Thursday, February 26, 2015

Comment la théorie khazare fut avancée par de nombreux théoriciens juifs et soviétiques avant Staline

C'est l'avis de Shlomo Sand (Comment le peuple juif fut inventé?) : sous le nom de plume de P. Ivanov, Staline lui-même aurait signé un article fracassant dans la Pravda contre la théorie khazare. L'ironie de cette histoire est que la théorie khazare a été amplement développée par les chercheurs soviétiques des premières années après la révolution bolchévique, dont plusieurs étaient juifs. Plus tard, sous Staline, alors que ce dernier opérait un retour aux valeurs de la Russie ancestrale, cette théorie fut complètement discréditée et rejetée, associée aux bourgeois et aux juifs, ces "ennemis des Slaves".

Et qui était donc ce fameux Arthur Koestler, l'auteur le plus célèbre associé à cette théorie khazare? Rappelons simplement que cet auteur juif fut un sioniste de la droite la plus radicale, proche du mouvement de Jabotinski, avant de devenir communiste et de développer une aversion sans borne envers Staline et l'Union soviétique, mais cela sans jamais faillir dans son appui inconditionnel envers Israël! Tenez-vous le pour dit! 

Voilà qui jette un éclairage quelque peu différent sur la question, vous trouvez pas?

"Comment le peuple juif fut inventé?", Par Shlomo Sand, 2008, p.324-331 :
"Le pouvoir soviétique, dans ses premiers temps, encouragea la recherche sur la Khazarie : de jeunes historiens s'attelèrent avec enthousiasme à la tâche consistant à défricher le passé pré-impérial de l'histoire russe. Du début des années 1920 à la seconde moitié des années 1930 apparut une création historiographique florissante qui n'hésitait pas à entourer ses découvertes d'idéalisation glorificatrice.

La sympathie des chercheurs soviétiques à l'égard de l'Empire khazar venait de ce que ce dernier avait échappé au pouvoir de l'Église orthodoxe et qu'il était resté tolérant et ouvert à l'égard de toutes les religions. Le fait que la Khazarie fut un royaume juif ne les gêna en rien, peut-être parce que en dépit de leur marxisme manifeste la majorité des chercheurs avaient des origines juives. S'ils pouvaient apporter un brin de fierté juive à l'internationalisme prolétarien, idéal supranational dans son essence, pourquoi pas ? Cependant, les chercheurs les plus distingués de ce groupe n'avaient aucun lien avec la judéité.

En 1932, Pavel Kokovstsov fit publier Les Documents khazars en hébreu dans une édition critique et systématique, en dépit de ses doutes sur l'authenticité de certains documents. Cette publication encouragea la recherche ainsi que des fouilles archéologiques dans les régions du Don inférieur. Les fouilles furent dirigées par Mickaël Artamonov, un jeune archéologue, qui publia ses résultats en 1937 sous le titre Etudes sur l'histoire des anciens Khazars (1), dans l'esprit de la tradition russe soviétique favorable au discours khazar et en faisant l'éloge de ces anciens rois dont l'empire fut le berceau de la Rus' de Kiev naissante. Le vif intérêt que les Soviétiques portèrent à la Khazarie et l'importance qu'ils attribuèrent à l'histoire du Sud-Est européen rayonnèrent sur les travaux de chercheurs juifs en dehors de l'Union soviétique. Durant la période de l'entre-deux-guerres, par exemple, Yitzhak Schipper, éminent historien juif polonais, consacra plusieurs chapitres de ses oeuvres à l'histoire des Khazars ; de même, Baron décida d'approfondir le sujet, qu'il développa longuement dans son vaste travail. Si, pour Doubnov, le passé khazar constituait un chapitre légitime de l'histoire du « peuple juif », dans l'oeuvre de Baron, rédigée au cours de la seconde moitié des années 1930, il prit, de façon assez surprenante, comme on le verra par la suite, une grande importance.(…)
1. Voir Lior, Les Khazars dans l'historiographie, op. cit., p. 126.

(...) L'ère du silence israélien présentait de nombreuses similitudes avec la période de déni en Union soviétique, même si, au pays du socialisme russe, le phénomène avait débuté une génération plus tôt. Depuis la publication du livre d'Artamonov en 1937 et jusqu'aux années 1960, les Khazars n'eurent droit qu'à quelques rares publications, où s'exprimaient généralement des réserves et des calomnies à leur égard. Ce n'est pas un hasard si ces juifs bizarres de l'Orient furent considérés comme une déviation de la logique historique du marxisme-léninisme, en contradiction avec le caractère de la « mère patrie russe » qui réapparut sous Staline.

L'« internationalisme prolétarien » des années 1920 et de la première moitié des années 1930 fit place, bien avant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, à un nationalisme russe affiché. Cette idéologie nationale se transforma, surtout après 1945, durant la période de la guerre froide et de la russification accélérée des régions non russes, en un nationalisme ethnocentriste dur et exclusif.

Tous les historiens russes et soviétiques qui relatèrent par la suite l'histoire de la Khazarie furent à cette période classés comme des « bourgeois » qui n'avaient pas su approfondir le caractère populaire slave et qui, pour cette raison, avaient minoré l'importance de la Rus' de Kiev antique. À la fin de l'année 1951, la Pravda, le principal quotidien soviétique, se mobilisa même pour faire le procès public des Khazars « parasitaires » ainsi que de leurs commentateurs passés, tombés dans l'erreur et ayant induit en erreur. Dans un article retentissant, un « historien institutionnel », P. Ivanov (probablement Staline lui-même), analysa les faiblesses de la recherche sur la question des Khazars et conclut péremptoirement : « Nos ancêtres luttèrent les armes à la main pour défendre les terres de notre patrie devant les envahisseurs venus des steppes. La Russie antique servit de bouclier aux tribus slaves. Elle repoussa l'État de Khazarie, délivra les anciennes terres slaves de l'assujettissement [...] et libéra toutes les tribus et les autres peuples du joug de la Khazarie (1). » Artamonov fut particulièrement attaqué pour avoir manifesté dans le passé une sympathie déplacée à l'égard de la culture khazare et pour lui avoir attribué un rôle historique positif dans la naissance de la Russie. Une réunion du conseil scientifique de l'Institut historique à l'Académie des sciences de l'URSS, tenue après la publication de cet article dans la Pravda, approuva la position défendue par le journal et lui donna entièrement raison. Dès lors, les rênes

1. Cité in Lior, Les Khazars dans l'historiographie, op. cit., p. 130.

furent lâchées et les Khazars transformés en êtres maudits et impurs qui avaient eu le malheur de s'immiscer dans les rouages du passé russe. Au cours des années 1960, après le relatif dégel ayant succédé à la rude période glaciaire stalinienne, les recherches sur les Khazars reprirent avec une grande prudence, mais elles furent alors nettement teintées de nationalisme et parfois même d'antisémitisme. (1)

1. Mickaël Artamonov, qui a avoué dans le courant des années 1950 qu'il n'avait pas été assez «patriote» dans les années 1930, publia en 1962 son second livre sur les débuts de la Khazarie, Histoire des Khazars, mais cette fois avec une fierté nationale de rigueur, à laquelle il ajouta même une touche antijuive. Cf. à ce propos la critique cinglante de Shmuel Ettinger dans la revue Kiriat Sefer (en hébreu), 39, 1964, p. 501-505, et également Irène Sorlin, « Le problème des Khazars et les historiens soviétiques dans les vingt dernières années », Travaux et mémoires du Centre de recherche d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance, 3, 51 1968, p. 423-455.

Les Khazars: problèmes et controverses, par S. Szyszman :

Soviet Archaeology: Trends Schools and History, by Leo S. Klejn :

Two-tiered Relexification in Yiddish: Jews, Sorbs, Khazars and the Kiev-Polessian Dialect, by Paul Wexler :

FOUTRE LE KHAZAR (...) Juif à 75 % khazar est imposture. Un des auteurs de cette thèse absurde est Joseph Kessel, juif hongrois. Aussi que crussiez-vous que nous fissions ? Nous avons rembarré le Lorrain, qui nous a raccroché au nez en nous disant « Salut ! » Signe du temps, antijudaïsme devenant de plus en plus respectable. (...) L’antisémite peut parfois être séduisant, comme Dieudo’ dans son dernier film, où il semble décrontracté, sûr de lui et dominateur, mais ne vous fiez pas aux antisémites. Quant au juif khazar, c’est en grande partie mythe, auquel souscrivent idiots comme Georges Theil et le Lorrain.(...)

Koestler et son arnaque des "Khazars", intox visant à éradiquer à jamais l'antisémitisme ! Et ainsi à servir les intérêts juifs. Car il ne peut plus y avoir d'antisémitisme s'il ne reste que des Khazars non-juifs!
“More on the Khazar Theory”: Koestler Admitted He Wrote His Book to Further Jewish Interests
“Should this theory be confirmed, the term ‘anti-Semitism’ would become void of meaning,” he said.According to Scammell, Koestler told French biologist Pierre Debray-Ritzen he“was convinced that if he could prove that the bulk of Eastern European Jews were descended from the Khazars, the racial basis for anti-Semitism would be removed and anti-Semitism itself could disappear.” (Source: Scammell, Michael. Koestler: The Literary and Political Odyssey of a Twentieth-Century Skeptic, Random House, 2009, ISBN 978-0-394-57630-5, p. 546.)

Khazar theory a scapegoat for Jews

Dr. David Duke: “More on the Khazar Theory”: Koestler Admitted He Wrote His Book to Further Jewish Interests
À la différence des bolchéviques qui cherchaient à revaloriser les juifs en mettant en vedette les héroïques Khazars, Koestler ne présente pas les Khazars dans le but de les valoriser mais dans le but d'éradiquer une fois pour toute l'antisémitisme en lui enlevant son objet de haine: les juifs. En convainquant les antijuifs que les juifs sont seulement des "Khazars", les antijuifs vont disparaître, il ne restera plus que des anti-Khazars (qui plus est: des anti-Khazars inoffensifs puisque le soi-disant "problème Khazar" n'intéresse personne).

Hear Dr. David Duke Discuss the “Khazar Theory” He shows how it is ironic that the main supporters of this theory are actually communist Jews...

Dr. David Duke: Rethinking the Khazar Theory!
Toutefois, nous ne saurions suivre sans hésitation un Dr. David Duke lorsque ce dernier déclare que cette théorie khazare est un complot communiste juif. Nous pourrions dire trotskiste. Ou antisoviet, antistalinien... Ces antisoviets antistaliniens n'étaient pas forcément juifs mais, chose certaine, ils étaient pour la plupart philosémites convaincus. Or c'est justement ce portrait qui décrit parfaitement le profil des trotskistes qui deviendront plus tard les néoconservateurs, soit les principaux agitateurs-idéologues de la guerre froide, de la guerre au terrorisme et du retour actuel des tensions avec la Russie, comme au "bon vieux temps" de la guerre froide...

À l'opposé de Shlomo Sand sur le spectrum idéologique gauche-droite, l'orientaliste juif britannique Bernard Lewis, un des idéologues favoris des néoconservateurs anti-islam et pro-sionistes, le père du concept du "choc des civilisations", donne la même description des débuts pro-juifs du bolchévisme se métamorphosant en anti-judaïsme nationaliste sous Staline. En 1986, Lewis décrivait dans Semites and Anti-Semites les débuts pro-judaïques du bolchévisme ainsi que le virage nationaliste anti-judaïque opéré par les soviets sous Staline et après Staline, en révolte contre les "cosmopolites déracinés" internationalistes, qu'ils soient trotskistes ou capitalistes.

"Après la création de l'Etat d'Israël, Staline commença à associer les juifs soviétiques à la conspiration capitaliste mondiale et entama une campagne d'arrestation, de déportation et d'exécution des principaux écrivains juifs. Il préparait une campagne antisémite de plus grande ampleur encore lorsqu'il mourut, en 1953.  Après la mort de Staline, le communisme prit une coloration de plus en plus ethnique, sous l'impulsion de gens qui désiraient renouer avec sa gloire passée, corrompue, selon eux, par les juifs." (Le Monde)

Semites and Anti-Semites, Bernard LEWIS, 1986, p. 114-115:
Some Jews, wounded by the continuing anti-Semitism that they encountered in the socialist rank and file and even sometimes in the socialist leadership, lost hope of a solution to Jewish problems through socialist internationalism, and instead began to think in Jewish national terms. Socialist ideologies are an important strain in the development of Zionism in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. A number of different forms of socialist Zionism evolved, all of which laid the main stress not so much on the creation of a sovereign Jewish st;tte, as on the social regeneration of the Jewish people by a return to productive labor.
Many Jews, however, remained in the socialist movements which, despite the presence of some anti-Semitic elements, still offered them a warmer welcome than any other political party in Europe. at the time, and virtually their only road to political power. This in tum gave rise to the second anti-Semitic interpretation of the Jewish role in capitalism-that of a radical subversive seeking to destroy it. This perception was strongly reinforced in the aftermath of World War I, when the Bolshevik regime in Russia and abortive communist revolutions. in Hungary, Bavaria, and elsewhere brought significant numbers of Jewish leaders into international prominence. White Russian anti-Soviet propaganda made the fullest use of this, both at home and in the West. Their arguments seemed to be confirmed by the prominence of such figures as Trotsky, Zinoviev, and Kamenev in the Soviet leadership.
For a while, certain Jews were indeed prominent in the Soviet leadership and exercised great power. But after the rise of Stalin, all this came to an end. In due course, Trotsky was driven into exile and later murdered, Zinoviev and Kamenev arid many other Jews were executed for crimes against the state. While these prosecutions and executions were in the first iristance ideological rather than antiSemitic, they hit a disproportionate nwnber of Jews, and prepared the way for the total exclusion of Jews from the higher Soviet leader~ ship and the initiation of a campaign against "world Jewry" which in its language as well as its content is remarkably reminiscent of the older anti-Semitism, both of the left and of the right.

Semites and Anti-Semites, Bernard LEWIS 1986, p. 34-36:

By the beginning of 1949, however, it was becoming clear that Soviet recognition of Israel was not aiding Soviet policy as expected. Stalin felt free to resume and extend the anti-Jewish attitudes which· were first discernible during the interlude of friendship with Hitler. Before and during the war this was tacit and on a small scale, and consisted principally in limiting or barring Jewish access to positions of trust and power. Many Jews still remained in the upper reaches of the communist hierarchy, but fewer and fewer were permitted to set foot on the lower rungs of the ladder.
In January 1949 Stalin inaugurated the first of what be a long series of anti-Jewish campaigns. In all of these Stalin and his successors were careful-at least at the higher levels-not to identify the adversary simply as the Jews, or even as the Jewish ethnic nationality (natsional'nost'). They preferred to use transparent synonyms, and, in case anyonefailed to get the point, took care to emphasize in various ways the Jewish origins of the persons under attack. The traditional Russian practice of citing people by name and patronymic was useful in this regard. For those who had changed their names or whb--as was common among senior communists--made use of a pseudonym, the old and identifiably Jewish name was usually added in brackets-that is, where the name was cited in a negative context. Thus if G A. Fulanov received some honor or decoration, he was the good Russian G. A. Fulanov. If, on the other hand, he was accused of some crime, he became Grigori Aaronovich Fulanov (formerly Finkelstein). A famous example was that old enemy of Stalin, Leon Trotsky, now cited as "Lev Davidovich Trotsky (formerly Bronstein)."
The first postwar attack on the Jews begart with the campaign against "cosmopolitanism" in the Soviet press. Launched in Pravda in January 1949, the campaign against cosmopolitanism was at first concerned with theatrical and other artistic matters. The word was used as a term of abuse for those writers, artists, and critics who showed undue awareness of Western writing, art, and criticism. Its meaning was soon changed, widening to include political and ideological activities and offenses, and at the same time narrowed, to become a virtual synonym for Jews.
The "rootless cosmopolitan," as he was usually called, was contrasted with the true patriot or even with the "indigenous population." He was "an alien without a motherland" and "incapable of understanding true Russian patriotism.''9 That such charges accorded ill with communist internationalism did not trouble the increasingly chauvinistic leaders of the Russian state. The attack on Jewish culture had begun as far back as 1938, and by 1940 all Yiddish schools had been closed, as had the Yiddish sections in the Belorussian and Ukrainian academies of sciences. All teaching and research in Jewish subjects was broughtto an end. At the same time Jews were progressively. excluded from any branch of governmental or party apparatus concerned with defense and foreign affairs. In January 1948 Shlomo Mikhoels, the director of .the Yiddish language state theater and chairman of the wartime Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee was killed in a traffic accident later revealed to have been officially arranged. to Before long such subterfuges were no longer thought to be necessary, and in August 1952 more than twenty prominent Jewish cultural figures were executed as "spies and bourgeois nationalists."
From Russia the campaign against cosmopolitanism was extended to the Soviet-dominated states in Eastern Europe. In November 1952 a purge and show trial in Czechoslovakia ended with the confession and execution of Rudolf Slansky, a lifelong Stalinist and secretarygeneral of the Czechoslovak Communist Party. In the course of the trial, he and his fellow accused confessed that they had been Zionists; bourgeois Jewish nationalists, traitors, and spies throughout their careers.
This was followed by the "Doctors' Plot" in January 1953, when a group of doctors, tnost of them Jews, was accused of plotting to murder Stalin and other Soviet leaders in the interests of American intelligence and "the international Jewish bourgeoisie." The power behind both the Doctors' Plot and the Slansky plot, according to the accusers, was the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, a well-known charitable organization concerned with social relief and rehabilitation. The Soviet, Soviet-controlled, and Soviet-influenced media gave immense publicity to these two events, and found occasion to stress their Jewish character. Of the fourteen accused in the Czechoslovak trial, eleven were Jews; of the nine doctors, seven were Jews. While both plots were said to have been organized by American intelligence, the organizing agency was described as Jewish, and the ideological impetus as "Zionism and Jewish bourgeois nationalism."
The charges against the Slansky group and the doctors were duly echoed by communist and fellow traveling writers in the West, in an obedient chorus of denunciation. The organizers where possible made a special point of mobilizing Jewish communists for this work. 11

Semites and Anti-Semites, Bernard LEWIS, 1986, p. 38-39:
Another motive was certainly the usefulness of anti-Semitism in the troubled Soviet domains in Europe. In these countries, antiSemitism had long been a powerful factor in social, economic, and public life. In Eastern Europe, unlike Western Europe, the post-Hitler era did not bring a decline in anti-Semitism through compassion for the victims, but rather an increase, directed principally against those survivors who attempted to come home. What made matters far worse, was that so many of these survivors had come in the wake of the Soviet armies, and some played a prominent role in the first governments set up under Soviet auspices. At some stage Stalin seems to have decided that it was better to have anti-Semitism working for Soviet power than against it. Thereupon, Soviet propaganda in Eastern Europe made great efforts to identify its enemies as Jews and thus harness the widespread and deeply felt feelings of hostility to Soviet advantage.
Finally, in the system of capricious and arbitrary autocratic rule established by Stalin, the personal feelings and motivations of the dictator cannot be discounted. Among many signs of growing paranoia in Stalin's last years, he was greatly concerned with imagined dnngers from world Jewry. Such themes would have been familiar to him from the czarist empire in which he was born and received his education.
The death of Stalin in March 1953 brought a temporary respite, if only from the more extreme forms of anti-Jewish activity. The doctors were released, and the whole case against them ascribed to a "machination." Rudolf Slansky and his fellow accused had already been executed and could no longer benefit from this change of policy. They were, however, accorded the communist form of recompense in an afterlife by being "rehabilitated." Khrushchev's famous secret speech in February 1956, denouncing the evils of the Stalin era, raised new hopes among the Jews as among other elements in the Soviet population.
For the Jews at least these hopes were of brief duration. Khrushchev soon showed that while he did not share Stalin's paranoiac fantasies, his view of the Jewish role in the Soviet realms was not vastly different from that of his predecessor. His off-the-cuff remark, during a visit to Poland, that "there are too many Abramoviches around here" was heard and understood by both the Abramoviches and their gentile neighbors. By this time few but hard-core communist Jews had remained in Poland; most of the others had left. Now even the communists realized that their time had come, and as unobtrusively as possible took their departure. The communist rulers of Poland undertook a very thorough and far-reaching campaign against "Zionism and bourgeois Jewish nationalism," from which they hoped to gain a double advantage, by ingratiating themselves at once with their Russian masters and their Polish subjects. Khrushchev, outstanding among Soviet leaders for his frankness, explained his own views on Jewish matters to a group of French socialists who interviewed him in May 1956:
If now the Jews wanted to occupy the top jobs in our republics, they would obviously be looked upon unfavorably by the indigenous peoples. The latter would ill receive these claims, especially at a time when they consider themselves no less intelligent and no less able than the Jews. Or, for instance, in the Ukraine if a Jew is appointed to an important job and he surrounds himself with Jewish fellow workers, it is understandable that there may be hostility towards the Jews.12

Putin on Jews in the first Soviet Government

Has Soviet Anti-Semitism Halted? The Record Since Stalin’s Death

PDF - L'anticommunisme, profession des sionistes, par N. Bolchakov (Novosti, 1972).

La sionologie, un antisionisme soviétique - Zionology : Soviet Anti-Zionism

Pro-Stalin Revisionism?

FREE EBOOK: Bolton Kerry - Stalin The enduring legacy

EnglishBBolton Kerry
Bolchevik - Communism - Jew - Russia - Second World War

Author : Bolton Kerry
Title : Stalin The enduring legacy
Year : 2012
Link download :
Introduction. Joseph Stalin’s legacy continues to haunt geopolitical developments across the world. Stalin (‘Man of Steel’) ruled the USSR and later Soviet-Russian Empire with an iron fist from 1928 until his death in 1953. His individual resolve placed Russia on a course to national greatness by reversing the Bolshevik-Marxist psychosis that would have reduced Russia to chaos and destroyed the very soul of the Russian people. In foreign policy Stalin assured Russia’s place as a world power and maintained the national and cultural freedom of Russia by rejecting the post- 1945 international policy that the USA aimed at creating a one-world government. In the arts Stalinism repudiated ‘rootless cosmopolitanism’ in favour of a Soviet culture based on a synthesis of Russian traditions. ...

