Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sterling vante sa communauté en dévoilant un secret de leur succès: les institutions communautaires juives de prêt sans intérêt

“You know... the Jewish people have a company. And it's for people who want to borrow money at no interest. They want to give them a fishing pole. We want to help people. If they don’t have the money, we’ll loan it to you. You don’t have interest. One day you’ll pay us back.”
Donald Sterling TV tirade puts surprise spotlight on Jewish free loan groups
 (...) The Jewish tycoon argued that the basketball legend, who has a charitable foundation that addresses HIV/AIDS issues, is insufficiently philanthropic, and Sterling invoked the tradition of Jewish free loan associations to make his point.(...)
What Sterling was describing — and thrusting rather uncomfortably into the media glare — is a more than century-old communal institution that has helped both Jews and non-Jews with interest-free loans.
His words were not exactly welcome news to the professionals who run these organizations.
“I’m sorry that he mentioned us,” said Cindy Rogoway, executive director of the Hebrew Free Loan Association of San Francisco and vice president of the International Association of Jewish Free Loans. “I just think he’s a disgrace to himself.”
Sterling’s remarks,  however, do shed light on what has been a quiet corner of the Jewish charitable world.
Jewish free loan societies grew out of the landsmanschaften, or mutual benefit societies, organized by Jews from Central and Eastern Europe in the 19th century and transported to America when they immigrated.
Drawing on the biblical admonition not to charge interest to fellow Jews, the interest-free loan societies became a key financial resource for immigrants, providing funds for housing and education, as well as capital for small business expenses such as pushcarts and sewing machines.
“One of the main reasons that Hebrew free loan societies became so popular in the United States is that many immigrant Jews used these as access to capital for business,” said Shelly Tenenbaum, a professor of sociology at Clark University and the author of “A Credit to Their Community: Jewish Loan Societies in the United States.” “Business was a very important vehicle for Jewish immigrant mobility.”(...)

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FORWARD-NBA's Donald Sterling Tells Girlfriend, 'In Israel, Blacks Are Treated Like Dogs' Owner Seeks To Justify Racist View of African-Americans

YNETNEWS-Clippers owners: In Israel, blacks treated like dogs Extended recording of Donald Sterling sees him make additional racist remarks, belittling 'black Jews' and claiming they are worth less than 'white Jews' during conversation with girlfriend.

TIMESOFISRAEL-Clippers owner: Black Jews treated like dogs in Israel Extended recording released by Deadspin purports to show Donald Sterling using Israeli racism to defend own views on blacks

MONDOWEISS-NBA owner Sterling reportedly sought to justify his racism by citing Israeli racism

One Thing Donald Sterling Got Right: ‘In Israel Blacks are Treated Like Dogs’

AUDIO - Exclusive: The Extended Donald Sterling Tape

The ugly truth behind Donald Sterling's racist comments

Goldman Sachs chief: Rabbi, Jewish groups helped me succeed Mais c'est un stéréotype antijuif quand c'est un Goy qui le dit...

The Jewish Story Behind the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank

Hate crime case resurrects racial wounds in NYC Yitzhak Shuchat, of a Jewish civilian patrol group, fled to Israel after being accused of attacking local black man

Reuven Rivlin : "Israël est une société malade" Traduction ER.

Is Israel’s president an anti-Semite?

Israeli President’s Diagnosis — ‘Israel is a Sick Society’ — Doesn’t Go Viral in the U.S.

Israel’s Rivlin seeks to cure ‘disease’ of racism

‘These African b*tches!’: With Ebola panic running high, black immigrants face ostracism

Hypocrisy in Action: The Jewish Lobby, Asylum Seekers in Israel and America

Is 'Kushim' Racist? Controversy has arisen over references made to Tel Aviv Maccabi's black players as 'kushim'. The word ‘kushim’ appears 20 times in the Bible to refer to Africans. Philologos explains why the term has taken on racist overtones.
La différence est que ce sont les racistes qui disent encore le mot "nègre" pour parler des juifs de nos jours ; alors que du côté des juifs, c'est pas seulement les racistes qui disent kushim. Ça montre combien la culture juive est arriérée: pas besoin d'être raciste pour avoir des concepts racistes. Aujourd'hui en Occident, c'est considéré comme raciste de dire "les nègres" pour parler des noirs, mais dans la culture juive, le mot "kushim" est pas problématique, sauf pour les juifs libéraux dits "de gauche" (qui sont la bête noire des extrémistes sionistes amis des colons juifs).

The Racists of Jerusalem Day Leanne Gale thought she knew what to expect from the right-wing marches, racist chants and police violence on Jerusalem Day. But what she saw this week shocked even her.
I walked on, trying to remain calm in a threatening environment. A group of Jewish teenagers surrounded me. “So, are Jewish men not enough for you? You need to fuck Arab men instead?” And, “Go to hell, you leftist.” Another blew the sparks of his cigarette directly into my face.(...)
A mother carrying her child handed him a large poster, instructing him to hold it in front of my camera so as to obstruct my view. Anywhere I turned, the child turned his poster, until it became impossible for me to film. When I finally turned the camera off, another woman walked straight up to me. Her face inches from mine, she practically spat, “Shame on you. People died for this land. This is Jewish land. If you don’t like it, go to Syria. Go die in Syria.

West Bank Settlements: Zionist Supremacist Media Lets the Mask Slip "Netanyahu to settlers: I'm fighting for you, but there are international constraints."

Posing as Jewish Women — To Beat Up Arab Men

My Children Married Non-Jews — and It Breaks My Heart | My Children Married Out | My wife and I are observant Jews who are heartbroken about the fact that both of our children married non-Jews. My daughter married out first, and is now raising non-Jewish children and grandchildren and even celebrates Christmas. Our relationship has been very estranged over the years and we don’t allow her partner in our home.

Israel holds Ebola identification training exercise at Ben Gurion airport 
Je "prédis" qu'éventuellement ils vont se servir de cette excuse (Ebola) pour renvoyer plus de réfugiés Africains hors d'Israël ou les parquer dans des camps de concentration...

United Synagogue Youth voted to relax its rules barring its teenage board members from dating non-Jews USY also drops requirement that teenage board members be Shabbat observant.
Et c'est eux qui nous donnent des leçons d'antiracisme? Ils sont mal placés pour nous critiquer, ils commencent à peine à lever l'interdit formel contre le dating entre juifs et non-juifs!

Sur ce blog:

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Qui domine les États-Unis?