Tuesday, May 19, 2020

La secte Trump, des néocons et un "expert" israélien derrière le gros mensonge "la pandémie est la faute à la Chine". Ou comment la secte trumpienne a réussi à transformer les conspirationnistes droitards en soldats de la nouvelle guerre froide des néocons.

Un journaliste à suivre: Robbie Martin. Son dossier en profondeur sur la propagande anti-chinoise et les recouvrements du discours néocon et du discours conspirationniste pro-Trump, est à ne pas manquer. Avec sa connaissance des néocons et sa prudence face au discours conspirationniste, il est capable de remonter aux sources de la propagande actuelle anti-Chine en révélant des liens étonnants, qu'il est souvent le seul à souligner malheureusement. Les conspirationnistes ne semblent pas assez compétents pour ce faire, et les médias de masse, ces grands menteurs, présentent tout de même souvent des pépites d'infos malheureusement ignorées par les conspirationnistes.

Le propagandiste néocon Frank J. Gaffney Jr et le propagandiste droitard (conseiller de la campagne de Trump) Stephen K. Bannon.
Check out my 2-part podcast about anti-China neocon propagandists in the wake of #COVID19: 
Part 1: Bannon, Tom Cotton, Bill Gertz bit.ly/39IEJTt
Part 2: The Committee on the Present Danger: China, As Dangerous as PNAC bit.ly/2xMNf6F

Nous avons traité de la pandémie actuelle sous l'angle de la guerre psychologique en général, de la guerre contre le peuple comme fin en soi, mais peu ou pas précisément en ce qui concerne ses objectifs potentiels en terme géostratégique.

À l'heure actuelle, il n'existe aucune preuve que le virus vient de Chine. Certaines infos indiquent au contraire une possibilité que le virus se soit échappé de Fort Dietrick et qu'il ait été répandu par des militaires américains, notamment aux jeux militaires de Wuhan en 2019. Certains rapports parlent d'une éclosion de pneumonie identique au virus en Italie et ailleurs dès novembre 2019.

Aucune preuve non plus que le virus vient d'un marché public supposément insalubre de Wuhan.

Aucune preuve non plus que le virus s'est échappé du laboratoire de Wuhan, à quelques kilomètre du marché de Wuhan.

Aucune preuve non plus que ce labo est "secrètement" un labo de guerre biologique. Il s'agit d'un laboratoire de recherche biologique. Les USA finançaient ce centre de recherche dans ses recherches sur le coronavirus de la chauve-souris. Recherche que l'État américain juge "risquée" mais qu'il mène lui-même amplement ailleurs, dans d'autre pays, discrètement.

Les rapports des services secrets affirmant que le virus vient certainement du laboratoire de Wuhan ne confirment rien, ils ne font que répéter la position du gouvernement Trump (qui dit que "la faute est à la Chine") et ne font que répéter des allégations non-prouvées formulées par un "expert" israélien, Dany Shoham !

Le pire est de voir la dissidence sur internet claironner la version trumpienne qui ne mène qu'à blanchir complètement Trump. Goethe disait que rien n'est plus effrayant que l'ignorance en action... Voilà la secte trumpienne en action, si cela ne vous effraie pas, c'est que vous ne comprenez pas ou que vous ne portez pas attention. On est censé croire que c'est seulement ou bien la faute à Fauci, ou bien la faute à Obama, ou bien la faute à la Chine et à l'OMS qui serait supposément un outil de la Chine. La Chine est unilatéralement accusée d'avoir falsifié et censuré le dénombrement des morts. Elle est accusée d'avoir fait exprès pour projeter le monde entier dans la crise, à commencer par les États-Unis. Elle est même accusée d'avoir caché que le virus vient de son labo de Wuhan et que ce labo est un labo de guerre biologique.

Dès le début de la crise, Trump a appelé le virus "China virus". La secte trumpienne parle maintenant de "CCP virus" (CCP = Chinese Communist Party). C'est aussi injuste que de rejeter le blâme entièrement sur Trump pour la situation catastrophique dans laquelle se trouvent les USA durant la crise, tout autant que de qualifier le virus de "peste Trump".

Ce blâme rejeté exclusivement sur la Chine est d'une hypocrisie sans nom, d'autant plus que toutes les accusations lancées contre la Chine pourraient également être lancées contre les USA et l'administration Trump elle-même.

Le pays a lui aussi au début grandement sous-estimé le nombre de morts. Cela rappelle la grippe espagnole, qui a pris ce nom simplement parce que l'Espagne ne participait pas à la Grande guerre de 1914-17, donc contrairement aux pays impliqués dans le conflit, elle n'a pas censuré à la baisse le dénombrement des morts, pendant que les autres pays en ont profité pour pointer du doigt le nombre très élevé de morts en Espagne, pour finir par imposer l'expression "grippe espagnole". Tous les gouvernements mentent actuellement sur le nombre de morts liés au virus. La Chine et les USA ont certainement menti. Au début, ils semblent avoir minimisé les chiffres (comme dans l'exemple de la grippe espagnole) pour ne pas donner l'impression d'être la source de la contagion. Il est possible aussi que les chiffres soient exagérés plus tard dans les pays où le gouvernement désire conserver entre ses mains les pouvoirs d'exception, par exemple pour justifier plus de dépenses dans l'établissement du Panopticon aidé de l'intelligence artificielle.

Trump a même qualifié le virus de canular (« hoax »), nuisant ainsi à la préparation nécessaire qui aurait pu sauver des vies. Il est très mal placé pour accuser la Chine d'avoir empêché le monde entier de prendre conscience du problème et de se préparer pour prévenir que l'épidémie devienne une pandémie.
La contradiction du discours trumpien sur la crise du virus est saisissante : d'un côté l'admin Trump minimise la dangerosité du virus et décourage presque le port du masque ainsi que toutes les mesures sanitaires (en raison de leur impact sur l'économie et sur la liberté physique des individus), et d'un autre côté l'admin Trump accuse sans arrêt le gouvernement chinois communiste d'avoir délibérément provoqué la propagation du "virus chinois" de même que la crise subséquente.

Trump est mal placé pour parler du contrôle de l'information exercé par le gouvernement chinois: la CDC a elle-même censuré les nouvelles au début, avant que la pandémie soit déclarée officiellement. Il est tout de même assez amusant de constater la contradiction du discours pro-Trump visant à le blanchir de toute responsabilité dans le désastre dû au virus aux USA. Entre le déni de la dangerosité du virus et le discours belliqueux attribuant à la Chine la responsabilité de la pandémie, il y a incompatibilité complète et totale, qui doit agacer les partisans de la guerre contre la Chine. Tout aussi amusant de voir Trump défendre un plan sanitaire de vaccination massive ("warpspeed") à peu près identique à celui de Bill Gates, pourtant considéré par les fans de QAnon et les trumpiens comme le mal incarné. De plus, en ce qui concerne l'opposition de QAnon au port du masque, au confinement et aux autres mesures sanitaires d'urgence, l'ironie est que les profiteurs de la crise comptent sur l'écoeurement général du public face au confinement, car le rejet de l'option du confinement signifie nécessairement l'imposition de nouvelles mesures de contrôle social, telles que les applications de traçage et de surveillance.  En ce sens, les opposants au confinement deviennent les meilleurs amis des profiteurs de Big Tech, de la même façon que le mouvement anti-vax lourdement biaisé et basé sur l'émotion permet aux provaccins de faire avancer plus facilement leur agenda également lourdement biaisé et basé sur l'émotion. On dirait que les opposants au confinement ne réfléchissent pas aux résultats de leur démarche et ne réalisent pas que c'est le Grand Capital, le monde des Affaires (Big Business) de Wall Street qui tient à renvoyer tout le monde au travail le plus vite posible, quitte à imposer au peuple une panopolie de nouvelles mesures de contrôle liberticides. Le peuple devrait plutôt exiger plus de mesures sociales, pour une économie fraternelle, en cette période de crise extrême, mais au lieu de cela le peuple s'entredéchirent parce qu'il tombe dans tous les pièges semés par les diviseurs et les profiteurs de la société.
L'opposition factice entre le président Trump et son directeur de la santé publique Dr. Fauci est un double piège, deux fausses alternatives pour enseigner au peuple la morale de ce qu'il faut faire et de ce qu'il ne faut pas faire: d'un côté le danger sociosanitaire que représente Trump avec sa posture antisociale pseudo-libertarienne et paranoïaque défendant les intérêts du grand Capital et de la Finance, de l'autre côté l'impératif catégorique kantien de soumission au devoir et d'obéissance aveugle envers l'autorité jésuitique des experts du gouvernement, tels que Dr. Fauci.

Les médias, les néocons et les conspirationnistes chantent en coeur que la Chine développe des armes biologiques, mais les USA sont les premiers dans le monde à en développer massivement. La preuve est faite que la maladie de Lyme est née et a été développée par les USA dans leurs recherches en matière d'armement biologique. Les USA ont aussi un historique bien connu d'utilisation d'armes biologiques, et même de false flag. Les USA ont aussi un historique récent de gros mensonges, on n'a qu'à se souvenir des épisodes récents des "armes de destruction massives irakiennes" et du scandale des fausses attaques terroristes à l'anthrax.

Trump exploite la pandémie pour attaquer la Chine (l'OMS serait selon lui un outil de la Chine, accusation gratuite). Des attaques à coups de mensonges, guerre des tarifs, sanctions économiques et peut-être pire.

Mais il y aussi un fait nouveau: les conspirationnistes sont de la partie. Le mouvement extrêmement suspect Qanon et la secte Trump exploitent la crédulité et le droitisme attardé des milieux conspirationnistes pour en faire les petits soldats de la guerre de propagande des néocons contre la Chine ("Chinese Communism").

La pandémie est exploitée par le trumpisme et les néocons dans le cadre d'une guerre de propagande, utilisant des mensonges et des demi-vérités comme armes de confusion massive. Comme on l'a vu, ces accusations sont hypocrites et relèvent souvent du phénomène psychologique appelé projection.

Trump dit tout et son contraire ("l’épidémie est un canular"… "la Chine a fait exprès de ne pas nous avertir à temps" … "je me soigne à la chloroquine"), exactement comme Soral et la "dissidence", ainsi ses fans peuvent toujours trouver quelque chose qui leur plaît dans ses propos, même si cela contredit le reste. Un jour il dit que la pandémie est un canular, l'autre jour il dit consommer de la chloroquine, un jour il dit que c'est à peine aussi dangereux que la grippe, l'autre jour il dit que le virus dangereux vient d'un laboratoire de recherche à Wuhan et que la Chine a caché ce fait pour nous faire du mal délibérément.

Trump retweete régulièrement et a retweeté plus d'une centaine de fois les tweets de Qanon, mais il prend soin de choisir les tweets qui ne portent pas de #qanon ou autre signature trop évidente de Qanon.

Trump se révèle comme un acteur incarnant une caricature de lui-même, un personnage d'un théâtre de guerre psychologique, chèvre Judas menant traîtreusement les conspirationnistes à suivre les néocons.

L'ironie est que les mêmes conspirationnistes, si fiers d'avoir compris le rôle des néocons derrière les mensonges des armes de destruction massive et la guerre en Irak, sont maintenant occupés à servir la soupe aux néocons, cette fois-ci contre la Chine. La comparaison avec le scandale des prétendues armes de destruction massive est à la fois éclairante et très effrayante, d'autant plus que dans ce cas-ci les conspirationnistes sont maintenant inconsciemment du même côté que les néocons.

Même chose chez les antijuifs: on trace un lien entre Buzin et Lévy du prétendu labo d'armes biologiques de Wuhan... Encore une fois, c'est la version de l'origine chinoise qui est prise pour acquis alors qu'elle n'a jamais été prouvée. Si ces antijuifs à la Daily Stormer roulaient pour Israël pour fabriquer un faux antisémitisme bon pour Israël, ils feraient exactement la même chose...

Les conspirationnistes relaient des documentaires merdiques et manipulateurs conçus par la secte Trump et Qanon, par exemple "Out of the Shadows". Il y a aussi le film "Plandemic" qui ne présente aucun autre membre de l'administration Trump à part le Dr Fauci. Comme si aucun autre membre de son administration ne posait problème. Or Dr Fauci est toujours en poste, et il semble que Trump soit déterminé à se servir de lui comme bouc émissaire, comme il se sert toujours d'Obama comme bouc émissaire facile. Le documentaire "Plandemic" montre par exemple le rôle de Fauci dans des scandales liés au traitement du sida, or à l'époque c'était Reagan qui était en charge. Quand le Dr Fauci fait quelque chose au sein du gouvernement, celui qui est en charge vraiment c'est le président. Le film "Plandemic" blanchit Reagan et blâme seulement Fauci. On ne touche pas à Reagan, d'autant plus que Trump et le GOP adorent Reagan comme leur modèle. Reagan a fait à son époque exactement ce que les droitards attribuent à Clinton des années plus tard,  ils semblent ignorer que socialement et économiquement, le président Clinton ne fut pas si différent de leur héros Ronald Reagan.

