
'We Are at the End of the Age of the Gentiles': Pat Robertson Explains End Times Jerusalem Prophecy - YouTube

De nombreux lecteurs risquent d’être surpris des conclusions auxquelles nous arrivons, mais nous ne les partagerions pas si nous n’étions pas convaincus qu’il y a là matière à réflexion. En effet, d’autres travaux, incluant une partie des travaux de Michael Collins Piper recoupent les informations que nous vous proposons (voir par exemple son important ouvrage The Judas Goats–The Enemy Within sur l’infiltration des mouvements anti-mondialistes et des auteurs qui critiquent la fable convenue de l’histoire).
Le cas Trump est un cas un peu trop évident de conspirationnisme faux et manipulé, nul besoin de s'étendre sur les très suspects QAnon et Roger Stone (Stone se dit ami de Kissinger et Alex Jones. Lié à Trump par leur ami commun Roy Cohn, Stone, comme l'indique son documentaire biographique, fut l'homme derrière la campagne de Trump, derrière pratiquement tout son discours, et particulièrement sur Hillary, plus encore que Bannon, qui a plutôt travaillé les versants numérique et financier de la campagne).
Alex Jones Special Operations Command & CIA Connections
Rappel sur Roger Stone et Israel: FLASHBACK: Redacted FBI document hints at Israeli efforts to help Trump in 2016 campaign Affidavit quotes Trump confidant Roger Stone being told by a Jerusalem contact: ‘He is going to be defeated unless we intervene. We have critical intell. The key is in your hands!’
Dans notre article sur la désinformation concernant les nazis et le nouvel ordre mondial, nous avons abordé le cas de William Guy Carr, ancien militaire de la Première Guerre mondiale et agent du renseignement canadien impliqué dans la lutte anticommuniste et devenu très chrétien vers la fin de sa vie durant sa carrière d’écrivain. Donc, un agent du renseignement canadien est la source principale de la plupart de ce qui s’est écrit en matière de complot illuminati mondialiste antichristique (Des Griffin, Henry Makow, etc.). Ses sources sont principalement (en plus du fumiste Léo Taxil) la célèbre Nesta H. Webster qui est elle-même liée par sa famille à l’establishment britannique et qui n’a rien contre la franc-maçonnerie britannique, qui selon elle ne serait pas du tout impliqué dans aucun complot (la maçonnerie britannique étant anticommuniste, celle-ci serait d’après elle automatiquement exclue de tout complot, une idée saugrenue selon les auteurs conspis de la même époque Leslie Fry, alias Paquita de Shishmareff, et Edith Starr Miller, co-auteur de Occult Theocrasy). Webster attribue la paternité du complot possiblement à l'un de ces trois conspirateurs: le pangermanisme, le sionisme, le "pouvoir occulte" (Pangermanisme, vraiment? voilà une explication qui pose problème, et qui rappelle le discours de Antony Sutton et Alex Jones). Webster, dont Churchill était un lecteur féru, est devenue la principale source de la théorie du complot illuminati communiste mondial judéo-maçonnique, en donnant une forme cohérente aux tout premiers travaux sur le grand complot illuminati pour la révolution mondiale antichrétienne. Or ces travaux viennent tout droit des milieux les plus douteux qu’on puisse imaginer, les milieux théocratiques et féodalistes de l’occultisme d’aliénation le plus intimement lié au Pouvoirs en place:
- Augustin Barruel, jésuite
- John Robison, franc-maçon (d'après son livre légendaire « Proof of a Conspiracy »)
- Alexander Horn, agent des services secrets britanniques, ordre des Bénédictins
* un autre proche de Roy Cohn est nul autre que Rupert Murdoch, riche et puissant magnat à la tête de l'empire Fox et NewsCorp, lié à la mafia et à la communauté du renseignement, incluant le Mossad. C'est via Roy Cohn que Murdoch a pu approcher le président Reagan, afin de convaincre Murdoch d'user de tout son pouvoir médiatique pour soutenir les politiques de droite de Reagan. Parmi les étranges relations de Rupert Murdoch, on retrouve le pseudo investigateur du 11 septembre Chris Bollyn (associé pendant longtemps du délirant désinformateur Eric Hufschmid, lui aussi lié à Murdoch. Agent freelance travaillant ponctuellement pour divers services de renseignement (notamment ceux de l'Église anglicane selon Piper), Bollyn est lié par sa famille à certains des plus grands noms de l'establishment, notamment au clan des Bush et à la famille royale britannique (il descendrait d'Anne Boleyn et donc de la reine Élizabeth I, dont le règne s'est notoirement basé sur l'utilisation politique de l'occultisme et de la franc-maçonnerie; voir par exemple John Dee, inspiration occulte du personnage de 007).
Cette théorie du complot "illuminati judéocommuniste" de source crypto-droitiste chrétienne a pour effet le plus grave de discréditer d'entrée de jeu tout investigateur qui tenterait de lever le voile sur le fait que les services de renseignements internationaux, les réseaux de l'Otan et les gouvernements qui coopèrent avec eux manipulent à leur gré, avec l'aide de riches et influents juifs notamment, le monde du spectacle, les médias, la politique, la justice, l'économie, etc.
« But let us explain about William James Guy Carr (1895 – 1959), who was born in England and went to sea at the age of 14. During World War II, Carr was working for the Canadian Intelligence Service. He became a conspiracy theorist and wrote books which included ‘Pawns in the Game’. He believed that an age-old banking conspiracy was seeking to bring about a one world government. Leo Taxil. Carr’s works were influenced by the writings of the British fascist Nesta Webster and the Frenchman Léo Taxil. (…) Of course, Taxil may have been part of a clever plot to discredit those who try to discredit Freemasons.(…)The letter can apparently be traced to the earlier writings of ‘the self-confessed hoaxsters’ Domenico Margiotta and Leo Taxil. Apparently, there is no evidence that any correspondence ever existed.Carr’s books refer to the « Synagogue of Satan. » Carr wrote, « I wish to make it clearly and emphatically known that I do not believe the Synagogue of Satan (S.O.S.) is Jewish, but, as Christ told us for a definite purpose, it is comprised of ‘I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.’ (Rev. 2:9 and 3:9) ».[23] Carr believed that the Luciferian conspirators existed at the time of Christ. So, Carr was some kind of right-winger with links to the security services. And some of his sources are dubious. One suspects that he was secretly a friend of the Feudal System? »


Les plus puissantes organisations juives travaillent certes à étendre leur sphère d'influence, or une partie essentielle de ce travail consiste en fait à montrer une image de puissance, à se doter d'une aura de puissance, bref à mentir sur soi-même, à exagérer son importance, pour impressionner et exercer une plus grande influence sur ceux qui sont au pouvoir (politique ou autre). Tout think tank ou lobby essaie toujours de paraître plus influent qu'il ne l'est vraiment.
Sur la page Wikipedia anglaise des Protocoles des Sages de Sion, le premier mot-clé porte à réfléchir et renforce la théorie que les Protocoles sont une BlackOp (guerre psychologique).
