Le mot "super-pègre" (traduction de "supermob", terme choisi par l'auteur et enquêteur du Sénat des États-Unis Walter Sheridan) désigne un groupe d'hommes du Midwest américain, souvent d'origine juive russe, qui ont fait fortune au vingtième siècle dans l'Ouest des États-Unis en collusion avec des membres notoires du crime organisé. C'est ainsi que le définit l'auteur Gus Russo dans son ouvrage SUPERMOB: How Sidney Korshak And His Criminal Associates Became America's Hidden Power Brokers (2006).
Comme le démontre l'auteur tout au long de l'ouvrage, ces super-riches bien au-dessus des lois ont propulsé les films que les Américains regardent, la musique qu'ils écoutent, les politiciens pour qui ils votent, les hôtels et casinos qu'ils fréquentent, etc. Le seul fait que le grand public, les médias et les universités ignorent jusqu'à l'existence-même de cette super-pègre montre à quel point leur réussite a été totale.
Cet excellent ouvrage est disponible gratuitement via balderexlibris (aussi disponible avec reconnaissance de texte sur libgen). Pour les lecteurs les plus férus, désireux de faire le tour de la question, les ouvrages suivants méritent d'être étudiés: The Money And The Power: The Making Of Las Vegas And Its Hold On America de Sally Denton et Roger Morris, Red Mafiya: How The Russian Mob Has Invaded America de Robert I. Friedman, The Rise And Fall Of The Jewish Gangster In America d'Albert Fried. (Voir aussi la bibliographie de ce blog, à droite.)
(soo-per-mahb) n. a group of men from the Midwest, often
of Russian Jewish heritage, who made fortunes in the 20th century
American West in collusion with notorious members of organized crime.
TYPES OF POWER dominated the twentieth century: the visible, embodied
in politicians, corporate moguls, crime bosses, and law enforcement;
and the invisible, concentrated in the hands of a few power brokers
generally of Eastern European and Jewish immigrant heritage.
Operating safely in the shadows, these men often pulled the strings
of the visible power brokers. Although they remained nameless to the
public, they were notorious among a smattering of enterprising
investigators who, over decades, followed their brilliant, amoral,
and frequently criminal careers. The late Senate investigator and
author Walter Sheridan dubbed them the Supermob.
all their power, this covert cadre of men had a surprisingly
monolithic pedigree. They shared an ancestral lineage traceable from
the former Russian-mandated Jewish ghetto known as the Pale of
Settlement, emigrating first to the Maxwell Street-Lawndale sections
of Chicago, and ultimately to what could be termed the Third
Settlement, Beverly Hills, California. While they were nomadic to the
degree that they followed the money, from Lake Shore Drive to the
Vegas Strip to Beverly Hills, the Supermob largely succeeded in creating better, and more legitimate, lives for their offspring. In the
process, they became quintessential capitalists, exerting such
far-flung influence that the repercussions were felt by practically
every American of their era, with an economic impact that could only
be measured in the trillions of dollars. Through deniable, often
arm's-length associations with the roughneck Italian and Irish
mobsters imprinted in the popular imagination, the Supermob and the
hoods shared a sense of entitlement regarding tax-free income. This
"Kosher Nostra" stressed brains over brawn and evolved into
a real estate powerhouse, an organized-labor autocracy, and a media
empire. If power
does, indeed, corrupt, then the Supermob corrupted absolutely.
Through methodically nurtured political ties, the Supermob
effectively insulated itself from prosecution. They
were above the law.
had names like Korshak, Arvey, Greenberg, Pritzker, and Ziffren.
Within this Supermob, Jake Arvey was the visionary kingmaker, the
patriarchal Chicago ward boss who inspired his own young
wards-prodigies like Sid Korshak, the sphinxlike operator who quietly
kept the wheels of the enterprise greased, or Alex Louis Greenberg,
Paul Ziffren, and the others who plunged into stealthy
entrepreneurships that made up the engine of this hidden economy.
