• Researcher has found the mother of all connections between Israel and the JFK assassination
By Michael Collins Piper
Oliver Stone’s 1991 drama “JFK” focused on New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s 1969 prosecution of trade executive (and longtime CIA asset) Clay Shaw for involvement in the JFK assassination conspiracy.
But Stone diverted attention away from Shaw’s link to a key figure in the global operations of the Rothschild banking dynasty.
While Stone referenced—in passing—Shaw’s membership on the board of a Rome-based corporate shell known as Permindex, subsidiary of another entity, the Centro Mondiale Commerciale, which Stone portrayed as a CIA front, he provided only a sliver of the much bigger picture.
Documents unearthed by Canadian author Maurice Philipps demonstrate beyond question that Shaw’s associate on the board of Permindex (its chief executive officer and primary shareholder), Louis Bloomfield of Montreal, was a longtime attorney for the Rothschild dynasty, particularly for Baron Edmund de Rothschild of London, going back as far as World War II.
Having studied Bloomfield’s private files, which Bloomfield donated to the Canada National Archives, Philipps found what he describes as “many documents” revealing the Rothschild connection which heretofore has remained unknown except to those who explored Philipps’s website.
Today, AMERICAN FREE PRESS becomes the first publication to report Philipps’s findings.
Although Bloomfield (who died in 1984) donated his papers to the archives contingent upon them being kept under wraps until 20 years after his death, Bloomfield’s widow sought to extend the restriction until 25 years after her death. This prompted Philipps to file suit, the result of which was that in 2006 the Federal Court of Canada ordered the files released.
Documents indicate Bloomfield was so close to Rothschild that he (Bloomfield) incorporated (in Canada)—and was a shareholder of—Tri Continental Pipe Line Ltd. (described by Philipps as “a major Rothschild company”) to which Israel granted a 49-year exclusive right on use of a 16-inch pipeline between the Red Sea and Haifa in Israel.
The Israeli connection is no surprise. The Rothschilds have been Israel’s foremost patrons. In addition, Bloomfield and Montreal liquor baron Sam Bronfman—the head of the World Jewish Congress, with whom Bloomfield was also closely associated—were among a clique of money kings who, in the 1950s, bankrolled Israel’s secret nuclear arms program. According to Israeli author Michael Karpin, Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion referred to those donors as “consecrators,” suggesting, as Karpin noted, “in Ben-Gurion’s eyes, the nuclear project was holy.”
While Philipps has never suggested Bloomfield was involved in any way in the JFK assassination, he has pointed out that Bloomfield’s Rothschild connection has been otherwise ignored.
Philipps’s findings on the Rothschild-Bloomfield link also put to rest the rumor that Permindex was proof of “Nazi” involvement in the JFK conspiracy, a patently ridiculous theme propounded by one Mae Brussell whose father, Rabbi Edgar Magnin, was spiritual leader of the Jewish movie moguls in Hollywood.
In this same realm, Philipps has uncovered documents indicating that, in Bloomfield’s words, “the guiding genius” behind Permindex was Rome-based Giorgio Mantello—born George Mandel, a Romanian Jew—whom Bloomfield described as a “33rd degree Mason with the closest connections in the highest diplomatic circles.”
Mantello was clearly no Nazi. In 1989, then-Rep. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.)—a Jewish leader in Congress—introduced a bill to award a congressional gold medal to Mantello, describing him as “truly one of the great unsung heroes of the World War II era . . . one of the most outstanding examples we have of a single individual . . . mobilizing the world against the atrocities of Nazi Germany.”
Declaring Mantello “saved nearly 30,000 Jews from almost certain death in the Holocaust, and perhaps hundreds of thousands more,” Schumer hailed him as responsible for disclosing the “Auschwitz Protocol,” vaunted as the first publicized claim of mass murder of Jews at the Auschwitz labor camp in Poland.
(That the Auschwitz Protocol was a fraud has been proven by a host of historians whose writings are available from THE BARNES REVIEW.)
Schumer also said, “Mantello was extremely useful to both the American and British intelligence services . . . [having] slipped millions of dollars of Swiss technical instruments that were necessary for the war effort out of Axis-surrounded Switzerland and into Allied hands.”
How and why Clay Shaw of New Orleans ended up in association with the Permindex operation is no longer a mystery.
Shaw’s closest friends, who provided the funds for his defense against Garrison—the powerful Stern family, leaders of the New Orleans Jewish community—were primary shareholders in the Apollo, Pennsylvania-based NUMEC nuclear facility from which American nuclear materiel was illicitly channeled to Israel with the collaboration of CIA chief of counter-intelligence, James Angleton, a devoted ally of Israel as head of the CIA’s Mossad desk.
Though avoiding the Mossad connection, many researchers now say Angleton was the key CIA figure in the JFK conspiracy.
The Sterns also owned WDSU radio and television, which hyped Lee Harvey Oswald as a “pro-Castro agitator” at precisely the time Shaw was acting as a handler for Oswald in the summer of 1963 while Oswald was in New Orleans being set up as the “patsy” in the JFK conspiracy.
