Santorum: 'There Is No Palestine'
Gingrich called the Palestinians an "invented" people who didn't exist until sometime in the 20th century. Santorum criticized Gingrich’s widely-reported remarks as “provocative,” but his own more extreme views got little attention at the time because he was considered a hopeless back-of-the-pack candidate and not being taken very seriously.
But now that he is rising rapidly in the polls, his comments deserve a second look.
As far as Santorum is concerned, Palestinians don’t exist.
“There are no Palestinians,” he told a questioner at a campaign event in Iowa. You can see the video here.
"All the people who live in the West Bank are Israelis. There are no Palestinians. This is Israeli land," the former Pennsylvania senator said.
"The West Bank is part of Israel," which won it as "part of an aggressive attack by Jordan and others" in 1967. Israel doesn't have to give it back any more than the United States has to give New Mexico and Texas to Mexico, which were gotten "through a war," he said.
Santorum wants to impose 'Judeo-Christian Sharia'
Rick Santorum’s Islamophobia Problem
Santorum: 'There Is No Palestine'
VIDEO - Rick Santorum Owned on Palestine
Bachmann ends her campaign, Perry stays in
Santorum warns of “Eurabia,” issues call to “evangelize and eradicate” Muslims
Professional Islamophobes such as Pamela Geller, Wafa Sultan, Robert Spencer, Geert Wilders, Walid Phares and the rest have the ear of American and Western politicians. The story below concerning the lunatic Santorum is perfect proof of this. ‘Eurabia’ is a DISTINCTLY ISRAELI idea introduced and promoted by a professional Israeli Islamophobe Bat Ye’or who works closely with Israeli intelligence in providing additional fuel for this bonfire that benefits ONLY ONE entity–THE JEWISH STATE.
It is for this reason that we at TUT urge all people of reason and fairness to make a special point of exposing these agents of destruction for what they are–enemies not only of Muslims but of the entire planet.
For the past two weeks, the entire mainstream American media homed in on newsletters published by Republican Rep. Ron Paul, an anti-imperialist, conservative libertarian who finished third in last night’s Iowa caucuses. Mostly ghostwritten by libertarian activist Llewelyn “Lew” Rockwell and a committee of far-right cranks, the newsletters contained indisputably racist diatribes, including ominous warnings about the “coming race war.” At no point did Paul denounce the authors of the extreme manifestoes nor did he take responsibility for the content.
The disturbing content of Paul’s newsletters was a worthy campaign outrage, and one he should have been called to account for, but why did it gain mainstream traction when the reactionary views of the other candidates stayed under the radar? One reason is that Paul threatened the Republican establishment by attacking America’s neo-imperial foreign policy and demanding an end to the US-Israel special relationship.
Those who pushed the newsletters story the hardest were neoconservatives terrified by the prospect of Paul edging into the mainstream with his call for a total cut-off of US aid to Israel. In fact, the history of the newsletters was introduced to the American public back in early 2008 by Jamie Kirchick, a card-carrying neocon who has said that Muslims “act like savages” and once wrote that I possessed “a visceral hatred of my Jewish heritage.” Having declared former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney as their favorite wooden marionette, the neocons had a clear ideological interest in resuscitating the newsletters story once Paul emerged this year as a presidential frontrunner.
Though Romney won Iowa, he succeeded by a mere 8 votes over former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum. The mainstream press is now fixated on Santorum, praising him for his “authenticity” and predicting he will continue to win over “gritty Catholics,” as MSNBC host Chris Matthews said today. But now that Santorum is in the limelight, he is also going to be thoroughly vetted. So the question is whether the media will devote anywhere near the same level of attention it gave to Ron Paul’s newsletters as it will to Santorum’s record of hysterically Islamophobic statements and anti-Muslim activism. So far, I have seen nothing to suggest that it will.
In 2007, a few months after Santorum was ousted from the Senate in a landslide defeat, he accepted an invitation from right-wing provocateur David Horowitz to speak at “Islamo-Fascism Campus Awareness Week.” As I documented in my video report on Horowitz’s appearance at Columbia University that year, “Islamo-Fascism” week was a naked ploy to generate publicity for the frenetically self-promoting Horowitz while demonizing Muslim-Americans as a dangerous fifth column who required constant government monitoring and possibly worse. The event was so extreme that even Jewish groups like Hillel known for promoting Zionism on campus rejected it.
