Wednesday, July 10, 2013


VIDEO - BLOWBACK: Des citoyens Américains expliquent pourquoi le monde déteste les Etats-Unis...(s-t fr.)

Après Sandy Hook, Boston, Woolwich... Ceux qui voient des complots partout s'en donnent à coeur joie en questionnant le moindre détail de ces incidents, invoquant des vidéos trafiquées, des faux blessés, des acteurs engagés par le gouvernement... Tout serait une vaste mise en scène! Mais quel asile de fous que ce "mouvement pour la vérité", doivent se dire les quidam osant s'aventurer dans la jungle conspirationniste de l'internet! (Merci à Cass Sunstein et ses sbires d'avoir complètement intoxiqué le mouvement conspirationniste avec toutes ces fausses théories du complot! Désinformation, diversion, ingénierie sociale... voilà ce qui tuera le mouvement de vérité.)

Au fait, vous êtes-vous déjà demandé pourquoi ces "terroristes" détestent tant l'Occident? "Why do they hate us?" Avez-vous écouté le discours de l'homme de Woolwich s'adressant à la caméra?* Pourquoi ne l'avez-vous pas fait? Pourquoi préférez-vous vous fier à quelques obscurs vidéos conspirationnistes postés sur youtube et relayés dans des courriels anonymes? Et vous êtes-vous déjà demandé pourquoi c'est si difficile de trouver la citation exacte dans les médias de masse?

Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé pourquoi il est si facile pour les sionistes de recruter et manipuler des fanatiques anti-Occident qui exécuteront à leur place toutes ces opérations terroristes sous faux drapeau qui sont à l'agenda des sionistes?

La réponse est que nous les tuons eux et leurs familles, parce que nous les bombardons sans cesse, pour une raison ou pour une autre!

(C'est aussi ce qui explique le "terrorisme"' palestinien (Hamas) contre cet occupant fauteur de guerre impérialiste qui les qualifie de "haineux antisémites".)

Vous voyez qu'ils ont nullement besoin de fabriquer ces attentats de A à Z et de recourir à des "faux blessés" ou des "faux morts" (ex: certains même nient que des enfants sont morts à Sandy Hook!), il n'ont qu'à trouver des gens manipulables et enragés par le comportement objectivement odieux de l'Amérique et ses acolytes occidentaux à l'international! Et il n'y a rien de plus facile de nos jours que de trouver des gens comme ça qui n'aiment pas l'Amérique et c'est rien de surprenant quand on considère tout ce que l'Occident sous domination juive fait subir au monde entier.

Exigeons la fin des guerres pour Israël! 


C'est la seule façon de briser le cercle vicieux des agressions impérialistes qui cause en retour toujours plus de terrorisme et de haine contre l'Occident!

Car au bout du compte, avec toutes ces guerres en cours et à venir, nous, l'Occident, ne réussirons qu'à nous faire de nouveaux ennemis à chaque jour qui passe, et à la fin nous seront forcés de prendre le blâme à la place des sionistes impérialistes les vrais coupables! 

Et il ne faudra pas compter sur Israël pour sauver l'Occident de ces contre-coups, s'ils nous utilisent ainsi c'est pas pour nous en récompenser à la fin, mais pour qu'on prenne le blâme à leur place!

* Il est difficile de trouver la citation exacte dans les médias et même sur internet, ce prétendu noyau de résistance de la vérité. Des parties sont censurées, ce sont les plus significatives. Ce sont celles qui nous disent quoi faire pour que toutes ces horreurs cessent enfin. L'homme aurait dit en substance (traduction fr.): «Je suis désolé que des femmes soient témoins de ça, mais dans notre pays, les femmes voient les mêmes choses. Vous ne serez jamais en sécurité. Virez votre gouvernement, il se fout de vous.Nous devons les combattre comme ils nous combattent. Œil pour œil, dent pour dent. Nous jurons par Allah le tout puissant que nous n'arrêterons jamais de vous combattre »  (V.O.A.: "The only reason we have killed this man today is because Muslims are dying daily by British soldiers. And this British soldier is one … By Allah, we swear by the almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you until you leave us alone. So what if we want to live by the Sharia in Muslim lands? Why does that mean you must follow us and chase us and call us extremists and kill us? … when you drop a bomb do you think it hits one person? Or rather your bomb wipes out a whole family? … Through [many passages in the] Koran we must fight them as they fight us … I apologise that women had to witness this today but in our lands women have to see the same. You people will never be safe. Remove your governments, they don’t care about you. You think David Cameron is gonna get caught in the street when we start busting our guns? Do you think politicians are going to die? No, it's going to be the average guy, like you and your children. So get rid of them. Tell them to bring our troops back … leave our lands and you will live in peace.""). Notez, de plus, que dans cette histoire c'est un militaire qui a été tué, alors que dans ces pays où nous intervenons sans cesse, nous tuons par milliers des femmes et des enfants et autres civils innocents!

VIDEO - Glenn Greenwald shreds islamophobe Bill Maher to pieces
Many people do hate America, in the Middle East and the
developing countries as well as in Europe. Sardar and
Davies explore the global impact of America's foreign
policy and its corporate and cultural power.

  Blowback - Chalmers Johnson

Wikipedia - Blowback (intelligence)

