The decision to ban George Galloway from Canada seems odd, but now it emerges that the Jewish Defence League (JDL) pressured the Canadian Government to so the action takes on sinister connotations for Canada, why? Because the Jewish Defence League are according to the FBI a Terrorist Group. In its report, Terrorism 2000/2001, the FBI referred to the JDL as a "violent extremist Jewish organization". This "violent extremist Jewish organization" now it seems has power and influence over the Canadian Government.
Galloway Banned Under Canada-Israel 'Security' Pact
Bush versus Galloway: Who is a Threat to Canada's Security?
Galloping Galloway
Le député britannique Galloway persona non grata au Canada
Le député britannique Galloway est interdit de séjour au Canada
Canada Can't Muzzle Me - Galloway
Canada is going down the road to a Soviet style, J-w run tyranny. With J-ws in control at the top, you quickly see who the real architects of genocide are. Millions of Ukranian Christians and Russian dissidents found that out when the J-wish led Bolsheviks perpetrated the Holodomor.
I believe Galloway is somewhat of a Zio-lite fluffball. That Cacanada would ban such an innocuous and harmless person just goes to show the increasing control the Isr-el Lobby wields, and the fear they have of their agenda falling apart if Isr-el is criticized. Remember these people are powerful enough to have Ernst Zundel locked up in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day without charge, on an unconstitutional security certificate.
This after international terrorist and mass murderer George W Bush was an honoured guest of the
Calgary Chamber of Commerce . He had no problem entering Canada.
MP Galloway is banned from Canada
![]() Mr Galloway’s comments on Iraq led to his expulsion from the Labour Party |
George Galloway, a British member of Parliament, has been banned from Canada on security grounds, the country’s immigration service has confirmed.
Mr Galloway, a Respect Party MP, said the ban was “idiotic” and he would look at legal action to try to overturn it.
British media reported the decision was due to his views on Afghanistan and the presence of Canadian troops there.
The anti-war MP was expelled from the Labour Party in 2003 because of his outspoken comments on the Iraq war.
Mr Galloway said he was not prepared to accept what he described as an “inexplicable decision” and indicated he would challenge it with all means at his disposal.
“This has further vindicated the anti-war movement’s contention that unjust wars abroad will end up consuming the very liberties that make us who we are,” he said.
“All right-thinking Canadians, whether they agree with me or not, will oppose this outrageous decision.”
‘Mock trial’
A spokesman for Citizenship and Immigration Canada confirmed the MP would not be allowed into the country on national security grounds.
He said the decision had been taken by border security officials “based on a number of factors” in accordance with the country’s immigration act.
Mr Galloway had been due to speak at a public forum, Resisting War from Gaza to Kandahar, in Toronto on 30 March.
In 2006 he was detained “on grounds of national security” at Cairo airport after heading to Egypt to attend a “mock trial” of then PM Tony Blair and then US President George Bush.
Mr Galloway became the figurehead for the anti-war Respect party after being expelled from Labour.
His expulsion followed comments on the Iraq war which Labour chairman Ian McCartney said “incited foreign forces to rise up against British troops”.
The party acted following a number of TV interviews, including one in which Mr Galloway accused Tony Blair and President Bush of acting “like wolves” in invading Iraq.
Mr Galloway said it had been a “politically motivated kangaroo court”.
The USA lists the JDL as a terrorist group:
Canada is riddled with Zionist fascist organizations that have the ear of the government, of which the JDL is only one
JDL’s Weinstein whined that Galloway had opinions the J-ws don’t like
Everywhere they pop up, J-ws are trying to be our free speech arbiters
‘War on Terror’ and ‘Holocaust’ Propaganda is ubiquitous via Zionist control of most of the media, yet they want to silence any small rational voice.
Zionist J-ws, if you don’t like freedom of speech, and want to prevent others from exercising it, you do not belong in a civilized country - Go to Isr-el!
Supremacist and terrorist J-wry in Canada is a growing problem, one that requires a final solution:
Deport Zionists from Canada
Zionism should be declared a terrorist organization. That is what it is, and has been from the beginning - a terrorist J-wish National Socialism, which practices ethnic cleansing. Seize the terror organizations’ funds..
Meir Weinstein of the terrorist JDL:
The decision to ban George Galloway from Canada seems odd, but now it emerges that the Jewish Defence League (JDL) pressured the Canadian Government to so the action takes on sinister connotations for Canada, why? Because the Jewish Defence League are according to the FBI a Terrorist Group. In its report, Terrorism 2000/2001, the FBI referred to the JDL as a “violent extremist Jewish organization”. This “violent extremist Jewish organization” now it seems has power and influence over the Canadian Government.
