Cette jeune femme se doutait-elle qu'on allait faire d'elle le bouc émissaire de la torture à Abou Ghraib?
Le véritable cerveau des opérations à Abou Ghraib se nommait en fait John Israel. Ce n'est pas un nom irlandais.
What Are Those Contractors Doing in Iraq?
But Taguba's report also mentions four civilian contractors, all of whom were assigned to the 205th Military Intelligence Brigade. Two of those civilians, Steven Stephanowicz and, John Israel, were "either directly or indirectly responsible for the abuses" at Abu Ghraib, the report says.http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A10163-2004May8?language=printer
Contractors Implicated in Prison Abuse Remain on the Job
(...)The other contractor implicated, John Israel, identified as a civilian translator assigned to the same brigade, is described in one place in the Army report as a CACI employee and in another as an employee of Titan, which provides translators for the Army throughout Iraq.(...)http://www.nytimes.com/2004/05/04/international/middleeast/04CONT.html?ex=1399003200&en=569bf3698ad7ddc5&ei=5007&partner=USERLAND
‘Abu Ghraib US prison guards were scapegoats for Bush’ lawyers claim
FLASHBACK - Hersh: Children sodomized at Abu Ghraib, on tape
Ce « modèle israélien » de lutte contre le terrorisme qui fascine politiciens et médias français
Une technique de torture développée et utilisée par Israël qui ressemble fortement à la position des sacrifiés humains des anciens Mayas: