Sa nomination de Gina Haspel à la tête de la CIA, alors qu'elle défend le recours à la torture dans les prisons secrètes se passe de commentaire.
AUDIO - Episode 101: Trump and the CIA feat Kim Zetter
Qu'on ne vienne pas me dire que cette magie du mème dirigée depuis les cercles de l'OTO et de la Golden Dawn "rosicrucienne" ostensiblement patriotarde-nationaliste représente "la lumière du bien" face aux "méchants illuminati globalistes". N'oublions pas que l'agent Aleister Crowley, magicien drogué tenu en haute estime par ces organisations, n'était au final qu'un agent désinformateur dont le travail consistait à produire de la fausse propagande ("Black Propaganda") pro-allemande pour le compte de l'Angleterre en guerre contre l'Allemagne. Il importe de garder cela en mémoire, surtout lorsqu'on a affaire à des crowleyiens comme producteurs et hébergeurs d'Infowars:
The work of right-wing loud-mouth conspiracy celebrity Alex Jones, including a number of documentaries, like Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement and New World Order, and his book The Answer to 1984 Is 1776, were distributed and or published by Satanist and Crowleyite Richard Metzger’s Disinformation Company, a company that connects technopagans and transhumanists. Metzger was the host of the TV show Disinformation, the Disinformation Company and its website, featuring the tagline “everything you know is wrong,” that focuses on current affairs titles and seeks to expose alleged conspiracy theories, occultism, politics, news oddities and purported disinformation.
Metzger admits that from an early age he identified himself as a “warlock,” and that, “through a careful study of [Kenneth] Anger’s work and through this influence, in part, I continued to move towards combining my career ambitions of working in film, television and publishing with my private magical interests.”[1] Anger, the notorious producer of Crowley-inspired underground films, was the key figure around which swirled the network of Laurel Canyon musicians, occultists, and members the Mason Family and the Church of Satan. Ultimately, Meztger considers the Disinformation Company to be a “magick business,” and explains:
Magick—defined by Aleister Crowley as the art and science of causing change in conformity with will—has always been the vital core of all of the projects we undertake at The Disinformation Company. Whether via our website, publishing activities or our TV series, the idea of being able to influence reality in some beneficial way is what drives our activities. I’ve always considered The Disinformation Company Ltd. and our various activities to constitute a very complex spell.[2]
In addition to Alex Jones, the Disinformation Company has also been
responsible for a number of apparently establishment-critical or
conspiracy-inclined documentaries, such Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism (2004), Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the Iraq War (2004), Bush Family Fortunes: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy (directed by Greg Palast), Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price (2005), Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers (2006), Slacker Uprising (a movie of Michael Moore’s tour of colleges in swing states during the 2004 election, as well as 9/11: Press for Truth (2006), 9/11 Mysteries (2006). (...) (D.Livingstone)
Obama a laissé les banquiers s’en tirer avec la crise de 2008, mais son règne a quand même laissé naître un mouvement de réveil populiste anti-élite, anti-colonialiste, socialiste (ex :« Occupy »), antisioniste plus ou moins antijuif, anti-impérialiste voire anti-américain, antinéocon et anti-guerre sans fin. Mouvement qui inquiète grandement les élites antisociales (antisocialistes) et antipopulistes. Pour neutraliser cette menace, les élites ont travaillé à changer ce mouvement en un mouvement anti-social et réactionnaire. C’est ce qu’ils ont fait en créant le trumpisme (MAGA) et plus tard la folie pure des mouvements pizzagate et QAnon. Comme Trump, QAnon s’en prend surtout à la gauche et l’extrême-gauche, l’associant à un chimérique « complot pédosataniste-cannibale ». Fantasme délirant qui ressemble étrangement à une image tordue et déformée de la domination – très réelle – des élites antisociales et antipopulistes qui dévorent les peuples. (Soit dit en passant, le plus ironique et scandaleux dans la prétention de QAnon de lutter contre la pédophilie est que le mouvement QAnon est né sur un de ces sites de discussion les plus crasseux et hors la loi du web sur des serveurs qui hébergent aussi de la pédopornographie.) Le conspirationnisme trumpien est au fond identique à celui auquel croient les élites antipopulistes et antisociales. Non seulement Trump cultive le conspirationnisme et dévoile certaines vérités cachées, comme les prophéties apocalyptiques chrétiennes annoncent la révélation (signification exacte du mot apocalupsis), mais en tant que criminel notoirement lié à l’État profond et ses réseaux, Trump est en lui-même une révélation du mécanisme réel qui écrase les peuples.
Juste avant la crise du virus, le socialisme de Bernie Sanders était en train de gagner les esprits, bien qu'il ait été supplanté par l'establishment Démocrate qui préfère de loin Biden et rejette toute forme de socialisme. Avec la crise, et malgré la cancidature Biden, le peuple américain était d'accord quant à la nécessité de davantage de socialisme au niveau de l'économie. Mais avec la violence policière le mouvement BLM, mouvement justifié, a rencontré un mouvment inverse et opposé mobilisé par les pro-Trump. QAnon et ses manifestations (protégées et organisées par la police) pour "sauver les enfants" se place en porte-à-faux avevc le mouvement Black Lives Matter et ce n'est pas par hasard. Les médias et le gouvernement détestent les manifs BLM, mais ils s'intéressent aux manifs "Children's lives matter" qui ne font que détourner l'attention de BLM et de ses protestations et revendications légitimes. Ce mouvement opposé à BLM est extrêmement anti-gauche et anti-socialiste, assimilant toute la gauche aux antifas, comme si les antifas représentaient un quelconque danger (Antifa n'a aucun meurtre à son actif, faut-il le rappeler). En fait plus de socialisme permettrait plus d'égalité, ce que demandent justement les partisans de BLM. Le mouvement pro-Trump ne pouvait pas inventer mieux pour éliminer la nouvelle impulsion socialiste qui avait le vent dans les voiles à la fin 2019. Les idées pour une réforme socialiste de l'économie ont été oubliées, enterrées sous le débat opposant BLM et les pro-Trump (Proud Boys, QAnon, etc.) qui sert à faire diversion, attiser les tensions sociales en montant un contre l'autre diverses groupes sociaux (de gauche et de droite).
Les théories les plus débiles gagnent en crédibilité lorsqu'elles sont ouvertement combattues et surtout lorsqu'elles sont ostensiblement censurées par une instance qui nous inspire le doute et la méfiance. Le sophisme à prétention syllogique est tel: "Si QAnon combat les pédosatanistes et que les plateformes internet Youtube/Facebook/Twitter censurent QAnon, alors il faut appuyer QAnon". Le pouvoir de ce sophisme prouve surtout à quel point la censure peut être contre-productive. Les promoteurs de la censure ignorent à leurs dépens le pouvoir de la psychologie inversée. La censure visant QAnon sur internet est contreproductive, car les gens ont l'impression que c'est la pure vérité qui est censurée, et du coup ils peuvent se mettre à croire vraiment n'importe quoi tant que cela vient d'une source "censurée". La censure devient un sceau de qualité et un basculement dans une manipulation (une réalité autre, basée sur un mensonge). Les médias insistent qu'il faut prévenir la diffusion de QAnon pour protéger le peuple vulnérable car "vraiment n'importe qui peut basculer dans ce délire, y compris les plus éduqués". La réaction anti-QAnon consiste à prendre les gens pour des enfants incapables d'user de leur jugement. À terme il s'agit de diaboliser et punir la non-soumission à l'autorité et de renforcer et normaliser la soumission aveugle à l'autorité. Dans peu de temps, ceux qui font un travail sérieux se retrouveront eux aussi censurés juste parce qu'ils abordent des thèmes qui sont devenus associés à QAnon dans les algorithmes. Le phénomène monstre Qanon pourrait devenir le prétexte idéal pour une chasse aux sorcières sans précédent contre le "complotisme dangereux". Le phénomène QAnon devenu hors de contrôle deviendra le parfait exemple, l'homme de paille sur mesure pour inoculer au peuple le mépris de toute théorie du complot. D'autre part, les conspirationnistes radicalisés se neutralisent en se marginalisant. Le complotisme délirant sous l'effet de QAnon est mis au service du chaos et se transforme en véritable bombe sociale semant la division dans la société, car il a en effet pour conséquence de détruire des vies notamment en coupant des individus de leur proches et en les enfermant dans un univers mental psychotique.
Et si le "Great Reset" n'était que l'autre face du "Great Awakening", deux émanations génératrices d'hystérie?
Certains conspirationnistes jouent dans la main des conspirateurs, ils
tombent dans le piège qui nous est tendu en embarquant dans le même
délire religieux que les conspirateurs. Par exemple, certains commentateurs
prétendent non seulement que Trump est juif (or son papa était KKK, ce
qui à mon
avis exclut toute possibilité de judéité!), mais aussi que
Kushner est le Messie juif de même que l'antichrist lui-même... Ce lien
est effrayant puisqu'il donne du crédit au discours religieux
apocalyptique. Selon
les évangéliques américains, l'Antéchrist va signer un traité de
paix entre Israel et ses ennemis. Drôle de hasard: c'est exactement
la mission que s'est donnée Kushner. Selon le télévangéliste fêlé John
Hagee et plusieurs autres dans son genre, l'Antéchrist sera
un juif ou un demi-juif homosexuel. Kushner a effectivement été qualifié
de "young jewish twink". Kushner a énormément de pouvoir dans les
coulisses de la Maison blanche. Même les pro-Trump
peuvent croire que c'est Kushner qui tire les ficelles au service des
forces du mal. Les juifs attendent leur Messie, les
évangéliques attendent le retour de leur sauveur Jésus censé venir juste
après que l'Antéchrist aura signé le traité avec Israel. Bien sûr, tout
cela n'est que la frime, basée sur de très mauvaises interprétations
des apocalypses chrétiennes, mais certains gens cyniques suivent cela
comme un
programme de prophéties à réaliser soi-même, pour prendre le contrôle en
s'attirant l'appui
des sionistes juifs ou évangéliques, qui sont très puissants aux USA et
très influents
dans le monde à travers leurs organisations religieuses droitistes
conservatrices malgré leurs airs nouvelâgeux (ex: Moonies,
Falun dafa, etc.). César Néron a similairement
instrumentalisé cyniquement les peurs des chrétiens en tentant de leur
faire croire
que leur Fin des Temps était arrivée et qu'il était l'Antichrist annoncé
dans leurs prophétie, par exemple en incendiant Rome, faisant tout
pour les pousser dans un état d'hystérie et de terreur. Car
éventuellement, les conspirationnistes ayant accompli leur travail et
étant plutôt gênants pour le pouvoir, seront marqués comme
"antisociaux". La chasse aux sorcières permettra de punir les
dissidents, dans leur vie sociale, professionnelle et financière,
faisant en sorte que la société ne conserve que les éléments
obéissants. Exactement comme dans tout fantasme de chrétien
fondamentaliste, convaincu que c'est le début de la persécution des
comme signe de la Fin des temps, et "ne pourront ni acheter ni vendre
sans la marque de la bête"... Encore un leurre, une manipulation basée
sur une croyance mal comprise.
Plus ou moins ouvertement lié aux sectes, au mouvement New Age et à l’ésotérisme d’inspiration théosophique aquarienne, le mouvement de Vérité conspirationniste est ostensiblement pseudo-gnostique, évangélique, eschatologique. Ce soi-disant mouvement de vérité aux airs gnostiques, promoteur indigne de la « renovatio » rosicrucienne, ne sert pas uniquement à attirer les naïfs vers le monde des sectes et de l’ésotérisme aquarien le plus douteux, il sert clairement à amalgamer le discours de vérité et de pouvoir au peuple à une hérésie antichrétienne fabriquée exprès pour diviser la société en étant à la fois une tentation pour certains et une chose repoussante pour les autres. Il s’agit d’un homme de paille fabriqué sur mesure pour assurer la victoire du catholicisme et du féodalisme de l’Ancien monde et de ses traditions figées et dogmatiques mal comprises, opposant à tort science et foi, que les soi-disant Sceptiques autoproclamés et matérialistes n’égratignent jamais. Or ce que le monde académique et religieux sait de la gnose et des prétendus « gnostiques » (qui se disaient chrétiens avant d’être jugés hérétiques) n’est rien qu’une concoction fragmentaire et caricaturale conçue par ses ennemis, les hérésiologues catholiques romains, qui les combattaient violemment à coups de mensonges et de distorsions parce qu’ils ne comprenaient tout simplement pas les Mystères de la Gnose. Plus tard, les traces historiques de la spiritualité d’Europe du centre, où les manichéens et les rosicruciens authentiques ont développé l’ésotérisme chrétien symbolisé par le Graal e la Rose-Croix, ont été falsifiées par les jésuites. Sous leur influence le gnosticisme et la franc-maçonnerie ont été transformés en caricatures grotesques d’eux-mêmes, en des « hérésies » pseudo-chrétiennes voire anti-chrétiennes détestables, offrant un repoussoir idéal pour mettre en valeur le catholicisme romain et assurer sa victoire sur les hérésies, et ce surtout depuis que la franc-maçonnerie a été jésuitisée dans ses degrés supérieurs vers la fin du 18e siècle. Malgré l'aspect antichrétien de cette fausse "nouvelle gnose" empoisonnée, l'implication des Mormons est décelable également, de par ses évidents arrière-plans francs-maçonniques. Le rôle de la franc-maçonnerie dans la "mission divine des États-Unis" est mis de l'avant par Manly P. Hall, une autorité franc-maçonnique occultiste américaine aussi importante qu'Albert Pike. Le président Ronald Reagan était un fervent lecteur de Manly P. Hall (à ce sujet, lire L'ère messianique reaganienne). C'est à la lecture du livre de Manly P. Hall "The Secret Destiny of America", qu'il relisait régulièrment, que Reagan attribuait son éternel optimisme et sa foi infaillible en la "mission divine" (lire maçonnico-déiste) des États-Unis d'Amérique. C'est Henry Wallace (sous la présidence FDR) qui est responsable du logo novus ordo seclorum avec la pyramide tronquée et l'oeil qui voit tout sur le dollar américain. Le gourou de Wallace était Nicolas Roerich, qui faisant une sorte de yoga à prétention graalique mais totalement orientalisant, pro-Lucifer, pro-Bouddha, pro-marxiste et bolchévique ("Bouddha Lénine").Malgré ses liens occultistes orientalisants, Henry Wallace écrivait en 1934 une prophétie similaire à celle de Manly P. Hall sur le destin mondial des USA franc-maçonniques: "It will take a more definite recognition of the Grand Architect of the Universe before the apex stone [the capstone of the pyramid on the US Great Seal] is finally fitted into place and this nation in the full strength of its power is in position to assume leadership among the nations in inaugurating ‘the new order of the ages’." Pour en savoir plus: "The Stargate Conspiracy" (Picknett & Prince, 1999) Le voyant très douteux Edgar Cayce (favorisé par la Maison blanche de Woodrow Wilson) annonçait comme lui:"With the changes that will be wrought, true Americanism, the universal thought that is expressed and manifested in the brotherhood of man, as in the Masonic order, will be the eventual rule in the settlement of affairs in the world." (Source: Robinson: "Edgar Cayce’s Story of the Origin and Destiny of Man", p.159. Aussi dans Robinson: "Is It True What They Say About Edgar Cayce?" p160 et suivantes) Pour en savoir plus: "The Stargate Conspiracy" (Picknett & Prince, 1999)
Comme on sait Trump a réussi à s'allier les milieux évangéliques dominionistes. Cette vision de la mission divine des États-Unis devant régner sur le monde à notre époque correspond précisément à celle de la théosophie en vogue la plus dévoyée et la plus répandue, annonçant l'entrée récente dans la nouvelle "ère du Verseau" ("Age of Aquarius") associée supposément aux Anglo-Américains et au Brésil (Trump-Pompeo et Bolsonaro étant reliés par le marqueur commun de QAnon). Ce Nouveau Monde américain auquel on nous prépare est juste un nouveau masque de l'ancien monde... Ce retour aux valeurs morales (lire aux valeurs chrétiennes fondamentales) américaines est une autre forme de la Nouvelle Droite (New Right Coalition), fondée par des agents du contre-renseignement et du contre-espionnage (ex: Bergier), et à peine différente du "nouvel âge" (New Age).
Le conspirationnisme devenu hors de contrôle sous l'influence du trumpisme est maintenant comme une troupe de choc, une troupe de militants, qui agiront comme des agents provocateurs lorsqu'ils seront activés, justifiant une prise de contrôle total par l'État profond via l'imposition de la loi martiale.
À comparer les manifestations de BLM et les manifestations qanoniennes et généralement pro-Trump, on constate immédiatement le deux poids deux mesures au niveau de la violence de la répression policière. En fait, les manifestations qanoniennes ont toujours été protégées par la police, ce qui devrait susciter quelque doute dans notre esprit, à l'effet que ce mouvement est probablement déjà sous contrôle policier. Les manifestations BLM sont au contraire remplies d'agents provocateurs dont le travail consiste à court-circuiter la manifestation, surtout si elle est pacifique et qu'elle risque d'obtenir l'appui populaire.La différence majeure entre les manifestations de gauche comme BLM et les récentes manifestations-émeutes droitières-patriotiques du Capitole, c'est que les agents infiltrés dans la récente émeute du Capitole étaient manifestement des coachs motivateurs et non des provocateurs voulant casser la manifestation. Mais le fait est que la vaste majorité des individus qui composaient ces émeutes ne sont que des manipulés crédules manipulés, des têtes brûlées qui gobent n'importe quelle théorie tant qu'elle est approuvée par Trump, de même que les manifestants gauchistes BLM sont généralement des gens "woke" et sincères. Quand on compare le traitement gentil des manifestants de droite avec le traitement ultra-violent réservé aux gauchistes de BLM, la différence apparaît claire et limpide. Les policiers sont toujours très gentils avec l'ultra droite, comme avec les manifestations Qanon et "Save the Children" : ils les protègent littéralement, tandis que les manifs BLM se faisaient littéralement écraser par des voitures et battre avec de l'équipement policier. Les morts du Capitole sont dûs au fait que la police n'était pas prête à refouler la foule, curieusement, alors que les morts des manifestations BLM sont dûs à la police et aux provocateurs.
Parce que le public est maintenant averti de l’existence de fausses manifestations, la technique de l’astroturf étant éventée et facile à déceler, l’opération psychologique QAnon avait besoin d’avoir l’air d’un mouvement « vrai », fondé sur une base populaire réelle, « grassroots », pour devenir crédible et se propager véritablement dans la masse. Des firmes privées comme Blackwater ont probablement fait le travail, avec de l’argent de la CIA et du budget noir, « black budget » dont nul ne connaît l’ampleur et la profondeur véritables.
Entretien entre Frédéric Taddeï et Marc Édouard Nabe sur Dieudonné - Ce Soir (ou Jamais !) - YouTube
Les trolls de 4chan sont persuadés d'avoir fait élire Donald Trump |
Meme Magic Is Real, You Guys. Trump was elected with Dark Magic
Eris of the Month vs. Pepe the Frog | Historia Discordia
VIDEO - Egil Asprem on the Magical Theory of Politics (Nova Religio vol. 23 no. 4) - YouTube
PDF - The Magical Theory of Politics By Egil Asprem | Nova Religio | University of California Press
The Truth About Pepe The Frog And The Cult Of Kek
Order Out of Chaos Magic: The Dark Roots of the Alt Right – Renegade Tribune
Donald Trump: The Illuminati, 4chan, Meme Magick, and the Occult Powers of Sigils
VIDEO - A.T.L. Carver | Meme Magic: Pepe, Trump, and The Cult of Kek
Ordo Ab Chao by David Livingstone | Mimetic Warfare
Roy Cohn: l'homme derrière la présidence Trump, Pepe comme symbole de l'Alt-Right au service de la présidence Trump, en hommage à l'amour de Cohn pour les petits crapauds.
Hello friends, Friends, here’s our latest Honest Government Ad. I haven't seen any satire about QAnon. It’s ripe for being satirised. But as always I'm not here just to have a lol, I wanted to also offer an analysis that might help some of those who've been sucked into the rabbit's rectum find their way out. Because the truth is we need people who care about truth & justice (as QAnons claim to be) to remain tethered to reality. We need the people who would normally be on the frontline in the fight against shitfuckery, not to be it's cheerleaders. And that's why the most alarming aspect of Q isn't just that it has confused and alienated so many people, but that it has also exploited their good intentions in order to "manufacture support for the status quo, among people who otherwise would not support it" - to borrow the words of writer Caitlin Johnstone. I'll link to her article in the video description. In fact,. I’ve included links to sources and further reading in the video description, because so much of my research for this HGA was made possible by these excellent writers and researchers. The other reason I wanted to make this HGA is to help people see the connection between Q and the US election, just a few days away. Particularly in the likely scenario that Trump tries to stop the counting of mail-in ballots after the election, and handballing the decision to SCOTUS (the Supreme Court) - which, unlike QAnon, is no conspiracy - it's exactly what happened in Florida in 2000: the election that gave the world George W Bush. The real shitshow will begin after Nov 3rd. And the best way to avoid a repeat of 2000 is to be aware of the events discussed in this video. This will probably be our last US HGA before the election. So good luck America. Please VOTE EARLY so that as many ballots are counted before election day, and demand that ALLL the votes are counted in the days following! As always, thank you so much to our legendary Patrons who make all the Honest Govt Ads possible. If you value what we do, please support our work on Patreon 💛 Giordano
QAnon is the New Mainstream!

Douglas Valentine @dougvalentine77 · A few folks have asked me to check out QAnon content, which I hadn't done, so I did; my assessment is that having surfaced in October 2017 while Pompeo was CIA chief, it is a CIA psyop in support of Trumpeo. But what do I know about the CIA?
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · En réponse à @dougvalentine77 et @Grabbler8 I agree with your take Doug, the simple answer to your question here is Steve Pieczinik, former CIA. the longer answer an be found in this podcast breakdown of QAnon including the chronology/evolution
James Calhoun @calmarten · Anyway, to understand Qanon you have to look at the foundation which really starts at 4chan with Anonymous and its offshoots. Which I tend to think were being heavily influenced by Intel organizations.
Oxygen frequency @Grabbler8 · It's believed by Q followers that ex-DIA chief General Flynn (& ex-NSA Adm Mike Rogers) are somehow affiliated with "Qanon;" Flynn has quietly been signalling his support for "Q" since 2017 (eg signing books "WWG1WGA") & is doing so more explicitly now; Michael Flynn posts video featuring QAnon slogans In a video posted online over the weekend, President Donald Trump's first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, is seen using phrases and slogans that are hallmarks of the baseless QAnon conspi...
QAnon a toutes les apparences d'une émanation du projet de Cass Sunstein, le tsar de la propagande sous Obama, qui expliquait la nécessité pour le gouvernement d'infiltrer le milieu des théories du complot:

Ici le compte wikileaks dit que les fans de QAnon c'est souvent des
militaires, et que ça sert à neutraliser les réactions face à
l'arrestation d'Assange, à dissuader les gens de transmettre des infos à
wikileaks, en plus d'autres objectifs de la CIA.
#FreeAssange #NoUSExtradition @soillodge · En réponse à @dougvalentine77 This was Assange's opinion before he was silenced || Defend Assange Campaign @DefendAssange · 3 mars 2019 Disinformation account "EyeTheSpy", which targets "Qanon" followers (who are often current/former military) is laying the ground work to prevent a back lash in Trump's base over Assange's prosecution and extradition and to discourage submissions to WikiLeaks and other CIA goals.…
wikileaks dénonce DomesticDeplorable @Depl0rabl3 compte pro-QAnon qui
répand le rumeur que Assange et wikileaks sont ok contrairement à ce
qu'on sait.
(Part 2) #FreeAssange #NoUSExtradition @soillodge · || Defend Assange Campaign @DefendAssange · 8 juin 2018 This wish-fulfillment fantasy is being spread through Trump's base, reducing pressure on the White House to stop the US government persecution of @JulianAssange. It is an open question as to whether these #Qanon-derived theories are wholly organic in origin & amplification. Afficher cette discussion
compte twitter de wikileaks disait que QAnon est sûrement une op, avant
que Assange soit finalement capturé. Pizzagate est la première phase de
QAnon, c'était basé sur du wikileaks. Wikileaks a volontairement aidé
l'élection de Trump en livrant des infos sur Clinton en pleine campagne.
Et une fois Trump élu, pendant le Russiagate alors que le rapport
Mueller parle de l'aide de wikileaks à l'élection de Trump, Assange est
mis en prison -- mais au même moment du côté de QAnon on affirme en
coeur qu'Assange est en fait libre et en sécurité. Lors de l'arrestation
de Epstein et de la perquisition, l'AG Barr prend le contrôle, mettant
la main sur tout le trésor de kompromat détenu par Epstein, idem un an
plus tard pour Ghislaine Maxwell. Malgré la censure qui fait passer
QAnon pour des diseurs de vérité qui choquent, QAnon n'a jamais rien
prédit, par exemple il n'a pas été utile pour ce qui est du réseau
d'Epstein et Maxwell.
Julian Assange’s prosecution ‘is part of Donald Trump’s war on journalists’ | News | The Times
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · the @wikileaks official account also seemed to endorse the take in this article about a year before that too || Whitney Webb for Mintpressnews: "Pro-Trump Conspiracy-Monger “QAnon” Calls for Regime Change in Iran"--The Pro-Trump conspiracy monger QAnon, who openly lauds Warhawk John Bolton as a swamp drainer, now openly calls for regime change in Iran.
Douglas Valentine @dougvalentine77 · remember kids, Haspel's Trumpo and her CIA has 1000s of offices - installations -proprietary companies - fronts across the US that are proactively protected by undercover CIA officers in charge of DHS, big city intel, and the Mayberry PD.
Douglas Valentine @dougvalentine77 · from The CIA as Organized Crime: "The military’s Northcom component is the backbone of the homeland security apparatus, alternately intimidating, assisting, and spying on its civilian counterparts."
FLASHBACK: Redacted FBI document hints at Israeli efforts to help Trump in 2016 campaign Affidavit quotes Trump confidant Roger Stone being told by a Jerusalem contact: ‘He is going to be defeated unless we intervene. We have critical intell. The key is in your hands!’
Israel ducks blame for firm with ex-intel officers that bid to ‘shape’ US vote
WSJ: Israeli Intelligence Company Formed Venture With Trump Campaign Firm Cambridge Analytica Psy-Group is owned by entrepreneur Joel Zamel, who has been questioned by special-counsel investigators
Pour rappel: l'enquête sur Roger Stone (qui a aidé Trump à obtenir
l'appui des conspirationnistes en s'associant personnellement à Alex
Jones durant tout le long de la campagne, et qui a rendu possible
l'entrevue de Trump à Infowars) a révélé l'existence des efforts
israéliens en vue d'interférer dans l'élection pour faire élire Trump.
Durant la campagne, Stone a reçu des infos de sources israéliennes (lire
désinfo) comme quoi Trump ne serait pas élu sans intervention
israélienne d'urgence. La PsyOp de QAnon semble être directement liée à
ces efforts israéliens en vue de garantir à Trump un appui décisif.
D'ailleurs, Michael Flynn, un des héros de QAnon (qui fait le serment
QAnon en famille dans une vidéo) a été coincé pour avoir fait du
lobbying pour Israel, plus précisément contre la résolution
anti-israélienne proposée par Obama à l'ONU tout juste avant de quitter
la Maison blanche.
Pour rappel: le fils de Bibi Netanyahou est un membre actif et un symbole de l'Alt-Right. Le président du Brésil, le trumpien et proche de la mafia Jair Bolsonaro, a aussi un fils qui a été invité à l'émission de propagande de Yair Netanyahou:.
- Yair Netanyahu talks to son of Brazil’s Bolsonaro in podcast debut
- In his podcast debut, Yair Netanyahu interviews son of Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro
- Another Lieberman Who Sucks
Episode 104: QAnon Cops par QAnon Anonymous | Écoute gratuite sur SoundCloud
View @travis_view · The first QAnon-insipired act of terrorism happened
in June 2018. But Facebook didn't get around to studying QAnon until
June 2020. This company absolutely does not give a fuck. || Julia Carrie
Wong @juliacarriew · "Facebook has been studying the QAnon movement
since at least June."
David Atkins @DavidOAtkins · The GOP can't control the #QAnon cult because it has already depended on conspiracy theories and alternate reality bubbles for years.
Alex Kaplan @AlKapDC · Just want to note for the upcoming Florida congressional Republican primaries on Tuesday: there are 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 districts with QAnon-connected candidates on the ballot (7 candidates in total); all of the districts are in South Florida. Here are the QAnon supporters running for Congress in 2020
Trump amplified another account that's promoted QAnon content, along with James Woods again, making it at least 7 QAnon-connected amplifications for the day.
Trump's refusal to disavow QAnon on Friday, along with his constant nod-and-wink to QAnon, & the embrace he & other party leaders have given to Marjorie Taylor Greene, and the large number of QAnon candidates are all signs that QAnon is the GOP future.
One thing i tried to link is how the tech platforms allowing the QAnon movement to grow at scale with its infrastructure has also led craven politicians to seek it out and endorse it. It’s a cheat code for engagement/exposure as @AlKapDC explains
QAA Podcast 🌹 @QanonAnonymous · This Waco, Texas woman got in her car and gave chase to imaginary child traffickers while drunk. She rammed into one of the two cars she pursued. Her allegations don't seem to connect with reality.
Opinion | Is QAnon the shape of the Republican backlash to come? - The Washington Post
QAnon Candidates Keep Winning Primaries and Top Republicans Keep Welcoming Them In – Mother Jones
Trump dodges question about whether he backs GOP candidate's belief in QAnon | TheHill
RWW News: Roger Stone Says He Hopes QAnon is Real
RWW News: Dave Hayes Says QAnon Is 'Going to Prove to be the End of All Conspiracies'
QAnon Incited Her to Kidnap Her Son and Then Hid Her From the Law
Exclusive: A clandestine network of organized QAnon believers has inspired child abductions and other crimes across the country. QAnon Promotes Pedo-Ring Conspiracy Theories. Now They’re Stealing Kids. The far-right fringe group infamous for promoting nutjob conspiracy theories about pedophile rings has moved on to criminally meddling in child custody cases.
Opinion | The Week QAnon Went Mainstream - The New York Times
QAnon Conspiracy Theorists Have Become a Potent Political Force
QAnon Promotes Pedo-Ring Conspiracy Theories. Now They’re Stealing Kids.
An ex-SEAL who posted Soros conspiracy theories is accused of throwing IEDs at protesters. Other ex-SEALs share QAnon content with threats to act on it. What happens when violent theories reach special forces?
What Happens When Ex-Navy SEALS Go Full QAnon?
this is how the CIA's Phoenix program operates, with plausible deniability, in America: What Happens When Ex-Navy SEALS Go Full QAnon?
Comme la tactique de Trump qui est d'attaquer violemment et vicieusement ses opposants politiques, le récit conspirationniste délirant de Qanon est une application de la méthode Roy Cohn qui remonte à l’époque du mccarthyisme : attaquer une personnalité socialiste ou de gauche en général ou tout ennemi politique le plus vicieusement et violemment possible, avec des accusations hautement diffamatoires touchant la sexualité, ou la reliant au satanisme et à la pédophilie par exemple. Créer une théorie du complot autour de ça et on attire ainsi une foule de gens instables et délirants fermement convaincus et très motivés. Répéter au besoin et la technique peut même devenir une forme de terrorisme stochastique, poussant un fou à passer aux actes concrètement contre l’ennemi désigné (ex : la propagande haineuse répandue par Netanyahou et son clan politique, son rôle central et avéré dans l’assassinat du président Rabin). Cohn quant à lui utilisait ses contacts dans le monde médiatique et politique, et au gouvernement (jusqu’à la CIA et au couple présidentiel Reagan), pour mettre en branle la machine à rumeurs et démarrer une campagne de mensonge systématique contre un ennemi politique en particulier. Cohn fut le mentor de Trump, qui utilise de nos jours le phénomène Qanon pour attaquer ce qu’il croit être la « philosophie de gauche radicale qui va détruire ce pays ». Qanon mêle en effet la gauche radicale « globaliste » et les présentes perturbations sociales et politiques actuelles (que Trump déteste) au supposé grand complot d’une clique de célébrités pédosataniques cannibales accrocs à l’adrénochrome et unies contre le héroïque président Trump.