So Shaw’s Rothschild—and Mossad—connection via Permindex was solidified by the Stern link to Israel’s nuclear weapons program we now know JFK was so determined to stop, another point ignored by most JFK writers.
All told, a variety of evidence indicates Permindex fronted for a Mossad operation funding Israel’s drive to assemble the atomic bomb.
A primary Permindex shareholder and the chief depository for its funds—the Banque De Credit Internationale [BCI] of Geneva—was the fiefdom of Tibor Rosenbaum, a Mossad arms procurement official referred to as one of Israel’s “founding fathers.”
BCI was also chief money laundry for the crime syndicate of Israeli loyalist Meyer Lansky, business partner of the aforementioned Sam Bronfman, associate of Louis Bloomfield and the Rothschilds.
In fact, Lansky’s Israeli biographers note that “after Israel became a state, almost 90% of its purchases of arms abroad was channeled through Rosenbaum’s bank. The financing of many of Israel’s most daring secret operations was carried out through the funds in [BCI].”
We now understand why Oliver Stone chose not to pursue these avenues when he made “JFK.”
The man who bankrolled Stone’s film, Israeli arms dealer Arnon Milchan—listed as “executive producer”—was a primary player in Israel’s nuclear program. Head of a global empire in weapons, chemicals, electronics, aerospace and plastics—operating in the Rothschild sphere—Milchan (now perhaps the biggest mover in Hollywood) has been described as “Mr. Israel,” as “secretive yet famous, but only among famous people,” and is a close friend and business partner of Rothschild-sponsored media baron Rupert Murdoch.
Although Milchan—partnered with the interconnecting Rothschild-controlled media conglomerates Havas and StudioCanal in financing Stone’s extravaganza—paid author Jim Marrs a reported $200,000 for rights to his book Crossfire (a partial foundation for Stone’s film), Jim Garrison’s family had to go to court to claim promised proceeds from “JFK” after Milchan claimed the blockbuster turned a loss. On a procedural technicality, a federal court ruled for Milchan against the Garrisons.
Well-known JFK writer, A.J. Weberman—a U.S.-Israeli dual citizen—says Garrison once showed him an unpublished novel Garrison had written which Weberman says was “a fictional work that placed the blame for John Kennedy’s death on the Mossad.”
Although Garrison did publish a JFK novel, The Star-Spangled Contract, it did not allude to Mossad involvement. But if Weberman is to be believed, Garrison had ultimately figured out the Rothschild-Israeli connection to the JFK conspiracy.
And that says much about what many of today’s JFK researchers are choosing to ignore.
Michael Collins Piper is a world-renowned author who has spoken in Russia, Malaysia, Iran, Abu Dhabi, Japan, and Canada.. He is the author of Final Judgment, The New Jerusalem, The High Priests of War, Dirty Secrets, The New Babylon, The New Jerusalem, Huey Long vs Wall Street and others.
(Note: A.J. Weberman is a source connected to extreme elements of the jewish community, such as the JDL.)

The Letters of John F. Kennedy - Martin W. Sandler (PDF)
"Je vais vous dire une chose: j'ai trouvé des articles--pas dans des publications disjonctées mais dans des publications très sophistiquées--qui disaient : "Oubliez Lyndon Johnson, oubliez la CIA, oubliez Fidel Castro--le Mossad a tué JFK parce qu'ils étaient bouleversés par ce qu'il avait fait à Ben-Gurion." Alors, vous voyez, on lâche quelques petites bombes comme celle-ci dans le livre--non prouvées..."
I'll tell you one thing: I found articles - not tripped in publications but in very sophisticated publications - saying, "Forget Lyndon Johnson, forget the CIA, forget Fidel Castro---Mossad killed JFK because they were upset by what he had done to Ben-Gurion." So you see, we drop a few bombs like this in this book, unproven ...(Historian Martin W. Sandler, Author of The Letters of John F. Kennedy, lecture at the JFK Museum; Nov 16, 2013, CSPAN2 | BookTV @51 min : 21 sec)
Extrait du nouveau livre recueillant les correspondances de John F. Kennedy:
In March 1992, Representative Paul Findley of Illinois, wrote in the Washington Report on Middle Eastern Affairs, “It is interesting. . . . to notice that in all the words written and uttered about the Kennedy assassination, Israel’s intelligence agency, the Mossad, has never been mentioned.” Two years later in his book Final Judgment, author Michael Collins Piper actually accused Israel of the crime. Of all the conspiracy theories, it remains one of the most intriguing.
What is indisputable is that, although it was kept out of the eye of both the Press and the Public, a bitter dispute had developped between Israeli prime minister David Ben-Gurion who believed that his nation's survival depended on it attaining nuclear capability and Kennedy who was vehemently opposed to it. In May 1963, Kennedy wrote to Ben-Gurion explaining why he was convinced that Israel's pursuit of nuclear weapons capability was a serious threat to world peace.(...)
"As I wrote Mr Ben-Gurion, this government's [USA] commitment to and support of Israel could be seriously jeopardized if it should be thought that we were unable to obtain reliable information on a subject as vital to peace as the question of Israel's effort in the nuclear field." [SOURCE: JFK letter to Ben-Gurion's successor]
Kennedy left no doubt as to what the US response would be if "we were unable to obtain reliable information" about the intent of the Dimona project [i.e. Israel's nuclear program], a threat that according to one conspiracy theory lead to Israel's role in Kennedy's assassination.
