Le journal des Sages de Sion du Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) nous dit ouvertement son programme d'attaque contre la presse et pas seulement la presse libre. Toute la presse. (Le néocon John Bolton fait partie de la direction du journal et de l'institut.)
(...)Même si cela peut paraître impensable aujourd'hui, les guerres de l'avenir pourront nécessiter la censure, leblackout de nouvelles, et ultimement, des attaques militairescontre les médias partisans. Se percevant eux-mêmes comme des êtres supérieurs, les journalistes se sont mis dans la position d'une espèce protégée de combattants. Mais la liberté de la presse s'arrête lorsque ses abus tuent nos soldats et renforcent nos ennemis.(...)
(Although it seems unthinkable now, future wars may require censorship, news blackouts and, ultimately, military attacks on the partisan media. Perceiving themselves as superior beings, journalists have positioned themselves as protected-species combatants. But freedom of the press stops when its abuse kills our soldiers and strengthens our enemies.)
Attaques militaires contre les médias non soumis ? Jeremy Hill Un nouveau rapport, émanant d’un groupe néo-conservateur qui promeut, au nom de “Israël d’abord”, un programme belliqueux de conquête du Moyen-Orient, suggère que, dans les prochaines guerres, les USA devront faire de la censure des médias une politique officielle, et préconise « des attaques militaires contre les médias non complices.
Un groupe de néo-conservateurs préconise des frappes militaires sur les médias.
A l’ère des medias incorporés, les journalistes indépendants sont devenus les yeux et les oreilles du monde. Sans la volonté de journalistes non incorporés, de risquer leur vie pour se placer de l’autre côté du canon du tank ou du fusil ou encore sous les frappes aériennes, l’histoire ne serait presque racontée que du point de vue des troupes qui tirent et non de celui des civils, qui paient presque toujours le prix fort.
Dans le cas de l’invasion et de l’occupation de l’Irak, les journalistes qui se sont mis en danger sont le plus souvent des journalistes irakiens. Quelque 116 Irakiens journalistes ou travaillant dans les médias ont été tués tandis qu’ils accomplissaient leur tâche depuis mars 2003. En tout, ce sont 189 journalistes qui ont été tués en Irak. Seize au moins d’entre eux ont été tués par l’armée américaine, selon le Comité pour la Protection des Journalistes. Le réseau qui s’est le plus souvent trouvé sous attaque américaine est Al-Jezirah. Comme je l’ai écrit voilà quelques années dans La Nation :
“Les Etats-Unis ont bombardé ses bureaux d’Afghanistan en 2001, envoyé en avril 2003 des obus sur l’Hôtel Bassorah dont les seuls clients étaient des journalistes d’Al-Jazeera, tué à Bagdad quelques jours plus tard son correspondant Tareq Ayoub, et emprisonné (notamment à Guantanamo) plusieurs reporters d’Al-Jezirah, dont certains disent avoir été torturés. Outre les attaques militaires, le gouvernement irakien, appuyé par les Etats-Unis, a interdit à la chaîne de faire des reportages en Irak. »
Un nouveau rapport, émanant d’un groupe néo-conservateur qui promeut, au nom de “Israël d’abord”, un programme belliqueux de conquête du Moyen-Orient, suggère que dans les guerres futures les USA devront faire de la censure des médias une politique officielle, et préconise « des attaques militaires contre les médias non complices (par l’intermédiaire de MuzzleWatch). Le rapport destiné à l’Institut Juif pour les Affaires de Sécurité Nationale (JINSA) avait pour auteur le Colonel Ralph Peters, retraité de l’armée américaine. Il est paru dans la « publication phare » du JINSA, Le Journal des Affaires de Sécurité Internationale. « Aujourd’hui, les Etats-Unis et leurs alliés ne se trouveront jamais face à un ennemi isolé sur le champ de bataille. Il y aura toujours dans le combat un tiers hostile », écrit Peters, qui traite les médias de « tueurs sans fusils ».
“Certes, les medias ont façonné depuis des siècles l’issue des conflits, depuis les Guerres de Religion en Europe jusqu’au Viet-Nam. Mais, à date plus récente, ce sont les médias qui ont déterminé le résultat de conflits. Même si, au bout du compte, journalistes et éditeurs n’ont pas réussi à faire échouer le gouvernement américain en Irak, des caméras-vidéo et des reportages biaisés ont permis au Hezbollah de survivre à la guerre de 2006 avec Israël et semblent à Gaza avoir sauvé le Hamas de la destruction…
Même si cela semble actuellement impensable, les guerres à venir peuvent avoir besoin de la censure, de nouveaux black-outs et, en dernier recours, d’attaques militaires contre les medias non soumis. En se percevant eux-mêmes comme des êtres supérieurs, les journalistes se sont érigés en militants de la protection des espèces. Mais la liberté de la presse s’arrête là où ses abus tuent nos soldats et renforcent nos ennemis. Une telle vision des choses suscite aujourd’hui le dédain, mais la corporation médiatique, qui a oublié tout sens de patriotisme bien entendu, pourrait découvrir qu’elle va devenir la sagesse ordinaire de demain.
L’enjeu est d’une parfaite simplicité : gagner. Dans la guerre, rien d’autre n’importe. Si vous ne pouvez pas gagner proprement, gagnez salement. Mais gagnez. Nos victoires sont au bout du compte dans l’intérêt de l’humanité, tandis que nos échecs nourrissent des monstres ».
Il est, bien sûr, tout à fait approprié qu’un cri de guerre aussi ignoble incitant au meurtre des acteurs des medias apparaisse dans une publication de la JINSA. L’organisation a de longue date fait valoir un brillant casting de « conseillers » criminels, parmi lesquels Dick Cheney, Richard Perle, James Woolsey, John Bolton et Douglas Feith. L’Institut Juif pour les Affaires de Sécurité Nationale, en concordance avec le Projet pour un Nouveau Siècle de l’Amérique (PNAC), fut un des groupes majeurs qui ont façonné la politique américaine durant les années Bush et il garde une formidable force avec Obama à la Maison Blanche.
La lecture de l’essai morbide et pervers de Peters m’a remis en mémoire le rapport qui a fait surface fin 2005 sur un supposé complot de l’administration Bush – que j’ai couvert pour La Nation - en vue du bombardement du quartier général international d’Al-Jezirah au Qatar, “En Grande-Bretagne, le Daily Mirror a signalé que, au cours d’une réunion tenue en avril 2004 à la Maison Blanche avec le Premier Ministre Tony Blair, George W.Bush avait lancé l’idée de bombarder la base internationale d’Al-Jezirah au Qatar. Cette assertion se fondait sur une fuite des notes classées « Top Secret » du sommet Bush-Blair. L’Avocat Général britannique Lord Goldsmith avait mis en œuvre l’Official Secrets Act, menaçant toute diffusion d’une quelconque partie du memorandum (il avait déjà mis en accusation un ancien membre du Cabinet et un ancien assistant parlementaire). De sorte que, bien que nous ne connaissions pas encore le contenu du memo, nous savons qu’au moment de la rencontre de Bush avec Blair, l’administration était au plus haut niveau et de façon tout à fait publique dans les transes d’un gros accès de colère contre Al-Jezirah. La rencontre s’est tenue le 16 avril, au point culminant du siège de Fallujah, et Al-Jezirah était une des rares sources d’information émettant depuis l’intérieur de la ville. Son reportage exclusif avait été diffusé par toutes les chaînes, depuis CNN jusqu’à la BBC.
L’offensive de Fallujah, l’une des plus sanglantes de l’occupation américaine, a constitué un tournant. En deux semaines de ce mois d’avril, trente Marines ont été tués tandis que des guérillas locales résistaient aux tentatives américaines de s’emparer de la ville. Quelque six cents Irakiens sont morts, des femmes et des enfants pour beaucoup. De l’intérieur de la cité assiégée, les émetteurs d’Al-Jezirah diffusaient des images au monde entier. En direct, la chaîne a donné l’évidence documentaire visible qui invalidait les dénégations des Américains quant au fait qu’ils tuaient des civils. Ce fut un désastre en matière de relations publiques et la réponse des USA a été d’attaquer le porteur de nouvelles.
Quelques jours seulement avant que, à ce qu’il semble, Bush ait proposé de bombarder Al-Jezirah, le correspondant de celle-ci à Fallujah, Ahmed Mansour, s’exprimait en direct. « La nuit dernière, des tanks nous ont pris pour cible par deux fois, mais nous nous en sommes sortis. Les USA nous veulent hors de Fallujah, mais nous y resterons ». Le 9 avril, Washington a posé comme une condition à un cesser-le-feu qu’Al-Jezirah quitte la ville. La chaîne a refusé. Le lendemain, Mansour écrivait que « des bombardiers américains ont tiré autour de notre nouveau site et bombardé la maison où nous avions passé la nuit précédente, causant la mort du propriétaire, M.Hussein Samir. Compte tenu de ces menaces sérieuses, nous avons dû cesser nos émissions durant quelques jours parce que, à chaque fois que nous essayions d’émettre, les bombardiers nous localisaient et nous nous trouvions sous leurs tirs ».
Le 11 avril, le porte-parole de l’armée Mark Kimmit a declaré : “Les stations qui montrent des Américains tuant délibérément des femmes et des enfants ne sont pas des sources d’information légitimes. Ce n’est que propagande et mensonges ». Le 15 avril, Donald Rumsfeld faisait écho à ces remarques dans des termes notoirement peu diplomatiques, qualifiant les reportages d’Al-Jezirah de « vicieux, erronés et inexcusables… Ce que cette station fait est honteux ». Selon le Daily Mirror, c’est le lendemain même que Bush a fait part de son plan à Blair. Selon une source du Mirror « Il a clairement dit qu’il voulait bombarder Al-Jezirah, au Qatar et ailleurs. Il n’y a aucun doute quant à ce que Bush voulait faire – et aucun doute que Blair que voulait pas qu’il le fasse ». Afin que les gens ne pensent pas que les points de vue de gens comme Ralph Peters et les néo-conservateurs de la JINSA ou de la PNAC sont des reliques du passé, rappelons-nous que l’administration Obama compte dans ses rangs de rudes cogneurs de ce monde aussi bien que de farouches partisans des néo-conservateurs. Même si peut-être ils n’appellent plus littéralement à la bagarre, comme ils l’ont fait sous Bush et Cheney, leur influence disproportionnée sur la politique américaine subsiste.