Qanon semble être une nouvelle forme de "panique satanique" ("Satanic panic"). Pour rappel: la police de Scotland Yard, en lien avec le MI5 (renseignement britannique intérieur) et le MI6 (renseignement britannique étranger), sont connus pour avoir créé à plusieurs reprises des "paniques sataniques", par exemple des fausses histoires de cultes sataniques mortels, dans le but de terroriser, hystériser agiter et influencer l’opinion publique, notamment lorsque des socialistes s’approchaient dangereusement du pouvoir (puisque les socialistes sont dits « sans dieu »).
En fin de compte, bien que Qanon ait rendu la théorie du complot à un niveau de popularité jamais atteint, Qanon pourrait bien paradoxalement sonner le glas du conspirationnisme et de sa libre diffusion sur internet. Qanon pourrait justifier une répression sévère par les autorités de toute propagation de théories jugées conspirationnistes, associées à un risque accru de violence potentiellement mortel (terrorisme stochastique) et d’endoctrinement sectaire, sans parler du mouvement anti-masque (défendu par Qanon) qui pourrait être étiqueté de « bioterroriste ». Si la CIA voulait nous apprendre une leçon de morale contre le conspirationnisme, il créerait quelque chose comme QAnon qui enlève toute crédibilité au conspirationnisme et fait passer les conspirationnistes pour des gens hautement influençables, émotionnellement instables et potentiellement dangereux. Du moins, si les conspirationnistes ne sont pas mis en prison pour leurs
idées, ils pourraient tout de même faire l'objet d'une incarcération et
d'une médication préventive dans les prochaines années si la situation
continue à se détériorer, compte tenu de la montée inquiétante de
l'incidence des troubles psycho-affectifs et de la détresse
psychologique en cette période de crise, alors que la population se
trouve de plus en plus isolée et que les gens les plus vulnérables se
mettent à ressasser des idées délirantes au lieu de chercher de l'aide.
Il apparaît de plus en plus sûr que la présidence Trump et son mouvement débile servaient à illustrer par l'exemple la dangerosité extrême des théories du complot, en tant que forme de "terrorisme stochastique", donc de terrorisme tout court, nécessitant une intervention drastique et globale des autorités. Le concept de terrorisme stochastique signifie que plus on répète un message de haine ou une théorie délirante poussant à la haine, plus la probabilité statistique devient certaine qu'un fou radicalisé entende le message et décide d'agir en conséquence, jusqu'à prendre les armes, et plus cette probabilité s'approche de 100%. La dimension stochastique consiste en la simple diffusion d'un message déstabilisant ou dérangeant, elle n'est pas liée à l'exercice d'une autorité hiérarchique. (C'est d'ailleurs, très certainement ce qui s'est produit dans l'assassinat du président israélien Yitzakh Rabin, assassiné par un juif radicalisé par la propagande haineuse de Netanyahou et son clan politique, qui répétaient sans cesse que sa poignée de main avec Arafat est la trahison ultime et que sa volonté de paix conduira Israel à la destruction. Rabin savait que cette poignée de main allait signer son arrêt de mort, Arafat le savait bien lui aussi.)
"I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate" - President Donald Trump on QAnon
Trump when asked about QAnon: "I don't know much about the movement other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate." That's the Trump Doctrine: if you praise Trump, he will defend you no matter how insane or evil you are. If you cross him, watch your back.
REPORTER: QAnon believes you are secretly saving the world from this cult of pedophiles and cannibals. Are you behind that? TRUMP: Is that supposed to be a bad thing? We are actually. We are saving the world.
The Republican Embrace of QAnon Goes Far Beyond Trump - The New York Times
Ah yes, [Marjorie Taylor Greene] “denounced” it not because it was bananas pudding insane, not because of the anti-Semitism or the CHILD CANNIBALISM, but because Q predicted that the 2018 midterms were safe for Republicans.
Travis View @travis_view · This dismissal from Pence won't move the needle for most QAnon followers. Many even consider Pence to be part of the cabal. Some QAnon followers even thought JFK Jr. would replace Pence as Trump's 2020 running mate. || POLITICO @politico · Speaking with CNN's John Berman this morning, Pence claimed not to know much about the QAnon conspiracy theory, saying he had little time to focus on conspiracy theories while heading the White House's coronavirus task force
The Summer QAnon Went Mainstream – Mother Jones
The fact that Q people connect their cult to the Christchurch & El Paso shootings is so disgusting. They really believe the "Deep State" killed 70+ people to **momentarily** stop Q drops. No lie is too big to preserve the image of their savior's messenger, Jim Watkins (8chan creator).
FBI: The deranged QAnon conspiracy theory poses a potential domestic terrorism threat Combating Terrorism Center at West Point: it's a public security threat & potential domestic terror threat. Trump: "these are people that love our country."
When judging the speed of the response of social media companies to QAnon, I think it's useful to remember that the first QAnon inspired terrorist incident happened in June 2018 and Reddit understood that QAnon was enough of a problem to purge QAnon subreddits in September 2018.
QAnon Is a Fake, Decoy Imitation of a Healthy Revolutionary Impulse
I liked this approach from @willsommer as a way to provide accountability to elites who elevate QAnon rather than mainstreaming it or amplifying its claims || Will Sommer @willsommer · How should the media handle QAnon? I talked with @pbump and some other very smart Q-watchers, including @jaredlholt @BrandyZadrozny and @oneunderscore__, about the state of the Qnion.
Right-wing media defend and deflect Trump's endorsement of QAnon | Media Matters for America
Human trafficking experts concerned about misinformation spread by conspiracy group QAnon
Trump's public embrace of QAnon was the culmination of years of waiting, and will likely drive the conspiracy movement to new extremes | Business Insider
Trump this morning (22 Aug) retweeted a QAnon account.
Jo Rae Perkins: The US Senate candidate who took a QAnon pledge - CNNPolitics
Fox guest declared QAnon a "winner" of the week due to Republican's failure to condemn the conspiracy.
An astonishing amount of willful denial and pivoting in Vice President Pence's response to a question about QAnon. (1/2) --- (2/2)
One more time...for those who believe QAnon is “no big deal,” here’s West Point’s Counterterrorism Center saying: It’s a threat, it’s deadly, and it is growing rapidly .
Jim Watkins owns QMAP_PUB. Its A record is pointing at, an IP owned by @LimTheNick through "OrcaTech", the same shell company that hosts 8chan and 8kun. It's VanwaTech's corporate identity. We've got em. Look! @Travis_view @nezumi_ningen || Fredrick Brennan @HW_BEAT_THAT · Before, when we thought @QMAP_PUB was a third party, they offered a check on Jim Watkins' ability to post as Q. If that site's owner ever became suspicious of Jim, he could stop sending Q drops to Q people's phones (Q alerts app) and stop distributing them on his aggregator.…
Everyone in QAnon is beholden to Jim Watkins. Jim owns 8chan. Q posts all drops on 8chan, by dogma. (Q513) He controls what is and isn't a Q drop. All we're arguing about is the extent to which he exerts his power. That he has the power to exert is incontrovertible, undeniable.
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · The Jim Watkins revelations especially that he also hosts the main Q drop ‘decoding’ website as well as 8kun is pretty incriminating but it still doesn’t change my opinion that Trump’s own people and associates beyond Watkins are shaping/controlling the Q narrative
I keep seeing the same cycle. On 8chan, everybody was just trolling about white supremacist mass murder... until they weren't. On Facebook, everybody was just cosplaying about being in a militia... until they weren't. How about we take them seriously before the bodycount?
Key point from @kevinroose about QAnon that I'm not sure has gotten enough attention: besides QAnon's extremism, its supporters repeatedly play major roles in misinformation campaigns on social media. Just to give a few recent examples: || Mathew Ingram @mathewi · From @kevinroose: "The thing I don't think the social media companies understood is that the existence of QAnon on their platforms makes *all* of their anti-misinformation work harder, because these people are misinformation super-spreaders"
QAnon does not seek the truth. QAnon knows the truth is that everyone who opposes Donald Trump is a baby eating Satanist that hates America and needs to be executed. Their goal is to convince people of this truth. Everything else they say is window dressing. The Media's Abject Failure On QAnon
"Most people refer to QAnon as a fringe movement. But that no longer makes sense: Under Mr. Trump, it has become part of the Republican mainstream — and that has troubling implications for the party’s future." @NiskanenCenter 's @RuleandRuin . Supporters of President Trump with phone screens referring to the QAnon conspiracy theory at a campaign rally in February. Opinion | Trump Has Failed the QAnon Test--Past Republican leaders knew better than to allow the pathogens of extreme conspiracy theories to infect the political bloodstream.
Join the new crusade, kids. Christian extremism is cool again! || Séamus Malekafzali @Seamus_Malek · Pompeo just said that Qassem Soleimani was responsible for the murder and maiming of "thousands of Christians across the Middle East." Where did this accusation spring out from? What thousands of Christians? Who is he referring to?
So Tucker's dad Dick Carlson was appointed as VOA director by Reagan. He is also a longtime friend of Roger Stone.
In the Cult of Trump, His Rallies Are Church & He Is the Gospel w/ Jeff Sharlet - MR Live - 8/25/20
Evangelicals are looking for answers online. They’re finding QAnon instead. | MIT Technology Review
Trump Speaks to Fanatical End Times Christian Group: The Council for National Policy
Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Establishment parties busy promoting the "civil war" narrative seeded and manufactured by US intelligence agencies that they want to put into motion after the election. The real "domestic enemy" is "the State"! || Steve Guest @SteveGuest · 24 août UNHINGED: Nancy Pelosi labels Republicans "domestic enemies...enemies of the state"
"Interesting pedigree Steve..." (Pieczenik) / Twitter
FLASHBACK: Steve Pieczenik on Infowars about Sandy Hook (March 2013)... | Facebook
Is Alex Jones a Government Agent?
Did Alex Jones Collude with WikiLeaks?
Alex Jones Confesses to WikiLeaks Collusion
Gareth Porter @GarethPorter · 24 aug Pompeo will address the Republican convention from Jerusalem, because he needs Christian Zionists and Rapturists to propel his political career beyond this election. And Trump needs the cash from Adelson et al for his campaign.
Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · 25 aug Pompeo has a long record of working with anti-Muslim activists and aligning himself with a pastor who was criticized for delivering a prayer in the Kansas legislature criticizing the US for having “worshipped other gods and called it multiculturalism.”
Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · 25 aug Pompeo has also opened doors in other countries so right-wing Bible study leader Ralph Drollinger can teach high-level officials that the Bible requires them to support right-wing social, economic, environmental, and criminal justice policies.
Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · 25 aug Pompeo, a religious-right favorite, has told conservative pastors that he uses his official travels as an opportunity to evangelize Mike Pompeo Says Unalienable Rights Commission Will Return Human Rights Policy to ‘Judeo-Christian... U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo joined a conference call with conservative pastors hosted by the Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins
Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · 25 aug Pompeo has alarmed human rights advocates by bypassing State Dept’s human rights infrastructure and creating a conservative-packed commission to narrow the scope of U.S. human rights policy and elevate religious liberty above other US commitments
Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · 25 aug Pompeo also shares Trump’s fondness for anti-democratic strongmen like Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro, who Pompeo hugged while attending his inauguration.
Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · 25 aug Pompeo has other things in common with Trump, like contempt for the free press. He kicked an NPR reporter out of a traveling press pool after she ran a critical story about him.
DNC Republican Pandering, RNC Fascist Reality Show & Bannon Indicted For Fraud | Media Roots Radio
FLASHBACK: Evangelicals are flocking to QAnon, you say? That's crazy. If only there were signs. || Travis View @travis_view · (16 july 2018) Hey Pastors of America: I don't want to tell you how to do your job. BUT it appears that your congregations are a recruiting ground for a deranged cyber cult. Maybe your flocks needs guidance, or a sense of belonging, or stronger doctrine. Just steer them away from this shit.
A reminder as we focus on QAnon's spread: its central figure, "Q," has been based on 8chan -- the same message board site Brenton Tarrant allegedly posted a manifesto on before carrying out his mass shooting (8chan has since been relaunched as 8kun). || Rowaida Abdelaziz @Rowaida_Abdel · JUST IN: Brenton Tarrant, the white supremacist who live-streamed his massacre of 51 people at two New Zealand mosques last year, was sentenced to life in prison without parole for carrying out the worst atrocity in the country’s modern history.
Tristan Mendès France @tristanmf · 21 août 2020 Russia Today relaye l’idée que le mouvement QAnon serait en fait une opération psychologique « psyop », un projet de propagande, visant à canaliser le mécontentement populaire. RT nous fait du complotisme anti-complotiste.
FLASHBACK: How You Can Be 100% Certain That QAnon Is Bullshit | by Caitlin Johnstone | Medium
Q Had Me At Hello
Why Veterans Believe in QAnon Conspiracies | Connecting Vets
It's not surprising that QAnon is popular is Germany. One of the first foreign /qresearch/ boards on 8chan was for Germans, as I noted in 2018. This is the product of years of buildup that is only now unavoidably visible.
Trump this evening retweeted a QAnon account.
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 28 aug i feel like both the CIA and Trump are benefitting immensely from the false perception that the CIA is in some kind of war VS Trump. My guess would be that Roger Stone's experience with the JFK conspiracy movement helped shape this op but who the fuck knows
Criminal Presidents are "a Protected Minority"!
Reaganland: America's Turn to the Right w/ Rick Perlstein - MR Live - 9/1/20
Republicans are flooding the internet with deceptive videos and Big Tech isn't keeping up - CNN
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 31 aug 2020 every single era of the 9/11 truth movement is defined by a figurehead or series of conspiracy grifters vying for power and authority and pumping the movement full of toxic hyperbolic disinformation along the way
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 1 sept 2020 also while i'm on a roll with the Paul family you know what else is fucked up? clearly 100% Roger Stone/Trump re-used the Ron Paul/Alex Jones truther dog-whistling model, I've talked about this before but oddly nobody else has pointed out this clear lift
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 31 aug 2020 makes perfect sense why Sandy Hook stuff was able to explode the way it did, grifters like Alex Jones had groomed millions of people to see any major event as a 'false flag' regardless of what it was, turning amateurs everywhere into arm-chair all knowing narcissists
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 31 aug 2020 exhibit b: spiked story by deep state neocon Erik Prince implying he had 'NYPD' sources of a Clinton sex trafficking ring (proto QAnon tactics) Erik Prince: NYPD Ready to Make Arrests in Anthony Weiner Case Erik Prince said that according to one of his sources, the NYPD was ready to announce "the warrants and the additional arrests they were making" in the Anthony Weiner investigation, but received...
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 1 sept 2020 exhibit c: 'former' CIA spook, Alex Jones and No Agenda Radio pal Steve Pieczenick inexplicably gets 'Patriot counter coup' video boosted to top of @DRUDGE website, this video is the earliest iteration of the Qanon narrative
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey Replying to Donald J. Trump · 1 sept 2020 but you're lying about Drudge not supporting you in 2016, @DRUDGE went full pizzagate and full QAnon special just for your dumb ass in November of 2016 to spike the Wikileaks dumps with pedophilia and satanic panic || Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · Drudge didn’t support me in 2016, and I hear he doesn’t support me now. Maybe that’s why he is doing poorly. His Fake News report on Mini-Strokes is incorrect. Possibly thinking about himself, or the other party’s “candidate”.…
I personally think it’s what gave Trump the election in 2016. Mobilized the millions of listeners of Alex’s show who don’t ever vote into a bloc for trump. Stone making them believe trump was one of them.
Trump has now amplified the Twitter accounts of 5 QAnon-connected current or former 2020 congressional candidates: Buzz Patterson, DeAnna Lorraine Tesoriero, Angela Stanton-King, Antoine Tucker, & Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Conscience du peuple: L'Opération Qanon
États-Unis : une campagne très Q - Regarder le documentaire complet | ARTE
UPDATE: At least a 21st QAnon-supporting congressional candidate has now secured a spot on the ballot in November. Tracy Lovvorn of Massachusetts’ 2nd Congressional District has been declared the winner of the Republican primary by default.
A pivotal part of this story is that there's been no reporting showing the president actually uses Facebook. The reality is worse: a poisoned information pipeline from viral rumor to blogs to the president that consistently supersedes real intelligence. Trump’s ‘plane loaded with thugs’ rumor matches months-old Facebook conspiracy theory Evidence-free social media posts about groups of people coming to terrorize suburbs have thrived in recent months, inspiring some people to arm themselves.
Travis View @travis_view · 2 sept 2020 Facebook continues to provide free marketing to QAnon even after claiming they would no longer recommend QAnon pages. It's not that they can't stop giving QAnon free marketing, it's just that they don't want to. || The Godfather of 1690 @ThatsFare · I thought all this shit was supposed to be gone? This just came up on my FB. It’s like pulling a weed but not getting the root. @willsommer @travis_view
Texas GOP changed their motto to "We are the storm." They claim it has no relation to "The Storm", an event QAnon believers will involve military tribunals for those they dislike, alongside executions at Guantanamo. Former U.S. Congressman and retired U.S. Army Lt. Col. Allen West gives remarks during TPPR's Policy Orientation on February 9, 2018. The Texas GOP's new slogan echoes a conspiracy group. Its chair say... The slogan — "We are the storm" — uses language commonly used by QAnon adherents. State GOP Chair Allen West says it's taken from a Timothy Holmseth is bat-shit insane. He is a very distilled version of QAnon.
Nick Moutos, an assistant attorney general for Texas, has been using Twitter to: 1) push QAnon and Pizzagate conspiracy theories; 2) send violent threats; and 3) encourage people to shoot Black Lives Matter protesters. (w/ research from @KailaPhilo )
BBC World Service - The Real Story, Why is QAnon going global?
Interesting development: Q posted a laundry list of sex crimes by U.S. politicians yesterday in four long, separate posts. It was copied + pasted, 100% plagiarized. Where did that list first appear? The most recent website for Russia's troll farm, the Internet Research Agency.
Unfounded 'QAnon' conspiracy theory gains traction in politics | Nightline - YouTube
Texas assistant attorney general Nick Moutos is a QAnon conspiracy theorist who tweets out violent threats and bigoted remarks | Media Matters for America
It appears that a Colombian politician has come out in support of QAnon.
This piece by @ElaheIzadi nicely captures the challenges facing journalists covering QAnon. How to avoid amplifying them? It’s easy to dismiss as a fringe group, but if you’ve got a Qanon believer headed for Congress, you cannot ignore it. 1/5 The QAnon problem facing local journalism this election season As candidates affiliated with a murky but dangerous belief system run for office, reporters grapple with how to cover them.
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · This Trump official was on a private group DM with Millie Weaver, before promoting heavily viral conspiracy docs you should probably make sure they aren’t connected to the current administration first || CSPAN @cspan · Richard Grenell: "I'm just going to talk about Kosovo-Serbia. I don't know if you can find it on a might be too young...maybe it's too complicated an issue for you all." @jeffmason1: "I don't think any of us came here for a lecture about our questioning."
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · if the Trump campaign is smart they are already paying people to pose as protestors doing things that will turn off 99% of the population
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · We need to be talking more about COINTELPRO and fed infiltration and how easy it would be for the FBI or another federal agency to egg on a violent lunatic or to actually plant a fake one in the movement, sorry!
DPP #23: QAnon is a US Intel Psyop
Q Anon and The "Patriots" - YouTube
The Problem with #QAnon, David Wilcock, Alex Jones #2 - YouTube
WA state Rep candidate Rob Chase hits back on the "hit piece" I wrote alleging that he's promoting the QAnon conspiracy theory, by promoting the QAnon conspiracy theory.
Senator Ted Cruz just quote tweeted one of the most predatorial QAnon promoters — an old-school Pentecostalist fraudster who has been instrumental in the spread of QAnon. He claims to have healing powers because he’s able to channel God.
New York Times Opinion @nytopinion · By the time Facebook conducted an internal audit of QAnon content on its platform, the conspiracy theory had already been circulating for nearly three years. Now, it may be too late for tech companies to stop the movement.
Lunatic QAnon Congressional Candidate Threatens AOC & The Squad
Both Osama bin Laden's niece and the former head of the CIA's Osama bin Laden tracking unit are QAnon supporters.
Q-Tips: Measuring the Mainstreaming of QAnon During the Pandemic
In a shocking twist, the QAnon-supporting Mayor continues to support QAnon
Ted Cruz shared a meme from the self-proclaimed prophet and QAnon promoter "Praying Medic." So that's just super.
Amanda Rivkin @amandarivkin · Bin Laden does have many nieces (I graduated with a different one). This one says she is Carmen bin Laden’s daughter. Her website is weird and the “resources” section links to a bunch of known disinfo. As for Scheuer, he was my professor and he’s gone completely off the rails.
Lara Trump campaigns with Jewish Congressional candidate who’s a ‘proud Islamophobe’
After anti-Semitic content, GOP candidate has post removed for inciting violence
One of the QAnon newsletters I get implores followers not to embrace vigilantism and trust Q and Trump to get rid of the bad people. The question of what to do when Q and Trump don't get rid of the bad people isn't asked.
The family friend of Prime Minister Scott Morrison who @GuardianAus reported was behind a QAnon account BurnedSpy34, Tim Stewart, has been suspended from Twitter.
Michael Hobbes @RottenInDenmark · I wrote about why U.S. Marshals rescuing 39 children from a sex trafficking ring in Georgia wasn't a bigger news story. (Spoiler: There was no sex ring.)
Whistleblower: Trump Forced Intelligence Community To Lie About Antifa
Whistleblower: DHS Hyped ‘Antifa,’ Soft-Pedaled White Supremacist Threat
Staffers Altered Intelligence Data To Suit Trump's Agenda
Here are the QAnon supporters running for state legislatures in 2020 | Media Matters for America
has now amplified the Twitter accounts of 6 QAnon-connected current or
former 2020 congressional candidates: Buzz Patterson, DeAnna Lorraine
Tesoriero, Angela Stanton-King, Antoine Tucker, Marjorie Taylor Greene,
& Lauren Boebert. || Alex Kaplan @AlKapDC · Trump this morning
retweeted Matt Couch, a far-right Seth Rich conspiracy theorist who's
also promoted QAnon content, along with QAnon-connected congressional
candidates Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert. Afficher cette
a Pentecostal religious media outlet, couldn't determine whether to
tell it's audience that QAnon—a movement centered of ludicrous hoaxes
and tied to several violent crimes—is real or not. h/t @petemont
How QAnon is seeping into Florida during the 2020 presidential campaign
AP Exclusive: Pence to attend event hosted by QAnon backers
A Logically investigation reveals that a key QAnon figure is an
information technology specialist from New Jersey who has held prominent
positions at both Credit Suisse and Citigroup. More from @theondrakguy
and @nickbackovic :
a world in which people weren't gullible dipshits who get overexcited
at every wild story that Mark Zuckerberg feeds them. I mean, in that
case I would still be a 300-follower anonymous troll making B tier
jokes, but the world generally would be better off. || David Emery
@debunker · Medford Police: "This is a made up graphic and story. We did
not arrest this person for arson, nor anyone affiliated with Antifa or
'Proud Boys' as we’ve heard throughout the day. Also, no confirmed
gatherings of Antifa which has also been reported."
Argentino @_MAArgentino · I've seen this in multiple QAnon Facebook
groups this evening (most of witch YouTube has taken down, though not
all) KYLE RITTENHOUSE VIDEO GAME: Defend Yourself from the
Pedophile....But QAnon followers do not promote violence.
Martin @FluorescentGrey · The MAGA neocon foot soldiers are now
literally recycling Trump/Putin memes and graphics and reconstituting
them into Biden/China memes ("Biden agent de la Chine" est une pâle copie du Russiagate "Trump agent de Poutine")
Trump Rallies His Base With List of Right-Wing Ideologues He Will Consider for Supreme Court | Right Wing Watch
Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · Right-wing pastor Rick Joyner declares
that Christians must take a stand against Black Lives Matter because the
organization is "the KKK of this time."
Glenn Beck warns that left-wing activists have put all the pieces in place to start a civil war in November.
Department of Homeland Security exaggerated ‘antifa’ to downplay white supremacy: whistleblower
New combo: militias doing checkpoints while Q believers overwhelm 911 with false reports.
though no one in the White House will say a bad word about QAnon (and
Trump even praised QAnon followers), it's apparently so toxic that the
Vice President has to distance himself from events hosted by QAnon
followers. || Montana fundraiser following revelations that the hosts
have expressed support for the QAnon conspiracy theory. The campaign did
not give a reason or say whether the fundraiser might be rescheduled.
It appears that CT state senator @eric_berthel is a QAnon supporter. Photos via:
Podcast 🌹 @QanonAnonymous · Following the publication of this article
revealing the NJ man behind the biggest Q post aggregator on the
internet... the infamous QMap dot pub website is down. Image contains a
magnifying glass and the word 'Q-Map'.. QAnon Key Figure Revealed as
Financial Information Security Analyst from New Jersey A Logically
investigation identifies a key QAnon figure as an information technology
specialist from New Jersey who has held prominent positions at both
Credit Suisse and Citigroup.
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 30 mai 2017 #neverforget Obama
administration appointee launched a literal psyops campaign into the
9/11 truth community Obama staffer wants ‘cognitive infiltration’ of
9/11 conspiracy groups In a 2008 academic paper, President Barack
Obama’s appointee to head the Office of Information and...
Pence To Attend Fundraiser Hosted By QAnon Followers
Mike Pence To Speak At Fundraiser Run by QAnon Supporters
GOP Nominates Another QAnon Candidate—This One for Senate Seat
supporter Lauren Witzke just won a GOP Senate primary in Delaware,
making her the second QAnon supporter to win a Republican Senate
nomination this cycle. Here’s Witzke in a QAnon shirt. She’s also
tweeted the QAnon hashtag #wwg1wga.
Republican RAGES After Reporter Outs Her As QAnon
Qanon YouTube video linked out by "Q" himself as "proof" of a CIA
conspiracy to brainwash the country has 400,000 views. It consists of
nothing more than the Sinclair Broadcast Group video I made for Deadspin
in 2018 This Is What Mind Control Looks Like - Operation Mocking
want to note that this is the first QAnon candidate I've seen on video
or audio invoke the adrenochrome part of the conspiracy theory (though
it's possible others in my tally believe this part).
The president just retweeted an attack on Dr. Fauci from a Q account.
conspiracy theorist Mark Taylor says Trump must arrest some
high-profile Democrats before the election because "the patriots are fed
up" and will soon take matters into their own hands.
the ... organizations that have spent years or decades combating the
sexual exploitation of children, QAnon’s insidious surge in popularity
and the endless trafficking-related conspiracy theories it circulates
have created a dangerous distraction."
“YUGE lineup”—their words, not ours—includes returning speakers, such
as far-right Rep. Matt Gaetz, convicted felon Roger Stone, and far-right
activist and OANN figure Jack Posobiec. Oh, and QAnon conspiracy
theorist DeAnna Lorraine.
to ignore the QAnon influence in the streets today Anti-mask protest in
Montreal draws large crowd, propelled by U.S. conspiracy theories
Episode 109: QAnon Makes Human Trafficking Worse feat Michael Hobbes par QAnon Anonymous | Écoute gratuite sur SoundCloud
People combating child trafficking with decades of experience are, it turns out, not fans of QAnon.
‘It’s Out Of Control’: How QAnon Undermines Legitimate Anti-Trafficking Efforts | HuffPost Canada
Age communities are driving QAnon conspiracies in Brazil
via @sganzz Brilliant reporting here on how QAnon theories are
propagated by New Agers in Brazil.
of the current QAnon and PizzaGate subreddits, r/PedoGate has been
banned. Two weeks after the mod revealed himself to be…a pedophile.
'The difference is QAnon': how a conspiratorial hate campaign upended California politics | US news | The Guardian
Roger Stone Tells Trump To Declare Martial Law If He Loses Election
Trump campaign ad evokes antisemitic trope by casting Bernie Sanders as puppet master
Major Donor [Charles Kushner] Admits Hiring Prostitute to Smear Witness - The New York Times
BRUTAL Ad Calls Out Trump's Connections to PedophilesGlenn Beck claims that COVID-19 restrictions are part of a Democratic plot to stage a coup against the U.S. government this November
End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles doesn't understand why Trump is pushing for a COVID-19 vaccine because they were told back in 2016 that Trump is an anti-vaxxer due to concerns that "his son Barron has autism because of a vaccine."
Charlie Kirk: “If the President loses, they will come for us all. They will come for your children.”
Jared Kushner Not Sure Why You Chickenshits Are So “Hysterical” About a Virus That’s Killed 195,000 Americans | Vanity Fair
QAnon has infiltrated the Republican Party's base, but these lawmakers are reluctant to denounce the fringe conspiracy theory and its supporters
A new Pew poll found that "roughly four-in-ten Republicans who have heard of QAnon (41%) say it is a good thing for the country (32% somewhat good and 9% very good)."
QAnon activist Veronica Wolski was the lucky recipient of a "Digital Soldier Q" shirt signed by General Michael Flynn.
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · It’s part of the reason that I’ve actually come around to the belief that Russiagate and QAnon are essentially a hand in glove psyop, QAnon wouldn’t have the fuel it needed without this dynamic
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Hearing Anderson Cooper getting all worried about Trump getting increasingly conspiratorial and dog whistling to QAnon is pretty funny, part of the reason QAnon works so well is because CNN wasted 4 years on Russiagate which gives the false perception the deep state is Vs Trump
Former Limited Hangout CIA Spook [Michael Scheuer] Promotes What? - YouTube
Marjorie Taylor Greene, une partisane des délires complotistes de QAnon aux portes du Congrès
I think it's important to dispel this: Q was not revealed as a guy who works at Citi Bank this week. A guy at Citi oversaw a community and aggregator of QAnon posts and hosted it on the same server as 8chan. Important infrastructure, yes, but he's not Q.
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · QAnon switches back to neocon regime change psyop after first doing so in late 2017 h/t @DanSWright cc @_whitneywebb || Shayan Sardarizadeh @Shayan86 · Q has posted two links to Tucker Carlson's interviews from last night. One is with Dr Li-Meng Yan, who has pulished a report claiming Covid-19 is "a man-made virus created in a lab". The other is about "colour revolutions" and "riots". The comments are something to behold too A QAnon follower named Matthew Wright pleaded guilty to terrorism. QAnon follower Anthony Comello was charged with murder. QAnon follower Cynthia Abcug was charged for for plotting an armed raid with other followers. There are deadlier threats, but QAnon's record isn't clean.
The Onion @TheOnion · Q: Is QAnon part of the mainstream Republican Party? A: No, the fact that they share similar views on race, religion, and politics is totally coincidental.
QAnon and ISIS: Clint Watts on how the groups differ and are alike.
QAnon is coopting a USPS phishing scam - The Verge
Trump this morning retweeted a QAnon account, along with retweeting an account quote-tweeting another QAnon account.
Travis View @travis_view · When you understand that people have been bombarded with messages like this for decades, it becomes less surprising that so many people would believe that Hillary was on the verge of being shipped to Gitmo. || Josh Russell @josh_emerson · A piece of disinformation history, my mom handed this to me today and said she got it in the mail in the 90’s. It’s a pamphlet claiming to list all the crimes the Clintons did. Weird they were never charged with any of these.
Doesn’t want to talk about QAnon. || Drew Griffin @DrewGriffinCNN · 19 sept. Marjorie Taylor Greene tough with a gun but scared of a camera and a microphone. Husband and staff refusing to allow a single question.
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Jared Kushner’s dad went to jail for arranging a secretly filmed sex act/affair , Roger Stone’s connections to prostitution rings gave him the inside track to take down Spitzer. Trump’s people are knee deep in this world, just like Trump was closely associated with Epstein
US Government Doing Iraq War Style Propaganda Against Iran
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · ok im sorry for being rude but either this guy is a total plant or possibly the dumbest mother fucker to walk the earth “You look at the Trump administration, you now have peace breaking out in the Middle East" - Tim Canova Progressive Tim Canova won't vote for Biden, supports President Trump (Video) - The Floridian “There is no way I can vote for Joe Biden,” said Progressive law professor Tim Canova during an interview with The Floridian this week.
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Cotton knows this is a partisan lie, Google is de-ranking hundreds of left-wing/alternative media websites and has been since the 2016 election to fight 'disinformation'. Neocons like Cotton hijacking this framing is disgusting but totally predictable || Tom Cotton @SenTomCotton · .@Google continues to pose a grave threat to our democracy by burying conservative websites in an attempt to sway the election. They must be stopped.
The Zuckerberg realpolitik stuff in here is super interesting, but this caught my eye. Facebook's own engineers are scared about what the Groups algorithm is doing to people.
6 GOP-endorsed candidates in Minnesota back conspiracy theory of QAnon -
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · When you have State Dept press releases and US Marshall press releases deliberately dog whistling to the QAnon narrative leading into an election we should be seriously concerned that for whatever reason large swaths of Trumps government want this to explode into something bigger
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · En réponse à @CDFrancescani et @ABC is there a reason no mainstream journalist covering QAnon has looked into the very first iteration of the narrative that Drudge posted on the evening of Nov 1, 2016 by Steve Pieczenik ? The Hillary Clinton Takeover of the United States Hillary and Bill Clinton are attempting a takeover of the United States and will stop at nothing. A coup
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · I don't know about you guys but QAnon being a dirtbag racist pig farmer in the Philippines seems a lot less plausible to me than it being this guy | Italy Accuses US Envoy Steve Pieczenik of Aldo Moro Murder Washington played role in 1978 kidnap and murder of former prime minister by the Red Brigades
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · CTRL + F Steve Pieczenik = 0 results Citer le Tweet Chris Francescani @CDFrancescani · @ABC News: The Men Behind QAnon
QAA Podcast 🌹 @QanonAnonymous · Edward Snowden: in exile. Chelsea Manning: in and out of jail and solitary. Julian Assange: in jail after exile. Q (3 years in): not even doxxed. Intelligence agencies have limited resources, I guess.
The QAnon promoter "WarNuse," whose gimmick was posting black and white photos of Q targets along with the laws they'd supposedly violated, has been suspended - likely for advocating that Joe Biden and Barack Obama be executed.
Conspiracy theories around the "deep state," billionaire Democrat philanthropist George Soros and QAnon have become a constant fixture on Spanish-language YouTube programs, WhatsApp clips and pro-President Trump Facebook groups aimed at a Latino audience. Spanish-language disinformation intensifies among Florida Latinos, worrying Democrats A slew of YouTube, WhatsApp and Facebook clips link Democrats to outlandish conspiracy theories. "People start to believe it or they
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · if QAnon is a US intelligence driven psyop then one could expect that the MSM coverage of it follows a limited hangout template and that the 'key' to understanding it as delivered by the MSM is in fact not a key but potentially a distraction from what's actually happening.
Meet The Christofascist Extremist On Trump's SCOTUS Shortlist
A good way of viewing QAnon in the next few weeks is treating Q like he's the new Drudge. He's a centralized hub for new ways the cabal is taking over the world -- today it's the Antifa U-Haul funded by Soros -- and how the president is personally, secretly stopping them.
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Everybody catching on yet that this is just the beginning of the Trump campaign ‘soft’ QAnon ramp up?[Rudy Giuliani Tweet]
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · I’d argue it almost doesn’t matter *if* Watkins *is* in control of the information, this has gone beyond a troll pig farmer, the President of the United States is openly promoting it and no conspiracy theory in history has had this type of an effect on the US population.
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · it does matter who is writing them & even if Watkins is in ‘control’ of the information the genie was let out of the bottle when Flynn took the oath & Trump endorsed it dozens of times, somehow Trump’s people can trust it, Watkins is not the golden key that solves this riddle
Very, very good thread here on 4chan's obsession with "tribunals" and the mass roundup of Jews before QAnon. If you're wondering why 4chan was so willing to accept a false prophet that claimed tribunals were imminent, it's because that false prophet was speaking their language. || The Q Origins Project @QOrigins · MINITHREAD: "TRIBUNAL" FANTASIES ON /POL/ BEFORE Q Earlier, we noted that -- on just Q's second day of posting -- anons had already sussed out Q's metaplot. It was especially striking that one predicted the "military tribunals" that are central to the Q mythos. How? Well...
William Barr’s Exemplary Christ-Like Behavior
William Barr Might Cost Trump The Election
Lots of disinfo ahead of tonight's debate. One case: InfoWars says Biden got questions in advance, citing former Fox host Todd Starnes. Starnes himself just heard it on local radio. And the radio station got it from conspiracy theory king and ex InfoWars employee Jerome CORSI. Related: Police officers have repeatedly been seen using QAnon symbols and slogans.
Steve Bannon launches “national tour” to spread incoherent election conspiracy theories.
QAnon Is Attracting Cops – Mother Jones
Media Roots Radio - Domestic Political Influence Operations & Social Media Manipulation : Interview w/ Likingonline | Listen via Stitcher for Podcasts
We are now up to 23 current or former 2020 state legislative candidates who have endorsed or given credence to QAnon. The newest addition is a candidate for the New Hampshire House of Representatives who will be on the ballot in November.
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Call me crazy but with only 5 weeks to go before an election where the President said he might perform a fascist coup and with him regularly promoting QAnon, I feel that we should be a lot more concerned about what could happen Vs believing Q has been ‘doxxed’ and puzzle solved
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Collins seems to grasp this better than other prominent Q researchers I’ve seen on Twitter lately, even tho he’s not saying it whatever Q is it has a clear relationship to the Trump campaign, that’s enough for us to stop focusing so much on Watkins alone || Ben Collins @oneunderscore__ · 22 sept. I mean, yes, kind of. Jim Watkins is Q in the way that he owns the website where Q posts. But that's like saying the guy who runs the Chicago Bulls is Michael Jordan. There's something bigger going on. Washing it away with "Q is Jim Watkins" mostly benefits Q and Jim Watkins.…
QAnon Facebook groups are the new 8chan.
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Wray asked about QAnon, here’s his answer || · 17 sept. FBI Director Christopher Wray being asked about QAnon... Instagram's "crackdown" of QAnon content is trash. It is all over the place. Literally labeled Q, QAnon etc.
Quite ironic considering how many millions Facebook made off #QAnon. BTW, #DeleteFacebook
Josh Reeves on Red Ice Radio - The Secret Right 2 AKA The CNP - February 19, 2012
President Donald Trump Addresses the Council for National Policy Live!
The Rise of Christian Nationalism in America
Was Alex Jones for the Truth, Was He Ever #OurGuy? The JBS/CNP Chronicles Deux
Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · New for @TLAVagabond -- Operation Warp Speed is using a shady, CIA-linked contractor to keep Covid-19 vaccine contracts secret and exempt from federal safety regulations. HHS (supposedly overseeing Warp Speed) has "no records" of the contracts. Operation Warp Speed is Using a CIA-Linked Contractor to Keep Covid-19 Vaccine Contracts Secret $6 billion in Covid-19 vaccine contracts awarded by Operation Warp Speed have been doled out by a secretive government contractor with
Leader Of Operation Warp Speed Adamant About "Implantable BioSensors" & World Bank Slips Up Again - YouTube
How the pandemic and politics gave us a golden age of conspiracy theories - CNN
Military Matters Podcast @StripesMMPod · @JackMurphyRGR and @travis_view join me on Military Matters to talk about Qanon and the conspiracy theory that has made it's way to the top of our military and inside of our Special Operations communities. Click here to follow this white rabbit...
Qanon: Ain't No Passing Craze!
Robbie Martin & Jake Fox explore the 'Q' phenomenon - A Very Heavy Agenda Live - YouTube
Trump: l’inspirateur du complot du Michigan? | JDM
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · reminder: one of he most influential neoconservative figures Don Kagan said this his formative 'mugged by reality moment' is when he realized that Black Panthers at Yale were the same as nazis to him
Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Though I'm certainly no fan of the Qanon psyop, this will be used next to deplatform anyone posting something deemed by Silicon Valley or the State to be a "conspiracy theory" | Business Insider @businessinsider · Facebook just kicked QAnon off all its platforms, dealing a massive blow to the conspiracy group
Donald Trump’s New Clinton Conspiracy Theory Is Complete Bullshit.
Trump this afternoon amplified an account that has promoted QAnon.
Trump touted the endorsement of an unhinged QAnon conspiracy theorist and birther.
Citigroup terminates manager involved in running QAnon website
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 12 sept. i still challenge anybody or any journalist to find an earlier iteration of the QAnon narrative than the November 2016 video posted on Drudge by Steve Pieczenik titled 'the Hillary Clinton takeover of the United States'
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 9 sept. challenge: prove that the QAnon narrative as we know it existed before this video posted by ex-CIA ex-State Dept Steve Pieczenik (which was posted at the top of Drudge) just a few days before the November 2016 election
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · even if Flynn was 'railroaded' here's why i don't give a fuck -he's a war criminal who liked ordering the deaths of Afghanistan civilians for fun - friends with the Ledeen family, Barbara and Michael (of PNAC infamy) -people who aren't war criminal neocons get railroaded daily
Live Investigation Into Michael Flynn's Background - Part 3 - 10/08/2020
There have been a few reports of Q pilled cops over the years. But the above story is the first report of a federal officer who is radicalized into QAnon that I know of. || Travis View @travis_view · 17 juil. This marks the fourth time police have been spotted with QAnon symbols that I know of. The other three were an officer in Bellevue, WA tweeting QAnon slogans, a Broward County Sheriff wearing a Q patch next to the VP, and an Irvine PD motorcycle with a WWG1WGA plate frame.… Afficher cette discussion
Scoop: A QAnon-obsessed US Customs and Border Protection officer was arrested for threatening the assistant director of the Port of Newark over the past 9 months for his "involvement" in a slew of imaginary crimes Federal Agent Busted for Alleged QAnon Threat Against a Boss Alberto Almeida is charged with sending “numerous” menacing messages to a higher-up.
This is good stuff. Gelinas first being radicalized by Obama's election squares with a lot of the other QAnon believers I know about who started down the conspiracy path thanks to birtherism and Obama "just not being one of us." | William Turton @WilliamTurton · Deleted posts we obtained show that Qmap .pub was created with the explicit goal of onboarding as many "normies" into the conspiracy as possible. One friend of the creator I interviewed told me he said it was his "calling from god."
NEW: Major GOP Super PAC Club for Growth Goes All-In on QAnon-Friendly Candidate Lauren Boebert
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · First Taibbi piece I’ve largely agreed with in a while, deplatforming or mass banning is a terrible trend || Matt Taibbi @mtaibbi · After the QAnon ban, who's next?
Trump has now amplified the Twitter accounts of 7 QAnon-connected current or former 2020 congressional candidates: Buzz Patterson, Josh Barnett, DeAnna Lorraine Tesoriero, Angela Stanton-King, Antoine Tucker, Marjorie Taylor Greene, & Lauren Boebert. || Alex Kaplan @AlKapDC · Trump this morning amplified a QAnon account 3 times, amplified QAnon-promoting James Woods 2 times, & amplified 2 QAnon-connected congressional candidates. Afficher cette discussion
Facebook says it has banned Qanon, but its AI is still *promoting* it on Instagram. Great find from @JessReports
Who is Q: Why people think Jim Watkins leads QAnon conspiracy theory - Insider
October 2, 2020 Dans l’univers magique des Qanons, Trump feindrait d’avoir la covid19 pour cacher notamment l’arrestation de Hillary Clinton. La preuve ? Dans son dernier tweet d’annonce du coronavirus il publie le mot TOGETHER. Comprendre : TO GET HER (Hillary). — Tristan Mendès France (@tristanmf) October 2, 2020
QAnon's Creator Made the Ultimate Conspiracy Theory
Notre enquête dans la complosphère romande - Léman Bleu Télévision
Le mouvement QAnon est-il vraiment populaire ?
Who Is QAnon Evangelist, QMap Creator, and Former Citigroup Exec Jason Gelinas? - Bloomberg
Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · If you watch this video with myself and @TLAVagabond from a week ago, we told you this was going to be the narrative. || Ali Velshi @AliVelshi · “Vanilla Isis” may be the best description I’ve heard of these far-right nationalist “militias in America. Courtesy of @MalcolmNance
Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Just like Russiagate got US liberals to love hawkish policies and neocons like Bill Kristol, the pivot in targets of FBI entrapment will get US liberals to cheer on a new domestic "war on terror" that will target both left AND right. The FBI aren't your fucking friends!
Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · Here's our preview of the American Priority Festival and Conference that is being held, yes, in person at the Trump Doral. Speaker list includes convicted felon Roger Stone, far-right activist Jack Posobiec, and Islamophobe Laura Loomer.
Trump this morning amplified a QAnon account 4 times.
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · The genius of Trump is that he’s gotten a bunch of his idiotic followers to believe he stands in opposition to things like that, the same people acting like Bill Gates is Satan will be begging for Trump’s troops to inject them with drugs
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Internally on paper pandemic plans for how the Trump admin would deal with covid19 are probably super similar to Bill Gates, it’s funny that people think Trump stands in opposition to that draconian framework esp after his 200,000 vaccines deployed by US military a day comment
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Navy intel officer VS the deep state to own the libs Right-wing activist retweeted by Trump is Navy intel officer Jack Posobiec, a right-wing activist who brought attention to debunked conspiracy theories, is a naval intelligence officer.
How the GOP learned to love QAnon
The president retweeted an insane article alleging "Biden and Obama may have had Seal Team 6 killed" posted by a QAnon account and written by "an ex-Community Organizer and Homeschool Mom."
We are now up to 𝟖𝟔 current or former 2020 congressional candidates who have endorsed or given credence to QAnon. The newest additions are a write-in candidate in Massachusetts for November & a Florida candidate who will be on the ballot in November.
I'm always repeating this zen koan: "Left protects pedophilia, Left protects criminals, Left protects war lords, Left protects mafia, Left protects totalitarism, The problem is left.""
UPDATE: Trump has now amplified QAnon-promoting Twitter accounts at least 258 times via at least 150 individual accounts. Since the pandemic started, he has amplified QAnon-promoting Twitter accounts at least 163 times via at least 87 individual accounts.
The GOP starts forging a new alliance with QAnon
Fox News brought on a QAnon supporter as a guest tonight. The channel had brought on QAnon supporters as guests in 2018 & 2019.
Since just after midnight -- & the day after basically praising QAnon supporters -- Trump today so far has amplified a major QAnon account, QAnon-promoting James Woods, & 3 other QAnon-promoting accounts (one of them has "Q Team" right in their profile).
Exclusive: Logically Investigation Uncovers QAnon Central Hub Hosting Phishing Scams; Direct Ties to Jim Watkins
Marjorie Greene may be a familiar name, but there's much more to know about her, her supporters & the district she'll represent. A deep-dive in NW Georgia, featuring mask-free rallies, QAnon, CrossFit, a billionaire's grandson, scared Republicans & more: How the “QAnon Candidate” Marjorie Taylor Greene Reached the Doorstep of Congress “There’s nothing she can do to lose my vote, unless she murdered a baby or something,” a local Republican official said. “Nothing.”
Fox writer retweeting Qanon post that features a Fox graphic. human centipede
Facebook Expands Ban On Conspiracy Theory
Some QAnon followers are baffled that Trump used and endorsed a drug that was developed using fetal tissue cells.
Susan Collins Reaches Out To Qanon
QAnon is such a "fringe group" that the Republican Party endorses QAnon candidates, goes on QAnon programming, and uses its slogan ( ). | The Recount @therecount · RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel does not condemn QAnon outright here: “I knew you were going to ask me that question. I knew it. Because it’s something the voters are not even thinking about. It's a fringe group.”
Rod of Iron Ministries - False Christianity, Moonies, and the CNP for the Next Generation (New Age)
Leon Black Reveals Other Jeffrey Epstein Finance Clients—Including A U.S. Treasury SecretaryWhy Trump Isn't Talking About The Stock Market Anymore
CIA Spanberger Doesn't Like Dems Talking About Socialism
Murdoch, Scaife and CIA Propaganda – Consortiumnews
Trump loosened the rules of engagement for the wars in Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, and Yemen. He's given the CIA power to carry out offensive cyberattacks. He's trying to prosecute a journalist for exposing US war crimes. He's not battling the deep state, you doofus.Right-wing Bolivian protesters refuse to accept election loss
Inside Bolivia's historic defeat of a coup regime
Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · During his election night coverage, Glenn Beck floated the possibility that people may have a duty to take up arms and overthrow the government to prevent Democrats from stealing the election and destroying the Constitution.
Fake Person Discovered Behind Alleged Hunter Biden Documents
The idea that the Dem Party is ‘connected to US intel’ while Trump has been in power for 4 years and somehow the GOP is not linked with US intel or CIA is one of the most bizarrely ignorant, naive, reductive watered down narratives I’ve ever seen. It’s also just fucking dumb
Pro-Trump Caravans Disrupting Election Traffic Have Ties to QAnon | Right Wing Watch
Roger Stone: If Trump wins, Rod Rosenstein and other “coup” plotters “must be hung by the neck until dead.”
Election 2020 Special w/ Whitney Webb & Robbie Martin - YouTube
Douglas Valentine @dougvalentine77 · 2 nov. the essence of the fascist Phoenix program here at home: special ops mercenaries targetting leftists Private Security Firms Ramp Up for Potential Election Unrest in Minneapolis Private security firms are fielding armed special operations veterans to do guard work around Election Day.
Its amazing that Rudy Giuliani can continue to command so much media by wrapping himself in the flag despite his actual 9/11 WTC record when it comes to firefighters. @AddieStan @JohnFugelsang @pchowder @profwolff @MaraGay @ThisWooly @richard2380 Giuliani was always a fraud. Just ask the FDNY The FDNY struggled to get functional radios during Giuliani's tenure. Many died on 9/11 because Giuliani ignored the warning signs
Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · NEW - Untested AI software was used to verify mail-in ballot signatures in highly contested localities like Clark County, Nevada. The Silicon Valley firm behind it (called Parascript) boasts close ties to Lockheed Martin & Microsoft
One of the armed men busted in Philadelphia is a hardcore QAnon believer, buying into the conspiracy theory’s claims about JFK Jr. faking his death and a mystery substance called adrenochrome. ‘Backbone of the #MAGA Movement’: Armed Man Busted Near Philly Vote Center Is ‘Vets for Trump’... He was arrested with Antonio Lamotta, who mused online about killing people over the “fake ‘natural pandemic’ psyop crisis” and embraced
Misinformation 2020! Let The Chaos Commence, Or Will Trump Just Lay Down? - YouTube
Trump's Cult Shows Up At Bill Barr's House Demanding He Investigates Joe Biden
#AlexJones to President @realDonaldTrump : Don't Concede
Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · Former congresswoman Michele Bachmann calls on God to "smash the delusion, Father, that Joe Biden is our president. He is not."
Evangelicals stick with Trump, see upside even if he loses
HAMMER Time and SCORECARD - CNP/SCL/USIA Psychographical Warfare On US - Prince Charming Syndrome - YouTube
Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · Radical right-wing commentator Josh Bernstein urges Trump to declare martial law, use the military to arrest poll workers to stop the vote counting, and order a new election.
Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · Among those in tow: far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, Nick Fuentes’ white nationalist “groypers,” Bikers for Trump, followers of the far-right conspiracy QAnon movement, and “famous evangelical pastors.” Right-Wing Operative Ali Alexander Plans D.C. March With Far-Right Friends | Right Wing Watch With his host of far-right friends, right-wing operative Ali Alexander has planned a national march on Washington, D.C., this Saturday as part of his
Dave Daubenmire is now targeting Attorney General William Barr’s wife as part of his campaign to pressure Barr to arrest Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton.
Gingrich Pushes 'Soros Stole the Election' Conspiracy Theory on Fox News George Soros has donated billions of his personal wealth to liberal and anti-authoritarian causes around the world, making him a favored target among many on the right
They're accusing Fox News of being Soros funded plants now || Omar Navarro @RealOmarNavarro · George Soros has taken over Fox News indirectly. The fact Newt Gingrich was censored from saying his name over a month ago. It’s clear now what happened.
The CEO of One America News network is absolutely dedicated to shielding his viewers from reality. || Robert Herring @RobHerring · With all the states that have been found to have illegal voting, it's looking like not only will Biden NOT be elected as the AP claimed, but chances are GREAT @realDonaldTrump will be confirmed as President again. Save your fireworks!
Gab CEO Andrew Torba is very welcoming to the influx of QAnon Adherents on his platform as in his latest email blact he speaks of "The Great Awakening and The End of an Elitist Era"
Trump Jr. Calls For "Total War" As His Dad Loses More States
The US Has Been Moving Toward Fascism Since Goldwater
Trump Wanted Top Notch Re-Election Lawyers. He Got a MAGA Clown Show.
Steve Bannon and his co-host discuss beheading Dr. Anthony Fauci and FBI Director Christopher Wray.
Newt Gingrich Calls on Trump Justice Department to Jail Election Workers in Bonkers Rant Baselessly Alleging Stolen Election.
Code Red: Barr Seizes Internet Domains of Media Outlets - Accuracy.Org
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · fascinating that this @HudsonInstitute lackey @DarrenJBeattie is using Infowars style talking points implying there is a 'color revolution' to oust Trump, this dude works at the same think-tank that Bush-era neocon psychopath Scooter Libby rakes in a $300k per year salary
Whitney Webb sur Twitter : "May be a good idea to review the "simulations" of the Transition Integrity Project, which has considerable ties to numerous "new organizations" and gamed out the creation of chaos for multiple election day scenarios:" / Twitter
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · The MAGAs are going classic Brooks Brothers Riots (which Roger Stone took credit for) simultaneously with sketchy neocon laced think-tanks (Hudson, Claremont) promoting the idea online that a ‘color revolution’ coup of some sort unseated Trump. Very interesting tactics
Twitter has labelled this tweet by Marjorie Taylor Greene, who is now a Congresswoman, as misleading. She claims Joe Biden is involved in "voter fraud".
Election Special Part 3: How The Bipartisan Swamp Is Engineering Election Chaos In Philadelphia - YouTube
Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · Why did Attorney General Bill Barr meet & pray with Dave Daubenmire, a deeply bigoted, anti-Semitic, anti-choice, anti-LGBTQ right-wing conspiracy theorist who has called interracial marriage “spiritual AIDS” and demanded that Hillary Clinton be executed?
Exclusive: Far-Right Creationists Are Setting Trump's Virus Response | Right Wing Watch
Election Chaos Unfolding Exactly As P̶l̶a̶n̶n̶e̶d̶ Predicted & We've EVERY Reason To Question COVID - YouTube
We are now up to 𝟗𝟑 current or former 2020 congressional candidates who have endorsed or given credence to QAnon. The newest addition is a former Texas independent congressional candidate. (h/t @NinjaEsq )
Conner O'Malley Introduces DemAnon
QAA Podcast @QanonAnonymous · Details on the chan servers hosting CP while QAnon was acting on the chans as the white knight against CP
QAA Podcast @QanonAnonymous · "Operation Underground Railroad" is run by Tim Ballard. QAnon & MAGA love him. They're even making a biopic with Jim Caviezel. Unfortunately, OUR is now under investigation in Utah. It appears they raised money by falsely claiming credit for rescues.
QAA Podcast @QanonAnonymous · Big news was broken today about the man closest to Q. @alibreland & @AJVicens write that Jim Watkins, owner of 8kun & QAnon promoter, ran multiple sites w/ URLs clearly referencing child pornography. No need for half-baked theories. Journalism is better.
Ed Martin is at least the 2nd Trump campaign advisory board member to tweet the QAnon slogan, the other being Stacey Dash. Another Trump campaign advisor, Tony Shaffer, has given credence to QAnon.
Trump has spent the past four years in office explicitly pandering to QAnon believers. We put together a timeline of how his administration has been openly endorsing the conspiracy theory from the very beginning:
QAnon is supposed to be all about protecting kids. Its primary enabler appears to have hosted child porn domains.
QAnon Is Supposed to Be All About Protecting Kids. Its Primary Enabler Appears to Have Hosted Child Porn Domains.
UPDATE: Trump has now amplified QAnon-promoting Twitter accounts at least 265 times via at least 152 individual accounts. Since the pandemic started, he has amplified QAnon-promoting Twitter accounts at least 169 times via at least 90 individual accounts.
The congressional candidates who have engaged with the QAnon conspiracy theory Nearly two dozen Republicans across the country who have engaged with the QAnon conspiracy will also appear on the ballot this November in their congressional districts – or in two cases, statewide...
This is what I mean: here's the White House press secretary lauding Woods -- who, again, is a QAnon supporter.
Of those 97 current or former congressional candidates, 27 of them will be on the general election ballot today. Citer le Tweet Alex Kaplan @AlKapDC · Here are the 48 known QAnon-connected congressional or state legislative candidates who are on the general election ballot today.
Deep State, Deep Church: How QAnon and Trumpism Have Infected the Catholic Church - Type Investigations
Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) donated $2,000 to QAnon congressional candidate Angela Stanton-King, an author and television personality who is very unlikely to win her race.
In light of QAnon bans, this pre-print suggests deplatforming decreases the ability of toxic communities to remain active and attract new members. But also suggests that those who do migrate to new platforms can become more toxic and ideologically radical.
Episode 115: Pre-ElectAnon feat Dave Weigel
UPDATE: QAnon supporter Rob Chase has been elected to the Washington State House of Representatives.
The Onion @TheOnion · 7 min Newly Elected QAnon Congresswoman Worried She Selling Out By Working With Pedophile Cabal
QAnon Congress Member: Marjorie Taylor Greene Wins In Georgia
UPDATE: QAnon supporter Mark Szuszkiewicz has been elected to the New York State Assembly.
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Paul Joseph Twatson hasn't tweeted since A) Biden called winner by msm B) David Knight, most well respected Infowars employee called out Alex Jones' main long time 'intelligence source' Steve Piezcenik as being part of a CIA op to 'trap' Infowars audience Citer le Tweet Paul Joseph Watson @PrisonPlanet · 6 nov. "Bringing the country back together again."…
A false conspiracy theory (for ex. Steve Pieczenik) about "watermarked" ballots that came from QAnon supporters is spreading elsewhere in the far-right, with Infowars, Gab's CEO, and 4chan users in a big thread pushing it.
Robbie Martin sur Twitter : "this event put a huge strain on Italy/US relations in the late 90s because the US military covered it up, but you know what also put a strain on Italy/US relations? when Steve Pieczenik was accused by Italy of assassinating Aldo Moro" / Twitter
Even after the call the QAnoners are still slurping up @StevePieczenik ’s controlled opposition fake narrative, amazing
Michael Flynn's QAnon-friendly lawyer says "when the real votes are counted, Trump will win. He is in charge of this country."
A reminder that Trump amplified this specific QAnon account when she pushed coronavirus misinformation & Anthony Fauci was then forced to rebut what she claimed.
The Onion @TheOnion · QAnon Followers Frustrated After Q Calls For Respecting Election Results, Uniting Behind Biden
QAnon isn't a fluke. It's a combination of big tech and Republican politics
"The researchers identified a strong statistical correlation between state polls that underestimated Mr. Trump’s chances and a higher-than-average volume of QAnon activity in those states, including Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio." Research is finding a strong correlation between state polls that underestimated President Trump’s chances and a higher-than-average volume of QAnon activity in those states. Study Considers a Link Between QAnon and Polling Errors New research indicates that pollsters may not have captured the Trump support swirling around the online conspiracy theory.
En réponse à @QanonAnonymous Not his take. PurpleAnon posted this theory on 8chan in May 2019. Q is Kushner + Bibi
Nikki Haley congratulates anti-Semitic blood libel (QAnon) conspiracy proponent || Nikki Haley @NikkiHaley · Congratulations @laurenboebert! We are excited to get you up to Washington to shake things up. Thank you Colorado!
A legal adviser for Trump’s campaign & multiple Fox News figures have shared a video from a QAnon account with a major following, helping the video get millions of views.
4chan's evolution into an engine of bigotry and far-right content was driven in part by a secretive site administrator (with the charming handle of "RapeApe") who pushed the moderator corps towards allowing more racist and toxic content. Me, @motherboard The Man Who Helped Turn 4chan Into the Internet's Racist Engine 4chan moderators and leaked chat logs show that the infamous imageboard didn't become the hateful site it's known as by accident. A
Travis View @travis_view · A lot of people, myself included, have been speculating absout what the next evolution of QAnon will look like. I certainly didn't guess "Steve Bannon connected, Billionaire-funded Chinese QAnon." It’s so obvious in retrospect. || Justin Horowitz @justinhorowitz_ · New from me: GTV, the media platform operated by Steve Bannon’s billionaire benefactor Guo Wengui, has fully embraced QAnon. The platform is currently filled with videos promoting the outlandish conspiracy theory in Chinese.
That's two QAnon supporters walking the halls of Congress next year. Boebert said the QAnon mov't is “only motivating and encouraging and bringing people together, stronger—and if this is real, then it can be really great for our country.” lauren-boebert.png Diane Mitsch Bush concedes Colorado's 3rd Congressional District race to Lauren Boebert Rifle restaurateur and Republican political newcomer Lauren Boebert will be Colorado’s next 3rd Congressional District congresswoman after her
A QAnon supporter, Logan Cunningham, was elected to the Beaufort County Council in South Carolina.
QAnon state legislative candidates tally has been updated with the general election results. 23 candidates this cycle were known to have embraced QAnon at some level, 21 made it to the general election ballot, & 7 were apparently elected.
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · did i predict the QAnon narrative fracturing and/or taking over the entire conspiracy movement in February 2017? you decide || Trump's Bay of Pigs @FluorescentGrey · 23 févr. 2017 Pieczenik who started 'deep state coup against Trump' meme says there are many US gov insiders loyal to Alex Jones
Mike Huckabee’s PAC has been giving money to QAnon candidates | Media Matters for America
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · It really was Trump who was the satanic pedophile the whole time
The John and Lee Show - Jim Watkins Interviews Thomas Schoenberger - YouTube
Meet the Twitter-verified MAGA Influencers Spreading the QAnon Gospel
The video that Trump just pinned to his Twitter account, which edits together clips of Trump rallies, was made by QAnon promoter "Julian's Rum." Julian's Rum first posted the video on wednesday.
Unopposed GOP House candidate Marjorie Taylor Greene won her congressional election. She is a QAnon and 9/11 conspiracy theorist who has promoted anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic remarks, among other vitriolic rhetoric:
Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · Why is it that *our* videos exposing Liz Crokin keep getting removed for violating YouTube's guidelines, while Crokin's own videos are not? As YouTube cracks down on QAnon content, it is removing our videos even while YouTube channel remains active.
Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · During his election night coverage, Glenn Beck floated the possibility that people may have a duty to take up arms and overthrow the government to prevent Democrats from stealing the election and destroying the Constitution.
Fake Person Discovered Behind Alleged Hunter Biden Documents
The idea that the Dem Party is ‘connected to US intel’ while Trump has been in power for 4 years and somehow the GOP is not linked with US intel or CIA is one of the most bizarrely ignorant, naive, reductive watered down narratives I’ve ever seen. It’s also just fucking dumb
Pro-Trump Caravans Disrupting Election Traffic Have Ties to QAnon | Right Wing Watch
Roger Stone: If Trump wins, Rod Rosenstein and other “coup” plotters “must be hung by the neck until dead.”
Election 2020 Special w/ Whitney Webb & Robbie Martin - YouTube
Douglas Valentine @dougvalentine77 · 12h FOX News as a CIA psyop: The Reagan admin pulled right wing media execs Murdoch and Scaife into a CIA-organized “perception management” op which aimed Cold War-style propaganda at the American people in the 1980s Murdoch, Scaife and CIA Propaganda Special Report: The rapid expansion of America’s right-wing media began in the 1980s as the Reagan administration coordinated foreign
NCSC sur Twitter : "New alert from @CISAgov & @FBI: Iranian Advanced Persistent Threat Actor Identified Obtaining Voter Registration Data. See:" / Twitter
A widely circulated video showed Jews being harassed at Black Lives Matter protest. The attacker is part of a fringe group.But at least one of the Jewish men involved has shared content from far-right activists and believes the entire Black Lives Matter movement is anti-Semitic.
Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · Attorney General Bill Barr met with radical right-wing activist Dave Daubenmire and others who protested outside his home yesterday demanding the arrest of Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama.
Dem House Leader sur Twitter : "Raw footage of mailroom in post office here in Miami Dade. Source revealed “mail in ballots are within these piled up in bins on the floor. Mail has been sitting for over week!.” @AmandiOnAir @PeterSchorschFL @MarcACaputo @GlennaWPLG @CNNPolitics @NewsbySmiley @realDonaldTrump" / Twitter
Anti-Trump 'Lincoln Project' Neocons Becoming A Media Operation
Article from 2000 talking about how Roger Stone led the ‘Brooks Brothers Riots’ in Miami that effectively helped stop the Florida recount in the Bush VS Gore presidential election
Douglas Valentine @dougvalentine77 · 13 oct. more on Trump's faith based mercenary goon squad Company supplying former special ops forces to Minnesota for ‘election security’ is linked to a… The company, Atlas Aegis, works closely with another Tennessee company that provides military-like training to faith-based groups
Reminder that Stephen Harper leads an international fascist organisation that no one talks about. || Barbetta @barbetta1 · 27 oct. Wow. Canadian far right extremists, while in power in Canada, had funneled taxpayers money through a Republican NGO.. to Ukraine. This from five years ago. It's a no-brainer.. no doubt, this is a far right payment, quid pro quo, for foreign election help.
Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · While @YouTube suspends our account for posting plainly educational videos on what extreme right-wingers are actually saying, they allow Alex Jones three hours days before the election, courtesy of @joerogan
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · This wasn’t deployed by a ‘credible’ leaking organization like Wikileaks or a trust worthy figure. These leaks have been exclusively distributed to insane hard right media figures and psychopathic neocons like Rudy Giuliani and Jack Posobiec, they’re steering the narrative
Far-Right and White Supremacist Groups Are Training for Violence in the US | Right Wing
Watch Earlier this week, Buzzfeed reported that Patriot Front, a three-year-old a white supremacist group labeled “one of the most active hate groups in the United States,” is actively training in prepar...
Patriotwave's Boogaloo: Engineering an Aesthetic of Violence - UNICORN RIOT Leaked Discord chats from the Boogaloo group 'Patriotwave' show the group has deep ties to the US military and embraces racist, fascist ideology.
Fox News And Facebook Have Ruined Boomers' Brains
Is COVID-19 the antidote to Trump-style populism in Canada? | The Star
Douglas Valentine @dougvalentine77 · 22 oct. domestic Phoenix program || 7News Boston WHDH @7News · 22 oct. White supremacist group talked about paramilitary training in secret vetting calls
Trump Inciting Right-Wing Terrorism in Michigan
Trump Causes Election Chaos With New Claim
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 8h If you watched CIA recruit Tucker Carlson’s segment last night you probably saw the Hudson Institute biatch talking about how what’s happening is a ‘color revolution’ this is a scripted and deployed talking point by literal PNAC associates
if you've been curious about who is organizing the "stop the steal" rallies to undermine the election, i did a round-up of the former tea party organizers and suicide squad of disgraced right-wing internet trolls running a bunch of them Meet the right-wing trolls behind "Stop The Steal" Just who is pushing the ballot count protests on Trump's behalf?
Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · Hey, @Facebook , why are you suspending us for reporting on the bad actors spreading COVID disinfo while allowing Alex Jones back on your platform?
Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Isn't funny that the lady in charge of cybersecurity for the NSA (Anne Neuberger) is married to an AIPAC board member? No conflict of interest here at all... . . || AIPAC @AIPAC · 31 oct. Iran is attempting to influence our election. A group of Iranian hackers sent thousands of threatening messages to voters in several states, including Florida.…US Cyber Command expanded its operations aimed at identifying malicious foreign cyber actors before Tuesday's presidential election, using missions to not only seek out Russian hackers, but those from Iran and China as well, a US official confirmed to CNN.
Conner O'Malley Introduces DemAnon
UPDATE: QAnon supporter Rob Chase has been elected to the Washington State House of Representatives.
The Onion @TheOnion · Newly Elected QAnon Congresswoman Worried She Selling Out By Working With Pedophile Cabal Congress Member: Marjorie Taylor Greene Wins In Georgia
Robbie Martin sur Twitter : "this event put a huge strain on Italy/US relations in the late 90s because the US military covered it up, but you know what also put a strain on Italy/US relations? when Steve Pieczenik was accused by Italy of assassinating Aldo Moro" / TwitterEven after the call the QAnoners are still slurping up @StevePieczenik ’s controlled opposition fake narrative, amazing
Michael Flynn's QAnon-friendly lawyer says "when the real votes are counted, Trump will win. He is in charge of this country."A reminder that Trump amplified this specific QAnon account when she pushed coronavirus misinformation & Anthony Fauci was then forced to rebut what she claimed. isn't a fluke. It's a combination of big tech and Republican politics
That's two QAnon supporters walking the halls of Congress next year. Boebert said the QAnon mov't is “only motivating and encouraging and bringing people together, stronger—and if this is real, then it can be really great for our country.” lauren-boebert.png Diane Mitsch Bush concedes Colorado's 3rd Congressional District race to Lauren Boebert Rifle restaurateur and Republican political newcomer Lauren Boebert will be Colorado’s next 3rd Congressional District congresswoman after herA QAnon supporter, Logan Cunningham, was elected to the Beaufort County Council in South Carolina.
Douglas Valentine @dougvalentine77 · FOX News as a CIA psyop: The Reagan admin pulled right wing media execs Murdoch and Scaife into a CIA-organized “perception management” op which aimed Cold War-style propaganda at the American people in the 1980s Murdoch, Scaife and CIA Propaganda Special Report: The rapid expansion of America’s right-wing media began in the 1980s as the Reagan administration coordinated foreign
Trump Campaign’s Lara Trump Door Knocks for Bigoted Conspiracy Theorist Laura Loomer in Florida
FLASHBACK: Steve Bannon had morning with disgraced Jeffrey Epstein (Another Trump-Epstein connection!)Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Trump said he was bringing troops home stationed in Germany when in actuality those troops are being moved in a Cold War 2.0 escalatory fashion near the Russian border Defense Sectary Visits Hawkish Atlantic Council to Announce US Troop Buildup on Russia Border US Defense Secretary Mark Esper visited the Atlantic Council to announce that the US would not withdraw US troops from Germany.
Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Yet another CIA-linked Big Tech company has now been added to Operation Warp Speed. Will have an article on this soon.
Controversial tech firm Palantir is reportedly building a data tool to help US authorities allocate COVID-19 vaccines
Election Meddling Psyop & Trump Admin Uses "Combating Anti-Semitism" To Disguise Big Tech Censorship - YouTube TLAV with Whitney Webb
Let's be very honest QAnon does not care about missing kids, they especially won't care about these kids as they don't fit within their political worldview. QAnon only cares about how missing kids fit within the QAnon ideology and how it plays with the faith they have in Q || Matt Binder @MattBinder · yo qanon, where you at. multiple cases of missing kids and you don’t need to break some sort of secret code on wayfair’s online store to find out about it…
In the new @YahooNews /@YouGovAmerica poll a staggering 50% of @realDonaldTrump supporters believe Democrats are involved in elite child sex-trafficking rings, a claim at the heart of the QAnon conspiracy theory. Only 17% reject those claims. @AndrewRomano
Mike Huckabee’s PAC has endorsed and donated $5,000 to Jo Rae Perkins, a QAnon conspiracy theorist who is the Republican Senate candidate in Oregon.
Trumpworld Wraps Up The Campaign by Going Full QAnon Conspiracy Theory
Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · There is something rather ironic about right-wing pastor Jim Garlow appearing on a program hosted by birther conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi and declaring that liberals are suffering from "massive mental illness."
Steve Bannon endorses Q Anon. @willsommer did the dirty work of listening to his podcast:
Pompeo said set to declare human rights groups ‘anti-Semitic’ over Israel stance
How Bolivia's new socialist senator resisted coup terror
Operation Warp Speed officials just told reporters they're publishing some of their contracts. Here's Moderna:
Responding to multiple FOIA requests, HHS begins to publish some Operation Warp Speed contracts on its FOIA reading room.
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Still think it’s cute that Trump’s conspiracy base is still fixated on Bill Gates but gives absolutely zero fucks about the Trump promoted Bill Gates flavored Operation Warp Speed military soldiers giving you an experimental vaccine program he keeps hyping up
Joe Rogan Fact Checks Alex Jones on Operation Lockstep
Pat Robertson: God Says Trump Is Gonna Win & Usher In End Times
Trump Converts His Religion To Gain Votes
theJuiceMedia sur Twitter : "The US Government has made an ad about QAnon and it’s surprisingly honest and informative. 🐇" / Twitter
Alex Kaplan @AlKapDC · Folks, we are now up to 𝟗𝟎 current or former 2020 congressional candidates who have endorsed or given credence to QAnon. The newest addition is a former Texas congressional candidate. (h/t @NinjaEsq )
National Republican Party Formally Backs QAnon Supporter.
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Here is former CIA/State dept Steve Pieczenik saying that his group of ‘patriot’ insiders ‘gave’ Assange the emails (at 3:00 ) Is he telling the truth? No idea but still a very bizarre and interesting lost thread Steve Pieczenik Hillary Clinton Takeover of the U S Clinton
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · It also makes me wonder if pizzagate was spiked on top of the podesta and dnc email leaks in order to distract away from provable Clinton foundation corruption, this has a similar flavor. Burisma gone like a poof of smoke
There has been a lot of talk about QAnon and a well-known body of work in the sociology of religion/social psychology called the “failure of prophecy”. A new piece by me and @_MAArgentino for @RDispatches , and a short thread: QAnon’s Predictions Haven’t Come True; So How Does the Movement Survive the Failure of Prophecy? John F. Kennedy Jr. is dead and has been dead for some time. In July 1999, the small plane he was traveling in crashed off the coast of Martha’s AnteDote 10-21-20 (Part 1 of 2) - YouTube
Q Fs Things Up 4 Everybody
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · for some reason the Miles Guo surrogate @ding_gang has chosen this bizarre QAnon grifter named @Qtah17 as a conduit to hype up the alleged 'pizzagate' nature of the Hunter laptop
The magic trick they performed with social media platforms like these was the privatization of free speech, so that that its expression falls under the jurisdiction of company bylaws instead of the U.S. constitution or any civil rights recognized by nation states
Trump's Bay of Pigs @FluorescentGrey · i'm so conspiratorial that i've actually entertained the theory that Russiagate & Mueller's involvement was just a giant rope-a-dope psyop so that there would be so much Mueller Russiagate hatred that it would be virtually impossible to penetrate below to his 2001 anthrax coverup
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · You look forward to the guy who destroyed the 9/11 crime scene and had a sketchy anthrax cleanup company called BioOne spearhead your legal effort, Good luck dude || Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · I look forward to Mayor Giuliani spearheading the legal effort to defend OUR RIGHT to FREE and FAIR ELECTIONS! Rudy Giuliani, Joseph diGenova, Victoria Toensing, Sidney Powell, and Jenna Ellis, a truly great team, added to our other wonderful lawyers and representatives!
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Unfortunately almost every credible seeming scientific paper alleging the virus was man-made did take the bait and over zealously try to establish a link to China’s labs and/or the Wuhan area with not so subtle injections of anti-China neocon think tank propaganda or Western MSM
#226 - Whitney Webb on Election Chaos | The Tim Dillon Show - YouTube
Michele Bachmann Releases Bizarre Video Begging God To Undo The Election
Trump's Authoritarian Lineage w/ Ruth Ben-Ghiat - MR Live - 11/12/20
Televangelist Appears To Have Nervous Breakdown As Trump Loses Election
Pro-Trump Televangelist Handling His Loss Very Normally - YouTube
Religious Lunatics Influencing US Leaders
Josh Bernstein Urges Trump to Take ‘Drastic Action’ to Stop Democrats From Allegedly Stealing the Election
Pence to Speak to Secretive Council for National Policy Friday; CNP Members Involved in Saturday's 'Stop the Steal' Rally | Right Wing Watch
Pompeo Makes Shocking Claim: ‘There Will Be a Smooth Transition to a Second Trump Administration.’
Trump Fires Top Pentagon Officials
Trump's Pentagon Firing Spree Is Freaking People Out
Dudes Talking Episode 85 - Flynn Rides Again With The Antedote
40% Of Republicans Say Biden Didn't Win The Election
RJC and ZOA, two right-wing Jewish groups, won’t say ‘president-elect’ Biden for now
- Steve Pieczenik claims ballots watermarked in massive sting op - Israel National News
- Video (remix) Trump's Election Ballot Sting Operation? - Steve Pieczenik
- No, Vote-By-Mail is NOT an Elaborate “Sting” by Trump (by David Knight of Infowars.)
- Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Alex Jones brings back on disinfo peddler and Tom Clancy advisor @StevePieczenik even after Infowars employee @libertytarian aka David Knight said Steve was a ‘CIA shill’ who is ‘trying to trap us’.
- Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · .@libertytarian , who is considered the most well respected Infowars host (even the people who think Alex is a shill still tune in for David) was just fired from his hosting slot by Alex Jones
- David Knight @libertytarian · 18 dec. 2020 If you believe my firing was financial #INFOWARS is PAYING someone to do THIS: A Parler follower sent me this sequence of screenshots There was nothing hateful or obscene Not only was the comment removed the commenter was BLOCKED from further comments on the site
Trump's Election Ballot Sting Operation? - Steve Pieczenik Predicts President Jared Kushner
A false conspiracy theory (for ex. Steve Pieczenik) about "watermarked" ballots that came from QAnon supporters is spreading elsewhere in the far-right, with Infowars, Gab's CEO, and 4chan users in a big thread pushing it.
No, Vote-By-Mail is NOT an Elaborate “Sting” by Trump
Groundbreaking Claim! Trump Set Up Democrats In Sophisticated Sting Operation – Caught Stealing Election Red-Handed
Steve Pieczenik claims ballots watermarked in massive sting op - Israel National News
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Alex Jones brings back on disinfo peddler and Tom Clancy advisor @StevePieczenik even after Infowars employee @libertytarian aka David Knight said Steve was a ‘CIA shill’ who is ‘trying to trap us’ -- Trump is Purging the Deep State Says Dr. Steve Pieczenik. Dr. Steve Pieczenik joins The Alex Jones Show to break down Trump's actions against the out of control...
Robbie Martin sur Twitter : "this event put a huge strain on Italy/US relations in the late 90s because the US military covered it up, but you know what also put a strain on Italy/US relations? when Steve Pieczenik was accused by Italy of assassinating Aldo Moro" / Twitter
Trump just retweeted that deranged Jon Voight video that accuses Democrats of being in league with Satan, claims we’re in our worst crisis since the Civil War, and calls on Americans to “fight like it is our last fight on Earth.”
Seven Days in November Part 1: Nukes, Cyber, and Cohen Watnick and his Tata at the Pentagon
The leader of Facebook's largest and most dangerous anti-vaxx Facebook group has gone full QAnon this year. He posts less about vaccines, but constantly about guns and getting ready "for what's coming." Now, vibing off the President, he tells his 200,000 members "Shoot them all."
Beattie went on Frank Gaffney's tv show, still finding him having his own show crazy, to explain his election color revolution theory
Trump's False Prophet Mark Taylor Reacts To Election Loss
Karl Rove: Leave Trump's Lackeys Alone!
Half OF Top Facebook Posts Have Been Spreading Conspiracies About Election Results
Trump tweeted voter fraud lies about Dominion, a company that provides hardware and software for ballot counting, driven by false reporting from OANN The President Tweeted Something Bad Again It was in all caps!
Trump Is Inspiring Right Wing Violence By Undermining Election Results
A Staten Island Trump supporter with an interest in the militia movement was arrested on Tuesday, after calling for crowds of New Yorkers to be gunned down in the streets while celebrating the election results.
Man Arrested Over Threat to Schumer and Vow to ‘Blow Up’ F.B.I. - The New York Times
Far-Right Extremists Heading to Washington Amid Talk of Trump “Coup.”
Proud Boys Leader Wants Everyone To Know That The Group Is Antisemitic
Trump this morning quote-tweeted attorney Lin Wood, who has the QAnon slogan right in his profile.
Here is Arizona GOP Chair @kelliwardaz retweeting Ron Watkins, the one-time administrator of 8chan/8kun, a website known for hosting loads of child pornography while under his control. The site is also home of QAnon.
Before Trump tweeted this OAN segment, Ron Watkins, the son of 8kun owner Jim Watkins & a now-former 8kun administrator, claimed that Chanel Rion had reach out to him to push this baseless conspiracy theory.
OAN ran an interview about voter fraud with the son of the owner of 8kun/8chan, who also ran 8kun/8chan until Election Day. OAN describes him as a "technical analyst." || Alex Kaplan @AlKapDC · 14 nov. And now OAN has aired an interview Chanel Rion did with Ron Watkins to push the false Dominion conspiracy theory. Rion only described Watkins as a "technical analyst" and did not disclose his ties to 8chan/8kun.
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · The same UK government funded anti-terror neocon (Project Veritas' James O'Keefe) who used to bash 9/11 truthers is now dipping fully into QAnon and right wing chud click bait conspiracy world
Episode 116: QAnon VS President-Elect Joe Biden
Is the QAnon Fantasy Unravelling? | Right Wing Watch
Within the past hour, Arizona GOP Chair @kelliwardaz has promoted more QAnon nonsense. The video embedded in the tweet is blatant QAnon propaganda. The account that posted it is named "17time," with Q being the 17th letter of the English alphabet.
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · thought the Ron Watkins Parler tweet about his dad Jim posting as Q sometimes was the smoking gun we were looking for, but was it just more misdirection? and if it is misdirection, what purpose does it serve to falsely try and 'prove' Jim Watkins=Q?
Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · QAnon conspiracy theorist Mark Taylor claims that talk of a promising COVID-19 vaccine is really code for Trump's plan to arrest "the cabal." Amazingly, that is not even the craziest thing said in this clip.
Here’s how it works: • QAnon spreads #Dominion conspiracy theory • Former 8kun admin Ron Watkins contacts Rudy Giuliani about the story • Pro-Trump network OAN contacts Watkins • OAN runs the story • Trump tweets out the conspiracy — repeatedly
Martin @FluorescentGrey · Part of the reason I’ve never bought into the
idea of a monolithic deep state being VS Trump is because Trump’s own
campaign transition team had several people suspiciously connected to
the inside job 2001 anthrax attacks Trump Promised to 'Drain the Swamp,'
but He's Filling It With Neocons A clique of Bush-era neoconservative
outliers whipped Americans into a frenzied state of fear and anxiety
after 9/11. Now they’re back.
Martin @FluorescentGrey · 25 nov. Trump just pardoned a neocon war
criminal who co-wrote a book with PNAC neocon psychopath Michael Ledeen
but you may not know that because several influential left figures have
manipulated the narrative to make it appear Flynn is a good guy battling
the deep state
Michael Flynn's lies to FBI included one about Israel By RON KAMPEAS/JTA
Actress: Me Voting For Socialism Like Jews Voting For Hitler
New York State EXPANDS Criminal Investigation Into Donald Trump's Tax Write Offs!
Tucker Carlson EXPOSED For Giving High Paid Private Speeches At Wall Street Banks!
7 Days in November Part 2: Pinpointing the Triumvirate of Treason - YouTube
You're a Great American Oliver North! - Tucker Carlson 2.5 - YouTube
Martin sur Twitter : "Absolutely insane and probably deserved more
coverage than the Benghazi-fied Fast & Furious GOP hill obsession
The Great Gumbino @gumby4christ · 27 nov. "One of the most feared and
brutal drug cartels, Los Zetas, were trained by a Special Forces group
at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina."
Mike Pence's Remarks to the Council for National Policy - 11/14/2020
Nick Spero - CNP ,. Alt-Media CamWhores,. “OutLaw Country”
American Fascist Christian Right - YouTube
Judeo-Christian Neocon QAnon PsyOp Exposed - YouTube
The Newsmax CONservative Deception - CNP, Clinton Foundation, Kissinger, and More! - YouTube
It's Real: Trump TV To Declare War On Fox News!
Roger Stone Weighs In On Bolton And Assange
his latest livestream Mike Cernovich explains that he's calling out
Trump for failing to put "bounties" on people "attacking" supporters.
Pilling the Left & Deep State Arm of Capital w/ TrueAnon's Brace
Belden and Liz Franczak par Media Roots Radio | Écoute gratuite sur
Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · 20 nov. End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles
says America is facing a Satanic communist takeover that will crush the
church and so Christians must prepare themselves to be gunned down in
the streets as they resist.
Reichstadt : « Le “chef du monde libre”, c’est aussi le complotiste en
chef aujourd’hui » | Conspiracy Watch | L'Observatoire du
Tear gas for BLM, red carpet for MAGA marchers
Wacky Georgia GOPer Thinks Trump Won Her State...Just Because
Jon Voight: Leftists Are Satan & Biden Stole The Election
Le trolling de Donald Trump sur Twitter serait une stratégie de diversion selon une étude
Storm Recedes? QAnon Post-POTUS & the Chan Board Origin Story of Q
w/ Fredrick Brennan par Media Roots Radio | Écoute gratuite sur
When not spewing conspiracy theories, Trump Legal Strike Force member Lin Wood thinks lunar eclipses are signs of the End Times.
QAnon Lawyer Inspired Even More George Soros Disinformation Trump's
allies aren't just boosting already existing disinformation, they're
inspiring the creation of new narratives to poison the public discourse.
Powell, Mike Flynn's lawyer now working for Trump, says the election
was rigged by "communist money" and a scheme devised by the late Hugo
Chavez, President of Venezuala. Vidéo intégrée 1:32 1,7 M vues This
claim about election fraud is disputed
Denver Riggleman @RepRiggleman · “If you look at the Giulianis or the
Sidney Powells of the world, they’re making money off the a
mythological quest of things that can’t be proven. I saw it with
Bigfoot. I’m seeing it with QAnon. It’s about money. And sometimes crazy
and money live in the same space.”
Powell is a beacon of hope to sad Qanon supporters A few weeks before
the election I went to a meeting of QAnon fanatics in Scottsdale,
Can The Republican Party Survive Trump's Coup Attempt?
Brazil: Trump Ally Bolsonaro Refuses to Acknowledge Biden Win & Downplays COVID as Death Toll Mount
Rick Wiles Warns Left-Wing Activists to Flee Florida Because 'We're Coming After You'
'Million MAGA March’ Draws Thousands in Gathering of Pro-Trump Conspiracy Theorists
secretary of state says she's received increased "threats of violence"
and says Trump and other elected officials are "perpetrating
misinformation" about the election "in a manner that violates the oath
of office they took." "It is well past time that they stop." ||
Secretary Katie Hobbs @SecretaryHobbs · Arizona Secretary of State Katie
Hobbs released this statement in response to ongoing and escalating
threats of violence directed at her family and her office.
'Stop the steal' | Alex Jones leads pro-Trump rally in Atlanta
in a segment shared and cited the former congressional candidate's
tweet with the QAnon Twitter's account's wording. OAN indirectly cited a
QAnon account to push a false election claim.
Here president Trump is promoting an OAN segment you may have heard on the latest @QanonAnonymous episode.
just tweeted out an interview with Ron Watkins, the one-time admin of
8chan/8kun, a website which hosted pedophile forums, images of child
sexual abuse and which also is also the home of QAnon. The interview
referred to Watkins as a "cyber analyst" but didn't mention 8kun.
weird that the President is retweeting OANN videos with the QAnon guy
rather than just, well, you know, unsealing the supposed indictments,
and holding the military tribunals, and ushering in The Storm, and all
the rest, no?
advance his baseless election fraud claims, Trump is relying on Ron
Watkins: 8kun admin and possible author of some Q drops Sidney Powell:
who has appeared on QAnon livestreams and retweets Q promoters and L.
Lin Wood: who has repeatedly tweeted the QAnon slogan "WWG1WGA"
|| Alex Kaplan @AlKapDC · Trump has again tweeted video from OAN
featuring Ron Watkins pushing the Dominion conspiracy theory, this time
from an OAN special about the conspiracy theory. And again it does not
appear that OAN disclosed Ron Watkins' ties to 8chan/8kun.
Trump just gave more attention to Ron Watkins, the guy whose (former?)
website is home to QAnon, forums for pedophiles, and images of child
sexual abuse. || Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · Vidéo intégrée 9:58
“Dominion-izing the Vote” Part One via @OANN @ChanelRion
Trump Cites QAnon Hub 8kun Admin Ron Watkins as Election Expert
Sinclair is about to air Steve Bannon peddling a discredited voting fraud theory to millions of local TV viewers
Trump’s coup depends on the right-wing information bubble | Media Matters for America
Lawyer Sidney Powell Is Hardcore QAnon Her performance at Thursday's
press conference was virtually a recitation of QAnon’s greatest hits.
Old screenshots of Sidney Powell sharing QAnon content
Lawyer Sidney Powell Joins Insane Giuliani Presser Claiming Conspiracy
Between Communists, Antifa, Soros, Clinton and Hugo Chavez.
One year ago today Sidney Powell appeared on a QAnon livestream. Today she's on Trump’s legal team.
Joe Warmington, Pal of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, Fueled Sidney Powell’s Latest Trump Conspiracy
you watch a press conference where someone says they have irrefutable
evidence & then those people go into court and admit they don't have
evidence, it should make you think about how they can be punished for
lying to the court but cannot be punished for lying to YOU. || Feminist
Proper Gander @dappergander · 10 nov. Alex Jones in court: None of this
is true, I made it all up Alex Jones on the courthouse steps: It's all
real, I was lying in there Alex Jones in court the next day: I swear I
wasn't lying to you, your honor, please don't fine me, again I stress I
made it all up rinse, repeat…
is the basis for the conspiracy theory about Dominion voting systems
and Venezuela that Sidney Powell was talking about: an anonymous, typo
filled declaration.
@BradHeath notes, Rudy here appears to still be peddling what was
entered into a Georgia court as "Exhibit Q." The affidavit's data
confused Minnesota precincts with Michigan ones. The failed case was
filed by a QAnon-slogan spouting lawyer.
Lies Are Taking Over Election Conversations Online One in 20 tweets
about the election now comes from a QAnon account.
Sidney Powell retweet alleges that the CIA helped steal election on behalf of radical left-wing populist Hugo Chavez
Reveals the Mass Manipulator of the 2020 vote: It's @Bill Gates." It
was only a matter of time before Bill Gates was also dragged into voter
fraud claims as one of the main culprits. Not sure what took them so
Facebook, YouTube doesn’t even pretend to give a crap. || hasanabi
it's worth noting as the Trump campaign now tries distancing itself
from QAnon promoter Sidney Powell how big the "release the Kraken" line
from Powell regarding false voter fraud claims had been in the past week
among the far-right online. They have shared many memes hyping it.
Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · 21 nov. Because @TuckerCarlson dared to
criticize Sidney Powell, radical right-wing conspiracy theorist Rick
Wiles is now pizzagating him.
Holt @jaredlholt · Sidney Powell, one of the lawyers in the Trump
campaign’s failing legal effort to flip the election results, went on a
retweet binge of a leading QAnon conspiracy theory content creator. Only
the best for Trump!
don't think anyone could have predicted that the admin of 8kun (Ron
Watkins) would effectively become the puppetmaster of the Republican
Party of Arizona. New surprises every day.
Haaretz Pompeo’s grotesque farewell party in Israel shows that the Trump team knows it's over. While
Donald Trump has barricaded himself in the White House, refusing to
concede the election and leading President-elect Joe Biden to call for
donations to ...
QAnon Mom Arrested For Murder of Fringe Legal Theorist.
TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire are allowing QAnon channels on their
streaming platforms -- mostly thanks to one video hosting service |
Media Matters for America
the QAnon angle on Iran? Glad you asked. There's a QAnon-alinged
Iranian opposition movement, called "Restart." It's led by Seyed
Mohammad Hosseini, an exiled Iranian game show host who lives near
Disneyland and promotes vandalism in Iran through the app Telegram.
has announced that he intends to nominate Scott O'Grady to be an
assistant secretary of defense. O’Grady is a Trump adviser who has
retweeted QAnon accounts, pushed right-wing conspiracy theories, and
promoted other toxic rhetoric.
Marianne Williamson: New Age Spiritual Types Getting Sucked In To QAnon
is my Rep, Ken Buck, at a campaign rally today with Cory Gardner and a
soon to be QAnon member of congress, Lauren Boebert. In what world is it
appropriate for a sitting US Congressman to wear this shirt? When
people are being killed in the streets? This isn't leadership.
FLASHBACK: Steve Pieczenik on Infowars about Sandy Hook (March 2013)... | Facebook
attorney for Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse appears to be a QAnon
believer L. Lin Wood, the attorney representing Kyle Rittenhouse, the
teen charged in the Kenosha shooting, appears to believe in the QAnon
conspiracy theory.
Trump Fades, but the Culture War Doomloop Is Eternal
More Trump Goons Push For Martial Law Declaration
It's getting harder to rule out General Flynn's involvement in Q, now that he quote tweets Ron. I wonder if he and Jim have some kind of NDA/contract. Someone of his stature would want assurances about Q drops, right?
"Flynn follows several Japanese QAnon accounts" is a thing I started trying to point out back in 2018/early 2019, even! It's a SUPER solid entry level piece imo. QAnon's Rise in Japan Shows Its Global Spread The conspiracy theory’s foothold in Japan -- home to one of its most active networks outside the U.S. -- demonstrates how the movement can be made palatable in a range of countries as it gains...
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Michael Flynn has been with his wife since she was 13 years old, feel like Q needs to get on the case and figure out what the hell is going on
Include the ‘adversarial’ ‘left’ press that keeps implying neocon war criminal Flynn is a deep state fighting badass || Mondoweiss @Mondoweiss · Israeli interference in U.S. policy has been more effective than Russian interference, but the press leaves out Mike Flynn's work for Israel now that he's pardoned. #FlynnPardon #Israel
Trump is now closing in on and isn't that far off from reaching 200 amplifications of QAnon-promoting Twitter accounts since the coronavirus pandemic began in the United States. || Alex Kaplan @AlKapDC · Trump this afternoon retweeted a tweet that quote-tweeted a QAnon account.
