Alan Gross claimed that he was on the Communist-run island to
support the Cuban Jewish community by providing them with internet
access, but the authorities there accused him of subversive activity.
Cuba: l'Américain Alan Gross jugé pour espionnage
Cuba multiplie les accusations de cyberguerre menée par Washington
Washington a reconnu qu'Alan Gross, 61 ans, était employé par une entreprise sous-traitante de l'USAID pour distribuer des ordinateurs et des téléphones portables à la communauté juive de Cuba, dont des représentants ont publiquement démenti tout contact avec lui.
New details are emerging from the Alan Gross trial in Cuba
A Cuban government communiqué meanwhile said prosecutors presented evidence of Gross’ participation “in the introduction and development in our country of a subversive project to try to topple the revolution.”
A verdict is expected within days in the case of Gross, facing national security charges that could send him to prison for up to 20 years. An announcement of the sentence could take a few weeks.
Gross was arrested in Havana in late 2009 after he delivered at least one satellite telephone and other communications equipment as part of a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) effort to assist Jewish and other non-government groups in Cuba. A string of recent Cuban television reports — the last one broadcast Monday night — allege that the satellite phones for Internet connections were just the latest tactic in Washington’s long campaign to overthrow the communist government in Havana.
Jewish group: Gross is no destabilizer
Jewish leaders appeal to Cuba to free Gross
Verdict in trial of Jewish contractor Alan Gross expected within days
The trial of Jewish U.S. government contractor Alan Gross, jailed in Cuba for more than a year, has ended and a verdict is expected in the coming days.
Cuba says US waging 'cyberwar' against Havana
Alan Gross and Cuba's Jewish community: The plot thickens
Les cas d’Alan Gross et des “Cinq Cubains”
Jimmy Carter is scheduled to visit Jewish leaders during a trip to Cuba, which is leading to speculation that the former U.S. president will ask the Cuban government to release jailed American contractor Alan Gross
VIDEO - Le lobby sioniste menace Obama dans le dossier Pollard
Les "réseaux sociaux" et les nouvelles babioles électroniques, au service de l'impérialisme démocratique!
Internet and cell phones the ‘best weapons against dictatorships’
USA : des faux profils [Facebook, Twitter, etc.] pour la propagande et la surveillance sur les réseauxSocial networking sites like Facebook and Twitter have become an important tool for democracy and human rights activists in the Middle East and North Africa, where it has played a pivotal role in helping organize protests against repressive governments.
À voir: Dustin Hoffman dans le rôle de Meyer Lansky dans le film "Adieu Cuba" (The Lost City), un film sur la pègre "cubaine" anti-Castro.
FLASHBACK - Quand Le Canada représente les intérêts d'Israël à Cuba et au Vénézuela
La blague de Jimmy Carter:
"Some people within our administration had dual interests, and they considered it proper to leak secrets if it would further their special goals. Much later, in January 2009, when Presidents Clinton, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and I met with President-elect Barack Obama, we all laughingly agreed that there was no way to prevent any secrets being shared with Israel if they were known by more than two people in the White House, State or Defense Departments." (Jimmy Carter, White House Diary)
Egypt says Israeli spy ring uncovered
Israeli spy cell found in N Iraq
Egyptian arrested in Syria for allegedly spying for Israel
Egypt wants Israeli 'spy' 'on trial, fast
Egypte : les espions parasites juifs israélo-américains ne sont plus intouchables comme avant
Egypt sentences three to jail for spying for Israel
Egypt holds Israeli on suspicion of spying, sources say
Egypt to charge Israeli 'Mossad agent' with spying
Captive American hiker's Jewish roots
'Released American nationals, Jewish'
PressTV (Iran)

Israel's Channel 2 television claimed that Shane Michael Bauer and Joshua Felix Fattal's being Jewish had not been announced to prevent their situation from becoming worse.
Immediately after Bauer and Fattal arrived in New York City, they claimed that they were subjected to mistreatment while in Iranian custody.
This is while in May 2010, the Iranian government issued visas for the mothers of the US nationals to meet them, a move on compassionate grounds and in accordance with the Islamic codes of conduct. The two US nationals were also granted furloughs to meet their families and expressed gratitude for the humane treatment handed to them by Iran.
After returning to the US, they claimed that they were allowed to speak with their family members for only 15 minutes in their over two years of detention.
The claims come as Iranian prisoners in US detention are deprived of their basic human rights and are not allowed to meet with their families.
On September 21, Iran's Judiciary confirmed that Shane Michael Bauer and Joshua Felix Fattal, both 29, had been freed on a total bail of USD 1,000,000.
The two US nationals had earlier been sentenced by Branch 15 of Tehran's Revolution Court to eight years in prison on charges of illegal entry and espionage.
Bauer and Fattal were arrested along with Sarah Shourd, another US national, on the Iranian soil in July 2009 after illegally crossing the border from the mountains of the Iraqi Kurdistan region.
Iran released Shourd on a bail of USD 500,000 in September 2010, 14 months after her arrest. The decision was made based on humanitarian grounds.
Israel spying on US: A long history

