Le caricaturiste Latuff nous donne un indice:
L’analyse des échantillons prélevés sur le corps de Yasser
Arafat par une équipe de scientifiques suisses présente des taux élevés
de polonium-210. La dépouille a été exhumée en novembre 2012 et les
échantillons ont révélé des taux au moins 18 fois plus élevés que la
normale dans les côtes et le bassin d’Arafat, ainsi que dans la terre
ayant absorbé ses fluides corporels. »
Ces développements soulèvent la question plus générale qui n’a
pas été abordée dans les médias : qui a assassiné Yasser Arafat? Le
gouvernement israélien a fourni la réponse à cette question en 2003, un
an avant sa mort.
« Nous choisirons la bonne façon et le bon moment pour tuer Arafat. »
En septembre 2003, le gouvernement israélien a voté une
loi pour se débarrasser d’Arafat. Le cabinet israélien pour les affaires
de politique sécuritaire a déclaré qu’il s’agissait d’une « décision
d’éliminer Arafat en tant qu’obstacle à la paix ».
L’assassinat d’Arafat en 2004 faisait partie d’un programme militaire et de renseignement plus vaste, visant à détruire l’Autorité palestinienne.
Les récents reportages ne mentionnent pas que le Cabinet israélien a
ordonné l’assassinat extrajudiciaire en 2003. Cet ordre a été approuvé
ensuite par les États-Unis, lesquels ont opposé leur veto à une
résolution du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies condamnant la
décision de 2003 du cabinet israélien de « se débarrasser d’Arafat ».
L’assassinat était prévu depuis 1996 avec l’opération connue sous le
nom de code « Champs d’épines ». Un document datant d’octobre 2000 « élaboré
par les services de sécurité à la demande d’Ehoud Barak, alors premier
ministre, affirmait que «la personne d’Arafat constitue une grave menace
pour la sécurité de l’État (d’Israël) et le préjudice que causera sa
disparition est moindre que celui causé par son existence ». (Tanya Reinhart, Evil Unleashed, Israel’s move to destroy the Palestinian Authority is a calculated plan, long in the making,
Global Research, décembre 2001. Des extraits de ce document ont été
publiés par le quotidien Ma’ariv en date du 6 juillet 2001).
En août 2003, Shaul Mofaz, le ministre israélien de la Défense a
déclaré « la guerre totale » aux militants jurant qu’ils étaient «
condamnés à mort ».
« À la
mi-septembre, le gouvernement israélien a voté une loi pour se
débarrasser d’Arafat. Le Cabinet israélien pour les affaires de
politique sécuritaire a déclaré qu’il s’agissait d’une « décision
d’éliminer Arafat en tant qu’obstacle à la paix. » Mofaz a fait cette
menace : « Nous choisirons la meilleure façon et le meilleur moment pour
tuer Arafat. » Le ministre palestinien, Saeb Erekat a
déclaré sur CNN qu’il pensait qu’Arafat était la prochaine cible. CNN a
demandé au porte-parole de Sharon, Ra’anan Gissan, si le vote
signifiait l’expulsion d’Arafat. Gissan a précisé : « Le vote ne
signifie pas cela ». Le Cabinet a décidé aujourd’hui de supprimer cet
obstacle. Le moment, la méthode, la manière de le faire seront décidés
séparément et les services de sécurité surveilleront la situation et
feront leurs recommandations pour agir de façon appropriée. » (Voir l’article de Trish Shuh, Road Map for a Decease Plan, Mehrnews.com du 9 novembre 2005.)
L’assassinat d’Arafat faisait partie du Plan Dagan de 2001. Selon
toute probabilité, il a été mené par les services secrets israéliens. Il
visait à détruire l’Autorité palestinienne, à fomenter des divisions au
sein du Fatah ainsi qu’entre le Fatah et le Hamas. Mahmoud Abbas est un
collaborateur palestinien. Il a été installé à la tête du
Fatah, avec l’approbation d’Israël et des États-Unis, qui financent les
forces paramilitaires et de sécurité de l’Autorité palestinienne.
Michel Chossudovsky
Le texte ci-dessus a été écrit en janvier 2009 dans le cadre de cet article :
Texte original : The
Assassination of Yasser Arafat was Ordered by The Israeli Cabinet: “We
will Choose the Right Way and the Right Time to Kill Arafat.”
