James Fetzer - cet ancien de la Marine rompu aux techniques de persuasion des sciences cognitives - propage les théories du compot les plus débiles sur JFK, comme quoi ce serait sa femme Jackie O qui l'aurait tué. Comme Kevin Barrett (qui contrairement à Fetzer travaille toujours pour Veterans Today), Fetzer croit que LBJ est aussi important que Israel dans le complot pour tuer JFK, ce qui revient en fait à diluer la responsabilité d'Israël dans une mare de conjectures vaseuses, ne s'appuyant sur aucune donnée probante, mis à part les prétendues confessions de E. Howard Hunt, prétendues confessions de source plus que douteuse (comme l'a montré Piper dans son livre "False Flags") et qui ne disent pas tout à fait ce que des conspirationnistes tentent de leur faire dire...
Celui-ci a depuis longtemps été identifié comme un fauteur de trouble et un désinformateur de premier ordre par quantité de chercheurs soucieux de trouver la vérité sur le 11 septembre, au premier rang desquels se trouve le célèbre Steven E. Jones -- celui qui aurait, semble-t-il, démontré la présence de nanothermite dans les décombres du WTC. Fetzer l'a carrément expulsé du groupe Scholars for 911 Truth. À ce moment, une masse importante de chercheurs commença à considérer Fetzer comme un fauteur de trouble dont il faut se méfier, ou qu'il vaut mieux à tout le moins éviter. Plusieurs ont tôt remarqué la manie incontrôlable de Fetzer de se jeter sans discernement sur toutes les nouvelles théories du complot à la mode, les plus folles d'entre elles étant pour lui les plus intéressantes (attitude qu'on reconnaît d'emblée chez ses disciples, tels que Gyuenot). Cette manie de toujours accorder de la crédibilité à chacune des moindres nouvelles théories, même les plus loufoques et incroyables (ex: "pas d'avions dans les tours jumelles", "des mini-nukes ont causé la destruction des tours jumelles", etc.) ont vite fait de le marginaliser, bien qu'il ait réussi à conserver une certaine auréole d'autorité auprès d'un public qui se plaît à se croire plus malin que les autres, convaincu d'avoir trouvé en Fetzer un des plus grands experts en logique et en sciences cognitives, c'est-à-dire dans l'art d'influencer une cible, subrepticement, par la manipulation et la désinformation. Plus tard, Fetzer est devenu le leader d'un mouvement complètement débile mais relativement populaire chez les prétendus chercheurs de vérité, basé sur l'idée incroyable selon laquelle "aucun enfant n'est mort dans la tuerie de Sandy Hook car absolument tout y est faux", dans la foulée d'une théorie similaire apparue quelques années auparavant selon laquelle "absolument tout était faux dans les attentats du marathon de Boston". Allant même jusqu'à se moquer de la souffrance des proches des victimes comme de véritables psychopathes sans compassion ni empathie, soutenant même que la souffrance de ces gens serait le fait d' "acteurs de crise" payés par le gouvernements. Face à cette avalanche de conneries qui était en train de s'emparer de la communauté des prétendus "chercheurs de vérité" (processus déjà entamé après Boston voire bien avant), Michael Collins Piper a tenté de raisonner son public en le mettant en garde contre les excès maladifs d'un complotisme mal informé, naïf ou ultra-paranoïaque -- des excès incontestablement contre-productifs au possible. (Certains y verront davantage de paranoïa que de naïveté. Soit. Mais il faut bien être naïf pour croire que des vidéos anonymes sur youtube prouvent réellement que les attentats de Boston et de Sandy Hook n'ont fait aucune victime. Et c'est être extrêmement naïf que de ne pas avoir compris qu'il est très imprudent de faire confiance à des vidéos faits par des gens dont la formation n'a rien à voir avec le sujet dont ils parlent et qui peuvent très bien avoir été attitrés à ce travail par le gouvernement, peut-être même précisément à cause de leur capacité à faire des vidéos... Voir à ce sujet le cas de Cass SUNSTEIN qui expliquait que pour saboter le mouvement complotiste il faut l'infiltrer, le faire exploser de l'intérieur en produisant des théories du complot incroyables qui sapent toute crédibilité.)
La tuerie de Sandy Hook fut probablement causée par la médication du petit Lanza. Si j'étais à la tête d'une compagnie pharmaceutique et que je voulais préserver ma part de marché après une tuerie dans lesquels les médicaments pharmaceutiques ont été mis en cause, une bonne stratégie serait de lancer une petite armée sur internet pour fabriquer et relayer sans arrêt des théories du complot allant dans toutes les directions, sauf dans la direction des produits pharmaceutiques... Tout est bon pour nous faire oublier le rôle de ces produits dans les tueries de masse, quitte à nier complètement que la tuerie a même eu lieu! L'important est de tenir occupés les petits malins en leur donnant un os qu'ils pourront ronger longtemps (ce qui explique pourquoi les médias ont cette tendance machiavélique à alimenter insidieusement les théories du complot les plus folles en relayant eux-mêmes des infos contradictoires mettant en doute la cohérence globale de la version officielle, qui est souvent, du moins en partie, classée secrète par le gouvernement). Qui plus est, si Sandy Hook était réellement un false flag comme le soutiennent certains, cet incident reste sans portée aucune, sans importance, sans incidence réelle sur le plan géopolitique. Rien à voir avec un 11 Septembre... On nous dit que les "illusions" de masse à Sandy Hook et Boston serviraient à programmer la population à croire aveuglément tout ce qui sort des médias et à suivre l'agenda du "nouvel ordre mondial" qui serait de désarmer tout le monde. Comme si le "nouvel ordre mondial" avait besoin de fabriquer des fausses tueries en plus de celles qui se font déjà en son nom ... Et si le but est vraiment de nous désarmer, dans le contexte actuel c'est hautement improbable et sciencefictionnesque.
C'est pour montrer l'inanité et la dangerosité de ce groupe de pseudochercheurs entourant Jim Fetzer, (incluant Gordon Duff de Veterans Today et L. Gyuénot qui prend Fetzer pour "le plus fin chercheur"), et plus spécialement à l'aune de ce qui est arrivé l'an dernier à Michael Collins Piper, que nous rassemblons ici un compendium de documentation démasquant ces éléments dangereux fauteurs de chaos social-cognitif dans un monde qui manque déjà cruellement d'ordre, de sérieux et de pertinence. Car il est bien là le véritable satanisme en action: des gens sont payés ou se donnent eux-mêmes pour mission de nourrir dans la société une tendance à l'ultra-complotisme et au révisionnisme paranoïaque, qui amène à tout voir comme étant un complot, à considérer que tout peut et devrait par principe être prouvable ou prouvé, sinon obligatoirement et automatiquement remis en question, que tout fait doit être considéré à priori comme étant un potentiel complot ou une erreur d'historiens (pour parler comme les récentistes). Voilà une excellente façon de perdre toute crédibilité aux yeux d'autrui et de perdre tout lien avec la réalité. Ce lien ave la réalité, qui est la base du bon sens, se perd de plus en plus et ce n'est pas que la faute des sionistes, il y a aussi ces agents du chaos social qui utilisent l'ultra-complotisme, peu importe que ce soit naïvement ou avec une intention malveillante, le mal est fait car le lien avec la réalité se rompt !
Les petits futés de l'internet se croient très malin en ne regardant pas la télévision et en postulant que tout est toujours faux à la télévision, mais ils s'empressent de gober goulûment les vidéos diffusés sur internet, via youtube, dailymotion, etc., qui sont généralement des sources encore moins sûres que la télévision... C'est dire le niveau de duperie de ces petits malins "à qui on ne la fait pas"... Ils ne réalisent pas à quel point ils sont en train de participer à une vaste entreprise de déstabilisation qui menace de saper les bases de la société de demain en polluant de manière irrémédiable le puits d'information journalistique indépendante qu'aurait pu devenir Internet (dans une certaine mesure) si on avait pris seulement la peine d'être un peu plus rigoureux dans le choix de nos sources et surtout si on avait pris soin d'exclure ces sources qui dérapent dangereusement dans les théories les plus folles et insensées...
Quelques extraits d'un site web qui critique la tournure prise par Scholars for 911 Truth sous Jim Fetzer.
Commentaire de Fetzer suite à la crise cardiaque de Piper qui a précédé le débat (débat finalement reporté):
Un article de Fetzer attaquant Piper (même pas un mois avant sa mort): The Ugly Truth About Michael Collins Piper, Cass Sunstein and Sandy Hook
Ne manquez pas la mise au point de Michael Collins Piper dans cet article dans lequel il explique que d'importants liens avec le Mossad sont ignorés par les "chercheurs de vérité", alors que ces chercheurs se préoccupent moins du rôle du Mossad que sur celui de LBJ: Patriots: "LBJ Killed JFK" -- Ignored are Mossad’s numerous connections to assassination By Michael Collins Piper.
Les conclusions de Fetzer tendent à minimiser le rôle de James Jesus Angleton, un rôle pourtant archi important au vu des recherches de Piper. Ainsi Fetzer entre en conflit et en contradiction avec pratiquement toutes les thèses défendues par Piper, seulement il ne le dit pas clairement, il le fait en sous-main, subrepticement, en attaquant méthodiquement, un à un les pilliers de l'édifice de connaissance que les livres de Piper ont contribué à ériger.
Extrait de The Jim Fetzer Spy-Opera:
Encore un mauvais article de Jim Fetzer, celui-là ultérieur au décès de Piper. Toujours à taper sur Piper en le qualifiant de désinformateur... ("SH disinfo for TPTB")
Fetzer admet avoir expulsé Stephen E. Jones :
Fetzer : « The fact that I could do such a thing as founder of Scholars, however, no doubt qualifies as another reason for the need for the society to incorporate and attain more formal structure. »
- That's right from the horse's mouth!
Une courte compilation de courriels se plaignant de l'inanité des travaux et de la nuisance globale que représente Jim Fetzer:
Jim Fetzer's Campaign of Disinformation By Clint Bradford Here's a sampling of email messages I have received regarding the esteemed Dr. Fetzer...
Fetzer dit: "Peu importe que ce soit vrai ou pas, un mensonge ou pas, c'est très intéressant!"
Ne pas manquer cette excellente mise au point sur le cas de trois propagateurs des théories les plus dommageables pour le mouvement de vérité.
Three Amigos Reynolds, Wood and Fetzer’s assault on 9/11 Truth
par Jeremy Baker. Copyrighted.
“Right or wrong, this is fascinating stuff…”
–James Fetzer, on Reynold’s and Wood’s “new research” into the attacks on the WTC.
Selon plusieurs commentateurs, le site Veterans Today a commencé à prendre une mauvaise tournure dès l'instant où Fetzer a commencé à intervenir:
Founder Gordon Duff and others like James Fetzer, Dmitri Khalezov, Donald Fox, and Jeff Prager are just a few editors at Veterans Today that strongly support that “Mini Nukes” brought down the towers after the “Holograms” hit them. Veterans Today are strongly against the 2300+ Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and do not agree with the theory of controlled demolition theory via Nano Thermite and Explosives. Which has been scientifically proven and is the general consensus within the Truth Movement. Gordon Duff (Senior Editor at VT) has publicly admitted that 40% of everything he publishes on Veterans Today is “patently false”. My question is how can people still consider VT to be a credible source when the founder himself admits to spreading false information? Ever since James Fetzer joined VT, it has gone to the shits and my new slogan for Veterans Today is “Mini Nukes and Jews”.(…)
Fetzer s'arroge un rôle de leader dans le mouvement en invoquant l'argument d'autorité:
"Je suis formé en sciences cognitives donc en matière de désinfo, moi je m'y connais mieux que vous." En effet, tu dois connaître ça... assez pour être capable de l'utiliser sur nous!
One of the deepest ironies revealed in Fetzer’s missive is that "Fetzer [...] retired last June after 35 years of teaching courses in logic, critical thinking, and scientific reasoning.” Well, how could one argue with the logical conclusions of a renowned logic expert? I’ll try it caustically. Fact is, what this background of his shows to me is that he knows exactly what he’s doing – elevating a fraud to guiding principle of the “Truth Movement” he claims a leadership role in to arrive at the “truth.” In the end, from all this Fetzer was able to use his deep knowledge of ctical thinking and scientific deduction (as well, of course, as years learning all of their opposites – the arts of sophistry, quackery, and deception) to deduce an argument
Plus de détails (en vrac) concernant Jim Fetzer:
https://kendoc911.wordpress.com/911-disinfo-trolls/james-fetzer/ :
James Fetzer has been a long time 9/11 “Truther” and I used to respect the man until 2006-2008. When he turned on this movement and started promoting disinformation theories that no planes hit the towers and mini nukes brought them down.
Plane/No Planes and “Video Fakery”
Disinformation: The Use of False Information
(…) Fetzer knows what he’s doing, he wrote the book on it.(…)
The history between James Fetzer and Scholars for Truth and Justice (2006)
(…)Judy Wood and Fetzer joined teams after Uncle Jim was booted from scholars in 2006. It was soon after Steven Jones discovered Nano Thermite.
After getting booted from Scholars for Truth and Justice, Fetzer started Scholars for 9/11 Truth
Fetzer and Wood would scratch each others back but Judy was not comfortable with Holograms. So Jim dumped her and joined VT. Ever since then, VT has gone to the shits.
Steve Jones vs Jim Fetzer
Reynolds, Woods and Fetzer were known as the Three Amigos. lol
9/11: The Absurdity of the No-Planes-in-New York Theory
“Few things shock me rigid, these days, but seeing James Fetzer spouting his damaging no-planes-in-New York disinformation in an article hosted by Veterans Today has done just that. So this is, largely, a critical review of the work of Dr. James H. Fetzer, one the staunchest proponents of the no-planes-in-New York theory, and co-founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth website, whose motto is:
Unfortunately, Dr. Fetzer is in the habit of not presenting any proof that what he presents as falsehoods have been accurately described.”
9/11: An Open Letter to Anthony Lawson about “Absurdities”
By Jim Fetzer
Anthony Lawson has been a long standing Columnist with VT and even he can see the bullshit going on.
Anthony Lawson blasts Jim Fetzer, Veterans Today
Fetzer was booted from Veterans Today when accused founder Gordon Duff of spreading lies and control the alternative media. Two disinfo agents bickering at each other. How ironic.
Veterans Truth Network (4-28-15) Gordon Duff Roast (After 9 mins)
Veterans Truth Network Ousts Gordon Duff for the liar and shill that he is!
“Stew Webb, Jim Fetzer, Dean Henderson, Gene Tatum, and Bruce Campbell come together in this 3 hour special to give the proof that Gordon Duff is a lying fraud that only wants to try to control the alternative media so he can put out his known lies.”
Not only did Duff fire Fezter but Kevin Barret also let Fetzer go. This is one of the best moves KB ever made.
“Note to our loyal viewers from No Lies Radio:
If you have been watching our recent shows it is obvious that Kevin and Jim have developed irreconcilable differences and as a consequence things simply blew up: Kevin fired Jim and Jim quit. They cannot work together anymore. Jim is moving on with some new shows of his own. Kevin will continue to anchor False Flag Weekly news with a variety of national and international guest anchors to give brand new perspectives on the news we report. We at No Lies Radio appreciate the service that Jim gave to this show and wish him well with his new shows.”
