- C'étaient pas des musulmans http://www.takeourworldback.com/itwasntmuslims_fr.htm
- Des mensonges, des planificateurs du 11 septembre et de ceux qui soutiennent qu' "aucun avion ne s'est écrasé sur le WTC" http://www.takeourworldback.com/fr/noplanes_fr.htm
- La "Coïncidence" Bollyn - Hufschmid - Murdoch http://www.takeourworldback.com/fr/bollynhufschmidmurdoch_fr.htm
- Sionisme: la fin du déni http://www.takeourworldback.com/fr/zionistdenial_fr.htm
- Le 11 septembre expliqué aux négateurs de la réalité http://www.takeourworldback.com/fr/911realitydeniers_fr.htm
- Sionistes, psychopathes et 11 septembre http://www.takeourworldback.com/fr/911psychos_fr.htm
- Ligne du temps du 11 septembre http://www.takeourworldback.com/fr/911perpstimeline_fr.htm
- Un agent de Cointelpro dans une attaque "sous fausse bannière" ratée destinée à faire contrepoids aux manifestations contre la guerre en Irak? http://www.takeourworldback.com/fr/bollynfalseflag_fr.htm
- Le directeur technique de Payoneer camoufle le passé de son collègue dans une unité d'élite militaire http://www.takeourworldback.com/fr/dubaimossad_fr.htm
- Bollyn raconte des bobards à l'émission de RJ Hender http://www.takeourworldback.com/fr/bollynhender_fr.htm
- Israéliens dansants: davantage de preuves de connaissance préalable des attentats du 11 septembre http://www.takeourworldback.com/fr/ornitsuter_fr.htm
- Jonathan Elinoff (juif franmac) et Core of Corruption en renfort pour discréditer les preuves de l'implication israélienne dans le 11 septembre http://www.takeourworldback.com/fr/elinoff_fr.htm
- Les Juifs: Saints ou pécheurs? http://www.takeourworldback.com/fr/saintlyjews_fr.htm
Pour examiner les preuves d'ordre scientifique, basées sur les études les plus sérieuses et les plus à jour, allez ici:
Millette study fails to refute crucial findings by Harrit et al The "debunkers" had better enjoy their one little success whilst they still can. Yes, the red/gray chips examined in the Active Thermitic Material study by Harrit et al are paint chips on rusty steel, and proved to be very much of a red herring. However, Harrit did find incontrovertible evidence of controlled demolitions, to add to a plethora of previous forensics that refutes the official conspiracy theory. Moreover, the evidence of a Zionist job is now so overwhelming that those who refuse to accept it may be dismissed as liars, fools or brainwashed fantasists who can't handle the truth. Read here: http://www.takeourworldback.com/millettepaintchips.htm
Why 9/11 researchers know the official story is false
Information that not only proves beyond all doubt that OBL and KSM did not orchestrate 9/11, but identifies the principal perpetrators.
Revised September 15, 2012
Apart from the unprecedented total collapses of three steel-framed high-rises from "office fires", numerous reports of molten steel and molten metal including a "little river of steel, flowing", an orange-yellow flow of molten material from WTC2 indicative of an iron-rich melt and totally at odds with the "office fires" scenario, a steel beam that was "dripping from the molten steel" in February of 2002, a WDS analysis conducted in 2006 of previously molten metal from Ground Zero that determined it was predominantly iron, dozens of oral reports of explosions, low frequency audio of a blast three seconds before the WTC7 east penthouse began to descend, etc., there are multiple aspects of the 9/11 official conspiracy theory (or coincidence theory) that require a suspension of disbelief because of absurdities or improbable "coincidences". Here are some examples.- Hani Hanjour was a "very bad pilot" who "could not fly at all", was refused permission to fly solo in a Cessna 172 in the second week or the middle of August 2001, failed a written driver's license test on August 2, 2001, and failed to make cash withdrawals on several occasions because he'd forgotten his PIN, yet allegedly managed a few weeks later to fly a Boeing 757 into the Pentagon's first floor at 530 mph with the engines clearing the lawn by a couple of feet.
- Flight 77, the plane that was allegedly flown by Hanjour, "coincidentally" crashed into the Pentagon's accounting section, eighteen months after it was revealed that the Pentagon's finances were "in disarray" and almost $7 trillion of bookkeeping adjustments had been required in order to balance the accounts, with $2.3 trillion of those corrections lacking receipts.
- Rabbi Dov Zakheim was Pentagon Comptroller from May 4, 2001 until after 9/11/01, delivered a commemorative sermon on the Pentagon lawn to hundreds of co-religionists from 40 countries exactly six months after 9/11 on March 11, 2002, was co-signatory to a September 2000 paper that wrote of the 'benefits' of a "new Pearl Harbor", and was CEO of SPC International, a company whose Radar Physics Group produced "Flight Termination Systems" incorporating a "Command Transmitter System" whereby an operator or operators could electronically hijack multiple in-flight aircraft "several hundreds of miles" away and simultaneously steer them into targets.
- SPC subsidiary TriData conducted an investigation into the 1993 WTC bombing under contract to FEMA and was in the fire protection business, and its president Philip Schaenman was already "researching fire protection ideas from other nations" as early as July 1993.
- Two of those listed as killed on Flight 77 - William E. Caswell and John Yamnicky - had worked on "deep-black" projects.
- The Chantilly, Va-based National Reconnaissance Office ran an exercise involving a plane crashing into a tower commencing at 9:00 on 9/11/01, which was indeed described by the government as a "bizarre coincidence".
- The Twin Towers were a feature of the New York skyline for 30 years - surviving a fire and a bombing - until they were destroyed in multiple terror attacks within six weeks of new controllers taking over the lease and insuring the buildings against multiple terror attacks for billions of dollars, with a clause stating that in the event of terrorist attacks, the partners could not only collect the insured value of the property, but would also be released from all of their obligations under the 99-year lease.
- Five past, present or future Israeli prime ministers were close friends with Larry Silverstein and Frank Lowy, the new WTC controllers.
- The principal new leaseholder, Larry Silverstein, breakfasted each day at the Windows on the World restaurant on the 106th and 107th floors of the North Tower but failed to turn up on 9/11/01 because of a "dermatologist's appointment".
- Silverstein's two children Roger and Lisa were also spared a ghastly fate after uncharacteristically failing to turn up for work that day because they were "running late".
- New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, who announced on September 16, 2001 that a "passport belonging to one of the hijackers" had been "discovered", was subsequently indicted, convicted and jailed for lying, conspiracy and fraud.
- Kerik visited Israel two weeks prior to 9/11 from August 26-29, 2001, and met Eitan Wertheimer, one of Israel's richest businessmen who was reading Popular Mechanics at the age of 4, during that August 2001 trip. Kerik subsequently received a $250,000 "loan" from Wertheimer via Brooklyn marble and stone merchant Shimon Cohen who served as intermediary in the transaction, in addition to having more than $236,000 of his rent paid from 2001 to 2003 by Steven C. Witkoff, a New York real estate developer with business links and other associations with Israel, and receiving a $28,000 loan from Nathan Berman, another prominent local real estate developer and former art dealer who'd immigrated from the Ukraine in 1973. It was later claimed that the "hijacker's" passport was "soaked in jet fuel", even though it was allegedly "discovered" in near pristine condition and handed in by a mysterious stranger, who immediately ran off and was never seen nor heard from again.
- On September 18, 2006, Benjamin Netanyahu, Warren Buffett, and Stef and Eitan Wertheimer attended a party at the King David Hotel, Jerusalem, to celebrate Buffett's $4 billion acquisition of an 80% stake in the Wertheimer family's Iscar Metalworking Company, a world-class metal cutting tools company. The Israeli government received $1 billion in taxes from the deal.
- Murderous Jewish terrorists conspiring to establish the Zionist State of Israel blew up the King David Hotel in 1946 killing 92 people, and attempted to assassinate the British foreign secretary.
- Israelis Salvador Guersson Smecke and Saur Ben Zvi were caught and arrested inside the Mexican Congress chamber in possession of guns, grenades, dynamite, detonators and wiring while posing as "press photographers" three days after the launch of the war in Afghanistan, after a large-scale 37-nation poll of world opinion carried out by Gallup International had found a 94% majority of Mexicans were opposed to military intervention in Afghanistan. (Note how the crooks who pulled off 9/11 must continue to stage false-flags to "educate" people into imagining that "your problems are our problems".)
- Israeli forces tried to sink the USS Liberty in 1967, in a sustained air and naval attack that was clearly no "accident".
- Israeli assets were caught bombing U.S. and British interests in 1954 in a failed false-flag terror operation that was aimed at tricking Israel's "allies" into attacking its foes.
- Israeli nationals Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Sivan Kurzberg were seen filming the burning WTC ("documenting the event") and high-fiving, smiling, hugging each other, joking and flicking lighters in a jovial, celebratory mood at a location that was an excellent vantage point for videotaping planes approaching from the north and south to hit both Towers - not only before the second plane impact, but before the local AM news radio station 1010 WINS had even broken the news of the first plane impact.
- The Zim American-Israeli Shipping Company moved out of the WTC on September 4, 2001 - one week prior to 9/11/01.
- Zim Shipping was owned partly by the government of Israel and partly by the Israel Corporation whose subsidiaries include Israel Chemicals Ltd. (ICL), which engages in development and production of fertilizers, potassium salts and bromine-based "flame retardants" that might be useful in deceptive building demolitions or passing on advice to a president of an SPC subsidiary who was "researching fire protection ideas from other nations".
- The 1993 WTC garage bombing occurred two years after Israeli security officials had inspected the garage of Zim Shipping in the WTC and concluded that the WTC garage would be vulnerable to a car bomb.
- Ahmad Ajaj, one of those involved in the WTC bombing, is suspected of being an Israeli intelligence mole.
- Ali al-Jarrah, one of the alleged 9/11 hijackers, was the cousin of Ziad al-Jarrah, another Israeli intelligence asset who had received more than $300,000 since 1983 for his "work" as a paid spy for Israel whilst posing as a supporter of the Palestinian cause.
- Daniel Lewin, one of the Flight 11 passengers, was ex-Sayeret Matkal, an alumnus of MIT, and had lived in the US and in Jerusalem, which meant he had all of that that in common with Benjamin Netanyahu, an Israeli prime minister both prior to and post 9/11.
- Benjamin Netanyahu not only happened to be in London on the morning of the 7/7 bombings, but also had advance knowledge of the explosions.
- Efraim Halevy, the London-born head of Israel's Mossad as of 9/11/01, very quickly revealed an intimate knowledge of the 7/7 bombings by referring to them as "simultaneous" in a newspaper article dated July 7, when the British authorities believed for the next two days that the explosions had occurred over a period of 26 minutes from 08:51 to 09:17, and did not manage to deduce that they were simultaneous until July 9.
- The Mossad had foreknowledge of the London bombings.
- Rudy Giuliani, the New York mayor who banned photography at Ground Zero and is widely suspected of being behind the decision to rapidly recycle the WTC steel, was not only in London on the morning of the 7/7 bombings, but was also located in Harrogate, North Yorkshire, the preceding day, which is merely twenty miles from The Range Home and Leisure Garden Centre, Tulip Retail Park, Leeds, the origin of a till receipt that was "discovered", allegedly having survived the bomb blast and serving to 'prove' the identity of the "suicide bombers".
- Benjamin Netanyahu lived in Caesarea, the very same town (population: 4,500 out of a world population of 6.15 billion as of 2001) as a certain Popular Mechanics-reading billionaire in the metal-cutting business who'd "loaned" $250,000 to a certain New York Police Commissioner who was a "very good friend" of a certain New York mayor who was godfather to his children.
- Another resident of Caesarea was Jacob "Kobi" Alexander, the crooked boss (who later fled to Namibia after being wanted for fraud by the FBI) of Israeli-founded Comverse, a hi-tech company whose subsidiary Verint Systems won a contract to provide video "security" for the London Underground, ten months prior to the 7/7/05 London Underground bombings.
- Benjamin Netanyahu has terrorism in his blood. His late father Benzion - who had a great influence on his son - was chief aide and secretary to Ze'ev (Vladimir) Jabotinsky, the Ukranian founder and driving force behind the Irgun, a terrorist group that went on to perpetrate atrocities such as the King David Hotel bombing. And Benzion Netanyahu was actually regarded as an "extremist" by Menachem Begin, the commander of the Irgun in 1946 at the time they bombed the King David Hotel. Begin believed that violence was justified in order to achieve political ends (but only so long as it was his group dealing out the violence, otherwise it would be classed as a "Nazi atrocity" - 33 years after the end of WWII! - a "global campaign of terror", etc).
- Benjamin Netayahu's father-in-law Shmuel Ben-Artzi was a member of the Irgun terrorist group.
- On the 60th anniversary of the King David Hotel bombing in 2006, Benjamin Netanyahu proudly participated in a two-day seminar commemorating the bombing.
- Netanyahu "predicted" in 1995 that "militant Islam" would bring down the WTC (and later credited his father with the "prediction").
- Netanyahu declared on separate occasions that 9/11 was "very good" and beneficial for Israel.
