maitre. [Review of The Operator, by Tom King]
New York Press, Vol. 13, Issue 10, 2001
"I’m not at all surprised to read that Hollywood is dominated by a Velvet Mafia of rich homosexuals who demand sexual favors in return for work in the movies. In fact I would have been surprised if it were the other way round. Those old Mittel-Europa Jews who ran Tinseltown in its heyday established the casting-couch practice long ago; but, as they say, at least they did it with style and with the opposite sex. The Operator: David Geffen Builds, Buys, and Sells the New Hollywood is the title of an upcoming book by Tom King, a respected Wall Street Journal reporter who it seems has hit pay dirt–and it’s dirt, all right–with his exposé of the unspeakable [David] Geffen. Actually it’s poetic justice. Geffen invited King to write a book about his amazing rise to the top, and allegedly named dozens of former boyfriends, many of them now famous stars. Indiscretion aside, Geffen is a lowlife sans pareil ... Geffen, of course, denies there is such a thing as a homosexual cabal, and, typically, charges anti-Semitism. According to King’s book, friends like Barry Diller, Sandy Gallin and Calvin Klein [all Jewish], among many others, keep a lower profile but apparently indulge in the sexual bacchanals that go with the territory. Alleged weekend-long orgies fueled by drugs at which Geffen and his powerful buddies run a 'meat market' selecting young men for sex are apparently described in detail in King’s opus. Here is one of Bill Clinton’s close supporters, one who had a free run of the Lincoln bedroom, and was, I believe, once even called an adviser to the Draft Dodger, pushing a gay agenda of promoting stars and directors who make movies and records sympathetic to the gay lifestyle. Geffen is a natural for the Clinton White House. Sleaze is the operative word."
Whatever Would Uncle Walt [Disney] Say? Guardian [London], April 18, 1999
"Walt Disney Corporation chairman Michael Eisner ... [has] a crisis over Spike Lee's Summer of Sam - which uses the real-life serial killings of David Berkowitz [who was of Jewish heritage], aka the Son of Sam, as a backdrop to a fictional story. But also Kevin 'Clerks' Smith's controversy-plagued [Catholic] religious satire, Dogma, was unloaded by Disney-owned Miramax (co-chairmen Harvey and Bob Weinstein) to the Weinsteins as individuals - they paid $10 million for the film. Buying it outside of their deal with Disney means that they don't have to conform to Disney strictures. Or as the noble Weinsteins put it, they spare Disney any embarrassment ... 'The ratings board said that this work [Summer of Sam] would not be released with an R rating,' said Walt Disney Studios chairman Joe Roth ... In truth, Miramax has made Disney an even bigger target than it already was. The problems with hardline Catholics started with a small British film, the Jimmy McGovern-scripted Priest, in which Linus Roache plays a gay priest. Although the film made a negligible impact among US audiences, Miramax - and by implication Disney - were branded as 'Catholic bashers'."
Owning Media as a Story in Its Own Write.
Jerusalem Post, October 7, 1999 [Book Review]
"Scandal is right at the center of the Annenberg story and is indeed a large part of the legacy that Moses Annenberg left his son Walter ... Moe Annenberg soon brushed up against the illegal gambling industry as well, eventually planting the seeds of his fortune in the rich manure of horse racing news. While virtually still a youth, Moe all but monopolized the tipsheets and wire services that were indispensable throughout the country to legal handicappers and backroom bookies alike ... Nothing short of a financial wizard - Annenberg sold all of his stock four days before the crash of 1929 - he eventually would control some 80 companies. The jewel in the crown was The Philadelphia Inquirer. Annenberg ultimately pleaded guilty to one charge of income tax evasion and had the book thrown at him - a huge fine and a three-year prison sentence. The authorities even cast doubt on his citizenship and considered trying to have him deported - this in the midst of World War II ... . [Son Walter] continued to build up The Inquirer, greatly increased the family fortunes with the launch of Seventeen, and after TV Guide became by far the best selling magazine in America, Walter and each of his seven sisters were billionaires."
