Au Rally de Glenn Beck (Tea Party), était invité un rabbin conservateur ultra-sioniste (parce que les valeurs juives orthodoxes seraient proches des valeurs républicaines...)
Fait intéressant à noter: l'associé juif "Khazar" de Chris Bollyn, Jerry Myers, avait déjà essayé de promouvoir ce rabbin Lapin auprès du journal hebdomadaire patriote The Spotlight (aujourd'hui American Free Press).
Même le télévangéliste sioniste John Hagee s'est joint à ce rally du Tea Party!
HAGEE: TEA-PARTYIN' AMERICAN HERETIC Conservative star Glenn Beck’s recent “Restoring Honor” event was attended by perhaps hundreds of thousands and covered by major media. Mega-pastor John Hagee was among the religious leaders who spoke; he led a closing prayer to the “God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob” and asked forgiveness of America’s sins.
(Nouvelle reliée: VIDEO - Rabbinic control of England’s right wing “patriot” movement )
Glenn Beck’s Theatre of the Absurd
by Keith Johnson
By Gogol Bordello
If you want to know the real purpose behind Glenn Beck’s expensive, heavily publicized ‘feel good’ extravaganza, you need only watch the first ten minutes of the speech he delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.Dressed up in the NWO color of purple, and clutching purple speech cards in his hand (check out who else is fond of the color purple), Beck took center stage to issue marching orders to the thousands of gullible lemmings that attended his ‘Restoring Honor’ rally this past weekend.Beck warmed up the crowd like any good, charismatic tent preacher would. He opened with, “Something that is beyond man is happening. America today begins to turn back to God. For too long, this country has wandered in darkness.”After getting the women to tear up, and the men to jut out their chests, Beck’s motivational speech soon turned into a lesson in American history, that apparently began (according to Beck) when, “God’s chosen people were led out of bondage by a guy with a stick.”As Beck’s sermon unfolded, the very first person to appear in the background (and the very first person Beck introduced) was Rabbi Daniel Lapin, a strong critic of “liberal Judaism” and a controversial figure who has been linked to former lobbyist, con man and convicted felon Jack Abramoff.According to the Washington Post, Lapin’s specialty is “finding support in the Torah for what turns out to be the current Republican platform: lower taxes, decreased regulation, pro-traditional family policies.”(Read the reste here...)
Glenn Beck believes Israel is the only real hope for sanity in the Mideast
VIDEO - Glenn Beck a hypocrite and a warmongering tool
VIDEO - Glenn Beck at Christians United For Israel 2011: 'We cast our lots with Jews & Israel to resist Islamic & leftist fascism'
VIDEO - PT. 1-5 Glenn Beck, Joel Rosenberg talk about the end times
VIDEO - Judas goats Glenn Beck and Joel Rosenberg's Israeli propaganda
VIDEO - Glenn Beck and John Hagee End Time Bible Prophecies
VIDEO - PRT. 1 of 4 Glenn Beck speaks w/ Benjamin Netanyahu
VIDEO - History of Hatred Against Israel and Jews -Glenn Beck
Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.) plans to attend a Glenn Beck rally in Jerusalem.
AUDIO - Michael Collins Piper - Israel's Frontman Glenn Beck
VIDEO -RT- 'Neocons controlling the show'
Why the Neo-Conned Tea Party Movement Used a Harmless NYC Muslim Community Center as a Political Football
Jewish Militia in America: ADL says "It's OK, They're One of Us."
Enemy in Mind: Jewish group gets gunned-up to face-off 'Muslim Threat'
Giraldi - The Tea Party Disconnect
Tea Party Founder–”A Majority of Tea Party Members are Not Fans Of Islam”
Koch Footprints Lead to Political Powder Keg: Exposing the Far Right's Secret Slush Fund to Keep Fear Alive
Likud activists form their own Tea Party movement Party's right flank protests the peace process and the proposed freeze on settlement construction.
