With the global awakening of what really happened on 9/11 surging ahead at full steam, many people are now aware of facts such as prior government knowledge of the attacks, the mysterious collapse of WTC 7, all of the military and terror drills going on at the same time of the attacks, and the possibility that WTC 1, 2 and 7 were brought down by controlled demolition, and not by fire.
What is not known by the majority of these people, but is as equally important as WTC 7, is the story of Urban Moving Systems. It is no surprise that the hidden history of Urban Moving Systems remains unknown to of the majority of the American population and even within the 9/11 truth community, since it's story was never included in the official 9/11 Commission Report, and has been absent from all of the popular 9/11 "truth movies."
So what exactly was Urban Moving Systems and how does it tie into 9/11?
"Dominick Suter, owner of the company Urban Moving Systems, flees the country to Israel. The FBI later tells ABC News, “Urban Moving may have been providing cover for an Israeli intelligence operation.” Suter has been tied to the five Israeli agents caught filming the WTC attack. The FBI had questioned Suter around September 12, removing boxes of documents and a dozen computer hard drives. However, when the FBI returns a few days later, he is gone." [source: ABC News 6/21/2002]
So according to the FBI, an Israeli intelligence gathering operation was set up in Weehawken, NJ posing as a fake moving company, whose owner was questioned but then mysteriously flees the US. And why did our corrupt media and elected officials conceal this fact from the American people via the 9/11 whitewash commission?!? Maybe it was because this inconvenient fact would make have made it hard for the Bush Administration to pin the horrific terrorist attacks on suicidal Muslims highjackers? What do you think?
Well, it is time for the story of Urban Moving Systems to become as commonly known as WTC7 and controlled demolitions to the American people. On Tuesday, June 17, 2008 I was doing a bit of random 9/11 research and I came across a website called FedSpending.org, after I googled 'urban moving systems'.
FedSpending.org is a project of OMB Watch, a Washington based, non-profit citizen's watchdog group that is intended to promote government accountability and citizen participation. All I can say is that this website has delivered, and I was pleased to have come across this piece of internet gold with relatively little digging:
click image to enlarge
As you can see based on the government data that was released on August 28, 2007, Urban Moving Systems was awarded federal funding in the amount of $498,750 and non-federal funding in the amount of $166,250 for a total of $665,000 and the payout date was June 22, 2001. So in other words, our government, whether knowingly or unknowingly funded an Israeli intelligence gathering operation tied to an FBI investigation, with American taxpayer's dollars!
But wait, it gets even nastier. Urban Moving Systems was also a moving scam operation as well. In December of 2001, the State of New Jersey obtained a court order giving inspectors from Consumer Affairs access to the facility allowing all citizens who had goods stored at Urban Moving Systems' Weehawken warehouse access to retrieve their belongings.
click image to enlarge
The complaint also alleges that Suter violated the Mover's Act by, among other things, failing to provide Consumer Affairs the name of a current contact person or agent, not adequately responding to consumer requests for access to their belongings and not having an agent available for at least 20-30 per week to allow consumers access to their belongings.
The State of New Jersey, at the same time, filed a lawsuit in Hudson County Superior Court against Urban Moving Systems and its owner Dominick Suter alleging violations of both the State's Consumer Fraud Act and regulations set forth in the Public Movers and Warehousing Licensing Act. You can read more about that here.
Gadhafi: Obama fears Israel will assassinate him like it did JFK
Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi said on Wednesday that U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's expressed support for Israel stems from his fear that the Mossad would assassinate him, just as it did President John F. Kennedy.
"We suspect he may fear being killed by Israeli agents and meet the same fate as Kennedy when he promised to look into Israel's nuclear program," Gadhafi said.
While the existence of Israeli nuclear weapons is widely assumed, Israeli officials have never admitted their existence and U.S. officials have stuck to that line in public.
Gadhafi saw a dark motive behind a recent speech by Obama in support of Israel. "Obama offered $300 billion in aid to Israel and more military support. He avoided talking about Israel's nuclear weapons," he said.
Gadhafi said Obama would have an "inferiority complex" because he is black and if elected he might "behave worse than whites."
"We fear that Obama will feel that, because he is black with an inferiority complex, this will make him behave worse than the whites," Gadhafi told a rally at a former U.S. military base on the outskirts of the Libyan capital Tripoli.
"This will be a tragedy," Gadhafi said. "We tell him to be proud of himself as a black and feel that all Africa is behind him because if he sticks to this inferiority complex he will have a worse foreign policy than the whites had in the past."
He was speaking before thousands of cheering supporters at a ceremony to celebrate the 38th anniversary of the departure of U.S. troops from Libya.
Gadhafi, known for his controversial statements, took power in 1969 in a military coup in his oil- and gas-rich North African state. He was shunned for decades by the West, which accused him of supporting terrorism.
His ties with Western countries have improved since Libya announced it was scrapping weapons of mass destruction programs in 2003 and agreed to pay compensation for families of victims of bombings of U.S. and French airliners.
Obama, the son of a Kenyan father and a white mother from Kansas, would be the first African American elected U.S. president. In his campaign he has largely eschewed the rhetoric of racial struggle and drawn support among blacks and whites.
Gadhafi said Obama should adopt a policy of supporting poor and weak peoples such as the Palestinians and be a friend of what he called free Arab peoples rather than U.S. "agents" in the Arab world who, he said, were hated by their own people.
"We still hope he will be proud of Africa and change America and free America of its past policy, namely with the Arabs," said Gadhafi.
"Israël ne doit pas s'excuser pour l'assassinat de ceux qui cherchent à
la détruire. Le premier ordre du jour pour tous les pays est la
protection de son peuple. " Washington Jewish Week, October 9, 1997 !
En Mars 1992, le Représentant de l'Illinois Paul Findley disait dans le
rapport de Washington sur les affaires du Moyen-Orient, "Il est
intéressant - mais pas surprenant - de noter que dans tout ce qui fut
écrit et prononcé au sujet de l'assassinat de Kennedy, l'agence de
renseignement israélien, le Mossad, n'a jamais été mentionnée."
Considérant que le Mossad est sans doute l'agence de renseignement la
plus efficace et cruelle dans le monde, il est plutôt singulier qu'il
n'ait jamais été investigué en relation avec l'assassinat de Kennedy,
surtout quand pratiquement toutes les autres entités dans le monde (à
court d'imitateurs d'Elvis) ont été mis en cause.
Mais tout cela a changé en Janvier 1994 avec la sortie du livre de
Michael Collins Piper: Final Judgment. Dans ce livre, Piper dit, "le
Mossad israélien a été un joueur de première importance (et critique)
dans les coulisses de la conspiration d'assassinat de JFK. Grâce à ses
ressources très vastes et à ses contacts internationaux dans la
communauté du renseignement et du crime organisé, Israël avait les
moyens, il avait l'opportunité, et il avait le motif de jouer un rôle
de premier plan dans l'un des plus grands crimes du siècle - et il l'a
fait ".
Leur motivation? Le renommé Premier ministre israélien David
Ben-Gourion, qui a gouverné ce pays depuis sa création en 1948 jusqu'à
sa démission le 16 Juin 1963, était tellement furieux que John F.
