Saint Baruch Goldstein
Goldstein appelait les Arabes "Amalek", du nom de l'éternel ennemi des juifs. Les écrits saints du judaïsme disent que Dieu a commandé le peuple d'Abraham de rayer Amalek de la carte, de l'exterminer purement et simplement, et que cette guerre devait durer de génération en génération (Exode 17) jusqu'à l'avènement du Messie qui le terrassera (Nombres 24, 7).
"Un million d'Arabes ne valent pas un ongle Juif", a dit le rabbin Yaacov Perrin en 1994 dans son élégie à Goldstein le jour de ses funérailles.
Le rabbin Dov Lior a dit de lui qu'il était "plus saint que tous les saints martyrs de l'Holocauste".
Le rabbin Itzakh Ginzberg a consacré un article à ce "grand homme" qui a très bien respecté le devoir juif d' "éradiquer Amalek".
Et la LDJ de France vient de faire son éloge posthume (mars 2014, l'article a été retiré du web).
French JDL Praises Baruch Goldstein’s Massacre of Palestinians
Kahanist Group Calls Israeli Murderer a 'Saint' in Eulogy

Kach leader Baruch Marzel wipes his eyes at the grave of Baruch
Goldstein, who killed 29 Palestinians in Hebron.


La Ligue de défense juive (LDJ) fait l’apologie du crime ! Pourquoi le pouvoir laisse-t-il faire ?
jeudi 27 février 2014 par le Bureau National de l’UJFP
Ses agressions sont innombrables : un commissaire de police poignardé en 2002, des attaques contre la mairie de Vitry, le lycée Jeanson-de-Sailly, la librairie « Résistances », une réunion de l’AFPS. Elle a agressé entre autres Ofer Bronstein, Mouloud Aounit et Olivia Zémor.
Certaines institutions communautaires juives en France dont le CRIF manifestent plus que de la compréhension envers cette organisation fasciste et utilisent régulièrement ses services à l’occasion de manifestations publiques. La police française sait qu’il s’agit d’une organisation criminelle mais elle n’a pas d’ordre pour la poursuivre. Le pouvoir qui criminalise le BDS (Boycott, Désinvestissement, Sanctions) avec la circulaire Alliot-Marie, laisse cette bande de nervis avoir pignon sur rue en n’ayant jamais à répondre de ses actes criminels. Pourquoi ? Nous attendons la réponse.
La LDJ fait l'apologie d'un tueur de masse
Massacre de la mosquée Hébron : l’odieux éloge de la LDJ au tueur
La LDJ ne revient pas sur l’épisode du massacre d’Hébron mais fait référence quelques lignes plus tard à un livre du rabbin Yitzchak Ginsburgh, issu du mouvement ultra-orthodoxe loubavitch, écrit à la mémoire du Baruch Goldstein. Il indique que le geste de ce dernier « constitue "un accomplissement de nombreux commandements de la loi juive", que "la vie d’un juif vaut plus que celle d’un non-juif", et incite à "tuer un non-juif en cas de risque, même faible, qu’il agisse (même indirectement) en vue de porter atteinte à des vies en Israël" ». A aucun moment, une critique n’est apportée contre ce discours qui défigure le judaïsme et auquel la milice extrémiste acquiesce visiblement : elle a elle-même été fondée par Meir Kahane dont se prévalait Baruch Goldstein.
« Des cérémonies commémoratives auront lieu en son honneur, comme chacune des années passées, dans le cimetière de Kiryat Arba », la colonie d’Hébron d'où venait le tueur, conclut tranquillement la LDJ, qui se distingue en France par ses discours réguliers incitant à la haine et ses actions coup de poing illégales. Pourtant, les activités du groupuscule sioniste demeurent autorisées en France.

The five key groups on Stephen Harper's Middle East delegation
Fight Club: Is the JDL now mainstream?
The JDL Chai? The Jewish Defense League, started by Kahane in 1968, has returned to North America.
JDL disrupts U of T BDS launch at OISE Si le mouvement BDS faisait la même chose, il y aurait des arrestations... on dénoncerait l'intimidation, voire le terrorisme des activistes... Mais quand c'est la LDJ qui frappe, on dit que justice est faite et qu'ils respectent la loi, collaborent avec les autorités, etc.!
The JDL is a Kahanist organization that has been banned in Israel and the United States as a terrorist group. Its Canadian branch has been implicated in a long line of vigilante violence and fear-mongering. The fact that such a piece of dreck can solicit in a respectable Jewish establishment should make us sick to our collective stomachs.
24-year Anniversary Of Rabbi Meir Kahane’s Murder Commemorated In Israel
Waving placards and appealing to all levels of government to condemn those in Canada who support terrorist activities, demonstrators at a memorial vigil and protest organized by the Jewish Defence League of Canada also called for the closing of the Palestinian House Educational and Cultural Centre.