Rabbinic control of England’s right wing “patriot” movement
2012: Exploiting Islamophobia to Win Big
AUDIO - L'autre monde - De la mosquée de ground zero à la diabolisation de l'iran - Les sionistes aux pleins pouvoirs
Geert Wilders, maître de l'islamophobie sionisante en Europe, est un grand ami du néocon juif Daniel Pipes:
Pourquoi je suis du côté de Geert Wilders :: Daniel Pipes
Why I Stand with Geert Wilders :: Daniel Pipes
VIDEO - Guy Millière et Daniel Pipes [néocon juif anti-Islam] à la synagogue de Neuilly
Le Tea party et ses supporters veulent faire croire qu'Obama est élitiste (comprendre: contre le peuple) alors qu'ils sont eux-mêmes financés précisément par ceux qui sont les véritables élitistes, Wall Street, les membres de la U.S. Chamber of Commerce, par exemple pour le moins indifférents aux intérêts des Américains ordinaires, recherchant surtout une politique fiscale plus favorable aux plus riches. Dès lors, si le Tea Party est financé par Wall Street, pourquoi Obama a-t-il lui-même été financé par Wall Street et les cercles néo-mondialistes ? La réponse n'est-elle tout simplement pas dans le fait que les maîtres du monde financent chaque extrémité de la vie politique américaine "démocrate" comme "républicaine" ?
Sources :
lu sur le site
Tea Party ? Zog Party !
17 sept. 2010
Depuis quelques temps, un nouveau mouvement est en train de faire le buzz aux USA contre la politique d’Obama : le Tea Party. Majoritairement composé de WASPs néoconservateurs et économiquement aisés, le Fête du Thé est devenue un véritable défi pour le Parti Républicain jugé trop mou. Au Delaware, une candidate issue de cette formation vient de remporter la primaire à droite avec 53% des suffrages. En l’espace de seulement quelques mois, le mouvement s’est imposé sur la scène politique au point que certains lobbys, à présent, se rendent bien compte qu’il va falloir compter dessus …Les origines du Tea Party, d’après de nombreux militants, seraient le fait d’une simple blogueuse de Seattle, Keli Carender. Mettant à profit l’outil internet, elle serait parvenue à convaincre 120 personnes, en février 2009, de battre le pavé pour protester contre le plan de relance de 787 milliards de dollars d’Obama. Un journaliste décida, à son tour, d’organiser une autre “Tea Party”, à Chicago. Boule de neige ! Depuis lors, grâce à une forte médiatisation, le mouvement n’a cessé de prendre de l’essor et de s’organiser. Les militants du mouvement sont actifs dans tous les États américains, y compris dans l’Etat très démocrate de New York où leur candidat préféré est en train de gagner de nombreux points.
Le nom du mouvement évoque la Tea Party de Boston, un épisode important de la Révolution américaine, où des habitants de Boston ont vidaient des tonneaux de thé à l’eau en signe de protestation contre des privilèges de la Compagnie anglaise des Indes orientales vis-à-vis des marchands de thé locaux.
Le Tea Party d’aujourd’hui séduit de nombreux WASPs de classe moyenne ou bourgeoise par ses revendications économiques “libertariennes”, c’est à dire ultra-libérales, et ses idées conservatrices qui, elles, ne sont pas à jeter. On y retrouve, bien évidemment, énormément d’évangélistes. De nombreux militants tentent aujourd’hui de faire élire aux élections de mi-mandat des candidats républicains radicalisés qui défendent leurs idées. Bon nombre d’entre eux apprécient Sarah Palin, qui a bien compris que cet important mouvement était une bonne carte à jouer. Lors du premier congrès national du Tea Party à Nashville, au Tennessee, elle fut accueillie triomphalement. Depuis, elle s’affiche ostensiblement sur toutes les tribunes que lui offre le mouvement.