Trump this morning quote-tweeted Shiva Ayyadurai, a former Senate candidate who has pushed QAnon.
Siege the Day: QAnon, Trumpist Blockages, and the Logistics of Spiritual Warfare -
DOJ Investigates Cash For Pardon Scheme
Trump Modeled After America's Worst Mayor
Tucker Interviews Oliver North (12-1-2020) - Tucker Carlson 2.51 - YouTube
The Great Reset and The Great Awakening Are One In the Same - The Beast and The Harlot Part 3 - YouTube
Has the CIA's Phoenix Program Taken Hold of U.S. Cities? with Special Guest Douglas Valentine - YouTube
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 16h It is true that many people died from inhaling anthrax that Rudy later got paid to ‘clean up’
Top Iranian Nuclear Scientist Murdered By Israel And/ Or US
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · .@robert_spalding if you’re so sure this pandemic was ‘intentionally spread’ you might want to look into the 2001 anthrax attacks, where they came from and how your co-workers like Scooter ‘germ boy’ Libby acted suspicious as fuck during the event || crossroads @crossroads_josh · “It was intentional to spread the pandemic...I am absolutely certain it was deliberately done.” --@robert_spalding @JoshJPhilipp has more in this FULL INTERVIEW:
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · even the wikipedia article on it's face makes Rudy Giuliani look like a sick fuck on 9/11
FLASHBACK: Trump pardons Scooter Libby, says he was 'treated unfairly' WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump issued a pardon Friday to I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, suggesting the former top aide to Vice President Dick Cheney had been "treated unfairly" by a special...
FLASHBACK: Trump pardons Bernard Kerik: Why the former N.Y. police commissioner spent time in prison
FLASHBACK 24 juil. 2017 Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 24 juil. 2017 ICYMI: Rudy Giuliani dirty criminal mother fucker thread 1) His lawfirm represented CIA asset Manuel Noriega : "Lauder Advertisement Seeks To Link Giuliani and Noriega" (Published 1989)
“Operation Condor”: The CIA’s Secret Global War Against Latin America’s Left
A Trap? Why Assassination of Top Iranian Nuclear Scientist Could Tie Biden’s Hands in Future Talks
Empire Update: Did Trump Order Iran Assassination? - YouTube
Red Lines Live: US & Israel pushing Iran to brink of war
Israeli filmmakers put AIPAC and U.S. evangelicals under the spotlight – and are alarmed at what they find - U.S. News -
Former AIPAC Insiders Condemn Lobby in New Israeli Documentary – Music and Arts - WRMEA
Why the Pro-Israel Lobby Made ‘a Deal With the Devil’ and Embraced Trump
Analyst expects 'friction' between Israel, Biden administration - YouTube
« Le bon flic » : Joe Biden et Israël pendant les années Obama
Barack Obama REVEALS AIPAC & Pro-Israeli Lobby Is Very Powerful, Says Dems FEAR AIPAC In New Book!
Barack Obama opens up on AIPAC influence during his presidency
Obama says disagreements with Israel carried 'domestic political cost': Report | Middle East Eye
Obama follows in Jimmy Carter’s footsteps and speaks out against Israel and AIPAC – Middle East Monitor
Obama suggests bullying campaign by pro-Israel lobby in new memoir
Obama: Netanyahu paints himself as ‘chief defender’ of Jews to justify political moves
Jonathan Cook sur Twitter : "Corbyn, it seems, has found an unlikely ally in former US President Obama. In his new autobiography, he writes of the Israel lobby's power: 'Those who criticized Israeli policy too loudly risked being tagged as "anti-Israel" (and possibly anti-Semitic)'
Obama’s true sentiments are relevant to the next US administration
J'ai lu... Les mémoires de Barack Obama - Partie 5/5 : Obama et Israël - YouTube
Obama reveals challenging relationship with Israel and Netanyahu - YouTube
Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Palantir was shaped, not just by Peter Thiel and Alex Karp, but the very 2 figures behind Total Information Awareness (TIA) and the former business partner of Christine Maxwell (Ghislaine's sister) at Chiliad. There is a clear link leading us from PROMIS > Chiliad/TIA > Palantir
The Eugenicist Mindset Propelling Operation Warp Speed w/ Whitney Webb
Palantir’s Tiberius, Race, and the Public Health Panopticon -
Steve Bannon, Guo Wengui, & the World's Most Expensive Selfie Evidence exists indicating the company that made Steve Bannon's business partner Guo Wengui a billionaire was involved in the the second biggest drug bust in American history.
CIA Assassinations, Anticommunism & the Phoenix Program w/ Douglas Valentine
Cyber War Declared in U.S. and UK to Quash Vaccine Hesitancy as Nations Prepare for Mass Inoculations • Whitney Webb
AnteDote Live (12-9-20): Greg's C-SPAN call & Jeremy's Lighthizer question
Dudes Talking Episode 90 - Your Thoughts Are Not Always Your Own With Neil Sanders - YouTube
Dudes Talking Episode 89 - Cybernetic Messiah: Building the Antichrist System With Wayne McRoy
Looking Forward AND Backwards - The Antedote
Right Wing Watch sur Twitter : "Right-wing conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi is urging people to participate in a "Jericho March" in DC and state capitals as a form of "spiritual battle" because "God and Jesus Christ are not going to let this election be stolen."" / Twitter
Quote by @dougvalentine77 : “...these symbols like the word ‘deep state’ evoke things from our collective unconscious [...] Phoenix represented the dark side of the [N.] American psyche [...] Trump has appealed to the deep state in all of us; the dark side of our own psychology.”
Jerome Corsi is confident that the Supreme Court will hand Trump a second term: “I’ve always said Trump would win at the Supreme Court. Look at this case it’s brilliantly written. And I think that who put this together for Texas did a first-rate job and they’re going to win.”
Trump has now amplified QAnon-promoting Twitter accounts 200 times since the coronavirus pandemic began in the United States. || Alex Kaplan @AlKapDC · Trump today also amplified major QAnon account Major Patriot & QAnon-supporting attorney Lin Wood each 3 times, along with amplifying Tracy Beanz (also known as Tracy Diaz), who reportedly helped popularize QAnon, & QAnon-supporting cartoonist Ben Garrison.
Kyle Rittenhouse, Kenosha, and the New Far-Right Battleground | Right Wing Watch
Macroaggressions - #81: The Hidden Hand of DC Politics | John Brisson
David Knight @libertytarian · 18 déc. If you believe my firing was financial #INFOWARS is PAYING someone to do THIS: A Parler follower sent me this sequence of screenshots There was nothing hateful or obscene Not only was the comment removed the commenter was BLOCKED from further comments on the site
Fox News loses Trump lovers to OAN, Newsmax
Proud Boys run wild while police stand by (again)
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · wait so the 'CCP' is making us think Trump is going to do a military coup but the real way to save the country is from 'martial law', lol what's the difference?
We've Read The Documents @weve_read · I was always taught by conspiracy inc it would be the UN blue helmets sending us to the camps, not our own divided nation. Alex Jones the pied piper to the FEMA camps. Thank you Nancy and God bless.
Right-Wing Epoch Times Urges Trump to Take ‘Decisive Emergency Actions’ to Deter ‘Attack’ on Election
Oath Keepers’ Stewart Rhodes Repeats Demand That Trump Declare Martial Law to Avoid Militia-Led Civil War
State of the Union: Dark Winter w/ John Brisson, Mark Kulacz & Recluse
Le «Mein Kampf» de Donald Trump - World Socialist Web Site
QAA Podcast @QanonAnonymous · 15 dec 2020. our incredible president has now retweeted ron watkins, son of jim watkins, heir to the 8kun throne
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · ICYMI mainstream Republicans are now going ‘full Epoch Times’ this cartoon is an old Epoch classic. Oh also Epoch Times has gone full QAnon in the past several months
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · The circle is complete now Flynn just has to start the civil war || QAA Podcast @QanonAnonymous · our incredible president has now retweeted ron watkins, son of jim watkins, heir to the 8kun throne
Alex Jones Launches NEW Battle Against...Elections!?
The Darkest Winter - John Brisson on The Farm
Trump's Thugs Are Causing Violence Across America
Right-wing media and Trump tout Michigan “audit” by group with QAnon links.
The New Age of Jericho (March) - The Beast and The Harlot Part 4 - YouTube
‘We Prayed Him Out of There’: Dave Daubenmire Rewrites the History of His Meeting With Bill Barr
The QAnon General: Tracing the Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of Michael Flynn
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · neocon war criminal General Michael Flynn is 'not calling' for martial law, he's just musing about why we should do it to give the election to Donald Trump [VIDEO]
Lawyers Condemn Michael Flynn and Lin Wood’s ‘Breathtakingly Morally Treasonous’ Call for Trump to Declare Martial Law and Hold New Election
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Martial law is 'needed ASAP' says a freedom loving patriot || KenGriffeyJr HOF Player/Person @CostaRicanSurf · 14 dec. 2020 En réponse à @realDonaldTrump et @BrianKempGA It needs to be a bad day soon for Brian Kemp & Doug Ducey. Martial Law is needed ASAP & they need to be arrested/prosecuted via Military Tribunals because we no longer have system of Justice in America.
VISUP: Fort Bragg: Strange Deaths and Stranger Moves There have been some interesting developments concerning US special operations forces of late. As I recently noted, Trump has made some incredible moves during his (presumptive) final months in office. They included making a veteran special operator the acting Secretary of Defense; placing one of General Michael T. Flynn's cronies in charge of all special operators and military intelligence; and effectively elevating the US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) into it's own branch of the Armed Forces.
AnteDote Live (12-9-20): Greg's C-SPAN call & Jeremy's Lighthizer question
Episode #81 - The Hidden Hand of DC Politics | John Brisson - YouTube
How a QAnon-Backing Hormone Doctor Financed 2020’s Craziest, Scariest Election Conspiracy
We've Read The Documents @weve_read · "President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Appoint Individuals to Key Administration Posts" (Full of CNP members.)
Deutsche Bank says Trump's private bankers have resigned
Betsy DeVos Tells Staffers To Obstruct The Biden Administration
Trump pardons Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Charles Kushner and others
Donald Trump gracie une quinzaine de personnes dont des ex-employés de Blackwater | Le HuffPost
Dudes Talking Episode 91 - Off the Cuff with Angel Martin - YouTube
"New World Order" Getting Tossed By Americans
GLITCH IN THE CODE With John Brisson (The Council On Foreign Relations & The Great Reset) - YouTube
AnteDote Live (1/8/21) - The Eye of the Shitstorm: From the Fraud of Law & Order to the Reality of C - YouTubePro-Trump dark money groups organized the rally that led to deadly Capitol Hill riot
Biden: Capitol marauders are ‘thugs, insurrectionists and anti-Semites’ who should be prosecuted
Biden: Capitol rioters, ‘insurrectionists and anti-Semites,’ must be prosecuted
‘Ready to Die’: Two Months of MAGA Mob Warning Signs.
Who Dies for Donald Trump? Ashli Babbitt’s loved ones didn’t know how extreme she was until they saw her storm the Capitol.
Family: Trump Supporter Who Died Followed QAnon Conspiracy
Google Suspends Parler Social Networking App From Play Store; Apple Gives Warning Google Suspends Parler Social Networking App From Play Store; Apple Gives 24-hour Warning
Episode 124: The Jesus Q Connection (Vol 1) with Liv Posting
The U.S. Attorney's office also arrested Jacob Anthony Chansley, a.k.a. "Jake Angeli," Saturday. Investigators said he was the man seen in viral photos of the siege dressed in horns, a bearskin headdress, with red, white and blue face paint.
QAnon wasn't just a disinfo pyschological operation, it was a honeytrap to set up useful idiot patsies as a pretext for the final takedown of American patriots. Now we have unprecedented censorship and domestic terrorism crackdown thanks to you all 'trusting the plan'.
Right Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · jan. 2021 Even radical right-wing conspiracy theorist Rick Wiles says that Trump needs to immediately resign for instigating the MAGA insurrection at the Capitol.
The 65 days that led to chaos at the Capitol - BBC News
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · jan. 2021 also are we just going to pretend that Roger Stone constantly going on Infowars leading up to the 2016 election wasn't a deliberate part of the Trump campaign itself? of course it was, oh and Roger Stone also used to tell Infowars audience Trump was a secret 9/11 truther!
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · jan., 2021 Ben is mostly correct here but Jones was crucial for originally kicking QAnon into the larger realm of the movement, Jerome Corsi of Infowars claims the Trump admin tasked him to 'decode' Q postings (could have been bullshit but still should be examined) || Ben Collins @oneunderscore__ · jan. 2021 Good example of the factionalization going on in the online right this week. Alex Jones isn’t a huge Q guy (he’s been on and off the bandwagon), but many who have been predicting Civil War for years, like InfoWars, are sick of QAnon’s magical thinking.
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · jan. 2021 First decade being a really key phrase here, and also creepy seeing a neocon hawk who works at Committee on Present Danger China with 4 actual PNAC members retweeting Glenn’s war on terror posturing, pretty weird and disturbing
Jim Lobe @LobeLog · jan. 2021 Don Jr. is apparently getting his talking points from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD).
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · jan. 2021 Wonder how much time Ben Rhodes chopped it up with our good buddy Cass Sunstein —> || LBC @LBC · jan. 2021 Former Obama Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes worries that the number one danger to the USA is 'extremism' facilitated by the Republican party during President Trump's reign. @DavidLammy | @brhode
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · jan. 2021 Understanding what’s happening yet? When Trump got purged now all the neocons including this slime ball mass murderer want to purge all Iranian and Chinese gov related accounts || Bernard B. Kerik @BernardKerik · jan. 2021 Is @Jack anti-Semitic or just anti-American? You allowed this terrorist to remain on your platform, but removed @realDonaldTrump for the following: “everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”
Trump said considering Dershowitz, Giuliani for defense in possible impeachment
Groyper @_groyper · jan. 2021 Behind Cambridge Analytica. Behind General Flynn. Behind Steve Bannon. Etc. Etc. Mercers should be in jail. || Groyper @_groyper · 3h Mercers are behind Parler. Behind Rebel News. Behind StopThe Steal. Behind Breitbart. Behind Milo. Behind about 40% of the people in this photo:
Whitney Webb Breaks Down The Capitol And The Ghosts Of DHS Past And Future! - YouTubeJohn Pilger @johnpilger · 9 jan. 2021 The made-for-media theatrics on Capitol Hill were not an attempted "coup". Coups are what the CIA stages all over the world. Neither was "democracy" in peril. What democracy? And Trump is no more than a caricature of a system of which Biden, Obama, Bush etc are the embodiment.
Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · 8 jan. 2021 If you think the coming CIA/DHS war on domestic terror is just for Trump's base, keep in mind the longtime targets of those agencies. For the CIA, it's leftists and for DHS, it's people of color. People on both sides will be labeled "domestic terrorists" when convenient
Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · 8 jan. 2021 Before Congress, Elissa worked for the CIA and the Pentagon and helped destabilize the Middle East during the Bush and Obama admins. What she says here is essentially an open announcement that the US has moved from the "War on [foreign] terror" to the "War on domestic terror" || Rep. Elissa Slotkin @RepSlotkin · 8 jan. 2021 The post 9/11 era is over. The single greatest national security threat right now is our internal division. The threat of domestic terrorism. The polarization that threatens our democracy. If we don't reconnect our two Americas, the threats will not have to come from the outside.
We've Read The Documents @weve_read · jan. 2021 Paging Michael Flynn and Ezra Cohen Watnick, you need to pick up your operative at the jail cell. @Obi1unome @RyanOlah2 @AntedoteGreg @CAVDEF_George @JesseSpots @_groyper @HousatonicITS @hamiltonesqr @macroaggressio3 Trump supporters try to break through a police barrier, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, at the Capitol in Washington. U.S. Army investigating officer who led group to D.C. Trump rally turned riot The Army is investigating a psychological operations officer who led a group of people from North Carolina to the rally in Washington that led up to the deadly riot in the U.S. Capitol by supporter…
Infowars’ Alex Jones funded and fomented the mob | Media Matters for America
Episode 125: Coup Anon feat Elle Reeve & Eleanor Janega
Army investigates psyops officer for role in Washington on day of Capitol riot | US Capitol breach | The Guardian
New: The Army is investigating a psychological operations officer who led a group of people to the rally in Washington that led up to the deadly riot in the U.S. Capitol by supporters of President Donald Trump. W/ @JZBleiberg and @StorytellerSBM
The QAnon crowd believes there will be nationwide power and cell outages tomorrow, followed by POTUS invoking Insurrection Act, and then mass arrests before he stays in power. Impossible to overstate how unhinged and dangerous this conspiracy and its adherents are.POLL: How Unpopular Is The Failed Capitol Hill Insurrection?
We've Read The Documents @weve_read · jan. 2021 The storm has arrived! || Carl Willis @CarlWillisTV · 10 janv. Buses of National Guard troops still filing into the Capitol tonight. We’re seeing them stationed every few feet along new barricades installed around key buildings. @ABC7News
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · jan, 2021 Seems like we have a pretty serious QAnon problem in law enforcement, maybe the FBI should look into that before ramping up a domestic terror watch list for regular QAnon supporters || Alex Thompson @AlexThomp · jan. 2021 .@PhillyInquirer reports that local Detective Jennifer Gugger was removed from her position in the police department’s Recruit Background Investigations Unit after Internal Affairs received tips she’s been at the Wed riot This was a recent FB post of hers
President Trump Officially Declares State of Emergency In D.C. Through January 24, 2021
Fascism Scholar: Strongman Trump Radicalized His Supporters; Turning This Back Will Be Very Hard
One of QAnon’s Biggest Influencers Is a Failed Hollywood Screenwriter QAnon followers know him as "Neon Revolt." In real life, he's a failed screenwriter from New Jersey named Robert Cornero, Jr.
More indications that the disinformation networks that drove the spread of Covid-19 falsehoods are integrated with the networks spreading voter fraud disinformation and feeding the grievance-based violence that we saw on Jan 6: ‘I do regret being there’: Simone Gold, noted hydroxychloroquine advocate, was inside the Capitol... The physician, an outspoken critic of lockdowns and other government efforts to stop the spread of covid-19, said she followed a crowd in and did not realize it was illegal to enter the building.
Watch this video analysis of how Capitol attackers dragged police officers into the crowd, beating one with a stick that carried an American flag while the crowd chanted "U-S-A!" (Contrary to social media, the officer who died was not in this group)
'QAnon Shaman' Arrested for Storming the US Capitol Is a Navy Veteran |
Trump has repeatedly amplified QAnon Twitter accounts. The FBI has linked the conspiracy theory to domestic terror. | Media Matters for America
We've Read The Documents @weve_read · jan. 2021 Oh boy! Alex Jones: Trump is Helping Big Tech Take to Down Patriots - DC... Urgent Warning from Alex Jones: Do NOT return to Washington DC this week to protest & stay away from state capitols. Trump flipped & is helping the Deep Sta...
Rick Perry Says Texans Would Rather Freeze Than Have Socialism
Dems Want 9/11 Style Commission For Capitol Riot
We've Read The Documents @weve_read · 4h CNP ops Brent Bozell IV, Son Of Prominent Conservative Activist, Charged In Capitol Riot Online sleuths looked into Bozell because he wore the sweatshirt of a Christian school where he previously served as a girls' basketball coach.
Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · He got paid 70k! || Monica Perez @MonicaPerezShow · CNN, NBC paid accused rioter for his 'let's burn' Capitol video via @washtimes
Trump’s Impeachment Defense Lawyer: It Was ‘Antifa.’
From Shitposting to Sedition - a report on the 2020 US presidential election. Moonshot and the ADL monitored and responded to violent threats and violence-inciting disinformation from September - December 2020. Read the report here.
Far-right groups are cracking up in the aftermath of the Capitol riot, convinced their ranks are riddled with FBI informants. FBI Informant Panic Is Ruining Friendships All Over the Far Right From Proud Boys panicked about the revelation that their leader was a snitch to the racist America First crowd, old pals are now enemies.
Insurrectionist Zip Tie Guy Uses Democrats' Impeachment Arguments To Prove Trump Instigated Riot
Here's a clip of paid FBI provocateur Gary Thomas Rowe testifying to the Church Committee that the 1961 mob attack on a busload of Freedom Riders was done with the advance knowledge of the FBI and was in fact *organized* by the Birmingham police. FBI KKK Informant Testifies: Church Committee 12-2-75 PREVIEW Full 65 minute program debuts May 21 at 10pm and May 22 at 4pm ET on C-SPAN3's Reel America®SERIES:
The Far-Right Militia Member Providing Muscle for Top Trump Allies and Aides Oath Keeper Rob Minuta’s apparent security role shows a troubling network of connections between members of the militia and some of Trump’s closest advisers and supporters.
"There Never Was a Plan" - Michael Flynn and The Grand Q Delusion - YouTube
Meet the Bizarro Crew That Shut Down a Los Angeles Vaccine Site At least two filmed themselves at the Jan. 6 rally that preceded the attack on the U.S. Capitol.
Amazon vs. Unions & From F.B.I. Informant to Proud Boy - YouTube
Please stop suggesting that QAnon only has the support of just some & it's not a big deal. QAnon has harmed the pandemic response, some GOP political operatives have said they view QAnon supporters as a group to appeal to, & of course the Capitol storming. In 2020, QAnon became all of our problem
Opinion | Marjorie Taylor Greene Knows Exactly What She’s Doing The once-porous border between the right and the far right has dissolved.- The New York Times
It's easy to forget how deeply Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi were caping for QAnon - until they realized it could get more popular than them. || Naomi Herbe @girly_GRRRL · 5 Feb 2021 "Military tribunals." Corsi claimed he verified who Q is, and that they are coordinating with Trump. He claimed his job is to interpret Q's data for the ppl. Alex Jones: "Our mission is to take this complex information to the people, and mobilize them."
Rob Minuta, the Oath Keeper ABC identified as doing security for Roger Stone on Jan. 6, was also seen escorting Michael Flynn at the 12/12 Trump rally and Alex Jones at the 11/14 rally. The Far-Right Militia Member Providing Muscle for Top Trump Allies and Aides Oath Keeper Rob Minuta’s apparent security role shows a troubling network of connections between members of the militia and some of Trump’s closest advisers and supporters.
Enemies of the Deep State: The government's war on domestic terrorism is a trap -- Puppet Masters --
Pushing QAnon and Stolen Election Lies, Flynn Re-emerges Recast by President Trump’s most ardent supporters as a MAGA martyr, Mr. Flynn has embraced his role as the man who spent four years unjustly ensnared in the Russian investigation.
One of my closest friends was radicalized by YouTube. It started a few years ago with "thought-provoking" and "contrarian" vids. But, thanks to the suggested videos algo, got darker and more violent, he lost his wife, kids, and friends, and none of us know where he is today. || Sacha Baron Cohen @SachaBaronCohen · jan. 2021 YouTube is the new Trump TV. Trump's YouTube Channel shows +4,000 Trump videos, including "stop the steal" and calls "to fight!" Corporate America--WHY are you running your ads on You Tube Trump TV?! RT to tell @Google, @YouTube, @SusanWojcicki... #BanTrumpSaveDemocracy!
It Rains on the Just and Unjust - The Age of Aquarius Blues - YouTube
AnteDote Live: An Update (December 19, 2020) Jusqu’où vont aller Trump et ses enragés? | JDM
America braced for final month of madness as Trump show nears its end | Donald Trump | The Guardian
Heavily Armed Far-Right Mob Floods Oregon Capitol.
Only Chicoms and Wimps are against "American" Martial Law - Alex Jones - YouTube
Trump Asked About Imposing Martial Law to Run a New Election.
Republican defends Trump’s talk of a military coup: ‘It was a conversation — not a revolution.’
DESPERATE Trump Discusses 'Martial Law' To Overthrow Election
Donald Trump envisage tout pour renverser l'élection
Trump Is Going Full QAnon for His Final Month in Office
As Trump meets with QAnon influencers, the conspiracy's adherents beg for dictatorship
Trump leans on QAnon figures in flailing effort to overturn election - POLITICO
‘It’s a cancer’: Pompeo says US will brand BDS ‘anti-Semitic,’ crack down on it
Under Trump, Israel became the GOP's Mideast branch
Laura Loomer Claims RNC Chairwoman Told Her She Was a ‘Rock Star’ and ‘Change Agent’ for GOP
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · In the same way that Trump ‘takes the mask off’ and reveals the ugliness and obviousness of US empire and oligarchy. Laura Loomers victory takes the ‘mask off’ the concept of congressional candidates being totally marionettes of ruling class power factions, shes a blatant cutout
Laura Loomer declares that her opponent, Democrat Rep. Lois Frankel, is "the epitome of a self-hating Jew" and "a traitor to her own people" who "doesn't even have enough principles to stay loyal to her own kind."
Loomer est formée par Project Veritas (opération d'espionnage de Erik
Prince), sioniste depuis ses voyages ave Birthright Israel. Elle est une
habitué des plateaux d'Infowars. Elle a été prise en
photo ave Sheldon Adelson, qui se dit le juif le plus riche du monde, et
qui se trouve être le plus important donateur du GOP. Loomer est
acharnée à promouvoir la censure drastique de toute forme de
propos antijuif sur internet et les réseaux sociaux, alors qu'elle est
bannie de toutes les plateformes et se plaint tout le temps d'être
victime d'antisémitisme. Mais on n'entendra pas parler contre elle
chez les "patriotes" car elle mène son combat avant tout "contre les
gauchistes et les marxistes" -- tant qu'on s'en prend tous ensemble à
Soros et aux gauchistes ya pas problème. La photo de sa victoire aux
Primaires la montre aux côtés du gay flamboyant (encore un!) juif Milo
Yannipoulos. Tous deux vantent fièrement les exploits de leur communauté
dans les réseaux sociaux où ils ne sont pas bannis ("nous, les juifs,
on contrôle bel et bien les médias, les banques".)
The Council For National Policy Exposed
The CNP, Dominionism, and the False Hope of #QAnon: A discussion with John Brisson
The Deep State Roots of Western Right Wing "Populism" (Episode 10)
David Duke and the Alt Right Disinfo Campaign
Deep State misappropriation and the cryptocratic clique behind Trump™
Strategy of Tension and the Partisan Weaponizing of Conspiracies, From John Birch to Jerome Corsi
JBS, Soros, Bogeymen and False Paradigms (Episode 33)
Wing Watch @RightWingWatch · Right-wing military analyst Robert
Maginnis says that Satan "has either directly or indirectly recruited"
George Soros to serve as one of his top proxies on Earth.
Who Does Jerome Corsi Represent?
Jerome Corsi Indictment?, Alex Jones vs QAnon, and Infowars Rewriting History
The Truth About the "Satanic Panic" with Author John Brisson - YouTube
QAnon: Trust the Plan, Trust the Scam, or Israeli ConOps Coup?
9/11 Truth, QAnon, and how Pre-Scripting Is Used to Discredit Movements
Racing Toward The Cliff Of Dictatorship
US Airstrikes On Iraq, WEF's 2030 Vision Of YOUR life, MP Urges Mandatory Vaccines/Digital Passports Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · that's creepy Trump is taking debate couching from a guy who made something to the tune of $10million off the 2001 anthrax attacks from one of the most suspicious companies i've ever seen in my life || Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 8 juin 2018 With Rudy Giuliani generating odd headlines daily you'd think someone would have mentioned this creepiness by now, but memory-holed obv Afficher cette discussion
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · the wild part is people at think tanks like Hudson including Scooter Libby (Saagar's co-worker) are probably chomping at the bit *praying* that Pence becomes president so they can push all their crazy neocon think tank shit through even faster || Saagar Enjeti @esaagar · Pray for our president and our country…
At the news of President Donald Trump’s positive COVID-19 diagnosis, right-wing actors and politicians went into overdrive testing out farcical conspiracy theories, blaming China and the Democrats, and attacking anyone who criticized the president. Right-Wing Actors Test Out Conspiracy Theories in Wake of Trump’s Positive COVID-19 Diagnosis |... At the news of President Donald Trump’s and first lady Melania Trump’s positive COVID-19 diagnoses, right-wing actors and politicians went into
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 18h if you're seeing what's happened the last 4 years as the opposite (Trump is a deep state plant) of how it's been made to appear (Trump VS deep state) then the most logical conclusion would be that people inside the so-called deep state helped get him elected
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 24 min If this isn’t a troll tweet it’s pretty funny ("We ned more people like Greenwald to protect Trump against the attacks of the left." TROLL!)
The qualifier for the highest rank of Proud Boy—known as the "Fourth Degree"—necessitates entering a physical conflict for their cause. Meanwhile, members have joked about wanting to shoot and kill "antifa." What You Need to Know About the Proud Boys, the Hate Group Trump Told to ‘Stand Back and Stand By’... Analysis The question should’ve been an easy one. At the first debate between the major-party presidential candidates Tuesday night, Fox
The Proud Boys on Telegram have now posted an image with its logo and Trump's remark. || nikki mccann ramírez @NikkiMcR · Trump told the Proud Boys to "stand by" and it looks like they were watching
Sur une page Facebook des complotistes Qanon je suis tombé sur un policier qui participe à leurs lives. Il n'est en aucun cas représentatif de la police – membre d'un syndicat ultra-minoritaire – mais ça pose quelques questions… Avec @tristanmf dans #VraiOuFake
QANON. Dans une séquence de l’émission « Vrai ou Fake », Julien Pain, journaliste à France Info, explique comment il est tombé sur un live de complotistes QAnon sur Facebook dans lequel participait un policier. Le journaliste a ensuite contacté ce CRS, Laurent Nguyen, représentant d’un syndicat minoritaire, Vigi, qui n’a pas apprécié les interrogations de son interlocuteur au sujet de sa présence à ce live.
In any functioning business the 8kun Q would have been sacked by now for utter incompetence and lack of attention to detail, and probably replaced by whoever was behind 4chan Q who was actually much better at doing this thing. || Ben Collins @oneunderscore · Very funny QAnon development here. Q got duped by some very obvious fake news by an 8kun user about James Comey and Jeffrey Epstein. Embarrassed, Q informs everyone a day later it's a trap, says "do not take the bait," and scolds followers to "use discernment." Great article by @alexkotch covering the web of GOP money flowing to national-level candidates who have shown support for QAnon. Trump Megadonors, Freedom Caucus, and CEOs Bankroll QAnon-Supporting, Extremist Candidates -... QAnon supporter Marjorie Taylor Greene and other extremist candidates find growing support from the GOP and corporate executives.
QAnon Child-Abduction Conspiracies Impede Colorado Efforts To Stop Actual Human Trafficking
My latest for @dailydot : QAnon believers went back to the Holy Scriptures to find evidence that Trump getting COVID means The Storm Is Finally, At Long Last, Upon Us. QAnon believers all think Trump's COVID-19 announcement means one thing President Donald Trump announced he has tested postive for COVID-19. But QAnon believers see hallmarks of 'The Storm.'
PODCAST | @StripesMMPod looks at how QAnon started, how it incorporates a wide range of differing conspiracy beliefs, and why it appeals to veterans and members of the military, including those with ties to the special operations community. Episode five: QAnon – exposing extremist views within the ranks In this episode of Military Matters, host Rod Rodriguez explores QAnon, the far-right conspiracy theory that falsely claims President Donald Trump
has now amplified QAnon-promoting Twitter accounts 200 times since the
coronavirus pandemic began in the United States. || Alex Kaplan @AlKapDC
· Trump today also amplified major QAnon account Major Patriot &
QAnon-supporting attorney Lin Wood each 3 times, along with amplifying
Tracy Beanz (also known as Tracy Diaz), who reportedly helped popularize
QAnon, & QAnon-supporting cartoonist Ben Garrison.
