Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Le président Woodrow Wilson, professeur du "nouvel ordre mondial"

Des centaines de livres ont été publiés au sujet du complot pour un « nouvel ordre mondial », mais on trouve parmi eux bien peu d’ouvrages sérieux et de niveau académique.

Cet ouvrage de Thomas Knock prouve qu’on n’a nullement besoin de citer des sources « conspirationnistes » ou des partisans du « non-interventionnisme » pour démontrer la réalité de l’agenda anglo-américain pour un « nouvel ordre mondial » justifiant la guerre sans fin par la soi-disante « libération des peuples » et la « démocratisation du monde ».

Knock, Thomas J. – To End All Wars: Woodrow Wilson And The Quest For A New World Order (Princeton University Press)


Voir aussi, pour apprécier ce que la pensée de Trotsky et la pensée de Wilson ont en commun:

Wise, Jennings C. – Woodrow Wilson: Disciple of Revolution


Thursday, November 21, 2019

Guerre psychologique: connaître ses techniques pour mieux s'en prémunir

Quelques références de base et d'autres un peu plus poussées, pour se familiariser avec la question ou l'approfondir davantage.

Linebarger, Anthony; Myron, Paul - Psychological Warfare

Williams, Robert - Know Your Enemy: Counter-intelligence Information

Reynolds, Vince - Social Engineering: The Art of Psychological Warfare, Human Hacking, Persuasion, and Deception

Psychological Operations Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures. U.S. Field Manual 3-05.301 (Dec. 2003)

Psychological Operations Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures. U.S. Field Manual 3-05.30 (Apr. 2005)

Omang, Joanne; Neier, Aryeh - CIA Psychological Operations In Guerrilla Warfare

Simpson, Christopher - Science of Coercion: Communication Research and Psychological Warfare, 1945-1960

Findley, Benjamin; Goldstein, Frank - Psychological Operations: Principles and Case Studies

Lord, Carnes; Barnett, Frank - Political Warfare and Psychological Operations: Rethinking the US Approach

Valentine, Douglas - The CIA as Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World

Douglas Valentine The CIA As Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World - Part 1 - Audiobook - YouTube  

Douglas Valentine The CIA As Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World - Part 2 Audiobook - YouTube  

PT 1 The Phoenix Program: America's Use of Terror in Vietnam (1990) by Douglas Valentine

PT 2 The Phoenix Program: America's Use of Terror in Vietnam (1990) by Douglas Valentine

Valentine, Douglas - The Phoenix Program: America’s Use of Terror in Vietnam

Munoz, Arturo - U.S. Military Information Operations in Afghanistan: Effectiveness of Psychological Operations 2001-2010

Mahl, Thomas - Desperate Deception - British Covert Operations in the United States, 1939-44

Saunders, Frances Stonor - The Cultural Cold War : The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters

Gilmore, Allison - You Can't Fight Tanks with Bayonets: Psychological Warfare Against the Japanese Army in the Southwest Pacific (Studies in War, Society, and the Military)

Schleifer, Ron - Psychological Warfare in the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Rid, Thomas - War and Media Operations: The US Military and the Press from Vietnam to Iraq

Young, Peter; Jesser, Peter - The Media and the Military: From the Crimea to Desert Strike

John W. Whitehead - Battlefield America: The War on the American People

Marchetti, Victor; Marks, John - The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence

Penenberg, Adam; Barry, Marc; Penenberg, Adam - Spooked: Espionage In Corporate America

Wilford, Hugh - The Mighty Wurlitzer: How the CIA Played America

Schou, Nicolas - Spooked: How the CIA Manipulates the Media and Hoodwinks Hollywood

Willmets, Simon - In Secrecy’s Shadow: The OSS And CIA In Hollywood Cinema 1941-1979

Jenkins, Tricia - The CIA in Hollywood: How the Agency Shapes Film and Television

Belloc, Hilaire - The Free Press

Borjesson, Kristina - Into the Buzzsaw: Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press

Borjesson, Kristina - Black list Quinze grands journalistes américains brisent la loi du silence

"Capture their minds and their hearts and souls will follow." 
"Capturez leur conscience, leur âme et leur coeur suivront."

How the CIA "reverse engineered" its torture program

A Torturer Meets His Victims: CIA Psychologist Defends Brutal Methods at Guantánamo Military Hearing

Propaganda Machine: The Military Roots of Cambridge Analytica’s Psychological Manipulation of Voters

Why a Shadowy Tech Firm With Ties to Israeli Intelligence Is Running Doomsday Election Simulations

“The Great Hack”: Big Data Firms Helped Sway the 2016 Election. Could It Happen Again in 2020?

"The Great Hack" documentary reveals how Cambridge Analytica helped sway the 2016 election

The Weaponization of Data: Cambridge Analytica, Information Warfare & the 2016 Election of Trump

Sur ce blog:

Twitter: l'éditeur-responsable du Moyen-Orient vient d'une unité de propagande (PsyOps) de l'Armée britannique.

Alors que le président des États-Unis claironne la théorie du complot, certains voient la propagation de cette théorie particulière comme étant en soi un complot, une vaste manipulation, résultat d’un brouillage de piste professionnel conçu par les criminels eux-mêmes

Des réseaux Phoenix de la C.I.A. (Doug Valentine) à la "société du spectacle" (Guy Debord)

La guerre psychologique permanente sur tous les fronts comme nouvel état des choses

La dictature militaire secrète au nom de la sécurité nationale des États-Unis, de l'Otan et d'Israël derrière le terrorisme islamiste et la montée des mouvements anti-Islam

Derrière le nouveau mouvement international de droite radicale, une opération de guerre psychologique menée par les forces de l'Otan et du sionisme? (Site censuré)

"Hollywood, D.C.": Hollywood et les grands médias américains non seulement grouillent d'agents de la CIA, ils sont entièrement au service de la CIA

Des milliardaires et des firmes privées de technologies et de santé publique liées au Mossad et à la CIA tirent profit des tueries de masse en pratiquant l'espionnage et le profilage orwellien de la population à son insu. Toujours sous le même prétexte sécuritaire, non plus seulement contre le terrorisme mais dans ce cas-ci pour soi-disant contrer, voire prévenir les tueries de masse.

Suggestions par Michael Collins Piper de livres à sauvegarder et à intégrer, pendant qu'ils sont encore disponibles.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Des documents inédits dévoilent la lutte secrète de la Curie romaine et des jésuites contre le nazisme

Un livre d'histoire savante sur la Seconde Guerre mondiale, basé sur des archives jusqu'ici gardées secrètes aux États-Unis documentant la guerre de l'ombre menée contre la "dangereuse hérésie nazie" par l'élite du Vatican, spécialement la Société de Jésus. Ces travaux de nature doctrinale ont dû être gardés secrets, de même que l'ensemble des efforts du camp jésuite, afin de protéger le Vatican et la Société de Jésus en cas d'éventuelle conquête militaire de Rome par les nazis.  

À lire particulièrement par ceux qui croiraient avoir trouvé la vérité dans la théorie du complot "jésuite-nazi" ou "nazi-jésuite"...

For years, the policies of the Catholic Church during the rise and terribly destructive rule of the Nazis have been controversial. Pope Pius XII has been attacked as "Hitler's Pope," an anti-Semitic enabler who refused to condemn Nazism, much less urge Catholics to resist the German regime. The Church has been accused of standing by while the Nazis steadily revealed their evil designs. Yet all such arguments have been based only on sketchy evidence. The Vatican has kept its internal workings secret and locked away from scrutiny.
Until now. In February 2003, the Vatican opened its archives for the crucial years of the Nazi consolidation of power, up until 1939. Peter Godman, thanks to his long experience in Vatican sources and his reputation as an impartial, non-Catholic historian of the Church, was one of the first scholars to explore the new documents. The story they tell is revelatory and surprising and forces a major revision of the history of the 1930s. It is a story that reveals the innermost workings of the Vatican, an institution far more fractured than monolithic, one that allowed legalism to trump moral outrage.
Godman's narrative is doubly shocking: At first, the Church planned to condemn Nazism as heretical, and drafted several variations of its charges in the mid-1930s. However, as Mussolini drew close to Hitler, and Pope Pius XI grew more concerned about communism than fascism, the charge was reduced to a denunciation only of bolshevism. The Church abandoned its moral attack on the Nazis and retreated to diplomacy, complaining about treaty violations and delivering weak protests while the horrors of religious persecution mounted. As Godman demonstrates, the policies of Pius XII were all determined by his predecessor, Pius XI. The Church was misled not so much by "Hitler's Pope" as by a tragic miscalculation and a special relationship with the Italian government. Mussolini toyed with the Church, even proposing that Hitler be excommunicated. Yet in the end, when presented with further evidence of Nazi depredations, Pius XI could only comment, "Kindly God, who has allowed all this to happen at present, undoubtedly has His purpose."
Reproducing the key Church documents in full and quoting verbatim conversations between Pius XI and his bishops, "Hitler and the Vatican" is the most extraordinary look inside the secretive Vatican ever written. 