JDL vigil at Palestine House ends peacefully Si c'était une "vigile" islamique contre les sionistes, la police serait rentrée dans le tas de "Terroristes"...
JDL pushes ahead with plans to expand into Montreal
Controversial Jewish Defense League being revived in Montreal
Une organisation juive perçue comme extrémiste veut s'implanter à Montréal
JDL Canada and CIJA clash over Montreal expansion
Denis Coderre To Jewish Defence League: You're Not Welcome In Montreal
Concerns about controversial Jewish group setting up in Montreal
Opposition against Jewish Defence League in Montreal growing
Jewish Defense League thugs found guilty of assault at Palestine event in London
Lundi 4 août 2014
Croyez-le ou non, il y a dix jours, l’avenue Bernard a été le théâtre d’une alerte à la roquette. Pendant que les amateurs de pain tressé et de babka au chocolat faisaient la file devant la célèbre boulangerie Cheskies, des sonneries sont devenues folles toutes en même temps. D’un même réflexe, des Juifs hassidiques présents dans la boutique ont frénétiquement fouillé les poches de leurs redingotes noires pour en extirper leurs téléphones cellulaires aux abois. L’application Red Alert les avertissait qu’une roquette venait d’être lancée et qu’elle exploserait bientôt.
Dans la foule de clients de la boulangerie du Plateau, même les hipsters capotaient. Ils n’en revenaient pas qu’à Montréal, autant de Juifs aient téléchargé cette application pour connaître en temps réel le moment où une roquette quittait… la Bande de Gaza en direction d’une ville israélienne!
Avec cette psychose paranoïde qui semble s’être répandue jusque dans les boutiques du boulevard BCBG d’Outremont/Mile-End, faut-il s’étonner qu’aujourd’hui même (dimanche), la Ligue de défense juive (LDJ) ait décidé d’annoncer l’ouverture prochaine de l’aile québécoise de l’organisme à la réputation sulfureuse?
C’est un certain Meir Weinstein, le fondateur de la succursale de la LDJ de Toronto, qui est déterminé à implanter la branche guerrière en terre québécoise.
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2 août 2014: Meir Weinstein entouré de ses gorilles, au centre-ville de Montréal |
Cet ancien garde du corps a depuis longtemps juré loyauté au rabbin Kahane, fondateur de ce groupe d’extrême droite raciste et pourchasseurs d’Arabes. Mieux! Weinstein a toujours refusé de condamner l’attentat perpétré en 1994 par le terroriste de la LDJ américaine Baruch Goldstein qui a assassiné 29 Palestiniens au Tombeau des Patriarches. En avril 2011, la page Facebook LDJ de Toronto invitait ses membres à une manifestation aux bureaux de la communauté gaie Pride Toronto. Selon le Daily Xtra, l’invitation assimilait les gais aux... nazis!
Heureusement que le Centre consultatif des relations juives et israéliennes veille au grain... et à l'ivraie.
Tandis que son vice-président pour le Québec, Luciano del Negro, estimait ce soir à Radio-Canada qu'il n'y a pas de raison de s'inquiéter, son porte-parole David Ouellette soutenait, il y a quelques jours que les activités de la LDJ respectent les lois canadiennes. La lettre, c’est à voir, mais l’esprit, sûrement pas.
Commentant l’annonce de cette implantation imminente, Joël Lion, consul général israélien à Montréal, a, pour sa part, prétendu sur les ondes de TVA que «le mainstream de la communauté ne la voit pas d’un bon œil ». Plus tôt, il avait rappelé qu’en Israël, les parlementaires de la Knesset avaient l’habitude de quitter l’enceinte parlementaire lorsque le rabbin Kahane prenait la parole.
Mais au Canada, tous ne semblent pas fuir comme la peste ces fanatiques qui donnent l’impression de vouloir s’inspirer du Commando des bâtards, de Tarantino.
Le 23 avril 2013, le Jewish Tribune publiait une photo montrant Frank Dimant, le Président-Directeur Général de B’nai Brith Canada aux côtés de Julius Suraski, un membre tellement impliqué au sein du groupe extrémiste qu’il a fait partie du voyage de Stephen Harper en Israël, en janvier 2014, à titre de coordinateur d’un évènement de la LDJ.
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Frank Dimant aux côtés de l'extrémiste Julius Suraski |
La présence d’une personnalité de ce groupuscule dont la division états-unienne est qualifiée d’organisation «terroriste», «violente» et «extrémiste» était d’autant plus saugrenue que Suraski participait au conseil consultatif spécial de B’nai Brith Canada pour la Ligue des… droits de l’Homme! Peace & Love, you bet!
