Friday, July 17, 2020

Rappel sur l'affaire des lettres d'Anthrax, son importance dans le gros mensonge des armes de destruction massive irakiennes, qui a pavé la voie à l'invasion américaine de l'Irak ainsi qu'à la guerre au terrorisme en général et aux mesures liberticides du Patriot Act

Bien plus que le "yellow cake" ou tout autre chose, c'est la terreur causée par les lettres à l'Anthrax aux États-Unis dès 2001 qui a permis de lier ensemble, pour les néocons et par la suite à travers les médias, la "menace du terrorisme" avec l'Irak de Saddam Hussein. Mais cette réalité est curieusement embrouillée par un discours bien différent concernant les ADM irakiennes. On se demande bien pourquoi...

Comme le rappellent Robbie Martin et Whitney Webb en entrevue (audio), les ressemblances sont frappantes entre la crise actuelle et la crise de l'Anthrax aux USA. On ne peut nier la similarité des exercices militaires de la sécurité nationale qui ont précédé ces deux grandes crises d'à peine quelques mois. Sans parler des conflits d'intérêts de nombreux membres de haut rang de la sécurité nationale des USA, qui sont en même temps liés à de grandes entreprises du complexe militaire-industriel. Cela méritait d'être souligné une fois de plus.

AUDIO - Dark Winter Descends with Robbie Martin for Unlimited Hangout with Whitney Webb

AUDIO - Bio-Terror Careerist Robert Kadlec and The Darkest Winter w/ Whitney Webb for Media Roots Radio Robbie Martin speaks to investigative journalist and writer Whitney Webb about her incredible in-depth new series about a group of sketchy individuals who weave a thread of anthrax, bio-terror fear mongering and 'pandemic preparedness' through the Bush Sr, Clinton, George W Bush administration and now the Trump administration. They discuss how these individuals like Robert Kadlec not only profit off of the threat of bio-terror but that they also have bizarre and inexplicable connections to the attacks themselves and following coverup of the attacks.

Head of the Hydra: The Rise of Robert Kadlec

LastAmericanVagabond @TLAVagabond · 29 JUNE 2020 If you can’t see how you’re being taken advantage of by the exact same people invoked in the #AnthraxFalseFlag (people like #RobertKadkec who knowingly produced and sold dangerous mandatory anthrax vaccines which a court later proved) then you are simply not paying attention. || @reallygraceful · 28 juin The company, Fillakit, who produced the "contaminated and unusable" test kits had been LLC'd for two weeks before they were granted the 10.2 million dollar contract.

Whitney Webb: Bioterror War Games, DARPA, Technocracy and COVID-1984 - YouTube

Podcast Whitney Webb on the Rise of a Biotech Industrial Complex Under COVID 19 - YouTube

Whitney Webb and Charlie Robinson Discuss Pandemic Exercise “Dark Winter” Episode #12 - Whitney Webb - YouTube

From Anthrax To Coronavirus Part 1 - Same 9/11 False Flag Players, New COVID-19 Boogeyman - YouTube
From Anthrax To Coronavirus Part 2 - Same 9/11 False Flag Players, New COVID-19 Boogeyman - YouTube

LastAmericanVagabond @TLAVagabond · 25 june 2020 All that is happening to us today under the guise of #COVID19 would not have been possible without 9/11, and the #AnthraxFalseFlag Food for thought. #ProblemReactionSolution

Robbie Martin: "Rudy Giuliani inexplicably had an ‘anthrax cleanup’ company ready to go after the 2001 anthrax attacks (anthrax that actually came from a us government lab) and tried to purchase the AMI building where Robert Stevens was infected"

The Ripple Effect Podcast #219 (Whitney Webb | 9/11, Anthrax, Epstein, COVID19: Connecting The Dots) - YouTube

Whitney Webb - All Roads Lead to Dark Winter - The Last American Vagabond

Whitney Webb: Tous les chemins mènent à un hiver sombre (...)Au-delà du Pentagone, des « experts » étrangers ont bientôt commencé à affirmer qu’il y avait un lien entre les attaques à l’anthrax et l’Irak, dont l’ancien officier de renseignement militaire israélien Dany Shoham. Shoham a récemment refait surface en janvier dernier après avoir affirmé que le Covid-19 avait été développé par le gouvernement chinois comme une arme biologique.(...)

