Tuesday, April 29, 2008
IsreAl Gore
Monday, April 28, 2008
'Les dirigeants occidentaux sont des criminels de guerre'
Information Clearing House
26/04/08 "RINF" -- -- The former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad, has echoed calls for Western leaders to be charged with war crimes over the illegal invasion of Iraq.
Speaking at Imperial College in London Mahathir, who was in office from 1981 to 2003, singled out US President George Bush, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Australia’s former prime minister John Howard as he wants to see them tried “in absence for war crimes committed in Iraq”.
The event was organised by the Ramadhan Foundation which is a leading British Muslim youth organisation working for peaceful co-existence and dialogue between communities.
Mohammed Shafiq, spokesman for the group said: “It was an opportunity for students to put a range of questions about war crimes and the international situation. He said that people have to stop killing each other and use arbitration, negotiation and discussion as an alternative to violence, war and killing.”
Speaking about the Iraq war, Mahathir focused on “the thousands dying, the economic war, the power of oil and how we could utilise some of these tools to have a leverage against the people who commit countries to war”, Shafiq said.
The event was incredibly well attended with over 450 people and 200 more had to be turned away.
Among the mountain of war crimes Western leaders are guilty of include:-
The illegal use of napalm and other chemical weapons
Intentionally torturing and abusing detainees
Blocking aid convoys
Killing unarmed civilians, including shooting into family homes
Western leaders are also guilty of many other violations of the Geneva Convention, the Charter of the United Nations, the Nuremberg Charter, International Law and the Constitution of the United States, including crimes against peace and crimes against humanity.
International law professors have called the attack against Iraq “a fundamental breach of international law (that) would seriously threaten the integrity of the international legal order that has been in place since the end of the Second World War.”
Mahathir Mohamad’s statement appears to be valid as the International Criminal Court defines the following as international crimes:
(a) Crimes against Peace:
Namely, planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression, or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances, or participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the foregoing:
(b) War Crimes:
Namely, violations of the laws or customs of war. Such violations include, but not be limited to, murder, ill-treatment or deportation to slave labor or for any other purpose of civilian population of or in occupied territory, murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of war or persons on the seas, killing of hostages, plunder of public or private property, wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity:
(c) Crimes against Humanity:
Namely, murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, and other inhumane acts committed against any civilian population, before or during the war, or persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds in execution of or in connection with any crime within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal, whether or not in violation of the domestic law of the country where perpetrated.
La véritable raison de la guerre d'Irak
Le Régime de Bush a embourbé l'Amérique dans une sixième année de guerre en Afghanistan et en Irak, avec aucune fin en vue. Le coût de ces guerres d'agression est effroyable. Les pertes officielles étasuniennes dans les combats se situent à 4.538 morts. Officiellement, 29.780 soldats américains ont été blessés en Irak. Des experts ont soutenu que ces chiffres sont sous-évalués. Néanmoins, ces chiffres ne sont que la partie émergée de l'iceberg.
Par Paul Craig Roberts
24 avril 2008
Le 17 avril 2008, AP News a rapporté qu'une nouvelle étude publiée par la RAND Corporation arrive à la conclusion que "quelques 300.000 soldats américains souffrent d'une dépression majeure ou de stress post-traumatique après leur service dans les guerres en Irak et en Afghanistan, et que 320.000 ont été victimes de dommages au cerveau".
Le 21 avril 2008, OpEdNews a rapporté qu'un courriel interne du Général Michael J. Kussman, ministre délégué à la santé au Ministère des Anciens Combattants (MAC), adressé à Ira Katz, le chef de la santé mentale au MAC, confirme un reportage du McClatchy Newspaper, selon lequel 126 anciens combattants se suicident chaque semaine. Dans la mesure où ces suicides sont imputables à la guerre, plus de 500 morts devraient être ajoutés chaque mois aux pertes dans les combats.
Si l'on se tourne vers les pertes irakiennes, les études d'experts soutiennent un chiffre allant jusqu'à 1,2 millions d'Irakiens morts, presque tous des civils. Deux millions d'Irakiens ont fui leur pays et deux autres millions ont été déplacés à l'intérieur de l'Irak. Les pertes afghanes sont inconnues.
L'Afghanistan et l'Irak ont tous deux subi des pertes civiles et des dommages aux maisons, aux infrastructures et à l'environnement excessifs. L'Irak est affecté par l'uranium appauvri et des égouts éventrés.
Ensuite, il y a le coût économique pour les Etats-Unis. Le prix Nobel d'économie Joseph Stiglitz estime que le coût total de cette invasion et de la tentative d'occupation de l'Irak se situe entre 3 et 5 trillions de dollars. Le prix du pétrole et de l'essence en dollars a triplé, et le dollar a perdu de la valeur contre les autres devises, chutant même spectaculairement contre le faible baht thaïlandais. Avant que Bush ne lance ses guerres d'agression, un dollar valait 45 bahts. Aujourd'hui, le dollar ne vaut plus que 30 bahts.
Les Etats-Unis ne peuvent pas se permettre de tels coûts. Avant sa démission le mois dernier, le président de cour des comptes des Etats-Unis, David Walker, a rapporté que les dettes non couvertes du gouvernement des Etats-Unis s'élevaient à un total de 53 trillions de dollars [environ 34.000 milliards d'euros !]. Le gouvernement étasunien est incapable de couvrir ces dettes. Le Régime de Bush doit même emprunter de l'argent à l'étranger pour payer ses guerres en Irak et en Afghanistan. Il n'y a aucun moyen plus sûr de mettre le pays en faillite et de détrôner le dollar comme devise de réserve mondiale.
Les coûts moraux sont peut-être les plus élevés. Tous ces morts, tous ces blessés et tous ces coûts économiques pour les Etats-Unis et leurs victimes sont entièrement dus aux mensonges du Président et du Vice-Président des Etats-Unis, du Secrétaire à la Défense, de la Conseillère à la Sûreté Nationale et, bien sûr, des médias, y compris le New York Times soi-disant tolérant. Tous ces mensonges ont été répandus pour le compte d'un programme caché. "Notre" gouvernement ne nous a toujours pas dit, à "nous, le peuple", les véritables raisons pour lesquelles "notre" gouvernement a envahi l'Afghanistan et l'Irak.
A la place, les Américains ont accepté comme les moutons qu'ils sont une succession de mensonges éhontés : les armes de destruction massive, les liens avec al-Qaïda et la complicité dans l'attaque du 11/9, le renversement d'un dictateur et "apporter la démocratie" aux Irakiens.
Le grand peuple moral américain préfère croire les mensonges du gouvernement que reconnaître les crimes du gouvernement et le tenir pour responsable.
Pour un peuple moral, il y a de nombreuses façons efficaces de protester. Considérez les investisseurs, par exemple. Il est clair que Halliburton et les fournisseurs de l'armée raflent la mise. Les investisseurs achètent massivement leurs actions afin de prendre leur part dans ces profits qui explosent. Mais que ferait un peuple moral ? Ne boycotterait-il pas les actions de ces sociétés qui profitent des crimes de guerre du Régime de Bush ?
