Un autre grand comique, propriétaire et éditeur d'un journal juif américain, soutient qu'il ne prônait pas vraiment l'assassinat d'Obama
Quelques excuses et la mauvais blague est toute pardonnée...
"Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.
Yes, you read “three” correctly. Order a hit on a president in order to preserve Israel’s existence. Think about it. If I have thought of this Tom Clancy-type scenario, don’t you think that this almost unfathomable idea has been discussed in Israel’s most inner circles?
Another way of putting “three” in perspective goes something like this: How far would you go to save a nation comprised of seven million lives … Jews, Christians and Arabs alike?
You have got to believe, like I do, that all options are on the table."
"Troisième option, donner l’ordre pour que les agents du Mossad basés aux États-Unis éliminent ce président qui n’est pas considéré comme étant amical envers Israël afin qu’il soit remplacé par le Vice-président actuel [NdT: Joe Biden est connu pour ses positions pro-sionistes], et qu’il donne l’ordre indiscutable que la politique des États-Unis est basée sur le fait que le pays se rangera toujours aux côtés de l’État juif pour l’aider à oblitérer ses ennemis.
Oui, vous avez bien lu cette “troisième option”. Ordonner l’assassinat du président des États-Unis afin de préserver l’existence d’Israël. Réfléchissez-y. Si un tel scénario à la Tom Clancy m’est passé par la tête, est-ce que vous ne pensez pas qu’une telle idée – aussi insondable soit-elle – a pu être discutée dans les plus hautes sphères du pouvoir israélien?
Une autre manière de mettre cette “troisième option” en perspective consisterait à dire: Jusqu’où iriez vous pour sauver une nation composée de sept millions de vies… juifs, chrétiens et arabes?
Vous devez penser, comme moi, que toutes les options sont sur la table."
Israel working on worst case Dr. Ron Paul assassination plan. Plan mentions Obama's name but is actually set for worst case if Dr. Paul gets elected President. Setup leaked by CIA to Pro american Journalist Michael Collins Piper. One chosen editor even called for Israel to kill Obama if he is not servile enough to Israel which was more fluff to hide the real target.
Michael Collins Piper, veteran JFK researcher and author of "The Final Judgement," exposes the storyline and official government version of a potential assassinate plot of President Obama, or a future president in the book "In the President's Secret Service" by New York Times best selling author Ronald Kessler.
Kessler goes on to blame a future assassination plot on affirmitive action, the Secret Service's hiring of too many unqualified African-American agents, and also the Obama administration for their lapses in security.
Kessler is in effect creating a kind of plausible deniability on behalf of the government along with a possible "official government version" of the event.
Prominent Jewish Leader: Assassinate Barack Obama At the height of a growing frenzy among American friends of Israel who demand the United States attack Iran, a leader of the Jewish community publicly called for Israel’s Mossad to assassinate President Barack Obama in order to save Israel from Iran.
Au sommet d’une frénésie grandissante parmi les amis américains d’Israël qui demandent une attaque américaine de l’Iran, un chef de la communauté juive a publiquement demandé au Mossad israélien d’assassiner le Président Barack Obama pour sauver Israël de l’Iran.
Le 13 Janvier 2012, Andrew Adler, rédacteur en chef et éditeur de l’Atlanta Jewish Time, se joignant à un concert de voix toujours plus furieuses, a déclaré en colonne qu’Israël avait trois options (toutes violentes) pour garantir sa sécurité. La première option est d’attaquer ses ennemis du Hezbollah et du Hamas. Le deuxième est attaquer l’Iran. La troisième option : “Donnez le feu vert pour les agents du Mossad basés aux États-Unis pour écarter le Président jugé inamical à l’encontre d’Israël pour que le vice-président actuel prenne sa place et dicte avec vigueur que la politique des États-Unis inclut son aide à l’état juif pour effacer ses ennemis.”
Pour s’assurer que les lecteurs avaient bien compris ce qu’il disait, Adler a souligné son appel au meurtre d’Obama en écrivant : “oui, vous lisez correctement. Ordonner une frappe sur un président pour préserver l’existence de l’Israël.”
Il a ajouté : “Imaginez bien que, si j’ai pu pensé à ce scénario à la Tom Clancy, peut-elle ne pas avoir été discutée dans les cercles les plus fermés en Israël ?… Vous devez croire, comme je le fais, que toutes les options sont sur la table.”