Plus de détails sur l'utilité de l'Église - tant de l'Église catholique que de l'anglicane - dans la libéralisation des moeurs et les grandes transformations sociales de la seconde moitié du 20e siècle :

PDF - Brewitt-Taylor, Sam - Christian Radicalism in the Church of England and the Invention of the British Sixties, 1957-1970: The Hope of a World Transformed  This study provides the first postsecular account of the moral revolution that Britain experienced in the 1960s. Beginning from the groundbreaking premise that secularity is not a mere absence, but an invented culture, it argues that a new form of British secularity achieved cultural dominance during an abrupt cultural revolution which occurred in the late 1950s and early 1960s. This moral revolution had little to do with affluence or technology, but was most centrally a cultural response to the terrors of the Cold War, which pitted Christian Britain against the secular Soviet Union. By exploring contemporary prophecies of the inevitable arrival of "the secular society," Sam Brewitt-Taylor shows that, ironically, British secularity was given decisive initial momentum by theologically radical Christians, who destigmatized the idea of "modern secularity" and made it available for appropriation by a wide range of Sixties actors. Further than this, radical Christians played a significant contributory role in deciding what kind of secularity Britain's Sixties would adopt, by narrating Britain's moral revolution as globalist, individualist, anti-authoritarian, sexually libertarian, and politically egalitarian. In all these ways, radical Christians played a highly significant role in the early stages of Britain's Sixties.

PDF - Connelly, John - From Enemy to Brother: The Revolution in Catholic Teaching on the Jews, 1933-1965 In 1965 the Second Vatican Council declared that God loves the Jews. Before that, the Church had taught for centuries that Jews were cursed by God and, in the 1940s, mostly kept silent as Jews were slaughtered by the Nazis. How did an institution whose wisdom is said to be unchanging undertake one of the most enormous, yet undiscussed, ideological swings in modern history?    The radical shift of Vatican II grew out of a buried history, a theological struggle in Central Europe in the years just before the Holocaust, when a small group of Catholic converts (especially former Jew Johannes Oesterreicher and former Protestant Karl Thieme) fought to keep Nazi racism from entering their newfound church. Through decades of engagement, extending from debates in academic journals, to popular education, to lobbying in the corridors of the Vatican, this unlikely duo overcame the most problematic aspect of Catholic history. Their success came not through appeals to morality but rather from a rediscovery of neglected portions of scripture.    From Enemy to Brother illuminates the baffling silence of the Catholic Church during the Holocaust, showing how the ancient teaching of deicide-according to which the Jews were condemned to suffer until they turned to Christ-constituted the Church's only language to talk about the Jews. As he explores the process of theological change, John Connelly moves from the speechless Vatican to those Catholics who endeavored to find a new language to speak to the Jews on the eve of, and in the shadow of, the Holocaust.

Forward - Converts Who Changed the Church: Jewish-Born Clerics Helped Push Vatican II Reforms

Comment by Mike Hoffman: The “Jews” Behind the Second Vatican Council

LOOK Magazine - (1966/01/25) - How The Jews Changed Catholic Thinking

German History in Documents and Images  "The Jesuit: The Obscurantist without a Homeland." A Propaganda Pamphlet by Hubert Hermanns (1933)

The Nazis declared the Catholic order of the Jesuits "public vermin" [Volksschädlingen] – the same term it used to describe the Freemasons. Its members were persecuted, interned, and sometimes murdered. Conspiracy theories about the Jesuits had circulated since the seventeenth century, and the order had already been banned repeatedly. During the Nazi regime, these conspiracy theories were put in the service of the goal of reducing the influence of the Jesuits, who ran secondary schools and engaged in youth work. Entitled "The Jesuit: The Obscurantist without a Homeland," this propaganda pamphlet by Hubert Hermann warned against the Jesuits' "dark power" and "mysterious intentions."

Sur ce blog:

Suggestions par Michael Collins Piper de livres à sauvegarder et à intégrer, pendant qu'ils sont encore disponibles.

Péril juif et propagande du renseignement militaire des États-Unis

Un livre des plus surprenant, pour dire le moins, démontrant à quel point l'inquiétude était grande, au sein du renseignement militaire des États-Unis (d'origine WASP), au cours de la seconde moitié du 20e siècle, face à l'immigration et la montée en puissance de la juiverie (surtout d'origine russe) aux États-Unis et dans le monde.

D'un autre point de vue, ce livre révèle le rôle central du renseignement militaire des États-Unis dans la fabrication et la propagation du grand récit du complot juif international, de même que son instrumentalisation dans un contexte de guerre psychologique, appelant à défendre l'Occident chrétien face au communisme et au socialisme sous toutes ses formes, désignant les juifs et les non-Occidentaux comme responsables, mais non sans arrière-pensée: pour mieux dissimuler et protéger l'agenda d'hégémonie militaire et économique des États-Unis sur le reste du monde. L'histoire secrète montre en fait que les mouvements internationaux et les partis nationaux liés au socialisme, au communisme, au fascisme, au sionisme, de même que les théories du complot qui leur sont directement opposées, sont des émanations du même centre caché, celui de la dictature militaire secrète liée principalement au monde anglo-américain et à l'Otan. Ce centre maîtrise la dialectique comme moyen de contrôle social (ex: gauche VS droite, internationalisme et société ouverte moderne VS nationalisme et conservatisme féodal). Une entité politique ou culturelle échappant à ce moyen de contrôle social ne peut durer dans le temps sans finir par être un jour ou l'autre noyauté et neutralisé, ce n'est toujours qu'une question de temps.  La signature militaire est facilement reconnaissable dans chacune de ces mouvances et partis politiques; l'Armée en effet affiche toujours fièrement sa présence aux initiés en recourant systématiquement aux mêmes symboles très simples et facilement identifiables, tels que l'étoile à cinq pointes, la "vérité" (Truthers, Project Veritas), etc. Il n'est pas bien difficile de concevoir le fait que les mouvements les plus extrémistes sont souvent les plus apparentés aux milices et à une vision militaire de la rébellion, et donc par conséquent que les mouvements dissidents radicaux (communistes, fascistes, extrême-droite, etc.) sont des oppositions contrôlées directement par l'Armée, en particulier les mouvements les plus miliciens qui relevant probablement de quelque instance militaire secrète reliée à l'Otan et à la CIA, et spécialisée dans les opérations de guerre psychologique.  

Nul besoin de prendre ce livre au second degré pour l'apprécier pleinement.

Il faut cependant veiller à corriger quelques coquilles et erreurs de conversion du fichier ebook, notamment au niveau des notes de fin de texte.

Bendersky, Joseph William - The Jewish Threat: Anti-Semitic Politics of the U.S. Army


“The ‘Jewish Threat’ is a significant contribution to our understanding of military intelligence policy and American politics during the 20th century. Joseph Bendersky sheds new light on the attitudes of America’s military officers toward Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, the Holocaust, and Jewish refugees, and he extends our understanding appreciably about American nativism, anti-radicalism, and anti-Semitism.”

“[O]ne of the finest studies that I have read about pervasive antisemitism in an American institution…. This superb book will certainly enlighten those who doubt the intensity of American hostility toward Jews in the first half of the twentieth century.”

“Be warned: this is, at times, a shocking book. It is also an extremely worthwhile read… simultaneously a disturbing and fascinating book.”