Anthrax: The Forgotten Iraq War Lie - Corbett Report

FLASHBACK: Iraq 'behind US anthrax outbreaks'October 14th 2001

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · 15h In case you'd like to learn how another Kroll Associates' creep, Jerome Hauer, is about to make $$$ on the covid vaccine (as well as his ties to the 2001 anthrax attacks) check out my previous report, written w @hijodelcuervo

American Anthrax v1.5 - YouTube

American Bisque Part 3: Obama 'Now You Know the Real Deal' - YouTube

Spitfire List | FTR #1139 The Anthrax Attacks, the Invasion of Iraq and Expansion of Biological Warfare Capabilities

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 6 juil. Remember when you cancelled Saddam Hussein because you thought he did the 2001 anthrax attacks || newtgingrich @newtgingrich · 6 juil. Jason Miller was right: “The reality is that most folks in the Washington, D.C., corridor are incapable of grasping the growing backlash against the ‘cancel culture’ movement. People do not like to wake up every day and be told that they should be ashamed of who they are.”

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Heartbreaking, Judith Miller released a book called 'Germs' magically 2 days before the 2001 anthrax attacks hit and she went to the mat for PNAC neocon Scooter Libby who was obsessed with the idea of an impending anthrax attack before it happened || Judith Miller @JMfreespeech · Heartbreaking report about Alexei Navalny, leader of the Russian opposition, in a coma after his tea was poisoned. Will Putin get away with this too?

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Imagine if even a single beltway US reporter talked about weaponized anthrax killing 5 Americans right when the Bush admin needed to amp up the fear for the Iraq war being a ‘funny coincidence’ || Julia Ioffe @juliaioffe · With the necessary caveat that there's still a lot that we don't know, the fact that Alexey Navalny, the only real leader of the Russian opposition, is allegedly poisoned just as Putin deliberates what to do with the protests in #Belarus sure is a funny coincidence.

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · this collects more connections between Trump/Giuliani/Pecker/Anthrax here Donald Trump, David Pecker, AMI, Rudy Giuliani, And the 2001 Anthrax Attack There are interesting connections between Donald Trump, AMI CEO David Pecker, Rudy Giuliani, and the 2001 anthrax attack that occurred at the AMI offices in Florida.

Cliff Kincaid declares that “unlike the Islamic perpetrators of 9/11 and the anthrax mailings, the Chinese want to avoid responsibility and retaliation for what they have done to the American people and the world” with the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Atlantic is the Atlantic Council, and the Atlantic Council is NATO. Is it making sense now? "Yes, Yes, I Know, I Started the Iraq War"

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · the Steve Bannon show hosts Bernard Kerik, who went to jail for taking bribes after working for Kroll's Paul Bremer in Iraq & Rudy Giuliani who made millions of dollars off the 2001 anthrax attacks with his sketchy as hell company BioOne || War Room: Pandemic biohazard symbol @WarRoomPandemic · Ep 382- Pandemic: 9/11 Heroism, Sacrifice, and Lessons Learned Pt.2 (w/ Scott Neil, Sam Faddis, Bo Dietl, Maureen Bannon, and Evi #WarRoomPandemic

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Project for the New American Century neocon father & son combo, Don & Fred Kagan advocate for the US military occupation of Palestine to 'clean it out' as a response to the 9/11 attacks on a 9/12/01 radio appearance. Don also 'predicts' the anthrax attacks Neocons Fred & Don Kagan want US military invasion of Palestine 

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Although Matt Dehart was interviewed before, when I interviewed him in prison he specified more details abt what was in the said documents showing the CIA did anthrax than in any previous interview, no other journalist followed up on any of the new details Amerithrax & The CIA : Interview with Matt Dehart - Media Roots Radio