‘JINSA’ article says outlets who oppose future wars should be silenced—killed if necessary—by military strike
By Michael Collins Piper
.ONE OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL voices of the pro-Israel lobby has published a shocking essay suggesting that, in the future, there should be “military attacks” on journalists and media outlets that oppose American military ventures on behalf of Israel. In the spring 2008 issue of its Journal of International Security Affairs, the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), a particularly vocal force of the Jewish lobby, published a series of articles devoted to the subject: “The U.S. Military Faces the Future.” One article, entitled “Wishful Thinking and Indecisive Wars,” written by Ralph Peters (described as “a retired U.S. Army officer”) states flatly that “Although it seems unthinkable now, future wars may require censorship, news blackouts and, ultimately, military attacks on the partisan media.” The JINSA essay says “Freedom of the press stops when its abuse kills our soldiers and strengthens our enemies. Such a view arouses disdain today, but a media establishment that has forgotten any sense of sober patriotism may find that it has become tomorrow’s conventional wisdom.” JINSA’s suggestion that the media in America opposed the U.S. invasion of Iraq—a key demand by Israel and JINSA—flies in contrast to the truth. In fact, the major media banged the drum for war. AMERICAN FREE PRESS and a few independent newspapers strongly opposed this needless war. So what JINSA is saying is that those independent media voices—such as AMERICAN FREE PRESS—that opposed the drive for war should ultimately face military violence if they oppose the Jewish lobby’s future military aims. One analyst, University of Pennsylvania Prof. Edward Herman, has described JINSA as “organized and [run] by individuals closely tied to the Israeli lobby and can be regarded as a virtual agency of the Israeli government.” JINSA was founded in the mid-1980s by Stephen Bryen. He, along with several of his close associates—including future George W. Bush administration officials Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith—was investigated by the FBI on charges of spying for Israel at various times. JINSA has worked to forge alliances between the Jewish lobby and former American military officials, treating them to international junkets and a variety of business and other financial bonanzas provided by Israeli sympathizers in America and around the globe in return for support for their blatantly pro-Israel policies. Peters—whose pro-Israel articles are published regularly in The New York Post, owned by pro-Zionist billionaire Rupert Murdoch—is just one of those whose views on the military appeared in JINSA’s journal. A recurring theme in the essays emphasized the need for the United States to coordinate its international ventures with its “allies,” that is, Israel. The essays underscore the idea that it is vital for the United States to engage in covert action to bring down regimes that stand in the way of Israel’s agenda. Written in “code,” so to speak, the essays carry the theme that Israel’s interests are those of America and vice-versa and that those who oppose Israel are “anti-American,” and that includes American military officers. An essay by one Patrick Poole alleges that the distinguished Strategic Studies Institute at the U.S. Army War College is in the state of “strategic collapse” because it published a study saying that Hamas, the Palestinian faction, has been misunderstood due to mis-reporting by what the War College report says are “Israeli and Western sources that villainize the group.” JINSA’s propagandist claims the War College “is only representative of a larger rot in the U.S. military’s halls of higher learning . . . [that] apparently runs through all levels of our military senior service schools. . . .” The author of these attacks on American military leaders who refuse to pander to the Jewish lobby, Patrick Poole, is a ubiquitous Internet presence, writing pro-Israel screeds for Frontpagemag.com, the website of ex-communist-turned-neoconservative pro-Israel publicist David Horowitz.
Prominent People Fighting the Influence of the Pro-Israel Lobby in America . . .
• Adm. “Fox” Fallon • Former Ambassador Charles Freeman • Former Ambassador Richard Peck • Ex-CIA Officer Michael Scheuer • Ex-CIA Officer Ray McGovern • Academic Dr. John Mearsheimer • Academic Dr. StephenWalt • Former President Jimmy Carter
The record shows that increasing numbers of American military figures, and a host of ex-diplomats, intelligence officers and others are publicly challenging the Jewish lobby. They include Adm. “Fox” Fallon, former ambassadors Charles Freeman and Richard Peck, ex-CIA officers Michael Scheuer and Ray McGovern as well as top academics such as Dr. John Mearsheimer and Dr. Stephen Walt. And former President Jimmy Carter as well. It is thus no surprise that influential Jewish voices, such as Forward, published in Manhattan, complain there is opposition to Israel within higher circles, a point that surprises many Americans who believe Israel has a firm stranglehold on the American intelligence, diplomatic and law enforcement apparatus. On May 11, 2005, Forward reported that Barry Jacobs of the Washington office of the American Jewish Committee said there were high-ranking officials in the U.S. intelligence community who were hostile to Israel and unreceptive to pro-Israel lobbyists. Citing the then-ongoing FBI investigation of espionage by officials of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Forward noted that this top Jewish leader believed, in Forward’s summary, that “the notion that American Jews and Pentagon neo-conservatives conspired to push the United States into war against Iraq, and possibly also against Iran, is pervasive in Washington’s intelligence community.” Although the Justice Department recently dropped its case against the AIPAC duo, the FBI investigators remained confident that their criminal case against the intriguers would have resulted in a conviction. It has been a long-standing concern of JINSA that many in the military are tired of fighting wars for Israel. In the fall of 2006, JINSA’s journal suggested that a full-fledged witch-hunt was in order, designed to root out critics of Israel at high levels, implying that Israel’s critics were allied to “jihadist” fundamentalist Muslims. JINSA asked:
How deeply have jihadist elements infiltrated the U.S. government and federal agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense, and various military commands, either through sympathizers or via actual operatives?
Since there are few Muslims in the FBI, Homeland Security, the Department of Defense etc, the suggestion that “jihadist” elements have “infiltrated” our government might seem silly to the average American. But JINSA—determined to enforce Israel’s demands on American foreign policy and military might—is concerned that there are growing numbers in the military, the FBI and the CIA who are opposed to wars for Israel—and this, in JINSA’s view, constitutes collaboration with the dreaded “jihadists.”
US Cybersoldiers Suit UpOmitted from Obama’s speech was any mention of the ongoing employment of ‘hacker soldiers’ by the US military that are engaged in a cyberoffensive against other foreign state and non-state targets. Further missing from mainstream coverage is that this offensive is overwhelmingly privatized and is controlled by the largest of private defense contractors that have typically been in the business of selling to the US government jetfighters and complex missile and satellite systems.
1. Toutes les directives sont d'égale importance, indépendamment de l'ordre dans lequel elles sont énumérées
(Il y a de profonds secrets derrière ces directives, seulement mis à la disposition des membres des Illuminati).
2. L'humanité doit survivre à tout prix
Ce que cela signifie, c'est que toutes les mesures doivent être prises pour assurer cela, et c'est un besoin qui l'emporte sur les droits individuels / droits de la personne.
3. La planète Terre doit être protégée à tout prix.
Idem que ci-dessus.
4. Les plus intelligents et instruits sont supérieurs aux autres doivent se reproduire avec d'autres à tout prix et cela doit être protégé à tout prix.
Au fond, tout ce que cela signifie, c'est que nous cherchons à établir une race humaine hybride, dépourvue de nationalisme et de racisme. Les études montrent que les enfants de races mixtes sont en général plus intelligents et en santé.
5. La logique et la raison doit à tout prix être le fondement de tous les discours et de tout l'enseignement.
Cela signifie que les contes de fées ne doivent plus être enseignés aux enfants ni à quiconque. Une opinion doit être déclarée comme tel et l'idée de fantômes et d'esprits sont des concepts fondés sur l'irrationnel et la stupidité. Il doit y avoir des preuves pour étayer tout ce qui touche à l'éducation et l'enseignement supérieur. La société doit être nettoyée des superstitions, etc.
6. Aucun humain ne peut détenir une position supérieure à moins qu'il ou elle ait obtenu un diplôme en physique et en biologie.
La raison en est que ceux qui sont éduqués dans ces domaines possèdent une meilleure compréhension de la réalité et possèdent donc un esprit avancé/développé. L'éducation engendre l'illumination.
7. La population de la planète doit être ramenée à 3 milliards et et maintenue à ce nombre environ (jusqu'à ce que notre Société soit en place et que tous les noms de famille de nos ennemis soient rayés de la planète).
La raison en est la prospérité, la sécurité et le bien-être non seulement de la société mais de toutes les formes de vie sur notre planète et de notre bien-aimée planète elle-même. La réduction de la population doit être faite par le biais de l'éducation à la nécessité de celle-ci. Bien sûr, il existe d'autres moyens, et Mère-Nature et les maladies nous aideront à cet égard.
8. Tous les humains mâles et femelles doivent être stérilisés dès qu'ils atteignent la puberté, afin de les protéger de naissances prématurées et non désirées.
Contrairement à certaines personnes non-éduquées pensent, les femmes peuvent avoir les bébés même après une ligature, mais pas par hasard, et les hommes peuvent renverser leur stérilisation une fois qu'ils sont matures, instruits et capables de supporter financièrement une famille et d'élever des enfants.
9. Tous les criminels doivent être utilisés pour la productivité de la recherche scientifique et expérimentale. Les criminels doivent être amenés à choisir s'ils veulent travailler sinon dans quelles expériences scientifiques ils sont prêts à participer.
C'est évident.
10. La science et les scientifiques doivent être le seul corps directeur de la planète et de l'humanité.
Il en est ainsi pour que ce soit des personnes intelligentes qui composent la classe dominante, et non pas des croyants et des hommes politiques. Ce que nous allons réaliser ainsi, c'est un système de droit et d'ordre, et non pas un jeu d'esprit politique ou religieux.
11. La politique et les politiciens doivent être supprimés à tout prix.
C'est parce que dans une société Objectiviste, il n'y a pas de place pour les politiciens. La société de l'avenir sera dirigée par des gens éclairés, de concert avec la société, qui sera elle aussi éclairée et très instruite.
12. Les agriculteurs pourrons posséder jusqu'à 10000 hectares de terres et ne doivent jamais être imposés tant qu'ils l'utilisent pour leurs exploitations agricoles (jusqu'à ce que tout soit mis en place).
