We noted that the core group of insiders suffer from different forms of pathological traits that are genetic in some individuals, due to accidents that affected the brain in others, and the result of societal influence in still others, or perhaps a mixture in some cases. Among the genetic deviants I include essential psychopaths. Those created by society are commonly known as sociopaths.
The wannabes have been infected by certain pathological forms of thought that leave them open to influence by the snake charmers in the first group. Rather than having developed their own capacity for critical thinking and analysis, the wannabes are lost in a sea of slogans and ready-made formulae taken from the mainstream media that they mindlessly repeat as explanations for everything. These solutions have no basis in reality.
Finally, we looked at the notion of reality itself and saw that psychopaths believe they can create reality by fiat; by merely declaring a thing to be so, they can call it into existence. We gave an example of this type of thinking from an insider at the Bush White House.
We will now begin looking at the social implications of the arrival of such types to positions of power. We will step back from the individuals and look at society as a whole.
Lire la suite:
Good Times, Bad Times 1: The Hysteroidal Cycle, by Henry See, Sott.net, 03 Dec 2007
Good Times, Bad Times PART 2: Insiders and the Hysteroidal Cycle, by Henry See, Sott.net, 11 dec 2007
Good Times, Bad Times 3: The USA and the Hysteroidal Cycle, Henry See, SOTT.net, 18 Jan 2008
L'impotence du DSM-IV à détecter les psychopathes
Le psychopathe d'à côté
The Psychopath: Emotion and the Brain, by James Blair, Derek Mitchell, Karina Blair
The Psychopath: Emotion and the Brain is the latest research on psychopaths. While it is not as accessible as Robert Hare's work (Without Conscience, Snakes in Suits), it is an in depth and lucid account of the latest studies on psychopathic individuals.
Specifically, Blair et al., demonstrate that "Antisocial Personality Disorder" is not a synonym for psychopathy. Most antisocials are NOT psychopathic. This is perhaps the most important point made in this book. Psychopathy is a genetic, biologically determined disorder that affects emotional makeup.
Blair et al.'s work provides an excellent background for other works, like Andrew Lobaczewski's Political Ponerology, which describes the larger effects psychopaths have on society, especially when in positions of political power. The new research only confirms what Lobaczewski and his colleagues learned generations ago under the Polish Communist regime.
If you have a handle on psychological terminology, and want to learn something TRUE about psychopaths, check out these books. (H. Koehli: psychopaths & ponerology)
Political Ponerology: A science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes (présentation vidéo en français)