Blowback is unintended consequences of a covert operation that are suffered by the aggressor. To the civilians suffering the blowback of covert operations, the effect typically manifests itself as “random” acts of political violence without a discernible, direct cause; because the public—in whose name the intelligence agency acted—are unaware of the effected secret attacks that provoked revenge (counter-attack) against them.[1]
Originally, blowback was CIA internal coinage denoting the unintended, harmful consequences—to friendly populations and military forces—when a given weapon is used beyond its purpose as intended by the party supplying it. Examples include anti-Western religious figures (e.g. Osama bin Laden) who, in due course, attack foe and sponsor; right-wing counter-revolutionaries who sell drugs to their sponsor’s civil populace (see CIA and Contras cocaine trafficking in the US); and banana republic juntas (see Salvadoran Civil War) who kill American reporters or nuns (e.g. Dorothy Kazel).[citation needed]
In formal, print usage, the term blowback first appeared in the Clandestine Service History—Overthrow of Premier Mossadeq of Iran—November 1952–August 1953, the CIA internal history of the US’s 1953 Iranian coup d'état, published in March 1954.[2][3]
A Commentary on the Marathon Murders
by Richard Falk, UN Human Rights Rapporteur for the Palestinian territories
April 21, 2013
Richard Falk
The dominant reactions to the horrific bombings on April 15th, the day of the running of the Boston Marathon, as well as the celebration of Patriots Day, have been so far: compassion for the victims, a maximal resolve to track down the perpetrators, a pundit’s notebook that generally agrees that Americans have been protected against terrorist violence since 9/11 and that the best way to prevail against such sinister adversaries is to restore normalcy as quickly as possible. In this spirit, it is best to avoid dwelling on the gory details by darkly glamorizing the scene of mayhem with flowers and homage. It is better to move forward with calm resolve and a re-commitment to the revolutionary ideals that midwifed the birth of the American nation. Such responses are generally benevolent, especially when compared to the holy war fevers espoused by national leaders, the media, and a vengeful public after the 9/11 attacks that also embraced Islamophobic falsehoods. Maybe America has become more poised in relation to such extremist incidents, but maybe not. It is soon to tell, and the somewhat hysterical Boston dragnet for the remaining at large and alive suspect does suggest that the wounds of 9/11 are far from healed.
For one thing, the scale and drama of the Boston attack, while great, was not nearly as large or as symbolically resonant as the destruction of the World Trade Center and the shattering of the Pentagon. Also, although each life is sacred, the magnitude of tragedy is somewhat conveyed by numbers, and the Marathon incident has so far produced three deaths as compared to three thousand, that is, 1/1000th of 9/11. Also important, the neocon presidency of George W. Bush was in 2001, prior to the attacks, openly seeking a pretext to launch a regime-changing war against Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, and the 9/11 events, as interpreted and spun, provided just the supportive domestic climate needed for launching an aggressive war against the Baghdad regime. The Iraq War was undertaken despite the UN Security Council failure to lend its authority to such an American deadly geopolitical venture and in the face of the largest anti-war global demonstrations in human history. In 2001, the preferred American grand strategy, as blueprinted by the ideologues of the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institution, was given a green light by the Bush/Cheney White House even in the face of the red lights posted both at the UN and in the streets of 600 or more cities around the world.
Although there are many distressing continuities that emerge if the Obama presidency is appraised by comparison with the counter-terrorist agenda of his predecessors, there are also some key differences of situation and approach. Obama came to Washington as outspoken opponent of torture and of the Iraq War. He also arrived after the failed wars of Afghanistan and Iraq, which had devastated two countries, seemingly beyond foreseeable recovery, while adding nothing to American security, however measured. These unlawful wars wasted trillions expended over the several years during which many Americans were enduring the hardships and pain of the deepest economic recession since the 1930s. In other words, temporarily at least, the Beltway think tanks and the government are doing their best to manage global crises without embarking on further wars in a spirit of geopolitical intoxication that was hallmark of the unipolar moment that was invoked by Republicans to chide the Clinton presidency for its wimpish failure to pursue American strategic interests in the Middle East. Remember, as well, that this was the period of quick victorious wars that were also cheap when measured by casualties or resources. The Gulf War of 1991 and the NATO Kosovo War of 1999 were the poster children of this supposed revolution in warfare that enabled the United States and its allies to fight ‘zero casualty wars.’ At least it seems that for the present irresponsible and unlawful warfare are no longer the centerpiece of America’s foreign policy, as had become the case in the first decade of the 21st century, although this is far from a certainty. The war drums are beating at this moment in relation to both North Korea and Iran, and as long as Tel Aviv has the compliant ear of the American political establishment, those who wish for peace and justice in the world should not rest easy.
Aside from the dangers and unacceptability of promiscuous wars, there are other serious deficiencies in how the United States sees itself in the world. We should be worried by the taboo at this moment of 24/7 self-congratulatory commentary imposed on any type of self-scrutiny by either the political leadership or the mainstream media. Unlike the aftermath of 9/11, there are a few hopeful signs of awakening to this one-eyed vision on the part of the citizenry. Listening to a PBS program hours after the Boston event, I was struck by the critical attitudes of several callers to the radio station: “It is horrible, but we in this country should not be too surprised, given our drone attacks that have killed women and children attending weddings and funerals in Afghanistan and Pakistan.” Another caller asked, “Is this not a kind of retribution for torture inflicted by American security forces acting under the authority of the government, and verified for the world by pictures of the humiliation of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib?” And another asked, “In light of the authoritative reports of officially sanctioned torture as detailed in the 577 page report of a task force chaired by two former senators, one a Republican, the other a Democrat, and containing senior military and security officials, has not the time come to apply the law to the wrongdoers during the Bush presidency?” Can we not expect one among our politicians, other than the Tea Party darling Rand Paul, to have the courage to connect some of these dots? Should we not all be meditating on W.H. Auden’s haunting line: “Those to whom evil is done/do evil in return”?
The American global domination project is bound to generate all kinds of resistance in the post-colonial world. In some respects, the United States has been fortunate not to experience worse blowbacks, and these may yet happen, especially if there is no disposition to rethink US relations to others in the world, starting with the Middle East. Some of us naively hoped that Obama’s Cairo speech of 2009 was to be the beginning of such a process of renewal, and although timid in many ways, it was yet possessed of a tonality candidly acknowledged that relations with the Islamic world needed fundamental moves by the US Government for the sake of reconciliation, including the adoption of a far more balanced approach to the Palestine/Israel impasse. But as the months passed, what became evident, especially given the strong pushback by Israel and its belligerent leader, Bibi Netanyahu, were a series of disappointing reactions by Obama, which could be described as an accelerating backpedaling in relation to opening political space in the Middle East.
Now at the start of his second presidential term, it seems that Obama has given up altogether, succumbing to the Beltway ethos of Israel First. Obama has acknowledged the constraints on his freedom to maneuver on these foreign policy issues, and seeks to confine his legacy ambitions to such domestic concerns as immigration, gun control, and health care. In so doing, he is virtually abandoning the international agenda except to manage crisis diplomacy in ways that do not disturb the global status quo or weaken America’s global reach. Obama’s March trip to Israel was highlighted by his March 21st speech in Jerusalem, which was delivered as a love letter to the Israeli public rather than qualifying as a good faith effort to demonstrate his belief in a just peace. Such obsequious diplomacy was a disappointment even to those of us with low expectations in what the White House is willing to overcome the prolonged ordeal of the Palestinian people.
Aside from the tensions of the moment, self-scrutiny and mid-course reflections on America’s global role is long overdue. Such a process is crucial both for the sake of the country’s own future security and also in consideration of the wellbeing of others. Such adjustments will eventually come about either as a result of a voluntary process of self-reflection or through the force of unpleasant events. How and when this process of reassessment occurs remains a mystery. Until it does, America’s military prowess and the abiding confidence of its leaders in hard power diplomacy makes the United States a menace to the world and to itself. Such an observation is as true if the more avowedly belligerent Mitt Romney rather than the seemingly dovish Barack Obama was in the White House. Such bipartisan support for maintaining the globe-girdling geopolitics runs deep in the body politic, and is accompanied by the refusal to admit the evidence of national decline. The signature irony is that the more American decline is met by a politics of denial, the more rapid and steep will be the decline, and the more abrupt and risky will be the necessary shrinking of the global leadership role so long played by the United States. We should be asking ourselves at this moment, “How many canaries will have to die before we awaken from our geopolitical fantasy of global domination?”