“Anyone who identifies passionately with our American military and its veterans legion organizations, as I do, will he amazed at the U. S. Army’s long tradition of racialism and how it wasn’t ever the subject of a major book until now. This book… presents us with a rare opportunity to study that revelation.”

“Bendersky makes it patently clear that such virulent anti-Semitism was endemic in the U.S. Army for at least the first half of the last century. And because these deeply entrenched beliefs were espoused by some of the highest-ranking officers in one of America’s most powerful institutions, they had a significant effect on such matters as immigration, policies toward Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany, and the establishment of the state of Israel.”


The 'Jewish Threat' gives us a shocking picture of the anti-Semitism that permeated the highest ranks of the U.S. military throughout much of the past century, having a very real effect on policy decisions. Through ten years of research in more than 35 archives, Joseph Bendersky has uncovered clear, compelling and irrefutable evidence of an endemic and virulent anti-Semitism throughout the army officer corps, from the turn of the century right up to the decades after World War II. His sources reveal that many officers were convinced of the physical, intellectual, and moral inferiority of Jews, and fears that Jews threatened their Anglo-Saxon/Nordic culture, gene pool, government and national interests. Their fully-developed and clearly articulated perspectives had a direct effect on policy discussions and decisions, affecting such matters as immigration, Holocaust refugees, military strategy, and the establishment of Israel.

La Pravda américaine. Les secrets du renseignement militaire, par Ron Unz
American Pravda: Secrets of Military Intelligence, by Ron Unz

Autre exemple ou contre-exemple, si on veut. Tant l'armée elle-même est au fond une organisation qui socialise tout, une organisation communiste au sens le plus strict du terme, autant les États dont le gouvernement est à tendance socialiste sont dits "militarisés", autrement dit alliés intimement aux militaires. Ce qui les expose dès lors à l'accusation de "militarisme" et de "militarisation". Comme on trouve de l'antijudaïsme raciste dans l'Armée des USA et quantité d'autres armées occidentales au début du 20e siècle, on retrouve encore de nos jours des tendances similaires dans les armées des pays à tendance socialiste (ex: Chavez au Vénézuela). C'est ainsi que des théories du complot juif mondialiste, dont certaines très virulentes ont reçu l'approbation du gouvernement soviétique (KGB) dans la foulée du stalinisme et dans les années qui suivirent. Ces faits sont documentés, même s'ils ont été trop souvent, malheureusement, par des militants de droite libérale philosémite, comme l'auteur du texte que voici:

L’antisionisme soviétique et l’antisémitisme de gauche aujourd’hui

Soviet Anti-Zionism and Contemporary Left Antisemitism

Cela semble corroborer l'idée qu'à droite comme à gauche, la théorie du complot juif (bolchévique ou mondialiste) serait une émanation du même système (la dictature militaire secrète) qu'elle prétend combattre. Une propagande visant à brouiller les pistes et défendre ses propres intérêts en faisant dévier le blâme sur un groupe particulier (ex: les "sionistes" si on est pro-soviétique, les "communistes" si on est pro-américain), groupe qui tente certes de se maintenir au sommet du pouvoir mais qui, n'étant pas d'une importance centrale, peut très bien être abandonné et livré à la vindicte populaire.
 Obama a laissé les banquiers s’en tirer avec la crise de 2008, mais son règne a quand même laissé naître un mouvement de réveil populiste anti-élite, anti-colonialiste, socialiste (ex :« Occupy »), antisioniste plus ou moins antijuif, anti-impérialiste voire anti-américain, antinéocon et anti-guerre sans fin. Mouvement qui inquiète grandement les élites antisociales (antisocialistes) et antipopulistes. Pour neutraliser cette menace, les élites ont travaillé à changer ce mouvement en un mouvement anti-social et réactionnaire. C’est ce qu’ils ont fait en créant le trumpisme (MAGA) et plus tard la folie pure des mouvements pizzagate et QAnon. Comme Trump, QAnon s’en prend surtout à la gauche et l’extrême-gauche, l’associant à un chimérique « complot pédosataniste-cannibale ». Fantasme délirant qui ressemble étrangement à une image tordue et déformée de la domination – très réelle – des élites antisociales et antipopulistes qui dévorent les peuples. Le conspirationnisme trumpien est au fond identique à celui auquel croient les élites antipopulistes et antisociales. Non seulement Trump cultive le conspirationnisme et dévoile certaines vérités cachées, comme les prophéties apocalyptiques chrétiennes annoncent la révélation (signification exacte du mot apocalupsis), mais en tant que criminel notoirement lié à l’État profond et ses réseaux, Trump est en lui-même une révélation du mécanisme réel qui écrase les peuples.

Le conspirationnisme sous contrôle du trumpisme est maintenant comme une troupe de choc, une troupe de militants, au service de la fausse révélation du nouvel ordre mondial. Des éléments inférieurs – mondialisme sans frontière ou « nouvel ordre mondial » – sont livrés par les vrais conspirateurs à la vindicte populaire du trumpisme, qui croit avoir enfin accès grâce è Trump à la vérité cachée depuis toujours. Le but de ces fausses révélations limitées (limited hangout) est de provoquer, agiter et renforcer le versant spécifiquement nationaliste et réactionnaire du mouvement conspirationniste. Bien pire qu’une simple opposition contrôlée, ce mouvement consacre et achève la longue préparation de l’incarnation de l’antichrist. Le conspirationnisme zozotérique deviendra une religion mondiale, le ferment d’une ferveur messianique apocalyptique, qui fera passer l’antichrist pour le Messie et sauveur, ayant démasqué et vaincu la (fausse) menace du « nouvel ordre mondial ».

1er temps : Le conspirationnisme saboté entièrement retourné comme troupe d’élite au service des élites antichristiques.

2e temps : La victoire apocalyptique du conspirationnisme fonde la religion messianique de l’antéchrist.

Sur ce blog:

Alors que le président des États-Unis claironne la théorie du complot, certains voient la propagation de cette théorie particulière comme étant en soi un complot, une vaste manipulation, résultat d’un brouillage de piste professionnel conçu par les criminels eux-mêmes

Des réseaux Phoenix de la C.I.A. (Doug Valentine) à la "société du spectacle" (Guy Debord)

La guerre psychologique permanente sur tous les fronts comme nouvel état des choses

La dictature militaire secrète au nom de la sécurité nationale des États-Unis, de l'Otan et d'Israël derrière le terrorisme islamiste et la montée des mouvements anti-Islam

Derrière le nouveau mouvement international de droite radicale, une opération de guerre psychologique menée par les forces de l'Otan et du sionisme? (Site censuré)

Des milliardaires et des firmes privées de technologies et de santé publique liées au Mossad et à la CIA tirent profit des tueries de masse en pratiquant l'espionnage et le profilage orwellien de la population à son insu. Toujours sous le même prétexte sécuritaire, non plus seulement contre le terrorisme mais dans ce cas-ci pour soi-disant contrer, voire prévenir les tueries de masse.

Suggestions par Michael Collins Piper de livres à sauvegarder et à intégrer, pendant qu'ils sont encore disponibles.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Twitter: l'éditeur-responsable du Moyen-Orient vient d'une unité de propagande (PsyOps) de l'Armée britannique.

Ou comment minimiser un problème en n'en dévoilant que certains aspects, en livrant au public une toute petite quantité d'informations exactes mais soigneusement choisies pour étalage limité et réduction des dégâts. Car bien sûr il ne faudrait pas croire qu'il s'agit d'un fait exceptionnel, d'une aberration, d'une irrégularité. C'est plutôt la norme et la règle. La coopération des réseaux sociaux et des opérations de guerre psychologique est bien plus profondément instituée et établie depuis bien plus longtemps que ce que ce genre de mini-reportage donne à penser. Il ne faut pas se leurrer: les médias alternatifs (les seuls à mentionner ce genre de faits dérangeants) font malheureusement en sorte que de telles révélations deviennent comme l'arbre qui cache la forêt. Avec de petites révélations de ce genre, on lève le voile un tout petit peu pour nous laisser savoir que des opérations de guerre psychologique sont en cours visant l'ensemble de la population, on fait croire au public que les journalistes sont libres de faire leur travail en profondeur et sans encombre, mais le but est vraiment de faire croire que le problème est de moindre importance et de moindre ampleur qu'il ne l'est en réalité. Présentée comme une aberration ponctuelle, la chose devient triviale et banale, acceptée comme un fait. La réalité occultée ici est que les opérations psychologiques sont partout sur internet, dans les médias, la culture et la politique en général, et qu'elles ne se limitent aucunement au département moyen-oriental de réseaux sociaux comme Twitter... 