Selling Off Seagram. Forward, June 23, 2000
"The passing of The Seagram Co. out of the hands of the Bronfman family this week -- the beverage and entertainment conglomerate is being sold for about $34 billion to a French firm, Vivendi -- is an occasion for reflection and nostalgia for many in the Jewish world. Acquired in 1928 by Samuel Bronfman, who was born at sea to Jews fleeing tsarist Russia for Canada, Seagram once functioned as a bootlegging operation; it is said to have produced half the liquor drunk in America during Prohibition. Today, the company, which later broadened into stakes in DuPont and Tropicana, represents a distinguished chapter in Jewish economic history, and it manufactures what, to our taste at least, are some mighty superior products. The movie and music acquisitions of Edgar Bronfman Jr., who took the company in an entirely new direction in the 1990s by buying MCA and Polygram, showed the willingness of the younger Bronfman generation to take risks and enter different ventures ... As president for the past 20 years of the World Jewish Congress, Edgar Bronfman has earned himself a place in history as a champion of Soviet Jews and as the leader who jump-started the issue of restitution of Holocaust-era property in Europe."
Edgar's Hollywood Ride. US News, March 29, 1999
"Seagram CEO Edgar Bronfman Jr. recently wrapped up an informal talk on the $19 billion dynasty he heads with this insight into his success: 'You just have to be real smart,' he told a heavily pinstriped crowd in New York, 'and choose the right father.' By that measure, of course, Bronfman is a genius. A decade ago, his father, Edgar Bronfman Sr., handed him the presidency of the family-controlled liquor empire; five years later, he was named CEO. Bronfman Sr. also stood behind his son in 1995, when he cashed in nearly all of Seagram's lucrative 24.5 percent stake in DuPont to buy 80 percent of MCA/Universal ... Last year, for example, Bronfman spun off Universal's TV assets to Home Shopping Network boss Barry Diller–a move that flabbergasted the content-hungry entertainment industry. A few months later, Bronfman seemed to reverse course: He spent $10.4 billion for Polygram NV, making Universal the world's largest music company."
Do Jews Run Hollywood? by Ben Stein, E! Online
"At mighty Paramount, the controlling stockholder is Sumner Redstone. Head of the studio is Jon Dolgen. Head of production is Sherry Lansing--all members of the tribe. At titanic Disney, the CEO is Michael Eisner, the world's most assimilated Jew, who might as well be a Presbyterian. Deputy head is Michael Ovitz, karate champ but also a Jew. Head of the studio is Joe Roth. At newly energized ICM, the top dogs are Jeff Berg and Jim Wiatt. At still overwhelming CAA, Jack Rapke and other members of my faith predominate. At William Morris, Jon Burnham and other Jews are, by and large, in the power positions. This has always been true in Hollywood."
Jews have disproportionate influence on the medias in the West; the press, TV/Satellite channels, radio stations, publishing houses, and also in the film industry where for instance the Jewish dominance over Hollywood is used to promote their Apartheid state of Israel and Jewish values, and where the political enemies of Zionism are portrayed as sub-human. We also recommend reading on the different Jewish media magnates in our respective sections on for instance Britain, Canada, Sweden, Ukraine, Georgia and Russia. Many of these magnates/tycoons/oligarchs have direct contacts with Israel and the highest echelons of that state.
Hollywood is mainly - according to Jewish sources - in Jewish hands, and is misused as an instrument of propaganda. The Hollywood films shape the minds of Westerners but also, due to their Global reach, the rest of the world as well.
"Four of the largest five entertainment giants are now run or owned by Jews. Murdoch's News Corp (at number four) is the only gentile holdout -- however Rupert is as pro-Israel as any Jew, probably more so."
-- Los Angeles Jewish Times, 'Yes, Virginia, Jews Do Control the Media,' Oct. 29-Nov. 11, 1999, p. 14.
"Time-Warner, Disney, Viacom-CBS, News Corporation and Universal rule the entertainment world in a way that the old Hollywood studio chiefs only dreamed of. And, after all the deals and buyouts, four of the five are run by Jews. We're back to where we started, bigger than ever."
-- Jewish Week, 9-17-1999, 12.