Si les Etats-Unis ont envahi l'Irak pour l'une quelconque des raisons que le Régime de Bush a données, alors pourquoi les Etats-Unis auraient-ils dépensé 750 millions de dollars pour une "ambassade" fortifiée, avec des systèmes antimissiles et ses propres systèmes de production d'électricité et d'approvisionnement en eau, sur une surface de 52 hectares ? Personne n'a jamais vu ou entendu parler d'une telle ambassade auparavant. Il est clair que cette "ambassade" a été construite en tant que quartier général d'un dirigeant colonial occupant.
Le fait est que Bush a envahi l'Irak avec l'intention de transformer ce pays en colonie américaine. Le soi-disant gouvernement de Maliki n'existe pas à l'extérieur de la Zone Verte protégée, le quartier général de l'occupation américaine.
Si la domination coloniale n'était pas l'intention, les Etats-Unis ne feraient pas tout leur possible pour forcer les 60.000 hommes de la milice de Sadr à combattre. Sadr est un Chiite qui est un véritable dirigeant irakien, peut-être le seul Irakien qui pourrait mettre fin au conflit sectaire et restaurer un peu d'unité à l'Irak. En tant que tel, il est considéré par le Régime de Bush comme un danger pour la marionnette américaine qu'est Maliki. A moins que les Etats-Unis puissent acheter ou truquer l'élection irakienne à venir, Sadr émergera probablement comme le personnage dominant. Ceci serait un développement hautement défavorable pour les espoirs du Régime de Bush d'établir sa direction coloniale derrière la façade de la fausse démocratie de Maliki. Plutôt que de travailler avec Sadr afin de s'extraire de ce bourbier, les Américains feront tout leur possible pour assassiner celui-ci.
Pourquoi le Régime de Bush veut-il diriger l'Irak ? Certains spéculent sur le fait que c'est une question de "pic du pétrole". Les ressources pétrolières sont censées décliner alors même que la demande de pétrole se multiplie de la part des pays en développement comme la Chine. Selon cet argument, les Etats-Unis ont décidé de mettre la main sur l'Irak pour garantir leurs propres approvisionnements en pétrole.
Cette explication pose problème. La majeure partie du pétrole américain provient du Canada, du Mexique et du Venezuela. Le meilleur moyen pour les Etats-Unis d'assurer leurs approvisionnements en pétrole serait de protéger le rôle du dollar en tant que devise de réserve mondiale. De plus, 3 à 5 trillions de dollars auraient permis d'acheter une quantité phénoménale de pétrole. Avant les invasions étasuniennes, la facture américaine d'importation de pétrole était en dessous de 100 Mds de dollars par an. Même en 2006, les importations totales depuis les pays de l'OPEP étaient de 145 Mds de dollars et le déficit de commercial avec l'OPEP s'élevait à 106 Mds de dollars. Trois trillions de dollars auraient payé les importations américaines de pétrole pendant 30 ans ; cinq trillions de dollars, pendant un demi-siècle, si le Régime de Bush avait préservé la valeur du dollar.
L'explication la plus probable de l'invasion étasunienne de l'Irak est l'engagement du Régime néoconservateur de Bush à la défense de l'expansion territoriale israélienne. Il n'existe pas un seul néoconservateur qui ne soit allié à Israël. Israël espère voler toute la Cisjordanie et le sud du Liban pour son expansion territoriale. Un régime colonial américain en Irak ne protège pas seulement Israël contre des attaques, mais exerce aussi pression contre la Syrie et l'Iran pour qu'ils ne soutiennent pas les Palestiniens et les Libanais. La guerre d'Irak est une guerre pour l'expansion territoriale d'Israël. La "guerre contre la terreur" de Bush est un bobard qui sert à couvrir l'intervention des Etats-Unis au Moyen-Orient pour le compte du "grand Israël".
Traduction : JFG-QuestionsCritiques
Hypocrisy: Wolfowitz and Feith, Attack Bush and Rumsfeld, 30 Apr 2008
The Israeli Model Surges Toward Iraq: The New Walls of Baghdad, By STEVE NIVA, April 28, 2008
CNN: Israeli Snipers Killing U.S. Troops in Iraq
November 10, 2006
video: McCain says all intel pointed to Iraq having WMDs
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Espion américain pour Israel arrêté après 23 ans
Un Américain accusé d'espionnage au profit d'Israël arrêté
Un Américain accusé d'avoir livré il y a plus de vingt ans des informations confidentielles à Israël, y compris sur des armes nucléaires, a été arrêté, ont annoncé mardi un procureur fédéral et le FBI.
Ben-Ami Kadish, aujourd'hui âgé de 84 ans, avait travaillé de 1963 à 1990 en tant qu'ingénieur mécanicien au Centre de recherche sur l'armement de l'armée, à l'Arsenal Picatinny, à Dover (New Jersey, est), a précisé un communiqué conjoint du parquet et du FBI. L'homme est notamment accusé d'avoir transmis entre 1979 et 1985 des documents relatifs à la défense nationale des Etats-Unis au gouvernement d'Israël, d'avoir agi en tant qu'agent d'Israël et d'avoir fait de fausses déclarations aux enquêteurs, détaille le document.
Ben-Ami Kadish avait fourni à Israël des informations sur des armes nucléaires, mais aussi des détails confidentiels sur des chasseurs bombardiers F-15 que les Etats-Unis avaient vendus à des pays tiers. Selon la justice, l'agent avait remis de 50 à 100 documents entre 1979 et 1985, notamment "des informations très confidentielles sur des armes nucléaires", souligne le communiqué. Les documents parvenaient en Israël par l'intermédiaire d'un diplomate du consulat israélien à New York.
L'ingénieur déposait les dossiers secrets dans sa maison du New Jersey (nord-est), où le fonctionnaire israélien, qui travaillait comme attaché scientifique au consulat d'Israël, et dont l'identité n'est pas révélée, les photographiait pour les transmettre à l'Etat hébreu. Parmi les documents figurent également des instructions sur le fonctionnement du système de défense aérienne par les missiles Patriot, classées "top secret" par l'armée américaine. Le FBI a indiqué que Kadish avait fini par avouer avoir remis des documents confidentiels à Israël.[...]
Surveillez bien le spin: les grands titres parlent d'"allégations d'espionnage"... Mais d'autres sont plus francs et directs.
Quand des sionistes se font prendre pour espionnage (trahison = très grave en principe), les médias contrôlés disent "Tel groupe accusent un tel d'espionnage". Ils vont pas dire qu'il était effectivement un espion. Ils vont parler d'"allégations d'espionnage, allégations démenties par Israel". Comme si Israel était une source fiable!!
Man, 84, Is Charged With Spying for Israel in 1980s
By Carrie Johnson
April 23, 2008
HAARETZ: US arrests American over suspected nuclear espionage for Israel
HAARETZ: U.S. engineer arrested for spying for Israel
Charges against Ben-Ami Kadish date back to the 1980s.
HAARETZ:The espionage connection / Anything is possible, By Amir Oren 23/04/2008
JPOST: US Army engineer arrested on suspicion of spying for Israel
JTA: N.J. man accused of spying for Israel
The U.S. Justice Department disclosed Tuesday that Ben-Ami Kadish, a mechanical engineer at a U.S. Army facility in Dover, N.J., was arrested on charges of relaying secrets to Israel from 1979 to 1985, including nuclear secrets. Kadish speaks Hebrew and has an Israeli brother, according to the Justice Department.