Blowback Will Continue
to Haunt the United States
Jewish professor vilified for saying
U.S. policy provokes terrorism
By Michael Collins Piper

One of America’s most outspoken academics is under fire again, once more accused of “anti-Semitism”—even though he’s Jewish—and charged with being “anti-American.” Dr. Richard Falk’s latest crime is having suggested the Boston Marathon incident was a result of the misconduct of U.S. foreign policy.
The late Chalmers Johnson, another harsh critic of American global adventurism—often referred to as the New World Order—famously described such unpleasant consequences as “blowback.” Falk sees a great deal of blowback ahead unless drastic changes are soonmade in the direction of U.S. policy.
Earlier, Falk upset many by writing the foreword to the hotly controversial book by Dr. David Ray Griffin—The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9-11—which raised serious questions about the U.S. government’s version of 9-11.
Addressing the government contention that the Boston bombing was the work of two young Muslims dissatisfied with American policy, Falk took a broad-ranging view of U.S. global relations and predicted a bleak future if things continue on the course they have during the presidencies of George W. Bush and Barack Obama
One Jewish academician is under fire for suggesting that America’s foreign policy results in more terrorism.

Writing in Foreign Policy Journal on April 21, Falk slammed what he called “the American global domination project”—and concluded it is “bound to generate all kinds of resistance in the post-colonial world.” In fact, he said, “in some respects, the United States has been fortunate not to experience worse blowbacks, and these may yet happen, especially if there is no disposition to rethink U.S. relations to others in the world, starting with the Middle East.”
Falk summarized the consequences of what he referred to as “the failed wars” in Afghanistan and Iraq. Not only did those wars devastate those countries, while adding nothing to American security, but, he pointed out, “these unlawful wars wasted trillions expended over the several years during which many Americans were enduring the hardships and pain of the deepest economic recession since the 1930s.”
Republicans—typically—are up in arms over Falk’s assessment, demanding Falk be ousted from his UN post, but the no-nonsense professor has not spared Obama from criticism either.
Referring to what he calls Obama’s “obsequious diplomacy” and “backpedaling” in dealing with Israel, Falk said that although some at first saw signs Obama might be moving to put a brake on Israel, “it seems that Obama has given up altogether, succumbing to the Beltway ethos of ‘Israel first’.”
While Obama and the American foreign policy elite initially appeared to be moving away from “irresponsible and unlawful warfare” as “the centerpiece of America’s foreign policy”—the hallmark of the George W. Bush era—this is unfortunately, in Falk’s estimation, “far from a certainty.”
Right now, noted Falk, “the war drums are beating . . . in relation to both North Korea and Iran, and as long as Tel Aviv has the compliant ear of the American political establishment, those who wish for peace and justice in the world should not rest easy.”
Noting that “bipartisan support for maintaining the globe-girdling geopolitics runs deep in the body politic, and is accompanied by the refusal to admit the evidence of national decline,” Falk contended that “the signature irony is that the more America’s decline is met by a politics of denial, the more rapid and steep will be the decline, and the more abrupt and risky will be the necessary shrinking of the global leadership role so long played by the United States.”
Despite media and government elites continuing to defend American globalism, Falk sees some signs that grassroots Americans are waking up to the dangers and are beginning a “long-overdue” reflection on America’s role in the world.
Michael Collins Piper is an author, journalist, lecturer and radio show host. He has spoken in Russia, Malaysia, Iran, Abu Dhabi, Japan, Canada and the U.S. He is the author of Final Judgment, The New Jerusalem, The High Priests of War, Dirty Secrets, My First Days in the White House, The New Babylon, Share the Wealth, The Judas Goats, Target: Traficant and The Golem. You can order any of these books with a credit card by calling AFP/FAB toll free at 1-888-699-6397.

Richard Falk: ‘Israel behind Boston bombing’

UN's Falk ties Boston bombs to Obama's Israel trip

Attaque de Boston : Falk blâme Israël

AJC urges removal of UN's Richard Falk for controversial Boston comments

Le Canada demande de démettre Richard Falk

The Boston Bombing — The Eerily Predictable Symbolism of an Age of Terror

UN official who tied Boston bombings to Israel must go, U.S. says

US calls for resignation of UN’s Richard Falk

They Hate Us For Our Freedoms? Well, no. They don't.
The Whited Sepulcre.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"They hate us for our freedoms."
Well, no, they don't. 

I've been plowing through Chalmers Johnson's "Blowback" trilogy.  IMHO, this is where you should go to learn "why they hate us".