MEE EXCLUSIVE: Twitter executive for Middle East is British Army 'psyops' soldier | Middle East Eye

Consortiumnews: Twitter Employs Propagandist as High-Level Executive

Twitter executive is British Army 'psyops' soldier - YouTube

Twitter executive outed as UK Army officer in 77th Brigade


US Media Now Filled With Former Intelligence Agents
(CIA = Media = CIA) Rania Khalek: It’s crazy how many former spooks have been hired at corporate news outlets like CNN and MSNBC as “analysts”. After spending their careers serving the national security state, they get to shape the news under the guise of expertise. It’s like state TV

HuffPost UK editor works with gov’t censorship program while smearing anti-war scholars as tools of Russia

Empire of the Sunglasses: How ‘They Live’ Took on Republicans and Won (Why 'They Live' is a Subversice 1980s Masterpiece)  John Carpenter’s underrated sci-fi horror movie did more than skewer yuppies — it gave us the last word on the Reagan era
Le film de John Carpenter "They Live" (Invasion Los Angeles en v.f.) sorti en 1988 se veut une allégorie sur les excès de la classe privilégiée américaine, sans âme et inhumaine, et comment les abus du système économique de Tatcher et Reagan ont fait avancer les intérêts de ces yuppies inhumains, comment ils ont détruit les États-Unis et menacent la planète entière. Mais on peut expliquer ce film de façon très ludique en disant qu'il suggère au spectateur de se doter de "lunettes anti-spooks", autrement dit d'un sixième sens permettant de reconnaître et débusquer, les "spooks" infiltrés à tous les niveaux de la société c'est-à-dire ces individus qui ne sont pas du tout ce qu'ils paraissent parce qu'ils travaillent main dans la main avec la dictature militaire secrète.

Independent Thoughts with John Carpenter about They Live - YouTube

«They Live » : ils vivent toujours -- La Science de l'Esprit -- Sott.net

Twitter spreads nonstop US gov't paid propaganda, while falsely claiming it bans state media ads

PT 1 The Phoenix Program: America's Use of Terror in Vietnam (1990) by Douglas Valentine

PT 2 The Phoenix Program: America's Use of Terror in Vietnam (1990) by Douglas Valentine

Sur ce blog:

Des réseaux Phoenix de la C.I.A. (Doug Valentine) à la "société du spectacle" (Guy Debord)

La guerre psychologique permanente sur tous les fronts comme nouvel état des choses

La dictature militaire secrète au nom de la sécurité nationale des États-Unis, de l'Otan et d'Israël derrière le terrorisme islamiste et la montée des mouvements anti-Islam

Des milliardaires et des firmes privées de technologies et de santé publique liées au Mossad et à la CIA tirent profit des tueries de masse en pratiquant l'espionnage et le profilage orwellien de la population à son insu. Toujours sous le même prétexte sécuritaire, non plus seulement contre le terrorisme mais dans ce cas-ci pour soi-disant contrer, voire prévenir les tueries de masse.

À la suite de l'affaire Epstein et des récents troubles de la présidence Trump, le FBI rend public son dossier sur Roy Cohn, le fameux bras droit de Joe McCarthy et mentor de Roger Stone et Donald Trump

Nous parlions abondamment des sinistres Roy Cohn et Roger Stone en lien avec Trump dans nos précédentes chroniques (ici et ), or voilà que le FBI surprend tout le monde en divulgant ses dossiers sur Roy Cohn, ajoutant ainsi sa petite contribution aux attaques contre le président Trump de même qu'au scandale Epstein. Le tout se trouve sur le compte Twitter du FBI, rien de moins.

Rappel sur Roger Stone et Israel: FLASHBACK: Redacted FBI document hints at Israeli efforts to help Trump in 2016 campaign Affidavit quotes Trump confidant Roger Stone being told by a Jerusalem contact: ‘He is going to be defeated unless we intervene. We have critical intell. The key is in your hands!’

Il pourrait cependant très bien s'agir d'une tentative du FBI de donner de la traction au mouvement pour la destitution de Trump. Le plus grand danger ici, selon nous, serait d'envisager un président Mike Pence comme une meilleure option... Tout indique au contraire qu'avec Mike Pence à la présidence des États-Unis, le monde verrait se déchaîner le christianisme sioniste le plus rétrograde, délirant et apocalyptique qui soit. Guerre contre l'Iran assurée, donc. Et déclenchement probable d'une grande guerre mondiale débutant au Proche-Orient, dans laquelle certains voudraient voir l' "Armageddon", la "Fin des Temps".


Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 25 june 2020 "I still encounter people regularly who use this talking point as their ace in the hole to completely absolve Trump from having a long term and clearly very gross relationship with Epstein, thoughts @_whitneywebb ?"

Quoth the Raven @QTRResearch · 3 july The brilliant @_whitneywebb joined me today to talk why she thinks the Ghislaine Maxwell arrest is a sham. Listen here

NXIVM Update! We Need Dershowitz!

Whitney Webb | The CTI League, The Maxwell Sisters, & Israeli Intelligence • The Higherside Chats

The GOP and Israelis running honey traps? (Wayne Madsen 2008)

QTR #207 - Whitney Webb Talks Ghislaine Maxwell’s Arrest - YouTube

Never a Dull Moment! | KMN LIVE - YouTube (Ghislaine Maxwell Arrest)

Jason Bermas: Julian Assange And Ghislaine Maxwell Are The Two Most Notorious Prisoners Of Our Era!

Tim Dillon @TimJDillon · 22h What if I told you Ghislaine Maxwells sisters were selling anti terrorism software to the US government after 9/11? Or that her family has been influencing US policy for decades. Ghislaine wasn’t a rogue operator. The fearless @_whitneywebb on the show tonight at 9.

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 24 févr. 2017 En réponse à @FluorescentGrey alleged rapist & Epstein lawyer Alan Dershowitz himself appears in @Cernovich 's film 'Silenced' and is portrayed as a heroic underdog

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · 19 août 2019 .@cernovich was labeled by a court a 'Dershowitz proxy' and is very close with Alan Dershowitz. Mention this to Cernovich you get the insta-block, try it out. Cernovich also deleted all his praise and social media interactions with accused child rapist Mercedes Carrera

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · I wish Mike Cernovich hadn't blocked me so I could see what his twitter feed looks like right now, Mike Cernovich is friends with Epstein lawyer and child rapist the Dersh and even featured him alongside of Kurt Metzger in a documentary about unfair cancel culture lol

The Great Gumbino @gumby4christ · 22 juil. 2019 Chelsea Clinton was "close" to Ghislaine Maxwell. The two vacationed together, Chelsea brought her around the family, & Ghislaine ofc attended Chelsea's wedding. Ghislaine is the one who introduced Bill to Epstein. No wonder @ChelseaClinton 's gone silent.

The Great Gumbino @gumby4christ · Trump flew on Epstein's plane, visited the Palm Beach mansion where Epstein abused countless girls, and called Epstein several times. Epstein had 14 phone numbers for Trump. All according to a sworn affidavit from the attorney for Epstein's victims.