Kennedy n'ait pas permis à Israël de devenir une puissance nucléaire
que dans ses derniers jours au pouvoir, affirme Piper, il a commandé
le Mossad d'élaborer un complot pour assassiner le président américain
Ben Gourion était tellement convaincu que la survie même d'Israël
était menacée qu'il a dit que dans une de ses dernières lettres à JFK:
"Monsieur le Président, mon peuple a le droit d'exister, et cette
existence est en danger."
Dans les jours qui ont précédé la démission de Ben-Gourion, lui et JFK
s'étaient embarqués dans un discret mais controversé débat sur la
possibilité d'Israel d'obtenir des capacités nucléaires. Leur désaccord
a finalement dégénéré en une véritable guerre de mots qui a été
pratiquement ignorée par la presse. Ethan Bronner a écrit sur cette
bataille secrète entre JFK et Ben Gourion des années plus tard, dans un
article du New York Times du 31 octobre 1998, le qualifiant de
"secret farouchement gardé". En fait, les conversations entre Kennedy /
Ben Gourion sont toujours classées par le Gouvernement des
États-Unis. Peut-être que c'est le cas parce la rage et la frustration
de Ben Gourion est devenue si intense - et sa puissance si grande en
Israël - que Piper soutient qu'il a été au centre de la conspiration
pour tuer John Kennedy. Cette position est soutenue par banquier
newyorkais Abe Feinberg, qui décrit la situation ainsi: "Ben-Gourion
pouvait être vicieux, et il avait une telle haine du vieux [Joe
Kennedy, Sr., le père de JFK]. Ben Gourion méprisait Joe Kennedy parce
qu'il sentait qu'il était non seulement un antisémite, mais qu'il
avait également favorisé Hitler dans les années 1930 et 40. [Nous
allons aborder cet aspect de l'histoire dans un prochain article
intitulé La CIA et le crime organisé: les deux faces de la même
Quoi qu'il en soit, Ben Gourion était convaincu qu'Israël avait besoin
d'armes nucléaires pour assurer sa survie, alors que Kennedy était
résolument contre. Cette incapacité à parvenir à un accord a entraîné
des problèmes évidents. L'un de ces problèmes a découlé de la décision
de Kennedy de faire de l'Amérique sa priorité en matière de politique
étrangère, et non pas Israël! Kennedy prévoyait honorer la Déclaration
tripartite de 1950 qui dit que les États-Unis useraient de
représailles contre tout pays au Moyen-Orient qui en attaquerait un
autre. Ben Gourion, d'autre part, voulait que l'administration Kennedy
leur vende des armes offensives, en particulier des missiles Hawk.
Les deux dirigeants se sont ainsi engagés dans un échange épistolaire
brutale, mais Kennedy ne voulait pas bouger. Ben-Gourion, obsédé par
cette question, a glissé dans la paranoïa totale, pressentant que
l'obstination de Kennedy était une menace flagrante à l'existence même
d'Israël en tant que nation. Piper écrit: "Ben-Gourion avait consacré
toute sa vie la création d'un Etat juif et à le guider dans l'arène
mondiale. Et, dans les yeux de Ben Gourion, John F. Kennedy était un
ennemi du peuple juif et de son Etat d'Israël bien-aimé. Il poursuit: «
L'option nucléaire » était non seulement au cœur même de la vision
personnelle du monde de Ben-Gourion, mais le fondement même de la
politique de sécurité nationale d'Israël."
Ben Gourion était tellement préoccupé par l'obtention d'armes
nucléaires que le 27 juin 1963, onze jours après avoir démissionné de
ses fonctions, il a annoncé: «Je ne connais aucune autre nation dont
les voisins déclarent qu'ils souhaitent la détruire, et ne le
déclarent pas seulement, mais s'y préparent par tous les moyens à leur
disposition. Nous devons avoir aucune illusion que ce qui est déclaré
tous les jours au Caire, à Damas, et l'Irak sont que des mots. C'est
la pensée qui guide les dirigeants arabes ... Je suis convaincu que la
science ... est en mesure de nous fournir les armes qui serviront la
paix et dissuaderont nos ennemis. "
Avner Cohen, dans son livre Israel and the Bomb (Israël et la bombe),
publié par Columbia University Press, renforce ce sentiment d'urgence
en écrivant: «Imprégné des leçons de l'Holocauste, Ben Gourion était
consumé par des craintes pour la sécurité ... L'angoisse de
l'Holocauste a dépassé Ben Gourion pour insuffler la pensée militaire
d'Israël." Il ajoute de la substance à ce point en soulignant,
"Ben-Gourion n'a aucun scrupule quant à la nécessité pour Israël
d'obtenir des armes de destruction massive", et "la vision du monde de
Ben-Gourion et son style de gouvernance est ce qui a donné forme à
son rôle crucial dans le déclenchement nucléaires de progression
Kennedy, d'autre part, a été catégorique dans son refus de promouvoir
l'accession d'Israël sur la scène nucléaire. Avner Cohen souligne, dans
"Israel and the Bomb: «Aucun président américain n'a été plus
préoccupé par le danger de la prolifération nucléaire que John
Fitzgerald Kennedy. Il était convaincu que la prolifération des armes
nucléaire rend le monde plus dangereux et mine les intérêts des
États-Unis". Cohen continue à la fin de ce passage, "Le seul exemple
que Kennedy a invoqué sur ce point était Israël."
Réalisant que Kennedy ne changerait pas d'avis, Ben Gourion a décidé de
joindre ses forces avec la Chine communiste. Les deux pays se sont
montrés très intéressés dans la création d'un programme nucléaire, et
c'est ainsi que commencèrent leur relations secrètes conjointes.
Travaillant à l'unisson par l'intermédiaire de Shaul Eisenberg, qui a
été partenaire du trafiquant d'armes et comptable du Mossad Tibor
Rosenbaum, Israël et la Chine procédèrent donc à développer leurs
propres capacités nucléaires à l'insu des États-Unis.
Si vous trouvez ce scénario improbable, je vous encourage vivement à
lire l'excellent livre de Thomas Gordon, Seeds of Fire (Graines de
feu), dans lequel il expose comment le Mossad et le CSIS (les services
secrets chinois) ont conspiré à de multiples occasions, non seulement
pour voler des secrets militaires américains, mais également pour
espionner le programmes de renseignement américains par le biais du
logiciel PROMIS du Département de la Justice. Cet exemple, j'en ai bien
peur, n'est qu'un premier exemple dans lequel l'écho de l'assassinat
de JFK résonne encore aujourd'hui dans notre monde post- 11 septembre.
Le danger que représentait la course d'Israël et la Chine en vue
d'obtenir la Bombe est devenue une situation très volatile, et a été
étroitement surveillé par la CIA.
Dans l'intention de poursuivre sur cette voie, les Israéliens ont
construit l'installation nucléaire de Dimona. Quand Kennedy a demandé
que les États-Unis inspectent ces installations, Ben Gourion était si
furieux qu'il a construit un autre FAUX établissement qui ne présentait
aucune preuve de recherche et de développement nucléaire. (Ce
scénario ne sonne-t-il pas étrangement familier dans le contexte de ce
qui se passe actuellement concernant l'Irak de Saddam Hussein?)