Bien sûr, un tel succès inouï n’est dû au hasard … Certains lobbys, déçus par Obama, financent allégrement le Tea Party. Le groupe FreedomWorks, aux premiers abords, est un module de financement économiquement ultra-libéral dirigé par des WASPs. En réalité, il reçoit son financement de plusieurs sociétés privées, à commencer par la très puissante Verizon du sioniste Ivan Seidenberg qui ne connait pas la crise. Citons aussi le groupe Americans for Prosperity qui doit son financement aux frères sionistes David et Charles Koch, deux milliardaires du pétrole … Rupert Murdoch serait aussi de la partie … Et bien d’autres encore … Que du beau monde !
Que faut-il penser du Tea Party ? Est-ce que ses revendications pro-famille et pro-vie sont suffisantes pour le rendre sympathique ? Et qu’en est-il de ses idées “anti-étatistes” en matière économique ?
- Un mouvement directement financé par les sionistes : ces gens sont partout ! A gauche comme à droite, ils verrouillent tout le système ! Le très prometteur Tea Party n’y a évidemment pas échappé. Et comme disait Napoléon (qui n’est pourtant pas une référence pour notre équipe de rédacteurs) : “La main qui donne est au dessus de la main qui reçoit.”
- Un mouvement antisocial : très anarcho-capitaliste, il va encore plus loin que le parti démocrate et le parti républicain en matière d’économie ultralibérale … Nous sommes bien évidemment très loin de la troisième voie proposée par la Sainte Eglise (doctrine sociale) face aux modèles économiques barbares communistes et capitalistes … Voila un programme qui devrait encore plus creuser le fossé entre riches et pauvres, comme si le seuil de pauvreté des Etats-Unis n’était pas encore assez alarmant ….
- Un mouvement anticatholique : comme tous les partis américains, les bases philosophiques du Tea Party sont anticatholiques car libérales et protestantes. La seule forme de Transcendance qu’il reconnait sur la société, c’est le libre-arbitre … Ce n’est pas parce qu’il est teinté d’un certain courant conservateur pro-famille et pro-vie qu’il est véritablement Chrétien, même les païens peuvent le faire ! De plus, le conservatisme est une réaction, non pas une série d’idées fondées sur le principe de la Tradition. C’est un concept qui ne fait que réagir de génération en génération selon les vents du changement et des circonstances. Un conservateur veut par définition conserver dans la société ce qu’il connaît et ce qu’il a été conditionné à accepter comme étant “normal”. Comme chaque génération passe et que la société devient plus à “gauche” ou à “droite”, selon les circonstances, la prochaine génération de conservateurs sera d’autant plus à gauche ou à droite selon la tendance. Le conservatisme est donc une donnée typiquement dialectique ayant pour but implicite, encore une fois, de consolider l’emprise du pouvoir !
Le conservateur n’a donc pas de projet politique, il passe son temps à réagir aux nouveautés politiques. Encore une fois, son regard n’est pas tourné vers l’avenir et l’Espérance mais vers le passé de sa naissance suivant son contexte existentiel, contrairement à ses adversaires qui ont des projets de sociétés concrets (communistes, anarcho-capitalistes, alter-mondialistes ou mondialistes tout court …). C’est à dire que lorsqu’un conservateur recule d’un pas, son ennemi en avancera de deux (comme dirait Lénine). C’est comme cela qu’ils se font tous duper …
Pour illustrer le propos, cela explique que pourquoi de nombreuses personnes qualifient Sarah Palin de “puritaine”, alors qu’elle ne cesse de s’habiller en mini-jupes et en décolletés et de se faire des coiffures très sophistiquées … sans parler de l’éducation de sa fille qui a couché et eut un enfant avant le mariage ! Les “conservateurs” d’aujourd’hui ou “néoréacs” (comme ils aiment s’appeler) ne remettent plus en question la “démocratie” ou la récente “liberté” de la femme à mettre des mini-jupes et à travailler plutôt qu’être mère au foyer, puisque de nos jours tous ces “acquis” sont considérés par les occidentaux comme tout à fait “normaux”. Ils se plaignent de l’avortement et du mariage homosexuel, oui (et encore, de moins en moins, il n’y a pratiquement plus que les plus chrétiens d’entre eux qui le font), parce qu’il y a encore des voix qui s’élèvent. Et si dans quinze ans ces horreurs deviennent totalement normalisées dans la société, ils n’en parleront probablement plus. A la place, ils se contenteront de dire “non” au clonage de l’être-humain ou “non” à l’adoption de bébés pour les couples pédophiles. Mais pas de projet de société en réponse à cette dégénérescence, rien. On conserve le monde de notre naissance, on ne veut ni qu’il “régresse” ni qu’il “évolue”, c’est tout.