- Netanyahu had a BSc in architecture from MIT and was a close friend of Larry Silverstein, the owner and (1987) developer of WTC7, who also happened to be the principal member of the consortium that sealed the 99-year lease deal for WTC1 and 2 at the end of July, 2001. Consequently, after receiving blueprints of the WTC buildings from his property developer friend who would have access to such information, Netanyahu and his Mossad / Sayeret Matkal accomplices would be capable of devising a plan to demolish the buildings and make the collapses look like the result of office fires and plane crashes, as the central feature of their "new Pearl Harbor" false-flag terror operation. (To believers in the official 9/11 conspiracy theory, the idea that a leopard can never change its spots is anathema!)
- Abdulaziz al-Omari, one of the alleged Flight 11 "hijackers" (who later turned up alive and well!), said he'd had his passport stolen when his Denver apartment was burgled in 1995, and the ex-Sayeret Matkal Flight 11 passenger Daniel Lewin who incidentally had made and lost a fortune in the dotcom boom and bust and, interestingly, "loved jumping out of planes", was a native of Denver. And Netanyahu's father Benzion - the supporter of terrorism and extremism - taught at Denver for part of his career, living there with his young family.
- The Mossad has a history of stealing passports from the four corners of the globe - e.g. in New Zealand from a "tetraplegic man who had not spoken in years", or when murdering one of their enemies in Dubai, or in Lebanon.
- More than a hundred Israelis posed as "art students" from January 2000 to September 2001, attempting to penetrate U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) offices and other federal buildings including 36 sensitive Department of Defense (DoD) sites.
- A number of these Israeli "art students" lived well within a mile of the alleged 9/11 "hijackers" in Hollywood, Florida. For example, the distance between the apartments of Mohamed Atta and Hanan Serfaty, one infamous "art student" who was a former Israeli military intelligence officer, was "some 1,800 feet".
- Eddie Guigui Shalev, the guy who said that Hani Hanjour was a "good" pilot despite the evidence, served in the Israeli "Defense" Forces in the paratroops regiment.
- The mother-in-law of Dominik Suter, owner of the Weehawken moving company known as Urban Moving Systems which served as a front for Israeli intelligence, made a transaction on a Florida property on Friday, September 7, 2001, four days before 9/11, and one week before the UMS owner (presumably accompanied by his family) fled the US for this particular country.
- A tightly-knit group of employees of this moving company who were foreigners and co-religionists of a certain BSc architecture-qualified prime minister, a certain Pentagon Comptroller, a certain duo who signed a 99-year lease for the WTC and insured the buildings against terrorist attacks six weeks before 9/11, a certain head of the Port Authority who negotiated the lease, a certain expert on building collapses and bioterrorism shortly to be mentioned below, etc., had strong anti-American sentiments. For example, they would hold frequent meetings in the company's office in which they spoke in Hebrew, and Americans would not be invited. And one of them said, "Give us twenty years and we'll take over your media and destroy your country".
- Workers at Urban Moving Systems were told that the company had closed down and they'd been fired just after lunch time on 9/11, which is before the photographing, celebrating, "dancing" employees - who were smiling, high-fiving, hugging one another, in a "jovial" mood, and "visibly happy on nearly all" of their 76 photographs - had even been arrested, and three days before their boss fled the country for Israel.
- On September 10, 2001, one of the UMS employees, Paul Kurzberg, gave his brother Sivan "a really nice camera that had a big" lens.
- Sivan Kurzberg was seen kneeling atop a van parked at an excellent vantage point, a parking lot of an apartment block, photographing and celebrating the first plane impact into the North Tower before the news broke on the local AM news radio station, and had also been sighted at this apartment block the day before 9/11.
- Sivan Kurzberg and Yaron Shmuel "coincidentally" brought a Canon EOS SLR and a Pentax P550 into work with them on the morning of 9/11/01, and Shmuel remarked, "I am glad I brought my camera today".
- Sivan Kurzberg, Oded Ellner and Yaron Shmuel celebrated because they already knew it was a terrorist act before the South Tower was hit, and they had gone to the Doric apartment block's parking lot that, in their own words, had the advantage of providing "a view of the entire length of both towers".
- When the Urban Moving Systems van was stopped and Paul and Sivan Kurzberg, Oded Ellner, Yaron Shmuel and Omer Marmari were arrested on the afternoon of 9/11/01, they were found not to have "equipment typically used in a moving company's daily duties" such as "work gloves, blankets, straps, ropes, boxes, dollies, rollers, etc", but did have cameras, passports, thousands of dollars of cash, and "airline tickets with immediate travel dates for destinations world-wide".
- Two Urban Moving Systems employees, Israeli nationals, were detained in Pennsylvania on the morning of 9/11/01, claiming to be on a journey from Weehawken, NJ to Columbus, OH, on a route that would take them within 2 or 3 miles of the Flight 93 crash site at Shanksville and Indian Lake in PA, when they were "supposed to complete a moving job" in their Penske box truck "in a different part of the country".
- Urban Moving Systems exhibited "little evidence of a legitimate business operation", and had an "unusually large number of computers relative to the number of employees for such a fairly small business".
- The "twin smokestacks" video footage of Flight 175's approach to the South Tower was taken by someone who not only knew where to aim the camera to catch it early in its approach, but also took the footage from a rooftop from which the smokestacks provided an excellent reference point for lining up the camera. It is also supposed to be purely "coincidental" that the rooftop from which the video was filmed is just down the road from the Jewel Electric Supply Company of downtown New Jersey, one of whose managers is also president of Temple Israel, which has a treasurer with a very famous surname, and registered the prestigious domain synagogue.org in 1997.
- Two hours' advance warning of the WTC attacks was transmitted through Odigo, an instant messaging company with offices in New York and in Israel.
- Jerome Hauer, an expert on building collapses who was forensically analyzing steel beams from partially collapsed buildings in 1999, recommended that a certain New York mayor should set up his Office of Emergency Management in WTC7 (on the 23rd floor), was on TV within hours of the 9/11 attacks to tell everyone that "It... certainly has the fingerprints of somebody like bin Laden" and that the World Trade Center collapsed because of "the velocity of the plane" and "intense heat probably weakened the structure as well", advised White House staff on the evening of 9/11 to start taking the anthrax antidote Cipro one week before terrorists launched an anthrax letters campaign targeting Democratic Senators and news media offices, and gave the job of WTC head of security to a former FBI counter-terror specialist and Osama bin Laden expert who disagreed with the official policy not to kill bin Laden.
- After John O'Neill, the bin Laden expert, was killed when the building collapsed, his body was identified by his "friend" Jerome Hauer who'd got him the job - the building collapses / bioterrorism expert, who "coincidentally" happens to be a co-religionist of a certain Middle Eastern prime minister with a degree in architecture. (With "friends" like Jerome Hauer, who needs enemies? The same could be said about Israel.)
- A team of "ethnic Middle Eastern people" - i.e., Israeli nationals - was caught on 9/11 in a "panel truck with a painting of a plane flying into the World Trade Center".
- It was announced on September 10, 2001 (before 9/11, before London 7/7/05, before Amman 11/9/05, etc.), that a 68-page paper by the Army School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) had concluded that Israel's Mossad could be described as "Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act."
- An exercise "based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened" was being conducted at 9:30 a.m. on the morning of the 7/7 simultaneous bomb explosions on the London Underground, and was described as a "spooky coincidence".
- Lewis M. Eisenberg, the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey who oversaw the privatization of the WTC in the run-up to 9/11, was on the planning board of a so-called "charity" that helps to fund terrorism, piracy and war crimes committed by the military and extremist racist settlers of Israel.
- Israeli agents were caught attempting to set up phony 'al Qaeda' cells.
- The rulers of Israel, an illegitimate state, originated from Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, etc., yet stole the land from the natives.
- Israeli nationals were arrested near the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station in a truck that was "found to have traces of TNT on the gearshift and traces of RDX plastic explosive on the steering wheel", and a bomb-sniffing dog also detected traces of explosives on one of the occupants. They told local police they were delivering furniture from California, but "authorities doubted the story because of the early morning hour". The Whidbey Island Naval Air Station, Oak Harbor, Wash., is where the Navy conducts explosive ordnance training for bomb disposal mobile units.
- Moshe Elmakias, 30 and Ron Katar, 23, described as "Middle Eastern" but whose names reveal the particular foreign country of their origin, were arrested in Plymouth, Pennsylvania on October 11, 2001 after being seen dumping furniture from a tractor-trailer with a Florida registration and a sign posted on the side reading "Moving Systems Incorporated", and claiming to be in town to make a pick up but being unable to provide a name or telephone number of their customer.
- It is supposed to be purely "coincidental" that Elmakias and Katar were found to have a Sony video camera and tape with detailed footage of Chicago's Sears Tower, only three days after a bizarre incident in which a man from Fresno, California, whose parents had been aware of his "mental problems" for only one week, was arrested after bursting into the cockpit of an American Airlines Boeing 767 bound for Chicago's O'Hare airport, screaming, "We're going to crash into the Sears Tower" and that terrorists were "steering" the plane towards the Sears Tower. And that the aircraft drama occurred only one day after, as already mentioned above, Israeli agents had been caught and arrested inside the Mexican Congress chamber in possession of guns, grenades, dynamite, detonators and wiring while posing as "press photographers". And that a group of Jewish lawyers took over an infamous cult that brainwashes hapless victims and already had plenty of bases in California in 2001, even though it did not establish one in Fresno until 2004. And that a certain BSc architecture-qualified Middle Eastern prime minister is married to a psychologist who served in military intelligence and worked as a flight attendant.
- Shmuel Dahan, 22 and Almaliach Naor, 19, both Israelis, were arrested in Tennessee following a three-mile high-speed chase on May 8, 2004, after their rental truck was seen speeding and they refused to stop. Dahan, an Israeli military veteran, was found to have a "Learn to Fly in Florida" business card in his wallet. Florida flight instructor Nissan Giat says that he met Naor at a moving company where the Israeli man worked and gave him one of his cards. The Israelis' ID was fake, and a brown bottle which they threw from the truck whilst being pursued was found to contain a thick liquid like drain cleaner. Tests indicated the liquid was a mixture of Astromid 18 - a latex stripper/cleaner, gluconic acid and water. No explanation was provided as to why these were mixed. The nearby Nuclear Fuel Services plant in Erwin is "the nation’s sole provider of fuel for the Navy’s nuclear subs".
- Tamir D. Sason, 24 and Daniel Levy, 23, both of Metar, Israel, were caught on May 21, 2004, attempting to get into the Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base, Georgia, without proper identification, prompting a nearly 3-hour lockdown. They had supposedly been contracted by a moving company. Bomb-sniffing search dogs reacted positively to a briefcase in the cab of the truck, although no explosives were found. Submarines at Kings Bay are armed with nuclear ballistic missiles.
- 1,031 people were killed on February 3, 2006 (local time), when the Egyptian ferry al-Salam Boccaccio 98 sank following a fire that spewed copious amounts of black smoke and started in a trailer in the car deck, and mysteriously could not be extinguished even when water was pumped onto it for four-and-a-half hours, as if the trailer had been packed with incendiaries such as magnesium, hexachloroethane and napthalene - which generate a lot of black smoke. It is also supposed to be pure "coincidence" that the ferry disaster occurred a few days after the Egyptian Parliament had unanimously rejected outright a call by Israel to observe the January 27 "Holocaust" Memorial Day, and that Israel annually extracts tens of thousands of tonnes of magnesium from salts in the Dead Sea "based on the electrolytic decomposition of carnallite (KCl.MgCl2.6H2O)" at a site near Sodom established in 1996.
The list goes on and on.
Similarly, we are expected to believe that it was just a "coincidence" that pork chop-loving, video gaming, sneakers/jeans-wearing, red Pontiac-driving, cocaine-snorting, money-worshipping, vodka-swilling, strip club-frequenting, gambling Mohamed Atta - the "devout Muslim" with such a hatred of Western culture that he was prepared to kill himself and thousands of others - steered a Boeing 767 to crash into the north face of WTC1 whilst banking at a 25° angle so that the impact zone covered five floors - the very same five contiguous floors (94-98) that not only had upgraded SFRM installed between 1996 and 1998, but also had SFRM that was found to have a high density compared to that of the other upgraded floors. This is a coincidence too far!