There is no video documentation or transcript of Santorum’s speech at Horowitz’s “Islamo-Fascism Awareness” event. However, I was able to find a transcript of a speech Santorum delivered at Horowitz’s invitation in March 2007. During his address, the ex-Senator declared the need to “define the enemy,” but he made little effort to distinguish between the general population of Muslims and violent Islamic extremists. If anything, he seemed to conflate the two.
Here are a few of the remarkable statements Santorum made at Horowitz’s event:
“What must we do to win? We must educate, engage, evangelize and eradicate.”
“Look at Europe. Europe is on the way to losing. The most popular male name in Belgium — Mohammad. It’s the fifth most popular name in France among boys. They are losing because they are not having children, they have no faith, they have nothing to counteract it. They are balkanizing Islam, but that’s exactly what they want. And they’re creating an opportunity for the creation of Eurabia, or Euristan in the future…Europe will not be in this battle with us. Because there will be no Europe left to fight.”
We should “talk about how Islam treats homosexuals. Talk about how they treat anybody who is found to be a homosexual, and the answer to that is, they kill them.”
“…the Shia brand of Islamist extremists [is] even more dangerous than the Sunni [version]. Why? Because the ultimate goal of the Shia brand of Islamic Islam is to bring back the Mahdi. And do you know when the Mahdi returns? At the Apocalypse at the end of the world. You see, they are not interested in conquering the world; they are interested in destroying the world.”
“The other thing we need to do is eradicate, and that’s the final thing. As I said, this is going to be a long war.”
The Islamophobic rant Santorum delivered at an event organized by a known bigot was no less extreme than anything contained in Ron Paul’s newsletters. But don’t wait for the American mainstream press to discuss Santorum’s disturbing views on Muslims as anything other than proof of his “authenticity.”
aller direct @58:37
Résultats du Caucus de l'Iowa, pour les Nuls
1. Va-t-en-guerre Pro-Israël
2. Va-t-en-guerre pro-Israël
3. Ron Paul
4. Va-t-en-guerre pro-Israël
5. Va-t-en-guerre pro-Israël
6. Va-t-en-guerre pro-Israël
7. Va-t-en-guerre pro-Israël

Avec 15 % des intentions de vote dans l'Iowa, le catholique Rick Santorum, fils d'un immigré italien, est apparu brusquement samedi 31 décembre comme la nouvelle surprise de la primaire républicaine pour l'élection présidentielle américaine de 2012.
Dans de récents sondages Rick Santorum s'approchait du mormon Mitt Romney et devançait les autres candidats cherchant à rassembler l'électorat chrétien fondamentaliste protestant, Michele Bachmann, évangélique luthérienne, et Rick Perry, gouverneur du Texas, anciens favoris des sondages, dont les campagnes se sont effondrées ces derniers mois. Les chrétiens conservateurs des multiples églises protestantes américaines (luthérienne, méthodiste, baptiste et mennonite), ainsi que les catholiques, comme M. Santorum, représentaient une des clés du scrutin dans l'Iowa. En rassemblant cet électorat sous son nom, M. Santorum espèrait s'imposer comme un concurrent viable à l'échelle nationale.
Pari réussi puisque Rick Santorum qui selon un sondage publié samedi 31 décembre par le Des Moines Register, se plaçait en troisième position derrière M. Romney (24 %) et Ron Paul (22 %), enregistrant "la plus forte hausse d'intentions de vote", est arrivé en deuxième position aux primaires républicaines d'hier soir à seulement huit voix de Mitt Romney.
La victoire du favori Mitt Romney , pro-IVG (depuis 2005), lui confère une position confortable pour le prochain scrutin, le 10 janvier dans le New Hampshire. Le vainqueur et son dauphin ont chacun réuni 25 % des suffrages. Ron Paul, libertarien isolationniste violemment opposé à toute emprise de l'État fédéral sur la société et l'économie, qui remonte aux origines de la Constitution américaine, termine à la troisième place, avec 21 % des voix. Newt Gingrich, ancien président de la chambre des représentants, a attiré 13 % des bulletins, devant le Texan Rick Perry (10 %) et Michele Bachmann (5 %).