Jewish Groups Remember 'Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee' at Gravesite in Moscow's Donskoy Cemetery

Preludes to 12 August 1952 and the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee

Birobaidzan and stalin and the jews: 12 August 1952 and the Doctor's Plot in the Soviet Union

Texe Marrs: Stalin and the Jews
"Purim, a Jewish holy day, just passed. It's a bloody tale of intrigue by Queen Esther of Persia and Haman, her opponent. Jewish kids celebrate by eating "Hamantashen" (Haman's flesh) cookies and the Jewish men get drunk in their synagogues. Rabbis name someone in the world as the "Haman of the Year". In 1953, at Purim, Joseph Stalin was murdered in the Kremlin. He had become the enemy of the Jews. Stalin had signed an order two months before his death for the arrest and deportation of all Jews in Russia."
VIDEO - L'antisémitisme aux sources du socialisme [1/2]

VIDEO - L'antisémitisme aux sources du socialisme [2/2]

VIDEO - De la "question juive" marxiste au cauchemar soviétique 1/2

VIDEO - De la "question juive" marxiste au cauchemar soviétique 2/2

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"C'est à Netanyahou de choisir les représentants de son pays" (Maison-Blanche)
(...) Ran Baratz, le nouveau chef de la diplomatie publique et conseiller médiatique du Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahou, dont la nomination mercredi a déjà suscité la controverse, a qualifié le comportement du président Barack Obama d'"antisémite", et affirmé que le secrétaire d'État américain John Kerry était une personne "dont l'âge mental ne dépasse pas celui d'un enfant de 12 ans", dans des déclarations faites plus tôt cette année.
Dans un post publié sur sa page Facebook le 3 mars dernier, jour du discours controversé de Netanyahou au Congrès américain sur l'accord, à l'époque en cours de discussion, entre l'Iran et les puissances mondiales, Baratz avait écrit : "Les propos d'Obama sur le discours de Netanyahou : voilà à quoi ressemble l'antisémitisme moderne dans les États libéraux occidentaux, et il est accompagné, bien sûr, de beaucoup de tolérance et de compréhension à l'égard de l'antisémitisme islamique ; une tolérance et une compréhension telle qu'ils sont même prêts à leur donner (à l’Iran) une bombe nucléaire".
Depuis l'annonce de sa nomination mercredi, Baratz est sous le feu des critiques pour une série de déclarations controversées publiées sur sa page Facebook et dans ses articles sur le site Mida qu'il a fondé, et sur lequel sont publiés des opinions et des analyses de droite.
Le chef de l’opposition israélienne, Yitzhak Herzog a appelé jeudi à empêcher Baratz d’exercer cette fonction. “Un homme qui a humilié le président d’Israël doit rentrer chez lui tout de suite”, a-t-il déclaré.
La nomination de Baratz et la controverse qui a suivi interviennent à un moment particulièrement sensible : en effet, dans trois jours Netanyahou se rend à Washington pour tenter de ressouder ses liens avec le président américain.
L'année dernière, Baratz avait écrit un article dans lequel il critiquait sévèrement l'hypothèse de Kerry selon laquelle l'émergence du radicalisme islamique au Moyen-Orient pouvait être attribuée à la persistance conflit israélo-palestinien.
Baratz avait alors écrit: "Au crédit de Kerry, il convient de noter qu'aucune Miss Amerique aurait pu dire quelque chose de mieux que ce qu'il a affirmé. Il est temps de souhaiter bonne chance au secrétaire d'Etat, et de compter les jours avec l'espoir que quelqu'un au département d'Etat se réveille et commence à voir le monde à travers les yeux d'une personne dont l'âge mental dépasse celui d'un enfant de 12 ans".(...)

PM denies he’ll review appointment of media chief who called Obama anti-Semitic
PM tells Kerry he’ll ‘review’ choice of media chief who insulted president, secretary
PM on nominee who insulted Kerry, Obama: I didn't say I would reconsider appointment
Netanyahu Delays Decision On Appointing Spokesman Who Called Obama Anti-Semitic
‘Kerry’s mental age doesn’t exceed that of a 12-year-old,’ Netanyahu’s new media czar wrote
The row over Netanyahu’s media czar: When gross negligence becomes deliberate harm By declining to quickly cancel the appointment of a man who called Obama anti-Semitic, Netanyahu risks signaling that he doesn’t care to heal ties with this US administration.
Israël : quand un conseiller de Netanyahu accusait Obama d'antisémitisme Le nouveau conseiller en communication du Premier ministre israélien cumule les déclarations à l'emporte-pièce. Obama, Kerry... Il n'épargne personne.
Quand le conseiller en communication de Nétanyahou accusait Obama d'antisémitisme
Le nouveau conseiller en communication de Netanyahu critiqué La nomination de Ran Baratz agace le chef de l’Etat ; le conseiller a aussi traité Obama d’ « antisémite »
US: Apology from PM’s media chief for calling Obama anti-Semite was ‘warranted’
Netanyahu’s new media czar called Obama ‘anti-Semitic’
President Rivlin Demands Answers From Netanyahu Over New Hasbara Chief's Comments  Newly appointed public diplomacy head Ran Baratz is in hot water over alleged 'anti-Rivlin' comments he made online.
Netanyahu Promises Kerry He'll 'Review' Tapped Spokesman's Appointment  Netanyahu has recently come under fire for considering Ran Baratz, who posted anti-Rivlin, anti-Obama posts on Facebook. 
Netanyahu Distances Himself From Tapped Spokesman's anti-Obama Remarks  Ran Baratz expresses regret for calling U.S. president an anti-Semite, among other remarks; White House calls apology 'warranted.'
Netanyahu's New Spokesman Accused Obama of anti-Semitism  Ran Baratz's harsh comments come to light days before Netanyahu is slated to meet with Obama for the first time in over a year. 
Likud Ministers Urge PM to Reconsider Spokesman Who Accused Obama of anti-Semitism  Ran Baratz's harsh comments come to light days before Netanyahu is slated to meet with Obama for the first time in over a year.

Washington: Les retrouvailles entre Obama et Netanyahou s'annoncent tendues
Why Obama and Netanyahu Need to SCRAP  ‘Chickenshit’ vs. ‘anti-Semitic’: What Obama and Netanyahu need now is a truce based on a Sarcasm Curtailment, Reduction, and Abatement Pact.
Caution, Netanyahu Team: President Obama Knows Key Hebrew Negotiating Terms  Top aide says Obama used Israeli slang word 'freier' (sucker) to describe frustration at fraught ties with Netanyahu.
In Netanyahu-Obama powwow, what wasn’t said as important as what was
Israel to receive less US military aid than Netanyahu requested: White House Sources
Netanyahu learned his lesson  Analysis: The Israeli prime minister made such an effort to repair his image as an ingrate during his meeting with US President Obama that he didn't mention the nuclear agreement with Iran even once in front of the cameras.
Obama est devenu, à tort ou à raison, l’homme le plus détesté d’Israël, le président US le moins aimé de tout le pays. Certains vont même jusqu’à en faire un ennemi d’Israël en raison de sa propre filiation paternelle, ce qui est plutôt exagéré.
Nétanyahou embarrassé par les diatribes d'un collaborateur
Netanyahu, Obama et un conseiller offensant qui doit être renvoyé
Netanyahu, Obama and an offensive media adviser who must be dropped now
Biden says ‘no tolerance’ for comments from Israreli PM’s media czar pick
WATCH: Biden Condemns anti-Obama Remarks Made by Netanyahu's Tapped Spokesman  Vice president gets warm welcome at URJ conference, reiterates Obama administration’s commitment to Israeli security.
Report: Obama will not intervene to allow Pollard to travel to Israel

OBAMA BAD FOR THE JEWS – How Could We Have Known: The Jews Who Voted For Obama

Israel losing strategic value to US imperialism: Activist

The settlements are not part of Israel The U.S. administration’s sharp message that protection of Israel from boycott doesn’t apply to the settlements should come as no surprise.

U.S. rebuking Israel? State Dept. says it has no objection to BDS aimed at occupation

Obama administration will ignore ‘Israel-controlled territories’ in anti-BDS law

Bush's new campaign video blasts Obama for failure to help Israel during terror wave

When Obama turned his back Op-ed: The president could have put pressure on Israel and the Palestinians to stop the circle of violence but he chose not to do that.
State Department forced to retract statement suggesting Israel incites violence
U.S. ‘excessive force’ comment touches nerve in Israel
Senator Ted Cruz to 'Post': US should stop lecturing the Israelis
Krauthammer: Obama's remarks on Israel are 'shameful'
Justice Minister Shaked: U.S. Criticism 'Unacceptable' and 'Distorts Reality' In opening session of Israeli expat conference, Ambassador Dermer says Israel and U.S. formulating 'common policy' against 'continuing dangers' from Iran.
Dennis Ross: Obama Doesn’t Understand Israeli Concerns Former peace negotiator Dennis Ross and Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz criticize U.S. as lacking a Middle East policy.
Dennis Ross book exposes bitter divides in Obama administration on Israel Insider’s account, published on day of Democratic presidential debate, details internal rifts over UN vetoes, settlements, shows Clinton sidelined, Rice a naysayer

Jeremiah Wright, l’ancien pasteur d’Obama affirme qu’Israël est un « État d’apartheid »
Obama’s ex-pastor: Israel is apartheid state, ‘Jesus was a Palestinian’

Does Susan Rice think Benjamin Netanyahu is a racist?
Dennis Ross: Susan Rice sees Israel 'more of a problem' than partner


VIDEO - Huckabee: Iran deal could lead to genocide
VIDEO - USA TODAY Huckabee: Obama's Iran deal takes Israel to 'door of the oven'

 VIDEO - Huckabee: Obama Marching Israelis 'to The Door of The Oven', Says Enemies of Israel are Enemies of America

 VIDEO - Huckabee: Obama Sticking Israel In Nazi Oven!
  FOX NEWS - Mike Huckabee Will Not Apologize For Holocaust Remark "I have stood at that oven door. I know exactly what it looks like."


Get ready for the pro-Israel NRA

Where does the Obama administration stand on BDS? A brewing battle over trade law relating to Israel and the territories may make the Jerusalem passport case look completely inconsequential.

Why Hillary Clinton is moving left on every issue except Israel

Hillary joins the chorus against BDS: On Israel, she aligns herself with the right, and people like Sheldon Adelson No middle ground for Clinton -- she's come out in support of Israel's most right-wing policies toward Palestinians

Can Hillary Clinton Please Both Pro-Israel Megadonors and Democratic Grassroots?

Released Clinton e-mail reignites question whether Obama reneged on Bush settlement commitments  Issue was thrust into into the headlines in 2009 because of the Obama administration's demand for a complete settlement freeze.

Clinton issues missives against Israel boycott movement
Clinton 'alarmed' over calls for Israel boycott, urges bi-partisan action In a letter to Israeli-American businessman and donor Haim Saban, Democratic presidential front-runner seeks advice on how to counter the attempts to 'delegitimize Israel.'

No Holds Barred: Will Samantha Power be the first American UN ambassador to abandon Israel?
Netanyahu outraged at world powers’ concessions to Iran
Ya'alon: Israel sees Iran as main problem in region, US views it as part of solution

Clinton ‘suggests to donors she’s better for Israel than Obama’ Democratic presidential candidate said to assure potential Jewish backers she’ll be able to mend ties with Jerusalem
Did Clinton refuse to meet then-envoy Michael Oren? Bill's old college roommate wrote Hillary Clinton in 2009, asking if her staff were stopping her meeting the new Israeli ambassador to Washington.

A racist country with too much influence over US — Israel’s new image among Democrats
Israel losing Democrats, ‘can’t claim bipartisan US support,’ top pollster warns

Obama's 'malice' is scapegoat for Bibi's failures  There’s a good reason why the prime minister refused to distance himself from Michael Oren’s views: He agrees with them.

États-Unis: Les rabbins à Barack Obama « Jérusalem fait partie intégrante de la terre d'Israël »

Poll finds massive drop in Israelis’ approval of Obama

Netanyahu sends implicit threat to Iran ahead of nuclear deadline 'Israel will always defend itself, and its air force will play a major role,' prime minister says in comments at pilots' graduation ceremony.
Bibi Says Iran Nuclear Deal Getting Even Worse
Netanyahu Warns: West Conceding Too Much to Iran Prime Minister issues last-minute warning to the West as deadline to nuclear talks looms in less than a week.
Obama's Congress trick Analysis: Those relying on Iran deal being thwarted by US Congress are in for a disappointment, unless final agreement is much worse than draft proposed in Lausanne – and in such a case, American president himself may be unwilling to approve it.
Ils sont stressés à mort parce que l'accord avec l'Iran va passer si le Congrès est incapable de le bloquer.

Michael Oren: Criticism of Obama had to be made  Former Israeli envoy to Washington and current Knesset legislator accuses US president of adopting Arab narrative that Jews are in Israel because of the Holocaust; 'The Cairo speech was twice as long as Obama's inauguration speech. This is an indication of the importance he gives the Muslim world,' he says.
Former Obama aide says Oren book 'a caricature filled with distortions'
A Book, a Joke, a Graduation Gift: One Week in Israeli Xenophobia
Michael Oren's contempt for U.S. Jews Far from the genuine respect you would expect from a former Israeli ambassador, Oren seems to view America's Jews as unreliable and quick to criticize the Jewish state.
Michael Oren's baseless anti-Obama articles  Op-ed: Israel's former ambassador to US presents the two countries as identical twins with an equal standing, which work in agreement and share all their secrets; any change in this intimate relationship is seen as an abandonment and betrayal. That is far from the truth, of course.
Michael Oren vs. The New York Times
Did Michael Oren Concoct Haiti Earthquake 'Kick in Chest'?
Michael Oren wanted Obama to credit Israeli rescuers in Haiti — before they arrived

Blague raciste sur Obama : la femme du ministre israhélien de l’intérieur bat sa coulpe et s’excuse platement
Israël : une blague jugée raciste sur Obama fait polémique
The stupid, racist Israeli tweet heard around the world at the worst time possible A bad joke comparing the U.S. president to 'black and weak' coffee was far from the Interior Minister’s wife’s first social media faux pas - but it was by far, her worst.
Barack Obama Compared To 'Weak Black Coffee' In 'Racist' Joke Tweeted By Israeli Minister's Wife Judy Mozes
‘Black and weak’?! Israeli minister’s wife all apologies for bad Obama joke

Obama a volontairement « fuité » les détails d'une mission israélienne en Iran

Obama à Israël : je sais comment traiter les gens qui s'opposent à moi.

Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal and Weapons of Mass Destruction: A Threat to World Peace

Obama invites Netanyahu to bring wish list to White House

Israeli interior minister's wife tweets racist joke about Obama, causing furor Judy Nir Mozes Shalom quickly deleted her tweet comparing U.S. president to 'weak black coffee,' but not before raising a flurry of Twitter derision.
Wife of Interior Minister Shalom sparks uproar with ‘racist’ Obama tweet
Israeli interior minister’s wife tweets racist joke about Obama

Oren: Obama's outreach to Muslim world could be rooted in father abandonment issues In latest attack on U.S. president, former Israeli envoy to U.S. takes Obama to task for 'boycotting' Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Cacher memorial in Paris.
Oren: Obama may reach out to Islam because 2 Muslim father figures abandoned him In third op-ed in a week, ex-envoy and new MK says history could judge president’s policy on Islam as naive, detached from reality
Michael Oren: New book meant to enlist American Jews to fight Iran deal Former envoy to U.S. says non-Orthodox and intermarried Jews in Obama administration 'have a hard time understanding the Israeli character.'

Alan Dershowitz on Iran Deal: 'America's On Its Knees'

Netanyahu refuses U.S. request to disavow Michael Oren's claims Obama abandoned Israel
Oren criticism of Obama ‘absolutely false,’ Washington says State Department spokesman says lawmaker’s account of time as envoy to US doesn’t reflect what actually happened

Why Michael Oren's Blame Game on Israel Is So Wrongheaded

Former Israeli Ambassador to U.S. Michael Oren: Obama abandoned Israel
Ex-envoy Michael Oren: Obama abandoned ‘2 core principles’ of U.S.-Israel alliance
Former Ambassador: Obama Incapable of Empathizing with Israel Former Israeli envoy to Washington, MK Michael Oren, explains why Obama is gambling on Israel's future - and why there is still hope.

Refusing to acknowledge that Jerusalem is in Israel has drained Obama of power
Congressmen call on Obama to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital after US court ruling

Crime Boss Adelson, Romney To Host ‘Dance To The Jews’ Tune’ Contest


Confirmed: Israel spied on America’s nuclear negotiations with Iran
US insists nuclear talks are secure following accusations of Israeli cyber spying
Israel Used Same Duqu Malware To Hack Kaspersky, Spy On Iranian Nuclear Negotiations
L'éditeur Kaspersky victime de Duqu 2.0, un logiciel espion ultrasophistiqué
US insists nuclear talks are secure following accusations of Israeli cyber spying

Why Right-Wingers Are So Angry That Israel Hasn’t Bombed Iran Yet

Poll suggests Obama’s latest wooing of Jews not working

Netanyahu's masterclass in how to lose friends and alienate your allies The prime minister’s years in power have been disastrous for Israel’s standing in the Western world – which isn’t dumb, as he seems to think.

Washington and 'The Jerusalem Post' Regarding the US Secretary of Treasury being booed at the JPOST conference

The network of powerful Israel partisans who are pushing to bomb Iran

Charles Schumer sounds like he’s getting ready to support deal with the ayatollahs In speech to Orthodox Union, one of the most pro-Israel Democrats seems to be gearing up to back Obama in abandoning the military option on Iran.

Report: Israel-linked computer virus attacked hotels where Iran nuclear talks held
‘Israel used virus to spy on hotels which hosted Iran nuclear talks’
Israel spied on Iran talks by planting computer virus at hotels, WSJ reports
US on 'Israeli spy virus': We take steps to ensure confidentiality US State Department treads lightly after report suggesting that Israeli spies planted a computer virus in hotels that hosted nuclear talks with Iran; expert: Virus can control computers remotely.

Poll finds uneasy support for Obama among U.S. Jews, widespread disdain for GOP J Street survey says Hillary Clinton beats Jeb Bush 68%-30%; Netanyahu remains popular but the Jews are backing Iran deal.

Jack Lew skirmish highlights danger of right-wing incitement against Obama Politicians and pundits foment fury and are then surprised when people take them seriously, just as they did when Rabin was alive.

Netanyahu touts 'building alliances' in light of tensions with Obama

Analysis: Just how big a blow for Israel was the US Supreme Court’s passport decision?
US Jewish groups slam administration’s ‘hypocritical’ view on Jerusalem

Obama : les exigences de Netanyahu nuisent à la crédibilité d'Israël

Israel could lose ‘credibility’ over Netanyahu’s stance on Palestine – Obama

Israel losing credibility over Netanyahu’s opposition to Palestinian statehood

VIDEO - [Jewish Neocon] Krauthammer slams Obama after Israeli TV interview 'The overwhelming majority of the Israelis know that this president has been probably the least favorable to Israel of any in Israel's history and at a moment where Israel's existence is actually in question.'


Adelson Tabloid Slams Obama for Listening to ‘Court Jews’ in Questioning Israel’s Credibility

Will Sheldon Adelson's Push To Fund Anti-BDS Campaign Backfire on Campus?

Forget BDS, Sheldon, these are the real threats facing Israel If Sheldon Adelson and his friends think they’re about to save Israel from the boycott threat, they’re even more out of touch than we suspected.

Sheldon Adelson To Host Secret Anti-BDS Summit for Jewish Donors

Adelson to host secret anti-BDS fundraiser, strategy summit Conference reportedly being organized by top Jewish donors, including Hollywood entertainment mogul Haim Saban.

Sheldon Adelson hosting private meeting to stem BDS tide on campuses

Adelson hosts secretive Elders of Zion event to counter anti-Zionism

Jeb Bush supports moving US embassy to Jerusalem

Obama does not support Israel enough: Gov. Walker

Cruz captures conservative Jewish hearts at NY gala, including Adelson’s “He sounds like a Jew,” someone muttered at a nearby table as Ted Cruz gave his address.
Ted Cruz tells Haaretz: Height of chutzpah for Obama to lecture Israel on Jewish values

US Senator Lindsey Graham in Israel ahead of likely run as Republican presidential candidate
Le sénateur Lindsey Graham s'est engagé à contrer toute tentative des Nations Unies de reprendre le contrôle du processus de paix

Netanyahu thanks Kerry: U.S. met its commitment to Israel over nuclear issue
PM thanks Obama for blocking UN nuclear disarmament move
US blocks nuclear disarmament move over Israel concerns

On Israel, Obama finds he can’t please all DC’s Jews all the time

Israel's actions show that it's an enemy of the U.S.

Meet the Real Israeli Defense Force: the US Congress

Jeb Bush, James Baker, and the Pro-Israel Mega-Donors by Stephen Sniegoski

Joe Lieberman: Next U.S. president will bring warmer relations with Israel
Joe Lieberman: Next president will bring warmer Israel ties Former senator urges Netanyahu to pursue Arab Peace Initiative, says Iran nuclear talks ‘going in a bad direction’

Obama demande à Israël de renoncer au nucléaire

Dimona: Israel’s “Little Hiroshima”
'Obama is Meddling in Israeli Internal Affairs' Minister Levin strikes back at Obama's criticism of PM, calls on West to wake up and realize 'Israel struggles alone for future of world.'

Iran to UN: Israeli defense minister threatened to nuke us

“Nuke Iran to Prevent War”: US Media Blackout of Israel’s Defense Minister’s Citation of “Nagasaki and Hiroshima” as Role Models for Dealing with Iran

Is Israel America’s Friend? Or America’s Enemy?

Marco Rubio’s Quest to Transform Himself Into 2016’s Most Exciting Foreign-Policy Hawk

Morbid Marco Rubio Asks America, ‘Is It Safe?’ The interesting thing about Marco Rubio’s emerging foreign-policy profile is not his commitment to mindlessly bellicose neoconservatism. (This remains Republican doctrine, and Rubio has a keen eye for locating the most popular stance within his party.) Rather, the interesting thing is that Rubio sees no need to hide his bellicosity behind feigned sophistication. He is a loud and proud neanderthal, appealing to the most primitive, fearful elements of the conservative brain, or brain-stem.

McCain furious that Obama is dragging his heels on war with Iran

With ‘best allies’ like these, who needs enemies? While Netanyahu fantasizes about a détente with the Arab world, the US and EU are ready to turn up the heat on his new government.

John Bolton: Obama’s Iran deal greatest 'appeasement' in history

Netanyahu’s Bolton: Terrorists may attack before Obama leaves office

For Netanyahu and Obama, mistrust is personal — and cynical

Les USA, Israël et l'Iran Depuis quelque temps, les médias occidentaux se font l’écho du différent entre les USA et Israël concernant l’attitude à adopter envers l’Iran.

Santorum says he’d bomb Iran back to the Seventh Century

Sheldon Adelson To Host Secret Anti-BDS Summit for Jewish Donors

Adelson to host secret anti-BDS fundraiser, strategy summit Conference reportedly being organized by top Jewish donors, including Hollywood entertainment mogul Haim Saban.

Washington, Jerusalem discussing massive compensation for Iranian nuclear deal

NY Post: ‘It’s time to give Israel the means to take out Iranian nukes’

Lindsey Graham: Iraq Was Not A Mistake; Obama, Not Bush, To Blame For Current Mess In Iraq and Syria

Chris Christie slams Obama's 'eagerness' to accept bad Iran nuclear deal

#DiplomacyFail - Israeli Politician Tweets at POTUS

Santorum to Obama: ‘Iran, enemy. Israel, friend’

So-Called ‘Christian’ Preacher Muses Judaic Mindset When Attacking Obama

US, EU worry over controversial bills advancing in Knesset

Europe and US keep watchful eye on Israel's legislative plans Western diplomats express concern of 'anti-democratic' legislation pushed by incoming justice minister Shaked, saying it 'looks designed to shut down criticism'.

Etats-Unis: Une proposition d'Obama et de son administration vise à réduire l'aide militaire à Israël

Israel launches airstrikes on Syria following rocket attack, ‘red line’ warning from Iran

Netanyahu rebuffs Kerry’s request to visit Israel

Russia impinges on Israel's right to bomb Iran

As Israel Lobby Pushes Full-Access Inspections, US Makes False Claims on Iran Nuclear Deal

Kerry: There is a lot of hysteria over Iran deal U.S. Secretary of State tells Channel 10 that Washington would never let Israel down; Netanyahu, meanwhile, says Lausanne nuclear deal makes world a more dangerous place.