Kyle Rittenhouse, Kenosha, and the New Far-Right Battleground | Right Wing Watch
Macroaggressions - #81: The Hidden Hand of DC Politics | John Brisson
Stephen Miller Has A New Plan To Help Trump Steal The Election
Fox News loses Trump lovers to OAN, Newsmax
Mario Murillo asserts that “Trump should never concede” because the entire election is “illegitimate.”
Kennedy sur Twitter : "Rudy Giuliani’s crazy witness in the Michigan
election “hearing” was just off probation for harassing her boyfriend’s
ex by sending her graphic videos of them having sex." / Twitter
campaign told to preserve all documents related to Sidney Powell and
Dominion Voting Systems President Donald Trump's campaign legal team
sent a memo to dozens of staffers Saturday instructing them to preserve
all documents related to Dominion Voting Systems and Sidney Powell in
Proud Boys run wild while police stand by (again)
Martin @FluorescentGrey · wait so the 'CCP' is making us think Trump is
going to do a military coup but the real way to save the country is
from 'martial law', lol what's the difference?
America News Network's Chanel Rion has now not only pushed the 4chan
hoax on air (which she called "reports"), but she asked Rudy Giuliani,
Trump's personal lawyer, about it. Giuliani in response to the 4chan
hoax called for John Roberts to resign.
Dilley vows not to pay taxes or obey laws if Biden becomes president:
“I’m not fucking living under an illegitimate presidency.” Le «Mein Kampf» de Donald Trump - World Socialist Web Site
Martin @FluorescentGrey · 18 dec. 2020 As someone who has become
obsessed with tracking the anti-China propaganda/disinfo pipelines I
feel like we need to figure out what the hell is going on over at the
Japanese language 2chan message board also run by Jim & Rom Watkins
Podcast @QanonAnonymous · 15 dec 2020. our incredible president has now
retweeted ron watkins, son of jim watkins, heir to the 8kun throne
Martin @FluorescentGrey · ICYMI mainstream Republicans are now going
‘full Epoch Times’ this cartoon is an old Epoch classic. Oh also Epoch
Times has gone full QAnon in the past several months
Alex Jones Launches NEW Battle Against...Elections!?
Trump's Thugs Are Causing Violence Across America
Right-wing media and Trump tout Michigan “audit” by group with QAnon links.
‘We Prayed Him Out of There’: Dave Daubenmire Rewrites the History of His Meeting With Bill Barr
How a QAnon-Backing Hormone Doctor Financed 2020’s Craziest, Scariest Election Conspiracy
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 21h I’m sorry but how is this really happening? This shit is absolutely nuts || Jim Hoft @gatewaypundit · 21h Army Leaders Join Gen. Milley and Release Statement Saying There Is "No Role" for US Army in Martial Law in Determining Elections via @gatewaypundit
FYI: people calling for military to take over elections are asking them to commit a federal felony.
My opening comment on @ReliableSources today: The best word for what is happening in America right now is radicalization.
Pro-Trump media, specifically far-right and QAnon influencers like 8kun's Ron Watkins, have been pushing for Trump to "#crosstherubicon" this week. That's an explicit call for an imposition of dictatorship, many of them literally referencing Julius Caesar crossing the Rubicon. || Maggie Haberman @maggieNYT · 19 déc. Sources who have gotten used to Trump’s eruptions over four years sound scared by what’s transpired in the past week when I’ve talked to them.…
The president is discussing martial law in the Oval Office, as his grip on reality falters.
Trump Discussed Using Military To Stage An Actual Coup To Stay In Power
New Study Proves Arming Police With Military Weapons does NOTHING TO Reduce Crime
The Tyranny of Merit & How Meritocracy Fails Us w/ Michael Sandel - MR Live - 12/21/20
Biden, Like Trump, Packs Admin With Goldman Sachs
Manhattan DA Case Against Trump's Business Heats Up
Trump is Considering Martial Law
TDR Live: Trump Wants "Marshall" Law, Whatever That Is
I stopped by the trump rally at the Phoenix Capitol this weekend to see the crazies and they were handing these out. Every other speaking talked about us being taken over by China "Eliminate the Demon CCP"
We've Read The Documents @weve_read · 1h We should have mercy for the QAnon believers. Yes I get angry at their naivety from time to time, but I am really angry at the operatives and opportunists that push the narrative. McChrystal, Flynn, Jones, Vallely, Powell, Wood, Sather, Beanz, etc. We need to expose them!
We've Read The Documents @weve_read · 1h #GodWins was constantly pushed on MAGA and QAnon posts by people that should have known better. Yes, #GodWins even if Biden is president. It is foretold in the Book of Revelation. It is sad that even the elect might be deceived like Jesus said about the end times.
Jeff Bezos’s QAnon Christmas: Despite the fact that Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and even Etsy have made efforts to ban it, Amazon continues to sell products that advance the dangerous conspiracy- and enthusiasm thrives in its reviews. RETRACTS Claims Of Fraud By Dominion & Smartmatic Voting Systems After Lawsuit Threat!
One America News & Newsmax Are Certifiably Insane
Corporate Dem Opposed Stimulus Checks Bc 'Bernie & Trump Are For Them'
Trump Plots to Overturn Election: An Attack on Democracy or a Scheme to Make Millions for Himself?
Fredrick Brennan @fr_brennan · 4h Jim Watkins (@rqueeninc ) has joined his son, @CodeMonkeyZ , in calling for a military coup. Archived:
Sidney Powell’s secret intelligence contractor witness is a pro-Trump podcaster In an interview Terpsichore Maras-Lindeman, whose credentials were questioned in a recent civil fraud case, confirmed that she wrote the affidavit and said she viewed it as her contribution to a...
We've Read The Documents @weve_read · 5h Torpsicore is Powell's secret witness. @VeltmanLee Mort de rire à s'en rouler par terre Mort de rire à s'en rouler par terre || The Washington Post @washingtonpost · 6h Sidney Powell’s secret intelligence contractor witness is a pro-Trump podcaster
America has almost 800 military bases on foreign soil. China has 4. You should probably consider this when claiming that China is an "empire"".
Bannon ordered to appear before FTC in Cambridge Analytica Inquiry
ExposeTheEnemy sur Twitter : "Slick Rick has some explaining to do." / Twitter
Lauren Southern is NOT American and is NOT southern. She is a crypto Canadian-Jew living (LARPing) in Australia.
QAnon Candidate Gets Arrested
Rand Paul being interviewed by The Epoch Times... it just doesn't get better than that.
End these calls for bombs in the USA. Stop the calls for a military coup of the US government. This #Qanon bullshit must end.
WHO Quietly Changes "Herd Immunity" Definition In Stunning Display Of Orwellian Social Engineering
Trump Fans Go NUTS! Claim Nashville Bombing Was Chinese Plot
Evil Geniuses: How the Elite Unmade America w/ Kurt Andersen - Best of MR 2020
The Origins of US Military Hegemony & How to End It w/ Stephen Wertheim - Best of 2020
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 20h this is why QAnon serves as a useful psyop even if the person running it had 'good' intentions or if it had nothing to do with US intelligence, somehow it has rendered any discussions about deep politics and conspiracies into the realm of total mental illness
On the Brink - Too Late Too Many Trusted the Scam? - YouTube
Dudes Talking Episode 93 - The Controlled Demolition of America With Charlie Robinson - YouTube
The Republic is Dead Jim Roundtable
Michael Flynn is going all in on QAnon, endorsing QAnon trucker hats and teaming up with a major QAnon promoter to launch a website for "digital soldiers." Michael Flynn Is Now Selling QAnon Merch Trump’s former national security adviser is going all in on QAnon, selling QAnon T-shirts and launching a QAnon news site
Kyle Cheney sur Twitter : "NY Post cover/editorial: "Sidney Powell is a crazy person. Michael Flynn suggesting martial law is tantamount to treason."" / Twitter
Trump’s most powerful loyalists are abandoning him in his doomed fight to overturn the election. So the president is turning to his true ride or dies: the Qanon community. And they're thrilled. Trump Gave QAnon What It Always Wanted: Respect The president lost the election, but the dangerous movement has won his recognition.
Enemy of the people? Donald Trump seems dangerously determined to make Joe Biden’s job difficult - New York Daily News
Lin Wood Said He May Be Christ's Second Coming, Lawyers Claim | Law & Crime
Trump Lawyer Goes NUCLEAR With Call To Blow Up Georgia Race
Right Wing Round-Up: Begging for a Dictator
From Pizzagate to the Presidency: QAnon’s Infiltration of Our Democracy - YouTube
Sidney Powell Tells Religious-Right Activists Trump Can Use Emergency Powers to Postpone Inauguration | Right Wing Watch
As people focus again on Lin Wood's (who has the QAnon slogan right in his profile) Twitter feed, a reminder again that in November Wood got Trump to amplify a conspiracy theory that had circulated among QAnon supporters about a "Kraken" government program How a QAnon conspiracy theory about a “Kraken” government program reached Trump
I’m hardly a political prophet, but there’s a good chance QAnon is subsumed into the general “The Election Was Stolen / COVID is a Hoax” conspiracy movement and it’s all in the GOP mainstream by ‘22.
Prominent QAnon conspiracy theorist says she is beginning to wonder if Trump really is playing ‘5D chess’ after all | The Independent
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 1h there's also the idea that mental illness being forever associated with 'deep politics' discussions or musing about real conspiracies in US history serves a useful purpose for the ruling class, now even the term 'deep state' is associated with Trump cultism and insanity
GOP Rep GOES OFF: Fraudulent Election Claims Are A "Scam"!
Right Wing Watch sur Twitter : "Watch as Trump cultist/QAnon conspiracy theorist DeAnna Lorraine struggles with the realization that maybe Trump wasn't a genius who was "always playing 5-D chess" and "maybe the QAnon operation wasn't real."" / Twitter
Alarming rhetoric from Gohmert, who says at 3:17 that the rejection of his lawsuit on procedural grounds amounts a call for street violence. "In effect, the ruling would be that you’ve got to go to the streets and be as violent as antifa and BLM." Newsmax @newsmax · 18h BREAKING : Representative Louie Gohmert reacts to his lawsuit being dismissed. 2:29 367,1 k vues
Even just last month Marjorie Taylor Greene dismissed an opportunity to denounce QAnon. || DJ Judd @DJJudd · 11 déc. 2020 Asked by @ryanobles on Pelosi saying GOP has “QAnon in [their] caucus,” Marjorie Taylor Greene said “I don’t think there’s anything wrong w/ people looking things up & not believing things in the’s unfair to criticize regular Americans looking things up on the internet”
Jake Rockatansky @RealRockatansky · 7h I remember on an episode where we were talking to @willmenaker , we discussed the possibility that Trump could larp Qanon into becoming somewhat of a reality, albeit a less potent version compared to the original lore. I'm worried that's exactly what's happening. || Marc-André Argentino @_MAArgentino · 10h Here we go, Trump has openly retweeted Ron Watkins the 8kun admin who was likely Q for a while. Ron has been openly spreading disinformation and feeding the QAnon narrative as a Q proxy on Twitter. It's is not an open embrace of QAnon but it's as good as it will get for now.
Ted Cruz Leads Idiot Brigade To Challenge Electoral College Votes
Trump Supporters Prepare For Day Of Chaos On January 6th
Cotton: National Review Hawley: The Federalist Cruz: Breitbart Romney: The Bulwark Toomey: The Dispatch Sasse: Washington Examiner Johnson: Gateway Pundit Gohmert: 8kun
Prosecutor: Wisconsin pharmacist thought vaccine was unsafe
'F*** the Blue': Proud Boys Sour on Police After Clashes at Oregon Protest | Right Wing Watch
The Dark Reality of Betting Against QAnon - The Atlantic
NBC News: Trump pushed QAnon and 4chan-created conspiracy theories in Georgia call.
Former Sec. of Defense William Cohen on Pentagon Chiefs’ Trump Warning: ‘We Are in Danger’
Opinion | Trump’s election call to Georgia’s Raffensperger is impeachable. It’s likely illegal. It’s a coup. - The Washington Post
Unapologetic Biden Pick Takes MILLIONS From Wall Street
INSANE Lizard Squad Conspiracy EXPLODES On Social Media
Trump's CRINGE Rally Incites Crowd
Ahead of Pro-Trump Protest, Proud Boys Leader Arrested for Burning BLM Banner at Black Church
Giuliani Says Republicans Who Won't Shred Democracy For Trump Should Leave Party
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · guy who works for fake Libertarian outlet and Mormon cult leader calls QAnon cannon fodder 'revolutionaries', like how Joseph Smith thought it was revolutionary to declare martial law in Nauvoo, Illinois before being killed by an angry mob
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · pretty wild that sketchy neocon psychopaths masquerading as 'populists' like @DarrenJBeattie were totally gas lighting all of us about the color revolution when in fact they were attempting to copy-cat Euromaiden mixed with Qanon
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · starting to feel a bit like when Euromaiden got super sketchy || Complex @Complex · UPDATE: Trump supporters have breached the U.S. Capitol building. More:
In 2007 Iraq veterans tried to march to the Capitol building to protest the war. Riot police instantly arrested anyone who tried to reach just the Capitol steps; about 100 veterans and 200 of their supporters
We've Read The Documents @weve_read · Remember when I said Flynn snubbed Alex to say not out in public at the Jericho March? I was not mistaken.
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · QAnon fascist meat grinder is about to get lit || Igor Bobic @igorbobic · 1h Police officers are holding them steps away from the Senate chamber, which is locked. Senators are inside. I see a few confederate flags.
"The real Q is Jesus Christ" - False Prophet Alex Jones - YouTube
Steve Bannon should know, he has been instrumental in the psychological warfare that has been waged on a section of the US population by Cambridge Analytica to whip people up into a frenzy & to cause many, like the Major Patriot, to literally lose their minds #MemeticWarfare
Hard to overstate how online this mob is. Here's a guy outside the Capitol in a Pepe mask and a Kekistan flag.
Podcasts like @QanonAnonymous have been warning for years that QAnon believers live in a completely different universe in the hope that mass arrest and execution of those they deem satanic paedophiles will happen at some point in the near future || Travis View @travis_view · 1h The Q Shaman is among those storming the Senate chamber. His cartoonist outfit and claims to spirituality were always a cover for his militant anti-democratic beliefs.…
How? I knew they were planning exactly this thing. I wasn’t even looking particularly hard. I just had eyes, an internet connection, and I took extremists seriously when they kept saying on public forums they were going to storm the Capitol on January 6th for weeks. || The Recount @therecount · 3h D.C. Police Chief Robert Contee says there was "no intelligence that suggested there would be a breach of the U.S. Capitol."
“Violence never wins” ~ Pence No sh*t. Mindwar wins now & always has — right @GenFlynn @Mike_Pence
New: Richard "Bigo" Barnett, the pro-Trump rioter pictured yesterday in Nancy Pelosi's office, recently said on a pseudonymous FB account that he was a white nationalist and prepared for a violent death.
This is very good work. The antifa cover story is based on lies. || Respectable Lawyer @RespectableLaw · 15h JOURNALISTS: Let me help you debunk the lies in the @mattgaetz floor speech about a “facial recognition company” discovering antifa agitators. It all comes from a fake news article from the notorious Washington Times. I will break it all down for you…
this footage is wild. look how easy this was for them || Matt Jones @KySportsRadio · 17h This video of the siege of the Capitol on TikTok is crazy and different than I had seen
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · This is why I’m cringing at conspiracy people right now who think the Dems and Biden set up some kind of ‘false flag’, whatever Q is and this larger op is it’s clearly been in the works for over 4 years and seems designed to intentionally provoke a form of legal/online crackdown
The GOP as the Insurrectionist Party w/ Rick Perlstein & Lizet Ocampo - MR Live - 1/7/2
Trump Loyalists Blame Antifa For US Capitol Siege
Cops Taking Selfies with Domestic Terrorists in US Capitol
Travis View @travis_view · Before yesterday no one ever even attempted to deny that Jake Angeli, the Q Shaman, was a QAnon follower and Trump supporter. He was known in the community! But the moment his existence becomes inconvenient to Trump world people suddenly decide, en masse, he's "BLM" and "Antifa."
The Q Shaman isn't acting concerned about law enforcement's interest in him. || Tik Root @TikRoot · 17h OK, officially confused. Jake Angeli (aka Chansley), the horned mobber at Capitol, has been at the top of @DCPoliceDept list of “persons of interest” for hours. Widely identified. But he just texted me that from the road: “I know about what they are saying in DC. Not worried…”
I wrote about the Q shaman, and how the attempted violent coup today proves that this is conspiracy theorists' world now; we're just living in it TOPSHOT - Supporters of US President Donald Trump enter the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, in Washington, DC. - Demonstrators breeched security and entered the Capitol as Congress debated the a 2020 presidential election Electoral Vote Certification. (Photo by Saul LOEB / AFP) (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images) The Attempted Coup at the Capitol Proves This Is the United States of QAnon A mob descended on Washington D.C. today, proving that internet conspiracy theory QAnon can have violent, real-life consequences.
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 7 janv. Pretty interesting that the QAnon shaman from yesterday is pictured here with the two insane neocons (Bernard Kerik and Rudy Giuliani) that @_whitneywebb and I talked about extensively on her last podcast
Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · The DC police and FBI are asking for the same "help" . They don't actually need your help with this, they have super advanced facial recognition, location data etc. What they want is for you to get used to the idea of ratting out your neighbors
This isn’t simply about double standards. It’s about someone in authority deciding to let things unfold as they did. || We have nothing to lose but our chains. Unionize. @MartyOropeza · 6 janv. For the record this was the US Capitol during the BLM Protestors
8kun, the people at the center of the attempted coup, Qanon, child abuse content, and multiple neo-nazi mass-shootings made public everyone they were emailing. Here's what that reveals. New, co-written by me + THREAD
How it started - How it's going: Tik Tok insurrection edition
Facial Recognition Company Debunks Claims Of Antifa Storming The Capitol
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 7 janv. The part I’m questioning the most about the Dem role in this is how could they possibly be this goddam naive? Trump could have gone ‘full QAnon’ at anytime and on some level some of them must have know how dangerous that outcome would be, so what’s with all the feigned surprise?
Alex Jones: White House directed me to lead crowd to the US Capitol.
White Supremacy in Action: Police Stand Down as Trump Mob Storms Capitol to Disrupt Election Vote
Trump supporters chant ‘traitor’ at Lindsey Graham inside Reagan National Airport.
Rick Wiles praised the insurrectionists, declaring that just “the beginning of the counter-revolution to the communist revolution, the globalist takeover of the United States of America.”
“Americans Are Now Getting a Mild Taste of Their Own Medicine” of Disrupting Democracy Elsewhere
'This Is A Coup': Michele Bachmann Baselessly Blames the Left for Storming the U.S. Capitol, Stealing the Georgia Election
Attempted Coup at U.S. Capitol Proves This Is United States of QAnon - Rolling Stone
Christian Nationalism and Threats of Violence at Pro-Trump Rally on Eve of Electoral College Certification | Right Wing Watch
BREAKING: Twitter is taking dramatic action on remaining QAnon accounts for breaking their "Coordinated Harmful Activity" rules, some of whom heavily promoted Wednesday's storming of the Capitol. Mike Flynn, Sidney Powell, 8kun's Ron Watkins banned.
We've Read The Documents @weve_read · 14 jan. 2021 Woosh What about the Vatican? || Groyper @_groyper · 14 jan. 2021 Trump is the best President Israel ever had.
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 14 jan. 2021 fascinated that actual neocon war criminals parading around like Bernard Kerik are trying to act like they’re in opposition to the neocons. Kind of reminds me of the Flynn metamorphosis, writes a book with a highly dangerous PNAC neocon later celebrated as anti deep state hero
Quoth the Raven Podcast - Quoth the Raven #235 - Whitney Webb: Capitol Riots, Covid, Censorship & Bitcoin | Free Listening on Podbean App
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 14 jan. 2021 Bush admin appointed neocon psychopath @BernardKerik cutely continues to try and rebrand himself as a ‘deep state’ battling quasi anti establishment Trumper. Sorry dude, your war criminal rebrand isn’t gonna work
3, 2, 1, We Go Live - Psalm 56: 3-4 - The Beast and The Harlot Part 7 - YouTube
How Ginni Thomas and the Shadowy Council of National Policy Advanced the Election Disinformation Campaign
FBI Warns Of Armed Protests Across Country In New Bulletin.
Capitol Police Were Sent Home Early On Insurrection Day So They Couldn't Help
Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · 14 jan. 2021 Sounds like she borrowed that "powerful monologue" from George W Bush || Emma Gray @emmaladyrose · 21h "You're either with the people, or you're with that mob." And on that note, @AOC ends her powerful monologue and is onto IG Live Q&A.
‘America Patriots Did This’: DeAnna Lorraine Says the Capitol Insurrection Was ‘A Good Thing’ and MAGA Should Be Proud
Cops Treated MAGA Capitol Protestors Better Than BLM
‘Stop the Steal’ Organizer in Hiding After Denying Blame for Riot.
Sponsors of the Pre-Attack Rally Have Taken Down Their Websites. Don’t Forget Who They Were.Proud Boys Amp Up Extremist Rhetoric as Thousands Flock to Telegram As Twitter and Facebook boot accounts from their platforms, Proud Boys channels on encrypted apps like Telegram are gaining new members.
Proud Boys Continue to Incite Violence in the Wake of Capitol Insurrection
Insurrection & Past U S Coup Attempts Gov't Secrets - The Political Vigilante
For a lot of the MAGA/Q people, the Capitol storming was pretty much a successful version of the meme Area 51 storming. Count how many people are just on their phones milling about once they got into the Capitol.
Trump's administration are 'Ku Klux Klan cowboys of the White House' – Maduro
A Former Marine Stormed the Capitol as Part of a Far-Right Militia In the assault, organized groups with military experience played an active role.
This Cop Joined the ‘Protest’ That Became a Riot. She Says D.C. Cops Colluded With Antifa. The Arkansas state trooper also appeared to cast doubt on the authenticity of bombs police said were found in Washington.
Trump: I Refuse Responsibility for Inciting US Capitol Siege
Investigators pursuing signs US Capitol riot was planned - CNNPolitics
Pro-Trump activist claims GOP lawmakers helped him plan ‘Stop the Steal’ protest that turned into riot.
‘Reconnaissance Tours’ and ‘Inside Assistance’: Some Dems Say Other Members of Congress May Have Aided Insurrectionists.
MAGA-land’s Favorite Newspaper: How The Epoch Times became a pro-Trump propaganda machine in an age of plague and insurrection
Secret Service Warns the Boogaloos Are Coming to D.C., States.
RWW: You will have to forgive us if we don’t quite believe Rick Wiles’ newfound concern about the dangers of attacking one’s political enemies and advocating violence against them.
John Guandolo, a disgraced former FBI agent, right-wing conspiracy theorist, and anti-Islam activist, says Members of Congress Should Be 'Swinging From a Rope' | Right Wing Watch
Infamous hydroxychloroquine-pushing doctor caught on video inside the Capitol during MAGA riot.Newsmax host calls for Joe Biden to be impeached over non-existent election fraud.
Douglas Valentine @dougvalentine77 · 18 août 2020 this is how the CIA's Phoenix program operates, with plausible deniability, in America: What Happens When Ex-Navy SEALS Go Full QAnon? Former special forces soldiers are flirting with a wide array of conspiracy theories, including QAnon. They also seem to be uniquely suited to
More indications of a domestic Phoenix Program backed by the US intelligence community. Note that large social media companies have been trying to keep journalists and the public from reading these documents. cc @dougvalentine77 #BlueLeaks Reveal Fusion Centers Employ Undercover Agents to Target Activists - Activist Post Journalist and activist Derrick Broze was recently notified that his name and a video he produced were listed in the files.
REPORT: US Government EXPECTED Violence After 2020 Election
These Republicans URGED Violence at US Capitol
Conspiracy facts and the MICIMATT that truly governs the USA - with CIA whistleblower Ray McGovern
Our Line in the Sand: An Antedote Retrospective, and More on the Capitol Chaos - YouTube
Panic Buttons Were Removed BEFORE US Capitol Attack
The Antedote sur Twitter : "@weve_read" / Twitter WaPo photographer got a close-up of the My Pillow guy's notes. Hard to read. Seems to push for using "martial law if necessary." References Sidney Powell and, I think, an attorney at the NSA ("Fort Mead" sic). Advocates for Trump to "move Kash Patel to acting CIA
FLASHBACK Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 15 feb. 2019 .@TuckerCarlson Dec 17th, 2018 opens segment by repeating lies & US State Dept propaganda about Venezuela: they eat zoo animals, Maduro took the guns, etc. His guest to talk about the subject? Neocon Rumsfeld appointee Bernard Kerik who was charged with taking Israeli bribes
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 15 feb. 2019 2 months before the public coup attempt in Venezuela sponsored by the Trump administration @TuckerCarlson had on VZ opposition leader Julio Borges to talk about the ills of socialism ( Julio Borges was later implicated of plotting with the CIA to assassinate Maduro )
FLASHBACK Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 15 may 2019 #neverforget once a neocon psychopath always a neocon psychopath cc @TuckerCarlson Tucker Carlson " I Think Iran Deserves To Be Annihilated" Airing Date Feb.22, 2012Tucker was on cspan this morning trying to walk away from his comments here
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · the President himself 'pre-planned' this by pouring gasoline on the fire of QAnon and essentially trying to merge the #StopTheSteal movement with QAnon, that's what the president did, a few theoretical infiltrators is not how this exploded
We've Read The Documents @weve_read · Good riddance CNP Azar NBC News @NBCNews · JUST IN: HHS Sec. Azar resigns, effective Jan. 20, citing the violent Capitol riot inflamed by President Trump.
"Trump Sent Me." Q-Shaman OBLITERATES Trump's Impeachment Defense
The Dumbest Looking Person Ever Is The New Republican Mascot
From Charlottesville to the Capitol: Trump Fueled Right-Wing Violence. It May Soon Get Even Worse
Jan Markell thinks that God may have allowed President Donald Trump to lose and be replaced by Joe Biden because we are in the End Times: “An anti-Israel administration [will] be in power when this Gog-Magog Ezekiel 38-39 invasion happens. That doesn’t mean it’s going to happen tomorrow, though it could. We don’t know the timing. We just know it’s in the latter days, and I believe we’re in the latter days.”
Why is Israel so silent during the downfall of America and standing on the sidelines as we fall to our knees to CCP communism? | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary
Police Warn Of Nationwide Violence From Republicans In Coming Days
NEW: According to new charges, minutes after the white nationalist Anthime Gionet, aka Baked Alaska, breached the Capitol, he announced on YouTube: "Unleash the Kraken." Shortly after, when cops tried to move him on, he yelled, “You’re a fucking oath breaker you piece of shit.”
As Trump leaves the stage, Republicans grapple with new conspiracy caucus - CNNPolitics
The warning signs before the Capitol riot - YouTube
Off the rails: Trump's premeditated election lie lit the fire - Axios
NEW: According to new charges, minutes after the white nationalist Anthime Gionet, aka Baked Alaska, breached the Capitol, he announced on YouTube: "Unleash the Kraken." Shortly after, when cops tried to move him on, he yelled, “You’re a fucking oath breaker you piece of shit.”
In eerily-worded Jan 3 memo, Capitol Police's intel unit predicted every grim thing that happened in the Capitol siege. They forecast a perfect storm: desperate pro-Trumpers, armed and storming toward a new angry target: Congress.
A federal judge in Phoenix said she was persuaded that so-called "QAnon shaman" Jacob Chansley's actions in the Capitol siege made him "an active participant in a violent insurrection that attempted to overthrow the United States government."
MyPillow guy's recent schedule: 1/5: Share 8kun document openly calling for war (@oneunderscore__ ) 1/6: Run ads during Trump rally that morphed into deadly insurrection 1/15: Visit WH holding notes w/ apparent reference to "Insurrection Act," "martial law" (@jabinbotsford )
From Deep State to Qanon: The Giuliani Gang with Robbie Martin par Unlimited Hangout with Whitney Webb
“Stop the Steal” organizer Ali Alexander’s pre-January 6 calls for violence: “We’ve got to punch the left in the nose.” “You must fight. … They will kill us.”
Online far-right movements fracture in wake of Capitol riot
After the #Capitol insurrection, we need to understand QAnon as a terrorist element. @travis_view discusses #QAnon conspiracy theories, what motivates them, and their political goals. Listen to the full interview here:
Rioters at the Capitol intended “to capture and assassinate elected officials,” federal prosecutors said. One of the rioters, Jacob Anthony Chansley, a QAnon conspiracy theorist, wrote in a note for Vice President Mike Pence, “it's only a matter of time.”
The Storm, or the mass arrest and public execution of Democrats, is the organizing principle of QAnon. It’s the very point of it. Time to stop laughing it off.
A new Capitol riot filing in the Q Shaman case suggests that prosecutors are increasingly treating QAnon as a semi-coherent nationwide extremist group that can, among other things, help fugitive members hide from law enforcement.
The Storm is Here, Capitol Stand Down, Purging the Deplorables
From Deep State to Qanon: The Giuliani Gang with Robbie Martin par Unlimited Hangout with Whitney Webb | Écoute gratuite sur SoundCloud
Off the rails: Conspiracy theorists commandeer Trump’s legal operation - Axios
Pro-Trump Capitol riot violence underscores bipartisan danger of dehumanizing language
Study Confirms Police Three Times More Likely To Use Force Against Left Wing Protestors
David Knight @libertytarian · Alex Jones said yesterday he's an expert in disinformation tactics. I agree Now he wants to distance himself from Pieczenik & Q 🙄 Nice try || Know More News 🛡️ @Know_More_News · 14 jan. 2021 Steve Pieczenik makes a bet with Alex Jones. Note: Rambam thought Christianity is idol worship and Begin/Jabotinski were zio terrorists. Steve welcomes a Kushner presidency and has used infowars to spew his zio propaganda for 20 years.
Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · OAN and now Gab have gone from 'dog whistling' to QAnon to overtly promoting QAnon (obvious to anybody even remotely in the know) || Alex Kaplan @AlKapDC · Gab's Twitter account just tweeted a line from a "Q" drop.
Why did the bull horn guy have a personal photographer?
New York Times says a ‘point of concern’ for inauguration is foreign actors masked as domestic unrest/ terrorism- while days ago NatSec pillow man was photographed walking out of White House with a paper reading “make clear this is China/ Iran used domestic actors”
QAnonEleven, DC Military Lockdown & Trump's #StopTheSteal Wack Pack w/ gumby4christ par Media Roots Radio | Écoute gratuite sur SoundCloud
Abby Martin @AbbyMartin · Biden reacts to Jan 6 by calling for "unity" with the same Republicans that were involved in the conspiracy, while shocking new details expose how deep the operation goes in the power structures of US empire. Check out part II of our @EmpireFiles podcast The Insurrection Part II: It Gets Darker | Empire Files on Patreon Join Empire Files on Patreon to get access to this post and more benefits.
Trump and Bannon have been talking regularly, multiple sources tell me. They've been in communication FOR WEEKS now, patching up earlier rift as Trump sought advice from anyone willing to help him fight his election defeat. Trump Reconciles With Ex-Strategist Bannon in Talks on Election President Donald Trump has repeatedly spoken by phone with Steve Bannon in recent weeks to seek advice on his campaign to overturn his re-election defeat, reconciling with his once-estranged former...