La Tradition, ce n’est pas du conservatisme. La Tradition, ce n’est pas “conserver” notre époque ou “revenir en arrière”, c’est revenir à la Vérité. C’est un projet de société : le Règne du Christ-Roi dans nos coeurs et sur la Cité.
A quand un parti véritablement Catholique aux USA ? Pour commencer, il faudrait que les Catholiques d’Occident songent d’abord à se déprotestantiser … Oremus … 22 comments
L’English Defense League, un mouvement sans avenir ?
There is more than meets the eye to the meteoric rise of Sarah Palin. In this video commentary American Free Press author Michael Collins Piper provides the details behind Sarah Palin and her backers. Find out exactly why the mainstream media loves to hate the former Alaskan governor.
Download a copy of AFP's special report, The Power Behind Sarah Palin by clicking here.
By Michael Collins Piper
AMERICAN FREE PRESS (AFP) astounded many—on both the “left” and the “right”—with its no-holds-barred report, The Power Behind Sarah Palin, demonstrating that Palin’s political and financial fortunes have been enthusiastically advanced by the “liberal” Washington Post-Newsweek media empire in collaboration with the “conservative” Fox media combine of Rupert Murdoch.
AFP still stands alone in having drawn attention to the ambiguity of the “liberal” Post-Newsweek combo being a force behind Palin—a point many grassroots liberals and conservatives alike seem unable to understand, captivated as they are by the phony “liberal-conservative” paradigm advanced by the controlled media.
The key here is that both the Post-Newsweek and Murdoch conglomerates have deep, long-standing ties to the tentacles of the Rothschild banking dynasty.
To further affirm AFP’s contention, Newsweek came back on June 21 with a remarkable cover story about Palin entitled “Saint Sarah.” Subtitled “What Palin’s appeal to conservative Christian women says about feminism and the future of the religious right,” the article featured an attractive cover portrait of Palin looking heavenward with her hands together as if in prayer.
Then, inside the magazine, on the contents page, Newsweek featured an appealing full-page picture of Palin, wearing a baseball-style cap affixed with a cross, accompanied by a large-type legend reporting: “To some, Palin is a prophet, ordained by God for a special role in the cosmic battle against the forces of evil.”
The actual article begins with a two-page spread featuring a lady’s hand reaching up to heaven with bright lights and pink crosses in the background, with the big title “Saint Sarah,” underscored by the bald statement (repeating the earlier claim) that “To white evangelical women, Sarah Palin is a modern-day prophet, preaching God, flag and family—while remaking the religious right in her own image.”
Throughout the article are pictures of wholesome wives and mothers with children praying, reaching out enthusiastically to Palin, etc. One actually shows a woman’s head bowed before Palin, as if she is about to kiss Palin’s ring. Readers who doubt these descriptions may consult that issue of Newsweek for themselves.
The entire tone of the article suggested—as other Post-Newsweek reports have hinted in the past—that Palin is effectively the new “leader” of America’s women—a “post-feminist feminist.” She has emerged as a preeminent power over what has been known as “the religious right.”
Actually, the article’s theme was not so much a report of what is, but rather what the Post-Newsweek empire desires. That is, the Post-Newsweek controllers are trying to place Palin in the leadership position they are describing.