Bienvenue dans la nouvelle guerre froide: comme Trump l'a dit, vous êtes ou bien avec les USA ou bien avec la Chine. On se croirait durant l'après 11 septembre sous le président G.W.Bush. Toute voix dissidente est soit associée à l'ennemi chinois, soit avalée par le populisme capitaliste de la secte trumpienne. Toute contestation de la nouvelle guerre froide contre la Chine est réduite à de la propagande chinoise, comme durant le "Russiagate" les sceptiques étaient taxés de "suppôts de Poutine" répétant la "propagande russe". Pourtant, les mêmes qui étaient sceptiques face au Russiagate, qui ne croyaient pas les accusations anti-russes, embarquent sans réfléchir dans un programme de propagande aussi évident visant la Chine au lieu de la Russie. Ces sceptiques du Russiagate sont maintenant les plus fervents promoteurs de la théorie de la culpabilité chinoise. Dans les milieux conspirationnistes cela se manifeste plus discrètement, par des accusations telles que "l'OMS est sous contrôle chinois", "Bill Gates agent de la Chine", "Fauci a financé le labo de Wuhan sous Obama", etc.

Certes, la secte trumpienne n'est pas idéologiquement néoconservatrice et de nombreux néocons détestent Trump, mais il y a des points de contact: n'oublions pas que John Bolton l'un des néocons les plus enragés, était dans l'administration Trump. Eliott Abrams en fait encore partie, travaillant au changement de régime au Vénézuela. N'oublions pas que Bolton se faisait prendre en photo avec des membres importants du mouvement de protestation anti-Chine à Hong Kong, et que ces gens reçoivent l'appui du puissant think tank néocon appelé National Endowment for Democracy. (Le NED fut créé par Ronald Reagan pour répondre au problème d'image de la CIA, dont les opérations criminelles secrètes à travers le monde étaient de plus en plus révélées et critiquées, voir l'affaire Iran-Contra et la commission Church sur les crimes de la CIA).

Steve Bannon, un populiste capitaliste autrefois lié au journal droitard pro-Trump Breitbart avant de conseiller la campagne de Trump, déborde de haine contre la Chine, il passe ses temps libres à rencontrer des transfuges chinois opposés au "régime communiste chinois". Bannon n'est pas un néocon idéologique, mais il a étudié et appris les techniques du gros mensonge utilisé par les néocons. Bannon et les néocons divergents sur de nombreux sujets, mais sont identiques dans leur propagande haineuse contre Chine.

Dave DeCamp @DecampDave · 20h Bannon’s ‘populism’ and ‘economic nationalism’ is just neoconservatism in disguise

Comme Bannon, Tucker Carlson de Fox news fait de la pub pour un néocon, Bill Gertz. Celui-ci est le père de la théorie de l'origine du virus remontant au prétendu "labo secret" d'armement biologique Wuhan. On a affaire chez eux à la même propagande néoconservatrice que Robert Kagan répand contre la Russie, à la différence qu'elle vise la Chine.

Sans se confondre, les néocons du "Committee on the Present Danger: China", les trumpiens du GOP et les complotistes anti-"ChiCom" (Chinese Communism), tels que Alex Jones (qui voit Trump comme "la John Birch Society à la Maison blanche", et qui se dit "membre d'un réseau stay behind" rebelle opposé à la CIA qui voulait, selon lui, asservir le pays à la Chine), la secte Qanon (influence principale de la secte Trump), le média Zero Hedge (le mystérieux anonyme "Tyler Durden"), et la "dissidence" (qui voit Trump comme leur représentant à la Maison blanche) se rencontrent et marchent ensemble pour une cause commune, constituer un front commun de propagande de préguerre contre la Chine. Mais sans mentionner bien sûr l'origine israélienne de la théorie du "labo secret d'armement biologique de Wuhan".

video image QAnon EXPOSED by Alex Jones

Le sénateur Tom Cotton fait entrer les accusations de Gertz au Sénat et dans les médias. Désormais les médias vont répéter ce mensonge sans souligner l'origine néoconservatrice de cette rumeur. Trump fait de cette rumeur la position semi-officielle de son gouvernement, ainsi les médias se sentent autorisés à répandre ce bobard.

Bill Gertz - Wikipedia [...] He is Jewish. [...] He has also written for National Review, The Weekly Standard and Air Force Magazine. [...] In 1997 he reported on Russian aid to Iran's nuclear weapon program, based on information given him by the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad.[9] In 1998 he reported on United States sale of missile technology to China.[10] In 2004, Gertz wrote that Syria, possibly with the aid of Russian troops, transferred Iraqi weapons of mass destruction stockpiles to its own military installations.[11]

Voici un échantillon des articles de Bill Gertz, pour apprécier son obsession haineuse anti-Chine:

Les médias accusent la Chine d'être "fasciste" comme Michael Ledeen, théoricien néocon du "chaos constructeur" l'accusait il y a de nombreuses années. Quant aux conspirationnistes et aux néocons en général, ils parlent plutôt de la Chine comme la "menace communiste", l'ennemi désigné est "ChiCom". Il s'agit alors de "libérer les Chinois du CCP", comme on disait il y a quelques années qu'il faut "libérer l'Irak", "libérer la Libye" ou plus récemment "libérer la Syrie".

Les médias de masse reprennent sans réfléchir les mensonges des néocons et les délires conspirationnistes, et on note une étonnante ressemblance entre les délires conspirationnistes et les gros mensonges néocons.

Autre élément des plus inquiétants: Elon Musk ce connard de milliardaire narcissique et prétendu fondateur de Tesla, adopte la ligne trumpienne en militant pour le déconfinement et le retour au travail. Pas un mot, ni du côté de Musk ni dans les manifestations contre le confinement, sur le problème des loyers impayables, pas un mot sur le fait qu'un revenu universel de base devrait garantir à tous, dans une société avancée comme la nôtre, le droit de vivre dignement en ces temps difficiles. Rien d'étonnant puisque les milliardaires détestent ces idées socialistes. Les riches antisociaux veulent que vous retourniez travailler, ils ont besoin que vous militiez pour leur droit de vous exploiter comme des esclaves surveillés. Le débat est ainsi manipulé, une mentalité stupidement binaire et simpliste impose deux fausses alternatives stériles: retour à l'esclavage du travail ou confinement contraire aux libertés fondamentales et droits constitutionnels. Cette division binaire ne fait que polariser le débat, créer plus de vision sociale, elle ne reflète que les préoccupations étroitement économiques de la classe super-riche et des droitards. En faussant les termes du débat, la droite a réussi à monopoliser le débat et à récupérer toute l'opposition aux mesures de confinement et au discours officiel au sujet de la pandémie. Ils ont réussi à imposer l'idée stupide qu'être patriote c'est vouloir rouvrir l'économie comme Elon Musk et Trump. Si on ne veut pas choisir son camp dans cette polarisation débile, on est accusé de prendre le parti de la Chine, de vouloir que la Chine continue à bien s'en tirer dans la crise alors qu'elle profite du crash de l'économie américaine.

Peut-être sommes-nous en voie d'entrer en guerre chaude et pas seulement en guerre froide avec la Chine. Mais ce qui est sûr c'est que la Chine est montrée comme le principal rival de la suprématie et de l'hégémonie américaine, ce qui suggère une poussée au cours des prochaines années dans le sens d'une IMITATION de la Chine, non sur le plan idéologique "capitalisme versus communisme", mais par rapport aux mesures de surveillance totale intégrant l'intelligence artificielle, au contrôle de l'Internet et de tout discours non-autorisé, au remplacement des travailleurs par la robotique, au renflouement (bailout) des grandes multinationales américaines servant les intérêts américains dans le monde, etc. Bref, bien des choses qui nous sont actuellement présentées pour justifier d'haïr la Chine vont bientôt, ironiquement, nous être imposées comme étant "nécessaires" pour pouvoir compétitionner avec la Chine, qui est déjà actuellement la plus grande puissance économique au monde, la plus avancée en matière d'intelligence artificielle et de panopticon. La crise pandémique peut ainsi être instrumentalisée par les forces occidentales comme l'occasion à saisir pour imposer en toute vitesse les mesures qui devraient nous permettre de "rattraper notre retard injustifié" par rapport à la Chine, et ce sur tous les plans.

Whitney Webb: Tous les chemins mènent à un hiver sombre (...)Au-delà du Pentagone, des « experts » étrangers ont bientôt commencé à affirmer qu’il y avait un lien entre les attaques à l’anthrax et l’Irak, dont l’ancien officier de renseignement militaire israélien Dany Shoham. Shoham a récemment refait surface en janvier dernier après avoir affirmé que le Covid-19 avait été développé par le gouvernement chinois comme une arme biologique.(...)

The Coming War on China (John Pilger) | Full Documentary | Reel Truth - YouTube

This punctures the 'Evil China started this' narrative just a little doesn't it. RE: "Spanish virologists have found traces of the novel coronavirus in a sample of Barcelona waste water collected in March 2019, nine months before the COVID-19 disease was identified in China..."

Robbie Martin: "Damn so all those people pushing the idea that Covid19 was made in a lab and CAME FROM China will have to add an addendum to their 200 page totally not sus medium posts explaining why they were over zealously trying to rush to blame China?"

China won’t be pushed around by its former colonizer – Galloway

Robbie Martin: " 'did you see how scary that social credit system is in China? they kill political prisoners there' 10 days later... 'lol look at that antifa commie old man bleeding from his ears, fuckin libtard' "

Robbie Martin: "can you imagine how craven and cynical you'd have to be to pretend to care about Chinese 'totalitarianism' but be continually apologizing for the US police right how?"

Robbie Martin: ""we need to start treating China like the dangerous cold war adversary they have become" - Tucker Carlson (not a neocon)"

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 1h Tucker Carlson’s show is an op (limited hangout, mocking bird, neocon think tank pipeline) if you’d like to challenge me on this topic in a debate, let me know
 30 mars Robbie Martin: "i'm still blown away by how many people in this scene are unwilling to call out this garbage, this is really dangerous stuff equivalent to some of the most inflammatory propaganda circulated by PNAC neocons in the wake of 9/11 China and the Democrats are the biggest threat to our country

I wrote about Steve Bannon’s wacky stunt in NYC last week and his influence on the Trump administration’s anti-China rhetoric Check it out: Steve Bannon’s Bizarre Plot to Take Down the CCP
Facebook was already working with Bill Kristol's Weekly Standard, Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller and the US State Dept subsidized Atlantic Council think-tank

Robbie Martin: "Totally sounds like a foreign plot by China to mess up America "| Zoom CEO says it won't encrypt free calls because it wants to share them with law enforcement

« Corona, la faute aux Chinois. » Tandis que les États-Unis croulent sous les morts du coronavirus et que des émeutes éclatent dans des dizaines de villes, Trump tente d’attirer l’attention de tous sur la Chine. […]

Trump Pushes Coronavirus Conspiracy Theory Involving China

Mike Pompeo Pushes China Conspiracy Theory

China Hawks Exploiting America's Fear of Coronavirus - Antiwar.com Original

COVID-19 has turned into a US-China war | George Galloway

US Gov Memo Reveals Politically Motivated Anti-China Talking Points On How To Blame China For COVID

Robbie Martin: @FluorescentGrey · 19 JUNE 2020 "Frank Gaffney’s friend is bitter that the anti-China push his neocon/populist right chimera think tank friends attempted wasn’t as successful as he’d hoped" || J Michael Waller @JMichaelWaller · 7h Two months later, practically everyone has stopped talking of blaming Communist China for the pandemic. twitter.com/jmichaelwaller…

Robbie Martin: "You missed Tyler Durden going hella neocon on China and Iran || zerohedge @zerohedge · 12 jJUNE 2020 What did we miss

US elites use Russiagate playbook to blame China and promote hostility

New Anti-China Propaganda Uses Russiagate Playbook

USA – Chine : les dessous et les dangers du conflit Le monde change, et très vite. Les grands d’hier ne le sont peut-être plus pour longtemps, et des nouvelles puissances émergent. Ces bouleversements complexes sont très bien éclairés dans notre […]

#RussiaGate Becomes #ChinaGate

“The CCP looks at Modi as big an enemy as the United States ... I've been a huge advocate that we should become a bigger and bigger partner on India.” India is absolutely the key that picks the lock. There's no doubt about that.” - Steve Bannon || Ultra hawk Steve Bannon forecasts Beijing's hegemony if democracies

As US Gov's Own Docs Admit It's "Inconclusive" If Wuhan Is The Origin, Pompeo Pushes "China Did it"

Dismantling The Superficial "China Did It" Narrative (Origin Unknown) and CDC "Suspends" Flu Reporting

Are We Facing A New Cold War With China?