Although they propelled
the making of the movies we watched, the music we listened to, the
politicians we voted for, and the hotels and resorts we frequented,
it is a testament to their genius that most Americans never heard of
any of them.
of Characters
Leonardo Accardo (1906-1992)---aka "Tony," "Joe
Batters," and "The Big Tuna."
Served as boss of Chicago's Outfit, the most powerful underworld
cartel in U.S. history, for over six decades in the twentieth
century. A major force in
national bookmaking, labor racketeering, the Teamsters Pension Fund,
and Las Vegas casino gambling, Accardo treated Sid Korshak like a
"Jake" (or ''Jack") Arvey
(1895-1977)---Chicago-born attorney/political kingmaker who built
one of the most powerful patronage "machines" in America.
He served as a mentor to many of Chicago's most "well-connected"
jewish attorneys, and as a crucial vote deliverer for Democratic
presidents such as FDR, Truman, and JFK. Key early supporter of the
state of Israel.
Lionel Bazelon (1909-1993)---Chicago tax attorney, originally
in law firm with college buddy Paul Ziffren, but left private
practice to become Truman's assistant attorney general in charge of
the lands division, a position that he used to his advantage in his
own real estate investments. He quickly advanced to become director
of the Office of Alien Property, where he oversaw the disbursement of
land (often to his Chicago pals) seized from the Japanese Americans
sent to internment camps during World War II. Eventually becamc a
chief judge in D.C.'s Court of Appeals.
Bluhdorn (1926-1983)---aka "The Mad Austrian."
Austrian immigrant who parlayed a successful auto parts
distributorship into a conglomerate comprising over a hundred firms,
all consolidated in 1958 when he formed Gulf & Western lnc. ln 1966, Bluhdorn purchascd struggling
Paramount Pictures, named Sid Korshak's sycophant Bob Evans as
production chief, then brought in the Mafia's Vatican money launderer
Michele Sindona as a major "silent" investor in the movie
studio. Bluhdorn utilized Sid Korshak's talents to oversee his
Chicago racetracks' tabor issues; invested in Korshak's
mob retreat, The Acapulco Towers.
Romolo Broccoli (1909- 1996)---aka "Cubby."
One of Sidney Korshak's closest Beverly Hills friends, and
producer/owner of the James Bond movie franchise. When Broccoli
produced Diamonds Are Forever in Las Vegas, Korshak was the
"uncredited legal advisor," donating both his Riviera Hotel
and his girlfriend Jill St. John to the production.
"Pat" Brown (1905-1996)---San
Francisco-born attorney and respected governor of California
(1959-67). Father of California governor Jerry Brown. Received
important political and financial support early and often from Sid
Korshak and friends. On board of directors of Bernie Cornfeld's
lnvestors Overseas Services (IOS), which bilked investors out of
hundreds of millions, before imploding after allegations of being a
fraudulent pyramid scheme and money launderer for the mob. (Founder
Cornfeld served eleven months in a Geneva jail, before charges were
dropped, allowing him
to move to Beverly Hills and date Heidi Fleiss.)
Brown (Edmund G. Brown Jr.) (1938-)---aka "Governor
Moonbeam." Governor of California (1974-83) who received
controversial labor support from Sid Korshak, allegedly in return for
Brown's favored treatment of Korshak's California racetrack-owner
clients. Later, a presidential candidate (1992) and mayor of Oakland,
California. Dated Linda Ronstadt.
W. "Del" Coleman (1926-)---After selling
his interest in Seeburg, lnc. (a jukebox manufacturer linked to the
Outfit by the Chicago Crime Commission), the Chicago entrepreneur, an
investor in Sid Korshak's Acapulco Towers, connived with Korshak to
take over the Parvin-Dohrmann company as part of a master plan to buy
the Stardust and other Vegas casinos. The affair ended with Coleman,
Korshak, and others being rebuked by the Securities and Exchange
Commission for stock manipulation. The experience also led to a
permanent falling-out between Korshak and Coleman.