ARREST: Justice Department announced arrest of alleged spy
YNETNEWS: 'Spy arrest shows Israel lied'
Pollard prosecutor Joseph E. DiGenova slams Israel, says Kadish arrest shows 'this was much larger espionage operation with sleeper cells in the United States than we understood or could have known at the time'
REUTERS video: Israel spy in U.S. Court.
Notez le spin: "le FBI prétend que..."
The Spy From New Jersey.
FBI Claims a Confession in Israel Spy Case
What's behind Kadish arrest?
For now, only speculation
It's the question being asked about the arrest of a New Jersey man who allegedly spied for Israel is: Why now? Answers range from the Arab-Israeli peace process to U.S.-North Korea ties to the trial of two former AIPAC staffers behind this arrest.
CHARGES: Kadish disclosed U.S. defense information to Israel
PROFILE: A pillar of his local Jewish community
Arrest of N.J. Retiree Rekindles Suspicions of Israeli Spy Ring
Prosecutor in Pollard Case: ‘The Israelis Lied to Us’
Nathan Guttman | Wed. Apr 23, 2008
Israel Spy Nest: Bigger Than We Thought
Il est temps qu'on commence à se poser des questions...
Spy case poses questions on size of Israeli ring
The case of an 84-year-old New Jersey man charged with passing secrets to an Israeli agent a quarter-century ago has created speculation that more Americans may have been serving Israeli intelligence than previously thought.
Israel Has Long Spied on US, Say Officials, by Bob Drogin and Greg Miller
Israel Might Have Many More Spies Here, Officials Say, By Jeff Stein, CQ National Security Editor
Quand Petit Brother (Israel) Espionne Big Brother : L'Arrestation de B.A Kadish Révéle l'Existence d'une Cinquième Colonne Sioniste aux US. Le point sur les affaires d'espionnage sioniste aux USA.
Pas d'espions depuis 1985? Va-t-on les laisser nous mentir en pleine face encore longtemps?
"No spying on US since 1985" - Israel
By Mike Rivero
They hardly need spies, what with all the duel citizens on the White House staff.
But this is just another Israeli lie, repeated without question by the mainstream media:
1992 The Wall Street Journal reports that Israeli agents apparently tried to steal Recon Optical Inc’s top-secret airborne spy-camera system.
1992 Stephen Bryen, caught offering confidential documents to Israel in 1978, is serving on board of the pro-Israeli Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs while continuing as a paid consultant — with security clearance — on exports of sensitive US technology.
1992 “The Samson Option,” by Seymour M. Hersh reports, “Illicitly obtained intelligence was flying so voluminously from LAKAM into Israeli intelligence that a special code name, JUMBO, was added to the security markings already on the documents. There were strict orders, Ari Ben-Menashe recalled: “Anything marked JUMBO was not supposed to be discussed with your American counterparts.”
1993 The ADL is caught operating a massive spying operation on critics of Israel, Arab-Americans, the San Francisco Labor Council, ILWU Local 10, Oakland Educational Association, NAACP, Irish Northern Aid, International Indian Treaty Council, the Asian Law Caucus and the San Francisco police. Data collected was sent to Israel and in some cases to South Africa. Pressure from Jewish organizations forces the city to drop the criminal case, but the ADL settles a civil lawsuit for an undisclosed sum of cash.
1995 The Defense Investigative Service circulates a memo warning US military contractors that “Israel aggressively collects [US] military and industrial technology.” The report stated that Israel obtains information using “ethnic targeting, financial aggrandizement, and identification and exploitation of individual frailties” of US citizens.
1996 A General Accounting Office report "Defense Industrial Security: Weaknesses in US Security Arrangements With Foreign-Owned Defense Contractors" found that according to intelligence sources "Country A" (identified by intelligence sources as Israel, Washington Times, 2/22/96) "conducts the most aggressive espionage operation against the United States of any US ally." The Jerusalem Post (8/30/96) quoted the report, "Classified military information and sensitive military technologies are high-priority targets for the intelligence agencies of this country." The report described "An espionage operation run by the intelligence organization responsible for collecting scientific and technologic information for [Israel] paid a US government employee to obtain US classified military intelligence documents." The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (Shawn L. Twing, April 1996) noted that this was "a reference to the 1985 arrest of Jonathan Pollard, a civilian US naval intelligence analyst who provided Israel's LAKAM [Office of Special Tasks] espionage agency an estimated 800,000 pages of classified US intelligence information."
The GAO report also noted that "Several citizens of [Israel] were caught in the United States stealing sensitive technology used in manufacturing artillery gun tubes."
1996 An Office of Naval Intelligence document, "Worldwide Challenges to Naval Strike Warfare" reported that "US technology has been acquired [by China] through Israel in the form of the Lavi fighter and possibly SAM [surface-to-air] missile technology." Jane's Defense Weekly (2/28/96) noted that "until now, the intelligence community has not openly confirmed the transfer of US technology [via Israel] to China." The report noted that this "represents a dramatic step forward for Chinese military aviation." (Flight International, 3/13/96)
1997 An Army mechanical engineer, David A. Tenenbaum, "inadvertently" gives classified military information on missile systems and armored vehicles to Israeli officials (New York Times, 2/20/97).
1997 The Washington Post reports US intelligence has intercepted a conversation in which two Israeli officials had discussed the possibility of getting a confidential letter that then-Secretary of State Warren Christopher had written to Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat. One of the Israelis, identified only as "Dov", had commented that they may get the letter from "Mega", the code name for Israel's top agent inside the United States.
1997 US ambassador to Israel, Martin Indyk, complains privately to the Israeli government about heavy-handed surveillance by Israeli intelligence agents.
1997 Israeli agents place a tap on Monica Lewinsky's phone at the Watergate and record phone sex sessions between her and President Bill Clinton. The Ken Starr report confirms that Clinton warned Lewinsky their conversations were being taped and ended the affair. At the same time, the FBI's hunt for "Mega" is called off.
2001 It is discovered that US drug agents' communications have been penetrated. Suspicion falls on two companies, AMDOCS and Comverse Infosys, both owned by Israelis. AMDOCS generates billing data for most US phone companies and is able to provide detailed logs of who is talking to whom. Comverse Infosys builds the tapping equipment used by law enforcement to eavesdrop on all American telephone calls, but suspicion forms that Comverse, which gets half of its research and development budget from the Israeli government, has built a back door into the system that is being exploited by Israeli intelligence and that the information gleaned on US drug interdiction efforts is finding its way to drug smugglers. The investigation by the FBI leads to the exposure of the largest foreign spy ring ever uncovered inside the United States, operated by Israel. Half of the suspected spies have been arrested when 9-11 happens. On 9-11, 5 Israelis are arrested for dancing and cheering while the World Trade Towers collapse. Supposedly employed by Urban Moving Systems, the Israelis are caught with multiple passports and a lot of cash. Two of them are later revealed to be Mossad. As witness reports track the activity of the Israelis, it emerges that they were seen at Liberty Park at the time of the first impact, suggesting a foreknowledge of what was to come. The Israelis are interrogated, and then eventually sent back to Israel. The owner of the moving company used as a cover by the Mossad agents abandons his business and flees to Israel. The United States Government then classifies all of the evidence related to the Israeli agents and their connections to 9-11. All of this is reported to the public via a four part story on Fox News by Carl Cameron. Pressure from Jewish groups, primarily AIPAC, forces Fox News to remove the story from their website. Two hours prior to the 9-11 attacks, Odigo, an Israeli company with offices just a few blocks from the World Trade Towers, receives an advance warning via the internet. The manager of the New York Office provides the FBI with the IP address of the sender of the message, but the FBI does not follow up.