• Examples on bias/censorship • Israel Knows the Power of the Media
Articles to illustrate Examples Netanyahu, Barak, Rabin, harassment
• Other Zionist tactics
Middle East "Experts", Slogan/Myth Drilling
• Arab vs. Israel: Belligerent Rhetoric vs Belligerent Action
• Hebrew (i.e. Israeli) PressWhere Jews write what the really think
Read also
Jewish influence over the Internet - special sectionIsraeli interventions, Jewish Net censorship
- Jewish Influence in the Mass Media (pt.1)
[362 Kilobytes] [about 76 paper pages] Jewish control of the mass media; Jewish filmmakers, comedians; the popularity of psychoanalysis in Hollywood; non-Jewish movie stars in the Jewish world; the Jewish "shiksa cult" and its role in institutionalized sexual predation in Hollywood; Jewish dominance of major Hollywood studios; Jewish screenwriters; Jewish nepotism; pre-eminence of Jewish women in the Hollywood power elite; Norman Lear, Aaron Spelling, and other powerful Jewish executives of note; the name-changing of Jewish celebrities; African-American resistance to Jewish Hollywood hegemony; the semantic issue of whether "Jews control Hollywood" or "Jewish individuals control Hollywood."
- Jewish Influence in the Mass Media (pt.2)
[591 Kilobytes] [about 123 paper pages] Laurence Tisch's pro-Israel CBS experiment; Time-Warner; erosion of family values at Jewish-dominated Disney-ABC; prevalence of drug glorification in Hollywood; Jewish pre-eminence in the strip tease and pornography worlds; the usual Hollywood double standard: a loving portrayal of Judaism and deconstructive attack upon Christianity; TV's celebration of Jewish identity and mass media defamation of Italian Americans, Ukrainians, Muslims, Arabs, and others; Jews at the helm of sleazy entertainment; Jewish pre-eminence in the news world, the publishing trades, the talent agency scene, radio, music; international Jewish pre-eminence in the mass media from Brazil to Poland
- Jewish Influence in the Mass Media (pt.3)
[513 Kilobytes] [about 103 paper pages] The mass media's censorship of critical stories about Jews or Israel; Jews and the "intellectual" and "radical" media; Jewish dominance in the music world; Dear Abby, Ann Landers, and Jewish domination of the "agony aunt" field. - Who Rules America?
The Jewish Grip on Our News and Entertainment Media Must Be Broken (updated 2002) - Who Rules America Through The Press
- Jewish Power in the American MediasAn analysis of Jewish influence in U.S. TV, radio, newspapers
- Who Rules Hollywood And US TV Today?
- Jewish Media Moguls in Action
Important collection of quotes and articles on Jewish Media Power - Jewish Magnates in the U.S. Medias and Finance
List of Jews in control of U.S. media, finance and Economy - Jewish influence over Disney and thus over what the kids watch
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage´s "Jewish Influence in the Mass Media" (pt.2). See also info further down in the document on Chaim Saban. - The Jews themselves on the importance and result of Jewish media influence
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage´s "Jewish Influence in the Mass Media" (pt.3).
See also:
- Jewish influence in British medias
- Zionist Concentration in Canadian Media
Article on the Jew Israel Asper´s CanWest Media Empire - Jewish Mafia Takes Over Ukrainian Television
- Jewish Media Influence in Sweden (and Finland)
A concerned Swede reveals Jewish mafia overtake - "Independent" media in Serbia financed by Jew George Soros
- Jewish Media influence in Russia
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage´s "Jewish Influence in the Mass Media" (pt. 2).
- Jews and the Media: Shaping Ways of Seeing
By Kevin McDonald, California State University - How the Jewish-Zionist Grip on American Film and Television Promotes bias Against Muslims
By Abdullah Mohammad Sindi - The Jewish medias are used to misinform and to instill hatred against the Islamic peoples
By Ernst Zündel - Midas Ears: Zionist Control of Media
By Israel Shamir
Some Media Actors
(see also Murdoch´s Fox News and the Jews behind Hollywood, below)
- CNN:s Wolf Blitzer - agent of Zionism, and CNN:s Larry King and "femme sioniste" Christiane Amanpour
By Freedom Research. Includes video clip of Blitzer in debate with the anti-Zionist Jew Norman Finkelstein. - A.M. Rosenthal´s pro-Zionism
Article from The Jewish World Review - Zionist Jew Pehr Gyllenhammar infiltrates the Reuters News Company
- US thinktanks give lessons in foreign policy
Article from The Guardian - ADL indoctrination of journalists
- Reel Bad Arabs - Planet of the Arab - videos
Revealing the racist Jewish-controlled Hollywood propaganda war against the Arabs
Cover of Jewish Moment Magazine Aug. 1996. - "Jews Run Hollywood - So What?"Jewish Moment Magazine reveals the Jewish domination in Hollywood
- "Do Jews run Hollywood?" You bet they do - and what of it?