Barney "Moe" Dalitz (né Dolitz)
(1899-1989)---aka "Moe Davis" and "The Godfather
of Las Vegas." The leader of Cleveland's Mayfield Road Gang,
where he specialized in bootlegging and gambling. Moved to Las Vegas,
where he owned mob-skimmed Desert Inn, before expanding into numerous
other Vegas properties, and the formerly mob-friendly La Costa Resort
in Southern California. Considered Sid Korshak his legal adviser.
M. Dorfman (1924-1983)---For many years, did the
Outfit's (and Sid Korshak's) bidding as manager of the Teamsters
Pension Fund, disbursing over $500 million in low-interest loans,
especially to Chicago hoods in Las Vegas. In
return, he received kickbacks on the loans, and his insurance
company was named carrier of the lucrative Teamsters' Health Care
Fund. Soon after his convictions on the kickbacks and the bribery of
Nevada senator Howard Cannon, he was murdered in the Chicago suburbs,
amid contentions that he had been "flipped" by the feds.
Evans (né
Robert J. Shapera) (1930-)---Manhattan-born clothing
salesman for his brother Charles's Evan-Picone clothing line. After a
brief flirtation with acting, named by Gulf & Western chief Charles Bluhdorn as production head at Paramount
Studios, which he gave a new life after producing bits such as The
Godfather and Love Story. Well-known abuser of narcotics,
Evans fell out with his longtime "consigliere," Sid
Korshak, after being busted in 1980 for cocaïne possession, narrowly
escaping a trafficking charge. It was reported thar he later came
under suspicion when Roy Radin, an investor in Evans's Cotton Club
movie, was murdered in 1983, amid a haze of massive cocaïne
purchases and thefts. When the case came to trial in 1989, Evans,
under the guidance of his attorney, Korshak friend Robert Shapiro,
took the Fifth Amendment and refused to testify. Evans was a close
friend and promoter of child rapist and direcror Roman Polanski.
Dated ______________ (fill in the blank with starlet names). Serial
Jacob Factor (1889- 1984)---aka "Jake the Barber."
British stock swindler, brother of Hollywood cosmetics baron Max
Factor. After biding out in Chicago,
Factor faked his own kidnapping (with the Outfit's help) to avoid
extradition to the UK (sending an innocent "kidnapper" to
jail for life). Later, Factor fronted for the Outfit at their
Stardust Hotel in Las Vegas. In Sin City, Jake took orders from Sid
Korshak, while in Los Angeles, brother Max Factor employed Korshak to
keep labor in line. Noted philanthropist.
Gioe (né Joye) (1904-1954)---aka "Cherry Nose."
Bookie in the Capone Syndicate, co-owner of Chicago's Seneca Hotel (a
key Supermob crossroads) with Alex Greenberg; convicted in the 1943
Hollywood extortion scandal, after which Sid Korshak, who had visited
Gioe in prison twenty-two times, arranged for his parole supervision.
Louis Greenberg (1891-1955)---aka
"The Comptometer." Chicago bootlegger and real estate
investor for the Capone mob and the Outfit, loan shark, and part
owner of the Seneca Hotel. Partnered with Paul Ziffren and others in
California land investments.
Hart (1904-1979)---Bootlegger in the Capone mob, distillery
owner, backer of Bugsy Siegel in Las Vegas. After move to California,
he owned the mob-friendly Del Mar Race Track and founded the
mob-friendly City National Bank of Beverly Hills, later the largest
independent bank in California. With Sid Korshak, an original
investor in both the Bistro restaurant and Korshak's gangster
getaway, The Acapulco Towers.
Hilton (1887-1979)---New
Mexico-born patriarch of the Hilton Hotel dynasty, partnercd with
mob-front Arnold Kirkeby to expand his empire, which utilized Sid
Korshak as labor consultant. Paid for his long association with
Korshak when his bid to obtain a New Jersey casino license was
rejected in 1985, largely due
to Korshak's mob ties.