Cela parce qu'ils fournissent l'essentiel de la survie, qui doit être considérée comme une question sacrée. Les agriculteurs ne doivent pas être rabaissés en aucune façon. Ce ne sont pas tous les domaines qui exigent des diplômes en physique et cela ne diminue pas un être humain dans sa globalité.
13. Le génie génétique doit être l'un des domaines les plus soutenu.
Si vous ne comprenez pas cela, il ne vous appartient pas de comprendre.
14. Tous les organismes gouvernementaux doivent être sous le commandement de personnes ayant des diplômes en physique, en biologie et en chimie.
Lire ci-dessus.
15. Toutes les formes de vie inférieures doivent être protégées à tout prix et la recherche scientifique doit prendre cela en considération.
N'appelle pas d'explication.
16. Les humains ne doivent pas être autorisés à consommer tout type de chair. Tuer d'autres formes de vie tout simplement parce que nous en aimons le goût est barbare et ancré dans la sauvagerie.
En outre, la consommation d'autres animaux introduit toutes sortes de bactéries, microbes et maladies dans le corps humain, qui peuvent créent une soupe de virus mortels. Il n'est pas besoin de tuer d'autres animaux, ni pour manger ni pour toute autre raison. La seule exception est lorsque la vie est menacée par un animal, et même alors, des mesures de remplacement devrait être sérieusement envisagée, autrement ce doit être pour sauver une vie humaine.
(Il y a un grand secret dans cette directive, réservé uniquement aux membres des Illuminati).
17. Si un ou des "extra-terrestres" visitent notre planète, ou si nous devions rencontrer une autre humanité étrangère à la nôtre, nous devrons les considérer supérieurs à nous et devrons les protéger et ne jamais leur nuire, sauf s'ils posent pour nous une menace évidente et immédiate.
N'appelle pas d'explication. En outre, si cela arrivait, les probabilités sont telles qu'ils nous seront supérieurs, tant au niveau de la connaissance que de l'évolution.
18. Le nationalisme, la religion et le racisme doivent être éliminés à tout prix.
N'appelle pas d'explication.
19. Tous les types d'humains (nationalités) doivent procréer les uns avec les autres à tout prix.
Cela signifie simplement que lorsque l'on décide d'avoir des enfants, cela devrait être avec des gens d'une autre "race" (faute de meilleur terme). Cela ne signifie pas que tout le monde devrait le faire immédiatement. Seulement si et quand.
20. Toute personne qui s'oppose aux Directives Prioritaires doit être neutralisée à tout prix.
Il s'agit d'une question interne, que seuls contemplent l'Ordre des Illuminati et ses membres.
Illuminati Prime Directives (referring to Objectivist thought from Ayn Rand's books.)
Illuminati Prime Directives:
All prime directives are of equal importance regardless of how they are
listed (There are some deep secrets behind the reasoning for these
directives, only made available to Illuminati Members).
Humanity must survive at all costs. What this means, is that all
measures must be taken to ensure this, and this is a need which
outweighs the rights of the individual/individual rights.
3. Planet earth must be protected at all costs. Same as above.
The most intelligent and educated humans are superior to all others and
they must reproduce with others at all costs and must be protected at
all cost.Basically, all this means, is that we seek to establish a
hybrid human race, devoid of nationalism and racism. Studies show that
children of mixed races are more intelligent and healthier overall.
Logic and reason must be the foundation of all speech and teachings at
all costs. This means that no fairy tales must be permitted to be taught
to children or anyone. Opinions must be stated as being such, and the
idea of ghosts and spirits are concepts based in irrationality and
stupidity. There must be supportive evidence for everything involving
education and higher learning. Society must be cleansed of superstition
6. No
human may hold a superior position unless he or she has obtained degrees
in physics and biology. This is because those whom are educated in
these fields, possess a higher understanding of reality, and thus possess
an advanced/developed mind. Education breeds education and
The population of planet earth must be reduced to 3 billion and
maintained at approximately that number (until such time when our
Enlightened Society is in place and all the family names of our enemies
are wiped off the planet). The basis for this is, prosperity, security
and well being of not only society, but all life forms on our planet,
and our beloved planet itself. The reduction in population is to be done
through education of the need for this. Of course there are other
means, and mother nature and diseases will help us in this regard.
All human males and females should be sterilized as soon as they reach
puberty, to protect them from premature and unwanted births. Unlike some
uneducated fools think, women can still have babies, even with their
tubes tied, but not accidentally and men can have their sterilization
reversed once they are mature, educated and able to support children
All criminals must be used for productivity science research and
experiments. Criminals are to be given options to choose if they wish to
work or which scientific experiments they are willing to be part of.
This is self explanatory.
Science and scientists must be the only governing body of planet earth
and humanity. This is so that intelligent people compose the ruling
class, not religionists and politicians. What we will achieve with this,
is a system of law and order, not political and religionist mind games.
Politics and politicians must be eliminated at all costs. This is
because in a society of Objectivists, there is no room for politicians.
The society of the future will be ruled by the enlightened, together
with society, which too will be enlightened and highly educated.
Farmers may own up to 10,000 acres of land and must never be taxed as
long as they utilize their farms for farming (until all is set in
Genetic engineering must be one of the most supported fields. If you do
not understand this, it is not for you to understand.
14. All governmental bodies must be under the command of persons with degrees in physics and biology and chemistry.
All lower life forms must be protected at all cost and scientific
research must take this into consideration. Self explanatory.
Humans must not be permitted to consume any type of flesh. Killing
other life forms, simply because we like the taste, is barbaric, and is
rooted in savagery. Furthermore, consuming other animals introduces all
forms of bacteria, diseases and microbes into the human body, which can
eventually produce a soup of the most deadly viruses. There is no need
to kill other animals, to eat, or for any other reason. The only
exception is when one’s life is endangered by an animal, and even then,
alternative measures should be seriously considered or to save a human
life. (There is a great secret behind this directive, only available to
Illuminati Members).
Should an alien being(s) visit our planet or should we encounter other
aliens humanity must consider them superior to us and must protect and
never harm them unless they pose an obvious threat and immediate to our
kind. Self explanatory. Furthermore, if such is to take place, chances
are, they would be superior to us in both knowledge and evolution.
18. Nationalism, religion and racism must be eliminated at all costs. Self explanatory.
All types of humans (nationalities) must procreate with each other at
all costs. nationalism.This simply means that when one does decide to
have children,it should be with people of another “race” (lack of a
betterword). This does NOT mean everyone should immediately do this.
Just if and when.
Anyone who is against the Prime directives must be neutralized at all
costs.This is an internal matter, and for the digestion of the
Illuminati Order, and its members.
That pathetic liar and alcoholic Kinky Balloon submitted fraudulent (some were even plagiarised) articles to AFP that were full of lies and errors… Most of them were’nt published because they couldn’t be published. Balloon then cried he was being censored… What a fraud that guy is.
(Piper was a witness of Ballon’s submission of an article (satirical) by The Onion as if it was his own. He witnessed the fact that some of Balloon’s writings were unreadable and full of syntax errors that needed a whole re-writing of the piece. Piper participated in those reconstructions of Ballon’s articles that would have thrown discredit on the AFP had it been published. To hear about such examples of Balloon being a fraud and a liar, for instance his travel to Venezuela - all expenses paid by AFP - and the interview with Chavez that never happened because he prefered to get drunk on the beach… One has to listen to Piper’s archives on RBN from 2006-2007, and even 2008-2009.)
The best source exposing Balloon is takeourworldback. Check the hyperlinks in this paragraph:
“Bollyn’s questionable stories include his misquoting of Mark Loizeaux regarding where the molten steel was found, his misquoting of Arthur Lerner-Lam as to alleged “seismic spikes”, the Sam Danner “Global Hawk” report (which Russell Pickering identified as highly suspect right from day one, the “thermite disguised as batteries” red herring which any demolitionist worth their salt would recognise as nonsense, a satirical article from The Onion submitted as Bollyn’s “original work”, a suspect article that Bollyn tried to get into the Barnes Review, the “Flight 93 was not shot down but landed at Cleveland” theory, the claim that Benjamin Chertoff is a cousin of Michael Chertoff, etc.”
Do you know about the Sam Danner hoax? Because he published that, Bollyn brought much discredit on the AFP. He and his sidekick Hufschitt continued to promote this hoax even after it was proven false from the beggining (Sam Danner admitted he lied, and they were warned by Russell Pickering that the story was bogus)! and then they pretended Sam Danner got run off by government agents, which Sam Danner admitted was untrue.
There are many things you will learn only by listening to Mike Piper’s archives on RBN from 2006-2007, and even 2008-2009. For instance, Piper is one of the sources who say that he was a witness when Bollyn submitted an article to the AFP as if it was his own, whereas in fact it was in fact a satyre by The Onion. sometmies he would submit articles that were not publishable by any standards, filled with orthographical mistakes and super big syntax and logical problems that needed a whole rewriting. Just think about the fact that he was paid by the AFP to travel to Venezuela to interview Chavez yet he prefered to drink on the beach, that tells a lot…
Read the whole investigation by Laura Knight and Lisa Giuliani, wife of Victor Thorn (great man), on Chris Bollyn. Both are friends with Mike Piper. I hope you know them all.
Bollyn also said that the radio debate between himself, Victor Thorn and Mike Piper was arranged as a set up by Homeland Security with the help of Mike Piper! How's that for craziness?? On this occasion, Bolin has attacked Thorn, claiming he was a "crypto-jew"… (that reminds me of prothink and those people who accuse his opponents of being jewish… Whereas Bolin should have taken *a closer look* at his partner Hoffschit before accusing Thorn!)
Also, you’ll find a great investigation of Balloon in Victor Thorn and Lisa Giuliani’s books “Cointelpro” and “Betrayed - Why the 911 Movement Failed”. Fortunately, most of their content is already available on the web at wingtv.net
Most important is the text on Huffschit, since he’s been Kinkster Balloon’s partner for a long time:
Eric Hufschmid - Zionist Disinfo Agent Provocateur Zionist shills exposed. It is now self-evident that Eric Hufschmid and Christopher Bollyn are part of an operation to divide, stifle and control the 9/11 truth movement.
