Les organisations juives voudraient pouvoir garder le contrôle sur l'épithète de "nazi" (utilisé pour attaquer quelqu'un en le traitant de "nazi"). Même quand c'est pour diaboliser un opposant quelconque en le "nazifiant", les maîtres du Récit sont mécontents, car cela tendrait à banaliser, voire profaner la Sainte Shoah. Personne d'autre que les dépositaires autorisés du grand Récit de la Shoah ne peut recourir à une telle comparaison, au risque de voir celle-ci se banaliser et perdre toute sa charge émotionnelle et son efficacité. Il faut les consulter pour savoir qui peut être traité de "nazi". Cela doit rester leur arme ultime par laquelle ils peuvent exercer une force de pression et de censure sur la vie culturelle et politique.**
Mais il est déjà trop tard: le fameux "point Godwin" a enlevé à la comparaison avec le nazisme le peu de crédibilité qui lui restait.
Un milliardaire américain compare les manifestations contre les riches à la persécution des juifs par les nazis
Le milliardaire américain de la Silicon Valley, Tom Perkins, a créé la polémique sur les réseaux sociaux en comparant les manifestations contre les riches à la persécution des juifs par les nazis.
Les responsables de la crise financière par -YAKUZA-
VIDEO - Michael Collins Piper on Rupert Murdoch, his connections to Bollyn-Hufschmid
Haves and Have-Nots
(American Free Press) In a recent letter published in The Wall Street Journal, billionaire capitalist Tom Perkins compared the tensions between the middle class and the rich in America to Kristallnacht, or “Night of the Broken Glass,” the night when Nazis rounded up Jews in Germany after the German ambassador to France was murdered by an assassin linked to French Jewish groups.
Perkins wrote that he wanted to draw “attention to the parallels of fascist Nazi Germany to its war on its ‘one percent,’ namely its Jews, to the progressive war on the American 1%, namely the ‘rich,’” adding that there could come a time when the poorer class goes after the plutocracy much like the Nazis did to the Jews.
(AMERICAN FREE PRESS, Feb. 10, 2014, p.2)
U.S. billionaire jeered for comparing 1% to Jews in Nazi Germany
Criticism of the super-rich is like the Holocaust, says super-yacht owning Silicon Valley billionaire in WSJ article that has sparked ridicule
Venture Capitalist Compares Criticism Of The Rich To Nazi Persecution Of The Jews
The Jewish Story Behind the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank
Death of the Jewish Left?
L'antisémitisme d'État plane sur l'Europe
(...) les sondages l’attestent: seule une petite minorité de citoyens du Vieux continent partagent les poncifs antisémites. Mais il y a d’un autre coté l’acharnement mis par l’Union européenne (UE) dans ses accusations publiques d’Israël, délibérément mensongères, les ressources financières qu’elle affecte au soutien de ses plus mortels ennemis, le traitement tout à fait discriminatoire qu’elle lui réserve.

"Drapeau d'Eurabia"

Home Depot co-founder: Populist liberals adopting Nazi rhetoric
Pierre Charon fait référence à la Gestapo pour prendre la défense de Serge Bloch "Dassault"
RVRSN - Les Milliards d'Israël. Escrocs juifs et financiers internationaux, septembre 2014.
Obscene wealth: World’s 85 richest people have same wealth as 3.5 billion poorest

Zuckerberg, Rothschild, Sandberg : les milliardaires de Facebook
German politician posts anti-Semitic video of ‘Rothschilds controlling the world’
Un journaliste d’I Télé taclé pour l’usage du mot « Rothschild » au sujet du ministre français de l’Économie
Larry Ellison remains world’s wealthiest Jew Ça n'empêche pas Sheldon Adelson de s'autoproclamer "le juif le plus riche au monde"
Joe Biden, Shakespeare et les usuriers anciens et modernes
18 Israelis make Forbes' richest people list
Americans in Israel Targeted by IRS for Tax Audits
New IRS Targets This upcoming tax season entails some unpleasant surprises for United States citizens who either live in Israel or who hold bank accounts there.