Traduction : Mondialisation.ca
Michel Chossudovsky est directeur du Centre de
recherche sur la mondialisation et professeur émérite de sciences
économiques à l’Université d’Ottawa. Il est l’auteur de Guerre et mondialisation, La vérité derrière le 11 septembre et de la Mondialisation de la pauvreté et nouvel ordre mondial (best-seller international publié en plus de 20 langues).
The Assassination of Yasser Arafat was Ordered by The Israeli Cabinet: “We will Choose the Right Way and the Right Time to Kill Arafat.”
“Calculated Plan Long in the Making”: The Toppling and Assassination of Yasser Arafat
Arafat : à qui profite le crime?
Israel’s President Shimon Peres Admits that Israel Ordered the Assassination of Yasser Arafat
Israel Murdered Arafat It wasn’t accidental. It wasn’t natural. Credible evidence points to assassination.
Killing Arafat by Justin Raimondo (Anti-War)
Palestinian investigators: Israel is 'the only suspect' in Arafat's death
Swiss team: Arafat poisoned to death with abnormal amounts of polonium
Arafat Confirmed Poisoned: Who Else Could Have Done it but the Israelis?
The news from a Swiss laboratory that scientists have found
at least 18 times the normal levels of radioactive...
Yes… Arafat was Poisoned and Israel Killed Him, But What Can We Do?
We are surprised by the silence of the Palestine Authority (PA) and their continuation with the negotiations, not only after discovering this crime and Israel’s role in it. Especially as settlement activity continues at an unprecedented rate…
Israeli Cabinet Voted to Assassinate Arafat Year Before He Died. “He Will be Gotten Rid Of”
Voir: Haman et les assassinats politiques (HUSSEIN, STALINE, HITLER, LE TSAR, etc.)
Haman associé à la Croix du Christ (symbole de la croix: une "abomination" associée au Christ et à Haman pendu à un gibet en croix.)
Operation Haman comme nom de l'opération visant à tuer JFK... C'est pas prouvé mais vraisemblable. Ce nom illustre bien ce
que représentait l'opération consistant à tuer Kennedy, quels intérêts
ça servait. Pour comprendre le personnage maudit de Haman dans le drame
du peuple juif devant-toujours-se-battre-pour-sa-survie, il faut relire
le livre d'Esther.
Voyez ce que le livre de Michael Collins Piper sur l'assassinat de JFK intitulé "FINAL JUDGMENT"
révèle concernant cette habitude juive consistant à identifier ses
ennemis à Haman pour les faire assassiner. Piper intitule même sa
conclusion "Operation Haman? The Theory That Works":
(...)However, the primary reason behind Ben-Gurion's departure was the Israeli leader's inability to pressure JFK into accepting Israel's demands. According to Hersh: "There was no way for the Israeli public . . . to suspect that there was yet another factor in Ben-Gurion's demise: his increasingly bitter impasse with Kennedy over a nuclear-armed Israel." (143) Ben-Gurion had failed. The battle had been lost, but the war between the two men was still to be won.
What was on Ben-Gurion's mind as he turned over the reins of government to his successor? What was David Ben-Gurion's final act as Prime Minister of the Jewish State? In light of Ben-Gurion's explicit comment to John F. Kennedy that "my people have the right to exist . . and this existence is in danger," we can certainly make a good presumption.
In Ben-Gurion's eyes, John F. Kennedy was clearly a modern-day Haman—an enemy of the Jewish people. In Jewish folklore, Haman was a descendant of the Amalekites who served as prime minister to King Ahasueros of Persia. It was Haman who sought to convince the king that all of the Jews of his empire should be exterminated forever.
However, according to legend, a beautiful Jewish temptress named Esther used her feminine wiles on Ahasueros and, in the end, it was Haman who was instead put to death. The important Jewish holiday of Purim celebrates the deliverance of the Jews from Haman's intended holocaust.
In the Bible—Deut 25:19, I Sam. 15:8—the ancient Hebrews were urged to "blot out the memory of the Amalekites" from whom Haman descended.
In Israel—in 1963—David Ben-Gurion certainly looked upon John F. Kennedy as a modern-day Haman, a son of the Amalekites. As he pondered the brutal conflict with JFK, Ben-Gurion no doubt remembered the meditation that is read on Purim:
"A wicked man, an arrogant offshoot of the seed of Amalek, rose up against us. Insolent in his riches, he digged himself a pit, and his own greatness laid him a snare. In his mind he thought to entrap, but was himself entrapped; he sought to destroy, but was himself speedily destroyed . . . he made him a gallows, and was himself hanged thereon."