On Jews and Hollywood - the Jew Ben Stein brags. - How Jewish is Hollywood?By Joel Stein, Los Angeles Times. More Jewish boasting: "I don't care if Americans think we're running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them."
- The Big Hollywood Lie: Denying that Jews Control the Film Business
By the IHR - Jewish Stars Over Hollywood - The Name Changers
- Jewish Actor Kirk Douglas and Israel
- The Jewess Heidi Fleiss - Hollywood "madam” trafficker of prostitutes to the stars
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage. - Israel to Seek Celebrity Support
Article from The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles
"Hollywood is run by Jews. It is owned by Jews, and they should have a greater sensitivity about the issue of people who are suffering"
-- Actor Marlon Brando on Larry King Live 04/05/1996
Arnon Milchan is an Israeli film producer in Hollywood behind the famous "Regency" production brand. The Los Angeles Magazine (April, 2000) writes: "Throughout the 1970s, '80s, and even up until the Gulf War in 1991, Milchan was Israel's foremost weapons procurer". The Hollywood producer Milchan was also involved in the cooperation and military arrangements between Apartheid South Africa and Israel, to circumvent the boycotts. Milchan told CBS "60 Minutes" (3/5/2000 edition): "I was playing an important role in the system of collecting money from South Africa, or transferring money, or helping South Africa in their financial transactions." According to "60 Minutes", some of the money Milchan moved around the world came from an illegal $100 million slush fund set up by the South African government used to buy off politicians and foreign media outlets critical of its policies.
- Hollywood in Zionist hands - Life and career of Zionist Jew and Israeli agent Arnon Milchan
- Hollywood hot for Israel at Paramount gala
Jewish Journal article on Milchan´s big 2008 Hollywood party with famous actors and representatives for Israel - Israel-Hollywood nuclear connection
Revealing article on Arnon Milchan from MSNBC News - The last Tycoon
Article on Zionist Jew Arnon Milchan from Los Angeles Magazine - Israeli secrets could be exposed by nuclear trigger dealer's arrest
Article on Arnon Milchan from Israeli Newspaper Ha´aretz - US fugitive held in arms trade inquiryArticle from The Guardian
- The career of Zionist Jew Haim Saban
- Foreign Influence - American contributions to Israeli political campaigns are raising concerns
Article from The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles on Jewish Hollywood Mogul Haim Saban - Mighty Morphin' Power BrokersBy Mazin B. Qumsiyeh, on Jewish Hollywood Mogul Haim Saban
- Israeli millionaire to purchase 50% of Al-Jazeera shares
Article from Pravda

In 1997, the United Jewish Appeal revealed the real colours of the Jewish community by awarding its "Humanitarian of the Year" award to media mogul Rupert Murdoch at a fund-raising dinner that raised $2.3 million for the organization. Mother Jones magazine wondered about the surreal moral reasoning behind the award: "The media baron is better known to labor and human rights groups for his union-busting and for catering to the Chinese government (in 1994 he yanked the BBC off his Asian satellite network because officials in Beijing were angered by its reporting on Chinese human rights violations)." (Mother Jones, 9/10-1997, p. 18)
"By what criteria has the UJA chosen the worldwide robber baron for this years' award over, say, Radovan Karadzic [accused of war crimes in Bosnia], or perhaps Larry Flynt [the pornographer]?" wondered Eric Alterman in the Nation, "... Murdoch was chosen, the UJA says, for his 'longtime support of the security of the state of Israel, his friendship for the Jewish people, and his support of UJA.'" [ALTERMAN, p. 6-7] The Australian-born Murdoch had earlier been honored in 1982 as the "Communications Man of the Year" by the American Jewish Congress. He was presented that award by AJC president Howard Squadron, who was also Murdoch's American lawyer, his guide to visit right-wing politician Ariel Sharon in Israel, and an opinion page writer for Murdoch's New York Post. [GOLDSTEIN, T, p. 69; KIERNAN, T., 1986, p. 262] "The Jewish national cause is one that is extremely important to me, to my family, and to my company," Murdoch told the UJA audience, "... We're also in Israel [Murdoch has investments there] because of my faith in the integrity and worthiness of the Zionist undertaking. I have been accused of being pro-Israel, pro-Zionist, pro-Jewish -- charges to which I plead guilty." [LEON, M., 7-4-1997, p. 16]
(See the following link to trace the quotes above)

- More on Rupert Murdoch´s connection to influential Jews and the state of Israel
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage´s "Jewish Influence in the Mass Media" (pt. 2). - Murdoch Concedes that his Aims are Jewish:
"I have always believed in the future of Israel and the goals of the international Jewish community"
Excerpts from the Jewish Magazine "15 Minutes" - Murdoch´s Friendship to the Butcher Sharon
Excerpts from the Jewish Magazine "15 Minutes" - Murdoch´s Pro-Zionist Censorship
Article from the Evening Standard - The US Jewish War on Iran for Israel - Fox News Fans the Hysteria
By Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration.