Israel spying on US: A long history
Press TV, Washington
Former CIA counterterrorism officer Philip Giraldi is on a mission. He says he wants to expose how costly and dangerous Israeli espionage is to the United States. Giraldi is the Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest Foundation which just released a 12 page overview written by Giraldi called The Spy Who Loves Us. He says Israel conducts more espionage against America than any other US ally. Giraldi says Israel profits from selling US technology. Giraldi says Israeli spying has bankrupted some American companies. According to his report, virtually all US government bodies including the FBI and General Accountabilty office have confirmed that Israeli espionage takes place. And while collecting intelligence is part of the function of government, Israel crosses the line. Giraldi says the intensity and persistency of Israel spying is paticularly disturbing considering how much Israel reliees on the US for political and military support. Giraldi says Israeli lobbies have too much power in Washington. Giraldi has written about israeli espionage for The American Conservative. He also has a regular column in the magazine called Deep Background.
Time to Investigate Israeli Spying in U.S.
By Michael Collins Piper
If Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) is interested in fighting terrorism and treason, he should not only look at the first source of terrorism against America in the Middle East — the state of Israel — as described in the accompanying story, but he should inquire into the numerous high-level American government policy makers who have already been investigated by the FBI for suspected espionage and illicit influence-peddling on Israel’s behalf.* For the record, they include such prominent figures as:

Aside from the infamous former Navy Department-based spy for Israel, Jonathan Pollard, serving a life prison term, multiple American Jews in the military and U.S. intelligence in recent years have been investigated, disciplined, or otherwise convicted outright of various forms of disloyalty, including two of the more notable:

Uncensored Version of 9-11 Report Detailing Spy Ring Now Available
By Michael Collins Piper
AFP presents — for the first time ever — an unredacted, uncensored reprint of the controversial report leaked from inside the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) exposing a wide-ranging Israeli spy ring operating on American soil prior to the 9-11 “terrorist” tragedy.

Israel spying on US: A long history

Israel spying on US: A long history
Press TV, Washington
Former CIA counterterrorism officer Philip Giraldi is on a mission. He says he wants to expose how costly and dangerous Israeli espionage is to the United States. Giraldi is the Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest Foundation which just released a 12 page overview written by Giraldi called The Spy Who Loves Us. He says Israel conducts more espionage against America than any other US ally. Giraldi says Israel profits from selling US technology. Giraldi says Israeli spying has bankrupted some American companies. According to his report, virtually all US government bodies including the FBI and General Accountabilty office have confirmed that Israeli espionage takes place. And while collecting intelligence is part of the function of government, Israel crosses the line. Giraldi says the intensity and persistency of Israel spying is paticularly disturbing considering how much Israel reliees on the US for political and military support. Giraldi says Israeli lobbies have too much power in Washington. Giraldi has written about israeli espionage for The American Conservative. He also has a regular column in the magazine called Deep Background.

« Vous vous engagez ainsi à voter les décisions et résolutions en termes d’appui à Israël et à sa suprématie militaire », a-t-elle ajouté. Toujours, selon cette ancienne congressiste américaine, si un candidat refuse de signer cet acte d’engagement, il ne pourra alors plus recevoir de sommes d’argent pour financer ses campagnes électorales. Rappelons que le Président américain Barack Obama a promis, lors de la réunion annuelle de l’AIPAC (principal lobby pro-israélien aux États-Unis) le 23 mai 2011, de toujours soutenir la suprématie militaire d’Israël au Proche-Orient…
Philip Giraldi Spills Beans on Israeli Espionage in America
VIDEO - Jim Traficant | "Israel has used America like a whore!"
Jews, Communism, and Espionage When it comes to anti-American spies like Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, technical guilt may now be acknowledged but, for the most part, moral guilt is not.
‘US, Israel root of intl. society problems’
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