De l'assassinat de JFK au secret professionnel des avocats

New Book of Kennedy Letters Supports Thesis:
JFK Opposed Israel’s Nuclear Aspirations
“Threat” in president’s personal correspondence to Israeli leaders cited by respected author
By Richard V. London
Pro-Israel agitators are in a frenzy. A forth-coming book—the first ever collection of the late President John F. Kennedy’s correspondence—dares to suggest the theory that Israel’s intelligence service, the Mossad, played a part in JFK’s assassination “remains one of the most intriguing” of the many scenarios relating to that crime. The book cites AFP correspondent Michael Collins Piper’s out-of-print underground best-seller, Final Judgment, as the source of that allegation.
Entitled The Letters of John F. Kennedy —and scheduled for November release by Bloomsbury (a “mainstream” publishing house)—the new 352-page volume was edited by respected historian and television producer Martin W. Sandler. Sandler put together this work with the cooperation of the Kennedy Presidential Library at Harvard. But the tome is already under attack, even prior to publication.
Having obtained advance copies and discovering Sandler’s references to Piper’s thesis, influential pro-Israel propaganda voices—such as National Review (founded by ex-CIA operative William F. Buckley Jr.) and The Washington Free Beacon, edited by the son-in-law of neoconservative power broker William Kristol—promptly launched an Internet cannonade savaging Sandler and Piper.
Here’s what was considered so outrageous: In the final chapter of the book—after noting the multiple theories surrounding JFK’s death—Sandler reprinted nine pages of undeniably contentious correspondence between JFK and Israeli Prime Ministers David Ben-Gurion and Levi Eshkol, pointing out that JFK was convinced, in Sandler’s words, “that Israel’s pursuit of nuclear weapons capability was a serious threat to world peace.”
As if highlighting these little-known letters were not enough, Sandler inflamed Israel’s partisans by his candid introduction to that selection of letters, writing:
In March 1992, Rep. Paul Findley of Illinois wrote in The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, “It is interesting [to note] that in all the words written and uttered about the Kennedy assassination, Israel’s intelligence agency, the Mossad, has never been mentioned.” Two years later in his bookNoting that Ben-Gurion quit his post in what Sandler notes “many believed . . . was due in great measure to his dispute with Kennedy,” Sandler reprints a July 4, 1963 letter to Levi Eshkol (Ben Gurion’s successor) in which JFK warns American “commitment to and support of Israel could be seriously jeopardized” if the United States felt it was being denied “reliable information on a subject as vital to peace as the question of Israel’s effort in the nuclear field.”
According to author Martin W. Sandler, Israel’s Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion (left) and Prime Minister John F. Kennedy were at bitter ends over Israel’s desire to develop a nuclear arsenal of mass destruction.
Final Judgment, author Michael Collins [Piper] actually accused Israel of the crime. Of all the conspiracy theories, it remains one of the most intriguing.
What is indisputable is that although it was kept out of the eye of both the press and the public, a bitter dispute had developed between Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, who believed that his nation’s survival depended on its attaining nuclear arms capability, and Kennedy, who was vehemently opposed to it.
Sandler comments that this letter from JFK was a “threat” that “according to one conspiracy theory, led to Israel’s role in Kennedy’s assassination.”
The book closes several pages later, reprinting friendly letters to and from Kennedy’s widow in the wake of JFK’s murder, which—although Sandler doesn’t say this—resulted in a 180-degree turn about in U.S. policy toward Israel, giving Israel the opportunity to assemble its nuclear arsenal unimpeded.
What makes this volume so difficult for Israel’s advocates to contend with is that the editor cannot be dismissed as a “fringe writer” or “conspiracy theorist.”
A former professor of history at Smith College and at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Sandler is author of some 80 non-fiction books on a wide variety of historical topics, a number of which were published by the Library of Congress as part of its “Young People’s American History Series.” A five-time winner of television’s Emmy award, Sandler was co-creator of the popular “This Was America” series (with William Shatner) and executive producer of such acclaimed documentaries as “American Image” (with Hal Holbrook), “American Treasure” (with Gene Kelly) and “The Entrepreneurs” (with Robert Mitchum).
Patriots: LBJ Killed JFK
• Ignored are Mossad’s numerous connections to assassination
by Michael Collins Piper

Some who have recently acknowledged the theory of Israeli involvement in the JFK assassination.
What Is the Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy?
• More and more top-notch researchers acknowledge the Israeli connection
• It’s time to forget about those extinct dinosaurs like LBJ and focus on the real monster, which has its tentacles wrapped around the planet today
By Michael Collins Piper
They openly endorsed the thesis—first put forth in this author’s out-of-print book, Final Judgment, first published in 1994—that Israel was a frontline player alongside the CIA in the JFK assassination conspiracy as a consequence of JFK’s determined efforts to prevent Israel from building nuclear weapons, the strategic cornerstone of the Jewish state’s national security policy.