Comme dans notre article précédent sur les PsyOps, nous suggérons que le texte des Protocoles des Sages de Sion pourrait relever d'une manipulation visant d'une part à accroître la confusion générale et protéger les vrais criminels en mettant tout le blâme uniquement sur le dos des juifs (vérité partielle cachant la réalité du fait que les contrôleurs ne sont pas tous vraiment obsédés par leur judaïsme), et visant d'autre part une certaine partie de la population (ceux qui sont un peu plus conscients de l'action des puissances de l'ombre dans l'histoire moderne) dans l'objectif de les mettre au service d'un agenda anti-socialiste et fondamentaliste de droite conservatrice. (Reagan et Trump ont fait de même en récupérant le discours populiste afin de le mettre au service des intérêts des puissants.) L'autoritarisme, le féodalisme, la théocratie, l'anti-libéralisme, l'anti-socialisme sont les traits caractéristiques de cette propagande qui s'insinue à chaque page des Protocoles, ce qui se prouve facilement par leur mise en valeur des Jésuites dans le rôle des plus redoutables "ennemis des Sages de Sion". Sous le conspirationnisme anti-judaïque du texte des Protocoles, on trouve toujours la même propagande autoritaire répétant sans cesse que l'humanité est un troupeau bêlant qu'il faut diriger à partir de l'ombre des sociétés secrètes et de la pénombre des médias, du divertissement, de la politique et autres médiations servant d'opposition contrôlée. Cautionnant ainsi le rôle de directeur de l'humanité auquel prétendent les Jésuites, les Francs-maçons et les Renseignements. En propageant les Protocoles, les quelques individus conscients du fait que les populations sont manipulées secrètement par de petits groupes d'intérêts se trouvent paradoxalement à servir la soupe aux puissants de ce monde qu'il croit sincèrement être en train de dénoncer! Cela parce qu'ils se trouvent à diffuser une propagande qui a été expressément conçue par ces mêmes puissances de l'ombre.
Quantité de sources historiques fiables indiquent que des membres de sociétés secrètes politiquement très influentes en coulisse ont propagé le texte des Protocoles (Papus n'en est que le plus célèbre). Ceux qui vont plus loin dans l'analyse suggèrent que cela fut fait afin de pousser la France et la Russie à sceller une alliance contre l'Allemagne, en vue de la (Première) Grande Guerre, au service de l'Angleterre (puisque les sociétés secrètes le sont pratiquement toutes, internationalement). Et quand on parle de l'État Anglais, cela inclut des juifs très riches et puissants, mais pas uniquement des juifs... Peu importe leur origine réelle (satire littéraire récupérée politiquement par les services secrets russes puis répandue sous le manteau), les Protocoles de Sion ont effectivement été diffusés par l'entourage de Papus en lien avec l'ordre martiniste et synarchique et le Rite Memphim-Misraïm dont il fut grand maître. Papus lui-même un joué un grand rôle dans l'alliance franco-russe contre l'Allemagne, pour le compte de l'Angleterre lors de la Première Guerre mondiale.
Nous conseillons par exemple cette entrevue vidéo (ci-dessous) sur la nouvelle droite et l'Alt-Right (Droite alternative) en tant que Psy Ops: ses racines plongeant dans la Synarchie et les sociétés secrètes.
David Livinggtone: The CIA and the Myth of the Communist Conspiracy (...)[The JBS's founder Robert] Welsh was a 32nd degree Freemason. Ultimately, the John Birch Society castigates the “Illuminati,” who they claim infiltrated the Freemasons, an otherwise noble and truly patriotic organization. The organization qualified their publication of the John Robison’s Proof of a Conspiracy, exposing the Illuminati, and originally published in 1789, with:
Let it be stressed that the present publication of Robison's work is not intended to open old wounds or create new animosity or distrust toward Freemasonry, whose adherents today certainly number among our staunchest patriots and anti-Communists... The conspirators have long since discarded Freemasonry as their vehicle. If clever conspirators could use - of all groups - so fine a group as the Masons, we must open our minds to consider what infinite possibilities are available to them in our own present day society. Their main habitat these days seems to be the great subsidized universities, tax-free foundations, mass media communications, governmental bureaus such as the State Department, and a myriad of private organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations…[7]
Manufactured Problem: the Liberal/Islamic/Progressive « Anti-Christ » NWO – Multiculturalism and Internationalism
Fake Solution: the Theocratic « Christian Patriot » Order – Nationalism and Imperialism
=Thesis and Anti-Thesis: Don’t pick a side!! Don’t fall for it!!
David Icke used to used to call them the « Babylonian Brotherhood ». That is probably a far more accurate way to describe the network of families and groups working towards the NWO.
The word « Illuminati » is just an umbrella term that has NOTHING to do with Adam Weishaupt’s group.
I think people should stop using it, tbh. It leads everyone in the wrong direction, and as a result there are many misconceptions about the « NWO ». The royal bloodline and secret society network is HQ’d in England and America, and they have been since the Anglican Church started breaking away from Rome and especially after the Protestant Reformation.
The NWO was and is an Anglo-Saxon agenda to establish America as their new Atlantis and a launching pad for world domination.
The people who started the rumors about Weishaupt’s group were inherently linked with the power structure in the first place:
John Robison – General Secretary of the neo-Rosicrucian Royal Society in Britain
Alexander Horn – Robison’s source, British secret agent, and member of the Order of St Benedict
Abbe Barruel – Jesuit Priest
These are the people who started the rumors, which are obviously nothing more than propaganda. Weishaupt’s group has become a scapegoat for the apocalyptic agenda of WASP Zionists and their Jewish henchmen.
If you go back early enough, the anti-« Illuminati » movement was probably even started by the ptb. John Robison was a Freemason and General Secretary of the Royal Society (a neo-Rosicrucian group). Abbe Barruel was a Jesuit Priest. Alexander Horn was a British agent in the Order of St. Benedict. These were the people who first began « exposing » the Bavarian Illuminati’s supposed agenda after its disbandment. Why are they all members of the same secret societies actually behind the agenda today? It’s very likely that the Bavarian Illuminati is a scapegoat.
To be honest, I believe John Robison was a propaganda artist put out there by the establishment to distract people and misdirect their attention.
Since you mentioned the Rosicrucians, it’s worth noting that John Robison was the 1st General Secretary of the Royal Society in Edinburgh; the Royal Society was inspired by British Rosicrucianism, if not a branch of it. And as you already acknowledged, Robison was a Freemason too.
He was also aided by Alexander Horn, a Roman Catholic in the Order of St Benedict, dubbed the « Black Monks », who also worked for the British government.
The other person who popularized the Illuminati scare was the Jesuit priest, Augustine Barruel.
So you are calling out the Catholic Church, the Jesuits, and the Rosicrucians, but you’re basically repeating their propaganda.
John Robison was obviously an establishment shill. What he accomplished was taking the people’s attention off of the Anglo-American Zionist establishment and putting it on to the Bavarian Illuminati, making them a scapegoat.
And it gets worse…
Robison’s propaganda piece, aided by two Vatican stooges, took the Federalist movement in America by storm. By the way, the Federalists were the ones who wanted to centralize the American government and bring in the national banking system, allegedly the Rothschild banking system. They used Robison’s Illuminati myth to demonize their political opponents, the anti-Federalists, who fought hard to get the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution.
In summary, the proponents of centralization and Rothschild-banking used Robison’s work on the « Illuminati » to demonize those who had been promoting the Bill of Rights and denouncing the bankers. Even George Washington’s infamous letter regarding Robison’s work, in which he accused Thomas Jefferson, demonstrates this.
Many Federalists were typically Christian Zionists anticipating the Apocalypse, which is why even today much of the « Christian Right » is involved in the truth movement. It was a Christian Zionist pastor who informed the Federalist George Washington of Robison’s work to begin with. They are complete and utter controlled opposition and have been ever since John Robison published Proof of a Conspiracy.
The REAL NWO agenda is Anglo-American Zionist imperialism, which much of the Apocalyptic « Christian Right » supports, and the Bavarian Illuminati is used as a scapegoat by these types to this very day.
This begins by focusing too much on the Bavarian Illuminati and presenting the claims of John Robison as if they’re crucial to the anti-NWO theory.
In truth, Robison himself was a Freemason and General Secretary of Britain’s Royal Society (a neo-Rosicrucian group).