Forcés de commenter à cause de l’indignation publique provoqués par ces propos, d’autres chefs juifs ont affirmé que c’était “juste l’opinion d’un homme” mais la vérité est que cet homme connu pour être profondément religieux et depuis longtemps actif dans les affaires juives — est l’éditeur d’un journal influent servant une des communautés les plus riches et les plus puissantes dans une région métropolitaine essentielle.
Bien qu’Abe Foxman de l’Anti-Defamation Ligue(ADL) de B’nai B’rith et d’autres lobbys juifs ait dénoncé les opinions franches exprimées par un l’un des leurs, leur indignation a semblé à certains observateurs être plus mise sur le fait que la franchise d’Adler a trop ouvertement exposé le point de vue partagé par nombre de ses co-religionnaires et leur profonde colère contre le Président Obama perçu pour être hostile à Israël.
At the height of a growing frenzy among American friends of Israel who demand the United States attack Iran, a leader of the Jewish community publicly called for Israel’s Mossad to assassinate President Barack Obama in order to save Israel from Iran.
On Jan. 13, Andrew Adler, editor and publisher of The Atlanta Jewish Times—joining an ever-more-boisterous chorus of angry voices—wrote a column declaring Israel had three options (all violent) to ensure its security. The first option was to attack its enemies in Hezbollah and Hamas. The second was to attack Iran. The third option: “Give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States’ policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.”
To ensure readers understood what he was saying, Adler underscored his call for Obama’s murder, writing: “Yes, you read [that] correctly. Order a hit on a president in order to preserve Israel’s existence.”
He added: “Think about it. If I have thought of this Tom Clancy-type scenario, don’t you think that this almost unfathomable idea has been discussed in Israel’s most inner circles? . . . You have got to believe, like I do, that all options are on the table.”
News of this open call by a Jewish leader for the president’s assassination did not receive any notice outside the Jewish community until after an independent Internet website discovered the story and publicized it. In fact, most major news outlets completely suppressed this important story.
Forced by public outrage to comment, other Jewish leaders asserted this was “just one man’s opinion” but the truth is that one man—known to be deeply religious and long active in Jewish affairs—was the publisher of an influential newspaper serving one of the wealthiest and most powerful communities in a pivotal metropolitan area.
Although Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith and other Jewish lobby kingpins denounced the candid opinions expressed by one of their own, their outrage seemed to some observers to be more hinged on the fact that Adler’s honesty too openly exposed the point that there is deep anger toward Obama by those who perceive the president to be hostile to Israel.
As far back as its July/August 2009 issue, Commentary, the magazine of the American Jewish Committee, referred to Obama’s “turn against Israel”—just one notable example of this mindset.
Adler’s viewpoint reflects the attitude of many in the pro-Israel community, evidenced by heavy-handed attacks on the president appearing in Jewish community newspapers from the beginning of his presidency.
Chemi Shalev admitted in an essay in Israel’s Ha’aretz on Jan. 21 that Adler’s views do reflect the thinking of what Shalev referred to as “many.”
Commenting that “Adler’s crazy and criminal suggestions are not the ranting of some loony-tune individual and were not taken out of thin air,” Shalev said Adler’s anger was “the inevitable result of the inordinate volume of repugnant venom” spewed at Obama by “many who still believe he is a Muslim, who are convinced that he wants to destroy Israel and who seriously debate whether he is more like Ahmadinejad than Arafat or. . .more like Hitler than Haman.”
Some speculate the Adler affair was stage-managed from the start—a contrived provocation to stir up more discussion in the Jewish community of Obama’s intransigence toward Israel. Adler himself said he “wanted to get a reaction,” and he did: Jewish people across America are aware—now more than ever—that many of their leaders are hostile to Obama because of his policy toward Israel.
The Secret Service claims it is “investigating,” although few believe Adler will be prosecuted. In the meantime, Adler “resigned” as editor of his own newspaper and put it up for sale.
The call for Obama’s assassination does come at a time when pro-Israel voices are howling for Obama to wage war against Iran on Israel’s behalf.
On Jan. 18, The Wall Street Journal—controlled by hardline pro-Israel billionaire Rupert Murdoch—published a screaming pro-war commentary titled “The Mortal Threat from Iran.” The author—Mark Helprin—is an American conservative who holds membership in the influential Council on Foreign Relations and who is also a former member of both the Israeli infantry and the Israeli air force.
