Saturday, January 19, 2013

Bush, Rockefeller, Rothschild et Hitler

Bush, Rockefeller, Rothschild et Hitler
Par Michael Collins Piper,  pour American Free Press. 28 janvier 2013

Certains lecteurs de American Free Press ont été choqués par les deux premiers articles de cette série proposant une réflexion sur la prolifération des mythes, de documents bidons et de "citations" frauduleuses venant troubler les recherches sérieuses sur les grandes questions de l'heure et les événements du passé. Or, le travail de l'AFP est de rapporter les faits.

Cette semaine, nous jetterons un coup d’oeil sur un mythe particulièrement répandu -- ou plutôt une combinaison de mythes --  qui en a enthousiasmé plusieurs: il s'agit d'une variété d’allégations à l'effet que les familles Bush, Rockefeller et Rothschild et une foule de "banquiers juifs" -- ensemble ou séparément -- auraient contribué à financer la montée au pouvoir d'Hitler.

La source la plus citée en ce qui concerne l'histoire des banquiers juifs ayant aidé Hitler est Hitler’s Secret Backers, soi-disant par un banquier juif du nom de Sidney Warburg.

Tout d'abord, Sidney Warburg n'a jamais existé. Mais ceux qui ont vraiment lu ce livre d'origine douteuse qui relève clairement de la fumisterie (et la plupart de ceux qui le citent ne l'ont pas lu) savent que l'auteur inconnu dit -- contrairement à ce que les gens croient qu'il dit -- que les banquiers juifs n'ont pas financé Hitler. Au lieu de cela, le livre prétend que quelques vilains banquiers non-juifs l'ont fait.

Mais cela aussi n'est pas vrai. Une évaluation précise par James Pool dans Who Financed Hitler?  (gratuit sur réfute absolument la légende voulant que de gros intérêts bancaires ou industriels aient joué un rôle important dans le financement d'Hitler. La plupart de l'argent du parti nazi provenait de petites contributions et des ventes de littérature.

Aucun Rothschild n'a soutenu Hitler. C'est un mythe. Un banquier, chrétien pratiquant avec un quart de sang juif, a -- selon une source, qui relayait une rumeur -- donné de l'argent à Hitler. Et c'est tout. Le seul banquier juif connu pour avoir donné de l'argent à un quelconque nazi l'a donné à des éléments au sein du parti nazi -- les frères Strasser -- qui tentaient de stopper Hitler.

Et Hitler ne descendait pas de quelque famille Rothschild ou Frankenberger. S'il avait du sang juif, cela n'a jamais été retracé de manière concluante.

Un promoteur de l'allégation selon laquelle Hitler était juif cite La Vienne d'Hitler de Brigitte Hamann comme preuve, en soulignant que le livre relate des histoires sur l'héritage juif d'Hitler. En fait, Hamann dissèque ces contrevérités, les réfutant en détail.

Certains disent qu'Hitler était pro-sioniste. Ils ont tort. Pendant une brève période Hitler a encouragé certains sionistes dans leurs efforts visant à promouvoir l'immigration des juifs d'Allemagne vers la Palestine, tel que décrit dans le livre de Edwin Black The Transfer Agreement. Toutefois, au même moment, d'autres forces sionistes en appelaient dès 1933 à la guerre contre Hitler.

La légendaire "collaboration nazi-sioniste" ne fut qu'un petit aparté sans conséquence géopolitique réelle. Mais elle a quand même fournit l'occasion pour de mémorables débats sur Internet.

D'autres s'agitent hystériquement autour du fait que des banques et des sociétés américaines ont collaboré avec le régime nazi, et pourtant -- malgré la frénésie -- ce n'est ni une révélation majeure ni un fait extraordinaire. Ce sont des ententes bien connues, qui remontaient parfois à plusieurs décennies et qui étaient conclues avec le gouvernement allemand au pouvoir quel qu'il fût.

Plusieurs pensent qu'Antony Sutton a "prouvé" dans Wall Street et la montée d'Hitler que la Standard Oil contrôlée par Rockefeller a financé Hitler. Toutefois, dans son livre, Sutton dit catégoriquement: "Standard Oil n'a apparemment pas financé l'accession d'Hitler au pouvoir."

Certains citent ce même livre comme preuve que la famille Bush, de concert avec les intérêts bancaires Harriman, aurait financé Hitler. En fait, Sutton dit seulement que les Harriman -- comme de nombreux groupes financiers américains -- avaient des liens avec les intérêts des entreprises en Allemagne. Et il conclut que cela "ne suggère pas que les Harriman aient directement financé Hitler". À aucun moment il ne fait mention des Bush.

