Saturday, June 11, 2011

Les avorteurs sionistes de l'État palestinien

Ce serait induire en erreur que de laisser sous silence le fait que nous sommes nous aussi sous occupation et que notre situation, en tant que nation, est à peine plus enviable que celle des Palestiniens...

Israël en campagne contre l’adhésion de la Palestine à l’ONU

Netanyahu veut réunir 30 pays à l’ONU contre l’Etat palestinien

PM to lobby Eastern Europe against Palestinian state: Netanyahu is scheduled to make two separate European trips to present allies with case against Palestinian UN statehood bid.

Haaretz exclusive: Secret cables show Israel's battle plan over Palestinian UN bid Foreign Ministry documents outline instructions to envoys to thwart international recognition of Palestinian state.

Diplomats: Accept Palestine
No point in struggling against recognition that already has international support, says former legal advisor. Adds: We should say 'yes but,' leaving out issues Palestinians must discuss with us, like Gaza-West Bank passage

Neocon John Bolton : Les Etats-Unis doivent arrêter l’initiative de l’Autorité palestinienne en cessant le financement à l’ONU

Israel: UN recognition of a Palestinian state will turn us into ‘colonialists’

Israel Threatens to Annex West Bank if UN recognizes Palestine

Palestinian Statehood and Bypassing Israel

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman warned that Israel would no longer be bound by past agreements if Palestinians ask the United Nations for recognition.

Netanyahu says there’s no Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Israel warns Palestinians all deals are off if UN vote goes ahead

'PA's UN bid – end of Oslo' Lieberman tells EU foreign policy chief, 'slim chances of renewing talks, ball in PA's court'

Israel: UN recognition of a Palestinian state will turn us into ‘colonialists’

'US says it won't support UN Palestinian statehood bid'

EP President: EU doesn't oppose Palestinian statehood

U.S. Senate passes resolution threatening to suspend aid to Palestinians

Le Canada incite des pays de taille moindre à s'opposer au statut d'État palestinien

Canada Presses Smaller Countries to Oppose Palestinian Statehood

Gaza: une explosion vise la représentation de l'Onu (BBC)

U.S. Senate passes resolution threatening to suspend aid to Palestinians

Netanyahu falls short of securing Bulgarian pledge against Palestinian UN bid
Israeli-Conttrolled US Congress Warns Palestinians Not To Seek UN Statehood

A Palestinian architect designs the foundation for a state: RIWAQ (Arabic for gallery) is a nonprofit organization that renovates, restores old buildings, heritage sites in the Palestinian territories.

UN to discuss Palestine in July

Romanian PM to Netanyahu: We oppose PA statehood bid

Blair to return in search for statehood bid solutionAfter Quartet meeting in Washington fails, UK envoy expected to visit region again to find formula that will keep Palestinians from pursuing UN statehood bid and will enable the resumption of peace talks.

Canada will not support the Palestinian effort at the United Nations to win statehood.

Le Canada ne reconnaîtra pas la Palestine à l'ONU

Le gouvernement Harper s'opposera aux revendications du peuple palestinien pour l'obtention du statut d'État

Canada Opposes Palestinian Bid for Recognition of Statehood

Canada: The gift that keeps on giving to Israel

Arab League to request full Palestinian membership at UN

Norway backs Palestinian bid for UN recognition in September

Reconnaissance de l'État palestinien à l'ONU : Israël achète les votes roumain et bulgare !

L'ONU condamne Israël, et celui-ci riposte par le boycott de son émissaire

Canadian PM opposes Palestinian UN gambit

September: Palestine, stalemate or Armageddon?

Israël ne voit pas d'un bon oeil la "rentrée des classes" à l'ONU à l'automne prochain

Diplomatic battle on Twitter Embassy workers learn how to bolster Israeli message on social networks ahead of UN vote

UN Go Home': Israel planning for worst, calling for war?

Israel sees Palestinian statehood bid a ‘greater threat’ than Hamas

Leaked document “Operation Summer Seeds”: Israeli forces train and arm settlers to attack Palestinian protesters

Austria pulls out of 'anti-Israel' Durban III conference: Central European country joins list of 7 countries opposing UN anti-racism event; Swiss government slated to participate.

Palestine à l’ONU : l’impuissance d’Obama
radio francophone iranienne

Haaretz: l’armée israélienne entraîne des colons avant le recours à l’ONU

Israël arme et entraîne les colons juifs installés en territoire palestinien

VIDEO - Les juifs de Judée-Samarie s'entrainent pour septembre

IDF arming and training Israeli settlers as 'mass disorder' expected in September

La Nakba effacée d’un manuel scolaire français

Attention : manuels d'histoire revisités....

Harper rejects Palestinian statehood bid

Nations Unies--Harper appuie Israël


VIDEO - Hitler évoque le cas de la Palestine

VIDEO - Israel VS Palestine - L'enquête turque et les dernières nouvelles au 03 octobre 2011