
On n'a pas besoin d'une preuve irréfutable qu'Israël était impliqué dans le 11 septembre 2001. Pourquoi? Parce c'est ce que les circonstances globales révèlent à notre bon sens:
1. Le complexe du WTC était la possession d'un Juif (Larry Silverstein) qui a des liens directs avec deux premiers ministres d'Israël: Ariel Sharon & Benjamin Netanyahu.
2. Le détenteur d'hypothèse de Silverstein est Juif, l'homme qui a convenu du contrat est Juif, le PDG de Blackstone Group est aussi Juif.
3. Le Pentagone est hautement infiltré dans les plus hauts niveaux. Le département de la Défense à l'époque était contrôlé par des Juifs et des Sionistes.
4. Les Lobby les plus puissants à Washington, D.C. (AIPAC, AEI, JINSA) qui déterminent les politiques étrangères sont contrôlés par et pour des Juifs.
5. Les premières personnes à êtres arrêtées après les attaques du 11 septembre étaient Juifs (les Israéliens dansants de la Urban Moving Company façade du Mossad), tout comme celui qui les a libéré: Michael Chertoff du Deptartment of Homeland Security.
6. Le Rabbin Dov Zakheim (à l'époque ministre de la Défense et membre du PNAC) est connu comme étant le "cerveau" du 11 septembre.
7. Les compagnies de hautes technologies (la RSA) qui ont brisé les codes de communications secrètes du NORAD et du FAA, qui fournissent les logiciels de sécurité (PTech) aux USA et à l'OTAN, ainsi que celles qui sont entrées dans les banques de données d'ordinateurs et de téléphone (Amdocs et Comverse) étaient une propriété de l'État Israel.
8. Israël et les Sionistes ont la main mise sur toutes les banques au sommet de la pyramide de contrôle mondial.
9. Ils étaient aussi en charge de la sécurité aux tours du WTC et aux aéroports du 11 septembre. Une seule entité avait un accès interne à tous les aéroports vitaux du 11 septembre pour violer la sécurité - c'était une compagnie israélienne (ICTS).
10. Le monopole médiatique américain est entre les mains de Juifs Sionistes - les désinformateurs qui ont modelé l'opinion publique et ont travaillé en relation symbiotique avec les autres acteurs du 'cover up'.
11. Le plan des attaques du 11 septembre a été mis sur papier par des sionistes néoconservateurs, dont plusieurs sont Juifs et de double nationalité israélo-américaine: Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Elliot Abrams, Donald Kagan, Richard Haas, Kenneth Adelman, Edward Luttwak, Robert Satloff, David Frum, David Wurmser, Steve Goldsmith, Marc Grossman (signataires PNAC & Rebuilding America's Defense, 'Catastrophic Terrorism' in Foreign Affairs)
Quatre points stratégiques devaient impérativement être mis en place avant les attaques du 11 septembre pour que l'opération fonctionne:
a) George W. Bush devait être élu président en novembre 2000.
b) Le Pentagone et la Défense devaient être sous le contrôlé de l'intérieur par des agents.
c) Les tours du WTC devaient être achetées à la ville de New York (par Silverstein).
d) La sécurité aux aéroports du 11 septembre et au complexe du WTC devait être sous contrôle.
Petit rappel historique. Un autre important false flag israélien contre les USA est l'attaque contre le USS Liberty. Des articles récents de journaux "mainstream" (Haaretz, Chicago Tribune) rapportent qu'il est maintenant prouvé que les forces israéliennes savaient ce qu'ils faisaient quand ils ont coulé le bateau étatsunien..
L'assassinat de JFK fut une autre attaque qui changea radicalement le cours de la politique américaine du tout au tout. Michael Collins Piper a montré l'origine sioniste du complot contre JFK dans son bestseller Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Conspiracy. La section photo commentées ainsi que plusieurs parties du livre sont disponibles gratuitement sur le site http://www.amfirstbooks.com/catalog/...products_id=17

From Lisa Giuliani, wife of Victor Thorn, author of 911-Evil:
I can weigh in on the issue of Israel-Zionist involvement in 9-11.