Newsweek has been unrelenting in its Palin promotion. The Oct. 4 issue came back with a roar, featuring a cover story entitled “The Bear Truth” and subtitled “Will the ‘mama grizzlies’ really protect America’s kids?” using terminology crafted by Palin to describe herself as a mother grizzly bear looking out for America’s young people. The cover of the magazine featured pictures of Palin and three other prominent and undeniably good-looking female Republican candidates : Christine O'Donnell candidate for the Senate in Delaware; Nikki Haley, candidate for the governorship of South Carolina, and Rep. Michele Bachmann(Minn.).
All three women are dressed in red. Newsweek’s editors did not select these photographs by accident. In advertising, the color red is considered eye-catching and figuratively inflaming.
Inside the magazine, Newsweek featured a two-page spread of an illustration of “mama grizzlies” with their cubs surrounded by bumper stickers and campaign signs including ones proclaiming “Palin/President ’12.” Two subsequent pictures accompanying the story were similar: a mama bear baring her paws and wearing a “Sarah Palin 2012” button and another of a mama bear in an eye-catching forest decorated with a “Sarah Palin 2012” campaign signs alongside signs for other female GOP candidates.
In short, this issue of Newsweek was essentially another promotion of Sarah Palin for president. If this were advertising instead of “news,” it would have cost Palin or her backers a fortune.
On Oct. 7, The Washington Post devoted a page of its Sunday opinion section to Matthew Continetti, the opinion editor of Zionist billionaire Rupert Murdoch’s Weekly Standard, who promptly shot down what he said were five “myths” about Palin:
That 1) she cost John McCain the 2008 election; 2)she made a mistake resigning as Alaska’s governor before her term was over; 3) she and her tea party supporters are destroying the GOP; 4) she is “extreme”; and 5) she is “unelectable.”
Continetti emphasized that, before he was elected president, GOP icon Ronald Reagan was called “extreme” and “unelectable.” This echoed previous over-the-top commentary by other Palin promoters in the Post calling Palin “the new Ronald Reagan.”
That the Post would hand a Standard henchman the opportunity to promote Palin is not so surprising, considering the fact that both the Post and the Standard—one “liberal” and the other “conservative”—have been acting as Palin cheerleaders for several years. In fact, the Standard’s editor, William Kristol, the neo-conservative warmonger and Bilderberg figure, is known to have been the prime mover behind Palin’s placement on the 2008 ticket. As a recent Vanity Fair article noted, he is in close contact with Palin, one of her chief advisors.
Ironically, Kristol’s Standard deputy, Continetti, authored a pro-Palin puff book, The Persecution of Sarah Palin: How the Elite Media Tried to Bring Down a Rising Star. Considering the elite media’s actual promotion of Palin, this is clearly a falsely titled book. #
A journalist specializing in media critique, Michael Collins Piper is the author of Final Judgment, the controversial “underground bestseller” documenting the collaboration of Israeli intelligence in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. He is also the author of The High Priests of War, The New Jerusalem, Dirty Secrets, The Judas Goats, The Golem: Israel’s Nuclear Hell Bomb, My First Days in the White House and The New Babylon. All are available from AFP. He has lectured on these topics in places as diverse as Malaysia, Japan, Canada, Russia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates.
Zionist-Christian Crusaders Are Nuts,
But Find Muslim Bashing Good for Income
By Victor Thorn
The reason America exists is to partner with Israel, to protect Israel.” These chilling words, and the fear surrounding them, emanated from Rev. Darrel Whatley of the Kingdom Ministries Worship Center.
Whatley and others were featured in an Oct. 24 article by Bob Smietana for The Tennessean that highlighted how rampant “Islamophobia”—a concocted fear of Islam based on the government’s official and phony conspiracy theory of what happened on 9-11—has become a multi-million dollar industry.
Although that aspect of history isn’t surprising, Smietana chronicles how a host of non-profit organizations are receiving charitable donations and then surreptitiously funneling them to for-profit companies.
The heavy-handed sales pitch involves a combination of war, terrorism, fundamentalism and the usual “end-times” apocalyptic horrors. Smietana summarizes their peculiar mentality.
“American Christians have a religious duty to protect the state of Israel,” said Smietana. “When Israel expands, Muslims in Iran and Iraq will be forced out of their homes to make way. Then the second coming of Jesus can begin.”