Starting to think these psychos actually want to start a hot war with China Mike Pompeo says free world must change China or 'China will change us'

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 1h I notice there has been a severe down tick among several prominent leftists (and their followers) in promoting Tucker clips since his full blast anti-China neocon propaganda and full blast police bootlicking/fascism in the past several months. Quietly backing away? Not enough

China's Pushback: Beijing questions Western reporting on Xinjiang | The Listening Post (Full)

China helps world ditch US financial hegemony

China orders closure of US consulate in Chengdu

Tit for tat | China orders to close US consulate in Chengdu

MintPress News sur Twitter : "Special Report "#Pompeo, the 'official face of #TrumpAdministration thuggery' claimed that #China has shown a pattern of persistent 'unilateral aggression' over the years and 'thievery' of intellectual property...” by @hijodelcuervo https://t.co/6jWKSOfc40 #mikepompeo #Trump" / Twitter

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 1h I dunno about you guys but it seems really odd for a huge journalist who spent so much time correctly pointing out the dangers of Russia hysteria to just be sleeping his ass off on Cold War 3.0. (Greenwald's last two China related tweets)

Labo P4 de Wuhan: Vous vous rappelez des ADM de l’Irak?

Jerry Falwell Jr. Floats Conspiracy Theory That Coronavirus Is North Korean Bioweapon

COVID-19 is Chinese Bio Warfare, Says Trump-Allied Megachurch Pastor Jack Hibbs

The coronavirus pandemic and US hybrid war on China - with Pepe Escobar

Highlighting Threat From Red China, US Launches Committee

Coronavirus COVID-19: “Made in China” or “Made in America”?

U.S. and China Will Likely Go to War In the Next 30 Years - James Fanell - YouTube

Dear President Trump - You cite The Lancet in your attack on WHO. Please let me correct the record. The Lancet did not publish any report in early December, 2019, about a virus spreading in Wuhan. The first reports we published were from Chinese scientists on Jan 24, 2020.

Trump Says He Could Cut Off All Ties to China - News From Antiwar.com

US miffed about China’s relationship with Israel - Death of Chinese Ambassador to Israel a few days after Pompeo's visit to Israel

Panel on COVID-19 misinformation canceled over scare that Huawei is sponsor

Healthy media landscape... Newsweek : "America is in a new Cold War and this time the Communists might win."
30-day ultimatum | Trump threatens to cut 'Chinese-centric' WHO funding

CrossTalk | RE: China, Pointless сonflict? - YouTube

CrossTalk | China Scare? - YouTube
China Hawks Exploiting America's Fear of Coronavirus - Antiwar.com Original

What do you think the explanation is for Greenwald, Tracey and Taibbi sleeping on/not commenting on extremely dangerous escalations from the US with China? These are their most recent tweets on China

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · we have received a memo just like every other government branch telling us to ramp up cold war 3.0 rhetoric on China, it's pretty cool, we're going to keep doing it even more going into the election || WA St Dept of Agr @WSDAgov · 24 juil. We have received reports of people receiving seeds from China that they did not order. If you receive them - don't plant them. Report to @USDA_APHIS at https://aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/planthealth/import-information/sa_sitc/ct_antismuggling

New documents can prove Canada plotted with FBI to arrest Huawei CEO'S daughter

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Trump’s greatest legacy will be starting a war with China according to Steve a Bannon. Maybe we should start taking seriously what these war mongering psychopaths are saying? || Squawk Box @SquawkCNBC · "The United States has a coherent and comprehensive strategy with taking on, not just containing, but taking on the Chinese Communist Party," says former White House strategist Steve Bannon on where negotiations stand. "It's going to be President Trump's greatest legacy."
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · I'm beginning to believe Steve Bannon is actually really pilled up or something, the sloppiness of the this roll-out of Dr. Lin-Meng Yan and her handlers (Miles Guo, fugitive rapist Chinese billionaire and Trump campaign head Steve Bannon) is truly incredible to behold

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · op, I warned you about Tucker : "Tucker Carlson: Chinese Whistleblower to Tucker: this virus was made in a lab I can prove it.""

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · It does feel like if somebody tried to copy the Project for the New American century but decided to shoot ketamine before the meeting started , the fuck

Steve Bannon Is Behind Bogus Study That China Created COVID

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Never pro de platforming but something was extremely suspicious about her Steve Bannon sponsored launch and her frequency of appearing with PNAC associated neocons and on sus US subsidized Falun Gong outlets. Got Baby out of incubator vibes myself || 冠军的亲爹(冠博士) @WlKD6iuxiZqBvm7 · 6h Dr. Limeng Yan #LiMengYan ‘s twitter account is suspended! Which rule is this account violating? Revealing the truth of CCP virus?!

She was sus from the beginning. Falun gong has a big foothold in Hong Kong Steve Bannon Is Behind Bogus Study That China Created COVID A new study purporting to show that the novel coronavirus was manufactured in a Chinese lab was published by a pair of nonprofit

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Attempted CIA recruit and son of the CIA media arm head, Tucker Carlson helps out the fringe offshoot PNAC anti-China faction (their own version of curveball but rolled out in a much sloppier slapdash way) Coronavirus whistleblower speaks out about possible COVID origin on... Dr. Li-Meng Yan joins Tucker Carlson with insight on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.' #FoxNews #Tucker Subscribe to Fox News! https://bit.ly/2vBUvAS Watch more Fox ... youtube.com

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · .@natmusumeci i'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here (feeling polite) but please look into how much of an obvious political operation this, this supposed whist-blower is being stage managed by Steve Bannon and fugitive Chinese billionaire Miles Guo

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · This neocon war criminal scumbag and friend of Michael Ledeen needs to eat shit || General Flynn @GenFlynn · When something is so vital to America’s survival...”Everyone needs to know the truth”⁩ China has no other intention than to be THE single global super power Chinese Virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan Blows Whistle on China “Manufacturing” https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/09/15/wow
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · "How Chinese exile Guo Wengui rose from Communist poverty to center of mystery of how Hunter Biden's laptop exploded into election scandal"

Chinese Billionaire’s Network Hyped Hunter Biden Dirt Weeks Before Rudy Weeks before the Post published its Hunter Biden report, a YouTube channel linked to Steve Bannon-backer Guo Wengui broadcast conspiracies about “hard disks” full of Biden dirt. thedailybeast.com

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Pretty hilarious, Bannon’s grift is about to fully implode Exiled Chinese Businessman’s Manhattan Apartment Is Put in Bankruptcy Exiled Chinese Businessman’s Manhattan Apartment Is Put in Bankruptcy A palatial Manhattan residence occupied by exiled Chinese businessman Guo Wengui has been put under bankruptcy protection amid a legal
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 1 July 2020 Starting to see some more desperation in the tone of the anti-China hawks, they probably aren’t pleased Trump can’t commit to anything including sticking to the anti-China script in an effective manner

Robbie Martin: "Fascinating to see these cut-out anti-China fake media outlets clamoring for a re-opening of the country when they're the ones who will be screaming the loudest about a 'Chinese plague' killing everybody if it continues to spread"

Cold War 2.0? | US and China lock horns over trade tensions and COVID-19

US ambassador to UN admits to bribing foreign officials, vows 'maximum pressure' on Russia and China

Do You Consent to the New Cold War?

COVID-19: China Rises in Ranks of US-Accused Hackers

The Anti-China [Disinfo] Pipeline, 'Classical Liberal' Civil War Rhetoric, Cool it with QAnon par Media Roots Radio | Écoute gratuite sur SoundCloud

GOP Congressman Michael McCaul says China should be "held accountable" for coronavirus

UK bans purchase of 5G equipment from Huawei

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · cold war 3.0 is already in full swing and a bunch of really important figures in this movement seemingly don't give a fuck about trying to stop it or make noise about it || Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) @TeamTrump · 4h President @realDonaldTrump: “Make no mistake, we hold China fully responsible for concealing the virus and unleashing it upon the world."

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Greenwald bro-down with stealth neocon anti-China hawk Matt Stoller (who blocked me) continues

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · This is one of Steve Bannon’s marionettes from his psychotic show titled : War Room pandemic. They’re going to use the Russiagate script on Biden but switch Russia out with China, you guys gotta punch this shit up it’s weak recycled neolib script || Raheem Kassam @RaheemKassam · CLIP THREAD: 1/ When historians look back (...)

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · i wouldn't trust any researcher trying to form alternate theories about Covid19 that centers around the premise that patient zero was from Wuhan or even China, there's just too much counter evidence at this point to show otherwise

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · the MAGA neocons are already going full John Kerry/Victoria Nuland, it's almost like they are following the same chronology of the Russiagate script when Obama's people started huffing about RT in 2014 || The Hill @thehill · Sec. Mike Pompeo: "The Chinese state TV called me 'the common enemy of mankind.'"

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · a part of me almost wrongly assumed the Cold War 3.0/China push from these psychopaths would be different or more clever than the Cold War 2.0 push but it's not, they even have a Bill Browder style exiled Chinese billionaire bankrolling their think tanks

Tim Dillon @TimJDillon · The people who started the Iraq War now being concered about the Uighur Muslims is one of the most insane and unitentionally hilarious turns in modern political history.

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Bannon goes full Bush-era PNAC neocon psychopath, wants WMD-style weapons inspections, these guys are recycling very old scripts, I honestly expected more creativity. you fucking suck Bannon

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Extremely concerned that the Trump administration is trying to start a full blown Cold War with China 3.5 months before the election. Don’t trust any of these FBI leaks China harboring military-linked fugitive scientist at San Francisco consulate, FBI says Tensions between the United States and China have continued to ratchet up following the forced closure by Washington of Beijing's consulate in

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · This seems to be escalating rather quickly Why Did Trump Shut Down China’s Houston Consulate?

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · I guess 'right populists' get a pass when they push neocon propaganda, too bad || War Room: Pandemic @WarRoomPandemic · 21 min Bannon: It's time that people start demanding from their political leaders that hard action be taken against the #CCP #WarRoomPandemic #WarRoom2020 #CCPVirus

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · The desperate recycling of the Democrat Russiagate script (switch out Russia with China) by a broken man, @DonaldJTrumpJr whose father left him alone as a small child to play video games with Michael Jackson | The Hill @thehill · 5h Donald J. Trump Jr. slams Joe Biden: "This guy is owned by the far left and more importantly, he's owned by China."

The Chinese embassy in Washington DC reports it received bomb threats and blames the US government's climate of incitement. This is hours after the US ordered the Chinese consulate in Houston to close on extremely short notice. Welcome to the new cold war.

Bloomberg @business · BREAKING: The U.S. government abruptly ordered China to close its consulate in Houston in an “unprecedented escalation,” the Chinese Foreign Ministry says https://trib.al/MNzd9yw

6 Aug. 2020 Trump, declaring TikTok a national emergency, signs executive order barring transactions with its parent company starting in 45 days.

If TikTok is Tool of China, Aren't Facebook, Google and Twitter Tools of U.S. Gov't? - Accuracy.Org
translation: "only apps made by creepy asiatic insects are addictive. apps made by ethical, democratic western individuals are informative and useful." || Niall Ferguson @nfergus · "TikTok is not just China’s revenge for the century of humiliation between the Opium Wars and Mao’s revolution. It is the opium — a digital fentanyl, to get our kids stoked for the coming Chinese imperium." Afficher cette discussion

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey - .@SolomonYue no offense but I don’t think ‘oppressed Chinese people’ enjoy cartoon pornography of Trump’s ass taking a shit into someone’s gaping skull as much as you do! pretty weird stuff dude! || Solomon Yue @SolomonYue · Actually we are going to bring down #CCP fascist China's Great Firewall. So oppressed Chinese people can also enjoy this picture. twitter.com/Lionsing7/stat…

Trump's cold war with China is heating up

Trump Has Brought China & Iran Together

In the 1950s, the CIA trained Tibetan paramilitaries in Colorado, supplied them with lethal aid and parachuted them into the Himalayas to fight the Chinese. As part of the Tibet program, for nearly two decades, the CIA also paid the Dalai Lama $15,000/mo.

La catastrophe du coronavirus: un effet boomerang de la guerre biologique déclenchée par les États-Unis contre la Chine ?