Although media giant Alex Jones—sponsored by Sirius, a Jewish-controlled satellite radio conglomerate—continues to insist LBJwas behind JFK’s assassination, even endorsing the work of author BarrMcClellanwhomakes the ridiculous, long-discredited claim that JFK assassination patsy Lee Harvey Oswald was one of the gunmen firing on Kennedy from the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas—a point Jones keeps under wraps—a lot of significant people believe differently.
For example, popular commentator Dr. Kevin Barrett, an American academic, in a piece published on Iran’s English-language website, “PressTV,” wrote that Final Judgment “makes a strong case that Israel was a leading force behind the assassination of JFK.”
Barrett cited French scholar and longstanding JFK assassination researcher, Dr. Laurent Guyenot, who has endorsed the thesis of Final Judgment.
Guyenot admitted that he had, until recently, refrained from reading Final Judgment, having been, in his words, “warned against the book’s bad reputation among most JFK researchers.” But Guyenot now says Final Judgment is “a book which is in a category by itself” in all of the vast literature on the topic and the one that presents “the really ‘unspeakable’ ” piece of the JFK assassination puzzle.
Another independent analyst, Don Fox—writing via Dr. Jim Fetzer’s column at the website—has cited Final Judgment and critiqued JFK writer James DiEugenio who, Fox pointed out, “never mentions Israel or the Mossad as having a motive to kill Kennedy.”
In fact, DiEugenio has often vigorously denounced the book’s thesis.
But now even “mainstream” media elements are being forced to acknowledge that there does exist a theory implicating Israel in the assassination.
On Nov. 16, The Dallas Morning News listed “ten popular conspiracy theories” about the assassination, including: “The Israelis theory: JFK did not support Israel’s drive to build nuclear weapons. The Israelis believed Joe Kennedy, the president’s father, was anti-Semitic and wielded influence over his son. LBJ reversed U.S. policy on Israeli nuclear arms once he became president.”
Adding to the mix was the publication of the first-ever book of JFK’s correspondence, The Letters of John F. Kennedy, edited by respected historian Martin W. Sandler.
Featuring contentious correspondence between JFK and Israeli leader David Ben-Gurion over Israel’s nuclear weapons program, Sandler referenced Final Judgment (the only book on the assassination hementions) and asserts of its thesis that “of all the conspiracy theories, it remains one of the most intriguing.”
For daring to air the thesis, Sandler has been attacked by pro-Israel voices in the United States such as National Review and The Washington Free Beacon, edited by the son-in-law of Zionist power broker William Kristol. And in Britain, Jewish historian Simon Schama, reviewing Sandler’s book for London’s Financial Times, complained that the book “bizarrely gives space to the notion that [the] Mossadmight have had a hand in the death” of JFK.
Then, in a presentation on Nov. 16 at the John F. Kennedy Museum in Hyannis, Mass. (broadcast on CSPAN-2), Sandler noted there were now voices saying, in Sandler’s words: “Forget Lyndon Johnson. Forget the CIA. Forget Fidel Castro. Mossad killed Kennedy because they were so upset over what he did to Ben-Gurion.”
Responding to the obvious surprise of his audience, Sandler commented that there were “a few little bombshells we throw in [the book]”—adding they were “not proven,” a remark prompting the program moderator to laugh and say, “I hear you.”
Even Jim Marrs, author of Crossfire—once called “the big daddy of the conspiracy books on the JFK assassination”—was forced into including a passing reference (just one sentence) to the thesis of Final Judgment (but notmentioning the book) in the revised edition of his book, noting, “There is also the argument that Kennedy was opposed to Israel’s development of nuclearweapons andwas demanding inspections of Israel’s Dimona nuclear plant, a position that alienated powerful Zionists.”
Marrs did mention Final Judgment in the revised bibliography of Crossfire, although that bibliography was published only on the Internet—not in the book—in order, according to Marrs, “to save space.”
In recent years Marrs had been under fire from critics who revealed he had received some $200,000 from Israeli arms dealer Arnon Milchan (a key player in Israel’s nuclear weapons program) for the rights to Crossfire when Milchan bankrolled Oliver Stone’s film, “JFK,” which avoided mentioning JFK’s secret war with Israel over nuclear weapons and the ties of multiple alleged JFK conspirators to Israel and its nuclear agenda, preferring to suggest the events in Dallas were an “inside job.”
No, the JFK assassination—just like 9-11 and the Oklahoma City bombing (and the attack on the USS Liberty)—was an “outside job.”
It’s time to forget about those extinct dinosaurs like LBJ and focus on the real monster, which has its tentacles wrapped around the planet today.
Assassinat de JFK: Israël le suspect tabou
La scène du meurtre n’a été filmé par aucun journaliste certainement à cause des moyens techniques qui ne le permettaient pas à l’époque. Ces derniers se tenaient plus loin derrière le cortège présidentiel.
Cependant un homme présent dans le public au moment du passage de la limousine de JFK, un certain Abraham Zapruder, a filmé la scène avec sa petite caméra. Cette vidéo fera le tour du monde et restera comme la vidéo amateur la plus importante jamais réalisée.