One of the most flagrant manipulators of faith-based fundraising is Steven Emerson, whose non-profit Investigative Project on Terrorism Foundation backdoored nearly $3.4 million to his own for-profit company, SAE Productions.
He’s not the only one generating significant amounts of money. Others such as David Horowitz receive annual six-figure salaries from their efforts within the “anti-Jihad” movement.
During an Oct. 27 interview, Ken Berger of the apolitical watchdog group Charity Navigator told this AFP writer, “Steven Emerson is blurring the lines by creating a non-profit front organization and then routing its proceeds to a for-profit company. It’s off the grid. I’ve never seen such questionable tactics like this before. In terms of best practices, it’s extremely odd. They’re setting a disturbing precedent.”
Berger questioned another aspect of Emerson’s methodology. “A 501(c)(3) foundation isn’t supposed to be engaged in political activities. . . . But by cloaking the identity of their donors, and therefore all fiscal responsibility, there’s very little transparency. Then they bump their resources over to for-profit companies. They claim the IRS has given them permission, but how is this appropriate? [A sum of] $3.4 million was transferred to Emerson’s SAE Productions.”
Berger also explained that these entities are “specially designated to provide a public good or service that can’t be granted by the government or private firms. We’re also under the assumption that they’re not making profits. But according to Emerson’s IRS filings, he took $3 million of donated money and shunted it to SAE Productions.”
Ibrahim Hooper, spokesperson for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), is familiar with this type of financial misdirection. He told this reporter on Oct. 26, “We’ve seen for years that Islamophobia merchants are a well-financed, well-oiled propaganda machine. The best known are Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Frank Gaffney and Steven Emerson.”
When asked specifically about the latter, Hooper replied, “Emerson has long been regarded as one of the primary Muslim-bashers, even before 9-11. He’s the one who tried to blame Muslims for the 1995 Alfred P. Murrah bombing in Oklahoma City.”
As AFP has noted for well over a decade, it wasn’t Muslims who infiltrated a militia group at Elohim City, Okla. back in the mid-1990s—an outpost that had ties to the OKC bombing. Instead, it was Morris Dees’s Southern Poverty Law Center. Meanwhile, Abraham Foxman’s Anti-Defamation League targeted groups critical of Israel, including the Spotlight newspaper.
Hooper also commented on those who fuel the neocons and Zionist money coffers.
“Obviously many of those promoting anti-Islamic hatred also hold an extremist support of U.S.-Israeli policy,” said Hooper. “There are a variety of motivations, but a certain segment of the evangelical crowd cannot be denied.”
One of the most obsessed with this notion is Pastor John Hagee of Christians United for Israel, based in San Antonio, Texas. An example of his hysteria was demonstrated during a Sept. 4, 2006 sermon.
“They [Muslims] are trained from the breast of their mother to hate us,” said Hagee. “Radical Islam is a doctrine of death. It is their desire, it is their hope, it is their ambition, and it is their highest honor to die in a war against infidels. And you are ‘infidels.’”
In March 2009 Hagee collected more than 100,000 signatures from American Christians who expressed their solidarity with Israel. Needless to say, many of these same individuals also contributed to “non-profit” organizations such as those fronted by Emerson. #
The Weird World of John Hagee
• “HAGEECON” 2013: Bevy of Christian and Jewish Zionists want more war with Islam in Mideast
By Michael Collins Piper
D.C.—President Barack Obama came under heavy fire when more than 4,000
people showed up in Washington on July 22-24 to proclaim the support of
American Christians for Israel and to lobby Congress on its behalf.
with a host of American politicians—mostly Republicans—known for their
fealty to Israel, the assembled masses gathered at the Washington
Convention Center under the auspices of Texas evangelist John Hagee’s
Christians United for Israel (CUFI), which claims to have 1 million
While the corpulent Hagee surrounds himself with a
contingent of Israeli bodyguards, CUFI’s operations are directed by an
American Jew, David Brog, who is a cousin of former Israeli Prime
Minister Ehud Barak.