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · re-listening to our last Anthrax 2001 episode of @MediaRootsNews Radio, it's honestly scary how many loose threads still remain. Not surprised almost every journalist in this country has Stockholm syndrome after 9/11

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · "OK that was a one shot, that's over, but what would have happened if instead of just having a lot of jet fuel on those planes they had anthrax.? Do you have any clue what that would have been? ..Those are the options that are before us"- Don Kagan 9/12/01 Neocons Fred & Don Kagan want US military invasion of Palestine... by: Robbie Martin aka Fluorescent Grey @fluorescentgrey #AVeryHeavyAgenda

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · This is so insane. The people who have warned of a bioterror ricin attack, namely the people involved in dark winter - kadlec, Otoole etc. Have worked for emergent as lobbyists

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · En réponse à @newtgingrich Remember when you said Saddam did anthrax alongside the PNAC crew at AEI and a guy stood up in the audience and started yelling at you guys that *you* and your neocon murderer friends actually did the anthrax attacks not Saddam? What was that like?

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · In this clip, Dr. Nass discusses the anthrax vaccine's horrible safety track record and how the US military forced soldiers to take it anyway, knowing it was unsafe.

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · New Episode of the Unlimited Hangout podcast up at @TheRokfin . I speak to Dr. Meryl Nass about the insanely corrupt company Emergent Biosolutions, their sordid past with the anthrax vaccine and what it means now that Emergent will make Covid-19 vaccines. Emergent Biosolutions & The Anthrax Vaccine | Unlimited Hangout on Rokfin Whitney Webb talks with Dr. Meryl Nass, MD, about Emergent Biosolutions' links to the fede...

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Uhhh, so Soligenix, a subsidiary of an Israeli firm, is coproducing the ricin vaccine w EMERGENT BIOSOLUTIONS!! The people behind the anthrax vaccine Soligenix, Emergent Biosolutions extend development agreement for RiVax drug substance protein... Soligenix Inc. recently extended its development agreement with Emergent Biosolutions to implement a commercially viable production technology for a vaccine candidate being developed to protect...

DARPA's Implantable Biochip Is Not Fake News, "Anti-Science" & Robbie Martin Talks Anthrax & COVID

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · The Emergent Biosolutions employee who will oversee the bottling of the Covid-19 vaccine at the behest of the US government is not, as you might think, a career biotechnologist, but is actually ex-military intelligence. This guy, who "led military intelligence teams around the globe" including Iraq and Afghanistan, is now the "last line of defense" in the safety process at Emergent's vaccine plant. As I've written before, Emergent has a long history of knowingly selling untested&unsafe product.

Engineering Contagion - Investigative Series by Whitney Webb

Within the first ten days of the investigation, there is clear, documented evidence that the FBI knew it was the Ames strain of anthrax, which was a telltale sign it came from the US government, not Saddam Hussein. - @FluorescentGrey

Bruce Ivins, one FBI suspect, killed himself. Steven Hatfill, another FBI suspect, was hounded by the Bureau and said he contemplated suicide. They were targeted by bumper lock surveillance: Not a form of clandestine surveillance, it's designed to intimidate - @FluorescentGrey

The 2001 anthrax attacks are overlooked, but important to understanding how the Bush administration sold the Iraq War. Colin Powell held up a model vial of anthrax at the UN. Journalists and neocon pundits reported that the attacks had direct links to Iraq - @FluorescentGrey

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · that's creepy Trump is taking debate couching from a guy who made something to the tune of $10million off the 2001 anthrax attacks from one of the most suspicious companies i've ever seen in my life || Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 8 juin 2018 With Rudy Giuliani generating odd headlines daily you'd think someone would have mentioned this creepiness by now, but memory-holed obv Afficher cette discussion

The Secret 'Corona-Thrax' Project & The Impending Bio False Flag

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Well, "continuity of government" is back in the news, with the election less than a month away. The classified CoG protocols were updated in 2007 by Bush neocons over "bioterror" concerns and, specifically, Dark Winter. ||Eric Feigl-Ding @DrEricDing · 6h Breaking—Nancy Pelosi has just been contacted by the White House on the protocols of continuity of government, according to MSNBC.