See here for the longer version of this page that explains how these measurements were taken and how the accelerants were applied.
(Official 9/11 coincidence theorists believe that the drinking, gambling, womanizing, drug-taking, pork chop-loving, video gaming, money-flashing "devout Muslim terrorists" - who gave every indication of being overpaid, overconfident Western intelligence operatives acting the role of "devout Muslim terrorists" - were in fact "devout Muslim terrorists", rather than overpaid, overconfident Western intelligence operatives. These official 9/11 coincidence theorists also think that Occam's Razor is a market competitor of Remington and Gillette.)
There is no credible evidence that Arabs were on the 9/11 planes. For example, of the four aircraft that were allegedly each boarded by four or five "Arab hijackers" with "box cutters" and, by some accounts, "mace", a "bomb", and even a "gun", there is no surveillance video to prove that any of these "Arabs" were at the departure airports Boston Logan, Washington Dulles and Newark International. The only video footage the authorities had of any of the alleged hijackers at any airport within days of 9/11 was at Portland International Jetport, Maine, and so a cock-and-bull story was fabricated in which two "hijackers" had inexplicably made a detour to Portland, almost missing their final flight. This also provided the opportunity for Atta's baggage to be 'found' with lots of incriminating 'evidence' after the connecting flight was delayed and the baggage supposedly missed Atta's final flight, as if a suicide pilot would choose to take their last will and testament with them on a plane that they were planning to crash into a skyscraper, rather than leave it some place where it would certainly be found (or alternatively destroy it, if they didn't want it to be found). A grainy "surveillance video" that lacks a time stamp, purportedly of "hijackers" at Dulles Airport, was not released until July 2004, and the images are not clear enough for a positive ID. Given that it took only 18 months to make the animation for all episodes of the highly acclaimed Walking With Dinosaurs documentary series, they should have done a much better job. But to be fair to the forgers, such 'evidence' is aimed at those with the attention span of a goldfish (or the brains of a stegosaurus).
An important role for the "art students" was to craft the "Arabs did 9/11" legend by stealing passports and finding Arabs to frame, for example by carefully observing the movements of Saudi Airlines flight engineers who'd been sent to Florida for pilot training because the airline was eliminating flight engineers from its three-member crews. The program had ended for some of the engineers shortly before 9/11, which is why they were leaving the Vero Beach, Florida area around that time. Problem was, it meant that many of the "dead hijackers" would turn up alive and indignant, most likely in Saudi Arabia, and those pushing the legend would have to resort to claiming it was just lots of cases of mistaken identity. A good exposition of the frame-up and the evolving list of hijackers' names can be found in Paul Zarembka's The Hidden History of 9-11.