Robbie Martin: "imagine thinking for second that a psychotic american neocon named General Spalding cares what Chinese parents think." | General Spalding: "The CCP is preventing Chinese students from returning home from the US. Claiming they don’t want infection. Then they’re telling the students that the US is preventing them from leaving. Imagine what their parents are going through."

Robbie Martin: "Bill Gertz who spread the China bioweapon theory based on the words an Israeli intelligence officer is funded by Washington Times, a right wing outlet entirely funded by the Korean Unification Church aka The Moonies, those crazy Christians that do those theatrical arranged marriages"

Robbie Martin: "my last interaction with Greenwald, weeks after me and others called him out for inviting a sketchy neocon piece of shit posing as a leftist on his podcast to rail against China. Greenwald wanted to make sure I knew he doesn't 'give a shit' what I think of Flynn's 'politics' lol"

INSANE Conspiracy Theorist Wins Colorado Election Gregory Fegel @GregoryFegel · 1 juil. En réponse à @FluorescentGrey @_whitneywebb et @MediaRootsNews Perhaps DARPA has a sub-program called LARPA that created QAnon to leave a trail of breadcrumbs that leads its followers into a cul-de-sac or over a cliff. If QAnon has created a cult of fanatics who can be triggered to act, it could justify a crackdown on 'conspiracy theorists'.

Trump Says China Is To Blame For All His Failures

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · or more frustratingly (for me) watching several key figures who spent 2-3 years pushing back against Russia hysteria and Russiagate actually playing into China scaremongering like Greenwald

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Font looks like shit but go get em Bill and keep cashing those Moonie paychecks || Bill Gertz @BillGertz · 3 sept. 2019 Twenty years ago I wrote The China Threat. Now I've written Deceiving the Sky: Inside Communist China's Drive for Global Supremacy. The most important book you can read on the threat posed by China. Now on sale at http://deceivingthesky.com

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Clarification: @robert_spalding is not in the admin but works closely with people from the Committee on the Present Danger: China think tank which appears to have a huge influence over Trump’s China rhetoric and policy. Members also include Bannon, Gaffney

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Peter Navarro wore a #QAnon pin during a media appearance, General Spalding tweeted out the #QAnon oath and later claimed it was a mistake . Now they are both ramping up fake hysterical rhetoric about China again

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · feel like some of those people who scoffed off the idea Trump admin's 'china virus' rhetoric was a problem should probably shut the fuck up now! Exclusive: Covid-19 may not have originated in China, expert believes

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · not only because they weren't able to understand the seriousness or the gravity of Trump channeling some of the same PNAC neocons who were part of Bush's admin geopolitically but because the virus probably never came from China in the first place
So I found the social media accounts of the woman in the video (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) and she claims that she is the Global Press Secretary of QAnon.

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 11 July. i hope some of you Tucker ball washers out there are actually watching what his China coverage has been like

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · is this why all those key Russiagate debunkers had Matt Stoller on their program? because they've already decided what their position on US VS China is? meaning that their position is. = I don't give a fuck? if so very shocking (...) gee I'd think that all the same people making the biggest stink about the US attempt to wage Cold War 2.0 with Russia would care more about this dangerous and unprecedented escalation, but I guess not!

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · More blatant anti China neocon propaganda being pipelined into the Hudson Insitute front: Rising (...) If you don’t want to watch this absolute garbage I’ll save you the trouble, the premise is that Democrats and some Republicans are ‘tools’ of the Chinese government, a ‘economic populist’ mashup with neoliberal Russiagate style McCarthyism, they just switch Russia for China

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Haha fuck off you little neocon weasel now go jo to Cold War 3.0 || Marco Rubio @marcorubio · The Communist Party of #China has banned me from entering the country.

LastAmericanVagabond @TLAVagabond · If no one has yet verified where this thing truly began (especially since Canada, Spain, France, Japan, Taiwan, Italy, etc., have found COVID-19 as far back as 2013 in frozen waste samples) how can anyone not see this for the political ploy that it is? Senate Committee Moves To Allow Americans To Sue China Over COVID-19 "Democrats were opposed, worried it would leave the U.S. open to similar litigation...."

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · These neocon clowns including Gordon Chang and Tucker Carlson (pls don’t @ me if you have a problem with me identifying Dick Carlson’s son as neocon scum) really want a war with China, this is not a joke || National Interest @TheNatlInterest · Many talk about the United States starting a "new Cold War," but that formulation is Beijing's narrative and is certainly inapt, Gordon G. Chang argues. http://ow.ly/tbci30r1XS2

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · reminder: Trump only says he's going to ban TikTok because of an escalating and carefully structured Cold War 3.0 campaign against China

The Danger of War With China is Real and Insane – Larry Wilkerson

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · totally not sus at all that the main guys grooming Americans to see Jimmy Lai as a hero are hardcore psychopath neocons from the FDD U.S. must demand that China release freedom fighter Jimmy Lai

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · the question I ask at the end of this thread is: are there any prominent 'pro democracy' figures in Hong Kong who don't promote hardcore neocons/Trump officials or associate with them? I'm genuinely asking the question because every-time I look I find a kettle of neocons

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 'John Bolton hosts Jimmy Lai' what technically counts as 'foreign collusion' in Hong Kong I wonder? does this fit? || John Bolton hosts Jimmy Lai---Apple Daily publisher Jimmy Lai Chee-ying has met US National Security Adviser John Bolton in Washington DC, Bloomberg reports.

US Interference Gives Beijing Cover To Tighten Its Grip on Hong Kong - Antiwar.com Original
@FluorescentGrey · rather stunning admission from VICE, they believe the most 'crucial' information about this situation comes from US state funded propaganda || VICE News @VICENews · China’s chokehold on information means that some of the most crucial knowledge we have about the government’s treatment of Muslims in the northwestern region of Xinjiang comes from 6,000 miles away — in Washington D.C.

Twitter spreads nonstop US gov't paid propaganda, while falsely claiming it bans state media ads

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · The Internet was invented by the US military and the Pentagon, so I concur with General Spalding, the US military is an authoritarian mass murdering force || General Spalding @robert_spalding · The most powerful weapon in war today is not the Nuke. It is the Internet. And it is owned by the authoritarians.

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · The neocon monsters who run this think tank openly fantasized about murdering Muslims for US imperialism and now they want us to believe they suddenly started caring about them. Good luck trying to get your rebranding to float dudes || Committee on the Present Danger: China @CPDChina · Protest at the #WhiteHouse this Friday. End the #CCPgenocide of #Uyghur in #EastTurkistan (#Xinjiang Province) This modern-day Holocaust must not go unpunished. twitter.com/etawakening/st…

Pompeo not only considers China to be a Cold War adversary, he thinks they’re more of a threat than the Soviet Union was. ”What’s happening now isn’t Cold War 2.0. The challenge of resisting the CCP threat is in some ways much more difficult.”

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Committee on the Present Danger:China neocon think-tank w/ players Frank Gaffney, Steve Bannon, James Woolsey changed social media account with a new more 'classy' DC style less racist/fear-mongering looking logo (1hr ago)

Western media's favorite 'Hong Kong activist' is US regime-changer in yellowface

Follow this account if you want an ex Navy guy to dose you with convenient and long winded manipulative rhetoric to get you to stop worrying about the US and instead worry about China

TikTok skirted a privacy safeguard in Google’s Android operating system to collect unique identifiers from millions of mobile devices, data that allows the app to track users online without allowing them to opt out, per WSJ analysis https://wsj.com/articles/tiktok-tracked-user-data-using-tactic-banned-by-google-11597176738 @kpoulsen @bobmcmillan
Trump: If Biden Wins, You'll 'Have To Learn To Speak Chinese'

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Between the handsome Israeli deep fake ‘editorialist’ and this prolific guy doing yellow face writing about the Hong Kong struggle it’s hard to keep track anymore of how deceptive all this crap is Activist, writer ‘Kong Tsung-gan’ admits that’s only a pen name Prolific writer of columns, tweets, books on social unrest concealed true identity for five years

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · She praised a Japanese American senator for having an Israeli IDF missile factory named after him on a stage that she shared with Netanyahu at the same event, I wouldn’t assume the smear campaign had anything to do with her being a threat to the MIC || Ryan Knight Rose @ProudSocialist · 10h Dear @TulsiGabbard: Last year, I participated in the neoliberal smear campaign against you and I am sorry. My eyes have been opened and now I see that your courage to speak out against the endless “for-profit” wars made you a threat to the U.S. Military Industrial complex.

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Photograph from Grayzone showing the ‘Hong Kong activist’ actual identity, as you can see here he’s clearly a white man pretending to be an Asian person

ICYMI: the yacht Steve Bannon was just arrested on is owned by an exiled Chinese billionaire who is also currently being investigated by the US government and will probably be arrested soon too

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Fascinating that a neocon (who doesn’t like being called one) associated with Bannon’s think tank @CPDChina (which likely takes money from Miles Guo) has been aware for months that Miles Guo and Bannon were doing some sketchy shit || J Michael Waller @JMichaelWaller · It was all so nice on that yacht just a few days ago. "Bannon, 66, was arrested on a boat Thursday off the Eastern coast of Connecticut by federal agents..." https://cnn.com...

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · .@JMichaelWaller did you ever receive money from the @CPDChina ? What’s up with knowing what you knew but continuing to be a part of such a sketchy operation?
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Bill Gertz also was being bankrolled by fugitive Chinese billionaire Milea Guo, wouldn’t be surprised to see Bill indicted In the next few months. Goddam wouldn’t it be pleasurable to see Posobiec get fucked for this too? || War Room: Pandemic Symbole danger biologique @WarRoomPandemic · LIVE 10AM ET: #WarRoomPandemic with Steve Bannon, @RaheemKassam & @JackMaxey1 feat: @BillGertz, 'How #China's Communist Party Made the World Sick' @JackPosobiec, @OANN @SharriMarkson on @australian #CCP Dave Ramaswamy @Induslatin http://pandemic.warroom.org/listen-live/

Ouïghours : que se passe-t’il au Xinjiang ? Depuis quelques temps, le sort des Ouïghours, ethnie musulmane de la région chinoise de Xinjiang, est l’objet de nombreuses publications et préoccupe aussi bien les gouvernements occidentaux que les médias […]

The Risks of Exaggerating Foreign Influence Operations and Disinformation | Centre for International Governance Innovation

Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · Sen. Marsha Blackburn praises medical workers who have worked tirelessly "to combat what the Chinese communist regime unleashed on the world."

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 8 juil. Reminder that the Hill Rising co-host @esaagar is part of the Hudson Institute think tank (yes this ‘right populist’ works with Neocon Scooter ‘germ boy’ Libby). I wonder where all his anti-China talking points come from | War Room: Pandemic (biohazard symbol) @WarRoomPandemic · 8 July 2020 .@BillGertz: In yesterday's @HudsonInstitute remarks, FBI Director Wray outlined the nature of the wide-ranging Chinese intelligence and influence threat, talked about 'Fox Hunt' for the first time in FBI history #WarRoomPandemic Listen & watch https://pandemic.warroom.org/listen-live/

DNC Republican Pandering, RNC Fascist Reality Show & Bannon Indicted For Fraud par Media Roots Radio | Écoute gratuite sur SoundCloud  
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 31 aug 2020 pretty amazing that Steve Bannon's show is still pumping fugitive rapist Chinese billionaire Miles Guo even while he's being investigated for $300million in fraud by the FBI and SEC || War Room: Pandemic (Biohazard Symbol) @WarRoomPandemic · Ep 359- Pandemic: The CCP’s War Against the World Pt. 1 (w/ Miles Guo and Alice) #WarRoomPandemic http://pandemic.warroom.org/2020/08/29/ep-

Connivence États-Unis, Canada et HSBC contre Huawei: un cas d’école de guerre hybride

Michele Bachmann says that “China unleashed this virus because they wanted to kill Americans … to induce fear in all of us so that we’ll hate Donald Trump so much that we’ll all go vote for [Joe] Biden and Kamala Harris.”