2001 The FBI is investigating 5 Israeli moving companies as possible fronts for Israeli intelligence.
2001 JDL's Irv Rubin arrested for planning to bomb a US Congressman. He dies before he can be brought to trial.
2002 The DEA issues a report that Israeli spies, posing as art students, have been trying to penetrate US Government offices.
2002 police near the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station in southern Washington State stop a suspicious truck and detain two Israelis, one of whom is illegally in the United States. The two men were driving at high speed in a Ryder rental truck, which they claimed had been used to "deliver furniture." The next day, police discovered traces of TNT and RDX military-grade plastic explosives inside the passenger cabin and on the steering wheel of the vehicle. The FBI then announces that the tests that showed explosives were "false positived" by cigarette smoke, a claim test experts say is ridiculous. Based on an alibi provided by a woman, the case is closed and the Israelis are handed over to INS to be sent back to Israel. One week later, the woman who provided the alibi vanishes.
2003 The Police Chief of Cloudcroft stops a truck speeding through a school zone. The drivers turn out to be Israelis with expired passports. Claiming to be movers, the truck contains junk furniture and several boxes. The Israelis are handed over to immigration. The contents of the boxers are not revealed to the public.
2003 Israel deploys assassination squads into other countries, including the United States. The US Government does not protest.
2004 Police near the Nuclear Fuel Services plant in Tennessee stop a truck after a three mile chase, during which the driver throws a bottle containing a strange liquid from the cab. The drivers turn out to be Israelis using fake Ids. The FBI refuses to investigate and the Israelis are released.
2004 Two Israelis try to enter Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base, home to eight Trident submarines. The truck tests positive for explosives.
2004 The AIPAC spy scandal. For the first time, the conduit from Israel through AIPAC into the Pentagon Office of Special Projects, from which most of the lies that led to the war in Iraq emerged, is revealed to the general public. Although the investigation into AIPAC spyring was known inside the government going back to 2002, US Congressmen and Presidential candidates continue to accept money from AIPAC in exchange for supporting Israel. -M.R.
‘Ally’ Caught Spying on U.S. Yet Again
Jewish-American engineer latest in long line of Israeli agents nabbed stealing military secrets
By the Staff of American Free Press
The arrest of a New Jersey engineer on charges of conspiracy to pass U.S. military secrets to Israel shows a consistent, continued pattern of spying on its major benefactor, the United States, according to espionage experts.
“The Israelis have always been active intelligence collectors in the U.S. It’s just a matter of time in terms of when we have sufficient evidence to bring one of the cases,” said John Martin, retired senior U.S. Department of Justice executive who oversaw the investigation and prosecution of espionage cases in the U.S. for more than 30 years, including that of convicted spy Jonathan Pollard. Pollard is currently serving his 23rd year of a life sentence in federal prison in North Carolina for passing highly classified information to Israel.
“[The Israelis] got caught again, and they’ll get caught again after this,” said Martin, referring to the recent indictment by the U.S. government of Ben-Ami Kadish, a former U.S. military engineer who allegedly helped give restricted nuclear weapons data, classified jet fighter weapons system data and key information on the Patriot missile system to Israel between 1979 and 1985.
Martin said Pollard and Kadish likely did not know each other. “As a matter of trade-craft, the Israeli intelligence service would not want one operative to know the other unless it was absolutely necessary, and it does not appear to have been necessary.
Pollard was in the Navy stealing highly classified communication information while Kadish was getting information on the latest developments in aircraft technology,” said Martin.
Pollard’s wife Esther, who married Pollard after he was sent to prison, told ABC News that her husband was in no way connected to Kadish. “Any attempt to connect these allegations to my husband adds insult to injury. He has served more than five times the usual time for espionage,” she said. Pollard’s first wife, Anne, served three and a half years of a five-year sentence on a charge related to Pollard’s.
Kadish was charged with conspiracy to violate the Espionage Act, which is a capital offense. The U.S. does not usually seek the death penalty for such a charge, according to Martin. Kadish’s lawyer, Bruce Goldstein, said Kadish has entered a plea of not guilty. He would not comment further.
Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman, Arye Mekel, said he knew nothing about the case against Kadish. “We heard about it from the media,” he said, but would not comment further.
(Issue # 19, May 12, 2008)
Arrest of Israeli Spy Meant to Prevent Release of Pollard
by Mark Glenn
May 9, 2008
In late April, Ben Ami Kadish, an engineer working at the U.S. Army Armament Research Development and Engineering Center at the Picatinny Arsenal in Dover, New Jersey was arrested by the FBI on charges he spied for Israel. According to the charges brought against him by the US Justice Department, Kadish (an American citizen who also fought in the Jewish Haganah in the early days of Israel’s beginnings) passed along top secret information to the Jewish state at approximately the same time Jonathan Pollard acted as a spy back in the 1980’s. In addition, Kadish’s handler is said to be Yosef Yagur, the same scientific attaché at the Israeli consulate in New York who handled Pollard.
As with all things dealing the truly ugly side of Israel’s organically-criminal nature, the story was reluctantly covered by the mainstream media in America that made more of the fact that the spying happened a long time ago and ‘isn’t it awful how mean old Uncle Sam is being so rough’ on such a kind, soft-spoken 84 year-old man who donated time and money to worthy Jewish causes. Op-Ed pieces appearing in Jewish-controlled opinion-making outlets accused the USDOJ of the usual business of anti-Semitism and of being pro-Arab while saying nothing of the fact that Kadish passed along nuclear weapons-related secrets to the same Jewish state that years ago sold America’s most sensitive national security information to her then mortal enemy, the Soviet Union.
As it appears however, there is more to the arrest of Kadish than meets the eye. The fact that the USDOJ has chosen to arrest Kadish now, some 20 years after the fact suggests it is a ‘shot across the bow’, meaning a deliberate attempt by rogue elements working in the USDOJ to prevent the release of another spy who stands to do even more damage to US national security than he already did, Jonathan Pollard.
In stories that made little (if any) news in the US, the theme of Pollard’s imminent release from the Butner, North Carolina prison cell where he justly rots away played an unmistakably prominent part of George Bush’s first presidential trip to Israel back in January. With great media fanfare, a section in downtown Jerusalem was renamed ‘Freedom for Jonathon Pollard Square’ a mere few days before Bush’s arrival. Upon landing at Ben Gurion airport he was then deluged with calls to release the convicted spy for Israel who did more damage to US national security than the Rosenbergs could have dreamed of doing if they had a thousand lifetimes. He was later greeted by prominent rabbis and other supporters who called upon him to ‘do God’s will’ by releasing Pollard and who then threatened ‘unpleasant consequences’ if their demands weren’t met. Later in his visit Bush met with Rafael Eitan, the spymaster who oversaw the entire 18 month operation during which Pollard passed over 800,000 pages of SCI (sensitive compartmented information) to the Jewish state. Eitan, knick-named ‘stinking Raffi’ has not stepped foot in the US since that time for fear of being arrested by the FBI, and yet, after the meeting where Bush personally shook his hand as if a deal had been made between the two, Eitan was quoted by the Israeli press saying ‘Pollard will be home soon’.