Source: Paul Zarembka The Hidden History of 9-11
If Satam al-Suqami, Waleed al-Shehri and Wail al-Shehri had been on the flight manifests, the authorities would not have initially claimed Adnan Bukhari, Ameer Bukhari and Amer Kamfar as hijackers in their place. Adnan was found to be alive and living in Florida. Ameer died in a small plane crash on September 11, 2000 - exactly one year too early. On September 14, 2001, Kamfar was reported as being possibly alive and "armed with an AK-47", and then he turned out to be alive and innocent and living in Mecca: one of those flight engineer / pilots who'd been recalled from Vero Beach to Saudi Arabia. And given that Ameer Bukhari had been dead for a year and Adnan Bukhari was not a hijacker, the claim that their names were on paperwork relating to a rented 2001 silver-blue Nissan Altima found at Portland International Jetport, Maine, was a lie. The alternative is a story that makes no sense: that Atta rented a Mitsubishi sedan in his real name, then bizarrely abandoned the Mitsubishi at Boston's Logan Airport and inexplicably rented a Nissan using identities stolen from the Bukharis to travel to Portland with Alomari on a journey that meant they would risk missing their connecting flight with the consequent failure of their mission.
It is often claimed that Osama bin Laden admitted responsibility for 9/11. A well-built, dark-skinned, right-handed man, dubbed informally as "Fatty bin Laden", whose only resemblance to the pale, olive-skinned, 6' 4" to 6' 6", approximately 160 lbs, left-handed Osama bin Laden is that they both sported a beard and wore a turban, appeared in a video that was conveniently 'found' in Jalalabad, a city with a population estimated at roughly 250,000 as of 1999. The chubby, right-handed individual admitted responsibility for 9/11 after Osama bin Laden, who reportedly died December 2001, had already denied responsibility on at least two occasions: September 16 and 28 of 2001. Various tapes of "Osama" were faked in the ensuing years, often merely consisting of audio, and sometimes accompanied by a still image. The tapes were broadcast at times that would help the Bush admin, such as days prior to the 2004 presidential election. The Washington Post reported in May 2010 that former CIA officers admitted the agency created tapes in which their "darker-skinned employees" acted the roles of Osama and his cronies. A video broadcast in 2009, for example, was so blurred that hardly any information could be gleaned from it, although in 2009 the parts of "Osama's" beard that were black had been white in 2007 and vice versa. And "Osama's" eyebrows, nose and other features kept changing from one video to the next.
Navy SEALs who murdered the male members of an innocent Pakistani family in Abbottabad in May 2011, after the powers-that-be decided they could not keep pretending that a dead man was still alive by faking audio / still images / blurry video footage, would have been briefed with photographs of the Pakistani gentlemen supplied from agents associated with the Kakul Pakistan Military Academy which was a few minutes' drive from "Osama's hideout". Thus, they would have imagined that they were targeting "Osama bin Laden" and his "courier". The body of "Osama" was dumped ("burial at sea"). Twenty-two members of SEAL Team Six - the same team that carried out the slaughter of the Khan family in Abbottabad - were killed in a chopper crash in Afghanistan in August 2011 - thereby leaving any surviving SEALs involved in the killings in no doubt that they'd be putting their own lives on the line were they to actually debunk the "Osama killed in 2011" legend as opposed to merely revealing that Akbar Khan's guns were not loaded when he was shot in the head and then shot several times in the chest (which makes it patently obvious that the operation was to assassinate rather than capture an individual who would be passed off as "Osama"). And surviving female members of the family were obviously "encouraged" to play along with the official story - after another chopper 'accident' had conveniently provided a pretext for avoiding bringing any "Osama wives" back to the U.S. for interrogation on grounds that there was "no room". The evidence was thereby conveniently eliminated. Moreover, a New York Times article dated May 1, 2011, (just hours before the butchering of the Khan family) on how U.S. aid to Pakistan was in excess of $1 billion annually, provided a thinly veiled threat as to the consequences should the Pakistani authorities put up more than a token resistance to the U.S. version of events.
Those SEALs killed in the chopper crash probably included those given secret orders that "bin Laden" was not to be taken alive under any circumstances and it was essential to get rid of the body. Surviving members of the raid team would have attended the briefing in which a lawyer told them it was not an assassination mission, and would assume that the killing of unarmed men by their teammates was simply a mistake, even a "reasonable" mistake. After all, the authorities would have no problem wheeling out some retired major-general to offer his legal opinion on how shooting an unarmed man was "understandable", was not "unreasonable", and how it was also "reasonable" to shoot him again several times after he was already "crumpled on the floor in a pool of blood with a hole visible on the right side of his head and two women wailing over his body".
The Al Jazeera channel, which broadcast audios and videos purportedly of Osama bin Laden, was started in 1996 with a $150 million grant from Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifah Al-Thani, the Emir of Qatar. From October 2 through to October 5, 2001, the Emir visited the U.S. where he met with George W. Bush, Dick Cheney (an "old friend"), Colin Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Myers. On October 20, Dick Cheney again met his friend the Emir of Qatar to discuss the "Osama" interviews. Osama bin Laden served the purpose of an "Emmanuel Goldstein". The term "Goldstein Effect" was coined by Cass Sunstein, a gentleman who advocates that "government should engage in cognitive infiltration of the groups that produce conspiracy theories" and "coincidentally" happens to be a co-religionist of a certain BSc architecture-qualified prime minister.
It is clear that anyone who has access to the information yet continues to believe the official government story (myth) on 9/11 would be best advised to consult a doctor - preferably, one who specializes in problems of the mind!
See the Appendix for some of the relevant news articles.
The genesis of the WTC demolitions dates back to 1991, when agents of the world's most powerful global crime syndicate - whose principals have the leaders of the incumbent and opposition parties in the so-called Western "democracies" in their pockets - inspected the WTC garage and noted its vulnerability to a truck bomb. The February 1993 WTC bombing, which killed six and injured 1,042 in the resulting fires after a plan to substitute harmless powder for the explosives was called off by an FBI supervisor after having other ideas about how their $500 a week informant Emad A. Salem was to be used, served to provide the pretext for the fireproofing "upgrades" over the next few years. But they needed a willing, conniving US administration, and in January 1998 Clinton refused to give in to their blackmail over Monica Lewinsky. Those involved were from the same crime syndicate that planned to hit the WTC, as demonstrated by the fact that a certain BSc architecture-qualified prime minister who was a friend of the WTC7 developer traveled to Washington to negotiate with Clinton, "coincidentally" a mere three days after news broke of the Lewinsky scandal.
In March 2000 it was revealed that $2.3 trillion of accounting corrections that lacked receipts had been required to balance the Pentagon's financial ledgers. This provided the opportunity for bringing the new Bush admin into 9/11, albeit in a relatively minor role. The Pentagon attack was to kill "only" a hundred or two, as opposed to thousands in the WTC, although in both cases many more would be killed and maimed in the ensuing wars. Rabbi Dov Zakheim, who was CEO at SPC International and co-signatory to a position paper that called for a "new Pearl Harbor", was nominated by George W. Bush in February 2001 to serve as Comptroller at the Pentagon and as Under Secretary of Defense, and was sworn in on May 3, 2001. Thomas E. White, who had been on "JINSA" trips to Israel and as former CEO at Enron would therefore know a thing or two about accounting fraud, was nominated by Bush as Secretary of the Army on May 1, 2001, and sworn in thirty days later.
In the morning of 9/11, Thomas E. White, Paul Wolfowitz, Randy "Duke" Cunningham and others were at a breakfast meeting with Donald Rumsfeld, in which the latter predicted that some kind of "shocking" world event would occur in the near future. The meeting was about to break up as the first plane slammed into the North Tower. As the alleged Flight 77 was ten miles out from the Pentagon, a young man asked Vice President Cheney, "Do the orders still stand?" Cheney turned and whipped his neck around and replied, "Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?" Since there were no shoot down orders in effect at 9:37:45 - the time of the Pentagon strike - or earlier, and since there was no attempt to shoot down the object that struck the Pentagon, it follows that "the orders" were stand down rather than shoot down. In the afternoon of 9/11/01 Donald Rumsfeld said, "My interest is to hit Saddam Hussein", and ordered his aides to plan for striking Iraq.
Afghanistan was the first target in the crime syndicate's grotesquely misnamed "war on terror" (in reality "war and terror for profit and power") because the Taliban had banned opium poppy cultivation in the summer of 2000 throughout the 95% of Afghanistan that it controlled, severely hitting the profits of Western intelligence agencies and organized crime. In 2001 cultivation was down by 90% and production by 94% compared to 2000. Opium production rocketed after regime change; by 2007, the potential production was almost twice the previous high of 1999. Similarly, the original opium wars of the mid-19th century were also about the misuse of military force to enable satanic, avaricious psychopaths to continue profiting from the opium trade. Plundering $billions of Iraqi oil riches could be delayed for a year or two, until the public had been softened up with a new pack of lies about "WMD" such as "mobile germ warfare labs".
With the Bush admin heavily complicit in the Pentagon attack, they were forced to cover for the Mishpucka's WTC attacks, with the Mishpucka in their turn exploiting their control of the mainstream media to promote the official conspiracy yarn about cocaine-snorting, strip club-frequenting, pork chop-loving "devout Muslims" with "box cutters" who "got lucky", etc. The Pentagon Comptroller, who served as the Mishpucka's chief inside man in the piggy-backed Bush admin 9/11 sub-plot, would not have given the Bush conspirators advance information on anything they did not need to know, such as the plan to attack and demolish the WTC. Flight 93 was shot down before it could hit WTC7 because it was 41 minutes late due to airport congestion, and the confusion caused by the war games and exercises - effectively a military "stand down" - could not be maintained indefinitely. Rather than admit that, a Jessica Lynch-style "Let's roll" story about passenger heroics was concocted.
Seven years later, another fantasy about "thermal expansion" causing the collapse of WTC7 was foisted on the sheeple. The explicit testimony of Barry Jennings, an eyewitness who told of how he was trapped in the building by early explosions prior to the collapse of either Tower, directly contradicts the official theory as touted by NIST that flaming debris from the collapse of the Twin Towers had smashed its way into WTC7 and ignited fires on multiple floors - even though a "hijacker's passport" was "soaked in jet fuel" and still did not burn - and then those multiple fires led to "thermal expansion" of fireproofed steel, which in turn brought about the total collapse of the 47-story building that was never hit by a plane, twenty minutes after the BBC had already reported its collapse in what was claimed to be an "honest mistake", and an hour after CNN had already reported that WTC7 had "collapsed" or was "collapsing". Sadly, in yet another strange "coincidence", Mr. Jennings died on August 19, 2008, just two days before NIST released the draft version of its WTC7 report which, as with its other reports, selectively ignored the empirical evidence and the laws of physics and compartment fires. In another bizarre "coincidence", Dutch controlled demolitions expert Danny Jowenko died on July 16, 2011 in a car crash, just three days after Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former Director of Studies, Strategic Studies Institute at the US Army War College, had cited Mr. Jowenko's expert testimony that WTC7's collapse was a "controlled demolition" by "a team of experts" who had "blown away columns", three-and-a-half minutes into an interview for Press TV with Susan Modaress.
The orchestrators of state-sponsored terror have been forced to recruit disinformation agents to propagate nonsense about "holographic planes", about the WTC being demolished by space-based beam "energy weapons" capable of sustaining several times the total global power output for ten seconds at a time, and to have their assets set up so-called "9/11 debunking" websites to confuse newcomers with specious arguments and attacks on straw men. One intelligence asset even peddles an absurd hoax about the WTC being demolished with nuclear bombs that leave no physical trace and were built into the basements during construction with the full approval of the Nixon admin, who successfully managed to prevent Washington Post reporters from uncovering the scheme. When challenged, shills claim that the basement nukes were able to make the building collapses initiate at the impact zones by the use of "shaped charges". They have a similar 'explanation' for the Boeing 767-shaped impact holes in the Towers - it was done with cleverly placed (and timed) "charges"!
(One of Israel's advocate groups even admits that the one fact alone that an ex-Sayeret Matkal guy was on Flight 11 is "quite a coincidence", although their confirmation bias blinds them to all of the myriad of other 'coincidences' and absurdities of the government conspiracy theory that prove it is a pack of lies. They claim they "don't understand", want to learn more, and want facts. There are enough verifiable facts in this section for any honest, unbiased investigator to understand the truth about 9/11. Were they to defend the honest majority amongst their co-religionists rather than the hypocritical, terrorist, criminal elite and a paranoid, brainwashed minority who've been tricked into aiding and abetting the political intriguers and warmongers, they would help to prevent conflict and best serve the interests of decent people from all races and religions. It's time to stop bigoted nonsense such as "my race is better than your race". Those who don't understand, who continually refuse to learn from those who do understand, will never understand.)
When the official conspiracy theory of "the Arabs did 9/11 with the aid of box cutters and an extraordinary run of luck" is assumed to be true, there is a host of absurdities, improbabilities and bizarre coincidences, along with contradictory physical, auditory and visual evidence. When the official conspiracy theory is consigned to the garbage bin and replaced with the correct hypothesis, the internal inconsistencies evaporate, the lengthy series of improbabilities and coincidences is transformed into a set of expected links within the causal chain of events, and the forensic and recorded evidence becomes consistent with what actually happened on 9/11/01. There is only one place for the official conspiracy theory: the garbage bin!
How Zionism works
- Pretend that Zionism is simply about establishing a homeland for the Jews that will serve as a sanctuary where they may live peacefully out of the reach of "anti-Semites"
- Set up a propaganda outlet that will protect your tribe's criminals by accusing those who go after them of "anti-Semitism"; i.e., invert the accusations by pretending that it is not miscreants amongst your people who are racial supremacists, terrorists, murderers, rapists, thieves, etc., it is anyone who expresses their disapproval of such behavior
- Claim to be "God's Chosen People", and trick the world's nations into letting you seize another people's land on a false prospectus
- Dispossess the indigenous population of their homes and land, and be sure to treat them with such contempt that they resist the occupation with random acts of terror
- Ensure that any peace talks fail by continuing to oppress the dispossessed and setting impossible conditions; blame it on your opponents' intransigence
- Develop nuclear weapons for your very own sovereign state
- Kill any U.S. president who opposes your plans to become a nuclear power; blame it on a "lone assassin"
- Get the U.S. to provide you with weapons such as white phosphorus, along with billions of dollars of "foreign aid" annually
- Have sayanim phony up "hate crimes" against themselves in the Diaspora
- Recruit Jews into your foreign intelligence agency; convince them that they must steal passports, carry out assassinations and stage false-flag terrorism in order to "save Jews" worldwide from the "anti-Semites"
- Strengthen your ability to use nuclear blackmail as a bargaining chip by obtaining submarines capable of firing nuclear-tipped cruise missiles with a 900-mile range
- Exploit your false-flag terrorism attacks for all they are worth: have your agents go on TV within hours to peddle the official narrative; whip up sufficient outrage, e.g. by ensuring the collapse of several skyscrapers, that your "allies" will sacrifice thousands of their troops and waste vast sums fighting your enemies in order to convert them into Rothschildian 'democracies', at no cost to you
- Carry on until there is a Rothschild central bank in every nation
Prior to the beginning of the First Aliyah around 1881-82 when the first Zionist settlers purchased land from absentee Arab owners, dispossessing the peasants who had cultivated it, there was little conflict between the Jewish minority and the Arab population in Palestine. After the 1947-1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine and the 1948 Arab–Israeli War which resulted in around 750,000 Palestinians fleeing or being expelled from their homes, with the Zionists then blaming the Arab victims for resisting their dispossession, Israeli Jews are subjected to random acts of terror because the Zionist regime refuses to compensate for Arab losses and to accept Palestinian demands for a viable, independent state. So today, even Zionist Jews regard Israel as a "country that experiences terror daily". However, Jewish people of good conscience recognize that Zionism is wrong.