Alléguant avoir reçu plusieurs coups de fil de gens de la communauté juive de Montréal qui auraient été victimes d'actes antisémites, Weinstein a manifestement envie d’en découdre avec des organisations qui, à ses yeux, présentent une menace. Pourtant, pas plus tard que la semaine dernière, un porte-parole de la SPVM a été catégorique. Ces derniers temps, alors que la guerre entre Israël et la Palestine échauffe sérieusement les esprits, six plaintes auraient été reçues par les forces policières . C’est six de trop, j'en conviens, mais ce n’est sûrement pas avec les gros bras de ces têtes brûlées que le problème se résoudra. À moins que l'idée soit de faire monter la pression et de mettre de l'huile sur le feu.
Le gouvernement du Québec prétextera-t-il les accommodements raisonnables pour souhaiter la bienvenue à la Ligue de défense juive? Souhaitons que les autorités québécoises mettent vite ces tristes sbires au ban de la société.
March 10, 2014, 2:40pm
The Dark Side of Purim
By Shaul Magid
The Baruch Goldstein effect The massacre’s price - an exorbitant one - is being paid to this day by the settlers in the West Bank. On the day after the massacre, parts of the nation started to sever their emotional ties with the settlements.(...)
Since the massacre - and despite it - the settlements have tripled their population, growing from 115,000 people in 1993 to some 365,000 in 2013.

by Elliott Horowitz, Princeton University Press.
By the time Rabbi Wasserman was killed by the Nazis in 1941, the latter had become the universally recognized Amalekites of their day, temporarily blotting out the memory of all others. Yet late in the twentieth century the notion of Jewish Amalekites again gained currency, finding expression, for example, in an article by the Bar-Ilan professor and West Bank resident Hillel Weiss that appeared in Ha-Zofeh, the newspaper published by Israel's National Religious Party, on Purim of 1994. On that very day Dr. Baruch Goldstein--another West bank resident--opened fire, with his army-issued semi-automatic rifle, on dozens of Muslims who were praying inside the mosque at the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron, killing twenty nine. [6]
At the time, I was living in Jerusalem, barely an hour's drive north from Hebron, and was working on a Hebrew version of an article about the history of Purim violence that became the genesis of this volume. [7] The realization, as the news came in sometimes contradictory spurts over the radio, and as I saw the raucous celebrations in the center of Jerusalem continuing unabated, that there was a clear connection between past Purims and the present one was both exhilarating and disturbing. It became clear to me that another chapter had written itself into the history of Purim--a carnivalesque holiday of reversal that celebrates the triumph of the Jews, during the days of Mordecai and Esther, over the genocidal plot of their archenemy Haman, who was hanged on the gallows that he had planned for Mordecai.

The following year, in 1990, the Purim parade departed from Beit Hadassah toward the Tomb of the Patriarchs, and in that year, too, Palestinian flags were burned in the streets of Arab Hebron. Some of the Jewish participants were again provocatively dressed as Palestinians, but Noam Arnon, then spokesman for the settler organization Gush Emunim, chose to wear a "Peace Now" t-shirt with a kaffiyeh on his head--suggesting an inner affinity between those two sartorial objects. Four years later the holiday of Purim coincided with the first Friday of Ramadan--as delicate a situation as one could imagine in the embattled city of the Patriarchs. On that fateful Friday morning Dr. Goldstein brought his semi-automatic rifle with him to Purim prayers at the Tomb of the Patriarchs and fired into the neighboring room where Muslims were at prayer. Since then, for me and for many others, Purim has never been the same.
In Hebron, however, little changed, even after the murder, in November 1995, of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin by Yigal Amir, a law student at Bar-Ilan University (where I was then teaching) and an admirer of Goldstein. [11] On Purim of 1997, according to Haaretz correspondent Amira Segev, Hebron's traditional Purim parade, which by then departed from the Jewish "neighborhood" of Tel Rumeida, was headed by a Lubavitch "mitzvah tank," and Noam Arnon, who by then had become spokesman for the Jewish community of Hebron, (cross-) dressed as the outspoken left-wing parliamentarian Shulamit Aloni, who had been a minister in Rabin's government. One young woman was dressed as Margalit Har-Shefi, a Bar-Ilan law student and West Bank resident who had been arrested in connection with her classmate's assassination of Yitzhak Rabin.
In 1998 the Purim parade again stretched from Tel Rumeida to the Tomb of the Patriarchs, the site of the 1994 Purim massacre. Noam Federman, a Kahanist resident of Tel Rumeida, was dressed, according to Haaretz correspondent Tami Sokol, as Leah Rabin in witch's garb, with a sticker that ominously read "Shalom, Leah"--a ghoulish allusion to Bill Clinton's famous words of farewell to Yitzhak Rabin at the latter's funeral. And one of the settler children was dressed as the local Jewish saint, Dr. Baruch Goldstein, wearing a stethoscope and carrying a rifle. He was apparently one of many local Jewish children that year who chose that macabre masquerade--presumably with the approval of their parent. [12]
Purim in Hebron after 1994 was like Purim in Hebron since 1981, only more so--with a new Jewish hero for Jewish children to dress up as. And in Jerusalem the fashion of categorizing fellow Jews as Amalekites reached new highs--or lows. In late February of 1996, after a bus blew up on Jaffa road, a reporter for Ma'ariv heard a passerby exclaim: "This is all due to the leftists of Meretz. We will take care of them. For us they are Amalek."[13](...)