Helprin declared that “any president of the United States fit for the office . . . should order the armed forces of the United States to attack and destroy the Iranian nuclear weapons complex.”
Acknowledging Americans would suffer retaliatory attacks from Iran, Helprin concluded it would be worth the cost to put an end to such a “vengeful, martyrdom-obsessed state in the midst of a never-subsiding fury against the West.”
This hysterical bellicosity appearing in the otherwise staid Wall Street Journal is not out of the ordinary. It is found in much of the media as the pressure for war escalates.
The question remains: Will Obama be intimidated by the threats, or will he withstand the demands of the powerful minority who want war? —— Michael Collins Piper is an author, journalist, lecturer and radio show host. He has spoken in Russia, Malaysia, Iran, Abu Dhabi, Japan, Canada and the U.S. He is the author of Final Judgment, The New Jerusalem, The High Priests of War, Dirty Secrets, My First Days in the White House, The New Babylon, Share the Wealth, The Judas Goats, Target: Traficant and The Golem. You can order any of these books with a credit card by calling AFP/FAB toll free at 1-888-699-6397.
As AFP predicted in the Feb. 6 edition, the call by the publisher of The Atlanta Jewish Times, Andrew Adler, for Israel’s Mossad to utilize its American-based assets to assassinate Barack Obama has been almost entirely suppressed by the mainstream media. In contrast, the story has been big news in Israel and widely reported in Jewish community newspapers all across America.
Most astonishing—in response to Adler’s provocation—is that there are many Jewish writers openly acknowledging there is a deep hatred for Obama within the Jewish community, which most Americans presume to be strongly supportive of the president.
A widely circulated analysis originating on Jan. 24 with the influential Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA), admitted Adler’s remarks were “an extreme expression of a viewpoint that carries great currency among Obama’s Jewish critics: that the president represents a serious danger to Jews and to Israel,” adding that “while few of those critics might go as far as Adler, it doesn’t take much discussion in certain Jewish circles to find those who see something far more sinister in Obama than a president whose policies are bad for the Jews and Israel.”
JTA quoted Randy Silver, a Glenview, Ill. businessman, who asserted that he believes “Obama’s overriding goal is to have Israel destroyed. [Obama] put steps in motion to bring about the destruction of the state of Israel.”
A New Yorker told JTA that “[Obama is] not a Hitler in the sense that he’s anti-Semitic and wants to put every Jew into a concentration camp—at least not as we see things right now.”
Andrew Adler’s call for Mossad hit teams
to rub out Obama is big news in the Jewish
community but has been suppressed in
the mainstream.
JTA noted that “many longtime observers of the Jewish political scene” say the Jewish opposition to Obama reveals “an unprecedented level of vitriol.”
Morton Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, told JTA: “I’ve never seen as much enmity toward a president by American Jews as I do toward Obama. . . . Among those who care about Israel, he surely is to blame for it. Every chance he gets, he blames Israel.”
And although there have been attempts to paint Adler’s Atlanta Jewish Times as being somehow without influence, one of Adler’s regular columnists is Chuck Berk, a leader of the Republican Jewish Coalition, who—as recently as Dec. 30—was pictured in the Times in the company of Israel’s consul general in Atlanta, along with the governor of Georgia and several state senators.
In the meantime, Scotty Reid—columnist for a black-oriented Internet site, ThyBlackMan.com—raised important questions: “Are there Israeli assassination teams in the U.S.? If Israeli Mossad agents are based in the United States, what they are doing?”
Reid also noted that, “Adler is not just some crazed or mentally impaired individual publishing outlandish conspiracy theories.” Instead, Reid emphasized, Adler is not only publisher of a weekly newspaper but also producer of a local television show on which he has interviewed a number of Israeli government officials.
While JTA suggested most Jews still claim to support Obama, it did not mention that polls showing significant Jewish opposition to Obama could be enough to cause Obama to lose the electoral votes of key states, particularly in the Northeast, where politically active Jews in large numbers reside.
—— Michael Collins Piper is an author, journalist, lecturer and radio show host. He has spoken in Russia, Malaysia, Iran, Abu Dhabi, Japan, Canada and the U.S. He is the author of Final Judgment, The New Jerusalem, The High Priests of War, Dirty Secrets, My First Days in the White House, The New Babylon, Share the Wealth, The Judas Goats, Target: Traficant and The Golem. You can order any of these books with a credit card by calling AFP/FAB toll free at 1-888-699-6397.