Source: Jews for Justice in the Middle East
Of course, the crooked Israeli leadership will never change course voluntarily. Zionists need peace like they need a hole in the head. Today, Jews, Christians, Muslims, atheists and anyone else live together peacefully in the Diaspora. The Zionist Mafia (the Mishpucka) are not concerned with the welfare of Jews in general; they are only interested in their pursuit of power and profit. Yitzhak (Izaak) Greenbaum said, "One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Poland". The lying, swindling leeches who appropriated the land after concocting a massive hoax and peddling it unsuccessfully for decades until they finally managed to brainwash people in the wake of a world war that had killed tens of millions, selected the region on the basis of a report on its mineral riches by US Navy Commander William Francis Lynch, who carried out a geological survey in 1848, which was 100 years before the particular country was created on a false prospectus. Today, these murderous psychopaths, empowered by their nuclear-armed sovereign state, their appointing of "leaders" in the so-called "Western democracies", and their control of the mainstream media, exploit the U.S. as an engine to drive them to their goal of world domination - homo sapiens neanderthalensis' final solution in their long-running war against the host homo sapiens sapiens.
The Zionist Mafia benefits from encouraging Jewish paranoia, since they can then offer themselves as the "solution" - as "protectors" of Jews. In Israel, the Zionist regime guarantees terror attacks against Jews with its anti-peace policies. Elsewhere, the Zionists have to try to perpetuate the myth that everyone hates Jews, in case people notice that Jews are less safe in Israel and start to suspect that Zionism might be the problem. So the Zionists have sayanim fake phony "hate crimes" against themselves, such as vandalising their own cars or graves, or poisoning their dogs and defacing their houses with swastikas, or cutting their clothes and drawing swastikas on their stomachs. "Come to Israel, where we can protect you from those nasty anti-Semites!"
So-called political "leaders" (puppets and puppets' poodles, e.g. "Yo, Blair") are much too afraid to lift a finger against this international crime syndicate of racial supremacists bent on world domination - it's the choice between profiting handsomely or career suicide or worse. However, the crime syndicate are well aware that these "leaders" - the crime syndicate's protégés - can be thrown out by popular uprising, which is why they desperately need to keep a lid on the truth. The frequency of false-flag operations has decreased since 2006, as millions of people have learned via the internet that 9/11 was an "inside job" - or an "inside/outside job". Truth seekers who pass on information such as this about 9/11 are helping to dissuade the crooks from staging future false-flags, as an increasing number of people learn about the deception.
Anyone still trying to figure out who did 9/11, eleven years on, should ask themselves:
- Whose father was chief aide and secretary to the leader of a revolutionary movement which went on to perpetrate terrorist acts such as the King David Hotel bombing, which killed 92 people?
- Whose father-in-law was a member of the terrorist organization that bombed the King David Hotel in 1946?
- Which prime minister proudly participated in a two-day seminar commemorating the 60th anniversary of the King David Hotel bombing?
- Who wrote in 1995 that "militant Islam" would bring down the World Trade Center?
- For which prime minister was a report written in 1996, entitled A Clean Break, and advocating "removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq"?
- Which prime minister said that 9/11 was "very good" and beneficial for his country?
- Who is prime minister of a country with a reputation for staging false-flag terror - for example, attacking U.S. interests for political gain as in the Lavon Affair, and whose intelligence agency was described by an elite US Army study center as "Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act."?
- Which past and present prime minister has an intelligence agency that had a mole in the 1993 WTC bombing and a long-time asset whose cousin was one of the alleged Flight 11 hijackers?
- Who is prime minister of a country that attacked the USS Liberty in 1967, killing 34 and wounding more than 170?
- Who was in London on the morning of 7/7/05, and had advance knowledge of the bombings that morning which killed 56 people?
- Which past and present prime minister has an intelligence agency that admitted to advance knowledge of the London 7/7 bombings, with the London-born head of intelligence as of 9/11/01 also exhibiting an intimate knowledge of the operation by revealing that he knew from day one that the Tube bomb blasts were simultaneous, when the London authorities believed for two days that the first explosion preceded the third by 26 minutes?
- Who, like one of the Flight 11 passengers, is ex-Sayeret Matkal, ex-MIT, and lived in Denver and Jerusalem?
- Whose brother was killed in a mission at Entebbe, and consequently would be the ideal person to recruit a fellow ex-Sayeret Matkal, MIT alumnus, Denver / Jerusalem resident, who "loved jumping out of planes" and had made and lost a fortune in the dotcom boom and bust, for a mission that could involve jumping out of a plane, after which the Flight 11 passenger would be hailed as an "all-Israeli hero", whether or not his death needed to be faked?
- Who is qualified to BSc-level in architecture, was a close friend of the owner and (1987) developer of WTC7 who would have access to blueprints of the WTC buildings, and therefore would be capable of exploiting his expertise and those blueprints in devising controlled demolitions to take down the WTC buildings?
- Who was a close friend of the principal new leaseholder of the Twin Towers who took control of the buildings and insured against multiple terror attacks for billions of dollars, six weeks before the buildings were destroyed in multiple terrorist attacks, on a day when the new leaseholder uncharacteristically failed to breakfast at the Windows on the World restaurant because of a "dermatologist's appointment"?
- Who lived in the same town as a Popular Mechanics-reading billionaire businessman who met with a New York police chief when he visited Israel from August 26-29, 2001, ostensibly about fighting terrorism and Ecstasy trafficking yet was bizarrely unaccompanied by any narcotics or anti-terrorist experts, following which the businessman provided the police chief with a "loan" for $250,000 by way of a personal check made out to his wife via an intermediary, after the police chief claimed a "hijacker's" passport had been "discovered"?
Analysis of the "High Fivers"
(For links to Parts 1 to 5 of the FBI's report from which the following information is sourced, along with transcripts of much of the report and further information, refer to this page.)The Israelis reveal their guilt by their own words on multiple occasions. They were caught in several lies, such as Yaron Shmuel's assertion that they were "on the West Side Highway" in New York City at the time of the "incident" (see page 4 of the police report). The FBI's review of EZ-Pass records showed that the Urban Moving Systems van used by the Israelis to travel from Brooklyn, NY (location of their residences) to Weehawken, NJ on the morning of September 11, 2001 passed through the Brooklyn, NY entrance to the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel at 7:48 a.m.. That was approximately 58 minutes before the alleged Flight 11 slammed into the North Tower.
In another lie (Section 5 page 45), Sivan Kurzberg claimed they were "caught in heavy traffic" and did not arrive at the parking lot of the apartment complex until 10:00 a.m. or later, which is more than an hour after they were seen there. In his version of events, the three Israelis seen celebrating at the parking lot went up onto the roof of Urban Moving Systems after browsing internet news sites. Oded Ellner also lied with a claim that they stopped to get gas after the first plane crash on their way to the parking lot, which again renders the Israeli timeline even more impossible. The FBI found they had bought gas at about 2:14 p.m. and there is evidence that Ellner may have stopped at the gas station prior to the first impact.
[Blank=eleven characters=Oded Ellner] advised interviewing agents that after having arrived at his workplace, Urban Moving Systems, located at 3 West 18th Street, Weehawken, NJ, around 8:00 am on September 11, 2001, he received a telephone call informing him that the first explosion had occurred. (Note: The first explosion actually occurred at approximately 8:46:30 that morning.) [Blank=six characters=Ellner] and his roommates (NFI) got into a company van and departed the workplace for a Gulf gasoline service station. Then, [blank, seven characters, e.g. Ellner,] in the company of his friends, traveled to another location in order to take photographs of the WTC.
[Blank=fourteen characters=Sivan Kurzberg] also stated that he arrived at work (Urban Moving Systems) around 8:00 am. Later, after [blank, six characters, most likely Ellner who claimed to have received a phone call, or could be Shmuel] told [blank=eight characters=Kurzberg] about the explosion at WTC, [blank=eight characters=Kurzberg] looked on the internet and went to the roof of the building to observe the WTC and take photographs. Then, [blank=eight characters=Kurzberg] and friends (NFI) left the office and were caught in heavy traffic. Sometime between 10:00 am and Noon, and while attempting to return to their office, [blank=eight characters=Kurzberg] and his friends (NFI) stopped at a parking lot (adjacent to an apartment building) to take more photographs.Of particular interest is the decision of Sivan Kurzberg, Oded Ellner and Yaron Shmuel to travel to the parking lot in the apartment complex, prior to the second plane impact, even if we make no assumptions as to whether or not it was before the first crash. Ellner inadvertently reveals too much in his admission to the FBI that "only one side of one tower is visible from the roof of Urban Moving", whereas the parking lot provided a view of "the entire length of both towers". Here is another version of events provided by Ellner, as shown on pages 85 to 86 of the Section 5 of the FBI report:
Shortly after the first explosion, [blank=six characters=Ellner, given that he is the subject of this interrogation and other accounts have Ellner receiving the tip-off call] received a telephone call on his cell phone [blank] from a friend of his, identified only as [blank=six characters] (LNU). [Blank=six characters] told [blank=six characters=Ellner] of the explosion at the World Trade Center. [Blank=six characters=Ellner] and [blank=six characters=Shmuel] accessed the internet through two of the office computers and began reading about the events on CNN.com and YNIT.com, an Israeli newspaper. [That would be YNET, not YNIT, and it's YNET.co.il. The English version YNETNEWS.com was first captured by the Wayback Machine on December 5, 2004, announcing that it was shortly to go online.]
A few minutes later, [blank=twenty-eight characters, e.g. Ellner, Sivan, Paul Kurzberg] and [blank=six characters, e.g. Shmuel] all went outside to look at the World Trade Center as it is visible from Urban Moving Systems. [Paul Kurzberg claims to have gone up on Urban Moving's roof at this point, and Ellner has retracted the part about stopping for gas on their way from Urban Moving to the Doric apartment block.] [Blank=twelve characters=Yaron Shmuel] and [blank=fourteen characters=Sivan Kurzberg] suggested that they take a picture of the event for history. [Blank, twenty-two characters=Ellner, Sivan Kurzberg] and [blank=six characters=Shmuel] climbed into the company van and drove to a parking lot fronting the Hudson River, which gave them a view of the entire length of both towers. [Blank=six characters=Ellner] is not sure if [blank=twelve characters, possibly Omer Marmari, who evidently wasn't there] was in the van with them. [Blank=six characters=Ellner] is unsure of the exact location of this lot [probably true, given that the site was chosen by Sivan Kurzberg] but advised that it only took five minutes to get there. [Blank, blank=fourteen characters, e.g. Ellner, Shmuel] and [blank=fourteen characters, e.g. Sivan Kurzberg] all climbed onto the roof of the van to get a better view of what was going on. [Blank=six characters=Ellner] admitted that they all took still photographs of the World Trade Center with [blank's=sixteen characters, e.g. Sivan Kurzberg's] 35 MM camera, but denied that he took any video or saw anyone with a video camera. No one mounted the camera on a tripod or any other mounting device. [Blank=six characters=Ellner] has no explanation of reports that they were observed videotaping the event.
After spending a few minutes at the lot, they drove back to Urban Moving Systems, where they went up on the roof of the building and took more still photographs but no videotape. [Blank, five characters if FBI's standard double-spacing between sentences, e.g. Sivan] stated that only one side of one tower is visible from the roof of Urban Moving. At this point, [blank=six characters=Ellner] apologized for appearing happy in the photographs. [Blank=six characters=Ellner, who said on Israeli TV "we are coming from a country that experiences terror daily"] stated that Israel has been dealing with incidents like this for years. He believes that the United States will take steps to stop terrorism in the world.
After coming down from the roof, [blank=six characters=Ellner] went back inside Urban Moving and again got on the internet, accessing CNN.com and YNIT.com.
After Urban Moving closed for the day, [several blanked names, up to twenty-four characters, e.g. Ellner, Shmuel, Marmari,] [blank=five characters, e.g. Sivan] and [blank=thirteen characters, e.g. Paul Kurzberg] tried to find a way to get back to New York City. On the way, they stopped at White Glove Movers. [This stop was probably when Marmari claimed he was awoken, in which someone put skis and a red bag in the back of the van. The video camera may have been handed over to sayanim at this point, although it was probably unloaded earlier.] [Blank=six characters=Ellner] does not know the exact location of White Glove but advised that it was about a ten minute drive from Urban Moving Systems. [Blank=six characters=Ellner] waited outside while [blank=twelve characters=Yaron Shmuel, since Omer Marmari was trying to sleep in the back] went inside and spoke with [blank] (LNU). [Blank=six characters=Ellner] indicated that many of [blank=twenty-four characters, e.g. Urban Moving's employees] work at White Glove. It was after leaving White Glove and looking for a crossing into New York, that they were stopped by the Police and arrested.
It was at this point that [blank=six characters=Ellner] admitted that he had additional information. [Blank=six characters=Ellner] stated that on the way to the parking lot, [blank=twelve characters; thus, confirmed as Yaron Shmuel and eliminating the alternative possibility of Shmuel talking about Oded Ellner; Omer Marmari is already ruled out in that twelve-character slot since he did not go to the parking lot] remarked "I am glad I brought my camera today."