Rappel: Coup de filet de l'IRS contre l'évasion fiscale vers les banques israéliennes
Americans in Israel urged to resist new U.S. oversight of their bank information Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel says U.S. legislation making Americans' lives a nightmare.
Ils disent Américains, mais il faut comprendre juifs à l'étranger (Ha'aretz s'adresse aux Israéliens)
Rupert Murdoch: Propaganda Recruit for Reagan, by Robert Parry
Cyril Astruc, le super-escroc juif, porte plainte
Le milliardaire Carl Icahn dans le viseur du FBI et des autorités financières
Carl Icahn serait sous le coup d'une enquête pour délits initiés, Etats Unis
Former CEO of NY’s Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty sentenced to only four month’s prison for $9 million kickback scheme
When William Rapfogel wanted to expose scandals
Met Council’s William Rapfogel sentenced to 3 1/3 to 10 years in prison William Rapfogel, the former chief of New York’s Metropolitan
Ex-Jerusalem mayor gets 6 years for taking bribes Uri Lupolianski funneled hundreds of thousands into charity, was convicted alongside former PM Olmert in the Holyland affair
L'ancien maire de Jérusalem est condamné – L'ancien maire de Jérusalem a été condamné jeudi à six ans de prison pour son rôle dans une vaste affaire de corruption qui a aussi touché l'ancien premier ministre Ehoud Olmert.
Jerusalem Post’s “50 Most Influential Jews”—A Who is Who out of the Protocols of Zion!
Israeli billionaire Steinmetz loses Guinea mining permits over alleged corruption
Guinea’s government has accepted a report recommending the cancellation of two iron ore concessions held by Israeli billionaire...
Madoff says Ponzi scheme was not betrayal of the Jewish people
Madoff: I betrayed people, not specifically Jews
Canada’s Windsor University boycotts Israel
Irish university students to vote on BDS
Alan Dershowitz: BDS a strategic threat to Israel in the long term
Rappel: La guerre d’Obama contre Israël
'Obama is most hostile U.S. president to Israel' In Haaretz interview, controversial Senator Ted Cruz lambasts president’s 'appeasement' of Iran and Vladimir Putin, and has an unkind word for AIPAC.
Israel faces Int’l Sanctions over “Permanent Occupation of West Bank”
Israël : “dans sa bulle de négations de la réalité”
VIDEO - AIPAC Policy conference
AIPAC's Peace Problem AIPAC has long avoided taking a clear stand on the substance of an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal. But with John Kerry about to unveil his plan, those days may be coming to an end.Getty ImagesAIPAC has long avoided taking a clear stand on the substance of an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal. But with John Kerry about to unveil his plan, those days may be coming to an end
At AIPAC, Mideast Peace Process Is Way Down the Agenda
Settlers beat leftist activist VIDEO: Israeli activist says he was attacked with clubs by masked settlers near Mount Hebron
Student who singled out 'leftist' teacher gets big 'like' from culture minister
Sapir Sabah, the student who accused her teacher Adam Verete of expressing "extreme left" opinions, visited the Knesset...
Now that Israel's regime is Kahanist the end draws near
The fate of the country lies in the hands of two people: Yair Lapid and Tzipi Livni. If they fail, it's the end of days.
By Sefi Rachlevsky | Feb. 11, 2014 | 6:06 AM
Poster honoring Rabbi Meir Kahane. Photo by David Sheen
This is how the end looks. The Israeli regime has become Kahanist. The culture minister praises Sapir Sabah with a big “like.”
Sabah, the high school student who decided that her teacher, Adam Verete, is a traitor, and that traitors deserve a death sentence. Sabah, who is an open Kahanist, who celebrates with the most extreme Kahanists from the height of physical belligerence, of the kind that led to the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995.