By the way, Bollyn's version of what happened in 2006 - his beating and all that ensued - was that Piper and Carto and Thorn conspired with the ADL to get him!
Bollyn and Hufschmid were behind the campaign to destroy the credibility of Carto and Lane. So I would tend to believe that Carto and Lane are on the good side, even more so if they are bashed by Bollyn and Hufschmid...
Hufschmid was saying that AFP is infiltrated and run by Zionists. Bollyn wouldn't condemn this bogus claim by his sidekick and woudn't distanciate himself from this little liar. Even when Michael Collins Piper roared very vehemently, “Eric Hufschmid is a liar. I repeat, Eric Hufschmid is a liar,” Bollyn wouldn’t denounce this cretin.
It's like a mantra...
Bollyn: "Scott Makufka, I must say you sound more and more like an Israeli every time. What are you putting down, pre-conditions? I’m not going to denounce anybody. We’re not … Eric Hufschmid is not the subject of this discussion. And Eric Hufschmid is an excellent 9-11 researcher and he’s got a very logical mind and a good sense of humor."
Bollyn : "I just got done saying, I think Eric Hufschmid is a very good researcher, he’s got the best book on 9-11, Painful Questions, the best book on the subject … and that’s it."
Piper had the occasion to look at Bollyn’s dark side very closely back then in 2005-2006, because they both worked for the American Free Press, that Bollyn claimed was conspiring to fire him (bollyn wouldn’t condemn the ridiculous assertion made by Hufschmid that AFP was under the control of the Zionists). Bollyn’s version of what happened in 2006 was that Piper and Carto and Thorn conspired with the ADL to get him! Did you know that Bollyn and his wife Helje Brand-Kaskel http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1742924 (both names are j-wish!) showed Mike some naked pictures of her when they were invited at his home? did you know that Bollyn has a “Khazar associate” tied to the Church of Scientology? that he was working on an edition of a book on pharmaceutical drugs written by a woman heavily involved in Scientology? (Mike Piper showed in his book The Judas Goats, that the Church of Scientology was overtaken by j-wish lawyers at the death of L.Ron Hubbard, so that now it has become a proxy of the mossad, for instance : the church has been working heavily with the ADL to sabotage the IHR!) Piper once reporter the resultat of a private investigator following Bollyn in order to know for whom he was working for really. The resulat was this: HIGH DANGER, the man is protected at the highest level, VERY DANGEROUS TO FURTHER THE INVESTIGATION!!!
Bollyn and his family are supposed to live in Estonia. If the j-ws were after him, they could extradite him. Bollyn was even interviewed by estonian television! He visited Germany in the last few years, he even posted some pictures of himself and his family in Germany, in front of great statues. This is a clear sign that he is free to travel in Germany. Real ennemies of the j-ws are scared to death of traveling in Germany. Strangely, Bollyn wrote an article about German revisionist Manfred Roeder, that was published in The Barnes Review and that didn’t stop him from visiting Germany!. The whole Bollyn family was interviewed on estonian tv… That’s odd for a so-called “fugitive”…
He visited Germany in the last few years, he even posted some pictures of himself and his family in Germany. This is a clear signal that he is free to travel in Germany. Real ennemies of the Jews are scared to death of traveling in Germany.
For these reasons and many others, Mike Piper thinks Bollyn’s *protected*. Because of his ties to the Anglican Church(!), Piper thinks it’s possible that he’s an Anglican Church operative(?) It is known that he also has contacts with the Church of *Sin-tology* (!!). Piper won’t identify the church by its name on the air, in order to avoid lawsuits. The Scientology lady for whom he was editing a book is Ann Black Tracy PhD. He was being paid by the Church of *Sin*tology through this lady. They took him on their charge after he was shown the door at AFP. Piper wonders if he may have worked for them from the begginning.
Recently, Mike Piper said on his program that he had a talk today with AFP’s accountants who presented him the proof that Kink Balloon himself made them (AFP) pay for an internet connection bill JUST LAST MONTH! He’s not been working for AFP since at least three years! If it’s true, and I believe it is, Balloon would have done another illegal act: he’s stolen from AFP (again, like he did when he was in on a trip to interview Chavez but prefered to get drunk on the beach…). An email was sent to Baloon to ask for him to pay his own bill. AFP said they will pay for the bills, but that they will not pay for any other bill, and if it happens again they will have to file a lawsuit. For now, they only warned Bollyn by email that AFP will pay for the bills, but that no further bills will be paid, otherwise they will have to start a lawsuit. So, for now, no lawsuit.
Promoting Huffschit but not Mike Piper is a certain proof of mental defect, imo. But hey! people make mistakes!
But what’s funny is why prothink still supports Hoffschit even though his Kinky Balloon believes that he *bears all the signs of an intelligent plant*! (you can read this on Hoffschit’s website)
One thing I do not like prothink, is that you promote the website of that imbecile and *saboteur* Jim Ennis, who’s accusing the folks at The Liberty Hour (survivor Phil Tourney and co-host Mark Glenn) of being antisemitic and thus trying to marginalise them (instead of teaming up with them). why don’t you promote The Liberty Hour, Phil Tourney instead?
This is very important info that couldn't possibily be discarded! I mean: The Al-Qaida manual was found in the car of Ahmad Ajaj, a double-agent of the Mossad, working with Yousef! Why do you never talk about Michael Collins Piper's outstanding work? And why the hell do you support that Rosemary's Baby agent provocateur Hufschmid?
On this broadcastMichael Collins Piper addressed what he called "The Hufschmid Conundum the puzzle surrounding the bizarre attacks by Eric Hufschmid on many longtime anti-Zionist writers and activists including Piper himself (and his colleagues at American Free Press and The Spotlight) as well as individuals such as Mark Glenn, Mark Farrell, David Duke and many, many others too numerous to mention. Hufschmid. Piper quoted a letter writer who said that Eric spends most of his time making false allegations against many good people. he seldom has any proofyet he boldly releases his ideas or opinions as factand directly attacks 'the mark' of the day. Eric is always assuming his mark as guilty until proven innocent." Piper noted that although Hufschmid is constantly attacking people as "Zionists" or as "Zionist agents Hufschmid himself had little, if anything, to say about the obvious role of Israel and its intelligence agency, the Mossad, in his own book and video about 9-11. Piper noted that Hufschmid literally received millions of dollars in free publicity regarding his (Hufschmid's) book on the Penn and Teller" broadcast which is a product of the Zionist-controlled "Showtime" network. Piper noted that few REAL anti-Zionists ever receive that kind of publicity and suggested that perhaps the actual intent of Penn & Teller's "attack" on Hufschmid was to redirect people to a source on 9-11 that does NOT emphase Israeli complicity in the attack. Piper noted the parallel theme in a recent essay by Sen. John McCain of Arizonapublished in the September issue of POPULAR MECHANICS which suggests that critics of the U.S. government's 9-11 thesis are putting the blame on "America" for the attack; in shortMcCain was simply not mentioning the well-known fact that many (if not most) critics of the U.S. government lies about 9-11 contend --as American Free Press journalist Christopher Bollyn has contended from the beginning-- that Israel and its Mossad was the prime mover behind 9-11. So McCain and Hufschmid have essentially taken the same approach. Although Hufschmid talks on his website about an Israeli connectionit is Hufschmid's book which has been given the widespread international publicity. Thissaid Piperconstitutes a classic "limited hangout"---that isgiving "some" of the storybut not "all" of it. That isHufschmid falls to emphasize the strong evidence connecting Israel to the attack. In the meantimewhile pretending to be a supporter of American Free Press journalist Christopher Bollyn --Piper's longtime friend and colleague-- Hufschmid has been trying to drive a wedge between Bollyn and Piper (and between Bollyn and his own employerAmerican Free Press) by telling worldwide audiences via internet broadcasts and on his lie-packed website that American Free Press has NOT been publishing Bollyn's work and trying to suppress it. Piper previously demonstrated to his audience that American Free Press had indeed published the articles by Bollyn that Hufschmid falsely claimed had never been publishedand the one article that was not immediately published (because it arrived too late) was later reworked into other material by Bollyn published by American Free Press. Unfortunatelymany people who don't read either the published version of "AFP" or its complete on-line subscription versionhave been believing Hufschmid's lies about Bollyn and AFP and about many other things. Most of these people also believe Hufschmid's bizarre and outlandish claim that Piperis a Zionistdespite the fact that Piper has devoted 26 years of his 46 years to writing and speaking about the dangers of Zionismin such books as FINAL JUDGMENTdetailing the Mossad link to the JFK assassination conspiracy (over JFK's efforts to stop israel from building nuclear weapons)THE HIGH PRIESTS OF WARexposing the secret history of the Zionist neo-conservatives and their drive for war against Iraq and Iran and Syria and the rest of the Muslim worldTHE NEW JERUSALEM: ZIONIST POWER IN AMERICAwhich outlines the amazing power of Zionism in Americaand BEST WITNESSwhich tells the story of Mel Mermelstein's efforts to break the back of the Holocaust Revisionist movement--an effort which failed and failed badly. In addition Piper notedAFP (and The SPOTLIGHT before it) have published literally hundreds --maybe a thousand?