1. The WTC complex was purchased by a jewish man (Larry silverstein) who has direct ties to two of Israel's Prime Ministers: Ariel Sharon & Benjamin Netanyahu.
2. Silverstein's mortgage holder was Jewish, the man who arranged the deal was Jewish, the CEO of Blackstone Group also Jewish.
3. The Pentagon is highly infiltrated at the highest levels. The Defense Policy Board at the time was controlled by Jewish men and Zionists.
4. Most powerful lobbyist groups in Washington, D.C. (AIPAC, AEI) that determine foreign policy are Jewish oriented/controlled.
5. The first people arrested only hours after the 9-11 attacks were Jewish (Dancing Israelis), as was the man who eventually freed them, Michael Chertoff.
6. Dov Zakheim - known as the 9-11 Mastermind (Jewish)
7. The high tech companies that broke america's secret communication codes and back-doored their way into computer and telephone databanks were Israeli-owned.
8. Israel-Zionists have a firm grip on the banks at the top of the world's control pyramid.
9 They were also in charge of security at the WTC towers and the airports on 9-11. Only one entity had inside access to all of the vital airports on 9-11 in order to breech security - it was an Israeli-owned company.
10. The American mass media monopoly is Jewish/zionist owned and controlled - the spinmeisters who shaped public perception and have worked in a symbiotic relationship with the other players > cover-up.
11. The blueprint for the 9-11 attack was penned by rabid zionists, many of them Jewish. (PNAC report, Rebuilding America's Defenses)
Four Strategic focal points had to be set in place before the 9-11 attacks could take place:
a) Imperative that George W. Bush be selected President in November, 2000.
b) The Pentagon and Defense forces had to be commandeered by the inside culprits.
c) The WTC towers needed to be purchased from NYC's Port Authority.
d) Security at specific airports and at the WTC complex had to be controlled.
These four points had to be locked in to set the wheels of 9-11 in motion.
The entire 9-11 operation was Israeli-controlled, from soup to nuts. Israel had the means, the motive, the opportunity,and the resources to pull it off (with help from their cronies ).
It gets more involved than this, but the above gives you a pretty good idea, I think. Our book (not Michael Collin's Piper's book) on Israel's central role in 9-11 should be released in a few weeks.
Soup to nuts, name one other nation in the world who had the means, motive, opportunity and resources to pull off 9-11. Who, among nations, has benefitted from 9-11 and the subsequent war on terror the most? Israel.
The Secret History of How America's Zionist "Neo-Conservative" Trotskyites Came to Power and Orchestrated the War Against Iraq as the First Step in Their Drive for Global Empire
by Michael Collins Piper
Articles by Michael Collins Piper
Get it on American Free Press
The report that follows is based on this foundation:
* THAT the war against Iraq being waged by the American administration of President George W. Bush is not only contrary to traditional "conservative" American principles, but contrary to all principles of American foreign policy during the last half century;
* THAT the war against Iraq is being waged for far more broad ranging purposes than "regime change" or "eliminating weapons of mass destruction"; first and foremost, as part of an overall effort to establish the United States as the sole international super-power, capable military and economically, to suppress any nations and/or peoples who dare to challenge American hegemony;
* THAT the war against Iraq is simply a first step in a long-standing, wide-ranging plan to launch an even more aggressive move against the entire Arab Middle East in order to "remake the Arab world" to secure the survival of - and expand the power of - THE STATE OF ISRAEL;
* THAT the war against Iraq is only the initial target of this carefully planned scheme and that, ultimately, other Arab and Muslim states are slated for outright extinction or some form of occupation or control by American military and political forces (IN ALLIANCE WITH ISRAEL);
* THAT the war against Iraq and the plan for the subjugation of the Arab people is quite simply a modified, modernized adaptation of the historic zionist dream of "Greater Israel," adjusted to meet the demands of the international oil companies, which are, in turn, fully prepared to share the aim of dominating the oil producing states of the Arab world IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE STATE OF ISRAEL;
* THAT the war against Iraq was deliberately orchestrated by a small but powerful network of hard-line "right wing" Zionist elements - the self-styled "neo-conservatives" - at the highest levels of the Bush administration, skillfully aided and abetted by like-minded persons in public policy organizations, think tanks, publications and other institutions, all of which are closely interconnected and, in turn linked to HARD-LINE "LIKUDNIK" FORCES IN ISRAEL;
* THAT the war against Iraq and the additional moves by the United States against the Arab world that are slated to follow can be traced to Zionist political intrigue inside the upper levels of the U.S. intelligence community, reaching as far back as the early 1970s, and that many of the same players involved in that activity are now guiding Bush administration policy today;
* THAT the war against Iraq is an adjunct to the previously declared "war against terrorism" which was, in itself, part of a long evolving and carefully coordinated propaganda campaign founded on the theory that terrorism is somehow an "Arab" trait.