Pleinement conscients de leurs manigances, JFK a dit à Charles
Bartlett, "Les fils de pute me mentaient constamment sur leurs
capacités nucléaires. "
Avner Cohen, dans "Israel and the Bomb", réitère cette déclaration en
disant que Ben-Gourion prenait la question nucléaire tellement à cœur
qu'il en "a conclu qu'il ne pouvait pas dire la vérité sur Dimona aux
dirigeants américains, pas même en privé. "
Dr. Gerald M. Steinberg, professeur de sciences politiques à
l'Université Bar-Ilan de BESA Center for Strategic Studies à Tel Aviv,
insiste en disant: "Entre 1961 et 1963, l'administration Kennedy a
exercé de grandes pression sur Ben-Gourion afin qu'il accepte
l'inspection internationale de Dimona et qu'Israël abdique leurs armes
nucléaires. Cette pression ne semble pas avoir modifié la politique
israélienne, mais elle a été un facteur contribuant à la démission de
Ben-Gourion en 1963."
Pour exprimer en termes modernes à quel point la situation était rendue
grave, regardez ce qui se passe en Irak avec l'inspection par les
équipes de sécurité des Nations Unies des palais royaux et des bunkers
cherchant des armes et des matériaux nucléaires. Cette question est si
urgente que notre pays est sur le bord de la guerre. Quarante ans plus
tôt, la pression que JFK a exercée sur Ben-Gourion était aussi forte
que celle que George Bush impose à Saddam Hussein aujourd'hui.
Dans "Israel and the Bomb", Avner Cohen renforce ce point. Pour forcer
Ben-Gourion à accepter les conditions, Kennedy a utilisé le levier le
plus efficace à la disposition d'un président américain face à Israël:
la menace qu'une solution insatisfaisante compromettrait l'engagement
et le soutient du gouvernement des États-Unis envers Israël."
La pression sur Ben-Gourion était si intense qu'il a fini par quitter
son poste. Mais Kennedy, dans un vrai style pit-bull, n'épargna pas le
successeur de Ben-Gourion, Levi Eshkol, selon ce que rapporte Avner
Cohen. "Kennedy dit à Eshkol que l'engagement et le soutien des
États-Unis envers Israël 'pourrait être sérieusement compromis' si
Israël ne laissait pas les États-Unis obtenir des 'informations fiables'
au sujet de ses efforts dans le domaine nucléaire. Les demandes de
Kennedy étaient sans précédent. Elles conduisent, en effet, à un
ultimatum." Cohen conclut cette pensée en affirmant: "La lettre de
Kennedy a précipité une situation proche de la crise dans le bureau
En fin de compte, comme nous le savons tous, Kennedy a été assassiné en
novembre 1963, mais le fait que la Chine a effectué son premier test
nucléaire en Octobre 1964 est certainement beaucoup moins connu. Ce
qui rend cet événement plus profond est la déclaration de Piper qui
dit que même si Israël a déclaré que ses premiers essais nucléaires
ont eu lieu en 1979, en fait ils ont réellement eu lieu en octobre
1964 en collaboration avec les Chinois! Si cela est vrai, alors en
plus du mois d'août 1945, lorsque les États-Unis ont largué des bombes
atomiques sur Hiroshima et Nagasaki, le mois d'octobre 1964 pourrait
avoir été le mois le plus dangereux dans l'histoire du 20e siècle.
Revenons à l'assassinat de JFK et à ses résultats directs en ce qui
concerne le lobby juif, la politique étrangère américaine et la
militarisation d'Israël. Pour estimer la puissance considérable du
lobby israélien dans ce pays, le vénérable sénateur J. William
Fulbright a déclaré à l'émission Face the Nation (CBS) le 15 avril
1973, "Israël contrôle le Sénat des États-Unis". Le Sénat est
subordonnée, mais beaucoup trop; nous devrions être plus concernés par
les intérêts des États-Unis plutôt que de suivre les ordres d'Israël.
La grande majorité du Sénat des États-Unis - autour de 80% - appuie
complètement Israël; tout ce qu'Israël veut, Israël l'obtient. Cela a
été démontré maintes et maintes fois, et cela a rendu [la politique
étrangère] difficile pour notre gouvernement. "
Vous avez entendu ce que le sénateur Fulbright a dit? Ce n'est pas un
théoricien de la conspiration, un fou ou un antisémite du KKK. C'est un
sénateur américain très respecté qui dit qu'environ 80% du Sénat est
dans la poche d'Israël. Ajoutant du poids à cet argument, le Rep. Paul
Findley a dit, qui était cité dans le rapport de Washington sur les
affaires du Moyen-Orient en mars 1992: "Durant la campagne de John
Kennedy à la présidence, un groupe juif de New York avait proposé en
privé de couvrir ses frais de campagne s'il voulait les laisser mener
sa politique au Moyen Orient. Il n'était pas d'accord ... En tant que
président, il a fourni un soutien limité à Israël."
Pour comprendre l'importance des décisions de Kennedy lors de sa
présidence de courte durée, nous devons nous pencher sur la question du
financement des campagnes électorales. Considérant l'influence que le
lobby israélien exerce dans le Sénat des États-Unis (répercutant les
paroles du sénateur Fulbright), il a dû être tellement furieux lorsque
le président Kennedy a décidé de vraiment couper court aux pratiques
en vigueur de financement des campagnes, car cette méthode rendait
tant de politiciens dépendants de l'énorme source de financement de la
part de groupes d'intérêts particuliers ("lobbyistes").
Malheureusement, Kennedy n'a pas eu le temps de mettre en œuvre ce
programme, et à ce jour notre système politique est toujours
monopolisé par les lobbyistes des mêmes groupes d'intérêts spéciaux.
On peut seulement imaginer quels changements auraient pu se produire
dans notre politique étrangère si Kennedy avait éradiqué ces vipères
et suceurs de sang des salles de congrès.
Tragiquement, les idées Kennedy ne se sont jamais réalisées, et sa dure
bataille avec le Premier ministre Ben Gourion à savoir si Israël
devrait être autorisée à développer un programme nucléaire a été
finalement perdue. La raison en est que Lyndon Baines Johnson, que
Kennedy voulait rejeter de son ticket de 1964 en raison de son
aversion extrême à son égard, fut à l'origine d'un renversement
complet de la politique étrangère. Comme vous le verrez, non seulement
le programme d'armes nucléaires d'Israël allait se poursuivre loin de
toute supervision, mais Israël est également devenu le principal
bénéficiaire de notre aide étrangère.
Mais ce revirement absolu ne serait pas arrivé si Kennedy n'avait pas
été assassiné. Jusqu'à ce que LBJ devienne président, Kennedy avait
traité avec le Moyen-Orient d'une manière qui bénéficiait le plus aux
États-Unis. Son objectif principal - et qui serait le plus apte à
maintenir la paix - était un équilibre des forces au Moyen-Orient afin
que chaque pays soit en sécurité. Cette décision adhérait à la
Déclaration tripartite que les États-Unis ont signé en 1950. Mais sous
l'administration Johnson, ce fragile équilibre a été rompu, et en 1967 -
soit quatre ans seulement après l'assassinat de Kennedy - les
États-Unis étaient devenus le principal fournisseur d'armes d'Israël,
alors que NOS intérêts étaient relégués loin derrière ceux d'Israël!