In its editorial on the recent spate of anti-Christian incidents in Jerusalem Haaretz referred to "the increasingly wild Jewish-nationalist-religious atmosphere" in the city, which, I might add, is equally true of Hebron. In both holy cities holy tombs have become sites of religious violence, and in both cities acts of violence against non-Jews have clustered around the days between Shabbat Zakhor and Purim. It was over the holiday of Purim that religious settlers from Kiryat Arbah festively reconquered Beit Hadassah from an Arab upholsterer in 1981, it was on that holiday that Dr. Goldstein of Kiryat Arbah gunned down twenty-nine prostrate Muslims at the Tomb of the Patriarchs in 1994, and it was on the Sabbath before that holiday that one year later Moshe Ehrenfeld spat conspicuously in the presence of an Armenian procession in Jerusalem. It may be added that Daniel Rossing, a former advisor on Christian affairs to Israel's Religious Affairs Ministry, recently told a reporter that anti-Christian incidents tend to occur at "certain times of the year, such as during the Purim holiday." Rossing, in fact, knows Christians in Israel "who lock themselves indoors during the entire Purim holiday." [25] Some may derive a measure of solace from recalling that for centuries Jews in Christian countries would do the same between Good Friday and Easter.[26] (...)
Pourim expliqué aux terroristes sionistes
mars 4, 2013
Ran HaCohen propose un papier sur la fête juive de Pourim qui est l’occasion pour les fidèles de se déguiser mais aussi de se saouler la gueule, ce qui serait d’après lui une des obligations liées à cette fête.
Toujours d’après Ran HaCohen, La fête de Pourim est intrinsèquement associée à la violence, celle qu’auraient subie les Juifs d’après le Livre d’Esther et celle que les Juifs auraient pour obligation d’infliger à leurs ennemis identifiés à Amalek/Haman.
Cette obligation allant jusqu’à l’extermination, Dieu faisant même le reproche à Saül d’avoir péché en épargnant le roi Agag qui aurait été un ancêtre d’Haman, le vizir de l’empereur Perse qui avait comploté pour exterminer les Juifs.
Ran HaCohen rappelle justement que certains actes de violence contre les palestiniens coïncident avec la fête de Pourim tel le massacre perpétré à Hébron aux cris de Joyeux Pourim» par Baruch Goldstein en 1994.(...)
Wikipedia - Amalek
So then, in our generation, for some Jews the Palestinians become Amalek. Some Palestinians are terrorists? Some Palestinians call publicly for the State of Israel to be shattered? The archetypes of fear slide into place: all Palestinians are Amalek. And the fantasies of the powerless become the actions of the powerful. For in our generation, Jews have power.’[30]
Wikipedia - Baruch Goldstein
On February 25, 1994, that year's Purim day, Goldstein entered a room in the Cave of the Patriarchs that was serving as a mosque, wearing "his army uniform with the insignia of rank, creating the image of a reserve officer on active duty." [15] He then opened fire, killing 29 worshippers and wounding more than 125.[16] Mosque guard Mohammad Suleiman Abu Saleh said he thought that Goldstein was trying to kill as many people as possible and described how there were "bodies and blood everywhere".[17] Eventually, Goldstein was overcome and beaten to death by survivors of the massacre.[18] According to Ian Lustick, "by mowing down Arabs he believed wanted to kill Jews, Goldstein was reenacting part of the Purim story."[19]
Palestinian protests immediately followed the shooting; in the following week, 25 Palestinians were killed by the Israel Defense Forces, and five Israelis were killed as well.[20] Following the riots, Israel imposed a two-week curfew on the 120,000 Palestinian residents of Hebron, while the 400 Jewish settlers of H2 were free to move around.[21] Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin telephoned PLO leader Yasser Arafat, and described the attack as a "loathsome, criminal act of murder".[17] The Israeli government condemned the massacre, and responded by arresting followers of Meir Kahane, forbidding certain settlers from entering Arab towns, and demanding that those settlers turn in their army-issued rifles.[4] Goldstein was immediately "denounced with shocked horror even by the mainstream Orthodox",[5] and most in Israel classified Goldstein as insane.[6]
Goldstein's tomb.