- Ted Turner Calls Rival Media Mogul Murdoch 'Warmonger'
- Did Murdoch bilk Israel of $150 million?
From Jewish Telegraphic Agency - Kissing the Boots of a Media Goliath
By Norman Solomon (Creators Sydicate 04/04/1997)
- The Jewish hand behind Internet
The Jews behind Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo!, MySpace, eBay...
- On Jewish media bias and censorship
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage´s "Jewish Influence in the Mass Media" (pt. 2). - Conrete examples of Jewish media censorship
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage´s "Jewish Influence in the Mass Media" (pt. 3). - Jewish/Israeli Censorship
A huge collection of articles compiled by the Jewish Tribal Review - US Journalists Consistently Ignore Israeli State Terrorism
By Sheldon L. Richman (Washington Report 05/1991) - John Pilger on Israel and the media
By John Pilger, News Statesman. "If you got your news only from the television, you would have no idea of the roots of the Middle East conflict, or that the Palestinians are victims of an illegal military occupation." - Media Myopia Some Booby Prizes for Myths, Mistakes, Misplacement, and More By John Law (Washington Report 05/1991)
- Career Hatemonger Steven Emerson Enraged by CAIR-Chicago’s Positive Social Engagement By CAIR-Chicago Anti-Hate Center (May 5, 2009)
- Steven Emerson's Crusade By John F. Sugg (FAIR 01/1999).
See also Emerson's Ties to Spies in the article Israeli Agent Found Dead In Washington, DC. On Emerson´s Israeli intelligence connection (National, December 8, 2004). The Jerusalem Post (9/17/1994) has noted that Emerson has "close ties to Israeli intelligence." - Media Coverage of the "Peace Process" By Noam Chomsky. Excerpts from his book Necessary Illusions (1989). Especially the coverage by Thomas Friedman and the New York Times.
- Vanunu is Still a Non-Person in U.S. Media By Norman Solomon (Creators Sydicate)
- Media spin remains in sync with israeli occupation By Norman Solomon (10/16/2000)
- A Free Press in the U.S.? Not Where Our Special Relationship with Israel is Involved By Susan Madeiros (1997)
- Annan Answers Media Critics By Nicole Winfield (Associated Press 01/20/1999). It is a coincidence that the same hard-core pro-Israel columnists (Rosenthal) and magazines (New Republic) that happen to be the ones attacking Annan for averting the bombing of Feb 1998? And why aren't those columnist raising an issue about UN:s Ekéus and Butler being American puppets? It wasn't until recently (Jan 1999) that the US espionage on Iraq via UNSCOM became an issue.
- Netanyahu Benefits from Chronic Media Bias By Norman Solomon (02/14/1997)
- CAMERA and FLAME Pressuring U.S. Media By Mitchell Kaidy (Washington Report 07/1993)
- Washington Post Responds to CAMERA's Andrea Levin. (Commentary 02/1998) CAMERA pro-Israel organization that ensures the Western Press present "accurate" information about Israel (i.e. information in line with pro-Israel themes).
