Message important à tous les Truthers:
(...) Et si comme votre but affiché vous cherchez à nous expliquer les raisons et les buts de ces guerres, peut-être devriez-vous vous pencher sur le Plan Sioniste pour le Moyen Orient, qui nous a été divulgué par Israel Shahak, et Oded Yinon, dans les années 80, et qui en 20 ans est devenu ;
1/ un livre, Le Choc Des Civilisations, écrit par Samuel Huntington sous la dictée de son mentor, Bernard Lewis, mais aussi,
2/ un document bien plus précis, [Clean Break: A New Strategy for] Securing The Realm, importé par Richard Perle aux USA,
3/ document qui est la dernière phase avant l'américanisation du plan Sioniste, en ce qui est finalement devenu, le PNAC.
Peut être que là vous comprendrez que nous ne faisons pas que calculer la vitesse de chute des tours, ou la qualité militaire de la Thermite utilisée. Car ce plan décrit dans le menu détail ce qui se passe sous nos yeux depuis le 11 septembre, et particulièrement ce qui se passe aujourd'hui en Libye, et bientôt semble-t-il en Syrie, et dans les autres pays du moyen Orient.(...)
Sommaire exécutif de The High Priests of War, par Michael Collins Piper:

Le rapport qui suit est basé sur les constats suivants:
- Que la guerre contre l'Irak menée par l'administration américaine du président George W. Bush est non seulement contraire aux principes «conservateurs» américains traditionnels, mais contraires aussi à tous les principes de la politique étrangère américaine des cinquante dernières années;
- Que la guerre contre l'Irak est menée à des fins beaucoup plus larges qu'un simple «changement de régime» ou une "élimination des armes de destruction massive"; mais d'abord et avant tout dans le cadre d'un effort global pour faire des États-Unis l'unique super-puissance internationale, capable militairement et économiquement de supprimer toute nation et/ou peuple qui oserait défier l'hégémonie américaine;
- Que la guerre contre l'Irak n'est tout simplement qu'une première étape d'un plan de longue durée et de grande envergure visant à déployer des frappes encore plus agressives contre l'ensemble du Moyen-Orient arabe, afin de "refaire le monde arabe" pour assurer la survie - et étendre le pouvoir - de L'ÉTAT D'ISRAËL;
- Que la guerre contre l'Irak n'est que l'objectif initial de ce programme soigneusement planifié et que, finalement, d'autres États arabes et musulmans sont voués à l'extinction pure et simple ou à une certaine forme d'occupation ou de contrôle par les forces militaires et politiques américaines (EN ALLIANCE AVEC ISRAËL);
- Que la guerre contre l'Irak et le plan pour l'asservissement des peuples arabes n'est tout simplement qu'une modification, une adaptation modernisée du rêve historique sioniste du «Grand Israël», ajusté pour répondre aux exigences des compagnies pétrolières internationales, qui sont, à leur tour, entièrement prêtes à prendre part au projet de domination les pays producteurs de pétrole du monde arabe, EN PARTENARIAT AVEC L'ÉTAT D'ISRAËL;
- Que la guerre contre l'Irak a été délibérément orchestrée par un réseau petit mais puissant d'éléments sionistes de la ligne dure "de droite" - les soi-disant «néo-conservateurs» - nichés aux plus hauts niveaux de l'administration Bush, habilement aidés et encouragés par des gens suivant la même ligne de pensée dans des organisations politiques publiques, des cercles de réflexion (think tanks), des publications et d'autres institutions, qui sont tous étroitement inter-reliés et, à leur tour reliés à des FORCES DE LA LIGNE DURE LIKOUDNIK EN ISRAËL;
- Que la guerre contre l'Irak et les interventions supplémentaires des États-Unis contre le monde arabe qui sont prévues pour l'avenir peuvent être attribuées à une manigance politique sioniste dans les hauts niveaux du renseignement américain, remontant aussi loin que les années 1970, et que plusieurs des mêmes acteurs impliqués dans cette activité guident aujourd'hui la politique de l'administration Bush;
- Que la guerre contre l'Irak est un complément à la «guerre contre le terrorisme» déclarée au préalable qui, en soi, faisait partie d'une longue campagne de propagande, en constante évolution, soigneusement coordonnée, et fondée sur la théorie que le terrorisme est en quelque sorte un trait "arabe"...
America’s Arab Spring policy driven by concern for Israel’s interests, says US ambassador
America’s Arab Spring policy driven by concern for Israel’s interests, says US ambassador
In a recent speech to the Jerusalem-based Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI), the staunchly Zionist newly-posted U.S. ambassador to Israel revealed that America’s “response” to the so-called “Arab Spring” was driven by Washington’s overriding concern to ensure “Israel’s future as a secure, Jewish, democratic state.” Ambassador Daniel Shapiro said:“Israel’s interests were not served by the deep anger felt toward the United States in many Muslim communities, and the President made clear that those who would accept his outstretched hand must do so knowing that the United States will remain a fierce defender of Israel’s legitimacy and call on others to build their own connections with Israel.