Here's Johnson's summary of the first volume, "Blowback". 
"In Blowback, I set out to explain why we are hated around the world. The concept "Blowback" does not just mean retaliation for things our government has done to and in foreign countries. It refers to retaliation for the numerous illegal operations we have carried out abroad that were kept totally secret from the American public. This means that when the retaliation comes – as it did so spectacularly on September 11, 2001 – the American public is unable to put the events in context. So they tend to support acts intended to lash out against the perpetrators, thereby most commonly preparing the ground for yet another cycle of blowback. In the first book in this trilogy, I tried to provide some of the historical background for understanding the dilemmas we as a nation confront today, although I focused more on Asia – the area of my academic training – than on the Middle East."
And the second book, "Sorrows Of Empire":
"The Sorrows of Empire was written during the American preparations for and launching of the invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq.  I began to study our continuous military buildup since World War II and the 737 military bases we currently maintain in other people's countries. This empire of bases is the concrete manifestation of our global hegemony and many of the blowback-inducing wars we have conducted had as their true purpose the sustaining and expanding of this network. We do not think of these overseas deployments as a form of empire; in fact, most Americans do not give them any thought at all until something truly shocking, such as the treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay brings them to our attention. But the people living next door to these bases and dealing with the swaggering soldiers who brawl and sometimes rape their women certainly think of them as imperial enclaves, just as the people of ancient Iberia or nineteenth-century India knew that they were victims of foreign colonization."
And finally, "Nemesis":
“In Nemesis, I have tried to present historical, political, economic, and philosophical evidence of where our current behavior is likely to lead. Specifically, I believe that to maintain our empire abroad requires resources and commitments that will inevitably undercut our domestic democracy and in the end produce a military dictatorship or its civilian equivalent. The founders of our nation understood this well and tried to create a form of government – a republic – that would prevent this from occurring. But the combination of huge standing armies, almost continuous wars, military Keynesianism, and ruinous military expenses have destroyed our republican structure in favor of an imperial presidency. We are on the cusp of losing our democracy for the sake of keeping our empire. Once a nation is started down that path, the dynamics that apply to all empires come into play – isolation, overstretch, the uniting of forces opposed to imperialism, and bankruptcy. Nemesis stalks our life as a free nation.”
Not everyone is a total geek like me.  Not everyone is willing to plow through three fairly technical and occasionally repetitive books about our disastrous foreign policy decisions, just to hold an informed opinion. 

So as a public service, here's all you need to know about "Blowback", what causes it , and how we're perceived elsewhere in the world. 

For further info, you can still check out Chalmers Johnson's "Blowback Trilogy". 

VIDEO - De Villepin : « le terrorisme islamique » a été créé par les occidentaux
Dominique de Villepin, ancien Premier ministre, était l’invité de Jean-Jacques Bourdin ce vendredi matin sur BFMTV-RMC. Il s’est exprimé sur les positions de la France et des Etats-Unis sur le problème de l’Etat islamique. Pour lui, la coalition formée par Obama, s’engageant vers une troisième guerre d’Irak, “est une décision absurde et dangereuse”. “Il serait temps que les pays occidentaux tirent des leçons de l’Afghanistan” a-t-il souligné.
Il reconnaît que le « terrorisme islamique » a été créé par les occidentaux. Selon lui, l’Etat islamique est « l’enfant monstrueux de l’inconstance et de l’arrogance de la politique occidentale. »

VIDEO - Jeff Gates' answer to "Why they hate us": The Hate Mongers Among Us

US Support for Israel Still One of Biggest Causes of Terrorism
July 29, 2013 at 8:16 am
Unswerving American support for Israel remains one of the biggest causes of Islamist terrorism, and nothing has changed in this regard since the attacks of September 11, 2001, Harvard Professor Stephan Walt has said.
Writing on his Foreign Policy website, professor Walt, famous for co-authoring the book The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy,  said that both the “Bush and Obama administrations have given Israel everything it has wanted (except a green light to attack Iran), and U.S. politicians continue to bend over backward to express their deep devotion to the Jewish state.
“The United States gave Israel diplomatic cover during the 2006 Lebanon War and the 2008-2009 Gaza War, and also following the attack on the Mavi Marmara in 2010.
“Obama caved completely on the issue of a settlement freeze, and the U.S. Congress continues to vote a generous aid package every year and demean itself with various AIPAC-drafted resolutions.
“Heck, if I were a jihadist trying to convince a recruit that the United States had no sincere commitment to human rights and no respect for Arab or Muslim lives, I’d just show them a transcript of Chuck Hagel or Samantha Power’s confirmation hearings and leave it at that.”
Professor Walt’s article pointed out that Osama Bin Laden and the Islamists who carry out terrorist attacks against Americans do so out of a threefold motivation:
“First, he [Bin Laden] accused the West — and especially the United States — of constant and hostile interference in the Islamic world. This charge included the U.S. sanctions against Iraq during the 1990s (which caused thousands of Iraqi deaths) and the West’s alleged exploitation of Mideast oil.
“Second, he accused the United States of propping up corrupt and illegitimate dictatorships in places like Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and he specifically cited the stationing of thousands of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia following the 1991 Gulf War.
“Third, he blamed the United States for giving lavish, unconditional support to Israel and for turning a blind eye to Israel’s harsh treatment of its Palestinian subjects.”
These charges, Professor Walt added, have “remained prominent elements in the overall jihadi narrative ever since.
“The question is: Has U.S. behavior since then made such charges look more credible or less credible?
“Has the United States undertaken actions designed to show that bin Laden’s charges were basically bogus, or has it behaved in ways that make them appear to be largely correct?”
His conclusion is that the “United States has been fighting a completely one-sided campaign against al Qaeda and the group’s cousins.
“It has hardened its own society (excessively) and taken the battle to those suspected of being hostile to it (probably excessively too).
“But the United States has done hardly anything to counter the narratives that anti-American forces use to rally support, and it has done plenty to reinforce them.
“And a lot of the things the United States has done — such as invading Iraq or giving Israel unconditional support — are bad for the United States.”

The Times of Israel - Ex-US general: We pay a price for backing Israel Retired US Marine Corps General James Mattis recently said that America pays a price for its perceived bias in support of Israel. “I paid a military security price every day as the commander of CentCom because the Americans were seen as biased in support of Israel, and that moderates all the moderate Arabs who want to be with us, because they can’t come out publicly in support of people who don’t show respect for the Arab Palestinians,” he said Saturday at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado in response to a question about the peace process.

“US Support for Israel” Harms America, Says Top US Military Commander Continued American support for Israel harms the US throughout the Middle East, according to the most senior military commander in that region, Marine Corps General James Mattis. Speaking at the prestigious Aspen Security Forum in Colorado late in July, General Mattis, who retired May 22 as chief of the U.S. Central Command, in charge of U.S. forces in the Middle East, said that America needs to work “with a sense of urgency” to achieve a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, because resentment of U.S. support for Israel hurts America militarily throughout the region.

