Sunday, March 14, 2010

Les avertissements préalables d'une armée israélienne conscientieuse!

Un commentaire de Bill Gruenthal (Burnaby, B.C.) paru dans le National Post (CanWest) tente de blanchir la réputation de l'ex-président israélien Menachem Begin , qui était le leader du groupe terroriste juif Irgoun à l'époque où ce groupe a tué près d'une centaine de gens au King David Hotel.
Gruenthal montre qu'il est probablement formé par le Bnai Brith ou peut-être formé par le gouvernement israélien ou son armée lorsqu'il se met à expliquer que l'Irgoun avait pris la peine d'appeler le secrétaire John Shaw pour l'avertir de sortir car le bâtiment allait bientôt sauter. Le massacre (90 personnes) était donc la faute du secrétaire, qui n'a pas bougé. [Comme d'habitude, le psychopathe blâme sa victime.]
Cela démontre, selon Gruenthal, qu'Israël possède l'armée la plus morale du monde, citant l'exemple des appels et feuillets que l'armée émet pour avertir d'avance les Palestiniens des bombardements imminents.

(Parenthèse: Rappelons aussi les avertissements (en hébreu) envoyés aux employés juifs du WTC par le service de messagerie israélienne Odigo. Quel haut niveau de moralité, quelle considération, quel respect pour la dignité humaine!)

Bill Gruenthal, Burnaby, B.C.:
"Menachem Begin not to blame for bombing deaths"
The King David Hotel in Jerusalem after a bomb attack by the militant Zionist group Irgun on July 22, 1946.
AFP, Getty Images The King David Hotel in Jerusalem after a bomb
attack by the militant Zionist group Irgun on July 22, 1946.

Re: 'The Just And Heroic Efforts Of Menachem Begin,' letter to the editor, March 6; One Man's Terrorist ..., John Moore, March 4.

John Moore and letter-writer Doug Tweet are both partially incorrect about the bombing of the Kind David Hotel in Jerusalem on July 22, 1946. The bombed corner of the hotel was the civilian headquarters of the (British) government of the time. Perhaps there were military personnel in the building but the entire Cabinet and their assistants were present.

Irgun, the militant Zionist group that Menachem Begin belonged to, phoned chief secretary John Shaw to advise him to immediately vacate the building, as it was about to be bombed. Not wanting to admit that someone had something over him, Mr. Shaw left the premises for a stroll without notifying anyone else.

The resulting calamity meant some 125 personnel were killed, British, Jewish and Muslim. Most would have been saved had it not been for the cowardice of the secretary.

Other premises nearby were phoned to have them open windows to avoid danger. They did and sustained only minor damage.

I was close by and witnessed the resulting horror. Other British military and civilian officers had advised my family at the time that the calamity was the fault of the British and could have been avoided.

The Israelis still warn civilians before launching attacks. During Operation Cast Lead a year ago, the Israelis telephoned and sent flyers to hundreds of thousands of civilians in Gaza, advising them to get out of the way. Hamas blocked their exit.

It is true that two British soldiers were hanged by Irgun. But that only happened in retaliation, after the British hanged two Irgun members. The group pleaded with the British to avoid this tit-for-tat scenario, but the authorities would not listen.

Bill Gruenthal, Burnaby, B.C.

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