- "Extremist" Author Silenced for Lack of "Moderate" Opponent By Sam Husseini (FAIR 1993)
- Zuckerman Unbound By Sam Husseini and Jim Naureckas (FAIR 02/1993)
- Repetition doesn't make a lie the truth -- this is how I know By Charley Reese (Orlando Sentinel 05/23/1999).
- Book on Times' Editor Helps Explain Media Bias for Israel By Alfred Lilienthal (Washington Report 06/1989)
- American Jewish Fantasies of Israel: Coping With Cognitive Dissonance
By Leon Hadar (Washington Report 08/1989). Discusses how the image of Israel in the minds of American Jews is basically a fantasy that is quite different from reality. Also, tells how the Israeli Hebrew press describes a vastly more accurate picture of the events and sins of Israel, than the image of Israel in Ameircan Jews' minds. When not told about the origin of some Israeli press articles they were asked to examine, most of American Jews thought it was from an anti-Semitic or anti-Israel Arab press. No one guessed it was the Israeli press. The difference between the Israeli and the American Jewish press are a further testament to that.
"...of an average of 3,000 olim from the US each year, there are more than a few, and perhaps far too many compared to other communities, with a tendency toward acute extremism, to the point of violence"-- Eitan Haber quoted in the Jerusalem Post at
- Popular New Heikal Book 'Out of Print' Three Months After U.S. Release By Adbeen Jabara (Washington Report 12/1997)
- Internal Criticism of Racism Would Be Called "Anti-Semitic" Outside Israel By Israel Shahak (Washington Report 08/1991) One of the ways anti-Israel critics are silenced is to stigmatize them as anti-Semites.
- Retaliating in Advance: U.S. Reports Reverse Chronology of Israeli Airstrikes on Lebanon By Hussein Ibish (Extra 09/1999)
- CBS's Coverage of Israel's Occupation of Southern Lebanon A letter from ADC Communications Director Hussein Ibish to CBS News. (ADC 03/28/2000)
- How America Swallows the Israelis' Lies By Robert Fisk (The Indepdendent 02/14/2000)
- U.S. news media: A security zone for Israel By Norman Solomon, (The Free Press 05/25/2000)
- Press Coverage of Palestinian Uprising Reveals Extreme Anti-Arab Hostility (ADC 10/15/2000)
- Meticulously Planned Exodus Saga Gained Sympathy For Zionist Cause By Donald Neff (Washington Report 07/1995)
- US urges curb on Arab TV channel (BBC)
- CNN Chief Orders 'Balance' in War News By Howard Kurtz (Washington Post)
- CNN caves in to Israel over its references to illegal settlements By Robert Fisk (Independent 09/03/2001)
- Subtle CNN Bias By Mazin Qumsiyeh (03/31/2001)
- In Search Of Truth, Not Dogma By Amy Pagnozzi (Hartford Courant 12/19/2000)
- Robert Fisk: I am being vilified for telling the truth about Palestinians By Robert Fisk (Independent 12/13/2000) 'The abuse being directed at anyone who dares to criticise Israel is reaching McCarthyite proportions'
- Where 'caught in the crossfire' can leave no room for doubt By Robert Fisk (Independent 10/02/2000)
- U.S. Media Mirror Distorts Middle East. Discusses subtlety of U.S. media bias in covering the Middle East, another manifestation of Israel's power within the U.S.
- Not telling the whole Truth By Sam
- Gentler Names to Inhumane Actions by Israel By Sam
- Public Spectacle, Public History By Edward Said (Al-Ahram 02/18-24/1999) Analysis of how the media defines the context, and hence the official history. Here the example Said uses is that of the media glorification of King Hussein, whose elevated status comes from his acceptance of U.S./Israeli peace, and not the true and just peace.
- Media in Cruise Control On the Bombing of Sudan al-Shifa Factory and Afghanistan By Jeff Cohen and Seth Ackerman (FAIR 08/1998)
- A Few Things Journalists Forgot to Tell Their Audiences By John Law (Washington Report 03/1991).