Ex-US commander: “I paid a military security price” for American support of Israel The United States establishment is waking up to the fact that Israel is bad for America and bad for the American people’s security. Just over three years General David Petraeus, then commander of the US Central Command (CentCom), whose area of responsibility covers the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia, shocked Israel and its lobbyists and underlings in Washington when he told the US Senate Armed Services Committee that the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories

Kissinger: ‘Terrorists Are Really People That Reject the International System’

The Ghosts of Interventions Past Impede U.S. War for Israel in Syria

VIDEO - Michael Scheuer: It's Time To Cut U.S. Aid To Middle East Including Israel - Let The Russians And The Chinese Deal With Them!

CIA Bin Laden hunter Michael Scheuer: WHO “hates our freedoms” ?! _ on Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad Radio
This show was broadcast on January 28, 2014.
It is now archived here for everyone — Use Player
Coming Up Tuesday, January 28th —
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday at 8am Pacific * 11am Eastern * 15:00 GMT
Subscribers to get early access to all show archives here. Everyone else gets access to the show archives the day of the broadcast here.
Kevin Barrett's Truth Jihad Radio
CIA Bin Laden hunter Michael Scheuer: WHO “hates our freedoms” ?!

Somebody around here hates our freedoms – but it isn’t al-Qaeda! That is the considered opinion of Dr. Michael Scheuer, a 20-year CIA veteran who headed the “get Osama Bin Laden” unit from 1996 through 1999. During his tenure at the CIA’s Bin Laden unit, Scheuer had no fewer than ten opportunities to kill or capture Bin Laden that got nixed by higher-ups.

The impression that the high command didn’t want to stop Bin Laden continued post-9/11, as the US seemingly went out of its way to let Bin Laden and his associates escape, first from Kabul, then from Jalalabad. Since then, Dr. Scheuer informs us, the powers-that-be have chosen to bankrupt the USA in ruinous and pointless wars that have only served to vastly increase whatever animosity toward America existed pre-9/11. And they have lied outrageously about just about everything – including the real motivation of Muslim insurgents (not “terrorists”)…and the real geostrategic/security crisis America faces.
Do the establishment’s outrageous lies and insane policies stem from the Israel lobby’s death grip on American politics? Should we “dump Israel tomorrow”? Does Saudi money contribute to the corruption? How will Michael Scheuer react to my “Zionist coup d’état” interpretation of 9/11? Who is it who REALLY hates our freedoms – and is destroying them? Tune in and find out what happens when a CIA anti-al-Qaeda chief meets a “radical Muslim conspiracy theorist” right here on Truth Jihad Radio!
Michael Scheuer is an Adjunct Professor of Security Studies at Georgetown University. He is the author of four books on terrorism-related issues and has drawn ever-more-hysterical attacks from the usual neocon suspects.
Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad Show is independently produced and hosted by Kevin Barrett and these shows are externally produced content. All externally produced content broadcast on No Lies Radio is the sole responsibility of the program-content producer and is not the responsibility of Any questions or concerns should be directed to the content producer.

Nationalism, Not ‘Exceptionalism’ the Proper Course for America
by Michael Collins Piper

During the 2012 campaign, Mitt Romney spoke of “American exceptionalism.”
The rhetoric sounded patriotic. In reality, this is a modern-day propaganda mask for old-fashioned Trostkyite communism: rapacious imperialism and internationalism. Though wrapped in the American flag, there’s nothing American about it.
Rather than standing for American nationalism, this philosophy—quite the contrary—is a 21st century manifestation of the age-old dream of a global government under the rule of an elite few. Many call it the New World Order.
While some still fear the UN as the mechanism advancing the agenda, the fact is that the would be rulers of this global plantation now seek to utilize the U.S. as their vehicle for achieving that end.
The grand wizards who conjured up American exceptionalism are those infamous “neo-conservative” high priests of war who orchestrated the invasion of Iraq and who now seek to contrive a war against Iran. They crave U.S. military meddling all over the world—not just in the Middle East.
Perhaps the foremost intellectual proponent of this warmongering madness is Yale professor David Gelernter. Defining “Americanism” as an incarnation of biblical Zionism with “a divine mission to all mankind,” he says the United States is the base of “American Zionism,” charged with a God-given duty to remake the world.
“Americanism,” he asserts, is the “creed” of what is the “fourth great Western religion,” the driving force behind—and which must establish—a new planetary regime.
“We are the one and only biggest boy [in the world today],” he wrote. “If there is to be justice in the world, America must create it. . . .We must pursue justice, help the suffering and overthrow tyrants. We must spread the creed.”
Real American nationalists reject the idea the United States should be the world’s policeman. Instead, nationalists believe in developing and strengthening their nation from within, maintaining the integrity of its cultural heritage and sovereign borders, placing their own nation’s interests first. Nationalists do not start wars of imperialism. They respect the nationalist instincts of others.
Michael Collins Piper

Michael Ledeen: Un néoconservateur adepte de la théorie du « Grand Moyen-Orient »  
Aujourd'hui, il est l'un des plus ardents défenseurs de la doctrine Bush et de la théorie du Grand Moyen-Orient, partisan de renverser non seulement le régime irakien du dictateur Saddam Hussein, mais aussi les régimes d'Iran, de la Syrie, voire de l'Arabie saoudite (ou du moins l'empêcher de "financer le terrorisme").
The War Against the Terror Masters, by Michael Ledeen, 2003, p.212-213
(Just another Neocon ideologue trying to sell the lie of American Exceptionalism to justify more wars for lsrael!)

(Excerpt from THE HIGH PRIESTS OF WAR, by Michael Collins Piper)

Lest anyone chalk up these comments to "Arab paranoia," or "anti-Israel bigotry," note that one of Israel's most consequential advocates in official Washington — veteran pro-Israel intelligence community bureaucrat Michael Ledeen, a longtime close friend and associate of Richard Perle — has put out a propaganda screed titled The War Against the Terror Masters in which he writes of what he calls "creative destruction."

Ledeen says that this "creative destruction" is "entirely in keeping with American character and the American tradition" — an assertion that will surprise many Americans. Ledeen says that Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia and — for good measure — the non-Arabic Islamic Republic of Iran — should all be targets of "creative destruction" by U.S. military might.