Top Ten Reasons: Jim Fetzer and Friends are Sunstein Shills
“1) The Sandy Hook hoax theorists (Sandy Hookers)…
2) A professor who is an “expert” in “critical thinking”…should surely comprehend that it’s much easier for perpetrators of false-flag terror to crash a Boeing into a building (especially with Dov Zakheim and Daniel Lewin on the team)…
3) A January 2008 paper by Cass Sunstein provides an example of a recent “conspiracy theory” and contends that believers in such theories create “risks”:…
4) Jim Fetzer has authored, co-authored, edited or co-edited several books concerned with epistemology and cognition. Moreover, a number of these books were published by Springer, the company founded by Julius Springer, who was a co-religionist of Cass Sunstein.
5) Fetzer is not an honest debater. He has a system for controlling debates on his forum when it’s not going well for him – he bans his opponent and closes the comments!
6) Eyvind Hytten, the father of September Clues disinformation broker Simon Shack/Hytten, was a government asset who served as a controlled opposition
7) The Sandy Hookers attempt to substantiate their material by citing dubious sources such as Mike “Powers” aka Mike Hollingsworth aka Entryman aka Scorpion commander aka Jsteele7707,…
8) It’s already been established that Zionist operatives post on the internet under multiple aliases, sometimes attacking 9/11 truth, and at other times posting crazy conspiracy theories to make “conspiracy theorists” look nuts.
9) John Lear, a promoter of no-planes, is an ‘ex’-CIA asset in the same manner that Osama bin Laden was an ‘ex’-CIA/Zionist asset.
10) In October 2012, Gordon Duff, of Jewish descent, actually admitted that 40% of his writing was “at least purposely partially false”, and that about 30% of the material on Veterans Today is “patently false”. ”
Ace Baker’s FAKE on-air suicide on Jim Fetzer show (Jan 6, 2009)
Jim Fetzer’s Campaign of Disinformation
À propos de Veterans Today et de la quantité épouvantable de désinfo qu'on y trouve
Ce que ne veulent pas admettre ses fans évidemment, alors il vaut mieux ne pas trop en demander à ce pauvre monsieur Gyuénot, bien naïf et dupe.
Un article du site web impeccable et extrêmement bien informé takeourworldback.com, avec sources et infos vérifiées et vérifiables, soulignant l'impossibilité de la théorie "aucun enfant mort à Sandy Hook".
D'abord un court extrait:
By having disinformation agents such as Jim Fetzer and James Tracy peddle tinfoil lunatic claims about Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon bombings being faked, the Jews kill two birds with one stone. They get to paint 9/11 truth tellers as raving nutters who think Boston was faked with amputee actors, smoke machines and tomato ketchup, and after so much nonsense of crying fakery, such as with the Woolwich soldier murder, when something is really fake such as "beheading" videos, more rational people will start to imagine that those must be real as well.
Top Ten Reasons: Jim Fetzer and Friends are Sunstein Shills
Update (March 8, 2014): Wolfgang Halbig trawled the net looking for dead people as references to endorse his company
March 10, 2014: Halbig's site taken offline; screenshot of Google's cache posted below
- Epistemology and Cognition (Studies in Cognitive Systems)
- Sociobiology and Epistemology
- The New Theory of Reference: Kripke, Marcus, and Its Origins
- Aspects of Artificial Intelligence (Studies in Cognitive Systems)
- Computers and Cognition: Why Minds are not Machines (Studies in Cognitive Systems)
- Definitions and Definability: Philosophical Perspectives
- Philosophy, Language, and Artificial Intelligence: Resources for Processing Natural Language (Studies in Cognitive Systems)
- Philosophy, Mind, and Cognitive Inquiry: Resources for Understanding Mental Processes (Studies in Cognitive Systems)
- Probability and Causality: Essays in Honor of Wesley C. Salmon
- Program Verification: Fundamental Issues in Computer Science (Studies in Cognitive Systems)
- Scientific Knowledge: Causation, Explanation, and Corroboration (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science)
wolfgang halbig
Today I am as angry as anyone can get. What is it going to take for the uneducated Americans to get educated and start thinking about how they have responsibilities and not just rights that they throw in our faces everyday.
My father for four years I learned was in a NAZI PRISON in POSEN, POLAND.
Thank God that the Americans found him.
The letters I have now found in GERMANY makes me sick to my stomach as to what Hitler did to the Jewish Race. To this day I cannot believe that someone did not kill him which would have saved 6 million of our people there not just a jewish race they are people just like you and me."
Wolfgang HalbigAround 1979 Obama started college at Occidental in California . He is very open about his two years at Occidental, he tried all kinds of drugs and was wasting his time but, even though he had a brilliant mind, did not apply himself to his studies.
Now, we have Obama running for President. Valerie Jarrett was Michele Obama's boss. She is now Obama's chief advisor and he does not make any major decisions without talking to her first. Where was Jarrett born? Ready for this? Shiraz, Iran! Am I going nuts or is there a pattern here?
[...] How can so many people be that stupid and not see the big picture. I picked fruit at age 12 all through High School to help my mother and I liked it because I got paid for my work.
The Mexicans are taking the blacks jobs because the blacks see those jobs as demeaning to their status in America. [..]
Please donate and investigate what we can do in saving children from committing suicide. I need $100,000 thousand dollars [sic] and probably pay it back once the company is up and running. wolfgang
Un autre article de takeourworldback.com démontrant l'impossibilité de la théorie "aucun enfant mort à Sandy Hook":
- Andrew Wheeler is a fictitious person, but in order to make his online presence appear realistic, Sandy Hook Hoaxers created his website's domain in April 2003, had other conspirators post about him on internet forums - e.g., in 2009, obtained a photograph of a person to use on his website, and tricked or persuaded various newspapers into using another photo of the same person in reports stating that he traveled to Connecticut in December 2012.
- Although Andrew Wheeler loves his island lifestyle, he was inexplicably recruited as a "crisis actor", a job that involved him traveling from Hawaii to Connecticut to pose as the uncle of one of the "fake" victims, as part of an operation to back up a false Sandy Hook narrative.
- A "crisis actor" resembling Andrew Wheeler was hired to travel to Sandy Hook and pose as Wheeler, with backup plans to shoot or otherwise eliminate the real Andrew Wheeler if he ever found out about it and talked, and a second backup plan to shoot anyone who found out that Wheeler had been killed, and a third backup plan to shoot Wheeler's killer if he talked, and so on, with another series of backup plans to shoot the "crisis actor" if he talked, along with thousands of conspirators bribing, blackmailing and threatening thousands of co-conspirators to play their part in the plot.
Un extrait d'un autre excellent article de takeourworldback.com concernant Fetzer et d'autres désinformateurs patentés:
- Epistemology and Cognition (Studies in Cognitive Systems)
- Sociobiology and Epistemology
- The New Theory of Reference: Kripke, Marcus, and Its Origins
- Aspects of Artificial Intelligence (Studies in Cognitive Systems)
- Computers and Cognition: Why Minds are not Machines (Studies in Cognitive Systems)
- Definitions and Definability: Philosophical Perspectives
- Philosophy, Language, and Artificial Intelligence: Resources for Processing Natural Language (Studies in Cognitive Systems)
- Philosophy, Mind, and Cognitive Inquiry: Resources for Understanding Mental Processes (Studies in Cognitive Systems)
- Probability and Causality: Essays in Honor of Wesley C. Salmon
- Program Verification: Fundamental Issues in Computer Science (Studies in Cognitive Systems)
- Scientific Knowledge: Causation, Explanation, and Corroboration (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science)
1. Infiltration: Agents and informers did not merely spy on political activists. Their main purpose was to discredit and disrupt. Their very presence served to undermine trust and scare off potential supporters. The FBI and police exploited this fear to smear genuine activists as agents.
Covert Manipulation to Make A Legitimate Activist Appear to be an Agent: An actual agent will often point the finger at a genuine, non-collaborating and highly-valued group member, claiming that he or she is the infiltrator.
Un article datant de plus de 7 ans (révisé en 2010) de takeourworldback.com dénonçait déjà Fetzer comme un des pires agents de désinformations connus à ce jour.
As for the likes of David Duke and Willis Carto secretly working for Zionists, the idea is bunkum.Eric correctly identifies some agents such as James Fetzer who is working with the obvious shill Morgan Reynolds (who is a 'former' Bush Admin member in the same sense that bin Laden was or is a 'former' CIA asset!) and the probable mind control victim Judy Wood, to discredit the very genuine and appropriately qualified Professor Steven E Jones. Jones is yet another of Hufschmid's "Crypto-Zionists", along with Kevin Ryan and Jim Hoffman! Reynolds and Wood promote ludicrous absurdities such as "no planes hit the WTC", along with their "Star Wars beam weapon" distraction theory. Wood's students at Clemson university generally thought that she was not a good teacher and did not really know the material. Bizarrely, she had been in a coma for six years. A poster on a Clemson forum described her as "arguably the dumbest person [he'd] ever met, and by far the most incompetant [sic] instructor Clemson has ever hired". It doesn't seem likely that a Professor of Philosophy could be taken in by shills and retards; Fetzer has been bought out, but possibly after forming Scholars for 9/11 Truth. But Hufschmid's handlers would have giving him plenty of good information to mix in with the disinformation. The aim is to give an impression that Hufschmid is an unusually good researcher - albeit with some idiosyncrasies like his "moon landings hoax" and "Germar Rudolf a Zionist agent" ideas. The same strategy was employed with another prominent player who at one time seemed worthy of the title "the best reporter bar none"...One theory is that Eric suffered a sort of breakdown and temporarily lost his grip on reality. But then we have the question of Christopher Bollyn's veracity. If the "mental breakdown" theory holds, then both Bollyn and Hufschmid would have to be victims.
Un article de takeourworldback.com suggérant que Jim Fetzer est carrément un acteur jouant avec les théories du complot de manière à s'assurer qu'on passe tous pour des dingos.
In conclusion, it must be stressed that there are two sorts of "conspiracy theorists". There are those for whom truth is the priority, who will place great emphasis on facts, and will not give any credence to an unsupported claim made by someone in a video, for example. Then there are those who will happily believe any conspiracy theory, however crazy, no matter how little evidence there is to support it, and no matter how much evidence there is that refutes it. Michael Cravey was one of the latter group. Furthermore, the latter group can be divided into two: those who are acting crazy, and those who really are crazy. The actors are disinformation agents who deliberately engage in deception as part of a program to portray conspiracy theorists as crazy. A good example of such an actor is Professor Jim Fetzer. But Cravey was not acting - at least, not at the end. An actor doesn't go on to stab a stranger and then get himself killed by charging at a cop with a hatchet.
Enfin, une analyse détaillée de takeourworldback.com sur l'impossibilité technique de la théorie des mini-nukes dans le cas du WTC, avec une section sur la propagation de ces théories par le duo douteux Barrett-Duff de Veterans Today:
The Dimitri Khalezov "WTC was nuked" hoax
Revised 18 November, 2012: see here for transcript of Gordon Duff's admitting to writing 40% disinformation.
Pour plus d'infos sur Gordon Duff (Veterans Today), voir ces anciens articles les concernant disponibles sur ce blog:
L' "antisioniste" juif (ou seulement en partie juif, ou pas juif du tout... peu importe ça ne fait aucune diférence) Gordon Duff admet écrire 40% de faussetés et poster 30% de faussetés sur son site Veteran Today
Démasqués: le menteur Gordon Duff et la niaiserie de ceux qui disent qu' "aucun avion ne s'est écrasé sur le WTC"
Pour aller plus loin concernant Fetzer et d'autres désinformés et désinformants de l'ère Internet
Les chèvres de Judas mènent le mouvement de vérité à l'abattoir
L'auteur populiste antijuif Michael Collins Piper a-t-il été assassiné par ses ennemis liés à la Scientologie sous contrôle du Mossad? Ou a-t-il succombé aux persécutions infligées par ses ennemis au sein du "mouvement" nationaliste alors qu'il était affligé par la maladie? Peut-être ne le saurons-nous jamais. Mais l'histoire de sa vie et son oeuvre sont particulièrement révélateurs de l'état catastrophique du "mouvement" nationaliste et de ce que les chercheurs sérieux ont à subir non seulement de la part des ennemis déclarés du nationalisme mais aussi de la part de certains éléments problématiques à l'intérieur du mouvement nationaliste lui-même. Examinons ses mésaventures ô combien révélatrices avec des éléments malhonnêtes du mouvement tels que John Judge, Peter Dale Scott, Alex Jones, Jim Marrs, Robert Groden, Mark Weber, Andrew E. Allen, Jared Taylor, Eric Jon Phelps, Chris Bollyn, Eric Hufschmid, Mike Delaney, John Stadtmiller, Jim Condit Jr., Carolyn Yeager, James Fetzer, John Friend, Pete Papaherakles, sans oublier ses anciens employeurs le couple Willis et Elisabeth Carto.
11 septembre: les détails techniques de la destruction des tours du WTC ne sont que des détails, il importe bien plus de savoir qui sont les ultimes responsables et pourquoi ils l'ont fait.
"Le terroriste de Boston un extrémiste de droite qui lisait des journaux conspirationnistes, négationnistes et anti-juifs", révèle un journal de NewsCorp appartenant à Rupert Murdoch. Psychiatrisation et criminalisation du journalisme d'enquête et des théories du complot: bientôt des campagnes dans les écoles pour détecter les cas-problèmes et "sensibiliser" les jeunes au problème du conspirationnisme et autres "maladies mentales"... Vos idées et votre santé mentale sous haute surveillance
Les nouveaux "nationalistes": néo-FN, Finkielkraut, Zemmour, Taguieff et... Murdoch! Guillaume Weill-Raynal avait sonné l'alarme dès 2005. Ils sont la preuve que si le sionisme a longtemps préféré la gauche libérale antiraciste, elle préfère aujourd'hui la droite ostensiblement "nationaliste"! C'est l'essence même de la révolution néoconservatrice. Fox News, le 11 septembre et la mouvance anti-islam: cooptation, canalisation et récupération du nationalisme par le sionisme international sous couvert de lutte nationaliste...
Eric Hufschmid, chèvre de Judas
On the Subject of 9/11 Shills and Disinfo: the case of Bolyn and Hufschmid
La connexion Chris Bollyn - Eric Hufschmid - Rupert Murdoch (à suivre...)
Conspiracies Swirl Around Sandy Hook
Tragic mass murder in Connecticut spawns multiple conflicting conspiracy theories
Michael Collins Piper
In fact, over the years, critics have slammed AMERICAN FREE PRESS for allegedly promoting “conspiracy theories” when all we have done is report the facts, however uncomfortable they may be for some very real conspirators.
Unfortunately, many of the foolish conspiracy theories circulating today arise because those who are looking for conspiracies have a tendency to base their conclusions on what is just downright sloppy and inaccurate reporting by the “mainstream” media in the first place.