Critics of Iran deal are guilty of ‘hysteria,’ Kerry tells Israeli TV

Kerry slams 'hysteria' over Iran deal, vows 'forever' inspections of nuke sites

Biden: Critics of Iran nuclear deal ‘don’t get it’

Watch: Netanyahu urges world to reject deal with Iran on heels of Kerry comments

Kerry: «La Mythologie» de Netanyahu sur l'Iran, ne se réalisera pas.

'Rubio's demand that Iran recognize Israel threatens to sink bipartisan deal'

GOP conservatives support Rubio's 'recognize Israel' amendment to Iran oversight bill

Iran Bill in Peril as Hawks Push Deal-Killing Amendments

AIPAC Opposes GOP 'Poison Pill' Amendments to Iran Bill

Democrats losing Jewish vote   Op-ed: Weakening alliance between US Jewry and Democrats due to Obama's Israel policy could have effect on identity of next president.

U.S. might make do with lip service on Palestinians GOP Senator Marco Rubio’s amendments to Congressional review of Iran deal seen through prism of his reported endorsement by Sheldon Adelson.

Netanyahu: Iran nuclear deal 'repeats mistakes' made with North Korea

Israel, the bomb and Western double-think

Rand Paul tells Jewish leaders: I do not support war with Iran over nuclear program Il a dû se rendre compte qu'il perdait des appuis du côté des libertariens à cause de ses propos typiquement néocons et pro-sionistes contre l'Iran

So Many Billionaires, So Many Choices in 2016

Les 50 Juifs les plus influents au monde selon le Jérusalem Post
JPOST-Most influential media titans
JPOST-Most influential Jews in finance, economics and business 

Republican Contenders Reach Out to Sheldon Adelson, Palms Up

At Jewish Republican confab, Sheldon Adelson looms large

Report: Jeb Bush loses 'Adelson primary' over James Baker's J-Street speech In a message to Bush, the casino magnet reportedly said that the move by the foreign policy adviser cost the would-be presidential candidate 'a lot of money.'

G.W. Bush panders to Republican Jewish Coalition

Op-Ed: Why more American Jews are voting Republican

Top US official intimates UN veto policy [on Israel/Palestine] could change

For the American right, Israel embodies the values that Obama’s U.S. no longer does U.S. conservatives love Israel for the same reason anti-Zionists hate it: Because they see it as a Western outpost in the Middle East.

'Jeb Bush's ties to Baker may cost him shot at Adelson's megabucks'

Bush slams Obama’s nuke deal with Iran

George W. Bush implicitly knocks Obama over Iran deal Speaking in front of 700 donors at Republican Jewish Coalition meeting, Bush argues against lifting sanctions at Iran, NYT reports.

George W. Bush: Sanctions rollbacks with Iran would be a mistake

WATCH: Netanyahu gets a starring role in Obama's White House dinner zingers U.S. president pokes fun at political rivals, the press and himself at annual White House Correspondents' Association dinner.

Obama misspeaks on Iran deal but Congressional roadblock is mission improbable There is a big difference between passage of Corker bill and overriding its veto, never mind using it to undermine a nuclear agreement with Tehran.

Obama pokes fun at strained ties with Netanyahu: He'll speak at my funeral  At annual correspondents' dinner, US president also addresses claims he's a Muslim: 'I need to issue veto threats, negotiate with Iran, all the while finding time to pray five times a day'.

Obama playfully skewers journalists over Netanyahu controversy

At correspondents' dinner, Obama jokes over Israel tensions 

Republican Contenders Reach Out to Sheldon Adelson, Palms Up

At Republican Jewish confab, Cruz pledges to repair Israel relations Four-day long gathering at Las Vegas resort owned by Sheldon Adelson draws more 700 activists from across the country.

In Vegas, GOP bets on Jewish support in wake of Iran deal

Ted Cruz Voices Support for Israel at Las Vegas Convention

Cruz to Vegas high-rollers: bet on me to back Israel and stop Iran deal Presidential candidate Cruz, others speak at ‘Adelson Primary’ in Vegas

Rubio, le candidat préféré de Netanyahu ?

Republican presidential contenders court evangelical ‘christian’ zionists in Iowa

U.S.: It will be hard to support Israel in UN if it steps back from two-state solution Undersecretary of State Wendy Sherman says U.S. will be 'watching very closely' what happens on Palestinian issue once new Israeli government formed.

Op-Ed: Courting Adelson is not Jewish outreach

Israeli Air Force Chief Confident He Can ‘Get Job Done’ Attacking Iran

AIPAC pushes Republicans to foster bi-partisan support for bill that would challenge Iran deal

At Jerusalem Press Club, ex-Mossad chief Halevy warns Iran against attacking Israel

'Sheldon Primary' Won't Win Jewish Votes

Obama trying to ‘keep rhetoric low’ vis-à-vis Israel Quand t'es ami avec quelqu'un tu cherches pas à "éviter la rhétorique"! Obama dirait pas ça si ça allait bien avec Israel.

VIDEO - Washington is Israeli occupied territory - Stop AIPAC, with Jeff Blankfort

Former Mossad Chief: Israel Should Not Meddle In US-Iran Talks

Israel: We Can Target Russian-Made Weapons

Netanyahu met en garde Poutine : « Israël ne tolérera pas le transfert des S-300 au Hezbollah »

Will Russia’s missile deal with Iran end Israel’s silence on Ukraine?

Moscow says S-300 supplies to Iran will force those willing to attack it to ‘think twice’ - S-300 russes à l’Iran : les menaces d’Israël payent, pas de livraison...

Obama: Meeting with Netanyahu only after nuke talks deadline

Obama tells U.S. Jewish leaders: Netanyahu not invited to White House until after Iran talks

Major Clinton Foundation backer, a supporter of Jewish causes, trades with Iran Juste ça, ça risque de lui faire perdre l'appui des juifs américains.

Obama’s 67 degrees of separation from Israel Op-Ed: As Israel turns 67 in the vicious, unstable Middle East, the current US administration has proved a vital ally. But ties could and should have been closer.

Jewish money flooding Presidential campaign. Lindsey Graham jokes he will have “all-Jewish Cabinet.”

Lindsey Graham’s “All-Jewish Cabinet”

Battle of the Jewish billionaires: Adelson vs. Saban (maintenant disponible aux non-abonnés)

The Daily 202: Marco Rubio is playing to win The Sheldon Adelson Primary

Marco Rubio takes lead in Sheldon Adelson primary Sources say the billionaire casino mogul is close to throwing his millions behind the hawkish Florida senator.

Rubio shaping up as Adelson's presidential favorite

Clinton, Rubio lead in 2016 US election poll

Netanyahu et Rivlin refusent de rencontrer Jimmy Carter Les dirigeants israéliens justifient ce refus en évoquant les positions « anti-Israël » de l’ancien président américain

Netanyahu snubs Jimmy Carter on Israel visit

BOOM: Netanyahu Hits Jimmy Carter Where It Hurts, Humiliates Him Before the Entire World

BOOM! Netanyahu REFUSES to meet with Jimmy Carter

Netanyahu denies Jimmy Carter meeting in Israel

Netanyahu Refuses to Meet With 'Anti-Israel' Jimmy Carter

Rivlin, Netanyahu spurn meeting with Jimmy Carter in Israel

Are Jews Finally Finding a New Home with the GOP?

Poll: Republicans likelier to support Israel over U.S. when interests diverge

TUT Broadcast Apr 7, 2015
Netanyahu’s worst nightmare has arrived at humanity’s doorstep–a nuclear deal with Iran, and now he must do whatever is necessary in order to prevent its implementation. The electrical power failure in DC–a shot across the bow via Israel’s Stuxnet virus that if Obama doesn’t ‘get right’ with Bibi that the lights are about to go out in America? 
Listen here

Is Obama worse than Chamberlain? The comparison between Lausanne 2015 and Munich 1938 lets Iran off lightly, as Germany at the time wasn't calling for 'Death to the Jews'.

Obama's lies about Iran framework agreement
It is a sad moment in American history when the supreme leader of the Islamic dictatorship of Iran is much more believable than US President Barack Obama.

Israeli TV: Obama ‘president of Iran’  Lapsus révélateur? ou message subtil?

Israel considers sending weapons to Ukraine to combat Russia

Israel’s deliveries of weapons to Ukraine to increase death toll - Putin

PM: Israel sees S-300 sale to Iran with ‘utmost gravity’

Putin warns Israel not to sell arms to Ukraine Reported Israel retaliation for S-300 delivery to Iran would be ‘counterproductive,’ Russian president tells his state-run media

Poutine: « L'envoi d'armes israéliennes en Ukraine serait contreproductif »

Poutine met Israël en garde contre les livraisons d'armes à Kiev

Putin warns Israel on possible lethal arms delivery to Kiev 

S-300s encourage Iran’s aggression, defense official warns
Obama ‘surprised’ Putin held back this long on S-300 supply to Iran

Israel May Send Arms to Ukraine If Russia Delivers S-300 to Iran  Israel reportedly may start sending arms to Ukraine in response to Russia’s decision to lift its embargo on the delivery of the S-300 missile system to Iran

Maison blanche: la livraison des S-300 à l’Iran conforme aux résolutions de l’Onu

Israel analysts shocked by Obama’s comments on sanctions, S-300 supply ‘This is the new America. We had better get used to it,’ says TV commentator after president leaves door open to Iran’s sanctions demand, defends Putin’s missile sale

Jewish Op-Ed: Attack Now – Russian Interference Leaves Israel No Choice

'S-300 will not threaten Israel'   Putin says Iran talks led to lifting of ban on sale of missile system, tries to reassure Jerusalem.

L’alliance Russie/Iran effraie Israël!

Israel’s Nuclear Weapons Program; The Former Soviet Union As America’s New Frontier

Mossad trying to take on diplomatic-security issues, claims Foreign Ministry chief
Le pire c'est que le Mossad a l'air moins fou que la gang à Bibi et LIEberman.

Israel Firster Cotton: Americans Don’t Mind War As Long As They Win

Poll: American Jewish support for Obama dropping

Kicking off campaign, Rubio attacks Obama on Israel

Marco Rubio and AIPAC allied in effort to insert poison pill into Iran deal

From the Archive: As first lady, Hillary was a prized Jewish keynoter — until she kissed Suha Arafat

Jews Souring on Obama — Bad News for Hillary?

Israel cheers as Obama retreats before Congress on Iran deal

Diplomat warns Israel will pay ‘heavy price’ for US row

Netanyahu on Holocaust Remembrance Day: Bad Iran deal proves lessons of history have not been internalized Rivlin: Threat of the past will not underwrite our lives; official Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony begins in Jerusalem; shops closed and television stations broadcast only material related to the Holocaust.

Source of the Trouble? Eye to Eye: Obama and Netanyahu embody two different narratives of the war.   The tension flaring between Israel and the United States is not new. Samuel G. Freedman writes the source is also the same: Two very different views of the Holocaust.

v.o.a.Netanyahu says West is ‘comatose’ and ‘delusional’ in face of today’s Nazis: Iran Nuclear deal proves world has not learned lessons of Holocaust, is again capitulating to tyranny, PM warns at Yad Vashem ceremony
v.f.Netanyahu, l’Occident et les Nazis d’aujourd’hui : l’Iran

Israel saving its anger for US   Analysis: Why fight with two world powers simultaneously if you can fight with just one?

Michele Bachmann est « extrêmement excitée » par l’Accord avec l’Iran parce qu’il provoquera le jugement de Dieu sur le monde comme prédit dans Zacharie 12:3.
Michele Bachmann: Iran deal a cause for celebration because………..End Times
Michelle Bachmann: Obama's poor relationship with Israel will bring the return of Jesus
Bachmann: Iran nuclear deal makes ‘Christ’s return imminent’
Which of 3 Hillary Clintons Will You Vote For (or Against)? Hawk in Senate, She Toed Barack Obama's Line on Israel

Clinton looks to avoid getting mired between Obama and Israel Presidential contender, wary of alienating Democratic base or Jewish supporters, chooses to keep low profile on issue.

WATCH: Obama slams Israel on Iran, 'Consistency is the hobgoblin of narrow minds' During a press conference in Panama, President Obama took aim at Israeli criticism of his deal with Iran over their nuclear program.

Is the Iran deal more a Munich or a Versailles? It can be said the nuclear agreement is like the treaty that helped cause World War II or the one that failed after World War I. Either way, Israel needs U.S. military commitments.

Netanyahu, Obama duke it out over Iran

VIDEO - West needs to negotiate with Iran to save face

Zionist Union: Israel should seek green light to strike Iran if nuclear deal violated

Western wars have killed four million Muslims since 1990

Israeli opposition fleshes out Iran policy: US support for Israeli strike

4 Questions on Iran for Benjamin Netanyahu By J.J. Goldberg

Give War a Chance J.J. Goldberg digs deeper into the conflicting roles that Benjamin Netanyahu and Ariel Sharon played in George W. Bush’s disastrous war in Iraq — and what it means for Iran today.

How Bibi and Bush Made a Mess of the Middle East Misplaced Focus on Saddam's Iraq Tore Region Apar

A Reminder About Netanyahu, Iraq, and Iran

Netanyahu’s Secret Weapon

Charles Krauthammer Denies Neocons Exist as Foreign Policy Discussion Shifts (video)

Who cares what Jeffrey Goldberg and Netanyahu don’t like about the Iran deal? Nowhere does the editorial question Netanyahu’s judgment: his use of the Iran issue to distract attention from the criminal occupation, his massacre in Gaza last summer, his crazy conflation of Iran and ISIS as Islamists seeking world “domination.”

The growing anguish of American-Jewish moderates We are caught less between countries and more between two leaders with whom we are uncomfortable, torn between that eternal dissonance of the defiant and submissive Jew.

Humiliating Obama on Iran could fuel anti-Semitism Op-ed: Netanyahu can defeat Obama in battle over Iran agreement, but humiliating president of world's greatest power will serve as further 'proof' that Jews are pulling strings with their fortune.

Israeli “Dove” wing demands Zio right to attack must be part of Iran deal

'Netanyahu preferred settlements over joining forces with Obama on Iran'

American groveling before Israel reaches new low The brain refuses to believe what the eyes read: Israel will push Congress to pass a bill, Israel will lobby the Congress. Imagine the scandal the reverse headline would ignite.

The beginning of the American Spring At a conference Friday about the Israel lobby in Washington, remarks the likes of which are rarely heard in the United States were made.
Il y a de l'espoir...

How the GOP Became the Israel Party

Bad News for Hillary? By J.J. Goldberg President Obama’s approval advantage among American Jews has dipped to its lowest point since he took office. Is that a warning signal for Hillary Clinton?
Goldberg est l'auteur du livre JEWISH POWER.

Israel alarmed at news Russia to supply Iran advanced air defense system
Ron Ben-Yishai: S-300 will not prevent potential Israeli strike on Iran
Netanyahu voices ‘grave concerns’ to Putin about Iran missile deal

PM to Putin: S-300 sale will make Iran more aggressive Premier expresses Israel's disappointment with Russian president's decision to lift the ban delivering the advanced air defense systems to Iran.

Jeb Bush: Obama meets Castro, but not Netanyahu?

Neocon brainwashing is turning conservatives into communists

Marco Rubio, pro-Israel hawk, declares run for GOP nod

4 Questions on Iran for Benjamin Netanyahu By J.J. Goldberg

Give War a Chance J.J. Goldberg digs deeper into the conflicting roles that Benjamin Netanyahu and Ariel Sharon played in George W. Bush’s disastrous war in Iraq — and what it means for Iran today.

How Bibi and Bush Made a Mess of the Middle East Misplaced Focus on Saddam's Iraq Tore Region Apar

A Reminder About Netanyahu, Iraq, and Iran

Netanyahu’s Secret Weapon

Charles Krauthammer Denies Neocons Exist as Foreign Policy Discussion Shifts (video)

Nowhere does the editorial question Netanyahu’s judgment: his use of the Iran issue to distract attention from the criminal occupation, his massacre in Gaza last summer, his crazy conflation of Iran and ISIS as Islamists seeking world “domination.”

How I learned to stop loving Obama and worry about the bomb The Times of Israel’s military correspondent takes stock, six years after writing a heartfelt letter in support of the presidential candidacy of a young senator from Illinois

Why are anti-war Democrats silent on Iran deal? Liberal doves often decry AIPAC's outsized influence on U.S. foreign policy, but the bigger question is: Why can’t they compete?

'Leftists, ex-security chiefs harming Israel's drive against Iran nuclear deal'

Netanyahu: Iran deal gives nuclear weapons to most dangerous terror state

On the Iran deal, is Netanyahu putting his own political interests ahead of his country?

Liberal Groups Vow To Hold Democrats Accountable If They Help Republicans Kill Obama Iran Deal

Ex-Israeli PM to US: Give Iran 'or else' ultimatum

“Peacenik” former Israeli Prime Minister says “Bomb Iran Now”

BBC Hands Airwaves Over to Israel’s Minister for War Moshe Yaalon poses for a photo with notorious racist blogger Pamela Geller.

Israel Has Spied On American Citizens for Decades

Israel Lobby conference too hot for C-SPAN. So watch it online! by Grant F. Smith

Sens. McCain and Levin urged IRS to target Tea Party, conservative group

Republican candidates jockeying for position in Sheldon Adelson Primary

After success of Iran talks Obama can poke Netanyahu in the eye: Analyst

Le temps de la haine entre les Etats-Unis et l’Iran est-il révolu ?

Obama calls Gulf states to allay fears after Iran nuke deal US president invites leaders of Qatar, Bahrain, UAE and Kuwait to discuss details of framework in spring summit

Israel Says Military Action against Iran Is an Option

Israel: Military action against Iran always on the table

McCain Urges Preemptive Israeli Aggression against Iran

Israel Prepares Lobbying Strategy Against Iran Deal

Demander à l’Iran de reconnaître Israël…serait une erreur (Obama)

Israel recognition not part of Iran deal: Obama

Obama rejects Bibi’s call to have nuke deal include Iran’s recognition of Israel

US rejects Netanyahu’s demand for Iranian recognition of Israel State Department says agreement with Tehran is ‘only about nuclear issue’. White House bids to prevent congressional interference

U.S.: Deal with Iran shouldn't include clause about recognition of Israel Deal between Iran and world powers is only about nuclear issue, State Department spokeswoman says.

Netanyahu Insists Iran Deal Includes His Demands

Netanyahu: Any final Iran deal must include recognition of Israel’s right to exist

Netanyahu to Obama: Iran deal threatens Israel’s survival

Iran deal threatens ‘survival of Israel’, increases risk of ‘horrific war’ – Netanyahu

Former Mossad chief slams Netanyahu for insistence that Iran recognize Israel’s right to exist

Netanyahu vows to continue quest to derail Iran nuclear deal

VIDEO - Mark Glenn: A desperate Netanyahu planning desperate measures against the US viz a viz Iran

White House: There’s no convincing Netanyahu on Iran Obama adviser says PM was opposed to deal from the start, but insists pursuing an agreement is ‘the right thing to do’

Top Democrat backs bill okaying Congress to sink Iran deal

Top Obama adviser dismisses idea that better Iran deal is possible

Leading GOP senator: Let next president negotiate Iran deal Potential presidential candidate Lindsey Graham says Obama not respected or feared, and cannot reach a better nuclear arrangement

It's Republican support for Israel that's winning over Jewish voters Most American Jews are still liberal, but they didn't expect Obama to show this kind of contempt for Jerusalem.

Israeli Officials ‘Furious’ Over Iran Nuclear Deal Officials Declare Framework an 'Historic Mistake'

Senator Feinstein calls on Netanyahu to 'contain himself'

Nucléaire iranien : l’attitude de Netanyahu pourrait lui nuire ! [Une sénatrice américaine]

Netanyahu: Israel Cabinet strongly opposes Iran nuclear deal

L'accord nucléaire salué en Iran, dénoncé par Israël

Jewish UK Politician Calls for Obama Kidnap As Michael Collins Piper reported over three years ago, “Andrew Adler, editor and publisher of The Atlanta Jewish Times—joining an ever-more-boisterous chorus of angry voices—wrote a column declaring Israel had three options (all violent) to ensure its security. The first option was to attack its enemies in Hezbollah and Hamas. The second was to attack Iran. The third option: ‘Give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States’ policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.’” Now, another Jewish radical, Jeremy Zeid, a UK Independence Party’s (UKIP) candidate, said Israel should “do an Eichmann” on U.S. president Barack Hussein Obama.

Report: US has upgraded 'bunker buster' bomb that could be used should Iran talks fail

La pax obamanienne Permettre aux ayatollahs de parvenir au seuil de la bombe nucléaire est donc dans l'ordre des choses pour le Prix Nobel de la Paix 2009 ! Par Victor Peretz

‘Hypocritical’ Israeli missile system wastes US taxpayer money: Analyst

Israeli expert on Iran: Claim of existential threat a fig leaf for occupation

Israel readies lobbying strategy for tougher final deal with Iran

Report: Opponents of Iran deal received millions from pro-Israel donors

Moses, Ben-Gurion and Netanyahu to lead Israel at a crossroad Passover connects Moses' final speech and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s legacy.

Netanyahu rails against Iran deal in US media blitz PM takes to CNN, ABC and NBC to blast Lausanne understandings, compares framework agreement to Clinton’s failed deal with N. Korea

Israel, U.S. Lawmakers Press Case Against Iran Nuclear Deal

Israel readies lobbying strategy for tougher final deal with Iran Jerusalem draws up list of shortcomings, including questions about inspections, uranium stockpiles, for revision before June 30

L’Iran demande à Israël d’abandonner l’arme nucléaire pour que la sécurité revienne au Moyen-Orient

Iran’s claim that Israel has 400 nuclear weapons
“It’s laughable that [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu has become everybody’s nonproliferation guru. He is sitting on 400 nuclear warheads, nuclear warheads that have been acquired in violation of the NPT [Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty].”

Newly released documents show US attempts to halt Israeli nuclear weapons program Gov't papers dating from 1969-72 reveal American discussions about how to convince Israel to abandon pursuit of atomic weapons and to sign the non-proliferation treaty. 

Nixon-era documents show US sought to curb Israeli nuke ambitions Declassified 1969 Kissinger memo outlines concerns about Israel’s program, shows US tried to persuade Jerusalem to sign NPT
Israel Asks Egypt: Stop Move to Monitor Our Nuclear Facilities  Netanyahu's advisers went to Cairo three weeks ago to discuss matter with Egypt Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, who heads effort to lobby internationally against Israel's nuclear program.

US documents reveal: US demanded from Israel not to deploy nuclear weapons
Pentagon Doc Confirms Israeli Nukes
Zio-media lied about Iran while burying Pentagon report revealing Israels nukes! 

US “blows lid off” Israel’s nuclear weapons, hydrogen bombs program — and nobody cares!

The Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA), an entity on contract to the US Department of Defense has released a previously classified military document which confirms Israel’s nuclear weapons program. 
This is considered to be a landmark decision, widely interpreted as constituting a semi-official recognition by the US Department of Defense that Israel is a bona fide nuclear power.  While the document confirms what is already known regarding Israel’s nuclear arsenal, the political implications are potentially far-reaching, particularly in relation to the ongoing negotiations pertaining to Iran’s alleged nuclear program.”
Who Threatens Whom in the Middle East: 
  • A de facto acknowledgement by the US that Israel is  a nuclear power threatening the Middle East in contrast to Iran’s non-existant nuclear weapons program  
Moreover, as detailed below, the IDA report tacitly portrays Israel’s nuclear weapons program as an extension of that of the United States. 
This 386-page 1987 report entitled “Critical Technological Assessment in Israel and NATO Nations” provides details regarding Israel’s weapons systems including the development of the hydrogen bomb.
Click image to access  the complete 387 page 1987 report

While the report was written 28 years ago, it confirms Israel’s capabilities to develop nuclear weapons, with an explosive capacity equivalent to 1000 times a (Hiroshima) atomic bomb:
 that in the 1980s Israelis were reaching the ability to create bombs considered a thousand times more powerful than atom bombs.
The report also states that:  
“[Israel is] developing the kind of codes which will enable them to make hydrogen bombs. [1980s] That is, codes which detail fission and fusion processes on a microscopic and macroscopic level,”.
The report also notes that research laboratories in Israel “are equivalent to our Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore and Oak Ridge National Laboratories,” the key labs in developing America’s nuclear arsenal. (quoted in Israel National News,  March 25, 2015)
Israel’s nuclear infrastructure is ”an almost exact parallel of the capability currently existing at our National Laboratories,”
The report intimates that Israel’s weapons industry including its nuclear program is essentially an extension of that of the US, developed with the active support and collaboration of US military research labs and US “defense contractors”.

In this regard it also dispels the notion that the US was not made privy to Israeli classified information concerning its nuclear program, which in the earlier period was developed with the support of France.
The report also reveals that the Pentagon was fully informed regarding the intimate details of the Israeli program, which also suggests that it was developed in active collaboration with the US.
The complete report can be consulted at

Why is the U.S. okay with Israel having nuclear weapons but not Iran?

VIDEO - Ron Paul "Why shouldn't Iran have nukes?"

C’est Israël, la vraie menace nucléaire au Proche-Orient!

Nucléaire iranien : les USA rejettent la clause de reconnaissance d’Israël

US ‘helped Israel build hydrogen bomb’: declassified report

“Time has come for international efforts to eliminate the Israeli arsenal of WMD”. Syria Foreign Ministry

Et si l’on parlait de l’arsenal nucléaire israélien?

USA and Israel Hypocrisy Behind the Iran Nuclear Agreement

Pentagon Admits that Israel is a Nuclear Power WOW!!!!

US ‘helped Israel build hydrogen bomb’: declassified report

Israels Nuke Status Is Official And Now Unclassified! Je pense qu'il faut remercier Obama pour cela... Il commence à agir comme JFK, mais de manière publique! Il prend des risques énormes.

Neutralising the Threat of Israel’s Undeclared Nuclear Arsenal Would Immediately Solve the Iranian Issue

Israeli Espionage Network in Washington: The Prime Suspects

Who Spies for Israel in Washington’s Nuclear Negotiations?

Between Obama and Netanyahu, It's Personal Is This Feud Just About Policy Differences?
On tente de personnaliser et psychologiser le conflit... Pour minimiser le problème réel!

As nuclear talks resume, Israel threatens military option

Be ‘very worried’ about Iran deal, says ex-Shin Bet head Likud MK Avi Dichter says pact would make Tehran nuclear threshold power, terms Islamic Republic ‘favorite son’ of the West

Obama to dial back Israel critique after Jewish Dems push back — report Lawmakers in closed-door meeting say hard to support nuclear deal when it seems White House is stabbing Israel in the back, Politico reveals.

NYT Publishes Call to Bomb Iran

Obama invokes JFK as Iran nuclear talks enter sensitive stage

Netanyahu blasts emerging nuclear deal as ‘a reward for Iran’s aggression’

How Israel’s military stopped Netanyahu from attacking Iran


Le sénateur John McCain encourage Israël à entrer en guerre avec l'Iran

McCain's Obstructing US Policy in Iran Talks is 'Treason' - Alan Hart

McCain Suggests Israel "Go Rogue," Blow Up Iran Negotiations By Starting War He made the suggestion during a floor speech.

Jewish UK Politician Calls for Obama Kidnap As Michael Collins Piper reported over three years ago, “Andrew Adler, editor and publisher of The Atlanta Jewish Times—joining an ever-more-boisterous chorus of angry voices—wrote a column declaring Israel had three options (all violent) to ensure its security. The first option was to attack its enemies in Hezbollah and Hamas. The second was to attack Iran. The third option: ‘Give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States’ policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.’”

Jewish Democrats call on Obama to cool rhetoric against Netanyahu

Save Israel from its collective suicide, Obama It is our moral duty and civil right to encourage the president to act against Israel's racist and anti-democratic regime.

4 senators urge Obama not to impose peace conditions on Israel

US Rabbi Calls on Jews to Rally Against Obama's Israel Policies


Boehner playing dangerous game by mixing Israel, race

John Boehner's Double Standard on Bibi — and Obama, by J.J. Goldberg (Jewish Power)
I think the animosity exhibited by our administration toward the prime minister of Israel is reprehensible. I think that the pressure that they’ve put on him over the last four or five years has frankly pushed him to the point where he had to speak up.
The Boehner Rules J.J. Goldberg says the best joke of the week came from John Boehner. The GOP leader thinks it’s really mean of President Obama to ‘put pressure’ on Benjamin Netanyahu.

Watch what Netanyahu does, not what he says Israel has again voted for a national leader who acts as if he considers one-fifth of its country's citizens -- including me and my family -- to be an existential threat. We were born into the wrong tribe, so to speak.

Obama invokes JFK as Iran nuclear talks enter sensitive stage

Le New York Times (média juif) publie un appel à bombarder l’Iran

Nuclear Armed and Dangerous Israel Blasts Iran's Peaceful Program

New Boteach ad urges Obama not to appease Iran
Once again BoTeach doesn't speak for me

En plein délire paranoïaque, Netanyahu dénonce "l’axe Iran-Lausanne-Yémen"
LE FOU DU JOUR. Nucléaire iranien: Netanyahu dénonce «l’axe Iran-Lausanne-Yémen»
Netanyahu: Iran-Lausanne-Yemen axis endangers humanity and must be stopped

Netanyahu’s Spying Denials Contradicted by Secret NSA Documents

Netanyahu resorts to race-baiting to win elections

White House will go after AIPAC next — Newsweek

Jewish world: Shifts and rifts in Israel-US ties

« L’impression que Washington abandonnera Israël à l’ONU » ?

La Coopération USA-Israël défie les affrontements personnels entre Barack Hussein Obama et Benyamin Netanyahou C'est ce qu'on va voir!

Bravo, Bibi, bravo – for turning the world against Israel

Dermer trying to mend fences with White House, but is it already too late?

Europe-Israel-Le plan apocalyptique d'Obama pour Israël ? une possibilité terrifiante

Without US cover at UN, Israel could face diplomatic avalanche

John Bolton’s Call for War on Iran

Israel Caught Spying On U.S. Behind Closed Doors Negotiations With Iran

Revealing Israel's Nuclear Secrets The Pentagon Declassifies a Surprising 1987 Report Secret Place: Israel’s nuclear reaction in Dimona, photographed in 2014. By Michael Karpin (author of The Bomb in the Basement)

JSSNEWS-Obama déclassifie un document top-secret sur le nucléaire israélien!

Israeli Zionist Union lawmaker demands PM recall US ambassador

Now MOSSAD weighs into Iran sanctions row at secret meeting with senators: Israeli spy chief warned about ‘throwing a grenade’ into nuclear talks.

Nucléaire iranien : Israël espionne les Etats-Unis!

Israel Spied on US-Iran Talks In Effort to Block Deal

Complot d’Israël contre les États-Unis (Wall Street Journal)

Boehner, Graham deny complicency in Israeli spying… as they dash to Israel for Spring Break

US hawks defend Israel amid news it spied on Iran talks

Secret NSA Docs: Israel Intelligence in Top 3 Most Aggressive Against US

Jewish establishment sounds alarm as White House rhetoric intensifies

Obama puts whole world on fire by speaking against Israel’s occupation: GOP senator

Israeli official brands emerging Iran deal as ‘incomprehensibly’ bad As Tehran hails ‘massive progress’ in talks, Jerusalem protests that regime ‘is working against American-Arab-Israeli interests without paying a price’

Jeb Bush: Obama Disparaging Netanyahu While Negotiating With A Country That Supports The Holocaust "An Alice In Wonderland Foreign Policy"

L'éditorial du Wall Street Journal soutient que Barack Hussein Obama veut se venger de l'Israël de Netanyahu

Israël doit cesser l’occupation des Territoires palestiniens (Maison-Blanche)

Obama says 'real policy difference' between Israel, U.S.

By alienating Black Caucus, Netanyahu may help Obama The Black Caucus no longer supports Israel under Netanyahu - a fact that may help Obama block the Republican opposition to an agreement with Iran.

'Netanyahu has burned his bridges with Black Democrats'

US strategists: Obama campaign interference backfired

Obama won’t count out backing U.N. recognition of Palestine

Is Ted Cruz Leading in 'Sheldon Adelson Primary'?

Ted Cruz Expected to Headline Event With A Man Who Compared All Muslims to Nazis

VIDEO - Sénateur républication Lindsey Graham, un vrai soutien d'Israël

Complot d’Israël contre les États-Unis (Wall Street Journal)

Les négociations sur le nucléaire iranien espionnées par Israël

The Wall Street Journal (News Corp) - ISRAEL SPIED ON IRAN NUCLEAR TALKS WITH U.S. Ally’s snooping upset White House because information was used to lobby Congress to try to sink a deal

Report: Israel spied on Iran-U.S. talks and shared information with lawmakers

Report: Israel spied on confidential Iran nuclear talks, leaked information

Report: Israel spied on Iran negotiations to lobby Congress against nuclear deal U.S. intelligence intercepted Israeli communication of details from closed-door talks, officials tell The Wall Street Journal.

VIDEO - Is Israel spying on US Iran's nuclear talks 

Israel spied on Iran nuclear talks, US officials say

Israël nie avoir espionné les Etats-Unis

Israel denies ‘utterly false’ claims it spied on U.S.

Israel denies it spied on US for info on Iran talks

Jews caught spying on White House (Again)

Don’t believe Obama’s faux outrage at Netanyahu

(...)But–and here’s the key but–the Obama Administration, from the get-go, has been looking for any excuse to distance itself from Israel in general (recall that in early 2009 he told Jewish leaders that the Bush Administration had been too friendly to Israel and that it was important to create “daylight” between Israel and the U.S.) and Netanyahu in particular, going back to when Obama, still a presidential candidate, made it clear that he would have no fondness for an Israeli government led by Netanyahu’s Likud party. Netanyahu’s speech to Congress on Iran only exacerbated that dynamic, and it was his responsibility not to give Obama any further excuses to downgrade U.S.-Israel relations.(...)

Allies behaving badly Where is the White House headed on Israel? What is the root cause of the tension between Netanyahu and the Obama administration?

Allies spy on allies all the time. Did Israel do something worse?(...)According to Adam Entous of the Wall Street Journal, Israel's surveillance of closed-door talks between Washington and Tehran was used to gather information that was then passed on to U.S. lawmakers. This detail is apparently what is causing the most anger within the White House. “It is one thing for the U.S. and Israel to spy on each other," one unnamed U.S. official told the Journal. "It is another thing for Israel to steal U.S. secrets and play them back to U.S. legislators to undermine U.S. diplomacy." Israel has denied the reports, though few people buy it. "I'd be more surprised if Israel did NOT spy on the Iran nuclear negotiations," Steven A. Cook, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, tweeted on Tuesday.(...)

VIDEO - Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) said he was "baffled" by a report alleging Israel shared intelligence on the U.S. and Iran with members of Congress. (AP)

Boehner ‘a bit shocked’ by report Israel spied on Iran talks

Boehner 'shocked' and 'baffled' by report Israel spied on US talks with Iran

Boehner 'baffled' by reports Israel spied on Iran talks Israel denies report by Wall Street Journal that it spied and leaked information on nuclear talks with Iran.

Israeli Delegation Heads to France to Try to Kill Iran Deal

Netanyahu as Mordechai, America as Esther

AIPAC, Netanyahu Sabotaging Iran Deal

James Baker slams Netanyahu's 'diplomatic missteps'

Man Behind the Curtain? Awash in cash, the Israeli American Council has been growing by leaps and bounds. But some fear it is becoming a political tool of donors like Sheldon Adelson.

White House chief of staff: Occupation must end U.S. can't pretend Netanyahu didn't say no to a Palestinian state on his watch, Denis McDonough tells J Street conference.

Top White House official calls for end to ’50-year occupation’

Israël doit cesser l’occupation des Territoires palestiniens (Maison-Blanche)

White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough Remarks As Prepared at J Street Annual Conference The White House - Office of the Press Secretary (For Immediate Release) March 23, 2015 (...)In the end, we know what a peace agreement should look like. The borders of Israel and an independent Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps. Each state needs secure and recognized borders, and there must be robust provisions that safeguard Israel’s security. An occupation that has lasted for almost 50 years must end, and the Palestinian people must have the right to live in and govern themselves in their own sovereign state. President Obama still firmly believes what he said in Jerusalem two years ago—that peace is necessary, just, and possible. Peace is necessary because it is the only way to ensure that a secure State of Israel is both Jewish and democratic. Israel cannot maintain military control of another people indefinitely. That’s the truth. And as President Obama has said, neither occupation nor expulsion of Palestinians is the answer. Anything less than true peace will only worsen the situation. A “one-state solution” would effectively end Israel’s nature as a Jewish and democratic state. Unilateral annexation of the West Bank territories would be both wrong and illegal. The United States would never support it, and it’s unlikely Israel’s other friends would either. It would only contribute to Israel’s isolation. Peace is also undeniably just. Palestinian children deserve the same right to be free in their own land as Israeli children in their land. A two-state solution will finally bring Israelis the security and normalcy to which they are entitled, and Palestinians the sovereignty and dignity they deserve.

Top Obama aide slams PM
Obama's chief of staff tells J Street US 'cannot ignore Netanyahu's comments' on Palestine. La Maison Blanche aurait tenté d’évincer Netanyahu Et ça c'est pas une théorie du complot? Tout simplement: politics as usual.

Official: White House was part of bid to oust Netanyahu

McCain: Congress could defund UN if US backs Palestine bidNeocon McCain Defends Racist Netanyahu

McCain defends Netanyahu’s racist rant

McCain: US Senate will block nuclear agreement with Iran

VIDEO - McCain to Obama: 'Get over your temper tantrum' on Israel

Obama takes on Netanyahu

Obama va sanctionner Israël parce que les résultats de l'élection ne lui conviennent pas !

Is there any significance to the Obama-Netanyahu Rift?

"Les Etats Unis ne défendront pas Israël à l'ONU" (titre tiré d'un article de )

US says it avoided UN debate on Palestine ‘in support of Israel’

A Genève, le 1er signe de la "réévaluation" US des relations avec Israël?

Liberal US Jews ‘angered’ by Netanyahu’s election tactics

Michael Oren: US criticism causing ‘strategic damage’

Netanyahu apologizes to Arab Israelis for Election Day remarks

Netanyahu 'sorry' his comments offended Israeli Arabs

Netanyahu apologizes to Arabs for voter turnout remark

Netanyahu regrets ‘hurtful’ comments towards Israeli Arabs

Arab lawmakers reject Netanyahu’s ‘empty’ apology

US State department questions Netanyahu's 'sincerity' after apology

Europe-Israel: Département d'Etat américain : Obama estime que Netanyahu n'est pas sincère
Bibi massacre des arabes par milliers durant l'été, puis il s'excuse auprès d'eux pour avoir utilisé le racisme anti-arabe des israéliens pour faire mousser sa campagne électorale cet hiver...


Leftist singer Noa threatened Musician called 'enemy of Israel'; writer Yehonatan Geffen attacked, called 'traitor'.

Climat de haine au sein de la société israélienne Des militants sionistes célèbrent la victoire de Netanyahu en prenant à partie une chanteuse

Israeli singers Yonatan Geffen, Noa attacked for anti-Netanyahu views

Israeli singer verbally attacked, called ‘destroyer of Israel’

As Netanyahu Sinks into the Gutter – Israel will have to pay the price

Netanyahu sonne la fin de la "solution à deux États"

"Les jours d’Israël sont désormais comptés"

Netanyahu démasque Israël Prêt à tout pour se faire réélire, le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu a dépouillé Israël de son masque. Il a abandonné le subterfuge de la solution de deux États, affiché le racisme crasse qui sous-tend la politique israélienne et révélé le contrôle indiscutable d’Israël sur le congrès des États-Unis.

Ted Cruz: Imagine a president who 'stands unapologetically' with Israel

VIDEO - Excuses du porte parole de Netanyahou pour les journalistes tués et blessés S/T

Barack Obama répond au Huffington Post: Israël, Palestine, Netanyahu, nucléaire iranien
  • « Il faut tout d’abord que les Iraniens démontrent clairement qu’ils ne fabriquent pas de bombes nucléaires, et qu’ils nous laissent toute latitude pour nous en assurer ». Dans un entretien vendredi 20 mars avec Sam Stein pour The Huffington Post, Barack Obama réitère son objectif d’obtenir un accord sur le dossier du nucléaire iranien « dans les semaines à venir ».
  • « Il n’y aura pas d’accord tant que tout n’aura pas été résolu », a aussi indiqué le président américain, réfutant les rumeurs selon lesquelles une première ébauche de l’accord circule parmi les cercles autorisés. Les grandes puissances et Téhéran reprendront mercredi 25 mars leurs négociations, après une semaine de tractations marathon qui n’ont pas permis de sceller d’accord avant l’échéance du 31 mars.
  • « Je dois avouer que les Iraniens n’ont pas fait jusqu’ici les compromis que j’estime indispensables pour parvenir à cet accord. Mais ils se sont montrés ouverts, ce qui laisse la porte ouverte à la recherche d’une solution (…). Je vais devoir démontrer au peuple américain, mais aussi aux Israéliens et au reste du monde, que nous avons mis en place des mécanismes qui empêcheront l’Iran d’accéder à la bombe atomique », a aussi dit Barack Obama au Huffington Post.
  • Le président Obama a promis qu’il ferait tout, y compris militairement, pour empêcher Téhéran d’obtenir la bombe. Mais depuis 2013, il mise sur la diplomatie et a fait d’un rapprochement avec la puissance chiite une priorité. Ce qui met en rage Israël et le Congrès américain.
  • « Il est évident que beaucoup d’Israéliens se méfient, à juste titre, de leur voisin iranien, a aussi commenté le président américain. L’Iran a tenu des propos ignobles et antisémites, et menacé Israël d’annihilation. C’est précisément pour cela que j’ai dit, avant même de devenir président, que l’Iran ne devait pas disposer de l’arme nucléaire ».
  • Autres sujets de politique étrangère évoqués durant l’entretien, la victoire de Benjamin Netanyahu aux élections législatives anticipées du mardi 17 mars et la création d’un Etat palestinien. « Disons que nous lui faisons confiance quand il dit que cela n’arrivera pas tant qu’il sera Premier ministre. C’est pourquoi nous devons explorer d’autres options afin d’empêcher que la région ne sombre dans le chaos », a dit Barack Obama au Huffington Post.
  • « J’ai eu l’occasion de parler hier (jeudi 19 mars, ndlr) à M. Netanyahu. Je l’ai félicité pour sa victoire, et je lui ai réaffirmé mon attachement  à une solution à deux États qui est, de notre point de vue, la seule garantie sur le long terme de la sécurité d’Israël, en tant qu’État juif et démocratique, a indiqué Barack Obama. Je lui ai également rappelé qu’après ses récentes déclarations, il serait difficile de croire qu’Israël est sérieusement attaché à la poursuite des négociations ». Benjamin Netanyahu a à nouveau rejeté durant les derniers jours de sa campagne la solution à deux États.
  • « Cependant, nous continuerons d’insister sur le fait que, du point de vue des États-Unis, le statu quo est intenable, a poursuivi le président américain. Nous sommes attachés à la sécurité d’Israël, mais il n’est pas possible de poursuivre cette voie éternellement, avec l’implantation de nouvelles colonies. C’est un facteur d’instabilité dans la région ».
  • Le président américain a aussi critiqué les propos de Benjamin Netanyahu qui avait dénoncé le « danger » d’un vote massif des Arabes israéliens aux élections législatives. « Nous avons rappelé que ce genre de discours était contraire aux traditions d’Israël. Bien que ce pays soit fondé sur une terre historiquement juive, et sur le besoin de créer une nation juive, la démocratie israélienne repose sur la notion que tous ses citoyens sont égaux en droits. C’est ce qui fait la grandeur de cette démocratie. Si cela venait à changer, je pense que cela donnerait des arguments à ceux qui ne veulent pas d’un Etat juif, et que cela affaiblirait la démocratie israélienne », a commenté Barack Obama. (Source Europe-Israel)

“US Rep” Ileana Ros-Lehtinen: Congress Will Stand With Netanyahu on Iran

Petraeus Agrees With Netanyahu On Iran, Obama Isolated

For liberal Israelis, Netanyahu’s win is a reality check

Israel closes investigation into killing of dozens of Palestinians in Gaza

Will US protect Israel in UN? Jeffrey Goldberg: Obama won't 'spend political capital on Netanyahu to block PA state bid.'

Top U.S. Jews warn of alienation from Israel

Netanyahu realized that the worse it gets, the betterThe PM grasped that the worse he fared in the polls, the easier it would be to open the tribal floodgates.

The real winner in Israel's election: BDS

Assailant attacks 'leftist traitor' Israeli author Yehonatan Gefen

Writer assaulted at home days after calling PM a racist

Netanyahou appelé à présenter ses excuses pour ses commentaires "anti-arabes"

Obama: PM's anti-Arab remarks risk eroding Israeli democracy

Rivlin denounces ‘hurtful’ race remarks in elections

Rivlin criticizes Netanyahu's election day comments about Arab voters

Israeli Arabs insist PM do penance for comments
Comedian Bill Maher justifies Netanyahu campaign tactics

WATCH: Bill Maher on whether Netanyahu's 'race card' was really racist

Lawmakers urge Obama to mend fences with Netanyahu

McCain to Obama: Get over your temper tantrum over Netanyahu remarks
Sen. McCain tells Obama: Get over your temper tantrum with Bibi

Ashamed of Netanyahu, infuriated with Obama

Michael Oren: Obama's statement on the deterioration of democracy in Israel carries heavy price

Republicans seek Israel dominance in Mideast: Analyst Pour les tenants du Grand Israel, Israel doit pas juste être une puissance régionale mais une superpuissance mondiale!

US Congress Netanyahu’s hired guns (Mark Glenn on PressTV)
MARK GLENN - on PressTV Debate of 11 February 2015 discussing Iran Revolution Anniversary

Bennett to Netanyahu: No coalition without pledge to rule out Palestinian state


Washington va réévaluer son soutien à Israël aux Nations unies
Le Figaro-Washington va "réévaluer" son soutien à Israël à l’ONU Coup de froid sur les relations entre Israël et les États-Unis
CNN-Obama to 'reassess' Israel relationship

Post-election, a widening US Jewish split over Israel

VIDEO - Mark Glenn-Netanyahu’s arrogance will increase exponentially after winning the election

AIPAC urges Obama to strengthen ties with Netanyahu

TV report: Obama left PM ‘with impression US will abandon Israel at UN’ Israeli sources detail president’s ‘difficult’ 30-minute post-election call to Netanyahu, posit grave scenarios for diplomatic rupture

VIDEO - L’administration Obama "oublie" de renouveler l’accord de soutien énergétique à Israël

Poll: Netanyahu should be investigated for nuclear weapons tech smuggling before US visit

Boehner mocks administration reaction to Netanyahu win US House speaker congratulates victory of ‘friend’ Benjamin Netanyahu, jeers at White House for chilly response.