This after the leading members of the regime, like Ministers Avigdor Lieberman, Naftali Bennett and Limor Livnat, stood enthusiastically behind a Kahanist singer who sang a song of praise to God for the death sentence thanks to which Rabin was assassinated and the late Prime Minister Ariel Sharon collapsed.
And so, shamelessly, a revolution was carried out. They praise a singer who praised Rabin’s death sentence, and praise the enthusiastic disciple of Kahanist Michael Ben Ari. Meanwhile, not only is the municipal rabbi who forbade selling and renting apartments to Arabs not dismissed, but he is about to be promoted to rabbi of the capital city.
In her eulogy to entertainer Sefi Rivlin, Sports and Culture Minister Limor Livnat said, “For anyone who loves the country, it’s not easy to be in the artists guild.” The culture minister. According to her, most artists hate the country. Most artists are “traitors.”
When the government lights the fire of incitement, it spreads rapidly among the public. That’s why this week the spark of hatred for the left reached its highest point since Rabin’s assassination.
Political leaders’ enthusiastic embrace of Kahanism has a tremendous influence. It’s similar to the influence of the legitimization for violence that was granted by Benjamin Netanyahu when he orchestrated the demonstrations against Rabin that led up to the assassination ("In blood and fire we will expel Rabin").
Those who paid attention this week, whether on the Internet or in real life, could have seen what many are suppressing: the results of the incitement against “the Arabs,” and, even more so, against “the traitorous left.” A video on the popular news and entertainment website Walla showing settlers with cudgels beating a pro-human rights Israeli led to hundreds of immediate responses by real people, who were angry that it was only a beating. Leftists should be killed, not just beaten, these commenters insisted. And they should be dealt with before even the Arabs.
Finance Minister Yair Lapid and Justice Minister Tzipi Livni — who are holding the Kahanist regime in their hands, given that without their parties the governing coalition would not have a majority — refuse to understand that the spirit of the country is the main thing.
While Lapid’s Yesh Atid and Livni’s Hatnuah parties are in cahoots with a peace process that won’t actually be implemented, with a prime minister who makes incessant declarations, the spirit of the country is being poisoned every day here. Israel is changing overnight.
There’s a reason that Israel has been overcome with a craze for Spanish passports over the past two days: Citizens want to flee from fascist regimes. Incitement can create hatred of the other and fan murderous intentions toward so-called traitors, but it cannot generate love. Not love for a place, for its people, for its culture or for its trampled language.
This is a serious and immediate warning. The fire of racism is changing Israel forever. After the betrayal of the citizens’ outcry against a cannibalistic and ideological governmental capitalism that doesn’t enable people to live, public frustration is being diverted to two places, as happened in Europe during the rise of fascism: dreams of escape, and hatred of others and of “traitors.”
Israel’s fate is in the hands of two people: Lapid and Livni. As of now, they have the power to join Labor Party leader Isaac Herzog and cause the downfall of the Kahane regime. If the two continue to close their eyes and cooperate with Kahanism, everything will be consumed by the fire.
Eighty years ago, the six seals of the racist apocalypse were opened, and the resulting enmity was poured over the heads of millions. Now the seventh seal has been opened. The one on the inside. These are the last moments in which the process can be brought to a halt. The last moments for realizing that preventing a Kahanist state is the only mission. Everything is secondary to it. Every second in which the public is poisoned by the regime is changing our lives forever.
Celebrity photographer slams ‘extremist’ Jewish lobby
Leading UK Fashion Photographer Slams “Extreme Judaism,” says Jewish Lobby Controls Entertainment Industry
Susan Rice tweets– ‘Israel, we’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore’
Kerry slammed by right for 'encouraging' Israel boycott US Secretary of State says status-quo between Israelis, Palestinians is unsustainable, warns of de-legitimization of Israel.
John Kerry en guerre contre le Dieu des rabbins?