“As the unprecedented events of the Arab Spring have unfolded, we have recognized the opportunity presented by the possible emergence of more open, transparent peaceful, and democratic governments, who will make better neighbors, while remaining vigilant about the risks these changes could present. We know the stakes for Israel are high, and in a situation where neither of us can control outcomes, we are working closely together to chart a common strategy.”
US Ambassador: Support for Israel drives all US Mideast policies
By Alison WeirAntiwar
September 14, 2011
While many Americans may believe that US policies are designed to address American needs, America’s new Ambassador to Israel explains that this is far from the case.
In a recent speech before the Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI), Ambassador Daniel Shapiro clarified what drives US policies: “The test of every policy the Administration develops in the Middle East is whether it is consistent with the goal of ensuring Israel’s future as a secure, Jewish, democratic state. That is a commitment that runs as a common thread through our entire government.”
Shapiro went on to say: “This test explains our extraordinary security cooperation, our stand against the delegitimization of Israel, our efforts on Iran, our response to the Arab Spring, and our efforts on Israeli-Palestinian peace.”
Continue reading…
The Ugly Truth Podcast Aug 25, 2011

Syria’s WMDs: The Scaremongering Begins Anew (for another war for Israel) With the ink barely dried on the latest calls for NATO intervention in Syria, the Washington Post has emerged with an article brimming with unrelated factoids, most of which have not even a cursory relation to Syria, arguing that the nation’s WMD arsenal is something to be greatly feared.

Le complot des Etats-Unis et d'Israël contre la Syrie a échoué, affirme Téhéran
VIDEO - Ambush Kills 120 Syrian Police, Soldiers
VIDEO - Libya down Syria next?
Israel’s leader in Congress calls for no-fly zone over Syria
Syria accuses Israel of posing ‘nuclear threat’ to the world
La Libye, un modèle pour la redivision du Moyen-Orient : Une rubrique de Philip Zelikow, intitulée « La chute de Kadhafi renouvellera le printemps arabe, » et publiée lundi sur le site Internet du Financial Times, donne un aperçu des objectifs ambitieux...
US evacuating Syria embassy, Issues travel warning
Israel threatens to kill Bashar Al-Assad
lsrael warns Assad: Attack us, we'll hit you personally'
Why the Israel lobby wants the U.S. to protect the Syrian people
Regime change in Syria — An Israeli back door to war with Iran
Why the Israel lobby wants the U.S. to protect the Syrian people
Assad menace et promet "un séisme" en cas d'intervention occidentale
Giraldi: Why the U.S. and others are pushing regime change in Syria
VIDEO - 'Liberation machine’ is being turned against Syria
Media lies are pretext for another 'humanitarian war': Protest in Syria - Who Counts the Dead?
French forces said to be training Syria rebels
Libya’s new rulers offer weapons to Syrian rebels
Pourquoi la Turquie a-t-elle vendu la Syrie ?
Assad: Turkey seeking to recapture imperial days
Iran Threat Is a Tactic: Main Goal Is to Checkmate Syria
Who will watch the watchdog?
The pro-Israel NGO behind NATO’s war on Libya is targeting Syria’s Curious Silence on Who’s Pushing for Syrian Intervention
Syria: invasion of terrorist elements sponsored by the west
Neocon Israel Mouthpiece Writes Syrian Opposition Intervention Paper
VIDEO - Syrian Opposition Pushing Libyan Scenario
'Rebels using Israeli arms' Syrian media showcase images of seized weapons allegedly produced by Jewish State
VIDEO - Neil Clark: Syrian Crisis, ‘A Proxy War Against Iran’
Israel Lobby Think-Tanker: ‘Most’ Syrian People ‘Rising Up Against the Regime’ — Why are these Israeli agents allowed to hide behind neutral-sounding names like the Washington Institute for Near East Policy?
VIDEO - PressTV – ‘US, Israel plot to topple al-Assad Govt’
Le rapport de la Ligue Arabe donne des preuves de l’implication de la CIA, du MI6 et du Mossad derrière les violences en Syrie
SYRIA: CIA-MI6 Intel Ops and Sabotage
Canadian Researcher: US Targeting Syria to Change Region's Geo-Political Reality
OTTAWA: Canadian writer and researcher Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya said that the encirclement of Syria has long been in the works since 2001, and that permanent NATO presence in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Syrian Accountability Act are part of this initiative, adding that this roadmap is based on a 1996 Israeli document aimed at controlling Syria. The document’s name is "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm."
PERSONNE N'EN PARLE! Personne ne nomme ce document par son nom pour faire le lien entre le plan israélien et les révoltes cachères du "printemps arabe" (celles qui sont encouragées par l'Occident).