Israel Has Long History of Political Murders
By Edward R. Fields
As AFP has reported, The Atlanta Jewish Times publisher Andrew Adler, in an editorial on Jan. 13, suggested that Israel’s Mossad should consider assassinating President Barack Obama. The Secret Service should take serious note of this, as Jewish and pro-Israeli groups have a long history of advocating and even carrying out assassinations of top officials deemed a threat.
Of late, Iran’s nuclear scientists have been specific targets of Israeli assassins. At least six have been murdered in the past few years. On Jan. 11, 2012, Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan was killed in broad daylight after an explosive was placed on his car in downtown Tehran. On Nov. 29, 2010, Majid Shahriari was killed when terrorists on a high-speed motorcycle attached a magnetic bomb to his car in busy traffic. In a separate attack that same, day another bomb exploded, severely wounding Fereydoon Abbasi, who now heads Iran’s atomic energy project. A year earlier, on Jan. 12, 2010, Massoud Ali Mohammadi died when terrorists set off a bomb as he walked out of his front door. Three others have been murdered in similar attacks.
Two years ago, a prominent Hamas diplomat from the Gaza Strip was murdered in his hotel room in Dubai by several Jewish agents. They held a pillow over his head, smothering him to death. Some 13 conspirators were involved, all of whom used stolen foreign passports, including one from America.
Victor Ostrovsky was a case officer in Israel’s Mossad. He defected to Canada in 1990 and wrote the book By Way of Deception. Ostrovsky states that the Mossad has 1,200 employees and a special assassination unit called the “Kidon.” He writes that they do not need a large number of agents because: “There is a significant and loyal cadre of the worldwide Jewish community.”
Political Assassinations by Jews is a book by Nachman Ben-Yehuda published by State University of New York Press. It studies over 100 major attacks by Jewish terrorist groups going back to 1902. The more prominent cases include:
• Swedish peace negotiator Count Folke Bernadotte wanted to give western Galilee to the Jews and the Negev and Jerusalem to Jordan. On Sept. 17, 1948, his car was passing through Jerusalem when a jeep blocked its way. Four Jews in military dress got out of the truck with tommy guns and riddled Bernadotte and his French aide. Yitzhak Shamir’s Lehi group was responsible. Shamir would later be elected Israeli prime minister.
• British Baron Walter Moyne was minister for Egypt and Palestine. On Nov. 16, 1944, two Lehi agents, Eliahu Hakim and Beit Zouri, waited in the bushes near Moyne’s home. When Moyne and his driver arrived, the pair jumped out and shot both to death. The Lehi killers later released a statement that: “Moyne was personally responsible for Britain’s anti-Zionist policy.”
Dating back to the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, Jews played a major role in the assassination of the czar’s leaders. The Social Revolutionary Party assassinated six of the top officials of the imperial government from 1901 to 1911. The Russian premier, Pyotr Stolypin, was shot in cold blood by Jewish lawyer Mordecai Bogrov in 1911. —— Edward R. Fields is the publisher of the Georgia-based political newsletter The Truth At Last.
The Jewish threat to assassinate Obama–typical ‘out of the overflow of the heart the Jewish mouth speaks’ or something more organized? We are joined by Keith Johnson, Mark Dankof and Michael Collins Piper to discuss the latest threat from Israel that Obama better shape up lest he be shipped out in a pine box.
As wacky as Adler’s column was, it was an extreme expression of a viewpoint that carries great currency among Obama’s Jewish critics: that the president represents a serious danger to Jews and to Israel.
While few of those critics might go as far as Adler, it doesn’t take much discussion in certain Jewish circles to find those who see something far more sinister in Obama than a president whose policies are bad for the Jews and Israel.
“I think Obama’s overriding goal is to have Israel destroyed,” said Randy Silver, a businessman from Glenview, Ill.“He puts steps in motion to bring about the destruction of the State of Israel.”
One New Yorker who insisted on anonymity said, “He’s not a Hitler in the sense that he’s anti-Semitic and wants to put every Jew into a concentration camp -- at least not as we see things right now.”
He also said he believes that if Obama hangs on for a second term, he’ll find a way to stay in the White House beyond that, even though the Constitution bars a president from serving a third term.
Noah, a physician from the New York's Westchester County suburb who asked that his full name be withheld, told JTA: “I will admit to serious questions about whether he’s a Muslim and whether he hates Jews. It’s a possibility. I’m very uncomfortable with him.”