Trump, Giuliani, Anthrax & 9/11 - Robbie Martin Live - YouTube

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Since you were pals did you ever ask Pence why he pretended to get infected with anthrax in 2001 and had news cameras follow his family to the hospital to take Cipro treatments then continued to say Iraq did it with no evidence?

Episode 196: The Anthrax Attacks feat. Robbie Martin par Grubstakers | Écoute gratuite sur SoundCloud

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Out of all the anthrax letters sent out seems like whoever did it made sure to put the least ‘harmful’ batch in the NYpost letter, huh wonder why. || Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 22 march Replying to @FluorescentGrey et @LevineJonathan it appears that whoever sent the anthrax letter to the NYpost purposefully put in a less lethal more granulated form of anthrax, that's weird huh

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · NYpost has a ‘funny’ history with anthrax. Here’s them leaking the private story of Keith Olbermann going to the hospital after receiving a white powder anthrax threat letter || Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 12 feb 2018 when Keith Olbermann got sent a fake anthrax letter during the Bush admin the NYpost headline was 'powder puff spooks Keith' the article mocked Keith for getting checked out at a hospital, story leaked by someone in the FBI

whitneywebb called this weeks ago || Ian Miles Cheong @stillgray · I found it curious that Joe Biden referred to "Dark Winter." Operation Dark Winter is the code name for a senior-level bioterrorist attack simulation conducted in 2001. It was designed to carry out a mock version of a covert and widespread smallpox attack on the US.

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · yeah it's crazy Rudy was dumb enough to get pranked by Borat but it's even crazier to me that Rudy Giuliani's suspicious as shit anthrax cleanup company BioOne has never been investigated fully by any employed journalist

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Biden’s corrupt scum but Rudy made something to the tune of $10mil just on ‘cleaning up’ the anthrax attacks in Florida with this suspicious af company BioOne in 2004 and destroyed the 9/11 crime scene so no forensic investigation could take place 🤷 || Lou Dobbs @LouDobbs · Corrupt Profiteering: @RudyGiuliani says evidence on Hunter Biden’s laptop indicates Joe Biden made up to $40M while serving as U.S. Vice President. #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · It’s still really surreal that Trump’s closest associates went really deep into that anthrax scam including Mike Pence Trump Promised to 'Drain the Swamp,' but He's Filling It With Neocons A clique of Bush-era neoconservative outliers whipped Americans into a frenzied state of fear and anxiety after 9/11. Now they’re back.

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Damn Trump going full anthrax neocon to try and lift up his legal arguments, not good Don. Newt Gingrich once told a whole audience we need to attack Saddam because he was responsible for the 2001 anthrax attacks || Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · ....Where it mattered, they stole what they had to steal. @newtgingrich

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · You literally said Saddam Hussein was behind the 2001 anthrax attacks to an audience full of people you psychotic neocon cunt monster, fuck you || Newt Gingrich @newtgingrich · If you want to see how much the fix is in, votes are still being counted, no recounts have started, challenges are ignored, 5 states are within one per cent but the media pack has declared Biden won.

Just days before 9/11 and the anthrax attacks, Joe Biden announced his Senate Foreign Relations Committee would focus heavily on "the threat from anonymously-delivered biological weapons." What did Joe know!? (h/t @josh_tandler )

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · You look forward to the guy who destroyed the 9/11 crime scene and had a sketchy anthrax cleanup company called BioOne spearhead your legal effort, Good luck dude || Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · I look forward to Mayor Giuliani spearheading the legal effort to defend OUR RIGHT to FREE and FAIR ELECTIONS! Rudy Giuliani, Joseph diGenova, Victoria Toensing, Sidney Powell, and Jenna Ellis, a truly great team, added to our other wonderful lawyers and representatives!