Goldstein is buried across from the Meir Kahane Memorial Park in Kiryat Arba, a Jewish settlement adjacent to Hebron. The park is named in memory of Rabbi Meir Kahane, founder of the Israeli far-right political party Kach, a group classified by the United States and Israeli governments as a terrorist organization. Goldstein was a long-time devotee of Kahane.[1]
The gravesite has become a pilgrimage site for Jewish extremists; a plaque near the grave reads "To the holy Baruch Goldstein, who gave his life for the Jewish people, the Torah and the nation of Israel." At least 10,000 people have visited the grave since the massacre.[7] In 1996, members of the Labor Party called for the shrine-like landscaped prayer area near the grave to be removed, and Israeli security officials expressed concern that the grave would encourage extremists.[22] In 1999, following passage of a law designed to prohibit monuments to terrorists, and an associated Supreme Court ruling, the Israeli Army bulldozed the shrine and prayer area set up near Goldstein's grave.[23]
Veneration of Goldstein and celebration of the massacre
At Goldstein's funeral, Rabbi Yaacov Perrin claimed that even one million Arabs are "not worth a Jewish fingernail".[24][25][26] Samuel Hacohen, a teacher at a Jerusalem college, declared Goldstein the "greatest Jew alive, not in one way but in every way" and said that he was "the only one who could do it, the only one who was 100 percent perfect."[25][26] In contrast, mainstream Jewish religious leaders "rejected the suggestion that killing Palestinians with an automatic rifle" was authorized by the Torah.[24] Rabbi Dov Lior of Kiryat Arba declared that Goldstein was "holier than all the martyrs of the Holocaust."[27] In the weeks following the massacre, hundreds of Israelis traveled to Goldstein's grave to celebrate Goldstein's actions. Some Hasidim danced and sang around his grave.[28] According to one visitor to the gravesite in the wake of the attacks, "If [Goldstein] stopped these so-called peace talks, then he is truly holy because this is not real peace."[28] Some visitors declared Goldstein a "saint" and "hero of Israel".[28]
The phenomenon of the adoration of Goldstein's tomb persisted for years.[7] The grave's epitaph said that Goldstein "gave his life for the people of Israel, its Torah and land".[8] In 1999, after the passing of Israeli legislation outlawing monuments to terrorists, the Israeli army dismantled the shrine that had been built to Goldstein at the site of his interment. However, the tombstone and its epitaph, calling Goldstein a martyr with clean hands and a pure heart, was left untouched.[8] In the years after the dismantling of the shrine, radical Jewish settlers continued to celebrate the anniversary of the massacre in the West Bank, sometimes even dressing up themselves or their children to look like Goldstein.[7][29]
In 2010, Jewish settlers were criticized that during celebrations of Purim they sang songs praising Baruch Goldstein's massacre demonstratively in front of their Arab neighbours. A phrase from the song reads "Dr. Goldstein, there is none other like you in the world. Dr. Goldstein, we all love you… he aimed at terrorists' heads, squeezed the trigger hard, and shot bullets, and shot, and shot."[30](...)
GOLIATH: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel, by Max Blumenthal
The genocidal philosophy expressed in Torat Ha’Melech[King's Torah] emerged from the fevered atmosphere of a settlement called Yitzhar located in the northern West Bank near the Palestinian city of Nablus. There, Shapira helps lead the settlement’s Od Yosef Chai yeshiva, holding sway over a small army of fanatics eager to terrorize the Palestinians tending to their crops and livestock in the valleys below them. Shapira was raised in an infl uential religious nationalist family. Like Yaakov Yosef, he took a radical turn after joining the Chabad sect under the tutelage of Rabbi Yitzchok Ginsburgh, the director of Yitzhar’s Od Yosef Chai yeshiva who defended seven of his students who murdered an innocent Palestinian girl by asserting the superiority of Jewish blood. In 1994, when the Jewish fanatic Baruch Goldstein massacred 29 Palestinian worshippers at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, Ginsburgh lionized Goldstein in a lengthy article titled “Baruch, Hagever,” or “Baruch, the Great Man.” Ginsburgh cast Goldstein’s murder spree as an act consistent with core Halakhic teachings, from the importance of righteous revenge to the necessity of the “eradication of the seed of Amalek.”
While Ginsburgh and Shapira provided the halakhic seal of approval for settler rampages in the north of the West Bank, in the south, their comrade, Dov Lior, the chief rabbi of Hebron, has cheered on the murder of anyone, Jew or non-Jew, who appeared to interfere with the redemptive cause of Greater Israel. At the funeral for Baruch Goldstein, Lior extolled the mass killer as “a righteous man” who was “holier than all the martyrs of the Holocaust.” Thanks in part to Lior’s efforts, a shrine to Goldstein stands inside the Jewish settlement of Kiryat Arba, where Lior presides over the yeshiva. At the same time, Lior pronounced Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin a moser (a Jew who snitches to the goyim) and a rodef (a traitor worthy of elimination), helping establish the religious justification for Yigal Amir, one of Lior’s admirers, to assassinate him.