"Creative destruction," writes Ledeen, is "our middle name," — the term "our" referring to Americans, whether or not they share his imperialist views. According to Ledeen:
"We tear down the old order every day, from business to science, literature, art, architecture, and cinema to politics and the law.

Our enemies have always hated this whirlwind of energy and creativity, which menaces their traditions (whatever they may be) and shames them for their inability to keep pace. Seeing America undo traditional societies, they fear us, for they do not wish to be undone.

They cannot feel secure so long as we are there, for our very existence — our existence, not our policies — threatens their legitimacy. They must attack us in order to survive, just as we must destroy them to advance our historic mission."
While his rhetoric is stilted and ponderous, what Ledeen is promoting is the idea that it is not U.S. support for Israel that engenders Arab hatred for the United States. Instead, he claims, it is the very existence of the United States — the "American way of life" — that inflames Arab passions. (What utter lies! What nonsense!)

Yet, these words are the propaganda line of the Israeli lobby which hopes to distract the attention of the American people away from the causes of Arab hostility to the United States stemming from unswerving U.S. support for Israel. Ledeen goes on to suggest that anyone who stands in opposition to all-out war against the Arab world needs to be removed from positions of authority. He writes:
The president has to rid himself of those officials who failed to lead their agencies effectively, along with those who lack the political will to wage war against the terror masters.

The top people in the intelligence community need to be replaced, and those military leaders who tell the president that it can't be done, or they just aren't ready, or we need to do something else first, should be replaced as well, along with the people in the national security community who insisted that we must solve the Arab-Israeli question before the war can resume and the top people in agencies like the FAA, the INS, and so forth.'
 In fact, aside from other political considerations, President George W. Bush had good personal reason to do the bidding of the hard-line hawks in promoting their imperial schemes on behalf of Israel.

In the Feb. 1992 edition of The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, former Rep. Paul Findley (R-Ill.) revealed that in 1991 former Israeli intelligence officer Victor Ostrovsky had blown the whistle on a plot by a right-wing faction within Israel's Mossad to kill then-President George H. W. Bush who was perceived as a threat to Israel.(...)

Shocking Revelations Emerge in New Book
• Those Angry Days: Roosevelt, Lindbergh and America’s Fight Over World War II, 1939-1941
By Michael Collins Piper
Until a few years ago, most patriots fondly recalled aviator Charles Lindbergh for his leadership of the America First movement that fought to prevent Franklin D. Roosevelt from steering the United States into war against Adolf Hitler’s Germany.
However, in recent times, pernicious Internet agitprop has convinced many patriots that heroes like Lindbergh and his “isolationist” colleagues were actually traitors doing the work of the New World Order.
One broadcaster in particular promotes this nonsense by constantly harping about “the Nazis,” hyping writers who smear Lindbergh and claim Hitler’s heirs are today plotting the “rise of the Fourth Reich.”
Those conned by this garbage fail to see this is really a ploy to keep the image of “the Holocaust” alive, thereby advancing the interests of Israel, which benefits from the Holocaust in multiple ways, without ever mentioning the word “Israel” even once. And that’s propaganda at its most deceptive and calculating.
Even more disturbing is that—as a consequence of this skewed version of history taking a grip on the minds of so many—a remarkable number of today’s patriots have no idea that roughly 90 percent of the American people agreed with Lindbergh: A war against Hitler was a war America should not fight.
The history of that period has been savagely distorted and those who should know don’t have a clue as to what really happened.
Ironically, however, coming out of an elite publishing giant, Random House, is a new book presenting a fascinating look at the efforts by Lindbergh to stop the push to embroil America in that unnecessary war: Those Angry Days: Roosevelt, Lindbergh and America’s Fight Over World War II, 1939-1941.*
The flagrantly pro-British author, Lynne Olson, clearly holds Lindbergh’s traditional American nationalism in contempt, which explains why former secretary of state Madeleine Albright—who famously said the price of 500,000 dead Iraqi children was “worth it”—hails Olson as “our era’s foremost chronicler of World War II politics and diplomacy.”
Still, though soiled by its pro-New World Order slant, this is a book patriots need to read. Many books from establishment sources contain a lot of valuable facts. This is one such volume. Here are just a few of the author’s amazing admissions:
• Solid data proving that the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and its Wall Street backers did not support Hitler, but vehemently opposed him.
• British intelligence set up shop at Rockefeller Center in Manhattan and collaborated with the pro-war Fight for Freedom—mostly “upper class East Coast Protestants”—and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith, the Jewish espionage agency. All worked closely with FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover who was tapping the phones of those who opposed to the drive for war that Lindbergh said was the work of “the British, the Jewish and the Roosevelt administration.”
• The amazing story of how many high-ranking military officers “fiercely opposed” FDR’s efforts to arm Britain. Opposing aid to the British was no less than Gen. George C. Marshall whom the author says is now “regarded as the country’s greatest military figure in WWII.”
•While Americans today believe Britain was always seen as a grand ally, the author reveals that, after World War I, “many Americans came to believe that their country had entered the war not because its own national interests demanded such action, but because it had been tricked by the scheming, duplicitous British.”
• FDR utilized warmongering rhetoric of exactly the type today coming from essentially the same sources, including advocacy of the kind of police-state measures such as the Patriot Act and the concept of “homeland security,” which patriots have become convinced was a “Nazi” invention. Substitute’s today’s Muslim-bashing for German-bashing and it is history repeating itself.
Declaring any criticism of his policies as detrimental to national security, FDR spoke of “clever schemes of foreign agents” on American soil. However, the author admits: “The United States never faced any serious threat of internal subversion before or during the war. But the American people never knew that; in fact, they were told the opposite.”
• And, despite Pearl Harbor, most Americans still didn’t see the need for war against Hitler. The author admits, “the odds are high that Congress and the American people would have pressured the president to turn away from an undeclared war against Germany . . . and focus instead on defeating Japan.” Today, most Americans think Pearl Harbor sparked a nationwide cry of “Defeat the Nazi Beast.” It never happened.
Michael Collins Piper is an author, journalist, lecturer and radio show host. He has spoken in Russia, Malaysia, Iran, Abu Dhabi, Japan, Canada and the U.S. He is the author of Final Judgment, The New Jerusalem, The High Priests of War, Dirty Secrets, My First Days in the White House, The New Babylon, Share the Wealth, The Judas Goats, Target: Traficant and The Golem.
The Book’s Publisher Says
Those Angry Days is the definitive account of the debate over American intervention in World War II—a bitter, sometimes violent clash of personalities and ideas that divided the nation and ultimately determined the fate of the free world.
At the center of this controversy stood the two most famous men in America: President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who championed the interventionist cause, and aviator Charles Lindbergh, who as unofficial leader and spokesman for America’s isolationists emerged as the president’s most formidable adversary. Their contest of wills personified the divisions within the country at large, and author Lynne Olson makes masterly use of their dramatic personal stories to create a poignant and riveting narrative.
While FDR, buffeted by political pressures on all sides, struggled to marshal public support for aid to Winston Churchill’s Britain, Lindbergh saw his heroic reputation besmirched by allegations that he was a Nazi.
Spanning the years 1939 to 1941, Those Angry Days vividly recreates the rancorous internal squabbles that gripped the United States in the period leading up to Pearl Harbor. After Germany vanquished most of Europe, America found itself torn between its traditional isolationism and the need to come to the aid of Britain, the only country still battling Hitler. The conflict over intervention was, as FDR noted, “a dirty fight,” rife with chicanery and intrigue, and Those Angry Days recounts every bruising detail.