The whole idea that the NWO traces back to Adam Weishaupt appears to be little more than Anglo-Masonic propaganda. It creates a scapegoat that takes all the attention off of Masonic America and shifts it over to Weishaupt’s group, which, it is then claimed, supposedly infiltrated America.
As is typical, the video then presents George Washington’s letter implicating Thomas Jefferson to prove the Illuminati had infiltrated America. But blaming the Bavarian Illuminati wasn’t uncommon in Federalist propaganda against the anti-Federalists. See Jedidiah Morse and his ilk.
Note: it was the anti-Federalists like Jefferson who fought to give us the Bill of Rights. It was the Federalists like Washington and Hamilton who gave us the Rothschild Bank, not to mention a stronger, more centralized, Federal Government. So who was really serving the ptb?
It’s odd that the video does mention Alexander Hamilton’s role in creating the Rothschild bank in America, but doesn’t make the obvious connection to George Washington and the Federalists. Alexander Hamilton and George Washington are like two peas in a pod. They can’t really be separated. But they have to be if one is to present the mythical, romanticized version of America’s foundations, since Washington was the main leader of the Revolution.
People who romanticize America’s founding and claim the country was merely « infiltrated » by some group, whether it be Weishaupt’s Illuminati, or Zionists, or Communists, or any other group, end up completely missing the plot.
Simply put, the NWO is an agenda to build (or rebuild) the mythical (or real) « Atlantis », and America was founded by Anglo-Saxon Freemasonry precisely for that reason, not merely infiltrated by Jacobin, French, Illuminized Freemasonry after its founding. Even renowned Freemasons like Manley P Hall admit to that fact.
The newest incarnation of the agenda actually started with the Anglo colonization of the « New World », hence the phrase « New World Order » and what Carroll Quigley (and other educated researchers) calls the « Anglo-American Establishment ». Their inspiration was Francis Bacon’s work, « the New Atlantis », which was a rip-off of the mythical Rosicrucian « Christianopolis ». The American Revolution and the founding of the USA marked the successful launch of the agenda; this is why it’s flaunted on the US Great Seal along with pleas to the one-eyed Demiurge/GAOTU to aid in its completion (symbolized by the incomplete pyramid and eye of their « God » in the missing capstone).
On another note.. there’s a segment in the video on the Skull&Bones society at Yale, but the video neglects to mention that the key families in the Order all trace back to the original Puritan settlers, who arrived here aiming to create « God’s Kingdom on Earth », or so they said.. (think Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis/ »Christianopolis »). The very symbol of the Skull&Bones was used by Puritans as a reminder of death, and was often placed on gravestones throughout Puritan New England. Puritans founded Yale University and Puritan families form the core of Skull&Bones.
These are important details if one wants to truly understand what’s going on.
I think it’s doubly important considering the video-maker seems to be a fundamentalist Christian himself, and the so-called « Christian Patriot » movement in America peddles a lot of the same myths. Imo, they’re going to be led down the garden path when the time comes for « Christian America » to fulfill it’s so-called « secret destiny ». And since that secret destiny is nothing other than America’s rise as the « New Atlantis », based on the Rosicrucian vision for a « Christianopolis », and first put into action by the Puritan settlers whose descendants now find their home in the Skull&Bones society, I speculate that these « Christian Patriots » will be the ones who naively usher in the REAL NWO, while fighting this boogeyman-« NWO » they think traces to Adam Weishaupt, world Jewry, or Communism, or some other scapegoat they often use which only illustrates one half of the picture.
There are a couple reasons. The first you already touched on; the majority of people are extremely dumbed down and apathetic, so they don’t have to worry about it much. Most people still haven’t even heard of the NWO conspiracy, let alone believe in it.. let alone care about it.
The main reason, though, imo, is that there are different versions of the « NWO ». The ptb are deliberately « exposing » one so they can offer up the other as the solution. It’s the ultimate Problem-Reaction-Solution scheme.
They’re the ones letting out much of the information, because most of it is dis-information. I mean Fox News has even been « exposing » the « New World Order » over the last few years (Glenn Beck’s show was dedicated to doing just that), but they twist it in a way to suggest that the Christian conservative movement, including groups like Tea Party, are the good guys. This is mainstream media!
If you go back early enough, the anti-« Illuminati » movement was probably even started by the ptb. John Robison was a Freemason and General Secretary of the Royal Society (a neo-Rosicrucian group). Abbe Barruel was a Jesuit Priest. Alexander Horn was a British agent in the Order of St. Benedict. These were the people who first began « exposing » the Bavarian Illuminati’s supposed agenda after its disbandment. Why are they all members of the same secret societies actually behind the agenda today? It’s very likely that the Bavarian Illuminati is a scapegoat.
A scapegoat for what? You hinted at it already..
Very good connection, not irrelevant at all. I remember that it was Robison who claimed that Freemasonry was « good » and infiltrated by « the illuminati » and I know the JBS also had that position. A little off topic, but perhaps not Farrakahn claimed that black freemasonry was good and white freemasonry was evil. LOL
I always had a problem with that theory of Illuminati infiltration because IMO these esoteric groups have been around under various names going all the way back to Ancient Egypt and beyond, and they have been the cause of the worlds problems. This « infiltration » theory is also the same as the whole conspiracy movement’s « the United States being infiltrated by Jews, communists, or globalists » rather than the institution, (the US, or freemasonry) being creations of TPTB from the beginning.
This is simply scapegoating. Chopping off the leg to save the whole body. To satisfy inquiring minds, give them a little truth, make them think it’s all they need to know, and preserve the more important secrets.
Look at today, we can even compare Robison to « whistleblowers » like Julian Assange and Snowden, who have been proven to most likely be agents of the CIA.
I’m not saying that there are not real whistleblowers, but clearly the more high profile they are, the more likely they are plants. I guess it’s a little different comparing people in the era off mass social media, to guys like Robison who worked entirely with ink.
John Robison :
The conspiracy theorist
Towards the end of his life, he became an enthusiastic conspiracy theorist, publishing Proofs of a Conspiracy … in 1797, alleging clandestine intrigue by the Illuminati and Freemasons (the work’s full title was Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe, carried on in the secret meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and Reading Societies). The secret agent monk, Alexander Horn provided much of the material for Robison’s allegations.[3] French priest Abbé Barruel independently developed similar views that the Illuminati had infiltrated Continental Freemasonry, leading to the excesses of the French Revolution. In 1798, the Reverend G. W. Snyder sent Robison’s book to George Washington for his thoughts on the subject in which he replied to him in his Letter to the Reverend G. W. Snyder (24 October 1798).
Modern conspiracy theorists like Nesta Webster and William Guy Carr believe that Robison’s book described what the Illuminati may have started was the template for the subversion of otherwise benign organizations by radical groups through the 19th and 20th centuries. Spiritual Counterfeits Project editor Tal Brooke has compared the views of Proofs of a Conspiracy with those found in Carroll Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope (Macmillan, 1966). Brooke suggests that the New World Order, which Robison believed Adam Weishaupt (founder of the Illuminati) had in part accomplished through the infiltration of Freemasonry, will now be completed by those holding sway over the international banking system (e.g., by means of the Rothschilds’ banks, the U.S. Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank).[4]
I prefer that label because it highlights that the group and their agenda is ancient with roots in Babylon. People hear « Illuminati » and assume it’s just a liberal agenda which started in 18th Century Bavaria, when we both know the agenda is much older than that. The term is very misleading.
I agree that certain elements within Masonry are running the show. I just question the influence of Weishaupt’s group beyond inspiring the French Revolution and later revolutionary movements; the group itself was disbanded. And most importantly, Freemasonry was part of an evil and corrupt agenda long before Illuminized Freemasonry, so Robison’s emphasis on the infiltration of Weishaupt’s group is nothing more than scapegoating.