Prominent Israeli terrorist rabbi Dov Lior calls for "cleansing" of Palestinians

Le rabbin Dov Lior: « Le sperme des Non-Juifs donne naissance une progéniture cruelle et barbare »
Le rabbin Dov Lior autorise de voler les récoltes et d'empoisonner l'eau des Palestiniens
Un mandat d'arrêt émis contre le rabbin Dov Lior pour incitation au meurtre des non-juifs déclenche la colère de centaines de fanatiques
Le rabbin Ginzburg et le rabbin Shapira, auteur d'un livre qui approuve le meurtre des non-juifs, ont le soutien d'une douzaine de rabbins israéliens importants, incluant Dov Lior
Zionist rabbi Dov Lior calls for building ‘camel stables’ for Arabs elsewhere so holy land is ‘cleansed of terrorists’
Yitzhak Ginsburg (fiche Wikipedia):
In 1994, Ginsburgh received widespread criticism for his article "Baruch Hagever"[16] in which he praised Baruch Goldstein who had massacred 29 Palestinian worshippers at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron.[17][18] Rabbi Ginsburgh wrote that it is possible to view Baruch Goldstein's act as following five Halachic principles, namely "sanctification of God's name", "saving life" (referring to testimonies that he had allegedly received regarding a planned Arab massacre of Jews[19]), "revenge", "eradication of the seed of Amalek" and "war".[20] Motti Inbari commented on this:
In his writings, Ginzburg gives prominence to Halachic and kabbalistic approaches that emphasize the distinction between Jew and non-Jew (Gentile), imposing a clear separation and hierarchy in this respect. He claims that while the Jews are the Chosen People and were created in God's image, the Gentiles do not have this status.... Ginzburg stated that, on the theoretical level, if a Jew requires a liver transplant to survive, it would be permissible to seize a Gentile and take their liver forcefully. From this point only a small further step is required to actively encourage and support the killing of non-Jews, as Ginzburg did in the case of Goldstein.[21]
Flashback 2009 - Cisjordanie : un rabbin déclare que les Juifs peuvent tuer les enfants et bébés qui « menacent » Israël
mar., 19 nov. 2013 00:28 CST

Un rabbin de Cisjordanie a publié il y a deux semaines un livre dans lequel il autorise les Juifs à tuer les « Gentils » qui « menacent » Israël. Rabbi Yitzhak Shapiro, qui dirige une yeshiva (centre d'étude talmudique), précise dans son ouvrage La Torah du roi, que même les bébés et les enfants peuvent être tués s'ils représentent une menace pour la nation... « Il est permis de tuer les Justes parmi les Nations, même si ils ne sont pas responsables de la situation menaçante », écrit-il aussi, ajoutant : « Si nous tuons un païen qui a péché ou a violé l'un des sept commandements - parce que nous nous soucions des commandements - il n'y a rien de mal à l'assassiner ». Plusieurs rabbins éminents, dont le rabbin Yithak Ginzburg et le rabbin Yaakov Yosef, ont recommandé le livre à leurs élèves et disciples.Il faut dire que lorsque l'on connait le Talmud, ces thèses ne sont guère étonnantes... Source : Haaretz
AMALEK C'EST "LA HAINE" À L'ÉTAT PUR, dixit,amalek.php
DR DAVID DUKE - Purim: A Festival of Hate and an Insight into How Jewish Supremacists view Gentiles
Most commentators understand the Purim story as correcting King Shaul’s failure to wipe out Amalek. The first king of Israel was Shaul the son of Kish. He was appointed king by the prophet, Shmuel. Shmuel commands him to wipe out Amalek—to kill all the people, as well as all the animals. Shmuel defeats Amalek, yet he shows mercy upon the King of Amalek, Agag, and allows him to live. In addition, he takes the best of the animals as booty. When Shmuel hears this he tells Shaul, “karah Hashem et mamlachut Yisrael me-alekha, God has torn away the Kingship of Israel from you.” Thus, Shaul loses the kingdom on account of the fact that he did not kill Agag and the Jews took the booty of Amalek.Mordechai is a descendant of Shaul. He is Mordechai ben Yair…ben Kish, from the tribe of Benjamin. Mordechai does battle with Haman the Agagite, a descendant of King Agag. Mordechai defeats Haman and kills not only him, but also his ten sons. Mordechai shows no mercy upon Agag’s descendant Haman…As most commentators explain, Mordechai fixes the damage done by Shaul’s sin. Where Shaul could not kill Agag, Mordechai kills Haman; where Shaul took the booty of Amalek, Mordechai does not allow the Jews to take the booty of Haman.
…The hilarity of Purim will be shadowed by the horror of the Purim of 1994 — the mass murder of 30 Muslims prostrate in prayer, carried out by a religiously committed Jew who said he was acting in the name of God……The date of the Hebron massacre was no accident of timing: Purim itself played a role in creating that horror….
In recent years, some have likened the Palestinians to Amalek and, as such, have justified any violence against this people. It is no coincidence that Baruch Goldstein, a fanatical Jewish settler in the West Bank, chose Purim day to carry out his 1994 massacre of Palestinian worshipers in Hebron. When equated, by those of a certain political viewpoint, to the contemporary Jewish experience, the Purim story becomes an incitement to violence and not simply a satire about a distant time and place. The seriousness with which some have understood the megillah’s apparent sanction of mass murder demands that those of us bothered by the ending of the story offer an equally serious ethical response.