Très vite un dénommé Lee Harvey Oswald, un employé du dépôt de livres scolaires situé dans le quartier de Dealey Plaza, le lieu où s’est produit l’attentat, est suspecté et arrêté dans un cinéma de la ville d’abord pour le meurtre d’un policier Tippit puis pour celui de JFK.
Un fusil est retrouvé au cinquième étage du dépôt de livres avec trois douilles derrière une pile de cartons.
Lee Harvey Oswald nie les faits qui lui sont reprochés et dit être « un pigeon » (patsy).
Le vice-président Lyndon Johnson prête serment et devient automatiquement président comme le veut la constitution des Etats-Unis.
Le 24 novembre 1963, après un long interrogatoire durant lequel Oswald continue de clamer son innocence, pendant son transfert du commissariat de Dallas en prison et sous les yeux de millions de téléspectateurs, un homme armé du nom de Jack Ruby surgit et abat Oswald d’une balle.
Jack Ruby dit avoir agit par vengeance et pour éviter à Jacky Keenedy, l’épouse du président assassiné, d’avoir à affronter le visage du meurtrier de son mari. De ce fait, aucun procès n’aura lieu…
A la demande de Lyndon Johnson et pour rassurer les américains, une commission d’enquête est mise su pied dans le but d’établir la vérité sur l’assassinat. Celle-ci est présidée par Earl Warren le président de le cour suprême. La commission remet son rapport en 1964 dans lequel Lee Harvey Oswald est déclaré seul coupable.
Selon ce rapport il aurait tiré trois coups de feu depuis le cinquième étage du dépôt de livres avec le fusil retrouvé: le premier ayant traversé la nuque et la gorge de JFK avant d’atteindre le gouverneur Connally, le second aurait manqué sa cible et le troisième est celui qui a fait éclaté le crâne de JFK.
Il aurait agi seul pour des motifs politiques en tant que communiste.
Les critiques du rapport de cette commission se sont faites nombreuses: les témoins qui ont entendu des coups de feu provenant du monticule herbeux (80% des témoins) devant et à droite de la limousine ne sont pas entendus, les photos de la tête de JFK lors de son autopsie ont été truquées, la trajectoire de la balle magique qui a atteint JFK et Connally, Oswald a été tué avant son procès…
Peu de temps après le procureur de la Nouvelle Orléans Jim Garrisson mène en secret sa propre enquête qui conduira à l’arrestation d’un certain Clay Shaw qu’il accuse d’être un membre de la CIA complice de l’assassinat. Il sera finalement acquitté lors de son procès malgré des soupçons qui pèsent sur ce dernier.
Une nouvelle commission d’enquête est instaurée en 1976 par la chambre des représentants (HSCA) pour faire la lumière sur la mort de JFK et de Martin Luther King assassiné en 1968.
Le rapport de cette commission diffère peu de celui de la commission Warrent mais admet l’existence d’un complot avec au moins un deuxième tireur.
Pour le 50ème anniversaire de l’assassinat de JFK, de nombreux documentaires, livres paraissent dans les médias avec diverses théories: Lee Harvey Oswald est le seul coupable, d’autres affirment qu’il y a eu complot et liste les possibles suspects: Lyndon Johnson, la CIA, Fidel Castro, la mafia…
Cependant un autre suspect n’est jamais mentionné: Israël.
Dans son livre Final Judgement, Michael Collins Piper affirme que JFK a été assassiné par Israël en raison de son refus de voir ce pays se doter de l’arme nucléaire.
Quelques mois avant d’être assassiné, Kennedy a adressé une lettre sévère à David Ben Gourion, premier ministre d’Israël pour lui demander des explications sur son programme nucléaire.
Ben Gourion décide de démissionner.
Après l’assassinat de JFK, la politique des Etats-Unis à l’égard d’Israël a connu une rotation à 180 degrés. Lyndon Johnson n’exige plus aucune garantie d’Israël sur la nature de son programme nucléaire et un pacte sera renouvelé par ses successeurs avec Israël pour leur garantir secrètement le droit à l’arme nucléaire.
Selon Michaël Collins Piper, au moins la CIA, la mafia sont impliqués dans la conspiration avec à la tête du complot Israël.
Clay Shaw, Guy Banister, David Banister sont liés à la société Permandex sous la direction de Tibor Rosenbaum qui finançait Mayer Lansky qui était à la tête de la mafia juive aux Etats-Unis qu’on appelait également la Yiddish Connection ou Kosher Nostra.
Tibor Rosenbaum était connu pour prêter de l’argent et fournir des armes au mossad, le service secret israélien.
Le film JFK d’Oliver Stone sorti en 1991 présente tous les suspects possibles…sauf un: Israël!
Etrange? Pas si on note que son producteur n’est autre que Arnon Milchan « le plus grand vendeur d’armes d’Israël ».
On peut également ajouter que Abraham Zapruder qui a été le seul à filmer l’attentat et Jack Ruby qui s’appelait en fait Jacob Leon Rubenstein et qui a tué Oswald étaient tous deux juifs.
Abraham Zapruder était là au bon endroit au bon moment et Jack Ruby n’a certainement pas tué Oswald par vengeance mais pour l’empêcher de parler.