Riddle "Jimmy" Hoffa (1913- 1975?)---Rugged
son of an Indiana coal miner who seemed predestined to head a
violence-prone organization like the Teamsters, which he did from
1957 until his imprisonment for jury tampering in 1967. Hoffa was
only able to attain his post thanks to the key backing of Outfit
bosses such as Curly Humphreys, who had their sights fixed on the
heavily endowed Pension Fund. When Hoffa allowed them Las Vegas
loans, he had to answer to Sidney Korshak. Hoffa disappeared in 1975
after he announced he wanted to take back the Teamster presidency
from a cabal that made Hoffa's relationship with racketeers seem
benign by comparison.
Robard Hughes (1905-1976)---Texas-born aviation-industry
pioneer, film producer, Las Vegas- hotel magnate, recluse, and
best-known sufferer of
obsessive-compulsive disorder. Hughes tangled (successfully)
with Sid Korshak ovcr ownership of RKO studios in the fifties and
unsuccessfully with Korshak's Outfit pals in Las Vegas in the
Llewelyn Morris Humphreys (1899- 1965)---aka "Curly,"
"The Hump," "The Camel," "John Brunswick,"
"G. Logan," "Mr. Lincoln," "Dave Ostrand,"
"Cy Pope," "Einstein," "Mr. Moneybags."
Labor-racketeering, corruption, and bribery genius of the Chicago
Outfir, Sidney Korshak's direct superior and liaison to "the
Chicago boys" after Korshak was sent West.
W. Kanter (1930-2001)---Abe Pritzker's Chicago tax attorney,
and a founder of the Castle Bank in the Bahamas, where the Pritzkers
and other clients were able to
dodge millions in taxes in the 1970s. Kanter, himself a
multimillionaire, openly admitted to not paying taxes for decades.
With the Pritzker dynasty, devised a kickback scheme involving
Prudential lnsurance and creative forms of offshore film financing
used to bankroll some of Hollywood's biggest hits. At the rime of his
death, after a complicated ten-year IRS
investigation, he was awaiting sentencing for massive tax
evasion. Noted philanthropist.
"Kirk" Kerkorian (1917-)---California-born, hugely
successful dealmaker and conglomerate builder. After an early
profitable airline venture, he purchased MGM and numerous Las Vegas
hotels, including the Hilton International, MGM Grand, The Mirage,
and Mandalay Bay. In his early career, he was linked by telephone
wiretaps to Genovese crime-family enforcer Charlie "the Blade"
S. Kirkeby (1900-1962)---Chicago real estate
speculator who partnered with Conrad H ilton (openly) in numerous
hotels and restaurants, and with hoods such as Meyer Lansky and Longy
Zwillman (covertly).
Jerome "Marshall" Korshak (1910-1996)---Sidney's
kid brother and anothcr Chicago-born attorney, one of the most
successful elected politicians (liberal Democrat) in
twentieth-century Chicago, and a lifelong supporter of the state of
Roy Korshak (1907-1996)---aka "The Fixer," "The
Myth," "Mr. Silk Stockings," and "The Duke."
Chicago-born attorney who was the point man in the Chicago Outfit's
power plays in Hollywood and Las Vegas, often conducting business
from his table at the Bistro restaurant in Beverly Hills, where he
had relocated in the fifties. Middleman between the mob-controlled
Teamsters and legit corporations who curried its favor for labor
peace. In Vegas, he was in charge of a numbcr of hotel-casinos, most
notably The Riviera. Frequent escort of actresses Jill St. John
(Oppenheim) and Stella Stevens (Estelle Eggleston), among others.
Kupcinet (1912-2003)---aka "Kup." Iconic Chicago
Sun-Times gossip columnist and Emmy Award-winning television
host, Kup was a longtime friend of Sid Korshak's, with whom he shared
Table One in the Ambassador East's Pump Room. Korshak came to Kup's
aid when Kup's daughter was murdered in Hollywood in 1963.