Le 7 février 2088, devant la Conservative Political Action Conference, Mitt Romney avait déclaré craindre un destin européen pour l'Amérique : « L'Europe affronte un désastre démographique qui est le produit d'une foi affaiblie dans le Créateur, de familles en faillite, d'une absence de respect pour la sainteté de la vie et d'une morale érodée (...). Si nous ne changeons pas de politique, nous deviendrons la France du XXIe siècle. Encore un grand pays, mais pas le leader mondial, la superpuissance » (« Mitt Romney laisse la voie libre à John McCain chez les républicains », Le Monde, 8 février 2008.)
Sans moyens, longtemps resté cantonné dans la queue de «la classe» des candidats en lice, Santorum a gagné sa place dans ce doublé de tête en sillonnant l'Iowa à l'ancienne, se rendant patiemment et systématiquement dans ses 99 comtés pour y défendre sa vision d'une Amérique renouant avec ses valeurs traditionnelles chrétiennes.
L'effondrement progressif des autres candidats chrétiens conservateurs a fini par jeter sous les feux de la rampe ce père de sept enfants, passionné, plutôt bon orateur, qui parle «de reconstruire l'Amérique du bas vers le haut». Santorum affiche des positions très va-t-en-guerre sur l'Iran, pour éliminer son potentiel nucléaire. Il nie le réchauffement climatique et défend la pratique du waterboarding, la torture de la baignoire, utilisée par la CIA à Guantanamo.
Si Rick Santorum est connu pour être un fervent opposant à l'avortement (même en cas de viol), à la contraception et au "mariage" homosexuel, il s'est récemment distingué en déclarant être prêt à frapper les installations nucléaires iraniennes s'il était élu président. Sa haine de l'Iran s'inscrit dans une ligne sioniste pro-israélienne parfaitement néo-mondialiste compatible.

The Real Rick Santorum

Santorum Linked to Unsavory Warmongers
By Michael Collins Piper
Santorum—who gave a speech inWashington in 2007, in which he openly spoke of the need to “eradicate”Muslims in a “long war”—has also claimed there is no such people as “Palestinians,” echoing an outrageous lie more prominently told by his GOP challenger Newt Gingrich.
Not surprisingly, over the past several years, Santorum’s principal political activity has been acting as the official in-house “Muslim basher” and advocate for Israel at the Washington-based Ethics and Public Policy Center, further pandering to those elements that provided hima great deal of funding through pro-Israeli political action committees during the 12 years he served in the Senate.
Although both Mitt Romney and Gingrich have surrounded themselves with—and have been funded by—hard-line supporters of Israel, Santorum has some very unsavory connections in that same realm.
One of Santorum’s longtime political intimates is Barbara Ledeen, who is associated with a propaganda organization known as the Israel Project. And it is no coincidence that Mrs. Ledeen’s husband, Michael Ledeen, is one of themost notorious longtime operatives engaged in high-level intrigues in Washington and around the globe on behalf of that foreign nation.
Remembered for his role in the infamous Iran-Contra affair during the Reagan years—an arms-smuggling venture inwhich Israel played a central role—Ledeen popped up once again during the George W. Bush administration where he was, according to former CIA officer Philip Giraldi, one of the key figures promoting the propaganda myth that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein had obtained nuclear material (known as “yellowcake”) from Niger.
Ledeen has also been linked to the shadowy Rome-based Propaganda Due organization, a high-powered Masonic lodge long active in subversive activities throughout Italy and Europe during the 1970s and 1980s.
Most indicative of Ledeen’s tendencies is his role as one of the founders of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, aWashington-based operation whose associates have been repeatedly linked—in the course of multiple FBI investigations—to corruption and espionage on behalf of Israel. Such figures include neo-con lobbyist for Israeli arms dealers, Richard Perle, and his protégé, the late Stephen J. Bryen, and former Defense Department officials Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith.