The 3 guys who first claimed the group survived were all intimately connected with the establishment, and we shouldn’t just ignore that. I think it would be naive to just assume they were all « former » insiders, rather than stooges peddling propaganda, much like the propaganda we see on Fox News in modern times when they « expose » the NWO and the Illuminati. It’s very convenient for the real perpetrators.
Zionist « Christians » (who are just another front for the Satanic network) were the ones who « exposed » the Illuminati throughout the 18th/19th Centuries in America, yet they were usually the ones (the Federalists) seeking to centralize the power structure and inviting the banking cartel into American politics. It’s the same today; they are still blaming Weishaupt’s « Illuminati » for what’s going on, when they’re the ones who typically promote Anglo-America’s imperialist agenda.
I see John Robison as the Glenn Beck of his day, tbph.
I think you may have hit the nail on the head by referencing « the Family » (Jeff Sharlet), IF you are referring to the network of rightwing pseudo-Christians prevalent in American politics. Their apocalyptic agenda is at the crux of the NWO.
Interesting. Pat Robertson springs to mind, he is very instrumental in stirring up the right wing nut jobs with his extremist views, support of slavery and anti women, pro rapist views.
He was also a former presidential candidate and diamond smuggler, and leader of the so called « 700 Club » on Masonic agenda » Christian » tv network, TCM.
This leads me in nicely to my Billy Graham crusade thread, the masons neatly leading the masses into the NWO, whilst pretending to oppose it.
Spot on! I mean even Pat Robertson wrote a book about the « New World Order » ffs!
Originally Posted by vancity eagle : I remember Glenn beck! while he was still at Fox News talk on his show about the Federal Reserve, the CFR, THE NWO, UN, global government, etc, ON FOX NEWS !!! A year earlier I had seen Jack Van Impe, an American televangelist talk about this same stuff live on his TV show. Suddenly the stuff Alex Jones was going on about wasn’t so groundbreaking, ITS ALL A SCRIPT, in fact this info was put out on network TV back in the 80’s through the John Birch Society. There is no way that TPTB are not intentionally leaking this information. Fox News for f sake. Alternative media needs to be heavily scrutinized, especially the more readily available it is. When FOX news is basically parroting what many of these so called « truthers » are talking about, be very skeptical.
It gets even stranger than the JBS, Fox News, and their ilk pretending to be anti-NWO, though. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.
You may think I’m off base on this point, but if you’ll hear me out, it’s all pretty obvious. I’ve reached the conclusion that this deception goes all the way back to the very foundations of the anti-Illuminati movement. Nearly everyone recognizes John Robison as one of the first to expose the Bavarian Illuminati. Indeed, his book ‘Proof of a Conspiracy’ is basically what started the movement. Most early researchers in the 19th Century based their work on his, paving the way for researchers today. What people don’t mention is that his research was aided by Alexander Horn, a British agent in the Roman Catholic Order of Saint Benedictine, and was corroborated by the Jesuit, Abbe Barruel. Not to mention Robison himself was the General Secretary of the Royal Society (neo-Rosicrucians) and a Freemason.
Is his narrative that Freemasonry was benevolent before being infiltrated by the Bavarian Illuminati not the same propaganda peddled today by Masonic institutions like the John Birch Society? Could his work have been little more than propaganda then too?
Maybe not; one could argue that he went rogue and was a whistleblower. However, this narrative was propagated by the Federalists (many of whom were Zionist WASP’s with an Apocalyptic vision of their own) in America to demonize the anti-Federalists, proponents of the Bill of Rights and those who opposed Hamilton’s central banking agenda. How’s that for irony?
One such man was Jedidiah Morse, a Yale educated theologian and advocate for Jewish Restorationism/Zionism due to his Apocalyptic beliefs.. sort of a Pat Robertson of his day. He also received a theological degree at the University of Edinburgh where John Robison was a professor, and it was his preaching on the Illuminati that prompted the Federalist and Mason George Washington to comment on the subject in the first place.
It sounds crazy, but the ptb have owned the truth movement in America ever since Robison. The Bavarian Illuminati myth may just be a cover for the imperialist agenda of the WASP/Zionist elite who founded America and have been pretending to be against the « Illuminati » agenda all along, using it as a scapegoat.
Groups like the John Birch Society and the Tea Party are basically the modern incarnation of the phony anti-Illuminati movement of frontmen and Apocalyptic Zionists like John Robison and Jedediah Morse.
Another very important factor that many people are not addressing.
Is Donald Trump not the biggest promoter of AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM ?
That is , that it is the American right to dominate and control the world economically and politically.
The world has become multipolar and America’s power is decreasing both politically and economically.
Donald Trump wants to restore that power.
There is only one way America can restore her economic dominance which she is losing.
That one way IS WAR.
No wonder Trump wants to expand and build the strongest military.
No wonder he said he would TAKE IRAQI OIL. Also he said the Libyans should pay America back for ousting Gaddafi, WITH THEIR OIL.
Trump is a maniac, an extreme war monger and strong proponent of American Exceptionalism ie American Imperialism.
Trump supporters are living in fantasy world. They’ll literally believe anything despite the evidence. I’m not trying to be rude, but it’s seriously some kind of mass delusion.
You’re absolutely right VancityEagle. But it makes perfect sense once one realizes the history of the anti-Illuminati movement. It’s all a fraud. The « truth movement » itself is a fraud, started by the theocratic Federalists in the 18th Century (who eventually became the Republican Party) and revived in the 20th Century by Fascists in the Republican/Conservative Parties. Their front, the John Birch Society, gave us Alex Jones and here we are today.
Originally Posted by vancity eagle Any person in the « truth movement » who supports this guy is a fraud. And there are many. There is a concerted effort for ALL alternative media figures and operations to get behind Trump and it is scary.
The truth movement has always been a front for the theocratic and now Fascist element of the NWO. Unfortunately that’s the sad truth.
Just trace it back to the very beginning.
John Robison – Freemason and General Secretary of the Rosicrucian Royal Society.
Abbe Barruel – Jesuit Priest
Alexander Horn – British spy and member of the Order of St. Benedict
These are the 3 writers who started it all.. a Freemason, a Jesuit, and an intelligence operative for the British government. Great sources.
From there the « Illuminati scare » spread to the United States by proto-Zionists and Theocrats, people like Jedediah Morse, whose ideology traces back to the Puritans and their apocalyptic Baconian/Rosicrucian agenda. That’s what it’s all about. The NWO is a Shakespearean drama (Baconian) about the Apocalypse and all the world’s a stage, literally. And any worthy Apocalypse needs an « Anti-Christ » to scapegoat.. so we got the Theocratic anti-Illuminati movement which morphed into the Fascist anti-Communist movement. And underlying all this is the apocalyptic rhetoric of people like Tim LaHaye (who founded the CNP which gave us the last 3 Republican administrations) to pin all the blame on some mythical Muslim-Commie « Anti-Christ ».
They are literally staging the Apocalypse using biblical and Islamic prophecies as a script, with the Masonic « Christian Right » in the fake « Truth Movement » poised as the messianic saviors. If we’re to believe them, the 7th « trumpet » is about to sound.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that Weishaupt’s Illuminati and Marxism are actually positive forces in the world. But they provide a convenient diversion and scapegoat for the theocratic fascist NWO of neo-Rosicrucian British Freemasonry.
Yes it goes back. I’m aware of Robison, but you’ve taken this whole thing much further back than 20th century opposition groups. I’m literally learning new stuff every day. This stuff is very extensive, all the different people and organizations behind all of this.
That’s why so many people look to simple and easy explanations which vilify one group and leave out whole sections of the conspiracy.