And all of these items–coupled with the fact George Bush is scheduled to return to Israel in May to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Israel’s return from the grave–indicates that indeed a deal was made for the American president to bring Pollard along with him as a nice fat birthday present to the same Jewish state that pulls Bush’s strings and has been seeking the release of the convicted spy for over a decade.
Those who understand how thoroughly-saturated the US government is by Zionist agents of influence will no doubt be scratching their heads over this one, asking out loud why Uncle Sam would do such a thing if (as is the case) America is truly a puppet to Jewish interests. Such persons will point to the fact that the war in Iraq and Afghanistan were (and are) being fought for Israel as well as the fact that in the days and weeks following 911 hundreds of spies working for Mossad were quietly sent back to Israel with little to any media overage.
The answer is simple. In the first case, every prostitute–regardless of the degrading way she earns her daily bread–has limits on what she is willing to endure. But even more important is the fact there are rogue elements working in the areas such as the USDOJ, military, and various intelligence agencies who recognize America is in more danger now than ever before in her history and who are working actively to circumvent Bush and Co from completing America’s present apocalyptic dance with the grim reaper. Proof these rogue elements exist was demonstrated loudly and boldly back in December of 2007 with the release of the National Intelligence Estimate that stated unequivocally Iran was not (and had not been for several years) trying to develop nuclear weapons. With the release of this document, what these rogue elements sought to do (and achieved) was to take yank the car keys away from a drunkard about to go on a killing spree for Israel’s benefit. The reader will recall the remarks of Admiral William Fallon, commander of CENTCOM (before being ‘retired’ and replaced with the slavish, servile and politically-ambitious Gen. David Petraeus) that ‘we’re trying to put the crazies back in the box’, the ‘crazies’ in this case being a recovering alcoholic-turned apocalyptic born-again Christian who thinks God tells him to go to war against Israel’s enemies, both in the Middle East and beyond. The fact that this report was released just a few days short of Dec 7–‘Pearl Harbor Day’–suggests it was done to preempt a planned US/Israeli false flag attack on a US ship stationed in the Persian Gulf that would naturally be blamed on Iran.
There are other practical reasons for the timing of this present spy scandal involving Ben Ami Kadish being released now as well. Ever since the days of the Reagan administration, counter-intelligence assets in the US have been searching for ‘Mega’ a code-named operative working for Israel at the highest levels of the US government acting as an uber-spy for all kinds of operations. From his (or her) high position, sayanim (Zionist spies) operating throughout the US defense and intelligence agencies have been directed to perform all sorts of tasks including the theft of industrial and national security secrets. The fact that Kadish was tasked with pilfering specifically-named documents means that someone high up in US national security circles knew of their existence. One such person suspected of being ‘Mega’ is former #3 man at the state department Marc Grossman who, as indicated by the testimony of former FBI translator Sibel Edmunds, arranged for high-level security clearances for Israeli spies working in sensitive areas of the US national security establishment. In short, the Kadish affair may be a way of preparing the American people for a soon-to-be unfolding scandal of–for lack of a better word, biblical proportions. As well, the release of Pollard from prison, in addition to giving the green light to otherwise-reluctant Zionist assets deeply-embedded in the US national security establishment–would initiate ‘Pt II’ of the nightmare that began some 20 years ago, since he is referred to as a ‘walking library’ of sensitive information, the release of which can still do substantial harm to the US.
While there is reason for hope there is also reason for caution in this latest development involving the spy Kadish. If Israel does not get her boy (Pollard) back this time around rest assured she will not give up. Neocons associated with a future President John McCain will no doubt achieve with him what they were not able to get with George Bush.
Besides, it’s not as if Bush is going to the birthday bash completely empty-handed, as California governor Arnold Shwarzenegger has just authorized the release of 30 Israeli felons (convicted of murder, drug running, money laundering, fraud and whatnot) from the prisons in his state so that they can make aliyah back to Israel.
2008 by Mark Glenn, Correspondent, American Free Press Newspaper
In Espionage Trial of Ex-Aipac Employees, Appeals Court Sets High Bar for Prosecution
A new trial date has been set in the classified information case against two former AIPAC staffers
FOX NEWS: ISRAEL SPY RING IN USA and 9/11 - Zionists were celebrating in NYC while documenting 9/11 - "9/11 was a Jew Job!" - Bollyn is a liar - "9/11 was a Silverstein-Wolfowitz Job!"
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Incroyable! "Al-Qaida" dément les théories du complot, défend Israël et attaque l'Iran et le Hezbollah!
Unbelieveable! "al-Qaeda" Dismisses Conspiracy Theories, Defends Israel, Attacks Iran and Hizbollah!
Joe Quinn
Tue, 22 Apr 2008
Ever since the 9/11 attacks, Sott.net, along with many others commentators (including US government officials), have repeatedly stated that "al-qaeda" is a fabricated enemy. That it is used to justify the Ziocon's military rampage though the Middle East while simultaneously terrorising the folks back home.
In the past 7 years the world public has repeatedly been treated to bogus missives from "al-Qaeda leaders" that strangely echo the Islamophobic claims of the leaders of the Western world.
Every time a member of the US or Israeli government expounded on the "Muslim terror threat to freedom and democracy everywhere", soon afterwards "al-Qaeda" obligingly popped up with a new video or statement in which they threatened freedom and democracy.
As the massive holes in the US government's official story of the 9/11 attacks continue to widen, and sites like Sott.net continue to point to the real culprits in Tel Aviv and Washington DC, disembodied internet voices that US government officials "believe to be that of Osama bin laden", set the record straight and claim responsibility. In spite of such strenuous efforts to fool the entire world, fewer and fewer people are buying the terror hysteria, and recently the desperation on the part of the Ziocons has begun to show.
On April 22, the CIA/Mossad chose to have Mr. Magoo stand-in and "al-Qaeda number 2" "al-Zawahiri", do something which, until now, was almost unthinkable.
Al-Qaeda accuses Iran of 9/11 lie
BBC News
Leave Israel alone! Or I'll attack Iran!
Al-Qaeda's deputy leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, has blamed Iran for spreading the theory that Israel was behind the 11 September 2001 attacks.
In an audio tape posted on the internet, Zawahiri insisted al-Qaeda had carried out the attacks on the US.
Allow me to translate this into common parlance for you:
"Don't believe those crazy conspiracy theorists who point to the massive inconsistencies in the official story! Take it from me, arch-Muslim terror boogeyman al-Zawahiri, it was "al-Qaeda" WE DID IT! It was NOT Israel! You must support your glorious leaders in the White House and Israel in their continued murder and butchery of innocent Muslims of the Middle East! You must support them in their attempts to find a justification for attacking Lebanon and Syria and Iran and murdering millions of Iranian and Lebanese and Syrian civilians! Remember! It was NOT Israel!!"