By Michael Collins Piper

During the 2012 election campaign, you’ll probably be hearing a lot about “American exceptionalism,” particularly from the Republican presidential candidates. Newt Gingrich has made the concept a centerpiece of his campaign, and Gingrich’s wife—the current one, that is—has produced a documentary on the topic. Mitt Romney’s campaign book is entitled No Apology: The Case for American Greatness. Sarah Palin’s book, America by Heart, has a chapter entitled “America the Exceptional.” And former Sen. Rick Santorum and Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty have also been heard touting the topic.

But don’t be fooled by rhetoric that has a lot of patriotic appeal. In fact, the concept of American exceptionalism— and a related theme known as national greatness conservatism—are really modern-day propaganda masks for old-fashioned Trotskyite communism: rapacious imperialism and internationalism now wrapped in the American flag, but no different from the age-old dream of a world imperium—a global government.

Many call it the New World Order. The wizards who conjured up these themes are three key figures in the so-called neo-conservative movement:


• William Kristol, founding editor of The Weekly Standard, long published by Zionist billionaire Rupert Murdoch;

• David Brooks, a former Kristol underling at the Standard and now a columnist for The New York Times, and;

• Marshall Wittmann, a Jewish Trotskyite-turned neo-conservative and regular Standard contributor. Kristol and Brooks began their crusade for national greatness conservatism with a Sept. 15, 1997 Wall Street Journal article that urged Americans to “reinvigorate the nationalism of Alexander Hamilton, Henry Clay and Teddy Roosevelt.”

And during the 2000 presidential campaign, Wittmann chimed in with a lengthy piece in the Standard promoting John McCain, hailing McCain as a tribune of national greatness conservatism and as a modern-day Theodore Roosevelt.

Although many remember the first President Roosevelt as a symbol of American greatness, the ugly truth that the controlled media ignores is that it was “TR” who—even before Woodrow Wilson —began calling upon the American people to sacrifice their lives and treasure in the cause of global conquest, ostensibly in the name of bringing peace to the planet.

This is not nationalism. It is internationalism, advancing the theme that the United States should act as a world policeman promoting some undefined dream of democracy, which has now become the rallying cry of the modern Zionist-Trotskyite schemers.

So TR was an internationalist, and no true American nationalist should look to TR as a model of American greatness. Yet, TR’s spirit is said to underlie national greatness conservatism and American exceptionalism. More recently, in the Nov. 12, 2010 issue of The New York Times, the aforementioned Brooks—sounding the call for a new centrist movement in American politics— claimed that a national greatness agenda would be promoted by “the next big social movement.”

Brooks said this national greatness agenda would reject the views of “orthodox liberals and conservatives” and end “hyper-partisanship.” He added that “the coming movement may be a third party or it may support serious people in the existing two” and preserve American supremacy—that is, global interventionism. And don’t think it was—as the media has suggested— just a reckless misstep by Newt Gingrich when he criticized the Medicare reform package of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) saying, “I don’t think right-wing social engineering is any more desirable than left-wing social engineering. I don’t think imposing radical change from the right or the left is a very good way for a free society to operate.”

The truth is that Gingrich’s rhetoric—attacking both the right and the left in the same breath—was deliberate. He was clearly portraying himself as one of the centrist advocates of American exceptionalism, echoed by other recent comments by Gingrich proudly recalling his many years as a Rockefeller Republican.

Don’t be surprised—you heard it here first—that if he fails to win the GOP presidential nomination, Gingrich will be part of a breakaway centrist third party movement which has been conjured up at the highest levels of the establishment elite.

AFP—alone among the media—has been reporting on this phenomenon.

Another disciple of American exceptionalism, Yale Professor David Gelernter—another Weekly Standard figure—has promoted the idea that Americanism is a modern-day incarnation of Biblical Zionism and that Americans have “a divine mission to all mankind” and that “every human being everywhere is entitled to freedom, equality and democracy.”

In a book grandly entitled Americanism: The Fourth Great Western Religion, Gelernter expressed the contention that the United States (the base of what he has called American Zionism) is now charged with an imperial, even God-given, duty to remake the world, that Americanism is the creed of this global agenda, that this “Fourth Great Western Religion” is the driving force behind—and which must establish—a new planet- wide regime. He wrote:

We are the one and only biggest boy [in the world today]. If there is to be justice in the world, America must create it. . . .We must pursue justice, help the suffering and overthrow tyrants. We must spread the creed. This is the New World Order. And this is the underlying theme of national greatness conservatism and American exceptionalism. But there is nothing American about it. So don’t be fooled by what sounds like patriotic rhetoric from the Republicans. It isn’t.

A journalist specializing in media critique, Michael Collins Piper is the author of The High Priests of War, The New Jerusalem, Dirty Secrets, The Judas Goats, The Golem, Target Traficant and My First Days in the White House All are available from AFP.