John Kerry labelled 'anti Semite' for warning of possible boycott of Israel
Bayit Yehudi MK: Kerry pressure on Israel has anti-Semitic undertones
Israeli security minister slams Kerry over boycott threat, warns IDF may invade Gaza
Netanyahu Slams Kerry for Comment on Israeli Boycotts
Proche-Orient : le combat souterrain des sionistes religieux contre le plan Kerry
Ce groupe de pression s'inquiète d'un accord qui entraînerait le départ d'une partie des colons de Cisjordanie.
Israeli Jews praying for failure of peace talks with the Palestinians and yet, we are told it is the Palestinians who don’t want ‘peace’…
Hardline Israelis hold mass prayer against peace talks
Kerry: Israel's security is 'illusionary', boycott around the corner
European parliament chief slams Israeli critics in Knesset as ‘extremists’
Netanyahu wants EU to outlaw boycott of Israel
EU Parliament chief has 'selective hearing' Minister demands apology for 'lying propaganda' about Palestinian freedom of movement.
Israel denies EU request to meet with Palestinian prisoners
Influential Jewish Group Pushes New York Bill: Cut Funds to Academic Institutions Supporting Israel Boycott
‘NYT’ Reporter Treats Israeli Boycott as Immoral and Anti-Semitic, Reminiscent of Nazis
Netanyahu: « ceux qui boycottent Israël sont antisémites. »
Netanyahu: Boycott supporters are modern anti-Semites
Netanyahu: BDS advocates are classical anti-Semites in modern garb
BDS founders are 'anti-Semites,' Netanyahu tells US Jewish leaders
U.S. Jewish leader: BDS is ’21st century form of 20th century anti-Semitism’
Israeli PM brands boycotters ‘anti-Semites,’ bent on ‘destruction of Jewish state’

Pour un ministre israélien, Abbas est l'antisémite "n°1"
Steinitz: Abbas 'most anti-Semitic' leader in world

Allemagne: un journal publie une caricature à caractère antisémite du fondateur de Facebook
Il n'y a pourtant aucune référence au judaïsme dans cette caricature, il faut vraiment le savoir que Zuckerberg est juif! Comme s'il n'y avait que les juifs qui ont un gros pif!
German newspaper is accused of anti-Semitic propaganda over cartoon depicting Mark Zuckerberg as big-nosed octopus
German cartoon of Facebook CEO Zuckerberg sparks anti-Semitism row
Le Centre Wiesenthal invente le crime d’antisémitisme "inconscient" À propos de la caricature de Zuckerberg
'I regret Zuckerberg cartoon' Cartoonist apologizes for caricature depicting Facebook founder as hooked-nose octopus.
Ne jamais entrer dans ce petit jeu obscène des excuses publiques...".
German cartoon of Facebook CEO Zuckerberg sparks anti-Semitism row
Europe-Israel: Oui Monsieur l'Ambassadeur, l'antisémitisme est partout
Top Jewish Agency official: Stifling criticism of Israel could backfire
French vigilance on anti-Israel speech provoking backlash
A 2003 law has made it possible to prosecute anti-Israel activists for hate speech, but some say the measure is too restrictive of political expression.
"Backlash", c'est le mot clé de toute l'histoire juive! Ils appellent ça : "pogrom", "holocauste
Op-Ed: Beating back the assault on Israel’s legitimacy
The Jewish community is mobilizing a coordinated response to the BDS threat, write Jerry Silverman of the Jewish Federations of North America and Steve Gutow of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs.
The use of name-calling like “anti-Semites” and “delegtimizers” is problematic for a number of reasons, not only because its claims are untrue, but also because it takes the focus off the real issue at hand – whether and how Israel is, in fact, violating international law and basic human rights principles – and, instead, recklessly impugns the characters of those advocating for Israel to be held accountable.