However, the ethical response has not come, and Jewish groups around the world are ramping up the hate engendered at Purim toward a man the Jewish extremists consider the latest Haman.
Feb. 26, 2007 8:59
Kids’ prayers aimed against Ahmadinejad
By Matthew Wagner Hoping for a modern-day re-occurrence of Purim’s miraculous story of redemption from a Persian ruler, a Jerusalem-based kabbalist hopes to battle Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s nuclear threat with children’s prayers.On Sunday at the Succat David elementary school, Rabbi David Batzri, head of the Shalom Yeshiva, launched a nationwide campaign to enlist 10,000 young children in a prayer rally against Ahmadinejad before Purim.
Ultra Orthodox boys attend a special prayer calling for the death of Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, at a religious school in Jerusalem, Sunday.
“And recognizing the sly Haman who wants to destroy us is important, because there seems to be a Haman in every generation.
And so on Purim we celebrate our escape from a long line of “Hamans” that stretches down through history and around the world! ”
To these hateful Jewish extremists the new Haman is Ahmadinejad. If they are successful in creating hate and war against him, in murderously attacking Iran and us in the process, they will unleash war, terrorism, economic depression and untold suffering for millions of people all over the world.
Extrait de PBS - FRONTLINE: Israel's Next War
Pourim 2011 (19 et 20 mars) et l'attaque atlanto-sioniste en Libye
Les deux guerres atlanto-sionistes en Irak tombaient comme par hasard aux alentours de la fête de Pourim. Et la guerre en Libye n'échappa pas à la règle....
- "Tempête du désert" (Desert Storm), Irak: terminée le 28 février 1991, premier jour de Pourim.
- "Liberté irakienne" (Iraqi Freedom), Irak: déclarée le 17 mars, la veille de Pourim, débutée le 19 mars 2003, le deuxième jour de Pourim.
- "Aube de l'odyssée" (Odyssey Dawn), Libye: débutée le 19 mars en après-midi, alors que Pourim commençait au crépuscule.


L'homme le plus puissant à Washington DC, le juif Eric Cantor, accuse les États-Unis de tarder à réagir à la menace iranienne comme ils ont tardé à réagir à la "menace nazie" et failli à éviter l'Holocauste des juifs
Today the Villain of Purim, Haman, Is Spelled Saddam, by Ari L. Goldman. New York Times February 28, 1991
03/26/03 ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS This War is for Us, by Ariel Natan Pasko Stop and think for a moment: the last Gulf War in 1991 ended erev - just before - Purim. This Gulf War began motzei - just after - Shushan Purim. Get the picture? In between, "The Jews had light, and gladness, and joy, and honor." (Book of Esther 8:16)
JTA - Rabbis: Purim, Iraq war linked
Rabbi Martin Weiner of San Francisco, outgoing president of the Reform movement’s rabbinical union, the Central Conference of American Rabbis, used Shabbat Zachor to draw a line from Amalek to Hitler to Saddam. A modern-day Amalek, Saddam has attacked four of his neighbors, gassed tens of thousands of his own people and pays stipends to suicide bombers, Weiner said, so “it’s terribly important to remove him.” Last September, Weiner was among those who backed a resolution from the Reform movement’s Union of American Hebrew Congregations urging a pre-emptive strike against Iraq, if Congress supported it and U.N. backing was sought.
Le jeu des devinettes: qui donc aurait intérêt à assassiner Arafat?
After the death of Yassir Arafat, a declaration was issued by 200 rabbis of Pikuach Nefesh asserting that the anniversary of the death of 'this Amalek of our generation' should be celebrated as 'a day of rejoicing' [31].
Wikipedia - Ygal Amir (en hébreu : יגאל עמיר), israélien né à Herzliya le 23 mai 1970, est l'assassin du premier ministre israélien Yitzhak Rabin le 4 novembre 1995 lors d'une manifestation en faveur du processus de paix israélo-palestinien, à Tel Aviv. (...) Lors de l'enquête, il explique avoir pris la décision d'assassiner Yitzhak Rabin le 3 mars 1994, lors des funérailles de Baruch Goldstein, responsable du massacre d'Hébron. Son objectif est de poursuivre la lutte entamée selon lui par Goldstein contre le processus de paix, « au nom de Dieu »[1]
Wikipedia - Massacre d'Hébron (...) D'autres, et notamment la commission Shamgar lui attribuent la volonté de faire échec au processus de paix suite aux accords d'Oslo signés en septembre de l'année précédente, processus de paix qui aurait validé la présence de Palestiniens sur la « terre d'Israel », à l'instar de Yigal Amir, l'assassin de Yitzhak Rabin, qui indique aux enquêteurs avoir pris sa décision le 3 mars 1994, jour des funérailles de Goldstein, et justifie son geste l'année suivante par sa volonté « de poursuivre ce que Goldstein avait commencé : mettre un terme aux processus de négociations »[30].