New York-based Jewish newspaper Forward reported
enthusiastically about the conference, noting that “Christian
evangelical supporters of Israel sent a strong message of opposition to
President Obama on Iran and the renewal of Mideast peace talks.”
what did take place during this gathering reflects a bizarre and
inflammatory worldview on the part of the participants.
Rabbi Aryeh
Sheinberg’s invocation slammed Obama and Secretary of State John
Kerry—who is of Jewish extraction on his father’s side and whose brother
is a practicing Jew, having abandoned the Catholic faith in which he
was raised—saying their proposals for a Middle East settlement would
reinstate what some Israelis call “the Auschwitz borders”— that is,
Israel’s borders before it expanded into Arab lands after the 1967 war.
personality Glenn Beck, a Mormon, gave the keynote address, trashing
Obama. He concluded: “Our government is on the wrong side, and we are
entering terrible, terrible days if we don’t wake up and turn around.”
delighted his audience by explaining the real reason America’s founding
fathers staged the revolution against Britainwas so conservative
Christians could ultimately help usher Israel into being in 1948.
a tangled description of symbolism on the one-dollar Federal Reserve
note—which is otherwise the subject of well-founded debate—Beck said
this was proof of his thesis.
Beck failed tomention that American
Jewish millionaires bribed several Latin American delegates to the UN,
whose votes were critical to UN recognition of Israel, not to mention
that supporters of Israel have now cheerfully bragged that a special
blackmail-and-coercion intelligence operation was utilized to further
influence other delegates.
Beck displayed, of all things, a napkin he
claimed was on a table next to Hitler when the German leader survived
an assassination attempt on July 20, 1944. He also brandished a whip he
alleged had been used in the Auschwitz camp in Poland to punish Jewish
prisoners during World War II.
And, just for the record, Beck
declared how evil Islam happens to be—a favorite mantra often heard
today, a major tool in the effort by Israel and its supporters to engage
America inwar against the Muslim world.
Unfortunately, a lot of
patriots who should know better are echoing this same kind of rhetoric,
promoting the poison of the Israeli propagandists.
An array of politicians, mostly conservative Republicans, who showed up to declare their alliance with Israel included:
- Newly elected Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), a 2016 presidential aspirant whose wife is a banker with Goldman Sachs, the powerful international Jewish investment house;
- House Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor (RVa.)—an Orthodox Jew much of whose campaign money comes from Wall Street and gambling and liquor interests; and
- Retiring Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) who once famously said, “I am a Christian, but I consider my heritage Jewish, because it is the foundation, the roots of my faith as a Christian.”
Another stalwart voice for Israel, Sen.
Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.)—who never went to war but who is always an
advocate of U.S. military ventures on behalf of Israel—pranced andminced
to the podium and told the cheering audience he plans to introduce a
resolution in Congress authorizing the use of force—American blood and
treasure—against Iran.
Using reasoning reeking of the provocative
logic utilized in rabbinical reasoning and commemorated in the Jewish
holy works known as the Talmud, Graham explained: “My goal is to avoid
war, and the best way to avoid war is to let the Iranians know they’re
going to face one and lose.”
The only thing Graham and his GOP
colleagues didn’t say—at least publicly—was “Onward, Christian
Soldiers,” although that certainly is their philosophy.
Hagee himself
said he wants the United States to “turn the Israeli Defense Forces
loose and have a total victory in the Middle East for peace that will
last.” In other words: all-out war against the Arab and Muslim
nations—financed, of course, by American taxpayers and underscored by
the implicit promise American soldiers will come to Israel’s support as
And making it all too clear Israel really isn’t so poised
for peace with the Palestinian Christians and Muslims as many Americans
are led by the media to believe, Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Ron
Prossor, said any talk of a so-called two-state solution is actually a
“euphemism for the destruction of the state of Israel.”
Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was on hand to warn, or so he said, that
Iran doesn’t just plan to destroy Israel. Iran has missiles intended to
hit the U.S. and “that could happen very soon.”