He accused Iran, and its Hezbollah allies, of trying to discredit Osama Bin Laden's network.
Correspondents say the comments underline al-Qaeda's increasing public hostility towards Iran.
In a two-hour audiotape posted on an Islamist website, Osama Bin Laden's chief deputy responded to questions posted by al-Qaeda sympathisers.
In response to a question about persistent rumours in the Middle East that Israel was involved in the 9/11 attacks, Zawahiri said the rumour had begun on the Hezbollah television station, Al-Manar.
"The purpose of this lie is clear - [to suggest] that there are no heroes among the Sunnis who can hurt America as no-one else did in history, he said.
"Iranian media snapped up this lie and repeated it."
Sunni fears
Zawahiri went on to criticise Iran for co-operating with the US in its 2001 invasion of Afghanistan, that helped to oust the Taleban.
"Iran's aim here is also clear - to cover up its involvement with America in invading the homes of Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq," he said.
This is the second verbal attack on Iran, a predominantly Shia Muslim country.
Earlier this month, in an audiotape marking the fifth anniversary of the fall of Iraq's leader Saddam Hussein, the al-Qaeda deputy accused Iran of planning to annexe southern Iraq and the eastern part of the Arabian peninsula.
BBC security correspondent Rob Watson says such messages appear designed to play on Sunni fears throughout the region of growing Iranian influence, and to present al-Qaeda as the best bulwark against Tehran.
Now, you may be wondering why a "worldwide Islamic terror group" is defending Israel against "9/11 conspiracy theories" and threatening another Muslim nation. You may also be thinking that al-Zawahiri's words closely resemble the Bush government's demand that we should "never entertain outlandish conspiracy theories about the 9/11 attacks". You will however remain in your state of bewilderment up until the point that you make the leap of logic to the obvious conclusion: that "al-Qaeda" is actually a fully controlled US/Israeli government asset and is dragged out every so often to provide the "reality" of "Islamic terrorism".
Is it so hard to consider the idea that, since the 9/11 attacks were the casus belli for an expansion of empire that was planned many years beforehand, that those who are waging the war were most probably behind the 9/11 attacks?
At this late stage in the war-on-terror farce, anything that comes from "al-Qaeda" can safely be taken, almost word for word, as the policy, intentions or desires of the Ziocons. From its original role as an excuse to attack Muslim nations of the Middle East, today "al-Qaeda" is being used as an actual arm of the US/Israeli/British military-industrial complex. With "al-Zawahiri's" recent verbal attacks on Iran, it is quite possible that the US, British and Israeli military and civilian intelligence agencies will begin to stage large-scale attacks within Iran (or on Iranian assets in the Middle East) and have "al-Zawahiri", in the form of some disembodied voice on the internet, claim responsibility.
From a manufactured war on Islamic terrorism to an equally manufactured war between Islamic peoples of the Middle East, and all of it hinged upon a truly outrageous fantasy called "al-Qaeda".
Comment: The psychopaths in power have trouble seeing just how ridiculous they can appear sometimes. That is their weakness.
Al Qaida ou Al Mossad?
Les menaces d'Adam Pearlman (Gadahn), gracieuseté de l'organe de propagande sioniste SITE Intelligence Group
Le nouveau leader d'al Qaida est-il Israélien?
Un Cohen dans les rangs d'al Qaida?
Les attentats revendiqués par al-Qaida... sur un site israélien de propagande
Incroyable! "al-Qaida" dément les théories du complot, défend Israël et attaque l'Iran et le Hezbollah!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
La surclasse internationale
PDF - SUPERCLASS: The Global Power Elite And The World They Are Making
Le nouveau livre de David Rothkopf (Kissinger Associates) traite de la nouvelle super-classe internationaliste-globaliste ("New World Order") et de ses opposants anti-globalistes et nationalistes, dont les principaux représentants sont l'Iran d'Ahmadinejad, le Vénézuela de Chavez et la Russie de Poutine.
YouTube: The Superclass
What Power Looks Like
They ride on Gulfstreams, set the global agenda, and manage the credit crunch in their spare time. They have more in common with each other than their countrymen. Meet the Superclass.
David Rothkopf, NEWSWEEK, Apr 5 2008
AMAZON: Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making (Hardcover), by David Rothkopf
Superclass-- David Rothkopf-- Review, March 23 2008
The rise of the superclass, March 18 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Guerres pour Israël
This War is for Us
by Ariel Natan Pasko
(la suite...)
Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel, By Haaretz Service and Reuters, 16/04/2008
Terrorisme: Ahmadinejad juge 'douteux' l'attentat du 11 septembre 2001 à New York, 16/04/2008
L'État d'Israel: du fleuve de l'Euphrate au fleuve du Nil
The Likud-Neocon Agenda: The Zionist Plan in the Middle East
Feith Chickens Out Of Congressional Hearing On Torture (2008)
Iraq Pre-War Intelligence - Lawrence Wilkerson interview
Feith denies fake WMDs propaganda
John Pilger confronts Douglas Feith on WMD being the reason for declaring War on Iraq (Truth and Lies in the War on Terror)
THE WAR PARTY (BBC documentary | May 2003)
CNN: Israeli Snipers Killing U.S. Troops in Iraq November 10, 2006
Un rapporteur spécial de l'ONU demande une enquête internationale sur le 11 septembre
11 avril 2008
Le professeur Richard Falk, rapporteur spécial du Conseil des droits de l’homme de l’ONU, a appelé à la création d’une commission d’enquête internationale sur le rôle des néo-conservateurs dans les attentats du 11 septembre 2001.
M. Falk, professeur émérite de droit international à l’université de Princeton, a été élu pour six ans, à l’unanimité, le 26 mars 2008, rapporteur spécial sur la situation dans les Territoires palestiniens, en remplacement du professeur John Dugard.
Richard Falk avait déjà préfacé l’édition nord-américaine du New Pearl Harbor, l’étude de référence sur la polémique du 11 septembre, du professeur David Ray Griffin.
En 2002, Thierry Meyssan avait lancé l’idée d’une enquête internationale lors de réunions de la Ligue arabe et du Conseil de coopération du Golfe. Mais les États-Unis s’étaient durement opposés à ce que cette question soit abordée à l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU.
Heurté par ces propos, l’ambassadeur adjoint d’Israël à l’ONU, Daniel Carmon, a immédiatement mis en cause la capacité de Richard Falk a poursuivre sa mission de rapporteur spécial et a fait savoir que Tel-Aviv s’opposerait à son entrée sur le territoire israélien.
Encouragez cet homme courageux: falk@global.ucsb.edu
Tel Aviv s’inquiète de la possibilité d’une enquête sur le 11 Septembre.
Le professeur Richard Falk, rapporteur spécial du Conseil des droits de l’homme de l’ONU, a appelé à la création d’une commission d’enquête internationale sur le rôle des néo-conservateurs dans les attentats du 11 septembre 2001.
M. Falk, professeur émérite de droit international à l’université de Princeton, a été élu pour six ans, à l’unanimité, le 26 mars 2008, rapporteur spécial sur la situation dans les Territoires palestiniens, en remplacement du professeur John Dugard.