Michael Collins Piper l'écrit: « Le bilan est le suivante: JFK était
fermement déterminé à empêcher Israël de fabriquer la bombe nucléaire.
LBJ a simplement détourné le regard dans la direction opposée. La mort
de JFK s'est en effet avérée bénéfique pour les ambitions nucléaires
d'Israël comme les preuves l'indiquent."
Reuven Pedatzer écrivait, dans un compte-rendu critique du livre
d'Avner Cohen "Israel and the Bomb" paru dans le quotidien israélien
Ha'aretz du 5 février 1999: «L'assassinat du président américain John
F. Kennedy a mis brutalement fin aux pressions massives exercées par
l'administration américaine sur le gouvernement d'Israël en vue que ce
dernier mette un terme à son programme nucléaire." Il poursuit,
"Kennedy a dit très clairement au Premier ministre israélien qu'il
n'accepterait en aucun cas qu'Israël devienne un État nucléaire".
Pedatzer poursuit: «Si Kennedy était resté en vie, il est douteux
qu'Israël détienne aujourd'hui l'option nucléaire», et que "la
décision de Ben Gourion de démissionner en 1963 a été prise dans une
large mesure dans le contexte de l'énorme pression que Kennedy
exerçait sur lui concernant la question nucléaire."
Si vous n'êtes toujours pas convaincu; que diriez-vous de quelques
chiffres? Dans le dernier budget de Kennedy pour l'année 1964, l'aide
israélienne était de 40 millions de dollars. Dans le premier budget de
LBJ pour 1965, cette aide a grimpé à 71 millions de dollars, et en 1966
elle a plus que triplé par rapport aux deux années antérieures
jusqu'à atteindre 130 millions de dollars! De plus, sous
l'administration Kennedy, presque aucune aide américaine à Israël
n'était de nature militaire. Au lieu de cela, elle était répartie
également entre les prêts au développement et l'aide alimentaire en
vertu du Programme PL480. Pourtant, en 1965 sous l'administration
Johnson, 20% de notre aide à Israël était pour l'armée, tandis qu'en
1966, 71% a été utilisé pour du matériel de guerre.
Poursuivant dans cette même veine, en 1963, l'administration Kennedy a
vendu 5 missiles Hawk à Israël dans le cadre d'un système de défense
aérienne. En 1965-66, cependant, LBJ a concédé 250 chars sur Israël, 48
avions d'attaque Skyhawk, plus des fusils et de l'artillerie qui
étaient tous de nature offensive. Si vous vous demandiez quand la
machine de guerre israélienne a été créée, eh bien voilà! LBJ en a été
le père.
Selon Stephen Green, dans son livre Taking Sides: America's Secret
Relations with a Militant Israel: "Les 92 millions de dollars d'aide
militaire fournie durant l'année fiscale 1966 dépassaient le total de
toute l'aide militaire officielle fournie à Israël cumulativement
pendant toutes les années depuis la fondation de cette nation en 1948."
Green poursuit: «70% de toute l'aide officielle des États-Unis à Israël
a été militaire. Les États-Unis ont donné à Israël plus de 17
milliards $ d'aide militaire depuis 1946, dont la quasi-totalité -
plus de 99% - ont été fournis depuis 1965."
Pouvez-vous voir ce qui se passe ici? Moins de deux ans après
l'assassinat de JFK, Israël est passé d'un pays faible membre de la
volatile communauté moyen-orientale qui n'était pas été autorisé à
développer des armes nucléaires, à celui d'un pays en bonne voie de
devenir une force militaire indéniable sur la scène mondiale. John
Kennedy a mis catégoriquement son poing sur la table et a refusé de
permettre à Israël de développer un programme nucléaire, alors que LBJ a
fait exactement le contraire en l'aidant et en le soutenant. «En
1968, le président n'avait pas l'intention de faire quoi que ce soit
pour arrêter la bombe israélienne."
Le résultat de ce changement de cap entre les administrations Kennedy
et Johnson est, à mon avis, la raison principale derrière nos
problèmes actuels au Moyen-Orient qui ont abouti aux attaques du 11
septembre et à notre prochaine guerre contre l'Irak (et au-delà). J'ai
une grande confiance en cette déclaration, car tel que Michael
Collins Piper le souligne, voici les résultats de l'assassinat de john
F. Kennedy:
1) Notre aide étrangère et militaire à Israël a augmenté de façon spectaculaire après que LBJ soit devenu président.
2) Plutôt que d'essayer de maintenir un équilibre au Moyen-Orient, Israël a soudainement émergé comme la force dominante.
3) Depuis l'administration LBJ, Israël a toujours eu des armes de loin supérieures à ses voisins directs.
4) En raison de cette évident et indéniable accroissement de la machine
de guerre israélienne, le Moyen-Orient est dans la tourmente
5) LBJ a également permis à Israël de poursuivre son développement
nucléaire, ce qui lui permit de devenir la sixième plus grande force
nucléaire au monde.
6) Enfin, nos énormes dépenses en aide étrangère à Israël (qui
représente au bout du compte environ 10 milliards $ / an) a créé une
situation de belligérance et de représailles sans fin au Moyen-Orient,
plus un mépris et une hostilité envers les États-Unis pour leur rôle
favorisant l'armée d'Israël. En Israël, et surtout aux yeux de David
Ben-Gourion à l'époque, quelles étaient leurs alternatives -- rester
affaibli (ou au moins équilibré) par rapport à leurs voisins et les
mains liées par le refus de JFK de se plier à leur volonté, ou encore
TUER l'homme qui les empêche de devenir la force dominante au
Moyen-Orient, le bénéficiaire d'énormes quantités d'aide militaire, et
l'une des forces nucléaires de première importance dans le monde?
C'est quelque chose à penser. Aussi, tandis que ces pensées se
bousculent dans votre tête, posez-vous cette question. Si Kennedy,
Lyndon B. Johnson, et toutes les administrations ultérieures avaient
adhéré à la Déclaration tripartite de 1950 et fait tout en leur
pouvoir pour maintenir l'équilibre au Moyen-Orient au lieu de pousser
Israël à l'avant-garde, nos tours jumelles auraient-elles été
attaquées le 11 septembre 2001, et serions-nous aujourd'hui au bord
d'une guerre potentiellement catastrophique? C'est certainement
quelque chose à méditer.
... [John F.] Kennedy
placed the limitation of the nuclear arms race at the center of American
foreign policy. . . . Israel's nuclear enterprise was in direct
contradiction with the principles of his policy.... The correspondent
for Ha'aretz in Washington during the Kennedy and Johnson presidencies,
Amos Elon, filed a report saying that in a background talk with James
Reston of The New York Times, Kennedy had said that in nuclear matters
[Israeli Prime Minister David] Ben-Gurion was a "wild man."