As may be seen on the map, the Urban Moving Systems office at 3 W. 18th Street was north and slightly west of the WTC.

Source: Google Maps

Source: FEMA 403 Chapter 1 [as of August 2012, taken down from FEMA's website]
The north side of the North Tower, which was hit by the alleged Flight 11 at approximately 8:46:30 a.m. on 9/11, faces somewhat east of north. Given that Urban Moving Systems was north and slightly west of the WTC site, the South Tower would have been obscured by the North Tower, but the north and west faces of the North Tower would have been visible from the roof of UMS. The following photo is probably taken from slightly east of north of the North Tower; its north and west faces are visible, and the South Tower is in the background to the left.


Thus, a vantage point such as the roof of Urban Moving Systems, if we imagine the perspective from a little to the west, would have been ideal for viewing the north and west faces of the North Tower and suitable for "documenting" the plane crash into the north face of the North Tower. However, it would have been a lousy choice for anyone intending to "document" the approach and impact of an aircraft into the south face of the South Tower.
So our "innocent" Israelis, engaged in "honest toil" as "movers" on a "working holiday" in a foreign country, learn that an aircraft has crashed into the World Trade Center. As Christopher Ketcham pointed out, during the 17 minutes prior to the second impact, innocent bystanders would have believed the incident was merely a terrible accident.
Here are a few questions:
- Why would anyone need or find it desirable to travel to another observation point that provided "a view of the entire length of both towers" prior to the second impact, given that the Urban Moving Systems roof provided a suitable vantage point for observing and "documenting" a plane crash into the north face of the North Tower at around the 95th floor, plane crashes did not have a history of bringing down 110-story buildings, and innocent bystanders were unaware that a second plane was scheduled to approach from the south and crash into floors 78 to 84 of the south face of the other tower minutes later? After all, some of New York's tall buildings are visible even at street level at W. 18th Street, Weehawken (click here for Google Street View), and more are visible at street level just down the road at Willow Avenue where Urban Moving rented storage space.
- Why would anyone who was already located at a suitable vantage point for "documenting" a plane crash choose instead to persuade their colleagues to take time off work, collect their cameras, back packs and notebooks, rush out to their company van, drive through rush-hour traffic to another observation point that is normally a four or five-minute drive from the office, drive into the apartment complex, around to the rear parking lot, park at an angle to the fence so that the front of the van faces in a south-southeast direction towards the WTC, get out of the van with their cameras, climb onto the roof (all of this wasting valuable "documenting" time), in order to obtain a "view of the entire length of both towers"? Why was it so important to get an unobstructed view of the South Tower, before it was hit by a plane?
- Why would movers, supposedly on a "working holiday", take such an interest in "documenting" a straightforward plane crash that they would choose to leave their workplace, given that the mainstream media would be quite capable of recording the event, and given that the movers' boss Dominik Suter had a reputation for being tight with money and thus would have been unlikely to let them have time off work for their new hobby? Omer Marmari, although not one of those seen at Doric Towers, even claimed he'd been so concerned that he might have been late for work that day that he barely had time to glance at television monitors showing the smoking WTC.
- How would amateur journalists know, prior to the second plane impact, that what was originally a simple plane crash would go on to become a "new Pearl Harbor" and pivotal event at the turn of the century, such that it would be worth taking time off work to go away and "take a picture of the event for history"?
- If three people are informed by telephone of a news event, two of them have at most to grab binoculars and look out the window, and the third must get on the internet and browse U.S. and Israeli news sites, persuade several colleagues that the event is worthy of taking time off work to go away and "document" it for historical purposes, collect cameras, back packs and notebooks, rush out to a van, drive through rush-hour traffic to an observation point chosen on the spur of the moment that is normally a four or five-minute drive from the office, drive into the apartment complex, around to the rear parking lot, park at an angle to the fence so that the front of the van faces in a south-southeast direction towards the WTC, get out of the van with the cameras, and climb onto the roof, which of them would likely take longest to complete the task?
- How could the Israeli news site YNET.co.il and the U.S. site CNN.com have news posted about the first plane crash so that several Israelis could browse the internet and read about it on Urban's computers for a "few minutes", then three of the Israelis decide it would be a good move to grab their cameras, jump into their employer's van and take time off work in order to "document" the event, go on a four or five-minute journey through rush-hour traffic, make a left turn and drive along to a parking lot at the back of an apartment complex, jump out and climb onto the top of the van and turn on their cameras, all before the local AM WINS news radio station was able to broadcast its breaking news report from a WINS account executive who was on scene and actually telephoned the WINS newsroom as the first plane crashed?
- Why would movers who had judged a single plane crash to be such an important historical event that it was worth "documenting" by taking time off work, driving through rush-hour traffic to a vantage point that provided "a view of the entire length of both towers", climbing atop the van, etc, decide within a few minutes - and probably after a second plane impact, that it was not worth staying for and they should return to the workplace (in one of Ellner's version of events) or move on to Liberty State Park? How did they know there wouldn't be a third plane crash within the next few minutes, which they would miss if choosing to move on?
- Why should movers cum amateur journalists perceive a plane crash to be an event worth celebrating, smiling, giving each other high fives, hugging each other, joking in cries of joy and mockery, posing to be photographed with the burning building in the background whilst flicking a lighter like they were at a rock concert, etc?
- Why did Oded Ellner, after apologizing for appearing happy in the photographs, go on to attempt to explain it with remarks about how Israel had been "dealing with incidents like this for years" and how he believed the United States would "take steps to stop terrorism in the world", when all publicly available evidence at the time of the three Israelis appearing happy pointed to a single accidental plane crash?
- Why would movers who were not complicit in terrorism, who were merely "documenting" a plane crash whilst on a "working holiday" in a foreign land, and who could at most be in trouble for illegal working and immigration violations, need to lie about their movements between the hours of 08:00 a.m. and 09:00 a.m. on September 11, 2001?
- Why would Yaron Shmuel need to lie with a claim that they were on the "West Side Highway" at the time of the "incident"?
- Why would Oded Ellner need to lie with a story about stopping at a Gulf gas station after learning of the first impact whilst at Urban Moving Systems' office at 3 West 18th Street, Weehawken, but before being seen on top of a van parked at the Doric apartment block rear parking lot, 100 Manhattan Avenue, Union City, before the local 1010 WINS news radio station had even broken the news of the first plane crash?
- Why would Sivan Kurzberg, whose job in Israel had involved hunting Arabs for the Zionist regime, need to lie with a story about looking on the internet and climbing up on the Urban Moving Systems roof after learning of the first plane impact and then getting "caught in heavy traffic", prior to being seen on top of a van parked at Doric before the local 1010 WINS news radio station had even broken the news of the first plane crash?
- When Israelis from Urban Moving Systems were stopped while traveling eastbound in Pennsylvania (towards the Flight 93 crash site) in a Penske truck on September 12, 2001, why were they so anxious to advise police that they weren't "in New York" on 09/11/2001?
- Why did Dominik Suter decide to close down Urban Moving Systems and fire his employees at lunch time on 9/11/01, given that it was before Oded Ellner, Yaron Shmuel, Omer Marmari, and Sivan and Paul Kurzberg were arrested that afternoon, and before Suter should have been aware that he needed to flee the country because his "amateur journalist" employees had got into trouble?
Oded Ellner, Yaron Shmuel and Sivan Kurzberg are driving along Manhattan Avenue, Union City in the Urban Moving Systems van, having left their workplace minutes previously for a delivery / collection, when one of them receives a telephone call informing them of a plane crash into the World Trade Center from a friend who saw it happen. [This would require evidence of an incoming cell phone call at about 8:47 to 8:48, evidence which doesn't exist. It would also require that they hadn't given so many alternative accounts of events.] One of them notices the Doric apartment block coming up on their left, and remarks that it would be a good place to see the event. They drive into the apartment block, around to the rear parking lot, park facing the WTC, get out and climb on top of the van with their cameras, which by a lucky coincidence they just happen to have with them, just before a couple of witnesses look out of their windows and see the Israelis kneeling atop the van.
The evidence on Section 3 page 67 (FBI report) shows that the lady who telephoned the main eyewitness to inform her of the disaster was actually prompted to look out of the window by the sound of the impact or explosion as the first plane slammed into the North Tower at approximately 8:46:30 a.m. Thus, assuming it took her two minutes to scan the area before observing the smoking WTC, she then "immediately" went to telephone her friend. Assuming that took a minute, and it took her friend another minute to grab her binoculars, look out the window, and see the van parked with the celebrating Israelis kneeling on its roof, this occurred at approximately 8:50 to 8:51.
This estimate of a four-minute delay for the eyewitness is likely to be on the high side. The eyewitness testified that she was listening to 1010 WINS, the local AM news radio station, before receiving her telephone call and going to look out of her window, and she did not hear any news about the WTC. James Faherty broke the news on WINS, and this is how he describes it:
James Faherty, Anchor, WINS-AM, New York
I was seated behind the studio microphone, listening to a prerecorded report on some lawsuit du jour, when a 1010 WINS assignment editor’s voice, in extremely urgent tones, came over my earpiece: “A plane has crashed into the World Trade Center! Breaking news now! Go to Joan Fleischer, live on the phone!” I interrupted the taped segment that was airing, and announced the bulletin. Fleischer, a 1010 WINS account executive, lived just blocks away from the World Trade Center, and was standing on the roof of her building, cell phone in hand.

This is corroborated by another report:
From her rooftop on North Moore Street, Fleischer was very close to the Towers. She noticed a plane flying much lower than she had ever seen in the NYC skies, and knew what was going to happen. Instead of calling the police or fire department, she called the WINS newsroom and spoke to Mason.
“As I said, ‘There’s going to be a plane crash,’ the plane tilted to the left and slammed into the building,” says Fleischer, who now works for WINS’ sister station, WCBS 880. “As I said, ‘crash,’ it hit.”
Mason did the logical thing: He called Fleischer back from a line that could be patched into the studio on the air. In Fleischer, WINS had someone from the station, albeit not a reporter, with a bird’s eye view of the carnage as it was unfolding. Had it been just a regular caller, the station would not have gone with such a live report.

Audio of the WINS live report is available from the above link. The clip is nearly eight minutes in duration, and there is no mention of the second impact by the end of the clip. Since the second impact occurred at approximately 9:03, that would set an absolute latest time of 8:55 for WINS to have broken the news of the first impact. However, how long does it take a news radio station to go live on important breaking news when they have a trusted witness at the scene and have to call her back from another line and inform the anchorman? Probably about as long as it takes for someone to hear a plane crash, look out the window, scan the area, see the smoking WTC, call a friend and tell her the WTC is on fire and to look out of the window. Or about as long as it takes for a painter in an apartment block to see or hear a plane crash, and to walk to his colleague in an adjacent apartment and tell him to look out of a window, "less than 5 minutes" after the first impact. From Section 5, page 25:
[Blank] and his [blank] are [blank] for Doric Towers. On the morning of 9/11/01 [blank] was painting in Apartment [blank] Less than 5 minutes after the 1st plane hit the North tower of the World Trade Center [blank] comes to Apartment [blank] and informs [blank] of the disaster. [Blank] stands up from painting the baseboard, looks out of the window, and notices 3 young men taking video and still photographs from atop the roof of the parking garage adjoining Doric Towers. He also see [sic] a white utility van next to the men and a brown van further behind. There were no other people in the parking lot at that time. He believes this occurred between 9:00am and 9:10am. [Blank] exits apartment [blank] and goes to his apartment at [blank] which takes approximately 5 minutes. He looks out of the window and sees both towers on fire. After 6 to 7 minutes he goes to another window in his apartment and sees that the men and both the white and brown van gone.So, in the scenario of the Israelis just happening to drive past the apartment block just after the first impact, it's just feasible that they might have received a telephone call, driven into the apartment block, around to the rear parking lot, got out with their cameras, and climbed atop the van, in time for the witnesses to observe them. That still wouldn't explain why the Israelis regarded a plane crash to be such an amusing, joyous event. It's also highly credible that an apartment block resident would, after learning the WTC was on fire, "immediately" telephone her friend and neighbor whom she knew would be able to get a good view from her apartment. It's not so likely that an Israeli, after quickly learning of a plane crash, say, because he just happened to be at the scene at the time, would be motivated to "immediately" call an Israeli friend who worked as a "mover", when the mover could by definition be almost anywhere and quite probably at a location that did not provide a view of the WTC. And local residents would be expected to take a greater interest in a plane crashing into a local building just across the river, compared to someone who was on a "working holiday" in a foreign land and had no ties to the area. However, it didn't happen like that. The Israelis claim to have been at their 3 West 18th Street, Weehawken workplace when receiving the news of the first plane crash. Almost certainly, they were already atop the van at the Doric apartment block's rear parking lot with their cameras, in time to videotape the initial impact, but they perceived various alibis of being anywhere but Doric at the time of the "incident" as less incriminating.
Assuming Ellner's friend is inexplicably remarkably quick in telephoning him with the news; it took a minute for one Israeli to read about the first plane crash on CNN.com as another Israeli read about it on the Israeli news site YNET.co.il; a minute for the three of them to make the collective decision that a plane crash was worth "documenting" for "history" and to gather up their cameras and run out to the van; four minutes for the journey in the rush hour as they select their vantage point on the fly (and Sivan Kurzberg said they were "caught in heavy traffic", so Google Maps' minimum time of four minutes is probably optimistic given the time of around 08:50 a.m.); and a minute to drive into the apartment complex and around to the rear parking lot, park facing the WTC, get out and climb on top the van with their cameras; then the news would have to have been posted at the CNN and Israeli news websites seven minutes before the 1010 WINS local news radio station announced it on air. So both websites have it up as early as 8:48, even seconds before CNN TV footage cuts into an advert with breaking news, and WINS is as late as 8:55, the latest possible time given that the second impact hadn't occurred at almost eight minutes into the WINS live commentary on the first impact. It's a preposterous scenario. WINS even had one of their account executives on scene who was already speaking on her cell phone to the WINS newsroom as the first plane crashed. Moreover, even in the least improbable of the many conflicting versions of events claimed by the Israelis, they spend a "few minutes", not one minute, reading about the event on the internet before going outside. Thus, even the least improbable Israeli version of events requires a suspension of the laws of causality and General Relativity. But that is at least consistent with the government conspiracy theory's requirement for a suspension of the laws of thermodynamics, thermochemistry, probability, etc.
If you encounter anyone spouting the tired old canard about "anti-Semitism", refer them to this page. And show them the reports in the Appendix. If they continue to insist that "the Arabs" did 9/11, then they will have demonstrated one of four things:
- They are retarded.
- They are accomplices to terrorism and mass murder who are trying to cover up the crime of the century.
- They have a psychological weakness that prevents them from facing up to the truth, so they prefer to inhabit their own little fantasy world.
- They believe that The New York Times, The New York Observer, the Daily News (New York), CNN, Silverstein Properties, The Washington Times, the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, The Jerusalem Post, Haaretz, Arutz Sheva, Ynetnews.com, Jweekly.com, Netanyahu.org, The Times (London, original), The Guardian, The Telegraph, The Boston Globe, the Los Angeles Times, The Seattle Times, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, The Mercury (Pottstown, PA), The Miami Herald, The Chicago Sun-Times, Fox News, Asia Times Online, System Planning Corporation, the Mineta Transportation Institute / Norman Mineta, the Eisenhower Research Project, the Belfer Center, the United Nations, the DoD, the FBI, etc., are "neo-Nazi" outlets that are part of a global conspiracy to smear Jews by spreading "anti-Semitic" "urban myths".