-- of articles by Christopher Bollyn focusing on the intrigues of Israel and the Zionist movementprovingbeyond any questionthat Hufschmid is lying when he says that AFP is trying to suppress either the works of Bollyn-- whom Piper has always called "the best journalist in Americabar none"-- or discussion of the subject of Zionism. Piper believes that "The Hufschmid Conundrum" can be explained by the factas Hufschmid himself admitted in an article on his websitethat Hufschmid's half-sister is married to the son of Zionist billionaire Rupert Murdoch. This was early on and Hufschmid actually suggested that Murdoch himself may have been aware of Hufschmid's work. Incredibly though Hufschmid makes the lame suggestion that Murdoch ---one of the most powerful Zionists on the face of the planet--- may be one of the "good" guys (of all things). Hufschmid even said that he knew little about Murdoch until Murdoch's publication THE WEEKLY STANDARD edited by Zionist neo-conservative William Kristol (exposed thoroughly in Piper's book THE HIGH PRIESTS OF WAR) had requested a copy of Hufschmid's book. Hufschmid's bizarre "explanation" of the "connection" between himself and Murdoch in Piper's estimation was simply a clever concoction by Hufschmid to explain away his Murdoch connection in a blizzard of words in order to cover up the fact that he (Hufschmid) was actually being promoted by the Murdoch empire in order to maintain a handle on "the controlled opposition" surrounding speculation regarding the 9-11 terrorist attacks focusing attention on a book that talked about the forensics of the 9-11 attacks but keeping the lid on the Zionist connection to that tragic event. Piper suggested that Hufschmid certainly knew that once his name came into the fore that people would (quite correctly) start researching into the name "Hufschmid" and ultimately discover the Hufschmid-Murdoch connection and that this was Hufschmid's way of laying it on the table in a relatively confusing way that would convince some gullible people that Hufschmid was a "real" truth seeker. But Hufschmid himself actually raised the question as to whether he himself was being used in some "psy-ops" by the Murdoch empire and the Zionist network. Piper commented that this was a classic Mossad tactic: "hiding in plain sight." In other wordsHufschmid put the Murdoch connection out there so that if anyone ever questioned him on it--as people are now doing and rightly so-- he could sayOh I never kept it a secret.Piper also noted the interesting fact that Hufschmid's attack on Piper and American Free Press and the campaign to split off AFP's star reporter Christopher Bollyn from AFP and thereby deprive AFP of Bollyn's reportagecame precisely at the time when AFP was about to launch its international conference on Labor Day weekend featuring a historic seminar on the Lies of 9-11with Bollyn as well as famed 9-11 hero and World Trade Center survivorWilliam Rodriguezand Ellen Marianiwidow of 9-11 victim Neal Mariani. What better wayPiper askedthan to disrupt a major event to be attended by some 300 people including some from around the world? Piper also noted that some time ago Hufschmid had also been privy to Piper's then-manuscriptentitled THE JUDAS GOATSwhich features an entire chapter devoted to the subject of how Rupert Murdoch and his media empire (including Fox News) had been set up by the billionaire Zionist families RothschildOppenheimer and Bronfman to provide a "controlled" so-called "conservative alternative"--that is a classic "controlled opposition"-- to the Zionist-dominated "liberal" networks such as ABCCBSand NBC. Hufschmid knew that this would be the first time that the nationalist-patriot movement would see the ENTIRE Murdoch story outlined in the context of a detailed book describing how the Zionist movement had worked for years to infiltrate and destroy the nationalist movement in Americathat many thousands of people would read about Murdochin detailfor the first time and learn the truth of "who" is really behind this media empire (with which Hufschmid is intimately connected): his half-sister is an heirby marriageto billions of Zionist money. Hufschmidthuswas rightly concerned that as more and more people learned about Murdoch that they would start doing their own research and discovering the Hufschmid connection. Clearlysays PiperHufschmid NEEDED to discredit Piper and American Free Press and damage their relationship with Christopher Bollyn. Piper pointed out that he had been writing about Murdoch for many yearsgoing back to the early 1980s when he wrote about Murdoch in The SPOTLIGHT newspaperutilizing "inside" data about Murdoch from one of Murdoch's Australian associatesinternational businessman and prominent Catholic laymanHenry Fischerlong known for his close ties to the traditionalist Catholic movement and for his intimate connections to anti-Zionist elements inside the Vatican and the Catholic Church worldwide. Fischer is even mentionedPiper notedin several books by mainstream authors about Murdoch. But Fischer's "inside" information on Murdoch's Rothschild-Oppenheimer-Bronfman connectionmaking him part of the "Billionaire Gang of Four is never mentioned. All of this taken together explains the truth about The Hufschmid Conundrum." Piper urged people to provide financial support directly to Christopher Bollyn in assisting Bollyn in his legal case against the police state thugs who attacked him and hit him with a life-threatening taser gun in his own front yard in Hoffman EstatesIllinois.
On tonight's broadcastMichael Collins Piper noted that the infamous Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B'nai B'rithan unregistered foreign lobby for the state of Israelhad issued a new attack on the American Free Press newspaper and its chief 9-11 correspondentChristopher Bollyn. The ADL was taking issue with Bollyn's articles in American Free Press which have long provided solid evidence of the role of Israel's intelligence servicethe Mossadin the 9-11 terrorist attacks. Previouslythe ADL had issued a similar attack on both Bollyn and Piperalong with others who dared to raise questions about the "official" U.S. government version of the attacks. Bollyn and Piper have both consistently assertedbased on the evidencethat the Mossad was a prime mover behind the attacks. Now there have been determined efforts to drive a wedge between Bollyn and AFPhis longtime employer: clearly a deliberate attempt to put an end to Bollyn's substantial outreach through the pages of the naitonal weekly newspaper. A major player in this attempt to disrupt Bollyn's association with his sponsorAmerican Free Presshas been a figure named Eric Hufschmid, whom Michael Collins Piper says is now "fishbait." Piper noted that Hufschmid's attacks on many good solid people in the 9-11 truth movement and in the American patriot-nationalist movement sound very much like the infamous ADL-FBI COINTELPRO operation known as "Deguello" a mysteriousanonymously-written document that was distributed in the 1960scasting doubt and aspersions on leading figures in the nationalist movement. HowevertodayHufschmid's Internet-based operation is a modern-day Deguello with even greater outreach and even more potentially dangerous and devasting. Piper noted that this modern-day Deguello operation being run by Hufschmid has already caused problems for American Free Press in its efforts to raise money for Christopher Bollyn's legal defense against trumped-up charges levelled against him after corrupt cops probably working in conjunction with Homeland Security according to research by Bollyn, attacked Bollyn in the front yard of his home in Hoffman EstatesIllinois. Because Hufschmid---rather "Fishbait"-- is attacking Bollyn's publisher and accusing the newspaper and its employees of being "Zionists" or "Zionist controlled many people are fearful of making contributions, even checks made out directly to Christopher Bollyn." The behavior of Fishbait is clearly that of a Deguello-style operation right out of the pages of COINTELPROthe infamous FBI infiltration and evisceration scheme designed to undercut American dissident groups. AppropriatelyMichael Collins Piper's newly-released book THE JUDAS GOATS has quite a detailed history of such operations. (The book is available from American Free Press at americanfreepress.net).
On tonight's broadcastMichael Collins Piper was joined by veteran California nationalist Joe Fields and author Mark Glenn (whose website can be found at crescentandcross.com) to discuss the outrageous and abusive exploitation of veteran American populist historian Eustace Mullinswho is 85 years oldby Daryl Bradford Smith and his partner-in-crimeEric Hufschmidnow widely referred to as Eric "Fishbait." Glenn expressed the opinion that Smith and Hufschmid are simply troubled individuals who relish causing trouble. Fields noted that over the years that he has been involved in the nationalist movementmore often than not those people who accused others -- as Smith and "Fishbait" do -- of being "Zionist agents" are actually Zionist agents themselves. Fishbait and Smith have attacked a variety of longtime anti-Zionist activists such as Mark Farrell of Honestmediatoday.com as well as the aforementioned Glenn and even famed Louisiana political figure David Duke (see Davidduke.com)---among manymany others. Piper noted that in his own considerable experience --more than 25 years-- in the nationalist movement as a widely-read writer of news articles and now several fairly well-distributed booksthat when he (Piper) encountered the Anti-Defamation League's longtime undercover informantRoy Bullockthat Bullock often pointed at other people and suggested that they might be "ADL agents when, in fact, it was Bullock who was the agent. (Piper has written about his experiences with Bullock in his new book THE JUDAS GOATS which actually addresses factual case histories of how Zionist agents have infiltrated the American nationalist movement from within. The book is available at americanfreepress.net.) Piper noted that before coming on the air, he (Piper) had a long friendly chat with Eustace Mullins who said that he felt he had been used" by Smith whoMullins saiddid all the talkingand "put words in my mouth." In factMullins was a recent speaker at a conference in Washington hosted by American Free Pressthe newspaper that utilizes Piper as a free-lance correspondent and Mullins wasas could be expectedvery well received by the audience. In recent years --until troublemakers attempted to undermine Mullins and grabbed control of much of his property-- American Free Press was one of the most consistent and regular promoters of Mullins' books such as THE SECRETS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE and THE WORLD ORDERamong others. Nowjust as "Fishbait" and Bradford Smith sought to drive a wedge between American Free Press and its correspondent Christopher Bollynthey sought to drive a wedge between the populist newspaper and historian Mullins. Althoughas Joe Fields notedthere are many people who say that "Fishbait" and Smith need to be ignored and isolatedhe still agrees with Piper that these troublemakers (who act in the style of Zionist disinformation agents) need to be confronted. Piper noted that althoughover the yearshe has seen many squabbles between patriots over money and power and substance and stylethe Fishbait-Smith phenomenon appears to be the development of a bizarre cult-like group that does the bidding of Fishbait and Smithsending out malicious e-mails and spreading lies over the Internet. ThisPiper pointed outrecalls the old-fashioned Deguello operation of the FBI's COINTELPRO program of the 1960s wherein solid truth was mixed with liesrumors and disinformation in order to undermine American nationalist organizationssimilar to the way Fishbait and Smith have tried to tear Christopher Bollyn away from American Free Pressthe one newspaper that has consistently promoted Bollyn as what Piper has described as being "the best journalist in America bar none." The Fishbait-Smith Deguello routinealthough largely grounded in what appears to be borderline schizophrenic fantasyis nonetheless dangerousparticularly in the sense that it has worked to undermine the work of Christopher Bollyn. And as many people knowBollyn was recently assaulted in his own front yard in Hoffman EstatesIllinois by heavily-armed police officers in circumstances that Bollyn believesbased on his own inquiriessuggest that Bollyn was a target of Zionist elements in the office of Homeland Securityrun by devout pro-Israel Jewish figure Michael Chertoffthe son of a rabbiand whose own wife is a former figure in the ADL. "Fishbait" and Smith have actually suggested that Bollyn's own friend and colleague from AFPMichael Collins Piperwas actually involved in a "plot" with Homeland Security and the ADL to stage the attack on Bollyn -- a bizarre claim to be surebut one which some naive cult followers of the two troublemakers have actually come to believe and which they have circulated widely on the Internet! "Fishbait" and Smith even worked against famed civil libertarian and anti-Zionist attorney Mark Laneattacking the longtime associte of Piper and American Free Press (and of Liberty Lobby before that)smearing Lane so as to disinterest him in taking up Bollyn's legal case against the police in Hoffman EstatesIllinois. This alone demonstrates the divisive operations of the Hufschmid-Smith wrecking crew. The detailstaken togethernot only raise serious questions about the intentions and motivations of "Fishbait" and Smith but also answer the questions as well: These two are trouble. They need to be ignored. They need to be isolated. Andas Piper saidThey need to be chopped up and made into fishbait and fed to the sharks, which are much more lovely creatures than either Hufschmid or Smith.