—Israeli historian Michael Karpin The Bomb in the Basement: How Israel Went Nuclear and What That Means for the World
murder of American President John F. Kennedy-brought to an abrupt end
the massive pressure being applied by the U.S. administration on the
government of Israel to discontinue the nuclear program. [In Israel and
the Bomb, Avner] Cohen demonstrates at length the pressures applied by
Kennedy on Ben-Gurion ... in which Kennedy makes it quite clear to the
Israeli prime minister that he will under no circumstances agree to
Israel becoming a nuclear state. The book implied that, had Kennedy
remained alive, it is doubtful whether Israel would today have a nuclear
—Reuven Pedatzer in Israel's Ha'aretz, Feb. 5, 1999, reviewing Avner Cohen's Israel and the Bomb.
Assassin Mystique: Israel's Livni tries to live down Mossad myths Dan Williams Reuters Thu, 05 Jun 2008
It was the early 1990s and Tzipi Livni, a daughter of famed Zionist guerrillas who was scrambling for a foothold in the Israeli parliament, came up with a muscular campaign slogan: "My Name is an Institution".
The Hebrew for "institution" is "Mossad". It's also the name of Israel's feared intelligence agency, where Livni briefly worked before entering politics and becoming foreign minister and heir-apparent to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.
Such puns are a thing of the past for Livni. Now 49 and the most prominent Israeli stateswoman since Golda Meir, she appears set on staving off scrutiny into her stint in a spy service mainly noted for assassinating enemies of the Jewish state.
Media exposes have been long on cliche. One Canadian report described Livni as a skilled Mossad gun-slinger, "naturally blonde with eyes as blue as the Mediterranean". A British newspaper had her "taking out Arab terrorists" for Mossad in Europe.
The Foreign Ministry refused to respond, citing official secrecy around Mossad operations. But aides to Livni made clear their exasperation with such publicity, which comes as she tries to prod along U.S.-sponsored peace talks with the Palestinians.
"It's total rubbish and really the sort of thing we would rather not see in print," said one.
Still, some commentators suggest Livni should consider lifting the veil on her espionage role, if only to make up for her lack of military pedigree -- a major impediment for an aspiring female leader in a country born of war.
Testifying last year before a commission of inquiry into Israel's costly 2006 offensive against Lebanese Hezbollah guerrillas, Livni recalled feeling left out by Olmert as he planned strategy with an all-male general staff.
"Being in Mossad has a mystique which could really help Livni's prospects. She comes off, otherwise, as pretty dour," said Amotz Asa-El, an Israeli political analyst.
"But I wouldn't be at all surprised if Mossad is stopping her from going public. They're zealous about secrecy," he added, recalling that ex-Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, a former Mossad officer, was tight-lipped about his time as a spy.
There may be diplomatic considerations for Livni too.
Fluent in French, she has acknowledged working as a Mossad agent between 1980 and 1984 in Paris, scene of Israeli missions targeting Palestinian guerrillas and Iraq's efforts to advance its nuclear programme.
In June 1980, an Egyptian atomic scientist working for Saddam Hussein was found murdered in his Paris hotel room -- a victim, it was assumed, of Mossad. Israel declined comment, but then Prime Minister Menachem Begin told an American interviewer he hoped France had "learned (its) lesson" for helping Iraq.
Yet two veteran Mossad field operatives who served in the agency at around the same time as Livni played down speculation that she was part of a hit-team. One said that she spent at least part of the time in France maintaining a Paris safe house.
Assassination units, the ex-operatives told Reuters, draw on older recruits with extensive combat experience and, for discretion's sake, try to avoid contact with other Mossad staff.
"At most, Tzipi would have received a request to go off to Bourgogne for a couple of days while the 'guys from Israel' used the apartment," one veteran said. "It was a minor role that I doubt would yield a lot of dramatic mileage today."
When you put 'Mossad 9/11' into Google you get around a million hits. You get around 700,000 when you put in 'Israel 9/11'. If you put in 'Mossad was behind 9/11' you get more than a million.
When you start reading about the connections between Israel, Mossad and 9/11 you find so much information and you also find the same people showing up over and over again. You find information that connects to other information in various ways. The more you read and the more you study, the more you come to the same conclusion. You finally realize that Israel and the CIA with the help of an assortment of werewolves and vampires in the business and political worlds did 9/11.
It begins to hit you early on. There's just too much coincidence. Early on you realize that it couldn't have been Al Qaeda who did this. After all, high ranking members of the CIA say there was no Al Qaeda. After you have waded through the curious matter of Cheney refusing to scramble any jet fighters; Arabs who were supposed to be on the planes being found alive and well in their home countries, the five dancing Israeli Mossad agents, three high rise buildings coming down into their own footprints at the speed of free fall and the endless following connections... you realize... you should realize that what you have been told is not true. At this point you might go and see who owns the corporations that bring you the news.
Maybe you look into what followed afterwards. Maybe you study who was responsible for lying America into the Iraq War. Maybe you study who is pressing for an Iranian invasion. Maybe you observe the dreadful genocide being practiced on the Palestinians.
There is so much more to research and study. You find out that Michael Chertoff, the head of Homeland Security is an Israeli/U.S. dual national. But did you know that the Deputy Secretary of H.S., Paul A. Schneider, the Secretary of Operations of H.S., Fred L. Schwien and the Secretary for Technology for H.S., Jay M. Cohen are the same as Chertoff? Maybe you then find out that Joe Lieberman is the Chairman of Homeland Security. But did you know that Barrack Obama is on that committee?
What about that Mukaskey appointment?
The more you dig around the more you find the same people coming up over and over again. When you look at the PNAC membership and when you look at characters like Michael Ledeen and a host of other scoundrels, you consistently come back to Israel. What options do you have when you consider the information you have gathered? You either conclude that Israel is deep into whatever happened or... some unknown force wants to make it look like that. Then you have to consider that since the majority of the world's major media is Zionist owned then who, who makes it look the way it does? ... Well, it always comes back to the same thing.
No one can say that 9/11 benefitted the Arab world. The one who benefitted the most was and is Israel. The old sayings of "Cui Bono" and "follow the money" add a great deal of weight to what already is a fait accompli. There are exhaustive time lines available and maybe someone will find things like this valuable. There are in depth articles that are enough to make the dead horse you are beating scream for you to stop.
The more you look the more you find the same thing. It should be added that no nation on Earth is more famous for false flag events than is Israel. I might also include the Mossad motto, "By deception ye shall wage war". On and on it goes.
The internet is awash in information. Some of it found its way into the mainstream and some of it is alternative news and some of it has strange provenance. Even if you discount most of it, for whatever your reasons may be, you are still left with more evidence than you will ever need. If you've got any kind of name power and you say anything about these things you will find that the truth is anti-Semitic. You will be hounded out of town.
I've ruminated about how this particular force of Zionism could have so much power and it seems to go back to the banks and the interest charged on money printed out of thin air. It seems like this power is the power of money. When you look at how the power of money was used to gain control of the outlets that process the flow of information and manufacture the news well... what can I say?
Whoever these people are they've had a certain intention all along. To what bright future does this intention incline? Shall we all have tea in paradise tomorrow once they have achieved their ends on our behalf?