America Confused About Amped Up Military Presence At Biden Inauguration
after three years of courting QAnon followers for page clicks, people like Alex Jones, David Icke, and the Dilbert Guy are staking claims that QAnon is a left-wing psyop after Q followers proved themselves to be uncontrollable and inconvenient on January 6.
"So what are we gonna do about it, Sidney?" Trump would say every few seconds, whipping Powell more and more into a frenzy. He was having fun with it. "She really is crazy, huh?" he said, again with his finger on the mute button.
DOJ Sedition Team Investigating Capitol Rioters ‘Just Like’ International Terrorism – Homeland Security Today
Robbie Martin sur Twitter : "continue to be fascinated by the same group of neocons conspiracy people used to accuse of being behind 9/11 now gaining in-roads into the conspiracy movement (and getting actual self identified 9/11 truthers and orgs from the movement like WeAreChange to regurgitate their takes)" / Twitter
'Are You Ready to Start a Revolution?' Women Fighting for America Founder Tells Trumpists to 'Advance the Line' on Eve of Insurrection
feel like this should be a major scandal regardless of what trump does "Several Republican lawmakers woh are alleged to have been involved in the rally that precedented the deadly riot on the US Capitol have sought clemency from Trump before he leave office,"
Two members of the National Guard tasked with occupying Washington, D.C. ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration have been removed from the mission after they were found to have ties to fringe right-wing militias
Biden’s Intelligence Nominee Pledges Threat Assessment on QAnon
It's 24 hours before Biden's inauguration and there's a sizeable chunk of the US population out there that is convinced Trump will invoke the insurrection act tomorrow, arrest Biden and the rest of the deep state, and overturn the election outcome with the help of the military.
Two years ago: Florida SWAT Officer Is Demoted After Wearing QAnon Patch Next to Mike Pence
"The real scandal here is not the lack of a domestic terrorism statute. The real scandal is the free pass white supremacy has had from law enforcement for all these years."
This affidavit supporting charges against an alleged member of the Oath Keepers draws deeply on the New Yorker’s reporting and describes a disciplined, coordinated assault—another defendant who’s facing 1512(c) charges.
"That was the thing that precipitated the riots on the Hill" Former attorney general Bill Barr tells @RohitKachrooITV that questioning the legitimacy of the US presidential election 'precipitated' the Jan 6 US Capitol riots
QAnon adherents discussed posing as National Guard to try to infiltrate inauguration, according to FBI intelligence briefing - The Washington Post
Fascinating to see Mike Flynn's golden-haired boy (who's also good friends with Michael & Barbara Ledeen) doing his best to distance himself from Qanon and 1/6. This ties in closely with a lot of what @FluorescentGrey and I talked about on @MediaRootsNews || Josh Gerstein @joshgerstein · EXCLUSIVE: Trump appointee Ezra Cohen-Watnick speaks out about his two-year-plus battle with the #QAnon cult, the anti-Q sleuths sure he was behind it the social media firms fueling the fire
CRAZED Trump Fans STORM Capitol
David Knight @libertytarian · AJ never paid me to lie but he fired me for telling the truth Now he's offering a job to known liar How MANY times does Piezcenik have to be proven wrong? 20,000 National Guard sent to arrest those who rigged the election? Arrests began on Nov 4? Blockchain watermarks? Sting?
Sources say US Supreme Court being evacuated due to possible bomb threat. @nbcwashington
We've Read The Documents @weve_read · It's heavily redacted. Trump made Operation Crossfire Hurricane specifically about his administration being spied on. What about mentioning the NSA spies on us all Trump? #trustthescam || John Solomon @jsolomonReports · BREAKING: Trump formally declassifies Russia documents over objections of FBI | Just The News Afficher cette discussion
Americans Hate Each Other More Than Elites
Army investigating officer who led group to Washington rally
Conversation Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · 18 jan. 2021 The war on terror comes home to roost DOJ Sedition Team Investigating Capitol Rioters ‘Just Like’ International Terrorism - Homeland... Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb En réponse à @_whitneywebb || Evan Hill @evanchill · 18 janv. Former intelligence official on PBS NewsHour tonight saying that the US should think about a "9/11 Commission" for domestic extremism and consider applying some of the lessons from the fight against Al Qaeda here at home.
‘The movement we started is only just beginning', Trump says in farewell speech
Stunning Video Of Troops Marching D.C. Streets To Stop Trump's Insane Supporters
Tucker Carlson Is FURIOUS That Matt Gaetz Called Him Out On Live TV
In 2019, before Epstein was arrested, Matt Gaetz said that Epstein's sweetheart deal from Alex Acosta should NOT be reexamined, arguing that it would be "dangerous" to do so.
@FluorescentGrey · 11 min FBIanon technically appeared first but did not frame things as specifically as Pieczenick
‘Another Witch Hunt’: Jim Jordan and Marjorie Taylor Greene Defend Matt Gaetz as Other Republicans Hedge.
@FluorescentGrey · 14 min Here’s the sad part: whoever Q was originally, they undeniably copied the shit out of Steve Pieczenick and were very likely a regular Infowars listener Evidence: The Hillary Clinton Takeover of the United States Hillary and Bill Clinton are attempting a takeover of the United States and will stop at nothing. A coup d'état of this magnitude has never been affected in ...
Exposed Email Logs Show 8kun Owner in Contact With QAnon Influencers and Enthusiasts - bellingcat
Hey, #QExperts it's really odd that none of you covered or even mentioned what happened last week with #GeneralFlynn's family and the 75M lawsuit against #CNN...
We've Read The Documents @weve_read · 19h Moon was one of the initial funders of the CNP in 1981 @davetroy . || Dave Troy @davetroy · 27 mars Hey so this is interesting. Looks like OAN (aka Hering Broadcasting) is an organ of the Moon cult and the Washington Times. This explains their orientation; anti-CCP, pro-Putin, etc. Straight out of the old WACL milieu.
The guy who got Gaetz in trouble: Who is Joel Greenberg?
@FluorescentGrey · 10h "Gaetz rips forever wars" totally not posturing Glenn
FluorescentGrey · 2h things I am hoping for in Q: Into the Storm eps 5 & 6 - more Ron Watkins being horny and creepy - Cullen Zuck-style confronting Bannon - Michael Flynn being a mentally unstable weirdo - more Jack Posobiec facial ticks while he's blatantly lying - Epoch Times/NTD name drop
QAnon Is Hosting A Conference At The Omni Dallas Hotel Headlined By Michael Flynn And Sidney Powell
Tucker Carlson STUNNED After Matt Gaetz Implicates Him Live On Air
Far-Right Extremists Move From ‘Stop the Steal’ to Stop the Vaccine - The New York Times
The Republican Party Now Only Exists To "Own The Libs"
Betsy DeVos Made $225 Million While Serving As Education Secretary
#GeneralFlynn's family are suing #CNN for 75M? because CNN claimed the Flynn's were associated with #QAnon? and the lawyer is #StevenBis. Hey! #QExperts... according to Biss's wife, who introduced #Flynn and #Nunes to his husband and got them as clients? 1:34 900 vues Citer le Tweet Eric Garland @ericgarland · 24 mai 2019 Mike Flynn's Russian honeypot's attorney? STEVEN S. BISS, ALSO REPRESENTING DEVIN NUNES!!!!
Right-Wing Pundits Who Scream "Censorship" Are Doing Better Than Ever
Michael Flynn's relatives sue CNN for $75 million over report alleging QAnon affiliation | Just The News
Terrorism Lawsuit Ties Radicalized Navy Shooter To Saudi Royal Family
MyPillow Guy Enlists "Satanic Panic" Guy To Help Overturn Election
VISUP: A Vast Right Wing Conspiracy: The Secret Origins of the Patriot Movement Part IV
Dudes Talking Episode 99 - Steve Bannon and the QAnon Operation with The Epic Journeyman - YouTube
We've Read The Documents @weve_read · 19 mars McChrystal and Flynn Best Psyop Brothers forever stream. Soon..... For those who believe McChrystal was not a part of the QAnon operation, Cambridge Analytica, and that he hates Michael Flynn cause he said so, prepare to eat your words.
@FluorescentGrey · 3h You really have to ask why the GOP and their media surrogates turned ‘Steele dossier’ into a household term/taking point but totally dropped any mention of the Shearer memo, is it because the GOP or establishment counter narrative is a fake limited hangout? Yes it is lol
Trump Uses Anti-Asian Slur Right Before Atlanta Murders
Dem Elites HATE Bernie Like They Hate Trump - New Book
Dems Want Cable Carriers To Drop Right Wing Media & Chemical Giants Dump PFAS Toxins Nationwide
LEAKED RECORDINGS: Audio tapes of internal Parler meetings reveal conservative donor Rebekah Mercer is writing “big checks” to bring the site back online.
VISUP: The Brothers Flynn in Conjunction
The Daily Beast @thedailybeast · 16h Peter Thiel and the Mercer family are financing J.D. Vance’s potential Senate run
We've Read The Documents sur Twitter : "Mostly everyone who discusses January 6 leaves out Ali Alexander's self proclaimed boss, CFR/CNP member John Kenneth Blackwell. I wonder why? @Obi1unome @Jon_Swinn @GregoryMcCarron @jeremywrk @ATafoyovsky @hamiltonesqr @CAVDEF_George @NeilSandersMC" / Twitter
Douglas Valentine @dougvalentine77 · 14 févr. As the January 6 coup unfolded I thought "This looks like every other CIA coup I've studied."
We've Read The Documents @weve_read · 11 mars Trump was never #ourguy, but using ISIS fighting AI on the American public is wrong. Technology once used to combat ISIS propaganda is enlisted by Democratic group to counter Trump’s... A new initiative, advised by retired Gen. Stanley McChrystal, seeks to compete with the president’s online megaphone.
Ghislaine Maxwell Charged With Sex Trafficking of 14-Year-Old Girl - The New York Times
We've Read The Documents @weve_read · 17 min Mike Lindell should never mention the Epstein operation again if he is working with Dershowitz.
Sex trafficking probe of Rep. Matt Gaetz emerges from Joel Greenberg prosecution: report - Orlando Sentinel
@dougvalentine77 · 18 march Forget MKULTRA. Fear the mind of Republican Restorationists: When about the COVID-19 pandemic, Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) blamed the spread of the disease on Chinese “culture, where people eat bats and snakes and dogs and things like that.”
FBI Director Confirms That It Was Crazed Trump Supporters Who Stormed The Capitol
FBI calls Capitol rioters domestic terrorists, 'top threat' like ISIS (edited)
Extremism experts and ex-GOP officials are warning that QAnon-type conspiracy theories are becoming more intertwined with White evangelical Christianity in a way that echoes the Islamic fundamentalist movement that gave rise to al-Qaeda & Isis
OCTOBER 10TH 2016 Steve Pieczenic in #INFOWARS talking about #TheSecondAmericanRevolution, congratulating Bannon on his Psyop operations, TALKING ABOUT HOW HILLARY WOULD GO TO PRISON and most importantly the #TeaParty this was the final setup for #TheStorm and #Qanon
Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, far-right pundits, trolls, and some Republican members of Congress have continued to push a false narrative that the Capitol attackers were not Trump supporters, but actually antifa and BLM supporters.
Douglas Valentine @dougvalentine77 · 4 févr. I'm not gonna say I told you so - CIA Counterterror Chief Suggests Going To War Against ‘Domestic Insurgents’ Compares dissenting Americans to Taliban, Al Qaeda; Compares President Trump to Saddam Hussein.
The DEA has suspended an agent who was in the crowd, armed, outside the U.S. Capitol as a mob of Trump supporters besieged it, the first known case of authorities examining the conduct of a fellow federal agent during the deadly riot.
Internal DHS docs show a day before Capitol riot, an intelligence division warned that anti-government and racially motivated extremists were likely to use Trump rally to “motivate followers to promote violence.” W/ @shaneharris @NickMiroff @FOIANate
Donie: "Are you going to feel foolish on March 5th when Biden is still President?" Woman: "Ummm, then Trump has a different plan in play." Citer le Tweet Donie O'Sullivan @donie · 14h NEW: Some QAnon believers and Trump supporters are now cheering on the military coup in Myanmar, hoping it will happen here.
Thousands of National Guard Troops to Remain in DC Throughout March Due to QAnon Concerns, Potential Violence
Michael Flynn Embraced His Role As QAnon Hero. Then His Fans Stormed The Capitol. In the weeks before the Capitol siege, Trump's former national security adviser went on a far-right media blitz to promote wild conspiracy theories.
Pelosi announces plans for 9/11 Commission-style panel to investigate Capitol riot - ABC News
FBI arrests Daniel Baker for urging armed response to far-right protesters - The Washington Post
Multiple QAnon influencers are praising Fox News host Tucker Carlson for his downplaying the threat & harm that QAnon poses, with one of them claiming that Carlson is "probably standing up the most for our movement than anyone in the MSM right now."
Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · 19h OK PNAC ghoul numero uno Citer le Tweet Bill Kristol @BillKristol · 2 mars From 9/11 truthers to Barack Obama birthers to 2020 Election liars to January 6th deniers. Ugh.
Alex Jones' protégé Owen Shroyer of Infowars promotes Zio-Chabad extremist caught in bomb hoax (part 1) Full video here...
We've Read The Documents @weve_read · 19h I said Trump was going to be acquitted weeks ago. How did I know? Charles Flynn's promotion. Anyone who thinks the Biden administration as much as the Trump administration is not part of the world order is sadly mistaken. Lt. Gen. Charles Flynn slated to command US Army Pacific, and 14 other promotions Flynn, who currently serves as deputy chief of staff for Army operations, plans and training at the Pentagon, was key in crafting a new Army force generation model that was introduced this fall.
Ghislaine Maxwell said Epstein DID have tapes of Trump and Clintons | Daily Mail Online
Matt Gaetz Associate Is Cooperating With Justice Dept. - The New York Times
With organiser "QAnon John" confirming the addition of Lin Wood and Patrick Byrne to the keynote speaker line-up alongside Michael Flynn and Sidney Powell, "For God & Country Patriot Roundup", scheduled May 28-31 in Dallas, is shaping up to be the biggest QAnon gathering yet.
2016: The Year Magic Broke into Politics - Dark Mountain
Matt Gaetz Blames Cancel Culture & Deep State For His Scandal
Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · 3h The war on domestic terror is being pushed by both Democrats and Republicans and, trust me, it will use the terms "antifa" and "white supremacist" very loosely to target legitimate, legal dissent if allowed to advance Citer le Tweet Mike Lee @SenMikeLee · 11h It is long past time to investigate, arrest, and prosecute domestic terrorists. Where are you, @TheJusticeDept (Garland), @AliMayorkas, & @DirectorWray?…
The 2018 shill narrative that welcomes anti white domestic terror law
White nationalist “groyper” movement links up with anti-vaxxers, threatens use of weapons.
Cops interrogate activist over embarrassing AOC Israel tweet
Key Ally FLIPS On Matt Gaetz
QAnon Idol Michael Flynn Endorses Amanda Chase, GOP Candidate for Va. Governor Who Supports Capitol Insurrectionists
Rep. Matt Gaetz hires defense lawyer Marc Mukasey, who represents Trump Organization in criminal... Rep. Matt Gaetz has been an ardent supporter of former President Donald Trump. He now has hired Marc Muksaey, a lawyer for the Trump Organization.
Marc Mukasey, a Giuliani ally, in talks to join Trump legal team - CNN Politics
@FluorescentGrey · 1h Friendly reminder of when a very adversarial journalist gave a soft ball interview to Epstein’s friend Alan Dershowitz Alan Dershowitz on Mueller and impeachment MT talks to Alan Dershowitz about Robert Mueller's melodramatic statement this week, and various legal
Despite cracking down on QAnon, YouTube continues to profit from content supporting the conspiracy theory | Media Matters for America
It convinced me that Ron played a more integral role in Q than I had thought, but I don't think he's the end of the story. The Vallely angle is really interesting, especially given his connection to Satanic psyop warrior and alleged pedophile Michael Aquino
Cullen sur Twitter : "US Army Major General Paul E. Vallely - Co-author of the manual "From PSYOP to Mindwar" See if you can find a bizarre Q related coincidence in his Wikipedia..." / Twitter
Matt #PizzaGaetz Under Investigation For Trafficking
Matt Gaetz showed nude photos of women he said he'd slept with to lawmakers, sources tell CNN - CNNPolitics
Does QAnon think that a "crackdown on press freedom" in 'Mynamar' is a good thing, or a bad thing? Place your bets now!
David Knight @libertytarian · 14 jan. 2021 Alex Jones & Steve Pieczenik still pushing clickbait lies Disinfo shills Ever wonder why info gatekeepers never refer to Pie with the usual slurs & labels? Or why YouTube has no problem w his Q shit but gives me a strike & removes video debunking him? Actually, I don't wonder
We've Read The Documents @weve_read · 13 jan. 2021 My God Steve P admits it is a military coup live on air. He won't be arrested and we all know why. Kissinger. Is This Dr. Steve Pieczenik's Last Appearance on Infowars? Dr. Steve Pieczenik triples down on his confidence in exposing the fraudulent Presidential Election of 2020
David Knight @libertytarian · 14 jan. 2021 For years, Alex has said Piezcenik will never be on the show again Lies about Sandy hook, Las Vegas, presidential assassinations — but AJ keeps it coming Is it for views? Or a deeper purpose I told AJ 2 months he should debunk it if he wanted any credibility
Welcome to The New Age - Catholicism Wow! - The Beast and the Harlot Part 6
Le "Grand Réveil" (Great Awakening, mouvement pro-Trump, QAnon) ou comment les élites sabotent les théories du complot de l'intérieur en plus de les attaquer de l'extérieur, pour pouvoir anéantir tout ce qui pourrait s'opposer à la soumission à l'autorité.
Un bon nombre d'individus perçoivent de mieux en mieux le caractère néfaste de la domination par les élites et croit de plus en plus qu’un monde nouveau doit être bâti sur cet ancien monde en perdition qui ne peut plus être sauvé et ne cherche plus qu’à étouffer toute impulsion nouvelle. L’humanité veut renouveler la société, elle voit un nouveau monde de liberté et d’autonomie de la vie spirituelle se profiler, mais l'ancien monde se braque contre lui. Les groupements divers tels que les religions, comme toute autre forme ancienne d’organisation de la société, n’ont aucun intérêt à laisser naître ce nouveau monde, ils cherchent à étouffer ce qui est en train de naître en prétendant que seul le maintien et la préservation de l’ancien monde peut assurer l’avenir de la civilisation.
Le véritable « grand réveil » est en cours depuis plus d’un
siècle, il est global et mondial, mais il existe sur une base individuelle
avant tout, il part d’une compréhension individuelle de la réalité de l’esprit,
du danger du matérialisme et des formes anciennes d’organisation sociale (qui
ont donné le féodalisme, l’aristocratie, la théocratie, etc.). Le véritable
« grand réveil » appelle à grand renouvellement, or
plusieurs le confondent avec le « nouvel ordre mondial » glorifié par l’élite
dominante. Contrairement à l’impulsion pour un monde nouveau, le « nouvel ordre
mondial » est un épouvantail fabriqué par la grande Réaction pour diaboliser
l'idée même de la possibilité d’un nouveau monde venant remplacer l’ancien en
perdition. On voit effectivement de nos jours l’individu se libérer
progressivement des chaînes de la nation, de la race, mais pour la Grande
Réaction il s’agit d’un grand "complot diabolique des sages de Sion
responsables de tout le mal du monde".
Le peuple est ainsi abusé par ses élites dominantes qui ont
inventé le concept de nouvel ordre mondial pour diaboliser l’idée même de la
possibilité d’un nouveau monde. Les élites dominantes parlent de « liberté
égalité fraternité » seulement pour nous faire croire qu’ils sont les
défenseurs de ce nouveau monde, alors qu’ils sont en réalité les défenseurs de
l’Ancien monde. Le nouvel ordre mondial professé par l’élite dominante sert
d’épouvantail pour amener les masses à se tourner vers la Grande Réaction comme
source de réconfort et de protection, et en même temps les amener à lutter
contre ce nouveau monde qui est en train de naître. La Grande Réaction n’est
rien d’autre que l’élite dominante elle-même cachée derrière un autre masque.
Le combat contre le nouvel ordre mondial est un piège pour amener le peuple à
combattre aux côtés de la Grande Réaction au service de l’élite dominante
contre tout ce qui peut ressembler de près ou de loin à l’idée de
renouvellement du monde ou au socialisme.
Les courants de droite fondamentaliste ou conspirationnistes qui constituent la Grande réaction ne sont rien que différents masques de la lutte contre le socialisme. Un exemple de cette lutte au socialisme menée par la grande réaction : l'administration Trump a tenté de faire assassiner Maduro, de renverser son gouvernement en fomentant des coups d'État contre le gouvernement vénézuélien, maintenant les partisans de Trump dénoncent la prétendue interférence du gouvernement vénézuélien de feu Chavez dans les élections de 2020. Que de mensonge pour attaquer le socialisme...
Parce que le public est maintenant averti de l’existence de fausses manifestations, de la technique de l’ « astroturf » trop facile à détecter, l’opération psychologique QAnon avait besoin, pour avoir l’air « vraie », d’être fondée sur une base populaire réelle, « grassroots », lui donnant une certaine crédibilité permettant sa propagation dans l’ensemble de la population (y compris au sein du monde politique, du gouvernement, des forces de l’ordre, agences de sécurité, etc.). Des firmes privées comme Blackwater ont probablement fait le travail, avec de l’argent de la CIA et du budget noir, « black budget » dont nul ne connaît l’ampleur et la profondeur véritables.
La nouvelle «menace radicale » n’est pas qu’une fabrication des médias, c’est une construction qui s'est développée dans le temps par la manipulation des réseaux sociaux par les forces de l’État profond, qui ont permis de créer un mouvement ayant toutes les apparences d’un pur mouvement du peuple, « grassroots », alors qu’il s’agissait d’une opération de manipulation psychologique destinée à pousser le peuple à exiger que toute forme de conspirationnisme soit mis hors d’état de nuire.
Enfin, comme Trump devait servir à discréditer une fois pour toute les idées radicales populistes et conspirationnistes en poussant le peuple à demander l’interdiction de ces idées « rétrogrades, folles, sectaires et dangereuses », Biden a peut-être été choisi exprès pour discréditer la fonction de politicien avec ses signes avant-coureurs de démence, pour que le peuple en vienne à dire: assez de tous ces politiciens séniles et fous, soyons dirigés par des vrai pros, comme des robots et des scientifiques qui programment les robots! On se dirigera ainsi plus sûrement vers l’utopie d'un monde dirigé uniquement par des ingénieurs, scientifiques et médecins, ayant une vision du monde éclairée et scientifique. Puisque les médecins et ingénieurs au pouvoir risquent d'être corrompus, parce que le pouvoir corrompt, il faut avoir une surveillance constante et totale de tout le monde, dirigeants inclus, pour s'assurer qu'aucune corruption soit possible.
La nouvelle explication des conspirationnistes déçus de QAnon est qu'il s'agit d'une opération de type bolchévique appelée le Trust. Encore le complot communiste... Piper a fait la même analogie pour dénoncer la subversion de l'IHR par les forces ennemies. Mais le fait est que les bolchéviques ont tout emprunté à l'Occident, ce fut un pur produit de l'Ouest, de son matérialisme scientifique et de sa vision de l'existence basée sur l'économie. Rien de russe dans tout ça, pas même dans le Trust, type d'opération que les Anglais mènent depuis bien plus longtemps (dans leurs colonies d'abord et même après leur avoir rendu leur "indépendance"). Si l'Ouest s'est empressé de dénoncer la réalité des Trust soviétiques, c'est pour passer aux yeux du monde pour le défenseur de la liberté culturelle et des droits démocratiques.
Il est clair que la raison d'être du
président Trump est d'incarner un conspirationnisme débile, afin de
discréditer une fois pour toute le conspirationnisme, en montrant à la
face du monde le "danger" qu'il représente pour la santé mentale,
l'entente sociale, la vie en commun et l'avenir de l'humanité. L'élite
dominante veut se débarrasser du populisme depuis longtemps et le moyen
qu'ils ont trouvé
est de promouvoir un conspirationniste débile comme président des USA,
de lui faire repousser les limites du conspirationnisme jusqu'à
l'absurde, pour que la majorité de la population finisse par croire que
les conspirationnistes sont un danger pour la démocratie, qu'il faut
absolument les combattre, les faire taire, voire les enfermer pour les
empêcher de mettre le pays "à feu et à sang". (Exagération évidente mais qui sera crédible lorsque le peuple en aura
finalement marre des conspirationnistes débiles et exigera que des mesures
radicales soient prises pour éliminer le conspirationnisme définitivement.) En
ce sens, les conspirationnistes pro-Trump sont les meilleurs amis des
censeurs-ennemis des conspirationnistes.
Le conspirationnisme débile et excessif favorisé par les
réseaux sociaux a permis de discréditer le jugement personnel et l'exercice du
libre choix, pour que l'obéissance à l'autorité s'impose en définitive comme
une nécessité. Il fallait que ce soit la population elle-même qui en vienne,
poussée à bout, à réclamer des gouvernements l'abolition de la liberté de choix
individuel notamment en matière de santé, d’information ou de vie privée,
puisque les excès de libre-choix seront perçus comme un danger pour la survie
de l'humanité. C’est la population elle-même qui va demander aux politiciens de
mettre hors d’état de nuire ou du moins de tenir sous surveillance constante (en
temps réel grâce à la 5G) ces individus « dangereux » qui ne croient pas à la
dangerosité du virus ou qui croient à bon droit que l’élite dominante n’a pas
les intérêts du peuple à cœur.
Les excès conspirationnistes de Trump auront permis de
justifier un coup de massue de la censure contre le conspirationnisme sur
toutes les plateformes. Ces nouvelles mesures de contrôle sont là pour
rester. L'héritage le plus significatif et durable de l'ère Trump sera la
victoire des agents provocateurs, car ils ont réussi à mobiliser les foules et
justifier une plus grande répression, des mesures de contrôle plus
contraignantes de la part des autorités. C'est exactement, au niveau de la
libre parole, ce dont la droite accuse les antifas, c'est-à-dire de provoquer les
excès qui serviront à justifier la répression policière.
Le complotisme concernant le virus est un leurre, une attrape, un piège, une trappe pour prendre les complotistes en souricière, parce qu’ils devenaient trop menaçants.
Le complot actuel le plus évident, l’opération psychologique
actuelle la plus évidente semble être de répandre le plus d’informations
contradictoires possible, de rendre le monde entier le plus confus possible
concernant tout ce qui entoure le virus, sa source, sa réalité, sa nocivité, ce
que recherche vraiment l’élite dominante dans toute cette affaire, etc.
Cette confusion crée des tensions et de la peur, le choc des visions conspirationnistes et anti-conspirationnistes, ou pro-vax et anti-vax, devient un argument en faveur d'un plus grand contrôle de l’information, et finalement un plus grand contrôle des individus, un recul de l'autonomie individuelle au profit des experts et des autorités. Puisque seuls les experts peuvent comprendre, la prise de décision doit appartenir non plus à l’individu mais aux autorités qui se basent sur les avis d’experts. Du fait qu'on a gobé et répandu n'importe quelle information en quantité industrielle sur les réseaux sociaux, il est maintenant facile de démontrer que cela ne fait que générer de la confusion et que la clarté doit venir d’un message clair et uniforme venant des experts censés être les seuls à savoir ce qui est bon pour nous.
L'individu ne doit plus compter dans la prise de décision, étant donné que le « bien collectif » prime. Il s'agit vraiment de faire reculer et anéantir les avancées récentes du monde moderne sur le plan de l'autonomie personnelle et du jugement individuel.
Maintenant que c'est impossible de changer les choses, ils nous laissent savoir l'état de notre domination: cela ne représente aucun risque et ne peut que créer un état mental de crise profonde, de déprime, de résignation, ou bien nous rendre hystériques et fous, acharnés à "éclairer" les autres de force sur la réalité de leur domination, créant en fait davantage de conflit entre les individus "éclairés" et ceux qu'ils s'acharnent à "éclairer".
Tout au long de son mandat, Trump a sans cesse démontré qu’il tente de pousser à l'absurde le raisonnement isolationniste et patriotique semi-conspirationniste généralement associé au parti républicain, pour le discréditer et le détruire. Trump a forcé des membres importants du GOP à prendre parti en sa faveur (les vendus Ted Cruz et compagnie qui auraient pu reprendre le parti en main) ce qui les expose maintenant aux attaques virulentes des médias, attaques dont ils ne pourront probablement jamais se remettre. C'est pourquoi ça ressemble selon moi à une opération de sabotage, de connivence peut-être avec Bill et Hillary. (Encore des jésuitoïdes, puisque Bill est formé à l'université jésuite de Georgetown, pendant que Trump a passé deux ans dans une université jésuite, et que son Nemesis, Dr Fauci, est un fier élève des jésuites, porteur de leur projet de gouvernement éclairé par la lumière des experts faisant autorité.) Trump et les Clinton étaient amis "autrefois" et Trump est un comédien d’expérience (voir imdb) qui jouait le rôle d’un milliardaire télé, alors qu’il servait en réalité, lui et sa compagnie, de façade pour la CIA, et pour le blanchiment d'argent par le Mossad. (Lire Piper à ce sujet, qui prédisait sa campagne présidentielle, vers laquelle le poussait son mentor Roy Cohn. Impossible que Roy Cohn ait pu être trompé par Trump, Cohn était un avocat d'un génie et d'une agressivité inimitables. Comme Cohn, Trump et son père étaient liés à la John Birch Society, mouvement réactionnaire américain par exellence, dirigé au début des anées 2000 par un fier élève des Jésuites, John F. McManus.)
Quand Trump ou QAnon laisse flotter une idée, celle-ci n’est jamais uniquement vraie ou fausse. C'est toujours de l'influence, pour infléchir et (ré)orienter notre pensée, tout en nous faisant oublier qu'il fait du zigzag tout le temps, et qu'il ne faut jamais croire de ce que lui ou QAnon disent. Il ne faut jamais prendre au premier degré ce qui est dit par ce manipulateur et comédien d'expérience. Ses propos et ses incitations sont souvent des références voilées à autre chose auquel on n'aurait pas pensé. S’il doit y avoir des arrestations massives et des déportations à Guantanamo ou quelque autre endroit, ce sera l’arrestation du "daech américain" qu'est devenu l'alt-right trumpienne qanonienne et/ou antijuive. Et cette purge sera faite avec l’aide d'Israel, à qui Pompeo a donné le feu vert pour lancer sa grande purge finale contre ses ennemis internationaux, étiquetés comme « antisémites ». Il faut que le public soit préparé à ça, et les trumpiens qanoniens sont les parfaits idiots utiles de cette préparation des esprits. Cela reste hypothétique, car il reste à voir s’il y aura bien des arrestations massives internationales. À présent les seules arrestations massives envisageables sont celles des radicalisés pro-Trump qanoniens ou qui répandent de la « propagande antisémite » ou « conspirationniste ». Ces « antisémites » et « conspirationnistes » sont peut-être la vraie cible dans tout ça; le daech trumpien étant le prétexte pour justifier la purge.