Le pilote américain John Lear accuse David Ben Gourion d’avoir donné l’ordre d’assassiner Kennedy avant d’avoir démissionné pour ne pas être accusé tout comme Bassam Abu Sharif conseiller de Yasser Arafat.
Le journal Washington Jewish Week du 9 octobre 1997 mentionne une phrase troublante qui est peut-être en lien avec l’assassinat de JFK: « Israël ne doit pas s’excuser pour l’assassinat de ceux qui cherchent à la détruire. Le premier ordre du jour pour tous les pays est la protection de son peuple. »
Mordechai Vanunu, un technicien israélien travaillant dans le nucléaire a révélé en 1986 le programme nucléaire de son pays alors que celui-ci était censé rester secret. La divulgation de ces informations lui a valu d’être emprisonné. Il a également affirmé qu’Israël a été complice dans l’assassinat de JFK.
Les médias ne parlent jamais d’Israël comme possible suspect voire de possible coupable au vu de tous ces éléments.
Aucun des livres qui sont sortis récemment ne parlent d’Israël et la malhonnetêté de Laurent Joffrin du Nouvel Observateur est manifeste lorsqu’il fait une vidéo pour accuser Oswald et écarter toute autre piste malgré qu’il ait été certainement un bouc-émissaire.
ReOpen911, association connue pour réclamer une nouvelle enquête sur les attentats du 11 septembre 2001, a décidé d’évoquer l’assassinat JFK à travers notamment l’interview de James W.Douglass auteur du livre JFK et l’indicible. Dans celle-ci un suspect est écarté d’office…Israël:
« JD : Je n’ai trouvé aucun indice convaincant qu’Israël soit impliqué dans l’assassinat de Kennedy. L’histoire que j’ai écrite porte sur les raisons de sa mort. Pour qu’Israël soit incluse dans cette histoire, il faudrait que la résistance de Kennedy au programme d’armement nucléaire israélien soit liée au complot contre sa vie. »
Et si les journalistes et ReOpen911 avaient un lien avec les meurtriers?
Comment le meurtrier du président américain peut-il rester tranquillement dans un cinéma en train de regarder un film?
L’assassinat est signé par Abraham Zapruder, Jack Ruby et Arnon Milchan!
Israël avait les moyens et le mobile pour tuer Kennedy.
Plus que jamais Israël est le suspect numéro un de l’assassinat de JFK si ce n’est le véritable coupable!
Pour une courte introduction en français, visionner cet extrait en français (@2:33) d'un important reportage de la BBC "Israel, Vanunu and the Bomb" (à voir en entier en version française).
VIDEO - JFK - La piste Ben Gourion - Un des points "oubliés" par Oliver Stone dans son Film
JFK told Israel: 'If you want U.S. aid, shut down your nuclear bomb factory'
PRESSTV - MARK GLENN: Israel behind Kennedy’s assassination

On 50th Anniversary of JFK Death, Iran’s PressTV Blames Israel
PDF - Warren Bass - Support Any Friend: Kennedy's Middle East and the Making of the US-Israel Alliance
AUDIO - AFP Editors Roundtable, Dec.5, 2013, with Michael Collins Piper AMERICAN FREE PRESS newspaper's editors and reporters discuss the weeks top stories. This week: Michael Collins Piper's article.
AUDIO - MCP interviewed on Dennis Fetcho radio program, Dec. 2, 2013 - Download Here
AUDIO - SPINGOLA SPEAKS BROADCAST - Friday, 12-6: Michael Collins Piper Deanna’s guest today was Michael Collins Piper, author of Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy, False Flags: Template for Terror, and many other books. (MP3)
AUDIO - SPINGOLA SPEAKS BROADCAST - Friday, 11-22: Michael Collins Piper Deanna’s guest today was Michael Collins Piper, author of Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy, False Flags: Template for Terror, and many other books. (MP3)
AUDIO - Nov 20, 2013: The Realist Report - Michael Collins Piper On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by the legendary Michael Collins Piper. Mike and I will be discussing his book Final Judgement: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy and the Mossad connection to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. You can download the mp3 for this program here.
AUDIO - The Kevin Barrett Show 2013.11.27
AUDIO - Michael Collins Piper interview with Dennis Fetcho 2013.12.2
AUDIO - The Victory Hour Nov 22, 2013On this 50th anniversary of the ritual murder of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Michael Collins Piper fills in the blanks on Kennedy’s fight to the death with the Hellish State. Download HereTHANK YOU FOR ASSISTING WITH THE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH PRODUCING THIS PROGRAM

VIDEO - Michael Collins Piper on JFK
Please note that I use the word Israeli to refer to anyone of Jewish descent who supports Israel over the US. They are willing to defend the attack on the USS Liberty by Israel and the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center Towers 1, 2 and 7 on 911 by the Mossad.
Mordecai Vanunu was the original whistleblower. In 1986 he told the world that Israel had nuclear weapons publishing photos of the secret Dimona works in the British press. He said Prime Minister Ben Gurion ordered the assassination of JFK because the President opposed Israel’s acquisition of nuclear weapons. Ben Gurion resigned in protest over JFK’s Israeli policies. Vanunu also wrote a letter in 1997 saying that there was even a link between the assassination of Kennedy and Israel’s launching of the 1967 war.