where a mass shooting of children and school emplo-
yees took place on Dec. 14, 2012, is now the subject
of raucous debate among conspiracy theorists.
Right now there are widely circulated claims that no children were killed at Sandy Hook, that it’s all a hoax. Others say that local police and firemen were in on the shooting, working to ensure as many kids as possible were gunned down. Others insist it was a CIA “mind control” operation. They claim the alleged shooter was brainwashed into being the “patsy” and that other gunmen carried out the murders—the same ones other conspiracy theorists say didn’t even happen at all.
And yes, the CIA does engage in mind control.
This writer’s book, The Judas Goats,* has a whole chapter on the topic. So don’t say I’m denying the existence of mind control.
One conspiracymonger claimed Israel’s Mossad orchestrated Sandy Hook in order to hurt Barack Obama. Yes, he said that.
Others—who don’t like Obama—said that, yes, the Mossad did it, but left out the part that the shooting was designed to hurt the president.
So, depending on what you think of Obama, you have two different versions of that theory. But there’s no proof ofMossad involvement in this case.
And before accusing me of “covering up for the Mossad,” bear in mind I have publicly charged the Mossad with being behind the JFK assassination, the Oklahoma City bombing and the 9-11 attacks.
Time and time again it’s been discovered that many mass shooters have been on mind-bending psychiatric drugs. Frankly, if I were the head of one of the companies that produce such drugs, I would keep a “crisis team” ready for action every time there’s a shooting. My Internet trolls would be out there cranking out stories saying “the CIA” brainwashed the shooters, thereby misdirecting attention from what could be the real underlying cause. There’s a conspiracy theory to chew on.
AFP tries to stick to what we believe to be the facts and we won’t publish any story because “it sounds good” or because somebody thinks “there might be something to it.”
*Michael Collins Piper is a world-renowned author, journalist, lecturer and radio show host. He has spoken in Russia, Malaysia, Iran, Abu Dhabi, Japan, Canada and, of course, the United States.
Many Sandy Hook Rumors Have Mysterious Origins
• Aftermath of mad news scramble leaves many doubting official story
By Michael Collins Piper
For American Free Press
Cautious observers are convinced high-level intriguers deliberately inserted many of these nonsensical theories into public discussion for the very purpose of discrediting alternative theories relating to other very real conspiracies.
Upon learning, for example, that some “conspiracy theorists” believe Sandy Hook was a hoax and that no children were even killed there—a frequent refrain—many in the general public are now dismissing any and all serious discussion of such matters as the 9-11 cover-up, the OKC bombing, the JFK assassination, or even the attack on the USS Liberty as the ravings of “conspiracy theorists.”
Attempts to examine those other very real conspiracies are now being routinely greeted with such comments as: “ I suppose you’re also one of those who people who doesn’t believe those 20 little children were killed at Sandy Hook.”
It seems as though the truthmovement has been maliciously manipulated into repeating any and all Sandy Hook conspiracy theories as part of some insidiously crafted experiment in crowd psychology—a carefully calculated operation designed to monitor Internet contact between patriots, keeping an eye on “who contacts whom” and determining which sources are most effective in spreading information, or disinformation, as the case may be.
Precisely because so much disinformation was being spread unwittingly by well-meaning and entirely innocent folks, a lot of people concluded that something had to be amiss with the “official” Sandy Hook story or otherwise—they said—so many good patriots wouldn’t be raising questions.
And that brings us to a very real question: How many of those who have been “raising questions” are really “good patriots”?
The truth is that a vast majority of the Sandy Hook spin has come from heretofore unknown sources, who still remain largely unknown, other than through Internet nicknames, and who helped put out much of the material early on, adding their own often-dubious commentary that helped stir up suspicion in the first place.
The behind-the-scenes powers-that-be have clearly concluded that the Internet is a powerful mechanism to control the course of debate within patriot ranks and have found that mixing matters up by spreading unfounded and often silly rumors is the best way to dilute serious inquiry. And based upon what we’ve seen in the wake of Sandy Hook, this very real conspiracy seems to be succeeding—all too well.
And what is so cunning is that the real conspirators have utilized Sandy Hook to drive a deep wedge that’s split the patriot movement from within. Veteran patriots say they’ve never seen anything like it in all their long years.
at Sandy Hook Elementary School on his
news program. Problem was, it wasn’t
Sandy Hook, but a neighboring school.
These types of revelations fueled the fire
for conspiratologists.
Thanks to the Orwellian manipulation—very real “mind control” at its best (and worst)—belief in Sandy Hook as having been a massive hoax is essentially being instituted as a virtual litmus test as to “who’s a real patriot and who isn’t.”
Those who don’t believe Sandy Hook was a massive hoax are denounced as having been “bribed, blackmailed, or coerced” or just having simply “changed sides.”
In short, Sandy Hook has effectively emerged as a cult, with a built-in theology that cannot be questioned.
To raise any doubts about the foundation of the cult is considered heresy. And anyone who doubts the Sandy Hook conspiracy theories is being portrayed as a “traitor to the patriot movement.”
One longtime critic of gun control was accused of lending support to pro-gun control forces because he believed children were killed at Sandy Hook—a total disconnect, of course, but illustrative of the kind of mindset that is setting in place.
Another was accused of being “pro-Obama” because he doubted the Sandy Hook theories.
It’s almost like Alice in Wonderland.
If there’s one thing we can be certain about, it’s this: There’s more to Sandy Hook than even the most dedicated conspiracy theorists understand—and that’s why they’ve been “hooked.”
Michael Collins Piper is an author, journalist, lecturer and radio show host. He has spoken in Russia, Malaysia, Iran, Abu Dhabi, Japan, Canada and, of course, the United States.
Internet Rife With Disinformation
• “ Cyber shills” working to misdirect, embarrass legitimate conspiracy researchers
Michael Collins Piper for American Free Press
Over the past nearly two decades, every time some horrific “event” happens, wanna-be “journalists” come out of the woodwork with their conspiracy theories based on absolutely nothing; bloggers who specialize in no facts, just rank speculation. [These are] irresponsible people out to make a name for themselves or to get people to their websites. They have zero credibility and hurt the rest of us by being lumped together [with us]. I have debunked conspiracy theories in the past based on documentation. I get attacked as if I’m the bad guy for pursuing the truth. There are conspiracies and cover-ups, but we want the truth, not speculation.
That’s why, in 2008, University of Chicago law professor Cass Sunstein—a Barack Obama crony—issued a formal crisis management paper on “conspiracy theories,” outlining a proposed pro- gram of what he called “cognitive infiltration” to discredit such theories, particularly those implicating Israel in 9-11.
And while such “Judas goat” operations have been going on for years, involving, for example, the FBI’s infamous ADL-assisted COINTELPRO—targeting the Ku Klux Klan, the National States Rights Party, the Minutemen and other dissidents—we know of one current Internet-focused scheme exposed by Thorn in AFP. Reporting that the Israeli government pays young Israelis $2,000 a month to troll the Internet and spread disinformation, Thorn noted that this connivance is well coordinated:
Participants are provided with specific scripts to use on enemies, complete with details involving sensationalized accusations against enemies, divide-and-conquer strategies where one individual is pitted against another, plus a variety of distraction techniques and the marginalization of opinions that differ from the official Jewish party line. Other tactics include denying inconvenient facts, refusing dialogue by sending conversations off into absurd directions, or dishonestly manip- ulating sources to entrap a foe.
VIDEO - Michael Collins Piper and Deanna Spingola - Disinformation in the Truth Movement
Michael Collins Piper, False Flags--Template for Terror:
_This is guaranteed: You are about to be confronted with some harsh realities that may be unlike you’ve ever encountered in whatever you’ve heard about what happened at Sandy Hook school on Dec. 14 2012 and at the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013.
_If you will be personally offended by expressions of fact and opinion (based on fact) that may contradict your deepest-felt beliefs regarding Sandy Hook and Boston, then please read no further.
_We’ll say it right now—and this will certainly astound you: Forget everything—everything—you’ve heard in both the mainstream media and in the “alternative” media about Sandy Hook and Boston.
_Then, after you’ve studied—if you dare—the material we are about to explore, you’ll realize what really happened at Sandy Hook and Boston is something unlike anything—and so very much bigger— than even you might have imagined.
_You’ll never look at Sandy Hook and Boston in the same way again. But you will be prepared for whatever future “crisis” the high-level conspirators undoubtedly have planned for America.
_As such, when that crisis happens, you’ll be better able to see through the fog of disinformation that will be once again unleashed— and rest assured that it will be.
In the wake of Sandy Hook and Boston, much was heard in the “alternative”media about “Crisis Actors” who played a part in misdirecting people’s attention as to the real facts about what happened during those “false flag” events.
_And false flag events they were. Both of those tragedies were classic false flag operations, but the truth is that they were not precisely the kind of false flag of the type that we saw carried out in the JFK assassination, in the Oklahoma City bombing, and later in 9-11.
_In fact, as we’ll see here—and this is the first time ever the story has been told in its entirety—the real “Crisis Actors” were not those whom many people believed them to be.
_And that is a story in and of itself.
_And it will surprise you.
_The story is much bigger than anyone might have conceived and it points toward the venal nature of a carefully-crafted high-level conspiracy that bears all the ear-marks of the manipulative masters of mind control whose not-so-fine (and ugly) hand was so clearly on the levels of power in the murder of JFK and those mass murders that followed in Oklahoma City and with the 9-11 terrorist tragedy.
_The vast flow of dissident information that erupted following the events of 9-11 made it an absolute“must” for the Mossad and its allies in intrigue to prevent it from ever happening again.
_You see, this is old-fashioned “crisis management” at its best (or worst).But the“crisis” in question—as you might naturally think—is not the death of the president or the lives lost in Oklahoma City or on 9-11.
_Rather, the crisis—in the minds of the conspirators responsible—is the potential danger to their power that could erupt if enough people came, for example, to conclude that the Mossad was indeed responsible for any of these false flag terrorist attacks on American soil.
_Therefore—in the wake of 9-11 and the Internet frenzy that took place with the rise of fast-moving and widely-distributed conspiracy theories (many implicating the Mossad)—it is now clear a conscious decision was made to ensure that, in the future, when any event of a conspiratorial nature occurred (particularly one involving the Mossad) that those most inclined toward acceptance of conspiracy theories would be corralled and misdirected through the most effective means possible.
_However, to achieve this end, it would be necessary to determine the best way to chart the rise and course of conspiracy theories; to pinpoint precisely who is most susceptible toward believing in them and, naturally, to do all that could be done to discredit them.
_But the plan—as we shall see—was not just simply standing back and loudly and repeatedly denying the existence of conspiracies. Instead, the course of action was far more subtle—some might even say Talmudic (and, if truth be told, it was a stroke of genius).
_The intriguers effectively determined that “if you can’t lick ‘em, join ‘em” (as the old saying goes). That is, rather than working to REFUTE conspiracy theories, the solution would be to INFECT them and MISDIRECT them and add utter confusion to the mix.
_The consequence would be that conspiracy theories would look so ridiculous that no broad swath of people in the general public might one day actually begin to have any belief in their credibility.
_In the past, people did have doubts about the official stories relating to the JFK assassination, the Oklahoma City bombing and the 9-11 tragedy. Now, however, emerging alternative theories about other events would be totally eviscerated—from within—and die by their own accord.Anyone putting forth any form of conspiracy theory would automatically become suspect, their very sanity questioned.
_The multiple stream of Internet provocations that captured the imagination of the “patriot” and“alternative” media following the Sandy Hook affair and the events in Boston were—beyond any question—the work of high-level conspirators whose designs were clear:
_1) To monitor the reaction of known (and potential) political dissidents to public events of a “crisis” nature;
_2) To gauge the level of conspiracy theorizing (and the acceptance of the theories) following such events;
_3) To trace the origins of conspiracy theories and to chart their course via Internet websites, email and other social media venues;
_4) To disrupt and misdirect conspiracy theorists and conspiracy theories whose views were deemed in some way problematic;
_and 5) To have in place a fully-functioning Crisis Management System—a very real “conspiracy”—that could be utilized to its fullest capacity at some future time.
_The first public hint of what was openly-acknowledged high-level intrigue of this sort—designed to undermine the 9-11 truth movement (not to mention any and all suggestions of conspiracies in other realms) was formally unveiled on January 15, 2008.
_At that time, one Cass Sunstein, a professor at the University of Chicago, and his co-author, Harvard law professor Adrian Vermeule, put forth a so-called “preliminary draft” of what was officially issued as “Harvard Public LawWorking Paper No.08-03 and University of Chicago Public LawWorking Paper No. 199.”
_Although little-noticed at the time it was first issued, the “working paper” came under broad-ranging public inspection (widely discussed on the Internet) after Sunstein was drafted in 2009 by President Barack Obama to serve as administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, a post Sunstein departed in 2012.
_Later published under other auspices under the title “Conspiracy Theories,” the paper addressed the specific question of how the government should respond to conspiracy theories that were now holding wide sway (particularly on the Internet) and, in no uncertain terms, addressed what Sunstein (who is Jewish) considered the specific danger of the growing belief that Israel had played a part in 9-11.
_Naturally, 9-11 truthers were outraged by this paper and noted (rightly so) that the co-author was now effectively “minister of information” for the Obama regime: A U.S. government official was actually pondering, in writing,how government power could be used to deal with conspiracy theories and those who believed in them!
_Sunstein’s insidious and Orwellian “think piece” began by raising this question:
_Should governmental responses be addressed to the suppliers [of conspiracy theories] with a view to persuading or silencing them, or rather be addressed to the mass audience, with a view to innoculating them from pernicious theories?_While noting that, in his view,“these two strategies are not mutually exclusive,” Sunstein went on to suggest that “perhaps the best approach is to straddle the two audiences with a single response or simply to provide multiple responses.”
_However, Sunstein said,many officials considered it “an exercise in futility” to try to respond directly to “the suppliers of conspiracy theories” and that, instead, they tried to “address their responses to the third-party mass audience, hoping to stem the spread of conspiracy theories by dampening the demand rather than by reducing the supply.”
_In answer to his own question“What can the government do about conspiracy theories?” Sunstein provided five possibilities:
_(1) Government might ban “conspiracy theories,” somehow defined._Noting that each of these proposals had “a distinct set of potential effects, or costs and benefits, and each [of which] will have a place under imaginable conditions,” Sunstein answered the specific question of “What should government do?” by stating quite directly:
_(2) Government might impose some kind of tax, financial or otherwise, on those who disseminate such theories.
_(3) Government might itself engage in counterspeech, marshaling arguments to discredit conspiracy theories.
_(4) Government might formally hire credible private parties to engage in counterspeech.
_(5) Government might engage in informal communication with such parties, encouraging them to help.
_Our main policy claim here is that government should engage in cognitive infiltration of the groups that produce conspiracy theories, which involves a mix of [the aforementioned proposals:] (3), (4), and (5)._Clearly, Sunstein recognized that—at least under the First Amendment as it exists today—the government could not ban conspiracy theories outright or levy some sort of tax on those who purvey such theories that he and others find offensive.
_However, Sunstein concluded, the government could engage in efforts to counter the theories by recruiting“credible private parties” to combat conspiracy theoriests and by engaging in “information communication with such parties, encouraging them to help.”