Bollyn: le gars est financé et protégé dans les hauts échelons, ce qui fait qu'il peut se promener en Allemagne et s'y faire photographier sans problème, tout comme il peut passer à la télé estonienne... Lié à la CIA, à l'Église anglicane, et à la scientologie via une dame pour qui il a édité un livre (faut bien vivre de quelque chose!). Il dit même que Hufschmid "porte tous les signes d'un opérateur des services de renseignement"... Faut le faire! Lui qui voulait pas condamner les opinions de Hufschmid lorsque celui-ci disait que l'American Free Press (alors employeur de Bollyn) était "infiltré et contrôlé par les sionistes"!
Hufschmid: T'as vu ses pages sur le front de certains juif qui ressemblerait au profil des néanderthaliens? Sans commentaires... Hufschmid fait souvent des comparaisons douteuses, sexuelles... avec des enfants en plus... le gars est complètement malade mais très intelligent, en fait il sait bien ce qu'il fait.
Il y aurait énormément à dire au sujet de Hufschmid-Bollyn et dans une moindre mesure de leur ancien coéquipier Daryl Bradford Smith.
Le duo Hufschmid et Bollyn excellait dans la diffamation de chercheurs fiables! autre indice qu'ils font partie d'une opération de désinfo. C'est pourquoi Mike Piper les appelle la "Deguello gang". Le Deguello Report était un document de pure désinfo visant à semer la discorde dans le mouvement patriote américain. (Mieux: Hufschmid faisait même la promotion de ce document!)
Voici une liste de gens que Hufschmid accuse d'être des agents sionistes!
Daryl Bradford Smith (son ancien coéquipier), Dylan Avery, Korey Rowe, Jason Bermas (l'équipe de Loose Change), Germar Rudolf, Ernst Zundel, Fredrick Toben, Mark Glenn, Mark Farrell, David Irving, David Duke, Michael Collins Piper, Jack Blood, Victor Thorn aka Scott Makufka, Michael A Hoffman II, Wayne Madsen, Kurt Nimmo, Webster Tarpley, Willis Carto, John Stadtmiller, Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, William Rodriguez, Mike Rivero, Prof Steven E. Jones, Ingrid Rimland, Chris Jon Bjerknes, Hesham Tillawi, Laura Knight-Jadczyk, Dave von Kleist, Karl Schwarz, Ted Pike, Peter Kawaja, Peter Shank, Ron Paul, Cindy Sheehan, Rosie O’Donnell, Mark Lane, Charlie Sheen, Justin Raimondo, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad...
Il y en a plus encore car cette liste date d'il y a deux ans....
Hufschmid a peut-être raison en ce qui concerne 3 ou 4 individus dans cette liste, mais globalement, c'est du pur délire de considérer que tous ces chercheurs sont des agents sionistes.
Là où Hufschmid a vraiment fait mal c'est quand il a accusé Mark Lane et Willis Carto d'être des agents. Mark Lane est un avocat juif mais c'est aussi celui qui a pondu le premier livre (1964) démontrant hors de tout doute raisonnable que la CIA est responsable ou impliquée dans l'assassinat de JFK. C'est un grand ami de Mike Piper.
Willis Carto est aussi un grand ami de Mike Piper. Il a fait publier des milliers d'ouvrages à l'époque où il dirigeait l'Institute for Historical Review et Liberty Lobby. Aujourd'hui l'agent saboteur Mark Weber (le Von Stauffenberg de l'IHR ) a tout vendu ce stock de livres (valeur de 3 millions$) pour des cacahuètes... Aujourd'hui , Carto dirige l'American Free Press et The Barnes Review, deux excellentes sources. Mais il faut dire que les meilleurs auteurs de AFP sont Mark Glenn et Mike Piper, sans oublier Jim Tucker. Hufschmid s'est organisé pour que son coéquipier Daryl Smith fasse dire à Eustace Mullins que Willis Carto était "suspect", etc. Eustace a été embobiné et il juge aujourd'hui avoir été utilisé par Smith-Hufschmid pour détruire la réputation de Carto.
Bref, Willis Carto est un brave type, un éditeur de matériel révisionniste, mais il est victime depuis longtemps d'une campagne de sabotage et diffamation par l'ennemi traditionnel... Victor Thorn, l'auteur du "Procès du 11 septembre" (traduit en français aux éditions Demi-Lune), a publié plein de livres sur le 11 septembre. Bollyn aucun. Thorn a publié 911 Evil, le premier livre à exposer la responsabilité du mossad et des sionistes dans le 11 septembre. Bollyn n'a jamais rien publié en dehors d'Internet.
Lorsque Hufschmid s'est mis à raconter des salades concernant la supposée infiltration sioniste de l'AFP, Bollyn n'a jamais voulu condamner ses propos, répétant incessamment que Hufschmid a écrit le meilleur livre sur le sujet et qu'il ne veut pas parler contre lui et que de toute façon c'est hors sujet... Mantra qu'il répétera allègrement...
Pire que ça, Bollyn a accusé Victor Thorn d'être un "crypto-Juif" (une très vieille accusation typique des désinformateurs). Il a même déclaré que son débat contre Vitctor Thorn sur les ondes de l,émission de Mike Piper avait été orchestrée par - tenez vous bien - la Homeland Security (sécurité intérieure) avec l'aide de Mike Piper! "Mentez, mentez, il en restera toujours quelque chose..."Quelques fausses nouvelles que Bollyn a rapportées comme si elles étaient vraies.
- Sam Danner disait avoir vu un Global Hawk s'enfoncer dans le Pentagone, mais la nouvelle était fausse. C'est Hufschmid qui a rapporté cet item à Bollyn qui s'est chargé de retransmettre dans les pages de l'AFP (salissant ainsi la réputation du respecté journal). Danner a admis avoir menti, Russell Pickering avait averti Boll-schmid dès le début que cette histoire était fausse. Même lorsqu'elle a été admise par tous comme étant fausse, Hufschmid a continué à rapporter la fausse nouvelle.... Hufschmid et Bollyn ont même continué à rapporter que Sam Danner s'était fait frapper par une voiture conduite par des agents du gouvernement, bien après que Danner ait admis que c'était faux. -Bollyn a mal cité Mark Loiseaux au sujet de où ont été trouvées les flaques de métal en fusion au WTC. Il s'est trompé d'endroit... http://groups.google.com/group/alt.alien.visitors/msg/dfef90067070254e?dmode=source -il a mal cité Arthur Lerner-Lam au sujet des pics sismiques http://www.takeourworldback.com/short/hufschmid.htm#palisades - Bollyn a soumis un article satirique de The Onion comme si c'était le sien! (tentative de plagiat, évitée de justesse par AFP) - La théorie que Mike Chertoff de la Homeland Security serait le cousin de Ben Chertoff qui a écrit un article pour discréditer le mouvement de vérité du 911 dans la revue Popular Mechanics. Ce n'était tout simplement pas vrai... http://www.911myths.com/html/benjamin_chertoff.html - Bolyn n'a jamais parlé de la connexion très significative entre Ahmad Ajaj, agent double du mossad dont la voiture contenait le manuel d'instruction d'al-Qaida, et Ramsi Yousef. Piper en a parlé ici. Bollyn n'a jamais dit non plus dans son article sur le procureur juif sioniste Mike Mukasey (ami de Rudy Giuliani) que c'est justement lui qui a jugé les terroristes de l'attentat à la bombe de 1993 (par Ramsi Yousef).
Zionist conservative Jonathan Kay has been among the foremost critics of the
growing number of people in the United States and around the globe who have
questioned the official version of what really happened on September 11.
referenced in Chapter 17, Kay’s recent book—Among
the Truthers: A Journey Through America’s Growing Conspiracist Underground—outlines
Kay’s concerns about a variety of conspiracy theories, but makes clear his
foremost worry is the blossoming of 9-11 conspiracies in particular and that an
inordinate number of 9-11 “truthers” point the finger at Israel for that crime.
However, of
course, the truth is that most 9-11 dissidents are still largely determined to
direct the blame for 9-11 at George W. Bush or the CIA or “the military-industrial
complex” or the Illuminati or some combination thereof. Many who do suspect
Israeli complicity would just simply not even mention it.
And then,
naturally—and this must be said—there are also considerable numbers of agents provocateurs who have infiltrated
the 9-11 truth movement (just as they infiltrated the JFK assassination and Oklahoma
City truth seekers) who are consciously (and often quite successfully) muddying
the waters of research through their insertion of distractions and distortions
that redirect focus away from the real conspirators responsible for those
terrorist tragedies.
And this is
something that is critical to remember: at the time of the JFK assassination
there was no Internet. And at the time of the Oklahoma City bombing, the Internet
was in its infancy.
The growing
public awareness that something was wrong with the official explanation of the
JFK assassination was largely stimulated through books, magazine articles, and
lectures at small gatherings around the country by pioneer researchers such as
Mark Lane and Penn Jones and others whose efforts were supplemented
considerably by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s journey into the
word-of-mouth became—during the mid-1960s and beyond—one of the primarily means
of broadening discussion about the Warren Commission cover-up.
needless to say, during this time—and we now know this for a fact—the CIA was
in the front-line (although largely operating behind the scenes)—along with the
FBI—in doing a great deal of mischief designed to confuse research into the JFK
And, I
think, it’s also fair to say that the Mossad’s own fine hand—through its assets
in the mainstream media, in particular—also played a major part in providing
vital support to the intrigues of the CIA and the FBI in this regard.
the same scenario came in the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing. This time,
with the rise of desktop publishing and desktop video production, those who
were dissenting against the official version of events had, in some respects,
even greater outreach than the JFK researchers who were giving headaches to
those responsible for the official cover-up.