Netanyahu knows he can get away with anything in America

VIDEO - Rev. John Hagee: An Esther Moment For The United States

Europe-Israel:La vengeance d'Obama contre Netanyahou va sonner

JSSNEWS-La gifle israélienne à la politique extérieure d'Obama !

Obama to PM: U.S. will reassess Mideast peace policy In tough phone call, U.S. president protests campaign remarks by Netanyahu against Palestinian statehood, Israel's Arab citizens.

Jewish groups look to calm post-election U.S.-Israel tensions
AIPAC, ADL and others moved quickly to welcome Benjamin Netanyahu’s “clarification” about his support for a two-state solution and urge the White House to work with new Israeli government.
In call, Obama tells Netanyahu he will reassess US policy on Mideast peace

US may withdraw support for Israel at Security Council

White House slams PM’s anti-Arab rhetoric, may not block ‘Palestine’ at UN US official says Netanyahu’s reversal on idea of independent Palestinian state would have consequences 

Israelis will let vile Netanyahu reign, so long as he gives them bread and circuses The vote says it all: Israelis don't care if the prime minister hounds Iran, insults Barack Obama and ensures total stasis on everything to do with the Palestinians – so long as he gives them the good life.

After Netanyahu win, Obama takes off the gloves All aspects of relationship up for reevaluation; coming weeks critical as US waits to hear if PM will dial down anti-two-state, anti-Arab rhetoric 

'We can't forget' Netanyahu comments on Palestinian statehood, US says

'U.S.-Israel relations fundamentally changed' Three comments by the newly reelected Israeli prime minister left Team Obama fuming; U.S. officials say his stance on Palestinian statehood is forcing an American 'reassessment.'

Reports: U.S. may no longer block anti-Israel U.N. actions

Will Netanyahu’s campaign rhetoric cause further estrangement with Washington?

Sarah Palin: Netanyahu good for ‘heartland’ Americans

Burning His Bridges  Benjamin Netanyahu has won and won convincingly. But J.J. Goldberg writes that he burned so many bridges that he won’t be able to govern easily —  or stave off global isolation.

'That's Our Thing, Bibi!' 
Jon Stewart is kind of mad at Benjamin Netanyahu. Not so much for winning this week’s Israeli election, but rather for stealing tried-and-true American divide-and-rule tactics.
WATCH || Jon Stewart slams Netanyahu's race-baiting: How dare you! That's our thing!

We Were Right About Bibi   The left lost the Israeli elections. But Jay Michaelson thinks it can take away one important gift: Benjamin Netanyahu finally revealed himself and his ugly ideology. 

U.S. Blasts Netanyahu for 'Divisive Rhetoric'

Our Wrenching Dilemma EDITORIAL: Benjamin Netanyahu isn’t King of the Jews. Our wrenching dilemma is to support Israel’s humanistic values while distancing ourselves from a leader who stands for the opposite. 

U.S. rejects Netanyahu's backtracking on Palestinian statehood

Israelis praise the conductor of the fearmongering orchestra

Netanyahu’s doomsday weapon leaves Israel bleeding and riven

Secrets revealed of how Israel manipulates U.S. public opinion
One of the Israeli government’s secrets to manipulating the American media has been revealed for the first time by new research.
Israel habitually launches its most unpopular and, sometimes, deadly attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza to coincide with big news events here in the U.S., so that they don’t get too much public attention, according to the study.
Élections en Israël : Le mépris souverain de Nétanyahou pour les Palestiniens

Gohmert: Bomb Iran Now

VIDEO - FLASHBACK: Alex Jone$ says iran wants to wipe israel off the map

VIDEO - L’administration Obama "oublie" de renouveler l’accord de soutien énergétique à Israël

Washington va réévaluer son soutien à Israël aux Nations unies (Maison Blanche)

UN officials accused of bowing to Israeli pressure over children’s rights list

Netanyahu knows he can get away with anything in America

VIDEO - Rabbi Hagee: An Esther Moment For The United States

Europe-Israel:La vengeance d'Obama contre Netanyahou va sonner

JSSNEWS-La gifle israélienne à la politique extérieure d'Obama !

Obama to Netanyahu: U.S. will reassess Mideast peace policy  In tough phone call, U.S. president protests campaign remarks by Netanyahu against Palestinian statehood, Israel's Arab citizens.

In call, Obama tells Netanyahu he will reassess US policy on Mideast peace

US may withdraw support for Israel at Security Council

White House slams PM’s anti-Arab rhetoric, may not block ‘Palestine’ at UN US official says Netanyahu’s reversal on idea of independent Palestinian state would have consequences 

Israelis will let vile Netanyahu reign, so long as he gives them bread and circuses The vote says it all: Israelis don't care if the prime minister hounds Iran, insults Barack Obama and ensures total stasis on everything to do with the Palestinians – so long as he gives them the good life.

After Netanyahu win, Obama takes off the gloves All aspects of relationship up for reevaluation; coming weeks critical as US waits to hear if PM will dial down anti-two-state, anti-Arab rhetoric 

'We can't forget' Netanyahu comments on Palestinian statehood, US says

'U.S.-Israel relations fundamentally changed' Three comments by the newly reelected Israeli prime minister left Team Obama fuming; U.S. officials say his stance on Palestinian statehood is forcing an American 'reassessment.'

Reports: U.S. may no longer block anti-Israel U.N. actions

Will Netanyahu’s campaign rhetoric cause further estrangement with Washington?

As an Israeli, I am ashamed that my prime minister is a racist All this week, he made us one consistent promise: In his coming term as prime minister, there will be no hope. It is one promise that we have all come to believe he can keep

Élections en Israël : Le mépris souverain de Nétanyahou pour les Palestiniens

Sarah Palin: Netanyahu good for ‘heartland’ Americans

 Burning His Bridges  Benjamin Netanyahu has won and won convincingly. But J.J. Goldberg writes that he burned so many bridges that he won’t be able to govern easily —  or stave off global isolation.

 'That's Our Thing, Bibi!' 
Jon Stewart is kind of mad at Benjamin Netanyahu. Not so much for winning this week’s Israeli election, but rather for stealing tried-and-true American divide-and-rule tactics.
WATCH || Jon Stewart slams Netanyahu's race-baiting: How dare you! That's our thing!

 We Were Right About Bibi   The left lost the Israeli elections. But Jay Michaelson thinks it can take away one important gift: Benjamin Netanyahu finally revealed himself and his ugly ideology. 

U.S. Blasts Netanyahu for 'Divisive Rhetoric'

Our Wrenching Dilemma EDITORIAL: Benjamin Netanyahu isn’t King of the Jews. Our wrenching dilemma is to support Israel’s humanistic values while distancing ourselves from a leader who stands for the opposite.

‘Sheldon Adelson primary’ cranks up next month

U.S. 'concerned' by anti-Arab rhetoric during election  Live updates: U.S. to 'evaluate' approach to Mideast peace process after Netanyahu win, White House says

VIDEO - Bibi's election as head racist

Meyer Habib: « c'est moi qui ait annoncé à Benjamin Netanyahu sa victoire, à 3h50 du matin ! »

Élections en Israël : victoire du pilote du 11-Septembre

Netanyahu promet que tant qu’il sera Premier ministre, il n’y aura pas d’État palestinien

Les républicains premiers à féliciter Netanyahu aux Etats-Unis

Statistiques de la nouvelle Knesset : +29% d'arabes élus, record de femmes élues'

Netanyahu accuses foreign governments of mobilizing left

Netanyahu says US money driving high Arab voter turnout  Netanyahu's Likud party sent out message warning Israelis of 'threat' of a high voter turnout among Israel's Arab population in bid to shore up hardliner right wing votes; Arabs and data contradict claim.

The Real Kingmaker Now that Israelis have voted, meet President Reuven Rivlin. The man who will crown the country’s next prime minister is a lifelong Likudnik who advocates for Arab civil rights.

What It Means to Us What Netanyahu has just proved, Nathan Guttman writes, is that an Israeli leader can bring relations with the White House to a historic low and still emerge victorious.

Don't Let Bibi Off the Hook The anti-Arab fear campaign Benjamin Netanyahu used to win Israel’s election is indefensible, Sigal Samuel writes. So why are some American Jews letting him get away with it?

Washington frosty in remarks on Netanyahu’s reelection

Analysis: Disappointment at the White House after Netanyahu victory

Netanyahu looking to quickly form ‘rightwing/religious’ government after victory

Binyamin Netanyahu bids to form rightwing Israeli coalition after decisive win

Israel likely headed toward conflict, isolation after Netanyahu win

White House pushes Palestinian statehood in face of Netanyahu win

Hagee’s ‘Christians United for Israel’ presses uncommitted Dems on Iran bill

Netanyahu’s Project: Illegal Push for “Greater Israel” and the Denial of Palestinian Statehood on le sait déjà, mais c'est toujours pus actuel à chaque fois que la carrière de Bibi progresse...

Netanyahu's victory is clear break with US-led peace process

A Neocon Admits the Plan to Bomb Iran

Ex-Mossad chief Dagan: I would have resigned if Netanyahu ordered Iran strike

'War with Iran is probably our best option’ 
ed note by TUT–from the author’s Wikipedia page–
‘Joshua Muravchik was one of the group of writers who moved away from the political left in the 1960s and 1970s and came to be called “neoconservatives.”’
In addition to being a member of WINEP, a 100% pro-Israel/pro-war/pro-Likud outfit that never saw a Judaic massacre of Gentiles it didn’t like, he also serves on the board of trustees and the executive committee of Freedom House, one of the groups responsible for all the unrest in Syria, Libya and the ‘Arab Spring’ in general.
A partial list of some of the books/articles written by this Zionist rodent is as follows–
1. Making David Into Goliath: How the World Turned Against Israel

2. Liberal Oasis: The Truth About Israel

3. Trailblazers of the Arab Spring: Voices of Democracy in the Middle East

4. Exporting Democracy: Fulfilling America’s Destiny

5. Bomb Iran
etc, etc, etc…
There was a time in America’s history where he would have been arrested as a spy and summarily shot.

Remember as well, that despite op-eds such as this appearing every freaking day in America’s media, when writers/speakers such as yours truly allege that there is a concerted effort by organized Jewish interests to embroil America in Israel’s wars, groups such as the ADL and all its little cockroach-cousins scream ‘ANTI SEMITIC CONSPIRACY THEORY’ and are echoed by ‘good Jews’ such as Medea Benjamin, Noam Chomsky, etc.

Jon Voight: Obama ‘Does Not Love Israel’

Holocaust comparisons in Iran debate stir emotions but mislead

'Censored Voices' Netanyahu’s False Narrative of Self-Defense

VIDEO - US lawmakers ‘mouthpieces’ of Netanyahu: Activist

Why Israel's prime minister will never be king of the Jews Too many Israeli politicians believe the role of the Jewish Diaspora is to serve the Jewish state. The opposite is true: Israel exists to serve the Jewish People.

Republicans say Obama keen for Iran deal to build own legacy  GOP politicians argue that president's desire for agreement is keeping US from combating Iran's interference in various countries in the Mideast and Persian Gulf.

Report: Netanyahu sought to cancel Mossad briefing for U.S. senators on Iran talks Briefing in which Israel's intelligence agency warned U.S. lawmakers Iran nuke talks could be derailed by Congress bill was only held after protestations by head of delegation, Time Magazine reports.

Israel's only truly leftist party is in danger of extinction Should Meretz not make it to the Knesset, the great hope of replacing Netanyahu will die with it.

Netanyahu: If I’m elected, there will be no Palestinian state
PALESTINE. La dernière provocation du Premier ministre israélien Benyamin Netanyahu
On Election Day, Israeli citizens vote also for disenfranchised Palestinians

Arnon Milchan Attends Netanyahu's Historic Congressional Speech

Actor Chuck Norris: Netanyahu is a Strong Leader Ahead of Tuesday's election, famed actor Chuck Norris urges Israelis to vote for Netanyahu
Face « aux forces du mal », Chuck Norris appelle à voter Netanyahou
Chuck Norris appelle les Israéliens à voter Netanyahou || #VIDEO
VIDEO - Judaic Acolyte Chuck Norris Loves Netanyahu Inclut aussi un extrait de film de Chuck Norris contre les méchants arabes...
Chuck Norris praises Netanyahu in anti-Obama article  Iconic action star, who has just celebrated his 75th birthday, slams US president for 'ignoring and rebuking your greatest ally in the Middle East during negotiations with the region’s historical evil empire.'
Ce genre de nouvelle débile ça s'invente pas.
Chuck Norris facts: The iconic action hero endorses Netanyahu (again)

Goldnadel: « Netanyahou me parait le seul qui présente les garanties qu'Israël soit défendu avec pugnacité et intelligence »

Why a fourth Netanyahu term may be a good thing

Shutting Down AIPAC Removing Israel from American politics

Leader Of The Jewish People Reveals Vast Jewish Conspiracy
Netanyahu: Foreign countries are working to exclude me from power

The Friends of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) is an American charity that helps to fund Israel’s army. That means American taxpayers are paying a portion of the bill.

Former envoy and Knesset hopeful Michael Oren: Israel must repair ties with U.S. Israel's former ambassador to U.S. says 'there's work to be done,' regardless of who wins Tuesday's election. (C'est lui, Michael Oren, ancien ambassadeur d'Israël aux USA qui a admis publiquement qu'Israël soutient Al-Qaida contre Assad.)

Spoof Talmud page analyzes election Judaic studies teacher applies old-school Jewish reasoning to modern voters’ dilemmas

Report: Senate panel probing whether Obama administration funded anti-Netanyahu campaign

Une ONG américaine accusée d'avoir été impliquée dans une campagne contre Netanyahou. Le Sénat américain enquête

‘Unprecedented–US breaking ranks with Israelis, saying they’re liars’ (Mark Glenn on PressTV)

Likud panelist calls Obama an anti-Semite, later apologizes

'Obama ignoring Iran threat' Republicans say focus on his own legacy keeps president from opposing Iran on nuclear deal.

Mark Levin « Le problème n'est pas Netanyahu, le problème c'est Obama ! Netanyahu est le leader du monde libre, J'espère que le peuple israélien le comprendra »

Israel lobby's fingerprints are all over Republican letter to Iran, but the media won't talk about it

Senator who spearheaded letter to Iran got $1 million from Kristol’s ‘Emergency C’tee for Israel’

Neocon meteor Sen. Cotton is funded by Abrams, Adelson and Kristol and loves war a little too much

VIDEO - Rys2sense: Sen. Tom Cotton to the woodshed

Israel lobby targets Democrat US presidents when they act like true Democrat leaders: Analyst

VIDEO - Farrakhan: Netanyahu Aims to Drive U.S. to War With Iran

ADL condemns Farrakhan’s claim that Jews were behind 9/11
Obama dismisses Netanyahu’s Congress speech as ‘nothing new’

What Do Israelis Think About Americans? Start With Disdain.

Shutting Down AIPAC: Removing Israel from American Politics

Netanyahu's Congress speech emboldens liberal critics of Israel

Netanyahu favorable rating plummets among U.S. Democratic voters Rien de vraiment surprenant quand on y pense: le parti de Bibi. le Likoud, est proche des Républicains, pas des Démocrates.

Second ex-Mossad chief joins chorus criticizing Netanyahu

Caligula’s Horse by Eric Margolis (...)Just as Caligula reportedly watched the Senate vote from behind a screen, so America’s political Golem, casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, watched the Senate proceeds from a balcony perch. Adelson, one of America’s richest men, made his fortune through gambling, something Dr. Johnson aptly called “a tax on fools.” Gambling preys on the poor and addicted just as much as do drugs. Thanks to his huge profits, Adelson has managed to buy most of the Republican Party. Its presidential candidates flock to his palace in Las Vegas to kiss his feet and vow eternal allegiance to Israel. Adelson, who has reportedly called for nuking Iran,  is also Bibi Netanyahu’s primary political and financial sponsor. So Adelson can say he owns the US Congress and Israel. Some Israelis, who will vote next week in a very tight election, are uneasy that Netanyahu is “owned” by the American gambling mogul Adelson. Is this the Zionist dream of a state built on morality, social fairness, and honesty? Democrats are now largely owned by Israeli-American billionaire Haim Saban who calls himself somewhere to the right of the late Ariel Sharon. Saban, a media mogul, recently gave $5-10 million to the Clinton Library and is Hillary’s principal backer. Bibi’s visit to Congress was clearly intended as pre-election political grandstanding. Marketing fear of Islam, Iran, ISIS, Hezbollah, Syria, al-Shebab and Boko Haram are now the stock in trade for embattled politicians in Israel, Canada, Australia and France.(...)

Encore une volte-face de Netanyahou que les Etats-Unis ignoreront

Netanyahu's speech dodged Israeli election law Apparently the Central Elections Committee did not deem the prime minister's attack on Obama electioneering. The opposition leader, however, was cut off the air mid-sentence during his response.

"Netanyahu Owes a Hearty Thanks to ISIS"

Jewish Congresswoman Pushes for Israel Regime Change After Bibi Speech to Congress Jan Schakowsky Says New Gov't Would End 'Toxic' Feud

Bibi fatigue: Israelis are sick of Netanyahu, but can’t agree on his replacement The tide may be turning against Netanyahu, but it is turning in many directions and the Israeli public just can't agree on a suitable alternative.

Netanyahou : "il y a un effort mondial pour me renverser"
Netanyahu says sees ‘worldwide’ effort to topple him ed note, MG–those who think that in the event he loses that Nutty Netty is simply going to walk away from this and say ‘oh well, the best man won’–you can forget it. In the words of those who have worked closely with him and who know him best, he is ‘messianic’, in that he possesses a Jim Jones type mentality, believing that the entire ‘Jewish state’ project revolves around him and that if he is removed from the process of leading the Jewish state, that the Jewish state will cease to exist, and if the Jewish state ceases to exist, that there is no reason for the world to continue.

Spook, Terrorist or Criminal? America’s Mysterious Files on Netanyahu

The day the prime minister of Israel was booed at AIPAC
Bibi, at 75, was fighting another campaign for reelection under the slogan, 'A leader we have always believed in'; But thousands in the hall were booing...

WATCH: Jon Stewart slams Republican Senators for letter to Iran 'We’re f**king cuckoo! Cuckoo bananas!' Daily Show host says of GOP Senators.

Kerry: Congress doesn't have right to change deal with Iran, once signed Secretary of state responds with 'utter disbelief' to Republican senators' open letter to Iran, warning nuclear agreement would only last as long as Obama's term.

Supporters of deal are strengthening Iran’s negotiating position, by Alan Dershowitz

Jewish Op-ed calls on Israel to ‘nuke’ Germany and Iran

White House decries Republican effort to derail Iran talks

American Jews are angry with Netanyahu

Israël: Des dizaines de milliers d'Israéliens anti-Netanyahu rassemblés
Tens of thousands in Tel Aviv demand Netanyahu’s ouster pas entendu parler de ça nulle part dans les médias
Bibi forever  "Une foule, probablement une horde, certainement des barbares, s’est réunie samedi soir à Tel-Aviv sur la place Yitzhak Rabin. De toutes les villes du pays, ils sont venus par cars spéciaux. Plusieurs dizaines de milliers de surexcités suintant la haine et n’ayant que l’invective à la bouche, avec peut-être aussi un mince filet de bave. Bibi forever  Tous des antisémites, aucun ne pouvant échapper à la règle. Des fous furieux qui vont jusqu’à mettre sérieusement en danger l’existence du Grand [Israël]."

Ex-Mossad chief at anti-Netanyahu rally: Our leadership scares me more than our enemies
Netanyahu govt ‘more frightening’ than all Israel’s enemies, ex-Mossad chief tells crowds

The Real Existential Threat Is Not Iran. It’s Bibi.

Artist's 'idol-worshippers' remarks at anti-PM rally draw ire Zionist Union distances itself from Yair Garbuz's comment about how 'amulet-kissers' control Israel; Habayit Hayehudi slams the Union and Garbuz.

Netanyahu: He Came, He Saw, He Conquered .... The Power of Israel over the United States, by James Petras

VIDEO - Mark Glenn: Obama’s negotiations with Iran aimed at preventing Netanyahu from destroying entire world

Obama, Iran dismiss GOP  Obama calls Republican senators' letter to Iran 'ironic' while Iran dismisses it as propaganda.
Du point de vue juif, Obama et l'Iran sont sur la même ligne de pensée... MDR!

Exceptionnel: Jon Stewart sur l’invitation forcée de Netanyahou au congrès américain

“We are hostage to his fortune”: Sheldon Adelson, Benjamin Netanyahu and America’s dark money conspiracy

Khomeini hospitalisé: Rumeur juive?
Pourim : le "guide suprême" iranien hospitalisé dans un état critique
L’ayatollah Khamenei hospitalisé dans un état critique le jour de Pourim
Pourim : Khamenei hospitalisé dans un état « critique »
Call It A Purim Miracle: Reports Say Ayatollah Khamenei In Critical Condition
Schaden Freude Alert! Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei Rushed to Hospital in Critical Condition
Iran leader appears in public amid rumors about his health  State television airs photos of Ayatollah Khamenei meeting with environmental officials and activists at his residence in central Tehran, appearing comfortable and healthy.

Iran to ‘Wipe Israel off the map’? Read the 600 words for yourself to confirm US/Israel CRIMINAL war lies

Iran: We saved the Jews three times; Netanyahu should learn history

Leading Democratic hawk on Iran reportedly to be charged with corruption

Ex-Mossad chief calls Netanyahu’s Iran speech ‘bullshit’

Ex-Mossad chief says PM misled Congress on Iran breakout time

Senior BBC ‘journalist’ accuses Bibi of playing Holocaust card

Senior BBC journalist Jeremy Bowen under fire for accusing Israeli PM of 'playing the Holocaust card' * BBC's Jeremy Bowen accused Israeli PM of 'playing the Holocaust card' * Middle East editor tweeted comments during PM's speech at U.S. Congress * Tweet sparked outrage, with critics calling veteran journalist a 'slime bag' * In response, he said claims he is anti-Semitic are 'untrue and offensive'

BBC reporter defends tweet that Netanyahu played 'the Holocaust card' Jeremy Bowen says claims he's an anti-Semite or a denier of the Holocaust are "untrue and offensive."

VIDEO - B. Netanyahu : Le Président des Etats-Unis d'Israël

Oubliez la fausse citation d'Angelina Jolie sur la photo... canular!

In possible U.S.-Iran conflict, Netanyahu leaves the Jews with no alibi For us it's all in the family, but most of the world sees a brash Israeli leader backed by a powerful lobby and a casino magnate's billions, thumbing his nose at the president.

VIDEO - Netanyahu Remix Stand! Sit down! Iran Iran Iran!

Obama dismisses Netanyahu’s Congress speech as ‘nothing new’

Giuliani slams Obama’s ‘reckless’ stance on Iran

The Real Existential Threat Is Not Iran. It’s Bibi.

US senator blasts President Obama for not welcoming Netanyahu

Obama planning to pressure Israel? Likud officials say, ‘Bring it on’

Why Boehner’s invite to Netanyahu is unconstitutional

Netanyahu: Congress speech 'well worth the cost of confrontation' with Obama

NETANYAHU DÉFIE OBAMA  DEVANT LE CONGRÈS AMÉRICAIN Oubliez la fausse citation d'Angelina Jolie sur la photo... canular!