_And this framework, in itself, is already in place. It is a very dirty and ugly history indeed, demonstrated by the long-standing collaboration between such groups as the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center (not to mention the American Jewish Congress and the American Jewish Committee) working with the CIA and the FBI and other law enforcement agencies, as well as Israel’s Mossad—and, dare we add, British intelligence—in concerted efforts to undermine American political dissidents.
_Working from this standpoint Sunstein outlined what he called “a distinctive tactic for breaking up the hard core of extremists who supply conspiracy theories.” This program, he said, involved the following:
_[C]ognitive infiltration of extremist groups, whereby government agents or their allies (acting either virtually or in real space, and either openly or anonymously) will undermine the crippled epistemology of believers by planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups, thereby introducing beneficial cognitive diversity._Because, Sunstein said,“conspiracy theorists are likely to approach evidence and arguments in a biased way, they are not likely to respond well, or even logically, to the claims of [people they know to be] public officials,” it was vital that, as Sunstein said,“government officials would participate anonymously or even with false identities” in 9-11 discussion groups and other conspiracy-focused gatherings on the Internet and elsewhere.
_And with the increasingly widespread knowledge we now have about the capacity of the National Security Agency—among many government intelligence agencies in the United States alone—to monitor the telephone calls, emails, and other Internet activity of all Americans,we can certainly say, with utmost authority, that Sunstein and his co-conspirators and like-minded intriguers had already concluded that the framework was in place to be able to see precisely who was engaged in conspiracy talk and with whom they were communicating.
_It is thus no coincidence that when the series of scandals erupted over the summer of 2013 regarding the activities of the National Security Agency (NSA) that Cass Sunstein was one of the four members of the so-called “independent” panel appointed by President Barack Obama charged with the responsibility of “reviewing” the operations of the NSA and other government agencies.
_And nor,we might add, it is any coincidence that another member of the panel, Richard Clarke (a former high ranking advisor to presidents—Democratic and Republican alike—in the realm of“national security”) now happens to head a private firm known as Good Harbor Security Risk Management.
_And yes, as you might have guessed, Good Harbor touts “Crisis Management” as one of its specialities.
_Crisis Management—that’s what it’s all about.
_The concept of “Crisis Management” is the new “big thing” in our modern era.And don’t forget—as we mentioned in Chapter Eighteen— that former high-ranking FBI official Neil Herman who was involved in much of the intrigues surrounding 9-11 (and who later worked as director of “fact-finding” for Israel’s American intelligence arm, the Anti- Defamation League) went on to become part of the “crisis management team” at Burson-Marstellar, one of the premier firms in that field today.
_In fact, two popular television dramas of recent date have Crisis Management specialists at the core of their storyline—“Scandal,” portraying the day-to-day workings of a beautiful African-American Crisis Management operative in Washington, D.C. and “The Good Wife,” featuring a particularly wily Crisis Management specialist (portrayed as a distinctly Jewish figure with the name of“Eli Gold”) who carries on his intrigues in Cass Sunstein’s home base of Chicago, no less.
_Both programs are quite revealing and say much about the nature of Crisis Management methods of operation.
_Several episodes of “The Good Wife” noted the use of “cyber shills” whose duty it is to infiltrate the Internet and place false stories and provocations designed to promote some particular agenda—or disrupt someone else’s.
_A simple Internet search of the term “Crisis Management”—and the term does deserve to be capitalized as we have rendered it here— demonstrates how foremost these new techniques of “public relations” (that is, propaganda) really are in the minds of those in high places.
_As we said: “Crisis Management—that’s what it’s all about.”
_So it was that—with the nature of Internet communication as it exists today and with the capacity to be able to monitor any and all content circulating on the Internet—Cass Sunstein and company had the means to construct and carry out a rather simple (but 21st Century-style technologically-sophisticated) exercise in Crisis Management planning which incorporated rather skillful experimentation with that new technology in implementing good old-fashioned Crowd Control.
And when we talk about Crowd Control,we’re not talking about the use of fire hoses and police dogs and stun guns. Rather, in fact, what we’re talking about is really just a highly-advanced form of “Mind Control”—one designed to influence a large number of people over an extended period of time through covert and quite insidious manipulation of the media—and that does include the Internet and the “alternative” and “independent” media as well. Unfortunately, a brief digression into the topic of Mind Control is relevant and important here, for it relates directly to the nature of the manipulative experiments in False Flag Crowd Control that were central to the Internet frenzy following both Sandy Hook and Boston.
_Long part of the intrigues of the high-level conspirators—best exemplified in the CIA’s infamous MK-ULTRA experiments in Mind Control, the initial stages of which were launched in the days following the CIA’s founding in 1947—this realm has not only been a province of the CIA, but also that of the Soviet KGB and Israel’s Mossad and other intelligence agencies (both public and private)—as well.
_Now, unfortunately, although the concept of Mind Control is best known among truth-seekers as a consequence of the widespread distribution of such works as Cathy O’Brien’s rather dubious book Trance-Formation of America, the truth is that there has always been available a wide variety of responsible material on the subject, in particular the book by former State Department foreign service officer John D. Marks entitled The Search for the Manchurian Candidate.
_Subtitled “The CIA and Mind Control: The Story of the Agency’s Secret Efforts to Control Human Behavior,” Marks’ book was based on some 16,000 pages of documents that Marks pried out of the CIA through the Freedom of Information Act following the public revelations regarding CIA adventures in this bizarre field that were unveiled in the wake of a controversial series of Senate hearings conducted by Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho) into the activities of the CIA. Until then, Americans believed that only “the Communists” and “the Nazis” had engaged in unpleasant experiments to manipulate human behavior.
_(The title of Marks’non-fiction book was inspired by the 1958 novel by Richard Condon—later a popular motion picture—entitled The Manchurian Candidate. In that horrifying story, an American soldier is brainwashed by the communists during the KoreanWar, falsely set up as a “war hero” to be revered by the American public, and later manipulated in an assassination plot upon his return to the United States.
_(It turns out that the hero’s own mother is actually a secret communist agent—despite the fact that she is one of the best known “anticommunists” in America—and is using her son as part of a communist plot to seize control of the United States in the guise of fighting communism.
_The mind-control victim never knows he is being manipulated— until it is too late.) So—all of that having been said—Mind Control is very real and can be carried out in a variety of ways.And Crowd Control—which is a part of Crisis Management—is a form of Mind Control. And you may rest assured that those who have in interest in these matters have studied these concepts carefully and know precisely how they work.
_And—as we have seen—with high-level forces having witnessed the growth of “conspiracy theories”which these would be masters of the universe realize endanger their power—particularly with the rise of the Internet as a somewhat “independent”means of communication— the need to combat those conspiracy theories (and to control the Internet) has become a major concern.
_These very real conspirators—people of the likes of the aforementioned Cass Sunstein,who actually laid out a plan for undermining conspiracy theories—determined the best way to facilitate their operation was to orchestrate (or take advantage of) an event that would grip the public imagination and then manipulate it for their own purposes.
_Their goal was to have in place a carefully-structured network that, in the future,could be used in a much-bigger fashion to direct or—as the case may be—to misdirect public opinion (particularly in the realm of those open to “conspiracy theories”) and ensure that the trade of information regarding such events was carefully controlled.
_Here, essentially,was the plan: These conspirators needed a “crisis”—a reasonably small and manageable event they could monitor and manipulate from the very beginning, finding out, essentially,“who’s in touch with whom” and by what means and venues conspiracy theories (relating to such a crisis) gained their most widespread circulation.
_Whether the crisis was “real”—that is, of its own making, one that happened on its own—or whether it was manufactured (through covert means by some clandestine agency) didn’t matter.
_What mattered was the capacity to track (and, more importantly, to direct) public reaction to the crisis (particularly in the realm of “conspiracy theories”) and to manage the crisis to such a degree that any and all conspiracy theories relating to that crisis could be made to look foolish.
_And here’s the critical point to remember: These conspirators also realized that they could effectively redirect public debate not just by countering conspiracy theories but by actively inserting their own downright silly and ridiculous disinformation into the debate with the aim of discrediting any and all conspiracy theories.
_Worthy of the greatest thinkers of theTalmud, it was right out of the legendary Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. And it was programmed—from the start—to capture the imagination of (and control) the minds of sincere patriots who were already inclined (quite naturally) to buy into conspiracy theories!
_Fully versed in the legendary sociological study of crowd behavior laid down in 1895 by Gustave Lebon in The Crowd—a volume described as having “exerted a powerful influence upon the thought of men aiming to understand the workings of collective behavior and of social psychology”—Sunstein and company set in motion a scheme that can only be described as brilliant, if not just simply as evil.
_To those who understand Sunstein’s proposition on the deeper level of Mind Control that it represents and who have likewise taken the time to carefully study the bigger picture in retrospect, it is all too apparent that the Internet-based frenzy following the Sandy Hook affair was clearly the work of the Sunstein crowd—we’ll call them the Crisis Management Conspirators—who remembered all too well what Gustave LeBon had said when he wrote so succinctly:“To know the art of impressing the imagination of crowds is to know at the same time the art of governing them.”
_The Sandy Hook affair was tailor-made for putting the Sunstein gang’s experiment in motion. It involved violence. It involved the explosive issue of gun control, inasmuch as the incident was said to have been a mass shooting. And it was another sensational school shooting—and one at a grade school, no less.
_The dynamics were absolutely on target—no pun intended—for the Sunstein thesis to be put to the test.
_And, quite predictably, the mass media—as a consequence of its typically reckless nature—played right into the scheme. The frenzied rush in the heat of the moment to get “the scoop” led to sloppy, reporting and presumably otherwise honest mistakes by journalists.
_And naturally, a lot of these errors were quickly the subject of discussion among emailers and those participating on Internet discussion forums who were concerned about the obvious push for further gun control that was accompanying the media reportage relating to the events at Sandy Hook.
_Now some of the errors were eventually corrected,but many of the errors were simply ignored or otherwise lost in the shuffle, and this led to further suspicions on the part of those who sensed that there was more to Sandy Hook than was officially being reported.
_(Unfortunately, although some of the errors were indeed later corrected,many so-called “conspiracy theorists” never became aware of those corrections and continued—even to this day—to cite those
“errors” as evidence of a cover-up.
_(And that’s another reason conspiracy theorists must be detail-oriented, for if they can be disproven in one minor area, those who are eager to dismiss their theories will use that one mistake as “evidence” that the bigger picture—the more broad-ranging so-called “conspiracy theory”—is, in and of itself, totally wrong.)
_But note this:
_Considering the fact Sunstein and his like-minded conspirators do have high-level connections to the controllers of the big media, it’s likely some media elements deliberately purveyed incomplete or imprecise stories about Sandy Hook, knowing full well that alert readers and audiences would detect these errors and that they would be bandied about as “proof” of a conspiracy, further muddying the waters.And that, in fact, is what happened in many instances.
_However, as we shall see, there is strong evidence to suggest that at least some “inside” elements in the mass media did play a key role in “leaking” material that was used by the Sunstein group to distract truth seekers in the wake of Sandy Hook. More about that later.
_But aside from the mis-reporting in the major media (whether deliberate or otherwise) it was almost exclusively on the Internet—via the so-called “truther” and “alternative” and “independent” websites, discussion groups, along with email and the popular video forum, YouTube, etc—that a wide variety of absolutely baseless (and largely nonsensical) stories about Sandy Hook began to appear.
_This was clearly the work of a small but skilled team of operatives working for Sunstein and company.
_As Sunstein had suggested in his now-infamous working paper, their purpose was to manipulate—and ultimately refute—and make fools of—sincere truth seekers and so-called “conspiracy theorists.”
_And, even more so, Sunstein’s goal was to convince the broad range of the American public that anyone who spoke about any conspiracies at high levels was just simply not someone to be believed.
_One of the first and most outrageous of these Internet “revelations” that did so much to make sincere truth seekers look foolish was the oftrepeated theme that“Sandy Hook was a hoax”and that no children were even killed there. (Yes, that was a frequently repeated allegation.)
_Even the introduction of the word “hoax” was carefully calculated and with the mass media reporting that “conspiracy theorists” were using that term to describe the tragedy, many in the general public began to doubt the sanity of a lot of good people who were rightfully raising questions about what happened at Sandy Hook and the way that it was being exploited.
_And—just as Sunstein and company expected (and desired)—other individuals discussing other matters involving conspiracies (the 9-11 cover-up, the Oklahoma bombing, the JFK assassination, and even the Israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty) were themselves being subjected to sarcastic comments such as,“I suppose you’re also one of those people who doesn’t believe those 20 little children were killed at Sandy Hook.”
_Sunstein and company had scored big.
_They knew they literally had a proverbial “captive audience” that was unwittingly receptive to their manipulations. And they had the capacity to track—via the Internet—the entirety of the exchange of information going on.
_This was their first big “test tube” case and it was proving to be a success, perhaps beyond even their wildest dreams.
_Sunstein and the Crisis Management Conspirators implementing his plan recognized that the diverse assortment of groups active in political dissent —whether they call themselves “patriots” or “nationalists” or “truth seekers” or “white separatists” (the list of such largely selfimposed labels could go on and on)—constituted the definition of a “crowd” as laid forth in the aforementioned Gustave LeBon’s rather sinister analysis of the manner in which a “crowd” can be manipulated.
_In its ordinary sense the word "crowd" means a gathering of individuals of whatever nationality, profession, or sex, and whatever be the chances that have brought them together._In other words, these proverbial “mad scientists”—these modernday Crisis Management Conspirators, steeped in the teachings of LeBon—saw that conspiracy theories tended to form (and initially circulate) within a“crowd”of like-minded individuals and that, from that standpoint alone, such a crowd was easily manipulated. It was, after all, the High Priest of Crowd Control, Le Bon himself,who pointed out that:
_From the psychological point of view, the expression "crowd" assumes quite a different signification. . . .
_The sentiments and ideas of all the persons in the gathering take one and the same direction, and their conscious personality vanishes. A collective mind is formed, doubtless transitory, but presenting very clearly defined characteristics.
_The gathering has thus become . . . an organized crowd, or, if the term is considered preferable, a psychological crowd. It forms a single being, and is subjected to the law of the mental unity of crowds.
_However indifferent it may be supposed, a crowd, as a rule, is in a state of expectant attention, which renders suggestion easy. The first suggestion formulated which arises implants itself immediately by a process of contagion in the brains of all assembled, and the identical bent of the sentiments of the crowd is immediately an accomplished fact._That is, once a particular “theory”—some particular thought, some particular “factoid” (as they now call it)—has been inserted into a likeminded crowd, that factoid (even if, per chance, it doesn’t happen to be true) almost becomes an article of faith or even, as Le Bon said, “immediately an accomplished fact.”
_As such, the Le Bonian Mind Control masterminds recognized that precisely because a “crowd” tends, thus, to think alike, and accept all precepts that “sound good” or which seem parallel to their particular mindset, that a “crowd” would immediately incorporate by “process of contagion” any idea inserted into the mass thinking of the crowd.