And the
advent of the Internet—though, as we said, still in its earliest days of
development—added another dimension that gave considerable outreach to the
critics of the government’s lies surrounding the Oklahoma tragedy.
But by the
time of the 9-11 disaster, the Internet was already holding sway, and it proved
to be a valuable asset in so many ways for those who were seeking to research
the story behind the story of 9-11 and to communicate their findings to the
American people and to the world.
As a direct
consequence, the powers-that-be—whomever you choose to identify as
such—realized that the Internet could prove to be a very real danger to their
continuing domination of the mass print and broadcast media in the United
States and around the globe.
As such,
the powers-that-be realized they simply had to find ways to be able to
circumvent the growing truth movement—a veritable tsunami that was piling up
and preparing to swamp the conspirators and the lies about 9-11 purveyed upon
the American people.
In addition
to this, another (very negative) aspect of the Internet must be considered.
While the
Internet has indeed been a major venue for truth—about 9-11 and so many other
matters—the Internet has also set the stage for a growing amount of
disinformation (both deliberate and unintentional that has had the effect of
negating the very good research on 9-11 and other issues that has been achieved
by sincere truth-seekers.
in this regard, the aforementioned Zionist propagandist, Jonathan Kay, has
summarized the matter well:
Elaborate conspiracy theories now can be
cobbled together literally overnight through the efforts of hundreds of scattered
dilettante conspiracists.
Another result is that conspiracists all around
the world now tend to focus on the same few dozen talking points that figure
prominently on the top websites.
While Kay
doesn’t say it (and he is essentially celebrating this point) the truth is that
what Kay calls, in this regard, the “intellectual balkanization,” that has
resulted means that if some bad information—that is, disinformation (deliberate
or otherwise)—has been inserted into the debate, that disinformation manages to
become an article of faith.
And the
result is that serious, fact-focused researchers—those who pay strict attention
to detail and try to correct the mistakes—often end up being accused of being
the disinformation specialists when, in fact, they are the real truth seekers
trying to discredit the disinformation!
assesses the situation in all-too-accurate terms:
The Internet has produced a radical
democratization of the conspiracist marketplace of ideas.
No longer does one have to spend years
researching and writing a book to attract attention: One can simply set up a blog,
or chime in on someone else’s, with some refinement of the existing collective
In fact, today’s conspiracists don’t even have
to read books—they can pick up all their talking points from Truther websites,
or, better yet, from Truther propaganda videos.
And the
problem is, as we’ve said, that these websites and videos that Kay refers to
sarcastically as the work of those whom he dismisses as “Truther” sources are
not always—in fact, often are not—very reliable sources at all, either as a
consequence of slip-shod research or simply the result of just bad writing that
conveys false ideas as fact.
What has
happened is that—just as Kay has said—many people have been propelled into what
Kay calls “paranoid echo chambers,” in which people repeat back to one
another—via email, via websites, in books and articles based on that
material—an array of misinformation and disinformation that adds nothing to
serious conspiracy inquiry and certainly does it a disservice (which is
something that Kay and others of similar mindset certainly like to see
Again, Kay
is all-too-unfortunately on the mark when he writes:
conspiracist’s network of enablers grows—often to such a point that it crowds
out the conspiracy theorist’s nonbelieving friends. The process resembles the
formation of an electronic cocoon that envelops a conspiracist with codependents.
Surrounded by an enabling group of the like-minded, he gradually embraces the
delusion that his movement has gained critical mass . . . .
consequence is that Kay is absolutely correct when he refers to the “dumbing
down effect” that is arising as a result of the growing world of Internet
conspiracy dabbling and he is very much again on target—all too much so—when he
suggests that modern-day conspiracy theorizing is something that many people
“fit in between video gaming and Facebook.”
In other
words, what Kay calls “conspiracism” is emerging, in many respects, as simply a
hobby, a new form of entertainment!
people—and these are good people—just don’t realize that the world of
conspiracy research is not some game, but a deadly serious realm that
intersects with the very real world of high-level conspiracies shaping the
course of our future.
So the
bottom line truth is that while the Internet has been a valuable tool for
genuine truth-seekers, the Internet—by its very nature—has also become
(particularly in the wake of 9-11) as a considerable and important resource in
the dangerous high-tech arsenal of those who seek to manipulate and misinform
the public, most especially those who rely on the Internet as a source of
information about the very conspiracies that the real conspirators are engaged
The 9-11
experience, so to speak, thus proved to be a very real lesson for those
responsible for 9-11 and its cover-up, for they were able to observe (and quite
carefully) the manner in which information relating to 9-11 emerged and then
circulated via email and other means of Internet communication, including
YouTube and other new formats known as “social media.”
And, for
the record, it has long been an article of faith—and a reasonable one—that in
actual preparation for the orchestration of 9-11, the conspirators had already
set in place more than a handful of individuals, websites and other means
charged with the evil task of “infiltrating” and manipulating and distorting
legitimate efforts to uncover the real truth about 9-11.
In fact, after
9-11, there emerged more than a few people who might be called “instant
internet celebrities” who became known as “9-11 truthers” but who were—from the
beginning—bought-and-paid-for assets of the high-level forces responsible for
9-11 in the first place.
An entire book
could be written about some of these characters, but that’s another matter for
another time. But suffice it to say, they made their influence felt (in one way
or another) and had a considerable impact in shaping not only the 9-11 truth
movement itself, but also by offering up opinions about other matters (various
and sundry) that also had the effect of delegitimizing very real research (some
of it based on years of study) that countered the intrigues of the global
Many of
these operatives spent much of their time putting out what could only be
described as downright “crazy” theories about 9-11 that redirected attention
away from sober, responsible research.
In other
instances, they specialized in cranking out often-reckless theories that were
quite easily refutable, therefore giving credence to the oft-heard claim from
the mainstream media that any and all other dissident 9-11 research was just as
silly and unreliable.
And in a
number of instances, there were several 9-11 “truthers” who, while pointing the
finger of blame at Israel, were (at the same time) engaging in other activity
that led many observers to believe that these individuals were “black
propaganda” operatives trying to bring discredit to those who believed Israel
was indeed responsible for 9-11.
Two such
individuals, Christopher Bollyn and Eric Hufschmid—whom many believe were
“ringers” inserted into the 9-11 truth movement from the beginning—ingratiated
themselves with American Free Press (having pretended to be enthusiastic about
my book Final Judgment) and, over a period of time, engaged in a concerted
effort to influence AFP’s coverage of 9-11—and not in a positive way.
AFP discovered that while Bollyn and Hufschmid supplied a lot of “good”
information, that data was mixed in with a variety of “bad” data, the
consequence of which was that many of the stories the two generated (working
hand-in-hand on a daily basis behind the scenes for well over a year) proved to
be of rather dubious value.
At one
juncture, Bollyn and Hufschmid tried to convince the editors of AFP that
outspoken 9-11 survivor, William Rodriguez—who had been honored by 9-11 truth
seekers all over the United States and around the world for his integrity—was
some sort of “Zionist agent.”
And despite
the fact that independently wealthy American philanthropist Jimmy Walter had
bankrolled speaking engagements by both Bollyn and Hufschmid, the dynamic duo
also spread the word that Walter—who spent millions of dollars of his own money
seeking to alert the public to 9-11 truth—was also a stooge for Israeli
For my own
part, I spent an entire week in Malaysia in the company of both Rodriguez and Walter
and I never saw any sign that they were working to advance Zionist interests in
any way, shape or form.
considering the record of Bollyn and Hufschmid, I think it’s safe to say that
the same thing cannot be said about them.
all of this, more than a handful of 9-11 dissidents (including many who
believed Israel was behind 9-11) ultimately came to conclude Bollyn was
actually a disinformation agent using a perverse back-handed way of
discrediting AFP and those who believed the Mossad was responsible for 9-11.
critics correctly pointed out that Bollyn had a pattern of misquoting sources,
misinterpreting scientific information, and making assertions about certain
matters without any foundational authority.
consequence was that Bollyn’s disinformation gave ammunition to critics of
AFP’s contention that the Mossad was behind 9-11 and as such was
enthusiastically bandied about by Zionist propagandists seeking to undermine
AFP’s thesis even though the questionable material by Bollyn focused on
scientific data that had nothing whatsoever to do with the specific matter of
Mossad involvement in 9-11.
In the end,
after their deception was unmasked, Bollyn and Hufschmid launched a smear
campaign against AFP alleging that we were, too, were really “Zionist agents” trying
to cover up Mossad involvement in 9-11, an allegation preposterous on its face
to anyone familiar with AFP’s work. Bollyn even claimed that Mark Lane—the
anti-Zionist Jewish critic of Israel who pinpointed the CIA’s role in the JFK
assassination conspiracy—was a Zionist and a secret asset of the CIA!
not unpredictably—a few naive folks actually believed these liars, especially
people new to the 9-11 truth movement who didn’t have access to the big
picture. However, when all was said and done, the romance between Bollyn and
Hufschmid came to a bitter end and the two began accusing one another of being
Zionist agents!
And the
strange outside possibility was that both of them could actually have been
right. After all, not all Zionist agents necessarily know the identities of the
others. That’s how complex the world of intelligence intrigue happens to be.
own website devolved into a mish-mash of weird commentary (often referencing
sexual matters, especially human interaction with animals) and once even
included a nude photograph of Hufschmid, taken from the rear, ostensibly for
the purpose of explaining some “health” matter Hufschmid felt would interest
his readers.