@_whitneywebb Regarding the decision to mandate COVID vaccines for the US military as soon as September, I would encourage those on both sides of the debate to learn about past mandated vaccinations in the military, particularly the Anthrax vaccine. @NassMeryl Emergent Biosolutions & The Anthrax Vaccine with Dr. Meryl Nass Originally Broadcast on Sep 17 2020 on - Whitney Webb talks with Dr. Meryl Nass, MD, about Emergent Biosolutions' links to the federal government, the compulsory anthrax vaccine program of

@FluorescentGrey let’s not also talk about the 2nd terrorist attack after 9/11 that the FBI ended up pinning on a ‘super patriot’ lone nut who just happened to work at USAMRIID bioweapons lab. postal workers died from anthrax while Bush and his WaPo friends were safe on Cipro. no big deal

Replying to  @FluorescentGrey   et   @stephenwertheim Taibbi thinks focusing on the phrase “absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor” in a PNAC document authored by a WW2 obsessed neocon who went on the radio a day after 9/11 to fearmonger about  anthrax attacks is deranged truther territory

Don Kagan, 09/12/01 (3 wks before the anthrax attacks that killed 5 Americans): "What would have happened if instead of just having a lot of jet fuel on those planes, they had had anthrax bacilli? Do you have any clue what that would've been?" The anthrax turned out to be US-made Citer le Tweet klaatu barada nikto @FluorescentGrey  · 28 juil. 2018 Neocons Fred & Don Kagan say they want US military invasion of Palestine (and yes they actually refer to it as 'Palestine') as response to 9/11 [9/12/01]

How the 2001 Anthrax False Flag Attacks Paved Way for Afghanistan and Iraq Invasions  Author of "The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy," MacQueen notes: “First, al-Qaeda was the chief suspect. Then Iraq was added...”

@FluorescentGrey Feel like people need to be more aware of how the acronym WMD during the Bush era was code for anthrax. Yes they pushed nerve gas and nuke fears but the first iteration of Bush deploying ‘WMD’ was used interchangeably with anthrax and was intended to be that way

@FluorescentGrey Seeing an increasing amount of 9/11 anniversary specials coming out for the 20th anniversary, it’s good people are still talking about it critically but I’m also dismayed that discussion about 2001 anthrax seems completely absent from all of them

@FluorescentGrey i can think of about a half dozen examplea where I linked up with journalists who covered anthrax or rudy (not both) who were completely disinterested in this story , I honestly dont get it, its one of the most sus Bush era profit making moves during the war on terror

@FluorescentGrey i kept holding out hope that when Rudy became a headline grabbing psycho especially during 'Stop the Steal' that somebody would take interest in it again but nope, totally memory holed story much like the 2001 anthrax attacks themselves

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Given that these US-UK "cyber tools" were developed for use in the War on Terror and/or by neocons involved in the occupation of Iraq, it is very chilling that this will now be used to deplatform and target news websites that criticize any aspect of an experimental Covid vaccine.

Michael Osterholm, who's now been appointed to Biden's COVID-19 team, was a consultant to the Bush administration's "investigation" into the 2001 anthrax attacks who helped downplay the possibility that the attacks were conducted by a government insider.

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Part of the reason I’ve never bought into the idea of a monolithic deep state being VS Trump is because Trump’s own campaign transition team had several people suspiciously connected to the inside job 2001 anthrax attacks Trump Promised to 'Drain the Swamp,' but He's Filling It With Neocons A clique of Bush-era neoconservative outliers whipped Americans into a frenzied state of fear and anxiety after 9/11. Now they’re back.

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · .@robert_spalding if you’re so sure this pandemic was ‘intentionally spread’ you might want to look into the 2001 anthrax attacks, where they came from and how your co-workers like Scooter ‘germ boy’ Libby acted suspicious as fuck during the event || crossroads @crossroads_josh · “It was intentional to spread the pandemic...I am absolutely certain it was deliberately done.” --@robert_spalding @JoshJPhilipp has more in this FULL INTERVIEW:

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · even the wikipedia article on it's face makes Rudy Giuliani look like a sick fuck on 9/11

FLASHBACK: Trump pardons Scooter Libby, says he was 'treated unfairly' WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump issued a pardon Friday to I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, suggesting the former top aide to Vice President Dick Cheney had been "treated unfairly" by a special...