The Great Gumbino @gumby4christ · In this 1997 New Yorker profile of Donald Trump, the author takes a trip down to Mar-a-Lago on Trump's private jet on which Ghislaine Maxwell was also "bumming a ride"

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · New Article!! - An Israeli govt contractor partnered w the IDF and tied to the Epstein-linked Mega Group is using AI is set to guide US lock down policy and monitor the population. Already partnered with Rhode Island and Mayo Clinic. @TLAVagabond

BREAKING: Ghislaine Maxwell pleads not guilty

The Mother of All Talkshows with George Galloway - Episode 56 - YouTube

Dark Secrets To Come With Madam Maxwell Arrest and Bipartisan Effort To Keep Troops In Afghanistan

PLOT THICKENS | What was the role of #Ghislaine Maxwell's sister in the great escape? And do the minor charges mean leniency? #Epstein #MOATS

Epstein, Maxwell, and Sexual Blackmail - YouTube

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · 1/2 I would be highly skeptical of this claim. US and Israeli intelligence already have all the tapes and they are singling out these 2 unnamed guys for a very specific purpose. Perhaps they are resisting the AI surveillance grid roll out, for example || Daily Mail US @DailyMail · 22h Ghislaine Maxwell 'has tapes of two prominent US politicians having sex with minors' https://trib.al/UcuhNiJ 2/2 Also, keep in mind that the leading "deep fake" video company, Canny AI, is almost entirely funded by Israel's domestic intelligence agency Shin Bet.

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb - Alan Dershowitz is trying to serve an Epstein victim undergoing chemotherapy. Pathetic that MSM refuses to shame him for being so abhorrent. || ArtisticWhistleBlower, WIDE AWAKE @ArtisticBlower · yes, and that SOB is trying to serve me. He is harrassing victims, and victims with cancer. POS #Douchowitz twitter.com/Unknown5517794…

BOMBSHELL! Epstein Cover-Up Crew Cleaning Up More Filthy Truth!

Epstein attorney dated prosecutor in trial where he got sweetheart deal

DOJ report: Lawyer Alan Dershowitz threatened Palm Beach state attorney handling Jeffrey Epstein case: “Don’t go to court because we are going to destroy those girls.”

NEW: FBI wanted to arrest Epstein in early 2007, fearing he was actively preying on minors. Two senior federal prosecutors in Miami overruled them. FBI wanted to arrest Epstein while he was judging a beauty pageant. The plan was overruled A Justice Department look-back report into its abortive 2008 prosecution of Jeffrey Epstein found that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had planned to arrest Jeffrey Epstein in May 2007, but... miamiherald.com

Breaking: Justice Department says former Miami US Attorney Alex Acosta exercised “poor judgment” but didn’t do anything wrong in giving Sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein federal immunity. || Tom Winter @Tom_Winter · NBC News: Justice Department probe ends with no action against prosecutors who oversaw Jeffrey Epstein deal. Story w/ @S_Fitzpatrick & @PeteWilliamsNBC https://nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/justice-department-probe-ends-no-action-against-prosecutors-who-oversaw-n1247566

NBC News: The FBI wanted to arrest Jeffrey Epstein 7 months before he struck his non-prosecution agreement. In the Virgin Islands. While he was judging a beauty contest. More from DOJ's internal review of the case w/ @S_Fitzpatrick https://nbcnews.com/politics/justi

The Clinton-Silsby Trafficking Scandal And The Media Cover Up: The True Origin Of PizzaGate

Can The Q Crowd Prove Me Wrong? An Open Invitation AMA - Jason Bermas

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Why did you put Ghislaine Maxwell's nephew in charge of key Middle East policy decisions while you ran the State Department? || Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton · Make a date to join me, @ambassadorcpm, and @jmpalmieri on Monday evening to talk about an art we could use a lot more of right now: Diplomacy. https://92y.org/event/capricia-penavic-marshall-and-hillary-rodham-clinton (...) For people asking who the nephew is, read the bio tab at this link: https://carnegieendowment.org/experts/1088 Also, stay tuned for more wild connections, public release of part 1of my new series on the Maxwells drops tomorrow

Alex Orenstein @oren_sa · Easily the most cursed map i've ever made. All QAnon affiliated congressional candidates and their prospective constituencies. Sourced by @AlKapDC 's extensive work cataloging these folks.

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · The biggest disinfo operation since pizzagate is apparently happening between this dumb crap and the Wayfair cabinet conspiracy because boomer dipshit QAnon can’t figure out what to post since July 2nd

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · worthwhile article exposing a series of toxic and fraudulent characters who helped push pizzagate and QAnon and ultimately poisoned the well of Wikileaks solidarity

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · QAnon is an extension of pizzagate, I bet there were whispers at some of these elite journo cocktail parties about Podesta's art at one point, that's how big pizzagate got even before the comet pizza shooting. Journalists knew about QAnon for 2 years and chose not to cover it....

The Maxwell Family Business: Espionage - unlimitedhangout.com (Anecdote: la prétendue affaire "Wayfair" est apparue sur les radars le jour même de l'arrestation de Ghislaine. Ça sent très fort la tentative de diversion.)

BREAKING!!! Maxwell Pleads Innocent And Denied Bail

Ghislaine Maxwell Denied Bail, Pleads NOT Guilty

Ghislaine Maxwell said Epstein DID have tapes of Trump and Clintons | Daily Mail Online

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · A company partially owned by Ghislaine had ties to Bill Gates. A UK paper reported in 2001 that Epstein made millions with Gates in the 90s. Was it thru Ghislaine? Read Part 1 of my new series to learn more: (...) I would like to emphasize that this is just the INTRO to my series. Much, much more to come, including on the Gates angle

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · This is what happens when the world's main deep fake company is almost entirely funded by Shin Bet (Israel's domestic intelligence agency) || Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah · 15 juil. Several Israeli publications ran articles by a journalist called “Oliver Taylor” who smeared Palestinian activists. It turns out he doesn’t exist. He’s a “deep fake.” Is this Israel’s new line of attack? https://reuters.com/article/us-cyb

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Is this company why Ghislaine described herself as an "internet operator" in the 90s? Ghislaine owned this company along w her twin sisters, who had previously worked at a Mossad front involved in the PROMIS scandal. Her sister Isabel had a personal relationship w Gates.

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Article summary: By moving in “the same circles as her father” and vowing to “work only on things involving Israel,” Isabel Maxwell became a pivotal liaison for the entry of Israeli intelligence-linked tech firms into Silicon Valley with the help of Microsoft’s two co-founders.

The 400-page plus document has been ordered to be unsealed by Thursday. It is expected to shine an unprecedented light on the murky world of Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein. Ghislaine Maxwell Deposition Ordered Released Thursday at 9 a.m. The 400-page plus document has been ordered to be unsealed Thursday. It is expected to shine an unprecedented light on the murky world of

Are The New Ghislaine Documents Protecting Bill Clinton?

FLASHBACK: Steve Bannon had morning with disgraced Jeffrey Epstein (Encore un lien entre Trump et Epstein, cette fois via Steve Bannon!)


Our Hidden History sur Twitter : "1980s: BCCI, a criminal enterprise posing as a bank, trafficked pre-pubescent girls as sex slaves to one of the Royal families of the UAE. BCCI was also the CIA's banker - deposits flowed from CIA's BCCI accounts to Afghan mujaheddin. https://t.co/mRSjmPuQTo https://t.co/u7LtZtfV5L" / Twitter

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Alan Dershowitz takes an interview I did with Maria Farmer months ago, cherrypicks quotes to pain her as "anti-Semitic," and then waits until she's battling two types of cancer and undergoing chemo to put out a desperate, shoddy hit piece || Alan Dershowitz @AlanDersh · 7h Key Witness in Epstein Case Made Anti-Semitic Claims https://newsmax.com/newsfront/dna-

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Maria reported Epstein and Maxwell to the FBI before anyone else, has had her life repeatedly threatened and is currently in a fierce battle with multiple cancers. @AlanDersh chooses to take her statements out of context, months later, to attack her when she is at her weakest. || ArtisticWhistleBlower, WIDE AWAKE @ArtisticBlower · 4h Please defend me against evil elites by contacting them on here. I am losing my will to live. I cane forward so everyone would know the TRUTH, not the lies spoken by Dersh. Write to him. i need you all.

Robert Maxwell - The Downfall (Dutch Subtitles) - YouTube

Philip Giraldi @philipgiraldi · The Maxwell Family Business: Espionage https://thelastamericanvagabond.com/maxwell-family-business-espionage/ via @TLAVagabond @_whitneywebb

Judge denies bail for Ghislaine Maxwell, charged with aiding Epstein’s abuse of underage girls - World Socialist Web Site

Maria Farmer Epstein Victim: Rothschilds, Trump, Clintons, Wexner All Involved

Travis View @travis_view · Oh, I hope we're treated to a deranged thread from @AlanDersh today. || julie k. brown @jkbjournalist · MORE: The deposition of Virginia Guiffre that includes allegations against Alan Dershowitz have been ordered unsealed by a federal judge today.