- Letter To NPR - Criticism of media Middle East coverage By Ali Abunimah
- "Spin machine" blames the victim By Hanan Ashrawi (Middle East Times 10/2000) AL AQSA UPRISING
- Toughest Foreign Story By Rick Salutin (Toronto Globe & Mail 10/20/2000) AL AQSA UPRISING
- Israel turns to P.R. firm for makeover amid violence By Peter Hermann (Baltimore Sun 07/29/2001)
- Israel to launch global public relations blitz (Agence France Presse 08/07/2001)
- Israel furious at BBC for Sharon claim By Brian Whitaker and Vikram Dodd (The Guardian 06/15/2001)
- BBC staff are told not to call Israeli killings 'assassination' By Robert Fisk (Independent 08/04/2001)
- ADL: US editorials largely support Israel By Joshua Ronen (Jerusalem Post 06/25/2001)
- ADL head slams Bush administration (Ha'aretz 10/25/2001)
- U.S. press sympathetic to Israel, ADL finds By Shlomo Shamir, (Ha'aretz 10/25/2000). If even the ADL --a pro-Israel organization-- thinks the US media coverage of the uprising is "sympathetic to Israel", then no doubt should remain in anyone's mind that the US media is extremely biased for Israel.
- Press Coverage of Palestinian Uprising Reveals Extreme Anti-Arab Hostility (ADC 10/15/2000)
- Where 'caught in the crossfire' can leave no room for doubt By Robert Fisk (Independent 10/02/2000)
- The biased reporting that makes killing acceptable By Robert Fisk (Independent 11/14/2000)
- Truth is the victim as the same old double standards prevail By Robert Fisk (Independent 10/29/2000)
- In Search Of Truth, Not Dogma By Amy Pagnozzi (Hartford Courant 12/19/2000)
- Action! Roll out the propaganda war By Phil Reeves (Independent 10/29/2000)
- Israel wins war of words By Brian Whitaker (Guardian 04/09/2001) on the dangers of sloppy journalism
- Bias and fear tilting coverage of Israel By Norman Solomon (04/19/2001)
- When journalists refuse to tell the truth about Israel 'Fear of being slandered as "anti-Semites" means we are abetting terrible deeds in the Middle East' By Robert Fisk (Independent 04/17/2001)
- Biased Coverage of Israel Prolongs Conflict By Salim Muwakkil (Chicago Tribune 04/23/2001)
- Israeli defense minister gloats over world silence at Palestinian deaths (AFP 09/14/2001)
- When journalists forget that murder is murder By Robert Fisk (Independent 08/18/2001)
- On "Political Correctness"
A collection of misc. articles compiled by the Jewish Tribal Review on Jewish media campaigns and censorship

For examples of the Zionist manipulation of American public and media in the war against Iraq, see our special Iraq section.
Hollywood Is ‘Owned’ by the Arabs
New book by well-known Jewish writer exposes secret story behind popular mainstream legend and who first put the myth into circulation . . .
by Michael Collins Piper
In recent years Internet icon Alex Jones rocked the world of independent media when he proclaimed his judgment that “Hollywood is owned by the Arabs.” In fact—many doubts about Jones’s declaration notwithstanding—this was not the first time a bigmedia voice put this theme before the American public.
As far back as 1976, the premise that “the Arabs” were grabbing control of the American media was central to the plot of a popular Hollywood motion picture called “Network.” This was the legendary film in which a fictional television news anchor, Howard Beale, went mad while live on the air and famously told his audience to shout out their windows the now-famous war-whoop:
“I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!” Among Beales’s complaints was that the Arabs were taking over the American economy and the broadcast media in particular.
The film was a box-office blockbuster, widely touted by themassmedia, and it captured 10 Academy Award nominations, winning four, including the award for best actor, given posthumously to the late Peter Finch who starred as Beale, the so-called “mad prophet of the airwaves.”
But here’s the big secret about “Network,” and this won’t surprise the more savvy among AFP’s readers: The veteran screenwriter responsible for putting forth this thesis—that “Hollywood is owned by the Arabs”—was a fervent, long-time and quite publicly vocal American Jewish devotee of Israel, Sidney Aaron “Paddy” Chayefsky who, at one juncture, was actually writing—on an unpaid, volunteer basis—over-the-top, anti-Arab propaganda for the Anti-Defamation League, one of the leading focal points of the pro-Israel lobby in America.