_The Crisis Management Conspirators knew that once a “crowd” had become conditioned to “think alike” (so to speak) and was thereby easily subject to the power of suggestion, that such a like-minded group would immediately start to develop its own particular mindset a way of looking at some issue or event.
_As Le Bon pointed out:
_The simplest event that comes under the observation of a crowd is soon totally transformed._Essentially, because so many people in “The Crowd”—that is, the “truth movement”—saw (quite clearly) that the mass media was attempting to stoke up demands for increased gun control measures (even outright gun confiscation on a national scale), the whole image of Sandy Hook changed in its entirety.
_A crowd thinks in images, and the image itself immediately calls up a series of other images, having no logical connection with the first. We can easily conceive this state by thinking of the fantastic succession of ideas to which we are sometimes led by calling up in our minds any fact.
_Our reason shows us the incoherence there is in these images, but a crowd is almost blind to this truth, and confuses with the real event what the deforming action of its imagination has superimposed thereon.
_A crowd scarcely distinguishes between the subjective and the objective. It accepts as real the images evoked in its mind,though they most often have only a very distant relation with the observed fact.
_In fact, this was the REAL “false flag” in the whole Sandy Hook debate, but many good patriots didn’t see what was happening.
_Rather than focusing on the genuine issue of specific concern—the push for gun control—“The Crowd” was instead gettting bogged down and looking in the wrong direction, worrying about a variety of unimportant details and making allegations about Sandy Hook—that no children had actually died, for example—that made honest critics of gun control look foolish, if not downright venal.
_Most people among the general public more or less accepted the idea that a disturbed young man had committed a horrible deed and that—predictably—gun control advocates once again jumped on the tragedy in order to pursue their anti-gun agenda.
_A lot of people—including a lot of people in the “truth movement”—had previously (and rightly) expressed concerns that many of the people involved in previous mass shootings had been under the influence of psychiatric drugs which have been pushed by the major media to the great profit of the pharmeceutical conglomerates.
_And at the outset, even most skeptics of the official version of events had no doubt buying the possibility that the alleged shooter, Adam Lanza,had been the victim of MK-ULTRA style mind control,brainwashed into committing a mass shooting in order to help stampede public support for gun control or outright gun confiscation.
_Over the years more than a few independent journalists had compiled an assembly of data on a number of mass shootings in the U.S. and elsewhere suggesting there was much more to the story behind these shootings; that, in fact, they were orchestrated by behind-the-scenes forces and that there was evidence of “mind control” involved.
_So there were a lot of good reasons for many to at least suspect that perhaps there was some sort of Mind Control or other form of high-level intrigue involved in the Sandy Hook shooting.
_In fact—up until Sandy Hook—this explanation (that Lanza was a mind-controlled false flag patsy who actually killed little chiildren) would have sufficed for even the most hard-core skeptic who doubted the official version of events laid down by the authorities.
_But with Sandy Hook—and the intervention of the Crisis Management Conspirators—the outlook of the“average”grass-roots conspiracy theorist in “The Crowd” would never be the same again.
_As a consequence of the intrigues of the Crisis Management Conspirators, the mindset of the conspiracy theorists would be drastically altered to the point that many good people were pushed into the direction of believing that absolutely nothing—absolutely nothing— could ever be believed and that everything—absolutely everything— was a horrendous lie.
_And we are not talking just about Sandy Hook.We are talking about virtually anything—everything—taking place in our world today.
_The Crisis Management Conspirators were pushing honest truth seekers in“The Crowd” into a proverbial padded cell where they could just keep screaming at the top of their voices and banging their heads against the wall with the ultimate realization that nobody was paying any attention to them whatsoever—a virtual Twilight Zone.
_Nonetheless—on a parallel basis—the Crisis Management Conspirators,quite naturally,didn’t want anyone in the general public, at least, to ever consider the possibility that there had been any Mind Manipulation or any conspiracy to stage a“crisis”—such as another mass shooting—to justify gun confiscation.
_Therefore, they began spinning bizarre tales and inserting them onto the Internet and into the mind of “The Crowd”—that is, patriots and other skeptics of the official story—in order to muddy up serious inquiry and discussion.
_They dazzled “The Crowd”with an array of colorful and interesting and fiendishly clever (if not obviously outrageous) rumors that absolutely had the immediate and profound (and very much intended) effect of directing public ire upon those good patriots—the so-called “conspiracy theorists”—who were rightly concerned about behind-thescenes manipulation that accompanied the events at Sandy Hook.
_Soon enough—and not surprisingly—people in the general public began to think any conspiracy theories about Sandy Hook were absolutely beyond the pale and that people inclined toward conspiracy theories questioning the official government line were crazy troublemakers who belonged in mental hospitals!
_The Crisis Management Conspirators mesmerized and manipulated American patriots and other skeptics via a non-stop wave of Sandy Hook “factoids” that quickly spread like wildfire across the Internet. And patriot websites by the hundreds—by the thousands—were picking them up and reporting them. These legends—spawned by the Crisis Management folks—became the staple daily diet of email addicts who were eagerly helping distribute the latest Sandy Hook “revelations.”
_And, of course, this—as we shall see in a moment—was all keeping in line with another aspect of the “crowd” that the “guru” of the Crisis Management Conspirators—Gustave LeBon—had already assessed.
People were falling victim to the the fact that because something is repeated time and again, it gains a certain credibility in the mind of the ‘crowd.” LeBon wrote:
_The influence of repetition on crowds is comprehensible when the power is seen which it exercises on the most enlightened minds._Precisely because so much disinformation was being repeated by well-meaning and entirely innocent folks, a lot of good patriots concluded that something had to be amiss with the “official” Sandy Hook story or otherwise—they said—so many good patriots on so many websites and elsewhere wouldn’t be raising these questions. However—and this is a point that many failed to consider at the time (but which many patriots are now coming to realize):
_This power is due to the fact that the repeated statement is embedded in the long run in those profound regions of our unconscious selves in which the motives of our actions are forged.
_At the end of a certain time we have forgotten who is the author of the repeated assertion, and we finish by believing it.
_When an affirmation has been sufficiently repeated and there is unanimity in this repetition . . .what is called a current of opinion is formed and the powerful mechanism of contagion intervenes.
_The truth is that a vast majority of the Sandy Hook spin came from theretofore unknown sources—who to this day still remain largely unknown,other than through Internet nicknames—who helped put out much of the material in the first place, adding often-dubious commentary that helped stir up suspicion in the first place.
_As LeBon had so rightly said, “at the end of a certain time we have forgotten who is the author of the repeated assertion, and we finish by believing it.” How true it was with Sandy Hook!
_These Internet sources who had suddenly popped up had no reputation (either good or bad) among traditional patriots and conspiracy theorists—but their impact was immeasurable.
_And they were ably aided and abetted by some longtime deep-cover assets—agents provocateurs—inside the patriot movement who helped give further “credibility” to these stories being cranked out by the Crisis Management Conspirators.
_A lot of old CIA hands and federal informants---veterans of the black propaganda journal Media Bypass (referenced in Chapter Fourteen) that had been heavily funded and set up in time for the disinformation surrounding the Oklahoma City bombing----popped up to help disseminate a lot of the Sandy Hook-related nonsense that gripped the imagination of the patriots.
_Meanwhile, on a daily basis, the powers-that-be in control of the mass media were cranking up a continuing round-the-clock campaign in favor of gun control,pointing at Sandy Hook as underscoring the necessity for dismantling the Second Amendment. It was, they said, “for the children.” Americans were told they needed to give up their guns so as to prevent future tragedies of this kind.
_But the irony is that many good people who thought that by“exposing the Sandy Hook fraud”—that is, passing on the Internet-based rumors about Sandy Hook—that they were “doing something” to stop the drive for gun control. In fact, it was a total misdirection from the central issue of gun control. Peoples’energies were being focused not on gun control but on the “necessity” to “spread the truth about Sandy Hook.”
_And that, as we’ve said,was the real“false flag” in Sandy Hook. However,unfortunately, the patriots who were repeating the Internet rumors were giving a whole new twist to the controversy surrounding Sandy Hook and the push for gun control that came in its wake.
_What was happening was that the more the conspiracy theories surrounding Sandy Hook got all the more fantastic, the more it had the effect of discrediting all sincere critics of gun control who were being identified with “those people who say that no children really died at Sandy Hook.” The bottom line matter of fighting the drive for gun control was sidelined by “The Crowd” which had become caught up in discussing (and perpetuating) all of the silly Sandy Hook rumors that the Crisis Management Conspirators had unleashed on the Internet.
_The Crisis Management Conspirators—having a field day (and a good laugh) at their success in re-shaping the thinking of conspiracyconscious patriots—knew full well of another key concept put forth by LeBon: The fact that a “crowd” can accept the most ridiculous propositions, ones that an individual—prior to becoming a member of the “crowd”—would not be so ready to incorporate into his thinking. if given the time to consider the matter more fully.
_More and more a fabulously colorful bazaar of bizarre conspiracy theories began to swirl around Sandy Hook. Many of these theories— often promulgated as part of a grab-bag package by their promoters— were directly contradictory.
_Here’s an example.
_One big name figured out that Israel’s Mossad was behind the shooting. His proof? Well, everybody knows that the Mossad is murderous and that Israel has no problem killing children.
_This authority claims a three-man Mossad team pulled off the job— but then again, there are folks who say this investigator is dead wrong (pun intended) since, of course, nobody was killed at Sandy Hook at all, or least not enough people killed to justify a big-time Mossad operation of the kind described by that analyst.
_However, as far as the Mossad is concerned (vis-a-vis Sandy Hook) there were two different claims in this regard. Some said the Mossad did it to hurt President Obama, getting revenge against the president for not being pro-Israel enough. Others said the Mossad did it to help the president further along the conspiracy to grab America’s guns.
_In other words, if you think the Mossad did it, you have two entirely different (and quite contradictory) motives to choose from. And so, depending on what you think of Barack Obama, you have two different versions of the story that “The Mossad Was Behind Sandy Hook.”
_But the foundation of this theory—which is certainly delectable to anyone who has professed belief of Mossad involvement in the JFK assassination, the Oklahoma City bombing and in 9-11—doesn’t have any basis in any given facts, the exciting scenario itself notwithstanding.
_Yet—believe it or not—after I publicly discounted Mossad involvement in Sandy Hook (on the basis that I had seen no actual proof—even circumstantial—of such involvement) I was accused of “covering up for the Mossad” and of being “a Zionist agent.” (Seriously.)
_In fact, there is no proof that Mossad assassins were involved in any shooting (real or staged) in Sandy Hook.
_How the Mossad was involved in Sandy Hook was in a way most of the great conspiracy theorists clearly were unable to figure out, so busy they were with distributing the increasingly more silly and unlikely conspiracy theories that were running wild on the Internet.
_The Mossad was hiding in plain sight and the patriot researchers and conspiracy theorists never saw it at all.
_It was clearly allies (or outright assets) of the Mossad—figures in Cass Sunstein’s Crisis Management gang—who were conjuring up and distributing the ridiculous stories that gained such currency. In effect, the patriots were passing on Mossad-sponsored black propaganda and they never understood that at all!
_And, naturally, this had the desired effect of making any and all conspiracy theorists—especially anyone who might date mention the dread word “Mossad”— look crazy,marginal and generally to be disbelieved.
_So, in that sense, the Mossad was behind Sandy Hook but not in the way that many Sandy Hook true believers might like to think.At the very least, the Mossad profited from Sandy Hook by being able to monitor (and manipulate) the conspiracy theories that emerged. It was a classic experiment in Crisis Management and Mind Control and the patriot dissidents never understood that at all.
_And that’s precisely why the bad folks at the Mossad and their allies among the Crisis Management Conspirators had a good laugh at the antics of the “patriots” who were hawking the latest disinformation inserted onto the Internet designed to make those patriots look foolish.
_But despite the contradictions in this realm (and in other aspects of the stories circulating about Sandy Hook) that didn’t seem to phase many who helped spread the stories saying,“I’m just passing on what I’ve heard.” These people actually believed that as a member of “The Crowd” they were doing their patriotic duty, having no idea they were being manipulated by the very forces they were seeking to combat!
_The Crisis Management Conspirators had once again put the theoretical precepts of their High Priest—LeBon—into practice by conjuring up (and putting into distribution via the Internet) the most audaciously ridiculous narratives.They knew full well that “The Crowd” would buy into these stories without question.As LeBon wrote:
_The figurative imagination of crowds is very powerful, very active and very susceptible of being keenly impressed. The images evoked in their mind by a personage, an event, an accident, are almost as lifelike as the reality._Clearly, this phenomenon explains why so many otherwise sensible people began to believe some of the most extraordinary claims about Sandy Hook set loose on the Internet by theretofore unknown“sources” with no record of recognition or credibility in any way, shape or form.
_Crowds are to some extent in the position of the sleeper whose reason, suspended for the time being, allows the arousing in his mind of images of extreme intensity which would quickly be dissipated could they be submitted to the action of reflection.
_Crowds, being incapable both of reflection and of reasoning, are devoid of the notion of improbability; and it is to be noted that in a general way it is the most improbable things that are the most striking.
_This is why it happens that it is always the marvellous and legendary side of events that more specially strike crowds.
_Because so much of this material was being so quickly and so widely distributed and then being re-distributed by others eager for new information about Sandy Hook, these improbable and ridiculous notions effectively became a matter of fact. And, as LeBon said, the “marvellous”—that is, the most striking, even outrageous—aspects of the Sandy Hook theories were what took hold.
_Before long, it was being said that accused Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza hadn’t even fired a single shot that day.According to the story, he had never even been in the school that day—not alive, at least. The story was that Lanza had been formally declared dead by the Social Security administration one day before the shooting—and that he died in New Hampshire (a state away). The real conspirators behind Sandy Hook had not only killed Lanza the day before,but—evidently following the law (!)—they had made certain to register his death with the Social Security administration, law-abiding folks that these conspirators were.
_When some “theorists”were pressed on this point, they could only respond,“Oh, well, they wanted us to discover that.This was their way of confounding us and showing us they could do anything they wanted. They wanted us to see that there really was much more to the story but they also wanted to display their power to cover up the truth.”
_Hardly a day had gone by before it was alleged that the police and fire departments were involved in the conspiracy, deliberately blocking the exits to the school during the shooting for the purpose of ensuring that the killers could rack up as high a body count as possible.
_The county coroner’s public persona rubbed people the wrong way. Somebody pronounced the judgment that he wasn’t “acting right” for someone who had just performed autopsies on a bunch of purportedly dead children and therefore he definitely had to be in on the act. He was just “too weird.”
_Soon enough, that was the final word on the matter among dissidents. Somebody had said it, so therefore it had to be true.
_But the real question is this: WHO first said it and why did THEIR judgment effectively become the last word on the subject—“proof”of a much-bigger conspiracy?
_Nobody seemed to know precisely where so much of the “dissident” opinions were coming from—but whatever was said was freely passed on as though it constituted solid proof of “something.”
_Because the police initially prevented families from viewing the bullet- ripped corpses of the children, word spread that the families never once saw their dead children at all, despite the fact there were open casket funerals for a number of the children the conspiracy theorists said had never really died.
