Tentative d'assassinat d'Erdogan par le Mossad
'Mossad hit men targeted Erdogan'
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A new report alleges that Mossad hitmen targeted the Turkish prime minister, but was foiled by Turkey's security services. Read the article by clicking here. |
Erdogan bans Israel from airspace: Turkey reportedly refuses flyover rights to Israeli military planes.

Report: Turkey closes airspace to Israel following Gaza flotilla raid: Turkey withdrew its ambassador and canceled joint military drills with Israel in response to the deadly raid May 31 that left nine dead.
'Airspace closed to Israel'
Erdogan says Turkey imposed ban on Israeli military flights following raid on Gaza flotilla
Erdogan avait condamné Israël pour l'attaque illégale et meurtrière du navire turc Mavi-Marmara en eaux internationales par les forces de Tsahal.
À la source des tensions entre Israel et la Turquie, on retrouve la question du génocide (holocauste) arménien, que la Turquie était prête à admettre, jusqu'à ce qu'Israël intervienne pour les en empêcher (is doivet à tout prix étouffer l'affaire puisque des juifs étaient nombreux parmi les "jeunes Turcs" responsables du génocide!) et surtout pour exiger que leur Holocauste reste à jamais le seul Holocauste historiquement admis et reconnu.
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'Mossad chief to step down'
Channel 2 says Meir Dagan's request to extend term by another year denied. PMO: No comment
'Mossad Chief to leave post' Report claims Meir Dagan's request to keep his job was rejected.
Un agent du Mossad a été arrêté pour l'assassinat du chef militaire du Hamas à Dubaï. C'est ce qui s'appelle rater une opération secrète.
"Israël" choqué par l'annonce de l'arrestation de l'agent du Mossad
Uri Brodsky, un agent du Mossad soupçonné d'avoir participé à la mise en place du commando responsable de l'assassinat de Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, l'un des fondateurs de la branche armée du mouvement islamiste palestinien Hamas, vient d'être arrêté par les autorités polonaises
Poland arrests alleged Mossad agent
'Mossad agent arrested in Warsaw' Man allegedly helped Mabhouh killers obtain fake German passport.

Uri Brodsky arrested in Warsaw for allegedly obtaining forged German passport involved in Hamas strongman hit, AFP reports; Foreign ministry confirms Israeli citizen arrested in Poland.
How Mossad agent operated Der Spiegel reveals how Uri Brodsky allegedly helped obtain German passport for Mabhouh hit
Poland to extradite alleged Mossad agent - VIDEO
Poland to extradite alleged Mossad agent tied to Dubai killing
Despite Israeli pressure, Germany won't block extradition of spy linked to Dubai assassination
A Polish court has decided to extradite an alleged Israeli Mossad agent to Germany in the assassination of a Hamas leader in Dubai.
Alleged Mossad agent fights extradition to Germany
An alleged Israeli Mossad agent held in Poland has appealed his extradition to Germany
By Richard Walker
Frightened that one of its Mossad hit men could be extradited from Poland to Germany, or sent to Dubai to be put on trial for planning the murder of a Hamas leader, Israel is demanding he be sent back to Israel immediately. So far, European authorities are standing firm in spite of pressure from Israel, the United States and powerful global Jewish groups.
Behind the scenes, Israeli diplomats have put pressure on Germany to drop its demand that Polish authorities hand over a Mossad agent using the name “Uri Brodsky.” It appears Brodsky, an Israeli citizen, helped acquire a German passport for a Michael Bodenheimer, who was a member of the 25-person assassination team that murdered Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in a Dubai hotel on Jan. 19, 2010.
According to German federal authorities, even though Brodsky was not on the killing team in Dubai, he was a central player in a Mossad squad that planned the assassination from Europe. The Germans have evidence he went with Bodenheimer to a passport office in Cologne a year before the killing and helped him fraudulently acquire a German passport.
Since January 2010, Interpol has worked tirelessly with intelligence agencies from Australia, Ireland, Britain, France and Germany to track down the Mossad assassins. For reasons not yet clear, Brodsky—and that may not be his real name—tried to enter Poland through Warsaw’s international airport several weeks ago, using an Israeli passport. Little did he know Interpol was already on his trail, having been supplied with photos of him and other personal details by the BND, Germany’s foreign intelligence agency.
His arrest has generated panic in Tel Aviv, and ever since there has been mounting pressure from the Israeli government on Washington to intervene with Poland and Germany to have Brodsky sent home.
In the meantime, the police chief in Dubai, who has led a thorough investigation of the assassination and who is sitting on compelling DNA and fingerprint evidence that could identify the killers, is considering seeking the Mossad agent’s extradition. He told reporters if the Germans could demonstrate Brodsky was a player in the logistical planning leading to the assassination he should be tried in Dubai.
According to high-level diplomatic sources in Europe, this extradition could just be the beginning of a spate of others as Interpol follows credible leads. British intelligence is reported to be pursuing tip-offs in its search for a Scot who was part of the killing team. Interpol is convinced many of the assassins were unable to make it back to Israel and some may even be hiding out in the United States.
There is also growing anger in European capitals at the FBI’s failure to respond to information supplied by Interpol and police in Dubai. In particular, Dubai police chief Lt. Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim has wondered why the FBI has not thoroughly investigated how the assassins were able to acquire and use prepaid MasterCards issued by a New York-based company, Payoneer Inc., with offices in Tel Aviv.
The company was founded in 2005 by Yuval Tal, a former Israeli special forces commando used by Fox News as an expert during Israel’s war with Hezbollah in Lebanon in 2006.
The way Payoneer works is that it is a middleman, issuing prepaid credit cards backed by its partner, Metabank, which has offices in Iowa. The latter says no suspicious flags were raised about cards later used by the Dubai assassins. Prepaid cards are not deemed currency under U.S. law and are therefore poorly regulated. For example, Payoneer is not required by law to list suspicious activity reports with the Treasury Department or to be a member of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement
After the assassination, Interpol and the Dubai police expected the FBI to use its statutory powers to examine all Payoneer and Metabank transactions, but that does not appear to have happened.
Meanwhile, it would be hard for Washington to publicly oppose the extradition of Brodsky from one NATO nation to another or even to the United Arab Emirates, which has supported Washington’s Iran policy. Washington has supported the extradition of historians and scholars who have been prosecuted for thought crimes such as questioning the “Holocaust” of World War II. #
VIDEO - Daughter of EX CHIEF DEPUTY Mossad - Father, forgive me, I will not fight for your Israel
Germany rejects Israeli call to halt probe into Mossad role in Dubai killing
Assassinat d'un cadre du Hamas: l'Irlande va expulser un diplomate israélien
Le Mossad a contrefait les passeports des assassins de Dubaï
L'ambassadeur israélien en Grande-Bretagne expulsé pour ses liens avec les passeports forgés de citoyens britanniques
La pression monte sur Israël pour qu'elle s'explique sur le rôle du Mossad dans l'assassinat du chef militaire du Hamas à Dubaï
Netanyahou derrière les barreaux pour l'assassinat du chef militaire du Hamas par le Mossad?