De quel droit l'"American Movement for Israel" peut-il commander la police de tabasser et d'arrêter les manifestants pacifistes à l'extérieur de leur conférence?
Depuis quand des manifestants pacifistes sont-ils plus dangereux que des conférenciers prônant le bombardement de l'Iran?
The "American Movement for Israel" instructed police to break up peaceful protest at their campus event on Iran. They invited a speaker who has urged massive destruction against Iran, THE WIRE (The News Blog of the Michigan Daily), dec 3 2007
The "American Movement for Israel" decides who will get arrested on this campus, Julie Rowe, Daily Staff Reporter, Nov 27 2007
Pro-Israel Group Puts Emissaries on Campuses, By ANNIE KARNI, Staff Reporter of the Sun, Dec 10 2007
Students hired to promote Israel, JTA, 12/17/2007