Too many people think being « anti-progressive » equals being against the NWO.
The 1920’s was pre New Deal policies.Yes there is this element as well. If I mention the federal reserve, vaccines, etc. some people may think I am a right wing Trump supporter, because this is the association.
I think ultimately however when you look at the history of the « truth movement » in America, it goes back to the « patriot movement » and the alternative right, looking at groups like the JBS and all of the militia movements, it is clear to me that the main agenda behind all of this was to one day promote Fascism, and we are now seeing the manifestation of this today with Donald Trump.
It is clear that the elites intend at some point in time to tear down their « liberal » and « compassionate conservative » cover and promote an extreme right regime. They have supported the necessary infrastructure to put this in place for decades, and now they are energizing this mass movement not only in the US, but allover Western Europe.
The alternative media has been transitioning to the mainstream for a while now, and it is almost fully there now. This is no coincidence, it has been intentionally moved in this direction and is the fuel behind this mass movement. Even a decade ago you had religious guys like Pat Robertson and Jack Van Impe talking about the NWO from the right wing perspective on cable television.
When I saw Jack Van Impe talking about all the things that Alex Jones was talking about, but on a television show, I knew something was up. I knew AJ was not giving us anything groundbreaking at all, I knew it was likely bullshit. This was a major moment of clarity to me.
The 1980’s began the Mont Pelerin Society (who controls world economics) attack on the New Deal and social spending.
The Mont Pelerin society were behind the push for neoliberalism, free market capitalism, small government, libertarianism, and austerity. All the same nonsense pushed by the oligarchs and their conservative think tanks like
Heritage foundation
Cato institute
American Enterprise Institute
Council for National policy
Hoover Institute
Even supposed « liberal » think tanks like
Council on Foreign Relations fought against New Deal Policies.
Since the 1980’s attack by the Mont Pelerin society on the Common American people, even « liberal » and supposed « leftist » presidents support « free market » liberalization of markets and banks, cutting of social spending and taxes, supporting banks and oligarchs.
Also « grass roots » mass movements like the Tea Party and other pro business pro austerity movements funded by oligarchs like the Koch Brothers who combined are the richest family in the world according to Forbes.
Reagan began the neoliberal economic push known as « Reaganomics » and the dismantling of the New Deal social policies in 1980. Bush Sr. And Clinton continued these policies, slashing social spending, deregulating banks, and cutting taxes. Bush Jr. Also continued this which is why income inequality peaked under him. Obama is pretty much more of the same.
So what the heck is Trump talking about ? When was America great ? Why is he hiring Goldman Sachs execs to his campaign. Why does he praise Reagan who began the process austerity and of income inequality, it could be because they are both Council for National policy creations. One of the CNP mandates is to promote « free markets » and « small government ».
Infowars is a propaganda outlet for the far right wing network of the NWO.
This explains your limited knowledge of these subjects stuck within a very limited paradigm. Your arguments are the basic left vs right arguments that the MSM has been conning the masses with for decades. Alex Jones plays right into this deception while claiming to transcend it. Its basically pick a team and join the fight. Both teams are corrupt. So while enlightened people are exposing this, you are simply joining one of the two teams and joining a meaningless fight.
It also explains your illogical support for Trump as some sort of saviour when its obvious to any objective person that he is a part of the problem.
Roger stone is a part of the same network that was behind Nixon and Reagan, even the Bushes. This network is pure evil and does not have our best interests as a priority. These networks are the bridge between the government and the deep state that really runs America. Roger Stone is really bad news.
The sad truth is there is more freedom and equality in America now than there ever was. As bad as it IS now, anyone who thinks it was ever any better just hasn’t done enough research.
Masonic America started off as a white supremacist Plutocracy. History proves that. Anyone who wasn’t a rich white protestant was discriminated against.. blacks, women, jews, quakers, catholics, indians, the poor, etc..
Is this what Donald Trump wants us to revert back to?
I too would like to know what elements of America’s past were so « great » that Trump thinks we need to restore.
Because if we truly look at his policies, Trump obviously wants to increase the Big Brother state. He want’s America to be even more intrusive and authoritarian, more militaristic, hungrier for war, and so on..
His promotion of American exceptionalism is straight off the NWO’s playbook too, and has traditionally been used as a rallying cry and justification for America’s expansionist/imperialist foreign policy (the NWO) going all the way back to its founding. This would explain why he’s so aggressive.. calling for boots on the ground in Iraq, bombing Iran, strengthening the military, bolstering the military-industrial complex, increasing domestic surveillance, and so on.
Trump didn't change the script though.
It has already been proven that he's:
-Being advised by Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass
-Being advised by NeoCon PNAC architect, John Bolton
-Being advised by Tony Perkins, CNP member and President of the CNP front, the "Family Research Council"... Also note that "Perkins" is one of the Puritan bloodlines at the core of Skull & Bones.
-Being endorsed by members of the same shadow network behind the last 3 Republican administrations (the Masonic Council on National Policy & the former Moral Majority) such as Jerry Falwell Jr.
-Connected to Freemasonry via his family ties to the New Age Evangelical preacher Norman Vincent Peale
-Connected to the Rothschilds via his mafia ties
-Connected to the Rothschilds through his daughter dating Nat Rothschild
-Connected to the Rockefellers & CIA, et al, through his stake in Resorts International
And then you factor in his actual policy positions..
-He wants to start new wars in Iraq & Iran, admittedly to steal/cripple their resources.
-He wants to revive NSA spying on civilians & the Patriot Act.
-He wants to revive Bush era torture, because "they deserve it".
-He wants to murder the wives & children of enemy combatants
& so on...I posted about this a few weeks ago. It amazes me how many people are still supporting Trump's authoritarian agenda & claiming he's "anti-establishment" despite all the evidence to the contrary.
Why are all the people in the "truth movement" jumping on the bandwagon...for the same reasons people in the "truth movement" jumped on putin's bandwagon...they're looking for a savior.
People who get suckered by this stuff think they are standing up to the NWO, when all they are doing is creating it...
..It all has to do with the Zionist agenda and End Times Prophesy.
'Cultural Marxism' is a tin of beans compared to this shit.Yes!------------the "truth movement" is a psy-op staging the Apocalypse
Problem: the Marxist "Anti-Christ" NWO
Reaction: "Oh no! The answer to 1984 is 1776!" ... "Restore the Republic!"
Solution: the Messianic "Christian Patriot" NWO
Don't fall for it!!
Donald Trump is a fucking liar.
He keeps claiming he was against US interventions. That is a flat out lie. He claimed to be against the Iraq invasion, yet it came out that he was for it in a Howard Stern interview.
He claimed to be against the Libya intervention, that is a flat out lie. Check out this article with a VIDEO of him supporting the Libya intervention.
Why are all the people in the "truth movement" jumping on the bandwagon and claiming he is a non interventionist when he supported both the Iraq and Libya invasions ?
Why are they claiming he isn't a Zionist, when he says with his own mouth "Israel will not have a better friend than me"
Any person in the "truth movement" who supports this guy is a fraud. And there are many. There is a concerted effort for ALL alternative media figures and operations to get behind Trump and it is scary.
You've got Alex Jones of course, but you've got RT showing mild support, Ryan Dawson, a guy I've called out for his bullshit in the past also kind of starting to support Trump. You've got Farrakahn being somewhat sympathetic to him.
The "alternative media" are exposing themselves. Trump aint no non interventionist. He is perhaps the greatest war monger of them all.
The guy is establishment through and through.
Watch the video above.Trump supporters are living in fantasy world. They'll literally believe anything despite the evidence. I'm not trying to be rude, but it's seriously some kind of mass delusion.