As a humorous but
not-so-subtle reminder that the power of Jewish media, money and
mischief is a force in America today, Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice
president of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish
Organizations, told the crowd: “The Jewish lobby is a myth. It’s our job
to make it a legend!”
Finally, he warned anybody who dared stand up to Israel and its supposedly mythical lobby: “Don’t bet against the Jews.”
Collins Piper is a world-renowned author, journalist, lecturer and
radio show host. He has spoken in Russia, Malaysia, Iran, Abu Dhabi,
Japan, Canada and, of course, the United States. He is the author of
Final Judgment, The New Jerusalem, The High Priests of War, Dirty
Secrets, My First Days in the White House, The New Babylon, Share the
Wealth: Huey Long vs Wall Street, The Judas Goats: The Enemy Within,
Target: Traficant and The Golem: Israel’s Nuclear Hell Bomb.
Enfin, on le savait fervent défenseur d’Israël, mais là, il l’a encore une fois prouvé. En direct devant des millions de téléspectateurs, la star du petit écran a déclaré: « je ne vais plus chez McDonalds car ils ont refusé de ne pas ouvrir une succursale à Ariel au motif qu’il s’agit d’un territoire « occupé. »
Glenn Beck contre les Frères musulmans:
Or, comme propagandiste en chef de FOX, Glenn Beck implique l'aile gauche américaine dans sa vision paranoïaque: «Croyez ce que vous voulez, mais la gauche travaille main dans la main avec les Frères musulmans et les extrémistes musulmans ... main dans la main." ...
Sean Hannity n'est pas bien mieux, en disant des choses comme, "Il me semble que l'extrémisme islamique est la grande menace au 21e siècle que (le communisme) représentait au siècle dernier ..."
Des références islamophobes semblables ont été entendues sur CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC et d'autres réseaux aux États-Unis. Même les journalistes de la chaîne très libérale MSNBC se sont avérés coupables d'avoir amalgamé l'Islam avec l'extrémisme.(...)
Récemment, en commentant les manifestants en Égypte, plusieurs journalistes ont visé les Frères musulmans comme étant des extrémistes. Le professeur Sami Hamod dit que les Frères musulmans étaient à l'origine un instrument des États-Unis. Comment peuvent-ils être des extrémistes?
Il semble que les membres des groupes opposés à l'ingérence des États-Unis au Moyen-Orient se font étiqueter d'extrémistes islamiques. (Source: Blog)
Glenn Beck: " I Personally Am Calling for the Impeachment of the President of the United States "
Les sionistes se servent des révélations sur l'appui US envers Al-Qaïda en Syrie pour attaquer Obama et demander sa destitution (comme pour l'affaire Snowden). Comme si c'était lui qui voulait aller en guerre... Les sionistes vont toujours trouver le moyen de blâmer Obama peu importe ce qu'il fait: s'il va pas en guerre c'est sa faute, s'il y va, c'est sa faute: "Damned if you do and damned if you don't." Faites attention au discours qui s'en prend à l'appui des USA envers al-Qaïda car cela peut aussi servir, de manière détournée, les plans d'Israël qui aime brandir constamment le spectre des "islamistes".
JUIF.ORG--Peu importe qu'Obama soit médiocre
Obama, au final, n'a que deux qualités : être venu après Bush, que
le monde détestait pour les même raisons qu'il aime Obama, et être noir.
A part ça, l'homme était médiocre, le président l'est encore plus !
Ce discours est frappé du sceau de certification CASHER! On voit
maintenant c'est qui qui était derrière cette campagne anti-Obama aux
USA disant: "Vous critiquez Obama pour ses politiques médiocres et on va
vous traiter de raciste" C'est ce que disait Glenn Beck, fervent
inconditionnel d'Israël, autrefois animateur au réseau Fox, et c'est ce
que disait aussi l'Israélienne reine-mère des "Birthers", Orly Taitz
VIDEO - You know things are really screwed up in the movement when Glen Beck competantly debunks conspiracy theories
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