_Wax figures in the coffins,maybe? Designed to fool the parents who believed that their children had been killed? (Or were the parents, as some said, in on the conspiracy?)
_“If they reported that the families couldn’t see the bodies,” demand ed those who said they were “just asking questions,” then why, they asked,didn’t the media then report that the families were finally allowed to see the bodies?
_In fact, as anyone who has watched any of the standard police procedural dramas that occupy much of television today knows full well, it is not police procedure to allow the bodies of crime victims to be immediately inspected by the families. And no, that’s not “just Hollywood.” That’s how it really works.
_Ask your local policeman.
_In fact, families were later allowed to view the remains of their dead loved ones and in several instances (brought to my attention) there were open caskets for children who had died.
_Here’s the story:
_In a radio broadcast on Jan. 20, 2013 I had urgently warned truth seekers not to be taken in by all of this emerging nonsense and came under a great deal of criticism from many good folks who were fervent believers in the theory that no children had died and that the stories told by surviving Sandy Hook teachers (and children) were all lies.
_However, I was heartened when—during an email exchange between myself and two well-known and respected patriots, Carol Asher, the longtime assistant to famed peace officer Jack McLamb, and Ron Neil of the Dollar DVD Project Liberty (see the website at onedollardvdproject. com)—Ron sent me this email saying: “You surprised me with your attitude about Sandy Hook. I respect your opinion and will be more careful on this subject.You reminded me that we must focus and not get sidetracked.”
_(My whole point from the start! But most people who had joined the Sandy Hook frenzy couldn’t quite see that, as Ron Neil clearly did.
_And—to the heart of the matter—Ron also sent Carol and I a communication from one of his correspondents who was commenting critically on allegations that Sandy Hook teacher Kaitlin Roig was a fraud.
_While Roig was being hailed as a heroine for having rescued her students, there were truth seekers who had become convinced by the disinformation from the Crisis Management Conspirators that Roig was an audacious liar.Neil’s correspondent took issue with the claim—circulating on the Internet—that Roig wasn’t even a teacher.
_In fact, she wrote: “She [Roig] is my grandson’s teacher and I know that part is factual,” adding a very real warning for truth seekers:
_I think that a huge mistake has been made for the alternative media. We are looking like "nuts" . . . especially the people that say that nobody died. My daughter went to several wakes and funerals. And . . . she saw open caskets. Some of her dear friends lost their children!_In the meantime, though, this teacher,Kaitlin Roig, was being called “a possible Israeli Mossad terrorist” and a “false witness” and was subjected to the claim that she was really actress Rebekah Fernandez who was supposedly posing as a fake Sandy Hook teacher—namely Roig!
_So although there was very real proof that Roig was a Sandy Hook teacher, there were people who were saying that she was actually a “Crisis Actor”—much more about the Crisis Actor theories later—who was playing a part to help perpetrate a gigantic fraud.
_However, one truth seeker—recognizing that there was something wrong with all of this—commented in response to an Internet posting of a video of an interview with Roig that critics “proved” she was a liar, an audacious actress posing as a heroine:
_What doesn't make sense to me, too, is that this Kaitlyn Roig is supposed to be a paid actor, yet she is, or was, a teacher at the time of the shooting?_And—get this—some of Roig’s critics even thought the fact that Roig was married immediately after Sandy Hook was additional proof that she just couldn’t be for real.“If she was so affected by the tragedy,” people growled,“how could she dare get married?” This was the kind of genuinely crazy theorizing (and thinking) that the Crisis Management Conspirators had so effectively conjured up.
_I mean, so let me get this straight: She taught at this school for, how long?
_But, suddenly, now that this incident happened, and she's giving this report about what went down in her own classroom, suddenly she's just labeled a "paid actor," because people think she's lying?
_(A personal note: My oldest brother and his wife were married on the very day just hours her cousin and two of their childhood friends— who were supposed to attend that wedding—were killed in a tragic explosion. Nobody—absolutely nobody—perceived their decision to proceed with the marriage as being crass or as inappropriate.)
_But in the wake of Sandy Hook, it became an article of faith that anyone who seemed to affirm the“official” story in any way was lying. And it was such an attitude that gripped the minds of truth seekers to the point, as Ron Neil’s aforementioned correspondent said, that “We are looking like ‘nuts.’”
_But truth seekers had become so much a part of “The Crowd” that they couldn’t see what was happening and how they were effectively discrediting themselves in the minds of the public.
_And then the fact that the police would not release particular details of the shooting was said to be “proof” that there was a cover-up. But, again, the truth is that even a cursory reading of any daily newspaper reporting on the most mundane of events involving a police investigation will reveal—time and time again—that the police just simply do not go about releasing a lot of data while any investigation is going on. That’s a fact that can be confirmed by even the most casual reference to any given newspaper in any town or city in the country.
_However, under the clever contrivance of the Crisis Management Conspirators,honest truth seekers had become totally distracted,caught up in minutiae that was absolutely irrelevant but which, nonetheless, seemed to possess the patriot movement, as if by magic.
_The proverbial “Crowd” had been caught up in a whirlwind of deliberate disinformation. It was as though some people genuinely wanted to believe that nothing—absolutely nothing—was true.That all was a lie. And a lot of cheap hucksters—along with the Crisis Management Conspirators—played on this.
_It was even said that the governor of Connecticut had advance knowledge of the impending “event”—we’ll call it an event, rather than a shooting, since a lot of people don’t think anybody was really shot at Sandy Hook in the first place!
_The basis of this rumor was the fact the governor had said publicly that he had been told that such an event could happen.
_What the governor was saying—and this was no secret—was that public schools and other venues—public and private, including shopping malls, bus stations, etc—had been training their own personnel in the matter of dealing with such an emergency.
_However, the governor’s comment—based on something that had been widely reported for months, even years, on end in the mass media (that is, how communities were preparing to deal with such events)— was twisted and presented as a Freudian slip that revealed the governor’s foreknowledge of the impending crisis at Sandy Hook.
_According to one claim, it was Attorney General Eric Holder (evidently another of the many conspirators) who briefed the governor a full month in advance that there was going to be a phony happening at Sandy Hook to be presented to the public as a “school shooting.”
_How many other public officials and law enforcement were brought into the loop no one could really say for sure, but then, again, it had already been suggested (as noted earlier) that the local police and fire departments were part of the massacre (or, at least, the cover-up). It seemed like the entire town was involved. But, then again, there were those who were saying that no massacre had even really happened!
_It came down to this: There were some 500 students at Sandy Hook. However, as we’ve said, some people don’t believe there really was a functioning school there at all. And it is said that—of those 500 students—20 of them (along with their families and others) faked their deaths.But some truth seekers—influenced by the disinformation of the Crisis Management Conspirators—now question whether at least some—if not all—of these students ever even existed!
_But accepting the idea that 20 students are no longer officially alive (and thus presumably in hiding) that means there are some 480 other students (and roughly 960 parents) and lord knows how many thousands upon thousands of siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles related to the “surviving” 480 kids who are participating in one of the most extraordinary hoaxes of modern history.
_Meanwhile, others said, Newtown, Connecticut and its environs was an outpost of Satanism and that most of the people in town were Satanists.
_That explained why virtually everyone was involved in the conspiracy designed to portray a non-event as a bloody massacre.
_When sober patriot critics pointed out that Satanists are known to engage in real blood-letting and don’t generally “fake” such events, preferring the very real slaughter of little children, those who were advocates of the theory that “the Satanists” had helped conjure the Sandy Hook hoax were hard-pressed to respond.
_Others claimed there were people in Newtown who knew the whole affair was a “hoax” and wanted to speak out (or who were speaking out privately) but they didn’t want their names revealed.Those people were either being blackmailed or coerced in some fashion.
_In other words, an entire community—a town of nearly 30,000 people— was held under such control that not a single person would (or could) go public and blow the whistle and expose the hoax!
_The theory is yours to choose: Either most of the people in the town were Satanists or otherwise somehow in on the plot or most of the people were somehow being prevented from daring to speak out.
_And part of the whole big plot—so some say—is that (as we keep reminding you) there wasn’t even really a functioning school at the structure in Sandy Hook where the “phony” shooting took place.
_I kid you not.
_Those unfamiliar with all of the give-and-take that erupted on the Internet simply have no idea how truly outlandish it all became. It does get a little confusing, to be sure, but that didn’t stop people from spreading the stories.
_For God’s sake,don’t let anything stand in the way of a good story— especially if attracts traffic to your Internet website (and brings you a bundle full of cash contributions).
_On one occasion a very prominent “patriot” radio broadcaster extended his sympathies to the people of Newtown for the lives lost at Sandy Hook and then,minutes later, on the same broadcast, referred to the matter as a gigantic hoax that never happened.
_Why the broadcaster felt the need to extend his sympathy to Newtown for a tragedy that hadn’t really taken place remains a mystery (to me). But he had a lot of followers who hung on his every word.
_All of that having been said, it’s no surprise, when we continue to review the work of Gustave Le Bon—who provided the playbook for the Crisis Management Conspirators—to see that Le Bon had been able to project with absolute certainly that the insertion of wild claims into “The Crowd” would prove a perfect means of splitting the dissident movement from within.
_Le Bon described what he called“the intolerance,dictatorialness and conservatism of crowds,” and recognizing this factor, the Crisis Management Conspirators played this phenomenon to the hilt.
_These malicious manipulators knew full well that the moment cautious, detail-oriented, fact-focused researchers questioned the disinformation and nonsense that this would enrage those in“The Crowd” who had been coopted into what had essentially become a Sandy Hook Cult. Here’s how Le Bon put it:
_Crowds are only cognisant of simple and extreme sentiments; the opinions, ideas, and beliefs suggested to them are accepted or rejected as a whole, and considered as absolute truths or as not less absolute errors._And just as LeBon had suggested, those honest truth seekers who dared to question the fallacious (and patently ridiculous) stories that had been injected into discussion of Sandy Hook came under the most intense fire from otherwise good people—and the Crisis Management Conspirators absolutely loved it.
_This is always the case with beliefs induced by a process of suggestion instead of engendered by reasoning.
_Every one is aware of the intolerance that accompanies religious beliefs, and of the despotic empire they exercise on men's minds.
_Being in doubt as to what constitutes truth or error, and having,on the other hand, a clear notion of its strength, a crowd is as disposed to give authoritative effect to its inspirations as it is intolerant.
_An individual may accept contradiction and discussion; a crowd will never do so. At public meetings the slightest contradiction on the part of an orator is immediately received with howls of fury and violent invective, soon followed by blows, and expulsion should the orator stick to his point.
_As incredible as it may seem to readers who will learn of this for the first time, even those who dared to suggest that perhaps children did actually die at Sandy Hook were called “traitors” by other patriots who had bought into the disinformation being inserted into the minds of patriots via the Crisis Management Conspirators working to discredit “conspiracy theories” in any form.
_Thanks to the Orwellian manipulation—very real “mind control” at its best (and worst)—belief in Sandy Hook as having been a massive hoax was essentially being instituted as a virtual litmus test as to“who’s a real patriot and who isn’t.” Those who didn’t believe Sandy Hook was a massive hoax are denounced as having been “bribed, blackmailed, or coerced” or just having simply “changed sides.”
_Veteran patriots said they had never seen anything like it—and they recognized it was because of the influence of the Internet (or rather, the influence of those Crisis Management Conspirators who were abusing the Internet for their own insidious purposes).
_In short, Sandy Hook effectively emerged as a cult, with its own unique built-in theology that cannot be questioned. To raise any doubts about the foundation of the cult was—and still is—considered heresy. Anyone who doubted even the most unlikely portion of the Sandy Hook theories was portrayed as a “traitor to the patriot movement”—or that’s what the Crisis Management Conspirators wanted patriots to think!
_The successful introduction by the Crisis Management Conspirators of their own disinformation into the patriot movement had set in motion a very real crisis—in and of itself—in which real patriots were being crucified for standing up and calling out the real conspirators for trying to mislead patriots.
_One longtime critic of gun control was accused of lending support to pro-gun control forces because he believed children died at Sandy Hook—a total disconnect, of course, but illustrative of the kind of mindset that was taking hold.
_Another person was accused of being “pro-Obama” because he doubted some Sandy Hook theories, the apparent presumption being that since Sandy Hook took place under the hated Obama’s watch that anyone who believed the official story therefore had to be pro-Obama for believing the basic claim that a crazed lone gunman was responsible.
_(On the other hand, though,as we’ve noted, some of the others who believed that there was a bigger story to Sandy Hook believed Israel’s Mossad had carried out the crime in order to hurt President Obama whereas others believed the Mossad did so in order to help him.)
_So, as we said, choose your favorite theory—courtesy of Cass Sunstein and the Crisis Management Conspirators.
_It was almost like Alice in Wonderland—definitely beyond belief. If there’s one thing we can be certain about, it’s this: There’s more to the Sandy Hook story than even the most dedicated conspiracy theorists understand—and that’s why they’ve been “hooked.”
_The Crisis Management Conspirators (via Internet monitoring) were able to see preciselyWHO spread the rumors via email and fromWHAT websites and sources they got their information in the first place.
_As a direct consequence of this one event and the frenzy surrounding it, the powers-that-be had an absolute first-ever 24/7 fool-proof method of monitoring communications and resources within the circles of the dissident movement.
_The Sandy Hook venture itself was just stage one in the scheme, giving them the opportunity to observe and weigh the responses of the conspiracy theorists to the actual events that had occurred and to monitor their responses to the often-illogical and contradictory tales being bandied about by the Crisis Management Conspirators.
_On the broader scale, in the bigger picture, the Crisis crowd was laying the groundwork to have—in the future—a more precise, more calibrated focus on the exchange of information by the conspiracy theorists and to be able to actually dominate and direct the course of their thinking altogether. And, naturally—if necessary—to discredit them in no uncertain terms in the minds of the general population.
_Perhaps even more importantly, the Sunstein-inspired program of monitoring and manipulation now made it possible to lay the groundwork—as appropriate—in manipulating opinion during some future major event, perhaps one already well-planned in advance— another 9-11, if you will—or some scheme still in the works.
_Sandy Hook was indeed a “false flag” of the first order—and it had the ultimate impact of totally misdirecting the attention of patriots from the real forces that were laying out the misinformation that was so thoroughly misdirecting them.
_In the end, one of the most respected longtime patriot voices, Devvy Kidd, dared to put it all in perspective.On April 28, 2013, on her website at newswithviews.com,Kidd laid it on the line:
_Over the past nearly two decades,every time some horrific “event” happens,wanna be "journalists" come out of the wood work with their conspiracy theories based on absolutely nothing. Bloggers who specialize in no facts, just rank speculation. Irresponsible people out to make a name for themselves or to get people to their web sites._What a damned shame there were not more voices of caution raised while the Sandy Hook affair was in its frenzy. But there were too many people in “The Crowd” who had been captivated by the virus of manufactured conspiracy fever that had been spawned in the Mind Control laboratories of the Crisis Management Conspirators.