La Syrie est depuis longtemps dans le collimateur des faucons néo-conservateurs
La révolte syrienne, « positive » pour Israël
Regime Change Inc.’s ‘two-pronged strategy’ against Putin
Russia, China veto UN Security Council resolution on Syria
SYRIA: Fabricating a Pretext to Launch a US-NATO Sponsored "Humanitarian War"- by Michel Chossudovsky
Syrie: La Russie prévient “d’un scandale” si le projet occidental de résolution est soumise au vote au conseil de sécurité
Israel’s Vice PM: Fall of Assad could weaken Mideast ‘axis of evil’
B[elated] Broadcasting Corporation reports on ‘UK’s secret mission to beat Gaddafi’ — Silent on not-so-secret mission to beat Assad
Foreign Policy: Israel partisans (and a few token turncoat Arabs) consider Syria next steps
The Israel Lobby’s Role in Pushing for Regime Change in Syria
VIDEO - Israël annonce avoir des contacts avec l’opposition syrienne
RT: ‘US backs Al-Qaeda to mutually destroy Syria’
VIDEO - Le chef d’Al-Qaida soutient la rébellion en Syrie
Joe Lieberman & Al-Qaeda, United on Syria (and other wars of ‘Muslim liberation’)
Syria: coup engineers used the same sniper tactic to incite Venezuelans in 2002
Qatar goes public on its arming of “peaceful” Syrian uprising
Lieberman says ‘Israel ready to provide aid to wounded Syrians’
Canada plans to invade Syria
The Price of “Freedom” in Syria: Ending Resistance to Israel?
As in Libya, the price for Israel lobby-induced Western support for the “revolution” in Syria is accommodation with Tel Aviv. Commenting on the implicit admission of this quid pro quo by Syrian National Council president Burhan Ghalioun in an interview with the stridently pro-Israel Wall Street Journal, Ibrahim al-Amin, editor-in-chief of al-Akhbar, rightly wondered if this is “A Revolution against Resistance?”
VIDEO - LIBYA BHL The Founding Father Of New Libya Says It Can't Be Bad For Democracy, Israel and the Jews
Spinning Invasions from the Nile to the Euphrates and Beyond
In the Perle-Feith-Wurmser strategy, Israel’s enemy remains Syria, but the road to Damascus runs through Baghdad.
… that it should be the policy of the United States to seek to remove the Saddam Hussein regime from power in Iraq and to replace it with a democratic government.
(Authorizing) the President … to provide to the Iraqi democratic opposition organizations: (1) grant assistance for radio and television broadcasting to Iraq; (2) Department of Defense (DOD) defense articles and services and military education and training …
Directs the President to designate: (1) one or more Iraqi democratic opposition organizations that meet specified criteria as eligible to receive assistance under this Act; and (2) additional such organizations which satisfy the President’s criteria.
Expresses the sense of the Congress that once the Saddam Hussein regime is removed from power in Iraq, the United States should support Iraq’s transition to democracy….
Is there a difference between Bahrain and Syria?
Mohamed Omar, a Swedish freelance writer, has written an interesting piece on the difference between the “Arab Spring” unrest in two very different countries:The opposition in Bahrain is a genuine popular movement against an unpopular US and Zionist backed tyrant while the opposition in Syria can be divided in to two main parts. A genuine part which is peaceful, against foreign interference and for democratic reforms and a not so genuine part which is militant, dominated by not so democratic Wahhabi fanatics and Muslim Brotherhood activists, funded and armed by foreign powers, including the Saudi and Qatari Wahhabi dictatorships. This part of the opposition is completely opposed to dialogue and democratic reforms.But is it so clear? While the Israel lobby has not surprisingly led the push for regime change in Damascus, they haven’t exactly ignored the opposition in Bahrain either. Fikra Forum, which describes itself as an “online community that aims to generate ideas to support Arab democrats in their struggle with authoritarians and extremists,” features articles sympathetic to the Bahraini opposition, such as “How Saudi Arabia Thwarted Uprisings in Yemen and Bahrain,” “Bahraini Reform and the Saudi Veto,” and “Invading Bahrain is an Old Saudi Objective.” The forum is closely associated with the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a think tank created by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee “to do AIPAC’s work but appear independent.” One could say that Fikra Forum was created by the Washington Institute to do WINEP’s work but appear independent. Contrary to the conventional wisdom, WINEP’s work appears to involve supporting unrest not only in countries hostile to Israel, but throughout the Middle East.
Some elements within this disingenuous opposition, which does not seem to have the welfare of the Syrian people as its first priority, are reaching out to the Zionist enemy. Yitzhak Herzog, an alternate on Israel’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee who has previously held ministerial posts, has said the Syrian opposition wants to be friends with Israel.
Zionist media has been working around the clock to demonize the Syrian government while at the same time ignoring the Bahraini uprising and the Saudi crackdown and invasion. It is quite clear which of the two, Assad and Al-Khalifah, the Zionists prefer.
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