Une autre rumeur soutient que les Bush faisaient partie d'un "complot fasciste" pour renverser Franklin Roosevelt, citant souvent Jules Archer, The Plot to Seize the White House. S'il y avait bien un plan pour déloger FDR -- ce que de nombreux patriotes voient comme une bonne chose -- le livre ne mentionne pas même une seule fois les Bush, et il n'y a d'ailleurs aucune autre preuve qu'ils aient eu quelque chose à voir avec ce complot.

Comme disait le Sgt. Joe Friday: "Juste les faits".

Michael Collins Piper est un auteur, journaliste, conférencier et animateur d'émission de radio. Il a donné des conférences en Russie, en Malaisie, en Iran, à Abu Dhabi, au Japon, au Canada et aux États-Unis. Il est l'auteur de Final Judgment, The New Jerusalem, The High Priests of War, The New Babylon, Share the Wealth, The Judas Goats, Target: Traficant et The Golem.


By Michael Collins Piper. Jan 18, 2013

Some AMERICAN FREE PRESS readers were upset by the first two articles in this series reflecting on the proliferation of myths, phony documents and fraudulent “quotations” muddying serious research into big issues of the day and events of the past. However, AFP’s job is to report the facts.
This week, we take a look at one particularly ubiquitous myth—a combination of myths—which has excited many: A variety of claims the Bush, Rockefeller and Rothschild families and a host of “Jewish bankers”—together or independently—helped finance Hitler’s rise to power.
The most cited source for the story Jewish bankers paved the way for Hitler is Hitler’s Secret Backers, supposedly by a Jewish banker named Sidney Warburg.
First of all, there was no Sidney Warburg. But those who actually read the spurious book (and most who cite it haven’t read it) will find the unknown author says—in contrast to what people think he said—that Jewish bankers didn’t finance Hitler. Instead, the book claims some naughty non-Jewish bankers did so.
But even that isn’t true. An accurate assessment by James Pool in Who Financed Hitler absolutely refutes the legend big banking or industrial interests played a substantial role funding Hitler. Most of the Nazi Party’s money came from small contributions and sales of literature.
No Rothschilds backed Hitler. That’s a myth. One banker, a practicing Christian of one-quarter Jewish descent, was said—by one source, passing on a rumor—to have donated money to Hitler. And that’s it. The one Jewish banker known to have given money to any Nazis gave it to elements in the Nazi party—the Strasser brothers—who were trying to stop Hitler.
And Hitler wasn’t descended from any Rothschilds or Frankenbergers. If he had any Jewish blood, it has never been authoritatively traced.
One proponent of the claim Hitler was Jewish cites Brigitte Hamann’s Hitler’s Vienna as proof, pointing out the book describes stories of Hitler’s Jewish heritage. In fact, Hamann dissects the legends, refuting them in detail.
Some claim Hitler was pro-Zionist. They are wrong. For a brief period Hitler did encourage some Zionists in efforts to promote Jewish immigration from Germany to Palestine, as described in Edwin Black’s The Transfer Agreement. However, at the same time, other Zionist forces were calling for war against Hitler as early as 1933.
The legendary “Nazi-Zionist collaboration” was a tiny blip of no geopolitical consequence. But it makes for great Internet chatter.
Others are hysterical over the fact American banks and corporations worked with the Nazi regime, yet—despite the frenzy—this is neither a major revelation nor is it extraordinary.
These were well-known arrangements, sometimes going back decades, with whatever German government was in power.
Many think that Antony Sutton “proved” in Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler that Rockefeller-controlled Standard Oil funded Hitler. However, in his book, Sutton says flatly: “Standard Oil apparently did not finance Hitler’s accession to power.”
Some cite that same book as evidence the Bush family, with the Harriman banking interests, funded Hitler. In fact, Sutton says only that the Harrimans—like many American financial groups—had connections to corporate interests in Germany. And he concludes that this “does not suggest that the Harrimans directly financed Hitler.” He never mentions the Bushes at all.
Another rumor claims the Bushes were part of a “fascist plot” to overthrow Franklin Roosevelt, often citing Jules Archer’s The Plot to Seize the White House. While there was a scheme to dislodge FDR—which many patriots believe to have been a good thing—the book never mentions the Bushes, nor is there any other evidence they had anything to do with that plot.
As Detective Sergeant Joe Friday used to say: “Just the facts.”

Michael Collins Piper is an author, journalist, lecturer and radio show host. He has spoken in Russia, Malaysia, Iran, Abu Dhabi, Japan, Canada and the U.S.