Bollyn, an American, had spent time on an Israeli kibbutz and later married an
Israeli woman—who worked for Shin Bet, Israel’s domestic intelligence
agency—was a point many found telling. That his own sister was also married to
a Jew and had taken up residence in Israel was also considered somewhat
It’s always
been my suspicion (based on a variety of data too complicated to delve into
here) that Bollyn was a long-standing international free-lance intelligence
operative who, for at least a substantial part of his career, was working for
the Church of England, which—although many people don’t realize it—has always
been an arm of British intelligence, active in global intrigue. In fact, Bollyn
and his family have multiple “British” connections which also point toward that
needless to say, the British Empire—which has long been under the control of
the Rothschild Dynasty—has always played a peculiar role in advancing Jewish
and Zionist interests, even going back to the days when the woman whom Bollyn
claims as an ancestor, Anne Boleyn, was a central player in a grand design that
disrupted the traditional role of the Roman Catholic Church in Britain and set
the stage for the rise of Jewish financial power in Britain in years to come.
(And that is a story in and of itself—worthy of a book that has yet to be
But for
those who are interested, an English patriot and critic of the New World order
with an abiding interest in 9-11 truth—and who does believe Israel was a key
player in that tragedy—has put together a remarkably detailed website (complete
with a fascinating variety of links and other valuable information) which
delves into the bizarre story of Bollyn and his erstwhile friend Hufschmid. See
http://www.takeourworldback.com for more.
In any
event, all of this having been said, it’s quite clear that the circumstances surrounding
9-11 gave Israel—along with other power players on the world stage—a new
understanding of how the Internet worked and how its resources could be
utilized (for better or for worse) in manipulating global opinion.
And as a
consequence, people in high places began working to lay forth a plan to ensure
that, in the future, the Internet could be used for their own benefit and to
undercut those—such as the 9-11 dissidents and other truth-seekers who
questioned “official” stories about such matters as the JFK assassination and
the Oklahoma bombing and other matters—who stood in opposition to the New World
Order agenda.
As we shall
see, this carefully-crafted endeavor had even further consequences when the
plan was skillfully put into actual working order in the wake of the Sandy Hook
shooting in Newtown, Connecticut and the Boston Marathon bombing that followed
not long afterward.
Internet, as a consequence, was no longer simply a venue for truth seekers to “get
the word out” about high-level cover-ups. Instead, it became a vehicle used by
the high-level conspirators to not only confuse the work of the truth seekers
but also to combat them by discrediting them through some of the most
manipulative means possible.
It’s a
story that has never been told before, but it is a story that must be told, if
real truth seekers are going to be able to deal with the big challenges that
lie ahead, particularly when confronted with propaganda and disinformation
designed to frustrate their efforts to combat the very real forces of Evil that
lie behind the New World Order.
Let us then
move forward and examine this extraordinary conspiracy in a way that it has
never before been dissected. It’s a shocker . . .
The Secret Family Link Between a Legendary Tribe and the Rise of the International Money Power:
this first-ever special broadcast, dedicated exclusively to a single
topic—and a controversial one, to be sure—Michael Collins Piper
explores a wide variety of material (coming from multiple un-related
sources) which points toward uncovering what may well be one of the
biggest political (and religious) secrets of the all-too-often
distorted history of Western Civilization.
focuses on some surprising details regarding the little-noted (but
quite apparent) ethnic and philosophical origins of one well-known and
much-publicized family (the subject of endless popular literature and
Hollywood hoopla) and demonstrates that this family has never before
been fully recognized or acknowledged for its peculiar and particular
role in this aspect of the "hidden history" of the West—and of the
British Empire in particular. And no, we're NOT talking about the
informed people worldwide are well-versed in the history of the
criminal intrigues of the international money power of the Rothschild
Dynasty which came to dominate a global octopus based out of its center
of operations in the so-called City of London—beginning in the closing
years of the 18th Century—Piper demonstrates in this broadcast that
the rise of the Rothschilds and the inter-related families and
financial groups with which they collaborate was made possible, first
and foremost, by the religious battles of the so-called "reformation"
in Britain.
identifies the one family that played such a central part in this
upheaval that changed the course of English civilization—and that of
the West—forever. And as it turns out, this family's origins appear to
go back to the ancient kingdom of Khazaria—the stuff of legend and much
And it is
no coincidence that the impact of their corruption and debauchery
reverberates even today, for the Federal Reserve gangster monopoly of
America's money system can be traced back to this family's machinations
in Britain during the 15th Century—long before the rise of even the
All of this is indeed history—hidden history—at its best (or its worst).
going public with his own assembly of the diverse (and eye-opening)
information that he uncovered, Piper outlined his research with a
number of individuals whom Piper freely admits are far more well-versed
in a number of historical, cultural and religious realms than he has
ever been, and all of them—to a man—concluded that Piper was indeed "on
to something."
has pointed out that although he initially began on this realm of
research almost as a whim—and he describes his process of research in
this broadcast—he recognizes that many people will dismiss his thesis
out of hand, perhaps "explaining" that Piper "has an axe to grind."
Piper says, in preliminary response: "Don't dismiss what I've put
forth until you've listened to the entirety of the broadcast—and
listened to it carefully."
urges those who ARE able to find holes in his research to point them
out publicly on this website, using facts—not opinions. "If you have
some particular expertise in one or more of the areas that I've
discussed, by all means then," he says, "please show me where I'm
Note from Michael Collins Piper about this SPECIAL "blast from the
past" . . . Thanks for all of the excellent input surrounding the 2 hour
visit with Victor Thorn on the last podcast.
In light of the
interest on the part of many new listeners (and many new listeners there
are) regarding the shocking fact that I periodically report negative
data about Christopher Bollyn and his consort, Helje Brand Kaskel, I
thought our listeners might be intrigued in hearing the radio broadcast
that touched off Bollyn's campaign to destroy and defame me and American
Free Press, the newspaper that helped bring him international acclaim
(which we now know was far from deserved). In fact, the aforementioned
Victor Thorn—along with Bollyn—was a guest on this broadcast.
that there was an unfortunate rift between one of AFP's writers
(Bollyn) and one of AFP's best supporters (Thorn), I invited both of
them on the program to discuss Thorn's (now obviously quite correct)
questions about the circumstances surrounding a police arrest of Bollyn
in his front yard in Schaumburg, Illinois. I assumed this would be an
opportunity to set things straight and reach a friendly public accord
and give Bollyn the opportunity to answer Thorn's criticisms.
think that any HONEST person listening to this broadcast can see that
this was no "ADL setup" as Bollyn told many people publicly and
privately, alleging that I--along with an assortment of others,
including Victor Thorn--had collaborated with the ADL and Homeland
Security and God Knows Who Else to arrange for Bollyn to get arrested
and then later "smear" him by inviting him on my program.
As far
as the police attack on Bollyn (however unwarranted) please remember
that it was Bollyn himself who CALLED the police in the first place. The
police just didn't show up and start tasering him!
Also, for
your information, in the opening minutes of the show, Bollyn desperately
tries to defame AFP (for whom he was still working!) by saying that he
saw evidence of two possible "plants" or "infiltrators." One of them was
Jack Ross, a stout Jewish gentleman (referred to as such by Bollyn) who
was, in fact, a peripheral figure who had written several articles for
AFP and who only ever visited the AFP office on perhaps two occasions,
maybe three at most! And Ross is an outspoken ANTI-ZIONIST Jew.
also refers to another person (who was at The SPOTLIGHT--the paper that
preceded AFP). She was NEVER at AFP itself, having left long before.
Bollyn claims that she is Jewish. No, she was NOT Jewish and the reason
why she spoke a bit of Hebrew was because she had once been in love with
a Jewish man and had tried to "learn his culture," but she had been
rejected by him. (Contrast that with Bollyn who speaks Hebrew because he
married a Jewish woman in Israel who worked for Israeli intelligence!)
will note that, at the end of the program, I speak glowingly of some
material that I felt vindicated Bollyn. If I were out to "get" him as he
claims, that's hardly something that I would do.
At that point
little did I know that Bollyn--as a direct result of this
program---would suddenly claim I was an ADL operative. This came after I
had personally spent YEARS promoting Bollyn, calling him "the best
journalist in America--bar none," glorifying him with a picture and
praise in my book THE HIGH PRIESTS OF WAR and, before that, in my book
And this came AFTER I had personally asked
Bollyn to fill my time slot for a month on another network when I was
traveling overseas as the guest of, among others, former Malaysian Prime
Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamed, one of the world's foremost critics of
Zionism! (If I were trying to undermine Bollyn and deny him what he
perceives to be his due fame and fortune, it seems unlikely---doesn't
it--that I would ask him to enjoy the opportunity to be heard?!?)
Bollyn's tone and attitude speaks for itself.
note that Bollyn spends time trying to defame Victor Thorn (who has
always been the first to acknowledge that his real name is Scott Makufka
and that Victor Thorn is his pen name) and also slamming Victor because
Victor was a cab driver---as though cab drivers are somehow the lowest
of the low and incapable of research and writing (and if you've read
Victor's multiple writings and books, you know that he has produced
quite a bit of solid work over the years).
Bollyn now claims
that I had been attacking him for years, citing the fact that he
received nasty, vulgar emails using my email address just shortly before
he was scheduled to come to speak (along with me and David Duke and
numerous others) at a conference organized by the famed Jurgen Graf in
conjunction with THE BARNES REVIEW. In fact, Bollyn knew full well--as
Graf and others can confirm--that all of the key speakers (including me)
were receiving such emails, ostensibly from the other participants! I
myself received one that was attributed to Jurgen Graf. Yet, Bollyn
still continues to tell this lie over and over again, even though he
knows he has been refuted!
All of this LACK of credibility on
the part of Bollyn, including his childish, self-centered behavior, is
demonstrated clearly on this recording of the old radio broadcast that
first revealed Bollyn's insanity and inanity.
And I would add,
for the record, that subsequent to this, Daryl Bradford Smith and I
patched things up, recognizing that we had BOTH been taken to the
cleaners by Bollyn and Eric Hufschmid. And don't forget, too, that even
now Bollyn is attacking Hufschmid, whom he consulted with via telephone
on a daily basis for years!
Oh, there's so much more to the
story . . . But I thought you might enjoy a reprise of this bizarre
broadcast and get an introduction to the Weird World of Kinky Balloon
and his brazen exhibitionist of a wife, Helje Brand Kaskel.
Paul supporters do not necessarily support the Tea Party movement; nor
any other particular parties and organizations. Mike also explores
nefarious bank scam connections held by Christopher Bollyn.
Reports from a delegate meeting in Nevada show Ron Paul leading the count for representatives in the electoral college.