Dominque Laxalt (1922-)---Nevada-born U.S. senator
(1974-87) and governor of Nevada
(1967-71). Ronald Reagan's closest pal, and his presidential campaign
chairman, he was also close to his own chief fund-raiser, Ruby Kolod
of Cleveland's Mayfield Road Gang, and Chicago's Sid Korshak. When
Laxalt needed a loan to build his Ormsby House Casino in Carson City
(soon to be skimmed by the Chicago Outfit), Korshak allegedly had him
writc a character reference letter on behalf of imprisoned Jimmy
Hoffa to President Nixon; Korshak then set him up with a loan from a
friendly Chicago banker. When these associations and allegations were
reported in the Sacramento Bee, Laxalt's long-planned
presidential bid was torpedoed.
Caesar Petrillo (1892-1984)---aka "Little Caesar"
and "The Mussolini of Music." Longtime Chicago president of
the powerful American Federation of Musicians (AFM). Often linked to
the Chicago Outfit, Petrillo gave favored-fee status to Stein's
fledgling MCA, enabling it to bury the competition. Target of three
congressional investigations and two federal prosecutions for union
Pritzker (1896- 1986)---Chicago attorney (Pritzker, Pritzker
and Clinton) and corporate mogul (Hyatt Hotel chain, the massive
Marmon Group conglomerate). His firm's Stanford Clinton was a trustee
of the mob's bank, aka the Teamsters Pension Fund, from which Hyatt
made low-interest loans. Often linked to Chicago's Outfit, and L.A.'s
"Capone," Jack Dragna, Pritzker employed lifelong friend
Sid Korshak to keep labor unions in line. His company paid penalties
of $460 million for a fraudulent bank failure and millions more to
the IRS for tax evasion; the Pritzker empire was the largest
depositor in the offshore Bahamian Castle Bank, which was developed
by Pritzker's tax attorney Burton Kanter as a vehicle for tax
dodging. Noted philanthropist.
Wilson Reagan (1911-2004)---aka "Dutch," "The
Gipper," and "The Great Communicator." Sub-B actor
from Iowa, who started out in Outfit-controlled joints before being
promoted by his agents, MCA's Stein and Wasserman, into the Screen
Actors Guild presidency, the California governorship, and eventually
the U.S. presidency. Lifelong hunter of commies, both real and
imagined, and an informant on fellow actors for the FBI's]. Edgar
Hoover. Told the Soviets, "Tear down this wall."
Silbert (1912-2002)---Chicago-born attorney; moved to
L.A., where he was a partner in the powerful law firm Wyman, Bautzer,
Rothman, Kuchel, Christianson, and Silbert, which represented many
A-list celebrities; personal attorney for Frank Sinatra. Silbert was
a stockholder in Korshak's heavily skimmed Riviera, which he managed
for a time. (FBI sources alleged that Riviera skim was laundered
through Silbert's law firm.) Silbert was also a director of the
beleaguered Parvin-Dohrmann Corporation. Prolific philanthropist,
especially to Jewish causes.
Eugenio Sindona
(1920- 1986)---aka "The Shark" and "St.
Peter's Banker." Charlie Bluhdorn's Sicilian alter ego,
successful industrialist, banker, conglomerate builder; also a
reputed made mafioso who laundered Gambino-family heroin profits
through the Vatican Bank (one of his clients), and a member of the
secret Italian Masonic Lodge, known as P-2. After investing heavily
in Bluhdorn's Paramount Pictures, he was convicted of bank fraud in
1980 (sentenced to twenty-five years), then extradited to Italy,
where he was convicred in 1986 of ordering the murder of an Italian
prosccutor who was investigating Sindona's vast Mafia entanglements.
Two days after his murder conviction, Sindona died in an Italian
prison, poisoned under mysterious circumstances.