Other sources:
Neoconservatism as a jewish movement, Ph.D. Kevin B. Macdonald
White man's burden: The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservative intellectuals, most of them Jewish, who are pushing President Bush to change the course of history. By Ari Shavit, Haaretz, 200
Pro-surge grop is almost all jewish, JTA News, 08/24/2007
The war on Iraq: Conceived in Israel, By STEPHEN J. SNIEGOSKI, 2003
No War For Israel
Friday, May 11, 2007
Israel and 9/11

"It's very good…….Well, it's not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy [for Israel]"
Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, September 11, 2001
Cui bono? Who benefited from the terrorist attacks of September 11 2001? It wasn't Muslims.
Israel and its agents have infiltrated the American political system on all levels, and over the decades have consolidated a virtual stranglehold over the legislative, judicial and executive branches via a well-established network of individuals, organisations and lobby groups. The so-called neoconservatives who occupy Washington - most of them Jewish and many of them dual citizenship Israeli-Americans - have structured the foreign policy of the United States of America around the best interests of the State of Israel and the geopolitical ideology of Zionism, thus fomenting wars in the Middle East to fulfill the strategic regional objectives of Israel, which has not only cost the lives of countless clueless Americans but threatens to bring down their entire nation.
The 9/11 event was a Zionist false flag operation designed to kick-start the "war on terror"; the "new Pearl Harbor" that the neocon think tank the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) authors called for in the Rebuilding America's Defenses [.pdf] policy document (summary here). The mass trauma of September 11 was the 'catalyzing event' presciently mentioned by the authors of the RAD paper which cleared the way for the implementation of the PNAC plan: Israeli-American hegemony via an aggressive policy of preemptive war, regime change and a restructuring of the Middle East to ensure the regional dominance of the Jewish state.
Israel's influence in post-9/11, Zionist-occupied Washington is so great that it has managed to mobilise the world's largest war machine to fight two proxy wars in the Middle East for the Zionist regime in Tel Aviv, both within two years of the 2001 attacks, at the expense of the lives of America's sons and daughters and its moral standing in the global community -- two bloody wars that continue to claim American, Afghani and Iraqi lives to the present day. None of it would've been possible without the 9/11 catalyst, which is testimony to the success of the project.
An endless torrent of pro-war lies, propaganda and spin continues to spew forth from the Israelis and their American counterparts with regard to non-existent Iranian nukes and the supposed threat they pose to Israel and America, while belligerent Israel, armed to the teeth with nukes, clearly constitutes the gravest threat to peace in the region. Iran's nuclear energy program is perfectly legal under international law, and the Iranian government has abided by its international obligations by permitting U.N. weapons inspectors access to its facilities. Israel, on the other hand, developed its nuclear weapons arsenal by way of deceit, theft, and duplicity, and insists on a transparently deceptive policy of 'nuclear ambiguity' to hide its arsenal of nukes, evading the U.N. weapons inspections, economic sanctions, worldwide condemnation and the threat of war that has been imposed on Iran and its people. Military strikes on Iran are clearly next on the Zionist agenda, but with such a lack of support from the public, this could be the year we see the next false flag terror event, or as some have speculated, a Gulf of Tonkin type provocation such as the one that served as the pretext for military intervention in Vietnam. If Israel were to stage a false flag attack on an American naval vessel, it would not be without precedent.