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 (Issue # 26, June 27, 2011)

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Pour enseigner le concept de Contre-coup (Blowback) aux enfants et au reste de la famille

Publicité pour Ron Paul

Pour expliquer le concept de Blowback aux journalistes honnêtes

Un expert confirme : le contrôle israélien du Congrès américain est à la source de toutes ces guerres



Blackwater Blowback, by Pat Bagley, Salt Lake Tribune, 2007

Historic Defense Cuts
"Countries in the Middle East will likely think about following the recent example of the Egyptian government in moving closer to Russia at the expense of their ties to the United States. Israel’s neighbors, in addition to the Palestinians and Hizbullah, will make what they will of an America no longer able to provide Israel with the kind of qualitative and quantitative military backing the Israelis and their enemies have come to take for granted. (...) But equally at issue here is the kind of robust presence the U.S. will maintain around the world, as well as the responses the military would be able to muster given any number of potential crises. (...) But we cannot help but be uneasy with a White House that seems to be signaling a weariness with America’s traditional role in the world and a wish to unburden itself of the responsibilities of leadership. "
Bref, l'article se termine sur la peur des juifs que les USA abandonnent leur rôle de POLICE MONDIALE...

U.S. should be the world’s policeman
When there is no effective alternative, democratic countries have an ethical and humanitarian duty to threaten to use military force and, if there is no other option, to actually use it.
HAARETZ By | Sep. 23, 2013 | 6:08 AM | 15
U.S. President Barack Obama delivers remarks at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc., September 21, 2013. Photo by AFP
The United States should not be the world's policeman, or so U.S. President Barack Obama argued in his address to the nation on September 10, in which he explained his position on military intervention in the Syrian civil war. The president is wrong. In light of the history and doctrine of the use of force and military intervention, the United States, along with other enlightened democracies in possession of military might, should and must be the world's policeman.
The horrors of World War II taught us certain lessons. One led to the formation of the United Nations, for the purpose of preserving world peace and creating a mechanism for dialogue among states. Another resulted in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which eventually gave rise to binding international treaties meant to protect human rights. But some questions remain: Do the lofty goals that inspired the establishment of the United Nations mean that the international community has a duty to intervene and raise the alarm in the event of the commission of war crimes or the use of weapons of mass destruction? (...)
It is legitimate to question whether intervention might lead to international escalation. Nevertheless, isolationism in cases where intervention is a moral necessity is supposed to be a thing of the past, of a time when states did not want to get bogged down in distant countries even in the event of war crimes. If this attitude becomes prevalent once again, it will be to the detriment of the entire world. It goes without saying that diplomacy, itself a form of intervention, is preferable as long as it is effective and not a kind of Munich Pact, as U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry noted in reference to Syria.
At the end of the day, America, together with other strong democratic countries, is indeed supposed to be the world's policeman - insofar as it is acting on behalf of the fundamental principles on which the United Nations was founded, even when political exigencies preclude obtaining UN approval. When there is no effective alternative or pressure must be exerted to kick-start diplomacy, democratic countries have an ethical and humanitarian duty to threaten to use military force and, if there is no other option, to actually use it. Proportionally, of course, but also effectively, in compliance with the two leading criteria of military law.
The writer is a former legal adviser to the Defense Ministry.
Who was the most pro-Jewish U.S. president? Woodrow Wilson, obviously
A new biography of the 28th American president depicts him as an idealist Democrat whose moral and political influence still reverberates today. Haaretz talks to its author, A. Scott Berg.
HAARETZ By | Sep. 25, 2013 | 6:00 PM | 4
(...) Obama's address included more than faint echoes of another principled Democrat intent on transforming American society and the world beyond it: Woodrow Wilson, the 28th president of the United States, and the man who led his country into the First World War. (...)
However, in A. Scott Berg's biography, "Wilson" (Putnam Press), the book's namesake emerges as a formidable statesman, one who has influenced the decision-making of every American president since his tenure.
Berg, the Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer of Charles Lindbergh and Hollywood producer Samuel Goldwyn, sat down with Haaretz to discuss Wilson's legacy and its effect on modern politics and the Obama administration's policies – and why Wilson is what he calls the most pro-Jewish president in American history.
Why is the Wilson presidency so relevant to the Obama presidency?
"Wilson is the father of America's modern foreign policy. For 125 years, the U.S. was an introverted nation that clung on to its isolationism. Wilson posed the question: What is America's role in the world? And the answer he gave, in his speech to Congress on April 2, 1917, asking the legislature to declare war on Germany, was that it is America's duty to ensure "the world must be safe for democracy." This credo has been espoused, for good and bad, by every president since Wilson, most recently by Barack Obama.
"Wilson was the most idealistic of America's presidents. He spoke often and eloquently about America's moral obligation. He wed idealism with interventionism. He urged his countrymen to fight preemptively for principles, instead of retaliating for attacks against them. And he obliged the U.S. to assist all peoples in pursuit of freedom and self-determination. Obama has fully embraced this moralism, most recently, when he sought congressional approval to punish Syria for its deadly use of chemical weapons. In fact, listening to his speech [on Syria], I thought Obama's ideas and phraseology were ripped right out of Wilson's playbook."
In late 1917, the British Government asked President Wilson to support a declaration of sympathy with the Zionist movement.
"And he did. Wilson supported the Balfour Declaration – 'the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.' He did so despite the advice of his most trusted confidante, Col. Edward House, who acted as America's first national security adviser. You must remember that, at the time, the U.S. was an extremely anti-Semitic country,so expressing support for the Balfour Declaration was a very courageous act.
"Wilson was the most Christian president the U.S. has ever had. He was the son and grandson of Presbyterian ministers; he prayed on his knees twice a day and read the Bible every night. But he was also the most pro-Jewish president the U.S. has ever had. He appointed the first Jew to the Supreme Court, Louis Brandeis, a fervent Zionist, who counseled Wilson about the Balfour Declaration, and who would go on to champion an individual's right to privacy and free speech. He brought the financier Bernard Baruch into government, and he appointed Henry Morgenthau as the ambassador to the Ottoman Empire during the First World War.
"Earlier, as president of Princeton University, Wilson appointed the first Jew to the faculty, and as governor of New Jersey, prior to becoming president, he appointed the first Jew to the state's Supreme Court." 

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