During that period when there was a fierce debate within the Israeli lobby as to whether the United States should first target Iraq or Iran, Ledeen was a leader of the “Iran first” faction. And while today Ledeen ostensibly warns of the dangers of engaging Iran militarily, he does say that it ultimately may become necessary.
Like Santorum’s urging that the United States “eradicate” the Muslims, Ledeen has called for “creative destruction” of the Arab world. Such violence, he claims, is “entirely in keeping with . . . American tradition.”
AFP first pointed out in 2003—and reiterated in its Jan. 16 issue—that Santorumis such a hard-core devotee of the Israeli lobby agenda that he actually conspiredwith the lobby to introduce legislation to curtail criticism of Israel on American college campuses by cutting federal funds to universities found to be permitting professors and students to openly criticize Israel. AFP’s expose of Santorum was pivotal in killing that plan—for now.
Michael Collins Piper is an author, journalist, lecturer and radio show host. He has spoken in Russia, Malaysia, Iran, Abu Dhabi, Japan, Canada and the U.S. He is the author of Final Judgment, The New Jerusalem, The High Priests of War, Dirty Secrets, My First Days in the White House, The New Babylon, Share the Wealth, The Judas Goats, Target: Traficant and The Golem. You can order any of these books with a credit card by calling AFP/FAB toll free at 1-888-699-6397.

By the end of the meeting yesterday, Mr. Santorum was talking about introducing legislation that could cut federal funding to colleges where anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiments are prevalent — or more generally, where “ideological diversity” is lacking.

The current House legislation is a disguised reincarnation of an even earlier pernicious proposal by two White-House-hungry Republican senators, Rick Santorum (Pa.) and Sam Brownback (Kan.), who were clearly pandering to the Israeli lobby (and pro-Israel campaign contributors) by promoting such measures.
After AFP learned of the scheme by Santorum and Brownback and focused on their intention of introducing so-called “ideological diversity” legislation designed to curtail criticism of Israel on American college campuses, the resulting negative publicity forced the duo to back off.
Angry that the scheme had been derailed, the New York-based Jewish Week published a story about the controversy generated by AFP’s reportage saying AFP’s revelation of the Santorum-Brownback scheme was “a dangerous urban legend, deliberate disinformation at worst” concocted by “several leading conspiracy theorists and Holocaust revisionists,” which had become “an article of faith throughout the Arab world and in some U.S. left-wing circles.”
In fact, the first and little-noticed report about the Santorum-Brownback scheme, (which later spawned the House measures) was first mentioned in the April 15, 2003, in the small-circulation New York Sun, a stridently pro-Israel “neo-conservative” daily. The Sun revealed that the two senators and several of their colleagues had discussed such legislation in the company of representatives of a number of powerful pro-Israel organization at a private meeting on Capitol Hill.
In any event, the Santorum-Brownback proposal has — like the proverbial “bad penny” — popped up again, in new guise, and is now before Congress.
After American Free Press learned of the scheme by Santorum and Brownback and focused on their intention of introducing so-called "ideological diversity" legislation designed to curtail criticism of Israel on American college campuses, the resulting negative publicity forced the duo to back off.
Angry that the scheme had been derailed, the New York-based Jewish Week published a story about the controversy generated by AFP's reportage, saying AFP's revelation of the Santorum-Brownback scheme was "a dangerous urban legend; deliberate disinformation at worst," concocted by "several leading conspiracy theorists and Holocaust Revisionists," which had become "an article of faith throughout the Arab world and in some U.S. left-wing circles."
In fact, the first and little-noticed report about the Santorum-Brownback scheme, which later spawned H.R. 3077 and now H.R. 509, was first mentioned on April 15, 2003, in the small-circulation New York Sun, a stridently pro-Israel "neo-conservative" daily published in Manhattan. That report revealed that the two senators and several of their colleagues had discussed such legislation in the company of representatives of a number of powerful pro-Israel organizations at a private meeting on Capitol Hill.
Those who are concerned about freedom of speech on the campus would be wise to contact their representatives in Congress and urge that Tiberi's H.R. 509 be put to rest once and for all.