The ‘Open Letter to the Government of Canada’ written by the JDL .
Posted by Rochelle Michaels on 17:15:17 2009/03/15
An Open Letter to the Government of Canada
Keep George Galloway out of CanadaIt has come to the attention of the Jewish Defence League that a UK MP George Galloway, will be speaking in Toronto. As you are aware, anti Jewish attacks are on the rise across the world. Some of our campuses have given platforms to proxies from Radical Iran. It is our hope that the Government of Canada will not permit George Galloway entry into Canada. I have enclosed some information about George Galloway below;
“I don’t think Hamas is a terrorist organization” — Galloway“Hezb’allah has never been a terrorist organization” –Galloway“there’s no compulsion in Islam” — Galloway Galloway has spoken in Canada before, in 2006, at Carleton University and Concordia University. Here is a link exposing the fact that his visit was partly financed by the Syrian Social Nationalist Movement:
I remember seeing an on-line poster of this outfit, advertising Galloway’s visit, on the now defunct Judeoscope Blog. The poster had neo-Nazi trappings, in bright red and black.
Blog describing the Galloway visit, the poster, and the SNNN: Galloway, what is your connection with the organization “Toronto Coalition to Stop the War” ?
“Toronto Coalition to Stop the War” is organizing this Galloway event and they are one of the groups which attended the conferences organized by the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
“Canadian antiwar activists sat down with terror groups”
Hamas, Hezbollah delegates among those at Cairo Conference
Don Butler, The Ottawa Citizen
Published: Tuesday, May 08, 2007“… Canadian activists were out in force at a recent conference in Cairo that sought to … Many of the Canadian delegates were from the Canadian Peace Alliance, … banned Muslim Brotherhood and Egyptian opposition parties,” is my hope that the Government of Canada will do everything possible to keep this hater away from Canada.
Thank You,
Meir Weinstein, National Director
Jewish Defence League of CanadaBelow, Information of the public forum featuring GEORGE GALLOWAY:
Resisting war from Gaza to Kandahar
6:15pm: Doors open 7:00pm: Event begins
Metropolitan United Church
56 Queen Street East
Directions: Two blocks east of Yonge and Queen (parking available on site)
Banning Galloway Mocks Canada’s Criminal Code by William A. Cook
March 30th, 2009
Banning Galloway Mocks Canada’s Criminal Code
by William A. Cook
March 29, 2009
Canada’s border security officials and Jason Kenney, the immigration minister, banned George Galloway, MP for Bethnal Green and Bow, from Canada where he was scheduled to speak in Toronto on the 30th.
Calgary East MP ‘Little’ Jason Kenney
“A spokesman for Citizenship and Immigration Canada said the decision … was based on a ‘number of factors’ in accordance with section 34 (1) of the country’s immigration act” ( 3/20/09).
This action denies Galloway entrance as a foreign national on security grounds for one or more of 6 reasons including “engaging in terrorism,” and “engaging in acts of violence that would or might endanger the lives or safety of persons in Canada.” The CJC, the Canadian Jewish Congress, supporting the decision, noted that it should be seen as an “issue of security law, not a dispute over free speech” (Mar. 27, 2009, Montreal Gazette). Indeed, other Jewish organizations like the League of Human Rights of B’nai B’rith, not only supported the action but took some credit for the banning of Galloway.
Galloway’s talk, “Resisting War from Gaza to Kandahar,” sponsored by the Toronto Coalition to Stop the War, would have provided Canadians with a first hand account of conditions in Gaza following Israel’s invasion and destruction of that walled in strip of Palestinian land during the three week war from December 27 to January 18, 2009.
Galloway is one of a handful of foreigners to see the devastation that others could glimpse only from You Tube videos made available through Al Jazeera news service. All western journalists were banned from Gaza by Israel’s IDF. Galloway led a convoy of trucks from England to Gaza carrying relief provisions for the people. The convoy entered Gaza just over a week ago.
Contrary to the CJC contention that the banning should be seen as a security measure under section 34 (1) of the immigration act, a close reading of the act would suggest that Galloway cannot be perceived as a person (c) “engaging in terrorism” or in (e) “acts of violence that would or might endanger the lives or safety of persons in Canada,” but rather an individual, by virtue of his recent experience in Gaza, who would be upholding the intent of Canada’s Criminal Code, Sections 318-320. Canada’s Criminal Code, passed in 1970, builds upon the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination of 1966, the conventions of which support the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as defined by the Charter of the United Nations.
2009-03-20 - B’nai Brith Canada applauds Government for refusing entry to terrorist sympathizer
Galloway contre le neocon Richard Perle