Julius Caesar ''Jules" Stein (1896-1981)---Chicago
ophthalmologist and founder of Music Corporation of America (MCA) and
Universal Pictures, arguably the most powerful entertainment
conglomerare in American history. Early friend of Al Capone, who
helped Stein muscle his way into the business by smoke-bomhing
competitors. His MCA was continually investigated by the feds for six
decades, with minimal repercussions. Noted philanthropist.
Velie (1908-2003)---Classmate of Sid Korshak's at the
University of Wisconsin, preeminent award-winning investigative
journalist for Collier's and Reader's Digest; a
lifelong organized-crime gadfly and the first to crusade against
Korshak, Ziffren, and the Supermob.
"Lew" Wasserman (né Weiserman)
(1913-2002)---MCA president who, with Jules Stein, became one of
the most powerful entertainment moguls in
America. Tried hard to stay out
of the public eye and was known as a brilliant visionary, rough
businessman, and master of corporate tax avoidance through the use of
the Dutch Sandwich scheme. Heavily reliant on Sid Korshak's sway over
Hollywood unions and guilds. Together with Ziffren and Korshak, known
as the Three Redwoods. Wasserman was an important West Coast
supporter of many Democratic presidents.
Ziffren (1913-1991)---Chicago attorney (and possibly the
illegitimate son of Jake Arvey), specializing in tax law. Frequent
real estate speculator, especially in postwar California, with the
likes of Alex Greenberg, David Bazelon, Fred Evans, and Sam Genis. In
his twenty-year run as California's Democratic
national committeeman, Ziffren became, like his mentor Arvey in
Illinois, a kingmaker for the Democratic Party in California in the
midtwentieth century. Brought both the 1960 Democratic convention
(which nominated JFK) and the 1984 Olympics to L.A. His prestigious
L.A. law firm, Gibson, Dunn and Crutcher, which specialized in tax
matters, had a large celebrity dientele.
Zwillman (1904-1959)---aka "Longy." New Jersey's
most notorious gangster, founder of Murder Inc. Among his enterprises
were gambling, prostitution running, and control of labor unions.
Zwillman was possibly the first big gangster to "wash" his
money in so-called legit businesses such as Kirkeby's Hilton Hotels,
casinos from Havana to Las Vegas, and in Hollywood movie studios,
where his interests (and girlfriends such as actress Jean Harlow)
were often watched over by Sid Korshak.
L'article suivant de Michael Collins Piper est probablement la meilleure présentation du livre qu'on puisse trouver.
By Michael Collins Piper
Forget everything you think you know
about the Mafia as it’s been commemorated
in such Hollywood extravaganzas as the famous Godfather trilogy.
That’s all Tinseltown legend — some
might even say “propaganda.” The truth about the organized
crime syndicate in America goes much higher and
deeper and in directions the mass media is not likely to ever
tell you about. And if you have any doubts about it, you
need to read the fascinating new book, Supermob, by veteran
investigative journalist Gus Russo, who may well have
put his career on the line by daring to write this stunning
overview of a seamy history you’re not supposed to know
. . .Did you know that Ronald Reagan owed his early career
in the entertainment industry and later his political career
in California to a group of gangsters (many of them of
Russian Jewish — not Italian-American — origin) who started
out in Chicago and in other Midwestern cities such as
Cleveland and Detroit? Well, that’s a fact, and in Supermob,
Russo tells the story as it’s only been hinted at before.
. . .This group of gangsters
and their associates, including
union officials, attorneys, real estate developers,
tycoons, hotel kings and military contractors — among
other wheeler-dealers — played a major role (open and
not-so-open) in the development of the casino industry in Las
Vegas and in the rise of the motion picture industry as we
know it today. Russo tells the story. You’ll be amazed by
the wide-ranging connections of this sordid group that’s been
called “The Kosher Nostra” (not to be confused with “Cosa
. . .Did you know that during World War II — and in the
years that followed — this tightly-knit clique utilized its contacts
in the federal Office of Alien Property to grab control
of vast amounts of real estate and other assets that previously
belonged to Japanese-Americans who were taken into
custody by the Franklin Roosevelt administration and put
in concentration camps on American soil? At the end of the
war, one of the Supermob’s “inside” men — later a “respected”
federal judge — was responsible for steering this confiscated
property — now worth literally billions of dollars —
into this hands of this crime-connected network.