TJF - "Kahane's legacy" Twenty years ago this week, a Brooklyn-born Israeli settler named Baruch Goldstein walked into the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron and opened fire with his army-issued assault rifle, killing 29 Palestinians and wounding 150 others. In the following days, Israeli soldiers shot and killed at least 20 more Palestinians and injured hundreds of others as protests erupted across the occupied territories. The Israeli government convened a commission of inquiry that found Goldstein had acted alone and deemed there was no deeper problem, despite repeated warning signs that he posed a serious danger prior to the massacre. A year later a Jewish extremist and admirer of Goldstein assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in an attempt to stop the peace process.
Now that Israel's regime is Kahanist the end draws near
This is how the end looks. The Israeli regime has become Kahanist. The culture minister praises Sapir Sabah with a big “like.” Sabah, the high school student who decided that her teacher, Adam Verete, is a traitor, and that traitors deserve a death sentence. Sabah, who is an open Kahanist, who celebrates with the most extreme Kahanists from the height of physical belligerence, of the kind that led to the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995. This after the leading members of the regime, like Ministers Avigdor Lieberman, Naftali Bennett and Limor Livnat, stood enthusiastically behind a Kahanist singer who sang a song of praise to God for the death sentence thanks to which Rabin was assassinated and the late Prime Minister Ariel Sharon collapsed.
Rabbi Meir Kahane On The Jewish State And The Arabs
1953, la chute d'un Haman moderne (le "tyran antisémite" Staline)
Soviet Jews Saved From Stalin’s Genocidal Plans on Purim
United With Israel
This special interview was dedicated in loving memory of: Tzvi Yechetzkel Ben Eliezer Gordon
To view click play
Assassinat de JFK: C'était pas des nazis
And now John F. Kennedy Jr. has died in a plane crash together with his wife and his sister in law. Although he was at risk for being a descendant of an Amalekite, he further provoked his fate by announcing the possibility of running for president sometime in the future. Later he committed a greater political error of judgement when he became interested in the murder of the slain Israeli Prime-Minister Ytzak Rabin. He was fascinated because the Rabin assassination showed strong parallels with the one of his own father. He was obviously planning to make his ideas public that his father and Ytzak Rabin were both murdered. (Did Mossad destroy the Kennedy family?)
Aller direct @ 1:03:20
This War is For Us (Continued...)
(...)Read the Purim story in Megilat Esther again, it is a rags to riches story on a national scale. Haman, the proto-typical anti-Semite, plans mass murder of the Jews and in the end pays with his life, the life of his ten sons - all hanged - and the Jews kill 75, 800 members of the anti-Semitic - i.e. Nazi - party of the time.
There is more to this story than meets the eye. In Megilat Esther (9:7-9), when it describes the execution of Haman's ten sons, their names are listed in a vertical column. If you look at the Hebrew closely, you'll notice extra-small letters in three of the names. The first name, Parshandata, has a small tav. The seventh name, Parmashta, has a small shin. The tenth name, Vayzata, has a small zayn. Hebrew letters are also used as numbers, as well as for dates in the Jewish calendar. Tav, shin, zayn numerically means 707, corresponding to the year 5707, which began with Rosh HaShanah - the Jewish New Year - on September 25, 1946. On October 16, 1946, as foreshadowed in the names of Haman's ten sons, ten Nazi leaders were hanged as war criminals. And if that doesn't impress you, out of nowhere, with the rope around his neck, Julius Schtreicher - editor of Der Sturmer, the Nazi propaganda newspaper - shouted out with flaming hatred in his eyes, just as the trap door opened, "Purimfest 1946!" It was reported in the international press of the day.
As I said earlier, of course this war is for the Jews and Israel, and instead of hiding from the accusation, or crying, "anti-Semitic slur", we should gratefully acknowledge what the Master of the Universe is doing to our enemies for us. Saddam Hussein, Yasser Arafat, Bashar Assad, Osama Bin-Laden, and the other dictators, terrorists and mullahs of the region, are the modern day Hamans and Hitlers.(...)
Yes, the war is for the Jews. But it is also for all decent, peace-loving and freedom-loving people. Just as when the Jews were saved from Egyptian slavery, liberated, given the Torah at Mt. Sinai, and brought into the Holy Land, the world now has a great opportunity to rid itself of the Hamans, Hitlers, and Pharaohs who want to kill or enslave them today. (lire la suite...)
Pourim: notre ennemi traditionnel a gagné la Seconde Guerre mondiale
11 septembre: les détails techniques ne sont que des détails, il importe bien plus de savoir qui sont les ultimes responsables et pourquoi ils l'ont fait. Et c'était pas les nazis!
Pdf - Masters of Deception: Zionism, 9/11 and the War on Terror Hoax
Le sanglant sacrifice rituel de Pourim 2012: la pire attaque contre Gaza depuis Plomb Durci