To be sure, such views constitute a minority viewpoint even among Obama's Jewish detractors, and the American Jewish community has been -- and largely remains -- a stronghold of support for Obama. In 2008, Obama won an estimated 78 percent of the Jewish vote, and even though his popularity in the Jewish community has dwindled during his Oval Office tenure, it has declined far less among Jews than among the general U.S. population. A Gallup poll released four months ago showed Obama with a 55 percent approval rating among Jews, though an American Jewish Committee poll released at approximately the same time showed the president with a 45 percent approval rating. Still, the AJC poll showed that Obama would win the Jewish vote against any hypothetical Republican candidate by at least 18 percentage points.
Obama is hardly the first president to be called an anti-Semite or hostile to Israel. In 1991, George H.W. Bush found himself the subject of withering Jewish criticism when he sought to delay $10 billion in loan guarantees for Israel unless Jerusalem agreed to a settlement freeze in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The national director of the Anti-Defamation League, Abraham Foxman, said he remembers holding a news conference to denounce Jewish characterizations of Bush as Satan and evil.
But the rhetoric and conspiracy theories against Obama seem to constitute an unprecedented level of vitriol, say many longtime observers of the Jewish political scene.
“I’ve never seen as much enmity toward a president by American Jews as I do toward Obama,” said Morton Klein, the national president of the Zionist Organization of America. “I’ve never heard people say, as they say to me, 'I hate him.' ”
Klein, who called on the American Israel Public Affairs Committee to disinvite Obama from its annual policy conference last year and thinks AIPAC should bar Obama from this year’s conference, lays the blame on the president.
“Among those who care about Israel, he surely is to blame for it,” Klein said. “Every chance he gets he blames Israel.”
Foxman says that extreme hatred of Obama is not so much about the president’s policies as it is about America’s economic troubles, the sense that Israel faces greater existential threats today than at any time in the last 30 to 40 years, and the Internet, which amplifies and spreads radical voices and conspiracy theories.
“All of these add an anxiety element that intensifies fear and anxiety,” Foxman told JTA. “Attitudes have intensified.”
Then there’s Obama himself -- a black president with the middle name Hussein who has been accused even by some Jewish Democrats of not being able to show sympathy for Israel in his kishkes.
“Here’s a president who doesn’t show emotion on anything, and the Jewish community is used to emotion,” Foxman said.
Democrats blame the Republicans for the vitriol; Republicans say Democrats are practicing divisive politics.
Obama's most vehement Jewish critics are not the only ones who accuse Obama of being a secret Muslim, a socialist and a threat to America. Many Tea Party activists have sounded similar themes, with some going so far as to decry his adminsitration as pursuing Nazi-like policies.
But Obama’s most extreme Jewish critics also accuse him of seeking to erase the Jewish character of the Jewish state and plotting to wage war against Israel or the Jews. They see anti-Semitic overtones even in Obama’s hiring of Jewish advisers.
“A Jacob Lew or a Rahm Emanuel is a danger to the Jewish people because they make treif look kosher,” Silver, the Illinois businessman, said of the current and former Obama chiefs of staff. “I think these are anti-Jewish Jews. They make Obama look like he’s not a threat, but he’s a clear and present danger to Israel.”
A Jewish New Yorker named Clive said of Lew's hire, “We know that Pharaoh hired Joseph because it suited him, but down the road when it didn’t suit him he made his family slaves.”
Pamela Geller, a Jewish writer whose blog, Atlas Shrugs, is a popular source of information for anti-Obama conspiracy theorists, says Obama is trying to stir up Muslim enmity toward Jews.
“The President of the United States is advancing jihad against the oath of office that he took,” Geller wrote in April 2010. “If he is agitating Muslims against Jews, will he declare war on Israel?”
Obama administration officials repeatedly have denounced these sorts of accusations as patently false and waged a campaign in the Jewish community to highlight the president’s record on issues of Jewish concern, ranging from domestic issues to Obama’s pushes for Iran sanctions and endorsement of unprecedented U.S.-Israel military cooperation.
But ultimately, for that subset of the Jewish community that sees ominous signs in Obama’s record, the concern isn’t so much what Obama has done so far in his three years in office as it is what he might do in the future.
"He takes baby steps and is slowly putting things in play to do Israel damage in the long run," Silver said. "There’s a strategy behind this."