Conspiracy Series Draws Angry Responses

By Michael Collins Piper
An almost audible sensation of palpable panic swept through the ranks of truth seekers as word spread about my recent series confronting, dissecting and laying to rest some myths, phony documents and fraudulent “quotations” that are iconic to many patriots. Some folks got angry because the truth contradicted popular long-cherished rumors and widely circulated downright lies people have come to accept as fact.
One reader threatened to cancel her subscription when she read that, in its next issue, AFP would demolish the widely believed (though false) stories that the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and Bushes joined together to bring Hitler to power.
This lady didn’t even wait to read the article. So devoted to the myths, she couldn’t bear the thought of them being disproven.
Another reader sent an angry email in response to that article asking, “How could you defend the Bushes?” when the article in AFP—long a foremost critic of the Bush dynasty—did not defend those gangsters but simply pointed out that so-called “evidence” purporting to “prove” they financed Hitler was just not true.
The reaction to my series demonstrates—too clearly—that the Internet has become a potentially dangerous “echo chamber” in which patriots talk to each other, often relying on unknown sources of information to supply what is often unreliable, even deliberately forged data to debate and disseminate.
What often happens is that agents of the power elite—those forces who control the media, the Federal Reserve monopoly and the international New World Order system—pose as “patriots,” say many of the “right things” and then proceed to spread their nonsense among patriots.
But because the enemy agents seem trustworthy—and since their “scoops” aren’t coming (at least not openly) from the garbage men of the rightly hated establishment media—real patriots tend to put their faith in the disinformation and unwittingly pass it on to others.
The consequence of this type of interaction, in what amounts to a virtual closed society, is that insidious elements take advantage of this circling-of-the-wagons by truth seekers and infiltrate Judas Goats and agents provocateurs into the midst of the good people to advance their own evil (although sometimes murky) agendas. Thus, patriots are misdirected, mis-used and set up for a fall.
One author has written of how one infamous cult shapes the worldview of its own members:
The totalist paradigm begins with shutting off the individual’s access to the outside world, so that his perceptions of reality can be manipulated without interference. The goal at this stage is to provoke expectable patterns of behavior that will appear to arise spontaneously. . . . Those who are beingmanipulatedmay come to endorse the goals andmeans of the group . . . or simply abandon the will to resist. In either case, the individual is robbed of the chance for independent action or self-expression.
Bottom line: Patriots need to keep their eyes and minds open and not be drawn into a whirlpool of propaganda and disinformation—a descent into a maelstromof frenzied rumors and hysterical and reckless behavior leading to public repudiation, even disaster.

John Loftus est un de ces auteurs, tels que Mae Brussell et Dave Emory, qui propagent le bobard du complot nazi à l'origine de la subversion de l'Amérique par le nouvel ordre mondial. Or même John Loftus admet que les transfuges nazis qui ont travaillé autour du nazi Gehlen pour l'OSS avaient des liens étroits avec des agents israéliens (Gehlen travaillait pratiquement pour les services du Mossad!). John Loftus est un ancien des services secrets impliqué dans la traque aux criminels nazis et qui a également présidé le musée de l'Holocauste de Floride. Est-il besoin de préciser qu'il est pro-Israël? Il prétend débusquer le complot ultime trouvant sa source dans le transfert des nazis réaffectés à divers projets du gouvernement américain.

Wikipedia John Loftus:
“John Joseph Loftus (February 12, 1950) is an American author, former U.S. government prosecutor and former Army intelligence officer. He is a president of The Intelligence Summit and, although he is not Jewish, a president of the Florida Holocaust Museum. Loftus also serves on the Board of Advisers to Public Information Research.(...)
He began working for the U.S. Department of Justice in 1977 and in 1979 joined their Office of Special Investigations, which was charged with prosecuting and deporting Nazi war criminals in the US. Loftus’ now-expired Web site claimed, “As a young U.S. Army officer, John Loftus helped train Israelis on a covert operation that turned the tide of battle in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.”(...)
He also writes regularly for Ami, an Orthodox Jewish weekly news magazine.
On August 7, 2005, he provided the United States address of an alleged terrorist named Iyad K. Hilal on Fox News. Only afterwards was it revealed that Hilal had left the address three years previously and the home was now owned by a family, which was then subjected to threats and vandalism and required police protection as a result of Loftus’ words. Fox terminated Loftus’s contract to commentate after the event. Loftus said “I thought it might help police in that area now that we have positively identified a terrorist,” but he did not say why he did not contact police in a more direct manner. Loftus apologized for the mistake and expressed frustration about “one federal [agency’s]” inaction on an earlier tip he had given them years ago due to the same address." []
Piper rapporte au sujet de Loftus dans son livre Final Judgment, sur l'assassinat de JFK:
John Loftus - Author of The Secret War Against the Jews, a new book which claims that anti-Israel partisans in the American intelligence community have sought to sabotage the state of Israel. (Loftus is a former attorney with the Nazi-hunting Office of Special Investigations.)

À propos de certaines sources douteuses telles que l'ancien agent juif du renseignement britannique John Coleman...
YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH 101 Books Nationalists Need to Read and Understand Before 'They' Burn Them, by Michael Collins Piper (2013) p.33-36