Zionist influence is now so powerful and so pervasive in America that U.S. Middle East policy is determined by no other criteria than that which serves the geopolitical objectives of the State of Israel. U.S. foreign policy is essentially Israeli foreign policy - thus the attacks on Afghanistan, the insanity of preemptive war and occupation in Iraq, and the planned strike on Iran - all disastrous policy decisions that benefit the Zionist parasite to the detriment of America and the rest of the world.
9/11 was a false flag attack on the United States, designed to kick-start Netanyahu's nonsensical "war on terror" doctrine and garner public support for war with Israel's perceived enemies, those "existential threats" to Zionism: the Arab states and whoever else stands in the way of a "Greater Israel". It was an Israeli psy-op conceived by a Zionist elite, and it was a roaring success.
It is assumed that the reader has conducted their own investigation of 9/11 and concluded that the attacks were not planned and perpetrated by Muslims [.pdf], that WTC buildings 1, 2 & 7 did not collapse due to plane impact and/or jet fueled-fires, and that the official story is a lie, so those issues aren't addressed here. It was an inside job; the question now is whodunnit.
This brief summary of the evidence connecting Israel to the events surrounding the attacks of 9/11/01 is in point form and by no means exhaustive or complete, so in most cases only one of many available online references is provided via hyperlink.
the evidence
The Odigo warnings; Haaretz report on Odigo
Zim Shipping
Dov Zakheim's System Planning Corporation (SPS)
WTC scrap shipped overseas by Jewish CEO of Metals Management Inc.
Israeli security firms in charge at airports (ICTS)
Put options placed on airlines by Israelis and A.B. Krongard
The Greenberg Family (AIG, ACE, Kroll Associates)
Personal / Political
Larry Silverstein and Frank Lowy's last minute WTC lease
Silverstein and Lowy's personal friendships with Israeli political elites, former PMs etc (Ariel Sharon, Bibi Netanyahu, Ehud Barak, Ehud Olmert et al)
Larry Silverstein's WTC7 "pull it" remark
Ehud Olmert was in NY on 9/11
Benjamin Netanyahu in NY on 9/11 and London on 7/7
Netanyahu says 9/11 attacks good for Israel
Zionist Jew Michael Mukasey's handling of 9/11 litigation
Michael Mukasey ordered release of Israeli spies
Michael Chertoff's role in releasing the Israeli spies
Dov Zakheim's connection to SPC and the missing trillions
Lewis Eisenberg's role in securing the WTC lease
The Eisenberg, Silverstein, Lowy et al mutual UJA connection
PNAC's 9/11 prescience in the RAD document, which called for a "catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor"
Wolfowitz's speech to Westpoint graduates, 2001
Zionist Jew Jerome Hauer of Kroll Associates hired FBI counter-terrorism expert John O'Neill as head of security at the WTC on Sept 10, 2001, where he was killed the next day. O'Neill and one of his colleagues had allegedly uncovered Israeli spying operations in New York and New Jersey.
Military / Intelligence
Israeli art student network
The dancing Israelis, Urban Moving Systems and Dominik Suter
Israelis caught in vans containing explosive residue (TNT, RDX)
Jewish Mossad agents posing as al Qaeda "terrorists"
Cousin of alleged hijacker exposed as Israeli spy; Members of Israeli spy ring busted in Lebanon related to 9/11 hijacker
U.S. military computer network 'secured' by Israeli computer software (Ptech Inc.); Israeli Trojan penetrates U.S. Telecom system
Israeli commando attack on the Mexican Parliament building a few weeks after 9/11
Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga reveals publicly that 9/11 was carried out by the Mossad and Zionist interests
Daniel Lewin of Israeli special ops unit Sayeret Matkal onboard Flight 11
Israel and the anthrax murders
9/11: tout finit par se savoir
The liberal party expulses a great woman Truther
The neocon's ties to the 911 Commission Report
Zelikow et le mythe fondateur du 21e siècle américain
Al-Qaida ou Al-Mossad?
L'affaire Chauprade
Le terroriste le plus meurtrier de l'histoire
Du terrorisme signé Israel
Du trotskyisme au néoconservatisme
Michael Collins Piper contre la mafia juive
Grands prêtres de guerre
911: les USA et Israel en coulisses