Richard Falk avait déjà préfacé l’édition nord-américaine du New Pearl Harbor, l’étude de référence sur la polémique du 11 septembre, du professeur David Ray Griffin.
En 2002, Thierry Meyssan avait lancé l’idée d’une enquête internationale lors de réunions de la Ligue arabe et du Conseil de coopération du Golfe. Mais les États-Unis s’étaient durement opposés à ce que cette question soit abordée à l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU.
Heurté par ces propos, l’ambassadeur adjoint d’Israël à l’ONU, Daniel Carmon, a immédiatement mis en cause la capacité de Richard Falk a poursuivre sa mission de rapporteur spécial et a fait savoir que Tel-Aviv s’opposerait à son entrée sur le territoire israélien.
U.N. Official Calls for Study Of Neocons' Role in 9/11, April 10, 2008, NEW YORK SUN
UN Human Rights Official Wants Investigation Into US Government Role In 9/11
More on Michael Mukasey's false 9/11 and FISA claims, Apr 11 2008
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Le Canada et Israël signent une déclaration en vue de coopérer en matière de sécurité publique
by Michel Chossudovsky
April 2, 2008
Canada and Israel have signed a far-reaching public security cooperation agreement.
The agreement, described as a "Partnership", involves a "Declaration of Intent" by the two governments. The Declaration was signed in Tel Aviv on March 23:
"Today, the Honourable Stockwell Day, Minister of Public Safety Canada and Avi Dicter, Minister of Public Security of the Government of the State of Israel, signed a Declaration of Intent to enhance cooperation in the area of public safety.
“The Government of Canada is committed to enhancing the security of Canadians – both through our actions at home and with our international partners.” said Minister Day. “Today’s declaration demonstrates the longstanding cooperation between Canada and Israel on public safety issues, and we welcome this increased cooperation in order to improve our countries’ capacity to protect our citizens.”
This declaration will allow Canada and Israel to better enhance cooperation in the areas of organized crime, emergency management, crime prevention, and other related public safety concerns. The declaration seeks to establish a more structured framework for the continued cooperation on public safety issues between Canada and Israel.
“The Declaration of Intent is an opportunity for Canada and Israel to strengthen their commitment to safeguarding their citizens and respective national interests from common threats,” said Minister Dicter." ( http://www.ps-sp.gc.ca/app_support/xml/ps_news_e.xml)
Cheney Mission to the Middle East Shrouded in Secrecy
Canada's Minister of Public Safety Stockwell Day was in Israel on the same day as Vice Cheney Dick Cheney.
Coincidentally, a US mission led by Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff was also in Israel on official business, as guest of Israel's Minister of Public Security, Avi Dicter. There are no reports on Canada-US-Israeli consultations during these official visits. In all likelihood, officials from the respective departments/ministries of US Homeland Security, Israel's Public Security and Canada's Public Safety had meetings behind closed doors.
Terms of Reference of the Partnership
Israel's Ministry of Public Security carries out public security, law enforcement activities. It is also in charge of the operation of Israel’s prisons, which are in large part used to detain Palestinians.
Canada's Ministry of Public Safety, established in 2003, is a copy and paste version of US Homeland Security. Public Safety Canada has a close bilateral relationship with US Hoemland Security.
Public Safety Canada works closely with several government agencies including the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), Correctional Service Canada (CSC) and The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Officials from these agencies have no doubt been consulted regarding the terms of reference of the Israel-Canada declaration.
The terms reference of the Canada-Israel Declaration are extremely broad. They include issues of immigration and ethnic profiling, the management of borders, intelligence and the exchange of information, emergency preparedness, correctional services, prisons, law enforcement and counter-terrorism.
The Declaration of Intent involves the setting up of a close bilateral cooperation arrangement at the ministerial level. A management committee has been set up under the helm of the Deputy Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness of Canada, and the Director General of Public Security of the State of Israel.
Senior Israeli and Canadian officials respectively from Israel's Ministry of Public Security and from various Canadian federal departments and agencies (including the RCMP, CSIS and CBSA), which are under the jurisdiction of Stockwell Day's ministry would carry out "an approved program of work".
The programme would be implemented by a Senior Coordinator from each country, namely, the Assistant Deputy Minister (Strategic Policy) for Canada's Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness and the Deputy Director General of Israel's Ministry of Public Security of the State of Israel;
The agreements requires the two countries to "[b]uild on their shared commitment to facilitate and enhance cooperation to protect their respective countries' population, assets and interests from common threats".
What type of border security and control of immigrants is involved?
How does this impinge upon Canada's immigration procedures?
The agreement appears to be built upon a much broader agreement between Canada and the US in the area of Homeland Security. However, it also replicates the pattern of a February 2006 agreement reached between US Homeland Security and Israel's Ministry of Public Security
The Israel-Canada agreement has been in the pipeline since Israel's Public Security Minister Avi Dicter's October 2007 visit to the US and Canada. Avi Dicter met Stockwell Day last October in Toronto "with the intention on establishing cooperation on homeland security" and counter-terrorism.
Nature of the Agreement
Israel is not part of North America. Canada and Israel do not share a common border. So what is the underlying agenda?
Will Canada assist Israel in policing its border with Lebanon, Syria and the Palestinian territories?
Conversely, will Israeli officials assist Canada in ethnic profiling of people (including biometric applications, which is mentioned in the agreement) who visit Canada from the Middle East?
Will Israeli officials have access to confidential files of Canadians?
What type of cooperation is envisaged in the areas of prisons and law enforcement? Interrogation techniques? Are Israeli consultants going to help us reorganize our correctional services?
The agreement would allow officials from the State of Israel, a country on record for its numerous human rights violations acts directed against the people of Palestine and Lebanon, to play a role in Canadian public security. In this regard, will Israeli officials assist the RCMP and CSIS in the profiling of Canadians citizens who are Muslims. This ethnic profiling is already applied at Canadian airports.
Will Israeli officials assist their Canadian counterparts in dealing with individuals and/or organizations in Canada involved in supporting the rights of Palestinians. Will Israeli officials assist their Canadian counterparts in the domestic "war on terrorism", which in the post 9/11 period has led to numerous arbitrary detentions on trumped-up charges.
At the same time, the Declaration establishes a de facto complicit relationship whereby Canadian officials (RCMP, etc) would contribute to assisting Israel in its domestic police and border activities (e.g. Lebanon, Syria, Gaza and the West Bank), not under the auspices of the United Nations, but directly in cooperation with Israeli police and security officials.
In fact, Canada's "contribution" to the policing of Israel's borders with Gaza and the West Bank is already part of a 300 million dollar aid package in support of the "peace process". According to Public Safety Canada, "a significant component [of the 300 million will be] devoted to security, including policing and public order capacity-building. This five year commitment will go towards the creation of a democratic, accountable, and viable Palestinian state that lives in peace and security alongside Israel." (Marketwire, Ottawa, March 24, 2008)
Following his meeting with his counterpart Avi Dicter, Stockwell Day's had meetings on the 24th of March in the West Bank with President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, where issues pertaining to Canada's peace package, including police training and capacity building were discussed. "I was pleased to meet with Palestinian Authority President Abbas and Prime Minister Fayyad to discuss public safety issues of mutual interest," said Minister Day. Stockwell Day also visited a West Bank prison as well as a police training center in Jericho. (Ibid)
Canada's stance in support of the US-Israeli sponsored regime of Mahmoud Abbas will be used to repress Hamas, which is the duly elected government. It will contribute to worsening the situation in the occupied territories.