With John F. Kennedy lying in a grave in Arlington National Cemetery, Israel was safe—for the time being at least. The modern-day heir of Haman's legacy had been destroyed. That Lyndon Johnson—a man with a steadfast history of loyalty to Israel and its American lobby—was in line to assume the American presidency was a fact not gone unnoticed. Israel's messiah had come.
(...)"CONCLUSION: Operation Haman? The Theory That Works"(...)
Was there a code name for the conspiracy against President Kennedy? More than likely. But we, of course, will surely never know its name. Did the Mossad, perhaps, call it "Operation Haman"—naming the conspiracy to kill the American president after Haman, the ancient Amalekite conspirator who desired the destruction of the Jewish people? That code name would be as reasonable as any, considering Ben-Gurion's hatred for Kennedy—a modern-day Haman in his eyes.
In 1979 when Connally launched a well-financed bid for the 1980 Republican presidential nomination, he publicly challenged the power of the Israeli lobby in a highly controversial speech that, by all accounts, led to the end of Connally's presidential ambitions once and for all.
But what is interesting is that Connally' s speech was considered so inflammatory by the Israelis and their Americans supporters that a prominent Israeli educator and philosopher, Emmanuel Rackman, president of Bal Ilan University, actually called for Connally's assassination.
Comparing Connally to Haman, the ancient enemy of the Jewish people, Rackman—a rabbi—issued his call for Connally's assassination in the November 18, 1979 issue of The Jewish Week-American Examiner, the publication of the Israeli-government owned Jewish Telegraph Agency, a subdivision of the worldwide Jewish Agency.
Rackman's vicious attack on Connally was headlined: "John Connally Campaign Seen as Dire Threat to Israel and U.S. Jewry." Rackman quoted New York Times columnist William Safire as having said that for "the first time, a candidate for President has delivered a major address which he knew would disturb and dismay every American supporter of Israel."(986)
Rackman commented: "This is true. But does not this observation signify more than it says? Does it not mean that in Connally we have, for the first time, a candidate who in no uncertain terms is telling the American people that he does not want the support of Jews and that he wants to prove that one can be elected president without Jewish support.
"Furthermore, does it not mean that at long last we have a candidate who hopes to get elected by mobilizing support from all who share his total disregard of how Jews feel about him and is this not an invitation to all anti-Semites to rally behind him? I am generally not an alarmist but nothing in American politics in recent years so disturbed me as Connally's subtle communication to Jews that they can `go to the devil.' Even the Nixon tapes were not so upsetting.
"The American Jewish community must be alerted. If only we had stopped Hitler early enough, millions of Jews would still be alive. And Connally must be stopped at all costs. He must not even get near the nomination! He must be destroyed, at least politically, as soon as possible.
It is sufficiently early to make Connally look ridiculous and destroy him politically without bloodshed.
"Perhaps I am overreacting," said Rackman. "But if I have learned anything especially from the rabbinic view of Biblical history it is that we are less fearful and more forgiving of enemies who at least accord us a modicum of respect than we are of enemies who treat us with disdain, with contempt. That makes Arafat more acceptable than Connally." (987)
Rackman compared Connally with Amalek, another foe of the Jewish people: "'Remember Amalek,' we are told. 'Don't forget.' Eradicate him from the face of the earth. Simply because Amalek had no respect for us. He encountered us in his path and casually sought to exterminate us as vermin.
It is my fervent prayer," said this Jewish religious leader, "that American Jewry will not minimize the importance of the challenge they have been given and will act speedily and with devastating effectiveness."(988)
John Connally was not eradicated as Rackman urged. But his political career came to a halt after the major media began a campaign against him.
However, when John Connally died in 1993, the doctors said that Connally's fatal lung condition was a direct outgrowth of the chest wounds that he had received in the shooting in Dallas on November 22, 1963. So ultimately, in the end, John Connally did prove to be yet another victim of Israel—as much as if he had died on the same day as John F. Kennedy.
Michael Collins Piper, The Confessions of an Anti-Semite
VIDEO - Within Israel: Incite to Hate
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