Richard Lambert ( FBI) Anthrax Inspector in Charge - AMERITHRAX FBI | The Opperman Report'

Anthrax Attacks Directed Against Public Officials Following 9/11 Had all the Markings of a False Flag Operation Anthrax Attacks Directed Against Public Officials Following 9/11 Had all the Markings of a False... Aim Was to Sow Fear in the Public and Condition it to Support Wars of Aggression in Afghanistan and Iraq. […]

No mention of the anthrax attacks in that Netflix 9/11 doc. That curiously unsolved WMD terror attack is too muddling-the-narrative, domestic-inside-job-y, not in the proper 9/11 spirit. Best to ignore & pretend it never happened.

@FluorescentGrey · Paul Wolfowitz incidentally is the only Bush official to just straight up admit that sarin/chemical weapons and nukes were just modifier add-ons to the really important fear mongering tool to get us into Iraq: anthrax. No Bush official made it this clear it was all abt anthrax

Anthrax Attacks Directed Against Public Officials Following 9/11 Had all the Markings of a False Flag Operation Anthrax Attacks Directed Against Public Officials Following 9/11 Had all the Markings of a False... Aim Was to Sow Fear in the Public and Condition it to Support Wars of Aggression in Afghanistan and Iraq. […]

@FluorescentGrey · Could our pal Dr Fauci have more involvement in Bush’s anthrax activity? Probably, the CDC for some reason was given the first anthrax murder case a week before the FBI had access. Who told Bush’s people to get on Cipro if not Hauer?

@FluorescentGrey · Remember when somebody in the us government tipped off a bunch of beltway reporters and elitists that they should get on Cipro because the next attack would be biological in essence making it impossible to draw meaningful conclusion out of pre Oct 5th Cipro users

@FluorescentGrey · Finding out which Bush officials were already taking Cipro prior to the actual anthrax attacks would be great information to have but if that number is like over 100 or more it’s going to take a lot more digging

@FluorescentGrey · other not believable conclusions -one person could have manufactured high grade weaponized spores at ft detrick with nobody else noticing -the FBI thought the hand writing analysis aspect of their investigation was totally unimportant, so unimportant they omit it

@FluorescentGrey · for me I think these conclusions are suspect -2001 anthrax was the work of one person -5 murder victims killed by collateral damage/cross contamination from intended targets - 'mail sorters' spreading spores were responsible for killing someone as far away as rural Connecticut

@FluorescentGrey · describing the 18th as the 20th anniversary of 2001 anthrax in essence validates the FBI belief that they know for sure everybdy got infected and killed by anthrax from letters (Even tho no specific anthrax letter was found in connection to any of the 5 actual deaths)

Former CIA Director, key Operation Dark Winter participant, and PNAC member James Woolsey appeared on ABC News on 9/12/01 to push the state-sponsored terrorism narrative, claiming Iraq, or possibly Iran, may have backed the 9/11 attacks.

@FluorescentGrey · 19 sept. someone who worked at Ft Detrick questioned in the FBI Amerithrax investigation says that whoever figured out how to dry the anthrax and create such fine powder planned it long before 9/11/01 and was 'very premeditated' and that Florida was the 'odd ball' mailing needs 2nd look

@FluorescentGrey · 19 sept. from the FBI Amerithrax public files a witness describes hearing Bruce Ivins saying he suspected *name redacted* as being behind the 2001 anthrax mailings who did Bruce Ivins think was responsible for the mailings?