Originally Posted by vancity eagleAny person in the "truth movement" who supports this guy is a fraud. And there are many. There is a concerted effort for ALL alternative media figures and operations to get behind Trump and it is scary.You're absolutely right VancityEagle. But it makes perfect sense once one realizes the history of the anti-Illuminati movement. It's all a fraud. The "truth movement" itself is a fraud, started by the theocratic Federalists in the 18th Century (who eventually became the Republican Party) & revived in the 20th Century by Fascists in the Republican/Conservative Parties. Their front, the John Birch Society, gave us Alex Jones & here we are today.
The truth movement has always been a front for the theocratic & now Fascist element of the NWO. Unfortunately that's the sad truth.
Just trace it back to the very beginning.
John Robison - Freemason & General Secretary of the Rosicrucian Royal Society.
Abbe Barruel - Jesuit Priest
Alexander Horn - British spy & member of the Order of St. Benedict
These are the 3 writers who started it all.. a Freemason, a Jesuit, & an intelligence operative for the British government. Great sources.
From there the "Illuminati scare" spread to the United States by proto-Zionists & Theocrats, people like Jedediah Morse, whose ideology traces back to the Puritans & their apocalyptic Baconian/Rosicrucian agenda. That's what it's all about. The NWO is a Shakespearean drama (Baconian) about the Apocalypse & all the world's a stage, literally. And any worthy Apocalypse needs an "Anti-Christ" to scapegoat.. so we got the Theocratic anti-Illuminati movement which morphed into the Fascist anti-Communist movement. And underlying all this is the apocalyptic rhetoric of people like Tim LaHaye (who founded the CNP which gave us the last 3 Republican administrations) to pin all the blame on some mythical Muslim-Commie "Anti-Christ".
They are literally staging the Apocalypse using biblical & Islamic prophecies as a script, with the Masonic "Christian Right" in the fake "Truth Movement" poised as the messianic saviors. If we're to believe them, the 7th "trumpet" is about to sound.
Of course, this doesn't mean that Weishaupt's Illuminati & Marxism are actually positive forces in the world. But they provide a convenient diversion & scapegoat for the theocratic fascist NWO of neo-Rosicrucian British Freemasonry.
What people fail to realise when talking about the NWO, is that the New World Order will always be a restoration of the Old World Order.
This gets sidetracked by buzzwords and old chestnuts like Cutural Marxism, Liberal Fascists and Jewish Bolshevism. They keep rehashing the old ideas to rile up the brainwashed public against imagined enemies, so as to take the focus off of themselves.
It was the establishment which allowed Trump to become a multi billionaire, and it is the same establishment which has fascillitated his rise to power. He is one of the one percent. He has been helped all along by his billionaire boys club buddies. The old world order is oligarchs and their slaves. Its feudalism. The old elites of the USA who now run the world, were deeply racist in their beliefs. They had to suppress this rabid racism during the decades of "liberal" encroachment in the government, but it was always the plan for it to once again re emerge, and that is exactly what we are seeing with Trump.
One of the whole points for "progressivism" is to suppress conservatives and the far right, until they reach that boiling point so that they explode with rage and support racist policies even more aggressively. You swing the pendulum in one direction so it comes back swinging in the other.
The problem with the right wing controlled "Truth movement" is that they are so ideologically aligned with this "old world order" "the way things were" When the masses of people were most oppressed by the overlords, but because being white offered certain privileges, they look back to this era(colonial or pre civil war era, pre civil rights era) as "good old days" where even if you were poor, at least you had more rights than black people.
The problem is that "the truth movement", much of it at least doesn't really care about fighting the NWO. They simply care about fighting LIBERALS. To them the NWO is a bunch of liberals, because that's what shills like the CNP and John Birch Society controlled Alex Jones and others of his ilk told them.
Trump is taking the fight to Liberals. So he is one of them, they can relate, because to them its just about fighting Liberals.This is exactly what the problem is with the so called 'Troof' movement, it has been hijacked by the far right via the Christian Patriots, Evangelicals,Tea Baggers and even other non religious groups who have identified Liberals or 'progressives' as a threat to their Old World values. This is why you get moon fruits like Pat Roberson plagiarising Mark Dice's NWO book, and playing on the fears of the average Amercan Christian, that immigration, women's rights and homosexuals will destroy society. They are always hankering for an idealised pre abolition utopia which only exists in their revised history books. Their 'theocracy' is based on the Babylonian culture, and the Roman Empire. It is by no means the belief system exemplified by Jesus Christ. Their God is the Golden Calf, the God of Mammon, Moloch.
We have this here in Britain too, but as the Church of England actually is a State religion, headed up by Her Madge, there isn't the same lobbying power available to Evangelical groups. Trump has played his cards right with the Bible bashing community by masquerading as one of them he is playing on the same fears that the religious right are afraid of, other cultures, same sex marriage and communism.
Of course, the biggest fear of the oligarchs is having their priviledged taken away, which is what real Socialism is designed to do. You are right to identify the feudal system. This has always been a master/slave relationship. They use the age old argument that what is good for capitalism is good for everyone. Obviously they have a point that technological advances such as mobile phones for example, filter down and eventually become available to everyone, not just the mega rich. But you only need to look at the way corporations such as Walmart and Starbucks treat their staff, many of whom are workfare or on zero hour contracts to see the reality. These people are unlikely to agree with the capitalist worldview, because all they do is spend every working our getting enough money to live on, whilst making someone else (a tax dodger at that) very very rich indeed.
It is very ironic that Trump was such a role model through his work on the Apprentice, that people wanted to study his money making methods. On the show contestants were rewarded for showing good management skills and work ethic. So they enrolled at Trump University (tm) and got shafted good and proper. Trump has profited from dishonesty, and this makes him pretty much a criminal.
Well, maybe not so much a criminal, but an old school con man.
If you are a Trump supporter, just ignore it all and claim
1. They are all out to stop him.
2. He can't be bought.
3. He is anti establishment.
Don't forget that Israel is white suprematist, racist, it builds walls, so Israel is the answer to communist NWO, to Obamian nazism, to socialist fascism, to cultural marxism. In Israel you have the right to offend blacks, muslims, etc. so It is the safe port from "1984", from orwellian tyranny. Let us seek asylum!
War Between French and English Freemasonry : Jones/Birchers V. LaRouchers
When one reads this line from Eustace Mullins, one would have to wonder if
it’s true or not, right? Well, it may seem absurd, however, if you read the
following below, IT MAKES PERFECT SENSE.
Is the Birch Society a Zionist Front? –
Eustice Mullins notes:
The Rockefellers were also active on the « right-wing » front through their
sponsorship of the John Birch Society . To enable Robert Welch, a 32nd
degree Mason, to devote all of his time to the John Birch Society, Nelson
Rockefeller purchased his family firm, the Welch Candy Company, from him at
a handsome price. Welch chose the principal officers of the John Birch
Society from his acquaintances at the Council On Foreign Relations . For
years afterwards, American patriots were puzzled by the consistent inability
of the John Birch Society to move forward on any of its well-advertised
« anti-Communist » goals . The fact that the society had been setup at the
behest of the backers of the world Communist revolution may have played some
role in this development . »
« While most such distributers are anti-semitic, the largest of these, the
John Birch Society, is not and normally eschews anti-semitic literature, but
apparently makes a special acception in the case of Nesta Websters writings.
In fact, Nesta Webster’s conspiriological studies are especially esteemed by
the John Birch Society’s founder Robert Welch. As recently as 1976, Mr.
Welch reiterated his faith in their soundness by characterizing Mrs.
Websters books as « splendid sources ».
This attitude appears to be largely shared by leading John Birch society
reserchers, including Gary Allen and William H. McIlhany II in which the
latter gave a spiritted defense of Mrs Webster’s scholarship.