Matt Drudge est de ceux qui ont le plus popularisé la vidéo du Dr Piezcenik qui a créé le récit du pizzagate juste avant l'élection de 2016, qui a donné plus tard le mouvement Qanon. Et maintenant Drudge s'est retourné et dit que "le Mur est pour nous garder en dedans" (sous-entendu: Trump nous emprisonne!). C'est assez hallucinant d'y penser, personne n'a pu voir ça venir, et c'est encore plus bizarre de lire un américain pro-Trump changer subtilement sa chanson pour finir par dire au contraire que Trump est le pire traître car il est celui qui a bâti les murs de notre camp de prisonniers...
ce qui concerne les événements du 6 janvier, il semble assez probable
que les gens ont été crinqués, remontés par les sempiternels discours de
terrorisme stochastique de Trump et de qanon, ce qui est plus probable
qu’un « false flag » en tant que tel, même si des acteurs de crise et
des provocateurs experts en opérations psychologiques devaient être de
la partie, de toute évidence. Trump les a remontés pendant des années,
tout en faisant attention de ne pas trop se mouiller, comme un bon
provocateur, pour pouvoir à la fin se retirer. Mais c'est trop tard pour
nous tous, le lapin Energizer avance et il va durer... L'étrange
retrait de Trump suite à son rejet de la défaite électorale semble contredire ses convictions profondes. Son retrait
s'explique du fait qu'il devait rester en retrait après avoir crinqué au
maximum et donné des piles électriques neuves à ses lapins Energizer,
qui vont durer longtemps. Ce retrait
est comme un signal, un "cue", à l'attention de ses supporteurs à qui il
avait dit, il y a quelques mois, "stand down and stand back". Le signal de
son retrait veut dire: le temps est venu maintenant d'agir pour sauver mon
élection, je ne peux pas vaincre seul. Il s'avoue et se montre vaincu
pour galvaniser leur rage.En
ce qui concerne le moment d'instauration du confinement et du
couvre-feu dans plein de pays, comme en réponse non-avouée aux événements du 6 janvier, il semble bien que les ordres viennent d'en haut, même
si c'est de l'OMS (on sait que l'OMS est dans les griffes de lobbyistes,
voir le reportage d'Arte). On parle trop souvent de la CIA pour parler
de l'État profond : l'État profond ce sont des grandes compagnies
privées, c'est plus opaque et ainsi plus salaud. La CIA doit encore,
dans une certaine mesure, rendre des comptes au gouvernement, elle ne
peut plus faire tout ce qu'elle veut, elle est plus restreinte et
limitée dans ses pouvoirs, c'est pourquoi le privé a dû prendre le
dessus, d'où l'alliance de Trump avec les Erik Prince et compagnie.
L' « impeachment » de Trump va fort probablement mettre le feu aux
poudres et déclencher la furie des radicaux, à moins que ce soit une
mise en scène, car nombreux sont ceux qui ont en effet l'impression de
visionner un film, scripté de main de maître et en partie improvisé par
des acteurs, comme la lutte professionnelle. (Les théories délirantes
sur Sandy Hook, pour lesquelles Jones d’Infowars fut publiquement
condamné et humilié, ont discrédité une fois pour toute l'idée que des
acteurs payés peuvent être actifs pour influencer le public via les
médias.) Que la procédure d'impeachment soit ou non couronnée de succès, le Gouvernement va tenter de s'en
prendre à Trump, le traîner en
cour et l'emprisonner. De son côté, il crie son innocence, se faisant
passer pour le bouc émissaire alors qu'il n'assume même pas et nie la
réalité de la radicalisation de ses fans par ses discours de propagande
mensongère. C'est probablement ce qui va mettre le feu aux poudres et
rendre crédible aux yeux du public une attaque terroriste de la part des "patriotes", attaque d'envergure qui convaincra le
monde que les terroristes domestiques sont la nouvelle priorité, ex
aequo avec le virus, puisque ce sont les mêmes conspis radicalisés
pro-Trump qui généralement nient la dangerosité du virus et menacent de facto d'infecter tout le monde...
Avec la tension psychique qui s'accumule... cela va devoir se dissiper d'une manière ou d'une autre. Comme en magie, il y a appel de forces, formant un égrégore-comglomérat puissant, mais ensuite si ces forces ne sont pas correctement renvoyées aux éléments, on est pris avec un puissant conglomérat psychique hautement destructeur et incontrôlable. Whitney Webb a bcp parlé, écrit, et tweeté sur les origines du "Dark Winter" et des autres à part Biden qui ont emprunté l'expression depuis le début de la crise du virus. Toujours ce sombre, "dark", qui revient sans cesse. Signature d'Ahriman, dieu des ténèbres dans la mythologie iranienne. Marianne Williams, l'ex-candidate présidentielle de 2020 disait que QAnon est une "sombre force psychique" (dark psychic force). Mais ce que je trouve aussi très dark, c'est le conspirationnisme en général même celui qui s'élève contre QAnon (Alex Jones vire plus bcp fou que d'habitude en ce moment, à attaquer QAnon). Même la nouvel âge Marianne Williams fait penser à quelque chose de sombrement luciférien et aquarien, qui devient attirant grâce au repoussoir de QAnon-Trump. Le confinement total et le couvre-feu sont peut-être pour s'assurer qu'on suive de près le plus possible l'actualité extrêmement stressante, tendue et complètement psychotique des derniers jours.
Il est possible que certains événements soient télévisés, du genre 9/11, attribué peut-êre à l'Iran, la Russie ou la Chine, ou un de ces états désignés comme supporteur des terroristes domestiques, du daech américain des fanatiques pro-Trump. L'élection de Trump a eu lieu un 9 novembre, donc 11/9, inversion symétrique de 9/11. Des conspirationistes pro-Trump l'avaient signalé, disant qu'il est un nouveau Cyrus, représentant Rome contre la Judée. Ce genre de chose raffermit la foi des croyants...
Presque tous ceux qui auraient été assez téméraires pour nous défendre dans les rues ont été abusés et captivés par QAnon et ses variantes, et c'était probablement le but: écarter et écraser ceux qui auraient pris le devant de la résistance. On peut nettement discerner une influence dans le sionisme chrétien évangélique visant à polluer le christianisme, en particulier son sens éthique et moral, pour l'éliminer. Pousser ainsi le christianisme à l'absurde le poussera à son autodestruction. Au profit des puissances qui se servent des scientifiques anti-éthique et amoraux. Les chrétiens de toutes les allégeances ont grandement protesté contre la guerre en Irak dès le début de la guerre. Ils se sont impliqués dans le mouvement anti-guerre, comme ces grands-mères conscientisées qu'on peut voir au début du film "Fahrenheit 911" de Michael Moore. A cause de leur positionnement contre l'apartheid israélien, les églises chrétiennes américaines ont essuyé des attaques féroces, des accusations d'antisémitisme, etc. Elles ont dû reculer. Maintenant avec la pourriture QAnon, elles risquent de se dissoudre définitivement. Qanon est aussi une référence à la "source Q" en théologie, une des sources anonymes de la Bible chrétienne. Les mouvements messianiques depuis le moyen âge sont souvent très problématiques, comme Sabbatai Zevi et Leo Frank, mais c'était bien moins dangereux à l'époque. Avec les moyens globaux d'aujourd'hui ça aurait un effet dévastateur sur la culture.
Alors que le dernier Patriot Act devait exacerber le sentiment patriotique contre un ennemi extérieur, le prochain Patriot Act qui vient aura pour objet de lutter contre ce même patriotisme exacerbé, cette fois-ci pour unir le pays contre un ennemi intérieur! Bonjour la cohérence. Le but est clairement de tenir en étau, enserrer et écraser des deux côtés, toute liberté de pensée et de parole, comme toute liberté tout court.
Ainsi donc, que l'on vous affuble de l'épithète d' "anti-américain" par manque de soutien patriotique aux guerres impériales de l'Otan et du sionisme, ou que vous soyez convaincus de défendre patriotiquement la nation contre ses ennemis "anti-américains", peu importe, vous êtes tous fichés dans la même catégorie des fauteurs de troubles voire de potentiels "terroristes domestiques", bien que ces deux catégories s'opposent radicalement l'une à l'autre, tout en étant valorisées par un camp ou l'autre du vaste spectre d'idées politiques en vogue. L'objectif final est qu'il n'y ait plus de liberté, tout simplement, que rien ne puisse exister de manière autonome comme un juste milieu entre ces deux pôles diviseurs, que les idées radicales associées aux extrêmités politiques soient interdites, traitées du point de vue scientifique comme de la folie ou comme du sectarisme, puisque seul le centrisme et ses variantes, seule la soumission au centrisme peut être tolérée. Au nom de la défense de la tolérance, il n'y aura plus de tolérance; pour la défense de nos libertés, nos libertés seront confisquées.
Webb @_whitneywebb · 8 jan. 2021 Before Congress, Elissa worked for the
CIA and the Pentagon and helped destabilize the Middle East during the
Bush and Obama admins. What she says here is essentially an open
announcement that the US has moved from the "War on [foreign] terror" to
the "War on domestic terror" || Rep. Elissa Slotkin @RepSlotkin · 8
jan. 2021 "The post 9/11 era is over. The single greatest national
security threat right now is our internal division. The threat of
domestic terrorism. The polarization that threatens our democracy. If we
don't reconnect our two Americas, the threats will not have to come
from the outside."
Webb @_whitneywebb · 8 jan. 2021 If you think the coming CIA/DHS war on
domestic terror is just for Trump's base, keep in mind the longtime
targets of those agencies. For the CIA, it's leftists and for DHS, it's
people of color. People on both sides will be labeled "domestic
terrorists" when convenient
Martin @FluorescentGrey · jan, 2021 Seems like we have a pretty serious
QAnon problem in law enforcement, maybe the FBI should look into that
before ramping up a domestic terror watch list for regular QAnon
supporters || Alex Thompson @AlexThomp · jan. 2021 .@PhillyInquirer
reports that local Detective Jennifer Gugger was removed from her
position in the police department’s Recruit Background Investigations
Unit after Internal Affairs received tips she’s been at the Wed riot
This was a recent FB post of hers
L'excellent Farron Cousins disait
que ce qui s'est produit au Capitole le 6 janvier dernier a rappelé à
plein de nations travers le monde exactement ce que les États-Unis (la
CIA) leur ont fait subir par le passé: ils ont reconnu une opération sous couverture, COVERT OP.
Par opposition à une OVERT OP, comme l'assassinat d'Allende, par
exemple. Mais les médias et le gouvenement répètent en choeur que
c'était en fait un vaste complot de populistes et de conspirationnistes
radicalisés de part et d'autres de la population civile et des forces de
l'ordre. Un complot de l'intérieur, "inside job" bref, un peu à la
façon des terroristes à la fin du film "Fight Club" (du producteur et
agent du Mossad Arnon Milchan).
Le WSJ, comme d'autres sites d'info comme par exemple RT, ajoutent ce "spin" bien particulier à ce genre de nouvelle, qui dit que : "ce sont les progressistes qui sont derrière la purge de Big Tech comme toujours, comme ils sont derrière la culture de l'annulation". C'est de toute évidence un spin de droite. La purge touche toute forme de dissidence, de gauche comme de droite, et comme ce qui est sans lien avec la gauche et la droite. Sont mis ensemble dans le même sac: les propos dérangeants et méchants des gens pleins de préjugés, les délires dangereux et les appels à la violence, les incitations à la révolte des manifs BLM, et les écrits de journalistes et commentateurs qui se montrent dissidents face à l'establishment, sans être forcément de gauche ou de droite. Il faut faire de la dialectique pour pouvoir écarter les discours prêts-à-penser que les médias, même alternatifs, nous servent. Les médias alternatifs sont souvent aussi biaisés et unilatéraux que les médias ordinaires, car ce sont tous des médias de masse maintenant.
Il y a une part de distraction dans le fait que l'attention des médias se tourne vers le problème des purges sur internet, comme la suppression des comptes twitter de Trump et de ses fans... C'est un débat qui n'est pas évident à trancher. Il ya des limites à la liberté, et l'incitation à la violence et à la révolte en est une. Plusieurs soi-disant victimes de censure l'ont bien cherché en fait, c'est indéniable. Twitter et compagnie ont le droit d'éjecter n'importe qui sous n'importe quel prétexte hors de leur plateforme, c'est un espace qui leur appartient. C'est bien évidemment un problème que l'internet soit contrôlé par des grandes compagnies, comme Google, mais il y a pire: on nous prépare à quelque chose de bien pire que des fermetures de comptes sur des plateformes de réseaux sociaux, quelque chose comme un nouveau Patriot Act par exemple, possiblement d'autres revanches "patriotes aidées de l'intérieur par des radicalisés au sein des forces de l'ordre".
dit qu'il y a clairement eu une planification des événements du 6
janvier, ce n'est pas spontané. Un journaliste avocat de l'émission The
Ring of Fire (co-hôte de Papantonio sur RT America), dit que la plupart
des policiers qui gardaient la Capitole étaient avaient déjà quitté pour rentrer à la maison
quand l'émeute et l'intrusion a débuté, signe de planification en
complicité avec les forces de l'ordre oeuvrant au Capitole... De là à
parler d'aide de l'intérieur, "inside job", il n'y a qu'un pas, il a
déjà été franchi et ce même dans les grands médias, fait remarquable qui
devrait attirer notre attention. Des politiciens aussi auraient aidé à
planifier, mais c'est encore sous enquête. C'est l'une des premières
fois où même les politiciens sont visés par des enquêtes pour terrorisme, et pas juste pour avoir appelé à cesser la guerre au terrorisme ou la guerre en Irak ou quelque chose du genre.
Il y a bien eu des selfies avec les "forces de l'ordre", c'est officiel. Forces du chaos, plutôt! Cela aboutit au même résultat que la campagne QAnon qui devait endoctriner et fanatiser des milliers de policiers, peut-être des millions dans le monde. Il s'agit de démontrer que même la police est vulnérable à la radicalisation sur internet, et que c'est la faute aux "fausses nouvelles du dangereux conspirationnisme soi-disant dissident"---raison de plus de l'écraser sans pitié et sans plus attendre. Peut-être n'y aura-t-il aucun besoin d'un autre "false flag" pour atteindre ce but : le monde entier est tellement traumatisé à l'idée que ça ait pu se produire aux USA, que peu de gens s'opposeront à un nouveau Patriot Act anti-conspirationniste, basé sur la menace "démontrée" de MAGA, QAnon. Le Patriot Act original visait surtout l'anti-américanisme en général et les liens avec des organisations terroristes connues. Un nouveau Patriot Act pourrait viser toute forme de radicalité politique et de dissidence, y compris les croyances conspirationistes. Prétexte idéal pour casser le pouvoir populaire en développant les moyens d'y parvenir, comme un meilleur arsenal de télésurveillance, contrôle avec bracelet électronique, biométrie, puçage, 5G et intelligence artificielle pour gérer le troupeau humain.
Toutes les radicalités et les dissidences ont en commun de vouloir confronter un pouvoir ou une menace oppressante, elles ont toutes peur de quelque chose, peur d'un "complot". À la différence du 11 septemnre où il y avait contradiction entre une version officielle gouvernementale et une version alternative, maintenant le gouvernement débusque un complot de l'intérieur qui semble lui-même fabriqué dans le but de démontrer ce qu'il veut démontrer : que le conspirationnisme, la radicalisation des individus loups solitaires sur internet, le populisme déchaîné des médias sociaux, c'est le genre de chose qui doit être combattu comme daech ou al-qaida, avec des armes puissantes et pour les éliminer radicalement. Cette nouvelle théorie officielle qui implique un complot de l'intérieur, c'est un degré plus haut dans l'abstraction et l'auto-référentiel, par rapport au 11 septembre. Le 11 septembre c'était la théorie du complot musulman international, maintenant c'est le complot des populistes et théoriciens du complot qui ont conspiré, citoyens et forces de l'ordre ensemble, pour envahir le Capitole... D'où l'importance d'imposer partout des robots à l'avenir, pour assurer qu'aucun policier humain potentiellement vulnérable aux théories du complot ne puisse jamais tomber dans le piège de la radicalisation et permettre qu'une telle intrusion se produise à nouveau contre le sacro-saint symbole de la démocratie qu'est le Capitole. Remarquez bien que les médias cette fois ci ne disent pas seulement qu'il y a eu complot de populistes et de conspirationnistes radicalisés, ils soulignent également qu'il y a eu complot de l'intérieur, "inside job", et cela a pour effet de faire paraître la menace plus importante, de renforcer l'effet de panique, qui sera utilisé pour avancer le prochain Patriot Act. L'utilisation du mot Patriot sera probablement évitée par contre cette fois-ci, car il ne s'agit plus de défendre le patriotisme face à un ennemi extérieur mais de le réprimer, ce même patriotisme, pour ses excès "démocratiquement suicidaires". C'est comme un renversement: avant on imposait un fanatisme patriotique, maintenant c'est ce même fanatisme patriotique qui doit être combattu! C'est de la double contrainte, "double bind", mais sur le long terme (dans ce cas-ci sur vingt ans). Recette parfaite pour déstabiliser, créer un état mental de confusion et rendre les gens manipulables psychologiquement.
est un point sur lequel il faut absolument insister, c'est
qu'ironiquement cette fois-ci, il faut prendre garde car la théorie du
complot intérieur, "inside job", est elle-même la théorie officielle! Et
elle sert ici clairement les intérêts de ceux qui tentent d'écraser
toute forme de dissidence, de "conspirationnisme", ainsi que toute
véritable liberté de pensée, puisque la vraie liberté de pensée mène
éventuellement à une forme de dissidence ou de "conspirationisme".
Il apparaît de plus en plus sûr que la présidence Trump et son mouvement débile servaient à illustrer par l'exemple la dangerosité extrême des théories du complot, en tant que forme de "terrorisme stochastique", donc de terrorisme tout court, nécessitant une intervention drastique et globale des autorités. Le concept de terrorisme stochastique signifie que plus on répète un message de haine ou une théorie délirante poussant à la haine, plus la probabilité statistique devient certaine qu'un fou radicalisé entende le message et décide d'agir en conséquence, jusqu'à prendre les armes, et plus cette probabilité s'approche de 100%. La dimension stochastique consiste en la simple diffusion d'un message déstabilisant ou dérangeant, elle n'est pas liée à l'exercice d'une autorité hiérarchique. (C'est d'ailleurs, très certainement ce qui s'est produit dans l'assassinat du président israélien Yitzakh Rabin, assassiné par un juif radicalisé par la propagande haineuse de Netanyahou et son clan politique, qui répétaient sans cesse que sa poignée de main avec Arafat est la trahison ultime et que sa volonté de paix conduira Israel à la destruction. Rabin savait que cette poignée de main allait signer son arrêt de mort, Arafat le savait bien lui aussi.)
Tout au long de son mandat, Trump a sans cesse démontré qu’il tente de pousser à l'absurde le raisonnement isolationniste, populiste plus ou moins clairement conspirationniste généralement associé au parti républicain, pour le discréditer et le détruire. Trump a forcé des membres importants du GOP à prendre parti en sa faveur (les vendus Ted Cruz et compagnie qui auraient pu reprendre le parti en main) ce qui les expose maintenant aux attaques virulentes des médias, attaques dont ils ne pourront probablement jamais se remettre. C'est pourquoi cela ressemble à une opération de sabotage. Trump et les Clinton étaient amis "autrefois" ; Trump est un comédien d’expérience (voir imdb) qui jouait le rôle d’un milliardaire télé, alors qu’il servait en réalité, lui et sa compagnie, de façade pour la CIA, et pour le blanchiment d'argent par le Mossad. (Lire Piper à ce sujet, qui prédisait sa campagne présidentielle, vers laquelle le poussait son mentor Roy Cohn. Impossible que Roy Cohn ait pu être trompé par Trump, Cohn était un avocat d'un génie et d'une agressivité inimitables).
Quand Trump ou QAnon laisse flotter une idée, celle-ci n’est jamais uniquement vraie ou fausse. C'est toujours de l'influence, pour infléchir et (ré)orienter notre pensée, tout en nous faisant oublier qu'il fait du zigzag tout le temps, et qu'il ne faut jamais croire de ce que lui ou QAnon disent. Il ne faut jamais prendre au premier degré ce qui est dit par ce manipulateur et comédien d'expérience. Ses propos et ses incitations sont souvent des références voilées à autre chose auquel on n'aurait pas pensé. S’il doit y avoir des arrestations massives et des déportations à Guantanamo ou quelque autre endroit, ce sera l’arrestation du "daech américain" qu'est devenu l'alt-right trumpienne qanonienne et/ou antijuive. Et cette purge sera faite avec l’aide d'Israel, à qui Pompeo a donné le feu vert pour lancer sa grande purge finale contre ses ennemis internationaux, étiquetés comme « antisémites ». Il faut que le public soit préparé à ça, et les trumpiens qanoniens sont les parfaits idiots utiles de cette préparation des esprits. Cela reste hypothétique, car il reste à voir s’il y aura bien des arrestations massives internationales. À présent les seules arrestations massives envisageables sont celles des radicalisés pro-Trump qanoniens ou qui répandent de la « propagande antisémite » ou « conspirationniste ». Ces « antisémites » et « conspirationnistes » sont peut-être la vraie cible dans tout ça; le daech trumpien étant le prétexte pour justifier la purge.
En ce qui concerne les événements du 6 janvier, il semble assez probable que les gens ont été crinqués, remontés par les sempiternels discours de terrorisme stochastique de Trump et de qanon, ce qui est plus probable qu’un « false flag » en tant que tel, même si des acteurs de crise et des provocateurs experts en opérations psychologiques devaient être de la partie, de toute évidence. Trump les a remontés pendant des années, tout en faisant attention de ne pas trop se mouiller, comme un bon provocateur, pour pouvoir à la fin se retirer. Mais c'est trop tard pour nous tous, le lapin Energizer avance et il va durer... L'étrange retrait de Trump qui semble contredire ses convictions profondes s'explique du fait qu'il devait rester en retrait après avoir crinqué au maximum et donné des piles électriques neuves à ses lapins Energizer, qui vont durer longtemps. Ce retrait est comme un signal, un "cue", à l'attention de ses supporteurs à qui il avait dit, il y a quelques mois, "stand down and stand back". Le signal de son retrait veut dire: le temps est venu maintenant d'agir pour sauver mon élection, je ne peux pas vaincre seul. Il s'avoue et se montre vaincu pour galvaniser leur colère.
ce qui concerne le moment d'instauration du confinement et du
couvre-feu dans plein de pays, comme en réponse non-avouée aux événements du 6 janvier, il semble bien que les ordres viennent d'en haut, même
si c'est de l'OMS (on sait que l'OMS est dans les griffes de lobbyistes,
voir le reportage d'Arte). On parle trop souvent de la CIA pour parler
de l'État profond : l'État profond ce sont des grandes compagnies
privées, c'est plus opaque et ainsi plus salaud. La CIA doit encore,
dans une certaine mesure, rendre des comptes au gouvernement, elle ne
peut plus faire tout ce qu'elle veut, elle est plus restreinte et
limitée dans ses pouvoirs, c'est pourquoi le privé a dû prendre le
dessus, d'où l'alliance de Trump avec les Erik Prince et compagnie.
L' « impeachment » de Trump va fort probablement mettre le feu aux
poudres et déclencher la furie des radicaux, à moins que ce soit une
mise en scène, car nombreux sont ceux qui ont en effet l'impression de
visionner un film, scripté de main de maître et en partie improvisé par
des acteurs, comme la lutte professionnelle télévisée. (Les théories délirantes
sur Sandy Hook, pour lesquelles Jones d’Infowars fut publiquement
condamné et humilié, ont discrédité une fois pour toute l'idée que des
acteurs payés peuvent être actifs pour influencer le public via les
médias.) Que la procédure d'impeachment soit ou non couronnée de succès, le Gouvernement va tenter de s'en
prendre à Trump, le traîner en
cour et l'emprisonner. De son côté, il crie son innocence, se faisant
passer pour le bouc émissaire alors qu'il n'assume même pas et nie la
réalité de la radicalisation de ses fans par ses discours de propagande
mensongère. C'est probablement ce qui va mettre le feu aux poudres et
rendre crédible aux yeux du public une attaque terroriste de la part des "patriotes", attaque d'envergure qui convaincra le
monde que les terroristes domestiques sont la nouvelle priorité, ex
aequo avec le virus, puisque ce sont les mêmes conspirationnistes et populistes radicalisés
pro-Trump qui généralement nient la dangerosité du virus et menacent de facto d'infecter tout le monde...
Matt Drudge est de ceux qui ont le plus popularisé la vidéo du Dr Piezcenik qui a créé le récit du pizzagate juste avant l'élection de 2016, qui a donné plus tard le mouvement Qanon. Et maintenant Drudge s'est retourné et dit que "le Mur est pour nous garder en dedans" (sous-entendu: Trump nous emprisonne!). C'est assez hallucinant d'y penser, personne n'a pu voir ça venir, et c'est encore plus bizarre de lire un américain pro-Trump changer subtilement sa chanson pour finir par dire au contraire que Trump est le pire traître car il est celui qui a bâti les murs de notre camp de prisonniers...
Il devient de plus en plus évident que trop de conspirationnisme tue non seulement le conspirationnisme mais aussi la raison, la santé psychoaffective et le courage. Ce qui nous rend aussi vulnérable à la manipulation que n'importe quelle personne ordinaire tant méprisée par les conspirationnistes. La présidence Trump visait probablement cela: tuer une fois pour toute le conspirationnisme en le faisant capoter, en le rendant véritablement dangereux pour le vivre ensemble et pour soi.
faut aussi ne pas oublier le fait, mentionné plus haut, que les
récentes alliances d'Israël avec ses pays voisins font suite aux
pressions et au lobbying de Pompeo, qui disait en même temps que
l'antisémitisme est maintenant reconnu comme un crime par les USA.
Autrement dit il est très probable que les anti-Israel et les
conspirationnistes les plus radicaux, peu importe leur alignement
politique ou leur origine ethnique, seront bientôt systématiquement
traqués, capturés pour être "jugés" comme les nazis d'autrefois, en
Israel... L’inquisition qui recommence.
Le Vatican infiltre et corrompt tout groupe autonome pour le discréditer et pouvoir ensuite se présenter comme le grand et l'unique représentant de la vertu, ayant l'autorité morale de déterminer ce qui est bien.
Sur ce blog:
Les réseaux impliqués dans quelques-unes des principales opérations secrètes de notre temps
La loi martiale justifiée par l'émeute au lieu du virus? L'étrange retournement libertarien et conspirationniste, passé de la dénonciation à l'apologie de l'État policier, condamnant toute forme de traçage et de dénonciation dans le combat contre le virus tout en incitant à dénoncer aux autorités des présumés antifas. Les antifas désignés comme bouc émissaires des émeutes par les idiots utiles disciples de Trump et QAnon, pour légitimer l'État policier qu'ils dénonçaient il y a quelques semaines à peine, et pour faire oublier le problème de la militarisation des corps policiers entraînés par des prétendus "experts antiterroristes" israéliens, experts en rien d'autre qu'en ultra-violence et en déshumanisation de l'Ennemi.
La secte Trump, des néocons et un "expert" israélien derrière le gros mensonge "la pandémie est la faute à la Chine". Ou comment la secte trumpienne a réussi à transformer les conspirationnistes droitards en soldats de la nouvelle guerre froide des néocons.
Derrière le nouveau mouvement international de droite radicale, une opération de guerre psychologique menée par les forces de l'Otan et du sionisme? (Site censuré)
La guerre psychologique permanente sur tous les fronts comme nouvel état des choses
Guerre psychologique: connaître ses techniques pour mieux s'en prémunir
Des réseaux Phoenix de la C.I.A. (Doug Valentine) à la "société du spectacle" (Guy Debord)
L'appui international américain et israélien au gouvernement colombien et au nouveau gouvernement brésilien d'extrême-droite s'explique par la guerre en cours contre la vague nationaliste de gauche en Amérique latine, représentée par la "Troïka de la terreur" que constituent, selon le néocon John Bolton, le Nicaragua, Cuba et le Vénézuela
Source "journalistique" préférée de la dissidence, "Project Veritas" a été payé et formé pour l'espionnage des mouvements de gauche, tout ça grâce à la formation et le financement d'Erik Prince, criminel célèbre pour ses firmes de mercenaires (ex-Blackwater) à l'oeuvre aux quatre coins du monde
Alex Jones et Infowars: leur combat contre la Palestine, aux côtés de la prétendue "seule démocratie au Moyen-Orient"
Ce n'est pas la première fois que l'opération de désinfo d'Alex Jones diffuse la propagande des néocons
Découvrez le conspirationniste anti-islam débile choisi pour être conseiller en affaires étrangères du candidat présidentiel bushiste Ted Cruz. Il est l'inspirateur du projet de Trump de déporter les musulmans: non, ce n'est pas Boris Le Lay, c'est le néocon membre du PNAC Frank J. Gaffney Jr. L'équipe de Cruz rassemble aussi d'autres néoconservateurs comme Elliott Abrams et Michael Ledeen. Cruz croit en plusieurs théories du complot, particulièrement celles impliquant George Soros.
"Je ne suis pas Charlie" (Max Blumenthal et James Kleinfeld, 2015) sur la montée de la réaction philosémite, sioniste (BDS interdit, toute critique bâillonnée) et anti-islam en France. Un autre documentaire complètement ignoré par l'incompétente "Dissidence française", cette distraction par excellence qui prétend "faire le boulot" pour vous... Aucun des médias "dissidents" ne vous informe que Black Lives Matter de même que les Parti Vert canadien et québécois appuient BDS !
Kushner a dissimulé ses conflits d'intérêts impliquant Israël, Flynn ses pressions en faveur d'Israël...
Pendant que Corbyn le socialiste pro-palestinien nouvellement élu à la tête du Parti Travailliste anglais se fait trucider dans les grands médias anti-antisémites néolibéraux bien-pensants, de plus en plus de dissidents nationalistes américains (même les antijuifs) tombent dans le piège de la nouvelle droite sioniste et deviennent leurs idiots utiles les plus efficaces: le pitre John Friend endosse Donald Trump et Ann Coulter, deux chèvres de Judas qui mènent le peuple américain à l'abattoir en s'attaquant en apparence à la rectitude politique antiraciste, alors qu'ils servent en fait à rendre Israël respectable.
La désinformation en marche: Pourquoi il faut rompre avec l'anticommunisme dépassé. (Aurait-on oublié que le concept de "nouvel ordre mondial" célèbre expressément la fin du communisme?) Contre le droitisme retardataire des milieux conspirationnistes.
Péril juif et propagande du renseignement militaire des États-Unis
Alors que le président des États-Unis claironne la théorie du complot, certains voient la propagation de cette théorie particulière comme étant en soi un complot, une vaste manipulation, résultat d’un brouillage de piste professionnel conçu par les criminels eux-mêmes
Le Nouveau Monde, Nouvel Israël? Sion en Amérique : la Maison blanche plus que jamais sous influence de la secte dominioniste. Ce puissant mouvement religieux et politique de droite voit en Trump le prophète devant accomplir le glorieux destin de l'exceptionnalisme états-unien
La "dissidence" à la Maison-Blanche ? (Retour au bercail?) L'antisémitisme du faux fasciste Trump: un leurre au service d'Israël et des intérêts Rothschild qui l'ont sorti de sa banqueroute (comme pour Churchill)
La pensée antisociale et ultralibérale d'Ayn Rand illumine les gouvernements Netanyahou et Trump
Mise au point: quelques exemples de déstabilisation sociale-cognitive au moyen du salissage de la réputation des vrais chercheurs et de l'ultra-complotisme décrédibilisant. Un aperçu du problème des prétendus chercheurs, superficiels et naïfs, mal informés ou désinformés, qui servent volontairement ou non une telle déstabilisation.
Alex Jones diffuse la propagande sioniste concernant l'incident de Boston
Le plus haut conseiller d'Obama recommande d'infiltrer et subvertir les paranoïaques "théoriciens du complot"