There have been thousands of articles written about this. Some of them are finely detailed and there for the reading by anyone curious enough to do so. No one could cover all of the ground in a short essay. In any case, it's not proof we need. We have more proof than reasonable judgment requires. Many people see what is going on and many, many more do not.
It was the perfect scam for a particular people to set themselves up as the eternal victim. To criticize them is tantamount to pushing over a baby carriage. We are led to believe that this 'chosen people' were expelled from dozens of countries over time but the reasons are obscured. It is implied that it was all because they were disliked for what they were and seldom is much said about what they did. They say that where there is smoke there is fire. In this instance there is so much smoke you cannot see the fire but you can certainly feel the heat.
Now they've put CFR member, General Norton Schwartz in charge of the Air Force. Since he's the first non-fighter pilot put into that position in a long time it makes you wonder about dissension in military ranks over the ongoing neo-con world-wide murder spree. It also might cause you to give thought to that missing nuke and the killing of Tony Carnaby by the Houston Police. Of course you might flash back to other replacements in the military, notably the one that led to General Petraeus.
Once you have accepted that 9/11 was done by the only people capable of doing it. Once you have reasoned out that the ONLY foreign country who could have been involved and not caused an immediate war would be Israel well then... This is why it was so important to blame it on a non-existent terror group that was conveniently hosted by a country whose turf we were after and who had unforgivably shut down the world's opium supply, well then... it really is two for one night at Little Caesars. Once you have accepted what all the evidence tells you, that 9/11 was an inside job done by Israel and her agents in the United States you have to know that they fully intend to do it again. Houston... we have a problem.
There's no oil shortage and there will be nothing like an oil shortage by the time the new hydrogen cars, already coming off of the assembly lines, are available across the board. I hear they are even pumping oil back into the ground. Whatever the truth of that, there are enough lies everywhere else to make you wonder. New technologies are on the verge of sweeping away the world as we know it. This oil crisis is being engineered by the same forces that are up to all the other nasty shit going down. The food crisis and the sub-prime mess are also not accidents. They all dovetail to a clear purpose. These are not accidents any more than The Great Depression was, nor is it an accident that you are facing another.
My advice to you is to stay away from urban centers. Pay attention to who gets chosen for the running mate in either party; this may prove to be more important than the main candidate. Keep in mind all of the mutations and incremental gelding of The Constitution and ask yourself why the incumbent would need such a capacity for martial law. Ask yourself if all of the oil and food and economic problems are not part of the whole agenda. Ask yourself why, if it is not so... why does it look so compelling in that regard and why does every move 'they' make continue to enhance that appearance?
by Philip Giraldi (audio interview on Anti-War: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4)
After Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard was sentenced to life in prison in 1986, the U.S. negotiated an understanding with Israel—a “gentlemen’s agreement” —stipulating that neither nation would thenceforth conduct espionage operations in the other’s territory without consent. But the agreement was a sham from the beginning. The Israeli government didn’t even honor its commitments in the aftermath of the Pollard case, failing to return the estimated 360 cubic feet of stolen information to enable the U.S. to conduct a damage assessment. The United States, for its part, continued to recruit and run agents inside Israel throughout the 1980s and 1990s. And it was known within the intelligence and counterintelligence communities that Israel did the same in the United States. David Szady, the FBI’s assistant director for counterintelligence, was so dismayed by the level of Israeli spying in the late ’90s that he called in the head of the Israeli Embassy’s Central Institute for Intelligence and Special Activities (Mossad) office and told him, “Knock it off.”
Pollard’s name was in the news again on April 22, when former U.S. Army weapons engineer Ben-Ami Kadish was arrested for passing secrets to Israel. Kadish had been an agent run by Yosef Yagur, who directed Pollard. Yagur, under cover as a science attaché at the Israeli Consulate General in New York, fled the U.S. in 1985 after Pollard was arrested, but remained in touch with Kadish.
The arrest revived suspicions that Israeli agents might still be operating inside the U.S., most particularly “Mega,” whose cover name was revealed in an NSA-intercepted conversation between two Israeli intelligence officers. “Mega” was clearly at the policymaker level, as Kadish and Pollard frequently sought files by name or number. Someone more senior in Washington appeared to be directing the Israeli handlers toward sensitive information. Whoever “Mega” was, he is still at large.
Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Arieh Mekel sought to play down the allegations, noting, “Since 1985 there have been clear orders from prime ministers not to conduct these kinds of activities.” The media obediently reported the disclaimer under headlines such as Agence France Presse’s: “Israel says no spying on US since 1985.” But the spokesman had not said that. He referred to “these kinds of activities,” possibly meaning the recruitment of American Jews to work as Israeli intelligence agents. Mekel’s half-hearted denial was a step removed from the Israeli government’s reaction to the 2004 investigation of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, when then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev insisted that Israel “does not spy on the United States of America.”
It’s possible that Israel has largely demurred from recruiting American Jews as spies, but Tel Aviv’s intelligence operations in the U.S. have undeniably continued. The magnitude of Israeli espionage is certainly known to some senior government officials and is hidden in classified files. But even evidence available in public records attests to widespread infiltration.
Spy operations run by a case officer directly involving a controlled agent are only one of many tasks delegated to an intelligence service. Other responsibilities might include tapping into communications networks, directing agents of influence in the foreign government who can enable favorable policy decisions, running covert actions that feed misleading information to the media, and arranging technology transfers that frequently rely on companies that are either fronts or co-operating with the intelligence service to obtain secret military or commercial information. Even if Israel has stopped recruiting American Jews—and that is by no means certain—it nevertheless continues to carry out many core intelligence operations in the United States.
Israel has little need to run agents of influence here as its intelligence officers, diplomats, and politicians already have unfettered access to policymakers. It has been reported that the Pentagon under Paul Wolfowitz and Doug Feith—both of whom have been investigated for passing classified information to Israel—took few steps to monitor Israeli visitors. Likewise, the Israeli Embassy has excellent access to the media. When it wants to plant propaganda or place stories intended to shape opinion in a direction favorable to Israel, the Mossad generally looks to the British press. Rupert Murdoch’s Times group of newspapers and the Daily Telegraph, formerly owned by Conrad Black, have featured many articles that clearly originated with Israeli government sources. Such pieces are often picked up and replayed in the United States.
Virtually every U.S. government body concerned with security has confirmed that Israeli espionage takes place, though it is frequently not exposed because FBI officers know that investigating these crimes is frustrating and does no favors for their careers. But Israel always features prominently in the annual FBI report called “Foreign Economic Collection and Industrial Espionage.” The 2005 report states, “Israel has an active program to gather proprietary information within the United States. These collection activities are primarily directed at obtaining information on military systems and advanced computing applications that can be used in Israel’s sizable armaments industry.” It adds that Israel recruits spies, uses electronic methods, and carries out computer intrusion to gain the information.