In possible U.S.-Iran conflict, Netanyahu leaves the Jews with no alibi For us it's all in the family, but most of the world sees a brash Israeli leader backed by a powerful lobby and a casino magnate's billions, thumbing his nose at the president.

The Purim Story as Told by Bibi's Speech

Cantor reflects on Netanyahu speech, Jewish holiday of Purim This past week was a momentous (if divisive) one for Jews across the world, with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s historic address to both houses of Congress, and the controversy surrounding it. The Jewish community also celebrated the holiday of Purim.
“The days when the Jewish people remained passive in the face of genocidal enemies, those days are over. ... We are no longer scattered among the nations, powerless to defend ourselves. We restored our sovereignty in our ancient home. And the soldiers who defend our home have boundless courage. For the first time in 100 generations, we, the Jewish people, can defend ourselves.”

'Netanyahu is Our Esther'; Congressman Hails PM's Speech Binyamin Netanyahu's warnings over a deal with Iran may prove to be 'invaluable' in preventing a bad deal with Iran, says GOP Rep.

VIDEO - A Purim Prayer - Against Susan Rice who called Netanyahu's speech "destructive"

Purim: Netanyahu, Congress, And The Battle Against Persia – A War Fought In Heaven

ANALYSIS: Netanyahu’s speech, Purim and the book of Esther

Le livre d’Esther : plus approprié que jamais. Par Dror Eydar

Netanyahou rappelle la fête de Pourim Le Premier ministre Binyamin Netanyahou a mentionné devant le Congrès américain l’histoire de la fête de Pourim, qui aura lieu à la fin de la semaine. « Aman voulait détruire le peuple juif et une courageuse femme juive s’est dressée contre ce plan et a sauvé son peuple », a affirmé M. Netanyahou, se comparant aux héros de l’histoire de Pourim. Et d’ajouter: « Aujourd’hui, le peuple juif fait face à une nouvelle menace de la part d’un Perse. L’ayatollah Khamenei a tweeté qu’Israël devait être annihilé ! »  « Le régime iranien n’est pas le problème des Juifs, tout comme les nazis n’étaient pas le problème des Juifs », a précisé le chef du gouvernement.  Et de déplorer : « Les Iraniens sont issus d’une civilisation magnifique, mais la révolution islamique a tout changé. L’Iran est impliqué dans le terrorisme à Gaza, au Liban, en Syrie et au Yémen. »

Purim parade in Holon: Netanyahu as Ahasuerus, Nasrallah as Haman

JPOST - Combating the Haman of today  The timing of Netanyahu's speech with Purim coincides well.

Haman, Khamenei and Netanyahu’s Speech How ironic and appropriate that the Jewish World celebrates Purim this week. Purim commemorates the survival of the Jewish people following a decree that “all Jews, from Ethiopia to India be slaughtered.”

Netanyahu's misleading invocation of Purim The Israeli prime minister conveniently ignores the first eight chapters of the Book of Esther, recruiting only the revenge tragedy part to justify his agenda.

Sorry, Bibi: Iran is bad, but it is no Amalek, Haman or even Nazi Germany

HAARETZ - By invoking Purim, Netanyahu calls for a preemptive strike on Iran

The Israeli prime minister conveniently ignores the first eight chapters of the Book of Esther, recruiting only the revenge tragedy part to justify his agenda.
By Sidra DeKoven Ezrahi | Mar. 5, 2015 | 7:50 PM
Benjamin Netanyahu chose the day before the holiday of Purim on which to deliver his speech to Congress, and made the most obvious analogy: As in ancient times, the Persians intend to annihilate the Jews. Now, as then, the Jews will prevail over the villains and foil their genocidal plots. It doesn’t take more than a cursory reading of the text behind the festival, The Megillah ("Book of Esther,") to see that Netanyahu’s comprehension of scriptures is about as slanted as his apprehension of nuclear strategy and international relations. Although the holiday has become over the years an excuse for innocuous masquerade and revelry, the Megillah itself is problematic, revealing as much about our wounded psyches as our procession of enemies.
The Netanyahu approach ignores the first part of the Purim narrative, which is a comedy, and reflects only on the second part, a revenge tragedy, recruiting the popular version of the story to justify his militant position against Iran.
The first eight chapters, the crux of the Megillah, are an exercise in what might be called orientalist fantasy. King Ahasverus rules over an empire of 127 multilingual satrapies with Persian and faux-Persian names; he has an entourage of eunuchs and simpering officials who do his bidding, facilitating drunken revels lasting 180 days and punishing disobedient wives and instructing their husbands in the art of tyranny. The villain Haman is a grotesque counterpart to the virtuous Mordecai; the beautiful Esther is the damsel who will win the beauty contest. Parody, masque, commedia dell‘arte: what this text reflects in its early chapters is the comic impulse, nourished, as some scholars contend, by the rather beneficent conditions in which Jews lived in the Babylonian, Persian and even the Hellenistic diaspora (depending on where and when you date the composition of the text).
Clearly, although Netanyahu implies otherwise, the Book of Esther is a fantasy – not recounting any historical event. The only real “historical” reference is to Mordechai, who is presented as a fourth generation descendant of the Jews exiled from Jerusalem by King Nebuchadnezzer of Babylonia [2:1 – a verse singled out in public readings to be chanted in mournful tones].
The book’s middle is the part we – and the Israeli prime minister – know best: Mordechai, making the most of his luck, positions his niece Esther to become the queen in order to influence the hapless king to override Haman’s genocidal intent. But by the end of the book we might be too drunk to pay attention to the ways in which comedy has turned into revenge tragedy, an explosion of blood-curdling violence — not by Persians against innocent Jews, but by Jews against innocent Persians.
Esther, having thwarted Haman’s evil plot, is not satisfied with the public hangings of her arch-enemy and his 10 sons – but is granted permission to preemptively slaughter all who have received the order to kill the Jews. There is no textual hint that these Persians ever took up arms – “no one dared to stand up against them, out of the fear that they instilled” [9:2]. Yet the Jews go ahead and slaughter 500 innocent people in the satrapies that belong to the King. Then sweet Esther, the beguiling descendant of Babylonian exiles, wife of the clueless Ahasverus – whom little girls will emulate in gauzy costumes for centuries to come – asks for, and is granted, another day of slaughter: in the capital city of Shushan alone, 300 people are slaughtered, and in the surrounding satrapies 75,000 are slaughtered [9:15-16].
That is the text that all those Congressmen and women – who leapt to their feet with every platitude and oath Netanyahu uttered – should read. The prime minister of Israel, showing a pathetic lack of self-awareness, is valorizing the mind of Esther. The text he cites is the chronicle of how a people, shocked into seeking to thwart the evil decree, wind up using the excuse of preemption to justify vengeful, rampaging violence. (It is a universal story in this sense, not just a Jewish one: what genocidal act is not justified as retribution for some great or imagined grievance?) The historic persecution of the Jewish people has been real enough. But Jewish suffering has also engendered a fantasy of demon-enemies, of Jewish attacks as nothing but deterrence.
Two generations after the liberation of the concentration camps, Netanyahu brought Elie Wiesel to bear witness to his militant words. Another writer who survived the camps, the late Ilona Karmel, once warned about Jews like Netanyahu who have “scars but no wounds.”
Netanyahu declares: Don’t make a deal. He may have said the alternative is a "better deal" but by alluding to the Book of Esther, what he really implies is that the alternative is war. Esther – or at least the people who live in the chimerical world conjured by her book – would no doubt approve.

Sidra DeKoven Ezrahi is Professor Emerita of Comparative Literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a Guggenheim Fellow.

The day the Israeli PM was booed at AIPAC     Bibi, at 75, was fighting another campaign for reelection under the slogan, 'A leader we have always believed in'; But thousands in the hall were booing...

The Purim Story Is a Warning, Not a Justification

Netanyahu's Misuses of Purim's 'Book of Esther'

Purim, Jews and Netanyahu's Warning  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech this week comes at the same time as the Jewish festival of Purim. Interesting.

The King of Israel Goes to Washington on Purim With Purim just days away, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu preparing to address the US Congress tomorrow, we present this analogy of Israel’s past and present dealing with the Persian threat and associated world leaders.

Bibi showdown with Iran a 'replay of Bible story' Netanyahu speech occurs on key date in history

The whole Megillah: Bibi evokes Purim story to blast Iran deal

On the Eve of Purim: BibiGate, Breaches, Congress, Diplomacy, Protocol and the Warrior’s Heart

Netanyahu, Herzl and the Ever So Relevant Story of Purim "The Jewish People have come home to the Land of Israel. Just as the Purim hero Mordechai refused to bow to Haman, we will not bow to anyone."
Ils s'agenouillent devant personne: même pas devant Dieu. En effet, Dieu n'est pas mentionné une seule fois dans tout le Livre d'Esther! C'est supposé être un texte religieux mais c'est un manuel d'inversion acusatoire génocidaire!

The Purim Story as Told by Bibi's Speech

Cantor reflects on Netanyahu speech, Jewish holiday of Purim This past week was a momentous (if divisive) one for Jews across the world, with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s historic address to both houses of Congress, and the controversy surrounding it. The Jewish community also celebrated the holiday of Purim.
“The days when the Jewish people remained passive in the face of genocidal enemies, those days are over. ... We are no longer scattered among the nations, powerless to defend ourselves. We restored our sovereignty in our ancient home. And the soldiers who defend our home have boundless courage. For the first time in 100 generations, we, the Jewish people, can defend ourselves.”

'Netanyahu is Our Esther'; Congressman Hails PM's Speech Binyamin Netanyahu's warnings over a deal with Iran may prove to be 'invaluable' in preventing a bad deal with Iran, says GOP Rep.

VIDEO - A Purim Prayer - Against Susan Rice who called Netanyahu's speech "destructive"

Purim: Netanyahu, Congress, And The Battle Against Persia – A War Fought In Heaven - The Road to World War 3: Netanyahu’s appeal to the U.S. parallels a near-genocide of the Jewish people 
In the Bible, a Jewish woman named Esther marries the gentle king of Persia. The king’s Prime Minister, Haman, develops a plan to kill all of the Jews in Persia, including Esther’s cousin Mordecai. Thankfully, Mordecai uncovers the plot and convinces Esther to appeal to the king on behalf of her people to stop the genocidal plans. She succeeds and the Jews are allowed to defend themselves from the Persians who try to kill them. This story is chronicled in the Book of Esther and celebrated during Purim. “Mordecai went and spoke to Esther, and said to Esther, ‘The king is about to kill all of the Jews. You have a position. You can talk him out of this. You can stop this’,” Glenn said. “Haman is a bad guy, and he has the ear of the king. And because the king is listening to Haman, he is going to kill all the Jews.” Glenn sees the same story playing out today. Persia/Haman is now modern-day Iran, looking to wipe out the Jews. The king is President Obama and/or Congress, faced with a choice between Esther and Haman. Benjamin Netanyahu is Mordecai warning of the coming destruction of the Jews. And the American people are Esther, the only one listening to the warnings of Mordecai, and the one with the power to stop the genocide to come. “If history repeats itself, this week, who is Mordecai? I believe Mordecai is Benjamin Netanyahu. I believe Haman is Iran. Persia. I don’t know if the king is Barack Obama or the Congress. But I believe the American people are Esther. And it is why President Obama is trying so desperately to get people to not listen to this speech. He has asked the Democrats to walk out, 34 Democrats have walked out of this speech,” Glenn said.  (..)

Netanyahu's Purim Plan for Peace      The king granted the Jews ... to slay and to cause to perish, all the power of the people and province that would assault them, both little ones and women, and to take the spoil of them for a prey. (Esther 8:11)

VIDEO - Rabbi Yosef Viener:  Purim - Netanyahu, Congress, And The Battle Against Persia – A War Fought In Heaven

Netanyahu Purim Speech: Queen Esther Tale Invoked During Congress Iran Address By  Philip Ross International Business Times

Analysis: Netanyahu's speech to Congress is Purim on the Potomac   Netanyahu views that his destiny is to protect the Jewish state, and -- by extension -- the future of the Jews. In his mind, this is why he was fated to come to power. Nothing less.

The Purim Hubris of Benjamin Netanyahu  To many American Jews, the story of Purim in Ketuvim’s Megillah of Esther echoes the central narrative shared by Passover, Hanukkah, and Jewish history – a narrative of powerlessness and victimhood. Haman, the right-hand man to King Achashveros, tries to kill all the Jews in the Persian Empire until his plan is ultimately foiled by the brave Mordechai and his cousin, Esther. As the joke about all Jewish holidays goes, “They tried to kill us; we survived; let’s eat”. When the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, addressed Congress today about a new Persian threat – the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran – he invoked this age-old Purim narrative.  Get The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email and never miss our top stories   Free Sign up!  But the story of Purim actually ends with a much darker twist that Netanyahu did not mention. After Mordechai and Esther save the Jews from massacre by earning the sympathy of King Achashveros, the Jews over-retaliate in self-defense with a massacre of their own that leaves seventy-five thousand Persians dead and Haman’s ten sons hanging by the gallows. Purim is ultimately not only a story of Jewish powerlessness, but also a story at its end about the ethical test of Jewish power.

Netanyahu's Purim Message to Obama
Thursday is Purim, the day Jews worldwide celebrate the deliverance of the Jewish people from the cruel hand of a Persian tyrant more than two thousand years ago.  Parallels to today are striking. Like then, Israel, where the plurality of the world's Jews lives, faces a dire threat from Persia. Like then, when Haman, descendant of Amalek sought to kill every Jewish man, woman and child, the president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, seeks the same.  So it was striking that Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, gave President Obama a Megillat Esther as a gift at their meeting last week.  What was Netanyahu's message? Perhaps that the Jewish people have faced foes like the modern state of Iran before -- and in the end prevailed over their enemies. As well, like then, the Jews did not need outside help. With God's silent guiding hand, Haman's plots were foiled and in fact reversed. What he wished upon the Jewish people was what he received.  The Purim story teaches us to recognize that we have been in this situation before. As we say during the Passover Seder, in every generation a leader rises us to destroy us, but the Jewish people will prevail. So it was in days of old, so it will be today.

Bibi, the hard-bargaining merchant 
of Jerusalem
He didn’t appear in Congress solely as prime minister of Israel, or even as king of the Jews; no, he was there to save the world. As a goodwill gesture, Netanyahu even gave away his most precious ideological asset, the singularity of the Holocaust, and reminded America – as if it didn’t know – that the six million Jews murdered by Hitler were just a fraction of the more than 60 million people killed during World War II. He thereby qualified himself as an independent external consultant on the negotiations with Iran.
Why him, of all people? Because who knows the spirit of the Persian bazaar as well as the Jewish merchant? Who if not the prime minister of Israel, the gold ring in the nose of the Middle Eastern swine, a man well-versed in the secrets of “the most dangerous part of the planet”?
Only Netanyahu can teach his Uncle Sammy from America how to bargain with these primitive peddlers.
La truie juive parle!

Paul Thomas: Netanyahu attack on Obama has silver lining
Despite - or perhaps because of - Netanyahu's moral and intellectual bankruptcy, several Republicans embraced his analysis to the extent of comparing Iran to Hitler's Germany (Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies, anyone?) and Netanyahu to Winston Churchill. For the record, Churchill's most famous pronouncement on international relations is "to jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war".
The cynics believe the whole exercise is first and foremost about the upcoming Israeli election. As Obama's former political adviser and campaign manager David Axelrod tweeted, Netanyahu's speech "is more about an 'existential threat' to his own electoral prospects".

VIDEO - Message vidéo sur Pourim et l'actualité par le Rav Dov Roth-Lumbroso
Sur la mitzvah qui dit d'exterminer Amalek...

WARNING 3X3X3 : L’ombre d’Esther plane sur le Congrès. 13 Adar. Vidéo / Note de Haim Goel: Et si, au final, c’était sur Obama et les forces spirituelles qui représentent Haman aux USA QUE S’EXERCAIENT LA VENGEANCE DE D.IEU EN CES JOURS DE POURIM ALORS QUE « BENJAMIN NETANYAHOU » VA S’EXPRIMER devant le Congrès au USA et qu’il va plaider la cause de son peuple comme le fit jadis ESTHER. En creusant un peu, si peu, les parallèles deviennent évidents. Si jadis Esther risqua sa vie pour parler au Roi, défiant le protocole, Netanyahou ne défie-t-il pas le protocole, la « bienséance » en défiant Obama dans son fief et ne risque-t-il pas sa survie politique ?!? Attendons-nous à de terribles jugements de D.ieu, j’en frémis en esprit en l’écrivant.

Israël Pourim - Superbe cadeau de Netanyahou à Obama. Pas de hasard.

Pourim: la fête de la droite israélienne par Avram Burg, qui vient de rejoindre le parti de gauche-arabe israélien... Il a écrit un livre destiné aux juifs pour leur dire qu'il faudrait en revenir un jour de cet Holocauste... ça fait 70 ans!

VIDEO - Obama's Israel snub disses Jews, Christians, by Donna Jacobs  I have never been so ashamed of any president in my lifetime as I am because of Barack Obama's refusal to listen to the prime minister of Israel. None of the administration chose to attend. What a slap in the face of an important ally of the U.S. and all Christian and Jewish people.

Peters: Obama Wouldn't Shed a Tear If Israel Disappeared Tomorrow

Pourquoi Obama et Netanyahu se détestent L’inimitié entre les deux dirigeants sur l’accord iranien atteint un sommet, mais le discours de Netanyahu à Washington n’est qu’un épisode de plus d’une relation haineuse plus longue et plus profonde qui ne s’arrêtera pas une fois la crise résolue

Why Obama hates Netanyahu, and vice versa The enmity between the two leaders over the Iran deal is at a fever pitch, but it is an older and deeper loathing that will not end no matter how that crisis is resolved

Neocon John Bolton: ‘Obama Has the Worst Relationship with Israel’ Since 1948

Obama's blind hostility toward Israel

Le discours de Netanyahou agace Washington et divise Israël

Israël : "Netanyahu espère que le successeur d'Obama revienne à une alliance classique" Hé Bibi! C'est en Israël qu'il y aura des élections très bientôt, pas aux USA!

Where Canada stands on the Obama-Netanyahu Iran brawl: Walkom Canadian politicians are reluctant to cross the U.S. But they are even more wary of crossing Israel.
Ce rélexe de peur et de soumission des politiciens est le résultat de l'intimidation (néo)conservatrice harperienne.

Netanyahou et Obama s'affrontent sur le nucléaire iranien Le Premier ministre israélien a prononcé hier un discours très virulent devant le Congrès américain. Il a été ovationné en dénonçant un accord sur le nucléaire souhaité par Barack Obama.

AUDIO - Pierre Dortiguier : « Netanyahu à l’offensive à Washington contre l’accord sur le nucléaire iranien »

Le torchon brûle entre Barack Obama et Benjamin Netanyahu !
Sur invitation des opposants au président Barack Obama, le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu compte intervenir devant le Congrès américain, le 3 mars 2015, pour rappeler le danger lié au programme nucléaire iranien, alors que ses relations avec la Maison-Blanche sont pour le moins tendues.
Dans le même temps, diverses sources, parmi lesquelles le Wall Street Journal, rapportent l’existence d’une correspondance secrète entre le président Obama et le Guide iranien de la Révolution islamique, Seyyed Ali Khamenei. Selon le quotidien américain, la lettre de Téhéran était une réponse tardive à un message du président américain envoyé en octobre 2014, dans lequel il proposait au dirigeant iranien de coopérer dans la lutte contre « l’Etat islamique » en cas d'accord sur le programme nucléaire iranien.
La relation entre Benjamin Netanyahu et Barack Obama est probablement la pire que les Etats-Unis aient connue entre un président américain et un ministre israélien depuis que le président John F. Kennedy ait dit au Premier ministre israélien David Ben Gourion « qu'Israël n’aura jamais d’armes nucléaires aussi longtemps qu'il sera président. »
La prochaine visite de Benjamin Netanyahu à Washington a suscité le mécontentement de la Maison-Blanche qui refuse de l'accueillir. Cependant, chaque fois qu’un dirigeant a voulu se dresser contre la politique sioniste israélienne, il a eu droit en retour à des représailles. Ce fut le cas de Folke Bernadotte, négociateur américain pour la paix au Moyen-Orient, assassiné en 1948 par un groupe sioniste, puis ce fut le tour du président Kennedy.
L'administration Obama a indiqué qu'elle n'avait pas non plus l'intention d'envoyer un représentant de haut niveau à la conférence annuelle de l’AIPAC (Comité américain pour les Affaires publiques israéliennes, premier groupe de pression sioniste américain). « Si l'administration américaine boycotte l'AIPAC, cela signifie qu’elle rompt son alliance stratégique avec Israël, parce que le Comité est un atout stratégique et il n’est pas permis de nuire à cette position », a affirmé Michael Oren, ancien ambassadeur d'Israël aux Etats-Unis.
La dégradation des relations entre Israël et les Etats-Unis, si elle se confirme, aura-t-elle pour conséquence l’isolement de l’entité sioniste ou sera-t-elle, au contraire, l’occasion pour Israël de démontrer sa puissance, qu’il est désormais le nouveau maître du monde ?

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach apologizes for ad calling Susan Rice blind to genocide

Une défaite électorale de Netanyahu n’annoncera pas la rédemption d’Israël – Par Gidéon Lévy (Haaretz)

Bibi the 'Mansplainer' Was Benjamin Netanyahu at his condescending worst during his speech? Some women heard a ‘mansplainer’ when he talked down to Americans — and put down other cultures.

Raising the Stakes EDITORIAL: Benjamin Netanyahu gave us great political theater. He also raised the stakes in his battle with the White House on Iran — and that could be dangerous for all of us.

Did Netanyahu’s speech make new allies or alienate old friends?

Deal with Iran paves way to bomb, Netanyahu says

Obama: Netanyahu said ‘nothing new’ and offers ‘no viable alternative’

'I gave alternative to Iran deal' After arriving back in Israel, Netanyahu responds to Obama's claim he offered nothing new.

HUMOUR: Remix: Netanyahu's speech Ynet exclusive: Israeli king of remix takes on PM's speech: Sit up, sit down, Iran, Iran, Iran.

Mixed reviews for Netanyahu Stewart slams 'festival of slights'; CNN dubs speech 'Strangelovian'; Al Arabiya in favor.

Pelosi slams Netanyahu ‘insult’ to US intelligence

VIDEO - Jon Stewart: Bibi’s Congress Reception Was ‘Longest Blowjob a Jewish Man Has Ever Received’ Ça prenait un juif pour avoir le droit de dire ça de même...

Netanyahu Is “The Right Man” to Address the US Congress on Iran By Prof. Yacov Rabkin, prof juif antisioniste

Obama right to spurn Netanyahu Israel’s premier completely omits any mention of his country’s nuclear arsenal, while warning against Iran’s alleged nuclear programme

Why is Netanyahu treating Obama so badly?

Netanyahu's splendid speech and the carnage in its wake Golden boy Bibi delivered the goods for his campaign and for the Republicans, leaving behind embittered Democrats, a fuming White House and no change on Iran.

[VIDEOS] WATCH: A look back at Obama and Netanyahu's greatest spats From 'chickenshit' to an accidental open mic insult, President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu's most tense moments in five video clips. [Nombreux conflits recensés depuis 2008 entre Netanyahou et Obama.]

Sen. Rand Paul Stands with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Quel châtiment préconiser pour ce genre de traîtres?

