Tuesday, July 31, 2012

La CIA voit le Mossad comme sa pire menace en matière de contre-espionnage

Le Mossad espionne la CIA, rapporte l'Associated Press

Alors que les dirigeants américains tentent d'élargir leurs relations avec le régime sioniste, les responsables du service du renseignement américain ont rapporté que le régime sioniste espionne même la CIA. L'agence américaine Associated Press, publiant un rapport, a fait état des opérations d'espionnage des services secrets israéliens contre leurs homologues américains. L'Associated Press a évoqué dans son rapport plusieurs cas d'espionnage où les équipements des agents secrets américains à Tel-Aviv ont été secrètement inspectés. Selon ce rapport la CIA pointe du doigt dans cette affaire, le Mossad.Ce rapport montre cette réalité qu'en dépit des relations secrètes entre les Etats-Unis et leurs alliés au Moyen-Orient, les responsables de la sécurité nationale du régime sioniste les considèrent comme un allié saboteur et une vraie menace contre leur service secret.

CIA considers Israel one of its biggest spy threats, but the U.S. continues to fund their military adventures

Les Etats Unis voient leur proche allié israélien comme une menace en matière d’espionnage
Par Adam Goldman et Matt Apuzzo, Associated Press,
San Francisco Chronicle (USA) 28 juillet 2012 traduit de l’anglais par Djazaïri
WASHINGTON (AP) — Le chef de la station de la CIA à Tel Aviv avait déverrouillé la boîte qui contenait le matériel sensible dont il se servait à son domicile de Tel Aviv, en Israël, pour communiquer avec le siège de la CIA en Virginie, et n’avait pu que constater que quelqu’un l’avait trafiqué. Ce dont il référa à ses supérieurs.
Cet incident, décrit par trois anciens cadres des services secrets US aurait pu être rangé simplement parmi les péripéties qui émaillent le monde de l’espionnage international, sauf que le même chose était arrivée au précédent chef de station en Israël.
C’était un rappel pas très subtil que, même dans un pays ami des Etats-Unis, la CIA elle-même était sous surveillance.
Dans un incident distinct, selon deux autres anciens officiels US, un agent de la CIA en Israël était rentré chez lui pour découvrir que la place des aliments dans le réfrigérateur avait été modifiée. Dans tous les cas, les autorités US pensent que les services de sécurité israéliens étaient les responsables.
Une telle ingérence souligne ce qui est largement connu mais rarement discuté en dehors du milieu des services de renseignements: malgré les liens incontestables entre les Etats-Unis et leur allié le plus proche au Moyen Orient et malgré les déclarations des politiciens US qui claironnent cette amitié, les officiels de la sécurité nationale des Etats-Unis considèrent qu’Israël est, par moment, un allié frustrant et une véritable menace pour le contre-espionnage.
Outre ce que les anciens officiels US ont décrit comme des violations de domicile au cours de ces dix dernières années, Israël a été impliqué dans des affaires criminelles d’espionnage contre les Etats-Unis, dans des procédures disciplinaires contre les agents de la CIA et mis en cause dans la mort d’un espion important qui travaillait pour le compte de la CIA en Syrie pendant l’administration George W. Bush.
La CIA considère Israël comme étant sa menace N°1 en matière de contre-espionnage pour sa division Proche Orient, le groupe qui chapeaute les activités d’espionnage au Moyen Orient, selon d’anciens et d’actuels officiels.
Le contre-espionnage est l’art de protéger les secrets du pays contre les espions étrangers. Ce qui veut dire que la CIA pense que les secrets d’Etat des Etats-Unis sont plus à l’abri des autres services secrets de la région que d’Israël.
Israël a des services d’espionnage hautement sophistiqués et professionnels qui rivalisent avec les services américains en technicité et capacité à recruter de la ressource humaine. A la différence de la Syrie et de l’Iran, par exemple, Israël, en qualité d’allié indéfectible, bénéficie d’un accès aux niveaux les plus élevés des cercles militaires et du renseignement au sein du gouvernement des Etats-Unis.Les officiels nous ont parlé sous condition d’anonymat parce qu’ils ne sont pas autorisés à parler publiquement de ces questions sensibles pour les relations diplomatiques entre les deux pays.
Les inquiétudes du contre-espionnage persistent alors même que la relation entre les USA et Israël comprennent une étroite coopération sur des programmes de renseignement qui incluraient le virus Stuxnet qui a attaqué les ordinateurs des principaux sites iraniens d’enrichissement d’uranium. Alors que l’alliance [avec le régime sioniste] est centrale dans l’approche des Etats Unis au Moyen Orient, il y a quand même place pour un désaccord important, tout particulièrement dans la tourmente diplomatique au sujet des ambitions nucléaires de l’Iran.
«C’est une relation compliquée,» déclare Joseph Wippl, un ancien officier supérieur des actions clandestines la CIA, et ancien chef du bureau de la CIA pour les affaires parlementaires (Congrès). «Ils ont leurs intérêts. Nous avons nos intérêts. Pour les Etats Unis, il y a un équilibre à trouver.»
La façon dont Washington caractérise sa relation avec Israël est importante aussi dans la manière dont les Etats Unis sont perçus dans le reste du monde, particulièrement dans les pays musulmans.
Les éloges à l’égard des Etats Unis sont allés crescendo [dans l’entité sioniste] avant la rencontre prévue dimanche entre le candidat à la présidentielle Mitt Romney et le premier ministre Israélien Benjamin Netanyahu à Jérusalem. Leur relation remonte à plusieurs dizaines d’années, quand ils s’étaient brièvement croisés dans les années 1970 au the Boston Consulting Group. Tous deux travaillaient comme conseillers de cette firme au début de leur carrière, avant que Romney fonde en partenariat sa propre société de gestion de placements. Romney a déclaré dans un discours la semaine dernière qu’Israël était «un de nos amis les plus chers, » et a critiqué Obama pour ce qu’il a qualifié de «traitement médiocre» de l’Etat juif par l’administration Obama.
«Le peuple d’Israël mérite mieux que ce qu’il a reçu de la part du leader du monde libre,» a déclaré Romney dans un appel clair à l’électorat juif américain et aux électeurs évangélistes pro-Israël.