As The US Government Spends More On War That The Rest Of The World Combined, They Point To China
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · the Steve Bannon show hosts Bernard Kerik, who went to jail for taking bribes after working for Kroll's Paul Bremer in Iraq & Rudy Giuliani who made millions of dollars off the 2001 anthrax attacks with his sketchy as hell company BioOne || War Room: Pandemic biohazard symbol @WarRoomPandemic · Ep 382- Pandemic: 9/11 Heroism, Sacrifice, and Lessons Learned Pt.2 (w/ Scott Neil, Sam Faddis, Bo Dietl, Maureen Bannon, and Evi #WarRoomPandemic http://pandemic.warroom.org/2020/09/11/ep-

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · probably not a good idea to count on a whistleblower that's been palling around with Steve Bannon non-stop for the past 2 months || New York Post @nypost · Chinese virologist claims she has proof COVID-19 was made in Wuhan lab https://trib.al/Fn8DDFq 

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Also how strange is it to see a Hudson Institute neocon stooge General going out of his way to whine about my characterizing Zero Hedge’s coverage? Weird shit, and should give you even more alarm bells about what Zero Hedge is up to

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · En réponse à @eklu65 et @robert_spalding I find it cute General Spalding takes such strong issue with the label ‘neocon’ when he works for Hudson Institute whose Vice chair is PNAC neocon Scooter ‘germ boy’ Libby

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · General Spalding who works with dozens of neocons on a regular basis some of them connected directly to PNAC plays the Robert Kagan game of pretending he doesn’t know what a ‘neocon’ means anymore. Cool stuff General || General Spalding @robert_spalding · Anti-CCP is anything but neo-Con. It's not about the military. It's about the economic, financial and informational. That is not neo-Con. twitter.com/FluorescentGre…
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · it's pretty funny in a way that these dumb Robert Kagan wannabe assholes totally fucked up their PNAC flavored deployment of 'CCP virus' war making propaganda. You can't simultaneously say the virus isn't a big deal and try to wage war with China over a 'deadly virus'

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · More trouble in paradise, J who used to speak at Bannon’s think tank and still lists it on his bio now believes Bannon is running a fraudulent propaganda operation about the origins of covid19 || J Michael Waller @JMichaelWaller · 18,200 followers without a single tweet. Looks like the fake virologist pushed by Guo Wengui and @WarRoomPandemic has a new bot account.

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · the incompetent asses over at @WarRoomPandemic probably nervous every day Bannon is about to go to jail on more fraud can't even get their rhetoric straight now that multiple contradictory Trump narratives about covid19 cancel the rhetoric out || War Room: Pandemic (biohazard symbol) @WarRoomPandemic · .@RaheemKassam: I don't want to “live with” the #CCPVirus. I want to kill it dead. #WarRoomPandemic #WarRoom2020

This is a lie || Breitbart News @BreitbartNews · Sen. Thom Tillis contracted the Chinese coronavirus following last week's Rose Garden event despite wearing a mask at the gathering. https://trib.al/1RhprBd

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Sounds like a straight up lie, I wonder if @tedcruz and other big politicians will continue to push this fraudulent Bannon/Miles Guo op || The Epoch Times - China Insider @EpochTimesChina · Chinese authorities recently arrested the mother of a #Virologist who spoke out about #Beijing’s coverup of the #Pandemic. Yan confirmed her mother’s arrest with @EpochTimes on Oct. 5 but declined to provide further details. https://theepochtimes.com/china-arrests-

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Former/current(?) far right member of Bannon’s resurrected neocon think tank (he still has it listed on his twitter bio) @JMichaelWaller is doing a better job than most of left media in calling out Bannon’s insane fugitive rapist Chinese billionaire funder
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · feel like you need to update your information my dude, even Breitbart and J Michael Waller (Bannon's own think tank employee) are calling out this fraud openly and publicly || Tom Wright @TomWrightAsia · 21 août Steve Bannon’s arrest is linked to efforts by fraud mastermind Jho Low to stay out of jail. Low is hiding out in China and so he needs to curry favor with Beijing. How can he do that? Well, China wants fugitive Guo Wengui extradited from the US. Guo is Bannon’s business partner.

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · fascinating fracturing happening among the Trump base: Bannon's old outlet Breitbart now calling out his money man fugitive Chinese billionaire Miles Guo Mob Forces Chinese-American Pastor Out of Home After 'Dissident' Billionaire Death Threats The founder of Chinese Christian group China Aid, Pastor Bob Fu, is in hiding following calls by a Chinese billionaire to kill him.

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · One of the members of the neocon think tank with many PNAC favorites has now turned against the co-founder of @CPDChina (Bannon) and is using OSINT methods tracking Bannon’s Chinese billionaire fugitive funder’s yacht || J Michael Waller @JMichaelWaller · 9 oct. Guo Wengui’s yacht, Lady May, is moving southward off the coast of New Jersey right now. twitter.com/balitieta1234/…

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Even @bellingcat is still pushing propaganda defending the fugitive Chinese billionaire that funds Steve Bannon (check my earlier tweets about this) so to see one of Bannon’s former employees/consultants turning the heat up this high is pretty exciting to watch
@JMichaelWaller who still lists neocon Bannon think-tank the @CPDChina on his bio is now calling out the think-tank itself for remaining silent on Miles Guo and Steve Bannon's extremely over the top criminal activity || J Michael Waller @JMichaelWaller · 17 oct. Am very disappointed in @CPDChina for being so slow to defend fellow members, including @BobFu4China, in the face of harassment and terrorization from Miles Guo/Guo Wengui. Almost two weeks of public silence. #CCP @Sasha_Gong

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Tucker is really determined to make Chinagate the new Russiagate, sadly it will work on a lot of easily influenced people out there Tucker: Biden accelerated America's bend to communist China Tucker Carlson explains why the mainstream media will do anything to protect the Bidens and China. #FoxNews #TuckerSubscribe to Fox News! https://bit.ly/2vBU... youtube.com

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 18 dec. 2020 Feel like not enough people are talking about the dangerous amount of anti-China neocon propaganda spilling out of Tucker Carlson’s show for the past 6 months, are people afraid to bash Carlson who are fans of Carlson’s left booking rotating cast?
Economic Hitman’ describes why China’s winning

A good investigation of The Epoch Times by @kevinroose . Another chapter in what is a definitive story of the last decade: unscrupulous actors building complex FB networks of hyperpartisan news & viral garbage for reach & ultimately destabilizing everything How The Epoch Times Created a Giant Influence Machine Since 2016, the Falun Gong-backed newspaper has used aggressive Facebook tactics and right-wing misinformation to create an anti-China,

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · not even joking, Bannon's fugitive Chinese billionaire funder Miles Guo has turned his website into a Hunter Biden dick pic the Fappening, http://gnews.org Funnny too that all these right wing assholes are calling GTV/GNews a 'Chinese TV channel' when its clearly not lol
this bizarre QAnon grifter named @Qtah17 as a conduit to hype up the alleged 'pizzagate' nature of the Hunter laptop

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · This Steve Bannon lackey doesn’t think anybody will find out about Bannon’s @CPDChina which employs 4 hardcore PNAC neocons or that his show War Room Pandemic is a revolving door for Hudson Institute which employs neocon Scooter Libby at $300k a year || Raheem Kassam @RaheemKassam · Annnnnnnnd the left and right establishment is gearing up for new wars.

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Looks like Bannon is planning another off shore Miles Guo yacht adventure, pretty cool @WarRoomPandemic ! || Madeline Peltz @peltzmadeline · Steve Bannon calls for Dr. Fauci and FBI Director Wray to be beheaded "as a warning to federal bureaucrats" @youtube prohibits "inciting others to commit violent acts against individuals" https://mediamatters.org/steve-bannon/steve-bannon-and-his-co-host-discuss-beheading-dr-anthony-fauci-and-fbi-director
Joe Rogan Fact Checks Alex Jones on Operation Lockstep

Trump Wants To FIRE Bill Barr Because He Won't Investigate Joe Biden

Last night, Biden referred to a "dark winter" approach. Most people understood this to mean that COVID would continue to spike as winter drives people indoors. But in conspiracy land, Biden was revealing that as president, he'd unleash a bioweapon on the American public.

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Biden’s corrupt scum but Rudy made something to the tune of $10mil just on ‘cleaning up’ the anthrax attacks in Florida with this suspicious af company BioOne in 2004 and destroyed the 9/11 crime scene so no forensic investigation could take place 🤷 || Lou Dobbs @LouDobbs ·Corrupt Profiteering: @RudyGiuliani says evidence on Hunter Biden’s laptop indicates Joe Biden made up to $40M while serving as U.S. Vice President. #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs

“Hating China is a big bipartisan thing, and Schumer has the opportunity to take ownership of being against China.” We’re ruled by fucking maniacs.

Column: Why our new cold war with China may be a good thing - Los Angeles Times

As US continues New Cold War, Russia and China forge new ties

Thread of anti-China magazine covers from The Economist

Debunking anti-China myths of the new cold war - with Daniel Dumbrill

Inside China, Xinjiang, and the US empire's war drive - with Daniel Dumbrill

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · 5h In case you forgot, crazy man and billionaire Eric Schmidtis running the national security state's AI policy and Biden/Harris will give him everything he wants, including this Eric Schmidt and Joe Biden Biden urged to back AI weapons to counter China and Russia threats A long-awaited report says the US president should ignore calls for a ban on autonomous weapons.

@FluorescentGrey · 17 march I see a lot of people trying to ‘both sides’ anti Asian or anti Chinese sentiment on the rise in the US but is absolutely 100% clear that right wing media led the charge on this, not surprised a lot of people would rather not talk about that

So Trump is still president? Sounds like him. Citer le Tweet U.S. Southern Command @Southcom · 16 mars #SOUTHCOM Commander Adm. Faller at #SASC: "The Chinese Communist Party, with its insidious & corrupt influence seeks regional & global economic dominance... #China is quickly growing its influence here in our hemisphere." @deptofdefense @theJointStaff @

What the Heck Happened to Glenn Greenwald?

We've Read The Documents @weve_read · 6h#ourguys Citer le Tweet @OUR @_magic_circus · 13h @weve_read Bannon has Eric Prince on War Room today justifying Afghanistan because we need rare earth minerals to fight against China

@FluorescentGrey · 17 march Tucker Carlson is definitely partly to blame for the uptick in hate crimes against Asian Americans, he is the Rachel Maddow of #Chinagate but actually maybe worse. This attempted CIA recruit neocon op piece of shit needs to be knocked down a few pegs imo

@FluorescentGrey · Project for the New American Century's document 'Rebuilding America's Defenses' is primarily about facing down and eventually dominating China, this geostrategic plan has been long in the works, Tucker's program is a sly neocon conduit regardless of what cool vibe it gives u

@FluorescentGrey · Why doesn’t anybody talk about how the website Zero Hedge pipes in literal neocon think tank propaganda via the PNAC circle jerk Gatestone institute? Don’t want to offend Tyler Durden?

@FluorescentGrey · vkes Glenn Greenwald broke through the dishonesty glass ceiling Citer le Tweet Billy B @HomoWMD · En réponse à @FluorescentGrey This is exactly why GG is trying to muddy the waters with cause of the increased anti-Asian violence.

@FluorescentGrey · Check out this segment where Tucker uses knee jerk anti woke trendiness as a vehicle to push for PNAC style US military buildup against China || nikki mccann ramírez @NikkiMcR · 9 march Tucker Carlson accuses Joe Biden of trying to feminize the military, argues China is ramping up it's military masculinity. 0:13 1,2 M vues

Deep American Roots of the Atlanta Shootings

@FluorescentGrey · 2021: when neocon employees of Bill Kristol who also work for the neocon outlet Washington Free Beacon think it’s ok for them to make jokes about neocons committing war crimes

@FluorescentGrey · It's been clear for the last 4 years that the Project for the New American Century gang has in some form 'split', this has been happening since 2007 rhetorically on nuking Iran as well, Kristol and Kagan knew to keep mum about nuking Iran, others didn't, the split kept growing

@FluorescentGrey · Still trying to find all those tweets scoffing at my alarm over potential war with China 6 months ago Secretary of State Antony Blinken, far right, meets with Chinese leaders in Anchorage on Thursday. Column: Here's why our new cold war with China could be a good thing Rather than a race to build warheads, this competition involves an infrastructure race, a GDP race and debates over whose political system

@FluorescentGrey · 23h My hope could be misplaced though as Cullen already had someone from the national security state appendage Atlantic Council digital forensics lab appear in the documentary, maybe this is addressed later

Bill Kristol: Invade Cuba & Make It A US State

Un rapport « indépendant » faisant état d’un génocide ouïghour vous est présenté par une université frauduleuse et des idéologues néoconservateurs qui font pression pour « punir » la Chine Les médias américains ont salué un rapport du Newlines Institute accusant la Chine du génocide des Ouïghours comme étant une analyse indépendante « remarquable ». Un coup d’œil sous la surface révèle […]

La Chine commet-elle un génocide ? Un regard au-delà de la propagande US | Investig’Action
US State Department accusation of China 'genocide' relied on data abuse and baseless claims by far-right ideologue | The Grayzone

Is China Committing Genocide? Behind the US Government’s Propaganda Campaign

Derrière l’accusation US de génocide contre la Chine, les affabulations d’un idélogue d’extrême-droite | Investig’Action