There are three accusations made by Richard Gilman to discredit Mrs.
Webster’s credibility:
1. Her role as the scion of one of Britain’s leading international banking
families makes her part of the oligarchy conspiracy. .
2. Her penchant for the occult, particularly her theory that she was the
reincarnation of the Comptess de Sabran, an 18th century French aristocrat.
3. Her close association with the Britons Publishing Society which was, for
nearly half a century, one of the major publishers and distributors of the
« Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion » in the English-Speaking world.
A Scion of one of Britain’s Leading Banking Families
The editor of Conspiracy Digest (Summer 1980) concurs with Richard Gilman,
stating the following concerning Nesta Webster’s connection to a leading
international banking family. :
« The point to keep in mind is that as a supporter of the British empire,
Nesta Webster was at least a defacto supporter of the Round Table conspiracy
since British Imperialism was and is it’s goal. The interesting question is
whether Webster was a knowing or manipulated disinformation agent for the
Round Table……[A]s a Director of Barclay’s her father was doubtelessly
deeply involved [in the oligarchy conspiracy] and very well could have
recruited her.
A hypothesis that deserves investigation is that Webster’s function was to
divert blame for « World Revolution » from British Intelligence « black
operations » to the mythical Learned Elder’s of Zion and once real
The Conspiracy Digest suggests that Mrs. Webster is a spokesperson for the
English Masonic conspiracy, because her books expose the Grand Orient
Masonic conspiracy against world governments. Her books do not condemn
English Freemasonry but rather praise it, even warning the British that the
French Grand Orient atheistic ideals have the potential of penetrating
British society through English Freemasonry — if the brotherhod does nto
guard against it.
Furthermore, Mrs. Webster is praised by English Masons, one of whom is 33rd
Degree Mason H.G. Wells, a member of the Round Table, who commented on her
work in his own writings as follows : « In the « Fate of Homo Sapien » I drew
attention to the influence of Mrs. Nesta Webster’s « Secret Societies and
Subversive Movements » It is a book that all serious people interested in the
British situation ought to read and think about, and very few of them
do……I believe her influence has spread beyond the circle of the actual
readers. »
The British Masonic Record also praises « Secret Societies and Subversive
Movements » : « This book will give thinking persons much scope for
reflection…..[I]t will bring home to many…what the underground
subversive movements of today have become. »
Now drawing a comparison to LaRouche…..and the Grand Orient…let’s see
what « Scarlet and the Beast » has to say about Grand Orient Freemasonry.
Lyndon LaRouche
Lyndon LaRouche writes on the Oligarchy conspiracy, which we identified
previously with English Freemasonry. I researched Lyndon LaRouche for 4
years, and to my knowledge LaRouche has never mentioned the illuminati or
the French Freemasonry conspiracy, which makes me suspect that he is a
closet communist. Books published by the New Benjamin Franklin House are
from the LaRouche network. His periodicals are Executive Intelligence Review
(EIR), Investigative Leads, and New Solidarity.
LaRouche will appeal to Christians because he writes against the high orders
of Freemasonry and their occult teachings; against the CFR Trilateralist
control of government; against communism and the KGB as tramplers of human
rights; against liberation theology in Latin America; aganist genocide;
against abortion; against drugs; and for a balanced economy, including a
possible return to the gold standard.
But LaRouche is a deciever. He has no understanding of Christianity (Ed Note
: The author is a Christian, unbiased in everything I have read from him),
especially fundamentals and evengelicals. His publication takes a humanist
viewpoint — almost leaning toward the new age movement.
…… »As LaRouche’s political base grew, (Ed. Note : Read Media
Empire/Infowars, Prison Planet, Prison Planet TV, Info Warroars Network,
etc…), he became a dangerous rival to the « power elite ». Biding their
time, the « power elite » waited until enough evidence was gathered that
proved LaRouche was financing his political rise illegally. The time was
right during the spring of 1987, when federal agents, acting under orders
from federal bankruptcy judge, siezed the headquarters of LaRouche and took
control of three of his companies. »……
LaRouche’s Platform
The Readeer’s Digest in 1986 called LaRouche « far right ». (Page 91)
Newsweek, May 26, 1986, calls him a « right wing activist » Page 63). The
Atlanta Journal, May 21, 1986, refers to him as an anti-semitic extremist
(page 22a) The New York Times, June 2 1986, informs us that he was a « one
time communist » (page 16-y), which makes him « far left ».
Who is Lyndon LaRouche? Is he right wing or left wing? To find the answers
to these questions, and more, I wrote the Conservative Heritige Foundation.
Following is the Summary of the foundation’s analysis :
……… « After leaving the serviceLaRouche surfaced in 1948 as a member of
the Socialist Worker’s Party (SWP), a Trotskyite communist group. Although
he left the SWP in 1957, he continued to be active in communist circles, and
supported himself by working as a management consultant and systems analyst.
During the late 1960’s, LaRouche, using the name (« Lynn Marcus »), was listed
as a faculty member at several of the Marxist « alternative » schools which
sprang up at the time. In June, 1968, LaRouche became active with the
radical Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) , an arm of Grand Orient
Freemasonry, teaching a course at their « Summer Liberation School » organized
at Columbia University. From this, he was able to assume a leadership role
in the SDS Labor Committee which eventually evolved into the National Caucus
of Labor Committee. (NCLC).
During a dispute over support of striking teachers in New York City,
LaRouche split with the SDS leadership by taking a position on behalf of the
strikers, and broke off the NCLC from the SDS. The NCLC, which remains in
existence today, formed the core of what would eventually become the
LaRouche network. »
LaRouche has managed to attract a small, but fanatical following to his
conspiratorial view of the world. (Ed Note : Read: Jones) Despite their
small numbers (estimated at from one to three thousand), he has managed to
fashion them into a surprisingly broad network of organizations that not
only extend to many many major cities in the U.S., but to Europe and Latin
America as well.
All of the groups adhere to LaRouches ideology, which holds that a « super
elite », which he calls the « Oligarchy », controls world events. Included in
the oligarchy are such disparate elements as the Rockefeller family, the
British Royal family, the Jewish Anti-Defamation League, the Soviet KGB,
National Review, and the Heritage Foundation.
The use of various fronts has been among the LaRouche network’s most
successful tactics (Ed Note : Read « We are change, 911 Truth, etc. »),
enabling it to atttract unwitting, well-intentioned citizens to it’s cause.
Obviously laRouche learned well from his Masonic research, for he uses
identical tactics.
What puzzles most casual observers of the LaRouche operation is just what it
is that the organization really stands for, and what it is that it wants.
Depending on the moment and the issue, LaRouche can appear to be ultra right
wing, ultra left wing, or somewhere in between. There are, however, certain
themes that run consistently through the ideology of his network. Among
them, so say his accusers, is virulent anti-semitism.
However, many in the LaRouche network are Jewish, such as Anton Chaitkin,
author of Treason in America; Richard Dreyfuss; author of Hostage to
Khomeini; and David Goldman and Jeffrey Steinberg, co authors of « Dope Inc. »
Dr. John Coleman, an anti-Masonic conspiracy researcher and former British
Intelligence officer, says, in a letter dated Sept. / Oct, 1986, that
LaRouche’s publication New Solidarity, is funded by the KGB. So also
believes the Heritige Foudation. Coleman adds that New Solidarity « is run by
Jews and should be called Jew Solidarity ».
In an attempt to make some sense of these allegations, I spent many
telephone hours with the LaRouche network from 1982 ot 1986. In conversation
with a particular LaRouche solicitor, who, incidently, was Jewish, I asked,
« Why is LaRouche slandered by the Anti-Defamation League as anti-semetic,
when so many of you are Jews? » the female solicitor answered, « There are
different kinds of Jews. » I then asked, « Is LaRouche anti-semitic or not? »
She answered, « No, we are anti-Zionist. » My final question was, « Is LaRouche
Jewish? » She answered, « No ».