Key Witness in Epstein Case Made Anti-Semitic Claims | Newsmax.com

Travis View @travis_view · In Trump's defense, Ghislaine just systemically recruited, groomed, and abused children for a depraved, wealthy pedophile for years. She didn't do something really unforgivable like kneel before a football game or criticize him during a Golden Globes speech.

Ghislaine Maxwell était chargée de trouver "trois jeunes filles par jour" pour satisfaire Jeffrey Epstein - Madame Figaro

Alleged Salas Family Assailant Previously Worked for US/Israeli Intelligence-Linked Firm - unlimitedhangout.com


Epstein-linked federal judge attacked by killer

Epstein Update? Judge Hit Squad SHOCKER!!! - YouTube

Son of U.S. federal judge killed, husband injured in brazen shooting at their New Jersey home - The Globe and Mail

Esther Salas: Suspect in shooting of federal judge's son and husband at her New Jersey home has died, sources say - CNN

rose mcgowan @rosemcgowan · Alleged Salas Family Assailant Previously Worked for US/Israeli Intelligence-Linked Firm - http://unlimitedhangout.com KROLL WAS HIRED BY WEINSTEIN to come after me. It’s all connected. Black Cube came for me, hired by HW on the advice of Ehud Barak. Think

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Big story coming later today on the Salas family shooting and the ties of the alleged assassin to the murky world covered in my Epstein series. Stay tuned!

Study: Partisan Media Coverage of Epstein Mask His links to Both Sides

Former Deutsche Bank exec commits suicide

'Alleged Salas Family Assailant Worked For US/Israeli Intelligence-Linked Firm' - w/ Whitney Webb - YouTube

New twists in Deutsche Bank Epstein saga

Epstein Case Leaves Judge’s Son Murdered

I’ve seen more photos of trump with Ghislaine Maxwell than with Barron.

Bombshell: Judge unseals Ghislaine Maxwell documents

Jacob Wohl Working for Ghislaine Maxwell | KMN LIVE

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · A thing to know about Newsmax, which is running a smear campaign on Epstein victims, is that its CEO Chris Ruddy was a friend of and advised by Tom Bolan, who frequented Robert Maxwell's Lady Ghislaine and was the law partner of pedophile sex trafficker and mob laywer Roy Cohn. || Christopher Ruddy @ChrisRuddyNMX · 20 août 2019 Accused: Alan Dershowitz and the Politics of Polarization | http://Newsmax.com

Tim Dillon @TimJDillon · Judge Salas was assigned 4 days ago to unravel all of the money laundering in the Epstein case. Hundred of millions worth with banks, suspects, whole black book. Yesterday a gunman shows up at her house, shoots her husband, kills her son, and escapes without going into house.

Caitlin Johnstone @caitoz · I just don't get how people are more interested in Epstein, Maxwell, Clinton, Dershowitz, Prince Andrew etc than in the fact that ***POWERFUL INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES HAVE BEEN USING KIDS AS SEX SLAVES TO MANIPULATE OUR SOCIETY VIA BLACKMAIL*** How is that not the main story here?

The one name, besides Epstein, that stands out in all the documents is Maxwell. Virginia claims that Maxwell was Epstein's lead procurer, trainer and participant in his sex trafficking operation. A lot of the girls/women/models they trafficked couldn't speak English, she said.

SHOCKING Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell Documents Released

The Ghislaine Maxwell Data Dump! IS THERE ANYTHING NEW?

"The former president invited Ghislaine Maxwell to a cozy dinner in L.A. in 2014, years after she had been accused by a victim of procuring girls for Epstein’s sex ring." https://thedailybeast.com/revealed-bill-clintons-intimate-secret-dinner-with-ghislaine-maxwell?source=twitter&via=desktop via @thedailybeast Revealed: Bill Clinton’s Intimate Secret Dinner With Ghislaine Maxwell The former president invited Ghislaine Maxwell to a cozy dinner in L.A. in 2014, years after she had been accused by a victim of procuring girls for

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Jared Kushner’s dad went to jail for arranging a secretly filmed sex act/affair , Roger Stone’s connections to prostitution rings gave him the inside track to take down Spitzer. Trump’s people are knee deep in this world, just like Trump was closely associated with Epstein

NEW: “Of utmost interest to the public is how much Epstein was being paid for his informant activities,” Lesar argued, citing unverified claims that Epstein had ties to drug traffickers and organized crime. Muckraker’s fight to unseal FBI files on Jeffrey Epstein kept alive by judge A federal judge on Tuesday kept alive a citizen muckraker’s quest to pry loose for the public’s benefit tens of thousands of FBI documents about

LastAmericanVagabond @TLAVagabond · Tim is truly one of the last real comedians out there not afraid to be contentious. Well played sir. || Tim Dillon @TimJDillon · Trump is reportedly banning TikTok so if you want to watch 16 year olds dance you have to get on a plane with Bill Clinton.

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · kind of over the top that Alan Dershowitz literally used to do Israeli government lobbying and televised debates with people taking a pro Israel position and he's using Cernovich to fuck up and limited hangout pipeline the Epstein case

Whitney Webb Talks Predatory Charities Run By Monsters - YouTube

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Weird that right leaning media will cover this (which was basically already known btw) but chose not to cover Maria Farmers testimony that Clinton went to Epstein's residences to be around "young girls" w no security detail WHILE President || zerohedge @zerohedge · 4h Unsealed Court Docs Suggest Bill Clinton Was On Epstein's Pedo Island With "2 Young Girls" https://zerohedge.com/political/unse

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · The home addresses and names of law enforcement who investigated Epstein oddly left unredacted in these docs. Dershowitz is acting like this is a "victory" and he allegedly sought their unsealing thru intermediaries. Who is really benefitting here? || Alan Dershowitz @AlanDersh · There are no new accusations against me in the documents I got unsealed. All her accusations were made in suits she filed years ago. They were false then and now, as shown by her emails and manuscript that prove I never met her.

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · "When Epstein was a director, the Black Family Foundation donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Tony Blair Faith Foundation. Millions also were donated to the MoMA. Other common recipients included Charles Bronfman’s Birthright Israel Foundation."

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Epstein ran Leslie Wexner's family foundation. He also ran Leon Black's foundation. Leon Black kept Jeffrey Epstein as charity director after plea deal After his pedophile conviction in Florida more than a decade ago, Jeffrey Epstein was shunned by most on Wall Street — with the notable

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Here's one place to start when trying to answer this question: Leon Black owns the infamous mercenary firm Blackwater (now Constellis), which has been involved in several arms and human trafficking scandals. || zerohedge @zerohedge · Why Did Leon Black Pay Jeffrey Epstein $50 Million? https://zerohedge.com/political/why-

FYI—Leon Black's father acquired United Fruit in a bidding war with George Bush's CIA cut-out, Zapata. Black later paid a $1.25M bribe to Honduras's military dictator, who was then ousted in a military coup within days of Black's own mysterious "suicide." http://content.time.com/time/subscribe

Wall Street tycoon tied to Jeffrey Epstein — what did he do? (Full show)

Two American billionaires and their shady deals with Israeli intelligence

Trump Is Being Influenced By Backdoor Bribes From Lobbyists And Foreign Governments

The Maxwells: Mossad’s First Family of Spies | Freepress.org

Le père de Bill Gates rendait service au Mossad

Sur ce blog:

Alors que le président des États-Unis claironne la théorie du complot, certains voient la propagation de cette théorie particulière comme étant en soi un complot, une vaste manipulation, résultat d’un brouillage de piste professionnel conçu par les criminels eux-mêmes

De nombreux recoupements possibles entre les travaux récents de Whitney Webb sur l'affaire Epstein et ceux de plus longue date du regretté Michael Collins Piper sur la domination juive sur les États-Unis

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Rappel sur les liens de l’ancien dictateur du Panama Manuel Noriega avec le Mossad et la CIA. Autre exemple révélateur du soutien sioniste et américain aux dictateurs anti-révolutionnaires et de l’entraînement des Contras (IRAN-CONTRA) après la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

Lew Wasserman, autrefois roi d'Hollywood: ses liens avec l'industrie du divertissement, le pouvoir politique, la mafia. Probablement l'homme le plus puissant à Hollywood pendant plus de 20 ans. Il a tout de même personnellement sélectionné l'acteur minable Ronald Reagan pour diriger le syndicat des acteurs d'Hollywood et plus tard devenir le candidat présidentiel des Républicains...