. . .Once you’ve read Russo’s account of what happened to
the Japanese-Americans, you’ll find it difficult to continue
listening to the complaints about the confiscated properties
of Jewish people in Europe (many of whom are living in
Israel today) without recalling Russo’s expose of how
Jewish-American gangsters and their associates (many of
whom emerged as key supporters of the Israeli lobby in the
United States) managed to amass billions of dollars in confiscated
Japanese-American property.
. . .Russo’s book, which is subtitled “How Sidney Korshak
and His Criminal Associates Became America’s Hidden
Power Brokers,” hinges on the life and crimes of Chicago
mob lawyer Sidney Korshak. However, it’s a story that’s
much bigger than one man. Korshak relocated to California
and became a top-of-the-line mover and shaker in the
motion picture world, socializing with the Hollywood elite
(including Ronald and Nancy Reagan) and acting as a
proverbial “fixer” whose powerful reach stretched deeply
into the organized crime milieu in which he operated,
branching out into the complex and inter-connected worlds
of finance and industry with organized crime always lurking
in the background.
. . .And as Russo points out, the deeds of Korshak and company
resulted in repercussions that “were felt by practically
every American of their era,” not the least of which was the
rise of Ronald Reagan to the presidency, setting the stage for much of the intrigue across the planet today.
. . .While in the realm of organized crime, Italian-American
names were plastered across newspaper headlines and in
filmland, the truth is, as Russo makes clear, this
Supermob — this small handful of Jewish figures of Russian
origin — “often pulled the strings of the visible power brokers”
and yet, ironically, “most Americans never heard of
any of them.”
. . .Now, Russo’s book sets the historical record straight in a
trailblazing work that will leave you reeling. Russo writes:
. . . “Through deniable, often arm’s-length associations with
the roughneck Italian and Irish mobsters imprinted in the
popular imagination, the Supermob and the hoods shared
a sense of entitlement regarding tax-free income.
. . . “This ‘Kosher Nostra’ stressed brains over brawn and
evolved into a real estate powerhouse, an organized-labor
autocracy and a media empire. If power does, indeed, corrupt,
then the Supermob corrupted absolutely.
. . . “Through methodically
nurtured political ties, the
Supermob effectively insulated itself from prosecution.
They were above the law . . . They propelled the making of
the movies we watched, the music we listened to, the politicians
we voted for, and the hotels and resorts we frequented.
. . .”[The End]

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Police anti-corruption ou anti-juive? Deux politiciens juifs de Montréal, incluant le premier maire juif de Montréal, arrêtés par l'unité permanente anti-corruption de la Sûreté du Québec
Médiats juifs antijuifs? Le milliardaire juif ultrasioniste Sheldon Adelson est "tout droit sorti des pages des Protocoles des sages de Sion" selon Uri Avnery, ancien membre de la Knesset et correspondant dans de nombreux médiats israéliens
Comment le B'nai Brith peut-il parler d'une montée sans précédent des sentiments "antisémites" alors que personne ne semble avoir remarqué la judéité de la nouvelle directrice de la Réserve Fédérale
Encore une fois... comment le B'nai Brith peut-il parler d'une montée sans précédent de l'antisémitisme alors que personne ne critique le fait que le nouveau vice-président de la Fed est un ancien de la banque centrale d'Israël?
Le pouvoir sioniste aux États-Unis, d'après ce qu'en disent des sources juives
Collection audiovisuelle et livresque de Michael Collins Piper
At least 139 of the Forbes 400 are Jewish