CIA considers Israel one of its biggest spy threats, but the U.S. continues to fund their military adventures

Leaked documents reveal US sees Israel as a spying threat


Fanatical Jew lover hilariously claims CIA was “chock full of Nazis from day one”

(...) In her latest spew, Barbara Hartwell identifies herself as a “Nazi hunter.” She goes on to comically claim that the CIA has been “chock full of Nazis since Day One.” She writes:
“CIA has been chock full of Nazis since Day One — I unfortunately have decades of experience in my personal war with these rat bastards. I’ve become a Nazi hunter by necessity, by choice, and as a matter of integrity and honor.”

I would hardly be surprised if this psychotically deranged “Nazi hunter” turned out to be a full-fledged employee of the Jewish pedophile agency, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, or a card-carrying member of the Likud Party, or a senior Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi. But let’s dissect her mind-blowingly asinine assertion that the CIA was staffed with “Nazis” from the outset.
The precursor to the CIA was the Office of Strategic Services or OSS for short. The OSS was created during World War II by the heavily Jewish U.S. administration of Jew-lover Franklin Delano Roosevelt. It’s main purpose and function was to INFILTRATE, UNDERMINE and SABOTAGE the Axis Powers, principally National Socialist Germany. Of the OSS’s wartime activities, Wikipedia says:
“From 1943–1945, the OSS played a major role in training Kuomintang troops in China and Burma, and recruited Kachin, and other indigenous irregular forces for sabotage as well as guides for Allied forces in Burma fighting the Japanese Army. Among other activities, the OSS helped arm, train and supply resistance movements, including Mao Zedong’s Red Army in China and the Viet Minh in French Indochina, in areas occupied by the Axis powers during World War II. The OSS also recruited and ran one of the war’s most important spies, the German diplomat Fritz Kolbe. Other functions of the OSS included the use of propaganda, espionage, subversion, and post-war planning.
One of the greatest accomplishments of the OSS during World War II was its penetration of Nazi Germany by OSS operatives. The OSS was responsible for training German and Austrian individuals for missions inside Germany. Some of these agents included exiled communists and Socialist party members, labor activists, anti-Nazi prisoners-of-war, and German and Jewish refugees.
In sharp contrast to the outrageously false propaganda of the kosher clown Barbara Hartwell, the OSS was established to FIGHT Nazi Germany on behalf of International Jewry! In reality, the OSS was not “chock full of Nazis” but was filled to the brim with Jews, Zionists, communists, socialists, as well as Jew-sympathizing anti-Nazi German and Austrian traitors bent on deposing the arch enemy of World Jewry — Adolf Hitler and his righteous regime!
In a book entitled, They Dared Return: The True Story of Jewish Spies Behind Enemy Lines in Nazi Germany, the philosemitic author Patrick K. O’Donnell tells the story of five subversive Jewish spies recruited into the OSS who had been tasked with infiltrating and sabotaging Nazi Germany during the war. A hook-nosed Zionist-Jewish professor named David Strom wrote a glowing review of the aforementioned book in which he tells us that the five anti-Nazi Jewish spies were recruited by the OSS “because of their language skills and their physical prowess and technical skills, but also for their hatred of Nazi Germany,” and that the leader of the Jewish OSS spy network “had confidence in himself, in his trained Jewish OSS companions and in their allies and supporters among whom were several former German soldiers now willing to betray their Fuhrer for the greater good of Germany.”
The OSS’s chief training operative organizing and recruiting these anti-German subversives and spies during WWII was a fervent Zionist Jew from New York named Nahum Amber Bernstein. A lawyer by trade, Bernstein became the OSS’s point man responsible for coordinating “overseas operations in enemy territory” during the war. Bernstein would later harness the skills that he developed during his stint as an anti-Nazi saboteur for the OSS in the service of Israel. He played an instrumental role in helping establish the State of Israel through his fundraising and smuggling activities for the Jewish terrorist force Haganah and in his function as the attorney for the “Jewish Agency,” the murderous Zionist governmental body that oversaw the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948.