Counter-terrorism and Homeland Security
The issue of "counter-terrorism" is not mentioned explicitly in the Declaration of Intent. The terms of reference, however, suggest that the "war on terrorism" is an integral part of the agreement.
In early February 2007, Minister Avi Dicter addressed the public security committee of the Canadian House of Commons: "Iran is the largest terrorist state in the world" Dichter said. In his discussion with Canadian MPs, Dichter "laid out what he believes to be the guidelines for Canadian-Israeli security cooperation in the future, possibly similar to the agreement that the minister signed a day later in Washington DC." (Jerusalem Post, 7 February 2007)
"The Canadian MPs echoed their American compatriots in addressing the former Shin Bet head as a world expert in the field of terror rather than as a visiting minister of a foreign government, asking him at one point what specific steps the parliament could take to prevent terror attacks on Canadian soil. In his answer, Dichter reiterated the importance of strengthening border security and use of proper investigative methods with suspects." (ibid)
During a followup official visit of Israel's Minister of Public Security Avi Dicter to Canada in late October 2007, meetings of Israeli and Canadian officials were held behind closed doors to discuss a blueprint for cooperation in the areas of homeland security and counter-terrorism. The meetings chaired by Stockwell Day were held in Toronto on October 29, 2007. A so-called "Arrangement Paper" was to be drafted with a view to defining "the actions of the competent structures at ministerial, central and subordinate/local levels for preventing and fighting home land securities issues":
"The parties have agreed to intensify future cooperation by identifying ways of direct communication in order to maximize the exchange of information, technology and operational activity. For the same reason it has been agreed to accelerate negotiations for the signing of an Arrangement Paper between the two Ministries on cooperation in home land security and counter terrorism issues which falls within the responsibility of the respective Ministries.
Negotiations on the arrangement paper mentioned above will take place as necessary. The signing of the arrangement paper will be held on an occasion and place coordinated in advance between the Ministries.
The two Ministers agreed that by early November three work teams will be established in order to promote the cooperation between the two ministries on the following subjects: • Counterterrorism and Crime • Emergency preparedness • Border crossing security, focusing on biometric identification"
(Official communique of Israel's Ministry of Public Security,
http://www.mops.gov.il/BPEng/MOPS+News/DicterWithCanadianMinister_30_10_07.htm )
The "Arrangement paper" refers to the draft text of The Declaration of Intent, which was signed in Tel Aviv on March 23, 2008. The two governments chose to sign the agreement during a week of intense diplomatic activity in Tel Aviv, involving the concurrent visits of the Vice President of the US, the US Secretary of the Department Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and other senior officials.
The final text of the Declaration of Intent remains vague. "Counter-terroism" and the "Homeland" are not explicitly mentioned in the final text of the Declaration signed on March 23.
Legal Implications
The text of the Declaration of Intent states that ":{it] is not intended to create legally binding obligations, under either domestic or international law. Yet, at the outset, it violates several fundamental principles of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms."
The Canada-Israel Public Security agreement has barely been mentioned by the Canadian media.
It has not been the object of a debate in parliament. Why has this issue not been brought to the forefront of public debate? Why has the parliamentary opposition remained mum on the subject?
It should be forcefully challenged in Canada's courts.
Sécurité publique Canada
TEL AVIV, ISRAEL--(Marketwire - 23 mars 2008) - Aujourd'hui, l'honorable Stockwell Day, ministre de la Sécurité publique du Canada, et Avi Dicter, ministre de la Sécurité publique du gouvernement de l'Etat d'Israël, ont signé une Déclaration d'intention visant à accroître la coopération dans le domaine de la sécurité publique.
"La déclaration d'aujourd'hui témoigne de la coopération de longue date entre le Canada et Israël en matière de sécurité publique", a dit le ministre Day. "Le gouvernement du Canada voit d'un bon oeil une plus grande coopération avec Israël dans le but d'accroître la capacité de nos deux pays de protéger nos citoyens".
Cette déclaration permettra au Canada et à Israël de mieux dégager les priorités et de mieux gérer les activités de coopération bilatérales touchant le crime organisé, la gestion des urgences, la prévention de la criminalité et d'autres secteurs de préoccupation liés à la sécurité publique. La déclaration vise à améliorer la coopération bilatérale en matière de sécurité entre le Canada et Israël.
"La Déclaration d'intention est l'occasion pour le Canada et Israël de renforcer leur engagement à l'égard de la protection de leurs citoyens et de leurs intérêts nationaux respectifs contre des menaces communes", a déclaré le ministre Dicter.
Le ministère de la Sécurité publique et de la Protection civile du Canada et le ministère de la Sécurité publique du gouvernement de l'Etat d'Israël déclarent leur intention :
1. D'établir un ordre de priorité et de gérer la collaboration dans les domaines de responsabilité suivants de leur ministère :
i) gestion et sécurité des frontières; y compris les applications biométriques;
ii) services et établissements correctionnels;
iii) prévention de la criminalité;
iv) protection des infrastructures essentielles;
v) gestion des urgences;
vi) immigration illégale;
vii) application de la loi;
viii) blanchiment d'argent;
ix) crime organisé;
x) financement du terrorisme;
xi) trafic de personnes.
2. D'atteindre les objectifs suivants :
i) miser sur leur engagement commun pour faciliter et accroître la collaboration en vue de protéger la population de leur pays, leurs biens et leurs intérêts respectifs contre les menaces communes;
ii) intégrer et coordonner les efforts communs de détermination, d'établissement des priorités et de mise en oeuvre entre les deux parties dans le domaine de la sécurité publique;
iii) gérer la mise en oeuvre des activités conjointes approuvées dans le cadre de la présente déclaration;
iv) établir des lignes de communication et des points de contact clairs entre les deux parties dans le cadre d'un processus permanent de dialogue et de partenariat visant à atteindre des buts communs;
v) partager ou faire part des connaissances, de l'expérience, de l'expertise, de l'information, des recherches et des pratiques exemplaires;
vi) déterminer et mettre en commun les préoccupations en matière de sécurité publique en fonction des menaces, des évaluations du risque, des priorités, des vulnérabilités et des conséquences;
vii) favoriser les échanges techniques, notamment dans les domaines de l'éducation, de la formation et des exercices.
Renseignements :
Cabinet de l'honorable Stockwell Day
Ministre de la Sécurité publique
Mélisa Leclerc
Directrice des communications
Cabinet d'Avi Dicter
Ministre de la Sécurité publique du gouvernement
de l'Etat d'Israël
Shani Banker
Attaché de presse
972 2 50 6272094
agreement here:
Video: Nouvel élan pour les relations entre le Québec et Israël, Comité Québec-Israël, 12/12/2007
What has the Israel Allies Caucus been up to? Ap 21 2007
NEWS BLACKOUT: Shadowy Canadian Parliamentary Lobby Group Formed, Feb 21 2007
An Israeli defense technologies firm was named as the most ethical foreign company that works with the U.S. government, JTA, 04/02/2008