Source: New York Daily News

Source: CNN

Source: The New York Times



Source: Haaretz [cached]

Source: Haaretz

Source: The Boston Globe

Source: The New York Observer [archived]

Source: The New York Times

Source: SilversteinProperties.com [archived]

Source: The New York Times

Source: The Washington Times [cached]


Source: Washington Report on Middle East Affairs

Source: USSLiberty.org

Source: Declassified, albeit redacted, FBI report on the "High Fivers" aka the "Dancing Israelis", Part 5; Full analysis


Source: The New York Times

Source: Mineta Transportation Institute, report


Source: The Chicago Sun-Times [archived]

Source: The Mercury (Pottstown, PA)


Source: The Miami Herald [archived]


Source: Fox News

Source: The Jerusalem Post [cached]

Source: Arutz Sheva [cached]

Source: Ynetnews.com

Source: JWeekly.com

Source: The Jerusalem Post

Source: The Jerusalem Post


Source: Netanyahu.org [archived]

Source: The New York Times

Source: Haaretz

Source: The Times [archived]

Source: ForeignPolicy.com, Oren Kessler, Jerusalem Post correspondent

Source: Arutz Sheva

Source: Haaretz

Source: The Telegraph [archived]

Source: The Guardian

Source: The Telegraph

Source: The Guardian



Source: The New York Times


Source: The New York Times

Source: The New York Times

Source: The Seattle Times


Source: The Belfer Center, Harvard University

Source: The Inter Press Service, Asia Times Online

Source: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Source: CNN

Source: The Eisenhower Research Project, Brown University

Source: Los Angeles Times

Source: U.S. DoD

Source: The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Source: SysPlan.com [archived]

Source: SysPlan.com [archived]


Source: The New York Times
So you think you know that Arabs did 9/11? You saw it on TV and read it in the newspapers, so it must be true, right? Actually, there is overwhelming proof from multiple, corroborating lines of evidence that the operation was conceived and orchestrated by a group of fanatical Jewish terrorists.The following facts are all derived from mainstream news outlets and organizations such as The New York Times, The New York Observer, the Daily News (New York), CNN, Silverstein Properties, The Washington Times, the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, The Jerusalem Post, Haaretz, Arutz Sheva, Ynetnews.com, Jweekly.com, Netanyahu.org, The Times (London, original), The Guardian, The Telegraph, The Boston Globe, the Los Angeles Times, The Seattle Times, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, The Mercury (Pottstown, PA), The Miami Herald, The Chicago Sun-Times, Fox News, Asia Times Online, System Planning Corporation, the Mineta Transportation Institute / Norman Mineta, the Eisenhower Research Project, the Belfer Center, the United Nations, NIST, the DoD and the FBI. Links to the actual sources and screenshots of particularly relevant news reports are available at the Further reading references at the bottom of this page.
The incontrovertible facts
Within five minutes of the first plane impact (Flight 11) into the North Tower, three Israeli Jews - Sivan Kurzberg, Oded Ellner and Yaron Shmuel - were seen high-fiving, smiling, hugging each other, joking and flicking lighters in a jovial, celebratory mood as they filmed the burning WTC atop a van in the parking lot of the Doric apartment block at 100 Manhattan Avenue, Union City, New Jersey. They were "visibly happy on nearly all" of the 76 photographs that they'd taken, which were subsequently developed by the FBI after the Israelis had been arrested. All three gave differing accounts of how they came to be at 100 Manhattan Avenue within such a short time of the first crash. Shmuel originally made a preposterous claim that they were on the "West Side Highway" at the time of the "incident" (it's an 11-minute drive to 100 Manhattan Avenue at the best of times, when there is no major incident that could disrupt traffic flowing through the Lincoln Tunnel). The other two agreed that they were at their workplace - the Urban Moving Systems offices located at 3 West 18th Street, Weehawken, NJ - when they learned about the event.Problem is, it's a 4- or 5-minute drive from 3 West 18th Street, Weehawken to 100 Manhattan Avenue in Union City - and this was in the rush hour.
View Larger Map
Kurzberg, Ellner and Shmuel variously claimed to have stopped for gas, to have climbed onto the Urban Moving Systems roof, and to have been caught in heavy traffic, prior to arriving at the Doric apartment block - which makes their version of events even more impossible. They were seen filming and celebrating with high-fives and hugs on the roof of their van not only before the second plane crash - when innocent bystanders believed the first crash had simply been a terrible accident - but before the news had broken on the local AM news radio station 1010 WINS. And 1010 WINS quickly broke the news because they had one of their account executives - Joan Fleischer - actually on her cell phone to the news room as the first plane crashed. She'd been watching it approach from the roof of her building, just blocks from the World Trade Center, and knew it was going to crash.
It's clearly impossible for the Israeli "moving company" employees to have learned of the event, grabbed their Canon EOS SLR and Pentax P550 cameras which they conveniently had with them (they're supposed to be "movers", not photographers!), rushed out of their workplace presumably without bothering to ask for time off for their new hobby as amateur "journalists", driven through rush-hour traffic from Weehawken to Union City as they quickly decided on a good vantage point, made a left turn into the Doric apartment block, parked in the parking lot facing the Towers, jumped out and climbed onto the roof of the van with their cameras - all before the local news radio station could patch through to the newsroom a trusted account executive who was already talking to the newsroom at the very instant the first plane crashed into the North Tower.
We could go on about how Ellner admitted that they decided to go to the Doric apartment block parking lot because it provided "a view of the entire length of both towers" - when at the time of this decision the only Tower to have been hit by a plane was the North Tower (WTC1), and floors 94 to 98 of the North Tower were visible from the street outside Urban Moving System's offices, or from the Urban Moving Systems roof. Or about how Ellner apologized for appearing happy in the photographs, and said it was because they believed that the incident would prompt the U.S. to "take steps to stop terrorism in the world". This was after a single plane crash, when it was widely believed to have been an accident. Or about how the Israelis were found to be in possession of "maps of the city [...] with certain places highlighted" that linked them to the attacks, and in possession of "airline tickets with immediate travel dates for destinations world-wide". Or about how Sivan Kurzberg had been seen at the Doric apartment block the day before 9/11. Or about how other Israeli nationals made an unscheduled trip to the vicinity of the Flight 93 crash site in the early hours of 9/11. Or about how Urban Moving Systems, a Mossad front, was closed down and some of the employees fired at lunch time on 9/11/01, before five of its employees were arrested that afternoon, and three days before its owner Dominik Suter needed to flee to Israel on September 14.
Daniel Lewin, one of the Flight 11 passengers, attained the rank of Captain in the Israeli special forces Sayeret Matkal, was an alumnus of MIT, and had lived in Denver and Jerusalem. Interestingly, Lewin "loved jumping out of planes". The probability that an ex-Israeli elite special forces guy would "coincidentally" just happen to be on a plane that was hijacked by "Arab" terrorists beggars belief. However, the "coincidences" don't end there.
Benjamin Netanyahu, an Israeli prime minister both prior to and post 9/11, also attained the rank of Captain in Sayeret Matkal, is an alumnus of MIT, and lived in Denver and Jerusalem, in common with Daniel Lewin, which makes it unlikely that the two were unaware of each other. Netanyahu is a close friend of Larry Silverstein, the leader of a consortium that took over a 99-year lease on the WTC complex six weeks prior to 9/11 and insured against terrorism, to cover property loss and business interruption to the tune of $3,546,800,000 "per occurrence". The lease for the Towers specifically included a clause stating that in the event of terrorist attacks, the leaseholders could walk away from their obligations whilst collecting on the insurance. Netanyahu gained a BSc in architecture at MIT, and as early as 1993, would have had access to blueprints of the WTC buildings either from his friend Larry Silverstein who was the owner and (1987) developer of WTC7, or from Lewis M. Eisenberg, the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey who went on to oversee the privatization of the WTC in the run-up to 9/11 and was a supporter of Zionist "charities". Netanyahu would have been aware that taking out five contiguous floors from a WTC Tower would suffice to leave too many core columns above the critical slenderness ratio, with consequent Euler buckling effecting global instability and collapse of the building. Thus, Netanyahu and his Sayeret Matkal and Mossad associates would have been capable of devising a plan to demolish the buildings and make the collapses look like the result of office fires and plane crashes.
Flight 11 crashed into the north face of WTC1 whilst banking at a 25° angle so that the impact zone covered five floors - the very same five contiguous floors (94-98) that not only had upgraded fireproofing (SFRM) installed between 1996 and 1998, but also had SFRM that was found to have a high density compared to that of the other upgraded floors. Not only was the impact zone at the very center of the "upgraded" floors 92 to 100, but the upgraded SFRM on floors 94 to 98 had an average SFRM density and applied thickness of 21.24 pcf and 2.993 inches as opposed to 18.9365 pcf and 2½ inches respectively on all upgraded floors, or 18.2167 pcf on upgraded floors outside the impact zone. Thus, the upgraded fireproofing on the WTC1 impact zone floors had an excess mass of 3.02 pcf or 16.6%, which is consistent with ~14.22% by mass of non-standard materials of a relatively high density - e.g., accelerants - embedded in the space between the fibers of the impact zone's "upgraded" mineral wool SFRM.