The focus on U.S. military secrets is not limited to information needed for the defense of Israel, as was argued when Pollard was arrested. Some of the information he stole was of such value that many high-ranking intelligence officers believe the Soviet Union agreed to the release of tens of thousands of Russian Jews for resettlement in Israel in exchange. In early 1996, the Office of Naval Investigations concluded that Israel had transferred sensitive military technology to China. In 2000, the Israeli government attempted to sell China the sophisticated Phalcon early warning aircraft, which was based on U.S.-licensed technology. A 2005 FBI report noted that the thefts eroded U.S. military advantage, enabling foreign powers to obtain hugely expensive technologies that had taken years to develop.
In 1996, ten years after the agreement that concluded the Pollard affair, the Pentagon’s Defense Investigative Service warned defense contractors that Israel had “espionage intentions and capabilities” here and was aggressively trying to steal military and intelligence secrets. It also cited a security threat posed by individuals who have “strong ethnic ties” to Israel, stating that “Placing Israeli nationals in key industries … is a technique utilized with great success.” The memo cited illegal transfer of proprietary information from an Illinois optics firm in 1986, after the Pollard arrest, as well as the theft of test equipment for a radar system in the mid-1980s. A storm of outrage from the Anti-Defamation League led to the Pentagon’s withdrawal of the memo, an apology that predictably blamed the language on “a low-ranking individual,” and a promise that no similar warning would be written again.
But the issue of Israeli spying would not go away. Soon after, the General Accounting Office, the investigative arm of Congress, completed an examination of espionage directed against American defense and security industries. The report described how Israeli citizens residing in the U.S. had stolen sensitive technology to manufacture artillery gun tubes, obtained classified plans for a reconnaissance system, and passed sensitive aerospace designs to unauthorized users. An Israeli company was caught monitoring a Department of Defense telecommunications system to obtain classified information, while other Israeli entities targeted avionics, missile telemetry, aircraft communications, software systems, and advanced materials and coatings used in missile re-entry. Independently, a Defense Department source confirmed the GAO report, citing “dozens of other spy cases within the U.S. Defense industry.” The GAO concluded that Israel “conducts the most aggressive espionage operation against the United States of any U.S. ally.”
In early 2001, several federal government agencies noticed a series of intrusive approaches by Israelis who were ostensibly selling paintings. In June, the Drug Enforcement Administration made a compilation of the activities of the so-called “art students” in a classified report, which was later leaked. The report documents 125 specific attempts by Israelis to gain entry to government offices, residences of government employees, and even Defense Department facilities between January and June 2001. The Israelis “targeted and penetrated military bases” and were observed trying to enter federal buildings from back doors and parking garages. One detained Israeli was caught wandering around the federal building in Dallas with a detailed floor plan in hand. Many of those arrested were found to have backgrounds in “military intelligence, electronic surveillance intercept, or explosive ordnance units.”
Now, there may have been an Israeli student subculture in the U.S. selling cheap reproductions. But it is also clear that the art-student mechanism was used by intelligence officers to provide cover for espionage. The students were organized in cells of eight to ten members that traveled in vans, which provide concealment for electronic equipment. Several of the students were able to afford expensive airline tickets to hop from plane to plane, two of them flying in one day from Hamburg to Miami, then to Chicago, and finally winding up in Toronto on tickets that cost $15,000 each. In Miami and Chicago, they visited two government officials to try to sell their art. Another student had in his possession deposit slips for $180,000. Six students used cellphones provided by a former Israeli vice consul. Many claimed to be registered at either the University of Jerusalem or the Bezalel Academy of Arts in Jerusalem, but not a single name could be connected to the student body list of Bezalel, and there is no University of Jerusalem.
It is plausible that the art students who were actually intelligence officers might have been seeking entry to DEA facilities to gain access to confidential databases. If the broader Israeli espionage effort was focused on Arabs in the United States, such information would be invaluable. The DEA report concluded cautiously that the Israelis “might well be engaged in organized intelligence gathering.” Of the 140 art students arrested, most were deported for immigration violations. Some were just let go.
And then there are the movers. Urban Moving Systems of Weehawken, New Jersey was largely staffed by Israelis, many of whom had recently been discharged from the Israeli Defense Forces. As has been widely reported, three movers were photographed celebrating in Liberty State Park against the backdrop of the first collapsing World Trade Center tower. The celebration came 16 minutes after the first plane struck, when no one knew that there had been a terrorist attack and the episode was assumed to be a horrible accident. The owner of the moving company, Dominik Suter, was questioned once by the FBI before fleeing to Israel. He has since refused to answer questions.
Whether the movers and the art students had jointly pieced together enough information to provide a preview of 9/11 remains hidden in intelligence files in Tel Aviv, but the proximity of both groups to 15 of the hijackers in Hollywood, Florida and to five others in northern New Jersey is suggestive.
Speculation about 9/11 aside, it is certain that Urban Moving was involved in an intelligence-collection operation against Arabs living in the United States, possibly involving electronic surveillance of phone calls and other communications. When they were arrested, the five Israelis working for Urban Moving had multiple passports and nearly $5,000 in cash. They were held for 71 days, failed a number of polygraph exams, and were finally allowed to return to Israel after Tel Aviv admitted that they were Mossad and apologized.
Between 55 and 95 other Israelis were also arrested in the weeks following 9/11, and a number were reported to be active-duty military personnel. The FBI came under intense pressure from several congressmen and various pro-Israel groups to release the detainees. The order to free them came from Judge Michael Mukasey, now the U.S. attorney general. An FBI investigator noted, “Leads were not fully investigated” due to pressure from “higher echelons.” According to one source, the White House may have made the final decision to terminate the inquiry. Though the investigation could have gone much farther, the FBI identified two of the Weehawken movers as Israeli intelligence officers and confirmed that Urban Moving was a front for Mossad to “spy on local Arabs.” One CIA officer involved in the investigation concluded, “The Israelis likely had a huge spy operation.”
In May 2004, there were two incidents involving Israelis in moving vans in proximity to U.S. nuclear facilities. One occurred in Tennessee near the Nuclear Fuel Services plant, which reprocesses nuclear waste from hospitals. The van was pursued by the local sheriff for three miles after refusing to pull over. The two fleeing Israelis, who threw a bottle containing an accelerant, had in their possession Israeli military ID’s and false U.S. documents. In the second incident, two movers in a van tried to enter the Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base in Georgia, which is home to eight Trident nuclear submarines, but were arrested when dogs detected drugs inside their vehicle. The men had military ID’s and false documents. There was no follow-up by the FBI even though both incidents were reported to federal authorities.
There have also been reports of intensive targeting of U.S. government facilities overseas. In late 2001, State Department security noted a series of incidents at diplomatic missions and military bases, all involving Israelis. It described many of the incidents as “bizarre.” In one instance, French police arrested several Israelis at 2 a.m. after they were observed taking numerous photos of the U.S. embassy in Paris. As it was dark, their behavior was unusual to say the least—or perhaps not since it was revealed that the Israelis were using infrared film to detect communications equipment in the embassy.
