Sunday, October 23, 2011

La soif de sang frénétique de John McCain: après la mort de Kadhafi, les "dictateurs" comme Assad, Poutine, les Chinois doivent avoir peur...

John McCain contre le complot des dictateurs

Neocon Agenda Today

From: Stephen Sniegoski
Subject: Neocon Agenda Today
To: “Sniegoski, Stephen”
Date: Sunday, December 11, 2011, 5:36 AM
Friends, Neocon Agenda Today
On December 10, I discussed the current impact of the neocon Middle East war
agenda (the move toward war with Iran) on the radio show, “YOUR VOICE
COUNTS!,” which was guest hosted by James Morris. I also went over some of
the background, which I have presented in my book, “The Transparent Cabal:
The Neoconservative Agenda, War in the Middle East, and the National
Interest of Israel.”
Stephen Sniegoski

McCain sternly warns Putin that he will share Gaddafi’s fate

MCCAIN: 'Dictators' Like Vladimir Putin Must Be Scared

Putin, Assad May Be Unnerved by Qaddafi Killing, McCain Says

McCain : Après la Libye, "l'attention va se concentrer" sur la Syrie

U.S. Senator McCain: After Libya, strike on Syria may now be considered

McCain: Could it be time to destroy Syria?

"La mort de Kadhafi galvanise la contestation syrienne"

AFP Was Right: U.S. Funding Arab Uprisings

John McCain talks of Chinese Arab Spring

VIDEO - Le chef d’Al-Qaida soutient la rébellion en Syrie

Joe Lieberman and Al-Qaeda, United on Syria (and other wars of ‘Muslim liberation’)

US ‘used NGOs to create chaos in Egypt’: minister

'Gaddafi tried to sink Jews' Libyan tyrant ordered submarine to sink British cruise ship on its way to Israel, Daily Mail says

Libyan Jews shed no tears for Gaddafi Community members who emigrated en masse to Jewish state are happy to reminisce and cling to their cultural heritage, but have no nostalgia for fallen leader. 'He committed the worst of crimes'

Libyan Jews recall a tyrant who forced them into exile “He wanted to eliminate the memory of 2,000 years of Jewish history in Libya," David Gerbi says of Muammar Gaddafi.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said the Obama administration must clearly signal to emerging Arab governments that vilifying Israel and Jews is unacceptable.

The Israeli-backed ‘Humanitarian War’ in Libya

One group that hopes to benefit from Israeli-backed Libyan ‘Revolution’

Libyan IDF veteran: Qaddafi punished for meddling with the Jews

Qaddafi’s Hatred of Jews Turned on Him

Libye : BHL s’est engagé "en tant que juif"

The Price of “Freedom” in Syria: Ending Resistance to Israel?
As in Libya, the price for Israel lobby-induced Western support for the “revolution” in Syria is accommodation with Tel Aviv. Commenting on the implicit admission of this quid pro quo by Syrian National Council president Burhan Ghalioun in an interview with the stridently pro-Israel Wall Street Journal, Ibrahim al-Amin, editor-in-chief of al-Akhbar, rightly wondered if this is “A Revolution against Resistance?”

AUDIO - Libye - L'axe du mal en action

Sur ce blog:

Flashback: Kadhafi dénonce le rôle central d'Israël dans l'assassinat de JFK

L'American Jewish Committee derrière les mensonges humanitaires qui ont rendu possible la guerre en LibyeL'American Jewish Committee derrière l' "intervention humanitaire" en Libye

L'actuel président du National Endowment for Democracy, le marionnettiste du "printemps arabe", serait un ancien de l'ADL

Ron Paul explique le non-interventionnisme dans les affaires étrangères

Philip Zelikow (signataire du PNAC): La Libye est un modèle pour la redivision du Moyen-Orient

Après la Libye, la Syrie?

Révolutions arabes? ou balkanisation-remodelage du "Grand Moyen-Orient"?

McCain et Lieberman: "bombardez la Libye!"

Louis Farrakhan: la nation libyenne massacrée par les démocraties, les plus grands hypocrites que la Terre ait porté...

Le messager BHL informe Netanyahou que les rebelles libyens vont reconnaître Israël ; Netanyahou remercie Sarkozy d'être intervenu en Libye

Pourim 2011 et l'attaque atlanto-sioniste contre la Libye