Thursday, April 17, 2008

La surclasse internationale

PDF - SUPERCLASS: The Global Power Elite And The World They Are Making
Le nouveau livre de David Rothkopf (Kissinger Associates) traite de la nouvelle super-classe internationaliste-globaliste ("New World Order") et de ses opposants anti-globalistes et nationalistes, dont les principaux représentants sont l'Iran d'Ahmadinejad, le Vénézuela de Chavez et la Russie de Poutine.

YouTube: The Superclass

What Power Looks Like
They ride on Gulfstreams, set the global agenda, and manage the credit crunch in their spare time. They have more in common with each other than their countrymen. Meet the Superclass.
David Rothkopf, NEWSWEEK, Apr 5 2008

AMAZON: Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making (Hardcover), by David Rothkopf

Superclass-- David Rothkopf-- Review, March 23 2008

The rise of the superclass, March 18 2008