Likud leader Schmoozing Speech: 41 Standing Ovations a New Personal Record

WATCH: Democrats react to Netanyahu: 'Fear mongering straight from Dick Cheney's playbook'

Five must-read pieces on Netanyahu's Congress speech The day after Netanyahu's highly anticipated address to Congress, Haaretz analysts weigh in on potential ramifications of the speech on the Israeli election and impending Iran nuclear deal.

Report from protests against Netanyahu: 'Public opinion about Israel is changing irreversibly' "Les juifs sont notre malheur." (Treischke) Leur "tragédie" est notre espoir.

NETANYAHU’S LONG HISTORY OF CRYING WOLF ABOUT IRAN’S NUCLEAR WEAPONS In his 1995 book, “Fighting Terrorism,” Netanyahu once again asserted that Iran would have a nuclear weapon in “three to five years,” apparently forgetting about the expiration of his old deadline.

Strike Iran? 'Not even U.S. can stop Israel'

Europe-Israel: Obama aurait-il menacé d’abattre les avions israéliens s’ils attaquaient l’Iran?

Europe-Israel: Nucléaire iranien / Mossad – Intox islamo-gauchiste contre Netanyahou Le Mossad contredit Netanyahou, mais Europe-Israel dit que c'est un complot islamo-gauchiste qui est derrière ça... MDR

VIDEO - Thunderous Applause: State of the Union Like Welcome for Bibi Israeli Controlled Congress, Trained Like Circus Seals.
This is not the "State of the Union", but almost!

Obama switches tactics against Netanyahu’s speech: instead of anger, disdain

Hannity Calls Obama ‘Neville Chamberlain’ And Netanyahu ‘Winston Churchill’

Netanyahu may be Superman at AIPAC, but he's no Churchill

In Speech To Congress, Netanyahu Blasts 'A Very Bad Deal' With Iran 

Netanyahu to Congress: Emerging deal would lead to a nuclear Iran and inevitable war

In blistering speech, PM warns ‘bad’ deal ‘paves path’ to Iranian nukes

Netanyahu tells AIPAC that Iran and its international 'tentacles of terror' threaten the very existence of Israel

Top Netanyahu Aide Suggests Obama Is Withholding Key Information From Congress on Iran Talks!

Obama disparages Netanyahu’s judgment on Iran, says he ‘made all sorts of claims’

Susan Rice Tells Israel Lobbyists Their Demands Are ‘Unachievable’

Israel demands on Iran nuclear deal not viable: Rice

Menendez castigates Obama position on Iran as ‘an alarm system

Sen. Al Franken makes 6 Jewish lawmakers boycotting Netanyahu speech

Pro-Israel lobbyists heap Iran pressure on US Congress

Netanyahu and the Crumbling Israeli Lobby

Netanyahu pledges to do ‘everything’ to prevent nuclear deal

Obama aurait menacé d'abattre les avions israéliens s'ils attaquaient l'Iran
Report: Obama Threatened to Shoot Down IAF Iran Strike Kuwaiti paper claims unnamed Israeli minister with good ties with the US administration 'revealed the attack plan to John Kerry.'

Right-wingers spread rumor Obama threatened to shoot down Israeli jets attacking Iran

Report: Obama threatened to fire on Israeli jets attacking Iran

Historical Novelist Robert Thomas Fertig Predicts Israel's Preemptive Bombing Iran's Nuclear Sites in his New Book, Quicksand

Iran could nuke New York, Bennett warns Americans

Israeli nuclear expert: Netanyahu using Iran threat for political gain

Obama says timing of Netanyahu's speech on Iran is a mistake 

‘Cherry-picked leaks’: US accuses Israel of distorting Iran nuclear talks details

White House fighting back against anti-Iran groups: Analyst 

Obama Takes Preemptive Jab at Netanyahu Ahead of Speech to Congress

Netanyahu’s Congress speech aimed at hindering Iran nuclear deal

Think Netanyahu's speech is really about Iran? Think again As prime minister, dealing with the specter of a nuclear Iran is one of Benjamin Netanyahu's primary responsibilities. He's shirking it.

AIPAC wants to talk Iran, but it can’t get away from speechgate

Netanyahu: ‘I’m going to US to try to stop dangerous Iran deal’

Benjamin Netanyahu Warns Iran Nuclear Deal Could Threaten Israel’s Existence

Senators unveil new bill challenging Obama on Iran

John McCain: John Kerry ‘desperate for an agreement’ with Iran

Kerry: I hope Netanyahu's speech doesn’t turn into 'political football' U.S. Secretary of State also says that the U.S. deserves 'the benefit of the doubt' to see if a nuclear deal can be reached with Iran • Netanyahu heads to Washington for 'historic mission.'

Ex-Mossad Chief: 'PM has caused Israel the most strategic damage on Iran' 

Bennett at AIPAC: Iran deal an 'unmitigated disaster' of historic proportions Habayit Hayehudi leader and Economy Minister says talks with Iran over its nuclear program are 'a 2015 March of the Folly.'

Jeb Bush: « la politique d’Obama sur l’Iran est inexplicable ! »

AIPAC’s three-pronged lobbying plan: Iran, Iran and Iran When thousands of activists take to the Hill on Tuesday, they’ll be pushing several bills that target Tehran’s nuclear program, and contradict Obama’s positions

Drama over Netanyahu's speech to Congress is shifting in his favor Congress and millions of Americans are eager to hear what the Israeli prime minister has to say on Iran, and, once he leaves, it is U.S. President Barack Obama who will be on the spot.

Is it really worth quarrelling with US president over a meaningless speech? Op-ed: Is there anyone in Washington, Tehran or even Jerusalem who believes that as soon as Netanyahu ends his address, US will backtrack on agreement with Iran and step up sanctions? 
Netanyahu, his pants on fire, brings torch to Washington: Burman Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu takes wild-eyed warnings about Iran to U.S. Congress, damaging international negotiations and American relations.

Netanyahu's speech - historic or hysteric?  Op-ed: Most Congress members don’t know much about foreign policy, but they do know politics; they will assume it's Netanyahu's performance in the polls and not Iran that brought him over at this time.

Former MI chief: Netanyahu’s speech was an apology for the damage to relations with U.S. 'Iran and its nuclear program won’t be stopped by speeches but by deeds,' says Zionist Union's candidate for defense minister Amos Yadlin.

Iran's Zarif slams Netanyahu's 'scaremongering'     International, domestic pressure mounting ahead of Netanyahu's planned address to U.S. Congress on the forthcoming agreement on Iran's nuclear program.

US-Israel intel cooperation on Iran's nuclear program has been stopped, Ch. 10 reports
La collaboration des services secrets us et israéliens sur le cas iranien interrompue? Douteux!

Netanyahu to AIPAC: Reports of demise in ties with the US are ‘just wrong’
Si ça se trouve c'est peut-être la gang de Neanyahou qui a pari cete rumeur our faire peur aux israéliens et se faire passer lui-même pour un défenseur indispensable d'Israel.

Kerry worries details of Iran nuclear deal could be leaked

White House warns Netanyahu: Revealing details on Iran talks would be 'betrayal' of U.S. trust Warning issued in response to statements made by senior officials in Netanyahu's entourage at a briefing for reporters on the prime minister’s flight to Washington.

Revelation of nuke talks details by Netanyahu would be ‘betrayal,’ US warns Israeli report claims Washington cut intelligence sharing on Iran with Israel over tensions, as controversial congressional address looms

Nucléaire iranien: Kerry met en garde contre toute révélation «sélective» sur les négociations 

Sen. Feinstein pans Netanyahu over claim to speak for all Jews Jewish lawmaker calls statement by prime minister ‘arrogant’ but says she still plans to attend controversial speech

Top Jewish Senator Feinstein: Netanyahu's claim he represents all Jews is 'arrogant' As Netanyahu makes way to US to address Congress on Iranian deal, leading Jewish senator slams Netanyahu: 'He doesn’t speak for me on this... I think it’s a rather arrogant statement.'
US Senator Feinstein slams 'arrogant' Netanyahu: 'He doesn't speak for me' 

WATCH: Sen. Dianne Feinstein slams Netanyahu's 'arrogance' Before boarding plane from Israel to U.S., Israeli PM said he felt like 'emissary' for Jewish people embarking on a 'historic mission.'


Netanyahu’s U.S. Congress Speech Reveals World’s True Superpower is Zio-Globalism not America!

Binyamin Netanyahu, AIPAC’s Putative American President, Plans to Threaten the US Congress Israel, the only undeclared nuclear weapons state, a global threat

With AIPAC fete as backdrop, the Obama-Netanyahu faceoff begins The pro-Israel lobby tried to pretend that bipartisan business is as usual, until Dianne Feinstein dispelled the Kumbaya atmosphere.

Mr. Netanyahu, don’t go to Washington Op-ed: Ynet's national security correspondent urges prime minister to consider consequences of his address, in face of such strong opposition from Obama administration.

Former IDF commanders slam Netanyahu’s Congress trip

On eve of US trip Netanyahu maintains: ‘I respect Obama’  LOL

Netanyahu's Takeover Bid, by David Bromwich, Professor of Literature, Yale University

A Partial Accounting of the Damage Netanyahu Is Doing to Israel

Former Mossad head urges Israeli voters to oust Binyamin Netanyahu

Ex-Obama aide Ross: PM’s speech to Congress ‘definitely a mistake’

AIPAC Meets Under Cloud Amid Tumult Over Benjamin Netanyahu Speech Israel Lobby Rocked as Attack on Susan Rice Bares Splits

Benjamin Netanyahu Has Been Lying to Americans For 20 Years It's a record that members of Congress should ponder on before they leap to applaud for his upcoming address.

Former IDF top brass urge Netanyahu to drop Congress speech Commanders for Israel's Security, a group of representatives from all defense agencies, say destroying relations with U.S. is the real strategic threat.

Netanyahu under fire As PM prepares for Congress speech, he gets flak from ex-Mossad boss but finds support from US presidential contender Jeb Bush


NY Demonstrators Say #No2Netanyahu While DC Protesters Rally To #ShutDownAIPAC

Obama is Netanyahu’s greatest political asset The U.S. president bears some responsibility for the sorry state of Israel-U.S. relations. He has allowed himself to be maneuvered into a position where he can only help Netanyahu in Israel’s elections.

Power: Don’t politicize U.S.-Israel relations

Netanyahu: ‘Israel’s friendship with US will outweigh all differences’

Poll finds Americans are enamored with Netanyahu

Israel will feel US rage after Netanyahu leaves Washington Analysis: White House officials already working on plan for day after Congress speech; Israel, which has asked for another $317 million for defense, may find out America far less generous than before.

Israel's attorney general is blatantly interfering in election for Netanyahu Yehuda Weinstein has erred in postponing a corruption investigation until after the vote; if more than a few months remained before appointing a AG, this conduct would be enough to justify removing him from office.

Binyamin Netanyahu’s expensive speech   Editor Netanyahu’s expensive speech  By Uri Avnery

Netanyahu insists on wrecking Israel's ties with United States Instead of respecting the American president and refraining from intervention in his domestic and foreign policy, Netanyahu is insisting on embarrassing Barack Obama in his home court.

Netanyahu to AIPAC: Congressional speech must go on

White House destroying US ties with Israel: House speaker

Real drama isn't Netanyahu's speech; it's Susan Rice     Zealous supporters of Netanyahu are stoking the right’s resentment of the National Security Adviser who called the prime minister’s visit 'destructive.'

PM easily wins over AIPAC loyalists before tougher task in Congress Netanyahu assures vast pro-Israel audience that ties will flourish despite current disagreements. He’ll have a more difficult audience on Tuesday

No Holds Barred: Jews must fight genocide, whatever the consequences by Schmuel BoTeach

Boteach under fire for controversial ad

Outrage Spreads Over Shmuley Boteach 'Genocide' Ad Smearing Susan Rice Rabbi Denounced for Attack on Security Adviser

Jewish groups slam Boteach ad on Susan Rice

Jewish Group BLASTS SUSAN RICE In NYT Ad “Susan Rice Has Blind Spot Genocide” 

Jewish groups line up to denounce Boteach ad on Susan Rice 

Sherman quits Boteach Iran confab following ‘vulgar’ ad

Rep. Brad Sherman pulls out of Boteach conference on Iran over 'vulgar' ad

Netanyahu speech risks more than Obama’s ire

LE CLASH DU SIECLE. Rien ne va plus entre Barack Obama et Benyamin Netanyahou

John Kerry says Israel’s Netanyahu Lied About Iran nuclear weapons

US-Israel row deepens as Kerry questions Netanyahu

Netanyahu row with Obama administration deepens

Netanyahu’s blinkered view of American politics

Le Juriste américain Alan Dershowitz se dit « consterné » par le boycott du discours de B. Netanyahu au Congrès

Netanyahu speech straining bipartisanship ahead of AIPAC conference

Benjamin Netanyahu’s Iran Exaggerations Now Clear for All To See Massive Mossad Leak Contradicts Bibi Ticking Tale

Israel's Netanyahu Lied About Iran With Infamous "Clear Red Line" Threat, Mossad Leak Reveals

Europe-Israel - Etats-Unis vs Israël : La crise fabriquée par Barak Hussein Obama

Netanyahu speech straining bipartisanship ahead of AIPAC conference

Why Netanyahu's party hopes Obama stays angry It seems as if every slap in the premier's face from members of the Obama administration only strengthens his electoral base at home.

The speech by Netanyahu, the hazing of Obama and the anguish of Jewish Democrats Republicans love Netanyahu because he is tough, conservative and suspicious of Muslims - but mainly because he is so good at sticking it to the President.

Ex-Mossad chief: PM taking ‘intolerable’ risks with Israeli security Dagan says Netanyahu’s actions vis-à-vis DC have caused ‘heavy strategic damage'; will speak at anti-Netanyahu rally next week

Ex-Mossad chief Meir Dagan to headline anti-Netanyahu rally Dagan, who called Netanyahu's policies 'destructive to the future and security of Israel,' will speak at rally demanding regime change at Tel Aviv's Rabin Square.

Israeli opposition leader urges Netanyahu to drop US Congress speech plan

John Boehner Defends Benjamin Netanyahu Speech

Netanyahu Admits Sabotage of Iran Talks His Primary Mission

After bashing Netanyahu, top Obama aide Rice to address AIPAC

WATCH: Michael Oren invokes 'House of Cards' in new campaign ad
'If you're tired of dirty politics in Israel, on March 17, you vote for Kulanu,' says Israel's former ambassador to Washington in video.
House of cards est une série où l'on voit un système bien ficelé de lobbys contrôlant carrément le gouvernement ...

Poll: 54% of Republicans say that, “deep down, Obama is a Muslim”

Herzog cancels AIPAC speech Zionist Union chief won't travel to DC for event; Yachimovich urges PM to back out of address.

Op-Ed: Obama should send high-level rep to AIPAC conference

White House mulling ways to undercut Netanyahu speech

Debbie Wasserman Schultz planned to accuse Obama of being anti-woman and anti-Semitic

PRESSTV-White House may snub AIPAC conference: Officials

White House may snub AIPAC as it seeks to undercut Netanyahu speech Administration considering media blitz, cold-shoulder for pro-Israel lobby in its diplomatic war over PM’s address to Congress
Haaretz:The administration has been signaling that this year's conference of America's leading pro-Israel lobby may not be attended by a Cabinet-level guest.

‘Netanyahu is a man who fights for his people, unlike our President,’ says Giuliani

Former New York mayor Giuliani backs Netanyahu on speech to Congress Former Republican presidential candidate repeats statement that President Obama doesn't love America like other presidents did.

Anti-Netanyahu Campaign Stoops to Antisemtism

Netanyahu’s speech at US Congress ‘a stick in Obama’s eye’: US lawmaker

Ex-envoy to US: White House boycott of AIPAC tantamount to boycott of alliance with Israel

Obama should improve security to avoid a Kennedy fate: Journalist

Obama devrait assurer sa sécurité si il ne veut pas connaître le sort de Kennedy
IRIB-Un journaliste d'investigation états-unien a déclaré qu'il est bon que le président états-unien Barack Obama s'oppose à Israël mais il devrait améliorer sa sécurité pour éviter un destin à la John F. Kennedy. Dans un entretien téléphonique avec Press TV ce mercredi, Wayne Madsen a déclaré que le dernier président étatsunien qui s'est confronté au régime sioniste a été assassiné le 22 novembre 1963.
"La relation entre [le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin] Netanyahu et Obama est sans doute la pire que nous ayons jamais vu entre un président états-unien et un ministre israélien depuis que le président John F. Kennedy a déclaré au Premier ministre israélien David Ben Gourion qu'Israël n'aurait jamais d'armes nucléaires aussi longtemps qu'il serait président", a déclaré Madsen.
"Bien sûr, quelques jours après son assassinat, le président [Lyndon B.] Johnson a infirmé cette politique et a commencé à fournir la technologie nucléaire des États-Unis à Israël," a-t-il déclaré.
Il a ajouté que "c'est dans l'ensemble sain qu'[un] président états-unien résiste face au Premier ministre israélien ; Mais la dernière fois que cela s'est passé ce fut pour le président Kennedy, qui a été abattu alors qu'il était dans une voiture décapotable à Dallas, au Texas". [Source : Press TV]

US Senator Schumer calls on fellow Democrats to attend Netanyahu speech

Will Black Lawmakers' Anger Over Benjamin Netanyahu Speech Hurt Support for Israel? Congressional Caucus Upset at Snub of First Black President

Imbroglio politique au sommet de l’empire La lobby sioniste se met en branle pour imposer Netanyahu au Congrès étasunien

Bennett complains of left-wing incitement as his security is beefed up 

New Likud ad highlights past US rift over creation of state Clip likens Netanyahu’s insistence to speak to Congress on Iran to Ben-Gurion’s decision to declare independence despite some US opposition

Kerry slams Netanyahu: Those criticizing Iran deal don’t know its details

AFP: Le premier ministre israélien, Benjamin Nétanyahou, a été contredit par ses propres services secrets en 2012 lorsqu’il a déclaré que l’Iran était à environ un an de se doter de l’arme atomique, selon des documents secrets publiés lundi par le Guardian et Al-Jazeera

VIDEO - Nucléaire iranien : Benjamin Netanyahu contredit par le Mossad

In 2012, Mossad said Iran not building nukes — report

Netanyahu misled UN on Iran nuclear programme

Israel to US: Emerging nuclear deal allows Iran to dominate Middle East

Amid row over Israel and Iran, White House sidestepping AIPAC summit 

Would a nuclear Iran truly pose an existential threat to Israel? Netanyahu fears a second Holocaust, but even top security officials say Tehran is unlikely to use a bomb if it had one. Yet the emboldening of the ayatollahs, and a likely regional arms race, are worrying enough

Lieberman: We Need to Stop ‘Whining’ About Iran and ‘Take Action’

US takes swipe at Netanyahu: Sounds like he knows more about Iran deal than negotiators

Democrats in letter to House leader: Postpone Netanyahu’s speech

Jeb Bush Wouldn't Hesitate to Start 'Third Bush War' 

Jeb Bush ‘anxious to hear’ PM’s speech on Iran Netanyahu trades messages of support on Twitter with GOP presidential candidate, as Democrats try to get address postponed

Jeb Bush 'eager to hear' Netanyahu's Congress speech, surprised at White House reaction

White House: Israel distorts U.S. position in Iran negotiations The White House slams what it calls a continued Israeli practice of 'cherry-picking' and leaking information out of context.

US admits withholding some Iran talks info from Israel White House and State Department accuse Jerusalem of leaking details for political purposes, misrepresenting terms of nuclear deal

US to stop updating Israel on Iran nuclear talks — TV report Washington’s chief negotiator reportedly says information is being used for political ends; Israel, State Department deny claims

Speaking to American Jewish leaders, Netanyahu holds firm on Congress speech

Netanyahu’s Dance with the US Congress: Israel and the Botched Invitation

Dennis Ross: Netanyahu should admit decision to address Congress was a mistake Israel must not be allowed to become a partisan issue in the U.S., former peace talks envoy tells Haaretz editor-in-chief Aluf Benn at the Israel Conference on Democracy.

Howard Dean calls Netanyahu a 'disaster,' terms his Congress speech 'stupid' The former DNC chairman's harsh broadside is indicative of the escalating rhetoric directed at the prime minister.

Israel Slams Diplomacy, Threatens to Attack Iran Steinitz: Israel Will Never Allow Diplomacy to Constrain Attacks

Obama officials: Claims Israel cut out of Iran loop ‘patently false’

Netanyahu may have leaked US secrets to hurt Iran negotiations

"US to stop updating Israel on Iran nuclear talks" Bull!


Most Israelis oppose Netanyahu’s visit to Congress Majority of those polled think addressing US lawmakers won’t prevent emerging nuclear deal with Iran

Americans support Netanyahu and Israel Op-ed: Obama and Israel's center-left political camp in are panicking at the prospect of again having to witness the respect and adoration America has for one of the best prime ministers Israel ever had.

Albright blasts Netanyahu for U.S. trip

Rand Paul: "Proud to sign a resolution welcoming Israeli PM Netanyahu to Congress." Pire qu'un "néocon", Rand Paul est un sioniste ultra qui prône la ligne dure pro-israélienne contre l'Iran.

Boehner admits he kept White House in dark over Netanyahu’s Congress speech

Boehner: 'I didn't tell Obama I was inviting Netanyahu because I knew he would interfere'

Boehner: I kept Netanyahu speech secret to stop White House from interfering

Boehner’s finest hour: Congress is finally asserting its power The U.S. Congress is not going to let Israel be pushed aside by a president whose aides slag Netanyahu while insisting the world trust Obama in negotiations with Iran.

Netanyahu Takes a Step Too Far as He Attempts to Isolate President Obama

Wiesel backs Netanyahu speech highlighting division in American Jewry Shoah survivor asks Americans to listen to Israeli PM as planned Congress appearance splits US Jews along ideological lines.
Elie Wiesel to attend Netanyahu speech to Congress

Is Obama an enemy of Netanyahu's Israel? Are you? Netanyahu makes a campaign promise he can keep: The next four years will be worse than the last. And they've already started.

Lapid: Netanyahu has 'lost touch with reality,' should no longer be Israel's PM

Israeli election chief puts curbs on Netanyahu's speech to U.S. Congress

EUROPE-ISRAEL-Binyamin Netanyahou, Winston Churchill de notre époque

[Vidéo] – Voilà ce qu’Obama ose dire : les Juifs assassinés à Paris ont été pris pour cibles « par hasard », par une bande de francs-tireurs, fanatiques. Je pense qu'il y a un tout petit peu de vrai là-dedans... les juifs sont fortiches pour détecter quand un goy leur est insoumis!

ADL questions ‘clouded’ response by Obama officials to Paris kosher market attack

ADL seeks answers on ‘clouded’ US response to Paris attack Foxman defends Obama, says in aftermath of HyperCacher shooting, president made it ‘very clear’ it was anti-Semitic

French anti-Semitism watchdog slams Obama for calling deli attack random

Le Président Israélien reçoit les familles des victimes de l’HyperCacher (dont celles qui veulent faire leur alyah)

Haaretz - Netanyahu speaks for all Jews whether they like it or not It's too late to say now that Netanyahu isn't speaking in the name of Jews around the world. He’s been doing it for years and very few have spoken out.