The holocaust scam is collapsing. They’ll do anything to maintain this fable.
As if the facts listed herein were not enough to sufficiently dispel the fallacious garbage that the OSS/CIA was, or still is, filled with Nazis, the OSS (and later the CIA) were also instrumental in propping up Jewish HoloHoax© propaganda and the six million myth. OSS agent Wallace R. Deuel was the special assistant to OSS founder William J. Donovan. Deuel was a vicious anti-German bigot and a rabid anti-Nazi agitator whose writings attacking Hitler and National Socialism can be found in a booklet called Hitler And Nazi Germany Uncensored. Deuel was, for all intents and purposes, an intense Jew-lover dedicated to establishing and upholding Jewish domination over our world. In 1943, he gave a speech in which he proclaimed, in text-book ritualistic Kabbalist swindlespeak, that the Nazis intended to murder “6,000,000 Jews,” stating:
“The Nazis set out in the beginning to destroy whole peoples. They expected to obliterate from the earth not less than 6,000,000 Jews as a beginning.”

The CIA has proved to be a major promoter of the holocaust© hoax. Dino A. Brugioni is a former senior official at the CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC) who put together a report in 1979 entitled, The Holocaust Revisited: A Retrospective Analysis of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Extermination Complex. This 1979 CIA report claims to “prove” that exterminations of Jews took place in Auschwitz using grainy aerial photographs. Air photo expert John Ball proved that the reconnaissance photographs used by the CIA in their report were tampered with and altered in what amounts to photo fakery on the part of the CIA — a pathetic effort to prop up the traditional, scientifically impossible, holocaust© narrative. John Ball, in his study of WWII aerial photographs entitled Air Photo Evidence, concluded:
“To this day there is no air photo evidence to support the alleged mass murder of the Jews at any location in Europe occupied by the Germans during World War Two. Further, air photo analysis refutes the claim that the Nazis had intended, at whatever time, to keep events in the alleged extermination camps secret. In many cases the air photos provide clear proof that some of the events attested to by witnesses, such as the destruction of the Hungarian Jews or the mass executions at Babi Yar, did not in fact take place. We may hope that the release of Soviet air photos dating from the time the camps were in operation will shed further light on these issues. The fact that these photos have not been published to date may already speak for itself. That the photos in Western hands were altered in order to incriminate Germany, and were first published by the CIA, is also very significant indeed.”
The aforementioned CIA agent Dino A. Brugioni also wrote an Orwellian book titled, Photo Fakery: The History and Techniques of Photographic Deception and Manipulation, which purports to be an exposé of the methods used to fake and manipulate photographs. Revisionist writer Richard Widmann, in an review of Brugioni’s book, exposed the bizarre fact that Brugioni actually utilized many of the deceptive methods of photo fakery and manipulation that he himself outlines in order to advance the holocaust© hoax. This, in and of itself, illustrates the utter absurdity of the suggestion that there is — or ever was — a “Nazi presence” in the CIA, unless you are foolish enough to believe that Nazis would actually go along with, and help propagate, the fictional Jewish atrocity tales designed to demonize and discredit them.
It is worth noting that Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, a wealthy and well-connected Zionist-Jewish lawyer from Montreal, Canada, was a member of the OSS and later the CIA. Prior to joining the OSS, Bloomfield joined the British military and served in Palestine as an intelligence officer under the British pro-Zionist fanatic General Charles Orde Wingate. During his time in Palestine Bloomfield and the Rothschild-controlled British military helped train the Jewish Haganah terrorist army which would go on to perpetrate the Nakba — the forced uprooting and expulsion of nearly a million Palestinians from their homeland, numerous massacres of civilians, massive looting and pillaging, and the wholesale decimation of over 500 Arab Palestinian villages — in 1948. It has been credibly established that Bloomfield and a cabal of his Jewish kinsmen engineered the assassination of President John F. Kennedy through a shadowy Mossad front company called Permindex, because of Kennedy’s opposition to Israel’s nuclear weapons ambitions. (See: Final Judgment by Michael Collins Piper And Opium Lords by Salvador Astucia) If “Nazis” ran or otherwise controlled the CIA, do you honestly think they would have allowed a Jewish international gangster like Bloomfield in the midst of their organization? The illogicality and downright hilarity of this should be pretty obvious by now.