@FluorescentGrey · 14h 'If the Chinese do not come forward with the truth..it is one of the greatest failures in the history of human society." Another lab leak article that deliberately distorts the truth to place blame on China, even tho the top potential suspects are American

@_whitneywebb · 9h Love that all these official UFO sightings are being released by the military just in time to distract us from all the wars they are trying to start

Ex-Google chief: U.S. must do 'whatever it takes' to beat China on AI - POLITICO

Operation Warp Speed officials just told reporters they're publishing some of their contracts. Here's Moderna: https://hhs.gov/foia/electroni

Responding to multiple FOIA requests, HHS begins to publish some Operation Warp Speed contracts on its FOIA reading room. https://hhs.gov/foia/electroni

'Dark Winter' Debate, COVID Used To Push Bioelectric Medicine & COVID 'Civil Rights Law Immunity'

Slow News Day Live: No Brain Left Unbroken w/Whitney Webb - YouTube

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Still think it’s cute that Trump’s conspiracy base is still fixated on Bill Gates but gives absolutely zero fucks about the Trump promoted Bill Gates flavored Operation Warp Speed military soldiers giving you an experimental vaccine program he keeps hyping up

Looks Like Too Much Social Media During A Pandemic Is Bad

More Bill Gates Secrets Exposed #CancelBillGates

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · I'm sure it's nothing, Johnson & Johnson only knew there was asbestos in their baby powder for decades and did nothing about it. If you question this company's product safety track record and how it could affect their covid19 vaccine, you're a naughty "conspiracy theorist" || Reuters @Reuters · J&J COVID-19 vaccine study paused due to unexplained illness in participant: Stat News http://reut.rs/3iSz2Hc

Episode #55 - Whitney Webb and Wading Through the Sewers of the New Normal | Gold Goats 'n Guns Podcast

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · The purpose of the "tracking system" is to ensure that all vaccine recipients receive every dose of the vaccine product assigned to them by Warp Speed and to monitor for "adverse health effects" due to the lack of safety studies of the experimental tech used in OWS vaccines

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · NEW at @TLAVagabond According to official docs and the head of Op Warp Speed, every American who gets the Warp Speed Covid19 vaccine will be monitored and surveilled for up to 24 months after the first of what they say will be a multi-dose vaccine Google & Oracle to Monitor Americans Who Get Warp Speed’s Covid-19 Vaccine for up to Two Years Moncef Slaoui, the official head of Operation Warp Speed, told the Wall Street Journal last week that all Warp Speed vaccine recipients in the US

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Moncef Slaoui, the head of Warp Speed, said that tech giants Google and Oracle were contracted for this "tracking system," but the contracts between Warp Speed and those companies was never announced and appear to be even more secretive than the Warp Speed vaccine contracts.

The Ripple Effect Podcast #269 (Ryan Cristián & Whitney Webb | BigTech, Operation Warp Speed & More) - YouTube

Inside America’s Secretive $2 Billion Research Hub Collecting Fingerprints From Facebook, Hacking Smartwatches And Fighting Covid-19

#201: Whitney Webb by Tales from the Crypt: A Bitcoin Podcast • A podcast on Anchor

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · YouTube will deplatform you for not trusting corrupt corporations and the US military that are developing a vaccine in secret that is exempt from federal safety regulation, oversight and FOIA requests. It's vaccines today, could be anything else tomorrow

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · This is a HUGE conflict of interest, Google is a major contractor to the US military and, as I'll be reporting soon, won a new "secret" Warp Speed contract

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · This pisses me off so much. Warp Speed is shady as hell and now the NSA & DHS are part of it. MSM admits it "looks a lot more like a military operation than a science project." Top FDA officials are BARRED from sitting in at their meetings.

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Warp Speed clinical trial parameters, all secret. Warp Speed vaccine contracts, secret & immune from FOIA requests. Warp Speed "dominated" by the military. Warp Speed refused to answer pointed questions asked by CDC's expert panel on their vaccine.

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · The genius of Trump is that he’s gotten a bunch of his idiotic followers to believe he stands in opposition to things like that, the same people acting like Bill Gates is Satan will be begging for Trump’s troops to inject them with drugs 

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Ron Paul thinks the election has come down to lockdown (Biden) VS anti-lockdown (Trump) and doesn't address Trump's medical martial law plan to have the US military deploy 200,000 experimental vaccines per day || Ron Paul @RonPaul · The Two Major Parties Are Often Indistinguishable, But With The Lockdown, There Is A Difference Watch the whole show here: https://youtu.be/zbRDu2mVio0

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · if Trump was seriously 'anti lockdown' he would have been out there everyday telling states they didn't have the authority to do lockdowns and would use his presidential power to stop them except thats not at all what he did, he let chaos grow and grow so he could tweet complain

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Internally on paper pandemic plans for how the Trump admin would deal with covid19 are probably super similar to Bill Gates, it’s funny that people think Trump stands in opposition to that draconian framework esp after his 200,000 vaccines deployed by US military a day comment

There isn't even an approved COVID-19 vaccine, but Google-owned YouTube will now ban and deplatform those who discuss concerns with any COVID-19 vaccine, including those being developed IN SECRET by Operation Warp Speed (ie the military & big pharma) YouTube bans coronavirus vaccine misinformation

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · New for @TLAVagabond -- Operation Warp Speed is using a shady, CIA-linked contractor to keep Covid-19 vaccine contracts secret and exempt from federal safety regulations. HHS (supposedly overseeing Warp Speed) has "no records" of the contracts. Operation Warp Speed is Using a CIA-Linked Contractor to Keep Covid-19 Vaccine Contracts Secret $6 billion in Covid-19 vaccine contracts awarded by Operation Warp Speed have been doled out by a secretive government contractor with

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Earlier in the podcast, we discussed how these NatSec officials are saying "domestic extremists" are going to new bioterrorist WMD threat. Robbie here discusses why we should start looking at these groups from another angle

The Secret 'Corona-Thrax' Project & The Impending Bio False Flag

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Well, "continuity of government" is back in the news, with the election less than a month away. The classified CoG protocols were updated in 2007 by Bush neocons over "bioterror" concerns and, specifically, Dark Winter. ||Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing · 6h Breaking—Nancy Pelosi has just been contacted by the White House on the protocols of continuity of government, according to MSNBC.

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · think-tank in Australia did Bellingcat style satellite imagery so people can start thinking China is as bad as ISIS
Live With Whitney Webb 10/6/20 - YouTube

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · As I explain in the article, this new "national wastewater surveillance system" is a re-packaging of the post-9/11 Total Information Awareness (TIA) sub-program called "Bio-surveillance" that was dismantled by Congress soon after its creation due to extreme privacy concerns.

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · NEW ARTICLE: A secretive AI platform powered by Palantir will soon be fed data from a new national "smart sewer" network to "predictively analyze" Americans' sewage to "forecast" future Covid-19 outbreaks & enable "rapid containment" of "at-risk" areas Secretive HHS AI Platform to Predict US Covid-19 Outbreaks Weeks in Advance - unlimitedhangout.com A new AI-powered module known as HHS Vision has been added to the controversial and secretive HHS Protect system for amassing data related

'Your Body Is The Battlefield' In The War On COVID & NIH, DARPA Focus On Digital/Predictive Health - YouTube

'Expose Warp Speed' With Whitney Webb, Chips Gels And Sensors On The Way & The Trump COVID Psyop - YouTube

The New BioSecurity State Is Quietly Taking Control Of Everything & The Psychological COVID Aspect

Whitney Webb Interview - 2020 Election Chaos Being Used To Set Stage For The Final Technocratic Push

Sweden's 'Herd Immunity' Mastermind Gets Promoted by WHO

The Technocratic Takeover Of America Is Happening In Plain View & Being Justified By COVID-19
A lot of these Johnny come lately conspiracy people seem to be more primed for just accepting a bad conspiracy documentary as long as it’s hyped enough and then censored offline, the reverse psychology fools them into thinking they should hype it up

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · It’s fascinating to me that people keep getting conned over and over again by conspiracy documentaries that are textbook limited hangouts, blatantly partisan and absolve the current sitting administration of any wrong doing, like how much more obvious can this shit get?

YouTube has allowed uploads of the sequel to "Plandemic" to get well over 100,000 views in the past week, even though it had claimed it would take down copies of the film for violating its coronavirus misinformation rules.

I’ve been researching the producers behind Plandemic 1 & 2 and they are unmistakable QAnon grifters, one of them is a very shitty coke hippy burning man DJ to boot, the question I have is this is a well produced doc, who is funding this shit? Nobody is curious??

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Is there anything in Plandemic 2 that remotely places any blame whatsoever on the current administration or anybody Trump directly appointed? Doesn’t anybody think that is sus as shit? I find it kinda remarkable the people stanning it (who aren't MAGAs) don’t find that odd

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Hey remember all the MSM takes that Pfizer was super altruistic and wasn't motivated by profit regarding its covid19 mRNA vaccine? Citer le Tweet New York Post @nypost · Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla sold millions in stock on same day of vaccine reveal https://trib.al/JzBi7nr

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · 6h A document co-written by CIA InQTel Luciana Borio, recently appointed to Biden's Covid-19 taskforce, recommends linking Covid-19 vaccination with food security and rent assistance. Want to not be homeless or feed your family? Guess you'll have to get an experimental vaccine

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Using state intelligence agencies to wage cyber war against sites that investigate Big Pharma corruption is not only troubling for the future of journalism but it suggests that the UK is now openly using its state powers to treat enemies of corporations as enemies of the state.

Dark Trace, Cyber Reason, and Dark Winter | The Conscious Resistance Network

Covid-19 vaccines may have potentially unpleasant side effects

The Good The Bad And The Utterly TERRIFYING! Warp Speed Watchalong

Israel signs COVID vaccine deal days after Netanyahu noted how Pfizer CEO is ‘proud’ of his Jewish heritage

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Given that these US-UK "cyber tools" were developed for use in the War on Terror and/or by neocons involved in the occupation of Iraq, it is very chilling that this will now be used to deplatform and target news websites that criticize any aspect of an experimental Covid vaccine.

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · The US military and the UK's GCHQ have declared "cyber war" against sites that publish what they deem to be "anti-vaccine propaganda" or "suspected" disinfo re: Covid-19 or a Covid vaccine candidate. US - UK Intel Agencies Declare Cyber War on Independent Media British and American state intelligence agencies are “weaponizing truth” to quash vaccine hesitancy as both nations prepare for mass inoculations,

Michael Osterholm, who's now been appointed to Biden's COVID-19 team, was a consultant to the Bush administration's "investigation" into the 2001 anthrax attacks who helped downplay the possibility that the attacks were conducted by a government insider. http://ph.ucla.edu/epi/bioter/per
Jared Kushner Not Sure Why You Chickenshits Are So “Hysterical” About a Virus That’s Killed 195,000 Americans | Vanity Fair

The 'Netanyahu lockdown' is dangerous sham Opinion: Imprisoning the Israeli public, who have lost all trust in the prime minister, brings with it all the health and psychological risks that surfaced during the first national closure while being devoid any serious justification for such a measure

NIH & HHS Now Directly Funding COVID-19 Tracking/Predictive Tools & The 'Dark Winter' Psyop - YouTube

New: the pseudonymous managing editor of RedState has been trashing Fauci, Redfield, and the govt's COVID response generally Turns out, his day job is a press officer at the National institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases—the agency that Fauci leads A Notorious COVID Troll Actually Works for Dr. Fauci Bill Crews is a PR official at the National Institutes of Health. But he also has another job: an anonymous RedState editor who rails against the agency for which he works. thedailybeast.com How a Kennedy became a ‘superspreader’ of hoaxes on COVID-19, vaccines, 5G and more - The Globe and Mail

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · NEW ARTICLE: Google recently teamed up with the Pentagon as part of their new “Predictive Health” program that plans to eventually "automate" and "predict" medical diagnoses using AI, first for cancer and then for COVID-19 New Pentagon-Google Partnership Suggests AI Will Soon Be Used to Diagnose Covid-19 - unlimitedhan... Google recently teamed up with the Pentagon as part of the new, AI-driven “Predictive Health” program. Though only focused on “predictive

Pentagon & Google Partner On COVID-Driven AI "Predictive Health" & The Wuhan Chinese Virologist - YouTube

The Pentagon Is Using COVID Relief Money For...

Pentagon spent $1 billion of COVID-19 money on defense contractors – report

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · The Emergent Biosolutions employee who will oversee the bottling of the Covid-19 vaccine at the behest of the US government is not, as you might think, a career biotechnologist, but is actually ex-military intelligence. This guy, who "led military intelligence teams around the globe" including Iraq and Afghanistan, is now the "last line of defense" in the safety process at Emergent's vaccine plant. As I've written before, Emergent has a long history of knowingly selling untested&unsafe product.