Final Judgement: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination was originally published 20 years ago in January. Michael Collins Piper in this book argued that the Israelis killed Kennedy. Vanunu endorsed Piper’s book. Read more here
Lest We Forget–Lee Harvey Oswald’s Killer ‘Jack Ruby’ Came From Strong Jewish Background

Les motivations de Jack Ruby (l'assassin d'Oswald) dont on ne parle jamais.
Voir: Haman et les assassinats politiques (HUSSEIN, STALINE, HITLER, LE TSAR, etc.)
Haman associé à la Croix du Christ (symbole de la croix: une "abomination" associée au Christ et à Haman pendu à un gibet en croix.)
(...)However, the primary reason behind Ben-Gurion's departure was the Israeli leader's inability to pressure JFK into accepting Israel's demands. According to Hersh: "There was no way for the Israeli public . . . to suspect that there was yet another factor in Ben-Gurion's demise: his increasingly bitter impasse with Kennedy over a nuclear-armed Israel." (143) Ben-Gurion had failed. The battle had been lost, but the war between the two men was still to be won.
What was on Ben-Gurion's mind as he turned over the reins of government to his successor? What was David Ben-Gurion's final act as Prime Minister of the Jewish State? In light of Ben-Gurion's explicit comment to John F. Kennedy that "my people have the right to exist . . and this existence is in danger," we can certainly make a good presumption.
In Ben-Gurion's eyes, John F. Kennedy was clearly a modern-day Haman—an enemy of the Jewish people. In Jewish folklore, Haman was a descendant of the Amalekites who served as prime minister to King Ahasueros of Persia. It was Haman who sought to convince the king that all of the Jews of his empire should be exterminated forever.
However, according to legend, a beautiful Jewish temptress named Esther used her feminine wiles on Ahasueros and, in the end, it was Haman who was instead put to death. The important Jewish holiday of Purim celebrates the deliverance of the Jews from Haman's intended holocaust.
In the Bible—Deut 25:19, I Sam. 15:8—the ancient Hebrews were urged to "blot out the memory of the Amalekites" from whom Haman descended.
In Israel—in 1963—David Ben-Gurion certainly looked upon John F. Kennedy as a modern-day Haman, a son of the Amalekites. As he pondered the brutal conflict with JFK, Ben-Gurion no doubt remembered the meditation that is read on Purim:
"A wicked man, an arrogant offshoot of the seed of Amalek, rose up against us. Insolent in his riches, he digged himself a pit, and his own greatness laid him a snare. In his mind he thought to entrap, but was himself entrapped; he sought to destroy, but was himself speedily destroyed . . . he made him a gallows, and was himself hanged thereon."
With John F. Kennedy lying in a grave in Arlington National Cemetery, Israel was safe—for the time being at least. The modern-day heir of Haman's legacy had been destroyed. That Lyndon Johnson—a man with a steadfast history of loyalty to Israel and its American lobby—was in line to assume the American presidency was a fact not gone unnoticed. Israel's messiah had come.
(...)"CONCLUSION: Operation Haman? The Theory That Works"(...)
Was there a code name for the conspiracy against President Kennedy? More than likely. But we, of course, will surely never know its name. Did the Mossad, perhaps, call it "Operation Haman"—naming the conspiracy to kill the American president after Haman, the ancient Amalekite conspirator who desired the destruction of the Jewish people? That code name would be as reasonable as any, considering Ben-Gurion's hatred for Kennedy—a modern-day Haman in his eyes.
In 1979 when Connally launched a well-financed bid for the 1980 Republican presidential nomination, he publicly challenged the power of the Israeli lobby in a highly controversial speech that, by all accounts, led to the end of Connally's presidential ambitions once and for all.
But what is interesting is that Connally' s speech was considered so inflammatory by the Israelis and their Americans supporters that a prominent Israeli educator and philosopher, Emmanuel Rackman, president of Bal Ilan University, actually called for Connally's assassination.
Comparing Connally to Haman, the ancient enemy of the Jewish people, Rackman—a rabbi—issued his call for Connally's assassination in the November 18, 1979 issue of The Jewish Week-American Examiner, the publication of the Israeli-government owned Jewish Telegraph Agency, a subdivision of the worldwide Jewish Agency.
Rackman's vicious attack on Connally was headlined: "John Connally Campaign Seen as Dire Threat to Israel and U.S. Jewry." Rackman quoted New York Times columnist William Safire as having said that for "the first time, a candidate for President has delivered a major address which he knew would disturb and dismay every American supporter of Israel."(986)
Rackman commented: "This is true. But does not this observation signify more than it says? Does it not mean that in Connally we have, for the first time, a candidate who in no uncertain terms is telling the American people that he does not want the support of Jews and that he wants to prove that one can be elected president without Jewish support.
"Furthermore, does it not mean that at long last we have a candidate who hopes to get elected by mobilizing support from all who share his total disregard of how Jews feel about him and is this not an invitation to all anti-Semites to rally behind him? I am generally not an alarmist but nothing in American politics in recent years so disturbed me as Connally's subtle communication to Jews that they can `go to the devil.' Even the Nixon tapes were not so upsetting.