_They have zero credibility and hurt the rest of us by being lumped together. I have debunked conspiracy theories in the past based on documentation. I get attacked as if I'm the bad guy for pursuing the truth! There are conspiracies and coverups, but we want the truth, not speculation.
_And, if truth be told, there were many so-called “leaders” of the would-be “truth movement” who were afraid to dissent, fearful of being called “traitors” and accused of being “agents of Barack Obama and the NewWorld Order” if they dared to say that the foolish madness inserted into the minds of truth seekers (via the machinations of the Conspiracy Management gang) was just that: a bunch of foolishness.
_The whole Sandy Hook venture was largely a “private” affair, in that the circumstances surrounding the event were essentially limited to what did—or did not—take place within the confines of that elementary school in Newtown.
_However, not long afterward—on April 15, 2013—with the very “public” event involving the Boston Marathon (on the very open and public streets of Boston) the Crisis Management Conspirators were able to fine tune what they had already honed into a specialized “science”: a tool of Orwellian manipulation of the first—and worst—order.
_With Boston, the Sunstein thesis—now a live-action, real-time project in motion, having been successfully tested with Sandy Hook—was adapted to a much bigger,more broad-ranging event that (all of the nonsensical theories accompanying it notwithstanding) had all the earmarks of having been a very real “false flag”operation of Israel’s Mossad. But, once again, the truth seekers were misdirected . . .
_The manipulation by the Crisis Management Conspirators of the events at Sandy Hook was, in retrospect, a quite logical response to the phenomenon of 9-11 truthseeking (much of it Internet-based) which, in turn, had its own antecedents in the search for the truth surrounding the Oklahoma City bombing and the JFK assassination so many years before.
_In that sense,we might suggest, there was indeed a secret connection, so to speak, between 9-11 and Sandy Hook—but it’s one that even the most fervent believers in the “big” story of Sandy Hook never realized, precisely because of the fact they had found themselves (most of them, to this day, unknowingly) caught in the web of disinformation being spun by the high-level Crisis Management Conspirators.
_And one of the biggest cons of all perpetrated upon the legitimate truth seekers was the legend of “The Crisis Actors”—mentioned earlier— that came to be an article of faith surrounding Sandy Hook and later again, even more so, following the events at the Boston Marathon.
_And as we’ve already noted (perhaps all too often) in the wake of Sandy Hook many people actually believed that there hadn’t even been any gunplay at all—that no children and no adults were shot that day, that it was all a big staged event, with the purported victims and their families (along with law enforcement) in on the deal.
_This is where the now much-discussed topic of “The Crisis Actors” was brought into play.And, in many respects, it may have been one of the most ingenious scams ever pawned off on American patriots designed to misdirect their attention.
_It was right out of Cass Sunstein’s playbook.
_During the wake of Sandy Hook, people got so distracted talking about the Crisis Actors and the claim that "Lanza was dead the day before the shooting which really didn't happen and in which no kids were really killed," that, in many cases, they didn't do what they should have done: Lobby forcefully against the gun control measures that were being crafted as a consequence of the tragedy at Sandy Hook.
_Many patriots became genuinely convinced that by talking about “The Crisis Actors” that they were winning the day and convincing people of the dangers of gun control when, in fact, they were actually misdirecting good people and, for all intents and purposes,discrediting honest Americans who were opposed to gun control.
_As a result of the widespread distribution of claims that Sandy Hook was a big fraud being perpetrated by “Crisis Actors” many Americans concluded that the opponents of gun control were trouble-makers, wildeyed conspiracy theorists and just generally to be dismissed.
_That, ultimately,was the aim of the Crisis Management Conspirators. Their introduction of the concept of “Crisis Actors” into the debate was part and parcel of the very real conspiracy—first outlined by Cass Sunstein—to discredit conspiracy theories in general.
_And all of this undoubtedly did immense damage to the reputation of many good patriots who opposed gun control and who were led into the trap of focusing on the Crisis Actor legend rather than on the very real and important issue at hand.
_And what is so remarkable is that, to this day, although patriotic folks who regularly discuss Sandy Hook and Boston speak in hushed (and not-so-hushed) tones about “The Crisis Actors” and the role that they supposedly played in those events, there is not one single individual who is able to say precisely “who” it was who first introduced the concept of the Crisis Actors into the vernacular of the Sandy Hook truth seekers.And that is telling, in and of itself.
_We know, for example, following the JFK assassination, that it was Mark Lane who largely popularized the term“grassy knoll”—relating to the likely positioning in Dealey Plaza of one of the gunmen who fired on President Kennedy.
_But Lane himself is the first to admit that he first heard the term “grassy knoll” used by one of the assassination witnesses, Jean Hill,who used that term in an interview.And Hill herself has said that this just happened to be the particular phraseology that popped into her head in seeking a way to describe that geographic location in Dealey Plaza.
_And that’s how the term “grassy knoll” ultimately came into widespread parlance, not only in reference to the JFK assassination but also in reference to “conspiracy theories” in general.
_But there is absolutely nobody who can explain just who it was who “figured out” that Crisis Actors had been utilized as part of the Sandy Hook (and later the Boston Marathon) conspiracy.
_And the reason for that is that this whole concept of Crisis Actors having been dispatched as part of the conspiracy was a creation of the Crisis Management Conspirators themselves.
_Now let it be said that there really are people known as Crisis Actors.They do exist.They’ve been around for a while.
_However, the proponents of the Crisis Actors theory relating to Sandy Hook (and later the Boston Marathon) would have people believe that the existence of Crisis Actors is some deep dark secret, that they are part of a long-standing high-level covert operation kept from the public, perhaps a creation of Homeland Security or the CIA or some combination of elements of the emerging American Police State, paid agents of the vaunted military-industrial-complex.
_It’s an exciting theory, to be sure, but the truth is that—for years—you have been able go to the Internet and find a number of Internet websites of real-life profit-making businesses that train and provide Crisis Actors who interact with government (local, state and federal) as well as private industries and enterprises in preparing to deal with crisis events of various kinds, including mass shootings, hostage situations, earthquakes, fires, riots—all manner of chaos.
_One such business engaging in the Crisis Actor industry (which is what it amounts to) is crisisactors.org.
_On the website of that company, their promotional material reads:
“Crisis Actors: Trained Players and Actors Making it Real,” stating that their mission is: “Helping schools and first responders create realistic drills, full-scale exercises, high-fidelity simulations, and interactive 3D films.” The website even includes a section called “Crisis Acting News” highlighting a variety of events in which their skills and services have been utilized (and openly publicized in newspapers and televised by broadcast outlets in local communities across the country).
_Here are just a few examples from crisisactors.org, citing Internet links to some of the newspapers and broadcast outlets that have cited the work of Crisis Actors in their particular communities.
_• Active Shooter Training At Closed Elementary School in Plymouth - Patch.com_All across the United States today there are members of local police and fire departments, emergency response units—even members of the National Guard—who have worked with Crisis Actors on a regular basis.
_• Local law enforcement agencies take active shooter training - KOB.com
_• Lower Burrell police conduct 'active shooter' training at Burrell High School - Tribune-Review
_• HSI holding 'active shooter' training in NM - Alamogordo Daily News
_• Active-shooter drill to be conducted at Fulton-Montgomery Community College -WRGB
_• New Canaan To Conduct Active Shooter Drill On Thursday - The Daily Voice
_•Waterloo Schools Active Shooter Training - KGANTV
_The existence, then, of Crisis Actors is no big secret. But it wasn’t until the Crisis Management Conspirators deliberately hyped the legend (via the Internet) that Crisis Actors were part of the conspiracy at Sandy Hook that many people became aware of their existence.
_The Crisis Management Conspirators inserted the legend of the Crisis Actors onto the Internet with the expectation that it would become a part of the lore of Sandy Hook and help add confusion and—more importantly—play a significant part in discrediting conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists in the minds of the broad general public.
_Essentially, in relation to Sandy Hook, in particular, the Crisis Actors Theory held that, for example, Robbie Parker, the father of one of the children killed at Sandy Hook,was actually a Crisis Actor.
_The claim was based on the fact that—just prior to giving a public statement expressing his horror at the loss of his child—Parker smiled and laughed and then asked if the cameras were on yet and then,while speaking, referred to written notes. Nobody who had actually lost a child under such tragic circumstances, it was proclaimed,would actually smile or laugh.Nor would they need to refer to written notes.
_Such allegations are patently ridiculous. People react differently to tragedy. Some people put on a brave face when confronted with tragedy.And most people have never been confronted with a horde of reporters and television cameras converging on their home in the wake of such an internationally-publicized tragedy in which they (and their dead child) have unwittingly become a part.
_The idea someone would need to rely on notes to speak publicly is not so outrageous.Very few people are trained in public speaking and often need notes, just as even professional speakers rely on written texts when giving their own presentations. But the fact that Robbie Parker was using notes was suddenly “proof” that he was a Crisis Actor!
_So when the Crisis Management Conspirators put out the idea that Robbie Parker was a Crisis Actor whose child hadn’t been killed, Parker began receiving threats for “play acting” and the controlled media (allied with the Crisis Management Conspirators) immediately brought this to the attention of the general public who were quite correctly horrified that “those conspiracy theorists”would actually question the grief of a mourning parent and suggest that he was “faking” his child’s death.
_What most of those who bought into the idea Parker was a Crisis Actor never seemed to consider was the point that if he was a Crisis Actor, he probably wouldn’t have needed written notes when he “performed” for the cameras. Actors—you see—rely upon their skills to remember their lines.Actors generally don’t use cue cards or at least not ones that they hold right there in front of them while speaking!
_Later, it was even alleged that Parker’s dead child was actually photographed in the presence of Barack Obama when he visited Newtown to meet with the families. In other words, that the “phony” Parker and his family (all part of the conspiracy) had brazenly dared to allow the supposedly dead child to be shown to be alive after it was said that she had been killed at Sandy Hook.
_The claim was based on the fact that the surviving sisters of the dead child bore a striking resemblance to the victim—that happens in families, you know—and that one of the children in the picture with Obama seemed to be wearing the same dress that the dead child had previously been photographed wearing.That was “proof” that it was the dead child who was, it was said, still alive.
_But any family with multiple sons or daughters knows that the clothing of older children is passed on to younger children. But then, again,when it came time to promote the idea of Crisis Actors—and the theme that “no children died at Sandy Hook”—simple points such as that seemed to get lost in the Crisis Management Conspiracy Barndance.
_In another instance, a parent of one of the dead children was accused of being a Crisis Actor because the parent said in an interview that one of his surviving children said that she wanted to urge President Obama to support gun control. No child in grade school, it was said, would be thinking about a political issue such as gun control. Especially, it was added, after one of her siblings had been killed.
_The idiocy of such a claim should be obvious. School children do have political opinions and even “vote” in mock presidential elections every four years—from first grade through graduation—even if they don’t necessarily understand the political issues.
_Young children do know who the president is and in this “Information Age” they do hear about issues such as gun control, in particular, on a 24/7 basis, whether or television or radio or even on the Internet, and especially after such a crisis as Sandy Hook.
_And it’s entirely possible that a child who had lost a sibling at a school shooting would want to express her concerns about gun control to “the president” who is perceived as the man who rules America and who makes important decisions about big issues such as gun control.
_In fact, they said, a lot of the well-known Sandy Hook personalities featured in the media were actors—why, they never even lived in Sandy Hook at all! (Just as they had said that the school was not even a functioning school at the time of the purported shooting!)
_Various cuts of what is called“raw”media footage of one Sandy Hook celebrity—a notably obnoxious character named Gene Rosen (a veritable stereotype for a particular type of Jewish caricature often seen in Hollywood comedy)—telling bits and pieces of what he claimed to have seen, was cited as proof Rosen had “practiced” his lines (like an actor) and that the story he was telling was just not true.
_Rosen—who was clearly a publicity hound who reveled in his brief brush with the proverbial “15 minutes of fame”—was over-the-top to the point of being annoying and—in fact—the media people who had interviewed Rosen had taped him at various moments and Rosen was clearly fine-tuning, even rehearsing what he was about to say in the various “cuts” of the raw footage that later popped up on the Internet.
_As such it was immediately insinuated that Rosen was a Crisis Actor dispatched by the powers-that-be to craft a bit of film propaganda for the benefit of the American public to help perpetrate the“lie” that there had been a shooting at the school.
_But here is what is important to remember . . .
_What all of the patriot conspiracy theorists seemed to miss was this big question: How was it that this raw footage—taped by a cameramen from the Controlled Media—just happened to be leaked to the conspiracy theorists as “proof” that Rosen was a Crisis Actor?
_Clearly, there were people in the Controlled Media—in league with the Crisis Management Conspirators—who were deliberately helping propagate the legend of the Crisis Actors by leaking raw footage such as this.
_They knew with absolute certainty that the people in “The Crowd” who had bought into the Crisis Actors theory would jump on the Rosen story in a heartbeat.And that is precisely what they did.
In the end, you see, the real Crisis Actors were not the parents of the murdered children (or even the ridiculous Gene Rosen).
_Instead the Crisis Actors were actually those “cyber shills” (posing as “truth seekers”) who were acting out a very specific role—acting on behalf of the Crisis Management Conspirators—in bombarding the Internet with all of the outlandish stories that distracted patriots and truth seekers from the big picture and thereby helping discredit all forms of conspiracy theories (and conspiracy theorists) in general.
_It’s just so damned obvious.
_In fact, it’s typical Zionist Israeli trickery:
_(1) Operating in plain sight;
_(2) Standing there in vampire’s garb,pointing at someone dressed as an angel, and shouting,“There’s the vampire over there!” and
_(3) Thoroughly distracting everyone from the big picture.
This frequent Zionist tactic of accusing others of what they are in fact guilty of has been aptly described as “accusatory projection” or “accusatory inversion.”
_The Crisis Actors theme got ever more ridiculous as the story was repeated again and again.At one point it was even claimed a catering truck—said to be on the scene at Sandy Hook—had been dispatched to cater food and beverages for the Crisis Actors at work perpetuating the conspiracy, just as—it was pointed out—catering trucks will be found on the scene when Hollywood films are being made “on location.”
_I’ve personally seen one of these catering trucks parked just a few blocks from my own home on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. when actor Clint Eastwood was filming a rooftop chase scene for his action film In the Line of Fire.Despite this, however, I sincerely doubt that the Sandy Hook “conspiracy” was so fine-tuned that the conspirators sent a catering truck to keep the Crisis Actors at Sandy Hook well nourished.
_Yet, I am here to tell you that the Crisis Management Conspirators managed to convince a lot of well meaning people that this is actually what really happened. (Oh, those nasty caterers—conspirators all!)
_And here’s something about the Crisis Actors disinformation that needs to be mentioned—and this will astound many readers who will learn about this for the first time . . .
