Glenn Beck gets a hero's welcome in Israel's parliament
Glenn Beck visits Israel, gets 'adoring' welcome
July 13, 2011
Making the second of what he calls "solidarity" trips to Israel this year, the conservative pundit and former Fox News personality went to the parliament, or Knesset, in a widely watched public appearance ahead of a "Restore Courage" rally he's scheduled for Aug. 24 in Jerusalem.
More than a dozen Israeli news outlets filled the packed room Monday morning to hear politicians laud Beck as "one of Israel's greatest friends," in the words of Likud lawmaker Danny Danon, who'd invited Beck.
Beck's words were met with warm applause that grew to a climax when he announced that the "Israeli-Palestinian conflict . . . is about the destruction of Israel and the end of the Western way of life. Period."
Beck -- who recently ended his popular but often controversial Fox News show and is launching his own multimedia production company -- said that thousands of people would attend his rally and show that they "stand with Israel, on all things.
"He spent much of his speech deriding the mainstream news media as having an anti-Israeli bias and telling Israeli lawmakers that they should seek "friendly" media outlets and bloggers to spread their message.
"There are millions of people [who support Israel] that you don't see, because the media doesn't want to tell their story," Beck said.
Lawmakers thanked Beck for his unwavering support for their country, which they said came from his deep-rooted Christian values.
"It isn't a coincidence that you're a religious person," Likud lawmaker Tzipi Hotovely said. "This is a religious battle led by Islam. We can't ignore this basic truth. It's important that we stand behind a historical truth: We're not just here because of Zionism but because of the Bible." (...)
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Within the Tea Party, Bachmann is at the forefront of those making Israel a key part of her agenda. In her speech at the high-profile Faith & Freedom Conference held in Washington in early June, Bachmann termed Obama's call for a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict based on Israel's 1967 boundaries and mutually agreed land swaps "shocking." She followed up by buying ads on Jewish websites reiterating this message.
Bachmann is not alone. Attacks on Obama's Israel policy have come from former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, known as the Tea Party's biggest draw.
Pundit Glenn Beck, a vocal critic of the Obama presidency, has been devoting much of his airtime lately to the issue of Israel. He recently announced plans to hold a "Restoring Courage" rally August 20 in Jerusalem. At this gathering, modeled on his rally last summer that called for patriotic unity in Washington, Beck intends to call for Americans to "courageously stand with Israel."
These voices currently appear to be dominating discourse on Israel within the Tea Party, overshadowing the more isolationist views of such Israel critics as Rand Paul and his father, Ron Paul, a declared 2012 presidential candidate....
Source: Nathan Guttman, Forward newspaper (New York) June 14, 2011
Glenn Beck will keynote the 2011 Christians United for Israel conference.
Conservative U.S. television commentator Glenn Beck received several rounds of applause by Israeli lawmakers as he voiced his unequivocal support for Israel during a visit to Jerusalem.
Glenn Beck to address Knesset panel in July: Knesset Immigration, Absorption, Diaspora Affairs C'tee chair Danon invites conservative pundit to talk about fighting delegitimization.
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