Engineering Contagion - Investigative Series by Whitney Webb

Robbie Martin Interview - From Anthrax to COVID-19: The BioSecurity State's Rise To Power - YouTube

Whistleblower EXPOSES Kushner's Incompetence On CoVid

The Truth About The "Spanish" Flu and How COVID-19 Is Possibly Being Manipulated In The Same Way

France Says COVID Was Already 'Silently Circulating' and DARPA's "Implantable Nanoplatform" Vaccines

Des professeurs de droit affirment qu'une censure Internet à la chinoise est nécessaire aux États-Unis

Alarming US Coronavirus "Continuity Of Government" Plan and Even Italy Now Suggesting China Not Origin

Trump Is STILL Trying To Blame Obama For The Pandemic

The Reality Is That Both Obama and Trump Funded The Wuhan Lab, Fauci Is Just One Part Of That Problem

Coronavirus Research Being Done At The Wuhan Lab Was Started, Funded and Driven By US Gov Interests - YouTube

The FULL Story Behind "Fauci's" 3.7 Million To Wuhan, Flu/CV Overlap and It Was Always Israelgate - YouTube

Ft. Detrick, "Mysterious” Vaping Illness, US Military Footprint - What Do These All Have In Common? - YouTube

The Evidence Points To COVID-19 Starting In 2019 and Likely In The US

Australia Says 80% Of Coronavirus Cases Traced Back To US, As Evidence Suggests It Started In 2019

The Truth About The "Spanish" Flu and How COVID-19 Is Possibly Being Manipulated In The Same Way

New Evidence Suggests Trump's Admin Knew About COVID 4 Months Before It Was Discovered and Did Nothing

France Joins Growing Number Of US Allies Challenging The US Government COVID-19 Narrative and Timeline

Mountains Of Evidence Show COVID-19 Was All Over The World Oct/Nov 2019, Why Is It Being Ignored? - YouTube

A Massive "COVID-19" Cover Up Is Underway and 'US Mercenaries' Caught In Venezuelan Coup Attempt

"Dark Winter" SND Live with Whitney Webb - YouTube

Dark Winter Descends with Robbie Martin par Unlimited Hangout with Whitney Webb

New @MediaRootsNews Radio w/ @_whitneywebb : Bio-Terror Careerist Robert Kadlec & The Darkest Winter

Bio-Terror Careerist Robert Kadlec and The Darkest Winter w/ Whitney Webb par Media Roots Radio 

Strategic National Stockpile chief Robert Kadlec focused on biodefense -- and a former client, Emergent BioSolutions, benefited - The Washington Post

Bio-Terror Careerist Robert Kadlec and The Darkest Winter. w/ Whitney Webb par Media Roots Radio - Robbie Martin Robbie Martin speaks to investigative journalist and writer Whitney Webb about her incredible in-depth new series about a group of sketchy individuals who weave a thread of anthrax, bio-terror fear mongering and 'pandemic preparedness' through the Bush Sr, Clinton, George W Bush administration and now the Trump administration. They discuss how these individuals like Robert Kadlec not only profit off of the threat of bio-terror but that they also have bizarre and inexplicable connections to the attacks themselves and following coverup of the attacks.

Whitney Webb: Head of the Hydra: The Rise of Robert Kadlec

Trump official awarded $2 billion contract to a former employer - Business Insider

Strategic National Stockpile chief Robert Kadlec focused on biodefense -- and a former client, Emergent BioSolutions, benefited - The Washington Post

From Anthrax To Coronavirus Part 1 - Same 9/11 False Flag Players, New COVID-19 Boogeyman - YouTube

From Anthrax To Coronavirus Part 2 - Same 9/11 False Flag Players, New COVID-19 Boogeyman - YouTube

The US Government History Of Secret Bio-Testing On Americans and Foreign Nations Alike, Is Undeniable - YouTube

The Bush Administration's Secret Biowarfare Agenda

This is very ominous when you consider that this guy's boss at HHS, Robert Kadlec, gave the "Dark Winter" exercise its name (see DW news clip #2).

Evidence US Gov Knew Of COVID Before November 2019 and Anti-China Talking Points Expose Virus Cover Up

Les militaires savaient depuis longtemps qu’un coronavirus allait arriver

2017 Military Report Warned Of Coronavirus Pandemic!

US Military Had Bioweapons 'Disappear' From Lab — The Political Vigilante - YouTube

Health workers call for caution over 5G roll-out

RFK Jr: While selling #5G to public as faster downloads, Big Wireless—telecom companies, lobbyists + law firms—is spending millions to lobby governments to implement next generation cellular tech because of potential for data collection + surveillance of citizens.

Le gouvernement fait passer en catimini une ordonnance pour faciliter l'installation de la 5G sur le territoire

Le Covid-19 sert de prétexte pour établir une surveillance de masse et un traçage numérique de tous impossibles sans la 5G

5G Bill Signed Into Law While Everyone Is Distracted By Coronavirus

Trump Quietly Signs 5G Law Under Cover Of Coronavirus and The Next Taxpayer Funded US Bail Out

Robot to conduct job interviews amid COVID-19 crisis

Trump Quietly Signs 5G Law Under Cover Of Coronavirus and The Next Taxpayer Funded US Bail Out - YouTube

Trump Quietly Signs 5G Law Under Cover Of Coronavirus and The Next Taxpayer Funded US Bail Out

How Big Wireless Lobbied Governments to Build 5G For Citizen Data Collection and Surveillance

TCR Live #106: 5G, Contact Tracing and Forced Vaccinations - The Big Picture - YouTube

Andrew Cuomo Asks Bill Gates To Ruin Education For Everyone

Former Google Chairman and CEO Eric Schmidt says a top-bottom re-imagining of the workplace is coming

Media Ignores Israel Connection to Eric Schmidt's Push For NY "Smart Cities"

Hey, don't worry, just the head of the National Security Commission on AI that wants to remove "legacy systems" in the US now being tapped to "reimagine" life in NY.

Richest to run post-covid US. Google CEO Eric Schmidt "reimagining" NY

Cuomo taps tech giants to help reopen New York

Not a cure-all | Politicians concerned over COVID-19 tracking apps' data security

John Whitehead (author of Battlefield America: The War on the American People) on Contact Tracing: The Big Snoop - YouTube

Can apps put coronavirus in check? | Inside Story

Drones de surveillance : «Il s'agit d'une pratique attentatoire aux libertés»

ACLU warns against COVID-19 contact tracing apps

Déconfinement: le conseil d'État interdit l'usage des drones par la police à Paris | AFP

Drones : «Le risque sanitaire justifie-t-il une surveillance généralisée de la population ?»

Cell Phone Tracking Data Shows Coronavirus Protestors Are Spreading The Virus

Cyber Security amid COVID-19

Do we have to sacrifice our privacy to fight the coronavirus? | The Stream

They have you tracked, this is phase 2 - YouTube

Contact, Tracing, Facial Recognition will be governments gift to you

Robbie Martin: "it's hard to believe we've moved into a realm where Apple, Google and Facebook are somehow perceived as less evil and dangerous than Tik Tok, Huawei and Zoom"

Robbie Martin: "Never forget that "Space Force" was not Trump's idea, it's from the neocons of PNAC in their "Rebuilding America's Defenses" paper (Sept 2000) that also called for a "New Pearl Harbor" and said race-targeted bioweapons were becoming "politically useful tools" "

Why mass surveillance is a dangerous solution to stopping COVID-19

SCREEN NEW DEAL - A High-Tech Coronavirus Dystopia

Permanent quarantine? How Big Tech plans to profit from COVID-19

Naomi Klein on How Healthcare Industry and Silicon Valley Plan to Profit from Coronavirus Crisis

Naomi Klein: COVID-19 shows "for-profit medicine does not make any kind of sense"

Surveillance state? China's use of COVID-19 to collect data - YouTube

US protesters slam surveillance during COVID-19 crisis - YouTube

Setting The Stage For Phase 2 As States Deploy National Guard For Contact Tracing

Are you a green square or a red one? AI detects those defying social distancing

Apple And Google Are Going To Track You (Even More) To Monitor COVID-19 Spread

Facebook se dote d'un système d'alerte rétroactif sur les « fake news » | Les Echos

Coronavirus: The Police State Perfect Storm w/ Whitney Webb - BreakTheMatrix.com

COVID-19 tracking apps raise privacy concerns in Asia - YouTube

"We Need An Army Of Contact Tracers" - Meet The Enforcement Arm Of The "New Normal"

Contact Tracing, Immunity Cards and Mass Testing: Are We on The Fast Track to a National ID?

AI-Powered Medical "Pre-Crime" Is Officially Here To "Fight COVID-19" - YouTube

The Far-Right Helped Create The World's Most Powerful Facial Recognition Technology | HuffPost Canada

New Facial Recognition Software Predicts You’re a Criminal Based on your Face

Council Post: Welcome To The Panopticon: Surveillance Expansion In The Time Of Crisis

Pan-Faced Pandemic: Hoan Ton-That’s Mossad Dystopia in America – Renegade Tribune

Big Tech Firms are Using Automation to Censor News About the Coronavirus

Spies are already in your phone. A controversial private firm may be next

Les espions sont déjà dans votre mobile ; et si la société NSO les rejoignait ?

How Big Brother Is Watching You During The Coronavirus Quarantine

Apple et Google vont tracer nos données pour lutter contre le virus

Apple, Google to harness phones for virus infection tracking

Spying on coronavirus: A little-known U.S. intel outfit has its most important mission yet

La Fondation Rockefeller préconise un contrôle militarisé de la population pour lutter contre le covid-19

New Rockefeller COVID-19 Action Plan and The UN's Official NWO Website As The CDC Goes Door to Door

Israël perfectionne sa technologie de surveillance.

Eric Holder was hired by Microsoft to investigate Israeli AI company AnyVision's implementation of a facial recognition surveillance system in the occupied West Bank. Microsoft ultimately divested from the company despite Holder's whitewash of a report.

Police can track COVID-19 patients’ housemates via apps  
FEMA Tells States to Hand Public Health Data Over to Palantir

UK contact-tracing phone app against coronavirus to miss deadline

International Proposals for Warrantless Location Surveillance To Fight COVID-19 - Activist Post

Caution: COVID-19 surveillance measures will last your lifetime

Incredibly dangerous | Big tech companies urge Congress to prohibit warrantless access to data Businesses ‘hire’ robots to stay afloat during lockdowns

Pandemic panopticon: Israeli surveillance during COVID-19 | The Listening Post (Feature) - YouTube

There Should Be NO Corporate Bailouts In Relief Packages

Your Government Is Using Coronavirus To Create The Largest Transfer Of Wealth In American History - YouTube

Congress Allows Corporations To Hide $450 BILLION In Bailout Funds

Reverse Shock Doctrine? Spain Moves Towards Permanent Basic Income

Le plan de sauvetage du gouvernement allemand contre le coronavirus: des milliards pour les riches, le rationnement pour les pauvres

Covid-19 : révélateur d’effets délétères de la destruction du service public dans les hôpitaux

Les ultra-riches américains ont vu leur richesse augmenter de 282 milliards de dollars pendant ces trois semaines de pandémie

Heritage Foundation Appoints Itself Task of Setting Direction for National Coronavirus Recovery

Bezos To Became World’s 1st Trillionaire As Unemployment Races To 20%

FBI Investigating GOP Senator's Corrupt Coronavirus Insider Trading Deal

Americans Are DESPERATE For UBI and More Stimulus Spending

L’humanité perçoit de plus en plus le caractère néfaste de la domination par les élites et croit de plus en plus qu’un monde nouveau doit être bâti sur cet ancien monde en perdition qui ne peut plus être sauvé et ne cherche plus qu’à étouffer toute impulsion nouvelle. L’humanité veut renouveler la société, elle voit un nouveau monde de liberté et d’autonomie de la vie spirituelle se profiler, mais l'ancien monde se braque contre lui. Les groupements divers tels que les religions, comme toute autre forme ancienne d’organisation de la société, n’ont aucun intérêt à laisser naître ce nouveau monde, ils cherchent à étouffer ce qui est en train de naître en prétendant que seul le maintien et la préservation de l’ancien monde peut assurer l’avenir de la civilisation.