“Being Liberal will Destroy Israel”—Israeli Interior Minister
Censorship at Brandeis? Why does anti-Islam activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali claim that Brandeis ‘silenced’ her when it didn’t? And why do so many of her defenders come from the American Jewish right?
Racist Zionist State’s Immigration Policies Revealed in Detail
Scarlett Johansson, Israël, et les antisémites d'Oxfam, de BDS et de l'AFPS
Israel's anti-Semitism Op-ed: There are more hate incidents against Arabs in Israel than against Jews in France.
Teaching Kids To Hate When photos of weapon-wielding kids flooded out of the West Bank, most Jewish media outlets ignored them for one reason: they showed Israeli, not Palestinian, glorification of violence. Getty Images When photos of weapon-wielding kids flooded out of the West Bank, most Jewish media outlets ignored them for one reason: they showed Israeli, not Palestinian, glorification of violence.
Make Israel truly Jewish, right-wing MK urges
Poll: 68% of Israeli Jews Support End to Peace Talks Le problème est entièrement de leur côté et sera entièrement résolu quand ils seront plus dans le décor.
VIDEO - Black People Talk About Jews
Anti-Zionists of various backgrounds come together in France — It could happen in America too!
The pulpit isn’t the place for Israel criticismThe job of rabbis is to nurture love of Israel, not to publicly criticize it, writes Rabbi Richard A. Block, president of the Central Conference of American Rabbis.
Les rabbins un peu trop critiques devront rentrer dans les rangs... Mais pas les extrémistes, eux leur droit de parole est protégé, puisqu'ils se basent sur la "Torah" et qu'on peut pas mettre la "Torah" en prison...
European rabbis vow to block 'anti-Semitic legislation'
European Jewish Congress: Amid rising anti-Semitism, Jewish life in Europe unsustainable
Toujours la faute à la vieille Europe, la méchante Europe qui a donné au monde l'antisémitisme, le communisme, le fascisme et le nazisme... (C'est le discours des néocons.)
Israeli president’s plane refused entry to Swedish airspace en route to Norway
Trying to be apolitical, Israeli architects wall themselves into boycott
Liberal Jews angry with N.Y. mayor over secret AIPAC talk
How Martin Indyk Went From AIPAC Man To Blaming Israel for Talk's Failure
Israel’s old “worn-out whore” met with anger and protests in Norway
GOLIATH UNLEASHED IN BROOKLYN Max Blumenthal spoke in Brooklyn last Thursday, at the Friends Meeting House. Photos below by Bud Korotzer.
Jewish squatter colony of Beitar Illit attacks Palestinian Wadi Fuqeen with sewage despite court order
Palestinians to U.S., EU: Add Israeli hate crimes to terror lists
Israël: les actes antichrétiens "empoisonnent l'atmosphère" avant la venue du pape (Patriarche catholique)
Budget-strapped Israeli military banks on future US aid Future funding for IDF purchases of American weaponry to be discussed next week during Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel’s visit to Israel.
Israel’s Bitter Splits Boil Over into the Open
Mofaz: Israel Can’t Handle Iran Alone
Conflit israélo-palestinien et antisémitisme : Enderlin accuse ses confrères d’autocensure
Quand les sionistes s'attaquent au conspirationnisme, ils aiment rappeller que la seule chose qu'ils ne contrôlent toujours pas complètement, c'est les réserves de pétrole! Et ce qui les enrage le plus c'est de savoir que ce sont les Arabes qui possèdent tout le pétrole! Ça les écoeure au plus haut point de devoir pactiser avec des pétromonarchies! Et cela "démontre" selon eux qu'ils ne dominent pas le monde (du moins pas encore!).
Juif.org: Vous avez dit conspiration ? Vous avez dit lobby ? Vous avez dit finance mondiale? Les conspirationnistes dénoncent la finance mondiale dont le pouvoir occulte serait immense. Les conspirationnistes parlent du « lobby », du complot mondial. Les conspirationnistes savent que l'argent du pétrole coule à flot.
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