"The American Jewish community must be alerted. If only we had stopped Hitler early enough, millions of Jews would still be alive. And Connally must be stopped at all costs. He must not even get near the nomination! He must be destroyed, at least politically, as soon as possible.
It is sufficiently early to make Connally look ridiculous and destroy him politically without bloodshed.
"Perhaps I am overreacting," said Rackman. "But if I have learned anything especially from the rabbinic view of Biblical history it is that we are less fearful and more forgiving of enemies who at least accord us a modicum of respect than we are of enemies who treat us with disdain, with contempt. That makes Arafat more acceptable than Connally." (987)
Rackman compared Connally with Amalek, another foe of the Jewish people: "'Remember Amalek,' we are told. 'Don't forget.' Eradicate him from the face of the earth. Simply because Amalek had no respect for us. He encountered us in his path and casually sought to exterminate us as vermin.
It is my fervent prayer," said this Jewish religious leader, "that American Jewry will not minimize the importance of the challenge they have been given and will act speedily and with devastating effectiveness."(988)
John Connally was not eradicated as Rackman urged. But his political career came to a halt after the major media began a campaign against him.
However, when John Connally died in 1993, the doctors said that Connally's fatal lung condition was a direct outgrowth of the chest wounds that he had received in the shooting in Dallas on November 22, 1963. So ultimately, in the end, John Connally did prove to be yet another victim of Israel—as much as if he had died on the same day as John F. Kennedy.
What this book is about..........................................................................................................................13
Yes, American Leaders Pondered Staging False Flag Attacks on American Citizens................................ 19
What We “Know”About Terrorism And Why (and How) We Know About It.........................................23
Chapter One:
A Bad Habit : Israel’s Use of “False Flags” in Global Terrorism...............................................................27
Chapter Two:
How Could Anyone Come Up With the Theory of Mossad Involvement in the JFK Assassination?..........35
Chapter Three:
JFK’s Secret War With Israel Over Nuclear Weapons............................................................................44
Chapter Four:
The Myth of Dallas: The “Ring Wing” False Flag in the JFK Conspiracy..................................................57
Chapter Five:
The Man in the Middle: E. Howard Hunt and the JFK Assassination.......................................................64
Chapter Six:
The “Dummy” Assassination: E. Howard Hunt and the Events in Dallas...................................................79
Chapter Seven:
The Trumped-Up Story of E. Howard Hunt’s So-Called “Deathbed Confession”....................................95
Chapter Eight:
The Mossad’s “Explanation” of “What Really Happened” in Dallas....................................................... 110
Chapter Nine:
False Flag Number One: The Manipulation of Lee Harvey Oswald From New Orleans to Dallas...........114
Chapter Ten:
“Our New Backers Are the Jews—As Soon as They Take Care of JFK”.............................................124
Chapter Eleven:
Yes, the Mossad Was Behind the Oklahoma City Bombing...................................................................129
Chapter Twelve:
Andreas Strassmeir: The Mossad’s Man in Place in the Oklahoma Bombing..........................................137
Chapter Thirteen:
Timothy McVeigh and the Anti-Defamation League: Long-Time Mossad Monitoring of the “Patsy”.........145
Chapter Fourteen:
“The Arabs Did It”: Zionist Propaganda and Oklahoma City.................................................................150
Chapter Fifteen:
A Familiar Template for Terror and A Scenario That Does Make Sense...............................................155
Chapter Sixteen: September 11, 2001:
“The Big Winner Today is Israel”.........................................................................................................163
Chapter Seventeen:
Blame Everybody but Israel................................................................................................................170
Chapter Eighteen:
The Mossad Link(s) to the First WTC Attack (in 1993)......................................................................179
Chapter Nineteen:
The Dancing Israelis Who Celebrated on 9-11....................................................................................186
Chapter Twenty:
The Israelis Who Were (or Were Not) There.....................................................................................199
Chapter Twenty-One:
Israel’s Capacity to Monitor Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda.......................................................................202
Chapter Twenty-Two:
A “September Surprise” for George W. Bush?..................................................................................209
Chapter Twenty-Three:
Were Those Hijackers Really Arabs or WereThey Really Israeli “Mista’Arvim”?...............................218
Chapter Twenty-Four:
Israel’s Covert Manipulation of Muslim Extremists: Toward Understanding Israel’s Role in 9-11........230
Chapter Twenty-Five:
Israel’s Agents Inside Al-Qaeda: A Critical Element of the Template for Terror on 9-11....................238
Chapter Twenty-Six:
Onward Christian Soldiers : What Really Happened on 9-11...........................................................250
Chapter Twenty-Seven:
Two SimpleWords.........................................................................................................................269
Chapter Twenty-Eight:
9-11 and the New Internet Paradigm.............................................................................................272
Chapter Twenty-Nine:
The Crisis Management Conspiracy:
The High-Level Experiment in False Flag Crowd Psychology Utilized at Sandy Hook and Boston..279
Chapter Thirty:
Who “The Crisis Actors” Really Are:
How Truth Seekers Were Manipulated Into Ignoring Genuine False Flag Terrorism........................306
Conclusion: It’s Time to Take “The Stand”.....................................................................................320
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