In August 2004, the media discovered an FBI investigation, begun in 1999, involving Pentagon intelligence analyst Larry Franklin. He had openly met Israeli Embassy intelligence officer Naor Gilon as well as two AIPAC officials, director Steve Rosen and chief analyst Keith Weissman. He pleaded guilty in October 2005 to revealing classified information and is now serving a 12-year prison sentence. Rosen and Weissman are currently on trial. If the prosecution is correct, Franklin passed classified information relating to Iran to both AIPAC employees, who in turn provided the information to the Israeli Embassy. The defense has argued that such exchanges are routine in Washington, particularly between close allies such as Israel and the U.S., but that is a dubious reading of events. Passing classified information and documents is not the same as casual political conversation over a cup of coffee. If Israel had stopped spying on the United States, Gilon should have refused to receive the information provided by Franklin. He might even have gone through official channels to report Franklin’s activity. He did neither. Nor did Rosen and Weissman object when they received information that they knew to be classified. Instead, they passed it on to the Israelis.
In June 2006, it was revealed that the Pentagon had begun to deny security clearances to American Jews who had family in Israel. Israelis seeking security approval to work for American defense contractors were also finding it increasingly difficult to obtain clearances. A Pentagon administrative judge overruled an appeal by one of the Israelis, stating, “The Israeli government is actively engaged in military and industrial espionage in the United States. An Israeli citizen working in the US who has access to proprietary information is likely to be a target of such espionage.”
Israel conducts much of its high-tech spying through its corporate presence in the United States. It is heavily embedded in the telecommunications industry, which permits access to the exchange of information. The Whitewater investigation revealed that President Bill Clinton warned Monica Lewinsky that their phone-sex conversations might have been recorded by a foreign government. That foreign government would have been Israel, where government and business work hand-in-hand in the high-tech sector, and many former government officials and military officers hold senior management positions. The corporations, in return, receive large contracts with the Israeli government and the Israel Defense Forces.
Two Israeli companies in particular—Amdocs and Comverse Infosys, both of which are headquartered in Israel—do significant business in the United States. Amdocs, which has contracts with the 25 largest telephone companies in the U.S. that together handle 90 percent of all calls made, logs all calls that go out and come in on the system. It does not record the conversations themselves, but the records provide patterns, referred to as “traffic analysis,” that can provide intelligence leads. In 1999, the National Security Agency warned that records of calls made in the United States were winding up in Israel. Amdocs also has an apparent relationship with some of the art students who were arrested in 2001. Several were provided with bond money by an Amdocs executive.
Comverse Infosys provides wiretapping equipment to law enforcement throughout the United States and also has large contracts with the Israeli government, which reimburses up to 50 percent of the company’s research and development costs. Because equipment used to tap phones for law enforcement is integrated into the networks that phone companies operate, it cannot be detected. Phone calls are intercepted, recorded, stored, and transmitted to investigators by Comverse, which claims that it has to be “hands on” with its equipment to maintain the system. Many experts believe that it is relatively easy to create a so-called “back door” that permits the recording to be sent to a second party, unknown to the authorized law-enforcement recipient. And Comverse equipment has never been inspected by FBI or NSA experts to determine whether the information it collects can be leaked, reportedly because senior government managers block such inquiries.
According to a Fox News investigative report, which was later deleted from Fox’s website under pressure from various pro-Israel groups, DEA and FBI sources say that even to suggest that Israel might be spying using Comverse “is considered career suicide.”
A number of criminal investigations using Comverse equipment have apparently come to dead ends when the targets abruptly change their telecommunications methods, suggesting at a minimum that Comverse employees might be leaking sensitive information to Israeli organized crime.
The chickens occasionally come home to roost. In 2002, Israeli espionage might have been directed against the U.S. Congress, which has so assidiously ignored Tel Aviv’s spying. Congressman Bob Ney, currently in prison for corruption, arranged a noncompetitive bid for the Israeli telecommunications company Foxcom Wireless to install equipment to improve cellphone reception in the Capitol and House office buildings. Foxcom, based in Jerusalem, has been linked to imprisoned lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Telecommunications security experts note that equipment that can be used to enhance or improve a signal can also be used to redirect the phone conversation to another location for recording and analysis. The possibility that someone in the Israeli Embassy might be listening to congressmen’s private phone conversations is intriguing to say the least.
Some might argue that collecting intelligence is a function of government and that espionage, even between friends, will always take place. But the intensity and persistence of Israeli spying against the United States is particularly disturbing since Israel relies so heavily on American political and military support. Other allies like Britain, France, and Germany undoubtedly have spies in Washington, but there is a line that they do not cross.
Given the stakes involved, it would be reasonable for the United States to quietly offer Israel’s leaders a choice. They can continue to receive billions of dollars in aid, or they can persist in spying against their greatest benefactor. They should not be permitted to do both.
Philip Giraldi, a former CIA Officer, is a fellow at the American Conservative Defense Alliance.
Les pathocrates ré-écrivent l'histoire. Ils gravent leur version de l'histoire dans la mémoire collective non seulement dans les média et les universités mais surtout au travers de commémorations, d'anniversaires, de dates importantes liées à des points tournants de l'histoire.
Se réapproprier sa mémoire, en commémorant les vrais héros et en soulignant les événements qui ont changé le cours de l'histoire, ponctue le combat de la résistance et le rend plus fort.
Le 8 juin 2008, cela fera 41 ans que le USS Liberty a été attaqué. Ce navire américain était bien en vue non large des côtes d'Égypte. Puis des chasseurs se mettent à tournoyer au-dessus et quelques minutes plus tard deux torpilles touchent le bateau qui tient bon et évite le naufrage. Trente-quatre soldats américains sont morts, plus de 171 blessés. Le drapeau américain était pourtant bien en évidence sur le pont!
Israel a fait passer cette attaque sur le dos de l'Égypte. Les USA sont passés à un cheveu d'une guerre nucléaire contre le Caire!
Israël a nié être responsable, puis il a affirmé que c'était un accident, mais des responsables hauts placés Israéliens ont admis que c'était une attaque sous une fausse bannière, intentionnelle et délibérée.
Dans les cas du 9/11 et de l'assassinat de JFK, la responsabilité d'Israël n'est pas absolument démontrée. En revanche il est définitivement prouvé qu'Israel est responsable de l'attaque contre le USS Liberty, avec la complicité de James Jesus Angleton, loyaliste d'Israël à la direction de la CIA.
La cerise sur le gâteau: John McCain est directement impliqué dans le cover up!
The removal of Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip opened the way for the military to use air force jets to create dozens of sonic booms by breaking the sound barrier at low altitude, sending shockwaves across the territory...
Palestinians liken the sound to an earthquake or huge bomb. They describe the effect as being hit by a wall of air that is painful on the ears, sometimes causing nosebleeds and "leaving you shaking inside."
The Palestinian health ministry says the sonic booms have led to miscarriages and heart problems. The UN has demanded an end to the tactic, saying it causes panic attacks in children. (cliquer ici pour lire la suite)
Une amie à Gaza, le Dr Mona El-Farra, a envoyé ce mail : "Je vois les effets des implacables bangs supersoniques (une punition collective de l'Armée de l'Air israélienne) et de l'artillerie sur ma fille de 13 ans. La nuit, elle tremble de peur. Puis toutes les deux, nous finissons par nous tapir sur le plancher. J'essaye de faire en sorte qu'elle se sente en sécurité, mais quand les bombes retentissent, je recule et je crie…"