Pour aller plus loin que le film « Raisons d’État » (The Good Shepherd, 2006), un nouveau livre sur James Jesus Angleton, liaison entre Israel et la CIA

La récente manifestation du « syndrome de Jérusalem » de Trump met en évidence, avant tout, la puissance des sionistes chrétiens, évangéliques ou autre, aux États-Unis

Le Nouveau Monde, Nouvel Israël? Sion en Amérique : la Maison blanche plus que jamais sous influence de la secte dominioniste. Ce puissant mouvement religieux et politique de droite voit en Trump le prophète devant accomplir le glorieux destin de l’exceptionnalisme états-unien

Des milliardaires et des firmes privées de technologies et de santé publique liées au Mossad et à la CIA tirent profit des tueries de masse en pratiquant l'espionnage et le profilage orwellien de la population à son insu. Toujours sous le même prétexte sécuritaire, non plus seulement contre le terrorisme mais dans ce cas-ci pour soi-disant contrer, voire prévenir les tueries de masse.

Un tel contrôle orwellien des populations n'est pas nouveau (voir par exemple la connexion CIA-Facebook), il ne fait que prendre une nouvelle forme et trouver une nouvelle source de légitimation. Peu de gens comprennent qu'il s'agit bien d'une guerre perpétuelle menée contre toutes les populations par ce que des certains appellent "l'État profond", terme vague et général, utilisé habituellement pour éviter de devoir nommer les noms des personnes impliquées. Comme d'autres avant elle (nous pensons notamment à Michael Collins Piper), la journaliste récemment primée Whitney Webb est justement en mesure de nommer les noms, et c'est ce qui rend son travail si précieux. Et comme toujours son travail vient confirmer ou du moins corroborer ce que d'autres avant elle avaient déjà pointé du doigt (et notamment en direction d'Israël...).

Comment la CIA, le Mossad et « le réseau Epstein » exploitent les fusillades de masse pour créer un cauchemar orwellien   À la suite d’une autre fusillade de masse ou d’une autre crise catastrophique, des « solutions » orwelliennes vont être imposées à un public américain effrayé par un réseau d’influence très organisé, pas seulement autour de Jeffrey Epstein, mais d’une litanie de crimes et d’une histoire effrayante de plans pour écraser la dissidence interne aux États-Unis.
WHITNEY WEBB | How the CIA, Mossad and “the Epstein Network” are Exploiting Mass Shootings to Create an Orwellian Nightmare  Following another catastrophic mass shooting or crisis event, Orwellian “solutions” are set to be foisted on a frightened American public by the very network connected, not only to Jeffrey Epstein, but to a litany of crimes and a frightening history of plans to crush internal dissent in the United States. (by Whitney WEBB)

Visionner sur le site: stranahan @stranahan  Pulling Apart the Intelligence Narrative of Epstein's Story (+Carbyne911) w/ Whitney Webb

Le Procureur Général des États-Unis, William Barr, annonce officiellement le programme orwellien Pré-Crime

With Little Fanfare, William Barr Formally Announces Orwellian Pre-Crime Program

Did Bill Barr Call His Shot? Unanswered Questions about FBI’s Foreknowledge of the El Paso Shooting By Whitney Webb William Barr’s warning that a “major incident” could occur “at any time” and “galvanize public opinion” around the unpopular encryption back-door policy he has been seeking seems to have come true in the weeks since the attorney general made those statements.

Sur les dangers liés aux algorithmes et à leur exploitation en vue d'un plus grand contrôle des populations, voir par exemple ce gentil petit documentaire en 5 parties All Hail the Algorithm, disponible en version originale anglaise et avec sous-titres français. Le documentaire The Great Hack (Netflix, 2019), sur le scandale de Cambridge Analytica, touche certains aspects du même problème, notamment dans la partie concernant la collecte d'algorithmes et leur utilisation en vue d'opérations de guerre psychologique, que ce soit dans un contexte militaire ou politique.

Propaganda Machine: The Military Roots of Cambridge Analytica’s Psychological Manipulation of Voters

Why a Shadowy Tech Firm With Ties to Israeli Intelligence Is Running Doomsday Election Simulations

“The Great Hack”: Big Data Firms Helped Sway the 2016 Election. Could It Happen Again in 2020?

"The Great Hack" documentary reveals how Cambridge Analytica helped sway the 2016 election

The Weaponization of Data: Cambridge Analytica, Information Warfare and the 2016 Election of Trump

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Article summary: By moving in “the same circles as her father” and vowing to “work only on things involving Israel,” Isabel Maxwell became a pivotal liaison for the entry of Israeli intelligence-linked tech firms into Silicon Valley with the help of Microsoft’s two co-founders.

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · New Article!! - An Israeli govt contractor partnered w the IDF and tied to the Epstein-linked Mega Group is using AI is set to guide US lock down policy and monitor the population. Already partnered with Rhode Island and Mayo Clinic. @TLAVagabond

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · 1/2 I would be highly skeptical of this claim. US and Israeli intelligence already have all the tapes and they are singling out these 2 unnamed guys for a very specific purpose. Perhaps they are resisting the AI surveillance grid roll out, for example || Daily Mail US @DailyMail · 22h Ghislaine Maxwell 'has tapes of two prominent US politicians having sex with minors' https://trib.al/UcuhNiJ 2/2 Also, keep in mind that the leading "deep fake" video company, Canny AI, is almost entirely funded by Israel's domestic intelligence agency Shin Bet.

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Why did you put Ghislaine Maxwell's nephew in charge of key Middle East policy decisions while you ran the State Department? || Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton · Make a date to join me, @ambassadorcpm, and @jmpalmieri on Monday evening to talk about an art we could use a lot more of right now: Diplomacy. https://92y.org/event/capricia-penavic-marshall-and-hillary-rodham-clinton (...) For people asking who the nephew is, read the bio tab at this link: https://carnegieendowment.org/experts/1088 Also, stay tuned for more wild connections, public release of part 1of my new series on the Maxwells drops tomorrow

The Maxwell Family Business: Espionage - unlimitedhangout.com (Anecdote: la prétendue affaire "Wayfair" est apparue sur les radars le jour même de l'arrestation de Ghislaine. Ça sent très fort la tentative de diversion.)

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · A company partially owned by Ghislaine had ties to Bill Gates. A UK paper reported in 2001 that Epstein made millions with Gates in the 90s. Was it thru Ghislaine? Read Part 1 of my new series to learn more: (...) I would like to emphasize that this is just the INTRO to my series. Much, much more to come, including on the Gates angle

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · This is what happens when the world's main deep fake company is almost entirely funded by Shin Bet (Israel's domestic intelligence agency) || Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah · 15 juil. Several Israeli publications ran articles by a journalist called “Oliver Taylor” who smeared Palestinian activists. It turns out he doesn’t exist. He’s a “deep fake.” Is this Israel’s new line of attack? https://reuters.com/article/us-cyb

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Is this company why Ghislaine described herself as an "internet operator" in the 90s? Ghislaine owned this company along w her twin sisters, who had previously worked at a Mossad front involved in the PROMIS scandal. Her sister Isabel had a personal relationship w Gates.