Poll: Americans want Obama-Netanyahu meeting, half say invite ‘inappropriate’

Why Israel Lobby Is Biggest Casualty of Feud Over Benjamin Netanyahu's Speech AIPAC and Jewish Backers Fume Over Being Dumped by Bibi

Netanyahu’s U.S. speech exposes partisan fault lines on Israel

Obama: ‘Real differences’ with Netanyahu over Iran

Netanyahu’s Forthcoming US Congress Speech on Iran: Dear Mr. Netanyahu, Please Don’t Cancel Your Speech

Netanyahou: "Israël a un différend avec l'administration américaine sur l'Iran" C'est rare qu'ils admettent publiquement être en conflit! D'habitude le conflit est caché derrière des signes à décoder, comme le refus de recevoir Bibi à la Maison Blanche par exemple. Ce n'était pas dit ouvertement mais c'était quand même clair. Maintenant cela va tellement mal qu'ils en sont rendus à déchirer leur chemise en public! MDR!

Why Benjamin Netanyahu Is Right on Speech to Congress Put Aside the Politics — Both Israeli and American

Netanyahu rejects criticism: I am determined to address Congress

Sen. Patrick Leahy, key Democrat, won’t attend Netanyahu’s Congress speech

How dare Netanyahu speak in the name of America’s Jews?

Les États-Unis perdent leur emprise sur Israël et sur les Palestiniens
Netanyhou est en train d’affaiblir Obama, mais cela va peut-être lui coûter cher politiquement.
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Commençant à se rendre compte du danger, la gauche israélienne appelle à présent Netanyahou à annuler son discours devant le Congrès américain et la communauté juive américaine elle aussi préfèrerait l’annulation
Nazareth – Pendant 20 ans la Maison Blanche a contrôlé le processus de paix, se réservant le rôle d’intendant d’Israël et des Palestiniens dans la résolution de leur conflit. Comme certains « Parrains », les États-Unis exigeaient une loyauté inconditionnelle.
Mais la prééminence de Washington dans la relation tant avec Israël qu’avec la direction palestinienne s’effiloche avec une rapidité étonnante.
La crise grandit depuis six ans. Obama est arrivé à la Maison Blanche juste au moment où Israël élisait un des gouvernements les plus à droite de son histoire, mené par Benjamin Netanyahou.
Lors de leur première rencontre, Obama aurait dit à son interlocuteur israélien : “not one more brick” [pas une seule brique de plus], insistant sur le gel des constructions de colonies pour que Washington puisse ranimer le processus d’Oslo, au point mort depuis longtemps.
Netanyahou s’est empressé de défier le président et il n’a pas cessé depuis. La dernière humiliation en date – la goutte qui a fait déborder le vase – c’est quand Netanyahou a réussi à extorquer une invitation à s’adresser au Congrès américain le mois d’après.
De toute évidence, le Premier ministre israélien espère faire un sort à un élément essentiel de la politique étrangère d’Obama – la négociation d’un accord avec l’Iran sur son programme nucléaire – en persuadant le Congrès de durcir les sanctions à l’encontre de Téhéran. C’est risquer une crise qui pourrait finir par entraîner les Etats-Unis dans une guerre avec l’Iran.
Mais Netanyahou n’est pas seul à tester le pouvoir d’Obama. Dernièrement le président palestinien Mahmoud Abbas, lui aussi, a choisi de court-circuiter la Maison Blanche. Après des années de vaine attente, il a placé ses espérances en de nouveaux donateurs internationaux qui pourraient l’aider à atteindre son objectif de parvenir à un état indépendant.
Ignorant les injonctions de la Maison Blanche, il a persévéré malgré tout avec des résolutions aux Nations Unies et il vient de dégainer son arme ultime : adhérer à la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) de La Haye. Les Israéliens appellent cela « une intifada diplomatique » et ils pressent les Etats-Unis de supprimer leur aide annuelle de 400 millions de dollars à l’Autorité palestinienne.
Comme avec un parrain mafieux, Obama est en difficulté s’il n’arrive plus à inspirer la peur, à défaut du respect. Mais lui seul est à l’origine du problème.
Depuis six ans, "Netanyahou nous a craché au visage", comme un responsable à la Maison Blanche en faisait la remarque mémorable lors de la dernière crise, et apparemment sans avoir à payer le moindre prix pour son impudence. A l’inverse, Abbas a fait tout ce que l’administration Obama exigeait de lui, sans avoir eu la moindre reconnaissance de ses efforts.
Les dirigeants israéliens tout autant que palestiniens croient chacun de leur côté qu’ils ont des intérêts vitaux - voire existentiels – que la Maison Blanche les empêche à présent de concrétiser.
La désobéissance d’Abbas est issue de la nécessité. Se rendant compte que les Etats-Unis n’agiront jamais en intermédiaire honnête dans le processus de paix, il a été contraint de se tourner vers des tribunes internationales, où le pouvoir de Washington est plus réduit, dans l’espoir d’obliger Israël à concéder un petit état palestinien.
La manœuvre de Netanyahou, quant à elle, se base sur le raisonnement risqué qu’il peut manipuler les USA pour provoquer une confrontation avec l’Iran, afin de maintenir la domination régionale d’Israël. Pour ce faire il se fondait sur deux hypothèses douteuses.
La première est qu’il peut attendre, puisque Obama n’a plus qu’un an et demi de mandat. Netanyahou mise sur un successeur républicain tenant de la ligne dure, qui suivra sa tendance contre Téhéran. Il pourrait bien être déçu. Même en misant sur une victoire des républicains, leur rhétorique de campagne de style faucon sur l’Iran sera sévèrement mise à l’épreuve par les limitations du mandat. Les agences de renseignement et les militaires étatsuniens enseigneront au prochain président les mêmes froides réalités politiques qu’a dû affronter Obama.
Et deuxièmement, Netanyahou croit qu’il peut se servir du Congrès pour faire obstacle à tout accord menaçant de se conclure entre Washington et Téhéran. Son hypothèse de travail est que le Congrès est « territoire israélien sous occupation », comme l’a dit un jour un observateur des Etats-Unis.
Il est certain qu’Israël a une emprise énorme sur le Congrès, mais Netanyahou est déjà en train de recevoir une leçon sur les limites de son influence quand il s’attaque à un président des Etats-Unis fortement acculé.
De hauts responsables démocrates semblent se ranger du côté d’Obama. Nancy Pelosi, chef de file de la minorité à la Chambre des représentants, a déjà averti que beaucoup de démocrates pourraient boycotter le discours de Netanyahou. D’autres pourraient y assister mais sans se joindre aux applaudissements frénétiques tels ceux qui ont salué sa dernière intervention au Congrès.
Voici l’un des signes d’avertissement que Netanyahou a catégoriquement refusé de prendre en compte. Son influence et celle d’Israël aux Etats-Unis dépendent de leur nature bi-partisane. En jouant contre le président, Netanyahou risque de détruire le consensus politique sur Israël et d’exposer pour la première fois le public américain à un débat sur la question de savoir si les intérêts israéliens coïncident avec ceux des Etats-Unis.
La vraie dissension avec Obama qu’il est en train d’encourager risque de lui retomber dessus, stratégiquement. Il donne à Téhéran le meilleur incitatif pour signer un accord avec les puissances occidentales rien que pour approfondir la fracture dans la relation entre Israël et Washington.
Entre-temps, la CPI a préféré initier par elle-même un examen contre Israël pour crimes de guerre, dès avant l’accession palestinienne, plutôt que d’attendre une escalade des menaces de représailles d’Israël et de la Maison Blanche.
Ce que la dégradation de la relation triangulaire – entretenue par l’intransigeance de Netanyahou envers les Palestiniens et par son insolence à l’encontre des Etats-Unis – a permis, c’est d’ouvrir la marge de manœuvres diplomatiques.
D’autres états, de l’Europe à la Russie, la Chine et l’Iran, et des institutions internationales comme la CPI, vont combler le vide laissé par la crédibilité réduite de Washington et vont structurer leurs conceptions du conflit israélo-palestinien. Ce qui pourrait avoir pour Israël des conséquences imprévisibles – et dangereuses.
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* Jonathan Cook a obtenu le Prix Spécial de journalisme Martha Gellhorn. Ses derniers livres sont Israel and the Clash of Civilisations : Iraq, Iran and the to Remake the Middle East (Pluto Press) et Disappearing Palestine : Israel’s Experiments in Human Despair (Zed Books). Voici l’adresse de son site :

Israelis cry foul on U.S. cash influencing their election Quelle ironie!

Netanyahu's real victim? The American Jewish establishment A new, GOP-centered Jewish alliance powered by Sheldon Adelson is gradually taking its place.

JSSNEWS | Le ‘’pro-israélisme’’ de Charles Enderlin et de J-Street contre Netanyahou
J Street launches campaign against Netanyahu Online petition says PM ‘cannot claim any mandate to speak for Jews in the US’ when he addresses Congress on Iran
ADL blasts J Street's 'repugnant' anti-Bibi campaign Abraham Foxman, who has urged Netanyahu to cancel Congress address, says campaign further exacerbates crises in U.S.-Israel relations; J Street pushes back: There is nothing inflammatory or repugnant in our actions.

Mark Glenn vs Lawrence Korb on Press TV’s “The Debate,” discussing US policy toward Iran

Watchdog group shows New York Times covers up real Israeli nukes, fear mongers imaginary Iranian nukes

Dr. Duke exposes New York Times two-faced lying about Israel, Iran, nukes, and war

Israeli veteran politician says “We, the elders of Zion, pull the strings of Congress”

Pro-Israel lobby threatens Democrats who plan to skip Netanyahu speech

US Jewish hawks threaten to ‘shame’ Democrats who skip Netanyahu speech in Congress According to 'Politico,' the prime minister’s Jewish conservative backers in the United States say they will be "taking attendance" of delegates during Netanyahu’s remarks.
États-Unis/Congrès : un milliardaire juif menace d’humilier les élus anti-Netanyahu
Le milliardaire juif américain Sheldon Adelson a menacé vendredi d’user de tout son argent pour humilier et empêcher la réélection de tout élu au Congrès qui boycotterait le discours du Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu prévu début mars.
Sous pression de l’administration Obama, de nombreux élus démocrates ont annoncé ou envisagent de boycotter le discours du dirigeant israélien devant le Congrès sur la menace nucléaire iranienne, invité par les Républicains au grand mécontentement de la Maison Blanche.
Le vice-président des États-Unis, Joe Biden, a indiqué vendredi qu’il serait absent lors du discours de M. Netanyahu. Officiellement, en raison d’un déplacement à l’étranger, récemment programmé.
Le président américain Barack Obama est foncièrement hostile au discours du Premier ministre israélien, en raison des négociations en cours entre les États-Unis et l’Iran sur la question du nucléaire iranien.
Le dirigeant américain craint un durcissement des sanctions contre le régime des mollahs qui pourrait être voté par les Républicains, et torpiller la stratégie conciliante de la Maison Blanche.
Katty Scott – © Le Monde Juif .info | Photo : DR

Netanyahu ‘determined to go to Washington’ Prime minister says ‘bad deal with Iran’ is too important an issue and insists trip not motivated by ‘party politics'; Obama acknowledges ‘differences of opinion but stresses ‘cooperation’

Netanyahu rejects criticism: I am determined to address Congress A bad deal is taking shape with Iran while people are concerned with protocol, prime minister says; Obama: 'Very real differences' exist between me and Netanyahu on Iran issue.

Bibi Blasts 'Dangerous' Progress in Iran Talks

Obama: ‘Real differences’ with Netanyahu over Iran

Netanyahu Vows to Sabotage Iran Nuclear Deal Says Israel Will Do Anything to Prevent Agreement

Israeli veteran politician says “We, the elders of Zion, pull the strings of Congress”

Beware: Republican Jews on the warpath
A campaign of intimidation is underway to stop Democratic lawmakers from skipping Netanyahu's upcoming Congress speech. God, save us from our Jews.
By Yossi Sarid    | Feb. 8, 2015 | 12:47 AM | 8
Now it’s no longer a “crisis in the relationship” that they try to paper over; now it’s no longer just “tensions with the White House” that they’re making every effort to reduce in between meetings; now, it’s an open war with the United States. It’s Sheldon Adelson versus Barack Obama, and Israel is caught in the cross-fire.
After Vice President Joe Biden, our greatest friend over there, announced an unspecified trip abroad that will prevent him from being in Congress at the fateful hour, Republican Jewish organizations launched a campaign of intimidation against those lawmakers who had already announced their intent to skip the joint session: Their political fate will be bitter.
Nothing like this has ever happened in the history of nations. Only North Korea still uses such violent language. Even tiny Cuba adopted a different style and stopped roaring like a mouse. Ambassador to Washington Ron Dermer, in the service of his master, is rallying his troops and launching a combined assault on Capitol Hill. Benjamin Netanyahu is determined to show the president once and for all who really rules in Washington, who is the landlord both here and there.
It’s easy to imagine what would have happened in eternally united Jerusalem if some such Sheldon had made similar threats from Las Vegas and Macao against our ministers and MKs: Look, if you’re absent, you’ll never see another dollar.
One Matthew Brooks – the executive director of the Republican Jewish Coalition, who does the will of its financial backers – explained over the weekend, “We will commit whatever resources we need to make sure that people are aware of the facts, that given the choice to stand with Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu in opposition to a nuclear Iran, they chose partisan interests and to stand with President Obama.” Mort Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, added unambiguously, “We will, of course, be publicly condemning any Democrats who don’t show up for the speech — unless they have a doctor’s note.” Doctor, this man is sick and urgently needs tranquilizers.
God, save us from our Jews; we can handle the non-Jews ourselves. How easy it is to stir up the highest institutions of democratic America, and how difficult to bomb Iran’s underground nuclear facilities. Ask the heads of your intelligence agencies, or ours, and they’ll whisper it in secret.
From Israel, the land you love so much and are so far away from, we’d like to tell you American Jews, regardless of your opinions and party affiliations – all those of you who won’t openly wash your hands of these risky gambles – that our fate is in our own hands.
Don’t play with fire that will burn us alone, or perhaps you as well: Because of your silence, you’ll be accused of dual loyalty.
Israel, which until now was a cornerstone of bipartisanship, has become loathsome to its traditional supporters. Benjamin Nitay Netanyahu, the Israeli-American, has made it into something that reeks, even among its longtime supporters.
In these very moments, the protocols are being rewritten. Rich Jews are writing them in their own handwriting. They, in their wealth, are confirming with their own signatures what anti-Semites used to slander them with in days gone by: We, the elders of Zion, pull the strings of Congress, and the congressmen are nothing but marionettes who do our will. If they don’t understand our words, they’ll understand our threats. And if in the past, we ran the show from behind the scenes, now we’re doing it openly, from center stage. And if you forget our donations, the wellspring will run dry.
Recently, two friends in Israel had a disturbing conversation: They fear that war is liable to break out at any moment between us and America. One friend cited two possibilities: In the worst case, they’ll conquer us, and we’ll become the 51st star on the flag – that would be unpleasant. True, the other said, but what happens if we conquer them? That, they agreed, would really be terrible.

Scorched earth created by Netanyahu's Congress speech is spreading

Scrap the Speech! EXCLUSIVE: As the controversy around Benjamin Netanyahu’s planned speech to Congress grows, Abraham Foxman of the ADL called on the Israeli prime minister to stay home.

With Biden opting out, partisan row over Netanyahu speech intensifies The vice president announced that he would be out of the country and won’t attend the Israeli prime minister’s speech. Some top black and Hispanic Democratic lawmakers said they will stay away, too.

Netanyahu: I will go to Congress like I went to Paris – to speak for all Jews

VIDEO - Israel's Netanyahu and USA Obama Clash on Iran's Nuclear Ambitions Breaking news

Biden will not attend Netanyahu’s Congress speech US official says vice president will be ‘traveling abroad'; 40 Democrats also expected to skip March 3 address on Iran

Vice President Biden to miss Netanyahu's speech in Congress Biden's office says he'll be traveling abroad on a trip planned before Netanyahu's March 3 speech was announced.

Biden to skip Netanyahu's speech before Congress A statement released by Biden's office indicated that the vice president will be abroad on the day that Netanyahu is scheduled to address Congress.

Israeli politicians demand that Netanyahu cancel Congress speech Leaders of the country's center-left parties criticize premier's intention to address U.S. Congress as election ploy that will harm Israel.

Herzog to PM: Cancel US speech for the sake of Israel’s security

Herzog calls on Netanyahu to cancel Congress speech, has brief hallway meeting with Kerry and Biden

Biden, Kerry meet with Herzog; both to skip PM in DC next month In Munich, VP and secretary discuss security with opposition leader, who says Netanyahu will face ‘a complete boycott’ by Obama administration in March

Angry over Netanyahu’s speech, Democrats hope to limit harm As parties bicker over Israeli PM’s scheduled address to Congress, some Republicans say liberals’ attitudes could cost them Jewish votes

Abe Foxman Calls on Benjamin Netanyahu To Scrap Speech to GOP Congress ADL Chief Wants Israel Premier To End 'Circus'

commentaire de (Arutz Sheva): "Obama, le squatteur de la Maison Blanche, s'incruste dans les élections israéliennes pour faire échouer le Likoud. Du jamais vu dans l'histoire de la diplomatie. Mais ne nous trompons pas, Obama n'aime pas Israël, mais les plus grands dégâts, il les aura fait au Moyen Orient, en Europe, et surtout "chez lui", aux États-Unis."

American Jewish leader: Danger of anti-Semitic ‘spillover’ in US criticism of Israel In a Jerusalem meeting with Times of Israel staff, Conference of Presidents CEO Malcolm Hoenlein presses for prophylactic plan for massive aliyah

Israel's friends fear Netanyahu's speech to Congress will harm ties

Dems confront Israel, raising Netanyahu speech stakes Some party members reportedly decide to stay away from address, while others express frustration over unnecessary tension

Gang War Update: Dems might skip Netanyahu speech

Israeli Ambassador Dermer and Knesset Speaker Edelstein rushed to Capitol Hill trying to calm a furor created by Netanyahu’s planned speech

Ron Dermer: A History of Arrogance No wonder Israel’s ambassador thinks he can get away with insulting the White House - he’s watched his mentor Netanyahu do it his entire career.

Israeli ambassador gets an earful from Jewish Dems In wake of controversy over Netanyahu’s Senate speech, Ron Dermer told ‘Israel should never be used as a political football’

Jewish Congressmen: Netanyahu speech to Congress turns Israel into 'political football' Seven reps. who consider themselves pro-Israel met Israeli ambassador Ron Dermer for a 'spirited' meeting to voice their concerns.

Breaking: NYT Admits Obama Deliberately Manufactured Netanyahu Spat À voir la face du gars qui a écrit ça... Je dirais d'instinct: "Bullshit!"

Friedman Spreads Anti-Semitic Libels About Netanyahu Speech

VIDEO - Hagee– ‘Obama’s Treatment Of Netanyahu Will Cause God To Destroy America’

Ex-Mossad boss: Fear-mongering Netanyahu is antithesis of Churchill PM is nothing like his role model, says Efraim Halevy. He’s leading Israel to a third intifada, and his calling Iran’s nuclear drive an existential threat is a ‘terrible mistake’

Self-enriching Zionist spy was Obama’s guest of honor at State of the Union

“Pastor” John Hagee calls Obama anti-Semitic, blasts Iran policy

VIDEO - Hagee hotline: John Hagee Says 'Anti-Semitic' Obama Is Sticking His Finger 'In The Eye Of God'

RWNJs: We Love Bibi, So Obama is an Anti-Semite

VIDEO - Mark Levin: “Obama has all the signals of an ANTI-SEMITE”

Rudy Giuliani: Netanyahu has obligation to deliver address to Congress

Should Netanyahu address Congress? But the reality is that Obama’s attitude towards Netanyahu is so toxic that it probably makes little difference how Netanyahu would act. Besides, whereas normally a US president has considerable control of foreign affairs, Obama is today a lame duck president and for him to engage in vindictive initiatives against the foremost US ally would further damage America’s standing and create a major revolt in Congress. The greater risk facing Netanyahu is that by forcing Democrats to choose between backing their president and supporting his call for sanctions against Iran, he could fragment the crucial bipartisan support Israel enjoys from most Democrats and Republicans, and on which the Israeli American alliance is based. There have already been harsh remarks by leading Democrats condemning the invitation. Nancy Pelosi, leader of the House Democrats, said it was inappropriate to invite Netanyahu while sensitive negotiations were in process about Iran’s nuclear program and two weeks before his own election. Former US Ambassador to Israel Martyn Indyk, notorious for intervening in domestic Israeli policies, accused Netanyahu of “using the Republican Congress for a photo-op for his election campaign.”

Batshit crazy Pamela Geller: Obama’s Antisemitic Hissy Fit: “Netanyahu ‘spat in our face'”

Clear crisis in US-Israel bond: Analyst

Time for American Jews to admit it Obama is anti-Semitic and anti-Israel

Pro-War Jewish supremacist Mark Levin: ‘This President’s Anti-Semitism is Catching On’

McCain: Obama and Netanyahu have worst relationship ever Senator says US president had ‘very unrealistic expectations’ about cooperation with Israel on peace proces

McCain: Israel-U.S. ties have never been worse than under Obama Republican senator says Obama had 'very unrealistic expectations about the degree of cooperation that he would get from Israel.'

Even pro-Israel U.S. Generals loosing patience with Netanyahu

Norman Finkelstein: Netanyahu is a maniac

Republican Senator Mitch McConnell: Obama Not Popular in Israel ‘for Good Reason’

Obama the Jew Hater (

WATCH: Best of the TOI Gala — Alan Dershowitz on Obama, Iran Professor received ‘Advocate for Israel Award’ at Times of Israel NY event


VIDEO - FLASHBACK 2011: Obama - The Anti-Israel President

VIDEO - FLASHBACK 2012: Emergency Committee for Israel " The Story of Obama and Israel"

Obama: les Etats-Unis ne sont pas en guerre contre l'Islam
« Les Etats-Unis ne sont pas en guerre avec l’islam ! » Barack Obama [Vidéo]
No, Mr. President, It Isn't Just Extremism. It's Jihad un juif se fâche contre Obama qui fait du négationnisme concernant la menace islamique.
La violence chrétienne: Obama touche un point sensible de la politique américaine
OBAMA - L'ISLAM ET LE CHRISTIANISME.  "l'Islam n'est pas une religion de violence"  OBAMA PARLE DE LA VIOLENCE CHRÉTIENNE.

Deux ambassadeurs israéliens menacés de sanctions pour des tweets anti-Netanyahu

États-Unis : il cumule un job pour un sénateur… et un autre pour Netanyahou

Netanyahu impliqué dans un trafic de matériel nucléaire aux USA

Benjamin Netanyahu Hires Top Defense Attorney For Possible Corruption Case

Likud denies Netanyahu promoted billionaire’s interests Party says report PM met with Japanese officials to advance establishment of casino for Sheldon Adelson is ‘totally false’
Japanese official: Netanyahu asked me to advance franchise for Sheldon Adelson’s casino
The scandal-to-scandal guide to the Israeli elections Accusations of embezzlement, illegal monitoring of opponents, meddling in U.S. politics, flawed primaries, mutual mudslinging, underhand recordings, join the ever-growing list.

Netanyahu: Israel Prize judges include too many anti-Zionist extremists Prime minister addresses conflict over Israel Prize judges, says panels must reflect all streams of Israeli society.
Top author withdraws from Israel Prize as anger over meddling grows Award-winning novelist David Grossman calls removal of judges by Netanyahu a ‘campaign of incitement,’ as several authors withdraw candidacies
David Grossman withdraws from Israel Prize in protest of Netanyahu's interference Six high-profile candidates have now withdrawn their candidacies

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