CIA directors have bosses too. They do not answer to the US president or to congress, but to the Jews.
The CIA has continued its ferociously pro-Jewish/pro-Zionist policies to the present day. The CIA has been in bed with Israel and its terror apparatus the Mossad for many decades, and is kissing cousins with America’s domestic Jewish lobby. The CIA is nothing more than an instrument of International Jewry considering that everything the CIA does works to the benefit of Jewish and Israeli interests — this fact alone demonstrates that the so-called “Nazi presence” in the CIA is a flaccid fable. In fact, George Tenet (the director of the CIA from 1997-2004), in a letter of groveling servitude to ADL director Abe Foxman, made it perfectly clear that the CIA is a pro-Jew and pro-Zionist entity, stating:
“I will not tolerate anti-semitism, or any other form of discrimination, at the CIA. It is repugnant to me and to all that our Agency and Country stand for. For these reasons, when Mr. Ciralsky’s allegations first arose, I assembled a group to examine whether the CIA engaged in anti-semitism. The group reported to me that, based on its review, it found no anti-semitism.”
In addition to declaring the CIA “free of anti-Semitism,” Tenet, in a 2008 speech at an ADL dinner in upstate New York, said: “I knew that on 9/11 we had all become Israelis” and that the United States and Israel “will always be bound together.” For being a sycophantic suck-up to Jewry and a dedicated servant of Zion, Tenet was awarded the ADL’s highest honor, the America’s Democratic Legacy Award. So much for the claim that “Nazis” run the CIA!
The CIA has been incessantly waging psychological, economic and drone warfare against the Muslim enemies of Israel in the Middle East ever since the Israeli false flag attack of 9/11, and is, alongside Mossad, up to its eyeballs in subversive coups, false flag terrorism and targeted assassinations against governments and leaders in the Arab/Islamic world that Israel doesn’t like. If “Nazis” controlled the CIA would it be behaving in such a pro-Jew and pro-Zionist manner and would it be perpetrating atrocities against the enemies of the Jews? Even a small child could answer that question correctly.

Alex Jones loves the Jews more than he loves himself.
The bottom-feeding disinformation of this scum-ridden Jewish shill, Barbara Hartwell, is offensively stupid. It would require one to literally have no brain in order to believe anything that comes out of the squirrelly mouth of this verminous bitch. I have thoroughly demonstrated that her hysterical claims of “Nazis in the CIA” is absolute Jewish hogwash. Her claim that the OSS/CIA is “Nazi” in origin or in character is so preposterous that perhaps only Alex ‘if you want to kill the Jews you’re gonna have to kill me‘ Jones would fall for this Hebraic tripe. The CIA, as I have shown, is thoroughly and completely Jewish in its founding and current form and serves no other function than to facilitate, implement and maintain Jewish domination over gentiles.

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