Our Hidden History sur Twitter : "1980s: BCCI, a criminal enterprise posing as a bank, trafficked pre-pubescent girls as sex slaves to one of the Royal families of the UAE. BCCI was also the CIA's banker - deposits flowed from CIA's BCCI accounts to Afghan mujaheddin. https://t.co/mRSjmPuQTo https://t.co/u7LtZtfV5L" / Twitter

Robert Maxwell - The Downfall (Dutch Subtitles) - YouTube

Philip Giraldi @philipgiraldi · The Maxwell Family Business: Espionage https://thelastamericanvagabond.com/maxwell-family-business-espionage/ via @TLAVagabond @_whitneywebb

rose mcgowan @rosemcgowan · Alleged Salas Family Assailant Previously Worked for US/Israeli Intelligence-Linked Firm - http://unlimitedhangout.com KROLL WAS HIRED BY WEINSTEIN to come after me. It’s all connected. Black Cube came for me, hired by HW on the advice of Ehud Barak. Think

Alleged Salas Family Assailant Previously Worked for US/Israeli Intelligence-Linked Firm - unlimitedhangout.com

Meet the IDF-Linked Cybersecurity Group “Protecting” US Hospitals 'Pro Bono' - unlimitedhangout.com

Ashton Kutcher's NGO Supplies Police with 'Free' CIA-linked Surveillance Tool to 'Protect Kids' - unlimitedhangout.com

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Also, the current head of NSA's cybersecurity directorate is married to an AIPAC board member and her parents were rescued by Netanyahu's brother. Her family is among the richest families in the country https://haaretz.com/us-news/orthodox-jewish-woman-to-head-nsa-s-new-cybersecurity-directorate-1.7574119 https://forward.com/news/obituaries/339660/michael-karfunkel-the-orthodox-billionaire-no-one-heard-of-dies-at-72/ Orthodox Jewish woman to head NSA's new Cybersecurity Directorate *** haaretz.com

Ex-NSA employees criticize Mike Rogers' role with Israeli venture firm - CyberScoop

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · THREAD: Alexander's cybersecurity company, IronNet, is responsible for "protecting" key parts of the US power grid and, thanks to Covid, US hospitals (which they "protect for free"). They also claim Iran will imminently attack THESE SAME SERVICES. Former NSA chief Keith Alexander has joined Amazon’s board of directors A surveillance-friendly choice theverge.com

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Why does the Israel/AIPAC angle matter? Israel and the US Israel lobby wants the US to go to war with Iran, ideally before the 2020 November election. Israel keeps blowing up military targets in Iran, hoping to force a confrontation before Trump can... Iran has suffered a series of bombings and fires at major military facilities in recent weeks. businessinsider.com

Comment: Is Trump a false Cyrus? - The Jerusalem Post

A federal ID system looms as people like former Google and Alphabet CEO Eric Schmidt try to implement an AI-driven mass surveillance apparatus.. Patriot Act Coauthor Michael Chertoff Touts More Election Security as Federal ID System Looms.. Calls for a federal ID system with AI-driven tracking and surveillance are intensifying under the guise of 2020 election security. mintpressnews.com

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Also, the current acting director of national intelligence (DNI), the head of the ENTIRE US intelligence community, has no intel experience but is a major operative for the US Israel lobby and an outspoken Iran hawk https://thehill.com/opinion/national-security/512829-why-would-our-allies-allow-an-enemy-like-iran-to-rearm https://mintpressnews.com/richard-grenel

Robbie Martin @FluorescentGrey · Project for the New American Century neocon father & son combo, Don & Fred Kagan advocate for the US military occupation of Palestine to 'clean it out' as a response to the 9/11 attacks on a 9/12/01 radio appearance. Don also 'predicts' the anthrax attacks Neocons Fred & Don Kagan want US military invasion of Palestine

Trump, Giuliani, Anthrax & 9/11 - Robbie Martin Live - YouTube

American Anthrax v1.5 - YouTube (rappel)

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · New for @TLAVagabond -- Operation Warp Speed is using a shady, CIA-linked contractor to keep Covid-19 vaccine contracts secret and exempt from federal safety regulations. HHS (supposedly overseeing Warp Speed) has "no records" of the contracts. Operation Warp Speed is Using a CIA-Linked Contractor to Keep Covid-19 Vaccine Contracts Secret $6 billion in Covid-19 vaccine contracts awarded by Operation Warp Speed have been doled out by a secretive government contractor with

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Earlier in the podcast, we discussed how these NatSec officials are saying "domestic extremists" are going to new bioterrorist WMD threat. Robbie here discusses why we should start looking at these groups from another angle

Leader Of Operation Warp Speed Adamant About "Implantable BioSensors" & World Bank Slips Up Again - YouTube

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Yet another CIA-linked Big Tech company has now been added to Operation Warp Speed. Will have an article on this soon.

Controversial tech firm Palantir is reportedly building a data tool to help US authorities allocate COVID-19 vaccines

Election Meddling Psyop & Trump Admin Uses "Combating Anti-Semitism" To Disguise Big Tech Censorship - YouTube TLAV with Whitney Webb

Black Cube, a Late Mossad Chief, and a Rogue Op Against a Top Romanian Official

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · "When Epstein was a director, the Black Family Foundation donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Tony Blair Faith Foundation. Millions also were donated to the MoMA. Other common recipients included Charles Bronfman’s Birthright Israel Foundation."

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Here's one place to start when trying to answer this question: Leon Black owns the infamous mercenary firm Blackwater (now Constellis), which has been involved in several arms and human trafficking scandals. || zerohedge @zerohedge · Why Did Leon Black Pay Jeffrey Epstein $50 Million? https://zerohedge.com/political/why-

FYI—Leon Black's father acquired United Fruit in a bidding war with George Bush's CIA cut-out, Zapata. Black later paid a $1.25M bribe to Honduras's military dictator, who was then ousted in a military coup within days of Black's own mysterious "suicide." http://content.time.com/time/subscribe

Wall Street tycoon tied to Jeffrey Epstein — what did he do? (Full show)

Two American billionaires and their shady deals with Israeli intelligence Episode #55 - Whitney Webb and Wading Through the Sewers of the New Normal | Gold Goats 'n Guns Podcast

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · The purpose of the "tracking system" is to ensure that all vaccine recipients receive every dose of the vaccine product assigned to them by Warp Speed and to monitor for "adverse health effects" due to the lack of safety studies of the experimental tech used in OWS vaccines

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · NEW at @TLAVagabond According to official docs and the head of Op Warp Speed, every American who gets the Warp Speed Covid19 vaccine will be monitored and surveilled for up to 24 months after the first of what they say will be a multi-dose vaccine Google & Oracle to Monitor Americans Who Get Warp Speed’s Covid-19 Vaccine for up to Two Years Moncef Slaoui, the official head of Operation Warp Speed, told the Wall Street Journal last week that all Warp Speed vaccine recipients in the US

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Moncef Slaoui, the head of Warp Speed, said that tech giants Google and Oracle were contracted for this "tracking system," but the contracts between Warp Speed and those companies was never announced and appear to be even more secretive than the Warp Speed vaccine contracts.

The Ripple Effect Podcast #269 (Ryan Cristián & Whitney Webb | BigTech, Operation Warp Speed & More) - YouTube

Inside America’s Secretive $2 Billion Research Hub Collecting Fingerprints From Facebook, Hacking Smartwatches And Fighting Covid-19

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · This is a HUGE conflict of interest, Google is a major contractor to the US military and, as I'll be reporting soon, won a new "secret" Warp Speed contract

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · This pisses me off so much. Warp Speed is shady as hell and now the NSA & DHS are part of it. MSM admits it "looks a lot more like a military operation than a science project." Top FDA officials are BARRED from sitting in at their meetings.

Whitney Webb @_whitneywebb · Warp Speed clinical trial parameters, all secret. Warp Speed vaccine contracts, secret & immune from FOIA requests. Warp Speed "dominated" by the military. Warp Speed refused to answer pointed questions asked by CDC's expert panel on their vaccine.


PT 1 The Phoenix Program: America's Use of Terror in Vietnam (1990) by Douglas Valentine

PT 2 The Phoenix Program: America's Use of Terror in Vietnam (1990) by Douglas Valentine


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Encore un peu d'information du FBI sur les Israéliens dansants. Pas de preuve fumante mais un pattern prouvé et reconnaissable de manipulation du terrorisme comme stratégie géopolitique.

De nombreux recoupements possibles entre les travaux récents de Whitney Webb sur l'affaire Epstein et ceux de plus longue date du regretté Michael Collins Piper sur la domination juive sur les États-Unis