WTC Tower | Floor No. | Location | Date of Report | Average SFRM thickness (in.) | Adhesion/cohesion (psf) | Density (pcf) |
1 | 79 | Multiple tenant floor | 11/24/99 | 2.4 | 333 | 16.6 |
1 | 81 | Multiple tenant floor | 10/24/96 | 2.7 | 270 | 19.0 |
1 | 81 | Multiple tenant floor | 7/16/99 | 2.6 | 377 | 17.5 |
1 | 83 | Suite 8331 | 12/15/99 | 2.2 | 259 | 16.0 |
1 | 85 | Multiple tenant floor | 12/24/97 | 3.1 | 210 | 23.7 |
1 | 85 | Multiple tenant floor | 6/12/99 | 2.9 | 278 | 15.8 |
1 | 85 | Suite 8563 | 8/16/99 | 2.8 | 259 | 16.4 |
1 | 92 | Full floor | 4/2/97 | 2.9 | 348 | 17.9 |
1 | 93 | Full floor | 8/28/98 | 2.1 | 186 | 17.0 |
1 | 94 | Full floor | 12/27/96 | 4.1 | 426 | 20.6 |
1 | 95 | Full floor | 8/24/98 | 2.6 | 258 | 19.5 |
1 | 96 | Full floor | 10/22/98 | 3.1 | 366 | 20.0 |
1 | 97 | Full floor | 10/22/98 | 2.3 | 432 | 23.5 |
1 | 98 | Full floor | 11/19/98 | 2.7 | 425 | 22.6 |
1 | 99 | Full floor | 11/20/98 | 2.4 | 210 | 17.9 |
1 | 100 | Full floor | 11/20/98 | 3.1 | 296 | 17.9 |
1 | 102 | Full floor | 9/28/99 | 2.8 | 327 | 16.4 |
2 | 77 | Full floor | 6/9/98 | 2.5 | 282 | 18.7 |
2 | 78 | Full floor | 4/3/98 | 2.7 | 279 | 17.6 |
2 | 88 | Full floor | 7/5/00 | 2.1 | 219 | 16.3 |
2 | 89 | Full floor | 5/5/99 | 2.8 | 324 | 17.8 |
2 | 92 | Full floor | 2/26/98 | 2.8 | 333 | 20.2 |
2 | 99 | Half floor | 7/28/97 | 2.6 | 284 | 21.1 |
2 | 99 | Half floor | 4/3/98 | 1.8 | 288 | 20.7 |
The whole point of the February 1993 WTC garage bombing, which occurred two years after Israeli security officials inspected the garage of Zim Shipping in the WTC and concluded that the WTC garage would be vulnerable to a car bomb, and in which the FBI was aware of the plot via their informant Emad Salem yet let it go ahead after a plan to substitute harmless powder for the explosives was called off by an FBI supervisor, and in which Ahmad Ajaj is a suspected Israeli intelligence mole, was to provide a pretext for fireproofing "upgrades". Israeli "moving companies" would switch the official Cafco fireproofing for the lethal Israeli version. Deloitte & Touche (formerly Deloitte Haskins & Sells) were badly disrupted by the 1993 bombing, and announced in June 1993 that they would not be returning to the WTC. The fireproofing upgrades were carried out on floors without tenants, and after Deloitte & Touche were gone, the Port Authority was left with "about seven and a half floors of prime space in Tower One" (which included the entire impact zone floors 94-98) for which new tenants were needed, making it the "last large block of contiguous space available in the complex". Thus, the perpetrators were aware prior to 1996 that floors 94-98 were a contiguous set of vacant floors that would be upgraded, so they knew which floors should be sabotaged with the fake SFRM. The "upgrades" to these floors were carried out in 1996 and 1998.
Benjamin Netanyahu was in London on the morning of the 7/7 bombings, and also had advance knowledge of the explosions. Moreover, Efraim Halevy, the London-born head of Israel's Mossad as of 9/11/01, very quickly revealed his intimate knowledge of the 7/7 bombings by referring to them as "simultaneous" in a newspaper article dated July 7. For the next two days, the British authorities believed erroneously that the explosions had occurred over a period of 26 minutes from 08:51 to 09:17, and did not manage to deduce that they were simultaneous until July 9.
Netanyahu "predicted" in 1995 that "militant Islam" would bring down the WTC (and later credited his father with the "prediction"). Netanyahu declared on separate occasions that 9/11 was "very good" and beneficial for Israel. His late father Benzion - who had a great influence on his son - was chief aide and secretary to Ze'ev (Vladimir) Jabotinsky, the Ukranian founder and driving force behind the Irgun, a terrorist group that went on to perpetrate atrocities such as the King David Hotel bombing of 1946, in which more than 90 were killed. Benzion Netanyahu was actually regarded as an "extremist" by Menachem Begin, the commander of the Irgun in 1946 at the time they bombed the King David Hotel. Benjamin Netanyahu's father-in-law Shmuel Ben-Artzi was a member of the Irgun terrorist group. And on the 60th anniversary of the King David Hotel bombing in 2006, Benjamin Netanyahu proudly participated in a two-day seminar commemorating the bombing.
We could go on about the Israeli "art students", or how the Zim American-Israeli Shipping Company moved out of the WTC on September 4, 2001 - one week prior to 9/11/01. Or how Rabbi Dov Zakheim was Pentagon Comptroller from May 4, 2001 until after 9/11/01, delivered a commemorative sermon on the Pentagon lawn to hundreds of co-religionists from 40 countries exactly six months after 9/11 on March 11, 2002, was co-signatory to a September 2000 paper that wrote of the 'benefits' of a "new Pearl Harbor", and was CEO of SPC International, a company whose Radar Physics Group produced "Flight Termination Systems" incorporating a "Command Transmitter System" whereby an operator or operators could electronically hijack multiple in-flight aircraft "several hundreds of miles" away and simultaneously steer them into targets. (Lewin's job would have been to take out the pilots so that they couldn't regain manual control.) Or about how Flight 77 - the plane that was allegedly flown by Hani Hanjour, a "very bad pilot" who "could not fly at all" and was refused permission to fly solo in a Cessna 172 in the second week or the middle of August 2001 - "coincidentally" crashed into the Pentagon's accounting section, eighteen months after it was revealed that the Pentagon's finances were "in disarray" and almost $7 trillion of bookkeeping adjustments had been required in order to balance the accounts, with $2.3 trillion of those corrections lacking receipts. Or how New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik visited Israel two weeks prior to 9/11 from August 26-29, 2001, at which time he met Eitan Wertheimer, one of Israel's richest businessmen who was reading Popular Mechanics at the age of 4. Kerik announced on September 16, 2001 that a "passport belonging to one of the hijackers" had been "discovered", and denied that an Israeli van stopped near the George Washington Bridge on 9/11 contained explosives after it reportedly contained "tons" of high explosives that could do great damage to the bridge. Kerik later received a $250,000 "loan" from Wertheimer, and was subsequently indicted, convicted and jailed for lying, conspiracy and fraud.
However, the evidence against the official 9/11 loony conspiracy theory of 19 hijackers with box cutters is so overwhelming that anybody believing it after learning of the facts would be best advised to seek psychiatric help.
Further reading
Why 9/11 researchers know the official story is falseThe "Dancing Israelis" FBI Report - Debunked
Millette study fails to refute crucial findings by Harrit et al
Note: The above three articles provide hundreds of references to mainstream sources.
Stranger Than Fiction
The Synagogue of Satan
Waters Flowing Eastward
Guangzhou high-rise survives eleven hours of raging inferno

Here are a few clues as to why the Guangzhou high-rise burned for more than eleven hours, yet did not suffer the same fate as World Trade Center buildings 1, 2 and 7:
1) Larry Silverstein hadn't insured the building against terrorist attacks to the tune of $3,546,800,000 "per occurrence", six weeks prior to two occurrences of terrorist attacks.
2) No fireproofing (SFRM) will be found to have "melted into a glassy residue", no steel will be found to have "vaporized" in "searing temperatures", the building's lead structural engineer will not report seeing a "little river of steel, flowing" in the debris pile, and there will be no WDS analysis of previously molten metal confirming an abundance of iron and scarcity of aluminum.
3) No SFRM "upgrades" to the Guangzhou building were carried out in the preceding five years.
4) There were no Israeli "moving companies" involved such as Urban Moving Systems, whose employees were caught filming the burning WTC whilst high-fiving, hugging each other and smiling, and whose operation in New Jersey and New York in the late 1990s was consistent with a murderous scheme to switch Blaze-Shield II SFRM originating from Stanhope, NJ and destined for the WTC, with a lethal replacement containing embedded accelerants designed to demolish the building in the event of a carefully targeted plane crash.
5) There was no bizarre "coincidence" whereby a Boeing aircraft targeted the very center of the upgraded SFRM floors (i.e., 92 to 100 of WTC1).
6) There was no bizarre "coincidence" in which measurements revealed the impact zone floors 94 to 98 happened to be the exact same floors with upgraded SFRM that had different characteristics - a higher density and cohesion/adhesion - compared to the SFRM on other upgraded floors, and consistent with the targeted floors' SFRM being embedded with accelerants.
7) Larry Silverstein's close friend, the BSc-qualified architect and twice-serving Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu, did not "predict" the destruction of the Guangzhou building by terrorists in a book he wrote six years in advance of the fire, and will not declare the incident to have been "very good" for Israel and then say the incident is still "benefiting" Israel seven years later when he is seeking a second term as premier.
8) The Zim American-Israeli Shipping Company did not move out of the Guangzhou building one week in advance of the fire.
9) Israeli security officials did not inspect an underground garage owned by the Zim American-Israeli Shipping company and conclude that it was vulnerable to a truck bomb, ten years in advance of the Guangzhou fire.
10) There was no truck bomb attack on the Guangzhou building to serve as a pretext for fireproofing "upgrades" eight years in advance of the fire, with the conspirators including Zionist assets such as a Mossad mole and an FBI informant, and with the bombing going ahead after an FBI supervisor called off a plan to switch the explosives with a harmless powder.
11) Rabbi Dov Zakheim, former CEO of a company that produced "Flight Termination Systems" capable of electronically hijacking in-flight aircraft and steering them into targets such as tall buildings and the Pentagon, did not co-author a PNAC paper that called for a "new Pearl Harbor" one year prior to the Guangzhou fire, and was not appointed as Pentagon Comptroller months before the fire when the Pentagon's accounting section was targeted in a terrorist attack on the same day, being a year after news broke of how the Pentagon's accounts were in such "disarray" that $2.3 trillion out of $7 trillion bookkeeping corrections did not even have receipts.
12) In the months leading up to the Guangzhou fire, there were no Israeli "art students" living within a mile of people who would later be accused of being suicide hijackers responsible for the fire, with around half of the "hijackers" later turning up alive and well.
13) In the case of the Guangzhou fire, no Police Commissioner (i.e., Bernard Kerik) claimed a "hijacker's" passport had been found and denied that an Israeli van stopped near the George Washington Bridge contained any explosives following multiple reports that it had "tons" of explosives, had taken a trip to Israel to meet with an Israeli billionaire two weeks before the fire, had subsequently received a $250,000 "loan" from the very same billionaire, and had later been convicted and jailed for lying, conspiracy and fraud.
14) There was no connection between the Guangzhou building and Israel, a State notorious for staging false-flag terrorist attacks (such as the Lavon Affair) for political gain, and which benefited after 9/11 through the sacrifice of thousands of other nations' soldiers, the squandering of $trillions in wars against Israel's foes, the killing and maiming of countless innocent civilians, and the torture and imprisonment without trial of other innocents whose only 'crime' was to live in a nation whose leaders had refused to become puppets of the corrupt Zionist elite.
For further information and references, see:
Why 9/11 researchers know the official story is false
The "Dancing Israelis" FBI Report - Debunked
Stranger Than Fiction
The Synagogue of Satan
Ground Zero fires could have heated the steel by up to 4 °F