Monday, October 26, 2009

Madoff est aujourd'hui l'ami de cellule de l'espion israélien Pollard et du mafieux Persico

Madoff entre un espion et un chef de la mafia

C'est ce que rapporte le quotidien anglais The Guardian qui révèle que les meilleurs amis de Bernard Madoff en prison sont l'ancien chef de la famille mafieuse Columbo, Carmine Persico, et l'espion Jonathan Pollard, aussi appelé « le serpent », connu pour avoir vendu des secrets militaires américains. [Note: Pollard est un Israélien qui a trahi son pays en révélant l'identité de plus de 1000 informateurs payés par le renseignement américain.]

Published: October 25, 2009 CONSIDERED | Art by Edward Kinsella III
The Wiseguy, the Spy and the Ponzi Prince

Edward Kinsella III

What do they have in common, these notorious jailbirds?

Something, apparently. Legal papers filed by a lawyer representing victims of Bernard L. Madoff’s vast Ponzi scheme single out two inmates of the Butner Federal Correctional Complex near Raleigh, N.C., whom Mr. Madoff spends quality hard time with: Carmine Persico, boss of the Colombo crime family, and Jonathan Pollard, intelligence analyst turned spy for Israel.

Go figure.

Bernard Madoff's life behind bars reveald (befriending Carmine Persico and Jonathan Pollard)
“He now spends time with former Colombo crime family boss Carmine Persico and Jonathan Pollard, who was convicted of spying for Israel,” the complaint said.

Madoff's new best friend
The Jewish Community Online, Miriam Shariv
According to AP, one of Bernie Madoff's closest friends in prison is none other than Jonathan Pollard (the others are apparently "a reputed Colombo crime family boss"; and Madoff's cellmate, a convicted drug offender).

ADL: U.S. refusal to release Pollard borders on anti-Semitism

Abraham Foxman: you can’t call a Jew a traitor, unless you're an anti-Semite

Sur ce blog:

Madoff lié aux services secrets

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