In another conversation with a LaRouche solicitor from Washington, D.C.,
headquarters, I asked Do you realize there are two Freemasonries? LaRouche
only condemns the British form. » The solicitor answered, « There are bad
Masons and good Masons. » I asked, « Who are the good Masons? » The solicitor
answered, « People like Ben Franklin and George Washington ».
Realizing that both Franklin and Washington were backed by French
Freemasonry, I suspected LaRouche was as well. My final question was, « Is
LaRouche a Grand Orient Freemason? », and the solicitor answered, « Yes ».
My conclusion is that LaRouche is backed, not by the KGB, but by the
Communistic French Grand Orient Lodge. When he made his extended trip to
Europe, he must have joined the Grand Orient. His Jewish contingency are
Reform Jews, who from their inception have been teied to Grand Orient
Masons. Apparanetly, LaRouche’s assignment is to bring down America with a
Communist Revolution.
Why then, do I use some of his publications and documentation for my book?
The answer is simply that LaRouche is a voice from one side of the
conspiracy. His battle is with the English Freemasonic oligarchy. His
intelligence network is broad, spanning North America, South America, and
Europe. (Ed. Note : Read : We are Change U.K.). He has agents that have
penetrated the inner shrines of English Freemasonry. His people have done
extensive research into the British control of the world’s illegal drug
traffic. His research sources are reliable, although his political and
religious theories are not.
The question may fairly be asked, « How can LaRouche’s (Ed. Note : Read Alex
Jones) research information be credible, if he is a deciever? »
The answer is simple « through verification ». Relying on our investigative
background, we use information from laRouche publications that can be
verified by one or more unrelated sources. LaRouche is usually ahead of all
other researchers by two years. For example, his network exposed the Masonic
assassination of Pope John Paul I two full years before other books were
written on the subject in 1984. I use his material only after the latecomers
confirm. Historical accuracy is determined by how closein time to the event
the author is writing. the closer, the more accurate. LaRouche was the first
exposer of current events, and more detailed than the latecomers. »
Aquino Said That He Became Interested in Satanism While Serving in Vietnam In August 1998, a Washington Post profile on Aquino said that he made his first inroads into satanism in the 1970s while he was stationed in Vietnam.
Le conspirationnisme devenu hors de contrôle sous l'influence du trumpisme est maintenant comme une troupe de choc, une troupe de militants, qui agiront comme des agents provocateurs lorsqu'ils seront activés, justifiant une prise de contrôle total par l'État profond via l'imposition de la loi martiale.
Sur ce blog:
Mise au point sur la désinfo qui circule sur Hitler, les nazis, le nouvel ordre mondial, Bilderberg, etc.
Lew Wasserman, autrefois roi d'Hollywood: ses liens avec l'industrie du divertissement, le pouvoir politique, la mafia. Probablement l'homme le plus puissant à Hollywood pendant plus de 20 ans. Il a tout de même personnellement sélectionné l'acteur minable Ronald Reagan pour diriger le syndicat des acteurs d'Hollywood et plus tard devenir le candidat présidentiel des Républicains...
Les nouveaux « nationalistes »: néo-FN, Finkielkraut, Zemmour, Taguieff et… Murdoch! Guillaume Weill-Raynal avait sonné l’alarme dès 2005. Ils sont la preuve que si le sionisme a longtemps préféré la gauche libérale antiraciste, elle préfère aujourd’hui la droite ostensiblement « nationaliste »! C’est l’essence même de la révolution néoconservatrice. Fox News, le 11 septembre et la mouvance anti-islam: cooptation, canalisation et récupération du nationalisme par le sionisme international et les services de renseignements des pays de l’Otan
La désinformation en marche: Pourquoi il faut rompre avec l’anticommunisme dépassé. (Aurait-on oublié que le concept de « nouvel ordre mondial » célèbre expressément la fin du communisme?) Contre le droitisme retardataire des milieux conspirationnistes.
Derrière le nouveau mouvement international de droite radicale, une opération de guerre psychologique menée par les forces de l’Otan et du sionisme?
La « dissidence » à la Maison-Blanche ? (Retour au bercail?) L’antisémitisme du faux fasciste Trump: un leurre au service d’Israël et des intérêts Rothschild qui l’ont sorti de sa banqueroute (comme pour Churchill)
La guerre psychologique permanente sur tous les fronts comme nouvel état des choses
Mise au point: quelques exemples de déstabilisation sociale-cognitive au moyen du salissage de la réputation des vrais chercheurs et de l’ultra-complotisme décrédibilisant. Un aperçu du problème des prétendus chercheurs, superficiels et naïfs, mal informés ou désinformés, qui servent volontairement ou non une telle déstabilisation.
Les médias « antijuifs » et autres théories du complot… Mise au point de Guillaume Weill-Raynal et de Marc-Édouard Nabe
Les nouveaux désinformateurs
Mise au point sur les chèvres de Judas: des relations très éclairantes de Malachi Martin, agent sioniste dans les coulisses de Vatican 2, avec les ennemis de Michael Collins Piper et de Willis Carto (Liberty Lobby, The Spotlight, l’ancien IHR, etc.). Malachi Martin était un ami mutuel et un collaborateur des agents de la CIA William F. Buckley et E. Howard Hunt. Malachi Martin a combattu les opérations de Carto en finançant les multiples procès de Hunt et de l’IHR sous contrôle de Weber (un proche ami des agents de la CIA Andrew E. Allen et Jared Taylor) contre Liberty Lobby et The Spotlight
Rappel sur les liens de l’ancien dictateur du Panama Manuel Noriega avec le Mossad et la CIA. Autre exemple révélateur du soutien sioniste et américain aux dictateurs anti-révolutionnaires et de l’entraînement des Contras après la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Pour aller plus loin que le film « Raisons d’État » (The Good Shepherd, 2006), un nouveau livre sur James Jesus Angleton, liaison entre Israel et la CIA
Du mythe de l’appui inconditionnel des juifs pour le communisme et les droits civiques des noirs… Quand Meir Kahane et la branche américaine de la LDJ travallait avec la CIA et le FBI
La récente manifestation du « syndrome de Jérusalem » de Trump met en évidence, avant tout, la puissance des sionistes chrétiens, évangéliques ou autre, aux États-Unis
Le Nouveau Monde, Nouvel Israël? Sion en Amérique : la Maison blanche plus que jamais sous influence de la secte dominioniste. Ce puissant mouvement religieux et politique de droite voit en Trump le prophète devant accomplir le glorieux destin de l’exceptionnalisme états-unien
Pendant que Corbyn le socialiste pro-palestinien nouvellement élu à la tête du Parti Travailliste anglais se fait trucider dans les grands médias anti-antisémites néolibéraux bien-pensants, de plus en plus de dissidents nationalistes américains (même les antijuifs) tombent dans le piège de la nouvelle droite sioniste et deviennent leurs idiots utiles les plus efficaces: le pitre John Friend endosse Donald Trump et Ann Coulter, deux chèvres de Judas qui mènent le peuple américain à l’abattoir en s’attaquant en apparence à la rectitude politique antiraciste, alors qu’ils servent en fait à rendre respectable le racisme israélien. Car Israël a depuis longtemps rejoint le camp de l’ultra-droite de Jabotinski et Kahane…
La connexion Chris Bollyn - Eric Hufschmid - Rupert Murdoch
Selon le rabbin Antelman, le mondialisme oligarchique est un "complot communiste illuminati pour détruire les Juifs et le judaïsme"