Chayefsky was best known prior to “Network” for having won Academy Awards for two classic films, “Marty” in 1956 and “The Hospital” in 1972.
What is interesting, however, about Chayefsky’s production for the screenplay “Network” is that it came at a time when Chayefsky, who seldom focused on particular political causes, was nonetheless a hardline Zionist.
These as well as other little known details about Chayefsky appear in the pages of a new book by Jewish writer Dave Itzkoff, a media writer for The New York Times. Itzkoff’s book, Mad As Hell, is both a biography of Chayefsky and the fascinating inside story of the making of “Network.”
Within the pages of the book Itzkoff describes Chayefsky’s political focus. He writes of “a growing fixation on the affairs of Israel (that was) becoming increasingly apparent in Chayefsky’s public remarks, revealing a more aggressive and admittedly paranoid streak.”
In one interview Chayefsky claimed that all of the Jews in the world were, as Itzkoff put it, “in danger of imminent genocide” in 1971. This pro-Israel obsession resulted in Chayefsky’s work as a pro-Israel propagandist.
According to Itzkoff, “Privately, Chayefsky channeled his fervor into uncredited advertisements for the Anti-Defamation League, such as an announcement, published at the height of the 1973 oil crisis that warned ‘These Arabs would like you to believe that if we give in to their blackmail and change our Mideast policy that everything will be just like it used to be.’”
Prior to doing “Network,” among Chayefsky’s intended projects included “The Rabbi Mystery Show,” featuring a character described by the screenwriter as “a retired and revered old rabbi,” who solved crimes alongside his police officer son.
Chayefsky also struggled over a screenplay for a never-produced film based in Palestine at the time of Israel’s founding in which a young Jewish militant declares: “I’ll tell you about your civilized world. . . . For 2,000 years, Jews have been crucified, burnt at the stake, thrown to the lions, into the ovens, into the gas chambers, crushed into ghettos, forcibly converted, exiled, deported, slaughtered by Cossacks and peasants, Greeks, Romans, Spaniards, Frenchmen, Englishmen, anybody and everybody, popes and Protestants and every mad minister from Haman to Hitler—and I’m tired of it. . . .We’re an endangered species, sowe don’t trust the civilized world anymore. We’ll take care of our own survival. Don’t come to me with your bloody Christian hands and scold me about killing. . . .We kill to survive. We kill so that we and our descendants shall live.”
Chayefsky’s proposed film ended with a squad of British police officers being gunned down by the heroine of the story.
The film “Network” is really where Chayefsky made his mark putting Zionist propaganda before the world. In his preparatory notes for the screenplay, Chayefsky wrote, “The basic joke is that the networks are so powerful that they can make true what isn’t true and never even existed.” Clearly, Chayefsky understood the power of the media and that became evident when he rose to fame.
According to Chayefsky’s biographer, Itzkoff, “Network” incorporated “all the angst, anxiety and paranoia” that Chayefsky had ever felt. One of Chayefsky’s concerns was what Itzkoff described as “the creeping influence of foreign powers—Arab powers—in the American economy.” And Chayefsky felt this supposedly growing influence was being ignored.
If there is any doubt about Chayefsky’s political and religious orientation, Itzkoff notes that when “Network” director Sidney Lumet suggested actress Vanessa Redgrave for a starring role in the film, Chayefsky objected saying that Ms. Redgrave was a supporter of the Palestine Liberation Organization.
When Lumet responded “Paddy, that’s blacklisting,” Chayefsky replied, “Not when a Jew does it to a Gentile.”
So the inside story of “Network” and the propaganda value that it has had for the Zionist cause has clearly now been revealed in this new biography of Chayefsky.
Perhaps commentators might want to read the book before once again making the ridiculous claim that “Hollywood is owned by the Arabs.”
Michael Collins Piper is an author, journalist, lecturer and radio show host. He has spoken in Russia, Malaysia, Iran, Abu Dhabi, Japan, Canada and, of course, the United States. He is the author of Final Judgment, The New Jerusalem, The High Priests of War, Dirty Secrets, My First Days in the White House, The New Babylon, Share the Wealth: Huey Long vs Wall Street, The Judas Goats: The Enemy Within, Target: Traficant and The Golem: Israel’s Nuclear Hell Bomb.
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