_In fact, one of the most vociferous proponents of the Crisis Actors theory—a character who uses the name “DallasGoldbug”—also put forth the following assertions regarding other “actors” he claims to have discovered posturing in the public arena:
_• John F. Kennedy did not die in Dallas but reinvented himself as future president Jimmy Carter;_And here are three of my personal favorites from“Dallas Goldbug” involving three individuals whom I have known quite well:
_• A single woman posed as not only actress Marilyn Monroe but also former First Ladies Jacqueline Kennedy and Rosalyn Carter;
_• Former Vice President Nelson Rockefeller was really country and western singer Tex Ritter;
_• Billionaire David Rockefeller is actually popular conspiracy theorist Jordan Maxwell;
_• David Rockefeller, Jr. is another popular conspiracy theorist William Cooper (who was killed by police in 2001);
_• Famed country singer Patsy Cline posed as Marina Oswald, the wife of JFK’s accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald;
_• Comic actor Chevy Chase poses as Sen. Jay Rockefeller;
_• Former Philadelphia Mayor Frank Rizzo is now posing as “America’s Toughest Sheriff” Joe Arpaio of Arizona;
_• Infamous Nazi figure Adolf Eichmann was really the popular singer and motion picture star Bing Crosby; and
_• No less than Adolf Hitler was actually Walt Disney.
_•Nelson Rockefeller’s son, Rodman, poses as veteran JFK assassination researcher Mark Lane;_DallasGoldbug posted “convincing” video and photographic evidence that“proved”these contentions,yet many who were caught up in the claims about Crisis Actors at Sandy Hook and Boston had no idea that the Crisis Actors story was also inextricably linked to this lunacy.
_• Famed former State Rep. David Duke, is actually a Hollywood actor named Thomas Haden Church; and _•Actor JonathanWinters posed as longtime American Free Press “Bilderberg Hound” James P. Tucker, Jr.;
_In fact, Gustave LeBon—the grand guru of the the Crisis Management Conspirators—had described how the “crowd” could be dazzled by all sorts of images and in the aftermath of the Boston Maraton bombing, “The Crowd” of our modern day was indeed captivated by dazzling images which they believed “proved” that there had been hanky panky on the streets of Boston.
_In fact, many "truth seekers" picked up the stories being put out by the phony patriots—the Crisis Actors working for the Sunstein gang—that there wasn't even really any bombing at all! It was akin to the claim—which had already proven successful in winning credence with the real patriots—that there hadn’t even been a shooting at Sandy Hook.
_And while the whole story of what really happened at Boston has yet to be unraveled,what we do know is that two young Muslims (the Tsarnaev brothers) were accused of the crime—yet another Muslim “false flag” akin to the 9-11 tragedy.
_And we also know that evidence indicates that the intelligence services of the United States,Russia—and certainly Israel—had their eyes on the Tsarnaevs for a long time prior to the bombing, just as the ADL and other Israeli-connected elements were “monitoring” Timothy McVeigh prior to the Oklahoma City bombing.
_However—at this juncture—we don’t know the entire scenario, but we do know there has been a lot of disinformation put into circulation designed to deflect attention away from Israel which is certainly (beyond question) the prime beneficiary of the crime as a consequence of the purported danger from the Muslim world continuing to be in the forefront of the mind (and concerns) of the American people.
_In short, Boston was simply a replay of the 9-11 false flag that redirected American thinking in the wake of that tragedy.
_It was a reinvigoration of the template for terror utilized in 9-11 and in the Oklahoma bombing and in the JFK assassination involving, yet again, the widespread dissemination of carefully-crafted disinformation designed to cover Israeli involvement in those acts of terror.
_(For my own part, from the beginning, it has been my opinion that Israel was behind the Boston bombing for the precise purpose of conjuring up another Muslim“false flag.” I expressed this view in a broadcast interview at theuglytruth.wordpress.com with Mark Glenn who shares my view on this matter.)
_Yet, the Crisis Management Conspirators successfully distracted truth seekers—who were convinced that, once again, the authorities were covering up the truth about the Boston bombing—by cranking up the Crisis _Actors legend (first spawned in the wake of Sandy Hook).
_Rather than focusing on who was behind the bombing, truth seekers focused instead on stories—with accompanying videos and photographic images of the chaos following the bombing—planted on the Internet in conjunction with the insistent claim that Crisis Actors were busy on the streets of Boston detaching false arms and legs and faking injuries and throwing around buckets of stage blood for the benefit of video cameras.
_All of the imagery captured the attention of the patriots who suddenly showed little—if any—interest in trying to determine who was responsible for the Muslim “false flag” that the Controlled Media was waving in the face of a horrified American public.
_Here is how Le Bon described precisely this kind of manipulation.
_Crowds being only capable of thinking in images are only to be impressed by images. It is only images that terrify or attract them and become motives of action._Le Bon realized—and the Crisis Management Conspirators recognized that he was absolutely correct—that these kind of images were ideal for the purpose of Crowd Control and mass manipulation:
_For this reason theatrical representations, in which the image is shown in its most clearly visible shape, always have an enormous influence on crowds. Bread and spectacular shows constituted for the plebeians of ancient Rome the ideal of happiness, and they asked for nothing more.
_Throughout the successive ages this ideal has scarcely varied. Nothing has a greater effect on the imagination of crowds of every category than theatrical representations.
_The entire audience experiences at the same time the same emotions, and if these emotions are not at once transformed into acts, it is because the most unconscious spectator cannot ignore that he is the victim of illusions, and that he has laughed or wept over imaginary adventures.
_Whatever strikes the imagination of crowds presents itself under the shape of a startling and very clear image, freed from all accessory explanation, or merely having as accompaniment a few marvellous or mysterious facts: examples in point are a great victory, a great miracle, a great crime, or a great hope. Things must be laid before the crowd as a whole, and their genesis must never be indicated._In the wake of Boston, the theme of “Crisis Actors” got further (and quite considerable) mileage with the use of such imagery.With Le Bon’s assertions about “The Crowd”—and its susceptibility to incorporating such images into its thinking—the Crisis Management gang kept conspiracy theorists busy.
_A hundred petty crimes or petty accidents will not strike the imagination of crowds in the least, whereas a single great crime or a single great accident will profoundly impress them, even though the results be infinitely less disastrous than those of the hundred small accidents put together.
_One widely circulated proof of the “conspiracy” was a selection of several frames from a video of the bombing. A few frames were “analyzed”—a few frames that represented just a few seconds of time—and were “found” to show a woman (said to be a Crisis Actor) “giving hand signs” and helping other Crisis Actors fake blood and injuries.
_To do all of this—live—before very REAL people who were not Crisis Actors but who WERE on the scene, would take more than seconds to accomplish successfully.
_Anyone who has ever participated in the taping of a television show or even an amateur home movie—let alone a serious film production—knows how much time and work is involved making just one “incident” look real, -and that it can’t be accomplished in just seconds!
_But most people—including a lot of good patriots—have never been involved in any such production and don’t have any idea that even one second in, for example, an old-style 8mm movie, can amount to as many as 18 different frames. Meaning, of course, that those who were microanalyzing the films that they said “proved” there had been fakery were actually analyzing milli-seconds, for God’s sake!
_Such simple facts were lost in the “Crisis Actors Shuffle” that accompanied the frenzy over the Boston bombing.
_A lot of good patriots fell into what we might call, for want of a better way of describing it,“the Trap of Belief,” because they had become familiar, in years past, with people who were quite accurately and correcting analyzing the famous (although remarkably brief) bit of film known as the Zapruder Film of the JFK assassinaton.
_Again and again over the years a variety of analysts had de-constructed the film, frame by frame, to demonstrate the point that it was clear, on film, that the official Warren Commission version of the JFK assassination was repudiated by what purported to be an actual amateur 8mm film taken at the time of the JFK assassination.
_(Now, ironically, there are those who say that Zapruder film itself is some sort of forgery or an altered version of the original film or even a combination of several films made to appear to be one.And the truth is that past and present technology does make such things possible.)
_As such, having seen (over some 50 years) such analysis of the Zapruder film (and other images of the JFK assassination) again and again, on video, on the Internet, in books and magazines, patriots and truth seekers became accustomed to this technique of conspiracy inquiry.And knowing that this was the case, following Sandy Hook and Boston, the Crisis Management Conspirators went assiduously to work and deliberately played on this when they began hyping the claims that Crisis Actors had staged false injuries (in a fake bombing) for the benefit of the American population at large.
_The consequence of this was that when honest truth-seekers began circulating the stories that videos of the bombing were “fakes,” many serious-minded folks in the general public began to think, quite frankly, that these truth seekers were just plain crazy.
_There were people from all over the United States who had come to the Boston Marathon and they went home to tell friends and family about their narrow brush with disaster,only to hear that there were conspiracy theorists on the Internet who were saying that the bombing didn’t happen and that nobody really lost an arm or a leg.
_And the“proof”was a few seconds of one film that went viral on the Internet which convinced the truth seekers that it was all a big lie!
_If you have any doubts about this, go out and purchase a DVD of some current“action”film and listen to the director’s commentary.You’ll learn how, for example, one scene in a Hollywood film which occupies just a second or two (on film) can actually take up to as much as two or three days to film (sometimes on multiple locations,no less) not to mention the introduction of a wide array of computer-generated imagery and other technological advances,many of which didn’t even exist as little as ten or fifteen years ago.
_Did you really think that was a big ship sinking in the middle of the North Atlantic in James Cameron’s classic film Titanic?
_Did you really think that real people were falling down and hurting themselves as the ship sank?
_Of course you didn’t!
_In fact, some of the most mundane moments in that wide-ranging disaster film were actually the work of clever Hollywood legerdemain.
_Even the relatively brief and simple scene of the film’s romantic duo—Kate Winslett and Leonardo DiCaprio—at the stern of the ship whenWinslett’s character is threatening to jump overboard and commit suicide involved endless hours of filming using several different stages and multiple means of technological wizardry.
_If you were among those who were caught up in the legends surrounding Crisis Actors at the Boston Marathon and the stories on the Internet purporting to analyze just a moment or two of the events that took place there, then read that preceding paragraph again—no, in fact, read it twice—and consider the ramifications . . .
_As we said—and this is critical to understand—the point is that even a moment of drama on film can take literally days to produce and simply can not be carried out in just a few split seconds.
But those Crisis Management Conspirators who have been purveying the Crisis Actors false flag to mislead truth seekers know that most people have no idea how technologically advanced film-making has become, even at the same time it remains time-consuming and requires vast participation by multiple people at various levels So, then, in the context of the events at the Boston Marathon,what does all of this mean?
_It’s very simple . . .
_If the conspirators behind the events in Boston wanted to produce a piece of film to convince unwittingAmericans that a bombing did take place which injured many people—including those who lost arms and legs—they did not have to dispatch hordes of “Crisis Actors” onto the scene to engage in complicated motions of “reacting” to a bomb and then rolling about on the crowd pretending to be injured, hysterically clinging to severed arms and legs, throwing about fake blood, etc.
_That just isn’t how it works.
_IF there HAD been a major conspiracy to "fake" all of these things, the whole process COULD (and WOULD) have been done beforehand using high-tech computer generated images produced in a laboratory.
_The so-called Crisis Actors didn't even have to be ANYWHERE NEAR the bomb site and positioned where "honest witnesses" could have seen anything suspicious such as what has been claimed to have happened.
_For serious truth seekers—particularly those who were caught up in the legend of Crisis Actors at Boston who were purportedly busy faking injuries, throwing around fake blood, detaching prosthetic legs and arms, etc—a careful review of the wide-ranging “special features” section of the DVD of James Cameron’s Titanic is well worth their time.
_And the truth is that since Cameron’s classic first appeared on the screen in 1997—16 years ago—computer technology has grown by extraordinary leaps and bounds, such that Cameron’s own remarkable visual graphics in Titanic are, in many respects, almost extraordinarily antiquated by many new developments in the field.
_In fact, the “special features” section of virtually any DVD of any motion picture or television drama—especially those involving a lot of action—often provide a literal step-by-step videographic run-down of the amazing techniques of film-making, in particular the amazing CGI—computer-generated imagery—that has become so prevalent in even the most minimal ways that the average viewer would never expect.
_For example, on the DVD of the third season of the now-defunct crime drama,Body of Proof, one can see how outdoor scenes (filmed in Los Angeles but supposedly taking place in Philadelphia) are altered via CGI to eliminate palm trees from the image that is finally seen by the television viewer. Another scene deconstructed on that DVD demonstrates how the image (and sound) of a railroad train moving through a railroad yard is completely erased by CGI, such that all of the other action (and sound) taking place remains undisturbed.
_In other words, film-making technology has reached such a highly-advanced level that:
_• Virtually any scene or event can practically be conjured out of almost thin air.What appears to be a human speaking and moving about may, in fact, be a CGI, or even a robot with a talking, smiling human face imposed by computer upon it.
_• Any piece of real film imagery can be so altered that the final version of the film completely eliminates action that did take place or altered to include action that actually took place elsewhere and was then inserted by computer onto that imagery.
_Now—when confronted with such realities about the nature of film production and how quite ridiculous it is to suggest that Crisis Actors engaged in such complex (and quite unnecessary) on-site antics in Boston—a lot of red-faced truth seekers (who do realize they have been conned) fall back on the claim that the high-level conspirators behind Boston deliberately staged faulty video presentations that were easily “refutable” because—they say—the conspirators actually wanted the American people to know that the Boston bombing was a hoax.
_The apparent underlying theme here is that “Nothing is for real.
Everything is a lie. And the people who are responsible for these lies actually do want people to know that they are lies.That the people can do nothing to combat this conspiracy that operates in tandem with the Controlled Media in America.”
_That sounds good. It has a certain appeal to a certain mindset. But it doesn’t reflect the reality that, in fact, most Americans simply do not have any idea that the Internet is rife with rumors about Crisis Actors.
_But what a growing number of Americans do believe—as a consequence f propaganda from the Controlled Media—is that those people who are called “conspiracy theorists” by the media have some really crazy ideas and that they don’t believe that there was really a shooting in Sandy Hook that took the lives of 20 little children or that there wasn’t even really a bombing in Boston.
_And many Americans now believe that anything that reeks of a conspiracy theory—even relating to the JFK assassination or the Oklahoma bombing or 9-11—is the work of paranoid minds whose opinions are to be dismissed, along with (in particular) the idea that Israel had anything to do with those tragedies.
_That was precisely the design of those who helped make the truth seekers look “crazy” by feeding them a diet of extraordinary claims about Sandy Hook and Boston that took hold on the Internet like wildfire, even as the Crisis Management Conspirators were monitoring the communication networks between patriots here in the United States (and around the world) who were disseminating these stories.
_The bottom line is that what many came to believe about Crisis Actors at Sandy Hook and Boston (along with other similar nonsense) is just one big fat fraud—a lie—a distraction—deliberately perpetrated by the Crisis Management Conspirators to make truth seekers look silly.
_The real “BIG STORY” that has not yet set in or been realized and understood is this:
_The Crowd Control (and very real Mind Control) tactics—first laid out by Cass Sunstein—have been successfully set in motion and the long-term damage to serious inquiry into very real conspiracies—past and present and those of the future—has been costly and inestimable.
_We can only imagine what will happen when another very real crisis comes along and wonder what kind of “management”—or mismanagement as the case may be—will occur.We can only ponder the manner in which truth seekers will be once again be utterly misdirected and further marginalized.
_What happened with Sandy Hook and Boston is a very real lesson America’s “alternative” media should learn from—before it’s too late.