The U.S. Congress switchboard can be reached at: (202) 224-3121. Operators will be able to connect callers to their own representatives.

'the Corpulent Con Man'
Veteran Christian nationalist Willis Carto scares
arch-Zionist preacher John Hagee half to death
By Michael Collins Piper

Anyway, here’s how the interview, led by yours truly, went down:
(Note to Shas Party members, this is satire. Red highlights are not only mine, but they are the only actual quotes.)
MT: Mr. Santorum, let’s begin with you. Lots of older voters voted for you in Iowa yet you favor cuts in social security by raising the retirement age to something like 105 and for turning part of the system over to a bunch of crooks in the private sector. Once people in their late 50′s and early 60′s figure this out, do you think you have a Herman Cain’s chance in a NOW convention of getting elected?
Santorum – Right now the single most important thing this country can do is put aside more money for Israel. My program will allow us to give Israel three or four times as much each year for the development of its military and to consolidate the emerging Israeli cities in Judea and Samaria. As you know “All the people who live in the West Bank are Israelis. There are no Palestinians. This is Israeli land.”
MT: Mr. Gingrich, perhaps you could answer the question about social security. What is the future of this fund that so many Americans have paid so much into?
Gingrich: Rick Santorum is a traitor to the state of Israel. My program will allow us to directly transfer social security taxes to holocaust survivors in Israel while allowing us to give Israel 5 to 6 times the current aid Israel officially gets from the United States. “The Palestinian claim to a right of return is based on a historically false story,” “These people are terrorists. They teach terrorism in their schools.” I say fuck’em.
MT: Ah, Mr. Cain, we weren’t expecting you to show up for this. Since you are here, perhaps you could address the question of the future of social security.
Cain: Social security, that’s uh, that’s uh, well it has social in it so that must mean its socialistic or something. I’ll get back to you once my biographers tell me what to say. “I think that the so-called Palestinian people have this urge for unilateral recognition because they see this president as weak.” I say let’s just clean out the whole area and if a bunch of these so-called Palestinians die, well that’s just tough shit. Oh, and my program to wipe out social security completely now and forever will allow us to give Israel each year 10 times what it is getting now. By the way, I really like Jewish pussy.
MT: Ms. Bachmann, perhaps you could bring some sanity to this discussion, but I digress. Anyway, please let our aging population know how a Bachmann administration would swallow, handle, the social security issue.
Bachmann: My plan is to simultaneously move the US embassy to Jerusalem and transfer the entire social security trust fund to the Jewish Agency my first day in office. If a bunch of old-fart anti-semites don’t like it, well we’ll just have the military arrest them as terrorists and toss their asses into Gitmo for ever. Hahahahahaha. God, I’m funny. I am the only candidate here who really is an Israeli. I’ve worked on a kibbutz. When I was there “We worked on the kibbutz from 4 am to noon. We were always accompanied by soldiers with machine guns. While we were working, the soldiers were walking around looking for land mines. I really learned a lot in Israel.” “I am a Christian, but I consider my heritage Jewish, because it is the foundation, the roots of my faith as a Christian.” See, my heritage is Jewish, which means I am Jewish pussy. Keep your hands off of me Herman, you schvartse. Jesus fucking Christ, the last thing we need is another dumb schvartse in the White House. See, I really am Jewish. Anyway, under my plan, the US could give Israel 20 to 30 times what it is giving now. Oh, did I mention that I am the only candidate who made an entire video dedicated to Israel, you can go here to see it on youtube.
MT: Mr. Gingrich, uh, what is it you are listening to right now on your Ipod? I need you to talk about social security and other issues of critical importance to the average American.
Gingrich: I’m listening to this incredible broadcast about me damn near getting arrested by the FBI back in the 90′s for a huge bribe scheme involving a bunch of Israelis and pro-Israeli Jews. It’s by Mike Piper, never heard of the guy, but man he has basically proven my devotion to the state of Israel – unlike all these anti-semitic candidates you’ve gathered here. Look, social security has the half-life of one of my marriages. Forget it you bunch of pathetic losers. No one gives a rat’s ass about your stupid little social security checks. What you all need to do is support my program to wipe out the Palestinians – not that they even exist – but I digress. Let me finish listening to this thing. You know, you should make his website your featured website on your next post.
MT: Mr. Romney, you are immensely wealthy to a degree that is obscene really. How do you feel about helping out little old ladies living on social security?
Romney: First of all Israel is our only ally in the Middle East and I need to correct the anti-semitic statements of my colleagues here. ” I will travel to Israel on my first foreign trip. I will reaffirm as a vital national interest Israel’s existence as a Jewish state. I want the world to know that the bonds between Israel and the United States are unshakable.” And as soon as I get to Israel I will get on my knees on the tarmac and give Netanyahu a blow job. Furthermore, I will pay not just to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, but I’ll also move the goddamn US Congress there too, this will cut down on the need for all those congressional trips to Israel. And I’ve decided to give all of my wealth to the Jewish National Fund and I will probably have Camp David moved into Kiryat Arba. In my first Defense Authorization Act, I will see to it that Israel gets 40 times as much money from the US as it does now and I’ll have anyone who objects to this treated as a terrorist, arrested by the military and sent to Gitmo forever. Now what was your question?
MT: Mr. Perry, any comments on the future of social security? Can any of you mother fuckers even spell social security?
Perry: First of all, I have already given Netanyahu a blow job. Second “I consider the Israeli settlements to be legal, from my perspective, and I support them.” In fact, I think they should build even more settlement’s, after all “it’s their land.” When I become president “Strategic defensive aid, strategic aid in all forms, will increase to Israel,” because Israel will be “the cornerstone of my larger global strategy.” I mean, who gives a fuck about the United States being a cornerstone of US policy? You’d have to be fucking nuts. Israel yesterday, today and forever. Jesus loves you and he wants you to kill the Palestinians, the Iranians, in fact, pretty much everybody. Praise Jesus. Oh, and I’ll see to it that Israel gets 666 times the money it presently gets from the American taxpayers.
MT: Mr. Santorum, back in the 1960′s manufacturing accounted for 25% of the GDP in these United States. Today, manufacturing is about 10% of US GDP. What can you do to re-invigorate this once vital sector of the US economy which provided good jobs for average Americans?
Santorum: Well, look at it like this. Iran is Israel’s enemy, therefore Iran is our number one enemy and we need to put an end to Iranian hegemony in, well, in Iran to start with. You know those Shi’ites have nukes up to their assholes, so I say we start a great big fucking war with Iran. This will put Americans back to work and will probably also kill quite a few of these useless eaters off. I have a long history of advocating wars for Israel – you can see this 2006 interview where I basically just made up everything I said out of thin air and you can see me foaming at the mouth during this very recent interview where I note that Israel is setting the standard for what the US should be doing in Iran in terms of perpetrating acts of international terrorism. And, speaking of Mike Piper, Gingrich is full of shit when he says that Piper shows that Gingrich is the ideal bitch for Israel. Right here in this latest podcast of Piper’s he shows that I am da bitch when it comes to bending over forward and backward for Israel. And yeah, you need to feature his website.
MT: Okay, one last question and since all you people care about is Israel, I’ll ask about that. How many more people must die for the state of Israel? Let’s start with you Herman.
Cain: It’s not about dying, just like General Eisenhower said. Hmmmm, I think it was Eisenhower, you know, the guy who they made that movie about. Anyway, maybe it was General Marshal, or Custer, can’t remember. Oh Lee, that’s who it was. Anyway, it’s not about dying for our country Israel, it’s about killing for Israel. Let’s bring on that shit!
MT: Mr. Perry, you’ve been pretty silent. How many more people must die for Israel?
Perry: Not sure, but why even ask? Anyone who dies fighting for Israel goes straight to heaven so I say let’s send all of our poor people over to Iraq, Iran, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria and England to achieve martyrdom. Then we won’t have to pay them shit. No social security, no nothing. And if we give a few pieces of tin as medals to some of them, they’ll be willing to die some more. Fuck, and you people think I’m a stupid son of bitch! I am, of course, but you fuckers vote for me and people like me, you get what you deserve.
Racisme, guerre secrète, assassinat et torture au programme de la politique étrangère des candidats républicains
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