@FluorescentGrey · Clearly the Bush administration didn’t give a fuck about ‘proving’ Saddam had ‘WMDs’ once the 2001 anthrax attacks hit that was enough fear and hysteria to get them into Iraq, they didn’t need anything else. The first times Bush says WMD he’s specifically talking about anthrax

@FluorescentGrey · I keep seeing this leftie debunking talking point on the anniversary: that there’s no way the Bush admin would have been involved in 9/11 because they weren’t even smart enough to ‘plant’ WMD in Iraq, and why do 9/11 if Iraq was the goal? <—This ignores the 2001 anthrax attacks

@FluorescentGrey · I strongly believe that ‘they lied about WMDs’ was an on purpose signal boosted reductive talking point that may have even been intentionally deployed by the Bush administration, it propels a vague sense of outrage while conveniently skipping over anthrax and the fine details

No mention of the anthrax attacks in that Netflix 9/11 doc. That curiously unsolved WMD terror attack is too muddling-the-narrative, domestic-inside-job-y, not in the proper 9/11 spirit. Best to ignore & pretend it never happened.

Who captured the national enquirer’s historical blackmail cache? Probably Giuliani, whose anthrax removal service took control of those assets in 2001 when the National Enquirer offices were targeted. The archives were “destroyed”

info you probably didn't know about Rudy Giuliani, 9/11, and anthrax... The UNREAL Rudy Giuliani 9/11 Story You Likely Don't Know A conversation between Jordan Chariton and Robbie Martin

"You know who David Pecker called to decontaminate his anthrax-filled building? Rudy Giuliani and a company called Bio-ONE [Solutions LLC].” ‘I wonder what Pecker has to say about Giuliani’: Ex-FBI agent recounts crazy National Enquirer... The former assistant director for counterintelligence at the FBI recounted a hilarious personal story involving David Pecker during a Wednesday appearance on MSNBC's "The 11th Hour" with Brian...

Boca Raton, Sarasota, Art Students, Anthrax & Angel is Next - Media Roots Radio

Amerithrax 20th Anniversary: St Petersburg Letters, Bruce Ivins' Bilocation & the Anthrax Timeline - Media Roots Radio

Kathy Nguyen the Anthrax Victim FBI Called a Terrorist & Swabbing Hijacker Remains in Shanksville - Media Roots Radio

Rustine contracted clean-up duties to a newly created company called BioONE, a joint venture between Sabre Technical Services (which had decontaminated anthrax-infected buildings in DC) and...Rudy Giuliani's company, Giuliani Partners.

Alors les admirateurs de cette ex-généticienne, que pensez-vous de son adoubement par les néo-conservateurs? || Alexandra Henrion-Caude @CaudeHenrion · 18 oct. HOMMAGE @ColinPowellCCNY Chairman of the @EF_Fellows, c'est de lui que j'avais reçu mon Prix Derrière la figure marquante, c'est un homme chaleureux, simple, bref humain, que j'avais rencontré J'adresse mes condoléances à sa famille et au peuple Américain
@FluorescentGrey · 17 oct. Just wait till the Covid conspiracy community learns that the 2001 anthrax attacks were used as a Bush rallying cry for a mass mandatory smallpox vaccination program to combat bioterrorism first starting with US government employees, then healthcare workers, then the rest of us

 @FluorescentGrey · I have a crazy conspiracy theory about how Richard Cohen of the Washington Post admitted in print that he was safely on Cipro based on a tip from a ‘high level official’ while 5 unprivileged Americans died from inhalation anthrax

 @FluorescentGrey · 12 oct. context: I already knew about the civil suit [ ]that forced Conde Nast to settle with Steven Hatfill over this article in Vanity Fair Oct 2003 but I had no idea it resulted in them slyly photoshopping/removing the article off the table of contents (cont) || klaatu barada nikto @FluorescentGrey · 11 oct. Hello @VanityFair I purchased a digital subscription to your archives specifically for the October 2003 article "Missed Clues inside the Anthrax Investigation". I found the issue but the article is mysteriously missing, can I get the article or my money back? thanks

Why did Obama suppress the reopening of investigation into the 2001 anthrax attacks? (Robbie Martin VIDEO) 

 @FluorescentGrey · opening a $250million dollar billionaire funded operation and never spending a goddam dime re-opening the anthrax story that Greenwald himself started on Salon should have been a glaring red flag for everybody 6 years ago, i was pretty naive for thinking that wasn't a big deal



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