Le véritable « grand réveil » est en cours depuis plus d’un siècle, il est global et mondial, mais il existe sur une base individuelle avant tout, il part d’une compréhension individuelle de la réalité de l’esprit t de l’échec du matérialisme et des formes anciennes d’organisation sociale, qui ont donné le féodalisme, l’aristocratie, la théocratie, etc. Le véritable « grand réveil » appelle à grand renouvellement,  or  plusieurs le confondent avec le « nouvel ordre mondial » glorifié par l’élite dominante. Contrairement à l’impulsion pour un monde nouveau, le « nouvel ordre mondial » est un épouvantail fabriqué par la grande Réaction pour diaboliser l'idée même de la possibilité d’un nouveau monde venant remplacer l’ancien en perdition. On voit effectivement de nos jours l’individu se libérer progressivement des chaînes de la nation, de la race, mais pour la Grande Réaction il s’agit d’un grand "complot diabolique des sages de Sion responsables de tout le mal du monde".

Le peuple est ainsi abusé par ses élites dominantes qui ont inventé le concept de nouvel ordre mondial pour diaboliser l’idée même de la possibilité d’un nouveau monde. Les élites dominantes parlent de « liberté égalité fraternité » seulement pour nous faire croire qu’ils sont les défenseurs de ce nouveau monde, alors qu’ils sont en réalité les défenseurs de l’Ancien monde. Le nouvel ordre mondial professé par l’élite dominante sert d’épouvantail pour amener les masses à se tourner vers la Grande Réaction comme source de réconfort et de protection, et en même temps à lutter contre ce nouveau monde qui est en train de naître. La Grande Réaction n’est rien d’autre que l’élite dominante elle-même cachée derrière un autre masque. Le combat contre le nouvel ordre mondial est un piège pour amener le peuple à combattre aux côtés de la Grande Réaction au service de l’élite dominante contre tout ce qui peut ressembler de près ou de loin à l’idée de renouvellement du monde ou au socialisme.

Les courants de droite fondamentaliste ou conspirationnistes qui constituent la Grande réaction ne sont rien que différents masques de la lutte contre le socialisme. Un exemple de cette lutte au socialisme menée par la grande réaction : l'administration Trump a tenté de faire assassiner Maduro, de renverser son gouvernement en fomentant des coups d'État contre le gouvernement vénézuélien, maintenant les partisans de Trump dénoncent la prétendue interférence du gouvernement vénézuélien de feu Chavez dans les élections de 2020. Que de mensonge pour attaquer le socialisme...

Quand on croit que la folie ne pourrait pas aller plus loin, Trump nous surprend encore et dépasse toutes les limites. Il est clair que la raison d'être du président Trump est d'incarner un conspirationnisme débile, afin de discréditer une fois pour toute le conspirationnisme, en montrant à la face du monde le "danger" qu'il représente pour la santé mentale, l'entente sociale, la vie en commun et l'avenir de l'humanité. Bien sûr le bon conspirationnisme n'est pas le problème, c'est une partie de la solution, l'élite veut s'en débarrasser et le moyen qu'ils ont trouvé est de promouvoir un conspirationniste débile comme président des USA, de lui faire repousser les limites du conspirationnisme jusqu'à l'absurde, pour que la majorité de la population finisse par croire que les conspirationnistes sont un danger pour la démocratie, qu'il faut absolument les combattre, les faire taire, voire les enfermer pour les empêcher de mettre le pays "à feu et à sang" (exagération évidente mais qui sera crédible lorsque le peuple aura en aura finalement marre des conspirationnistes débiles et exigera que des mesures radicales soient prises pour éliminer le conspirationnisme définitivement). En ce sens, les conspirationnistes pro-Trump sont les meilleurs amis des censeurs-ennemis des conspirationnistes.

Sans Trump les médias n'auraient jamais pu réussir à faire avaler au public qu'il faut inviter des gens du renseignement comme source d'info et que ce sont des autorités en matière journalistique. Trump a ridiculisé et discrédité les théories du complot sérieuses en défendant un conspirationnisme débile (QAnon, Scientologie, John Birch Society, CNP, Infowars, etc.). Après le règne de Trump, le conspirationnisme sera automatiquement interprété comme une maladie mentale. La crise de maladie mentale actuelle lié à la crise économique et aux mesures imposées pour la lutte au virus va très bientôt permettre de justifier une plus grande invasion de la vie privée et une plus grande coercition au niveau du traitement médical ou psychiatrique forcé des individus. Les fous deviendront plus nombreux et menaçants ce qui justifiera une plus grande concentration du pouvoir entre les mains de l'État, au nom du bien-être, de la santé mentale et de la sécurité de tous. Une personne jugée folle n'aura plus de liberté de choix en ce qui concerne sa médication, son traitement. Les employeurs devront bientôt vérifier en entrevue si le candidat au poste n'est pas un malade conspirationniste. En milieu de travail, tout signe de conspirationnisme justifiera une intervention étatique visant à évaluer le risque psychiatrique des "personnes faisant le promotion d'idées délirantes telles que les théories du complot". Sans cette crise présente, la santé publique mais aussi la psychiatrie n'auraient jamais pu devenir aussi puissants, même si pour l'instant ça n'est pas encore aussi évident du côté de la psychiatrie.

Le conspirationnisme débile et excessif favorisé par les réseaux sociaux a permis de discréditer le jugement personnel et l'exercice du libre choix, pour que l'obéissance à l'autorité s'impose en définitive comme une nécessité. Il fallait que ce soit la population elle-même qui en vienne, poussée à bout, à réclamer des gouvernements l'abolition de la liberté de choix individuel notamment en matière de santé, d’information ou de vie privée, puisque les excès de libre-choix seront perçus comme un danger pour la survie de l'humanité. C’est la population elle-même qui va demander aux politiciens de mettre hors d’état de nuire ou du moins de les tenir sous surveillance constante en temps réel  (grâce à la 5G) ces individus « dangereux » qui ne croient pas à la dangerosité du virus ou qui croient à bon droit que l’élite dominante n’a pas les intérêts du peuple à cœur.

Les excès conspirationnistes de Trump auront permis de justifier un coup de massue de la censure contre le conspirationnisme sur toutes les plateformes.  Ces nouvelles mesures de contrôle sont là pour rester. L'héritage le plus significatif et durable de l'ère Trump sera la victoire des agents provocateurs, car ils ont réussi à mobiliser les foules et justifier une plus grande répression et des mesures de contrôle plus contraignantes de la part des autorités. C'est exactement, au niveau de la libre parole, ce dont la droite accuse les antifas, c'est-à-dire de provoquer les excès qui serviront à justifier la répression policière.

Le complotisme concernant le covid est un leurre, une attrape, un piège, une trappe pour prendre les complotistes en souricière, qui devenaient trop menaçants.

Le complot actuel le plus évident, l’opération psychologique actuelle la plus évidente semble être de répandre le plus d’informations contradictoires possible, de rendre le monde entier le plus confus possible concernant tout ce qui entoure le virus, sa source, sa réalité, sa nocivité, ce que recherche vraiment l’élite dominante dans toute cette affaire, etc.

Cette confusion crée des tensions et de la peur, le choc des visions conspirationnistes et anti-conspirationnistes devient un argument en faveur d'un plus grand contrôle de l’information, et finalement un plus grand contrôle des individus, un recul de l'autonomie individuelle au profit des experts. Puisque seuls les experts peuvent comprendre, la prise de décision doit appartenir non plus à l’individu mais aux autorités qui se basent sur les avis d’experts.

L'individu n'aura plus aucun rôle à jouer dans la prise de décision, des experts prendront toutes les décisions pour tout le monde. Du fait qu'on a gobé et répandu n'importe quelle information en quantité industrielle sur les réseaux sociaux, il est maintenant facile de démontrer que cela ne fait que générer de la confusion et que la clarté doit venir d’un message clair et uniforme venant des experts censés être les seuls à savoir ce qui est bon pour nous.

Il s'agit vraiment de faire reculer et anéantir les avancées récentes du monde moderne sur le plan de l'autonomie personnelle et du jugement individuel.

Sur ce blog:

Kushner, N.S.O. et C.O.G.: à qui profite la crise? Le manque de préparation des gouvernements face à la crise mondiale actuelle semble voulu pour créer une réaction de peur panique, justifiant d'imposer l'état d'exception, soit la prise de contrôle complète par les niveaux secrets infra-nationaux de la défense et de la sécurité nationale, aux mains des grandes fortunes bancaires et corporatives supranationales, depuis longtemps prêtes à profiter d’une opportunité en or comme celle-ci.

Derrière le nouveau mouvement international de droite radicale, une opération de guerre psychologique menée par les forces de l'Otan et du sionisme? (Site censuré)

L'appui international américain et israélien au gouvernement colombien et au nouveau gouvernement brésilien d'extrême-droite s'explique par la guerre en cours contre la vague nationaliste de gauche en Amérique latine, représentée par la "Troïka de la terreur" que constituent, selon le néocon John Bolton, le Nicaragua, Cuba et le Vénézuela

La firme israélienne NSO, startup du Mossad : un outil de répression au service des États en guerre contre leur propre population

Source "journalistique" préférée de la dissidence, "Project Veritas" a été payé et formé pour l'espionnage des mouvements de gauche, tout ça grâce à la formation et le financement d'Erik Prince, criminel célèbre pour ses firmes de mercenaires (ex-Blackwater) à l'oeuvre aux quatre coins du monde

Noam Chomsky: peu importe ce que la Russie a pu faire pour influencer les élections américaines, cette influence est sans commune mesure avec l'influence israélienne, une influence immense, connue de tous et qui ne se cache même pas. Le scandale en lui-même révèle en fait l'ignorance crasse du public et l'hypocrisie sans borne et la double éthique des médias et des politiciens.

Nouveau documentaire de Grayzone Project (2018) "Inside America's Meddling Machine": Au coeur de la machine interventionniste des États-Unis: le National Endowment for Democracy et autres organisations néoconservatrices pour un "changement de régime" en Corée du Nord.

Mondialement, 100 millions tombés dans la pauvreté, 15 millions de morts: bilan dix ans plus tard de la crise financière de 2008 aux États-Unis. Rien n'a été fait contre les responsables. Par "peur des juifs"?

Le mouvement juif Néo-conservateur : du trotskisme au bellicisme sioniste

Guerre contre la Russie et la Chine et autres visées à long terme de l'Empire des loges, cet empire des mots vides comme "démocratie"...

Kushner a dissimulé ses conflits d'intérêts impliquant Israël, Flynn ses pressions en faveur d'Israël... Alors que les révélations du prétendu "Russiagate" lèvent le voile sur le pouvoir d'Israël, le traitement médiatique de l'affaire en dit plus long sur la mentalité de "guerre froide" et l'atmosphère de maccarthyisme anti-Russe qui règne en Occident

Pendant que Corbyn le socialiste pro-palestinien nouvellement élu à la tête du Parti Travailliste anglais se fait trucider dans les grands médias anti-antisémites néolibéraux bien-pensants, de plus en plus de dissidents nationalistes américains (même les antijuifs) tombent dans le piège de la nouvelle droite sioniste et deviennent leurs idiots utiles les plus efficaces: le pitre John Friend endosse Donald Trump et Ann Coulter, deux chèvres de Judas qui mènent le peuple américain à l'abattoir en s'attaquant en apparence à la rectitude politique antiraciste, alors qu'ils servent en fait à rendre Israël respectable.

La désinformation en marche: Pourquoi il faut rompre avec l'anticommunisme dépassé. (Aurait-on oublié que le concept de "nouvel ordre mondial" célèbre expressément la fin du communisme?) Contre le droitisme retardataire des milieux conspirationnistes.

Péril juif et propagande du renseignement militaire des États-Unis

Alors que le président des États-Unis claironne la théorie du complot, certains voient la propagation de cette théorie particulière comme étant en soi un complot, une vaste manipulation, résultat d’un brouillage de piste professionnel conçu par les criminels eux-mêmes

Le Nouveau Monde, Nouvel Israël? Sion en Amérique : la Maison blanche plus que jamais sous influence de la secte dominioniste. Ce puissant mouvement religieux et politique de droite voit en Trump le prophète devant accomplir le glorieux destin de l'exceptionnalisme états-unien

En Israël, la pègre juive dite "russe" favorise le sionisme le plus extrémiste, représenté par Avigdor Li(e)berman, leader du daech judaïque ("Jewish ISIL")

Trump et Netanyahou sur la même ligne anti-Iran, anti-Onu et anti-Unesco

La "dissidence" à la Maison-Blanche ? (Retour au bercail?) L'antisémitisme du faux fasciste Trump: un leurre au service d'Israël et des intérêts Rothschild qui l'ont sorti de sa banqueroute (comme pour Churchill)

La pensée antisociale et ultralibérale d'Ayn Rand illumine les gouvernements Netanyahou et Trump